
Film Your Marxist Professor #fundie facebook.com

Our academic institutions have been taken over by Marxist far left professors who are radicalizing our youth and incubating revolutionaries on your dime. Let’s EXPOSE THEM together! Send us your videos, pictures from class, screen caps of curriculums or audio recordings. We will ALWAYS keep you anonymous. We can use our video editing software to make it look like the video is coming from the other side of the classroom and from a different desk.

Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg #conspiracy facebook.com


TO: The Privy Council’s 600 Members
FROM: The deposed daughter of King Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor, who fled from his Father George V’s practice of Luciferian Freemasonry and the directive to stage Three World Wars.
The Royal Bloodline, being associated with human trafficking, adultery, surrogate breeding, pedophilia networks and drug-running—MUST BE CLEANED OUT and replaced with [psychic] bloodline members who cling to the Covenant of the Kingdom of David under the Church of England—not under Luciferian Freemasonic Rule.
Personally, I feel Monarchy still has unrealized potential to lead, to do good and to prosper Progress for all its subjectsnot merely for Global elites and commercial predators. UK Monarchy can and must abide by "governance by consent of the governed" as good leadership. However, the record shows a different side of the Royal Family than we have ever seen in a newscast.
The present situation is based in privilege alone; and I may sound like a whacked out nutcase indeed for flailing at these silent opponents, but they have not got to their stations honestly, as you will see.
History of Royal Trafficking of Kings, to rid of some and provide others..
1. Prince Albert Vicftor Duke of Clarence. "Eddy," the heir presumptive of King Edward VII, died or something. The Official story says he died of pneumonia or syphillis or after catching a cold. There is a story that Eddy was a homosexual who died of syphillis, or that he married a Catholic girl and they had a child while he was betrothed to May Teck officially; and that the wife was institutionalized and lobotomized by the Royal family headed by George and Edward VIII and the child was adopted out. In this story we get the first glimpse of "dangerous" George who culls family members around him.
There are stories after the ruination of his wife and family that Eddy was sent to Balmoral because he was devastated emotionally and no longer useful as presumed heir. Balmoral is approximately 1000 feet (300 metres) above sea level and as such is partly surrounded by steep cliffs. This was the intended site for the planned murder of Eddy to be undertaken by Randolph Churchill (Winston's old man – Spivey) and John Netley the coachman. The story goes, the prince was pushed from the clifftop but somehow managed to survive his fall and after the passage of two days had endeavoured to crawl all the way back to Balmoral where he was found at the door by his disbelieving hosts.
It is said that a decision was made after this that the best option would be to just incarcerate him at Glamis for the rest of his life and the Earl of Strathmore agreed to undertake this task on behalf of the royals in return for one simple favour. The favour he stipulated was that one of his daughters be allowed to marry a future king of England. Eddy died in 1933, forty one years after his ‘official’ death date and during this time, his mother visited him only once, but took a photograph of him which she apparently sent to her cousin. This photograph is still in existence and shows a much older Eddy thoughtfully painting a picture which would sadly never be seen by anyone outside the walls of Glamis Castle.
The pact between Strathmore and the royal family was eventually fulfilled in 1923 when Lady Elizabeth BowesLyon (his daughter, b. 1900) married the future King George VI of England after originally being betrothed to his brother, the former King Edward VIII. So when Edward REFUSED this "arranged marriage" in 1922 you can imagine the fury of his father King George V and the rage of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon at Edward for the rest of his life, for "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
CHRONOLOGY. What really appears to have occurred that alters the false history we receive down to our day. Yes, I'm generally talking about what Royal control freaks did during that era, and this theme will percolate through the storyline. I begin this story in the summer of 1888 when Edward 7th Prince of Wales' two sons, Albert Victor “Eddy” and "Georgie" Duke of York (their Christian baptisms presumed) were making their way by train and carriage to Frankfurt Germany for their cousin [Kaiser] Wilhelm's housewarming party at Bath (Bod Homburg), and for Georgie's initiation into the Sacred Order of the Bath.
Why “Georgie” was Victoria's favorite, the Initiate that day and not the Prince of Wales, is of paramount importance to the leadership function. Albert Victor was the heir apparent, but he apparently wasn't interested in this LuciferianOccult affiliation. That decision would be his downfall, for he would lose the support of comembers who expect[ed] any King to follow Luciferianism of Chivalric and Masonis Orders. Do courtiers hold that expectation today, that the Monarch is Luciferian?
King Edward VII had been a frequent guest of Kaiser Wilhelm II at Bath who in 1888 made Bad Homburg his summer residence. On the solstice of that year, a housewarming party was held by the Kaiser, for the Order of the Bath as its location for their annual Initiation rite. As is usual and customary for secret societies based on Luciferian doctrines, the Initiation ceremony that Georgie Duke of York experienced was sexual in nature.
There among the guests of the Kaiser were his nephews, Czar Nicholas of Russia (who was prudish and scandalized by such beha­vior), George Duke of York, Albert Victor Prince of Wales, Alfred de Rothschild (member), and of course the host, Kaiser Wilhelm, as well as a certain maid of the Rothschild estate who became the object of the night's rituals. The lady became pregnant by the Initiate, who left after the ritual for London.
