
Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Really the current state religion in the USA (and really the entire Western world) of the public schools and Government is that of atheistic naturalism.

Almost all Americans have heard the phrase “separation of church and state.” However, fewer realize the phrase is not in the Constitution. Yet, it has been used as something of a club to “beat down” and eliminate Christianity from public places, including symbols (like crosses), Bible reading and prayer in public schools, and the teaching of creation in science classes.

Now, where does the phrase “separation of church and state” come from? It is not a part of the original U.S. Constitution of 1787, as most people falsely believe, or in any of its amendments. In reality, the idea of a “wall of separation” between church and state came from a private letter from President Thomas Jefferson, and it has sadly been misused to slowly, but surely, eliminate Christianity from the public sector—and replace it with an anti-God religion.

Ian Connolly #racist #crackpot twitter.com

1) There was no America or country of any kind until the Europeans came here and built one. It was just open land.
2) The “Native Americans” come from Asia — no different than Europeans exploring/settling here. They have no claim to the land, because they didn’t build a nation.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

On the abortion issue.

Republicans lose on abortion because they have for decades allowed democrats to lie about abortion on every level.

Republicans refuse to fight hard against the evil lies of the democrats who claim “abortion is women’s healthcare and a right.”

It is NOT!

Abortion is murder.

It kills another human being, the most innocent of all.

Healthcare saves lives.

Abortion kills lives.

A baby in it’s mother’s womb is not a parasite like democrats say, a baby is God’s beautiful creation and God does not make mistakes and has a plan for every single one of us.

Abortion does not solve a woman’s problem, but having an abortion will leave you scarred for life and regretfully questioning “what if?” for the rest of your life.

Motherhood is the most wonderful blessing and most incredible journey of a woman’s life. Being a mother is something to be proud of, delight in, and yearn for.

Abortion is not birth control but democrats have normalized it so much that it has become so.

Over 63 million people have been murdered in the past 50 years from abortions.

Abortion is genocide and none of their screams are heard when each of them are slaughtered in their mother’s wombs.

These precious little ones can not fight, can not defend themselves, can not flee the abortionists’s weapons of choice that they use to brutally murder them.

Calling this ongoing genocide “healthcare” is an abomination and political lie that democrats use in order to manipulate women to vote for them and continue the child sacrifices that enable democrats to maintain power.

There is nothing more evil.

Republicans must stop being afraid to stand up to democrats disgusting lies about abortion.

When Republicans boldly speak the truth and present solutions to help women in crisis into motherhood then we will win on this issue.

Many voters vote for candidates and the party that offers solutions and help to solve the problems people are facing.

Producing ads that graphically show the truth of an abortion as a baby is being ripped apart or dies lying on a cold metal trey gasping for air after being ripped out of its mother’s womb is the truth America needs to see versus the democrat’s never ending ads lying to women that baby murder is their right.

Too offensive? No not for America and definitely not for democrats.


Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut twitter.com

We have only have about 100 friends left and one of them lost both of her young brothers to the vaccine. She’s now the only sibling alive.

How do you explain that if the vaccine is safe?

Do you even know what the odds of that happening to her are? And the odds that I would know a person who lost all their siblings to the vaccine given we only have 100 friends left?

Hint: there should be fewer than one person on earth that has had that happen to them if the vaccine was safe. And secondly, it would never be in my friend network.

Just that one anecdote alone means it’s highly likely that the vaccines are causing excess deaths.

And if you don’t believe me, why don’t you show us your calculations?

Jimmy Patronis, Chief Financial Officer of Florida #wingnut #dunning-kruger twitter.com

There is a former REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. sitting on the stand RIGHT NOW in BLUE NEW YORK. There is NO VICTIM in the case and the judge already ruled against him before the trial starts. Virtually everyone running for President against Trump has said these charges are BS. (The judge literally said "I do not want to hear" what Trump has to say!) I generated $1.1 BILLION in interest in our Treasury. Trust me we have PLENTY OF MONEY to defend SERIOUS FLORIDA CANDIDATES from prosecution by the DOJ and other PARTISAN PROSECUTORS. Everyone (I mean that literally!) should be OUTRAGED by how our justice system is being weaponized by partisan, LEFT WING DEMOCRATS. I am more committed than ever to setting up this legal defense fund! Talking to members ASAP!

Ken Ham #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Daily thousands of children are being sacrificed—yes, a sacrifice. We all think that the Canaanites and other pagan cultures were barbaric because of their ritual child sacrifice. But the brutality and bloodshed happening today makes the Canaanites look mild by comparison.

Now, to whom are these children today being sacrificed? To the god of self!

