
Eric Hovind #fundie twitter.com

Proof of Noah’s flood is blowing up the Internet!
Our friends over at
point out some powerful truth. The Bible has been teaching there are fountains in the great deep for more than 4000 years! Follow
to read the article!Proof of Noah’s flood is blowing up the Internet!
Our friends over at
point out some powerful truth. The Bible has been teaching there are fountains in the great deep for more than 4000 years! Follow
to read the article!

Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

We are going to drag Biden and everyone who covered up his crimes through the headlines day after day, month after month, and prove to the country the entire Democrat party is corrupt and can’t be trusted.

So no matter which candidate runs for president if they take Biden out, everyone will know the Democrat party is filled with liars and traitors.

That, combined with Bidenomics’ destructive policies, will cause Democrats to lose big.

Steve Laws #racist twitter.com

(Referring to the Peckham incident in London)

For everyone ready to say "Its not all Pakistanis" or "It's not about race", tell that to the victims, tell that to the people in your country being replaced by these third worlders.

It should be an English shopkeeper in an English shop with English customers but all the natives were forced out decades ago.

Enough is enough, they have to go back.

@spikedonline & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( @spikedonline )
There are now tons of online videos with parents talking excitedly about their child transitioning. This is a disturbing trend. These parents see their child’s ‘trans journey’ as an opportunity for self-promotion, says Pam Spurr

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
Childhood gender dysphoria
Is frequently caused by
Parental narcissism and borderline personality disorder

Roman Baber & Dr Jordan B Peterson #wingnut twitter.com

( Roman Baber )
Books published prior to 2008 removed from school libraries in the Peel District School Board. They don't fit the Board's "equity-based" selection process.

One of the key objectives of the left-wing/woke is to erase history. Conservatives will stop them.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
By the way
Is essentially a back door
For the communists

I've been trying to alert the conservatives to this
For ten years
Along with such luminaries as


The usual criminals

And many of them finally seem to be noticing

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

The late Dr. Henry Morris (considered the father of the modern biblical creation movement) had also been writing about this connection between evolution and morality in most of his early books.

Over the decades, evolutionists have often mocked me for tying evolution to morality. They claim that evolution has to do with “science,” not morality. But notice that as generations have been indoctrinated into believing naturalistic evolution (which is in reality the religion of atheism), Christian morality has declined. Armed with so-called “science,” secularists have become bolder in opposing Christian morality.

In our Western world, we are seeing more and more people (like Bill Nye “the Science Guy” whom I debated at the Creation Museum in 2014) who boldly claim that evolution is “science” and are using it to promote an anti-Christian worldview. More than ever, secular activists are vehemently opposing Christian morality, such as marriage being between only one man and one woman and abortion being murder.

And we are seeing very amoral and immoral behavior growing across the culture, especially, it seems, among the younger generations (Millennials and Generation Z). While we do not argue that evolution directly causes immorality, people can use Darwinian thinking to justify their immoral behavior.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #pratt twitter.com

At least 4 independent studies (Hooker, Mawson, Garner, and my own surveys) found an odds ratio of 5 or more for autism being more likely in the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated. This means that 80% or more of autism is caused by childhood vaccines. There aren't any studies of fully vaxxed vs. fully unvaxxed showing otherwise that any of us are aware of. Congress tried to get the NIH to do a study on vaxxed vs. unvaxxed, but the bill never made it out of committee.

@JulesVerne29 , @Bp4_Canada & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( @JulesVerne29 )
I am shocked (well not really) that Canadian media promotes a trans agenda for CHILDREN to be given LIFE ALTERING surgery! This is not ok, and to suggest @PierrePoilievre and conservatives are transphobic because they want to PROTECT vulnerable CHILDREN is shocking and concerning

( @Bp4_Canada )
#1MillionMarch4Kids Sept 20th
* If you know child abuse when you see it.
* If you know the biggest medical scandal of the century when you see it.
* If you want to protect your kids from having this path glorified at their schools under the guise of "inclusion".

