
Hanoch Milwidsky #fundie #psycho cbsnews.com

Ultra-right-wing Israeli nationalists stormed two military facilities late Monday, protesting the detention and questioning of nine Israel Defense Forces reservists suspected of raping and abusing a Palestinian prisoner whose injuries were so bad he had to be hospitalized. Social media videos show guards at the Sde Teiman military base and prison, near Beersheba in southern Israel, shouting at and pushing military police who'd arrived to question the reservists, seemingly in defense of the suspects.

A member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party, speaking Monday at a meeting of lawmakers, justified the rape and abuse of Palestinian prisoners, shouting angrily at colleagues questioning the alleged behavior that anything was legitimate to do to "terrorists" in custody.

Lawmaker Hanoch Milwidsky was asked as he defended the alleged abuse whether it was legitimate, "to insert a stick into a person's rectum?"

"Yes!" he shouted in reply to his fellow parliamentarian. "If he is a Nukhba [Hamas militant], everything is legitimate to do! Everything!"

evangelistdag #sexist #fundie tumblr.com

Vashti is a well-known woman of pride. She was too big to obey her husband. As the scripture predicts, she fell from her high position of being the First Lady. Vashti was never heard of again. Is that what you want to happen to you? Not obeying a husband is a sign that you are like Vashti and therefore it is a sign that you are proud.
I sent a missionary to a foreign country. When he married his wife, she was a nice, sweet, obedient little girl. Through the blessings of God, she gave birth to a number of children.
Finally, when her womb was full she declared, “I will not go to the mission field any more. I have had enough. I am fed up. It is over.”
She told her husband, “I am not coming.”

This young lady had now grown wings and had become too big and too resistant to obey her husband.

This is a good example of pride. This young lady would not have behaved like this some years earlier.

On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was merry with wine, he commanded the seven chamberlains that served in the presence of Ahasuerus the king, To bring Vashti the queen before the king with the crown royal, to shew the people and the princes her beauty: for she was fair to look on. BUT THE QUEEN VASHTI REFUSED TO COME AT THE KING’S COMMANDMENT by his chamberlains:

Vashti was hard, stubborn and unyielding. Perhaps, when the king first chose her to be his queen she came running, willing to do anything and everything. But today, she could not be moved! Watch out for those hardened resistant women with the spirit of Vashti.

A woman who never bends, never yields, is never gracious, never flows and never agrees, is just another proud Vashti.
How is it that you can never change your mind? What is the use of a mind if it cannot be changed? Indeed, you may say, “Who am I? I am a humble servant of God. But your stubbornness and resistance to change reveals that you are actually proud and puffed up. You proclaim your goodness and call yourself a daughter of destiny. But you are just like Vashti who could not be moved around by her husband.

faithukwuomah #sexist #fundie instagram.com

hey say "Some people don't know the value of what they have until they lose it." And that's the unfortunate case of some people today.

For some days now, the Book of Esther has been ringing in me, but one part that's striking is that of Queen Vashti. Now Queen Vashti was beautiful alright, equipped with all that it takes to take care of the kingdom of Persia along with her (then) husband King Ahasuerus; but her character not only disregarded and devalued the king, it also got her dethroned as queen, and was later replaced by Esther.

The point is this: my dear fellow sisters in Christ (especially those of you who are in courtship or engaged or even married), cherish the man that God has given to you, don't disregard him in any way, shape or form. Because the day/minute you do so (via impatience, materialism, even through your character o), it smells trouble; and if you don't mend your ways, in due time, you will be replaced.

Likewise the brothers, the woman God has given to you, do not devalue nor take her for granted in any way. Because if you keep disregarding your lady, God will just send somebody else to take your place o.

I remember watching a very powerful @mztelevision movie called "The Ignition", which explains the danger of disregarding the person God has given to you (through impatience in this case).

This one of the painful ways some sisters (and some brothers) miss out on God's perfect will in marriage.

May this never be your lot, in Jesus' Name.

survivingcrisistero #racist tumblr.com

If the Palestinians have been the targets of slaughter , why are their population numbers currently 10 times larger than those of 1948 ? .And considering the existence of Pallywood and so many made up shit they fling , they WISH they were slaughtered .

