
WAtheAnum #homophobia #pratt deviantart.com



Okay, you know? I get it. People are celebrating “pride month” because they were the minority and suppressed and so on and so on…

But you know what I don’t get? Why everyone is so eager and keen to “overdo” it with the colors and similar?

Just think of it this way: people celebrate because they wanna be “on the same level” and “equated” with each other, “normal” people, which I can understand as a legit reason so don’t get me wrong here.

… but literally going on the streets and s-c-r-e-a-m-i-n-g around that they are “gay” and similar with all the rainbow colors n shit?

And than [sic] they feel “offended” if you say something which “could” hurt them and say things like “normal” people could literally do at other months of the year”…

Well in that case…

See you next month b*tches.

[black-grey-white flag and middle finger]

Akhnaton-II & thormemeson #crackpot #sexist #psycho #wingnut deviantart.com

Well, it all began a while ago, when I saw a poll for the "Sexist of the year" on one Russian feminist site, and it featured one of my favourite scientists. I started looking into that issue, found out the quote they used to accuse him of sexism was taken out of context and misinterpreted, and made a post about it on Facebook. It attracted my feminist friends there, and they started telling me he ought to watch what he says, he ought to be more professional, and so on. Somehow I ended up arguing with one of them about whether human evolution still continues (actually, it does). This was the first part.

The second part occurred a few weeks later, when I made a joke about SJWs and another my friend suddenly started protecting them. This time it developed with much more drama, even his mom appeared there to tell me off and advise me to educate myself in gender studies. People from the previous conflict also joined. In the end I took down all my posts related to both issues and stopped replying to them.

I used to have a better opinion on Russian feminists. I saw them reposting rape statistics, advocating for gender equality in Muslim regions of Russia, spreading awareness about family abuse, and I thought they are better than 3rd wave ones. But it turned out I just hadn't seen the other side of them. They are just the same.

Thanks I am sorry your friends turned out to be such scumbags. I am not sure if I said this to you but I said Russian feminists are going to end up bloke ours sooner or later. I sound like an alarmist but it's true. Frankly is a get back in the kitchen joke a crime? I am stunned to hear a persons mom got involved. As for our evolution well I am in favor of eugenics just to help ease medical needs. I honestly left feminist friends and that behind when I started to be called out for the the dumbest things ever. I have one feminist friend I like

lordmep & Zukalaka #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

One could also argue that there has always been and may always be a patriarchy, but it exists for the benefit of women.

Bull. It was a made up term straight out of the second wave when the marxists subverted our universities and started twisting things to their agenda: Destroy the American Family unit and its values, thus weaken it. Sadly they've succeeded.

True enough

(and why would you look at who’s a member in this QAnon and incel infested little rat’s nest of a DA Group? COLONEL-KNIGHT-RIDER! Fancy coincidence, isn’t it?)

CrazyForSketching90 #wingnut deviantart.com

(Image depicts the Statue of Liberty crying over a worn out, burnt US Flag)

Burning an American Flag should be a felony. The United States of America deserves a Patriot Month in July. They have their Black History Month and Pride Month. WHERE IS OUR PATRIOT MONTH?!?

When did Americans began to hate everything America stood for? If you are a Marxist and hate America and everything it stands for, then move to North Korea, China, Russia, or anything third-world country you please and let's see if you can make it through the leaders' dictatorship.

Ever wonder why immigrants move to America? To escape FROM Communism, Socialism, and Fascism!

leSherbertfish #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

"Honestly, what is your opinion on homosexuality?"
It's wrong. Just because it makes people happy, it doesn't mean it's right. Rapists enjoy rape and pedophiles like touching kids. Both of those are wrong aren't they? So why is it 'right' for people to be in a relationship with their own gender? God made men and women for a reason! He doesn't want them running around commiting sodomy, it's wrong. And besides homosexuality is all lust. There's no love there.
Yes, I'm homophobic. I don't think it's right for someone to be a fag. And as for marriage or adoption? NO! Those poor, poor children. Everyone knows gay men are pedophiles (look at the statistics) and marriage is supposed to be between men and women.
Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. End of story.

"Honestly, what is your opinion on gay marriage and gay couples adopting?"
Gay marriage is 100% wrong.
I feel sorry for kids who are adopted by queers because what if the child gets raped or molested? What if they teach them to be gay? A lot of gays are pedophiles so it's scary to allow children to be submitted to that. I don't think lesbians should adopt either, just because I don't agree with homosexuals. Go to a straight camp and get your head sorted out! Jeez... these people are just condemming themselves to Hell :l

i-take-it-back #elitist #sexist deviantart.com

(the stamp says “dear doctors our women are not your toys stop playing with their lives”.)

This is about selfish doctors who like to perform surgery on our women who can normally deliver their baby.

Surgery = more money.
This subject has been talked here and i believe many doctors are like that all they want is more money, second reason why they will do this thing is that to tell them as an excuse to not to have more than 3 children it will harm them.

I think these surgeries are overused, it's horrible, it makes us look our females like they are freaks and something's wrong with them.
It's horrible what women have to go through due to some greedy idiots.

In future i would love to have children, but sometimes it scares me if my future wife will have to go through this pain and someone will have to cut her tummy. For this reason seeing this cesarean shit it makes me feel like i dont even want to have kids because i dont want to hurt my future gf/wife and see her face this pain.

