
Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

80% of GOP voters agree 2020 was rigged & stolen. But few “experts” talk about one of main ways Dems steal elections- illegal aliens by millions are voting…& making THE difference in states like Nevada & Arizona. That is why Dems want open borders. More illegal votes. Millions more. Eventually no Republican will ever be elected again.

Candace Owens #conspiracy facebook.com

Sharing a personal story about the time I was injured from the Gardasil vaccine. This is what set me on my journey to learn more about vaccines and ultimately resulted in me choosing to say no to vaccines for my children.

I know this is a heated topic of debate but I think if you hear this story, you will at least understand why I am so passionate about this particular topic.

Please watch this before adding any negative commentary! Xx

YOUTUBE.COM Episode 1: Gardasil and HPV

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

All the dumb leftist morons who listened to Big Pharma like Koop-Aid drinking Stepford wives are dropping dead. RIP. I don’t want ANYONE to die. But how could u be so dumb & gullible? Really sad part is…I can never say, “We were right. We told you so.”

THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM Journalist Who Tried to Cancel Novak Djokovic for Being Unvaccinated Collapses and Dies Suddenly at Australia Open By Jim Hᴏft Jan. 20, 2024 6:40 pm1862 Comments

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

I’ll bet you below zero weather Monday night in iowa favors Trump. Only Trump supporters would walk through hot coals for the mega-celebrity & billionaire who sacrificed his incredible life & fortune to save us. No one is that excited for Nikki or Ron. They’re just politicians.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie facebook.com

I believe what’s happening in Israel is BIBLICAL. I don’t know if “end times” but certainly close. Because when Hamas murdered 1,400 Jews it caused hatred for Jews around world. Huh? Why are you mad at Jews for being murdered, tortured, raped & beheaded? Bizarre. Jew hatred came pouring out of closet. Biblical. This had to happen. This is God. I predict epic conclusion to end this insanity once & for all.

Wayne Allyn Root #dunning-kruger facebook.com

I understand why "scientist" Peter Hotez won't debate RFK Jr. He's scared to death to debate expert. But how about ME? Why not debate me? A talk show host and former Vegas oddsmaker. Covid vaccine debate. Surely you can destroy me, right? Let's roll!

VAXXTER.COM Peter Hotez: Why He Won't Debate - The Tenpenny Report “Peter, if you claim what RFK Jr. is saying is misinformation, I am offering you $100,000 to the charity of your choice to debate him on my show with no time limit.”

David Wright #kinkshaming #crackpot #fundie facebook.com

I don't care if there is consent or not. I simply don't understand why two people WOULD even have sex in the first place. Even if it isn't rape, it's still dirty and perverted as fuck. I mean, you're invading someone's genitals with your own genitals. You're basically helping someone masturbate. How is that even remotely "beautiful" or "romantic"? Going to the toilet is a private thing you do alone. So should having sex be. Sexual pleasure is an awkward thing, not meant to be shared. I am literally against sex, unless meant for the purpose of reproducing, which is necessary, but that's it. We humans should be able to understand, that true love comes without sexual attraction, and that truly being in love means that you've stepped up and away from everything that is considered sexual. Explained in a simple way: Love is an anti-sexual feeling, and thank god for that. Sex is NOT beautiful. No matter if it's consensual, rape, porn, or whatever... Intimacy is great, kissing is great, physical contact is great, but keep those genitals in your pants, if you want to show someone that you love them. That's how I see it.

Happy Africa #fundie facebook.com

(Submitter’s note: This post claims that the heavy rainfall in Brazil last March was God’s judgement on the country’s people after they supposedly insulted him during a carnival.)

Don’t mock GOD😭🙏🏿
Brazil mocked God during festivals, but something big happened a day after later.

One thousand seven hundred and thirty people were displaced and over 1,800 were homeless according to other reports. A sandstorm followed breaking tons of houses with a heavy pour of rain, up to 21.6 centimeters or more, the highest Brazil has ever seen. This is not the first time such a thing happened in Brazil. News has it that another man behaved like Jesus at a similar carnival and in the end, died in a nasty car accident the next day. A huge thunder, causing severe damage, also recently strike a false god who was hanged on a cross in Brazil.