Yes , I am racist against a "people" with so little identity and culture that they have no History besides Israel .You are more brainwashed than Israel-supporting Yankee boomercons .

h00n23 #sexist #racist reddit.com

(about diverse female character designs in the anime OP):
They want to sell merch. People prefer buying merch of attractive female character

Second muscles on men are considered attractive because muscles are masculine.

Is it big boobs? Because in most anime/manga women are skinny and have body type. Yet I only hear people complaining about one piece lol

It is not sexist lol Look how female influencer look like. That's what most people find physically attractive.
Vast majority of people don't fine masculine buff women or fat women attractive.

sexualized female character design don't look good to me because it's my preference but those design are profitable? Because many find it attractive

Women looking attractive is important because most people don't want to buy merch of ugly women.

There are people who think that non skinny women look good but they're minority. There are people who prefer hook nose but most people don't find hook nose attractive. Understanding this point is extremely easy

What make diverse female body type good thing lol I went touch Steven Universe

Why do you even think that it is sexist lol I can't see it literally. Oda probably does care about making attractive character because people like attractive character. Dude people who want ugly female character are in minority

lmw_blue #sexist reddit.com

You honestly should just become “misandrist”, because your male “friends” are probably waiting for the opportunity to take advantage for you. They don’t deserve any appreciation or empathy for anything. Do things for yourself and for women!

There’s no way to make any man have empathy for women, period. They’re not naturally that way. They are completely incapable of empathy, and yes I’m absolutely serious. That’s why we should focus on women and them alone.

There is no “high suicide rate”, there is no “body-shaming” against men, they don’t deserve to have their precious emotions taken seriously, and there is no problems that men don’t bring on themselves. They deserve it!

altpng #fundie #racist reddit.com

I know plenty of people who did support slavery and it’s a product of the time. Also, the Torah literally does support chattel slavery Canaanite slaves didn’t have any protections in slavery. American slavery of the blacks was essentially the same as Canaanite slavery in what the owners could do to them.

To my understanding (of laws meant to prevent overt mistreatment of slaves) this only strictly applied to Hebrew slaves and non Jewish slaves did have more restrictions but was still allowed technically. Also this may be because we don’t have a temple or a land anymore to call ours, and our batei din don’t have any actual control so slavery could get out of halakha. The Torah does literally accept chattel and all of our sages supported it. Torah is always moral and if you think otherwise then you think God is below time, obviously.

Hebrew slaves and Canaanite slaves did not have the same rights, Canaanite slaves were literally allowed to be forced to have children and then those children would have been slaves for you.

Altpng #fundie reddit.com

Yes I believe Torah slavery is morally good, I think it’s more immoral to have legal slavery that’s impossible to escape like in American capitalism. In a Torah society, if somebody goes bankrupt he can sell himself for a certain amount of money for 7 years, and then when he’s done after the 7 years he keeps the money he was bought for, + money the master gave to slavery during his servitude (it was common for this to happen, from my understanding learning laws of slavery), + the gifts the master is legally obliged to give the slave when they part ways. So instead of being homeless or in never ending loans, he got free housing for 7 years, money, and the ability to start a new life.

Furthermore, in Jewish slavery, it’s forbidden to shame the slave, and in fact it’s an obligated to respect your slave. If there’s only one pillow in the house, a master is obligated to give it to his slave before himself.

she-is-ovarit #transphobia #fundie tumblr.com

It's all connected. Corporations began marketing gay pride themed merchandise. An increase in "I-identify-as" populations began to flood gay bars and events, where outward appearance (marketed as "gender expression") became heavily emphasized.

Commercial visibility and marketability does not equal human rights progress.

Ability to consume does not equal citizenship to an oppressed group.

Biology, (referring to sexual orientation and sex) is not a brand you can buy into or boycott out of.

Corporations selling rainbows do not reflect our values.

The churning out of new "all inclusive" pride flags to pledge allegiance to is not indicative of liberation.

A historical homosexual slur being sold by the multi-billion dollar media obfuscates predominantly lesbian relationships ("queer women", "queer relationship") and retraumatizes many gay and lesbian people.

Gay pride only extending to people able to purchase detracts from the meaning of gay pride and distracts from the struggles of the most vulnerable. It positions the most privileged within marginalized and oppressed groups as those who represent the whole.

And associating body modification, aestheticism, and "expression" with self identity turns the lived experiences and material realities of entire subgroups of people into niche market categories that people who aren't even a part of these groups can identify into and out of based on social trends.

