
ProtestantCrusader #fundie fstdt.com

Logic and reason are extensions of Free Will. It was Free Will that led Adam and Eve to defy the Lord and eat the Forbidden Fruit. Free Will is a lie used by Satan to corrupt humanity. All True Christians should eschew the falsehoods of logic and reason and rely on the Godly virtues of piety, obedience, and service to the Lord.

Sunshine Mary #fundie fstdt.com

Azaqi, I'll respond point by point.

1. Sex is for bonding the husband and wife together and for their pleasure. Of course, reproduction is very important as well, and artificial birth control should never be used.

2. A husband cannot "rape" his wife. When you marry, you consent to having sex with your spouse. Saying "I do" means that you have consented. There is not even such a thing as marital rape. Sometimes if a wife is tired or ill, she may ask her husband to refrain. A loving husband does so.

3. I said "outlaw no fault divorce". I did not say all divorce should be outlawed. If neither party can site a reason why the marriage should end, then it shouldn't end. A woman should not marry a man if she does not intend to have sex with him for the rest of her life.

4. No, racist hiring practices are wrong. That is why I support outlawing affirmative action.

5. No one is forced to have children. Couples who do not wish to have children have Natural Family Planning available to them.

6. Families should take care of their own. If the family is destitute, they should seek private charity. Welfare is simply legalized theft. What right have I to take your money because I have made terrible choices? You may choose to give me money, but you should not have your money stolen from you by the government and redistributed to me. Nor should my money be redistributed to you.

7. The physical requirements for women are less than for men; how can you support this? It's discrimination against men, for one thing. It also makes our nation less safe since we are being "defended" by people who are not as physically capable. And men are demoralized by the presence of women in combat.

8. Women should not be allowed to vote. They make poor choices because they vote for men whom they find sexually attractive and who promise to steal other citizens' money in order to fund slutty women's poor life choices.

Vlad III #homophobia fstdt.com

This is what I feel should be done about the homosexuality problem:

1. Repeal all gay "marriage" laws. They make no sense from a logical, legal, semantic, or philosophical standpoint. You can't have male hens and you can't have gay marriage.

2. Eliminate "civil unions" - see above.

3. Draft a Constitutional amendment preventing either of the above 2 points from ever being issues anywhere in the country.

4. Nullify all existing gay "marriages" and "civil unions". To allow them to continue to exist undermines the entire agenda.

5. Work to eliminate the arbitrary stigma toward reparative therapy.

6. Make said therapy mandatory for first-time offenses of displaying homosexual behavior in public.

7. Train all school counselors - from pre-K to college - in said therapy.

8. Make any public displays of homosexual misconduct a misdemeanor after the first.

I think this would really eliminate a lot of the problems homosexuals are causing. If you have any other ideas, let me know.

Phillip-George(c)2013 - just passing #fundie fstdt.com


The demand for equality really does seem like an attack on Christianity.

Prenuptial agreements can be signed that make traditional marriage look anything but traditional. Contracts can be drawn up to agree to just about anything. There are Churches that don't recognize divorce on demand; the no- faults get divorced on a whim that is.

If this is only about access to publically funded family law courts - why is the Gay community planning for so much divorce? Oh they need the parachute option to feel comfortable leaving the ground?

If it is just about the use of the word "married" then why has the iconography got everyone so fixated about?

If it is about adoption rights - that is a big topic. I don't agree with two men or two women adopting children. I don't think the stats justify trusting the model. Anecdotal evidence probably abounds of perfectly happy gay families but what are the 'averages' - the cold stark reality of average Gay couples.

If two men are happy, content, so much in love why do they need a government certificate?

It seems literally crazy to base your happiness on what a parliament gives you.

And there remains something Utopian about this. A golden pie in the sky delusion. Can one more orgasm bring lasting peace and happiness? One more affair the joy you've always wanted?

Reminder. This is all about a group who want to stand up, be proud, look at me, I'm different from you, "I'm Gay" - now give me my rights because I'm just the same as you.

In one word it looks juvenile - attested development juvenile.

thanks for your kind reply though Sasha.

