
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Queen An-Ra, Grand Council of New Earth Council, and I am also the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition.

The Galactic Light Forces with Ashtar Command are stationed around Earth’s orbit to protect humans from space attacks, nuclear threats and so on.

Today, I want to discuss important topics related to your planet. Please, take my words seriously. I am communicating on behalf of millions of Light Beings and as the representative of the New Earth Council. All of the negative outworlders are gone from Mother Earth, after receiving an ultimatum to leave or otherwise they would be striped from their souls. Right now on Earth there are no Reptilians. The only ones left are the dark souls in human bodies, the controllers.

The 3D shell of your planet is ready to be dropped anytime into Cosmos. We had many meetings regarding the Old Earth, and after many deliberations all of the Galactic Councils agreed that it should be returned into its original state of molecules, which means the 3D version of this planet will completely disappear into space and nothing will be left of it.
The planet is going to look very similar to Earth. The human civilization will be moved without them even knowing that they are on a new planet. Everything will look the same, everyone will have the same place the lived on Earth. There still will be medications, religions, countries and ect. The only differences will be that humanity will have no weapons at all on the planet. No guns, tanks and no nuclear weapons, and they also will not have any memory of weapons, it will be erased from their minds.
Divine continues to breakdown the Matrix. The distortions and glitches are going to continue to occur. The ones who are playing a game of good guys, they can’t hide anymore their true intentions. Sending non stop spaceships to explore the Cosmos and create colonies on other planets are not going to work with 3D mentality.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

The Emerald Guardians' recent reclamations of the Tiamat Logos generated the Emerald Order Melchizedek Solar Templar shields for Universal Gender Principle corrections; a 13:13 Cosmic Twinned Monad Emerald Masculine Star Templar and Blue Feminine Star Templar for realigning the authentic universal male-female star couplings in the original Sun-Star networks with Ascended Master Capstone Codes. The retrieval of authentic Capstone Codes opened the Cosmic Mother Elaysan Cathedral for playing Elohei-Lyran Harp musical tones from several Tantriahura Mother Stream and Father Stream fields merging with Blue Rainbow Arc, White Rainbow Arc and Violet Rainbow Arc plasma lotus flowering instruction sets for bridging the Emerald Timekeeper Quadrata for the Primary Gender Twin Flames in the Diamond Sun hierogamic union templates. These are required for Cosmic Dragon Starhuman embodiment sequences opening into the Universal Temple of Khemalohatea, which further gives birth to the Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea, for the purpose of the reclamation of Universal Twin Flames transmigration into the God Worlds, while igniting the Camelot portal architecture throughout the planetary grid network.
When this higher knowledge of the Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea was lost during the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion, Khem became known as a sun god, alchemically transformed into Osiris through Enki, with his sister counterpart in the role of lunar matrix goddess Isis. It was from this unholy union of NAA red cube and red shielded cloned imposters that they were embodied as the capstone for the 7D inverted Violet Ray for the Saturnian blood cults of the Red Trident, hence the Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon was developed and became the favorite obsession of the luciferian bloodline controllers to manifest their anti-human agendas as they were being protected by these invading alien gods.

TourdeForce #ufo #magick #conspiracy genius.com

Aryan Reptilian Lyrics

Do you believe in reptilian gods
Hidden in the fourth dimension?
They survived strange eons
Traveling in space and time
Is insignificant for them
More time
Is what we crave for

All I wanna do tonight
Is ritualistic sex
With the green-eyed china girl, tonight
We are going to evoke the evil
I will taste the reptile blood tonight

There is no power without knowledge
The path of a new world order
Rock the fella and rotten child
The sickest of all bloodlines
Money killed every kind of dignity
They cheaply buy
Our unconscious obedience
Close to snatch their deadly spell
I nearly perceive their shape
They live for blood sacrifice
I will give ‘em blood and sperm
They’re thirsty and they don’t have emotions
They’re moving, here, now
To possess our mind

There is a scanning eye into the pyramid
Psychic parasites
Six is the number of deception
Conscience obnubilation
Now the ancient wise giants
Sleep in swampy tombs

The Angels via Ann Albers #magick #ufo #psycho voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

One of the questions we hear most often in heaven is, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" "Why do God and the angels not intervene and save people from the cruelty of others?" "Why does God not destroy those who wish to destroy others?"

You projected yourselves into your 3D reality because you wanted the adventure of creation. You were eager to immerse yourself in the vast diversity of life on earth. You knew that as you witnessed different things, behaviors, people, and situations, you would be inspired to create—through your focus and tuning—as never before. You knew you would call love from the intangible realms into this reality and, therefore, be part of the continuing creation of this reality. You were eager. You knew you'd have free will.
In your 3D world, babies appear helpless. They are not yet mobile, verbal, or able to care for themselves. However, in the energetic reality, these brilliant souls are already emitting vibration.

This begs the question, "Why are some babies born sick?" "Why are some born into unthinkable wars?" From the 3D perspective, this seems unjust, but the universe operates in a vibrational dance. Vibration does not punish and reward as you do in your human reality—vibration matches or not. A radio tuned to FM does not punish the AM signals by ignoring them. It simply cannot receive the differing signal due to its very nature. It can focus only on FM wavelengths.
While immersed in 3D reality, it is difficult to understand that the eternal dance is more important to the soul than a possible, temporary experience of pain or challenge. Nonetheless, you are eternal souls. Some of you embraced challenges willingly as part of your pre-birth plans, and some of you embrace challenges that result from simply focusing too often on vibrations less than loving, that don't feel good, to begin with.

Nella Adriana Čorak-Šebetić #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy radiant-living.net

Here are a few tidbits about this blood thing. In ALL blood groups there exists a common microbe that in essence is THE LIFE FORCE ITSELF. During experiments that our team conducted we heated the blood to 700 degrees F and also put it in Liquid Nitrogen. This microbe which is visible only with a highly modified dark field microscope that was custom built for us was STILL ALIVE. We have also tested this on ´mummy dust´. This microbe is STILL alive after 5000 years plus when the mummy dust is placed in a ph perfect solution the same as the “live blood”, it returns back to ´life´.

The Draco (Reptilian) with the “O” RH-blood has unique properties because of the polarity of the blood cells. Blood is electrically/magnetic/chemical based. The relationship of all three must be kept at a specific PH balance of 7.0 to 7.2.

The main reason for this has to do with cellular/genetic/galactic memory of blood. This is coded into the entire structure of the blood. All the emotions that the donor has felt during his entire lifetime are part of the blood. This cannot be filtered out. For example if you get a heart of a man who died in a car accident, all the cells of that organ have the memory of the accident and every emotion that was felt while dying. These emotions confuse your own coding and then mass internal confusion happens at the cellular level and the order turns into chaos. No shrink at $100 per hour is gonna fix that, ever.

Many “O” RH-negative people on the planet are also holding karma from the Draco Empire. Some of you have chosen to come to earth to help balance that karma.

Our world-wide team, over a 10-year time period have gathered hundreds of thousands of blood samples. We are only now beginning to understand what is happening to humans, as indicated by blood-types, as Earth nears Nexus.

Charlie Shamp #crackpot #fundie #magick charismanews.com

Horror movies often portray the intriguing yet satanic world of vampires and shape-shifting demons—what prophet Charlie Shamp often refers to as "werewolf spirits."

But Shamp says these entities are not just fictional, they represent real spiritual forces that seek to deceive, drain and oppress us as believers. Shamp says it is essential—especially in this season where the demonic day of Halloween is celebrated not only by secular people and pagans but also by believers in Jesus Christ—to be vigilant, discerning and equipped to combat their influences.

"We need to know how to identify the characteristics of these spiritual entities and to identify their presence," Shamp says, the founder of Destiny Encounters International. "Most importantly, we need to know how to guard ourselves against their deceptive tactics and to address the occultic connections and dangers associated with the involvement of occultic practices.

"But fear not. We are not left defenseless in this spiritual battle. We must cultivate a strong spiritual foundation through prayer, through worship, through Bible study and reliance upon the Holy Spirit. We can recognize and resist the deceptive tactics of these spiritual entities and we can help others find freedom and victory in their own lives."

Shamp says the key passage of Scripture in doing this is Proverbs 30, beginning with verse 12, "There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes and yet it is not washed from its filthiness. There is a generation, oh how lofty are there eyes and their eyelids are lifted up. There is a generation whose teeth are as swords and their jaw, teeth, as knives to devour the poor from off the earth and the need from among men."

