
Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

“An unborn baby is a baby if it’s wanted but if it’s unwanted or disabled or sick then it’s not a baby, it’s a fetus, and a fetus is a not a baby.”

The entire ‘pro-choice’ position is built on this utter nonsense.
8:59 AM · Mar 9, 2024 · 47.6K Views
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Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Kamala Harris is touring a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.

ZERO Christian can ever, ever vote Democrat.

Democrats are literally celebrating the butcher of unborn children in an effort to win votes.

It’s the epitome of evil.
1:50 PM · Mar 15, 2024 · 104.3K Views
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Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

If we continue to have generations of students going through a public education system that teaches them they are just animals and the result of natural processes (a Scientific American article stated, “We are all animals, descendants of a vast lineage of replicators sprung from primordial pond scum”), we will continue to see a growing moral collapse in society.

The horrible school shooting in Finland in 2007 was a prime example. The killer stated: “I am prepared to fight and die for my cause, . . . I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection. . . . I am just an animal, a human, an individual, a dissident . . . . It’s time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!”

Herein lies Darwin’s terrible legacy, which has affected all modern cultures.
This student was only carrying out in practice what he had been taught concerning origins, as well as the lack of purpose and meaning he found in life. Herein lies Darwin’s terrible legacy, which has affected all modern cultures.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #quack #wingnut twitter.com

One of my friends wrote me the following: Found out my lawyer friend died. AstraZeneca and an mRNA booster. Begged him not to get vaxxed in early 2021. He got ALS after vaccination (Lou Gehrigs disease). I brought him ivermectin before he died but it was too late. https://verhoevefuneralhomes.com/memorials/patrick-morris/5321396/…
7:42 AM · Mar 14, 2024 · 251.2K Views
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Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #quack twitter.com

Biden still thinks the COVID vaccines worked. If the vaccines were so successful, why hide the data? Why not simply invite all the misinformation spreaders unfettered query access to Medicare and VSD databases?

4:02 AM · Mar 12, 2024 · 27.6K Views
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Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

As I lined up with hundreds of others to get inside London’s famed Natural History Museum to visit its new Darwin exhibition when England was celebrating Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday in 2009, I couldn’t help but wonder: was this going to be some kind of attempt at mind control? After I went through the exhibition, there was no doubt!

The Darwin exhibit reminded me of one of those bizarre science fiction movies where people line up to be placed in a special machine and emerge like robots; these people now can’t think for themselves, and they end up being like those people who brainwashed them.

Ken Ham #fundie #homophobia #wingnut twitter.com

In 2003, laws against homosexual sodomy were ruled unconstitutional.
In 2004, a federal court held it was unconstitutional for a school to teach intelligent design theory as an alternative to evolution.
The New York legislature legalized gay “marriage”—joining other states.
The Supreme Court eventually legalized gay “marriage.”
The list goes on.
The “blessings” and the “curses” seen in Deuteronomy 28 embody the principles of our Holy Creator and Judge. While they were meant for the covenant people of Israel, I can’t help but see some similarities between what has happened in America to what we read in the Bible concerning Israel:

“The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways” (Deuteronomy 28:7).
“Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you” (Deuteronomy 28:10).
“You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow” (Deuteronomy 28:12).
“The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them; and you shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth” (Deuteronomy 28:25).
“The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower” (Deuteronomy 28:43).
“He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him . . . .” (Deuteronomy 28:44).

I do believe America is under divine judgment. We could basically summarize today’s culture with this one verse from the book of Judges:

“In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25).

Steve Kirsch quoting Peter Antico #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

I just got off the phone with my filmmaker friend, Peter Antico. Peter said he had a discussion recently with his first cousin. Peter said don’t take the vaccine. His first cousin said “too late I just got the booster.” He died four days later of bleeding in the brain. Symptoms started right after the shot. Probably just a coincidence….
12:53 PM · Mar 8, 2024 · 325.5K Views
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Steve Kirsch quoting @MdBreathe #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

The new rules of medicine per ⁦ @MdBreathe⁩:


Lessons Learned and Fighting Back

Post-pandemic realizations:

• Viruses can be treated.
• We have a lot to learn about vaccines.
• Most doctors are not that good, many are evil. Lawyers are protectors.
• The FDA and CDC are led by politically-appointed tyrants corrupted by BigPharma.
• Politics is ingrained in our healthcare system. We can’t ignore the politics.
• There are no coincidences.

10:23 AM · Mar 8, 2024 · 9,447 Views
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Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut twitter.com

I was right about masks.
I was right about social distancing.
I was right about lockdowns.
I was right about fatality rates.
I was right about the vaccines.

I don’t say this to brag.

I say this to remind everyone to think for yourself.

“Experts” were 💯 wrong.

WE were right.
4:51 AM · Mar 3, 2024 · 429.3K Views
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Vivek Ramaswamy #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

10mm+ have crossed the border *illegally* since Biden took office. That’s more than the population of most US states. Combine that with weak voter ID & liberal amnesty laws, and that creates a massive structural advantage for Democrats in elections - which is obviously the point.
4:40 AM · Mar 6, 2024 · 320.2K Views
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Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

I’ve had people ask me in recent times, “Is the West under divine judgment.”