Biology becomes devalued, overshadowed by the social and manufactured "genders". Infinite genders means infinite target audiences. Lived, material realities of certain groups of people become materialism.

Human rights movements are becoming human rights industries, with the wealthy more directly capitalizing off of the exploitation of the poor, of the homosexual, of the female, of the immigrant, of the dark skinned, of the mentally ill, of the disabled, of the sick, of the marginalized and oppressed.

Don't buy into it.

Arizona #racist #fundie theyeshivaworld.com

In just thirty seconds, a group of thieves managed to get away with over $2.15 million in high-end diamond jewelry in a smash-and-grab robbery at a Bronx store.

Surveillance video shows a suspect in a white t-shirt, black cap, and wearing sunglasses, acting like a customer and being buzzed into Rocco’s Jewelry on Webster Avenue in Fordham on Friday afternoon.

But instead of entering the store, the suspect held the door open so three masked colleagues in crime could rush in. One of the suspects who was wielding a hammer then smashed through the glass cases while the others grabbed the expensive items.
“Yet more incontrovertible proof that Rav Avigdor Miller was correct to blast the Emancipation Proclamation and declare that Afreakins should’ve remained enslaved for another fifty or so years to better civilize them.”

R. Shaul Gold #sexist #fundie torahmusings.com

The Purim story discusses three women – Vashti, Zeresh and Esther. In the homiletic spirit, let us say that these three women symbolize three types of women, three models of female behavior.

Vashti represents Women’s Empowerment, women’s desire to be men’s equal, to even surpass males and out“man” men. The licentiousness of Vashti’s party surpassed Achashveirosh’s and, one could contend, was pushed by the need to be more depraved than the men. Her failure to obey the king’s command was an assertion of Female Emancipation in the spirit of “Anything men can do, women can do better.” Vashti is the prototypical misandrist.

Zeresh represents the classical harridan and Haman, the hen-pecked husband. He is forced to conspire to legally empower men because he has been psychologically emasculated by his spouse. She is unhappy with her life because she has tied her success to her husband’s. She is constantly plotting and scheming; her husband is the key to her success. A consummate termagant, she abandons her husband coldly, knocking him when he is down.

Esther represents the very best of womanhood. Her modesty and simplicity earn her the respect due her. She is steadfast in her ideology. She understands her position and carries it forth with grace. This position is Queen, and she fills it with poise, dignity, charm and humility. It is not as a subservient wife [contra Zersh] nor as a timid wallflower [contra Vashti]. Esther needs neither power nor public acknowledgement to validate her essence. She possesses inner contentment. Faced with a situation that is foreign to her upbringing and moral compass, she soldiers forth in the knowledge that her path is the correct one, as understood by Torah scholars.

Nick Miceli, Mum of boyz #fundie #transphobia amazon.co.uk

Follow the story of Gwen the gazelle as she competes as a sprinter in track and field against the other gazelles. One day a cheetah, who claims he is a gazelle, shows up and is allowed to compete...

This book is a satirical social commentary about the current phenomenon of biological men competing against women in sports. It uses animals to point out the absurdity of the situation and demonstrates that there are consequences when we collectively deny reality.

Absolutely brilliant and important message.

No-one male should be competing against biological females in women's sports. Completely unfair to the female athletes this will destroy women's sport if allowed to continue.

So glad to see books being published now about this madness. Where are all the adults? Can't wait for sanity to return.

separatismor #sexist #fundie tumblr.com

I actually do think there are some broad inherent behavioral differences in female and male humans I just don't think those behaviors are femininity and masculinity

more like "pro-social behavior" and "parasitism"

Sometimes I wonder if men genuinely are just soulless mimics performing humanity and are incapable of apparent civilization under circumstances where they can't leech directly off of women

It-goes-both-ways #sexist it-goes-both-ways.tumblr.com

The only genuinely misogynist people that I know of are so due to abuse. Mostly severe, over a long period of time, and/or by multiple perpetrators so it can be difficult to counter, especially when people’s response would only make things worse. So when it comes to misogyny I’d say that none of it is biological, as it goes against humanity’s gynocentric nature.

As for whether there is any non-biological reason for misandry; considering that women’s innate fear of men which often progresses to hatred (a side effect of the lack of empathy for them which is itself a side effect of their own self preservation), is biological, probably not.