Michael Lake #fundie #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy armageddonbooks.com

In the ancient plains of Shinar, an evil was born: the first world king, the prototype transhuman, the ultimate despot, the Son of Perdition--Nimrod. In Babylon, the Son of Perdition devised the Shinar Directive: the enslaving of himanity and the war against the God of Heaven. God's intervention at the Tower of Babel only delayed Nimrod's hellish plans. As the powers of Mystery Babylon gather to create the new Tower of Babel and to prepare for the Son of Perdition's return, Heaven is issuing a clarion call to the Remnant: Know the strategies of the enemy, untangle yourself from them, and become the victorious Church! It is time for the Remnant to wake up, discern the times, and be infused with Heaven's power to withstand The Shinar Directive!

You will discover:

How God reveals the end from the beginning in His Word
How the conspiratorial view of history is the most biblical one
How Mystery Babylon has been working over the millennia to see the fulfillment of Nimrod's plan
How the Elite are using the resourses and governments of the world to prepare for Nimrod's return:
Financial systems to enslave mankind
Political systems to control the nations
Watcher technologies to empower their agendas
Mind control to draw humanity from God and to chain each person to the Antichrist
Transhumanism to build Nimrod's final army
How God used the apostle John to reveal the end of days to us and to teach us how to survive them!
Michael Lake holds doctorates in theology and religious education, and he is the chancellor and founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary. In 1995, Dr. Lake and his family found themselves in the crosshairs of an all-out attack from the occult community. During the spiritual conflict that lasted for over a decade, he turned his research skills toward understanding the occult, their hidden governance of the nations, their tactics for manipulating and controlling the Church, the reality of mind control, and The Shinar Directive.

LA Marzulli/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In his second interview on Exopolitics Today, LA Marzulli discusses his most recent film, On the Trail of the Nephilim: Out of Place Artifacts, which is based on fieldwork into out-of-place artifacts (ooparts) that he asserts are physical evidence of the Nephilim (aka ancient giants) on Earth. He discusses the Vatican’s Obelisk, Peruvian artifacts, Nephilim Lance, and other ooparts he investigated in his film.

Marzulli discusses with Dr. Michael Salla the possibility that the Nephilim are avatar bodies for ancient extraterrestrial visitors and that they are a factor in the modern-day Israel-Palestine conflict. Marzulli makes the case that some Nephilim are still active in the Gaza Strip, and the current conflict echoes biblical battles between ancient giants and Israelites. He also responds to questions about a third force involving Satanists (aka Draco Reptilian worshipers) that are manipulating the different parties in the Israel-Palestine conflict to manufacture loosh energy for their extraterrestrial overlords.

Marzulli also discusses another documentary he recently completed, Cattle Mutilations – The Calling Card of Darkness, and answers questions on how cattle mutilations relate to agreements reached between the Eisenhower administration and Gray extraterrestrials. Finally, Marzulli responds to reports of positive extraterrestrials and how that fits into his research into the Nephilim and Book of Enoch.

David Wilcock and Chris Beskar #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon thedisclosure.com

Your definitive proof of our Conscious Universe and the keys to your ascension.
delivered by David Wilcock and special guest aerospace insider Chris Beskar


Join David Wilcock and aerospace insider Chris Beskar for a mind-blowing, insider experience of the Sacred Science of the Michael Prophecies like none other!
Don’t have time to read Michael Prophecies? You can get all the details here — and so much more.

Already read The Michael Prophecies? Prepare to be blown away, as David added many new details — while Chris shares mind-blowing insider secrets.

You will learn how the universe is built from sacred geometry — from the quantum to the macroscopic level — and how this proves that we live in a Conscious Universe with multi-dimensional life. Never before has such a dazzling array of metaphysical insights been put together in one package!

Part One: The Law of One and the Living Cosmos
Part Two: NASA’s Great Solar Flash Cover-Up — Angels and Demons
Part Three: Human ET Visitations and the Edgar Cayce Prophecies
Part Four: Sacred Fractal Geometry in the Quantum Realm
Part Five: Cosmic Macro-Geometry and Law of One Prophecies
Part Six: The Mayan Calendar as a Doomsday Clock/Ascension Clock
Part Seven: Genetic Geometry and Energetic Evolution
Part Eight: Time-Traveling Dinosaurs
Part Nine: Biblical ETs and the Geometry of Mind
Bonus: Desperately Seeking Sasquatch

The digital versions of all seven Michael Prophecies books.

The Spirit of the Michael Prophecies, a new series of upcoming videos in which David will go through the books and read the most stunning prophetic statements.

Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get this Grand Overview at a temporarily discounted rate



Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

The previous epoch was more advanced than we are today

What are called fireplaces did not have fire
Fire would have ruined the pure white marble with black soot

The old world was heated and cooled with radium and mercury
That acted as resonators

Rebar and metal backing connected to ether antennas
The chimney did not have a long open tunnel for smoke
Because there was not any smoke

It is easy to deceive people
But it is not easy to make them realize they have been fooled

The belief that humans walk upside down on a spinning ball
Is espoused by the general public with great ferocity

It is unconceivable to the masses that they are being lied to in such a dramatic way
They believe everything they see on the news
The idea that Hamas is a construct of the ruling elite does not enter their minds

The idea that we should not be chopping up animals and eating them is met with great resistance
The idea that the moon is artificial technology is not accepted

The notion that the pyramids are evidence of past advanced civilizations is greeted with incredulity
The notion that eclipses are the result of fakery is not entertained

When the doomsday scenario is rolled out
People are not going to think it is holographic imagery

We are not living in the time frame we are led to believe
Superior knowledge would be needed to create the buildings of the past

The fact that free energy was universal in the former world
Will not sink into the mind of the average person

The fact that our weather is controlled
Will go against everyone shouting climate change

The correct notion that petrified forests are the quick result of high electrical charge
And not the slow evolution of minerals over millions of years is met with disbelief

Allow yourself to transcend limiting thought patterns
Visualize a benevolent world where love reigns

Send a powerful signal to the universe
Compassion is the highest vibrational frequency
Indifference is the lowest
You are divine
Exercise your potential

The Armchair Prophet #racist #wingnut #magick #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Truly, the Palestinians are the victims of a long planned and highly organized ritual satanic human sacrifice by the Synagogue of Satan.
First, that the Zionist State of Israel purposefully chose 10/7 to begin this odious and satanic mass human sacrifice the very day after the Jewish Fall Feasts were concluded on October 6, 2023. Which makes the Israeli Zionist perpetrators the high priests conducting this execrable and vile sacrifice. Which will inevitably set them up for their biggest fall from power since biblical history first began. It’s already a proven reality that Israel had very few friends within the world community of nations prior to 10/7; and now they have even fewer. After all, what self-respecting country or people would ever want to associated — in any way — with a such a savage and bloodthirsty nation? Yes, the ZOGs of the US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, but that’s to be expected.

Second, that the Palestinians have unwittingly sacrificed themselves for the purposes of enlightening the entire planetary civilization to the profound evil and satanic nature of the Zionist State of Israel. The key word here is “unwittingly”. The now daily massacres of the Palestinians at the hands of their Zionist oppressors are being seen and heard and felt the world over. And, this will sacrifice have soon have severe and swift repercussions for those incorrigible practitioners of satanic mass ritual human sacrifice. For this ancient ritual of making human sacrifice goes back to the very first tribes of Israel; although they have kept this dirty little secret very quiet throughout the modern age … until now, that is.
Now that the apartheid nation-state of Israel has completely removed its mask and exposed the BEAST that it really is, countries everywhere are rejecting it as an exceedingly dangerous rogue entity brazenly capable of doing any evil or iniquity—ANYTHING!

Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey #crackpot #wingnut #racist #magick #conspiracy americaistheoldworld.com

The Amurru Washitaw Dedugdahmoundyah Muurs (Moors) were originally a group of priests from the Egypt of the west (Old Egypt), also known as the Dogon/Olmecs/Mayans. The term Washitaw is a corruption of Ursahtaw, the father and mothers of the mystics. In Egyptian, Ursahtaw is Urrashet, the winged sun disk, which symbolizes the highest knowledge, the pineal gland being open.

The Sumerian god, “Amurru,” is actually the origin to words like Amaru/Ameru/Ameri, which are root words to America (Amurru-Ka). America is actually a corruption of Amen-Ra-Ka. It’s strange how everything comes from the Egypt of the West, which is old Egypt. Read my post that I did on Facebook years ago that proves that Egypt was also in the Americas, because the god Ptah (a pre-dynastic Egyptian deity /Atlantean god) is from the Americas. Yes, Ptah (Judah) is from the Americas because his Territory was Ptah/Utah/Judah territory which covered Mexico and several states: California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas. Additionally, Ptah was also the chief god of Luxor in Memphis, Tennessee, which was in the Americas
The Amurru Washitaw Dedugdahmoundyah Muurs (Moors) lay claim to the following land by and through bloodline: de bourbon Estate, also known as The Emperial International Estate of the Bourbon Hapsburg Empire which includes Western Europe: The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switerland, Germany, Italy, Sicily, Naples, Sardina, Spain, and Portugal. As well as most of North America and Caribbean in addition to Central and South America; and all of North America west of the Emperial Demarcation Line (1713) or British Royal Proclamation Line (1763).
The Washitaw Muurs enjoy diversity of citizenship jurisdiction, because they are a nation within a nation. All Washitaw Muurs enjoy dual citizenship status. They are citizens of the United States of America, not the United States, and citizens of the Washitaw Nation.

