
Dr Jordan B Peterson #wingnut twitter.com

Are the moderate @TheDemocrats finally willing to admit

That lying in bed with anti-human
Radical progressive postmodern bro-Marxists

Might not be wise?

"Wrong. Disgraceful. Repugnant." --

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on how the White House sees the handful of House progressives who are calling for a cease-fire in Gaza or expressing concern about civilians on "both sides":

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

I’m sure most people, whether Christian or non-Christian are horrified at the thought of child sacrifice. And yet, in reality that is not so. Child sacrifice is carried out in our modern world in numbers that make child sacrifice numbers of past cultures look small. There is a slaughter of children going on daily across the world. Yet it is claimed by many there is no such slaughter.

If people today were found sacrificing children, as the Canaanites and others did in the Old Testament, I’m sure the public and its elected officials would be aghast. Such people would be prosecuted for brutality and murder.

It is my contention that in essence abortion is another form of child sacrifice! And because killing children in the womb has been wholeheartedly supported by many politicians and others, they are condoning murder. Yes, this is the slaughter of the innocents that is a holocaust of immense proportions.

@KevinaFaga #transphobia #conspiracy twitter.com

I have an idea for a state sponsored eugenics plan and wanted to hear everyone's thoughts.

Goals are as follows:

* Achieve an extremely gender conforming society. For example, little girls should have long hair and be into performative femininity and boys should have short hair and display an appropriate level of masculinity

* Achieve a heteronormative society, or at least the appearance of one, by treating gender non conformity and same sex attraction as an affliction that can be corrected

* Sterilize as many mentally unwell and same sex attracted children and adults as possible. Gender non conformity should be treated like a disease using catchy phrases like "born in the wrong body".

* Encourage the targeted demographic to volunteer for "treatment" (aka sterilization). And while the state won't force children afflicted with gender non conformity or mental illness to sign up for the program, the state reserves the right to forcibly remove children from homes where parents disagree with "treatment".

* Comprehensive marketing should be pushed to all government funded agencies, including schools, universities and hospitals, to encourage citizens to promote and defend the program. Care should be taken to use phrases that minimize what is actually occurring, such as "gender affirming care" rather than "elective double mastectomy".

* Ostracize, defame, de-platform and potentially detain those who oppose the state's plan.

* Find corporate sponsors that will help us sponsor and promote this program, it's fine if they benefit from it as well.

Does anyone think the general populace would fall for something like this?

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Hearing news of war is always very sobering and should make us cry out to our God who is sovereign over everything.

We are aghast at the shocking evil and hatred levelled against the Jewish people. We know God is Sovereign, but God has given us the powerful tool of prayer. We need to cry out to the Lord that He will stop these terrorists and their murderous rampage.

“In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.” (Psalm 18:6)

War is a vivid and heart-breaking reminder that we live in a fallen world and that, until Jesus returns, evil is a daily occurrence. As we see the horrifying videos and images coming out of Israel, with more to come in the days and weeks ahead, let’s remember to pray for:

The nation of Israel and wisdom for her leaders;
Those who are committing and have already committed so many horrible atrocities;
Those who have been taken captive and their families;
The families of those who have already lost loved ones;
And that God would use this horrific event to bring people in Israel, Palestine, and around the world to the saving knowledge of his Son, Jesus.

I can’t imagine the heartbreak of people who have lost loved ones as a result of these heinous acts.

We have to remember our sin caused this. We experience the results of our sin each day as we see death, disease and suffering all around us. It’s not God’s fault that the world groans like this, it’s our fault.

And that’s why we need to do what we can to help our family (yes, we’re all one family) who are suffering as a result of this terrible war.

We, in Adam, committed high treason against the God of creation. That’s why we are all under the judgment of death. We deserve nothing, and yet God loves us so much He provided a gift of salvation for those who will receive it.

“but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:3–4).