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
For the butchers
For life

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Let me make something very clear. Evolution is not the cause of racism, or abortion, or Gay “marriage,” or any other such issue. Sin is the cause of such issues. But there is a connection between evolution and morality.

I believe the message of the AiG ministry has been in a sense very “prophetic.” Even when I began teaching on creation vs. evolution back in 1975, I was already asserting that atheistic evolution and morality were connected and that, over time, immorality would grow as people rejected God’s Word and accepted naturalistic evolution. Not because evolution was the cause of the immorality, but the more generations believed evolution and rejected God’s Word, the more their morality would be subjective. This would result in moral relativism permeating the culture.

I taught that the more people believed that life arose by natural processes, the more they would also believe that life was ultimately meaningless and purposeless—and morality could be whatever a person determined. Or, as Judges 21:25 states, when there was no king (or absolute authority) in the land, “everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

Rick Davis #fundie twitter.com

Can the magistrate pass laws that change an idolater's heart and cause him to accept Christ? No. The church preaches the gospel, which is powerful to save.

Can the magistrate pass laws that prevent idolaters from publicly honoring false gods? Yes. It would be good for society

Dr Jordan B Peterson , Sam Parker & @EchoJayy #wingnut twitter.com

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
Woke: A pseudo-intellectual pastiche of postmodern and neo-Marxist tropes, dedicated to the idea that categories themselves do nothing but privilege and oppress;

Critical Race Theory: The proposition that all differences in outcome by race, ethnicity or virtually any other identifiable group difference are a consequence of systemic, conscious and unconscious prejudice on the part of the privileged (see Woke);

Cancel culture: The widespread utilization, primarily on the left, of female-typical patterns of antisocial behaviour such as reputation savaging, gossip, innuendo, mobbing and exclusion to isolate, demoralize and destroy political or personal enemies;

Socialism: a political/economic system which when applied anywhere, ideally or badly, immediately destroys wealth, while failing utterly to remediate inequality; alternatively, the political expression of envy disguised as compassion.

Any more stupid questions?

The next time you hear conservatives use any of the following terms, ask for a definition. They won't have any.

"Critical race theory."
"Cancel culture."

They just want to stoke culture wars to divert attention from economic looting and oligarchy.

( Sam Parker )
It's even simpler than that:

Woke is just anything anti-White, anti-trad-western civ, and/or anti-Christian.

( @EchoJayy )
Translation -

Woke - prioritizing self-indulgent social concerns afore reasonable societal concerns

CRT - Living in the past under the delusion that progress in modern society has not developed beyond its painful past

Cancel Culture- Unwillingness to be criticized or listen to a reasonable argument

Socialism - redistributing the benefits a person earns through hard work and discipline for the benefit of those who have either done nothing or just want more

These are complex summations - no need for rebuttals, lol 😆

Caitlin Flanagan & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( Caitlin Flanagan )
This will rip families apart - which is a goal of the whole racket.

This is California State Rep. Lori Wilson, who wrote AB 957: "Parents affirm their children. Typically it happens when their gender identity matches their biological gender. But when it doesn't, the affirmation starts to wane... Our duty as parents is to affirm our children."

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
Destroying the family
Is key
To destroying patriarchy

Dontcha know


ZUBY: & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( ZUBY: )
'Gender transitions' for children will be looked back upon as worse than lobotomies.

The fact people who support this abuse and butchery think they're on 'the right side of history' shows their delusion.

They will have a special place in hell. Metaphorically and literally.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
in this life
in prison

no quarter

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

I’m shocked at this hearing. I have not heard one person say they are concerned about the doctor patient relationship when it comes to COVID.

However people are screaming, “WE WILL NOT COMPLY” as the Biden admin and Fauci are insanely calling for masks mandates and more funding for COVID vaccines, while some schools are forcibly masking children again - which is CHILD ABUSE.

People are also demanding we investigate the federally funded COVID vaccines, which I too have been demanding from the beginning.

With 983,973 COVID vaccine reports on VAERS and 18,015 deaths reported, why is the Republican led
committee avoiding investigating the COVID vaccines?