Let me give you some insight in regard to America first.

Is America under judgment is a question I’ve been pondering, especially when we find examples like an evangelical pastor who was reported to have said the following according to a Christian news outlet:

“Materialism, drunkard pleasure seeking, arrogant conceit, defiant sinfulness, moral perversion, and corrupt leadership . . . . Do you not see [them] in America? . . .
“[P]eople [ask] what is wrong with this country? . . . They have rejected the Word, the law of the Lord, the Holy One Himself.”

In explaining the use of his words arrogant conceit, this pastor added that America was largely guilty of this sin because: “When a society does not want to hear from God, but wants to be its own authority where every man does that which is right in his own eyes and feels that he is the ultimate authority, he is the ultimate source of truth.”

The pastor further observed: “We are not a covenant people in America, but we have been a privileged people.” He stated that while America did not have a “divine promise as a unique nation called out,” it had nevertheless been given “exposure to the divine promises of the gospel in Jesus Christ.”

The pastor further explained: “No other nation has literally been born out of a desire to be faithful and obedient to the living and abiding Word of God.”

Yes, I believe America is under divine judgment. To show you how, just consider some of the ways America has progressively been trying to remove God from this culture:

In 1962, school prayer was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.
In 1963, Bible reading in public schools was also ruled unconstitutional.
In 1973, restrictions on abortion were lifted, and abortion clinics began to permeate the nation (through the infamous Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court).
In 1985, nativity scenes in public places were ruled to violate the so-called “separation of church and state.”

Kevin Sorbo #wingnut twitter.com

Trump took out a loan, payed it back, and was fined for the crime of paying the bank back by the state of New York.

But Trump is the dictator?
11:59 AM · Mar 1, 2024 · 1.9M Views
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Ken Ham #fundie #pratt twitter.com

Over the years, atheists have mocked me for teaching children to ask the question “Were you there?” in regard to talking about origins, the age of the earth and so on. In fact, atheists have gone ballistic over me teaching children this because I’m teaching them how to think correctly about origins. And atheists hate that. They don’t want children to understand that evolution and millions of years are beliefs—all part of the religion of naturalism (atheism).

How can anyone know what happened in the beginning if none of us were there?

Now I’ve had atheists say to me, “Were you there?” in their efforts to mock me.

Well, the simple answer is “No, I was not there.” And I have never claimed to have been there.

This question, “Were you there?” is based on one that God asked Job, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding” (Job 38:4).

By asking a series of rhetorical questions, God demonstrated that Job’s knowledge was finite—compared to God, fallible humans know next to nothing!

Job responded correctly when he stated the following:

“I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. You asked, ‘Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Listen, please, and let me speak; You said, “I will question you, and you shall answer Me.’ I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” (Job 42:1–6)

Bernard Lane #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

Excerpts from a guy explaining why fan fiction turns girls Trans

“And ‘gay ships’ online, gay erotica, can provide a vector for the girl to explore relationships and sexuality with the male objects of her infatuation — without confronting all that resentment, insecurity, hatred and self-doubt that is triggered by female love interest and male-female relationships.

“When it's two men it can be very seductive, because these girls love men, and they don't want to see the women — and it's like this weird, perfect storm for them.”

“The fandom community is going to have that hierarchy — if you are a cis-het white person, you're evil, you're terrible, you're horrible, you're disgusting, you're an oppressor. But if you're trans, if you're gay, if you're not white, then you are amazing. And everybody needs to be super nice to you.

“The LGBT spectrum is really elevated in these fandom communities, partly because of that love of the male-male pairings where these girls are obsessed with the very idea of gay men. They almost think they're being pro-LGBT by sharing gay fan fiction.

“They're developing an aversion to male-female relationships. They can start to over-identify with the ‘gay ships’, in this [online 24/7] environment where there are no checks and balances on the fantasy. It's all these young girls identifying as trans together, ‘shipping the ships’ together. It's so easy to have your identity lines blurred, to start to over-identify with being a gay trans boy. And then gender ideology comes along and says, this is all a sign that deep down, you really want to be a boy.”

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

From a paramedic friend. This is what a “safe and effective” vaccine rolled out to kids will do to them, a 7x increase in call rate:

“Yes. These are non trauma calls. Medical calls. If I add trauma it’s higher. Used to predominantly run kids for trauma.

Before covid working at one of the largest ems services in the country-
0-1 a week. Some weeks none, some weeks one or two. Predominately kids with pre existing health problems. Like seizures, asthma, allergies. Etc

During covid. Down. Seemed people were staying up on their medications, scared to go to hospital. Parents around more, not coming into contact with allergens etc.

barely ran any pediatric calls during the heart of Covid.

When shots rolled out for younger age groups, 3-4 a week steady. Sometimes multiple in a day.

