
Christopher Newman #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt youtube.com

What crap! Birds are not dinosaurs. They are birds. Dinosaurs are dinosaurs. Common sense should tell you that. God said each species would create of its own. How desperate are these godless men to call birds, dinosaurs when species create of their own and don't develop into something else. They just don't want to acknowledge that there is a great god who created all things and to whom they are accountable to.

James Wiliams #fundie #crackpot youtube.com

(On a video debunking dinosaur cryptids)
Atheism and Evolution go hand in hand!
The TRUTH is revealed ONLY to those who have properly prepared to receive it those who love Him by obeying His commandments and it is RECEIVED PERSON to person, meaning that the TRIAD God delivers the knowledge personally to man just like he delivered Moses the Ten Commandments. [John 14:2] “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him”
Theosis Union with God: The Goal of Orthodox Christianity

The years from Adam are 7500
throught Revelation from God!
The years from Adam till today are 7500 years, and this was revealed to father Kalinicos on a golden description when God appeared Himself to him as He is known in the icons of the Greek Orthodox Churc
On Mount Athos Greece the monks have a specific purpose of life. To get to know their creator God personally! Those monks becoming worthy they have been receiving knowledge that they deliver to the Church h. This information is found in the following web page put the story is in Greek. (bottom of web page)


Here is some live proof that can substantiate God's Revelation of Adam's age!
Dinosaurs Lived With Humans

Thunderbirt (pterodactyl 4 meter wingspan) photo the face of an alligator also styrosaure soft tissue in dino fossils-nothing in science can allow this to be millions of years old

According to God's Revelation to Saint Kalinicos, the end (the Second Coming) has started to materialize in 1992!

Nigel Farage #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com

In 2016 we had the Brexit resolved and I think that fed in very directly to Americans going out and voting for Donald Trump, believing that the establishment could be beaten. We, three years after that vote, found ourselves without Brexit, the date we were to leave by British law was frankly ignored, and we launched a grassroots revolt which I was very proud to lead and now we have brexit. We’re out, we’re free.

The deal might not be perfect but it's better than before, and here is the thing, 70% approval rating for Brexit, and the rest of Europe is looking at that too.

Our Labour party became a globalist party, unconcerned by open borders and mass immigration, and the party of cancel culture, which means you eradicate your nation’s history, and teach your children in schools they should be ashamed of who they are. Working class British in their millions feel alienated by it, they desserted it and now it is dead on the floor. It won’t come back for decades. I know that lots of American conservatives have virtually been in mourning for the last six months about the situation here, and I’ve come to say, we’ve now achieved some amazing things, and you in the mid-terms can do the same because the democrats are making exactly the same mistakes, moving to the left and alienating many of their own people.

The overall European project itself, now they see that Britain’s doing well with Brexit, I don’t believe that this globalist project will even exist in 10 years time. I don’t believe that the dems will stay in power in America, and I think what you’ll see is the election of the Biden administration actually is a short-term blip. The populist movement has got a lot further to run. We’re beating globalism.

JohnM84 #fundie youtube.com

What do you mean doesn't make it any better? God nature and biology designed people to be able to have children at those ages (12-14) so those ages are obviously right ages to be having children (12-13). God nature and biology are always right and God nature and biology always know best. Also back in ancient times life expectancy was low and people didn't live long and that is why people back in ancient times had to get married and had to start having children at those ages (12-13)

JohnM84 #fundie youtube.com

You are talking nonsense. It is a biological and scientific fact that a person is both physically and mentally ready to have sex when the person reaches sexual maturity (around 12-13). It works that way for animals too. It works exactly the same for all species.

JohnM84 #fundie youtube.com

God designed people to be able to have children at those ages (12-13) so God obviously believes and thinks that people are old enough and are ready to have children at those ages.

chopppacalamari #fundie #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

There are plenty of Bigfoot. And heaps of evidence including DNA. Science relies on the theory of evolution so they have to make Bigfoot seem like a conspiracy just like Russia collusion. They have to make Giant humans skeletons disappear. So they don’t let the media talk about it. Just look up the New York Times articles from 1810 to 1920. Heaps of giant bones were found and now it is illegal to dig the burial mounds where there are more. The Bigfoot shows on tv are kept stupid to look like crazy’s. Everything down to pictures. You can’t take a quick photo anymore and have it in focus. But you used to be able to. They made it worse not better.

