Pomidor Quixote and Mr Justice Hayden #sexist #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From "British Judge Says Sex With Wife is a “Fundamental Human Right” and Everyone Loses Their Minds"]

The Jewish media puts sex everywhere to make people think about it constantly, but the Jews also make heterosexual sex much more difficult to achieve by introducing convoluted ideas about “consent” and about what marriage is supposed to be.

One man is taking a stand against that bullshit. This judge is bringing old ideas and common sense back into the discussion about the role of marriage in our society, and he’s doing all of that by… saying that a husband should be able to have sex with his wife.

RT wrote:

A British judge has invoked the ire of online commentators, activists and politicians after remarking that it was a man’s “fundamental human right” to have sex with his wife during an already controversial court case.

I cannot think of any more obviously fundamental human right than the right of a man to have sex with his wife… I think he is entitled to have it properly argued,” senior High Court judge Justice Hayden was quoted as saying during a preliminary hearing on a case involving a married couple of 20 years.

The wife has learning difficulties and her condition is deteriorating, prompting social services to raise the alarm about the potential for sexual abuse in the relationship as they felt the woman was no longer able to make decisions about whether she consented to sexual relations. Social services ultimately brought the case to the Court of Protection in London.

The husband has pledged to no longer sleep with his wife but prosecuting lawyers are still pushing for a court order barring sexual relations to prevent the woman from being raped.

Let’s get something out of the way first: all women have learning difficulties. It’s just a matter of how severe those difficulties are.

That said, if she can say yes or no to a question such as “do you want some ice cream?” or “do you feel like watching a movie?” then she can absolutely consent to sex.

This whole “consent” thing is a retarded Jewish invention that overcomplicates basic male-female interaction. If a woman doesn’t want to have sex, she resists, if she wants to stop having sex while having sex, she makes it known. If she for some reason decides to pretend to be okay with having sex while not feeling like having sex, then that’s her problem. Literally something that happens in her mind that can’t be measured or proven.

The insanity of this story is augmented by the fact that even though the poor husband pledged to no longer sleep with his wife, prosecutors still push for a court order to officially make him unable to have sex with his wife.

Do you understand how insane that is?

If a man can’t have sex with his wife, why does he have a wife?


The idea about marriage that most people have in their subconscious was put there by tales of old, by their grandfathers, and by the Jewish social-engineering media machine.

If marriage doesn’t ask anything from women, and gives them half of your stuff or more whenever they please, it not only does nothing to stop relationships from breaking down but it actually provides incentives for relationships to break down.

These whores will destroy your life if you let them.

The moment they feel they’ve secured you, that you have no alternative front-hole, and that you’re socially and legally prohibited from looking for their replacement… that’s the moment they’ll decide to stop having sex with you. Sex will become less and less frequent. She’ll never be “in the mood,” she’ll always be tired or with headache. She’ll never treat you the same. She’ll look at you with disdain. She’ll resent you. She’ll feel trapped by you even though you’re the one that’s really trapped. She’ll feel you’re abusive even though she’s the one being abusive.

She’ll file for divorce and she’ll take as much from you as she possibly can, and then she’ll tell everyone you know about how terrible you are. She’ll go fuck some loser that can’t compare to you but that will have more than you because she’ll share the stuff she took from you with him, and they’ll laugh at you every time you go get your kids on the weekends.

Your kids won’t understand why daddy looks so poor now while mommy and her new boyfriend seem so well off. You’ll want to explain to them… but you won’t be able to. You wouldn’t even know where to start.

As time passes, you’ll see how your own kids prefer mommy’s boyfriend. They’ll tell you how funny he is, how many great things they do together, and how much time they spend together. Every time you send them back to her house… you’ll feel like a shadow. An empty human husk trapping the echoes of the man that you once were and mixing them with the cries of the man that you wanted to be.

All because you thought marriage meant something other than your doom.

jazavac #sexist incels.is

(what is the female sex drive)

It's an instinctive need to acquire the highest quality seed possible while ensuring the survival of the offspring. Anything that she instinctively sees as signs of quality seed will be seen as attractive. Dual mating strategy and betabuxxing comes in when the quality male doesn't want to take care of the offspring. Today, it only comes down to looking good because provider males became unnecessary and people have sex for gratification, not reproduction.

