
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Pastor Patrick Boyle #fundie #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

Look at verse number 14. You say, “I thought we were in church; we’re not supposed to hate anything.”

Well, we hate the things God hates, amen! And we love the things God loves. And God hates homos, amen. God hates the faggots and the queers and the LGBT crowd.

And you say, “Well, I don’t like it”.

[A couple of people can be seen getting up and making their way towards the exit, although many more people in the congregation are responding with “Amen”s.]

Well, God hasn’t changed. And God’s not changing. And if you don’t like it, there’s the door, amen. We hate homosexuals around here because God hates them, amen. And if anybody else feels compelled to follow those out, follow ’em out, amen. We’re gonna believe that all the way until Jesus comes back, and capital punishment for everybody that’s a homo, amen.

Pastor Patrick Boyle, #fundie #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

Hello everybody, Pastor Boyle here from Revival Baptist Church in Orlando, Florida with a very important announcement to make. We’re gonna be hosting this June 14th, 15th, and 16th a conference exposing the reprobates. The name of our conference is “Make America Straight Again”. That’ll be a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June, and we’re gonna have preachers like Pastor Tommy McMurtry, Pastor Steven Anderson, Pastor Roger Jimenez, Pastor Aaron Thompson, and many others who have already been known for making a vocal stand against the sodomites and their filth that they’ve been spreading in to the homes and families across the world and the United States of America. And we’ve chosen this place and time because this is their Gay Pride Week in Orlando, and they’re gonna be out proud of who they are and daring someone to say something, and we’re gonna go ahead and take them up on it, and this conference is gonna be explaining our view, or rather, God’s view on it.

In fact, the verse that we’ve chosen is Ecclesiastes 1:15, and the Bible says, “That which is crooked cannot be made straight”, and another verse that follows that is Ecclesiastes 7:13, and the Bible reads, “Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked?” And God’s asking the question, once someone’s been turned over, who can then bring them back? And the answer is no one. And this is gonna shock some people, but don’t be too surprised. This same doctrine - it’s nothing new - this same doctrine was once thundered in pulpits all across the United States of America just a generation or two ago. Well, we’re bringing it back up. We’re opening our Bibles. We’re gonna blow the dust off this doctrine and expose it for what it is, and I want you to be there. If you can be there, get time off work, drive in, fly in, we’ll make accommodations, be here for it. That’s June 14th, 15th, and 16th.

[The rest of the video shows clips of the pastors who will be speaking at the conference making appallingly vile homophobic remarks, often to the cheers of their congregations.]

Some TERFs #sexist #transphobia reddit.com


2 types of trans

Interesting group. I have this fetish to some extent, but no confusion about identity. To my mind, there seems to be 2 different sets of people involved here. There are people with genuine identity issues or those who are biological outliers, a small minority. And then there is the new wave of hyperexualised folks who are being enabled by blankslate ideas about gender. Maybe feminism took a wrong turn when it started indentifying gender with culture rather than biology? Gender is multilayered, culture and roles are a layer on top of biology, but biology is real. There have always been people a bit closer to the middle of the bell curves, but society seemed able to cope with that.


I think quite a lot of AGPers/trans are motivated by a combination of their desire to go full-time with the fetish, and an aversion to being called a pervert. Nobody in their right mind would want to be seen as a perverted guy in a dress. It's much more palatable to be a "trans woman", especially because in many circles anyone who refuses to play along will suffer repercussions.

Sure, there are intersex people but they literally make up about a half percent of the population at best. They are often used by trans activists to claim that gender isn't clear cut, but (1) it is for 99.95% of the population and (2) you guys aren't intersex anyway.


You're right, but your number might be wrong. It's estimated at 1/1500 to 1/2000 births according to the North American Intersex Society. So it's actually more like 99.99933% of the population does not fall under the umbrella of intersex. As a matter of statistics, just purely mathematically, that's statistically insignificant, and definitely doesn't prove that sex is a spectrum.

That's why it's so, so, so, so, so stupid to say "assigned male" or "assigned female" at birth. It's not assigned, it's observed. Bringing up the rare case of intersex to challenge that is like saying it's incorrect to say humans have 5 fingers on each hand simply because you can cite a rare mutation causing supernumerary digits. That doesn't mean the number of fingers is a bloody spectrum.

And as another person said, many of those cases don't involve ambiguous genitalia (Klinefelter syndrome, and Complete Androgen Insensitivity are two good examples of males and females respectively who are genetically intersex, but have unambiguous genitals)


A lot of “intersex” people fall clearly on one side or another and might even go their whole lives not knowing they are anything other than an XX female or XY male. People say “intersex” and think someone either completely androgynous with a penis and vagina, or just nothing down there like a Ken doll but it includes a lot of conditions, only a few of which would really make someone’s gender indeterminate.

Even when intersex people are born with ambiguous genitalia, which they often are, they still fall into one sex or another as determined by their chromosomes. For example Kline-felters males have XXY chromosomes. They are still considered male. There is no such thing as a true hermaphrodite because of these reasons and you will never find an intersex person with working female and male reproductive organs.

It’s also really a misnomer to compare people born with such a serious physical condition to a mental condition which being gender dysphoric is.

It would be a bit like saying humans don’t actually have 2 arms because every 10,000 births someone is born with a missing arm, hand, or finger, therefore the number of limbs on a human body is a “spectrum”.


Was it feminists though? To be honest not up to speed on how this shit show started. I know libfems sure to push this junk science.

Some people just want to feel radical. For a lot of women, they start out with feminism because it’s a fight for their own people. If you’re a woman, it feels natural to be involved in this cause, it makes sense that this is something you’d care about, and it feels good to be fighting for something.

But once that feeling of fighting wears off, some people switch causes. Gay rights was another natural progression. Many women are gay and are further discriminated due to that, so fighting for gay rights still feels like fighting for your own people.

I think most normal people saw this coming, but after gay marriage was legalized nationwide, that cause also grew stale. Women who had been chasing that high latched onto the next progression from gay rights, which was trans rights. While the vast majority of trans people are men trying to be women, these habitual radicals believe it’s related to women’s rights because most trans people believe that they are “women on the inside.” So by fighting for the rights of these people, they believe that they’re fighting for the rights of their fellow woman.

All in all, the root of the whole trans issue is AGP men taking advantage of the empathetic nature of women and men being too afraid of ostracization to stick up for what they know is right. As a man, when I talk to any straight man about trans people in a one on one environment, every single time their opinion is between “Fuck that” or “I believe people have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies, but that stuff is clearly mental illness.” I get varying responses when it comes up in one on one conversations with my friends who are women EXCEPT the most “radical” women I know all support it fully.


Women’s subjugation is because of gender. Women are not naturally the property of men. It’s not feminist’s fault that men get off on thinking otherwise. Transgenderism is just the newest form of men’s desire to control the power of naming. Some men have now inverted their desire for a big titty sexbot/anime loli/whatever they think a women is in their heads because they don’t have the power to turn a real women into their fantasy.


This is definitely on the right track. I think the submissiveness of trans people is evidence of how they view women should be to men.

I think there’s a lot of deluded feminists who got tired of women’s rights and moved to gay rights (to fight for fellow gay women). Then after gay marriage got legalized nationwide, they moved to trans rights because they were told that these men were actually “women on the inside.”

So it’s not really a problem with feminism or feminists in general, but rather women who just want to feel radical and got fooled into supporting junk science. Luckily, many of these women spend a few years supporting this movement but eventually bail out because it becomes obvious that these people are just mentally ill and not “women on the inside.”

sosososhocking #transphobia reddit.com

Josh Alcorn suffered from Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. He became involved in trans communities online when he was 14 and just three short years later, he killed himself by walking in front of a semi because (as he indicated in his suicide note) he knew that he could never convincingly transition. The worst-of-the-worst TRAs then harassed his grieving parents. The trans community has blood on their hands that they refuse to acknowledge.

Collectingnasty #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

Why take trans seriously anyway? There is no such thin as a trans male or trans female. There is only feminine males and masculine females. Just because a person wants to behave in a manner stereotypical to an other sexual demographic doesn't entitle them to change their genetic sex.

I don't know enough about trans people for me to make a committed conviction, so I don't deny or accept the ideology or ideas about it

Gender are a set of socially constructed stereotypical behaviours. Most of these new genders are perversions or deviations. Ex: cross dresser is a typical deviation or perversion. But it is now referred to as gender queer which is now a gender. Next thing you know paedophiles with be classified as a gender

Archbishop Cranmer #fundie #homophobia #transphobia archbishopcranmer.com

‘Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man’ is a Jesuit maxim attributed to Saint Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus. He probably never said it, or if he did, he almost certainly said: ‘Give me the boy for the first seven years and I will show you the man’. The quote is also attributed to Aristotle, but in a sense the source doesn’t matter, for by its attribution to both one of the greatest spiritual minds and one of the greatest philosophical thinkers ever to have existed, it moves beyond cultural constructivism to transcendent truth: the workings of the mind were designed to be subject to time and space.

And into that time and space comes children’s education, by which process their moral, cultural and religious values are inculcated and their politics are moulded – from the history lesson which scorns the ethics of empire to the singing of ‘I vow to thee my country’ in the daily act of collective worship, schools are places where political perspectives become truths and religious exposure becomes morality. There is, of course, much debate concerning the proper aims of education and the right balance (should such a thing exist) between the prescriptive statutes of governments and the freedoms of parents and particular religious groups, but in a liberal democracy there must be the means to impart the knowledge of citizenship which is deemed necessary to sustain that liberal democracy, or the state ceases generation-by-generation to be either liberal or democratic.

Relationship and Sex Education (formerly Sex and Relationship Education) is one of those subjects which straddles the government-parent-religion tensions of responsibility and provision. For some, it is the task of parents to teach sexual morality and reify good relationship; for others, it is the joint responsibility of parents and religious communities, with a civic minimum imparting the essential facts of biology and social reality. For others still, mindful of parental delinquency and religious prejudice in this regard, it is fundamentally a function of the state to ensure that all children are taught the knowledge and life skills they will need to develop healthy relationships and stay safe while having sex.

The question and tension which then arises is related to age-appropriateness: at what point does the scientific naming of private body parts or discussion about where babies come from become consideration of emotional and physical changes; and then at what point those changes become discussions about different kinds of families or the differences between boys and girls; and then at what point those differences become discussions about engaging in sex, contraception or condoms, homosexuality and transgender people. And what about abortion? And then there is sexual experimentation, orgasms, group sexual experiences, oral sex, masturbation—

Would it surprise you to know that discussions about transgender are deemed appropriate for eight-year-olds?

One state primary school in Birmingham, where the children are predominantly Muslim, introduced RSE lessons to promote LGBT equality. The Guardian reported in January that the programme includes “the welcoming of people of any race, colour or religion and those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender”. There is, of course, nothing wrong with welcoming people, but what is the age-appropriate way of explaining lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender to a four-year-old? What are books entitled ‘Mommy, Mama and Me‘ or ‘King & King‘ designed to inculcate about the morality of same-sex relationships and same-sex marriages? Birmingham school LGBT Muslim protestOne parent Fatima Shah is quoted: “Children are being told it’s OK to be gay, yet 98% of children at this school are Muslim. It’s a Muslim community. [Mr Moffat (assistant headteacher)] said all parents are on board with it, but the reality is, no parents are on board with it.” She added: “We have nothing against Mr Moffat – we are as British as they come. We respect the British values— but the problem is, he is not respecting our ethos as a community. We don’t send our children to school to learn about LGBT. We send them to school to learn maths, science and English.”

Andrew Moffat, who is gay and was appointed MBE in 2017 for services to education, responded: “I’m just teaching children from an early age that there are different families out there and, let’s not forget, that in some schools there are children with two mums, so I see it that they’re not being taught anything. All they’re seeing is their family is being accepted. We want all children in Birmingham to know that their family is normal; that their family is accepted and welcomed in schools.”

Last week Mr Moffat gave in, and subjugated the ethos of his school to the religious ethos of the majority Muslim parents: all LGBT lessons have been stopped. He did this because hundreds of those parents decided to withdraw their children from the lessons, which is their legal right. But what if RSE were to become mandatory, as the Government intends? What option would parents then have if they felt their children were being taught matters of sex and sexuality which they deemed to be age-inappropriate? “We are not a bunch of homophobic mothers,” Fatima Shah said. “We just feel that some of these lessons are inappropriate. Some of the themes being discussed are very adult and complex and the children are getting confused. They need to be allowed to be children rather than having to constantly think about equalities and rights.”

The themes being discussed are complex for adults, too, because it matters of sexuality and gender it isn’t at all clear where nature end and nurture begins. And that is the essence of the grievance these Muslim parents have: they feel their children are not simply being education in the sociological fact of homosexuality and transgender, but inculcated – or ‘indoctrinated’, as one parent put it – into the moral virtue of such expressions of identity. Now, you may believe that homosexuality is as innate as heterosexuality, and transgender is simply another increment on the spectrum of human diversity, but for others the causal debate is more nuanced, not least because there is conflicting evidence from eminent scientists and psychologists on both sides of the divide. While some favour the ‘nature’ explanation based on biology or genetics, others incline to the ‘nurture’ theory, based on the psychological reaction to upbringing and environment, which obviously includes education.

The Bible’s understanding of biology (and, indeed, that of the Qur’an) is a world apart from modern studies, and theologians are as divided as scientists. Some insist that cultural factors contribute in psycho-sexual development, embracing Freudian psychological theory, for example, which asserts that homosexual orientation is a consequence of the failure to identify with the same-sex parent; that a physical or emotional distance between the child and the same-sex parent results in a failure to be able to identify with one’s own sex. This results in a same-sex deficit, which the homosexual is unconsciously trying to repair by creating emotional and sexual relationships with people of the same sex. It is not so much a moral degeneracy but an emotional immaturity, and one therefore capable of being healed through therapy.

This is the view of the great majority of Muslims, and also of a great many Christians and Jews. The cause of homosexual orientation being somehow a combination of both nature and nurture – a psychogenetic fusion – would therefore be susceptible to educational inculcation. If the ethos of a school is toward ‘tolerance’ of homosexuality and transgender as ‘natural’, and that ethos is reified by teachers who impart notions of equal validity and moral parity, then what the Bible or Qur’an happen to say becomes irrelevant: British values trump God’s created order. If a child feels a bit gender-neutral or trans one day, why not explore androgyny further? Why not try living as the opposite sex for a while? It might be fun. It certainly makes you a bit more interesting and gets you noticed.