DasNarwhalBacons #crackpot deviantart.com

"What if a 12 year old or teen gets pregnant and can't handle raising the child? She shouldn't have to live with a life long mistake"
Um, guess what, THAT'S LIFE. SHE chose to participate in an adult act. If she can comprehend sex, and is able to mentally be able to have sex guess what? SHE CAN THEN TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY LIKE AN ADULT AND RAISE A CHILD. That's called being responsible. It's called taking account for your actions. You want to have sex, take precaution. If you can find ways to have sex, you can find ways to get a hold of birth control. When I have sex, I will take EVERY precaution to not get pregnant, because I know the consequences I'll have to live with.

Aerodeth #psycho #homophobia deviantart.com

(bit of context: a user named jamesruglia made images comparing gay marriage to raping dogs and children, someone commented on his profile calling him out and this guy came in and started defending rape to own the gays)
'An adult with a child, a human with an animal, a man with a drunken woman, these are non-consenting.'

No. A child can give consent. Many children can go through puberty very early in their life and understand the concept of sex. It's just illegal because the child is underaged.

Animals dont give other animals consent in many cases. Rape exists in far more species than merely humans.

So what if the woman is drunk? We can argue that drinking releases inhibitions. Hell, if people that are drunk and use racial slurs prove themselves to be racist, why dont women who are drunk and freely spread their legs prove themselves to be sluts?

TheOfficialTOY #ufo #conspiracy deviantart.com

The Pandemic FAILED.

They (the cabal/deep state) are going to try one more time to get a global crisis going.

Why is there a sudden disclosure of UFOs coming in all of the sudden?

Is Project Blue Beam coming back online?

Will the cabal try to launch a false flag "alien invasion" in an attempt to enslave humanity?

I'm not kidding about any of this. They do have the means to fake an alien invasion. They have the anti-gravity technology, they have hybridization programs that splice human and animal DNA together to create "alien" abominations, and they have advanced hologram technology to make the rest happen.

I'm sure aliens of some kind exist (both benevolent and malevonent), but I'm telling you... if one happens right after the Pentagon releases their UFO report next month... it's more than likely a cabal false flag operation designed to lead us all into a hopeless, dystopian future.

I have to put this out in the public consciousness in hopes of something like this not fooling the people. They've used predictive programming in entertainment to condition us to something like this. 99% of the UFOs we see today are man-made (yes, 1% is actually alien, but the majority we're seeing isn't). Be smart, use discernment, and think with your heart.

Godspeed you magnificent peeps.

Mark--Wilder #homophobia deviantart.com

"I do think people who are pedophilic should get help of some form, but I don't think they should get SAFE SPACES, or be accepted in any way or form. Or especially be exposed to children, even during or after therapy. It's not safe for a minor to be exposed to a 'MAP'"

That is literally the exact kind of language that was - and still is - used to stigmatize LGBT persons, word for word: replace "MAP" with "Trans" or "Gay" and you can see the similarity. That's because there's really no difference in the long run: all of these things argue the same idea, that sexual dimorphism in humans isn't important and that people can screw whatever they want because "it's just love".

Newsflash: It's not love. It's sex. Go ahead and ask any divorced couple if sex is love.

When will humanity realize that sometimes the slippery slope isn't a fallacy? Evil always creates more and worse evil if you let it stay, just like a tiny crack in a dam eventually breaks the whole dam and makes a flood. By accepting LGBT lifestyles in the first place we've effectively accepted pedophilia in the future.

SRomeroS #fundie deviantart.com

(comment on a forum post titled "My Friend is Christian and Doesnt like that im Bisexual")
Well, to start this off, your username is cutie"devil", one of your favorite TV shows happens to be a genre of dark fantasy, Soul Eater, that revolves around a school run by the death, where students should reap the souls of evil humans and a witch, that's believed to gain the weapons the students carry its spectacular power. The whole idea of the anime is Satanic centered and witchcraft embraced.

Based on what I wrote above, I have to agree with A and M on that.

I would recommend general or deep mental health checking(if needed), you have developed this sexual degradation in 2017, I hope it's not too late by this year, don't give a chance for this sickness to grow.
You should be thankful for such friends. You do not need to be religious to agree that this isn't healthy.

Major-Link #kinkshaming deviantart.com

I don't care how beautiful one person's body may be in the nude, it's not something that is always going to interest me. To those of you who consider yourselves as professional cosplayers, YOU should know in this journal that your cosplaying photos are worth TEN TIMES more than your worthless nude pictures. As harsh as this may sound, don't flatter yourself. I'm just being honest and direct with how I feel about all this.

Really, if you're someone who is wanting to create content of your own, you're much better off doing it in places like Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, and even Instagram. STAY OUT of OnlyFans! It's the most shittiest website I've ever heard of, and I hope my so-called crush can learn from this too. Honestly, it's already enough for me to work hard and manage my own health.

Wear a fucking costume PLEASE if you really want to show yourself off to the public. There are much better ways to show off your own body if you love yourself so much for it, but to make yourself look like a porn star is NOT it! Wear some clothes that can attract others without being too explicit too.

I'm sorry if my journal on this matter seems rather blunt or come off as rude, but things just had to be said. It's NOT hard to dress nicely to attract others either.

Mistress-Blood #wingnut deviantart.com

(stamp with Dr. Seuss's "a person's a person no matter how small" quote next to a fetus)
Oooooo! I can feel even MORE hate then the George Bush stamp!