Some say that the reason men are considered to be violent/rapists is because of biology but when perpetration by one sex is exaggerated while the other is ignored coupled with female preference it’s difficult to really know for sure with more severe forms of violence. Women are more willing to hit men than the other way around, it also takes a hell of a lot less provocation. Most men won’t report any abuse by women, emotional, physical or sexual. This perpetuates the idea that men are perpetrators and women are victims while encouraging women more inclined towards these behaviours to commit them. Believing that men can’t be victims while women can’t be perpetrators only increases those very things.

Something I find rather convenient is that with powerful men throughout history, people often say things like “behind every great man is a great woman” if what they did was considered good. They almost see what influence women can have over powerful men. Though they always seem to forget all about it when it comes to dictators, tyrants and despots.

It-goes-both-ways #sexist #fundie it-goes-both-ways.tumblr.com

Ask:Do you believe that men and women are wired differently or is it just that society (both men and women) have created a world where men and women are expected to think and act differently. I think the differences are mostly created by society and don't actually exist. Your thoughts?

Answer: If that were the case, how did they differentiate at all?

Men and women are far more similar than they are different, they just manifest differently. Empathy is not a female trait for example, while people find it more obvious in women because they’re more social, if there’s a dog drowning in a river or a child in a burning building, generally it’s men who will rescue them.
Right the way down to crimes such as rape, male rapists mostly target adult women while female ones will mostly target male children.

Women are generally more cautious and averse to personal accountability, using proxy violence or blaming others for their own actions. While men tend to be more overt about it, personally I’d take being punched in the face over being falsely accused any day. It makes perfect sense why this difference exists, of course women are more cautious, a pregnant woman wouldn’t last very long if she didn’t put herself first and early societies wouldn’t have lasted very long if they didn’t put women as a sex first. The differences in behaviour influenced society, not the other way around.

Obviously there are exceptions all round, #NotAll etc. The fact that it’s a biological thing is what makes it so bloody frustrating when dealing with feminists and tradcons alike.

wholereason #fundie #crackpot #wingnut wholereason.com

But the larger problem with disproving evolution is twofold. First, it’s definition is so plastic that there really is no meaningful set of conditions that evolutionists would accept as falsifying it, in part because, like faith in the Bible, it is assumed true, and those defending it just look for harmonizations of the data, never considering falsification. Lack of intermediate forms? “Not enough data” or “punctuated equilibrium.” Lack of experimental evidence? “It takes too long to observe.” Genetic trees don’t match those based on morphology? “Convergent evolution.”

Second, the truth is, there are only two models for origins – one where all starts out as soup and by some law organizes into higher physical and living complexity and forms, and another where things start out organized by an intelligent designer and progress via thermodynamics and entropy towards disorder (which looks more like reality? Dawkins confession of “the appearance of design” looks very naive). Being without faith in the latter model, unbelievers MUST believe some form of evolution. So they won’t seriously consider any contrary evidence as falsification, just another chance to “improve the model.”

Jgtemolder #sexist #fundie archive.is

Alex224922: I was raped by my boyfriend in high school. I was sitting on his bed, with all my clothes on, talking to him because I wanted to have a conversation with him and nothing else. He playfully pushed me down onto his bed and I said, "No hon, I'm not in the mood today." He tried again because he thought I was teasing, so I raised my voice, got angry and said, "NO, not today." He then proceeded to guilt me and tell me he really wanted to, but I stood my ground. Finally, he wasn't having it. He started horsing around with me and then pushed me onto the bed again, got on top of me, and started trying to take my clothes off. I told him NO again, trying to get up but he held me down. That's when I started yelling at him and hitting him, but he didn't stop. I was in shock. This was my boyfriend, and he definitely knew me well enough to know the difference between me "secretly wanting it" and not wanting to have sex. I kicked, I hit, I cursed, I CRIED and he still forced his way in.
There is a DIFFERENCE between rape and consensual sexual dominance. Yes, I enjoy being dominated in bed, but my new boyfriend ALSO enjoys being dominated. My ex didn't dominate me. He forced me to have sex that I DID NOT WANT. I did not enjoy it, I did not like being raped

Jgtemolder: If someone, regardless of sex or gender or sexuality, smashes the door down screaming about being raped like it's a merit badge and demanding everyone better get on their knees and not question anything they are saying, otherwise they'll pull out the rape-victim card to show how ashamed you should be (or just whip that thing out in the middle of a conversation); I say it's appropriate, again, regardless of sex.
(Especially when they admit to enjoy sexual domination games, and their text heavily implies they enjoyed them with the partner that supposedly raped them, yet not using the safe word... or were dumb enough not to establish one.)
If someone is simply relaying their experience, regardless of sex, and explain what it is, it is not.