Living for Christ #fundie #pratt youtube.com


(Remember, these facts were written thousands of years ago):
(1) The Earth free floats in space. (Job 26:7) At the time, people thought the earth sat on a large animal.
(2) The Earth is round. (Isaiah 40:22) At the time, people thought the earth was flat.
(3) Blood is the source of life. (Leviticus 17:11) Up until the 1700s, people were bled because they thought that would get rid of their sickness. They should have listened to the Bible.
(4) Air has weight. (Job 28:25)
(5) Air has a cycle. (Ecclesiastes 1:6)
(6) There are hot water vents at the bottoms of deep seas. (Job 38:16) This fact wasn't verified until the 20th century with submarine technology.

Nigel Farage #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

This has been a constant attempt for the left to tarnish us with this racism word and it just doesn't work anymore. The real racists are actually those behind Black Lives Matter, I really mean that. What's happening through BLM and elsewhere is, we are dividing people up into different groups dividing them up on the grounds of race ethnicity gender whatever else it may be, and that is disastrous, that is destructive, that is the real racism, and I loathe it, and i want to live in a country where everybody is treated exactly the same.

Whether it was my UKIP supporters, my Brexit party supporters, Trump supporters at the rallies, these are very, very good, decent people and the more mainstream media, you know, or Hillary Clinton point fingers at them, and call them deplorable, or ignorant, or stupid, the greater their resolve to fight back.

Within 24 hours of the death of george floyd there were riots in the streets of London, so don't tell me this was a spontaneous outpouring, this was all planned, they've been waiting for the opportunity and I was disgusted.

One of the things that has changed politics in the UK has been postal voting. We've seen it abused again and again, there is no country in which this is safe, and i was trying to warn america this time last year, that if you went down this route, you know the left will always win at this, because you see, if you think you're morally superior cheating is quite an easy thing to do.

i once saw a vote box in Oldham. Unbelievably, of the thousands of ballots that were in that box, the percentage that were voting for labour was 100. That is literally impossible so, you know, that is what is keeping Sadiq Khan holding on in London is the power of that postal vote.

Jake Sargeras #ableist youtube.com

(responding to an autistic person saying he hates anti-vaxxers saying autism is worse then plagues)
You really are self-centered. Just because you've managed to function in society at least ostensibly you know midgets aren't a blight on society either, but if you ask a lot of midgets if they could have the choice of being regular sized would they take it I think most of them would say yes. As someone who has a son who is autistic I can tell you right now I'm terrified for his future. He doesn't have any relatives so when me and my wife die he'll be alone in this world he'll probably be at the mercy of some sort of government facility or state-run Care Facility, he's not capable of living on his own, so who knows what'll happen to him. But yeah it's a real affront to your sensibility because I wish that scary future wasn't awaiting him possibly.

Michele Bachmann #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

Jan. 6, we’re all told that that’s the worst day that ever happened, these were the worst riots in America. It absolutely wasn’t. It is my opinion that this was a theatrical event that the progressive left put on. The individuals who were the instigators, who brought this about, these were agitators brought in to create this problem. I believe it was specifically done to rebrand Donald Trump as being an insurrectionist and a leader of a terrorist movement. I also believe that this was done to rebrand the Make America Great agenda—because remember, that was considered extremely popular by about 80 million Americans—so they wanted to rebrand Make America Great as an evil thing and those of us who supported Donald Trump and that agenda as evil and terrorists.

That’s all a lie. In the last five months, you wouldn’t even know that Donald J. Trump was ever the president. You wouldn’t even know that those four years of his presidency existed. George Orwell wrote a book, ‘1984.’ He talked about a concept called the memory hole; if the government in charge didn’t want you to remember someone, they put them in the memory hole. Donald J. Trump has been put in a memory hole, Make America Great Again has been put in a memory hole.