ADOLPH HITLER, his apparent bloodline & story. Subsequently, when the maid contacted the father of her unborn child, he was unwilling to allow her to travel to London. And Jack the Ripper started terrorizing young women of the street in London during that same autumn, so the maid was successfully prevented from seeking out the child's father. (It has been asserted in some quarters that PoW Albert Victor was actually Jack the Ripper, but his personality among his siblings was that of a gentle soul although he had served as a sailor for two years onboard ship. It makes more sense to wonder how it is that the child's father successfully prevented this Rothschild maid from obtaining his aid in her dire need, but nobody noticed the connection between the Ripper and the girl's pregnancy.
(Note, this was the same brother who stood by while brother Albert Victor got into all h is lifetime of trouble, the next year, who was led out into the rain, caught cold and pneumonia [or typhoid] and died (one version), or who lost his wife to insanity, his child to adoption and spent the rest of his life encarcerated (in the other version). Nice brother, eh, standing by?
So the boychild was born near Frankfort and was reared in the household of one Rothschild illegitimate son, Alois Shickelgruber; and he grew to manhood having experienced a very harsh childhood by his stepfather. Because he was very intelligent, he was probably mentored by Kaiser Wilhelm, and by 1912 he was in London staying with his half sisterand brother-in-law until they bought him a ticket back to Germany. He later stood in WWI on the side of Germany as a messenger until his discharge; and by now he was in contact with his father, King George V, through double agent intermediaries in MI5.
Fourteen years after Adolph Schickelgruber's conception at Bath, in 1902 Alfred de Rothschild, who had been present at this Initiation sent George Duke of York a little gift now situated in the Royal Collec­tion., a reminder. The pendant awarded by Alfred de Rothschild to George V, as a reminder of that holiday in Frankfurt and the obligations George had to accept to keep Rothschild quiet says, George was being blackmailed. Now, why would Rothschild do that? Send a reminder of Georgie's Initiation to him now that he was Heir Apparent? Was it a reminder of this event and of the child, now thirteen years old in Frankfurt?
Think about the danger to King George V that Alfred de Roths­child's knowledge of Adolph the illegitimate son presented )as well as his problems with cocaine and opium—we can intuit from photo images from 1900-1910 the King had to become a virtual employee of Rothschild banks. He had to do exactly as he was told, as instructed. Never mind, The Monarchy has a so-so record of holding to the Com­mandments of God, even though they were “God's chosen” to lead humankind. Their history has bespotted our world with blood and sacrifice.
When one looks at the alternate version of Prince Albert Victor's life that he didn't die, but his Catholic wife was lobotimized and insti­tutionalized, their daughter adopted out, and he spent the rest of his natural life in seclusion—and when one considers how Prince John died —one realizes the King has “ways” to control his family so “things work out according to plan.”
The outcomes of this blackmail? 1) the takedown of cousin/Car Nicholas, the Balfour Declaration to give Palestine to Ashkanazi Zionists, in his embrace of general war (and war profits for the banks), in his intolerance and fear of Edward's Christian candor. George the Fifth was a guilty man, busy with repenting before his banking patrons for his former sins.
Edward III, during that time was vested as Prince of Wales and confirmed as Christian Anglican as his Uncle Albert Victor had been; and at this point the father and son began their long ugly standoff,
King versus Heir Apparent. The King wanted a Luciferian son to succeed him, as he had been and done. The King wanted his son to have an arranged marriage, as he had had. The King wanted an Empire, as his “Gangan” Victoria had taught him at her knee. Edward had other ideas. But Adolph the “irregular” son fell right in line with George's objectives.
What is so instructive in my research is what is missing from his biographies : references just as important as what is present. There are no photo images of the Duke of Windsor attending any NWO organizations' events: B'nai B'rith, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, CFR, Int. Institute Strategic Studies, Order of the Garter, of the Bath or Skull & Bones, Poor Knights of the Templar, Rand Research, RIIA, Round Table, Tavistock, Temple Mount Founda­tion, Trilaterial Commission, Universal Freemasonry, Universal Zionism, World Council of Churches. Never. He never attended the Bohemian Grove annual trek. Once exiled, the Duke was focused primarily on military matters and people, as expatriots often are. But the Occult?
1972, at the time of Edward Duke of Windsor’s FUNERAL.
Enough history. Now let’s look at the recent past and history of human trafficking surrounding the Crown of the Windsors.
1. Queen Victoria was a battle-axe.
2. Edward VII was a philanderer, unfaithful husband to Queen Alexandra, who carried on a series of affairs with beautiful English women. What this means is that the maternity of both Albert Victior, PoW, and Georgie Duke of York, is in doubt.
3. George V, was reared as a sailor, and he was familiar with Drug-dealing of the East India Company. He arranged for the disappearances of PoW Albert Victor, Prince John, Czar Nicholas and Edward VIII—personally.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/1502867672 . . . Saints or Sons of Perdition: George V versus Edward VIII.
Here is what the contemporary Press has to say about these Royals today. ELITE PEDOPHILE RING
4. Lord Mountbatten is accused of pedophilia trafficking.
5. Elizabeth II not a Royal at all; she’s mercantile.
1926. Bloodline member in doubt. Her mother Eliz Bowes Lyon used a house maid as surrogate.
1953. QE2 renounced her Coronation Vows on the day she was crowned in 1953. Elizabeth II signed her Coronation Oath AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE, not at the bottom indicating Acceptance.
2007. Surrogates and doppelgangers adopted as policy to take the place of Royals, anytime they wish.
6. Prince Philip is known for drug-running and trafficking
7. Charles, Prince of Wales, friend of traffickers, especially Jimmy Savile.
8. Andrew, Duke of York, patron of Lolita Island and Jeffrey Epstein
This branch of the Royal bloodline is no longer to be trusted with Coronation Vows, Dominion nor Leadership of the British Culture, Church or Ethical Practice.

Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg #conspiracy facebook.com

The Deep State is a Monster--revised
“Don’t Cross the Streams” MEANS, Don’t MIX EVIL WITH GOOD of Society.” It also means, We the Public refusing to participate in exploiting differences, DO CROSS EVIL’S STREAMS; but we’ll deal with that later.
911 was THE TAKEOVER of the USofA by Deep State-Zionist terrorism for the purpose of PROFITING THEMSELVES--nothing more, nothing less.
The World Trade Center’s owners—Zionists all of them—suffered deep vacancy factor losses over parking problems, environmental problems and staffing problems. It was going to cost somewhere between $1.5 and $4 billiion to remove all the asbestos insulation from inside its walls. So, the owners, Zionists aligned with Deep State Zionists and the NeoCon Projection For a New American Century—took it down.
This was Evil mixing with Governance. But there are other ways Evil mixes with Governance.
1. In Race Relations. When Law Enforcement reacts first to Racial Profiling, then to Situational Ethics, this is mixing Injustice with Law
2. In Ideological Disputes, when Ideology teaches, We’re BEST and everybody else needs to be subject to US, you have Ego mixing with Transactions.
When motivational psychology operates advertising and public forums so as to favor a single conventional line of thought—Consumingr over Thrift, Left over Right, Advertiser over Public, Secularist over Spiritist, Might over Reason, Dogma over Truth—then the Public become confused and they shut down knowing, in its entirety. The Public Mind gets stuck in stone-walling; and that stance also works for ideological domination because it immobilizes national Consensus so Ideologues do as they please.
3. In Information Technology versus Private Lives. When incorrect and stilted information is held by Government bureaucracies, then the Actions of Government are tilted toward Injustice. People red-listed without their knowledge or consent are stalked, kept from working, kept from doing business, kept from shelter and sanctity.
4. In Regional Disputes. Legislators who are paid off by corporations with deep pockets remove the function of “community CONSENT” from the decision-making process. This is how herbicides have invaded all our food because Monsanto paid off legislators; this is how contaminants invaded vaccines because Big Pharma gets more money off sick people than well people. This is how progress is halted, because IN SITU companies bribe legislators to cripple and penalize up-coming technologies that only benefit the public—not the Oligarchy.
Don't "MIX" HATING OTHERS with "Doing Good." it's just crossing streams. “Divide and Conquer,” the GAME ITSELF conquers communication. The Public is sick and tired of the Game itself, so they turn off and let Powers That Be run amok. This is why we call television, “Satan’s Window,” because IT IS THE PRIMARY TOOL OF DIVIDING US against each other. The Church, divides on belief, divides on behavior, divides on allowable tolerance, and divided again, on methods to correct matters. The louder the Church becomes, the less people can hear the “still small voice of God” and the Holy Spirit’s prompting.
Philosophical Ideology used to incite violence crosses the streams, Good with Evil. Any religion that teaches its supremacy is neither supreme nor moral, because the behavior of its adherents is full of the sins of hate, perfidy and abuse.
Operating a Slave Planet" (by commercial corporate statutes) by immobilizing and indenturing human lives is crossing-the-streams of Good with Evil. The FACT that the Legal Profession, the Law Profession, has aided and abetted the conversioni of Laws of the Land based on Justice INTO CORPORATE STATUTES based in Fairness only says, that profession is a mockery of Principle and Mercenary profiteering.
Especially, Law Treaties and Corporate Statutes that make people into consumable products (NAME IN ALL CAPS) must be abrogated and turned over to Honest Governance. Human slavery, sex trafficking, felons-trafficking, truants-trafficking, baby-adoption trafficking, body parts trafficking, souls’ trafficking [Satanistic ritualizing murder and cannibalism] are inimical to Life Sacred nature. Culture proclaims Free Minds, Open Hearts and Free Wills, and then commerce enslaves us all in Debt, in Paperwork, in Regulations and in Conflicts-not-our-own.
“Experimenting on the Living" is crossing the streams. Creating misery and suffering to push boundaries of intellectualism and elitism is a form of evil that has no justification. Nobody has voted to allow Coverment to experiment MEDICALLY or biochemically on human bodies and affect human lives. This is NOT-SEE-ISM at its worse, brought on by Operation Paperclip after WWII. It must be halted. Scientific knowledge is not furthered by human rights abuses and cruelty.
Leaders financing wars with USURY & DRUG SALES is crossing the streams of Good with Evil. George Herbert Walker Bush initiated CIA drug marketing in the 1950’s through Zapata Oil Company, and that branch of CIA operations has never been shut down. DEA is more a drug-controller-pusher than a method to halt drug- and gun-running.
When “Coverment” has taken over Evil and made it its “bidness,” then a Revolution and Restoration of Just Law is necessary. And when NEOCONS show up in the new Administration who are also Zionist and part of the Old PNAC Group, we the Public KNOW FOR A CERTAINTY, nothing has changed.
Using Government to Depopulate the Innocent is crossing the streams. Governance is set up to benefit, balance and socialize people—not kill them.

Various Fundies #fundie facebook.com

(Note: More fundie reactions to evangelical leaders Brad and Jen Hatmaker's support for gay marriage. Once again this is just some of the qoutes, and so many that the fundies can't exactly be pin pointed or named.)

1. You said you came to your conclusion after studying thoughtfully, prayerfully, and carefully. I just want to know where in the Word did you come to that conclusion ?

2. Oh no...this cannot be. (Teardrop emoji) Unlike.

3. You think you are loving them ? Loving means telling the truth. I have a gay sister who thinks I hate her because I won't accept or agree with her choices. I won't call her marriage "holy" because that's the loving thing to do! How do you not get that ?

4. You can have a fancy speech prepared all you like. The reality is you sold your soul for popularity and don't even care about those you are leading astray!

5. I have been reading Jen's books for years. I admired her for her love, compassion and being filled with the spirit while holding true to the Word. It's sad to see you choose this, choosing popularity and culture over the truth...but at least we know where your loyalties lie.

6. There's no such thing as a gay Christian or a Christian that supports gay "marriage". If you aren't one of us now, you probably never where.

7. The Bible warned us that we would be hated. It also warned us about teachers who ignore the word, and tells their followers what they want to hear. It's sad to see Brad and Jen in this category.

8. We are supposed to be changing the world, not changing with the world! We are supposed to follow Jesus' example and he always said "Sin no more"! I just can't imagine God accepting a homosexual union, I just can't!

Various fundies #fundie facebook.com

(Note: These are fundie reactions to Brandon Hatmaker, explaining why he and his wife Jen have come out in favour of gay marriage in 2016 after years as evangelical leaders. This is just some of the qoutes, and so many that the fundies can't exactly be pin pointed or named.)

1. "Did you not read the part where it says marriage is between one man and one woman ?"

2. "Their suffering is conviction by the Holy Spirit."

3. "I don't think you understand just how many precious souls you're putting in danger!"

4. "You call holy what God calls unholy."

5. "You have let the world in at your door."

6. "The Bible only has to condemn homosexuality once and that'd be good enough for me."

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

Wet: Dead Things Are Formed Under The Water - my latest ebook is out! This ebook deals with the origin of demons, their ancestry, and where they come from.

It takes you on an epic journey through the Bible and other manuscripts from the Dead Sea Scrolls to show what the nature of demons truly is; and how they've influenced life on earth since their arrival here.

You'll be shocked to know that many of our current everyday practices have their origins with demonic activity. Including many of our sexual practices.

The ancient people had no problem accepting the reality of a supernatural world that coexisted right alongside our own natural world. It's only in modern times, since the advent of the scientific age, that we scoff at the notion of a supernatural world in favor of a natural world that we can manipulate ourselves through technology.

Even more surprising to know that much of our modern technology was in fact given to us by none other than demons! Which begs the question:

Are we manipulating nature: or are we being manipulated by diabolical forces from another dimension that want to enslave, control and ultimately destroy the human race? Moreover, what does the Bible say about these things?

Get your copy of Wet today for just $13.99 - and find ou

Mack Major #fundie #mammon facebook.com

How was everyone's 4th of July holiday? Hope you didn't eat too much! I've been busy working on and pounding out THREE brand new books.

People ask me why do I write so many ebooks? My answer is always the same: What if I died today - all of the books I could've written would die with me. I wouldn't want that to happen, so when the idea or mood to create a new book strikes, I submit to the urge and let the book come forth.

I refuse to die with my work left undone.

Right now I'm working on the ebooks Woke, Voodoo and The 5th Angel - The Statue of Liberty and Satan's Hidden Hand. These ebooks will all be out this month. And I believe they will be a massive blessing in your life.

However, we still don't have the Eden Decoded website up. Due to the fact it took so long to raise what was needed on time to get it back online, we lost ALL of our old files. The web hosting company deletes the files after a certain time period. Which basically means now we have to rebuild an entire website from scratch, which is a massive headache and unnecessary expense.

This has happened at least TEN TIMES over the past year! And it typically happens because people ignore my requests for help, thinking someone else will always give. Only problem with that way of thinking is that too many people think the same way! So very little ends up coming in to help at all.

Since people don't like to just give without expecting something in return, I've been offering the 5th Angel ebook as a special product this week only for those who bless our efforts with a twenty dollar (or more) contribution. Many have responded. However, we need much more.