#1381192 #conspiracy fstdt.com

Gee I guess bill gates isn't so good either. wait a minute isn't he an atheist? Be careful about your precious atheist Bill Gates, who the media deems just so wonderful because he just has so much money. He is an elitist and globalist.NO Bill has no faith in GOD, just zip, but a LOT of faith in his billionaire friends who have hoodwinked him, hook, line, and sinker.
What a great humanitarian. (rolling eyes)

These vaccines are life threatening and the true killer. The goal is literally depopulation and mass genocide. Don't kid yourselves believing that "they" would never do something like that or that this is just another "outrageous conspiracy theory" (to quote G.W. Bush). Psychopaths in power, blinded by greed and control do NOT think or feel like I or you do, not even close. Too often people project their own ideas, emotions, assumptions and beliefs into people/politicians in high places of power who do not posses any conscience whatsoever, but literally see the masses as a herd of sheep to be used to serve them and sadly most of the time the masses act like a herd that follows the leaders blindly....even over the cliff. Right now a reduction of the population by over 50% (some sources say 80 - 90%) is high on the agenda. Well, it always has been as the ones who have followed this know, but now it is becoming closer to being implemented. But don't believe me, look into it yourself. Knowledge protects, Ignorance endangers. "

Neal Horsley #fundie fstdt.com

Overview: Christian Slaves In America

It's a terrible truth, but truth nonetheless: Those in Christ in this nation are presently enslaved to the government of the United States of America because we have been forced to not only obey but actually work for laws that are the diametric opposite of God's law defined in 1 Timothy 1: 8-11. Any Christian with eyes that see will admit that the federal laws that allow abortion and sexual crimes like homosexuality, fornication, etc. are not only tolerated by Christians, but our labor funds the crimes themselves in the form of government funding of abortion, etc. This government mandated collaboration with sin results in slave labor being forced from Christians, Christians who are as enslaved as Israel in the days of Pharoah.

Like most Israelites before Moses, the vast majority of Christians today accept their enslavement and ignore the fact that God never intended for His people to be slaves in this world, slaves to the god of this world. The vast majority of Christians in the USA spend their lives explaining why they are not slaves, or, if they admit they are, they blaspheme God by teaching that slavery to this world is the Will of God.

But not all Christians are willing slaves to the god of this world.

It is to separate ourselves from the slavery that has us working to support heinous sins in the United States of American that the Army of God is being mobilized.

Look Before You Leap

DarkPERL #fundie fstdt.com

[in response to a quote that ended "Fight fire with fire. Destroying fundementalism will take fundementalism of a more extreme nature. Kill the unborn of the religious right and live in a happier healthier tomorrow."]

The thing is is that he is right. Religion is about removing rationality. If you are not going to entertain rational discourse then you will never be able to see the error in your ways which means you will never change. As long as religious people remain unchallenged in their views and are allowed to raise children we will have people operating in an irrational mindset. Personally I value rationality, and as such would like to see the removal of religion. Since they aren't going to change their minds to become rational, the only other option is removal. While I don't think that war in the conventional sense is the correct answer, I think that there are means by which to cajole a response. In an anarchistic structure it would be pretty easy to simply deny them resources. I mean, if god is going to provide for them then they have nothing to worry about, right? The promotion of this feel good "live and let live" mentality just seems to be ignoring the elephant in the livingroom.

[Note from DarkPERL from the comments:
Hey, I made that post in anger and did not convey my ideas well. Rereading it I recognize that I came off as a real douche. I had a thought, but did not communicate it well. I have done a disservice to the cause. Basically, the fundamental principle is that there are people that are never going to change. If you want them to change you have to do something more than rational argument. However, you can also just let them be. But to assume that they are going treat you with respect is often expecting too much. I don't know what else to say.]

Allan #fundie fstdt.com

I dislike and have little patience for atheists specifically because it was conceived as a money-making enterprise, and created by a racist, hack "scientist". And if there are folks dumb enough to buy into the scam, and they're happy without the protection of G-D - more power to 'em. But when they spout off on subjects they knows nothing about - the love of G-D, or encouraging people who need prayer (to treat their illnesses) to stop saying them - then it's probably time for a reality check. Science isn't truth.
It's an evil scam.