Modus Coperandi #sexist incels.is

(what is the female sex drive?)

foids sex drive is just as visual as mens. that's why chad wins.
it's all about how you look.
if you don't look sexually arousing you will never be able to witness a truly horny foid.

foid sexuality seems to be dependable on her state of mind, the thoughts your image causes in her is what matters.
if you fuck a foid and all she thinks about is how she is gonna decorate the apartment while you plow her pussy, she will never orgasm.

foids seem to be unable of selective thinking. so if you show a flaw it will instantly occupy their mind.
foid culture is one of constant mogging and bragging.
if you do something un-normie the first thing she thinks will be: "I'm gonna tell my friends about this!"
lots of foids have no ego. they're merely extensions of their in-group thinking.

so what really matters for you: don't be ugly + don't be obviously abnormal.

foid sexuality is a mind game. it's not about physical contact.

ultimately to be long term successful you need to become a part of her fantasies.
which will obviously never happen for creatures like us.

Various incels #sexist incels.is

(what is the female sex drive?)

Seeing a chad

Feeling dominated by chad, foids are so shallow they all have the same preference.

(Napoleon de Geso)
Femoid sex drive is outdated, they choose primitive chad instead of evolved gracile man like Elliot

I'm not sure that it matters, we're incels and will never pleasure them anyway.

They want low inhib thugmaxxed gigachad to beat the shit out of them

Being treated like a piece of meat by a very good looking man

Chinese government officials in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region #fundie #racist thechinastory.org

(Results of interviews with members of China’s Uygur minority who had managed to escape from internment camps on the reasons they had been given for their arrest)

Owning a tent
Owning extra food
Owning a compass
Abstaining from alcohol
Abstaining from cigarettes
Wailing, publicly grieving, or otherwise acting sad when your parents die
Performing a traditional funeral
Wearing a scarf in the presence of the Chinese flag
Wearing a hijab (if you are under 45)
Arguing with an official
Sending a petition that complains about local officials
Not allowing officials to sleep in your bed, eat your food, and live in your house
Having a full beard
Speaking your native language in school
Speaking your native language in government work groups
Speaking with someone who has travelled abroad
Having travelled abroad yourself
Merely knowing someone who has travelled abroad
Not attending mandatory propaganda classes
Not attending mandatory flag-raising ceremonies
Not attending public struggle sessions
Refusing to denounce your family members or yourself in these public struggle sessions
Trying to kill yourself when detained by the police
Trying to kill yourself when in the education camps
Inviting multiple families to your house without registering with the police department
Being related to anyone who has done any of the above

Readytodie85 #fundie reddit.com

All do respect why are atheist people in this forum God please place me next to them at judgment day lol so many perverted versions of christianity only one acceptable version you either believe in Jesus and live for him or perish in hell

Some incels #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Re: twoxroasties wants you to be a compassionate cuck when your wife cucks you, births some chad's spawn, bails on you, and then leaves you to raise chad's spawn. women are a meme.



I had my suicide planned in case the day he would realize I wasn't worthy of his love because of my genetics would come

Roastie on leddit experiences 1% of the hardships of incel lifestyle and wants to rope already

If you ever ascend, DNA test your kids.

Anyway, women don't have consciousness or empathy, she just isn't fucking capable of putting herself in someone else's shoes. It's all about how SHE FEELS and what happens to her.

In their minds, them tricking yiu into rasing offspring is actually moral. You see that kid needs resources, it's a kid, it's pure, it's innocent, it deserves fulfillment. Plus she knows it's hers. Therefore she has even more bond to see it succeed and receive resources. Always get your kids tested. Honestly even chad should. Believe me, women cheat, a lot. If they think they can get away with it, and the guys worth it, they cheat. Fact of life.


I cant even call that man a cuck, he is more of a man than the real father

I'm happy to read this comment in this sub. I also wouldn't leave a little child behind if I have taken care of it for so many years. Cuck or not, if people can show mercy to random people through charity, then you can take care of one more kid. It's not the kid's fault.