Guys Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction🙏🏿🙏🏿

Lance Wallnau #fundie facebook.com

[In response to Trump’s indictment. Emphasis added.]

Why is the devil doing what the devil is doing? Because he’s manifesting because he knows he only has a limited time. Satan’s whole anti-Christ activity is him trying to consolidate control because he knows he’s about to lose everything. So, you have to really reinterpret what’s going on in the news, watching what’s happening with Donald Trump.

This is the time for the imprecatory prayers that would be answered, which is going to be, “May they fall into the pit that they have dug.” What would that look like? Well, it could be that there’s such an outrageous backlash over the clear political persecution of an innocent political candidate that we’re really becoming like a Venezuela or a Soviet Union where we find a crime to lock up or assassinate our political rivals. The American people won’t put up with it.

The elites in Washington, well, they shrug their shoulders. They’re happy that this is happening, but I’ve been listening to prophecies lately about sudden deaths, and it looks to me like there could be some sudden deaths coming in May. In May, you’re going to see some of the disciplinary hand of God come down upon those people that have been standing in the path of what he wants to do.

Ray Garzone #wingnut facebook.com

Opinion or fact?

China is America’s number one enemy, hands down.

Brandon’s road to Socialism is our second enemy.

The tsunami of illegals through our borders is our third enemy.

Brandon’s family influence peddling with China, Russia, Ukraine, et al is our fourth enemy.

Equity and Wokeness are our fifth enemy.

Ukraine’s sucking out our treasury is our sixth and seventh enemy.

A bogged down ‘keystone cop’ Russia is a distant enemy, except in the minds of political buffoons

My opinion - As I stand here in beautiful Falls Park in downtown Greenville SC, I want to be able to continue to stand here tomorrow, and the next day and the next - without being ‘molested’ by Socialism and Communism. America must remain strong enough to fend off the bleeding of our freedoms by crooked buffoons who don’t give a damn! If America is not first, then where are we? Remember, true Positive Humanity does not allow for the stifling of our freedoms through Socialism or Communism.

Be Positive and fend off our enemies as I have listed above…

Ray Mondo

Ray Comfort #fundie facebook.com

Peter MacDonald: There is no way to know if you are saved then according to this. I was as saved as you could get. I knew I had sinned and felt the conviction. I repented. I felt forgiven and saved. I knew I was headed to Heaven. There are always going to be controversy in the church about this kind of stuff because there is no real answer. One man believes the Bible is interpreted a certain way, and the other believes the complete opposite. And both are listening to God. People have their untouchable zone, that is, however convincing the argument is they won't be persuaded because it reaches into a "no fly zone" in their brain. Think of a box with a key. You were told to never ever open the box no matter what. You can play with anything else in the room but DO NOT turn that key and explore the box! If you are successful in instilling fear in that person, you can keep whatever lies in the box locked away safely. The problem with Christians is their no fly zones are logical thinking. They are told "The Bible is without any flaws, it's a perfect book" So you can't think about anything in the Bible in a logical fashion. If it says it, it's true. Here's how the controversy starts: Everyone has presuppositions. You can't help it. So you try to make the Bible say what you want by what you feel. That's all it really is. Most people are genuine people who want to find the truth and are really sincere. I don't doubt that one bit. I was once that person. Just trying to make sense of it. Let me challenge you today, open the box and explore it. Don't be afraid to let go of your religion! If it's really true you don't have anything to worry about, right? You'll find yourself right back where you were. But for the sake of your sanity, rethink religon.

Ray Comfort: Peter MacDonald. Did you know the Lord? If you say you did, then what we maintain is true. If you didn't, then you were a false convert who faked it...for how many years?