His4Life #racist fstdt.com

[[In response to a quote stating that segregation was a good thing.]]

Hey jackass, white people and jews have been in control of this country for two hundred years, and look at the cesspool its become. Hell, even Obama is half white and that explains a lot. Black Americans have been some of the most moral, productive citizens in this country up until white people and jews took control of their culture and hijacked it into liberal secularism. Now its effed just like the rest of the country and black families are broken, addicted to drugs, and left in poverty. thanks for nothing, asshole. and you want t oblame US?

Brigged #fundie fstdt.com

(In a multi-post rant on why and how all religion should be eradicated in discussion of a fundie atheist quote:)

Histories greatest minds have always known that it is us and them, and that for everyone's overall saftey and wellbeing, it is us that needs to be in control. They do not have the capability to sustain themselves in a civilized manner for any great period of time. Their minds are simply not capable of it. They will never simply ease into an efficient system, they will always put base survival first, conjuring up the supernatural as explainations for things that they find no time to explain. They need us to control them. However, no animal likes to be caged. So what did we do? We used force. We forced them to see that they needed our guiding hand. And when they did see that they would flourish under our guidance, they accepted us as their rulers, and went straight back to not caring. So it is throughout history.

The problem is this. We become complacent. We begin to trust that their fledgling minds are capable of taking care of themselves. Finally, we think, surely now they are advanced and educated enough to stay out of trouble. But no, some asshole always sneaks in, and turns them against us for his own selfish goals. The rest can be seen in every history book ever written. That is why the methods I propose seem to not work - no-one has ever actually tried it in it's entirety. Pre-emptively taking control of the world in order to usher in lasting global peace? Do not be fooled into thinking Hitler and his ilk are counter-examples. He is an example of what happens when they are out of control.

If I sincerely believed that education and prosperity alone were enough to save the world, I would be singing their praises. Granted, they are very useful, but they are not enough. The most powerful organisations in the world know that as well as I do.

Kill them all and let god sort them out

Oh wait...

Briggid #fundie #psycho fstdt.com

In order to advance, we must eradicate religion. When you tell a religious person this is so, how do you think they will react? Hey, we've gave them plenty opportunity to learn things for themselves, and that hasn't worked. What else is there?

Observer #fundie fstdt.com

Evolutionists wont be content utill every school student is forced to renounce God in biology class before learning about evolution. Heaven forbid anyone have a differing opinion on the issue. Im not saying teach creation eather, but public schools tend to teach evolution from a specific anti-religious slant. I was luck my professor tought it in a neutral objective way. Ive known others though that teach it with the intent of disproving God to their students.

Demonman #fundie fstdt.com

[Scott Roeder] should be given a medal. He should've gotten the nobel peace prize! Because of him, tens of millions of people will live to see the future. Less abortions equals more kids, equals future generations of hummanity. I know liberals have a very anti-human agenda, but some of us don't. Some of us actually mean it when we call ourselves humanitarians.

Anonymous #fundie fstdt.com

If a woman "raped" me, I wouldn't cry about it or call the cops. I would be a man, and suck it up.

Like I said, I'm not a feminist. There is a way that a man should act, and that includes not acting like a "victim" just because you got a free lay.

I saw an episode of Cops where some guy called the police because his wife hit him. I mean, can he honestly call himself a man?

Same thing with a guy being "raped".

DaaanceYouLoser #fundie fstdt.com

I am being civil, very civil. Me discussing abortion here diplomatically is something to be appreciated, let alone asking for more than that. Because if I had my way abortion would be a high crime of genocide and all its perpetuators would be rightfully executed.

MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

Look, one way or another, you're all wicked and filthy. Squatting around in full lotus position is a display of depravity and self-centeredness. Christ did not preach "end suffering." Suffering is GOOD. It leads people to God. If everyone were Buddhists, concerned with worldly things, concerned with ending suffering, then this world would be of Satan. Suffering is necessary to bring God's elect into the gates of heaven.