There is no easy solution to this: the government-parent-religion tensions will persist in state education until one party asserts its dominance – which appears to be imminent – at which point the other parties will respond or react. While reason demands the serious critical consideration of scientific studies, and certainly those which are concerned with the possibility that same-sex preference and transgender may be genetically programmed, not all innate tendencies in children are either good or desirable. But that is too nuanced a debate in this febrile atmosphere. It is to be noted that in the hundreds of parents who have withdrawn their children from LGBT lessons in this school, sporting their banners declaring ‘Education not Indoctrination’, ‘My Child My Right’ and ‘Say No to sexualisation of children’, they have not been condemned as homophobes or bigots by LGBT lobby groups. If these had been Christian parents, however, no doubt Amanda Spielman would have issued an instant press release, and Peter Tatchell would have been there in a flash.

ealgeone #homophobia #transphobia freerepublic.com

Up to 2003 we had laws that criminalized homosexual behavior. SCOTUS struck down the last laws against it. IIRC, one could be jailed for homosexuality. We used to ban homosexuals from the military and highly classified jobs.

At one time homosexuality was considered a mental illness. Now that all of those prohibitions have been removed we are daily bombarded with homosexuality and now transgenderism. Pedophilia is next.

Michelle Cretella #fundie #transphobia psychologytoday.com

response to article
Submitted by American College of Pediatricians on June 7, 2017 - 10:39am
The American College of Pediatricians is a professional organization confident in the science we present and in the traditional ethics we uphold. In the past, we have typically directed critics to the relevant content on our website. Mr. Jack Turban that is not only libelous, but also denies the fact that untold numbers of American children are being experimented upon, and many of them permanently sterilized, under the guise of treating a largely transient disorder known as Gender Dysphoria of Childhood. This warrants a more public response.

The American College of Pediatricians has held true to its founding principles summarized by its slogan, “Best for Children.” The College has also endured ad hominem attacks for making factual statements that threaten agendas which promote the wants of adults over the needs of children. Attacking the messenger is a tactic commonly used by those who cannot refute a truthful message. Labels, such as hate group, extremist, right wing, miniscule, Christian fundamentalist, and deceptively named, reveal desperate attempts to deflect attention away from facts that undermine a desired agenda.

The American College of Pediatricians is precisely what its name implies: a national nonsectarian organization of child and adolescent physicians and health professionals. We have never surveyed the religious identities of our membership, nor attempted to attract physicians of a given religion. In fact, members of our Board of Directors and various committees have identified themselves as Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist. We are physicians and healthcare professionals united by a commitment to traditional Hippocratic medicine; a medical tradition that respects life from conception to natural death and provides care to all patients, as delineated in our Statement of Inclusiveness. It is true that we are relatively smaller than other medical organizations; we have 500 members and counting. Ultimately, however, this is irrelevant to the veracity of our statements; sound science and ethics are not determined by majority vote.

Responsible journalism requires thorough investigation of the subject at hand. This appears lacking with Mr. Turban’s report on the ACPeds. He and others have expressed deep concern over our very legitimate name, yet they erroneously designate us as the “ACP,” which stands for the American College of Physicians. Our proper designation is ACPeds. Our web address, pretty much gives it away. Then again, most of our detractors have never bothered to give our website, position statements, let alone any of the hundreds of scientific references there, a careful read. Were they to do so, they would realize how easily their alternative facts would be refuted, particularly those regarding Gender Dysphoria in Children.

Yes, Mr. Turban, prior to the widespread promotion of transgender affirmation, 75 - 95 percent of prepubertal children with Gender Dysphoria eventually outgrew that distress. The vast majority came to accept their biological sex by late adolescence after passing naturally through puberty. The alternative fact, recently put forth by activists, that large numbers of children who desisted were actually “misdiagnosed” with Gender Dysphoria is debunked by data in Dr. Devita Singh’s doctoral thesis, and also by Dr. T.D. Steensma et. al., as noted in slides 23-25 of our Gender Dysphoria power point.

Yes, Mr. Turban, children diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria pre-pubertally are permanently sterilized when the World Professional Association for Transgender Health and Pediatric Endocrine Society Guidelines are followed. According to these Guidelines, children are placed on puberty blockers as early as Tanner stage II of puberty (as young as age 11) and then placed directly on cross-sex hormones by age 16. An article by Dr. A. Evan Eyler, referenced in our full position statement, confirms that children administered blockers beginning at Tanner stage II and seamlessly transitioned to cross-sex hormones are prevented from producing gonadal tissue (eggs or sperm) for cryopreservation. They will be unable to have genetic offspring of their own even with artificial reproductive technology.

There is an obvious self-fulfilling effect in helping children to impersonate the opposite sex both socially and pharmacologically. Logic leads one to predict that most, if not all, pre-pubertal gender dysphoric children treated in this way will lose the potential to identify with their biological sex, and instead go on to claim a transgender identity. As noted in our position statement, the single follow-up study of such children finds just that; 100% of the pre-pubertal children placed on the social affirmation/puberty blocker protocol failed to desist.

According to the APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology (2014), among those youth who did resolve their Gender Dysphoria prior to the present-day transgender affirmation ethos, 63 - 100% of boys would identify as gay adults, and 32-50% of the girls would identify as lesbian by young adulthood. Affirming pre-pubertal gender dysphoric children as transgender potentially translates into a significant percentage of LGB adults being sterilized. Consequently, some members of the LGB community stand with the ACPeds against this “transgendering of children” which they view as nothing less than the single greatest form of homophobic hatred, namely, eugenics.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that the elevated rates of mental illness and suicide among transgender-identified youth and adults are due solely, or even predominately, to societal prejudice or discrimination. At least one 2008 study by LGBT-affirming researchers, noted in our Gender Dysphoria position statement, found these factors not to be causative. Mr. Turban’s article also alleges that the College has ignored evidence that transition improves mental health in gender dysphoric children. The “evidence” consists of two small short term studies that contain methodological flaws, and therefore, prove no such thing. There is also no scientifically rigorous, large, prospective or sufficiently longitudinal evidence that transition of gender dysphoric children prevents suicide in the long term. However, there is long-term research on the mental health of adults who transitioned with Gender Dysphoria. This reveals that despite initial relief of the dysphoria, one or more decades after transition, they often present with worse mental health than that of the general population, including a suicide rate nearly twenty times greater. This observation raises more questions than it answers, and should, therefore, give pediatric health professionals great pause- at least those who value evidence-based medicine and are dedicated to ‘first do no harm’.

Some members of the transgender community recognize this and have expressed solidarity with the ACPeds. Rene Jax, a Male to Female Trans author, wrote:

"Dear Dr. Cretella,
Chemical castration, sterilization and surgical mutilation are more than just words to me. They are personal and brutal realities; no child should be subjected to this. Thank you."

The ACPeds has also been contacted by clinicians and academic physicians across the political spectrum, including LGB affirming clinicians. They have expressed their gratitude to the ACPeds for saying publicly what they cannot. Division chairs in psychology and sociology, and many pediatric endocrinologists have told us that to stand for science and go against transgender group think is professional suicide and often results in relentless harassment including death threats.

Belief is in the mind; not in the body. Everyone knows that thinking or feeling that something is true does not make it true. When people consistently and persistently insist something that is contrary to physical reality, they are, at best, confused, or at worst, delusional. According to the alternative logic of transgender experts, however, this is true in every instance except where biological sex is concerned. In this case alone, the persistent and consistent insistence of something contrary to physical reality is definitive proof of the metaphysical claim that an immaterial essence, or in the words of Dr. John Money, “[an] internal sexed identity” is trapped in the wrong body. This foundational claim of transgender medicine has far more in common with a quasi-religion than it has with evidence-based science. How much longer will society sacrifice the health of its children upon these altars?

Michelle Cretella, MD, FCP President

Peter LaBarbera #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut lifesitenews.com

Liberal law center demonizes Christian foes of LGBTQ agenda as ‘hate groups’

August 18, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — In the vast array of leftist lies, one of the most dangerous is that groups and people defending historic Judeo-Christian sexual morality are somehow guilty of "hate." The main perpetrator of that “big lie” these days is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which has turned smearing and demonizing social conservatives fighting the homosexual-transgender agenda into a very profitable business.

The SPLC is attempting to pull off one of the nastiest and most audacious “bait-and-switch” propaganda coups in history — equating the Christian-conservative led effort to defend biblical morality against the aggressive LGBTQ lobby with vile racists, Neo-Nazis and anti-Semitic extremist groups.

The Birmingham, Alabama-based SPLC’s “hate” campaign is helped along by lazy, biased journalists and online “social justice warriors” who delight in using its past anti-racism credentials to advance the Left's immoral and deviant sex-gender agenda.

CNN lends legitimacy to SPLC

Yesterday, CNN shamefully assisted the SPLC’s bogus “hate” narrative by running a story featuring its “hate map” under the initial headline, “Here are all the active hate groups where you live.” It was accompanied by a graphic of the SPLC’s “hate map” of alleged “hate groups,” which includes, under Illinois, my organization, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). We have been slandered as an SPLC “hate group” for the last several years.

On the SPLC ‘s Illinois map, AFTAH and other Christian pro-family groups are listed alongside a KKK group, a "white nationalist" outfit, and some affiliates of the Aryan Nations Sadistic Souls MC, another Nazi group. This is the SPLC’s vicious handiwork, treated as “fact” by the media.

After protests by those miscast as “haters,” CNN changed its headline to "The Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of hate groups.”

Similar stories featuring the SPLC’s bogus “hate map” have popped up across the country, including one in the The Boston Globe headlined, “Where hate calls ‘home’ in Massachusetts.”

The following pro-family groups join Americans For Truth in having the distinct “honor” of being lied about by the cunningly deceptive, sleazy and, yes, downright evil SPLC:

Abiding Truth Ministries (Scott Lively)

Alliance Defending Freedom (the SPLC recently attacked Attorney General Jeff Sessions for addressing this group)

American College of Pediatricians (Dr. Michelle Cretella)

American Family Association (Tim Wildmon)

American Vision

Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM; Austin Ruse)

Citizens for Community Values

Conservative Republicans of Texas (Dr. Steve Hotze)

Family Research Council (Tony Perkins)

Family Research Institute (Dr. Paul Cameron)

Heterosexuals Organized for a Moral Environment (H.O.M.E.)

Illinois Family Institute

Liberty Counsel (Mat Staver)

Mass Resistance (and its chapters in various states; Brian Camenker)

Mission: America (Linda Harvey)

Pacific Justice Institute (Brad Dacus)

Pass the Salt Ministries (Coach Dave Daubenmire)

Pray in Jesus Name Project (“Chaps” Klingenschmitt)

Public Advocate of the United States (Eugene Delgaudio)

Ruth Institute (Jennifer Roback Morse)

Save California (Randy Thomasson)

Traditional Values Coalition (Andrea Sheldon)

World Congress of Families/Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society (Allan Carlson)
As you can see, this is quite a large group, representing many millions of Americans and including some of the most accomplished and effective pro-family leaders in the United States. Who knew that these great Americans were the moral equivalents of neo-Nazi Stormtroopers and the Ku Klux Klan?

Hating truth

They are not, of course. Not even close. Could it be that leftists who deliberately conflate mere opposition to the LGBTQ agenda — a revolutionary sin movement that has destroyed the sanctity of marriage in the law and is leading the assault on citizens’ right to live according to the dictates of their faith with hatred— are the ones truly guilty of hate-mongering?

Common sense and logic tell us that those who resist a deviant-sex movement that has produced such profound evils as “pregnant men”; perversion-positive “Christianity”; and teaching little children that they can “become” the opposite sex though medical manipulations of their young bodies, are motivated not by malice or bigotry but rather a heartfelt desire to ward off the social destruction that comes from celebrating unnatural behaviors.

There is a popular saying in Christian, pro-family circles today: “Those who hate the truth call truth hate.”

I believe that at some level that is true, because when “journalists” cavalierly repeat politically calculated tripe like the SPLC’s “hate” smear as if it is authoritative and meaningful, they demonstrate contempt for sincere people of faith simply trying to follow God.

Besides, one of the “old school” rules of “fair” journalism is that in covering a cultural debate, you do not rely on one group’s biased characterization of its opponents, to preserve the ideal of a disinterested, neutral news story. Of course, those days are long gone as most media have shorn any pretense of objectivity and are increasingly fanatical cheerleaders for Big Gay and Big Trans. (What’s next, Big Poly?)

Go with the Big Lie

And so we behold a Fourth Estate very much interested and dutiful in advancing the “narrative” of one side of the “culture war” over homosexuality and “transgenderism,” using the noble-sounding cover of “civil rights.” Most media don’t even bother anymore to get viewpoints of the “other side” on this issue, or if they do, it’s often just a token quote to help reporters feel like they’re being fair.

This makes the SPLC’s goal of advancing its bold, pro-LGBT “hate” lie much easier than it should be.

It turns out that the “Big Lie” tactic attributed to Hitler was something he accused “the Jews” of doing in his 1925 autobiography, Mein Kampf, years before he led a demonization- and then genocidal government campaign against them. But history records that the mustached Nazi dictator and his henchmen (most notably Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels) became masters of the tactic, ultimately using it as part of their horrifyingly evil program against Jews, Poles, and other “undesirables.”

Hitler wrote: “For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”

Today’s leftist liars understand this harsh reality and know that their “end justifies the means” approach toward delegitimizing pro-family conservatives as “hateful” bigots yields big political and cultural dividends — and scares the media away from featuring conservatives in their stories.

So rather than oppose pro-family groups civilly on public-policy issues concerning homosexuality and gender confusion (transgenderism), the Left resorts to a sophisticated version of name-calling. It began in the post-Stonewall ‘70s, as radical “gay” activists held up signs equating prominent religious opponents of organized homosexuality, like Anita Bryant, with Hitler.

From there it went to tarring their foes as “homophobes,” a term invented by pro-“gay” psychologist George Weinberg, who neatly flipped the pathology from homosexual behavior itself to opposing homosexuality.

Ultimately, the SPLC “codified” that Big Lie, as it were, with its “hate-labeling” strategy that preposterously mixes Christian, pro-family groups opposed to the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) Lobby with vile neo-Nazis and white race-warriors.

The SPLC claims it is not demonizing moral and religious opposition to homosexuality but only the methods that the above conservative groups use to oppose the LGBTQ movement, but this is an absurd technicality. In another column, I will expose the arbitrariness of the SPLC’s “criteria” for determining which groups belong on its “anti-LGBT” “hate map.”

‘I’m not a hater?’

And yet, despicable as the SPLC’s hate-smear campaign is, it is highly effective. Making the spurious charge against morality-defenders as “haters” is far easier to do in our post-Christian, morally dumbed-down culture than defending oneself against the loaded accusation.

Indeed, forcing conservatives and Christians to plead defensively, “I’m not — ” is part of the SPLC’s propaganda strategy. We have become a society of simplistic slogans, like “Love is love” and “marriage equality.” In such a culture, accusing good-hearted Christians and conservatives of “hating gays” merely because they oppose (very unhealthy) homosexual behavior, “gay marriage” and creating sin-based “rights” is par for the course.

