
Baptised1 #fundie christianforums.com

GUYSSS i didnt come from a monkey....you ever heard of....ADAM and ummm EVE? Helllllo they werent monkies , i believe our bodies can ADAPT to the envirement presented , such as , another ice age im pretty sure we would be pretty harry and a bad heat wave im pretty sure our bodies would do something but i dont think we actually evovle , i think our body can add more of or take less of in our genetics but not in evolution ^^

Chesterton #fundie christianforums.com

[Take a bunch of creationists, and put them in a rigorous science education program involving their doing actual experiments, both in the lab and in the field.

I don't know if it would ever have the popular appeal to take off, but I certainly would find it entertaining. What does everyone else here think?]

To make it exciting for TV, it needs some more drama, you know, some danger. So here's my idea: You get a rope and dangle some atheists over a pit of starving lions. You start slowing lowering them into the pit, and tell them you'll stop lowering as soon as they can explain how something can come from nothing.

whiterider #fundie christianforums.com

Although I do not adhere to the pre-tribulation Rapture theory, I would speculate that the resurrection bodies that we are "changed" into is a much more refined body that is able to move interdimensionally, being able to transmutate from energy to matter, and vice versa, somewhat like Christ's resurrection body.

I also have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously without having to have any "replacement parts" available to have the miracle. All that would be needed to produce a resurrection body part is energy, not mass, so your donated body parts are safe in the recipients body....I think

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[After someone noted that evolution doesn't deal with how life started]

So evolution was just sitting there waiting for life to begin, is that correct?

Just by coincidence, the engines of evolution started up the moment life [somehow] appeared?

And please understand my question. I'm asking if evolution started up co-incidentally with life.

Did whatever (or however) started life, also kick-start evolution?

ElijahFalling #fundie christianforums.com

I am neither an extremist nor a fundie. I believe the Bible is the Word of God, that everything in it is literal fact, that God did not lie when he said it is an abomination for a man to lie with another man, and that no true Christian could possibly be okay with the liberal takeover of America by a mob of blasphemers who mock God's laws by making homosexuals into higher citizens than Bible-believing Christians.

Zealous Zeth #fundie christianforums.com

The brain of a homosexual has a smaller hypothalamus (the part of the brain that controls the 4 "F's" fighting, fleeing, feeding and "reproduction") than a hetero male. It's around the same size as a woman's.]

That's just a myth made up by the same drunk atheist "scientists" who created the fairytale of evolution. You wouldn't be able to convince me even if you gave me a room full of "evidence".

[you can't choose who you're attracted to]

I think General Franco's falangist soldiers would like to have a word with you, Lumen.

lawtonfogle #fundie christianforums.com

While I will agree that looking a child porn is worse, we need to remember the Bible doesn't condemn pedophiles and is even ok with them having sex with children as long as they marry them first, so yeah, from a Biblical point of view, being homosexual is worse.

Then again, most Christians don't agree... guess most of them don't read their Bible.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[Originally Posted by Jester4kicks
What are you talking about? Are you trying to say man should be able to create another man?]

Yes --- in a laboratory. If you can't, I'll pass on believing in evolution. If you can, I'll still pass.

Nadine #fundie christianforums.com

In general, I have always said that those who attack Paul yet claim they're Christians, are shooting themselves in the foot as to their actual faith.
Becuz it's only Paul who brings the clarification of grace over law. And gives so much teaching on what has changed from the OT due to Christ's sacrifice. He explains how we become new in spirit, how to witness, clarification on church structure and leadership, etc.

Paul's done the most for us spiritually speaking in liberating us as God's people in the new Grace covenant as Christ's bride, yet they attack him becuz he lists the moral sins that are still forbidden... it's nothing but bias imo.

If Paul is right in his grace over law, and liberties in Christ, and love over condemnation, then how is he wrong in the corrections he wrote to the churches where he has to teach proper judgment and list the moral sins? You can't have both when it's penned from the same man's hand.

Paul was phenomenal - his love of the saints was beyond belief.
People want their sin and God's kingdom both. Taking the blessings without obeying the commands. Nothing is new under the sun.