Living for Christ #fundie youtube.com

Near death experiences prove Christianity! We find testimonies of former atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. claiming they died, went to the afterlife but were saved and brought back by Jesus Christ. There are countless testimonies just on YouTube alone and the people that ventured into the afterlife describe the Christian concept of life after death (heaven & hell). If NDE’s were open to interpretation, we would find testimonies of people saying that when they died, they met Allah or Muhammad or Buddha. But since we only find testimonies of people saying they were saved by Jesus, we have additional evidence that Christianity is the truth. When Muslims die, they don’t hallucinate about Allah and when Hindus die, they don’t hallucinate about reincarnation. What we see is the truth of Christianity being preached by those that died and came back. Here are some testimonies: https://goo.gl/tm4myD https://goo.gl/7RVhx1 https://goo.gl/PibnTY https://goo.gl/tghpA9 https://goo.gl/ket6gj

Living for Christ #fundie youtube.com

(Here are some prophecies that the Bible said would come to pass before the End Times): (1) People will deny that GOD created the universe and that He judged them through Noah’s flood. (2 Peter 3:3, 5, 6) Atheists are now claiming that the universe created itself out of nothing. (2) The message of the Gospel will reach all the nations. (Matthew 24:14) Remember that Christianity started out with only a few dozen followers. Jesus prophesying that His message will reach the world is proof of its divine inspiration. (3) Jews will return to Israel, their homeland. (Ezekiel 34:13) (4) Israel will be a nation for the 3rd time. (Amos 9:14-15). (5) There will be money hungry preachers that deceive Christians and lead them away from the truth. (2 Peter 2:1-3) (6) Scoffers will mock the Second Coming by claiming these signs have always been around. (2 Peter 3:3, 4)
◘ [ Speaking of end times, God gave me visions about the rapture, the antichrist, and tribulations. Obama is the future antichrist. He will be revealed after the rapture of the bride of Christ. And the rapture will be covered up by some sort of an alien abduction theory. If the rapture happens and you get left behind, remember, aliens didn’t abduct those people, God raptured those Christians to heaven. ]◘

Universe Inside You/Petra Ortiz (narrator) #crackpot youtube.com

The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Tells the True Story of Humanity

In its entirety, The Book of Enoch is made up of five books – The Book of Watchers, Book of Parables, The Astronomical Book, The Dream Visions, and The Epistles of Enoch – containing some 100 chapters. These chapters tell the story of the 7th patriarch in the Book of Genesis – Enoch, the father of Methuselah and grandfather of Noah, the same Noah in the biblical story of Noah's Ark.
Yet, this was not the biblical story of Noah's Ark. In fact, the Book of Enoch provides an entirely different recounting of the events leading up to the Great Flood of Noah's time, that is, a completely different doctrinal history. It tells a story of the Watchers, explained in biblical terms to be fallen angels, sent to earth to watch over humans at some undefined and ancient point in time. Unfortunately, far from merely watching humans, these Watchers became infatuated by human women, and in short order, began to engage in depraved sexual acts with them. The Book of Enoch tells of the children born through this interbreeding between Watchers and humans, called the Nephilim. These Nephilim were as described: "giants and savages that endangered and pillaged humanity," or, said another way, "supernatural, man-eating giants." Angered with what the Watchers had done, those described as gods chained them in a subterranean prison deep within the earth. Enoch became the go-between gods and imprisoned Watchers.

Gregg Braden #crackpot youtube.com

Hidden Beneath The Ice of Antarctica... Lost Civilization of the Pre-Adamites

Could recently melted snow caps reveal an alternative history of Earth? Explore forgotten ruins and new scientific research that may indicate the presence of a pre-Adamite civilization with advanced architecture, hidden beneath the ice. Plus, see how the mathematical codes revealed by these findings may unlock the mysterious origins of elongated skulls found in sacred resting places across the world.

turquoise770 #fundie youtube.com

this isn't compassion - it's stupidity caused by paganism. if they had the Judeo-Christian truth of the Gospel, they would be industriously raising those monkeys and turning them into livestock feed, and thus getting themselves out of poverty, but instead in their human pride they make feeding monkeys seem "holy" thus leading the rest of the community into stupidity and squalor, all the while being overrun by monkeys eating their food.

Robin Bullock #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com

Remember when Barack Obama left the presidency? He said, “Maybe we were 15 to 20 years too early.” Why would he say that? He’s talking about the demoralization period. … He said, “Maybe we were 15 or 20 years too early,” because he was a Saul Alinsky follower. He’s following the four stages of subversion.”