"And though you can't see or hear them at all, a person's a person... no matter how small." ~ Dr. Seuss

I can't wait for the hate comments on this one! XD
EDIT: And before any of you go pointing out the obvious without reading the comments.... YES! I know Teddy Geisel (Dr. Seuss) sued pro-lifers for using this as one of their slogans. What a whiny little bitch, seriously...

chemicalvacuum #wingnut deviantart.com

If "cultural appropriation" is so wrong, then that means I also cannot appropriate the concept of "cultural appropriation" from the SJW culture, since the SJW culture is a different and foreign culture from mine. So that means it's wrong for me to believe that cultural appropriation is wrong, since that's part of the SJW culture, and therefore cultural appropriation is okay for anyone who is not a SJW.

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt deviantart.com

Feds are searching Rudy’s apartment for electronics and we alllll know what they’re looking for! They know Rudy has plenty of shit on Hunter and Sleepy joe so now they’re gonna try to shut him up. They’re doing this shit out in the open because these crazies know they won’t face any consequences! Of course the crazies are gonna say this is “justice” when it’s another example of the left’s fascism! Think I’m wrong? Then have joe and his dip shit son on the stand and let them prove their innocence but they won’t because the crazies will riot. Think I’m wrong again? isn’t it convenient that Rudy proved he has Hunter’s laptop because that asshole was so high on his own stuff he forgot to pick up his own laptop he sent to get fixed with all that info on it? There’s also the guy who works at that same store who saw everything and ID‘d Hunter as the owner of the laptop as well? Hell Hunter called or texted the repairman to get the laptop back!

BlondBeastBoy #racist #psycho deviantart.com

What, you thought this was over? Like hell it is, the debate is still hot.

My guess is George noticed Trayvon walking in the stereotypical wannabe-gangsta fashion and thought he was up to no good, so he called the cops. Zimmerman probably got closer to Trayvon and glanced at him in a suspicious manner. Trayvon probably got mad at him for looking at him that way and probably whined about it because he's "black and you're a racist ass honky". Then the beatdown started with Trayvon (who was younger, stronger and quicker than Zimmerman and could've curb-stomped his head and cause his death) beating up his soon-to-be killer. Zimmerman, not taking that shit, shoots him and is a hero to himself for saving his ass from what could've been a crippling assault. The cops come, Zimmerman tells his side of the story, but when the media gets word of it they manipulate it into making the fresh gangsta Trayvon look innocent whereas the blue-collar Zimmerman is shown to us with photos of him looking a bit... crazed. And then the racial shitstorm happens.

This was uploaded on my old account a month after the act happened.

Jumbled Metaphors Award

psiandco #fundie #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

The world is not my friend, I am not a friend of the world.
There is a creator... He acts like a stern GM "I made this stuff, you can't change it." i.e. ABSOLUTES of REALITY prove the existence of GOD. God saying, "I made this stuff, you can't change it" is just one more reason that proves "Reality is OBJECTIVE". adjectives, adverbs, and two-word jargon don't mean jack shit. if you feel other wise, please... Pretend you can fly and walk off a skyscraper.
The stat-block? check some of the LGBT NPCs they crank out, hell, look at the descriptions and stat blocks for the gods. Hell, in a number of cases; pedophilia, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, and worse are dabbled in or hinted at. these things are DIGUSTING and WRONG.
I like my toast with Nutella hazelnut chocolate spread; you will never force me to accept a jar of "NEW! Whipped Shit"(*Its so Creamy). aka, play pretend genders in real life is bullshit. I tolerate LGBT, I AM NOT AN ALLY; that is my "Do not judge". OBJECTIVE REALITY="Nutella", Not Nutella=shit...
The Christian god has stated a few times that LGBT souls are wrong and are going to hell.
This item is not subject to debate. Reprobate souls chose what they would be BEFORE the beginning of the world, and god condemned them. period. I don't judge them. Why do you expect me to be subject to their beliefs and whims? because I will NEVER be subject to their whims or beliefs; because that is an effort to force me to deny MY GOD.
You want me to use an imaginary pronoun when talking to you? well, How about "no,"
end of line.

“GloriousMartyrdom” / EmpathicDesign #sexist #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

I see that "Robert" is it, likes to withhold information from boths sides, which includes apologies from former member EmpathicDesign for his homophobic and tasteless remarks from the past. He also did not mention that ED politely insisted that "Robert" remain impartial between this SarahGreaserGirl and not involve himself as he was not invited by either of them and when he refused to leave he started listing off some seriously uncool insults like "incest, trash, scum, dirtbag". There are two sides to every story and as a mother raising a son, I will never allow him to act like a little boy who thinks he can just insert himself into conversations that has nothing to do with him!! Especially have a hissy fit and start insulting people, goodness knows if "Robert" did this in the streets he may not become confrontational and violent! Now look, I'm not here to sway you, but you deserve both sides of the story as you have already heard one side and as for the meme about a lesbian who uses her access to female safe spaces, how do you think that makes me feel? How do you think you would feel? It's not funny, it's scary. I hope you understand.