In America, most leaders applaud the work of probably the world’s largest child-sacrificing machine, Planned Parenthood. In 2013, President Obama thanked Planned Parenthood, stating (and when he said “health care” and “woman’s right” in this context, he means abortion—the murdering of children):

“As long as we’ve got to fight to make sure women have access to quality, affordable health care, and as long as we’ve got to fight to protect a woman’s right to make her own choices about her own health, I want you to know that you’ve also got a president who’s going to be right there with you, fighting every step of the way,” said Obama. “Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.”

As he said “God bless you,” he cannot be talking about the God of the Bible. The God of the bible hates hands that shed innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17). No, the only god he can be referring to is the god of self! Is he not in reality saying, “may the god of self bless you for sacrificing so many children”? We could apply the words of Jesus for those who promote abortion:

“You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
(John 8:44)

various commenters #wingnut twitter.com

( End Wokeness )
Hot take: Western colonialism was a net positive for 3rd world countries

( @UseCmnSensePlz )
And intake of 3rd world migrants has a net negative for developed countries. It checks out💯.

( @BigPoppaSwan )
Think about the vast infrastructural developments, modern educational systems, legal frameworks, and advances in medicine that many colonies benefited from. Had it not been for the colonizers, many of these nations might have lagged far behind in these aspects.

( @DrGoodnightt )
That’s one thing that can’t be denied. Brits brought class to a lot of these regions. At least for a while.

( @Username_btw )
Modernizing, bringing law and order. Shouldn't be a hot take.

( @AndrewC21108551 )
Correct. Name a 3rd world hole that wasn’t uplifted after western colonization. And name one that improved after “decolonization”.

( @OlympusMons99 )
Without European colonialism the world wouldn't exist! Not the countries, not the institutions, not abstract rights that make the world as people perceive it!

( @lefthas0class )
Absolutely!! Whites make communities thrive

( @fonty012 )
Colonization was a good thing for 3rd world countries.

( @HaikusFromUnder )
Are you suggesting that a country having a moral, Christian framework, somehow fundamentally improves the quality of life for the inhabitants... but that would mean perhaps that God is some sort of omnipotent logos of goodness that when embodied produces a life worth living. 🤔

Steven Kirsch and _unbreakable_kat___ #quack #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger twitter.com

This is a "coincidence" I could have predicted ahead of time. In fact, that same "coincidence" will happen every time they try this. Doctors are baffled!image

TransscriptDuring the lockdowns of 2020, millions of babies missed their “wellness check-ups2, which meant they missed their scheduled vaccinations. That same year, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome became nearly non-existent.[/url]

Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut twitter.com

Democrats are “Saving Democracy” by stripping President Trump’s name off the ballot in Colorado.

Make sense yet?

Back in 2022, they tried to do the EXACT same thing to me. I beat them in court.

I was in the legal and political fight of my life. I was dragged to court and forced to testify. They used every single tactic on me that they’re using against President Trump in Colorado.

I defeated these Marxist Democrat attorneys, bankrolled by people like George Soros and other leftist billionaires, who hate America and fund the radical DAs and prosecutors going after Trump.

Now, they’re trying to rig the 2024 election by stealing your right to vote for Donald Trump with lies about “insurrection.”

The real insurrection occurred when Hillary Clinton, the Media and the intelligence community spied on President Trump and schemed to frame him through the Russian collusion hoax. Lie after lie after lie.

That coup attempt failed.

And the hate-America left regrouped and targeted me —and now Trump—with lawsuits that want to STEAL your right to vote for the people who will save America.

Democrats don’t care about Democracy. They don’t care about the rule of law. They don’t care about America. They don’t care about you.

They only care about power.

The Deep State, intelligence community, the Democrats, the media, the left-wing Marxist billionaires, globalists, and everyone else who hates this country are so fearful of Donald Trump. They should be.

President Trump will be elected for a third time. We are going to take our country back. And the people who put our country through hell will be held accountable.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

For instance, at some Earth Day celebrations, you will find New Age crystals for people to “channel” through, and material can be found on how to worship “Mother Earth.” For many people, this day is really a religious service for the New Age movement (and it’s often based on evolutionary thinking). While we may be responsible for caring for the earth, we are not to worship it but to use it for man’s good—and to God’s glory.

When people reject God’s Word, the redefine what God defined. Instead of many taking dominion over the creation, they make the creation have dominion over man!

The founder of Earth Day, Gaylord Nelson, believed: “The fate of the living planet is the most important issue facing mankind.” In reality, the most important issue facing mankind is that everybody needs to recognize their sin and need for salvation in Jesus Christ.

Also, the fate of the planet is, ultimately, not in the hands of mankind. While we are responsible for earth care, we are not in control of the earth. It belongs to the Creator (Psalm 24:1), and we are His stewards. We care for the creation, which was once “very good” (Genesis 1:31), but now suffers from the curse of sin (Genesis 3).