Muslim Diary #fundie #sexist facebook.com

It is well known that gold is something with which people adorn and beautify themselves, but a man is not meant to do this, i.e., he is not a person who may be perfected by means of adding something, rather a man is perfect in and of himself, because of his manhood, so he has no need to adorn himself for some one else that he may like, unlike women. One of the strange things that we see nowadays is many young men adorning themselves by wearing gold chains and the like, and they even put makeup on their faces. This is contrary to the fitrah (sound human nature) and to the masculinity and resolve which should be the characteristics of men. Hence you will not find any wise and serious man doing that, rather they are either who are not straight or those who are lacking in character, time-wasters who are trying to fill the gaps in their character or fill their time by doing that.
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Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Landslide w/white suburban women- just as I predicted for months now. They care about inflation, gas, groceries, crime, transgender brainwashing of children in school. Add in GOP won't force vaccinate your children. This is SURVIVAL OF USA election. I believe this is DISASTER LEVEL EVENT FOR DEMOCRAT PARTY." They are finished as a party. People can't vote for crazy.

BREITBART.COM Poll: White Women Favor GOP by 15 Points, Prefer Trump over Biden

Bernadette Repisky #wingnut facebook.com

Evan Sayet:
"My Leftist friends constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.”

Here’s my answer: We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. We tried statesmanship. We tried propriety. And the results were always the same. This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob. I don’t find anything “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper” about Barack Obama’s lying about what went down on the streets of Ferguson in order to ramp up racial hatreds because racial hatreds serve the Democratic Party.

The problem is that, through these years, the Left has been the only side fighting this war. While the Left has been taking a knife to anyone who stands in their way, the Right has continued to act with dignity, collegiality and propriety.

With Donald Trump, this all has come to an end. Donald Trump is America ’s first wartime president in the Culture War.

Trump’s tweets may seem rash and unconsidered but, in reality, he is doing exactly what Alinsky suggested his followers do. First, instead of going after “the fake media” — and they are so fake that they have literally gotten every single significant story of the past 60 years not just wrong, but diametrically opposed to the truth, from the Tet Offensive to Benghazi, to what really happened on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri — Trump isolated CNN.. He made it personal.

Imagine, for example, if CNN had honestly and accurately reported then-candidate Barack Obama’s close ties to foreign terrorists (Rashid Khalidi), domestic terrorists (William Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn), the mafia (Tony Rezko) or the true evils of his spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright’s church.

So, to my friends on the Left — and the #NeverTrumpers as well — do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be “collegial” and “dignified” and “proper”? Of course I do.
These aren’t those times. This is war. And it’s a war that the Left has been fighting without opposition for the past 50 years.
So, say anything you want about this president - I get it - he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care. I can’t spare this man. He fights for America!"

Wayne Allyn Root & commenters #racist #wingnut facebook.com

I used respect the people of Australia. I thought because they descended from criminals they were wild colorful free spirits. Boy was I wrong. They carried on the wrong trait from former criminal descendants. They're a bunch of sad, pathetic, sheeple, who clearly have had the spirit beaten out of them, who listen to their masters every command.

Ken Webb
Yep. Australia deserves what ever they get from their government "masters".
Helen Simon
Because they gave up their guns. We won't.
Samuel Adler
Remember they were coerced into giving up there firearms to be safe from criminals,but who are the criminals,maybe its the government?
James Robert Hoff Jr.
thats what happens when you give up your guns.....
Don Shepherd
That’s because they let the top criminals take away their guns and they were sheep to be slaughtered after that
Michelle Lange Sawyer
Share your sentiments exactly. Living here ATM and you are spot on! Eye opening!!

Lila Rose #wingnut facebook.com

Lila Rose, the president of Live Action joins Dr. Phil to advocate for every child's right to life.
"Laws are meant to protect the weak. Who is the weakest in our society? A child. Whether you live 10 minutes, 10 years, or 100 years, you're a human and have the right not to be killed."
"When human life begins is not a matter of belief or opinion, it is a matter of science. The science is clear that human life begins at the moment of fertilization. And all humans have human rights."

Gregory Grace #wingnut facebook.com

It is funny that I see people on the left here tell us how they are the ones that are open to opposing ideas. But my experience on this FB group has been horrendous. I've had to block about 20 people on the left because they use defamation as a tool to try and silence me. I have had to block ZERO people on the right even though I regularly express far left ideas that they don't like. I am a liberal D but the D party right now is a far left socialist/Marxist party that is corrupt to the core. The people on these FB groups that use defamation/cancel culture to try and silence opposing views are like Mao's thugs that committed atrocities during the cultural revolution in China.