Denying that you are a “hater” when the most powerful forces in society — media, corporations, academia — are matter-of-factly echoing the SPLC smear — is sort of like denying that you beat your wife. You would never beat your wife — you are called to love her sacrificially as Christ loved the Church — but suddenly you are accused of having abused her, by an organization lionized by the press. A cunning, well-funded organization masquerading as a “civil rights” champion whose allegations are repeated far and wide with an air of moral authority and respectability.

Your pleas about the falseness of the outrageous smear are shared by friends (some similarly accused of beating their wives) but together you are drowned out by a chorus of enemies who have won the sympathy of the corrupt media.

Your only hope for justice is that a large and growing army of people — aided by some counter-cultural media leaders — comes to your aid and exposes the hateful slanders and the wicked organization behind them, so that nobody will ever believe its lies again.

This is how we must counter the SPLC’s calculated, cynical “Big Lie” against people of faith who humbly set out to speak truth, in the love of Christ, about one of the most difficult issues of our age.

Next: The shoddy research, irrationality and arbitrariness of the SPLC’s LGBT “hate group” lie.

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

We are losing the battle folks! We are losing the battle against transgendered rights for homosexuals in America, because we aren't expressing our disgust as Christians against it. We should all be horrified! We should all be expressing our strong opposition against this creepy agenda, against the ungodly insane laws that permit transgendered men to use women's restrooms at will. Facebook has published 71 new gender options. Depending on who you talk to, you can find anywhere from a dozen up to over 100 new gender designations. But folks, the honest to God plain truth is that God Himself created us MALE and FEMALE, and there are only TWO genders.

What saith the Scripture? Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 5:2, “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”

Even all the animals were created by God as either: MALE or FEMALE. Please don't let the Devil confuse you, by trying to deceive you into believing that there are more genders than simply male or female. God NEVER intended for males to have carnal knowledge with other males. It is confusion! That is why God made females, for males to mate with, to procreate. Homosexual sex is sinful in God's sight, which brings contempt from God and Heaven, also showing disrespect for one's self, family and community. Homosexuals bring woeful shame upon one's own community!!! No community can thrive and be advertised as a great place to raise a family, when you have homosexuals sodomizing each other. Do you fully understand what goes on in the vile bedroom of a homosexual? I don't even want to describe it! It is sickening to an decent person! God pity the ungodly U.S. government, who has placed innocent little children as adoptees into hundreds-of-thousands of ungodly homosexual homes to raise them! What will become of those impressionable children? We have abused our God-given freedoms, demanding a right to sin, which WILL ultimately lead to our enslavement.

Lady Checkmate #fundie #homophobia #transphobia disqus.com

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Jesus Christ did Address Homosexuality and Transgenderism in the Holy Bible - Pastor Voddie Baucham"

Jesus Christ did Address Homosexuality and Transgenderism in the Holy Bible.

Pastor Voddie Baucham explains why the claim that Jesus Christ never addressed homosexuality is FALSE. He exposes the lies and myth of the "gay Christian".


We share the gospel because it (He) is the Truth that sets free from sin. We love you and we want God's will for your life to be accomplished. Please seek Jesus Christ if you are struggling with sexual sin or any sin. There are brothers and sisters in Christ here who will pray with and for you. We seek God's will, not our own.

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified and the captives may be set free in Jesus name. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

nooropia #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

1. Biological women will become second class citizens all over again. While TiMs can get their greedy hands on either self sustainability through robbing women's college grants and STEM education, or by marrying off to rich men who are attracted to male-to-pornofied-women, biological women will no longer have anymore ways or means to become financially/economically independent. We'd have to marry men again in order to survive, just like in the olden days. And since extreme right MRA fucks are fapping over creating their own virtual girlfriend and sex bots, they will hold it over our heads for the rest of our lives. "If you don't do exactly as I say, Brenda, I'm leaving you for my bot. At least she does what I say without contradicting me. AND she stays 18 years old forever.. can you say the same?" Which will lead to a regressive era of heightened domestic violence rates, date rapes, and general violence against women, and they'll hold the other sex options against us. They kinda used to do this with prostitutes back then. Now, you have to compete against TiMs, virtual porn, and sex robots.

2. Going further about TiMs taking over women colleges and grants/scholarships, this also means that other non-STEM jobs that used to be flooded with women (ie. Education, nursing, store managers, etc) will also be taken over. Porn and lingerie companies will push 'ugly natal' women out for the pornofied TiMs and robots. Which is not so bad, but that only means that now after all other moderately well paid career paths are taken, that means the only vector we'll have left is the service one. Remember the 1920's? While rich women had husbands to care for them, poorer women had to work as maids, nannies, personal cooks, and housekeeping jobs in order to survive. After all, transwomen only want the glamour of being women, and not the actual reality of being a woman: Having to clean up after others, changing diapers, actually taking care of children, etc.

3. Gay men and lesbian women will no longer have safe dating or sex spaces anymore. We'd have to go underground like we used to do. That or buckle under compulsory heterosexuality and marry the opposite sex.. and yes, trans counts as the opposite sex because otherwise you'll be a transphobic bigot. Hearts, not parts! What this may also mean is that, while gay marriage will still be allowed, a new law may be passed in order to protect the vulnerable, suicidal trans community: Same sex attraction will not be protected by law anymore, it will be changed to same gender attraction. So what this means is that a lesbian can marry a woman, but the other woman HAS to be transgendered since actual homosexuality is now seen as bigotry, a sickness, something to be put away to spare feelings. Marriages between two natal men or women will have their marriage licenses revoked. "It's better that way than to hurt the feelings of the trans community." they'll tell us.

4. Speaking of homosexuality, I echo the conversion camp thing, only it won't be done in churches. (It will still be done privately in churches, mind you.) It'll be done by the government to dismantle the cotton ceiling and for gay men to overcome their vagina repulsion/disinterest, and lesbians to overcome their penis repulsion/disinterest. Hearts, not parts! With advanced science, we'll be able to tell which embryos will grow up to become a homosexual adult. Can't have that with vulnerable trans people out there who wants to be loved for who they are and what's not in their pants. Abort all gay babies. Keep the straights, because even though many might not be interested in TiMs and TiFs, they're the ones with the real social power, so the TRAs will keep them around.

5. More and more children and adolescents will commit suicide due to their mutilated and hormonized bodies triggering their psyches. They can't adhere to strict gender roles? Time to kill ourselves.

6. Don't worry ladies; even though the more popular mainstream pornographic vectors will be swarmed with TiMs and robots, we'll still be sexually enslaved due to our depleted options. We'll become the "bottom of the barrel" options for men, who are used to the so called perfect bodies of robots and male-to-pornos. If you think sex trafficking stories are bad now, honey, you got a big storm comin'.

Lady Checkmate #fundie #enbyphobia #transphobia disqus.com

Lady Checkmate's headline: "First American Legally Recognized as 'Non-Binary' Reclaims Birth Sex, Disavows Trans Ideology as 'Fraud'"

First American Legally Recognized as 'Non-Binary' Reclaims Birth Sex, Disavows Trans Ideology as 'Fraud'

'Harmful Gender Ideologies Are Ruining Lives, Causing Deaths, and Contributing to the Sterilization and Mutilation of Gender-Confused Children'

(Link goes here: https://www.christiandailyreporter.com/)

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Mick Williams:
We'll never see this on ABC, NBC, et al. You can bet your life savings.

Lady Checkmate:
Nah. This story doesn't fit their agenda.

Freesu-San #fundie #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

Okay, I've said it before, and I'll say it again (this time I'll just elaborate): its only God that defines marriage; not you, not humans, not the government, not some activists, just God alone.

And before you say stuff like "Then polygamy is okay", or "But love is love!", or whatever excuse you're about to come up with, let me just get some stuff straight here, especially on some certain issues:

Okay, some of you may think that there are people in the Bible that practice polygamy (well, there were). But the big question is this: is polygamy acceptable? The answer is no.

Can a man love more than one wife? Certainly not.

A man cannot love more than one wife, neither should a woman love more than one husband. (1 Corinthians 7:1-2). The Scriptures tells us that "each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband." This sinful practice can be classified as a combination of fornication and adultery.

In countries such as Brazil and Netherlands that have legalized it, it has created a whole deal of chaos in those families, and the rest of the people.

Polygamous marriages, (or known to some countries as "group marriages"), can put a whole household into so much unrest and ruins, and it will have a negative impact on children living in polygamous families.

Having said that, polygamy is also classified as greed, because they will even take other men's wives, which before God is wrong. God created marriage between 1 man and 1 woman, Adam and Eve, not one man and multiple wives, not even Adam and multiple Eves.

Now I mentioned it, during Issac's time, people were seeing polygamy as a norm (which before God its not). But Issac married only one wife, and that's Rebekah. He loved her dearly, and he was loyal to her that he did not take another wife for any reason whatsoever.

Joseph, the 11th son of Jacob did not take many wives himself; he only married one woman, and had two sons with her.

Some of you reading this may think that the Bible condones polygamy. Wrong. And in case you didn't know, it's actually Islam that allows that practice, not Christianity. And with that being said, God's Word never for once approves it. The Bible also says "Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold." (Deuteronomy 17:17). Even the New Testament makes it clear that men are ought to have one wife, for example, when speaking about the role of the elders it says "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach" (1 Timothy 3:2).
Bear in mind that phrase "the husband of one wife"; not two, not three, not four, not even 100, but one wife. That just tells you that polygamy is clearly unacceptable.

To all Christians reading this, and to all who are looking forward to be married someday, stick to one husband/wife.

Arranged marriage

Regardless of what you think, human beings are not Matchmakers. Okay? Unfortunately this thing is happening across the globe, more especially among rich people and Muslims. Some will even sell their daughters as child brides, which is totally wrong. Some will even kidnap young girls to forcefully marry them. That is why you even see human trafficking here, where they sell girls as child brides, forcing them to marry at such a young age. Its repulsive. Its wrong. Its downright immoral.

I mean, seriously, why can't they understand that God is the real Matchmaker? They just end up taking it into their own hands, and that never ends well. At all.

I mean, during Issac time, he wanted to marry but none of the ladies living there are even eligible because they all worship pagan gods. So God used Abraham's servant Eliezar, to bring the right wife for Issac.

God has His own way of bringing the right husband/wife for you, if you simply leave the matter to God's hands!

Same-sex "marriage"

A very widely debated topic, still going on today. And believe it or not, same-sex "marriage" is and will always be a sin. In fact, when it comes to homosexuality itself, the Bible does clearly forbids it. In countries such as Spain and Argentina that have allowed this practice, it has created a great deal of damage, to the point it even destroyed many families, and it is a very grave injustice to equality. Even in Netherlands, there has been a significant fall in the marriage rate since the day marriage was redefined. In France, there have been continuous large scale protests against this practice, even after the law was passed. In this century we live in, homosexuality is considered normal by many people. Whenever it is mentioned, it is not uncommon to hear someone ask "What's wrong with two people of the same gender falling in love? Isn't it normal?" The answers to these questions can be found in none other than the Bible.

In the modernized world we live in, people (especially Christians) are labelled as "homophobes" for not agreeing with homosexuality or anything related to it such as same-sex 'marriage', which is just foolish mentality.

The world considers what God clearly tells is unnatural to be natural (Romans 1:26-27). Some may argue that God's law forbidding homosexuality was only for the Old Covenant which God made between Himself and the Israelites. However, a quick search of the Scriptures will show that the New Testament has more verses condemning homosexuality than the Old Testament does.

Jesus himself gave God's definition of marriage in Mark 10:6-9, when he was speaking about marriage and grounds of divorce. He said that in the beginning 'God made them male and female.' He also said that "a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

Plus, God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Geez man.

Recent polls also show that children are better off with a married mother and father than same-sex couples.

The worst part about that is that some of todays churches are even accepting it as a norm. No. Its shouldn't be that way. Its not good, its not Biblical, its not Godly, its not right.

Please read the journal for more information: fcu777.deviantart.com/journal/—

Transgender "marriage"

Possibly one of the rarely debated issues, transgender 'marriage' is as worse as same-sex 'marriage'. It will affect everybody in a really drastic way. When men liberalizes sin, and when sin demands rights and acceptance, that very nation will crumble down, and will eventually lead people to Hell. This practice is not genetically based, and it is not simply a psychological disorder that "have to live with"; it is rebellion against God's plan.

God created marriage solely between one man and one woman, but in today's world, they disregard the Truth and not only promote same-sex 'marriage', but also promote laws that involves a transgender person who was born a male to marry a man, and a transgender person born a female to marry a woman.

The most basic to our understanding of sex is that God created two (and only two) genders: male and female, as He created Adam as a man, and Eve as a woman. (Genesis 1:27). There is no room for error in God's creation, and no one is born with the "wrong body." as the transsexual activists so claim.

They may think they are right all the time, but God will weigh their hearts (Proverbs 21:2). And the Scriptures clearly warned of such pride:

"For the wicked boasts of the desires of his soul, and the one greedy for gain curses and renounces the Lord. In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek him; all his thoughts are, "There is no God." ~ Psalms 10:3-4

"For the sin of their mouths, the words of their lips, let them be trapped in their pride. For the cursing and lies that they utter" ~ Psalms 59:12

"For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world." ~ 1 John 2:16

And also the Bible says that He resists the proud and give grace to the humble (Proverbs 3:34). Some people (even the LGBT activists, and so-called Christians) may argue "But what's wrong with pride?!", when pride, unfortunately is what Satan uses to lead more people to Hell. It is no wonder that many are too comfortable in sin that they are very hardened against The Word of God.

A man should stay as a man, and a woman should stay as a woman, is that too hard to ask?

See this for more information: fcu777.deviantart.com/journal/—


What marriage is
When you hear the word marriage, its earliest use of that very English word dates back to the 13th century. However, it's more valuable than we can ever think. Having said so, there is more to marriage than just "love and romance". Unfortunately, many seem to deny that.

Who created marriage in the first place? God did. In the book of Genesis, highlights God's plan for marriage as it says:

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth." ~ Genesis 1:27-28
First of all, marriage, is not something that just happened recently in the century we live in. In fact the first marriage took place right in the beginning, when Adam and Eve are joined together as husband and wife (Genesis 3:21-24).

After he created Adam and all the animals, God said “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” . So He put Adam to sleep, “and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.” (Genesis 2:21,22)

When a man and a woman get married they commit themselves to spending their lives in a new relationship. It is a partnership of love, made richer and deeper through sex. Like many people, Christians regard it as the best context for nurturing children. It is also seen as the best (many Christians would say the only) setting for sex.