Random charity does not mean being legally financially tied against your will to a person you were deceived into believing was your biological offspring. Don't even compare the two. They are nothing alike.

I can. He is a fucking cuck that willingly took unnecessary stress & partially ruined his own life over a whore's bastard daughter.

And you're no better, you fucking cuck. If you don't kick both the whore & her cheat trophy out; you are a fucking cuck. I have no respect for either.

His older parents tried speaking sense into this father but they raised a soft little feminized wimp.

Lmao all the comments defending him, this sub is infested by normies, fakecels, and cucks

Andrew Anglin #sexist #wingnut #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "British Politician Sargon of Akkad Calls for Women to be Raped"]

"100% deal with it."

UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin stands by his comments that he "wouldn't even rape" a female Labour MP and tells Sky's @KateEMcCann to "deal with it".

Get more on this story here: http://po.st/5WnwrX

8:00 PM - Apr 18, 2019

You might remember Sargon of Akkad from YouTube.

And you may have been thinking “what the heck happened to that lad?”

Well, he’s a politician now.

And he is based and redpilled, and is calling for women to be raped.

This is quite awesome.

Aside from exterminating Jews, the main thing that I have always wanted was for women to be raped. For years, we have not had a single politician in a Western country that was willing to call for women to be raped – even while this is a very popular position in Middle Eastern countries.

It’s yet to be seen if Sargon will be able to enact his policy of rape once elected, or if he will pull a Donald Trump and build a few miles of groping and call it rape.

What is certain is that Sargon will win the election for Prime Minister of the UK based on the promise that women will be raped.

Rape has overwhelming popular support as a policy among the public, with up to 98% of people supporting it. However, thus far, no politician in the West has had the nerve to run on a rape platform.

I salute Sargon of Akkad, and wish him the best.

The Daily Stormer is officially endorsing Sargon of Akkad as Prime Minister of the UK.

RealRice #sexist incels.is

Hmm, well let's think about it logically.
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daugher you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Orlov #sexist incels.is

Having a daughter is the worst thing that can happen to a man

Just imagine it, you feed and nurture this fucking thing with a hole for years just so it can grow up and become a cum dumpster for Chads and normies. You feed your baby girl, teach her how to walk, talk, she goes to expensive schools... and then she hits puberty, goes to high school and college and she randomly swallows gallons of cum at parties and thinks she is smart and strong and emancipated for doing it.

Only thing worse than that is having multiple daughters. Females are worthless scum, you nurture them just so they can betray you and whore themselves out. If you have a daughter you are raising a play toy for Chad and normie-scum. There's really no decency in it whatsoever, even if she is a straight-a student she is still a fucking degraded whore who would let Chad shit in her mouth just for validation.

Anonymous #fundie quora.com

Let me tell you my story. I used to be an hours praying, Bible disecting, days fasting Christian who used to go to church every day of the week that there was a service (which, at the time was 4 times a week, including rehersals). I could see the influence of the Devil in any source of media. And make a good argument by the bible. I was never irrational.

How I felt about dragons. There was a time when I did not like dragons. Because dragons associated to snakes associated to the Devil. I didn’t really mind snakes. At the time, I just thought they shouldn’t be kept as pets, but they are still God’s creation, and God used snakes. Like Moses’s staff, or the bronze snake in the desert. But dragons are not creation of God. What is the dragon?

To me, the dragon was the devil pretending to be God. Specially Chinese dragons. The snake was a clever creature in the garden of Eden, who gave Adam and Eve the knowledge of right and wrong (in other words, stole their innosence, corrupted their innocent minds). Asian dragons are wise, and they impart knowledge to mankind. So, these are not ordinary snakes God’s creation. These were the snakes representative of the Devil. That’s what dragons were to me.

To me, the Asian dragons were born as any other mythology. Distortion of the truth and some influence of the Devil. The dragon had been given aditional features to be more awesome (in the more traditional sense), and had been made big and celestial, and even been given power over nature. It had become a deity. The dragon was a god, like the Devil has always wanted to be.