Joy Peace Humble #fundie facebook.com

(1) If you are a parent, do away with every cartoon you bought for your children that doesn't teach your children about God. such as Ben 10, Avatar, Justice league etc.
(2) Do away with all so-called Christian cartoons that teaches evil and all cartoons that teaches Children how to dress indecently.
Please save souls from going to hell, many children are also weeping in hell now because of the evil they learnt from watching majority of this cartoons.

Joy Peace Humble #sexist #fundie facebook.com

As I watched many episodes I saw some major errors in the cartoon and I was shocked, sometimes, the child Joy in the cartoon wore trousers and earrings which could teach the Children how to dress indecently, this scripture condemns it: (Exodus 33:4-6, Isaiah 3:16-21, Hosea 2:13, 1Peter 3:3-4, 1Timothy 2:9, Deuteronomy 22:5)
I was troubled and I was confused, That how can a Christian cartoon be teachings children this evil, It really shocked me to see the extent to which the devil had gone to lure some Christian most especially children with so called Christian cartoon by putting little lies and false in it to deceive many. More so, along the line, I also listen to one testimony of heaven and hell and in the hell testimony, the person made mention that she saw that many of this Cartoons are from hell, that it is a trap from Satan to lead majority which are Children to hell and many children are in hell because of this bad cartoons but here I was, confused that how can this Christian Cartoon portray such indecency and evil then the Spirit ministered to me that the cartoon is evil, that whatever that comes from God would not teach evil but even the great deceiver which is satan can mix and chip in lies such as you see Joy wearing trouser in the cartoon could make a little girl to think that it is good when God condemns it.

Kerrigan Skelly #homophobia facebook.com

If you treat homosexuals like they're victims of "spiritual abuse" because a Biblical Christian tells them what the Bible plainly teaches, then you're part of the problem. You're backwards! Especially those who call themselves "christians" and do this!

Your real problem is not with the "bigoted, hateful and intolerant religious nut." Your real problem is with God, His character and His law. You hate God, His law, and His people. However, no matter how much hatred you show or how many people you gather to your side, you're going to lose in the end.

That's not what I want for you or what God wants for you. He offers you His grace and mercy through Jesus. You simply need to humble yourself, repent and believe the gospel. BUT, in the end, if you persist in rebellion against the Ruler of the Universe, He will let you have it your way - Hell for all eternity!

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

It's hotter than hell in Vegas today. That's a preview of where radical liberal Democrats are going one day! This is what it feels like for eternity when you hate America, hate capitalism, hate God, hate churches, want to destroy USA with open borders, hate Israel, purposely destroy nice middle class people with inflation, high gas prices, high grocery prices. Special place in hell reserved for people who do this to greatest country in history of world, ever blessed by God.

Stephen Ebittu #fundie facebook.com

(Part 1)

(vision of hell) as revealed in the morning hours of 25th September 2017.
My Journey Inside Hell (Vision of Hell)
Many things were spoken and revealed then a voice said,
‘We must show you hell’
And immediately before my eyes were the chambers of hell
The chambers were many and below them a blue fire
Each chamber had a metal different than the other
As you go down from one chamber to another, the metals were according to their combustion – as you go down, the fire increased
I saw all metals in the chambers many yet to be known by humans
At chamber number 3 was Magnesium (search how Magnesium burns)
And I asked myself, if magnesium is in chamber 3, what about the combustion and fire of the metal in chamber 15?
As I watched, souls were placed on the first chamber which was fully engulfed with fire
And it was revealed to me that Satan lies to the souls that if they obey him and do what he commands they will be taken from where they are to a better place therefore the souls do what they can to be taken out of chamber one only for them to be placed in chamber 2 with more fire than the first
And this continues day in day out, year in year out, moving from one chamber to another as Satan lies to them that the chamber they are is worse, the next place is good with reward only to move from one fire intensity to another
When you disobey Satan, you are taken out from whichever chamber you are and taken back to chamber one to start again being lied that at the end you will be released out of that place which never happens
(This is the same lie Satan lies to humans on earth, that if you follow his ways, ways of world and men, you will come out of where you are to a better place of riches, fame, peace and prosperity only to move from one curse to another worse, from sickness to another worse, from poverty to more poverty, etc, and at the end you perish – go to hell)