Annie-O #racist deviantart.com

[From "Dear Black People:"]

I wanted to post this sooner, but due my anger being up to the sky, i needed to cool off my inner fire before writing this and letting you know a few facts:

People, stop. Equal rights doesn't mean 'Superiority Rights'. Instead of stating that 'Black Lives Matter' you should be voting for 'ALL Lives Matter; the black race is NOT the only other race besides whites
•No, you can't mugs us to get the money that we have worked for
•No, white people doesn't exist to help you 'fix/improve' your race
•Refusing your advances doesn't means that i'm a lesbian
•I don't hate black people, i hate the behavior beneath the skin
I live in a country where black people has taken over, forcing the whites to do enormous exodus trying to run away from them. It is so, that even Haitians are slowly making this their own land, undoing all the efforts that our Forefathers did in order to keep us an independent country. Because white people are horribly submissive, we've become easy prey for the black race and i'm disgusted!!!!! I don't want to leave my home. It was built when my white community was might and coming from 2 white families, i don't want to leave my house to some black dude that believe that has more rights than i do.
I live in fear. It's not racism, is FEAR! That's what you represent; proof to me that i'm wrong
Crime is more committed by black people than others. What's next? Coming to my house and kill me? I don't doubt it. Hate is your might. Proof that you're better than me

Annie-O #racist deviantart.com

Setting my flu apart, i wanted to ask you.....do we really have a black Pope? Oh, hallelujah, we're now officially doomed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not for the black Pope shit, but for the mega uber ego boost that the negroid race is gonna gain. As if it wasn't soo apparent when they saw O.J. Simpson be declared 'not guilty' from murdering the two white trashes like Nicole and Ronald and the gaining a darn black President. They just want to be the next white race and rule everything that we had worked so hard for ourselves......... they'll be doing to all of us just like we did to the Original Natives.

We shouldn't let this happen just because 'negrito wants what white mastah has'. People, stop condoling these creatures and let them stand for themselves! Notice that no land entirely occupied by blacks has ever evolved to progress, eg; Africa, Haiti. Any black and wobbling country has used the white's teachings to T_R_Y to become somebodies; at our expense. If they had ever invented something, it was AFTER they've left Africa, otherwise, this vast continent would've bloomed into modern progress. You can't call me a racist for not liking blacks since Americans hates Mexicans, Indians, Latinos, Europeans (to whom you've called euro-trash), Chinese, Japanese, France, Pakistan, Iran, Irak, Eskimos, Arabians and Blacks (along with any-other loser that i haven't mentioned).

Folks, it's ok.... nobody shouldn't like the people that we find unpleasant to be around with, not even me. We love the people that are similar to us....except for the black race that looks other races' women because that can't stand their own kind.

keldbach,immersion456 #moonbat #conspiracy deviantart.com


We have done it… We have broken down each bit of major Western propaganda on the Uyghur and Xinjiang situation in order to debunk the lies and reveal the truth. For over an hour, Bay takes on a series of propaganda ranging from Adrian Zenz to inconsistent witness testimony to debunking sterilization claims and all major propaganda promoted surrounding this incredibly manufactured issue.

Related: The Uyghur Genocide? Uyghur Detention Camps?

immersion456: US politicians need more boogeymen to prevent another insurrection in their own country!
Compare what the Chinese are alleged to be doing to what various incarnations of "The Coalition of the Willing" have done to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen! Who is it who should really be condemned and sanctioned?
Most of Washington's "Think Tanks" are really just psychopathic criminal organizations, better described as "Stink Tanks".

ArtAndPoetry #wingnut deviantart.com

Congrats to all the liberal pussies out there who cheated their way to victory. You can’t win anything without cheating. You’re weak, you’re disgusting. You’re the soft under belly of America. The sheep on my side of the isle are ultimately the ones responsible for your faux victory. They bought the COVID crisis hook, line and sinker. You can now rejoice as we watch America take four steps backwards and reconvene the pussification of America that began under Obama. Our kids will be softer, weaker, we’ll apologize to the world for asserting ourselves over the last 4 years, and we’ll bow down to all of our adversaries in defeat. Our country has been overrun by cheaters, by pussies, by cry babies. My kids will not be brought up to subscribe to this agenda. It’s very “woke” of all of you who post things like: I’m less concerned about who you voted for, than how you treat people who voted for someone you didn’t. Here’s the problem with that. That would have worked for the past 40 years, but not now. Now, the people who voted for someone other than you want to defund our police. They don’t support those of us in the military. They support people who cause mayhem in our cities, violently attack those who don’t agree with them, attack, assault, and kill our police officers. Burn businesses to the ground, burn churches that feed, cloth, and house homeless people. The people that opted for someone other than you is no longer just someone who disagrees with you on abortion, gay marriage, foreign affairs. They are people for whatever reason want to ruin our way of living, our way of life. They want us to pay restitution for slavery!? How? How can you simply forgive that? You can’t. Congrats you cheating, lying, disrespectful, disgusting, disgraceful pussies. And congrats to all of you RINO sheep that helped facilitate it. Put on those masks and stand tall.

PsychoBeef24 #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

Everytime I see BLM or someone mention "white privilege" all I can think of is...

What privilege?

The privilege of being able to be open targets of racism and discrimination because society believes you can't do such to them?

The privilege of being sent to die by the thousands or millions in the Civil War and other wars usually against their will and being seen as easily disposable and replaceable immediately afterwards?

The privilege of having any negative encounter with a person of color be defaulted to "obviously because the white guy is a racist".

The privilege of being generalized as all racist by black support groups like BLM, but only when its the other way does it suddenly become an issue?

The privilege of being banned from speaking at an "anti racism" event in a university because they're white which barely got any uproar when the other way would probably bring riots?

The privilege of *not* having the world riot in protest when even just *one* of us is a victim of police brutality.

The privilege of being attacked by PC culture for wearing dreadlocks or having hair in a bun?