Matt Walsh #transphobia #enbyphobia #fundie #quack sciencebasedmedicine.org

“What is a woman” is a documentary directed by far-right activist Matt Walsh, where he goes around interviewing various people asking them their definition of what a woman is.

When interviewing members of the African Maasai tribe, Walsh is told that in their culture, men and women have separate roles, men can’t become women, and trans people don’t exist. The tribe laughs when Walsh asks, “What if a woman has a penis?” Walsh adds, “In my country, I can’t go a day without hearing that”. The Maasai tribe’s answer to what a woman is, is that a woman delivers babies; a man cannot. Walsh concludes from this encounter, “It’s clear that gender ideology is a uniquely Western phenomenon”. He’s not entirely wrong, but not for the reasons he thinks. “Gender ideology” is a buzzword originated by anti-LGBTQ activists in Europe. It is neither an academic term nor an actual political movement. However, it is presented as a movement led by LGBTQ and feminist activists intent on upending the “traditional family” and “natural order” of society. The fear-mongering of “gender ideology” is grounded in two beliefs: first, that LGBTQ people somehow threaten Christian values and the traditional family, and, second, that men and women should follow antiquated gender roles, lest they corrupt society.

Interestingly, Walsh interviewed members of just one out of 3,000 tribes in Africa and no one else from any other culture outside of the U.S. This comes across as some spectacular cherry-picking that is unrepresentative of the diversity of beliefs and practices involving gender in the world. It is also unclear to us whether Walsh is aware that the Maasai tribe also has a tradition of female genital cutting. Though the practice is, thankfully, becoming increasingly uncommon, the ritual persists in some communities and is used to prepare girls as young as ten years old for marriage. This seems incongruous with Walsh’s mission: as he states in a clip from his appearance on The Dr. Phil Show, “I care about the truth, so basic truth matters, I want to live in a society where people care about the truth, I care about children”. It’s hard not to wonder if Walsh actually approves of a society in which gender roles are so rigidly constrained that girls are required to undergo genital cutting to enforce them.

Yeonmi Park #transphobia #wingnut foxnews.com

Yeonmi Park has experienced plenty of struggle and hardship, but she does not call herself a victim.

One of several hundred North Korean defectors settled in the United States, Park, 27, transferred to Columbia University from a South Korean university in 2016 and was deeply disturbed by what she found.

"I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think," Park said in an interview with Fox News. "I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying."

Those similarities include anti-Western sentiment, collective guilt and suffocating political correctness.

She was also shocked and confused by issues surrounding gender and language, with every class asking students to announce their preferred pronouns.

"English is my third language. I learned it as an adult. I sometimes still say 'he' or 'she' by mistake and now they are going to ask me to call them 'they'? How the heck do I incorporate that into my sentences?"

"It was chaos," said Yeonmi. "It felt like the regression in civilization."

"Even North Korea is not this nuts," she admitted. "North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

yeehaww-cowgirl #fundie #transphobia at.tumblr.com

As a black girl, it’s just impossible for me to ignore the similarities between black face and drag as phenomenons that were/are incredibly normalized in popular culture. Both are offensive exaggerations of an oppressed class to the point of caricaturization by the oppressor class for entertainment and perpetuate harmful stereotypes. The defence line drag apologists always use is that drag is an exploration of gender expression especially for gender non conforming males who were never able to express their femininity and that’s why it’s different from black face in that sense which is just blatant racism. What they don’t know is that white performers often used the excuse of exploring their “inner negro” when in blackface and it was actually a very popular response to blackface criticism lol. And even then..why should women be mocked and made sexual objects in order for men to be able to “express themselves” it’s really just grade A sexism so many drag performers have expressed not thinking that women should participate. There is no other explanation for why drag queens are overwhelmingly much more popular than drag kings and that’s the fact that embodiments of men aren’t seen as jokes. Recently read this really fascinating paper that talks about how similar the two are I strongly recommend it

The BJP #quack #fundie theprint.in

Journalist Kishorechandra Wangkhem and activist Erendro Leichombam were arrested last month for Facebook posts that said ‘cow dung and cow urine’ don’t cure Covid.