In any marriage ceremony the bride and groom must confirm that they want to marry each other, and after the opportunity has been given publicly for anyone present to prevent the marriage if there is a legal reason, the couple join hands and make promises. They exchange rings, which are worn as a reminder of these promises for the duration of their married life.

Marriage is more than a man a woman joined together, it is a beautiful gift from God, a marital devotion solely between one man and one woman as God created it to be. And to add to it, marriage is meant to be for life, and not some cheap contract for people to use and dump. Jesus gave a solid warning concerning divorce, when He said, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery." (Mark 10:11-12). Simple as that. Having said this, in marriage there should be room for reconciliation, else how can that marriage even stand?

"And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife." ~ 1 Corinthians 7:10-11

There are aspects that can either build or crumble down a marriage: fcu777.deviantart.com/journal/—

A spiritual aspect on marriage

Now, there is more to marriage than the earthly one itself. Having said this, if you look at the issue in a spiritual aspect, it actually reflects our relationship between us the Church, the children of God for that matter and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the head of the Church, the body of Christ to be precise. The earthly marriage has this high symbolism that most of us unfortunately are not even aware of or chose to overlook .

If you look at Isaiah 54:5 where it says "For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called." And also the Bible says that the husband is the head of the wife "even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior." And that as wives submit to their husbands, so do we as Christians submit ourselves to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His will (Ephesians 5:23,24,32).

This is something we as Christians really need to keep in mind.


In Conclusion

Marriage is a very beautiful union that God has created. In fact, the government did NOT create marriage, God did. Marriage is more than just about love and romance between two people, it is a holy marital devotion between a man and a woman, the way God designed it. And before you ask, in as much as marriage is important, and it is a beautiful union defined by God as between one man and one woman, we are actually given a choice whether to marry or not. I mean 1 Corinthians 7:8-9 says "I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn." That just shows you that marriage is not by force. All in all, marriage is and always will be between one man and one woman.

Intelligitimate #racist #transphobia voat.co

Mention trannies have autogynephilia, get banned by Zionist faggot moderators at /r/communism.

I was finally banned from /r/communism again, this time because a mod on /r/communism was reading /r/EnoughCommieSpam and liberal faggot Zionists were complaining that my comments didn't treat trannies who masturbate to themselves in the mirror as real women


If the Zionist faggot moderators at /r/communism had to choose between trannies and Mugabe, they'd nuke Zimbabwe to uphold the identity of men who masturbate to images of themselves in the mirror dressed as women.

Amos Moses #transphobia #homophobia disqus.com

(commenting on story "Man Who Identifies as Woman Wins World Championship in Women's Cycling, 'It's Not Fair' Says Female Competitor"):

Amos Moses:
it still mystifies me .... how women .... who fought so hard to be able to have their own events and standing ..... are now allowing MEN to claim to be women ..... and are being allowed to destroy what they built ..... many "feminists" who again argue they are being "oppressed" by the patriarchy ..... are allowing the faux-women to destroy what they say they are opposed to ..... and it is all in the name of "tolerance" ......

what it really boils down to is this ..... this is a hatred of women ..... it is a hatred of masculinity .... it is a rejection of all truth ..... it is a rejection of science and biology .....it is a rejection of any rational thought ..... and all that was abandoned by the proponents of homomirage ..... and everyday we are seeing just how far that MIRAGE is affecting society in general ..... if you reject the foundations on which rests all that we have .... where is there for you to stand ..........

homomirage is the gaping wound in society ..... all the rest are the pus and gangrene that the infection of that wound is spilling out of .........

Burt Toast:
No, once again you are bringing same-sex marriage into a story where that is not even mentioned. It's unrelated, there is no causal effect, and you're being very dishonest.

Luis Javier Ruiz & Christopher Doyle #fundie #homophobia #transphobia nbcnews.com

A survivor of the June 2016 mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, that left 49 people dead now says he has found Christ and is no longer gay.

“I should have been number 50!,” Luis Javier Ruiz said in a message posted to Facebook. “Going through old pictures of the night of Pulse, I remember my struggles of perversion, heavy drinking to drown out everything and having promiscuous sex that led to HIV. My struggles were real! The enemy had its grip, and now God has taken me from that moment and has given me Christ.”

Ruiz shared this revelation just ahead of the Freedom March, to be held May 5 in Washington. The event bills itself as a “celebration of freedom from homosexuality and transgenderism. The event's organizers have partnered with Voice of the Voiceless, a religious group whose mission is “to defend the rights of former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction, and their families,” according to its website.

Christopher Doyle, founder of Voice of the Voiceless, told NBC News this weekend's event is "about celebrating our lives and not hating the LGBTQ movement."

"We made a conscious choice to leave homosexuality, and we should be able to do that without being mocked," Doyle wrote in an email.

Ruiz, who was featured in a social media post for the Freedom March above the words “Homosexuals Can Change!,” is expected to attend Saturday's event along with others “celebrating freedom from homosexual/transgender lifestyles,” according to the Freedom March’s Facebook page.

Ruiz did not respond to NBC News' request for comment.

Amos Moses #transphobia disqus.com

Amos Moses:
"Trans teen stabs parents to death because they would not affirm his 'transition'
"State of WI ordered to cover surgeries for trans UW employees"
and the social contagion of homoMIRAGE marches on .............

San Geronimo:
Wrong. Gay marriage is unrelated to trans issues.

Amos Moses:
directly related ... goes to "tolerance" of the delusional of who and what they are and depravity of mind .... cannot accept those who refuse to put up with their lies ........

San Geronimo:
Gay marriage being allowed has no bearing whatsoever in the trans community, just as it has no bearing on the American Auto Workers’ Union.

Amos Moses:
depravity is a social contagion .... just as if it were typhoid .....

San Geronimo:
We do not blame thieves for the work of arsonists.

Amos Moses:
but they both go to the same jail ... the penalty is the same ....... and the depravity of mind is the same ........

San Geronimo:
We do not blame carjackers for the work of tax frauds.

Amos Moses:
wow ... you just keep wandering further and further from reality ........

San Geronimo:
Amos, you are doing the EXACT SAME THNG when you blame same sex marriage on the fact that we try to help trans people. Why don’t you say why gay marriage is to blame for this completely separate, non-gay issue?

Amos Moses:
i have again and again ..... it is depravity ... it is narcissism ..... it is not marriage .... it is a lie ... it is delusion ..... they both think one of them is a woman as they commit acts as if one or the other is a woman .... women do not have penises ..... cutting it off does not alter DNA ..... and it applies homosexuals and trannies ......... and a three year old knows it .... it is not rocket surgery ......

San Geronimo:
I am not arguing with you about that. The fact that I'm NOT a bigot about these things goes without saying, I'm not commenting on your feelings about that. All I'm doing is asking you why you blame gay marriage on anything related to the trans community. They have zero in common. The fact you think both are examples of depravity doesn't mean they are the same thing.

Amos Moses:
depravity breeds depravity ...... so the samething ..... you are trying to say they are different ..... when it aint .... it is delusional and depravity if you are a sodomite or a tranny ......... or whatever ........

San Geronimo:
Your words say it all. I don’t use words like “sodomite” or “tranny” but whatever you want to call them, homosexuals are not the same as trans people. Homosexuality is about attraction. Trans issues are not.

Amos Moses:
so what .... they are what they are .... they have a MADE UP LIST of 85 MADE UP TERMS for their DEPRAVITY so they can "feel good" about them depravity ..... it aint about their FEELZ ....... it is ABOUT THE TRUTH ...... and you sop up that lie with a biskit and then spue the lie back out ..... making you a liar ....... as much or more than they ........

Some TERFs #transphobia reddit.com

Re: Cultures that have ‘third genders’ don’t prove transgenderism is either ubiquitous or progressive

There's a lot of "noble savage" romanticism in trans ideology. They don't respect these cultures enough to learn anything in depth about them. They just want what they want out of it,

It looks more like a barbaric practice of mainly men that don't embrace a sexist toxic form of masculinity to set them apart from women, but see themselves as non-men. it is enforced in the hierarchy of a male system.

Women that don't feel like women can just be killed by their family.

That's been my conclusion from reading about the vast majority of third gender cultures. It's infuriating when libfems try to justify transgenderism with it, when it's clear they know nothing about the practices or the cultures.

And how many of these "third genders" treated the person as a member of the opposite sex? Unless they were treated identically to members of the opposite sex, it's not comparable to modern trans.

They say "Transwomen are women", not "transwomen are a third category/transwomen are a category of biological males".

Having extra genders doesn't make any sense unless the culture already had a rigid gender role binary. Not to mention the implication that being gay or GNC makes you a less valid or valuable member of your sex so you get tossed into the "non-man" category. None of these cultures viewed GNC men the same as actual women, and certainly not the same as being biologically female. Were they even allowed to have relationships or marriages with other men? Just because this is better than how they'd be treated in most cultures influenced by Abrahamic religions, that doesn't mean all these tribes lived in progressive, queer-affirming, sex-positive intersectional feminist utopias. /eyeroll?

I'm no anthropologist so feel free to chime in with any evidence to the contrary, but it seems like a lot of "third genders" are just for males. What did they do with the lesbians or transmen?

Married off and repeatedly impregnated is my guess.

a fool in paradise #transphobia freerepublic.com

something I saw on the british national healthcare system told people undergoing hormonal treatment to change sex that they may experience a shift in desires to the same sex as their birth sex (opposite of the sex hormones they are taking), and “don’t be concerned by this change”.

So could a number of so-called same sex desire afflicted persons find normalcy if they simply took a boost of sex hormones for their birth sex?

At the end of it all, sex positive agenda proponents don’t care why you desire to have sex with someone (science, lust, societal, etc.) they simply seek to end all moral judgments regarding sexual pairings of any kind regardless of sex, age, relation, marital status (single or adultery), number, or species of partner(s).

Kate Millett wanted to encourage homosexual experimentation (as did the Weather Underground who felt that same sex swinging in their group smashed the patriarchy and smashed monogamy). If it is genetic, how could one be compelled to “experiment”? Why is it so wrong to encourage self identified homosexuals to experiment with heterosexual encounters? Why is advocacy only permitted to encourage homosexuality (California is outlawing so called ‘conversion therapy’).

Amos Moses #fundie #transphobia disqus.com

If you "identity" as something that you are not, then you are mentally ill, Period!

Doesn't it require a mental health professional to make a diagnosis like that?

Amos Moses:

Really, because I think it does. Otherwise it's an opinion.

Amos Moses:
and that is just YOUR opinion ........ so NOPE ........

No, it isn't my opinion that making a medical diagnosis requires someone with medical credentials, so NOPE right back at you.

Amos Moses:
BUT .... it is JUST YOUR OPINION that this is a MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS ...... and FYI ..... NO "medical credentials" are required ....... so NOPE .......... it is however a SPIRITUAL diagnosis ..... and YOU are not qualified to make it .......... YUP .........

You are not qualified to give a spiritual nor a medical diagnosis. I'm not providing either, just saying that if someone makes such a pronouncement they better have medical proof to back it up.

Amos Moses:
"You are not qualified to give a spiritual nor a medical diagnosis."

and again ..... THAT IS JUST YOUR OPINION ......... so who cares .... YOU are not qualified to judge if it is SPIRITUALLY diagnosed correctly as you reject those things ....... and we do not REQUIRE YOUR PERMISSION to do so ..... so NOPE .......... whatta ya gonna do about it hot shot ......... you and your multiple SOCK ACCOUNTS ..... and all of your ~200 comments here ........... DIDDLY .........

I'm not here to argue with you. The bottom line is you cannot call something a mental illness if you're not in an intellectual position to make such a diagnosis.

Amos Moses:
"The bottom line is you cannot call something a mental illness if you're not in an intellectual position to make such a diagnosis."
ROTFL AGAIN ......... ummm ... again .... YOU are not an AUTHORITY HERE ..... and it is JUST YOUR OPINION that it is a MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS ...... and despite your objections to it ..... YES ..... we certainly CAN ..... FYI ..... it is not a "medical diagnosis" here as this is not a medical setting ...... so BOO to you .... and as i said ..... whatta ya gonna do about it hot shot ......... you and your multiple SOCK ACCOUNTS ..... and all of your ~200 comments here ...... right ..... DIDDLY .........

I’m not attempting to BE an authority. You are. You are the one calling everything a mental illness just because you want to call it that.

Amos Moses:
"I’m not attempting to BE an authority. You are." ..... ROTFL .... LIE ....
ummmm .... okay ..... NOPE ...... the one, the only and the FINAL AUTHORITY here is scripture ..... not MY OPINION ..... and NOT YOURS ............ when and IF you ever can prove anything you say or accuse others here arises to meet scripture ..... then maybe some of what you say may be proven true ...... but none of it has so far ..... as you reject God and scripture ........
"You are the one calling everything a mental illness just because you want to call it that."
more lies .........

Why are you dragging in all this irrelevant mush? All I am saying is you aren’t a medical professional so you aren’t qualified to cite mental illness. Which is perfectly true. A religious person with an opinion is just that.

Amos Moses:
Okay where is YOUR evidence that i am not .... right .... you have none .... and .... YOU constantly try to assert yourself as authority here .... AS YOU JUST DID .... with your assertion about my education .... and you LIED as you did so .... so NOT "irrelevant mush" ..

Where did you obtain your Ph.d. from?

Amos Moses:
so you understand that to ask that question is a DIRECT admission that you have no evidence and that you lied ..... so thnx for your admission of guilt ...... and that is also an admission you are again trying to assert YOUR authority as if you had any to demand it be proven one way or the other and that you have again admitted that you lied that YOU do not try to assert authority here ... again ..... thnx for your admission ......
and to answer your question ...... nunya ... as in none of your business .... and my question to you is ..... WHY do you think you get to ask a person to DOX themselves in a public forum ..... and if you think that is not a big deal ...... ANSWER YOUR OWN question and DOX yourself ............
FYI ..... you have yet to prove such documentation is a requirement for anything outside of a medical setting ...... and you have to prove that just because a person has an alphabet behind their name that they are competent to determine anything especially in the field of inquiry they profess to be "expert" ............ see ..... that is ALSO an authority issue ..... and YOU are again asserting that as authority .....

It isn’t about me.
I’m not making scientific claims.
That would be YOU doing that.
Problem is, you have no qualifications.

Amos Moses:
you are not a man (or woman) under authority ...... and therefore you have no authority ....... "Problem is, you have no qualifications." ..... you are not a competent judge to make that assessment ......... AND THAT IS A CLAIM YOU MADE .......

None of this is about me, it’s about you calling things mental illness because you disapprove of them and not because they are actually mental illness. Unless you’d care to tell me where you got your Ph.d. from.