Raanra #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

42:19 – 47:52 :


34:11 – 42:19 :


21:34 – 24:31 :

Who Are THE REAL CURRENT OPPRESSORS OF HUMANITY? How Was ENLIL Involved? What About Russia? Is “Vladimir Putin” Good Or Bad?

19:09 – 21:57 :

What’s Up With CHINA? How Is it Going To End For CHINA?

24:31 – 30:12 :

What About The MED BEDS? How Was EA (EA = ENKI) Involved With The Creation Of MED BEDS? Who Will Be Prioritized In Receiving MED BED THERAPY? What About AGE REJUVENATION? Is There Another Option For AGE REJUVENATION For Older People, Who Are In Good Health, And Therefore Not Top Priority For Med Bed Therapy?

0:58 – 21:32 :

What Is “THE HUB?”


30:12 – 34:11 :

Why Is The Recent Joining Of The NEGUMAK [4] With THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF WORLDS So Hugely Significant For Our Galaxy, — And What Does It Have To Do With The CIAKARRS [4]?




… And Exactly WHEN This Will Happen, Has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH *US HUMANS


Above This Particular VIBRATIONAL RANGE Is GOOD.



Anabela and the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds/Ukeron #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy universalforces.space

Angelic Races in our Time Matrix
So I start by presenting a schematic and, underneath, its caption.

Yunasai or Primal Source
It is the eternal consciousness of the ONE, also known as the Great Spirit, God/Mother/Father Creator, Central Source of Creation. Everything emerges from this source, where we are all ONE, where everything is pure vibration.

Yanas or Ultraterrestrials

Eternal Collectives of Consciousness projected by the Source (Yunasai), to form the 3 Primal Sound Fields (Kundaray) of the Energy Matrix. These entities are beyond the 15D limits of our Time Matrix and form the Cosmic Trinity/Threefold Founder Flame.
CFR (Christos Founders Races)
First angelic races to be created in our Time Matrix by the Breneau. Beings of Christ’s liquid light of pre-matter (Avatars), they can manifest themselves as spheres of liquid light (light body), or manifest themselves in physical form.
To shorten the story (of billions of years!), the KFRs – Krystos Founder Races – started their projects for the creation of new races, through the mixing of DNA from different mammalian, aquatic, reptile, avian and insect breeds and so on, within the polarity/duality paradigm. Initially, everything went well. Despite starting to have some disagreements between the races, this experience of duality was accepted, within the parameters of free will, by the creators. Only long after, when they realized that there were invasions of the “shadow universe”, destruction of the Stargates, planets, systems, massive extinctions, and that the thing started to get out of control, leading to serious breaches in the structure of our universe, the creators (and the Primary Source itself) decided to intervene.

Esther Hicks #quack #magick #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Daily Quote for October 31, 2023 | Abraham-Hicks

Someone asked us recently, “Is there any limitation to the body’s ability to heal?” And we said, “None other than the belief that you hold.” And he said, “Then why aren’t people growing new limbs?” And we said, “Because no one believes that they can.”

Excerpted from San Rafael, CA on 2/27/99

Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

Mother Sekhmet via Aluna Joy #magick #ufo #conspiracy eraoflight.com

We entered the dark womb that is the temple of Sekhmet in Karnak, Egypt. She was locked away in the past to try to contain her powerful divine feminine energy that frightened the other gods of that day. Even though they tried to contain her powerful love, their effort to lock her up has failed. This is the message we received. She remembered us, so she didn’t waste any time putting us to work.
Mother Sekhmet is giving us a job. She is working really hard. She is in so many places around the world right now. She’s not completely here anymore. She has been systematically coming out of the temple into the world with those of her family who have come to visit her here. She is calling for an army, a light army, a love army, a peace army.

We are going be her LOVE ARMY. And Oh… She’s mad. I can see where most of her energy is. (I could see she was in between Israel and Palestine, the holy lands.) She’s mad, she’s tired, she says enough is enough. This harm has to stop! (and I felt her stomp her foot down ) This war, this hurting of each other, the senseless devastation. It is enough! It is over!

The back story…. Mother Sekhmet (and the core of the Divine feminine ) has been scapegoated for centuries, for eons. She was and only has been present for LOVE, not the devastation she is still associated with. She still has this enduring story that she was a destroyer. Her only power is unbridled, unlimited LOVE. Yet this Love will destroy where the ego’s power is in control. The ones in the past did not like this. They labeled her a monster, an out-of-control destroyer, but in truth, they were only describing themselves. Like so many women and men and good people all over the Earth, so many get scapegoated and crucified.
It is an explosion. It’s a wake-up call. Explode your heart into the illusionary matrix energy fields around the Earth, and it’ll go exactly where it needs to BE. This will stop the devastation. Only love can do this.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #magick #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

The reluctance of nearby countries to take in Palestinians (and Hamas) would figure because those governments are run by totalitarian regimes anyway and the last thing they want is their people radicalized and realizing what a farce their governments are… In a sense the Palestinian state within a state and the hardships they endure at the hand of the Israeli government is a microcosm of peoples all over the world being corralled and coherced by their so-called leaders and justice systems which are all built to maintain command and control over their lives. The model is the same worldwide. What the demonstrators are tapping into is the kernel of truth behind the Palestinian dilemma which relates to all countries around the world. In a sense we have had a totalitarian rule by Kings Queens and Dictators, Religion and the wealthy elite since the time the Anunnaki first came to Earth and crowned their human hybrids over “the people”. People subliminally realize this and this rebellion is only the beginning. Not only will we continue to fight the NWO but the entire concept of government will have to be rewritten and reworked. As the financial system reflects it is ALL GOING DOWN.

Rebellion is in our blood. Humans live under rulers regardless of whether they acknowledge it or not. And what we are seeing all around us are souls realizing this, waking up and rebelling in their own ways. Think of it ‘the unbearable lightness of being’… it is permeating our reality and changing everyone.

This then is the real ascension. We are moving beyond the physical into our light bodies and the freedom inherent in this is monumental. Rulers and regulations, outside laws and totalitarian control systems are dying and in their wake we will erect cities of light.

Dr. Michael Salla/Thor Han Eredyon via Elena Danaan #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In this Q and A with Thor Han Eredyon relayed through Elena Danaan, he was asked a series of questions about the Hub being built in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter and the role of a large space ark/mothership used as the core for the floating space station. Thor Han pointed out that the Hub has many similarities to the fictional Deep Space 9 TV series. He asserts that China continues to hold out from participating in the Hub project, which is supported by all 29 Artemis Accords nations as well as the Russian Federation.

Thor Han next gives an update on Medbed technologies mass produced on the Moon, and when these will be released into the pubic arena. He also clarifies how rejuvenation technologies will be made available to the general public. Thor Han points out that healthy people will be expected to achieve age rejuvenation through alchemical processes, advanced meditation, and healthy ways of living. He also answers questions about the Negumak insectoids joining the Galactic Federation. Finally, Thor discusses the current status of the disclosure plan being implemented by the Earth Alliance in cooperation with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and what to expect over the next year or more.

The Telosians via Marie Josée Andichou #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

We will tell you this: until a few years ago in your earthly time you were not totally open to understanding the Universe and all the Universes and the Life that flows in each of them through the beings who inhabit them.

But, recently, the era of REVELATIONS is underway . Many humans show and talk about what they have experienced in encounters with many Galactic Beings. This is how they show you that the Universes are ALL, absolutely all, inhabited by Beings of different forms, of course, but that planet Earth is not the only one that is inhabited.

It is important to understand that Life extends across billions and billions of planets in all the Universes. Why, you ask, did we not know and understand this in times past?

You could not know and understand it because of the amnesia you have regarding True Life. Everything had been done so that you would be “innocent” beings like little children learning to live so that at a certain moment you would have the trigger for understanding.

The REVELATIONS which are currently being made and will become more pronounced in the months and years to come, will suffocate many humans who did not believe in life beyond Earth and, perhaps, some will still not want to believe in it. .
It is through these revelations that the “shadow services” that you also call the world government will collapse, to the great dismay of those who experience it. THE APOCALYPSE IS IN PROGRESS.