Steve Laws #racist twitter.com

(Steve is responding to a British-Indian woman named Narinder Kaur)

Control of our country. Don't get too comfortable, your citizenship being revoked is only a political decision away. You and many like you can be removed with the stroke of a pen.

Dr Jordan B Peterson & various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy twitter.com

( Bjorn Lomborg )
Please stop with the scare tactics

Phrases like "climate breakdown" and "climate crisis" are not science

Their intent is to frighten, using panic to push poor policies

If you want to follow science, it is global warming or climate change


( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
Use fear of false emergencies
To gather power
To themselves

Pay attention
To this man


( @ModelYManiac )
The fact that AGW is used as a scam by the globalists to extend their control doesn't mean that AGW is false.
To understand this, look no further than the climate alarmists' disregard for Tesla, the only entity actually addressing the cause of AGW.

( @MisiSomogyi )
The colluding media and science entities seek to gain conquer by taking control of the language, the narrative and therefore the very way of how people think.
If you use their corrupt language you simply won't be able to come to an independent conclusion.

( @HeeJnPark )
Climate crisis is a scam.
Green energy is a scam.

Ray Comfort #fundie twitter.com

Follow Me

Follow Me. (Luke 9:59)

Until we follow Jesus, we are lost. We are going nowhere, held firmly in the prison cell of sin and death. What a sad, depress-ingly hopeless state we are in until Jesus opens the prison door and says, “Follow me. ” Yet millions choose to stay in the cell, not understanding what awaits them. To choose death above life and hell above heaven is insane. The first second in hell will bring instant remorse. What a sad thing that the man to whom Jesus spoke these words had an excuse. Had he followed Jesus during the incar-nation, he would have entered into the most exciting adventure that any human being could ever have. Had he followed Jesus, he would have seen the sick healed, the blind given sight, and people raised from the dead. He would have had the privilege and honor of hearing life-changing words pour from the lips of the Son of God. Today, millions have excuses for not following Jesus Christ. The bottom line is that people love sin. They love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil, neither will they come to the light lest their deeds should be exposed (John 3:19–20).

When did I begin following Jesus? Am I still following Him daily as enthusiastically as I did at first?

Father, let me have the adventure of serving you.

*** From, Jesus in Red (365 daily devotions).
Available http://LivingWaters.com or wherever good books are sold.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

I agree with @MartyMakary
that the booster approvals show that the CDC and FDA are inept in assessing risk/benefit: https://coffeeandcovid.com/p/literal-chaos-wednesday-september…

But I disagree that the COVID shot might be warranted for any at risk population. There is no independent evidence of a benefit for the US elderly that I am aware of. The US nursing home data shows the vaccines were a complete disaster for the elderly.

coffeeandcovid.com ☕️ LITERAL CHAOS ☙ Wednesday, September 6, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠

Incels.is #wingnut twitter.com

On August 17th, we received a Takedown notice from the New Zealand government regarding content on the our website.

As per our forums rules and the terms of service, we do not allow any illegal content on our forum. The content in question [Submitter’s note: a clip from the Buffalo shooting livestream] is legal in the US, therefore we will not be taking the aforementioned content down.

We don't answer to foreign governments and their laws.image

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS #wingnut twitter.com

The Supreme Court made the just decision to rule that university admissions programs that use affirmative action and other race-based admissions criteria are unconstitutional and violate the 14th Amendment.

This historic win was only made possible because President Trump delivered on his promise to appoint constitutionalist judges.

Matt Walsh #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

When I call the trans movement a cult I mean it in a literal sense. It functions exactly like a cult. It uses all of the same indoctrination techniques. It picks out a vulnerable target, isolates the target from his family, love-bombs with excessive validation and flattery, demands progressively more extreme displays of fidelity to the cause, and viciously ostracizes and attacks anyone who leaves. This is all Cult 101 stuff. Trangenderism is one of the largest and most dangerous cults in world history.

Dr Jordan B Peterson and Bill Maher #transphobia twitter.com

It's "controversial"
If you're a greedy sadistic psychopathic surgeon-butcher
Or a cowardly, lying, ideologically-possessed


There is nothing controversial about what Bill Maher said on the @joerogan podcast.