The privilege of being pulled over by a cop and being told "Oh sorry sir, I didn't know you were white, carry on"....which *never* happened ever.

The privilege of being seen as such victims of society that entire support groups rise in power and make city wide protests and any criticism is buried under accusations of prejudice thus allowing anyone to speak negatively of them without being seen as racist...oh wait, that's not whites.

The privilege of white males who can be jailed for LIFE or even sentenced to death for a woman making a false accusation with zero evidence as a uncommon but still noticable rate?

Those privileges?

(And no, there is no problem with people of color having support. The problems is people using that to shit on white people)

No True Scotsman Award

EmpathicDesign #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

Pedophilic Catholic Priests Don't Exist

And you cannot prove they do.

What people call predatory/ pedophilic Catholic Priests are predatory/ pedophilic gay men.

Pedophilia goes against the Catholic Church; whether they're protected or not, you have to act like a Catholic to be one.

Pedophilia is defiance against Christianity.

These predators/ pedophiles are gay men, and the LGBT is responsible for them; all loss of life and trauma is on the hands of the LGBT.

That's hard facts.


MeiNei12 #transphobia #wingnut deviantart.com

Well hate to break it to you but transgenderism is an ideology, not science :^((
Trans people are the ones going against science. Your chromosomes will always match the ones you are born with. "Gender dysphoria", what you folks call it, is a politically correct term for "gender identity disorder", because it is a mental disorder, it is not science.

You can reply if you want. I have better things to do than debating with another generic online teenage liberal.

Wankyo #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy deviantart.com

Ever since I learned the truth about what's going on, I've woken up and I feel a strong desire to protect, look for the truth, have courage in my convictions/be myself, and pray for my country. It's a scary, dark and might seem crazy truth but because I've learned it, many things began to make sense. For example, (this be religious) when people wonder why are they suffering and blame God for it, they fail to realize that it isn't God's fault but rather demons. Demons hold great power but not as much power as God which is why they are trying so hard to control us. Or another example, why did some good people die/had people come after their life? (Princess Diana, JFK, Pope John Paul II, Ronald Regan, Trump) It's because they were trying to stop/opposed the evil people who worship the demons and did evil things. There are a lot of things that connect; even I don't know how far it goes. I believe it's very real but I understand why people might think it isn't or that it is crazy. I encourage people to start researching, search for truth, and think critically but also to be mentally prepared for what they might find and see.
I myself still have some questions that I need to find answers to which include:
-If people say the vaccines are bad, why is Trump still promoting them? (To this question I have found some answers, one of which is that when he says vaccines, it is a code word for arrests. But I still need more info for I want to be sure.)
-Why are people saying that Trump is a puppet as well/part of them or some other similar faction? (I haven't found answer for this for things do not make sense. If he was part of them, why were there attempts to end his life? Why would he risk everything to expose them? Many people like Linwood believe, and trust him. It just makes no sense.) Regardless, his speeches are quite inspiring, and his overall idea of making America great again is a great idea that I can get behind.

ADH-productions #sexist deviantart.com

***Attention, attention... all you pathetic, modern-day feminists... (AKA, poor excuses of mammals)***

If you still believe marriage has any value WHATSOEVER, I assume you realize that your' body BELONGS to your husband, just as HIS' to YOU!
If you're just too arrogant to accept that:
1. Don't get married,
2. Don't expect respect or support for your choices,
3. And don't get mad at your husband.

-I'm not married, but if i had a wife approach me with this selfish, immature "I can do whatever I want with my body" business, for an issue as extreme as the abortion of our child, I'd just leave her then and there. -Assuming the stress wouldn't have given me a heart attack! (Which is possible for me)

This message has been approved by a level-minded man, who is in favor of equality, but is severely allergic to bull$#!%

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

During the heavily racist periods of history, segregation didn't care about percentages. You were either white or black. Apartheid was a pretty nasty example of this, as interracial offspring were screwed over.
I say this because current woke drones are openly embracing a dark mirror of this same bigoted attitude. There's 2 races essentially: black and white.
Just think about what you've been hearing this past month. Nothing but racist white people and poor disadvantaged blacks who need help.
Consider the employee training programs currently implemented saying "be less white."
Consider every "black" president and political figure of mixed heritage. All other components of their DNA magically disappear and they become black only.
Nobody mentions any other race unless you bring this up, and if you do they paint you as a racist and change the topic as fast as possible.
What I'm saying is these activists have openly embraced segregation without realizing it on a fundamentally religious level.
As opposed to the more difficult concept that race itself doesn't exist. Only humanity. But... Doing that would eliminate the extremely powerful kill all weapon of "he's racist, cancel him from society" favored by puritanical witch hunters

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

Woke lib "slave ships were evil because they forced victims to lay down for the duration -"
Me "speaking of.... there was a recent fatal car crash on the Mexican border. 2 dozen people were inside the vehicle. A dozen died"
Woke lib "..."
Me "you know how they get 2 dozen people in an SUV, right? Take out the seats and lie down"
Woke lib "..."
Me "funny how human trafficking and lax borders looks an awful lot like slave trade-"
Woke lib "I will remain silent. Then I will awkwardly wait until I can spot a post where I can play gotcha on so that I can publicly get my revenge and masturbate over how just I am. "

Yari-Ashigaru #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus, suspended the free Press and raised an army and spent tax dollars and launched An invasion without the authorization from Congress, incarcerated American citizens without due process and deported a US congressman for disagreeing with him arrested and imprisoned a state legislature impose martial law in the Northern and southern states, suspended the 10th amendment and Unleashed union troops on civilian men,women and children, instituted a draft and established the unconstitutional Federal income tax and provoked a war with the south that wanted to peacefully secede from the union, costing hundreds of thousands of lives, for all this I call him a tyrant.

nancyzatanna #wingnut deviantart.com

(in regards to points I’ve made on a post called “Abraham Lincoln the Tyrant”)

"yes, but it means little if a state CAN'T leave now because the supreme court decided that..."