Now many are on seizure meds, and we run a lot of severe anxiety, psych calls, suicide, and chest pains in young population.”
3:33 AM · Feb 27, 2024 · 45.8K Views
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Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

FDA admits that the COVID vax doesn't prevent transmission or infection.

This means is that it doesn't prevent hospitalization or death. There are NO COUNTEREXAMPLES to this rule.

From theepochtimes.com

11:22 AM · Feb 26, 2024 · 145.4K Views
3,623 Reposts 125 Quotes 7,784 Likes

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Many people will recall one of the most horrific acts of school violence in America in 1999. Beginning at 11:19 AM at suburban Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, high school seniors Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher, and wounded 23 others. It was a massacre that shocked the United States—and the world.

Serial killer Eric Harris wore a T-shirt on the day of the Columbine massacre that simply declared “NATURAL SELECTION.”

Such acts as this—and numerous others since—sent a warning that something was happening in our culture—something many were perplexed about. Why would such situations occur?

From a biblical perspective and an understanding of a sovereign God, the ultimate answer of course is sin. The Bible makes it clear we live in a fallen world, and because of the effects of sin and the Curse, we now experience violence, suffering, disease, catastrophes, and so on.

But on the individual level—even understanding we are sinners in a fallen world—we ask what could lead persons like Harris and Klebold to kill their fellow students?

In 2007, Pekka-Eric Auvinen, a teen in Finland, shot and killed students at a high school in another shocking act of school violence. In a video posted on YouTube prior to the shooting, Auvinen stated:

“I am prepared to fight and die for my cause. . . . I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection. No, the truth is that I am just an animal, a human, an individual, a dissident . . . . It’s time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!”

We live in an era of history in which the idea of atheistic evolution is taught as fact in much of the education systems of the world. In the USA, it is claimed that by removing teaching about creation, Bible reading, and prayer from the classrooms in public schools, religion has been removed and students are only educated now in a “neutral” environment.

However, the science textbooks used in most public schools only explain things in terms of natural processes—the supernatural is not considered. That’s not neutral. Students are being taught the philosophy of naturalism, which is—in essence—the religion of atheism.

Joel Davis #racist #crackpot twitter.com

I have spent the past few years replacing everyone replaceable in my life who wasn't a racist with racists and it has been a massive upgrade.

Without the bond of racism I'm not so sure genuine friendship with your bros or true intimacy with your girl is ultimately possible.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy twitter.com

It seems that @AnthemBlueCross is spreading fake info about the flu shot (see graphic).

This is simply not true. The flu shot is UNSAFE and it provides no benefit. And AFAIK, there isn't a doctor who is willing to challenge me on the data in a public debate. Am I wrong?


5:00 AM · Feb 22, 2024 · 7,859 Views
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Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

What happened to Trump in NYC is the stuff of the Soviet show trials: Show me the man and I'll show you the crime. If the government doesn’t like your politics, they can concoct some excuse to steal your stuff and call it “justice.”

But this behavior always has consequences. There’s a reason companies won’t invest in Venezuela or Cuba: When the rule of law is arbitrary and politicized and property rights are weak, doing business becomes unsafe.

I am rooting for a mass exodus of investor capital and businesses from New York City. But there’s no reason to stop there. For as long as New York insists on being a judicial rogue state, red states should stop acknowledging the rulings of its courts.

Democrats have shredded our Constitution and our legal norms just to destroy Donald Trump. But they’d do well to remember that we can hit back. Ship every illegal into New York, and ship every dollar out.
10:22 AM · Feb 20, 2024 · 199.2K Views
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Todd Friel #fundie twitter.com

Your ancestors didn’t climb out of goo, go through the zoo, and eventually become you. God custom made you in your mother’s womb.
6:05 AM · Feb 16, 2024 · 5,119 Views
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Dr. Abby Johnson #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

I’ve never heard of anyone, pro-choicers included, refer to a woman pregnant with a planed child as being pregnant with a “fetus.” I’ve also never heard of anyone throwing a “fetus shower.”

Women get pregnant with babies and they throw baby showers. We all universally know that preborn children are human beings. Pro-abortion supporters just pretend they aren’t when they want to dehumanize them. They use special language so they don’t feel guilty about supporting the slaughter of the innocent.

Michael Voris #homophobia #fundie x.com

The issue is not clericalism. The issue is HOMOSEXUAL clericalism. The homoheretic cardinals like Cupich are spinning that PR line about clericalism. We don’t need procedures to properly address the issue of sodomite clerics raping people. We need a policy of getting rid of them.

Eric Hovind #fundie twitter.com

Oh, the IRONY!
An Atheist just posted this about Creationists discussing Darwin:
"For something they don't believe in they sure waste a lot of time talking about it. They're obsessed."


3:49 PM · Feb 14, 2024 · 4,338 Views
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Ray Comfort #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

Which came first, the blood, the heart, or the blood vessels? If the heart came first, why did it evolve when there was no blood? If the blood came first, why did it evolve, and how did it get around without blood vessels? And if blood vessels came first, why did they evolve when there was no blood?

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