When the Manipur police barged into journalist Kishorechandra Wangkhem’s home in Imphal on 13 May, his children — seven, three, and nine months — were paralysed with terror.

“Our oldest immediately turned to pacify our second child, who started to cry and couldn’t hold her stool. Our third is still a baby,” said Wangkhem’s wife, Ranjita. “For me, this is no longer a shock.”

About five kilometres away, political activist Erendro Leichombam’s house was similarly stormed by a team of police officers, who allegedly assaulted his elderly mother and dragged Leichombam out of his room, without giving him a chance to change out of his nightclothes.

“Nothing could stop them. No amount of pleading. They acted like he was some major criminal. He didn’t resist the arrest at all,” said Leichombam’s mother, L. Landhoni. “They hit me and pushed me aside, and I had difficulty breathing for 15 days after.”

Wangkhem and Leichombam were arrested after BJP functionaries complained about their Facebook posts, which said that “cow dung and cow urine” don’t cure Covid-19. It was in the context of state BJP leader S. Tikendra Singh’s death due to the illness.
“The cure for Corona is not cow dung & cow urine. The cure is science & common sense. Professor ji RIP,” Leichombam had written.

“Santhi Sanyung na yadrabo, oh!!! RIP # Rashikang Kangyet Hayeng nga chani,” Wangkhem had written, which loosely translates to “cow dung, cow urine didn’t work”.

BJP fundies #fundie #quack #wingnut google.com

New Delhi: Journalist Kishorechandra Wangkhem, charged under the National Security Act (NSA) by the BJP-led Manipur government this past May for commenting on social media that cow dung and cow urine don’t cure COVID-19, has been released from jail this evening.

Wangkhem’s release came four days after the Supreme Court ordered the immediate release of Imphal-based political activist Erendro Leichombam, who was also arrested by the Manipur Police on the same day – May 13 – as Wangkhem on the same charges. The duo had on May 17 got bail from a local court, but they were detained again after the NSA was slapped on them.

Getting out of the Saajwa central jail around 4 pm, Wangkhem told waiting reporters, “I am used to this now. While waiting for justice, I tried to spend two months of my incarceration by having meaningful discussions with various inmates; took their opinion on several issues.”

Philosophy Freshman Syndrome Award

TERF Edition

divinedionne #transphobia #enbyphobia #fundie #pratt at.tumblr.com

It's only illogical if you never carefully thought about the difference between a concept and a human being. Between the ego and your essential human essence.

Celebrities are a good example because they have larger-than-life personal brands (concepts) that often obscure their humanity. For example, a superstar like Beyonce is associated with certain concepts in people's imaginations: glamour, sexiness, icon, being a diva etc.

She's so heavily associated with these things that people might use her name as a substitute for saying these words. They might look at an outfit and say "That's so Beyonce" or a way of dancing, behavior, and movement and say "That's Beyonce-esq".

Yet, if you were to take it one step further and say "I identify as a Beyonce" people would find it odd. Because they recognize that although Beyonce is heavily associated with some concepts, she's also a distinct human being. And to" identify as" her is almost like saying she's more of an idea than a real, living breathing person.

Yet, this is precisely what the concept of gender does to women. It takes ideas and aesthetics commonly associated with female human beings (softness, feminity, wearing dresses, certain hairsyles, nurturing a child etc) and uses those things as a substitute for actual living breathing human females walking this earth. This is the reason why gender has been defined as a tool of sexist oppression wielded against women.

To "identify as" Beyonce Knowles-Cater I would have to first remove her humanity (her distinct human thoughts, emotions, ideas, livingness, beingness) and flatten her into a concept, an idea, behaviors, styles of dress, movements that I can embody.

This is what every male who "identifies as" female does. Without exception. And it would be one thing if they did it to cope with some mental illness. But now "You don't need dysphoria to be trans". It's the normalization of female dehumanization.