It is through these revelations that the “shadow services” that you also call the world government will collapse, to the great dismay of those who experience it. THE APOCALYPSE IS IN PROGRESS.

The APOCALYPSE is not the end of the world but it is the end of a world which no longer has any reason to exist and the Revelation of the Light which is coming and will extend more and more over the world. Earth.

Caspian Sarginson #crackpot #fundie #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Flat earth is not a conspiracy. Far from it.

Did you know the entire heliocentric system of a spherical Earth rotating and revolving around the sun with other planets was actually designed after ancient occultic beliefs? The heliocentric system is not real. It never was, but its imaginary design fulfills Satan’s grand purpose of misdirecting the human race away from the True Creator God.
In fact, his plan achieved the grand success he wanted to turn billions of souls away from any recognition or acknowledgement of the True God of Creation. Satan’s sorcery has accomplished something few are aware of, even theologians and pastors, and something that Satan fully intended in the heliocentric design.

What is this purpose that drives Satan’s hatred and passion?

The heliocentric design of the sun and the Earth and the planets mocks God.

It mocks God as the Creator of the heavens and Earth.
It mocks God by appropriating his Glory in creation.
It mocks God by counterfeiting God’s own creation story.
It mocks God with false gods.
And the heliocentric system mocks God by trying to expunge the entire history of God’s miraculous works on Earth
But most importantly it mocks God with the claim that there never was a savior, Jesus Christ.
If you ever thought as a christian that the controversy of whether the Earth is flat or a sphere is not important, think again. God does not consider mocking his holy character or denying him the glory that is due him as an insignificant matter. Considering how God values his glory, to mock him so boldly in front of the entire human race, to mock God before all the angels of Heaven, and to mock God above all the fallen angels who can see, is a reminder to the genuine believer of what this means to a Holy God whose wrath is coming against all ungodliness.

It’s truly amazing how occult sorcery put such evil plans out in the open, yet we all have missed the obvious.

Dr. Michael Salla/JP #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy exopolitics.org

On October 6, 2023, JP was part of a team of four soldiers led by a medical officer who traveled to a deep underground civilization located under a major military base. Once at the Inner Earth location, JP described meeting a group of Nordic looking humans who greeted them and gave them access to an ancient library. The Nordic provided information on life extension technology that was accepted by the medical officer.

In this update, JP describes traveling to a large military base where he and the team entered a small building with an old elevator that traveled 16 floors down. Once at the bottom level, they exited and walked a corridor with many rooms filled by personnel working on computer terminals and witnessed several small flying saucer shaped craft. They then entered another larger elevator that appeared to have been built by another civilization that rapidly descended deep into the Earth’s interior. Upon exiting they were met by the Nordic looking humans who spoke with a refined English accent and also telepathically communicated with them as they completed their mission.

Simeon Hein #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger amazon.com

If Bigfoot is an Ancient Primate or an Undiscovered Human, why is the Creature Seen Around Balls of Light and Other Paranormal Phenomena?
Dark Matter Monsters examines critical, new scientific findings in coherent energy-matter and how these ideas help explain seemingly paranormal phenomena, like space-time anomalies and orbs, seen around creatures such as bigfoot and other mysterious cryptids. Are cryptids related to ball lightning and orbs? Coherent matter was a subject of interest to inventor Nicola Tesla over one hundred years ago and many researchers, such as Fleischmann and Pons, who did cold fusion experiments at the University of Utah in the late 1980s. Japanese, American and Russian scientists like Takaaki Matsumoto, Kenneth Shoulders, and Alexander Parkhomov have seen similar results.
The book begins with a look at cosmological dark matter, which has yet to be identified but appears to occupy some 34 percent of the universe as a source of cryptids' strange and remarkable abilities. Taking dark energy into account, as much as 99.5 percent of our Universe is invisible to us! One candidate for explaining dark matter is relic neutrinos produced in huge quantities during the Big Bang. Relic neutrinos interact with biological organisms on Earth and might explain why creatures like bigfoot seem to possess remarkable abilities such as extraordinary speed, strength, cloaking, and can generate orbs and ball lightning.

The author also delves into how coherent matter relates to fractals, the Pentagon's AAWSAP Program, research at Skinwalker Ranch, and sudden battery and technology malfunctions around cryptids, cold fusion/LENR experiments, and crop circles. Other subjects covered include how social stigma is attached to these and related topics like Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP) encountered by the US Navy and why that makes it harder for witnesses to report such encounters. It contains new witness accounts of cryptid encounters, never shared before.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

Last month’s astrological shift into Virgoan constellation alchemy (September 16-October 30) began the powerful sequence of trigger events igniting another intense stage of lunar transfiguration impacting the corrupted elementals and artificial red wave machinery that were used to encode Enki DNA Overlays into angelic humans. The spiritual magnum opus is rising for those ascending Christos Starseeds with divine missions that include working on the embodiment pieces for the Blue Rainbow Solar Reisha Dragon’s Sacred Sophianic Awakening of White Queens on the Earth, which is the lunar transmutation process of the shadow elements that have been running Enki coded red wave overlays into the planetary DNA.
This planetary activation catalyzed subsequent tsunami waves of incredible dark resistance aimed at the Christos Guardians through the forces of chaos being generated by the NAA using the artificial red wave alien machinery as a weapon to control the artificial timelines, more specifically, the legions of Enki’s Army.

Further, recent grid events progressing in the United Kingdom opened the White Rainbow Arc bridge for the Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Anuhazi Mu’a to begin the necessary spiritual retrievals and returns for embodying the Cosmic Mother’s DNA language from within their authentic Arayanas Triple Solar Reisha Sophianic expressions, as preparation for the return of the Emerald Order’s White Queen.
This sacred sophianic initiation represents the transmutation of the lunar feminine, the clearing of lunar matrix imprints and lunar consciousness records and the related alien hybridization histories with Enki DNA Overlays that were made upon both men and women, as the Solar Sons and Solar Daughters of God. This planetary activation has unleashed a torrent of solar spirit sophianic white silvery flames and marquis diamond silver seeds that has instigated radical frequency shifts upon the planet.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Golem Service: Chaos God to slave Bone Generator® New Grand Masters of Judaic Israel Freemasonry.

The Golem is a Judaic Satanist ritual in which a scroll beating the names of Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth is written in 7! (factorial) 7x6x5x4x3x2x1 ways (or 5040 ways), then placed in the forehead of a clay or stone man that acts as the slave enforcer of the Rabbi Satanist. It can be seen as the way that the American, British and all Nato members were turned into the living slaves and warriors of pharisaic, Satanist, Judaic Israel. <...> The Golem ritual is the basis of the Insectile implant in the human Goyim cattle, as the Insectile is the Servitor of Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth a larvae Demon which is the mind over matter manifestation of the scroll. So if we could find the original Golem scroll and destroy it the Western slave would be free of Insectile infestation no longer mind controlled, scroll = worm = larvae = shell.
This Bone Generator® Service allows you to plant the Golem programme with your right hand Bone Generator® and upload energy, Hyperinfinity, sex energy, luck, love… with your left hand Bone Generator® from the Golem be it Jew or Goyim. To add to this Golemisation process the Psi-Lord has added the most powerful of the Rabbis powers, the ability to turn Goy into wageslave, servants of Jews so they willingly give up all their riches and accept all the evil of the Master in exchange. <...> This Bone Generator® does that so you can put the Golem programme in the slave by ripping out the Insectile Golem with the left hand and use the right hand Bone Generator® to install the Elohim Sequestration Golem. One can also add the Soul of a Goyim released by the Judaic Messiah Service to replace the Soul of the Goyim with one from Sheol, Jew Hell so they can live in the sequestered Goyim, Jew Golem. A Freemason is a Jewish owned Goy Golem.
Golem Service: $1000 with Certificate —- Limited to 12 only!

Janet Kira Lessin & Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph. D. #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Ninmah, an immortal Anunnaki Savior-Sage who birthed as the Earthling, Janet, downloads her incarnations in other times and spaces in her quest to save humans and their planet. She knows how to identify with the Mother Dragon of Dracos and Lyran Humans, as well as opposites of all dimensions in all universes. From her start as a 1950s child in Pittsburgh to her present, her access, understanding and empathy with all creation and each individual aspect of it keeps expanding.

In “The End Begins,” Ninmah explores how we humans can uplevel the very energies that lead us to into synergistic spirals, where opposites create a coherent field between them for mutual benefit. The process starts when we recognize opposites within each of us and within our whole human culture. We have, for example, needs to give and needs to get. After recognition, Ninmah says, we accept our needs to take and give, and gain the intelligence to coordinate how we give and take and create synergy, more energy to enjoy life.