As for the rest of you, I hope you; Jews, Atheists, Catholics, Lutherans, Buddhists, Jains, Hindus...

Enjoy the flames!

God Bless.

His4Life #fundie fstdt.com

The treat of tripoli is BULLSHIT. I read it in school. It says NOTHING about American not being a Christian nation. Furthermore it is NOT a law, a constitutional amendment, or a bill of rights - it just reperesents the OPINION of one author and the congressmen who signed it at that time. It has NO legal bearing on ANYTHING in America, ok? Don't believe me, go to court and plead your case fromt he Treaty of Tripoli. they will look at you and laugh because the treaty of tripoli is a historical document, NOT a fucking law!

His4Life #fundie fstdt.com

[Profanity for Jesus?]

No, the U.S. Supreme Court has RULED that Atheism and Secular HUmanism ARE religions. They are legally recongized religions, and the U.S. Military even has a special logo that atheists can put on their tombstones in the cataglogue of religious symbols, including crosses, Jewish stars, Islamic symbols, etc.

We have freedo m OF religion not fredom FROM religion. Get the fuck out of our counry if you don't like the way we live here. Go back to fucking Mexico or Pakistan or whervr the fck you people come from!!

Anonymous #fundie fstdt.com

You know, to be fair...since you guys seem to care about fairness and all, EVERYONE else in that thread vehemently disagreed and attempted to correct the OP. But of course, you guys wouldn't point that out since that would defeat the purpose of your mockery of Christ.

I am asking myself, "Why would a bunch of people spend so much time protesting against a deity they are convinced doesn't exist?"

OlHenry #fundie fstdt.com

Cyborgtroy, you can't be good. In God's eyes, we're just disposable refuse fit to be consigned to the eternal compost heap (gehenna) and burned. However, we can be redeemed and sanctified (made holy) in Jesus.

The Catholic saint quoted earlier is incorrect. That's a Catholic teaching, not a Biblical teaching. Christians are in NO danger of going to hell. Once you give your life to Christ, you are sealed and saved for eternity.

DKKEV #fundie fstdt.com

If an unbeliever does do anything positive it's by the grace of God that he was able to do it, through the power that God has given him. And even then, the unbeliever is still in sin because he's giving credit to himself or someone else for something that God did.

AryanaAquillia #racist #fundie fstdt.com

Kike lovers and You jew bastards will burn in hell with your father satan!! Admit that your his spawn!! I am going to make sure that my forum blocks out guests, so that will make it hard for you lot to quote me and my brothers.

The Real American Cowboy #racist fstdt.com

Correct. There is actually strong scientific evidence to suggest that the negro evolved along different lines than the rest of the human population. There are actually two strands of genetic lineage in the human race - the African negro and everyone else. Studies show that the negro's skull and jaw structure are actually closer to those of a primate than the rest of the human population. This is why negros typically have large, flat noses (like a gorilla), heavy jaws, and sloping brows.

CDP #fundie fstdt.com

Dr. Kent Hovind is now persecuted because he is repeatedly winning debates against evolutionists. Many of those lost his debates gathered on one purpose to get rid of Dr. Hovind. They filed law suits that have nothing to do with his debates in order to get him out of the scene. Their conspiracy against him was to stop him from all his debates that showed the silliness of their "religion" which they call revolution just in order to have their posts and get paid for it. None have ever prooved him wrong. Even in what he clearly state as his theories are as acceptable as the evolutionary equivilant, if not more. All this just prooves his correctness.