Michael Thomas Sambo #fundie facebook.com

When we arrived in hell, a young lady saw me afar off and shouted, “Oh, have you come to help me out of this place?” I could not reply.
She said, “I was a member of a Pentecostal Church. My pastor told me that wearing trousers, as a lady, was not a sin against God. He also said perming or Jerry curling my hair, bleaching my skin, using lipsticks, plaiting my hair with attachments, were never sins against God.”
“But the very day I arrived here I discovered that my pastor had deceived me. Can I ever forgive this man? Now it is too late for me. Can I ever leave this place?” While she talked, hell roared and she was swallowed up by its fire waves and tides. I did not see her again. She said these things she indulged in prevented her from truly serving God and have condemned her to hell. Genesis 35:1-5; Jeremiah 4:30; Proverbs 7:10; Romans 1:21-26; 1Peter 3:3-5. Deuteronomy 22:5
The Condition of the Church: I saw a large Auditorium, filled to capacity, praises, worship was going on. I said, "Lord, Your church is on fire, they are worshipping You in Spirit and in Truth, and Expecting Your Imminent Return".
JESUS said, "My son, Look again". As I looked the second time, I saw that their hands and feet were chained. I saw heavy lugages on their heads, bags of sins. Matthew15:8-9; Ezekiel 33:31-32. Some of them, their sins were written on their forehead: fornication, pride, adultery, stealing, lying, disobedience, rebellion.
At the back of the auditorium, I saw a dark personality, moving up and down. Beating his chest, 'These are my people. I keep them in bondage in the church. They think they are serving God, but they are actually serving me, satan'.
JESUS said, "Tell man, I still love him. Tell him, Truth, Righteousness, Holiness of life. Tell him, My standard is high. I cannot change.
Song: Where shall I be when the first trumpet sounds? Where shall I be when it sound so loud? When it sound so loud, as to wake up the dead. Where shall I be when it sounds?

Dr Zakir Naik #quack facebook.com

Camel Urine as Treatment

There are several scientific proofs in the past as well as present time that camel urine is beneficial in certain diseases.
Camel’s Urine is effective in treatment of skin diseases like ringworm, times, and abscesses, sores on body and dry or wet ulcers. It is also useful in making hair lustrous and thick and in prevention of dandruff.

Laboratory Tests indicate that Camel’s Urine contains potassium, albuminous proteins and small amounts of uric acid, sodium, and creatine.

Dr Ahlaam Al Awadi, a microbiologist, scientifically proved that Camel’s Urine can be used for treatment of skin diseases like eczema, allergies, sores, burns, acne, nail infections as well as hepatitis, dropsy, etc. It also helps the hair to grow, become strong and thick and in treatment of dandruff.

Dr Faten Abdul Rahman Kurshid researched and concluded that Camel’s Urine is a potential cure for cancer.

Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut #conspiracy facebook.com

You have to accept the fact that the government totally wants to provide surveillance on every part of your life. They want to know when you are eating, they want to know if you are eating a cheeseburger which is very bad because Bill Gates wants you to eat his fake meat that grows in a peach tree dish. You will probably get a little zap inside your body and that is saying 'no, no, don't eat a real cheeseburger, eat the fake burger,' the fake meat from Bill Gates. They probably also want to know when you go to the bathroom, if your bowel movements are on time or consistent, what else do these people want to know?