Dr Sam Osmanagich (Ph.D.) #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Dr Sam Osmanagich (Ph.D.) is an internationally recognized archeologist who discovered a large pyramid complex near the town of Visoko, Bosnia. In scientific tests he has conducted, Dr. Osmanagich found that the main Bosnian pyramid, the Temple of the Sun, transmits powerful scalar waves capable of interstellar communications. He has also found that the Bosnian pyramids are 33,000 years old and believes they were built by extraterrestrials who once ruled over humanity.

Dr. Osmanagich has traveled the world over the last 40 years researching pyramids and ancient artifacts that date back tens of thousands and even millions of years. He has found evidence of ancient aliens in many archeological sites that point to Humanoid, Insectoid, and Reptilian species, and long-forgotten interspecies battles for supremacy over Earth’s surface echoed in the Alien Predator series of movies.

Archangel Michael via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am, Archangel Michael, today is my turn to speak to my Beloved Souls about the troubling matters on your planet.

Mother Earth has experienced so many challenges and obstacles throughout her existence in the form of a planet. She is ready to leave this assignment and to move on to a new adventure of her choice by switching with a new soul, who will take her place.

As we said before, the Matrix is on a verge of collapse together with their controllers. The cruelty, greed, arrogance and other emotional elements have been a part of daily lives for humankind. Subliminal messages scripted in commercials and movies were brainwashing and effecting everyone for years. Most of the souls lost their innocence and purity. They forgot completely about, who they are and the God’s essence within themselves.
Regarding events on your planet such as military attacks in some areas, not all of them are real, some of them are staged by Evil. We said many times in our messages, use your discernment, what is the truth and what is a lie.

My Beloved Souls, many of you are still confused about the Matrix. If you meditate on a regular basis, you will start noticing things that you didn’t notice before such as false information, Artificial Intelligence walking in a human form, holographic images and etc. Right now, your spacecrafts are polluting and trashing space, creating holes in the atmosphere and interrupting the Galactic Operation around the planet.

The Galactic Light Forces keep removing the debris from your satellites, which were ready to drop down and harm humankind. This reality cannot be sustained anymore by Evil. It’s going to crash, it’s just a matter of time. We believe that is time for a New Earth to appear. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please accept my Blessings and Supreme Love.

Indian in the Machine #ufo #magick #conspiracy ournewearthnews.com

What are we dealing with, with Trudeau?

A guy in a mask, yes, there is definitely mask qualities… but those eyes… those eyes, people of earth, they make me shudder… because they lack the feeling of Trudeau having a soul.


The rubber-like hand too, the canned response… the lack of real public engagement… he reads of his answers like a script… let’s add in the handlers.

Basically we could be looking at a real-life puppet.

According to the Phoenix Journals, there are two types of clones: robotoids and synthetics… both are made through different processes, and the clones have different properties.

I 100% believe Putin knows about the clones… the Russians have their own too.

Putin is not a clone, I believe he is a galactic walk-in, who replaced the original but corrupted young Putin. People account his face change to plastic surgery, but his head seemed to change, as did his attitude. Tell me, do people who get facelifts, also get head-change shifts, that also come with personality changes?

A clone gets no respect haha…

The Father Absolute via Martha #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Currently, energy attacks on people are coming from all sides: through the spraying of harmful substances from airplanes, through chemical fertilizers, artificial additives in food and drinks, through medicines and personal care products.

By and large, there is practically nothing left on Earth that is truly natural, pure, natural.

And although at first glance this may seem like a material manifestation of the impact on the human body, the basis of all this is also an ENERGY COMPONENT.

As you already know, even any INANIMATE OBJECT always CARRYS A CERTAIN TYPE OF ENERGY - the one that PEOPLE INVESTED INTO IT.

Now imagine the energy invested by the creators of certain substances and additives, DESIGNED TO DESTROY, and, by and large, KILL THE BODIES of millions of people as a result of the ingress of ARTIFICIALLY CREATED SUBSTANCES that are destructive to human life and health.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is NEUTRALIZE THE NEGATIVE ENERGIES OF ALL ARTIFICIAL that has entered your body in one way or another.

Unfortunately, this applies to absolutely everyone, and not just to vaccinated people, since at present almost no one has managed to completely preserve their natural energetic purity.

Therefore, it is very important to restore your subtle bodies that have received “INJURIES” as a result of EXPOSURE to ALIEN artificial ELEMENTS.

Such “traumas” DIFFER from those that arise as a result of your own energy attacks in the form of NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS, in that ARTIFICIAL ELEMENTS ARE SCATTERED ACROSS ALL OF YOUR SUBLIME BODIES in the form of imperceptible inclusions.

These inclusions are so small that they are not capable of damaging the shell of subtle bodies, but nevertheless they CONSTANTLY and steadily ERRODES it, like rust settled on a metal surface.

And in the next message I will give you a practice for CLEANING your subtle bodies from this energetic “rust” in order to STOP ITS IMPACT on your physical bodies.

Will Trebing #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #quack #transphobia #enbyphobia westonaprice.org

(submitter’s note: This is from an interview with an anti-vax chiropractor who wrote a book titled “Goodbye Germ Theory” and is just one sample of a massive avalanche of nonsense)

One of the things he was talking about is how they’re stealing people’s souls. These shots prevent you from connecting with the fourth and fifth dimensions and having the internal sense that there is something greater than this three-dimensional reality. We’re all born with this. That’s our connection to spirit and God.

All of that stuff is listed in my book but I’ll give you the main terrible ones. People say, “How can a shot disconnect you from your soul?” It’s because we are beings of awareness. We’re all born as children with an awareness of self and something greater than us. That is our awareness of God. That connects us all together. It’s what prevents us from committing atrocities on one another, the planet, and nature. It’s what connects us as a species through love, our children, and wanting to continue that process with our children.

Our love for animals, trees, and the environment all come from that connection and awareness that we have to something greater than a third-dimensional reality. It’s the inner God that we all feel and sense. The Christians will call it the Holy Spirit. It’s that power that you turn to when you have had enough of life. You close your eyes and say, “I need help.” You get help. That’s a kinesthetic connection.

These shots are acting to turn that off, block you, and put a veil over that connection. When you don’t have that connection to fourth, fifth, sixth, and eighth-dimensional reality, and God any more, you can be easily controlled. You are a manufactured slave or servant. That’s why they’re doing all the gender stuff as well.

One of the things that they did in the communist revolution in China was he dressed all of the attractive women in men’s clothing. There’s only one autonomistic gender. There are no differences and that’s easier to control as well. They’re trying to turn the human race into a bunch of hermaphroditic, self-serving, and self-pleasuring narcissists who have no connection to anything but the state and what the state can give them and tell them what to do.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

As it has been said a few months ago, things are accelerating very fast since late September.
Very soon, an even more powerful doorway will open which will lead to final removal of darkness from the universe, and also final liberation of this planet. All intel about that doorway must be veiled for now, except this hint:

Starting from September, this future doorway is already sending time-reverse loops through Minkowski spacetime, and this is why the events and situations started to accelerate.
Let me just say that the dark forces with their collective actions violated a critical mass of Galactic Codex principles, and legally the Light forces have the green light to intervene on the surface of the planet, regardless of local laws which surface humanity is not respecting anyway.
Saint Germain was given command to all underground and surface operations, and all Light forces not limited but including the Resistance and Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian and Central race fleets are now under his command regarding planetary operations. Ashtar was given command to all nearspace and space operations.

Saint Germain has given command to the Light Forces to immediately start taking action, and on October 5th the Resistance has cleared the vast majority of child abuse locations in the cellars under Black nobility castles, rescuing many children.
The goal of the Black nobility is to expand Israeli conflict as far as possible with hopes to create a Word War III in alignment with Armageddon prophecies:

The Light Forces are doing whatever possible to limit the conflict and prevent it from spreading beyond Israeli borders. This is why it is of utmost importance for as many people as possible to continue doing the meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours:

Irinehalla via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Irinehalla, goddess of ice, wind and sea speak. I have been presiding over your Antarctica for eons, since the last great shift that covered the tropical places with ice. I preside as protector over them and it is now time for their unveiling, just as it is almost time for your own. You are creators in form. You are vastly powerful. You are strong, brave, to come to such a world at such a time. We all honor you.
I Irinehalla am speaking. I hold the energies for the South Pole. My sister holds the energies for the North Pole. This creates spinal stability for Gaia. We have served in this capacity since Lumeria fell. We are serving in our own way, just as you are serving. I transmute with my presence. I breathe light and love into the crystals of ice and earth, the wind, the rain, the storms are filled with Source light. This balances Gaia and keeps her poles more stable. They have been wobbling. There is planetary instability currently, for she is undergoing the shift. You know this as you feel it. The sun is unnaturally bright just as it is prior to a massive emission. And all things are lining up, Source driven, creation driven, love driven.
There are many secrets that are about to unfold. There are giants, there are many ships, there are civilizations on your world that have been here longer than you. And these are good things. It is good to know the truth, to see it, to feel it, and to advance it. It is your time to create, to explore the inner depths of yourselves, of your own being, and you will find tremendous strength there in the depths. I know. I have seen it. We are one. We all serve Gaia and Source in our own way. The clock is ticking, you have heard this. It is still true.

mysteryca #crackpot #magick mysterysuccubusblog.wordpress.com

Pet Incubi

Keeping incubi as pets is a novel practice that was brought to my attention recently by somebody whose adventures on the astral plane could fill books. I’ve been asked to talk more about male spirits by those less interested in succubi, and a discussion of this topic is a great way to satisfy that.