He thought it was gonna happen. And he thought Hillary Clinton should have stepped in, and it was demoralized, destabilize, pushed to a crisis. The crisis was COVID. That’s what it was. It was to push the nation to a crisis—COVID—and so they planned on Hillary Clinton being president right at that moment. That’s why they went berserk when Trump won. They couldn’t get over that. They said, “We got to get him out, got to get him out, got to get him out, got to get him out,” because they knew the virus was coming in 2020, and she should have been the president. And if it had been, the book of Revelation—we don’t have time to look at that—said she would have taken us into the Great Tribulation. And that’s what was planned.

mydenmel #fundie youtube.com

[in the comments of a video of a rabbi explaining why Jews don’t believe Jesus is the messiah…]

Amado Vazquez: This is so shocking to me I can't wrap my head around this .their unbelief disturbes me and shocks me to the core..they so quick to deny the Lord ,I shake with fear for them..Jesus is the only way,and the truth..Lord have mercy on us🙏

mydenmel: I mean they are the ones who betrayed Jesus back then his countrymen chanted to crucify him..... I just thought after what they have been through being horribly persecuted like what they did to Jesus I thought they’ll realize something😪🤷🏻‍♀️

FLame N FRost #racist youtube.com

@Daniel L well if we are gonna go full scale on this, the creation of isnotreal wasn't the only problem, jewish population in arab countries contained many spies during the arab israeli wars, this is the reason arab countries sent most of them to europe, as for jewish exodus in iran, they are just racist shia lol, the jewish exodus in arab countries was WAY nicer than the palestinian exodus tho

The Rooted Word #fundie #psycho youtube.com

(Note: He’s one of those guys who always tries to expose others as fake christians. At least he’s anti-calvinist, tho…)

If you have ever thought about suicide or attempted to commit suicide in this life, then you certainly do not want to go to the Lake of Burning Sulfur where every moment you beg to commit suicide and have no way to achieve it. It is a horrible situation to desire suicide and even worse to so strongly desire something that you can never complete. If you have questions about suicide and Christian belief, watch for a coming video that explains it clearly like you have never heard before.

The Lake of fire is nothing to take lightly. It is an eternal place that is bigger and more powerful than even the Devil. For that is where the Devil is cast for eternal torture and the smoke of his torture rises forever and ever. Since it was created for the Devil, imagine what it would be like for a human being to be tortured there! You DON'T want to be there. You must stop sinning! And do what is right!

LazicStefan & Digital Intent #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon #racist #sexist youtube.com

RE: Young Men Are STRUGGLING To Find Dates As Apps Force Men To Compete With Older Wealthier Men

The group doing that has their HQ in israel. The solution is bitcoin. The govt can't print that and give it to whamen. Demand bitcoin for your work and soon the system of male exploitation will end.

(Digital Intent)
But very few people can actually see this, or worse, they see it but don't want to be labeled anti-termite, or some shit like that.

Mark Stolk and Truth TV #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo youtube.com

"Exorcism, Secret Egypt Atlantis History, Mind Powers & E.T. Control" .

To find a deeper understanding of our difficult and challenging times and the great planetary changes that are currently going on and will come to pass, all due to new galactic and universal alignments, a thorough understanding of his-story and her story (which is the story of our planet earth) are essential. Many important and interesting topics re discussed in this two-hour Age Of Truth TV interview with MARK STOLK, who will dive deep and coherently into the great hidden esoteric secrets and mysteries of our world. We travel back to the time before the Great Flood, to the Golden Age of men, and to the great disaster that followed it that disconnected the majority of the human race from its universal connections. This still influence us and our culture today.

This journey, based on a thorough understanding of natural laws and solar mechanics, will lead us into a deeper understanding of Ancient Egypt, the pyramids, the growing- and hollow earth theory, giants, the human genetic mix-up, masonic symbology, religion, exocism and so much more. It will also bring us back to our time and to the great universal shift and the new gateway of evolutionary permission that is opening up right now.

Richard L. #crackpot youtube.com

The [COVID-19] Vaccine rewrites and overwrites your DNA like how in a computer files over right one's that are targeted.

Overriding and remapping your DNA.