So what about the other dragons? To me, they were still representatives of the Devil. Maybe not worshiped gods, or at least not directly, but devilish snakes stealing the love of the people. Dragons are cute and friendly? Demons are shapeshifting deceivers. They can be cute and friendly too. To me, dragons were teaching people to accept demons if they are cute and act friendly. Because they only pretend to be, but they really want to condemn your soul. Or at least, that was my perspective. And hey, according to Islam, there is a slight possibility that demons can genuinely turn good. Anyway:

I also did not like when I spent nine hours in fasting and prayer and reading the bible and singing christian songs in my room all by myself, and felt in communion with God, but went to my Christian uncle’s house to visit, and we would watch a movie, to which I would be tempted not just by myself, but by my family. And even if the movie was not about anything of the Devil, when we would finish watching the movie, that feeling of communion with God was gone.

Despite that, all my life I have been fascinated by lizards and dinosaurs. So of course, I was naturally fascinated by dragons. But the bible says “deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me”. And that’s what I did. A few months after, I read Job. I have read like 66% of the bible. I had heard of the leviathan before, but most of the time, I forgot, and also, because I had only heard about it, I did not know what to think. Even after I read about it, I was not sure what to think. I was going back and forth between my bible and my nearly 10lb biblical dictionary. And I read the psalms. Specially psalm 104. After a while, it seemed more reasonable to me that leviathan is a real animal. And dragon is no more devil than it is wolf or snake. Dragons are no more devils than lions are gods. God is not literally a lion, and even if he were, that doesn’t make all lions gods. The Devil is not literally a dragon, and even if it were, the rest of dragons are not devils.

But most dragons are not like leviathan either. And those that are, often are compared to gods. Like Godzilla. Btw I also did not like Godzilla because people compared him to gods. And Godzilla is not a dragon, but one of the most similar things to leviathan.

So, dragons were still representative of the devil to me for a while. But later I started thinking about it. Were they really representative of the Devil? They were mostly just like normal animals. And then I stopped thinking of dragons as the Devil.

But I still had all the other issues with fantasy and dustraction and stuff. So yeah.

SlayaCaleb88 #sexist incels.is

The Different types of Chads and Staceys

I have pretty much seen enough in my life to narrow them all down to this


Conservative/Christian/Self Righteous Chad(my most hated one)

These Chads are most likely people with top genetics that love that piece of shit called Jesus, most notably (Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro,) they will often say incels are entitled and spoiled rotten, bashing incels makes them feel stronger and morally superior.

Party/Jock/Celebrity Chad

These ones are just your typical hollywood produced Chads, they bully incels because they think its fun to do.

Abusive/Criminal/Tough Guy Chad

These people are what women piss their panties with cum thinking about are great guys, only the deadshit fucked up foids go for these types of Chads, these are the type of Chads that the Conservative Chad does not want his daughter around.


Rich Girl/Celebrity/Popular in Highschool Stacey (Higher Tier Foids)

These are foids that have been living on recruit dificulty most of their life and have never gone thru hardship, they only want the top guys to fuck.

Normal average looking women that still count as staceys (they aren't ugly or hot)

These chics are what most of our looksmatch are at, they are just average foids.

BECKY'S (Society is real fucked up thinking these foids deserve any one)

Bash the Fash Becky:
This is your typical foid that loves to get up on a soapbox and be an activist for some ideology that can easily be debunked, mostly feminists as well.

Beta Orbiter Becky:
This is just some below average looking foid that gets Incel Tears hard, not even I would go for any of these fucking disgusting animals.

Autistic Becky: (Now this one really fucking makes me angry)

Why the fuck should an Autistic Becky with my fucking looksmatch be able to get any fucking guy? Autism doesn't even exist for these types of foids and its a joke to them really, This goes to show how easy women have it compared to men.

HumanTrash #sexist #psycho incels.is

[LifeFuel] Every second a foid dies somewhere in the world

Just thinking about this makes me feel so much better, right now when you are reading this a filthy chad-worshiping cunt dies somewhere :feelsautistic: Doesn't matter if it's a baby or a 120-years old granny, they are all whores and they will all die.