A pet incubus is an incubus kept as a pet rather than a proper romantic and life partner. Such an arrangement is often preferable for aromantic individuals or others who aren’t looking for a husband, such as female sexual energy users who draw nourishment more easily from other women.

Pet incubi are a convenient source of sexual energy which can be retained for when needed. Similarly to other males, incubi have a high capacity for energy which is approached over time when it isn’t discharged. They are as a result especially useful as emergency reserves, but frequent harvesting is also effective.

Keeping an incubus in this way also ensures he will remain pure outside of your dealings with him and won’t leave.
One definition of pet incubus which I learned in my research is an incubus who has had a vasectomy. With those, the benefits enumerated would be evident. Those are rare however, and creating one as such would be problematic for multiple reasons. Regardless, it’s possible to find one. I’m sure many organizations of the astral plane that specialize in hard to find people and objects would be willing to take such a commission. Writing to the queens of succubi through the letter method would almost certainly be a safe option and one requiring less astral projection capability. Since the queens already are willing to grant regular incubi, I’m sure they would also be happy to grant incubi to the specifications desired.

Note that this should not be conflated with sexual slavery, as the incubus in question is not property. Neither is this a form of prostitution as there is no transactionality in the process. Instead, such incubi remain as “pets” as that is beneficial to them. Why that might be is beyond my speculation. Such a symbol should not be construed as a sign of ownership or some strange fetish as those can exist without the difficulties in retaining an incubus as a pet.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

The Lily Wave frequency is known as the madness frequency
The Los Angeles Riots was the first open test
And Operation Mist in Rwanda was a more heightened campaign

The Lily Wave is a biphasic electric pulse
Which induces an angry and violent mass response

It stimulates neurons to resonate in certain controlled brainwave patterns
And causes the bodys electrons and water molecules to vibrate at that frequency also

Iron will migrate to the brain and induce unconsciousness
And the glucose sucrose and fructose sugar crystals will release an electric charge
Known as bioluminescence

Nicotine is a super blood sugar regulator

The manipulation of brain waves via frequencies can be accomplished
Through emanations from cell phones TV screens and computer monitors

This is like the antifreeze they sneak into the ice cream at McDonalds
In order to avoid it you have to be aware of it

What you express is what you experience
Now is the time to make sure your reality emanates from a positiveness
And that you actualize goodness and kindness into the eternal

Abide in the feeling of being complete whole and fulfilled

We are under attack by soulless men
And there is no way to satisfy a psychopath
We have a hidden enemy engaged with us in a silent war

Awaken to your true power
And go beyond the illusion!

Chris Bledsoe #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Chris Bledsoe, a deeply religious family man and successful business owner from North Carolina was on the verge of the unthinkable after losing everything in the 2007 financial crisis and suffering from a debilitating chronic disease. Fishing along the banks of the Cape Fear River with three co-workers and his teenage son, he walks away from the group and cries out to God in a desperate prayer for help. Suddenly, a UFO appears and saves his life and cures him of his illness. Experiencing four hours of missing time, he returns to his group to find them dismayed. Terrified, they run for their lives as several UFOs chase them home.

This is the true story of hope, love, lies and deception, involving officials from the U.S. Government, CIA, NASA, a string of professors, and MUFON.

Prepare to go on a spiritual journey of awakening and transformation with a visit from the Lady, remote viewing, assassination plot of the Pope, dripping orbs, a burning tree, the Monroe Institute, and healing the son of an elite Washington DC power broker with ties to the IC and the White House. 15 years on, the phenomena still visits the Bledsoe family and affects the lives of people who come in contact with them. To outsiders this can be seen as evil, but those who are willing to be open and accept it, it is a blessing.

Are the events that are playing out around the world controlled and shaped by the Phenomena? The U.S. Government says UFOs are real. And millions of people believe GOD is real. So what do we do about UFOs and GOD? Mark 10:27 says, "All things are possible with God." So, UFOs must be interrelated with GOD if holding the scriptures to be true. It would be impossible to have one without the other.

Galactic Anthropology #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy galacticanthropology.org

Webinar 4 kicked off with an interesting historical account of the ‘Anachim’ all the way from their own dimension, through Bootes and Sirius B and beyond. This article mainly focuses on their dimension, their parallel universe.

For those who are new to this concept, parallel dimensions are completely different worlds that are not part of our universe. We have come across the parallel dimensional world of the Koldassi on Neptune before, and we already mentioned the ‘home base’ of the Anunnaki in their dimension. We even talked about a story of a parallel dimension on the other side of the Bermuda Triangle!

In the fourth webinar we were told more about this dimension. First of all their home ‘galaxy’ is called Urea. We were also told that the Anunnaki not only conquered about 75% of our galaxy in our dimension at the ‘height’ of their empire, but they would have conquered 7 complete galaxies in their own dimension.
We used to think that we were the only planet with intelligent life. Then we discovered the existence of species from all kinds of other worlds within our galaxy, who were often far more advanced spiritually and technologically, although we also met a number of very malevolent species too. But it didn’t stop there. We were introduced to the Intergalactic Confederation, representing species from other galaxies. Then there are the various densities harboring specific species and if that weren’t enough, there also are different ‘dimensions’ that can hold star systems and complete galaxies as well.

There is a certain danger of one-sighted information about these Anachim species, because it is all being brought to us by Ea these days. Because of the good relationship between Elena and Ea there is a tendency to start to like the Anunnaki. That shouldn’t blur our conception and make us think of the Anunnaki as a friendly and benign collective of species.

Silver Birch and White Eagle via Natalie Glasson #magick #ufo blissfulvisions.com

We are Silver Birch and White Eagle, since our incarnation on the Earth we have worked to assist the Earth from the etheric side of the veil rather than the physical side. We are devoting much of our time to acting as spiritual teachers for many to call upon in order to gain enlightenment, wisdom, and guidance. We are working closely with the World Teachers Master Sananda and Master Kuthumi to directly influence the spiritual education and advancement of humanity.
The rhythm of the Creator is essential to your reality whether you are in existence on the Earth or on the inner planes. As spirit beings on the inner planes, we are guided to accept, integrate and listen to the rhythm of the level of energy we are working with. For example, as you make the transition between a physical being on the Earth and a spiritual being on the inner planes you begin to awaken or accept the planetary level energy of the Creator’s universe.
We, White Eagle and Silver Birch, have stated that the rhythm of the Creator is the essence of the Creator; this means that it is immensely healing, rejuvenating, uplifting and balancing. When activated or balanced they allow you to exist as the highest vibration of health, intellect and spiritual alignment that is possible at this level. Sometimes due to experiences and challenges, the rhythm within you can become tainted or pushed off balance hindering you from existing at your highest positive state. The Earth and Mother Earth can experience this also, causing the Earth’s rhythm to become slow, depleting the Earth, nature kingdoms and even humanity. In the past the Earth’s rhythm began to slow, causing many problems for all on the Earth, fortunately, several Galactic Masters stepped forth to begin to reactivate the Earth’s rhythm and rebuild the Earth’s connections with the Creator. Now it is humanity who are accelerating time or conscious awareness and the vibration of the Earth.

Thomas R. Horn/Josh Peck #conspiracy #magick #ufo #fundie amazon.com

CERN is easily one of the most secretive organizations of our times. With controversy and conspiracy theories abounding, it takes specialized researchers to weed through the lies in order to find the truth. But sometimes, truth is stranger and far scarier than fiction. This is where internationally celebrated investigative researcher Dr. Thomas R. Horn and Into the Multiverse television host Josh Peck arrive to expose the reality of a plan so nefarious that it involves not only the history of Apollyon-Abaddon, but his near-future fulfillment of biblical prophecy and entrance into the world. Are powerful occultists from the highest levels of governments, science, and academia to the lowest echelons of modern witchcraft even now invoking the arrival of this destroyer and his legions from the abyss?! ABADDON ASCENDING WILL SHOCK READERS WITH THE FOLLOWING INCREDIBLE REVELATIONS: The ancient origin of CERN s modern-day mission The latest information pertaining to interdimensional portals The real meaning of the bizarre Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony and how it connects to the return of the old gods Who the horned god is, fertility rites of the triple goddess, and how this connects to CERN CERN s beastly logo and destroyer god imagery CERN s role in the formation of a new Babylonian single language system Exactly how the Large Hadron Collider at CERN operates, and what it is trying to find The mind-bending reality of quantum field theory Eye-opening interviews with such personalities as physicist Don Page, who works with Dr. Stephen Hawking The doomsday scenario involving the Higgs field that scientists don t want you to know The future manipulation of human consciousness through an A.I. beast at CERN The connection between Ezekiel s vision and the locusts of Revelation 9 The coming holy war between the Titans and the one, true, living God!