Polycarp_Fan #fundie christianforums.com

(FSTDT or RSTDT, whatever)

"Sounds to me like Christians should obey the law, then they wouldn't have problems. Just like if Denny's and Cracker Barrel would have obeyed these laws, just with Blacks instead of gays, they would also have fewer problems."

What if thugs wearing their pants sagging below their buttocks, their underwear touching seats where other people have to sit when these thugs are done, demand to be served at Denny's or Cracker Barrell?

Now, I agree with you that Christians should submit to gays ruling over them in the secular realm. We survived Nero and Hadrian without a First Amendment to protect us, so I'm sure we can get through the current phase of socially motivated perverted miscreants forcing themselves on us in todays modern world.

SuperSaint4GodBZStyle #fundie christianforums.com

Also Evolution is supposed to have happened according to the humanists, but I have a question to ask. If in Evolution and survival of the fittest are correct and also Evolution is a science according to the humanists then there shouldn't be any purpose in life. But since I'm a biology major and I'm currently taking Organic Chemistry and Lab, I have noticed that in our Lab Notebooks we have to have a purpose why we're doing the experiment. If Evolution is a science should it have a purpose why evolution has occurred? Also, why does the atheist cry when his wife dies in a car crash? Life has a purpose. We all have a purpose. Can you imagine that someone wants to be good to you? God wants to be good to us all. He's not bad at all. God looks for good and finds good. Ever since Adam had sinned, God wants the relationship with man that he once had. So he gave his only begotten Son Jesus to save us all from hell and eternal damnation. But whoever is not a christian already has to make the choice whether to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and let God love you just the way you are or to reject God and his free gift for a lowzy place in american society with no purpose other than to feel good.

JMRE5150 #fundie christianforums.com

[Jesus is real because] The odds of Jesus Christ being the true Messiah and fullfilling the prophecies he did are equal to covering the entire state of Texas ankle-deep with quarters, marking one with an "X", blindfolding your friend and asking him to find it.

Nadiine #fundie christianforums.com

(Thread whining about FSTDT!)

All I can say is, they should take a look at their own conduct to notice that they are equally obnoxious, harsh, hateful & "evil" as the fundies they're trying lynch for being the same.
I see nothing different in what they're doing to others. Talk about hypocrisy...

Polycarp_Fan #fundie christianforums.com

[FSTDT? CTSTDT? FCTDTD? I think the last is the only one that makes sense. This guy is a gold mine.]

There is a Gay Agenda to force GLBT sexuality on every Christian, anywhere they dare exist out in the open. That is not myth, paranoia or urban legend. It is a fact.

Inkabink #fundie christianforums.com

For me, personally, it all comes down to what I know of God from my own personal experience with Him, and what is said of Him in His word. No amount of book-learning and high-IQ-arguing is going to change what the Spirit divulges to our hearts as truth.

God confounds the "wise" and makes all our human knowledge as foolishness, amen

GinnaRM #racist christianforums.com

A petition for Jesus
Loyalty Oath

We, the undersigned, pledge allegiance to the Will of God the Father to remove from Christendom the unwelcome presence of the anti-Christ Jews who wage war against the Holy Person of Christ, His Church, His nations, His White Christian Culture and His disciples, and promise to fight with all our might to defeat their planned extinction of the White Race and Western Civilization.

We, the undersigned, declare to Him who loves us and whom we love that we will do all within our power to restore the kingdom of Christendom back to Christ by eradicating the presence of the evil anti-Christ Jews who hate Him and us, and all their evil power and works, their willing stooges, their Zionist/Marxist tyranny, their hatred of Truth and goodness and their secret, demonic power over White Civilization with their control of the media and the power of Money.

We, the undersigned, pledge to fight to the death for this holy Cause and bravely face whatever we must in order to do the Will of God by having the Jews expelled forever from Christendom or removed by sword if necessary in order to restore the earthy kingdom of Jesus Christ back to the Lord and save White Civilization from genocide. We understand that this can never be done as long as Jews live in the West.