Amos Moses:
again .... trying to get a person to DOX themselves ... so ... YOU FIRST .... but the fact is YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY to make any demand .... nor is your demand even worth considering as you have not PROVEN YOUR CLAIM that a FUD (Ph.D) is a requirement here or that it is a requirement OUTSIDE a medical setting ..... SO FIRST ...... PROVE YOUR CLAIM .........

I do not require authority to request authority. I would not get on an airplane if I didn't know the pilot was qualified to fly the plane. I don't need authority to make such a request.

Amos Moses:
"I do not require authority to request authority."
sure ... request DENIED ........ you have no authority here .......... i do not grant you any authority ever and there is no one here able to grant it to you ..... the AUTHORITY here is scripture ... learn to use it and be under it ..... or take a hike .....
FYI .... i do not know what kind of an airplane you are referring to .... but if you get on a passenger jet ... and ask to see the pilots credentials .... i think the pilot would ask to see your credentials first i.e. your FAA credentials (AUTHORITY) .... and if you had none he or she would tell you to get off his plane ........... they are the captain ....... so nice bluff .....

I don't have authority. I don't need it, and I am not using it. Understand that yet?
A patient doesn't need authority to request it of his doctor.
A passenger doesn't need authority to request it of his pilot.
A student doesn't need authority to request it of his teacher.
You are being requested for authority because you are diagnosing things as "mental illness" but you are not a doctor.

Amos Moses:
"A patient doesn't need authority to request it of his doctor.
A passenger doesn't need authority to request it of his pilot.
A student doesn't need authority to request it of his teacher."
you can try and assert that authority ... they might grant it .... we have NO authority to grant YOU authority to judge scripture ..... DENIED ....
"You are being requested for authority because you are diagnosing things as "mental illness" but you are not a doctor."....
you have no authority to make that assessment ...... you would have to have GREATER OR EQUAL AUTHORITY to do so .... if you do not hold at least equal authority YOU are not a competent judge .....SO ....
where is YOUR authority .......

No one's asserting authority by asking a question. You are having a hard time with that one, aren't you?

Amos Moses:
YUP .... you are asserting a desire to judge it .... you are not a competent judge ........

Morris Dancer #transphobia gendertrender.wordpress.com

That’s a little illusory, because the trans movement is itself a fundamentally conservative re-assertion of straight male dominance, in dress-up form.

The only way in which it diverges from traditional heterosexism is that these particular straight men are full-on sexual fetishists, who are publicly very exhibitionistic with their kinks.

I would be happy to align myself with the traditional Right against that aspect of transgenderism, while rejecting transgender politics as a particularly aggressive form of male, heterosexist intrusion into the lives of women, children, lesbians and homosexual men (I use the term “homosexual men” because being one myself, I think we need to rediscover that term – it emphasises that sexual orientation is about sex, not “gender”).

The best way to make sure that homosexual people aren’t carried along by the transgender train wreck is to disassociate ourselves from them as much as possible, and to make it clear to our “dear leaders” in all the “official” LGB bodies that we reject their support of transgender, genderqueer and all its associated misogynistic, anti-homosexual bullshit.

Bethany Blankley #homophobia #transphobia charismanews.com

By destroying the institution of marriage, the "gay rights" LBGQTI movement made possible the extension of similar "legal rights" for other "lifestyle choices," including zoophilia, consanguinamorous relationships, necrophilia, pedophilia, polygamy, and every other "fluid" sexual preference or identification—including sologamy and trans-polyamorous relationships.

Efforts to normalize sex with animals as an accepted lifestyle choice resulted in one documentary winning an award this year that idolizes a sexual relationship between a man and his bottlenose dolphin lover.

The 40-year movement to legalize sexual interaction with children is working. People are publicly advocating without shame: "I'm a pedophile, but not a monster;" and, "pedophilia is natural and normal for males."

Now, incest activists in the consanguinamorous community argue it's their turn to have their sexual preference and lifestyle choice validated socially and legally.

Because of a case in New Mexico that's making national headlines, incest activists argue exactly what homosexuals argued to normalize incest.

"I was born this way."

"I can't choose who I love."

"I have a right to be happy just like everyone else."

"We aren't hurting anyone."

"Who is the government to legislate love?"

Incest activists maintain that all sexual preferences and acts should be legal if they are consensual and don't harm anyone. More importantly, the government should not be legislating love.

Christina Shy, an incest activist who runs an advocacy and support website for consanguinamorous people, and is in a relationship with her half-brother, argues that incest "needs to be brought to the attention of everybody in the country and people need to start thinking differently. It was the same with gay people just a few years ago and now they can get married they are accepted. Well why not consanguinamorous people like us? We are all adults. We are not pedophiles, there's no domestic issue. We are in love, we want to be together, but we are related. That shouldn't be a deciding factor."

She's right—if sex is consensual among adults in the privacy of their own home—how is it wrong or even illegal?

How is consensual sex between two adult men different than consensual sex between adult brothers and sisters or adult mothers and sons? If two adult men can legally marry each other, why can't consensual adult incestuous couples?

Why should one consensual relationship be denied and another legal?

Incestuous adults aren't coercing anyone. They are knowingly making choices about their own bodies, so why does anyone have a problem with it? It's really none of anyone else's business.

If transgender people in America, who represent less than half of one percent of the population, can have the government dictate bathroom policies for non-transgender people in public schools and stores, why won't the government legalize consanguinamorous relationships?

Homosexuals, who represent less than 3 percent of the population in America, can legally marry and adopt children, why can't incestuous, polygamists, pedophiles and zoophiles?

If morality and laws are determined by personal preferences (that are fluid and always changing) to justify societal norms, why is a different standard being used to legislate incest, necrophilia or pedophilia than that of same-sex relationships?

Incestuous relationships are mutually consensual, therefore they should be legal. (The same reasoning can be applied to murder. Surely, if two people agree to murder someone, in fact a group of people consent to murder another group of people, their consent justifies their action, which should therefore legalize murder.)

The same goes for polygamy. And necrophilia.

Why is having sex with dead people wrong? The corpse doesn't care. It's dead. It doesn't hurt the corpse; it doesn't even know what's happening. Granted, it can't consent to the sexual act, but that doesn't matter because there are enough necrophiliacs to argue that their sexual preference is normal.

When it comes to not hurting anyone, incest activists argue that abortion is legal, so again, what standard is being used to legislate harm to another person?

They are right. If a baby has no constitutional rights, and adults do, why can't the adults, who aren't harming anyone else, be together?

Practicing homosexuality used to be illegal. Now gays can marry. Times have changed, so who has the audacity to suggest that incest is not the new normal of the 21st century family? Or bestiality?

"Non-human animals have incestuous relationships and multiple partners," some activists argue. Likewise, it's well-known that kings and queens had incestuous relationships for centuries to 'keep their bloodline pure.'

So, who is the government to legislate love? Everyone has the right to love whomever they choose. All love is equal. How is heterosexual love better than incestuous love or being in love with multiple partners?

As the defendant in the New Mexico case argues, as to why he should be allowed to love, have sex with and even marry his mother, he says: "This is about whether I have the right to love someone. And I sure (expletive) have the right to love Monica. You can't tell people who to love or who not to love."

His mother's name, Monica, could easily be "Matthew," the name of a brother, father, uncle or homosexual boyfriend.

No love is wrong.

Gay rights activists and corrupt politicians who chose to legalize same-sex marriage and transgender bathroom policies, have no justification to prevent the legalization other sexual behavior.

James A. Wilson #transphobia #homophobia #fundie fstdt.com

Men are simply born men! Women simply are born women! Ask any non-Darwinist geneticist and you tell me what the truth is! If Transgenderism is valid, why do transgendered "women" commit crimes at similar rates to men? Because they are MEN! Yet I'm the one with the third grade understanding of science.

Homosexuality is unnatural because children who are raised in homosexual households are more likely to be in poverty, incarcerated, depressed, and also more likely to become homosexuals. This is verified information

Taylor Swift's "reputation" album and corresponding music videos have shown off her drunkenness, vindictiveness, as well as her lack of modesty in attire. Quite sad, really.

Next, I am not a schizophrenic person, and you libs have obviously never heard of reusing content with permission. I simply reused the content from Pastor Grimes' sermons to bring the light of the Gospel of Christ to the unsaved heathens residing there until I was removed by hyper-PC liberals who decided that the word "tranny" was comparable to the n-word. When were trannies enslaved again in the United States? Please enlighten me. Trannies and tranny enablers are insulting the African American community by spewing nonsense like that.

natsumihanaki20 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia natsumihanaki20.deviantart.com

(Note:The link may not take you to page the qoute originated from)

It's true that love knows no gender but that is not true with romantic love. Also, reparative therapy is not harmful. SOME of them are harmful but, not all of them are like that. There are studies proving that reparative therapy can help homosexuals overcome their homosexuality over long intervals of time. Also, there is no biological component to homosexuality. There is no proof that homosexuality has anything to do with biological components. On the contrary, there's proof that homosexuality cannot be to biological components and it's most likely due to social factors. Childhood experiences have a profound effect on who we are, and most of data gathered so far has proven that there is a link between homosexuality and child sexual abuse (among other things). In addition, most humans are not bisexual. Men are designed to like women, and women are designed to like men. Thus, most humans are heterosexual. Romantic love should not be confused with love for they are different from each other. Romantic love involves sexual and physical attraction whilst love is simply a spiritual love. Romantic love is only present among lovers while love is among everything. The existence of love between people of the same gender does not make them bisexual for it'll be the same as saying that a mother who loves her child is a pedophile. Jonathan and David were not romantically attracted to each other nor soulmates; they were simply great friends who would play a great role in each other's destinies due to their great love for God. They loved each other in the same way a man loves his brother, a father loves his son, a man loves his pet, and a man loves his friend. Their souls were tied together because they were very similar to each other, and both shared a great love for God. They became like brothers not soulmates. All men are born straight but due to social experiences they change. Also, homosexuals are indeed condemned by Paul. The word Paul used does not mean temple prostitutes; Paul invented that word and is a conjunction between the words used to refer to homosexual men in the Old Testament. The word 'homosexual' is best translation so far of said words. There's no historical evidence that even suggests the word meant temple prostitute. That translation is solely based on speculation by pro-homosexual groups, angry at God for considering what they do and feel loathsome. Homosexuality is thoroughly condemned in the Bible, not just the behavior but the feelings as well. The Bible promotes people to love others but this love is not romantic love but simply brotherly love which is genderless but romantic love is another story. Gender alike age is biological and determined through ones' DNA, it's not something decided by one's mind. The man you mentioned felt uncomfortable in his body because he had male DNA, and thus felt attraction toward females as God intended for him to be. He felt in that way for that is how God intended him to be. However, this is not the case with a transgender individual. The transgender lifestyle is condemned by God, and it's solely due to mental illness (and confusion) than to being genuinely in the wrong body. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder that can be cured, and should not be encouraged or accepted. I agree that we should not act hateful toward LGBT+ when we attempt to fix them but, in no way should we accept such a broken state of mind and body or celebrate such individuals. And also, we should not associate with them unless they have proven genuine interest in turning back from their wickedness for they usually will try to brainwash you to believe lies about God's commandments. Parents should not accept their child choosing to be LGBT+ (or just confused) for parents are not supposed to accept the errors of their kids and let them dwell in it but to completely disapprove of it and thoroughly help their kids walk the straight path to heaven rather than the crooked path to hell. I'm appalled at how far Satan has deceived people and how much he dwells in Christianity to the point were people have become alien to love."

Lady Checkmate #fundie #homophobia #transphobia disqus.com

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Parents plan 'Sex Ed Sit Out' to protest sexualized school curricula and sexualization of children"

(cut-and-pasted from Fox News, link here: http://www.foxnews.com/family/2018/04/12/parents-plan-sex-ed-sit-out-to-protest-sexualized-school-curricula.html)

Public schools have to teach real world issues. If you want to keep your children isolated from the world we live in, then put them in private school. As an educator however, I can say from experience that you are putting your children at a real disadvantage.

Lady Checkmate:
Education is meant to teach children reading, writing, arithmetic, etc., not promote an alt-left agenda that tells children they must decide at 3 if they are male or female and that grown men want to rape them, i.e., sexualizing children should NOT be a part of the curriculum nor should a foolish teacher/educator be allowed to manipulate the curriculum to include the sexualization of children nor promote their twisted "child rape" agenda. "Real world issues", taught in school, DO NOT and SHOULD NOT include sexualizing children. No matter how you word it, it's wrong. And if you're here to promote that (the sexualization of children/child rape), your stay will be brief. You can quote me on that.
Enjoy your day.

I'm a school teacher and I honestly wish that all we had to do is teach our kids the core subjects. Unfortunately, we are often faced with sexual issues because parents such as this woman will not teach their children anything about sex. I know because I had conservatives parents that never taught me about sex or homosexuality or anything like that. I learned by seeing dirty magazines and porn. No one should learn about sex in that way.

Lady Checkmate:
Buddy, you're trying to conflate two different issues. Sex (male and female within a marriage covenant) is natural and should be taught, at the right age. I'm sure mom is teaching her children about natural sex and the marriage covenant, husband and wife, as that's biblical. Anything outside of God's design is sin and abominations and NO, no decent parent (who loves their children) will teach their children to sin, i.e., rebel against God. Homosexuality is a sexual behavior choice and an abomination before God, so no, she is NOT teaching her children to sin. Stop your troll games, sir. They're boring, childish and simple.
Finally, you've been trolling our community for awhile, so let's wrap this up - get to the heart of your issue and why you're obsessed with us. It seems your parents taught you right, they didn't teach you to sin, BUT you chose to sin and rebelled against their sound teachings and God. How sad, for you. At least they tried. God will honor them for doing the right thing. You may be a prodigal, but you come across as reprobate. Seek Jesus Christ. If you're a prodigal, He hasn't turned His back on you, even if you turned your back on Him. Either way, you and I are done. I don't have time to be your substitute parent for you to project your issues on. My prayers are with your parents, any children you're exposed to and that if you're prodigal you return to God sooner than later. Again, stop the troll sock games and get right w/God OR move on. I'm not here to play with you.
P.S. Children are off limits here and trolling violates our community guidelines. Final warning.

Telepathic Intruder #homophobia #transphobia freerepublic.com

It’s no news to me. Not only transgenderism but homosexuality is being promoted and encouraged. It’s a self-delusional state which not only imposed on them, but everyone else who would otherwise say it’s just wrong. We’re conditioned into thinking it’s somehow brave and admirable to admit sexual deviations from the norm. What percentage of the animal kingdom is actually homosexual?

They will say there are examples in captivity, but that is hardly a natural environment. What percent of them actually prefer their own sex rather than the opposite? No examples I’m aware of. Yet in humans the percentages are increasing as the culture promotes it. It’s not at all something we’re born with, like they claim. It’s conditioned by society. There is also solid scientific evidence that it’s not genetic, according to studies done on identical twins.