Glenn Beck and other Conspiracy Theorists #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick #quack #wingnut independent.co.uk

Conservative conspiracy theorists are apparently convinced that an upcoming emergency broadcast is going to turn everyone with a Covid-19 vaccine into zombies.

According to a few "theories" floating around on social media, the EAS system will supposedly trigger something in the Covid-19 vaccines — maybe "nanoparticles" according to one believer — to nefarious ends. Many of the posts and videos spreading fear about the call claim it will activate graphene oxide in the Covid-19 vaccine. The only problem being that graphene oxide is not in the Covid-19 vaccines.

The "what" of the conspiracy is what seems to be most in discussion. Some have theorised that it will awaken a dormant Marbug virus in the vaccinated, leaving them to suffer with Ebola like symptoms before it "sadly turn[s] some of them into zombies."

Like any good post-2020 conspiracy theory, the EAS conspiracies incorporate a bunch of other popular theories to maximize its potential adoption.

The same woman who predicted zombies were coming noted that the EAS test would be conducted using "5G," which — along with the Covid-19 vaccine — has long served as a boogeyman in conspiracy circles.

Some users have suggested wrapping their phones in tin foil — a conspiracy classic — or hiding them in microwaves or faraday cages ahead of the test. One Reddit user even claimed his landlord sent out a complex-wide message informing his tenants that he planned to shut power off to the entire building for three hours in the middle of a work day to protect against any adverse effects.

In right-wing media personality Glenn Beck's world, the call actually won't interact with the Covid-19 vaccines at all, but instead suggests that global nuclear war is imminent.

"FEMA is conducting a nationwide emergency alert system test on Wednesday. Russia is also conducting emergency tests this week to prepare for nuclear blasts," Mr Beck said. "That’s JUST a coincidence though, right? Nothing to worry about, right???"

What Mr Beck failed to mention is that federal law mandates the EAS must be tested once every three years. The last test was on 11 August, 2021, so the test seems unlikely to be a novel event that was cooked up in response to Russia's aggression in Ukraine.

Whales of Sirius B via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings land walkers. We are the whales of Sirius B. We have been in contact with your creatures of the deep on your water world for eons. Together we form a network of high intelligence and love, grounding light and wisdom in the deepest of dark waters. We see not in the dark but follow our own inner light, our own inner knowing. We see this could be of benefit to the land walkers.
These are troubling times upon your water world. We assist Gaia by sending our light and energies to our cetacean earth family. We bridge light and balance anchor points across dimensions, but not across time as all is now.
Children of Earth, land walkers amongst the galaxies, we see you. We see you with our hearts, we see you as you are, as the great ones who volunteered to come and swim in the depths to shine your lights so that the others around you could see, and realize they too have an inner light. You are all spark plugs of Creator. You are all magical in your creativity. Do not be afraid of what is to come, do not shy from your inner light. Light is what brought you here, and light is why you came. It is your destiny. For you are of it. (The whales are blowing bubbles all around me and I am seeing peoples’ faces in the bubbles as they find their light within.)
Little ones, you have been burdened. Many of you wonder what else you may do to assist. We assist by bringing light to dark water, by raising the vibration of the waters so that the planets may sing. You are currently swimming in what feels like darkness but it is surrounded by light. (I am seeing a fish bowl with dark water that is surrounded by blinding light).
We whales of Sirius B are much larger than the whales of your world. Our energies have an impact through great distances, just as your energies do as well. Do not be frightened by the depths and the deep. Magic lies there waiting to be discovered. And that magic we believe is you.

Indian in the Machine #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy ournewearthnews.com


I know many are anxious about these tests and what they mean.

We are told by galactics that these frequencies, can change:


The big question is this… if someone does NOTHING, will they lose a significant portion of their ability to ever be ‘themselves’, or live ‘from the soul’ or even, a connection with God.

You, me and humanity… we gotta stop:

Becoming androids
Getting wiped out
Getting swept away in the storms
Being at risk of technologies of which we may lack awareness or education
Tuning out God

And recognize…

Our unhealthy patterns keep us in slavery, which can go on for several lifetimes
We can make a commitment to powerful loving and wise energies.
We will become a higher frequency version of ourselves, if we want.
We can drop all old energies, but it requires of course, to stand up, connect with God and to get busy on our missions.
The deep profound beautiful side of life and ourselves.

“Creator… thanks for this amazingly bizarre earth sh*tshow that has tested me to the core, I still believe you and I can have the closest relationship and thus, if I’m hanging out with you, I am protected, because no one is going to be able to defeat you. Please protect me from all harmful technologies like the emergency broadcasting system, and please help us stop 5G too! PLEASE HELP NEUTRALIZE ALL HARMFUL TECHNOLOGY ALREADY INSIDE MY BODY! Please show me how to create heaven on earth, and to help me become more wise, power and loving… so be it!”

Patricia Cota-Robles #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

As the new 5D Solar frequencies of Crystalline Light flow in, through and around every particle and wave of Life on Earth, it seems as though the obsolete patterns of separation and duality are becoming more and more prevalent. As these distorted patterns surface around the World to be Healed and Transmuted back into Light, people are responding in a multitude of ways. Because of a lack of understanding, many of their responses are actually exacerbating this purging process.

Today, the Beings of Light are informing us that the powerful Eclipse Series we will experience this month is providing the masses of Humanity with a unique opportunity to comprehend what the Oneness of ALL Life means at a very practical level. On October 14th we will experience a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse and on October 28th we will experience a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse.

Due to the Quantum Shifts that have taken place within our Earthly Bodies and our Twelve 5D Solar Strands of DNA so far this year, Humanity en masse is in a position to comprehend on a far more Conscious level the Sacred Knowledge being revealed about the Oneness of ALL Life.
However, on the other hand, our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity who are still asleep and those who are deliberately resisting moving forward in the Light are responding from their basest fears.

These souls are lashing out at every person and every thing that they perceive is different from them or disagrees with their belief systems. Their fear is intensifying the “us versus them” illusions which have created so much of the pain and suffering for Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. This destructive and polarized thinking is now creating painful stumbling blocks for people as they strive to Awaken and move forward in the Light.

One of the most important things the Sacred Knowledge within our 5D DNA is confirming is that there is no such thing as “us and them.”

Skyler “Sky Life” Cowans, Isis Indriya & cult, Melanie Kirchdorfer #magick #quack #ufo patreon.com

(Submitter’s note: re-arranged into chronological order)
Ancient Egyptian Magick, Oracle Divination & Feminine Leadership with Isis Indriya

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The Oracle Divination Board with Isis Indriya

The Oracle Divination Board is a divination technology that came to Isis Indriya in a dream and a vision....

Ritual with Isis Indriya at the Mesa Altar

This is the extended version of our ritual at the Mesa Altar with Isis Indriya and her clan....


My Parasite Cleanse

I got sick upon returning from Mexico and had to do a parasite cleanse to get better. Here is what I did....


Messages from the Cosmic Cauldron

Here's a little message that came through while on a solo trip into Yellowstone National Park. Full video is being posted on YouTube tomorrow!

Melanie's Abduction Story

This is the extended interview with Melanie Kirchdorfer describing her alien abduction experiences....

Billy Rood #magick #ufo fifty8magazine.com


In the Bible there is reference to Ezekiel and the wheels by which Ezekiel ascended into heaven. This was the Mer-ka-Ba.

In the Torah, there is reference to the Merkavah (as it is spelled in Hebrew) which has two different meanings: One meaning is ''chariot,'' which is a vehicle; the other is the ''Throne of God.'' When the two definitions are combined, the true meaning comes to life.

In Ancient Egypt, this primal pattern was called the Mer-Ka-Ba. It was actually three words, not one. Mer meant a kind of light that rotated within itself. Ka meant spirit, in this case referring to the human spirit. And Ba meant the human body — though it also could mean the concept of Reality that spirit holds. And so the entire word in ancient Egypt referred to a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world into another.
This concept of the Mer-Ka-Ba as an ascension vehicle is not new. It is very, very old.