Alex Jones #conspiracy #homophobia youtube.com

(Transscript of video)
In the interval [?] the Pentagon just tested a gay bomb on Iraq, they considered it, they didn’t [?] consider using it, they used it on our troops, in Vietnam, they sprayed PCP on our troops - Jacob’s Ladder - ha - you think PCP - some horse tranquilizers or something? They got some stuff that’ll whack your brain permanently.
Brain chips in the troops. They give the troops special vaccines that really [?] nanotech that auto[?]-re-engineers their brains.
Now there is the gay bomb.
Look it up for yourself, this is what do you think tap water is, it’s a gay bomb, baby.
And I’m not saying people didn’t naturally have homosexual feelings, I’m not even getting into it, quite frankly, give me a break. You think I… I’m, like, shocked by it [?] [incomprehensible] bashing it because I don’t like gay people. I DON’T LIKE THEM PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER! THEY TURN THE FRICKING FROGS GAY!
Do you understand that?
Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! [bangs paper on table]
I’m sick of being socially engineered! It’s not funny!

Jakki #fundie rr-bb.com

I think it's sad that a Christian Bible teacher believes the world is "overpopulated". I think it's especially sad that the Word of God is being used to defend the "overpopulation" theory. IMO "overpopulation" is a lie of Satan and it's sad to see so many Christians believing this. For one thing no one can say for definite how many people will be on earth in 400 years time (assuming the Lord hasn't returned by then). I read where back in the 70s it was thought the earth would have a population of 8 billion by the year 2000 but it was in fact 6 billion. Plus by claiming there are too many people sounds as if God made a mistake by creating so many people and as we all know God never makes mistakes. Also, as one previous poster said "overpopulation" is used to promote abortion along with many other evils. Anyway even IF the world is "overpopulated" the events of Revelation will certainly solve that problem!

DarkLordoftheSith #fundie christianforums.com

The basis of Evolution is that it must exist in a static, infinite universe. However, the universe is actually decellerating, or slowing down, as if it has bounced off of a wall. this means that the universe is non-static, and therefore disproves evolution.

i think God put apes on earth so we see something the way he sees us.

Dr. Nicolosi #fundie family.org

[On preventing homosexuality in young boys]

[T]he boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger. [emphasis added]

medved #fundie freeconservatives.com

The thing you really DON'T want is women having to wait until they're 25 - 35 to start having kids. That's the thing which ends up with population spirals and government "elites" inviting the third world in to take up the slack. 17 - 18 For women, 18 - 20 for men should be about the norm. Even if that means the government subsidizing kids getting married and starting families at that age to some extent I like that idea better than the idea of losing our country to the globalists and the la Raza/Atzlan crowd.

Dr. James Dobson #fundie focusonyourchild.com

[How to tell if you child is becoming a homosexual]

Evidences of gender confusion or doubt in boys ages 5 to 11 may include:

1. A strong feeling that they are “different” from other boys.
2. A tendency to cry easily, be less athletic, and dislike the roughhousing that other boys enjoy.
3. A persistent preference to play female roles in make-believe play.
4. A strong preference to spend time in the company of girls and participate in their games and other pastimes.
5. A susceptibility to be bullied by other boys, who may tease them unmercifully and call them “queer,” “fag” and “gay.”
6. A tendency to walk, talk, dress and even “think” effeminately.
7. A repeatedly stated desire to be — or insistence that he is — a girl.

If your child is experiencing several signs of gender confusion, professional help is available. It’s best to seek that help before your child reaches puberty.

“By the time the adolescent hormones kick in during early adolescence, a full-blown gender identity crisis threatens to overwhelm the teenager,” warns psychologist Dr. James Dobson. To compound the problem, many of these teens experience “great waves of guilt accompanied by secret fears of divine retribution.”

DoctorDoom #fundie freeconservatives.com

[Replying to <a href="http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/wire/sns-ap-council-prayers,0,5736640.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines" target="_blank">this story</a> of Wiccan priestess winning a court case against a city using sectarian prayers before council meetings.]

Enjoy your ill-gotten gains, satanist. It won't do you an iota of good where you're headed.

Maybe we should resume witch-burnings.