Let's get the Eden site back up. The sooner I can get the site up the sooner I can get these new ebooks out and into your hands (as well as more impactful articles). I placed a link in the comment section below for you to use. Please take a second to stop what you're doing, make use of it right now and do the very best you can today. And remember: if YOU don't act, NO ONE probably will.

I pray you have a productive remaining work week. I also pray that God puts a fire beneath you that causes everyone reading this to become a giver today. There are blessings God has that can only come into your life through being a giver.

Tap into those special blessings today!

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

"Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. " 1 Peter 5:8

Many are unaware that when you gave your life to Jesus Christ - and often before then - there was a satanic agent assigned to derail your life and cause you to not produce the fruit of salvation in your life.

"The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don't understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts." Matthew 13:19

This evil agent of the enemy wants to stop you short of fulfilling the calling of God in your life. You can often feel its pull against you when you set your heart to do right, and then strange events conspire to lead you right back into sin and failure.

This is the unseen thing that causes many Christian marriages to fail, businesses to go bankrupt, suffocating financial hardships to arise against you, and even sickness and disease to blindside you unexpectedly.

This thing will not stop until it has succeeded in causing you to fail in the assignment of God for your life. It's like a demonic bloodhound sent to sniff you out and dog your life with negative events designed to make you doubt God's Word and live a broken life of defeat.

But you can absolutely prevail and have total victory over it! Jesus has provided for our win - we just need to know the things that we are wrestling against so that we can fight effectively and WIN. (Ephesians 6:12)

Join me THIS Friday (July 6th) for my newest eClass titled: Destiny Hunters: Discerning and Beating The Demonic Forces Hunting Down Your Destiny and Purpose.

This eClass is all about your total liberation. We will expose the destiny hunters in your own life; show you how they've been working against you. And you'll learn how to cancel the assignment of these evil agents of the devil, enabling you to reach your greater potential in Christ Jesus.

I would like to keep this small and personable - plus, I want to do a question and answer session afterwards where I'll take all of your questions and answer each individual one.

Sign up begins immediately and ends when all the slots have been filled. The cost is just $39 and lasts for 2 days. But seats will fill up face. So hurry and reserve your spot now! paypal.me/edendecoded

Mike The MGTOW Monk #sexist facebook.com

Here is some RED pilled truth from the bible.
It's quite irrelevant as to whether ur a Christian or not.
What is important is the fact that this shines a light on the idea that female nature has always been the same at least 2k years...this proves they cannot be tamed...and women claiming Christianity cannot deny this verse or they deny quote "Gods Word" (thoughtful smiley, laughing smiley)
But hey we all know they will miss interpret it or manipulate the context to suit THEIR comfort zone which must be cozy at all times (thoughtful smiley, laughing smiley, skull smiley, ghost smiley)
Also they they will likely simply look over the verse itself. Cause no logic destroys God's in their faith...(thoughtful smiley, followed by lots of laughing smileys)
However.....deeeep down It's a hidden secret...
Most women only worship one God...the almighty vagina...
(Video showing translations of Proverbs 27:16, which says that trying to control a woman is as futile as controlling the wind and grasping things with an oiled hand)

UK Korean Friendship Association #fundie facebook.com

'Defectors ' are deservedly called human scum by the DPRK . Some of them have now taken to the media and social media attacking Trump for being 'too soft ' on the DPRK . Incredible ! What have these people being taking ? Are they insane ? Are they nazis? (after they are attacking Trump from the right !) . If the US and other Western countries want to improve relations with People's Korea they should stop giving publicity to these people.

Kat Kerr #fundie facebook.com

[at 23:30]

Jesus Christ doesn’t live in the throne room all the time. He actually has His own mansion. He deserves it. He had to come and live as a man and put up with all that, right? He died for us, so I think He deserves His own place. He has a magnificent mansion that’s in the biggest field of flowers that all sing. They sing all the time. And I mean they have faces and they sing and they’re beautiful. And I’ve seen inside of the mansion.

— It’s a big place where there’s tables labeled with all kinds of desserts— Every dessert you’d ever want because Jesus likes sweets. And there’s dancing there all of the time. And He plans special parties when someone comes home. He will actually send someone in His Golden Chariot with an invitation to that individual which is given by one of His angels — his personal angels — and they will read off of this beautiful scroll that they are going to be the guest to honor. The honored guest at a party thrown by Jesus Christ—

— He loves flowers, dancing, and sweets. That’s His three favorite things, besides us.

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

Jesus healed the deaf. We provide them with a sign language interpreter.

Jesus opened blind eyes. We provide them with books and Bibles written in Braille.

Jesus cured the lame. We provide them with walking canes and wheelchairs.

Jesus cleansed the lepers. We send them to a dermatologist.

Jesus rebuked cancer and it left. We run races for it; and it stays.

Jesus cured the mentally insane by casting demons out of them. We send them to the psychiatrist, and put them on Abilify and Risperdal.

Parents brought their kids to Jesus; and He blessed them by laying hands on them. We take our kids to the local priest; and he 'lays' with them.

Jesus rebuked the winds and the storm: and they obeyed His voice. We pick up the pieces after the storm has destroyed everything we own.

Jesus sent His word and healed them. We send our word to share the latest celebrity gossip.

Something's wrong saints! And we can't keep pretending like there isn't. Why does our Christianity look so different from the Christianity in the Bible?

Why do we champion sin and make light of holiness; when our forefathers in the faith preached freedom from sin and declared holiness to be the only way to see God? Why do we harp more on tithes and offerings, and harp little on repentance from dead works?

The world looks at us and laughs. They looked at Paul and declared "He's turning the world upside down!" 'Jezebels' and 'Ahabs' run rampant in our churches, because there aren't many 'Elijahs' and 'Elishas' around willing to confront them.

The problem is simple: the church has been sapped of her power. We've replaced Holy Ghost anointing with human ability. Like kryptonite is to Superman, sin is our weakness.

But we're different in this respect: we seem to LOVE our kryptonite! At least superman had enough sense to get far away from his.
We need solutions that are soaked in the wisdom of God. And my ebook provides them. It's titled HEDONISM: DESTROYING DEMONIC SEXUAL STRONGHOLDS.

This is one of the biggest problems in the church: nobody wants to talk about sex! Yet it's the one big sin that we grapple with the most.
I wrote this ebook out of frustration. Because I'm tired of watching demons kicking Christians' heads in. And it's time to FIGHT BACK!

This ebook will show you exactly what's holding you back from walking in the divine power Christ has given us.

Perhaps it's the tattoo you got that opened a demonic portal. Or maybe it's the spirit that went home with you the same night you visited that nightclub. And what exactly is a Christian doing in a nightclub anyway???