Craigushka #fundie fstdt.com

I agree with Mark Downey 100% and he is correct about what the word of GOD says about the sin, and abomination of race mixing, and interracial marriage. GOD condemns that evil, and anybody doing it, or giving it their approval are also partakers with them in their sins, and abominations. It's not about hating people of another race, it's about what is right, and what GODS commands pertaining to it. Any preacher teaching that it is ok is not a man of GOD, but a false prophet. Every race is to stay to their own kind, for GOD has the kind after kind laws, and you can not justify the evil by crying that it's the human kind though. You do not see Polar bears breeding with black bears unless it is forced upon them. You do not see red birds mating with blue birds. You do not see a rattle snake mating with a copperhead, nor do you see a dove mating with a crow. The human race has different species of humans, like the yellow, red, black, brown, and white, and common sense should tell you that you should stay to your own kind. People might not want to believe it, but it's true, GOD is a segregationist. Why do you think he set boundries for the races? Because he did not want them mixing, and interbreeding, but old satan lied to the people and whispered it's ok, go ahead and do it. It's the same old satanic inspired liberal lie, that if it feels good do it. The only conclusion I have came to on that evil, and that is, those that do it, or promote it must be children of the devil, and doomed to the second death.

Cthuluman #fundie fstdt.com

Idiots. I wish someone would just go and take out all these religous nutjobs. I would pay my right and very best arm that I have to see every single X-tian fall on their knees and beg to be killed quickly. Hmm you all are idiots my friend. Whom else here feels the same as I do?

#992287 #fundie fstdt.com

You all need to beg the Lord God for forgiveness. Death happens every single day! IMAGINE!! YOU CUOLD DIE TODAY OR TOMORROW! Even now, reading this, you could be experiencing a headache and heart pains and in an hour be dead from a hart attack or a stroke!! WHAT WILL YOU DO THEN WHEN YOU MEET YOUR MAKER!! I PRAY YOU ALL LEARN TO KNOW AND LOVE JESUS BEFORE YOU DIE LIKE ALL MORTALS MUST DIE! The peace and love of the Lord be with you all!

And Stay Out!

Getting quoted isn't a good thing, even if it is 'ironic'

Cthuluman #fundie fstdt.com

I hope the government gets rid of you assholes. I seriously fucking do. christians of all types need to die. Many people don't know this but religion is what started the government so people who formed a civilization (civilization you could say is like the government but benign and without forced taxes). People who support the state and democracy are no better than people who are religious (assholes)

no #fundie fstdt.com

they were right to do this.
please think of the child!!

how do you think the quality of the childs life would be with gay parents?
the child would grow up with a fucked up sence of how the world works, would get teased in school and eventually grow up a sad and hateful person.

let these gays fuck in private if they want to, but letting them corrupt the innocence of a child is unacceptable.

Siouxweety (bite me!) #fundie fstdt.com

I do realize that abortion was available for decades, but I had never until now seen a more extreme stance by an American president on this issue, until now.
How many people here know that Muslims want world domination?
How do you think they will achieve it?
They are a very real threat.
They also follow the teachings of a man named Mohammad who happened to be a pedophile.
So, in reality, they are condoning statutory rape and mistreatment of women and children, which is very deplorable.

Pule Thamex #fundie fstdt.com

[Distind Note to clear things up:
Yes, there are atheist fundies. Just because I agree with your basic stance doesn't mean you can't still manage to be an idiot, or even a fundie. You'll note the explicit mention that one does not have to be religious to be a fundie in the definition found in the FAQ]

Eric Conway is a twit and shouldn't be allowed to think, he might give himself a hernia. All religions, including Catholicism, are evil and immoral, encourage non-thinking and obedience to the words of mentally insane old men. Old men who are filthy in mind and scrabulously deranged. Old men who condone the scribblings of older generations of demonic goat-molesters and propagate their sheer ignoble idiocies through asinine speech or moronic drivel masquerading as religious text.

Religion is especially harmful to children and governments, and should be decried at every opportunity, even banned.

Anonymous #fundie fstdt.com

Here's a simple answer to those who don't seem to understand the views of a Christian....

The physical will not/can not exist in the SPIRITUAL.

THE SOUL will burn in Hell as the body will be gone... obviously... DUH!

Also, I have the knowledge not as a Physicist... pertaining to the temperature of the sun's core. As I work at THE NATIONAL RADIO ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY and the PHYSICISTS there, posted that question, as NO ONE has ever sent a probe or utilized satellites or telescope (Optical or Radio) to verify the temperature of the earths core.

So, if you want to argue about my knowledge... How about asking where I would have come up with a question such as that and I would politely refer you to those who do.