The symptoms of numbness in the limbs and headaches is the Bio hack in progress shifting you into a docile subservient Zombie Drone.

Robin Bullock #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

This is what I’ve heard from the Lord. Homosexuality is a cover up for an evangelist. People that are in that lifestyle are really called [to be] evangelists by the Lord, and this is a spirit that attacks that to stop it. So, instead of just praying a lot of things right here, what I’m led to do is to call forth the gift of evangelism that God has placed on their lives, to come forth and it will drive that other out.

So right now, I call for the gift of evangelism, that call from God that those that are bound up in homosexuality, that the evangelist anointing will come upon their lives because that’s what they are. And we say to the evangelist inside the homosexual, “Come forth, come out of that tomb, and come forth in Jesus’ name.”

Lazarus056 #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com

(=Comon talking points of RWBY conspiracy theorists - anime fans who like to use the shows deceased creator to spread conspiracies and slander of Rooster Teeth studios. It’s often parroted by homopohbes and incels who watch the show=)

Yeah, No. Last I checked? He left CRWBY and RT. Something about being fired or he left on his own Violation.

And even if he hadn't left, that doesn't mean he knew anything of his Brother's work. You can be related to someone, but that doesn't mean they'll tell you EVERYTHING they have to you... Or even if they did, would you have listened? Or would you have left much of the story fly over your head? There are brothers and sisters who act like that to their siblings.

Miles and Kerry may say they worked with him, but you can say the same of those who worked with the likes of Stephen Hillenberg, and we see how That's Going. (Stephen Hillenberg said that Spongebob was NEVER to have a Spinoff. Guess what Nickelodeon went and did the moment Stephen Passed on from Cancer?)

So yeah, Never say "They work with this Deceased Guy, so they KNOW this Deceased Guy's works.", as more often than not, they're willing to defy the Dead Man's Wishes for their own Reasons, and none of the reasons are anything good.

You know how many excuses I saw for Monty's works? "He was Bad Story Writer", "He did not Make the Scripts", "He wasn't even the Director, but the Action Animator", "He didn't write the story", "He wasn't the one who thought up RWBY"... All those from the likes of your Ilk. They say the same things, all to Downplay Miles and Kerry's bullcrap.

And here's the BIG Kicker... RWBY the Team, was supposed to be a Sisterhood Team, Not a Couple Team like JNPR. This was straight from the mouth of Monty Oum himself, "Team RWBY is a Sisterhood, united as a FAMILY even if not by Blood."

So that begs the Question, why are you supportive of the Group that Shat all over Monty's story? You may have pirated the Series, but CRWBY still gets the Ad Revenue.

So frankly, You're still giving CRWBY the Money, you're just giving it to them from a Third Party Source. Congrats.

Huge Johnson #psycho youtube.com

( On a video about a rescued baby orangutan )

Eff these diseased monsters. They are heinous thugs. Disgusting thugs!

Maddy G: Wtf are you talking about

HJ: Apes. All apes. All monkeys as well. Nasty animals.

Various Incels #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist youtube.com

RE: Incelibate State of the Middle East and North Africa

Taking a deeper look into the 50% ethnic tax, SMV of Middle Eastern men and all the dangers awaiting them in the future.

(kira light)
I am Egyptian and I want to mention something you missed in the video of the Egyptian girls talking to the British guy who learns Arabic. One girl was asking her friends how to ask him about his religion in English. Muslim women marring non-muslim men is haram. A man she just met and she wanted to know whether she is allowed to marry him or not. That's absolutely brutal.

(Warsaw Cat)
I think there needs to be a video of latin america incels. White worshipping is unreal in there, every actor looks White/European. We often talk about rice and curry but never mention the beans.

(brad jb)

Can you make a video about women who hate white men but date and marry them?

Just go on Twitter and see all these brown and white liberal women that endlessly hate white men but if you dig in to their personal life, they are like a breeding stump for these white men.

(Kikuyu Kiiru)

When I was in high-school (in the UK), one of my friends (a white guy) was secretly dating a Pakistani Muslim girl. Her family found out, and the guy started getting death threats from her brothers/cousins/uncles. He was only like 14, as well, lmfao.

I had a bit too much schadenfreude reading that. That white boy needs to date his own.