Christopher F. Rufo , Dr Jordan B Peterson & @ThinkForYo #wingnut #racist twitter.com

( Christopher F. Rufo )
Here are some of the current Harvard courses on "decolonization," promoting theories of "anticolonial struggle" and "how BIPOC communities forged [intersectional] solidarities to rebel against global white supremacy."

In practice, decolonization means Gaza-style violence.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
This is all part of
how we maintain our
Commitment to suppressing free speech

( @ThinkForYo )
Dr. Peterson, as usual, you are correct. These courses are designed to turn people against the United States and how it was formed. They are nothing but propaganda to encourage Marxism. It is so sad what this country has become. Those of us are still patriotic Americans, however, will still fight for our country, no matter what these liberal Marxists do.

Donald Trump Jr. #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

As we perpetually indoctrinate our children with weakness, feminize our boys, attack masculine men, glorify trans insanity, etc. just understand that one day the savages you see brutally attacking innocent civilians in the streets of Israel will be on your front door & you and your loved ones will have ZERO capability of defending themselves. That’s the future the left is creating for you.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Four scientists, three from China and one from Massachusetts, once published an article entitled “Biomechanical Characteristics of Hand Coordination in Grasping Activities of Daily Living” in the journal PLOS ONE. In their article they mentioned that “our study can improve the understanding of the human hand and confirm that the mechanical architecture is the proper design by the Creator for dexterous performance of numerous functions following the evolutionary remodeling of the ancestral hand for millions of years” (emphasis mine). Near the end of the paper, the researchers added, “Hand coordination should indicate the mystery of the Creator’s invention.”

Now it’s even possible that the authors meant that nature (or evolution) was the Creator! Some people use such wording about nature/evolution.

When it became known that the word Creator was used, the outrage on the Internet and social media was swift and fierce. People bemoaned the “unacceptable,” “harmful disgrace,” “absolute joke,” and “sloppy job” of the editors and their journal for allowing this word to go through. Some secularists threatened to boycott the open-access journal, and some editors declared that they would resign if the article wasn’t retracted. The intolerance shown by the secularists over the use of the word Creator in the article was astonishing. The very idea that there could be an intelligence behind life was so unacceptable and was expressed with such anger that it only exposed how passionate secularists are in defending their religion of humanism and naturalism (atheism).

Dr. Abby Johnson #wingnut twitter.com

We murder millions of children in the womb every single year. Think of all the accomplishments and amazing things those people would’ve grown up to do… We may have aborted the cure to cancer or Alzheimer’s, a fantastic leader, or an inventor.

Abortion is devastating.

James Esses & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( James Esses )
It’s not “anti-trans”, Tom. It’s pro-reality, pro-child safeguarding, pro-women’s rights and pro-free speech.

Sunak in most anti-trans statement yet:

“We shouldn’t be bullied into thinking anyone can be any sex that they want to be. A man is a man and a woman is a woman, that is just common sense.”

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
A woman
Is a surgically

Or else

Going not for the throat
But for the

Ray Comfort #fundie twitter.com

New World Coming

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Luke 11:2

Atheists often complain about the God in whom they don't believe. They point to children with cancer or the many who are starving and say that God is evil for creating such suffering. There is much irony here. Not only do they not believe in God, but they also deny His explanation for suffering. As a result, they are left with no God to blame and no explanation. The Bible says that we live in a fallen creation. It was when sin entered the world through Adam that it brought with it disease, suffering, and death. Everywhere we look we see evidence of the Genesis curse. Fortunately, because of the cross, we have a glorious and won-derful hope. It is because the coming kingdom will have no sin; there will be no suffering. Ever. No disease, no tears, and no pain. We will inherit this whole earth without the curse and will have pleasures forevermore. That's when we will see God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. “Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13).

Do I ever dwell on the joys of the coming kingdom? Take a few minutes and think about the glorious hope we have in Christ.

Father, please send a worldwide revival, then hasten your coming.