BreadAlone #fundie fstdt.com

I'm sad for you people that your lives are so dull that you have to get your thrills by cyber-stalking Christians, taking what they say out of context, and then mocking it behind their backs without letting them have the opportunity to defend their position.

If you honestly want to know what I meant, it is that we are all born into sin as enemies of God, and we all deserve hell (spiritual death) and the physical death derived from Adam and Eve.

But even though we are complete enemies of God, Christ makes us pure and holy through his death. I merely pointed out he can and does do this with babies also. I was trying to combat a common misconception that babies are somehow exempt from the biblical verse "there are none that do good, not even one."

I'm not a baby hater, and frankly this doctrine is hard for me to grasp too. But it's the Truth.

The Real American Cowboy #racist fstdt.com

DoktorTR, damn fucking right.
We earned our abundance - did you? Or are you just leeching off the wealth of white America like the rest of the welfare-bound minorities?

The poster is absolutely correct. The negro race would not have even survived into the present were it not for the charitable compassion of white Americans.

Zealous Zeth #fundie fstdt.com

The only good thing with depressions or over-sensitiveness is that many of Christ's enemies are into it. It is laughably easy to crush atheist American scum over the internet using only words, especially gay ones. It's a bit trickier here at home, since swedes are not that sensitive, most swedes do not care for insults and not too many are depressed.

Also, Jessica, you little modernist heretic: There is no reason at all to be "respectful" to atheist scum. They are not "respectful" themselves, nor does the Church demand that such p.c. "respectfulness" should be shown towards these filthy self-proclaimed apes. The internet is not some kind of politically correct tea party!

And being "hurtful" (please don't use these politically correct lol-words, I can't take you seriously) is only a good thing when fighting atheists. This man is evidently a true crusader, and you ought to respect him.

Crusader #fundie fstdt.com

I dislike and have little patience for atheist specifically because it was conceived as a money-making enterprise, and created by a racist, hack "scientist". And if there are folks dumb enough to buy into the scam, and they're happy without the protection of G-D - more power to 'em. But when they spout off on subjects they knows nothing about - the love of G-D, or encouraging people who need prayer (to treat their illnesses) to stop saying them - then it's probably time for a reality check. Science isn't truth.
It's an evil scam.

Carico #fundie fstdt.com

This should have been obvious decades ago because animals can't breed human descendants which even children know. But God said he would hide the truth from those who claim to be wise and learned and reveal it to little children. And nothing proves that more than the ridiculous theory of evolution.

queen kira #fundie fstdt.com

The problem with your argument is that you fail to realize that evolution ALSO cannot be tested via the Scientific Method. Evolution assumes an a priori belief in materialism. Without this a priori belief, the "theory" of evolution falls apart. Evolution is a religion.

[apparently evolution can only be true if one makes the leap of faith to assume that matter exists. wow, how petty can they get?]

braindead #racist fstdt.com

''*headdesk* Satan has nothing to do with it. Rather, Israel suddenly was declared a sovereign nation for the first time in over 2500 years, by outsiders who'd never even been there, thus abruptly displacing all the Arabs who'd been living there since time immemorial. You can't do something like that and expect there to NOT be violence. It just doesn't work that way.''

Compared to what Israelites menaged to accomplish in the said "lands", palestinians were just masturbating and praying all day long.
Read about Israel history, palestinians counted camel shit while jews were working their asses off to make the swamps into current cities.

They didnt deserve the lands. They didnt care.

RevSpitz #fundie fstdt.com

You seem to imply there is something wrong if a babykilling abortion mill is burned or bomb. Which do you prefer, a pile of bricks or a pile of dead babies? Innocent unborn babies deserve to be protected just as born children deserve to be protected. You would have no problem protecting born children if they were about to be murdered.
SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life. http://www.armyofgod.com

Australian #racist fstdt.com

[The modern version of the old Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda]

As far as I am concerned, any apologist of Islam is actively seeking to undermine the security and way of life of whatever Western nation they live in, and the only word to describe this is: treason. They are traitors, the snakes in the long-grass, taking our largesse and using it to subvert the ideals that built the modern world, the same ideals that prompted people to take them in from the very strife and wars that their own way of life triggered and fostered.