FaithSeeker #fundie bibleforums.org

[On light taking longer to get here than predicted by the biblical dates]

I guess last time you were in deep space you measured the speed of light and this is the reason you know for sure that it is constant in all situations!?!

1,079,252,848.80 KM eh? To determine this man did what? Went 1,079,252,848.80 KM away from the light source and started a timer? Obviously not, man has only ever dreamed of travelling such distances. The truth is that men capture lights speed over a very small distance and then multiply it to arrive at the hourly rate. So in reality you cannot be absolutely sure that light can travel that far in an hour, you assume it!!

Wolfdragon #fundie bibleforums.org

As far as aliens, well, they are stored somewhere else. I happen to know someone who worked for a place here in western NY that said they used to have one in "cold storage" in one of the lower levels of their government contract building. The specimen was later transfered to another facility which was not disclosed to even the higher authorities in the facility. This person currently holds the highest civilian security clearance available.

Now, I usually would doubt someone telling me things like this, but this particular person has never led me astray. They are completely trustworthy.

MC1171611 #racist christianforums.com

Anyway, to set the record straight, I AM NOT A RACIST. I believe that God created one man and one woman; from these people came all people alive. All men and weomen are equal in God's eyes. I simply said that God set the bounds for the habitation of the earth, and that is why I don't believe in black and white people mixing. I am not saying that you will go to Hell if you marry someone other than your skin color, but the whole idea of "inter-racism" is perpetrated by our pagan, Godless society, along with "unisex."

ditzyferret #fundie rr-bb.com

[Replying to a guy complaining about people calling him "crazy".]

I have been getting this a lot as well. Someone once explained it to me like this; you ever walk into your kitchen and turn on the lights and you see a bug run for cover? It can’t stand the light. Since we live in the light it often times shines a painful light into someone’s darkened life and it hurts them, it exposes their shame, so they lash out trying to find cover.

Admin3 #fundie evolutionfairytale.com

50% of students in high school, will lose their faith for two reasons. One is what is being taught in "Science class". Two is peer pressure from others who have learned the samething.

Of that 50%, those who go to college, 70% will lose their faith. And those who do not conform, or act like the others to fit in, while in science class. Will fail the course because the professor will take a bias attitude towards them. Even encurage of classmates to make fun of them during class, for what they believe.

Philip #fundie atheistparents.org

Why take it [repetance] later when you can take it now and give God the glory?
Wait a second.. did I just contradict myself? No. I am God too. So are you but you are not manifesting it right now. Repent now and be rewarded or repent later by default and recieve no reward outside of becoming like Christ.

EarlyCall #fundie bibleforums.org

You know, they, they being the world, claim that well, you know, the story of the flood exists in numerous cutlures. Really? What a surprise, since only eight people came off the ark. These eight people repopulated the world. Any chance they might have told their children of the flood? Of course. And their children told the sory? Of course. And on and on over the many eyars and as the people spread out, the story was taken with them. So no surprise to me this story may appear in other cultures and parrellel the story in the Bible.

perpetualmotion7 #fundie bibleforums.org

What is very exciting about radioactive decay is that G-d has been doing things for billions of years now. In my universe a very cataclysmic battle occured between the angels of light and darkness and this battle ended with Satan cast down to earth resulting in darkness being upon the face of the earth. These spirits exist outside of our dimension but we can trace their actions by observing what has happened with our universe through the years.

Prehistoric worlds have existed & our world will one day be recreated as well. Revelation 20 tells us that G-d will, one day, create a new heaven and a new earth. The exciting thing for us to see is that millions of years ago G-d created a totally alien planet on which huge reptiles existed and no modern day man could have lived with them. Then G-d created huge mamals and prehistoric men who eventually departed.

Now He has, once again, created a unique, intelectually inspired, universe in which we can experience His awe anew. BUT He does not stop there Hebrews 11 tells us that we who are spirit led are looking forward to a new home not prepared by human hands. He will do it once again at some time in the future and science itself gives us proof!