(James Blue)
their just trying to stomp out the degeneracy of interracial dating. There's been a bunch of Muslims in the UK that have sent their daughters, nieces etc back to Pakistan because they secretly date white boys.

(Kwai Chang Caine)
This is the most honest hard hitting channel ever. Brutal is the black pill. When i was younger I always felt bad for the Asian guys because I noticed most pretty Asian girls were with which men. I didn't realize Indian and middle eastern guys were being passed over by their own women

Harold McBroom #fundie youtube.com

(Talking about polar bears that shake their heads out of boredom in captivity…)

I've seen that before in so many bears in captivity, especially suffering bears, such as those no longer amongst the living, like Arturo the Polar Bear. But as well, I've seen another bear, do the same head dance, his feet keeping in perfect rhythm with his head, was the most beautiful dance, as though he were giving glory to God thanking Him for his life, no matter what that life may bring, good moments, and bad moments. A lesson for us all, that we could give God thanks, not only in the good times, but the bad times. Another example is the life of Job in the Bible.

Pastor Shane Vaughn #wingnut #conspiracy youtube.com

[concerning allegations of sexual harassment against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo]

The reason these Democrats are now sending these women to make these allegations against Cuomo is because they need that to divert from the COVID-19 situation, where the numbers were exacerbated in certain areas and then deflated in the important areas. So now, here comes all these women out of nowhere, it happens every time. It never fails. Anytime it happens, it’s mighty funny to me how for years and years and years and years, all of these women remained silent. And then in a moment of time, they have a great epiphany and the angels of honesty visit them and anoint them with power from on high to go forth and lead the charge of bringing men to account. Well it’s a bunch of bull, it’s what it is.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: MULTICULTURALISM May Be America's Biggest WEAKNESS, Differing Cultures Can FRACTURE Societies

(Scott Free)
they only want this for America and Europe... Everywhere else can be one nationality and race by the billions and no one bats an eye..

Why is diversity our strength in white majority nations but a cause for constant war with only tiny differences in Africa?

(Sherman Ng)
Careful Timmy, lefties will call this title racist as usual. As an immigrant from Hong Kong, I absolutely agree. Not all ethnicities are compatible with each other because of different cultures, beliefs and interests.

(Ryan Yates)
Diversity isn't a strength. It's a military tactic.

(Zach Young)
Don’t look at the murder rate look at the spikes in rape in Sweden . 100% due to migrants

There are tons of us who have been saying this for years. But we were called racist.

L'Nya Williamsmoore #fundie youtube.com

It's been exposed that Disney is demonic, and used for M K mind control and Monarch programming and child SRA etc. Celebs slaves are "brand names". They are fake personas not real people, professional liars and their lives are scripted, debased demonic lonely and they live by no rules. Multiple people can play the same fake persona at the same time or switched out at different times and given another fake persona to play. They can be either sex/secret T,ethnicity or nationality and have an expiration date.
(2 Tim 3:1,13;Psalm 26:4)

Sun Key Avad #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Survey Shows Leftists Are More Likely To Have Mental Illnesses, Far Left Being The WORST

Shocker. Who would have thought that a group displying emotionalism, warped priorities, fixation on fringe issues, boogeyman paranoia and denial of reality could have higher rates of mental illness? Nobody could have predicted this. Nobody.

a MightyAdvisor of da Hebrews #fundie #crackpot #racist youtube.com

We got overthrown because OUR GOD who just happens to be the Creator of EVERYTHING allowed all these heathen, beast bloodline, dick sucking and condoner of other dick sucking nations, dog fucking, demon and demi demon worshipping- to over- take and submit US because we wanted to be like the heathens and did not follow the Commandments, Laws, and Statutes of YHWH, period! Dont Fret, its all part of a far sighted plan to save the Hebrew Israelites, the niggas, the nappy headed burnt brown people, hmmm the most talented loved yet envied people on the fucking planet... Question, whens the last you saw the world, yes the world, trying to copy and be like the fucking Sudanese? The Ethiopians,?The Somalis....NOPE! They and everyone else wants to like US, the Niggas, lol, cuz you know why? We REally ARe the HEbreW IsrAeliTes.... and its like that.... Its all prophecy and Guess what else, Christ Came Only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel! Paul was a negro, a modern day Jamaican or such..... YHWH and Christ who is a negro like the ones from the good ole cracker ass USA, HE chose US negros, not Hamites or sons of Ham, the ethiopian who is son of Cush, Egyptians or the modern Sudanese are Mizraim, and so on,,, Of course the West Africa colonies such as Camaroon, Nigeria, the Igbos/Heebos which means Hebrews, the Yorubas, The Falashas of Ethiopia, The Fulani which I am, the Lemba, are all Hebrew Israelites.................But ground fucking zero is America bottom line, starring Esau the white red man and his righteous brother Jacob aka Israel aka me and mine!, or still at war, and once the fallen ones are defeated, the negro (not the hamite, not the arab ishmaelite, not the china man) will be Forever rulers of this Earth under Christ!