Our names written on this petition is our pledge of eternal loyalty to the Lord, Jesus Christ. May our signatures this day witnessed by the Holy Spirit stand as testimony of our faithful service before the divine throne of Jesus Christ on Judgment Day.

[The thread continues, with GinnaRM talking about saving "White Christian Civilization" from the Jews.]

ElijahFalling #fundie christianforums.com

There is often debate about what makes someone a "True Christian"... but most of the time the subject is brought up athiests will retort with the tired "No True Scotsman" line (even though it's not actually a fallacy)... suggesting that people just make it up as they go along. So I will clear the matter up right now as to what makes one a true Christian, backed by Scripture. Here is the end-all definitive definition of a true Christian:

True Christian: One whose name is written in the Book of Life.

Gradyll #fundie christianforums.com

[on witnessing techniques]

Say someone thinks they don't need Jesus because they don't think they are sinners, an alternative to using the law, is simply to prove imperfection.


"Oh you think you are a good person huh? I agree, you probably are a good person, and you probably only sin once or twice a day right?"

Sin is what the Bible calls imperfections they are like lying cheating stealing, looking at lust etc.

So say you only sin twice a day, (thats better than me!!) well how many days are in a week?


ok and how many weeks in a year?


ok and so thats 104 sins!!!

Do you think you are going to heaven with all those sins?


thats why Jesus came and died, to pay our bail,

just A=admit your guilt

B=Believe He died for you

And C=commit to recieve the gift of forgiveness


Inkabink #fundie christianforums.com

Without a Creator, there is no POINT to ANYTHING. You may as well take out a gun and shoot the person next to you in the head after the pretty sunset is over.

"No!" you said..."I shouldn't do that."

Why not?

"Cause I wouldn't want to kill anyone!"

Why not? Who cares about life and death? There's no point to any of it. You're just a bunch of nicely-arranged random molecules anyway. So are the rest of us.

"Ok, then, I wouldn't do it because it would bring sorrow and pain to their family and friends. And it's illegal! I'd go to prison!"

So shoot yourself after you're done shooting them. Problem solved. Or heck, just go ahead and go to prison. What do you care what happens to you? You're NOTHING, lol. You're just a happy freak accident of the universe. And who cares about "sorrow and pain"? It's all just freaky chemical reactions in our accidentally-created brains anyway. Emotions aren't "things". They're just abstract concepts. It's all just a bunch of chemicals and neurons and such. None of it matters. And what's this about "illegal"?? Who gets to say what's right and wrong, anyway? There's no such thing as "right" and "wrong" because there's no ULTIMATE AUTHORITY! Laws were made up just to help society run more smoothly. Morality is a bunch of bunk.

"No! I'm not shooting anyone, especially myself."

Why not?

"I want to stay alive! I like being alive."

Why? The world is pointless. You're pointless. Life is pointless. The world is full of pain and hate and misery and struggle. Why not just end it and get some nice, empty, no-more-brain-activity peace?

Atheists believe a lot more about God than they will ever even comprehend.

grady11 #fundie christianforums.com

[Fundie can't do basic maths]


"Oh you think you are a good person huh? I agree, you probably are a good person, and you probably only sin once or twice a day right?"

Sin is what the Bible calls imperfections they are like lying cheating stealing, looking at lust etc.

So say you only sin twice a day, (thats better than me!!) well how many days are in a week?


ok and how many weeks in a year?


ok and so thats 104 sins!!!

Do you think you are going to heaven with all those sins?


thats why Jesus came and died, to pay our bail,

just A=admit your guilt

B=Believe He died for you

And C=commit to recieve the gift of forgiveness


Harlan Norris #fundie christianforums.com

I've made this point. Consider, an obscure carpenters son, charged and convicted of sedition, then executed. Think about the odds, that time it'self is reconed from the day of this mans birth. What year is it? 2005. 2005 from when? 2005 from the birth of Jesus Christ. If there is no God and Jesus is not the son of God, how could this have happened?