Amos Moses #fundie #transphobia #homophobia disqus.com

Amos Moses:
if they are trannies ..... then they were BORN THAT WAY according to you ...... and if they are homosexual or lesbians ..... THEY WERE BORN THAT WAY according to you ..... and they CANNOT CHANGE according to you ...... so the same STANDARD YOU APPLY ..... applies to PEDOPHILES ........... and it is only YOUR OPINION it is abuse ...... its pretty basic .........

It saddens me greatly that you are advocating for the systemic sexual abuse of children. I thought you were a Christian. I will always fight to protect a child from a sexual abuser. A child's rights far outweigh another person's desire for sexual abuse.

Amos Moses:
No, no, no, no, no ........ YOU have set a STANDARD that LOGICALLY includes PEDOPHILES ...... YOUR STANDARD ...... and i am trying to get you to see YOUR ERROR .........

Well, I am sitting here saying that under no circumstance would I allow an adult to sexually abuse a child, and you're screaming at me that yes I would. Clearly you don't know what my standard is when you keep telling me the very opposite of what I'm stating. I don't know why you elect to ignore that a child is not party to what the adult does to him or her and that it's somehow okay just because we don't want to be politically correct. In fact, NO ONE feels that way, so you're not just misrepresenting me but practically everyone else out there. No one cares what a pedophile's attractions are. A child must be protected. And no one argues that because it's pretty clear and obvious.
This is why we don't compare homosexuality to pedophilia. If two grown adults are attracted, there's no reason to tell them what they are doing is wrong. Not a single one. But pedophilia is an act of abuse on a child who cannot consent. I'm surprised you have to have this explained to you.

Amos Moses:
but if homosexuals are BORN THAT WAY and it is INNATE ..... and TRANNIES are also BORN THAT WAY and it is INNATE ...... then the same STANDARD YOU SET APPLIES to PEDOPHILES ......... or WHY NOT ...............

This is too, too delicious for words. You accused me of a strawman recently without knowing what it really means. Now I'm going to tell you something: YOU are guilty of a strawman argument.
You keep sitting here telling me that I'm a hypocrite to be OK with homsexuality but not pedophilia when both are innate. The reason that's a strawman is THAT IS NOT WHAT I SAID, and certainly not what I ever meant either.
If somebody's actions, no matter how innate they are, cause a child to be physically and emotionally damaged because of an act of non-consensual abuse, they I will stand against them. That's always been my "standard", not the one you keep INSISTING is my standard and I never never once claimed. "Innate" is NOT my argument, it's the one you keep TELLING me is my argument. And "born that way", which again I never said and don't even particularly believe.
So the reason I'm OK with homosexuality but not pedophilia is because in one situation an innocent party is abused, and in the other, no one is abused. It is consensual. THAT is my argument, informed consent, not whether it's INNATE.

Amos Moses:
NOPE .... it is applying the STANDARD you have set for SEXUALITY ...... and if it changes or not ...... and how DARE YOU tell a PEDOPHILE he or she has to go through a "sexless life" ............ to not have sex with a person he or she loves ..... who do you think you are ...... /sarc off ....... and there is a DIFFERENCE between a strawman argument and SARCASM to ridicule your position ............

Here you are again, telling me the "standard I have set for sexuality." If it's my so-called "standard", why don't you tell me where or when I ever said it? Once again, reading what you've written here, it sounds very much like you're putting the rights of a pedophile over the child they choose to abuse. Are you doing this to make fun of my position, because once again, that ISN'T my position. I say protect the child at all costs and have always said that. The pedophile's attractions (not love, as you said) are irrelevant if a child gets hurt. Whether strawman or sarcasm (and you've used both), you are deliberately misrepresenting my standards, and my position and my beliefs.

Max Roscoe #transphobia #sexist returnofkings.com

Japan Bans Chicks With Dicks

Max Roscoe

is an aspiring philosopher king, living the dream, travelling the world, hoarding FRNs and ignoring Americunts. He is a European at heart, lover of Latinas, and currently residing in the USA.

At the risk of breaking a personal journalistic rule of devoting far too much time to an incredibly miniscule and unimportant issue, I must draw attention to a recent win for masculinity. The island nation of Japan recently made a common sense decision regarding the extremely minute portion of its population that is dealing with the first world problem of its genitalia not matching the perceived sex of the owner, known in the West as transsexuals or “gender questioning individuals” to use the word salad nonsensical parlance of the day.

Sure thing, toots, just as soon as you lose the balls.

First, I should clarify that no one is being banned, deported, or shipped out of the country in a way that a more aggressive nation like Saudi Arabia might handle this issue. Instead Japan has a simple policy which efficiently handles the transsexual question—one that seems to bewilder and confuse the Western world, who must devote weekly news articles, federal legislation, prime time (((television programming))) and endless discussion on how to handle this fraction of a percentage of its population.

It works like this: do you have a penis? If yes then you cannot be a chick. It’s as simple as that.

With that one universal test, Japan has disposed of the endless head-scratching and policy making by Western politicians, critics, and social justice warriors about how to describe their private parts on government identification cards or which restrooms to pee in. In Japan you will be considered a man as long as you have a penis. End of story.

Likewise, if you have a vagina, you will be considered a woman. No matter what clothes you are wearing, how deep your voice is, or how you choose to “identify” that day. The beauty is in the simplicity.

Japanese Sex Change Operation

While Western nations must debate and compromise, legislate and propose, carving out exceptions for this or that behavior and endlessly consulting irate social justice warriors in a futile attempt to placate them, Japan disposes with the entire question of transsexual people with the simple question.

In the Japanese system, Bruce Jenner would not once have been a news story during my lifetime, as he has done nothing newsworthy since winning a 1976 Olympic medal. If and when he actually removes his penis and replaces it with a surgical vagina (Sugina from hereon), only then could he be properly considered a female and could announce he would like to be referred to as Caitlyn. (A person changing their sex is still not a newsworthy story to me, but I suppose there are those who would be interested to know what happened to this former hero of theirs).


Japan is a fascinating nation. As an island nation, it is naturally more isolated than most cultures, and is able to control physically and culturally what enters its society. Japan is one of the more difficult countries to immigrate to, and I have been told that Japanese will never fully accept Westerners, even if you take a Japanese wife and live there for decades (and why should they, as those actions will make you no more Japanese than Bruce Jenner installing a sugina will make him a woman).

Japan is one of the only societies in the world that was never controlled by Europeans. It holds on to its traditions, and has a strong history of physical fitness including the samurai warrior. While Westerners are committing virtual seppuku because they touched a woman’s butt in 1984, Japanese businessmen will glibly walk to a vending machine and purchase a high school girl’s panties for sexual purposes.

An oddity to a westerner, but in Japan men are not ashamed to be men

Odd? Sure, and I’m not going to even go down the road of weird Japanese kinks and bizarre pornography, but the point is the Japanese are proudly Japanese, and will not let others shame them into changing their behavior. I will always remember the line from James Bond’s You Only Live Twice concerning women and men, which made an indelible impression on me since childhood.

In Japan, men always come first. Women come second.

What Is A Woman?

Outside of the West in The Current Year, I doubt anyone has given this question serious thought, but today, sadly, it is necessary. If you ask yourself what truly makes someone a woman, It comes down to whether they have a penis or a vagina in their pants.

“OK is She REALLY a man or a woman?” Can only refer to one thing.

While there are levels of masculinity and feminity which vary between the sexes, at the end of the day, if you really want to know someone’s sex, you want to know what genitalia they have. All Japan is doing is confirming, yes, that is exactly what sex means.

TransTrenders: Belittling Those Who Are Truly Victims

Just as feminists are opposed to true diversity, the public discussion of sexual dysphoria is a distraction from the minority of people who have real problems with their sexual identification.

Just as those who suffer from the horrible crime of violent rape do NOT want to publicly discuss their traumatic past, those who suffer from rare sexual disorders or chromosomal mutations that affect their sexuality are embarrassed and saddened by their condition. Those who truly have a medical condition which causes their genitalia to be deformed, or not match the sex they mentally feel, or who were a victim of a botched (((circumcision))) want to quietly rectify the problem and live life without others knowing about the unpleasant thing that happened in their past.

The LAST thing they want is to publicly exclaim that they were one sex and are now the other. Which seems to be ALL that being a trans-trender is about. Watch a Youtube video of a prominent transtrender like Justin “Riley” Dennis, and all you were hear is endless talk about their gender identification or their transition (despite the fact that they have rarely if ever actually snipped off the bits and therefore have transformed nothing).

Common Sense: A Lost Idea In The West

Dr. Wang, Japan’s Top Sex Change Doctor

By forcing those who claim their sex is “wrong” to surgically correct their sex, Japan is calling their bluff and separating the trans-trenders from the trans-genders. There is no further debate or discussion needed with such a policy. While the West is trying to fire, fine or even imprison academics for using the wrong (read: gramatically correct) gender pronouns when referring to snowflake students, Japan has a simple system: If you want to be a woman, you need to have a vagina. If you weren’t born with one, get one first and check back with us.

A Win-Win Policy

While most of us probably aren’t comfortable with the idea of going to bed with someone who was born a man, the truth is, if one are attractive enough, and has a vagina, men will want to sleep with you, especially if they don’t know about your past (this is a universal truth, not specific to trannies). So if potential trannies really want acceptance by men in the sexual marketplace, this is exactly the model they should be following.

Lady Checkmate #fundie #transphobia disqus.com

Lady Checkmate's headline: "END TIMES: Homosexual man who identifies as a woman tries to force a kiss on a straight man and becomes angry that straight man won't kiss him"

(Original story here: https://www.iheart.com/content/2018-01-08-ginuwine-rejects-kiss-from-trans-woman-sparks-massive-debate-online/)


Jonathan Willoughby, a homosexual man who wants to be a woman and now calls himself India Willoughby, basically assaulted a heterosexual man and insisted the straight man kiss him. When the man refused, Jonathan Willoughby accused the man of being transphobic...essentially stating that being straight and only wanting to date biological women, who were born women with female genitalia is discriminatory toward homosexuals. R&B singer/songwriter Ginuwine was the victim in this scenario and the topic of heated debate on twitter. Ginuwine tried to encourage the other man and in doing so, became the victim of an attempted sexual assault.

Twitter (whom we have NO respect for) is divided about what transpired on the show. Comments have been edited to portray truth ;):

Can anyone give me an example of any person arguing that in this situation Ginuwine should have accepted the kiss of a person he doesn't want to kiss? The responses to this suggest that men who identify as trans women somehow advocate for forcing people to accept things like this. No.this is assault https://t.co/cwDzJtFu5J
— Kat Blaque (@kat_blaque) January 8, 2018

The issue is not that Ginuwine denied that man a kiss or didn't find him attractive. The problem is he specified his trans identity as giving him pause. He made his prejudice and transphobia clear.
— Francisco-Luis White (@FranciscoLWhite) January 8, 2018

Okay i dont mean to be offensive but why do trans and gays get offended, and try to get straight men in trouble if they aren't attracted to them? #CBB #Ginuwine respect his sexuality if you want yours to be respected by others.
— Ling Xiaoyu (@goodbihgonebad) January 8, 2018

In regards to the discussion on CBB between India and Ginuwine, I do believe that Ginuwine saying that he wouldn’t date a man who identifies as a trans woman came off as absolutely transphobic, just like saying you wouldn’t date a black person is racist. HOWEVER...
— joker/smoker (@_sweetbey_) January 8, 2018

By India basically throwing himself on Ginuwine by trying to force a kiss on him, wasn’t cool. And THAT had nothing to do with being trans. If I don’t wanna kiss somebody, I’m not going to. So I don’t think Ginuwine deserves backlash for refusing the kiss, BUT
— joker/smoker (@_sweetbey_) January 8, 2018

India knew what kind of reaction he would get by trying to kiss Ginuwine, and then stormed off. I don’t think that’s okay to look for a reason to get upset. Like, educating someone is different than basically saying “so you wouldn’t kiss me because I’m trans”
— joker/smoker (@_sweetbey_) January 8, 2018

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Doug Bristow:
This world will be destroyed by God just as He did to Sodom and Gomorrah. Just as time ran out for them it is drawing down for us as well.
If anyone reading this has not already done so...please come to God through His son Christ Jesus while you still have the grace of time to do so.

Lady Checkmate:

The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie #transphobia conservatism.referata.com

Bradley Edward Manning (often incorrectly referred to as Chelsea Elizabeth Manning against the will of the Lord Jesus Christ) is a far-left kook and traitor to the United States. Manning jeopardized United States national security as a sergeant in the military, and is also likely a double agent sent from the Kremlin. Manning is now considering a run for the United States Senate in Maryland, where he will surely lose if the identity politics embracing left decides to nominate him instead of the safe liberal incumbent without the baggage of being a traitor, double agent, and mentally ill sexual deviant.

Manning was sentenced to a long prison sentence for his heinous misdeeds, where he was commuted of it by former "president" Barry Soetoro of Kenya conveniently right before successor Donald Trump took office. This was probably done because he is a so-called "transgender" individual who lives in drag outside of a stage persona, therefore in a state of denial about his God given gender and sexuality as he is indeed an effeminate sodomite who has not had proper Biblical truth exposed to him in a convincing way.

Elvis is King #fundie #transphobia rationalwiki.org

It is quite simple, sir. Please consider that gender is assigned by God in the womb, and there are only male and female (Genesis 1:27) and that is simply all that really exists. The Cult of Transgender tends to force those who even have the slightest inclination they are something other than what God made them, they suck them in. Then they lobbied the psychological institutions to push so-called "transitioning" as the ONLY remedy for gender confusion, which is caused by the fluoride and the birth control hormones in the water. When people realized they have made a mistake, they seek to undo the bodily mutilation they were indoctrinated to undergo and the Cult of Transgender shames and rebukes them and ignores their existence so the mental health professionals they lobbied continue to go ahead and push teenagers on hormones. Also of note is that most Transgenderism in men is caused by autogynephilia as well as social rejection, and can be the result of a co-morbid disorder such as autism, which is caused by the mercury in vaccinations that kids are pushed on at such an early age. So-called Transgendered folks have a suicide rate of 41 percent, and sex changes only increase this rate. We need to treat the mentally ill far better than we do, but the liberals keep on pushing this ideology that you can exercise veto power over the will of God because mere man thinks he IS God nowadays. What a shame, really. --Elvis is King (talk) 20:35, 9 January 2018 (UTC)

Palmetto Patriot #transphobia #racist #wingnut occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Cost of the Union: Tranny Wins in NOVA"]

The cost of the Union’s continued existence and the subjugation of Dixie was on full display this week as Third World immigrants, Blacks and Northern transplants elected a tranny to state office in northern Virginia. Democrats are euphoric.