Alexander99 #fundie boards.historychannel.com

Genetically sheep are a closer relative to man than any other animinal on the planer. Around 50 years ago, most states in the USA had laws making it a misdemeanor crime to have sex with any animinal except sheep and it was a felony to have sex with a sheep. Why? According to the laws, any offspring had to be immediately destroyed. Can man and sheep produce mixed offspring? Many have said they can. This fact was widely recognized in the laws of the USA. Who would benefit from concealing these facts? The priest of the Religion of Evolution.

Pendragon #fundie rr-bb.com

[Reviewing FSTDT.com]

Through their curiosity and yes even anger and hatred towards us G-d is allowing us to witness to them and to give them boblical food for thought. So as many laugh and crack jokes about it some will actually qeustion further and even some of those will find truth in what we talk about here. Isn't G-d amazing

Floodnut #fundie christianforums.com

Evolutionisim has not produced anything. Creationists are the ones responsible for vaccines, cures, medical technology, and agricultural improvements. Regardless of the manifold contributions from Creationists, the Truth of Creation is what is revealed by Scripture.

WizardBoy01 #fundie christianforums.com

LOTR says that this ring will destroy the world so thats liek tha anti-christ, and than wizards who openly practice witch craft go to destroy it. there are demons and creatures from hell and the heros are all possesed buy the ring(anti-christ) so if you don't like harry potter because of witchcraft this is worse guys.

Karma2Grace #fundie christianforums.net

If you were to go 7000 years back, You will see man using simple tools and stones but today we are more sophisticated , Even we can clone people ! , Some group claims themselves as gods!! , It is like 90 Degree Growth

According to Evolution, Homo sapiens (Full Man) where present for last 200,000 years (<a href="http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/02/050223122209.htm" target="_blank">http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/02/050223122209.htm</a> ) but the so called "Man" NEVER evolved until 7000 years before !, Pretty strange isn't ? , For almost 193,000 Years man lived like an Ape Or using stones and sticks! What make them to throw their sticks and stones to clone people?

It make more sense when bible says, Human race is just 10,000 Years (approx) old.

PlentyGroovy #fundie rr-bb.com

I've been thinking about health and saved versus unsaved. Do you think those of us that suffer due to mental or physical problems are more likely to turn to God than those that are relatively healthy in both respects?

I just wonder if we should be praying more of thankfulness for our trials because they get us closer to the Lord. Would you rather be super healthy and unsaved or vise-a-versa?

BlueCross787 #fundie iidb.org

[Replying to the remark that we as a human species are not weak, but robust as shown by our scientific advances]

Scientific advances? Like polluting the environment and inventing cancer!?

AIAyeti #fundie #homophobia debatingchristianity.com

You can spin yopur obvious disdain for Christians any way you want and Pro-homosexualists can attempt to paint a rosie picture of licentious and promiscuous people who engage in same-sex sex but empiricism stands against labeling homosexuality as a normal sexual function. Your biology list never once diosproved WHAT the sexual act IS for! Even your Darwin nods in that direction. Homosexuality in nature is still an unnatural sex act. Do the math!

Ponderin #fundie rr-bb.com

These cook/health books are based on eastern principles stepped in eastern religion and new age philosophies carrying with them the spirit of anti Christ. Apparently, their religion has influenced their worldview where food and health are concerned. Which is another gateway to the cults under the guise of a cookbook . . .

Somehow, I do not believe that is a laughing matter, either.

Seadreamer #fundie rr-bb.com

[Referring to whether Linda McCartney is or is not a Christian]

When did she allegedly come to Jesus? I checked out a cookbook of hers and it was pretty antichristian. It was written years before she died though.

It would be great if she found the Lord. She was so hostile in the book that I made it a point to pray for her off and on for years and especially after she got sick.

blueskyz156 #fundie christianforums.com

['What makeup products have you used, even been recommended, that were absolutely horrible and did not live up to the hype?']

for me just anything to do with Covergirl. My friend is a cosmotologist and she doesnt recomend them because theres an ingredient in their liquid foundation that came off aborted babies. 'nuff said.

SoftTouch #fundie rapturenews.com

From all the research I've done (and lost due to many computer melt-downs ) I've come to understand that the Ecumenical Movement is yet another tool of Satan to bring about the One World Religion under the authority of the False Prophet of the book of Revelation.

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