Various Commenters #sexist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: New Poll Shows Almost HALF Of Women Want To Stay HOME, Not Work, Feminist Dogma Falls Apart

(Radical Moderate)
I stayed home with my sons and even homeschooled for a few years. Feminists basically dragged me for it for the last 20 years. They’re the primary oppressors of women since the 70’s. They are not stunning or brave. They’re boring and tribal.

(Sven Hans)
Jordan Peterson once mentioned a study in Scandinavia that showed as gender equality increased, women choose more and more traditional roles associated with females. It seems even when gender equality is reached, women still want to do things considered women’s work including having and raising children. This is natural and normal. We have been lied to by people who want to control us.

(Jon Hop)
Are we surprised that a man and a woman prefer their instinctual characteristics?

(Ariondys Gray)
isn't that interesting how gender exists when one wants to take a poll...

(Keith A)
My wife wishes every day she had not gone to college so we could afford to have her stay home with the babies now.

Looks what happens in Sweden where women want to nurses and men want to be engineers. No matter how hard they try, they can't get women to sit by them self looking at numbers and things instead of people.

(Joseph Roberts)
Strange how women seem to be genetically predisposed to raise and care for children...and are happier doing it. Hmm you'd think maybe that's how it should be.

(Andrew Schneider)
Ever notice that the most miserable people by far are the feminists and SJW’s? Like have you ever met one that was happy??

(Stephen Weiler)
it's almost like the old gender norms were not forced OR oppressive

jeffrey bail #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

[comment on Cornell lecture “The Children of Ash: Cosmology and the Viking Universe”]

Watch 200 proofs why we dont live on a spinning ball by eric dubay then all this will make much more sense to you!! At 30 min 20 sec that is an image from Marvel comic all cosmic images are cgi and artists impressions there are no REAL photos of space it is all a richmans trick!!!

2 with a bullet #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com

[in response to someone asking what Trump has done for America compared to other presidents like FDR, Teddy Roosevelt or JFK]

(2 with a Bullet)
made the democrats show their true agenda and exposed them for the traitors they are

(Infamous Empire)

(2 with a bullet)
simple look up agenda 2030 its on the economic forum website they openly show it also look up this years davos meeting these prices openly tell you their plan "you will own nothing and be happy about it" these are not conspiracies the crap is on their websites they plan on removing everyone from rural areas and making us all live in big smart cities and climate change is the reason they claim that humans are parasites on mother earth and we need our access to rural areas restricted

1GodOnlyOne #fundie youtube.com

1GodOnlyOne: Dismantling the belief in atheist Dogma, one tenet at a time.

All human beings, without exception, know for certain that God's unique qualities and activities are factual,
and without God, you cannot know anything at all. If you claim to believe in atheist Dogma, then the burden of proof
is 100% on you: Either produce some evidence or a reasoned argument that would lead to your silly
and incorrect worldview, or get lost. I am beating you down, intellectually: Feel the beating…. Embrace it.
Also, I hope you like being G+ blocked!

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Judge Drops Charges Against White Karen After She Completes Woke Leftist Reeducation Center Session

(Magets Alive)
"Once she had a breakthrough"
Translation: "Once she showed a sufficient quantity of self-hatred for her skin color"

(Martin Huber)

I really wanna get these free helicopter rides going

going to have to disagree with this one... I think the blood eagle is more fitting.

They hate you and want to destroy your people and thusly your culture and will not stop until we stop them.


she lied to police about being assaulted. Do understand how serious that is?