*** From, Jesus in Red (365 daily devotions).
Available http://LivingWaters.com or wherever good books are sold.

Dr. Abby Johnson #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

When we took God and prayer out of schools, the schools started indoctrinating our kids

When we took God out of our lawmaking, we started ignoring morality

When we took God out of our politics, the country started deteriorating

Bring God back into our country’s decision making

Leopards Eating Faces Award

Wesley Yang & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( Wesley Yang )
“Misgendering” is really the foundational civil liberty. When lying about reality becomes compulsory, no one is free.

"I am the one being punished for speaking truth."

Powerlifter April Hutchinson says she's being threatened with suspension for calling trans athlete Anne Andres a biological male.

@Lea_Christina4 | @piersmorgan | @TalkTV | #PMU

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
or else!

Deluded trans narcissists
brandishing their fetish
as if it were
virtue itself

Dr. Abby Johnson #wingnut twitter.com

Gavin Newom has replaced Dianne Feinstein with the President of EMILY’s list, a fundraising machine for pro-abortion political candidates.

The fact that the left gloats, encourages and celebrates the death of children in the womb should tell you everything about them.

Rep. Lauren Boebert #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Today we had the first of many hearings in the Impeachment Inquiry of Commander and Thief, Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is a liar, and a criminal. Joe and Hunter Biden worked together to enrich the Biden Crime Family by selling Joe’s influence as Vice President to members of the CCP and billionaire oligarchs.

This is only the beginning.

Charlie Kirk #wingnut twitter.com

Extremely popular Signature Room in Chicago is now closed. Lockdowns, high crime, safety issues, over 30% vacancy rates on the Magnificent Mile, and the downfall of Chicago cited as major factors.

Democrat single party control will destroy everything good and beautiful. The vermin never build, only destroy.


Vivek Ramaswamy & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( Vivek Ramaswamy )
If a boy thinks he’s a girl, that’s a mental health condition. Affirming his confusion at school isn’t compassion. It’s cruelty. Parents have the right to know.

Vivek Ramaswamy TRIGGERS The View When He DECLARES Transitioning Kids is CRUEL!

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
"Gender affirming therapy"
Is not about gender
It affirms nothing but delusion
And to term it "therapy"
Is an anti-truth


Matt Walsh #transphobia twitter.com

This is huge. Our ban on child mutilation has been upheld. When we passed the bill, trans activists gloated that they would easily get it overturned in court. Who’s gloating now you child butchering ghouls?

This evening, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the district court’s preliminary injunction in L.W. v. Skrmetti. As a result, Tennessee’s law that protects children from irreversible gender-related medical interventions remains in effect.

Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

If you will swallow
A mutilated man
Is a woman
You will swallow

And that's
The point

Guess who

"No sex please, we're anthropologists." Apparently, talk of sex is dangerous & harmful to anthropologists. A panel I was slated to participate in, at the annual meeting of @americananthro, was just cancelled. See the cancellation letter, & our response. 👇🏽 @eweissunburied

Dr Jordan B Peterson #biphobia twitter.com

Thank God
For the Legacy Media



In honor of Bisexual Visibility Day (also called Celebrate Bisexuality Day), we’ve compiled a list of some of the most noteworthy books featuring sexually fluid characters and themes from the past century.

Kevin Sorbo #wingnut twitter.com

Imagine you tried to lock your front door to stop intruders and Biden came with a key saying “that’s inhumane,” and forced you to keep your door open. That’s what’s happening at our border right now.

Dr. Abby Johnson #wingnut twitter.com

Pro-abortion supporters will say they care about bodily autonomy while not caring at all about the body of the unique human being growing inside of the womb.

These people are willing to lie and deny science to push their pro-murder agenda.

Diane Yap #racist twitter.com

I've been told repeatedly that police don't hassle me because I have "privilege" -- implying that it's unearned.

It was earned. By every person who looks like me and *didn't* commit crimes. Thanks to you, I almost never "fit the description" and am not considered a threat.