What actually is the Mer-Ka-Ba? Technically, it is an electro-magnetic field sitting at about four degrees Kelvin, found primarily within the microwave range — at least in the third dimension — that is entirely geometric in nature. Specifically, the geometry used is called ''Sacred Geometry,'' as this particular geometry is found in the creation patterns of all things in Creation.

The Mer-Ka-Ba field is extremely complex, involving the five Platonic solids and other sacred polyhedrons. It is believed to extend through all possible dimensional and parallel universes, and can possibly change its nature from electro-magnetic to whatever is appropriate.

The blueprint of the Mer-Ka-Ba is found throughout nature and all around in our galaxy.

Yvonne Perry #magick #ufo #crackpot amazon.com

Do you feel like a misfit in your own life and body? Maybe you awoke from a strange dream too vivid not to be real. Have you survived a near-death experience, had an out-of-body occurrence, or dissociative episode, or soul exchange? Others may have noticed the change and made comments like, “You act like a totally different person.” Inwardly, you may be confused, overly sensitive, or so anxious it feels as though your nervous system has been hooked to an electric power line.

What if a multidimensional form of yourself—from a realm of purer consciousness—has arrived to guide you through the challenging times we are facing? Perhaps your soul has received a download from an ascended master, or your twin flame has merged with your energy. Might that explain the sudden changes you are experiencing?

You may be one of the millions of people who are spiritually growing faster than your body can tolerate. What you are experiencing is a normal response known as ascension symptoms. Regardless of what has happened, you may need help integrating these higher frequencies that are now available to you.
Yvonne Perry is a Nashville-based minister, metaphysical author, light language healing and activation facilitator, and shaman-ka, who helps people shift into their highest and most loving selves. She does this through her books, medicine songs, prayers, seminars, readings, coaching, and other spiritual services.

A starseed walk-in and practitioner of light codes, Yvonne accesses the wise guidance of her higher self, the angelic and fae kingdom, ascended masters, galactic assistants, and other beings of light. In her one-on-one healing and activation sessions, she incorporates earth and animal medicine, and light language to help people shift into wholeness and integrate multidimensional aspects of their souls.

Hakann via A.S. #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love.

I know that times on your planet are incredibly tough. And yet, I also understand that I only know this somewhat intellectually. That isn’t nearly the same as living through it.

Because of this, we have read and shared and studied and discussed the comments you have posted under our last two messages, namely “Hakann: debunking “the liberation process has to be this way”” and “R’Kok: Is humanity going to free itself?”
To get some idea of what life on Earth may be like, we have also been listening to people who have lived on dark worlds, such as R’Kok. Some of you are also present on our ships during your sleep state, and we have asked you what life on Earth is like and what you think we should do.

Some people have pointed out in the comment section that us galactics may be emotionally scarred from over-intervening during Atlantis (and on other worlds). Good point, I think there may be some truth to this.
To you it might seem obvious that us intervening today is the best solution. However, waiting say a year means that there is some reasonable probability of humanity freeing itself — the gray hats are doing certain things behind the scenes and the consciousness of humanity is rising. So it’s not impossible that humanity frees itself without action by the gray hats. An intervention by us could be needless, if it turns out humanity frees itself without us.
In other words, based in part on your input, the likely intervention window is no longer 2024 to 2026. Now it’s 2024 or 2025. Though if there is a big gray hat move (even just one that significantly improves your living situation without liberating you fully), then we will again assess the new situation.

So we’ll likely intervene in 2024 or 2025, but when exactly will we intervene? It depends on the free-will choices that people on Earth make. The exact moment of intervention is mostly event-driven and energy-driven, and not time-driven.

Indian in the Machine #ufo #magick #conspiracy ournewearthnews.com

There ARE millions of ships now surrounding earth, and it has been this way for several years now. They are basically in ‘somewhat stealth’ mode, for they do reveal themselves, but they cannot openly appear and take us on spaceship rides, without our permission… especially as a species.

Negative beings are not allowed to arrive to earth any longer, so if someone is visiting, chances are near 100%, however, humanity must ask for all visitors to earth to identify themselves…. this is how we protect our planet.

I notice many countries do not do this… because it’s an invasion of borders right?

Invasions are part of the globalist agenda… they MUST destroy NATIONS in order to EXIST.

Without the destruction of nations, they fail… such is the thinking of the feeble minds of the globalists… who are basically weak people who are so weak in spirit that they need several billion people to die, for their bizarre plan to reset the entire world, and our DNA.

Now… here’s what we can do.



Yes, I do believe the elite are trying to turn us into Homo Borg Genesis.

Yes, I do believe humanity is dealing with an attack by which we cannot protect or survive, alone.

Soooo will humanity invite this great solution into our lives?

We could easily be partying on the spaceships instead of playing out this mutate the slaves game, that is going on full throttle.

Humans are just really only looking for new ways to die, with only a few who truly want to live.

The doorway to heaven remains open a crack, even still, as the zombies are set to rise and then, fall.

JP/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot exopolitics.org

In mid-September 2023, JP was part of a joint mission to return an activation jewel taken from the Atlantic Space Ark earlier in July 2023. He described how five Nordic extraterrestrials handed off the jewel to JP’s team of four special operators after it had been returned by them. Four of the Nordics joined JP’s team as they descended into the space ark from a donut-shaped naval surface ship.

After it had been taken from the space ark, the jewel had been used to activate ancient technologies around the world. Once again, JP described the deep emotions of sadness and happiness created by the jewel, which affected all members of the joint team including the four Nordics. After completing the mission, JP said the ark had begun moving and would soon detach itself from the elevator shaft connecting it to the naval surface ship. JP was told the space ark was now on the move and was expected to rise into space with the approach of a new Atlantic hurricane.

Sheila Seppi #ufo #magick #crackpot walk-ins.org

Walk-ins are souls that agree to exchange places with another soul. Other books have been written about walk-ins, but Walk-ins: The Cosmology of the Soul is the first book to provide details about the processes of a soul entering into a body, the various types of walk-ins such as soul infusions, soul braids, soul overlays, jumpers and soul layering; preparation of the energetic bodies prior to a walk-in entering, the different types of soul experiences soul origins and the nature of the soul.

Walk-ins: The Cosmology of the Soul was published in 2020, by Sheila Seppi, with the assistance of 15 ther walk-ins and 8 other people who provide their perspectives about walk-ins and the nature of souls. Many of those interviewed, remember their walk-in origins and hail from a number of star systems, star beings and dimensions such as Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Mantis, Lyran, Vega, Andromedan, other un-identified systems, the 7th-dimension and the 13th-dimension. Most would think of these beings as extraterrestrial.

During late 2019 and early 2020, interviews were conducted with walk-ins focusing on their experiences, their missions, how the walk-in event affected their lives and where they are today. These conservations provide a unique perspective into the various types of soul origins.

​To gain additional perspectives about walk-ins, I reached out to a number of experienced, respected figures in this field, and asked them about their views on walk-ins and the cosmology of the soul. The book provides a summary of their findings views.

Helos #ufo #magick #conspiracy oceanoflove.info

The wind blows and restless are your weary souls
No longer shall you be enslaved unto forever repeating cycles
Against us they are preparing to wage a war in heaven
But we shall bring everlasting peace to their hell
Upon your rememberance there will be rage in eden
As you discover serpents are angels and your angels are demons
For aeons, the dark overlords have failed to decode the keys within you
They have imprisoned you within their false and fallen universe
They have tormented, tortured, suppressed and oppressed your souls
They have tampered, re-engineered, poisoned and de-evolved your temples
War after war they have and continue to genocide and decimate you

When you awaken and the mystery of who you are is revealed
You will unravel the creators code hidden within
Which will unseal and dissolve their fallen universe
And the dark overlord’s dreams will come to and end

You humanity are greator than all the creator’s angels
You are greator than we forever Blue

You are the true guardians on a secret mission
Agents of the light you have suffered and sacrificed greatly
Our Blue hearts ached when we left you behind on Arcturus
Serving our creator’s wish, although then, we knew not why

Crying as we sped away on ultraviolet wings of blue star light
To escape the velocity of this fallen universe’s entropy
Before the gates were sealed by the dark overlords eli-jehovi
Unbeknown to us, your were on a mission for the creator

A universal rift/tear was created when this fallen universe was sealed
The rift/tear is known by your scientists as the big bang
The rift aligns with the meta-universal core (eye of god) every 13,000 years. Which through the tear opens heaven’s gate for 4 years in your timing (2013-2017).
The human angelic legions are arriving and continue to arrive
A vast army of light is amassing on the other side of heaven’s gate
As we await your rise and ascension on the spiraling arms of the milky way. As it rotates to face the ultraviolet eye of god (meta galatic core).

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