WarEagle (aka MikeMcK) #fundie christianforums.com

<< In answer to this question:

"Hosea 13:16 says: "because she has rebelled against her God; they shall fall by the sword, their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open."

Does anybody have any ideas on making this verse morally acceptable?">>

What is it about the verse that you find unacceptable?

PetersKeys #fundie christianforums.com

[On attempts to stop same-sex marriage in California.]

I don't think this is going to be able to be stopped because I think this is going to be used as an example to us all eventually, Lot tried to stop all the sin and perversion that was happening in Sodom and Gommorah and was unable to, only to see divine justice rain down on the city. I mean look at all the fires that are happening in California now. While Californians are celebrating in their sin their land is literally burning down in fire in front of their eyes.

SonicBOOM #fundie christianforums.com

[From a thread full of atheist-bashing]

I don't know how much I agree with [atheism], but I don't think many professing atheists know that the theory of evolution was first regarded as a joke even among it's experts. I quote "evolution is so absurd it will be regarded as one of the great jokes of the universe in future generations".

Infact the whole theory's absurdity is blinded by eloquent speech and popular belief.

First off the theory that we developed from apes is based upon nothing but mere speculation. If this isn't true than why do we keep searching for that oh so elusive "missing link" that may or [surprise surprise] may NOT exist!

Second evolution doesn't even explain the whole argument! it explains matter [very poorly btw] but that's about it.... what about time? Space? What about the freaking beginning!? Therefore evolution, even if it IS true, is incomplete by nature.

I really could go on....

1Tim115 #fundie christianforums.com

Dinosaur bones are the result of Noah's flood


Jakesmith1995: "Can somebody please explain dinosaur bones to me? Please?"

REPLY: Here are a few facts we need to bring to bear in answering your question, Jakesmith1995:

1. The meaning of 'dinosaur', which I think is derived from the Greek or Roman for 'terrible lizard'

2. Using that definition, it could be argued that some dinosaurs exist today e.g. the iguana or the komodo dragon

3. How do you get dinosaur bones? Only if a dinosaur, or parts of a dinosaur, have been buried instantaneously, or near instantaneously

4. How come huge dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus Rex, over 60 feet tall, have been buried? How come, in addition, we find massive 'dinosaur graveyards' - fossils of hundred of dinosaurs buried and crushed, all close together, and availabe for us to see today as fossils? There is really only one answer. A massive Flood-type event. Noah's Flood fits the evidence perfectly

5. All radiometric dating other than carbon dating is pseudo-science, based on up to 14 unprovable assumptions, and full of the most massive contradictions. Carbon-dating is only reasonably reliable up to around 5,000 years ago. There is no basis for dating dinosaur bones at any older than 5,000 years

6. On top of all that, DNA has been found in dinosaur bones. I hardly think DNA could have survived 145 million years.


Dinosaur bones are the result of Noah's flood.

Dinosaur footprints appear in zones of sedimentary rock which suggest that they were running fast trying to escape the rising floodwaters of Noah's Flood. They were running in a medium approximating to setting concrete, hence their preservation for us to view today.

If this does not answer your question, please post again

LittleLambofJesus #fundie christianforums.com

One day I was drunk and was browsing thru x-rated sites which I normally did and suddenly a screen on the Holy Spirit just popped up out of no where.

The next thing I knew I felt like I was hit with a hammer, I started crying and I was led to a Bible my daughter had in her room and from then on, I was reading at work on breaks, lunch, when I got home into all hours of the night. [First book I had read in about 12 years]

Unbroken #fundie christianforums.com

[Unbroken's signature line]

Heavy metal is satanic, homosexuality is sinful, abortion is murder, gothic clothing presents the appearance of evil, and skimpy outfits are unChristian.
Don't like it? Tough, God comes before you.