Their repayment: making London Londonistan, telling rape victims that they shouldn't have dressed "immodestly" (when they're not busy accusing them of willing fornication), fomenting riots, and using the tried-and-true tactics of divide and conquer against the people who took them in, until they can rule and get them all under their thumbs.

Pack 'em up and send 'em back to their benighted Third-World theocratic nations, and see how long they last there without their welfare payments, their police protection, the "rights" they've come to enjoy and abuse here and the peace of being able to sleep at night without worrying if the police will bash down the door at the bidding of a petty, corrupt tyrant.

The Real American Cowboy #racist fstdt.com

A Children's Alphabetical Primer On Racial Awareness
By Gunner G. Derrickson & Timothy Hall

A is for America, glorious and white, the conquest of this land is our divine right.
B is for black, the color of negro skin, know dear child that they are not your kin.
C is for Chinaman, whom we call the chink, they eat raw fish which is why they stink.
D is for our hero, David Duke, he defends us from the negro and the gook.
E is for elephants, which Africans eat, munching away on the ears, trunk, and feet.
F is for the French, race traitors supreme, their country has been invaded by the Islamic regime.
G is for gook, as you already know, yellow and wicked from head to toe.
H is for humans, of different kinds; the white race was blessed with superior minds.
I is for Islamists, a pack of sand rats, bowing to Allah on filthy desert mats.
J is for Jew, the greedy old kike, if you meet him tell him to take a hike.
K is for Ku, Klux, and Klan, defending our race from anything with a tan.
L is for liberal, liar and loon, when it comes to white culture, they are not a boon.
M is for Mexicans, invading our shores, their families come here on extended tours.
N is Negro, our old friend the nigger, with civil rights his head only got bigger.
O is for Oriental, mysterious and cruel, when he tries to rip you off, don't be a fool.
P is for primitive, the savage negro race, we make them wear clothes so they can save face.
Q is for Quezatcotl, the Mexican god, Latino religion is bloody and odd.
R is for reconquista, secret Mexican plan, to destroy our white race and take over our land.
S is for skin, a defining trait; if it's not white, regard it with hate.
T is for Torquemada, our Spanish friend, he brought Muslim sedition to an end.
U is for ugly, those who aren't white, a flat-nosed nigger can sure give you a fright!
V is for violence, the non-white way, but savagery and sedition have had their day.
W is for white, which is what we are, our race is history's bright pole star.
X is for xenophobe, to his race staying true, he knows that his country is not a zoo.
Y is for Y?, a question we must all ask, when the threat of extinction takes us to task.
Z is for zeal, for the rights of our race, those who oppose us our just anger to face!

Skyfire #conspiracy fstdt.com

"What possible reason would ex-mormons have to lie about what they've learned in church, as opposed by what would the church have to lose by allowing the criticisms to go unchallenged?"

You'd be surprised.

1. The most basic motivation that former members would have to lie is simple: revenge. They feel that they were somehow wronged by the church, and their desire for vengeance has outstripped their sense of ethics.


*Decker, as mentioned above, was excommunicated from the church for serial adultery.

*Loftes Tryk was tried and convicted in criminal court for a sex crime, and upon receiving his conviction he was excommunicated.

*Grant Palmer was removed from his position as a paid seminary teacher for heterodoxy and professional misconduct (holding his students academically responsible for his own personal opinions) and transferred to a series of less desirable postings within the Church Education System.

2. Another basic motivation is personal insecurity. Although they've justified to themselves why they left, they need to bring others with them as evidence of their being right. For these people, the psychological security inherent in having others come with them justifies lying. This, quite simply, describes quite a few individual critics I've encountered.

3. A third basic reason is financial gain. Within North America, there's a cottage industry for material that is hostile towards the church. All a person has to do is find a few old arguments, put a unique spin on them, find a publisher, and spend the rest of their life doing speaking tours and public appearances. It's rare for a critic of the church to be called out by anyone other than someone who is Mormon, and so few people within mainstream Christianity rarely catch on to how much bull they're being fed.

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