AFTER THE WAR. That was ruled AFTER the war! Now go ahead and prove that secession was illegal in 1860 and 1861.

YOU CAN'T DO IT! No one ever could, that's why our Confederate leaders were not tried after the war. The THREE prosecutors, one after the other, warned that if the vindictive north tried to bring Jefferson Davis to trial, they would have to prove that secession was illegal! They were told that if the trial were carried out, the US would lose and be forced to recognize the CSA as a foreign country and then hundreds of thousands of federal solders would have died for nothing!

And as for your "we won" BS, that means NOTHIING. If we had an argument and I shot you in the kneecaps, would you say that I'm right and you're wrong?

The north east states threatened to secede SIX TIMES between the adoption of the US Constitution and 1860, once during the war of 1812. NO ONE said they couldn't do that and NO ONE suggested that they be held in the union at the point of a gun. Are you going to say that YANKEES have rights no one else has?

Lastly, your argument about President Jackson is invalid. He backed down because other states said they would secede if war were declared on South Carolina and others said they would defend themselves if the army or navy crossed their borders to attack SC.

koko-CHOKO #fundie #homophobia #wingnut deviantart.com

I assumed you weren't, due to your reprehensible acts and atrocious sins. It's fine by me if you want to spend an eternal life in Hell.

The moment you commented, you knew there was to be a dispute between us because of the obvious forms of contradiction between us. With me being a decent human being and you being a form of homosexuality. A disease. No, I would not like to get to know you, since you are a lower lifeform who often disregards other people for their dastardly antics. Selfish. You and your people are selfish beings who only want rights so you can overtake us normal folk.

BoomersOdyssey #racist deviantart.com

Yeah, no. Anyone that looks at Africa and then looks at Europe and says, "yup, these are the products of the exact same people," is simply an idiot. There's no way that anyone with a shred of honesty is going to look at blacks and Whites (or any other people for that matter) and say that they're the same species, let alone the same race. Chimps and bonobos? CLEARLY distinct species. Grey wolves, timber wolves and red wolves? All OBVIOUSLY separate species. Grizzly bears, polar bears and black bears? Only a fool would say that they aren't different. Various types of tigers? Even they get considered to be sub-species. Neanderthals and cro-magnons? Clearly recognized as distinctly different species despite having interbred with one another. Blacks and Whites? HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST THAT THESE ARE DIFFERENT?!?!?!?!111?!? Seriously, anthropologists can tell the difference between blacks and Whites just from their bones. Suggesting that they're the same because of your delusional political ideology is just dumb.

EmpathicDesign #wingnut #crackpot #psycho deviantart.com

No filtering or censoring. This is directly from the Democrats.

Copy and pasted.

Fuck the Republicans.

Fuck your gun rights.

Fuck your freedom of speech.

Fuck your unborn kids.

Fuck your personal safety.

Fuck your jobs.

Fuck your homes.

Fuck your military.

Fuck the black people.

Fuck the Asians.

Fuck the Latinos.

Fuck the gays.

Fuck the trannies.

Fuck your kids.

And fuck you, and if you don't like it then leave because this land and all the world belongs to us and if you disagree then I hope you and your family die a painful death you pitiful slaves. You live to serve us and do our bidding and we will fuck you all up if you challenge us and fuck your children and their children and their children too.


The truth is a wonderful thing is it not my friends.


EmpathicDesign #wingnut #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

Since when was killing ones own kids an act of empowerment?
If I killed my own kids I'd be spat on as a horrible murderer; but a woman who kills her own before they're born is hailed as courageous.

I think abortion should be met with the same legal punishment as murder.
Additionally, if a woman undergoes an abortion despite the objection of the father, I think she should be executed.
If the father kills his partner for murdering their unborn child/ren, he should be let off as anyone else who had just killed the person that had murdered their children. It's fair.

99.999999% of abortions are unnecessary and on the extremely, extremely rare occasion where abortion is an emergency procedure to preserve the life of the mother, well that's between her, her husband and the OBGYN. Everyone else can STFU as they couldn't possible imagine what it would be like to be in that kind of terrifying, tragic situation.

Pro-Choice Vs Pro-Life is: Kill your kids or let them live. That's it.


Rashad97 #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

listen it does matter, the aids virus (before it was changed to that ) was called GRIDS ( Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome) this was a disease found only amongst homosexuals. Only they were found with it. it then spread to other because of cheater brought it to their spouses.

There a reason why the sex organs self-clean and the places meant for excrement's doesn't, its not for sex. its for refuse ( germs are there)

Don't let people lie to you about "love", if this is a real thing that is provable by science, then science will have to explain other attractions people have in nature such as people who are sexually attracted to kids, dead bodies, family members, material possessions and animals.