RobertByers #fundie christianforums.com

[Responding to someone asking why the creationists don't just leave and start a new land]

Creationists did create a new land.
it is now called the USA.
This was founded by Puritan Protestant Englishmen with a aggresive intent to live in a very Christian society in morality and intellect. southerners were regular Englishmen.
The y made a superior civilization based on the greater attention to scripture and of coarse creationism was a core doctrine.
Everyone else heard how it was better over here and moved in.
A solid 50% of Yanks are skeptical about evolution and most want creationism in the schools.
Why not make a evolution state and see what happens.
Oh they did it was nazi Germany and Soviet union and cuba.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[AV1611VET loses the battle against sarcasm]

"Ah. So the millions of dead bodies (skeletons, now) that we have found worldwide that all died of drowning at almost exactly the same time is proof of the flood!"

If this is so ---- I would say that's a fair conclusion.

"So that's where museums get all those bones they like to display."

Dunno --- museums are boring, and I don't go poking around in them.

"edit: Maybe the Egyptian mummified their dead because they knew that dried out bodies would float"

Is this post sarcastic?

Ann Doupont #fundie christianforums.com

[In response to the poll question "Are you a mammal?"]

It's my understanding that mammals are animals, of which humans are not. Before I was saved/born again, I used to believe in evolution. Then, I read the account in Genesis and realized that evolution was directly contrary to what the Bible taught, and therefore could not be accurate.

I chose to believe the Bible in its account of creation rather than Darwin's theory (not fact) of evolution.


Happy Camper #fundie christianforums.com

[On the possibility of a Canadian federal election. Morgenthaler was a crusader for abortion rights.]

Next elections I don't know who to vote for.
I have nobody to vote for.

The Conservatives allow Morgenthaler to get the Order of Canada and allow the Canadian Army to participate in the Toronto gay parade.

The Conservatives were the last hope for Canada, that's down the drain now.

The country is finished. Sodom and Gommorah in the great white north.

It takes a miracle and repentance to change things around.

HarborOrange #fundie christianforums.com

That life is not what we see it as. You may be sitting alone in your room. Or so you thought. There are dozens of angels and demons beside you. There is a perpetual war between good and evil going on right in front of our faces. Yet, we are too absorbed in this world to see or realize it. When you walk you are moving through a sea of spirits. There is a whole other world within this world. Why are we searching for life on other planets when there is unseen life going on all around us. You may feel it, or you may not. I know I feel demons and angels around me. If you don't believe me, then watch this

Ghost Hunters are really legitimate. They try to debunk everything. Sometimes they find things undescribable though.
Season 4 episode 13 part 3/5

Masked_Chris #fundie christianforums.com

[After another user explains how "under God" wasn't added to the Pledge of Allegiance until the Red Scare of the 1950s]

"I've never heard anything rometly close to this and it almost seems this sort of thing was made up so people who want "under God" romoved can cover their tracks."

[And then, later on in the same conversation]

"I remember learning about America in freaking middle school and I've never heard the "red scare" in all my life."

Polycarp_fan #fundie christianforums.com

[On a thread about evolution]
Why the need to read a thread when all I have to do is get a calculator and tap: 0 x 0 and then the equal button?

You get the answer that atheism asserts is where everything came from.

0 x 0 = atheism, not reality.

Zealous Zeth (suecianus) #fundie christianforums.com

Mr Chick is a misinformed idiot who is going to hell...

His tracks about Catholicism reveals to me that he's a complete idiot when it comes to history. Chick tracts should be outlawed!

Can just imagine what will happen when he is the one going to hell. "Depart from me, you that work iniquity." (Matthew 7:23 Douay-Rheims) "Nooo Jesus!" I didn't know that I weren't allowed to get rich by fooling stupid Americans and spreading heresy! I didn't know that salvation is of works! I didn't know that the pope is you vicar on earth! I didn't know that you hated capitalism!" (sending him to hell) "NOO, please don't do that Jesus! Why didn't you tell me? This is so unfair! AAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!"

I would like to have an inquisitor teaching him right and wrong! Sadly they didn't attack heretics, they only hunted false converts...

LittleNipper #homophobia #fundie christianforums.com

Homosexuality and rape are both violent acts. They both show a disregard for the sanctity of marriage. They both are performed without any intent of procreation. The one violates the sexual organs of the victim and the other violates the appropriate application of sexual organs and those of body functions. In some cases the homosexual act, even where consentual, is reduced to mock fights and forced submission.