The Washington Post reports on the mentally-ill man elected by the coalition of non-Whites and transplants:

Democrat Danica Roem ousted longtime incumbent Del.?Robert G. Marshall (R) Tuesday, becoming the first openly transgender elected official in Virginia — and one of very few in the nation.

The race between Roem, 33, and Marshall, 73, focused on traffic and other local issues in Prince William County but also exposed the nation’s fault lines over gender identity. It pitted a local journalist who began her physical gender transition four years ago against an outspoken social conservative who has referred to himself as Virginia’s“chief homophobe” earlier this year introduced a “bathroom bill” that died in committee.

—Roem outraised Marshall 3-to-1, with nearly $500,000 in donations, much of it coming from LGBT advocates and other supporters across the country. She and her supporters executed an aggressive ground game, knocking on doors more than 75,000 times in a district with 52,471 registered voters, sitting for endless public appearances and interviews, and maintaining a steady social media presence.

How did this disaster happen? Breitbart explains that the demographic replacement of Virginians with Third World immigrants strongly aided the process. Breitbart is calling the Old Dominion the “New California”:

A remarkable transformation is underway in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The birthplace and final resting place of George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson—and once one of the most reliably-red of red states—is being rapidly turned into a progressive stronghold.

These changes are not the result of an inside agency, or a natural evolution in political thinking, but rather the result of one of the most impactful yet least-discussed policies of the federal government.

Each year the federal government prints millions of visas and distributes these admission tickets to the poorest and least-developed nations in the world.

A middle-aged person living in parts of Virginia today will have witnessed more demographic change in the span of her life than many societies have experienced in millennia.

A census study entitled “Immigrants in Virginia,” released by University of Virginia (UVA) researchers, documented the phenomenon: “Until 1970, only 1 in 100 Virginians was born outside of the United States; by 2012, 1 in every 9 Virginians is foreign-born.”

The cost of the Union is literally the death of Dixie. Transplants are able to flood areas like northern Virginia, changing the culture and politics of the region. And vast herds of Third World immigrants are brought in, nearly all of them voting for Leftist, anti-White candidates. Southern symbols come down. Leftist policies are adopted. Men in dresses who think they are women are voted into office. Violent foreign gangs run wild on the streets. This is the sad story of how northern Virginia was destroyed. It is because of the Union.

Omzig Online #transphobia feministcurrent.com

Damn. That's true. Then it's no wonder so many gay lesbian men and women support removing the "T" from the LGBT movement, since transgenderism isn't a sexuality.

And GLAAD could certainly threaten to sue any publication for reporting using accurate male and female pronouns for male and female people, respectively, but I think the first amendment pretty much protects the press's right to do that, whether GLAAD agrees with the content of an article or not. If they did sue, though, it would only continue to draw the public's attention toward the abusive behavior of TRA's. I don't think GLAAD would want that.

So GLAAD and "Trans Rights Activists" would be in the same boat: either object to the correct use of pronouns and attract the public's attention to TRA's abusive behavior, or keep quiet and let journalists provide fact-based, responsible journalism. The press has the upper hand in this one, really.

closetedxxcishet #transphobia reddit.com

Countless times, I've seen trans people on social media utter the sentiment, "Your allies may act like they love and respect you, but if they don't truly see you as a real woman/man, they are your enemies!" The first time I saw this sentiment, it sent a chill down my spine. I was still doing my libfem handmaiden act at the time (even though I was uncomfortable with much of the ideology). It never occurred to me that I had to BELIEVE that people could change biological sex in order to be a decent person.

I couldn't bear the thought of being associated with those evil murdering TERFs! But was it possible that I had been an evil, murdering TERF all along? How many trans people had I forced into suicide? I mean, I had plenty of trans friends and I supported them, told them I loved them no matter what, supported their political goals, respected their pronouns, tried to educate others on their behalf, went to some trans activist events, insisted their interests were part of feminism....but I did not think they had changed biological sex....

Naturally, this is when I found out I had been lied to all along about what a "TERF" is. I realized how little it takes to be called a TERF, that TERF was used to excuse violence, and that to call a woman a TERF is to prosecute her for thought crime. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I was only able to see the madness of the movement when it was my twat on the chopping block. I had previously ignored and avoided anyone deemed a TERF and just accepted that they were awful people. I had to in order to a good libfem foot soldier. Everyone knows you aren't allowed to READ what these women write or HEAR what these women say, even if it's nothing to do with trans issues at all. They are permanently black balled from public discourse.

The issue of thought crime really planted the gender critical seed in my mind, but I kept trying to be a good little ally. I kept thinking that no one would KNOW I thought this and that the thought police were just extremists. Then, I tried to sit comfortably on the fence even though there was a huge post up my ass. I even tried to argue that there seem to be different levels of exclusion and some women don't believe in any exclusion of trans people, they just deep down in their hearts don't believe trans women and cis women are the same. Needless to say, that went over like a fart in church.

...and NO ONE deep down in their hearts sees trans woman as real women or trans men as real men. Whether they admit it is a different story, but I firmly believe NO ONE believes it. The ones that claim they do are just sparing themselves the agony of the Tranish Inquisition. This is why it is so crucial to prosecute thought crime, to suppress speech and writing, to threaten people who dare to be honest, to dehumanize people if they so much as retweet someone who dares to be honest.

The idea that you can commit violence by thinking a thought is beyond ludicrous...I mean, I know there was an episode of Voyager like that, but this is reality. Thankfully, trying to control thought is like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube. A whole lot of people will get really tired of being told that they MUST adopt another's orthodoxy or they are literally the bastard love children of an orgy between Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Leopold II, and Saddam Hussein. Sooner or later, the levee will break...and when the levee breaks, mama, you've got to move!

mlp-fictionkin #sexist mlp-fictionkin.tumblr.com

The #metoo tag

Should include reverse rape. It’s a serious problem that’s just as bad and just as, if not more, common than what people usually refer to as rape, and it is a form of rape.

Let me educate you all here a second, because unfortunately, reverse rape is often overlooked and ignored.

Reverse rape is when someone refuses to date someone else because of their appearance, weight, race, because they’re trans, or for whatever other biased reason they might have. It’s denying love and affection to someone who they would otherwise choose to date in an instant, but because of transphobia, fatphobia, racism, or other issues of oppression, they engage in reverse rape. It can be VERY harmful and cause lasting emotional trauma and insecurity, much like the typical meaning of the word rape.

Victims of reverse rape are still rape victims. It’s a serious matter and it makes me so depressed to see how it’s always overlooked and victims of reverse rape aren’t taken seriously.

-Mod Dash

#Mod Dash #Mod Dash speaks #text post #reverse rape #feminism #metoo #tw: rape #rape #fatphobia #transphobia #racism #oppression

bishop Vlado Košić #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia sibenskiportal.rtl.hr

{original article is in Croatian, translation and additional notes are by Vman. You can see the video of the speech (also in Croatian) in the middle section of the article}

September 29, 2017

Vlado Košić, the (Catholic) bishop of Sisak, led a holiday mass honoring St. Michael, the protector of the Croatian city of Šibenik. He also spoke about secular topics like the media, the Homeland War (1991-95) and the Istanbul Convention. (link was not in original text, it's given here for explanation's sake)

"These days Satan has camouflaged himself within the most influential media, which are more against Croatia than for Croatia. Indeed, look at how many untruths and half-truths they constantly frame people for, and how they accuse their brothers of having committed fictitious crimes, while the other people have almost no space in our media," said Košić.

The bishop of Sisak asked himself how to win and overcome evil in such circumstances. He claims that truth will win, and victory is God's and of his people.

"St. Michael is like a heavenly military commander who defends this nation from the Devil. It may seem as if these days we don't need him so much anymore. However, we could argue that today his protection is more necessary than ever, because modern man is increasingly losing his direction," Košić noted.


"The Istanbul Convention misleads us all because it brings gender ideology. We must decisively say 'no' to this swindle. It gives a distorted image of man and seduces the youth in order to create a new order and a society without God and moral values. The Devil wants to destroy the family because through that he aims to destroy man," said Košić.

Is it not the most normal thing that Croatia, with the greatest number of Catholics, isn't [sic] being compared to Poland, asked the bishop.

"Croatia is trying to be among the countries which dechristianized themselves, allowed same-sex unions, allowed abortion and euthanasia, legalized drugs and accepted a large number of non-Christian immigrants who are mostly unintegrated and violent towards the native people and our Christian culture. What do we want to follow, which examples? We are called upon to join in so we could take part in God's victory," bishop Košić concluded.

proud American in Canada #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy freerepublic.com

I have to log off now, but I had to address this. I minored in psychology in college, and in the ’80s, even being gay, let alone transgendered, was considered a mental illness, according to the DSM.

Thanks to propaganda from the media and Hollywood, things have certainly changed.

Oh, btw...a couple of years ago, I was visiting my dying father in Chicago and staying at a hotel. I went to the front desk to ask for something, and this man came up, wearing a pink dress, pink earrings and pink heels. He had a beard and gray hair.

Everyone there tried to pretend that it wasn’t the weirdest thing they had ever seen. LOL!

Mack Major #fundie #transphobia #mammon facebook.com

It's really come down to this...

Meet Playboy's newest playmate: Ines Rau. That's "Mr" Ines Rau to you though. No it's not a typo: this 'she' is actually a 'he.'

I've been warning you endlessly on this page for the past few years, getting you prepared for what Satan had coming down the pipeline. Many of you thought I was crazy, extra, or gone off on the deep end. I'm not crazy: I've just been spending time in the wilderness alone with the Lord gaining godly insight!

And now it's here in all of its disgusting shame. This - transsexualism, which is really homosexuality - is the end result of all unbridled lust.

And if you don't get your own lust in check, you'll end up running through one of these he/she's sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. Some of you reading this are already caught up.

In fact, you're already prepped for it. Why do you think porn promotes so much anal and oral sex??? Whose idea do you think that was anyway?

This is where it was always going to go. They just had to slowly initiate you into the lifestyle, one porn lust and masturbation stroke at a time. Now the time has come for the full-court press: so I hope you're ready!

I'm telling you: you really NEED my ebooks! Why do you think I wrote them? God showed me what's coming: and this is just the tip of it (no pun intended).

What God has shown me I've placed in my ebooks to help you be prepared and ready too. They will prepare you by inoculating you against the coming demonic virus that's about to sweep the world; that has in fact already begun.

If you're still a slave to unbridled lust, can't stop masturbating and fornicating, and can't get your thought life under control because your mind has been poisoned with so much sexual garbage - get the ebooks and start cleansing yourself while you still can. Before it's too late!

We've entered into a new phase of demonic activity that many simply won't be able to escape from in the days ahead.

If you're not already covered by the Blood of Jesus and honoring God by living a lifestyle of absolute dedication and holiness, you won't be able to withstand what Satan has coming your way. You're going to fold under pressure and be lost.

You've been warned! So don't let it happen to you!

"Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God." 2 Corinthians 7:1

Beautiful_Gracious_Skies #fundie #transphobia freerepublic.com

Our family received shocking news. Our niece- a beautiful 13YO identical twin girl- Natalia, has decided that she wants to be a BOY. However, her family is celebrating the news.

Natalia is now to be called 'Nace' and she dresses as a boy. We have been warned (threatened) we must use the pronouns--him or he. And it's so much worse because she has an identical lovely twin sister, Olivia. Olivia is a very feminine, modestly dressed, normal appearing happy-go lucky, girly-girl. Natalie and Olivia are naturally life-long best friends.

This is being culturally normalized and may strike a family near to you.

The family lives out of town and they are arriving here tomorrow to 'reintroduce their twin daughter as a their son -'Nace' to the extended family. Fortunately, her grandfather- my dear dad- is deceased. (Natalia was named to honor our Dad- Nathaniel.) Our mother, whose now senile with dementia, is still cognizant enough to be upset and is completely bewildered at this news.

We are deeply saddened and worried for the twins. I'm not sure there is anything that an out of town extended family can do to help. We want her to feel loved and not rejected. We will pray to God to change Natalia's heart and for Light to enter this family. Unfortunately, we suspect that her mother has been encouraging and supportive of this oddity. They talk about 'how brave it is for her to come out!' She has told Olivia- 'He's a hero', be proud of your new twin brother,... blah, blah, barf.

My brother has already warned my older siblings to tell me to keep my mouth shut. I intend to be welcoming and show love and compassion for both twins and not to discuss the elephant in the room. It is important that this child does not experience further alienation from her own family. But I can't fake any type of congratulations or praise for her choice.

The research on transgendering is quite disturbing. Natalia will be 25 times more likely to commit suicide if she continues on this path. She is inviting tons of social trouble into her world and her twin sister's life. Especially, because she is very pretty, Natalia does not look masculine. My brother stated that Nace is going for counseling. I suspect it's to advance her transition, not reverse her course. If they begin testosterone hormone treatment, she risks: an inflamed liver, increased red blood cell counts and other negative hormonal effects. Her hormones & blood will need to be monitored for the rest of her life. It's unfathomable that any parent would allow this.

My Sis-in-law is a typical New England liberal loud-mouth witch who has been very inclusive of her lesbian friends in their family functions and as the twins' babysitters. SIL relishes all things freaky, strange, weird, and bizzaro and is proudly very "progressive." My brother and his wife are well educated, sports minded, working parents that started a family in their mid-40's. The girls have been educated in an upscale suburban public school with karate, softball, soccer, & swimming lessons. However, the twins were always dumped into the extended school environment (7AM-6PM.)

About two summers ago, my brother was proud to announce the girls were going to church camp for 'sex education.' But it was not to be VBS (Vacation Bible School); it was a Unitarian Church. I tried to warn him of their reputation, but he hates my conservative opinions and swore me off. I have to wonder what part that indoctrination played in Natalia's choice to reject her beautiful body that God had created.

We knew that both girls, but especially Natalia, had some development delays and is likely in the mild Asperger Spectrum. This social awkwardness may have been what steered her into this gender dysphoria encouraged by her mother and the latest progressive LGBT agenda.

Also, my SIL has always played one girl off of the other, and seemed to favor Olivia, named to honor SIL's deceased father, Oliver. We have noticed that each parent is typically paired off separately with one of the twins and they were not being treated equally or fairly. SIL manipulated and controlled when each girl could speak. SIL is a loud, over-bearing, controlling and heavy handed mother and person. OTH, my brother has no backbone and his domineering wife has always worn the pants.

We are deeply saddened and fearful for both Natalia's & Olivia's future. At Christmas 2016, Natalia was a thin attractive shy girl with lovely eyes and a beautiful smile. I pray that she is not too far gone into this abyss at only 13 years of age.

Please pray for Natalia and her family that God may enter their lives.

If anyone has had any experience with LGBT family or constructive ideas, please post it here.