It could be the oath you swore years ago to ancient Egyptian/Greek gods, when you pledged Greek. Or the covenant you made with your eyes when you watched those dirty movies.

Whatever's been holding you back, it's time to lay aside those silly distractions and move purposely in the direction of power and victory in Jesus Christ!

"Since we are surrounded by so many examples [of faith], we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially sin that distracts us. We must run the race that lies ahead of us and never give up." *Hebrews 12:1 (GWT)

Monique Smith #fundie facebook.com


I am so angry right now! My 8 year old Cameron was just watching Garfield a Friends on Netflix. The episode: Volume 2, episode 2, "Food Fun", and at about 16:30 minutes into the show, Jon is singing in the shower, and Garfield is on the bed covering his ears.

Jon's singing is pretty awful, so I am anticipating Garfield to make a funny comment about it. Instead what he says is horrifying.

Garfield says;

"People who sing in the shower should be dragged in the street and shot."

THINK about what that says! I couldn't get to the TV fast enough to shut it off. I also couldn't believe that a children's show would say such a thing. I am so sick of screening CHILDREN'S SHOWS!

So parent's, before you allow your precious, innocent, babies to watch Garfield and Friends, or other CHILDREN'S shows, unfortunately, you should take the time to screen them for adult/inappropriate content! (Like parent's have time to screen every show). Sadly, and obviously though, we need to make time.

Please share this so other parent's and children don't get caught off guard like I did! Shame on anyone who thinks this is appropriate content for children!

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com


If you've been following the news for the past week, you've heard by now that FB's head M. Zuckerberg has been testifying before Congress about how this site has purposely been targeting Christian and conservative content like mine, attempting to stop our reach and shut down pages that it deems a menace to the FB community.

I've been telling my followers about this since 2016 when it became obvious that FB was targeting me (and I still have the emails between them and I to prove it). Now the whole world knows. It's great to finally be publicly validated and somewhat vindicated.

Also, for the past few days I've been telling those who follow me about several things I have going on at the moment that, due to being restricted from seeing it, you probably weren't aware of. Therefore I'll be extending and making them available for a bit longer.

These include a pay what you want special for all of my ebooks, and preregistering for a new eclass that contains never before seen or read material that deals with rooting out the demonic enemy in our bloodline that's attempting to keep us common, unaccomplished and living way beneath our God-granted capabilities.

(Many people suffer from generational violence, poverty and sickness, specifically due to this demonic messenger that has somehow become tied and connected to our genetics through someone from our families in the past who opened that doorway for it to gain access. This isn't about 'generational curses,' which has been done a million times already in the Body of Christ. This goes much deeper and is more practical.)

I want all of you to have full and total opportunity to have both of these: the great deal on my ebooks (which I've officially extended until today as well) and this latest eclass. Links for both will be in the comment section down below.

Keep myself and my team in your prayers, as we continue to fight the good fight against such opposition as these billion dollar tech companies that are attempting to silence genuine Christian voices online like ours (as well as others).

And please continue to support our work. There are very few Christian voices like this one that are willing to bring hard yet necessary words of correction to the Body of Christ. Everyone likes sugar-coated fluff these days. But mine isn't a fluffy ministry that makes you feel comfortable in sin. That's not my calling.

I was called to help bring you out of sin and into a closer more authentic walk with Jesus Christ. And I'll do this by whatever means necessary. So your prayers and support are always needed as the opposition for doing such work is insanely fierce.

God bless.

Michael Zeestraten #fundie facebook.com

It all comes from the upbringing. If you bring people up in Gods word. They will understand and follow Gods word. The only thing that supports the scientific facts are. The continual watching of the approval same-sex agenda on TV. As well as the lack of teaching in the word of God.

Joao Ricardo #fundie facebook.com

Have you ever wondered why the liberal/"progressive"/Democrat academia in charge of our public "education" system has such a hate for the Bible and for Christianity?

Understand the (Satanic) spirit behind (and in charge of) them, and you will start to understand why...

David Miller #fundie facebook.com

You can say what you want but DONALD J TRUMP was picked by God to be president. Black and white Christian was praying for Trump to be presdent for along time and God answered there prayers all the media all the experts said there was noway he could beat Hillary Clinton but with God all things are possible and he won fair and square . You can whimper and moan all you want but God's pick is in the White House whether you like it or not .

Sarah N. Bauer #fundie facebook.com

When God gave you the basic sex/gender when you were being formed in the womb, that is what you are. This is the height of lying to oneself and buying into a fabricated fantasy. Gender dysmorphic syndrome is encouraged in our schools and called choice. How sick are our teachers.

Evidence Elvis Presley is Alive #conspiracy facebook.com


A big WELCOME to all Elvis Presley fans! Evidence on this page proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that "Elvis Aron Presley is ALIVE"!

There will be "one post per day" with exciting information leading to the fact that Elvis faked his death.

There are no Elvis books for sale here, there no Elvis recordings for sale here and there are no Elvis clothes for sale here as this site was not created for material gain ... it was created to show evidence that Elvis is alive!!

Wishing all a nice day!

ELVIS QUOTE: "There's a war going on. I mean, behind the scenes it's a spiritual war of light versus the darkness, and I'm proud to be a part of it" - Elvis Presley

Kamal Kadumi #racist facebook.com

The Zionest argued with God and humiliated Jesus and have killed many of God prophets .. will they respect the land owners the Palestinians?? The UK brought them in Palestine .. they should take them back to the Great United Kingdom. Children's of devil as jessus call them.

Akif Syed #conspiracy facebook.com

It's zionist owned and it protects them.....the real reason behind success of fb was that it was sponsored by Zionists and now in the face of defeat as people are turning against Israel, now they will start a Crack down on more sites similar to this one as well as individuals......

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

Dear FB: your arms are too short to box with God!

I remember time and time again Facebook erased my posts, locked me out of my page for posting scriptural posts, and blasted my articles to the liberal online press to bring my Christian message negative media attention.

They sent trolls to my page, then basically snarked at me when I contacted them about it (I still have those emails); they overcharged me for boosts that they purposely prevented from being seen by those I was attempting to boost to.

And they did it all just to stifle my message of sexual purity for Christians!

When I prayed about it God told me to hold my peace and He would fight this battle for me. So I listened to God.

Now here we are: In just one week FB has lost $100B and sinking fast: and this is just the beginning.

I'm not saying this is all about me by any means. But I sure love it when God keeps His promises!

"No You" Award

for excellence in the tu quoque fallacy

UK Korean Friendship Association #fundie facebook.com

The enemies of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea like to go on about 'freedom to travel' continuously claiming that people in the DPRK cannot travel outside of the country. Of course this is not true as DPRK delegations frequently visit other countries and some DPRK students study in other countries. These critics of the DPRK miss out one very important point :that in the West it is only those who have money are free to travel !