Pastor Greg Locke #fundie facebook.com

As I mentioned during my Sunday sermon, we will be having a massive BURNING at the end of our Wednesday night message this week. We will be in our continued series on DELIVERANCE FROM DEMONS. We will have stuff coming in from all over that we will be burning. We’re not playing games. Witchcraft and accursed things must go. In Acts 19 they brought their sorcery and demonism and BURNED IT!!🔥
We are well aware what we are stepping into. Bring it all. Stop allowing demonic influences into your home. I said it from The stage, and I’m saying it here…
ANYTHING tied to the Masonic Lodge needs to be destroyed. It’s a Satanic cult not matter what your Master Mason, fish frying Grandfather told you.
Bring all your Harry Potter stuff. Laugh all you will haters. I don’t care. IT’S WITCHCRAFT 100%.
All your “Twilight” books and movies. That mess is full of spells, demonism, shape-shifting and occultism. Bring tarot cards, Ouija birds, healing crystals, idol statues, spell books and everything else tied to the occult. It’s got to go!! If you think we’re crazy, then scroll on. We’re exposing the Kingdom of Darkness for what it is. It’s time for people to be delivered.
We’ve had people on Hip Mr. Juliet, which isn’t surprising cause they hate truth and have loads of witches that can’t help themselves, but they’re wanting a group to come to the church, break out their witchcraft and open their Ouija boards while we celebrate. Well, hear me, you’re welcome to come but I PROMISE I WILL walk over, pray for each of you, snatch that evil garbage out of your hands and burn it right in front of your face. We WILL NOT TOLERATE witchcraft and we will not be compromising with devil worshippers. Everyone is welcome, but this is Global Vision and we don’t do things like the church down the road or the one you grew up in. We can’t unsee the miracles that are happening around us. It’s time to break covenant with the Devil and grow in the LORD. Get there early. It’s going to be absolutely amazing!!🔥🔥🔥

Sozo Church Of God #fundie #pratt facebook.com

If Atheists truly believe there is no God why do they spend so much time trying to convince others. One time I asked an atheist to sit on his bed and say “If you are real God show me”. Imagine he couldn’t! I asked him why. He said “What if I find out after all this time that there is a God?”. That confirmed to me, there is no such thing as an atheist. Just an angry or bitter human being who finds it more comforting to make themselves believe there is no God. Because God forbid if there is a God, then I have to deal with He doesn’t love me, He doesn’t accept me, He allowed this horrible thing to happen, or I have to repent of my sin otherwise I’ll go to hell.

Barbara Rayborn Shooter #conspiracy #racist #wingnut facebook.com

They're absolutely disgusting. As a family of tennis players and tennis fans, we applaud Djokovic for his courage and convictions. Australia was further exposed as the Communist country it has become. Nadal and the majority of players have also been exposed as pathetic, ignorant and selfish. We wouldn't go there if you paid us.

Wayne Allyn Root Facebook commenters #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

(about Covid vaccines)

Mark Douglas: You just have to look at every social program that is an abysmal failure. They never say "Well that didn't work so lets stop it and do something different". They keep funding (Increase Funding) to the failed program, and THEN do something different to where we have Multiple Bloated Programs for the same issues, NOT accomplishing much and costing taxpayers many times More.
Randy Townsend: It’s our own fault for not routinely throwing them out of office. Biden has never worked a real job in his life. 47 years he’s been a parasite. Stop voting for incumbents, regardless of party affiliation.
Mary Jones: Well its time they get accountable for being wrong! class actions should do the trick!
Baxter Baxter: If you or me did insider trading , we'd be in the pokey, how come politicians aren't getting arrested for this.?
Mary Baker Follow the Money!!! We need to see every State, Local, and Federal Politicians Bank Statements and Stock accounts and I GUARANTEE you most of them have Large Deposits from Big Pharma and Lots of Stock in Big Pharma and the Banks. Let me be in charge of the Audit I am a Mortgage Baker and I have been looking at Large deposits and questioning them for over 27 Years!!! I will get them all thrown in Jail for Bribery, Treason, and Insider Trading!!!
Robert Towson: All led by Biden.

Let’s Go Brandon!
Baxter Baxter: I think you should look into the "insider trading " that our elected officials are doing. Betcha they all bought big pharma stocks.......so they can't be wrong, cause profits. Greedy pigs.
David Morley: They’re FARGIN ICEHOLES Wayne Allyn Root

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