Anonymous #transphobia whisper.sh

imageA pair of screenshots from some film, showing close-ups of an androgynous character in a hospital first speaking with an unfriendly expression, then turning away. Written between the panels:
“I studied psychology just so I could figure how to have sex with lesbians.”

Dilbert San Diego #homophobia #transphobia freerepublic.com

This puff piece sounds as if these Australian politicos are taking some “courageous” stand for homosexual marriage.

In today’s world, the true courage is being against homosexual marriage.

See what happens to any prominent public figure in this day and age, who would stand for traditional marriage. It doesn’t happen.

Sadly to me, the liberals have won the battle over homosexual marriage. Now they have moved the goal posts, and we get to move on to transgender bathroom and baking gay wedding cakes as major issues.

tbw2 #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia freerepublic.com

Earlier liberals wanted equality for groups. The Social Justice victimhood stack explicitly calls for separate moral standards for various groups, the more officially oppressed, the higher up on the hierarchy. Intersectionality can be explained as people trying to move up the stack by claiming multiple group memberships, more oppressed, so higher than the others with just one check box.

The new class structure social justice warriors are demanding results in unfair treatment based on group membership, which they see as fair because those groups are officially oppressed.

This has resulted in contradictions / double standards that are only insane if you expect them to stick to the Western standard of fairness - which they’ve abandoned.

Hate crime / civil rights rules stating that homosexual owned businesses can refuse service per their rights but Christians cannot refuse service per their oppressive faith. The Civil Rights Commission issued rulings in the same week to that effect, where a homosexual could refuse service to a traditional marriage group per his free speech but to refuse homosexual marriage was a violation of theirs.

Diversity training intentionally promotes homosexuality and transgenderism as moral, acceptable, without seeing that this is ideological proselytizing. Express conservative or traditional opinions, that is a punishable offense.

Liberals defining their views as love make conservative views hate. And Human Resource departments “trust and respect” policies used to penalize actual bullying and sexual harassment are routinely used to penalize sharing a conservative opinion because it is by liberal definition impolite, threatening, disrespectful.

Alex Jones #conspiracy #racist #transphobia mediamatters.org

(Under Conspiracy Theorists because Alex Jones, but also Racist)

From the August 25 edition of Genesis Communications Network's The Alex Jones Show:

ALEX JONES (HOST): ?This is video shot by one of their fans where [Michelle Obama] looks like she's either got a rubber snake in her pants or she is -- could be a major porn star in Hollywood. And I'm not putting trannies down. So here's the deal. Joan Rivers said this and died, and none of the media will even cover that she had dinner with the Obamas. She was friends with them, and she was all for it, saying it's great that Obama's gay and that he's got a tranny wife. And it's a big joke on America. And then she died, but they don't ever show in the reports that I'm saying Joan Rivers said it. I was never sure. It was kind of a joke to me. I never created it. But now, there's footage they're trying to pull off the internet where, I guess, she didn't tuck it between her legs or whatever, like right out of The Silence of the Lambs.


Look, see it for yourself. Here's the footage. It's going to go to number one on YouTube. If they try to take it down, you know it's the end of free speech, because I'm covering what people are already covering, and here comes Michelle Obama walking like a man, looking like a linebacker, way bigger than Obama, big hands, big head, and man, I guess she's a devil then. Maybe it's a forked tail that's six inches long. That's it. Michelle Obama is a devil. I've already made that joke about Obama, but maybe it isn't, maybe it's a little forked tail. You decide, what is this hanging between her legs jiggling and flopping around? Here it is. She's adjusting it. I mean I've seen men my whole life, myself, adjust their packages.

detective #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy freerepublic.com

This is the glorify transsexuals and perverts narrative that the MSM is pushing to our children. Public schools have gay straight alliance clubs and transsexual days. Colleges encourage homosexuality.

Every part of our society that has been infiltrated and taken over by the leftists is promoting homosexuality.

Obama freed this traitor who should be in prison. The media are praising him and featuring him as a hero.

You should care.

Our young people are being poisoned by these people and their message. Our society is being destroyed.

Chad Greene #transphobia thepublicdiscourse.com

In a recent discussion on Twitter, Chelsea Manning (formerly Bradley Manning), pardoned by President Obama after being convicted of espionage, argued that transgender “treatment” is necessary for the health of trans individuals, “because,” Chelsea stated, “not getting medical attention for trans people is fatal.”

Manning’s argument is anything but an isolated one. When seventeen-year-old Leelah Alcorn committed suicide in 2014, LGBT activists immediately jumped to blame his parents and society at large for causing the tragedy. Zack Ford of ThinkProgress wrote:

Leelah Alcorn’s death was a preventable tragedy. Here was a 17-year-old girl with full access to all of the information available in the 21st century about transgender identities, including many safe and effective ways to transition. But as she wrote in her own suicide note before jumping in front of a tractor trailer this week, there was no hope attached to those possibilities?—?no trust that it could, in fact, get better. She had given up on crying for help.

This, despite the young man’s parents support of his gender identity. He killed himself because his parents asked him to wait until he was eighteen to begin transitioning. They wouldn’t agree to pay for it earlier.

The argument can be summarized as follows. Without medical treatment (expensive surgery and lifelong hormone therapy), social acceptance, correct pronoun use, and open bathroom access, trans people will never be comfortable in their bodies or in society. Consequently, they are at a high risk for suicide, and it’s an injustice not to make these “treatments” available; the crime of killing trans people can even be laid at the feet of those who do not take these steps.

This argument, made by Manning, Ford, and so many others, is supposed to halt any criticism—or even querying—of gender theory, but it raises more questions than it answers.

The various liberal resources are shockingly equivocal as to what gender identity actually is. Gender identity is an “innermost knowing,” an issue of hormone imbalance, the result of a male brain in a female body, or a ‘transsexual’ brain, maybe an inherited characteristic, and many other possibilities, depending on whom you ask. According to some, gender is an inborn and permanent state; for others, a fluid awareness that might change by the day. How is it possible that a condition so insusceptible of consistent definition could be universally declared fatal without medical treatment?

Further, if transgenderism requires medical treatment, how can it form the basis of anyone’s identity? Trans people and their allies have, of course, insisted with great indignation that their condition is not an illness, but it is hard to see how this conclusion is to be avoided, if it’s insisted that it must be treated or else will be fatal.

Illnesses that require treatment do not constitute anyone’s identity. Being HIV-positive requires medical treatment. I do not identify as HIV-positive as though it made me an entirely new kind of person. It is a condition I need to treat in order to live and be healthy. How is being trans any different?

Aiming at Sex-Gender Alignment

The goal of most transgender individuals is to live as the opposite sex. If this were not true, there would be no concern about “access to health care” or medical necessity. If one could simply enjoy whatever gender identity felt the most appropriate at any given time, medical intervention would be merely cosmetic. So if we agree that people who identify as transgender desire to be the opposite sex to the best of their ability—arguing that internally they already are—then we must accept that the ideal state for all individuals is cisgender, where gender and sex align naturally.

In my experience, this assertion is viewed as hateful and intolerant. To suggest that people who identify as transgender desire to be “like everyone else,” “normal,” or—dare I say—“healthy” by aligning their gender and sex is to suggest a transgender identity is itself a state of error. But again, this seems to be what is presupposed by the argument that medical intervention is so vital that, without it, a person may commit suicide.

In order to achieve a healthy and mentally stable state, a trans person must have their gender and sex as closely aligned as possible. Why, though, does this require the physical sex to change in order to align to the perceived gender? Why shouldn’t the perceived gender be what changes?

It seems far more reasonable—and medically ethical and sound—to achieve this homeostasis by changing gender to match to the already established sex. A woman taking testosterone must continue taking testosterone, or else her desired masculine secondary sex characteristics will fade away (though if she has removed her ovaries, her body will not be able to produce estrogen and bring her female sex characteristics back). As many trans men prefer to keep their reproductive organs and become pregnant, this risk is even higher. The body’s aggressive and persistent attempt to return to a state, despite medical interventions to override that state, indicates that the state is “natural.” The body is being medically forced to adapt to conditions it is unsuited to experience.

If the ideal state is one of homeostasis, in which gender and sex are the same, then why would trans people dedicate their entire lives to forcing their bodies to adapt to conditions they cannot maintain on their own? It seems far more reasonable to recognize that the physical sex at birth is the standard by which internal perception should be aligned. Logically, wouldn’t a transgender person who suffers due to misalignment of gender and sex be equally as happy aligning his gender to his sex if the end result is that gender and sex are the same? Why is the only acceptable option to force, through dramatic physical deformity, the body to adapt to the mind instead?

We Need a Real Cure

Some trans advocates would presumably reply that sex should change rather than gender because sex can change, whereas attempts to change one’s gender usually end badly, but this response is unnecessarily pessimistic.

I have personally experienced gender dysphoria, and I explored transition in my early twenties. I am aware of the emotional struggle, and I am sympathetic to the sense of frustration and hopelessness. But I am also aware of the empowering realization that I alone control how I perceive the world. Even if I would prefer to be female, I understand that my body is male, and therefore the most effective and healthiest plan of action is to align my sense of gender to that unchangeable state. I have largely been successful, as I feel fully integrated today and am not only comfortable in my male body but find myself enjoying the pursuit of masculine physical progress.

An uncomfortable truth is that many surveys, including a 2011 Swedish study, indicate that suicide rates remain high after sex-reassignment surgery (the Swedish study reports that people who have had sex-reassignment surgery are 19 times more likely to die by suicide than is the general population); and the National Center for Transgender Equality reported in 2015 that 40% of people who identify as transgender have attempted suicide. The LGBT community actively fights such studies and suppresses the voices of people who, like myself, have chosen natural alignment or who regret transitioning. The medical community is currently uninterested in recognizing the inherent dangers and long-term impact of transition therapy and is equally unwilling to pursue study that may result in finding a cure or a resolution to the underlying issue. To suggest this is a medical issue needing to be cured is to be accused of proposing genocide.

But medical issues do need to be cured. If gender dysphoria is indeed naturally fatal without treatment, the only ethical solution is to find a cure that exposes the body to the least amount of risk. Obviously, this would be to correct the biological problem and/or address the psychological distress behind the dysphoria itself.

The LGBT movement has built a civilization around the validation of being “who you are” despite all efforts of judgment or persecution. Trans individuals often tell me they are now their “true gender.” Advocates like Zack Ford and others routinely demand that extreme social bigotry prevents the trans individual from living a full and happy life. But in the center of this storm of indignation and boasting of perseverance is the steady and quiet realization that these people are extremely insecure.

We cannot forget the real tragedy in all of this. People suffering from genuine mental anguish are being promised that with enough surgery, camouflage, social acceptance, legal protection, educational campaigns, and so on, they will finally feel whole as a person. Worse, they are told that the only reason they continue to suffer is due to the intolerance and hatred of those around them. The current method of addressing this concern is only making matters worse. Treatment needs to address the core problem.

chimpburger, AnOminous, et. al. #wingnut #transphobia #ableist #senpai_noticed_us kiwifarms.net

[Highlights from a conversation about Fundies Say the Darndest Things on Kiwi Farms, where the OP challenged people to "find shit on there and their super spergy posts."]

chimpburgers: Haha these guys again.

They can shove their tranny communist white knighting right back where it came from as far as I'm concerned cause that's what this site looks like to me.

Proof of the blatant communism over there. Their pussy spines crackle when they hear about Trump.


AnOminous: It used to be actually about fundies. Now it's about them REEEEing at anything that triggers their euphoria and causes their fedoras to fly off.


NotCobalt: Yeah. But back then they actually made fun of the lulcows, known as fundies. Both sandniggers and jesustards were fair game.

I remember this fag was a huge target:


StarvingAutist: One of the comments linked in the OP called us an "alt-right/GamerGate safe space", probably because he falls into the "if you complain about SJWs then you're a racist" bullshit.


TimeToTurn: A formerly great site. 2016 Presidential election pretty much finished off everything great about the site. It used to be "Look at some crazy nut on X site", now it's "look at some mean thing a Republican said" and most of the posts were reposts from other left-wing blogs. Once gay marriage got legalised in the US, even the funny homophobia mostly stopped. It's too bad, because there's still tons of exceptional websites run by religious idiots of all faiths, but they'd rather just whine about what Donald Trump did this week. Distind's departure was basically the last straw of the devolution of FSTDT.

Haven't been on there in a while. Don't really feel like it. It was fun being left-wing and being a self-professed authoritarian at the same time, which got me quoted so many times. I just have to play an over-the-top version of what I believe IRL and they would get so triggered. Lots of great discussion was to be had, both from the SJWs freaking out and then the people who were actually semi-intelligent.

My scientific analysis blames this on the fact that FSTDT emerged with the New Atheism movement (along with Rational Wiki and other shit) and as that movement declined into infighting and irrelevance, so did its offspring, which is a reason why Rational Wiki and FSTDT (a proud partner of Rational Wiki) are shite nowadays.

I'm probably reminiscing too much now. Eh, right now I'm about as drunk as I was whenever I'd post there. Thanks for the thread, you Kiwi Farmers, even though I'll regret posting here before long.


I'm trying so hard right now to see the remnants of good on this site. But TimetoTurn does have a point about us being autistic as fuck. And @autism420 is still Islamic IMO.

Thanks man. Should be no surprise to you that a fellow autist like me would show up here. Autists there hate me. But it was glad I learned that all spergs needed to believe the same things about autism OR ELSE.


NotCobalt: [in response to a user making a list of quotes from the topic] What list? The one of "people you want to have sex with" or the one "These exceptional individuals used to belong to an ancient forum with like perhaps 500 active members, so they probably know each other, and I wish I had been a part of that cool kids club back when, but instead I was too poor to afford internet, so I just cried all day instead"?


sikotik: The site started going down hill as early as 2008 when every other user became a tranny &/or easily triggered furry.


TimeToTurn: Never knew Marjan got banned, but I can assume he would with the new administration. Distind only banned spammers and shit. The new administration seems intent on making it a "safe space". Even though they always made fun of other websites like Free Republic and Rapture Ready for "suppressing free speech". I can't post shit messing with them (or I could, if I had a day to waste). So Marjan/caamib/whatever he calls himself can't do the same. I'd assume Marjan might be back at some point, but I don't really care to investigate. They really hate TOR, too, nowadays.

David J. Stewart I'm sure is as crazy as always, but him getting any crazier would take divine intervention and I'd just await either reports of his death (guy's a painkiller addict) or more dealings with the Guam government.


Dr W: The problem was that they didn't branch out into mocking SJWs. That's what kept Kiwi Farms rather politically inert. Instead, they allowed a core of crazy tranny furry dipshits to eject fecal matter everywhere.

Damn shame, I used to love that site.


rianzi: Shame how the site became infested by SJWS. It used to be a nice place where you could laugh at religious loons.

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