This freedom this not extend to those on low incomes etc. We have many KFA members who want to visit the DPRK but cannot afford to do so . Freedom in capitalist countries is only for the rich . These critics of the DPRK also neglect to tell people that residents of south Korea are prevented by the National Security Law from visiting the DPRK, the northern half of Korea. So as usual hypocrisy , double standards and nonsense from the anti-DPRK lobby.

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com



"Remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins." James 5:20

"Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever." Daniel 12:3


Right now we are a small operation. And I prefer it that way. It allows us to be nimble and to make decisions a lot faster than if we had to pass everything through a big committee. We can go from idea to concept to actual product launch in just a few days or weeks; which is vital when the product being launched has the potential to transform someones eternal destiny forever.


You'll be making an investment in the lives of people you'll never meet on this side of eternity, but you will have played a vital role in helping to secure their eternal destiny in Jesus Christ. "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act." Proverbs 3:27


"For we wanted to come to you--certainly I, Paul, did, again and again--but Satan blocked our way." 1 Thess 2:18

Let's be honest: Satan doesn't like my message. Nor does he want this word to get out. He's done everything he could to stop people from supporting me and this message of sexual purity and sanctification. There's nothing he would like to do more than to snuff this message out and make it go away forever. By donating you can stop the enemy from succeeding.


"If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them." James 4:17

For just $20 a month you could help us get these ebooks, articles and messages in front of millions of people all across the globe who desperately need them. Some of you will blow $20 this week alone on cups of coffee at your favorite coffee spot. Imagine the joy in God's heart if you decided to give that amount to help reach someone else with the gospel message!

Tyler Anderson Coultier #fundie facebook.com

(=A response to the post "Why I consider the KJV only crowd a cult" - ironically the post was written by a known flat earth advocate=)

According to "Scholars" the reason these verses where left out or completely mangled from the Bible is because they found "earlier, more reliable" manuscripts, and these manuscripts where different than the manuscripts the KJV was translated from. They are talking about the sinaciticus and vaticanus texts. The Alexandrian cults created these texts and corrupted the Bible, and rejected throughout the centuries by the church as heretical. Just because we have older different texts doesn't make them the reliable ones. The vast majority of people were using the manuscripts translated into the KJV for centuries.

I do believe you can be from the NIV, there's enough Bible in there to present the gospel. But if you want to become a true bible student you need to switch to the KJV 1611...it's the most reputable and the most used in the history of english speakers. It's the truth and that's why the devil is attacking it so hard and has created these new perversions.

I don't speak greek or hebrew and I'm not going to pretend I know more than the 48 hebrew and Greek scholars who translated the KJV.

Franklin Graham #fundie facebook.com

World-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking died today at age 76. He once said, "I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark." I wish I could have asked Mr. Hawking who he thought designed the human brain. The designers at HP, Apple, Dell, or Lenovo have developed amazing computers, but none come even close to the amazing capabilities of the human mind. Who do you think designed the human brain? The Master Designer—God Himself. I wish Stephen Hawking could have seen the simple truth that God is the Creator of the universe he loved to study and everything in it.
The Bible says, "You alone are the Lord. You have made the heavens, The heaven of heavens with all their host, The earth and all that is on it, The seas and all that is in them. You give life to all of them And the heavenly host bows down before You” (Nehemiah 9:6).

Heaven 'is a fairy story': This is what Stephen Hawking says happens when people die "I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail," he told the Guardian. "There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers;— USATODAY.COM

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

I'm trying to stay away from social media. But the blatant ignorance and twisting of God's word that I constantly see on here drives me insane! I've never before seen so many degenerate, reprobate, sin-twisted, juvenile CHRISTIANS in my entire life!

These aren't sinners we are talking about: these are supposed to be the saved folk! No wonder churches are struggling to keep their doors open!

"Christians" who love sin hate to be corrected. They hate to be told that God is a God of wrath as well as a God of grace. They are quick to say only God can judge them, without taking time to think: that He already is!

Why do you think they can't stop sinning, can't stop fornicating, can't stop jamming silicone and plastic objects into their vaginas and rectums, cant stop aborting their babies, embracing cancer, can't keep a decent man or woman around long enough to have an enjoyable marriage with, cant abide in their assigned birth gender, can't earn a decent wage or income in a land that flows with milk and honey?

These are all signs of judgment! And God is so cold with handing out those judgments, he'll simply bind you to the sin you don't want to give up anyway and let it consume you all the way to the grave.

"Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done." Romans 1:28

Here's an uncomfortable thought: maybe some folks can't stop sinning and don't want to give up their lifestyles of sin because God has already turned them over to eternal damnation. You don't have to wait to die to experience Hell. Hell can start for you right now too!

See, people have this grace and mercy thing confused! Grace buys you time to repent, and mercy ensures you are forgiven... IF you repent. And that's the key: REPENTANCE. Without it, you're still under the sentence of Eternal Death.

Now we have these feel good compromised sin loving pseudo-believers running around using grace as a license to sin; even teaching others to do the same. But look at what God thinks of such individuals:

"For some godless people have slipped in unnoticed among us, persons who distort the message about the grace of our God in order to excuse their immoral ways, and who reject Jesus Christ, our only Master and Lord. Long ago the Scriptures predicted the condemnation they have received." Jude 1:4

God says these folk are ALREADY CONDEMNED! That means they CAN'T and WON'T be saved! So why are you listening to and mingling with already condemned people? What could they possibly offer you, if not to take you to hell with them?

I'm often accused of being mean or harsh in my response to someone who disagrees with me. Not true.

I'm only harsh to those who are too stupid to be quiet when they don't know what they are talking about, too degenerate in their salvation to know you can't mix the holy with the profane, and too juvenile in their interpretation of scripture to know when and how to apply them.

So instead of arguing, unlearned people need to be silent and teachable. When I'm teaching whether on this page or elsewhere, class is in session. Souls are being set free.

Just like you wouldn't scream out and insult your professor in class or disrupt a doctor during surgery, you won't do it here either. What makes you think I'm supposed to tolerate that disrespectful mess?

That's the type of stuff only remedial kids do; you know, like the ones who have to wear the helmets and diapers so they won't bang their heads against the wall or crap themselves.

Many of the commenters on my posts are just like that. They're extremely remedial. And there is nothing you can do for them but push them far away so they don't disrupt everyone else.

But don't feel sorry for them. These are not innocent people who don't know any better. On the contrary, they are nefarious plotters and agents of evil determined to send as many souls to hell with them as possible. They just picked the wrong page to do it on.

I gave FB a break because I got fed up with dealing with these remedial fake demon-Christians! They're like cockroaches who run scrambling all over the place the moment you shine the spotlight on their favorite sin. They disgust me. However, God didn't call me to be the Orkin man!