Hatueydeguanaba #racist twitter.com

"On Thursday night, April 1, 66-year-old Mehmood Ansari collapsed and died shortly after being robbed by a knife-wielding 12-year boy during a confrontation with multiple juveniles who were rampaging through his store"

Reply: Its sad but folks had very valid reasons to fear tamir rice & latasha harlins..both initiated violence. Rice pointed a realistic toygun. Harlins brutally attacked & whipped an old korean lady a-la kuntekinte. Black youth are far more often racist oppressors than victims of racism

Mayor Glenn Jacobs aka Kane #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Just a reminder. Even during the early days of the pandemic, some of us were calling out the disastrous government reaction. We were accused of wanting to murder grandma and labeled menaces to society. Meanwhile, people like Anthony Fauci, who lied about everything from masks to the origins of the virus, still pop up on TV occasionally. When will they be held accountable for the damage they wrought?

Vladimir Solovyov #wingnut #psycho twitter.com

War is a much more natural state for man than peace is. It sounds awful, it sounds sad. “No, no, no. What are you talking about?” Stop saying that. It’s for that very reason that when blokes end up at war, however strange it sounds, they suddenly recognize that this is their destiny. War turns out to be so much more natural for a human being that everybody can find a place for themselves in the ranks and begins to live this war. And however strange and horrifying it sounds, ven to feel comfortable.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Have you noticed that those who claim tolerance can be the most intolerant of all?

Intolerance against Christians’ freedom to express their Christian worldview is increasing from secularists who are in positions of authority in education, research, and so on.

What happens when you briefly reference the Creator (without even specifically explaining who this Creator is) in a scientific paper for a secular publication? Well, watch out, for intolerant secularists will become incensed and get the paper censored.

Fortunate Ben #enbyphobia twitter.com

(for context: battle for dream island and inanimate insanity is a animated series about sentient talking objects and this guy is getting pissy because some of the characters are non-binary)
BFDI really shouldn’t be promoting this gender and pronoun nonsense. It just promotes nothing but narcissism and harmful delusions, especially among young and impressionable ones.
#bfdi #bfb #bfdia #tpot #osc
Nor should Inanimate Insanity be doing this either. #inanimateinsanity #ii #osc

Scarlett Johnson , Dr Jordan B Peterson & Corner of Common Sense #transphobia #fundie twitter.com

( Scarlett Johnson )
Gender Ideology has no limiting principles. If left unchallenged, it devolves to the point of savagery. Why?
It is a religion without a God.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
There's always a god

Named or

Manifest or

Heavenly or

( Corner of Common Sense )
The alphabet community exposes their "god" sometimes...

Think of them marching together with satanists.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

When I was answering the question who Cain’s wife was on a radio talk show, an atheist told me I was immoral for saying close relations married in early history. But can an atheist make that claim?

Secularists frequently accuse Christians of behaving “immorally” and religion of being “evil.” But such objections bring up an interesting question: how do secular humanists or atheists define evil and morality and by what authority do they make such statements?

For the atheist or secular humanist, there is no foundation for morality besides his or her own subjective opinion. These individuals often throw around words such as evil, immoral, moral, or ethical, often in the context of Christianity or Christian individuals. They will say things such as “religion is evil” or that teaching creation to children is “child abuse,” but what do they mean by these phrases?

In their worldview, what makes anything immoral or wrong? Really it boils down to nothing more than their opinion. They claim that something is wrong. But who is to say that their opinion is the right one? After all, there are many different opinions on what is right and wrong. Who decides which one is right and which one is wrong?

Klaus Arminius #racist twitter.com

Algeria expelled 1 million French (10% of its total population) under 3 years.

Tunisia expelled a 250,000 French, while Morocco expelled 500,000 Spaniards (7% and 5% of their respective populations).

Uganda expelled 30,000 Indians.

Nothing is ever impossible or too late.

Mia & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( Mia )
When people of the future look back at this despicable moment in history when we allowed teenage girls to sacrifice healthy body parts on the altar of gender, this image will be one of the exhibition pieces to demonstrate the true depravity of the era. What an utterly sick and twisted nation Canada is for allowing this individual to practice medicine.

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
This is psychopathically detestable

For life
No parole

For crimes against humanity

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