She told the dispatcher he threatened her, as he most certainly did. If I approach a woman alone in the park and tell her “I’m about to do something you’re not gonna like”, while trying to coax her dog to come to me, I have absolutely threatened her.

That isn't a threat to harm her or rob her, but just to troll her.

If my wife or daughter is alone in a park, and some strange man says that to her while trying to coax her dog away from her, it is absolutely to be taken as a threat. The crazy part about this whole thing is how she is the one who has been deemed a “Karen”, instead of the grown ass man who doesn’t even own a dog but carries treats in his pocket for the off chance he sees someone with their dog off the leash. She’s not stable, but that’s straight psycho behavior. What woman wouldn’t feel threatened by some weirdo who would do that?

There's no mocking going on here. This is one of the many reasons why there's such a vast gulf between the Right and the Left; you support anti-caucasian activities and viewpoints, then turn around and refuse to accept that those exist, or refuse to accept that it's just as bad. Hate it all you want, you cannot single out a single race for abuse while letting everyone else have pride and support, and still expect that single race to support your ideals.

Luke Howard #fundie youtube.com

I am an extreme religious person but not in the since of where I care deeply about what others do. I can say that personally I care about everyone and want the best for everyone meaning the best in a biblical sense but I also know that some or even most people deserve to burn in hell for the rest of eternity so those people are the people that I do not reply to or even try to convert. What people don't get about christianity is that even though many people claim to be Christians there is a very small population of people that identify as Christians that are actually followers of christ. I can say without a doubt that I am a follower of christ and I have been reborn and I know I will be saved but I have many friends and even family members that believe but believe just because it was the way they grew up and it was how they were raised. I am not one of these because I searched for truth and I found it in the bible not what the church said. When your a Christian/follower of christ you have to be very strong and sturdy and never stray away from the truth and if you have read the bible jesus calls himself the way, the truth and the life and I'm here to serve God not man.

Luke Howard #fundie #pratt youtube.com

true but at the same time the bible makes more sense if you look at how life is. The scientists wanna always shove evolution down your throat even though biologically human are closer to a pig's anatomy than they are a chimps anatomy. There is no common ancestor between chimps and humans. That is my take but I agree with what you said in this life we will never know 100% if evolution is real or not simply because we have to interpret data from the past and considering how time works we won't ever be able to go back to the past. (Well maybe in back to the future but you know what I mean lol)

David, Truthisfreedom light & Interro #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

RE: TIME Magazine Claims An Elite Cabal Conspired To Stop Trump From Winning, Manipulating Laws And News


They celebrate the news as though defenders of Democracy saved the day. They call it the Shadow Campaign that "saved" the 2020 election.

Today is a great day. We are no longer conspiracy theorists. Everyone of us should buy a print copy of this issue, or copy the story from the website.

(Truthisfreedom light)
Yes make copies of that article. it is a revelation of what they did. THAT WAY THEY CAN'T SAY THAT YOU ARE SPREADING FALSE INFORMATION.

They are the MANIPULATIVE ones.. God made them tell.on themselves!

God knows the wicked left are following in the footsteps of tyrannical regimes before them

Democrats are copying the same playbook of Hitler sailing in mouth they think they're so slick.


Do not be ashamed the Lord thy God is with those to love the truth and stand for the truth.


Did you bother to read the article? All this video proves is that Tim Pool is not a very good reader, or that he ran with a poor reading for the views.

Nice fascist interpretation my friend! I read the article the day it came out and it confirmed so much about this election! You are a fascist that support gaslighting the people!

Me Too #crackpot #wingnut youtube.com

Today I was thinking: Government needs to have no currency issuing powers whatsoever. They should not be able to debase our currency and we should be able to choice a currency which is fully separate from the state for that reason. I suppose I'm saying we need private currency like BTC (if that could get its act together and stop being a Ponzi to devalue the USD)

Litigious Society #wingnut youtube.com

(YouTube Commenter)
In a free society there wouldn't be anything like a WHO or CDC. There would be competing organizations with different views on the disease, different recommendations, and most importantly voluntary funding. The media also would never have become as political or corporatist as it is.

Hardly any business owner or laborer is going to voluntary fund an organization that demanded their business or place of employment be forcibly closed for arbitrary reasons.

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