Bill Maher: “The idea that you can just take some sort of puberty blockers…or-or…just snap on, snap off organs…without really hurting myself medically and taking years off my life is ridiculous.”

Corey A. DeAngelis #fundie twitter.com

Stop calling them "public" schools

They aren't open to the public
They aren't accountable to the public

They are run by government
They are regulated by government
They are funded by government
They are compelled by government

They are government schools.

Helen Joyce #transphobia twitter.com

(On the NHS Rainbow Badge Scheme)

It tells you it's a Men's Rights movement. They're a bunch of incels these people. I mean honestly, they go on about Andrew Tate, but this is worse, at least Andrew Tate's upfront about what he thinks. This is worse. We're meant to think that this is inclusive. That it's kinds, that it's generous, but this is the NHS acting like a bunch of incels.

Billboard Chris & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

( Billboard Chris )
Look at these @EmersonCollege girls get so excited to see Dylan Mulvaney, the man who makes a mockery of them.

The left loves a victim story.

All leftism revolves around victim mentality. These young women think they are in the progressive club, railing against oppressors.

If you’re a leftist raising a leftist, don’t be surprised when your own kids fall for this cult.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )

Celebrating a man
Who by example
entices confused minors
To mutilate and sterilize themselves

The devouring mother

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Why do many atheists rant and rage over what we as biblical creationists believe? In their worldview, when you die you then won’t even know you ever existed. And eventually from their worldview everything dies anyway, and that’s the end!

So why do they get so emotional about opposing Christians? Because as God’s Word makes clear in Romans 1 and 2, God has made it evident to all that’s He’s the Creator, and we all have a conscience. The bottom line is it’s a spiritual issue and that’s why they battle so hard as deep down they’re actually convicted. They suppress the truth (Romans 1).

@jonkay & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( @jonkay )
Absolutely can't wait for Libs to campaign on "Mom's a bigot. Let the schools decide what body parts your kid should have"

For some children school is the safest place in their lives. Poilievre and @Sflecce should know this. Either they are both using this debate to cover their trans and homophobia or it’s political pandering. Disgusting either way.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
Sterilize a gay kid today!

The liberal elite

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

There’s been a war on the family ever since sin entered the world. The devil knows how important the family is. The family is the first and most fundamental institution God ordained in Scripture. The family is the unit God uses to transfer a spiritual legacy from one generation to the next and to impact the world. The family is the educational unit of the nation. The devil knows, destroy the family and you destroy the backbone of the culture.

The family is coming under increasingly aggressive attacks in America? Here are just some of the ways—and reasons:

Gay “Marriage”
Actually, there’s no such thing as same-sex “marriage.” That’s why I have the word marriage in quotes. Marriage is a Christian institution God created when he made the first man and woman, Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:24). So-called gay (or same-sex) “marriage” is an attack on the family God instituted in Genesis. They can call it gay union or whatever they want to call it but it’s not marriage. There’s only one marriage, the one God created, a man (male) and woman (female).

Gender Issues
Almost daily we read news stories about transgender controversies, sex-change operations, restroom-gender issues, and the like. This is all an attack on the basis of the family structure God designed and ordained in Genesis when he created the first man and woman—the first male and female (Genesis 1:27). The secular culture has redefined “gender” to be what one feels they are as distinguished from one’s biological sex! But that’s absurd. Besides, Christians know we can’t trust our feelings because of our sin (depraved) natures.

Much of the feminist movement pushes an idea of female superiority. When God created Adam and Eve, he created them in his image with equal value. God gave different roles to husband and wife—they are to submit to each other as they submit to God and the roles he ordained (Ephesians 5; Genesis 3:16, 17). Actually, in Genesis 3:16, God warns that because of our sin nature, women will have the propensity to want to be the head, and men will want to lord it despotically over the woman.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy twitter.com

Where is the graph of the protection from death over time of the COVID vaccines???

Every government has the data for this.

Why are they keeping it hidden?

There must be a reason…

I wonder if it is because they don’t want you to know the truth?

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