I'm often accused of just wanting to sell my ebooks; as if that's a bad thing. That's one of the stupidest so-called 'insults' I ever heard. Why would I NOT want to sell my ebooks? Who writes and publishes books for them not to sell? The deeper question is:

Why are so many people hoping that I won't be able to sell them? Do my ebooks threaten them? Or do they threaten the demons in them that they refuse to let go of???

For me it's never only been about selling my ebooks (though I have every right to do so). My ebooks are just a powerful method of getting people to do an in depth analysis on their spiritual condition so they can fix the problem and grow up to fullness in Christ.

Truth is, I could cut a deal tomorrow with any number of major publishers for a really big check if I wanted to, buy a condo on a beach somewhere exotic and kick my feet up without giving two thoughts about whether some of you make it into heaven or not.

I choose to be independent to remain in total control of my message, so no one can bury it or use it the wrong way. That's nothing to be ashamed about.

And it's not about donations. Please! If my survival depended on those Ive asked donations from so far I'd be sleeping out of my car and eating from garbage cans by now.

This is deeply serious spiritual business for me: my Master's business. Nothing less, nothing more. I'm not here to entertain you; I'm not here to make you feel good. Go watch another black wealth-divesting Marvel comic movie for that. I'm here to save souls!

So from now on if you want to catch me, dont expect to find me here much. FB sucks! Too many unmonitored wack-jobs and weirdos to have engaging dialogue. I'll be posting almost exclusively from my new website, linking the articles back to here from time to time.

And for the non-reprobate real Christians who still appreciate powerful spiritual content: all of my articles and ebooks old and new will be there. I'm only using FB as a promotional tool from now on.

I'm also accepting DONATIONS to help with the new work. (I can feel the haters cringing and squirming right now.)

Anyone who wants to be a part of this new and improved undertaking can donate at the link on the new site under the Donate tab. And I'll mention the word 'donate' just one more time to make the haters cringe some more.??

Now that we've got that handled, go and support the new work. Prayers are always needed and finances greatly appreciated. See you on the new site! God bless.

Char Edwards #fundie facebook.com

ALL our rights are being stripped away people, our constitution is being ignored and murder is getting the stamp of approval and yet if you murder anyone, EXCEPT unborn BABIES..HUMAN BEINGS, THEN....you are charged and you pay the consequence and rightfully so. They force you to have insurance and they are finding away to FORCE YOU to participate in this? OMG! WE have to draw a line people and take a stand.. THIS IS WRONG!!

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

There's a difference between being assertive as a man - and being thirsty. There's a difference between being confident and being cocky.

But in today's anti-male/anti-masculinity climate it's difficult just being a man without having to squeeze into some tight pants, raising your voice to a higher pitch while simultaneously handing over your testicles to the nearest feminist.

Don't be fooled by this fake manufactured #MeToo movement stuff. Masculinity was created by God - and it ain't never going out of style! Real women still champion masculinity—nothing less, nothing more.

But if you're going to survive this Jezebelic anti-male witchcraft movement that's sweeping across America while keeping your manhood in tact, you'll need the right tools to provide wisdom for these changing times.

Get a copy of the ebook POWER - and don't be moved by the fake onslaught against real men. If you have young sons or nephews growing up without a father around, or a guy you know who's currently in college (especially if they're in college); they need a copy of this ebook ASAP.

Going without it could very well ruin their lives. There are women out here nowadays looking for men to have consensual relations with, just to later cry sexual assault and harassment for the attention. Don't let it happen to you! Know what to do in order to possess yourself with honor. Get POWER!

Judy Holt #fundie facebook.com

Our Country was Founded on Christian Values... and allowing Any Other god to be worshiped is just that... It is Idol Worship and unconscionable! It is another reason our country has gone downhill... we're not honoring God and He is allowing us to destroy ourselves.. Unless we turn around and repent.

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

You can't stop having sex because you've opened a doorway in your life for an evil spirit to vex you. All throughout the New Testament you'll read about those who were 'vexed' by evil spirits.

This is because demons are real. And whenever there is ungodly sexual activity taking place, demons will surely be found.

Now where does that leave you? You stopped being promiscuous when you gave your life over to Jesus. But every now and then in spite of the guilt and shame that it brings, you find yourself slipping back into the same sin that Jesus once rescued you from.

Why can't you get control over your flesh and keep it?

Why can't you master the urge to masturbate or to watch skin flicks?

Why do you keep falling back into sexual sin even though you confess salvation: and is there a way to stay totally delivered from the power of the flesh nice you e been set free?

Introducing my latest class: Ultimate Sex Mastery. This class improves upon the 21 Day Challenge and brings it home to the core issue of walking in freedom from controlling spiritual forces that feed off of our sexual energy.

You're not crazy or weird because you can't control your sex drive. You're just under the influence of an evil spirit. And if you don't master your sex drive you'll end up being mastered by an evil spiritual force that controls you through your sex drive.

But with the knowledge you'll gain from doing this course you'll be fully empowered to resist and walk totally victorious from those unclean spirits.

Sign up begins right away, as this course begins promptly on Friday evening. Since the devil seems to get busiest in our lives during the weekend, I thought it would be a great idea to start this Ultimate Sex Mastery on a Friday evening.

The cost is just $21 total - just a dollar a day. And it comes with a free copy of my ebook PORN: WHEN PLEASURE BECOMES POSSESSION.

Don't delay, reserve your spot NOW! (See comment section for link info.)

George Moncayo #fundie facebook.com

"Borrowing from the Bible is couched in philosophical terminology like preconditions of intelligibility. In brief, it is when a worldview cannot account for something that is foundational."- World religions and cults vol 3 p. 24. An example, when atheists say "your God is evil", they have no basis in their worldview to say anything is evil. In a naturalistic darwinian worldview there is no ultimate standard to say something is evil because in a godless universe it's just one opinion over another. What one person says is evil another person thinks is good. Hitler thought he was doing a good thing with the holocaust. The holocaust was a terrible thing but only in the Biblical worldview can that be truly said that the holocaust was evil because all morality comes from God, Isaiah 45:19 God said "I, the Lord, speak righteousness, Declaring things that are upright." Only because God has spoken, thats the reason why we have moral absolutes. Atheists have to borrow from the Biblical worldview to attack it. This is just part of what is called the methodology of presuppositional apologetics.

David Stephan #fundie facebook.com

Back in 2007 and 2008 this was the number one viewed antidepressant video on youtube exposing the truth about their dangers and inefficacy. My having compiled the various video clips and making it available on youtube over 10 years ago was one of the factors that placed a target on my back with the pharma trolls who were vehement over its release. (note: the content of this video is heavy.)