It's a spiritual disorder then it affects the mind ( I'm a Christian so I see it as spiritual, then mental then it moves to physical ) because you can train the mind to adapt to whatever you want it to, so what's inside is what attracts you and then the mind sends signals to the body to fulfill the "heart's desire"

NDS80 #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

Who knew the awesome destructive power of less than half a tank of jet fuel? Imagine the level of technical skill required to handle quantities of such a volatile substance on a daily basis. If only we could harness the raw energy of jet fuel for peacetime applications, we could power entire metropolitan cities with the degree of potential catalyst present in one or two commercial passenger jetliners.

Is probably what that charlatan, Isaac Newton would say.

EmpathicDesign #wingnut deviantart.com

If you have to cheat to win, you're still a loser.
We all know that Donald J. Trump won the election; we do, there's no one of sound mind that will deny that, just as we know that the Democrats had to rig more votes than there are voters and destroy the voters of the Republicans and that the Democrat comrades are more loyal to their cult than they are moral, patriotic and honest human beings. Honestly, you see your comrades lying, cheating, murdering, molesting children and you turn a blind eye. This is why people are rioting and buying guns, you're bringing this on yourself.. Offense and outrage are irrelevant when you're dead so.. Start considering what's right because good people are intolerant to your evil.

Take my advice or reject it, it's your life you're mucking around with. *Shrug*.


Annie-O #racist deviantart.com

The alternate title was: Bring on the Slaves!!

OMG.... just as i've been saying..... the world is entirely for black people; the Human Torch is a N*GGER!!!! Because i know that that 'word' is offensive to this 'darling' people, we'll just refer to them as NAGGERS as both words actually mean the same thing, unless of couse, you think that that world too should be banned from vocabulary, but black folks use it to refer to their own black women this way, so, i command that it stays.

WHY, Stan... why!!!! Johnny used to be a pain in the ass now he's really a total asshole! Unless dear Stan is just trolling the kid in black race suit in order to make MORE money at the expense of a poor 'brother', then i'll forgive him. OMG, first our beloved Annie in ginger hair and FAIR pale skin went into -negative- colors, now this shit happens..... But as long as the MASTER (Stan Lee) is white, then i'll allow it. Poor Johnny.... a beautiful blond jerk over a Nagger...... I think that Thor's drink on the Avengers: Age of Ultron made horrendous effect on dear Stan's mind to let a black take Johnny's suit.
You see folks? Blackamericans are killing the WHITE race, if nobody stops this atrocity they'll murder this planet as they did to Africa, Haiti, Jamaica and any other land they step on. But it's was all white-men's fault, if we never came across Africa for slaves to work on our vast fields of progress none of this would'tn happened at all. I'm deeply sorry that we lost the edge we have when we gave them freedom.

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #pratt #crackpot deviantart.com

So congrats on the win! You won by not only cheating but also threatening the lives of innocent people so thank you for showing the world your true colors as the true fascists. As I said before and I’ll say again, these crazies are commie nazis and unlike these crazies who use words like “Nazi, transphobic, homophobic, racist“ and every ist and ism(not to mention “reactionary“, yeah cause rioting totally isn’t reactionary) like they’re saying hello...we actually have evidence of their shit.

2024, people! I highly doubt Biden will last a year as President with Kamala “Fweedom” Harris breathing down his neck but what can I say? Now look, I don’t support storming the capital because that‘s what the crazies do not what Trump supporters should do because we should know better. Tho I gotta love how the media is now calling this a riot but when ANTIFA and BLM riot “PEACEFUL” they say! “Summer of love!” Says Jenny Durkan

as her city was being burnt to the ground. Remember, Trump has condemned white supremacy and neo nazis, Biden NEVER condemned BLM and ANTIFA for rioting. You can go on and on about how “ANTIFA is just an idea and isn’t real” (nice gaslighting btw) but we all know the truth, it’s rules for thee but not for me https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zxdaStQNO18

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

The fact that the crazies have been bitching about how trump isn’t their president because muh russia or muh Ukraine for 4 years and have absolutely no evidence. Yet Trump has evidence of voter fraud https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=keANzinHWUA but the judges don’t want to see it, either because the crazies have threatened to dox them(which they did) or they‘re never trumpers. Not to mention that this city bordered up their businesses because they know the crazies will riot cause I haven’t seen Trump supporters riot. Now we have Supreme Court justices scared of riots! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YmjhydD_TB8ossil “Oh, Shawn you keep bitching about the riots but it’s all for justice!” Yeah? Where’s David Dorn’s and every other black police officer or civilian that was killed in the riots justice? Where’s the justice for business owners who already got their asses kicked by COVID and now have crazies stealing then burning down their shit? And of course, where the justice for people getting killed because they wear a fucking Trump hat? And here comes the flying monkeys with their “whataboutism! REEEEE!” These fools don’t care about social justice or change, they want to dance around acting like they won but soon realize they have buyers remorse for voting for Biden. What? You actually thought this asshole was really gonna be “the most progressive president ever elected”? Is AOC gonna be in his cabinet and finally end climate change? Nope! In fact it looks like he’s getting someone...who is FOR fossil fuels! Oops! Eh, she’ll get over it by bashing capitalism by selling $60 shirts. Oh but it’s made by people who are unionized! Yet the shirt is made from polyester. Don’t worry, AOC just cry in front of an empty parking lot again, the crazies will love it. Then there’s Kamala Harris who has BLM looking over her shoulder and counting the days of when she’ll invite them to talk. Well, since she won then there‘s no use for ya now! You were played from the start!