Ok bye.

radbelinda #transphobia #fundie #pratt #conspiracy at.tumblr.com

two rules to live by:

1. if you create a sacred caste of men who cannot be questioned or accused, abusers will do whatever they can to join this caste

2. if you create a group of women it's acceptable to shit on, even when there are valid critiques to be made of said women, men will take that criticism and apply it as viciously as they can to as many women as they can get away with

#'why would a man go to all the effort of dressing as a woman to abuse women when they can abuse women anyway?'#idk why did paedophilic men go to the effort of ordination to access children rather than just fathering children themselves#why do men go through years of med school to assault female patients rather than just going to clubs and finding easy targets

Court in eastern Guangsou, children’s parents #fundie #wingnut bbc.com

The makers of a Chinese cartoon series have been held partly responsible for injuries incurred by two children who were imitating a scene from the show.

The brothers were badly burned in April when another boy tied them to a tree and set them on fire, according to China's state-run Xinhua news agency.

The 10-year-old said he was copying a scene from Xi Yangyang and Hui Tailang (Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf).

A court said the show's producers and the boy's guardians were both to blame.

It ordered the guardians to pay 60% of the injured brothers' medical bills and Creative Power Entertaining, a Chinese animation company based in Guangzhou, to pay 15%.

The court in the eastern Jiangsu province said there was "a cause-and-effect relationship between the case and the violent scenarios in the cartoon" and that the show should carry warnings in future, the Hollywood Reporter said.

The show, popular with both children and adults, features a wolf whose relentless pursuit of a group of goats sees both parties suffer degrees of physical punishment.

Papirouge #sexist #wingnut #enbyphobia #transphobia tumblr.com

"forced birth" is an oxymoron
You can't "force" something that is going to happen anyway. When getting pregnant, that baby is fated to be birthed at one point

It's like saying "forced puberty" or "forced aging".

If anything, abortion is the only "forced birth" because it artificially induce a delivery before term

#interestingly enough the 'forced' something is pulled by tra refusing to go through puberty
#they totally alienize this natural process by using semantics making sound like puberty was forced onto them
#the parallelism between trans activism and abortion activism are very interesting
#bc they both rely on antagonizing totally normal and unharmful bodily process

MsElleWM #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

"You said you’d be around lily cade, confirmed rapist, over a Trans woman with no violent history.
That’s not sensible."

"Imagine you are a cat. Not a furry but a real one. You have the choice of being alone with a cat who has fought others or a dog. As a cat you would choose the other cat. Same with biological women. We choose to avoid biological males for our own safety"

Buckdharma2 #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

Most women can fight off Lily Cade, most women can’t fight off a man determined to rape us.

If its a stranger in a bathroom it most certainly is about activating fight rather than freeze, and it’s a hell of a lot easier when your attacker is female. Your body knows when it has a fighting chance, hence most women freeze when attacked by a man.

Minister Naftali Bennett, Ben Caspit #sexist #fundie #psycho mondoweiss.net

{from 2017}

Israeli society became incensed this week with the video of 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi and her 20-year-old cousin Nour, who slapped the Israeli soldiers occupying their family yard in Nabi Saleh.

The discussion amongst Israelis became all about the humiliation suffered by heavily armed soldiers, from a fearless 16-year old girl and her bare hands. Culture Minister Miri Regev said: “When I watched that, I felt humiliated, I felt crushed”. She called the incident “damaging to the honor of the military and the state of Israel.” She was echoing her own words from 2015, when Ahed also appeared in a viral video, wrestling a masked Israeli soldier, who was holding her little brother in a headlock and pressing him down on a rock, his broken arm in cast. Then Regev was “shocked to see the video this morning of Palestinians hitting an IDF soldier,” adding that, “It cannot be that our soldiers will be sent on missions with their hands tied behind their backs. It’s simply a disgrace!….We must immediately order that a soldier under attack be able to return fire. Period.”

There was a range of suggestions of what should happen with Ahed and the other girls. Education Minister Naftali Bennett suggested that they “spend the rest of their days in prison”.

But a prominent journalist had a somewhat more cunning suggestion:

“In the case of the girls, we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark, without witnesses and cameras”,

Ben Caspit wrote in his article (Hebrew) on Tuesday.

What might this price exactly be, considering that he is referring specifically to teenage girls? We are left to wonder. Perhaps he wishes to leave it to the imagination of the soldiers who would invade the home at night, ensuring that no cameras are filming.

We are again left to wonder what it is exactly that the creep would do, especially if he thought there were no cameras around. Caspit’s suggestion resembles that of Defense Minister Lieberman, who also said on Tuesday that “whoever goes wild during the day, will be arrested at night”, adding that “everyone involved, not only the girl but also her parents and those around them will not escape from what they deserve”.