Terral #fundie christianforums.com

A True Homosexual Has Never Been Born (my CF.com thread) and I challenge everyone here to prove otherwise. Everyone here has exactly one heterosexual male father and exactly one heterosexual female mother making them either a heterosexual male or a heterosexual female copy of their parents. A man or a woman can change their sexual ‘orientation’ (straight or gay) on a whim, but they cannot change the sexuality (male or female) with which THEY WERE BORN. Scripture says, “they know the ordinance OF GOD, that those who practice such things ARE WORTHY OF DEATH” (Romans 1:32), but they carry on “committing indecent acts” (Rom. 1:27) of a “depraved mind” (Rom 1:28) anyway to receive “in their persons the due penalty of their error.” Romans 1:27.

California (State of Lawlessness) deserves floods, earthquakes, wildfires and massive budget deficits and to slide into the sea for allowing wicked judges to legislate this nonsense from the bench and for harboring millions of illegal alien foreign nationals allowed to run around loose EVERYWHERE. If the box says “Made in California,” then “No Thank You,” I am not buying it . . .

In Christ Jesus,


GodGunsAndGlory #fundie christianforums.com

Freedom of Religion meant and still should be, not putting any sect of Christianity above any other. Look at the master draft of the bill of rights.

Americas founders believed in the philosophies of John Locke, which in A Letter Concerning Toleration you could interpret what he says as we should kick Muslims out because they are intolerant and cannot be held accountable to American laws. 3 out of 4 Mosques preach anti-Americanism.

True_Blue #fundie christianforums.com

True_Blue's definition of a species for sexually reproducing organisms is a population of organisms that an interbreed successfully if the egg and sperm can combine in a petri dish to produce a healthy offspring. Thus, a poodle and a Great Dane are of the same species. Giraffes, zebras, and horses are of the same species. In fact, I would be entirely unsurprised if owls shared the same species as birds like pidgeons. By that definition, monkeys and people would be of different species.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

You don't know my threads then. Especially the one where I get you guys to admit that there's really no evidence for the very thing [creationism] you're demanding evidence for.

[We know there's no evidence for creationism, AV1611VET. Which is why those of us who don't believe in it dismiss it.]

I do believe in Creationism --- and dismiss any kind of evidence outright - (except the Bible).

CatholicCarl #fundie christianforums.com

Try as I might, I can't resist the urges


Despite the will bestoyed upon us in the Decalogue, I cannot help but be a voyeur. I live in a small suburban community, and my neighbors have approached me about something called "swinging." I had to look it up online, but after finding out what it was, I said no.

This didn't stop them. Directly in my line of sight from my living room window (on the second floor of the house) is their master bedroom, and my neighbors wife has taken it upon herself to leave the window shades up. I retracted mine, but I'm sad to say curiosity caused my downfall. After peeking and seeing 3 or 4 couples, I had to find more online. I don't know what came over me, but I want it out of me! Please, give me guidance.

c1ners #fundie christianforums.com

I saw it as truth. A little fabricated at times, but still truth.
The man went to a islamic school. He was taught islamic ways.
Sure it was only for two years, but a person can learn a lot in two years.
Then when he was transfered into a catholic school his parents still put down on record that he was muslim. Sounds a little fishy to me.

And isn't it a pretty known fact that once a muslim converts into a christian they are singled out and killed? Why do non of the muslims seem to care that Obama is now claiming to be Christian? Why has there not been any threats on his life? Why? IMO that one is pretty obvious. To me anyhow. And it scares the poop out of me that so many of you think so highly of him.

A muslim can become a united states citizen! That's how they do it! They get our trust, and then they do something awful! It's all part of there very laid out plan.

Sorry if I've offended anyone,but I just can't sit around and be quiet about this anymore. The US is my country. It's my home, and this man who is running for President scares me. He really honestly scares me. And I'm not a biggot. His color doesn't matter, but him being muslim does, and it should matter to YOU too!

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