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

And the crazies got crazier! There was a new CHAZ https://nypost.com/2020/12/14/portlands-autonomous-zone-dismantled-after-mayor-apology/

BLM and Biden supporters are fighting https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3nJ688xnFYI

This bitch threatening Trump supporters https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_It7sZazC_I

ANTIFA wanting no presidents https://www.newsweek.com/antifa-march-through-washington-dc-1544676

AOC wants a list of trump supporters like a blacklist https://nypost.com/2020/11/11/aoc-co-s-loathsome-plan-to-keep-lists-of-pro-trumpies/

The wanting to defund the police and even abolish the police.

Maxine “fish face” waters calling for Trump officials to be harassed


Now they’re tagging and left a pig”s head in front of crazy nancy’s house https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9cbXwpB3JKM you also gotta love the gas lighting these crazies try to push by saying “Nancy Pelosi WANTS $2000 stimulus checks to happen” despite being against it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gqPltMpWIwo I know attention spans have gotten shorter recently but damn!

These assholes trespassing a Senator Hawley’s home https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D72ROg1ucN4 29:45 I also love how they want Trump Supporters to “get over it” but these are the same crazies who’ve been bitching about “Muh Russia“ for 4 fucking years.

kitbear #conspiracy deviantart.com

Communism is infinitely worse and that's being taught to kids in schools now. Where is your outrage about that.

Communists Murdered, tortured, raped, mutilated and genocided 180 million people in the last century compared to the massively exaggerated figures committed by the National Socialists. Not that is disgusting!

Historically speaking you'd stand a FAR better chance of surviving under National Socialism than under the tyrannical jackboot of Communism

Don't believe what you have been told, History speaks for itself if you really wanted to know the truth about it, just look it up. You have been deceived.

JonFreeman #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

The left seeks control. Both to subject control and to submit to comfortable control.

Unity of thought enables control. When everyone thinks the same, they can be more easily manipulated, and there will be no question of the future as there will be no disagreements.

The erosion of families enables unified control. This is evidenced in people shunning the elder generations and disrespecting them with cute phrases like boomer... while (literal example) I've been told the biggest problem is people are paranoid and don't trust the government.

This is why the left seeks to label all dissenters as bigots, fascists, racists, sexists, conspiracy theorists, and all other insults.

Novuso #homophobia deviantart.com

This is NOT a "slippery slope" fallacy because we are already at the bottom of the slope. There is NOTHING lower than gays getting married. Allowing polygamy and incest would be a step up.

Also there are more countries that allow Polygamy than gay marriage.

Morocco, Algeria, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia and too many others to bother spelling out.

Stop being a hypocrite and accept the polygamists.

I will never admit defeat until my dying day.

silent-sid #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

- it's a Leftist Christmas, without God, Facts or even some consistency ! -
it take a leftist kind of stupid to make something as badly written as this ... let me see :
1- incorrect information about devils , basically everything about devils here is incorrect
2- Angels complaining about Satellites and Americans ... this should be either a joke or a story, you can't be both.
3- Christmas being mentioned out of nowhere and by the demon girl no less.
4- the old man greatest desires are all superficial nonsense
5- why did the old man had girls clothing in the first place and why did he ONLY give them after she granted his wish of- ... stove fire ?!?!?!
6- why does a devil give an old man gifts and wishes without some wicked things in return ?
7- wrong message about what Christmas is about ...
8- what happened to " born to be a holy terror " ?!?!

listen you leftist idiots ! ... this Holiday was never for you ! ... you can toy with it all you want ... but the words of God can only be understood by those willing to listen to them ... and YOU only listen to each other.

plaguejester #homophobia #psycho deviantart.com

Now you're in the streets,
you fill from side to side.
You've got your signs up in the air,
with your "99% pride."

You've made some people late,
they lost an hour of pay.
In Oakland you closed the port,
There they lost a day!

You're noisey and obnoxious,
you're pooping in the park!
Your grievances are reasonable,
but your bite isn't half of your bark.

Now I'm up on the roof,
I've had it up to 'here.'
I'm sick of your civil-disobedience,
time for you to disappear.

I've got cans full of grease,
with little homemade fuses.
Enough of your anarcho-communism,
and of your "freedom to protest" abuses.

I light the first wick,
and send my can a-sailin'.
Gonna splatter you with flaming grease,
and like bacon you'll be smellin'.

I light a few more,
and over they go
Your screams are a symphony,
"look out down below!"

Most of you have scattered,
like the noisy bugs you are,
but some of you have found me,
you've come to get this saboteur.

Now you're on the roof,
it's a dozen to one.
But to me it matters not,
'cause I've had my fun.

You scoop me up on your shoulders,
I feel like a hero.
You send me to follow my cans,
I drop like an arrow.

You may have gotten me,
and sent me to my death.
But I have maimed dozens,
And I laugh with my last breath.

There is the street,
it's coming up quite fast.
But your victory is pyrrhic,
so you can kiss my ass.

ChristianOtakus,save-the-internet #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

Recently, gay marriage was legalized in the US. Please pray for wisdom. Pray that Christians will stand firm in their convictions. Pray that Christians will show God's love with their words and actions. Pray for all those in the LGBT community. Pray for those in the Christian community. Pray for those who belong to both. -ChristianOtakus

</i>edit: My cousin came out as a lesbian this week, actually. I refuse to speak with her anymore; I don't live that lifestyle.
..But may god bless her, for she may be able to come back to the light.

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