David Stephan #fundie facebook.com

So I unknowingly walked into a gunfight with only a knife today. And to my further surprise, it was two against me. Is this really the quality of our media in Canada? Note that every time I begin to hit on some hard truth to correct their fabricated narrative, they dog pile me in an attempt to prevent it from coming out. Also notice how they didn't want to discuss why I was dropped from the wellness expo as the media is complicit with the pharma trolls that created the smoke and mirrors in the first place. Further to that, the agenda becomes quite glaring as they desperately try to bridge the passing of my son (that is fraught with medical system coverups and lies) with my involvement in Truehope.

Due to the media's involvement in preventing 1000's of individuals the opportunity to connect with us over the next 2 months, we are setting up studio and going live tomorrow at 7pm MST with the "Brain and Thyroid Health" presentation that the pharma trolls have worked so hard to prevent the public from seeing (note: this presentation will also cover the use of effective, scientifically proven natural remedies for mental illness that have been instrumental in allowing hundreds of thousands to live fulfilling, drug free lives). Praise be to God, that even though our detractors have had momentary success in suppressing this message of hope and empowerment, that we still have a venue wherein the "Rise Up" tour continues as we share the same blessing that saved my family over 20 years ago. I pray that the message will be equally as impactful through this medium as it has been for the tens of thousands that we have been blessed to connect with over the past few years. May God continue to allow the truth to come forward and may it truly set us free!

Colin Ricard #racist facebook.com

I don't believe in 'antisemitism', clearly it's just another psychological manipulation to deflect from the fact that some Jews are complete tyrants, and antisemitism paints them as just another victim. In fact, i'd bet most people don't give a shit about 'the Jews' and even less understand the power of the 'tribe' and its tentacles driven by that ideology of racial supremacy.

In fact, given this psychological manipulation and the power of 'victim hood', it becomes even more obvious as to why the official holocaust narrative cannot be challenged, not because it might not be accurate, but because it cements into place this idea that everyone 'hates' the Jews, and if given a chance, would obviously try to exterminate them all.

Btw, bibi is a complete psycho, suggesting that Iran has designs for global domination. He accused them of doing everything Israel is doing, and that's really scary.

Ralph Langgood #fundie facebook.com

On an article entitled “Gym teacher accused of assaulting student who refused to stand for Pledge of Allegiance”

Kids are whinny unruly morons these days. And of course the parents are no better.

We first of all by “assault” most likely it means; “assisted the moron with choosing to stand.” So much of these issues are caused by the breakdown of what once was the almost complete authority of teachers and school administration over the student body with the full support of the parents.. In a better time, long past (1950s-1970s), teachers and principals were an extension of the involved parents. They were also given virtually the same authority and go-ahead by parents to dole out punishment as necessary. This included attitude adjustment, like in this case. The worse thing that could happen would have been to mouth off to a teacher or principal, because the punishment would then be two-fold; at home and school. AS a smart-ass who attended regular public school, I can tell you that I was not so infrequently slammed up against lockers and slapped around by teachers for my indiscretions. One did not dare whine about this at home this for fear of having to explain about original sin incure another type of punishment at home......

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

If you've ever had or funded an abortion before: THIS is who you gave your baby to! It's name is Moloch. And it's an ancient demon from the infernal world that people sacrifice babies to in order to gain personal power, prosperity and favor.

Jesus Christ enacted a death warrant against this demon and all others when He died on the cross and rose again. (Colossians 2:15) It's day of ultimate doom is soon coming.

But why are Christians still empowering this beast by voting for Democrats who promote abortion as one of the main platforms of the Democrat Party??? How will you stand judged before the God of all the Universe when you must give an account of your time spent here on Earth? Will you stand guilty of supporting demonic ideologies; or exonerated?

Repent Christian! Beg God's forgiveness for your sin of demonic sacrifice! And make no mistake about it: if you're still voting as a Democrat and supporting its political viewpoints as a Christian, you're voting for demons. And GOD WILL JUDGE YOU JUST LIKE HE WILL JUDGE THEM!

"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8


UK Korean Friendship Association #fundie facebook.com

Imperialist lies and fairytales.

Radio Free Asia , which as every school student knows is a CIA fake news propaganda station , and a number of imperialist and mainstream media outlets have carried a story saying that the DPRK is "running out of money ". This is basically the old 'collapse of the DPRK ' fable recycled and served up as today's fake news. Back in the 1990s the imperialists used to say that the DPRK would collapse in 3 days, or 3 months or 3 years.

I can even remember looking at a copy of Newsweek magazine in September 1991 in W H Smiths , it claimed that the DPRK would not have enough food and fuel to last it the winter ! ,. Needless to say that the DPRK did not get its food and fuel from the USSR and Eastern Europe but was self-sufficient .26 years later the DPRK is still here. Similarly 1996 the imperialist spread the rumour that the DPRK would collapse in the spring , some so-called friends of the DPRK in the UK believed this , we did not ! 20 years the DPRK is still here and prospering !

The DPRK has a self-reliant economy , it has a planned economy and a balanced and controlled budget . There can be no such thing as "running out of money " or "collapse ". The DPRK will smash the imperialist sanctions with Juche and self-reliance !

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

Did you know that each major gang has a corresponding voodoo god - better known as an orisha - that goes along with it? Even the gang colors match the colors of a specific voodoo spirit that the gang is secretly dedicated to.

This is why violence and death go hand in hand with gang activity. Because when a person joins a gang they are dedicating themselves to evil spirits, allowing those spirits to enter inside of them.

And once that happens the person ends up becoming the tool of devils.

If this topic sounds intriguing to you, you owe it to yourself to read Gangs And Demons: Blood In and Blood Out. Get it right now!

Duma i Nowoczesnosc #fundie facebook.com

TVN this evening aired its undercover investigation into Polish neo-Nazis.

It focused on the group Duma i Nowoczesnosc (Pride and Modernity), showing how its president last year organised a celebration of the 128th anniversary of Hitler's birth.

At the event, Nazi flags were hung from trees, an 'altar' honouring Hitler was set up, and the participants, some of whom were dressed in Wehrmacht and SS uniforms, gathered around a flaming swastika. At the end they made a toast 'to Adolf Hitler and our homeland, beloved Poland'.

One leading figure in DiM, Jacek Lanuszny, is an assistant to member of parliament Robert Winnicki, the president of Ruch Narodowy (a movement that aims to be the respectable face of Polish nationalism).

TVN reports that, after Winnicki intervened in an investigation into the president of DiM, the national prosecutor's office, which is under the control of justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro, discontinued the case.

As NfP has notes previously, last year the prosecutor's office reportedly intervened to encourage a court to withdraw an indictment against radical-nationalist priest Jacek Miedlar and to reduce the sentence given to his colleague, Piotr Rybak, for publicly burning a Jewish effigy.

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