Eretzyisrael #elitist #fundie #racist tumblr.com

Description: an image with pictures and text, on the left are pictures of pillcam capsules, plants, solar panels and the logo of the gps-navigationsystem Waze, representing Israel. On the right are photos of burning and destroyed buildings and people burning an Israeli flag at a protest.



A.L.L #quack #fundie ewtn.com

"Since 1973, there has been no legal requirement for physicians to report maternal abortion deaths and complications. Most states report incomplete data, and the Centers for Disease Control, which compile and summarize the information, receive only sketchy numbers from California, Texas, Florida and Illinois which between them account for more than half a million abortions annually which is one-third of the nation's total."

"Doctors themselves admit that physicians who perform large numbers of abortions are virtual pariahs within their own profession. When a maternal abortion death does occur, it will naturally reflect discredit not only upon the guilty abortionist, but upon the pro-abortion movement and on the medical profession in general. In many cases, maternal abortion deaths only come to light when a relative of the deceased woman takes legal action."

"As an example of reasons for this prevalent degree of under-reporting, the State of California reported no abortion deaths at all in 1983 and 1984.[19] However, at least four women Patricia Chacon, Inez Herron, Cora Mae Lewis, and Yvonne Tanner died of abortion-related complications in California during those years"

"Many women who obtain abortions are ashamed or embarrassed by the circumstances under which they got pregnant and/or by the act of killing their preborn child. Therefore, about one-third of all women obtaining abortions cross state lines or travel to another city in order to maintain anonymity.
If such a woman returns to her home town and then dies of abortion-related complications after several hours or days, her death is extremely difficult to trace if no family member or friends know that she obtained an abortion, or where such an abortion occurred."

"According to the United States Bureau of Vital Statistics and the Centers for Disease Control, the last time 1,000 women died of illegal abortions in the United States was in the year before penicillin became widely available to the public in 1942. In the ten years preceding Roe v. Wade, deaths ranged from 90 to 150 per year.

Dr Mordechai Kedar #psycho #sexist #wingnut huffingtonpost.co.uk

{from 2014}
An Israeli academic has been defended by his univesity after he implied would-be suicide bombers could only be stopped if their female relatives were threatened with rape.

Dr Mordechai Kedar said he was not suggesting such a tactic, but added "the knowledge that their sister of their mother will be raped" was "the only thing" that would stop terrorists from attacking Israel.
“We can’t take such steps, of course,” Kedar told the programme. “I’m not talking about what we should or shouldn’t do. I’m talking about the facts. The only thing that deters a suicide bomber is the knowledge that if he pulls the trigger or blows himself up, his sister will be raped. That’s all. That’s the only thing that will bring him back home, in order to preserve his sister’s honour.”

Alfieshoyger #racist #moonbat #conspiracy #magick reddit.com

I was cursed by a Romany woman selling lucky heather 20 years ago. She just stuck the stuff in my face while walking behind me and expected me to understand that she wanted money, but I was a teenager and didn't understand what she was doing. She didn't say anything. I assumed her grassy twig was just a worthless giveaway. I knew nothing about gypsy culture.

I've had generally bad luck since then, but now I can see that the curse is real. I am experiencing paranormal phenomena, ghostly activity. This is totally serious, and I do not need psychiatric help. These curses are real. Can anything be done about them?
The general public need to be made aware of the extreme dangers posed by some gypsies, particularly the old, female, heather-selling kind. These people can curse you, and gypsy curses are very real. People need to warn their children and grandchildren.

Romany people are quick to complain about their persecution. But what caused this persecution? Could it be the fact that they have been practicing black magic witchcraft in Christian and modern societies for centuries?

Is it just a coincidence that the European witch trials happened around the same time as the influx of gypsies into Europe?

People need to be aware of this danger. Lucky heather sellers will confuse people by holding a plant wrapped in foil in front of your face while walking behind you. This is not civilised behaviour and can confuse people, especially the young.

And if you are confused by this, you can end up having your life destroyed with a curse.

Obviously not all gypsies are capable of doing this. In fact, probably most are not. But a significant minority are. In particular, people must be educated about the dangers of tinkers like lucky heather sellers. These women practice real black magic.