And we need to be reminded that God won’t allow man to destroy the earth, but God will do that at the time He has appointed.

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22)

One of the prominent debates in regard to the earth today concerns climate change. Christians need to know how to look at the earth and deal with various questions, such as climate change, through the lens of the Bible. For instance, whether one is a Christian or non-Christian, or even a creationist or evolutionist, all people can legitimately believe that over various times of earth’s history, the climate has changed and will continue to do so.

And certainly, Noah’s Flood, which generated the ice-age after the Flood caused considerable climate change that affects us to this day. If people reject the bible’s history concerning the fall and the Flood, they will not interpret what is happening on this earth correctly. Thus they will make wrong decisions that affect the quality of life for humans.

Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Some of the most annoying lies being peddled as truth...

The 14th Amendment disqualifies President Trump

The Inflation Reduction Act reduces inflation

The border is not open

The adults are back in charge

Trump is a threat to our democracy

MAGA consevatives are the greatest threat to America

Zero terrorists have infiltrated America via the border

$6 billion will NOT finance Iranian terror

Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd

Financing Ukraine is in America's national security interest

The US did NOT blow up Nord Stream

2020 was the most secure election in US history

Joe Biden never discussed business with Hunter

Immigrants are more American than Americans

Inflation is transitory

mRNA "vaccines" will stop the spread

COVID came from a wet market

America is respected again

We're not anti-white, we're anti- "colonizers"

Declan Finn #wingnut #psycho twitter.com

Sometimes war is necessary.
In Israel, they don't need a war.

As the population of Gaza voted for, supports, and endorses everything Hamas does, they need to all share the same fate.

Though I'm up for destroying the wall that separates Gaza and Egypt and driving them to Egypt.

When the Egyptians genocide them, no one will care

Ray Comfort #fundie twitter.com

Rebellious Children

And anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven. (Luke 12:10)

God is willing to forgive words spoken against Jesus, but He is not willing to forgive blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. That's a frightening thought. It was saddening years ago when a group of atheists banded together and did what they called “The Blasphemy Challenge. ” They made video clips of themselves blaspheming the Holy Spirit, using this verse as a basis. They were like rebellious little children who were drinking arsenic just because their parents warned them not to drink it. God only knows if any of them did actually blaspheme the Holy Spirit, but I sure wouldn't want to be in their shoes when they stand before God. An atheist once stood by me when I was preaching the gospel and called out to God to strike him dead. Then he said, “Nothing happened!” I replied, “Yes it did. You just stored up more wrath that will be revealed on judgment day. ”

Is my heart broken by this rebellious generation? Am I willing to start praying for them daily?

Father, I cry out for blind and lost sinners.

*** From, Jesus in Red (365 daily devotions).
Available http://LivingWaters.com or wherever good books are sold.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy twitter.com

Do you know why there is never a debate on whether vaccines cause autism?

It is because the pro-vaxxers always refuse ANYONE who tries to debate them.

There has never been a debate between experts. Ever.

It's not about me at all. I'm happy not participating. So don't make it about me. That's just gaslighting.

They won't debate anyone who is smart enough to challenge them. Ever.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

All we need is one honest and courageous public health official anywhere in the world, and we can end the madness in <24 hours.

I will show them how to collect the data if they do not already have it.

This is ridiculous. The COVID vaccine offers no protection and increases mortality by over 10% annually. It's a complete loser.

If I knew of a single courageous and honest public health authority who is willing to listen to one of the world's top epidemiologists and take action, we can create a domino effect.

I've already notified Joe Ladapo.

Is there anyone else who comes to mind, anywhere in the world?

Wyatt Stagg #crackpot #racist twitter.com

I've learnt to side with the "bad" people of my own kind even over the "good" people of another's.

It's the only sane strategy. No more half measures. We have to go all in on tribalism.

It's that kind of loyalty that alone has the power to rebuild broken racial bonds.

Khol #crackpot #racist twitter.com

Allow me to help you understand your 'Britishness' vs my Britishness,

• You're as British as Shamima Begum. Meaning, your 'Britishness' is a piece of paper, it's subject to T&Cs.

• My Britishness is tied to bloodline & genetic - it's not subject to any T&Cs.

Travis_in_Flint #wingnut twitter.com


What is happening to President Donald Trump has never been done in the history of the United States. Liberals, put your anger aside for one moment and read this:

The AG couldn’t find a crime, so she’s charging a criminal case covered as a Civil matter. The Judge is working in conjunction with her and they decided Trump is guilty, and the AG has submitted a motion for Summary Judgement.

He doesn’t get to defend himself in court. The gag order doesn’t allow him to defend himself publicly. The Judge decided before the case that he was guilty, and is now attempting to strip his businesses and properties.

None of this has been done before. This is one of the biggest abuses of power we’ve ever witnessed as American Citizens. They’ve taken the leading candidate for President of the United States and refuse to give him a fair trial.

Disbarring the Judge and AG isn’t enough. The punishment should be the most severe allowed by the Justice System.

If you’re on the left or on the fence or even a conservative and you’re supporting this, you’ve lost your moral compass. Your blind anger is causing you to sit back and watch as this country crumbles.

When will enough be enough?

Steve Laws #crackpot #racist twitter.com

When we win, and the repatriation programme gets started, we'll give everyone an extra £500 in December, and they'll soon get over it.

It can be called the remigatrion bonus, but it's for natives. The cash can come out of the assets seized from those sent back.

Ken Ham #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Daily in America and around the world, thousands of children are being sacrificed—yes, a sacrifice.

Millions of children have been sacrificed this way in our modern world. In fact the estimate is over 1 billion worldwide. This holocaust of abortion has victims who are called mere tissue or fetuses. But these children are made in God’s image, but that is being ignored as children are being killed in a holocaust of unimaginable proportion. This is all consistent with a culture that has been taught man is just an animal and there is no God who is the absolute authority having a right to tell us what is right or wrong.

Charlie Kirk #wingnut twitter.com

New court documents show that Minneapolis prosecutors strongly opposed charging the three other cops who were with Derek Chauvin when George Floyd died. Several of those prosecutors withdrew from the case over "professional and ethical" objections.

When told there was no valid case against the officers, Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman screamed that his prosecutors were "f*cking this up." Freeman blamed them for ruining his chance at political stardom and later retaliated against the prosecutors.

Then, the Minnesota attorney general — radical Marxist Keith Ellison — stepped in to charge the officers. The case against J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Kiernan Lane, and Tou Thao was political from the beginning, brought to appease a shrieking criminal mob rather than to achieve justice. All three of them should be released immediately.

Pastor Greg Locke #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie twitter.com

You know it’s interesting that the Illuminati’s main symbol is an Owl. A creature of the night. Now, I’m not telling you that Owls are demons. I am telling you that Lilith many times will come in the form of an Owl. I will tell you that. Because it’s a creature of the night that is a representation of demonic powers in the old testament And is a representation of demonic powers against the tyrannical people that we call out on the Left right now. They celebrate the Owl God.

Jill Colton #crackpot #racist #conspiracy twitter.com

Do you know how evil it is to deny people their heritage? To say there's no such thing as an ethnic Canadian, Brit, Swede, etc.
Would you be so cavalier in saying there's no such thing as an ethnic Ethiopian or Iranian?
Why is it only Europeans aren't allowed an identity?

Ken Ham #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Many times in Scripture, God’s people are warned not to be like the pagan peoples of other nations who sacrificed their own children. As we read of this abomination in Scripture, the so-called “civilized West” would claim that such vile behavior as child sacrifice should not be tolerated.

But it is being tolerated but language is being used in an attempt to hide the reality of the situation.

In Psalm 106:35–38, we read the following:

“But they mingled with the Gentiles and learned their works; they served their idols, which became a snare to them. They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, and shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood.”

Such an abomination as child sacrifice does occur in our Western nations, and in fact the whole world. In America alone there is so much child sacrifice that it makes what Hitler did during the Holocaust pale by comparison.

Now abortion is not called child sacrifice in our culture. And the victims are not called children. Different terms are used in an attempt to hide the reality of what is actually happening in this modern-day holocaust. Terms like fetal tissue, abortion, pro-choice, women’s rights, women’s health care, reproductive rights, and other words are used to hide a reality: the killing of a human being made in the image of God! It’s murder! It’s child sacrifice.

Lila Rose #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

“Abortion is wrong, with certain exceptions" is like saying:

"Abusing a child is wrong, with certain exceptions"

"Robbing a bank is wrong, with certain exceptions"

"Rape is wrong, with certain exceptions."

There is no justification for killing innocent people.


Steve Kirsch quoting Marc Dieth #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt twitter.com

Marc Dieth an electrician from Orlando, FL wrote me his story of how he learned the truth about vaccines "the hard way":

"We live in Florida currently. My daughter was born on 03/23/2016. So she is 7 years old and is unfortunately up to date with all of her poison shots. So she got the MMR shots…only last year we noticed her moments of vaccine injuries…

My son was born on 12/18/18. He only got half of the recommended shots when we discovered that all vaccines are poison…..He started showing his half face twitching symptoms this year…

My third son is 3 years (born 09/08/2020). He only got the so called “vitamin K” shot after intense disagreement with the hospital( I thought it was really a vitamin shot at the time.) He received no other shots and will never get any in the future. He is the healthiest of us all!"

None of his children's doctors would acknowledge any connection with the vaccines.

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