
Tomi Lahren #wingnut twitter.com

Your loved ones died alone in a hospital bed.

Your kids will have generational learning loss.

Toddlers had masks forced around their mouths.

You likely had to get an experimental jab to keep your job.

Your business likely never rebounded.

Inflation from Covid spending still makes your groceries unaffordable.

Fauci did that. Crooked Joe just pardoned him.
1:10 AM · Jan 21, 2025 · 261.6K Views

EeCeEe #racist twitter.com

Hey jerkoff, MLK Jr. cheated on his wife, wiretapped by FBI and leaked to the press on top of being indicted for tax evasion from sermons or campaigning to his cult of sycophants. Isn't that exactly like Donald John Trump?

#47 should have IRS crawl up your ass fake Man-o-God.

Tatoruzux #transphobia twitter.com

The thing that annoys me about the pronoun people is the complete abandonment of objective pronouns.

They started out using pronouns like he/him, they/them, etc. and this format least made grammatical sense because they were referring to one's respective subjective and objective pronouns.

-Subjective pronouns: He, she, and they
-Objective pronouns: him, her, and them

But now the pronoun people have started using formats like "he/they" or "she/they" and that doesn't make sense because both of those pronouns are subjective pronouns. So what's implied is that they either somehow don't use objective pronouns or they want to use subjective pronouns in place of objective pronouns.

I know this isn't intentional, but grammatically what that signals to me is that you want to use the word "they" in place of an objective pronoun.

To see how weird this would be used in a sentence, here's a couple examples:

- "He knew that everyone relied on they to lead the group."
- "He realized that everyone was talking about they."

If you want to signal that you use both "he/him" and "they/them" pronouns, then find a better way to communicate it. Because when I see "he/they" I just assume you're a retard who doesn't know grammar. You freaks.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Democrats just put a mentally ill congressman, who parades himself as a congresswoman to thrill his disturbing sexual fetishes, in charge of democrat policies.

Democrats really are the party of they/them.

imageSarah McBride
I'm thrilled to be named a Deputy Whip for Policy in the 119th Congress, advising House Democratic Leadership on policy priorities and plans for our caucus. Just as I was in the State Senate, I remain focused on lowering the cost of housing, health care, child care, and helping families make it through the inevitable challenges of life.
2:08 PM · Jan 17, 2025 · 184.2K Views

Andrew Tate #dunning-kruger twitter.com

Pain is the ingredient.

Pain is the magic.

I’m better than you because I have suffered more than you ever have.

More than you ever could.

Pain is the elixir of excellence.

Batman is only Batman because they killed his parents.

Do you understand?

Andrew Tate #wingnut twitter.com

Trump accused of sex crimes

Tates accused of sex crimes

Trump vilified by old recordings making jokes

Tate vilified by old recordings making jokes

Trump false court cases and lawfare

Tate false court cases and lawfare

Trump wins

Tate wins
2:46 PM · Jan 14, 2025 · 531.5K Views

Matt Walsh #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Only men should be firefighters. We all know this. It’s a job that men are uniquely qualified to perform. There are few women on the face of the Earth who can carry a full grown man to safety. LA set out to deliberately reduce the number of male firefighters. A suicidal policy.
8:02 AM · Jan 10, 2025 · 5.5M Views

Candace Owens #conspiracy #transphobia twitter.com

BREAKING: In mid-November, I made contact with a journalist claiming to have a trove of evidence proving Brigitte Macron was born a man. In December I flew to Europe to examine the evidence and to interview the journalist for over two hours.
Just 10 days after our initial correspondence, SITTING President Emmanuel Macron and his ‘wife’ Brigitte Macron sent me a legal threat which they demanded we not publicize.
Today I will of course be publicizing that letter. It is our belief that this legal threat was sent to intimidate us—ultimately to stop us from publishing the explosive piece which was due to premiere on January 30th.
We will not be intimidated.
Today on the show, we will reveal to you all the strange sequence of events and remind
@EmmanuelMacron that America is not Europe. We have free speech here and we will not be silenced. We welcome you and your Mister to come visit.
An entire army of independent journalists awaits you both.

7:29 AM · Jan 11, 2025 · 1.8M Views
Read 1.7K replies

Redeemed Zoomer #fundie #sexist twitter.com

We need to minister to young men and young women but in different ways since young women are liberal and young men are not

Young men need hope in this dark world that hates them and gives them no opportunities. Give them a new world to fight for

Young women need to be shown by Christian women that the cult of self-love and whoredom makes them miserable and that feminism is the biggest scam in history

Ana Kasparian #elitist twitter.com

CA, and especially LA, is controlled by Democrats. THEY are responsible. No more passing the buck.

Our Mayor, who was in Ghana as fires exploded in our city, cut the fire budget by $17 million. Endless amounts of money funneled to bullshit scammer homeless nonprofits. We’re the highest taxed yet we have encampments and squalor everywhere. Even worse, we don’t have enough firefighters to respond to the absolute disaster we’re experiencing right now. Rather than conserve the record rain we got last year, we just drained it into the ocean. We are a failing city run by a sick excuse for local government.

You want to radicalize people against the modern Democratic Party? Send them to LA.

Michael Voris #fundie twitter.com

Perhaps the singular deprivation of Protestantism is the rejection of Our Lord’s command to worship Him in the manner He prescribed.

It’s NOT about how “I feel”, and free-styling it “my way”.

The Incarnate Eternal Logos gave a COMMAND the night before He died to worship Him in a very specific fashion. He even reinforced that command the evening of the Resurrection.

The Catholic Church has ALWAYS followed that command.
Protestantism ignores it.

Not good.

The saddest part of all is that His Command to “take and eat for this is my Body / drink, this is my Blood ..” is to encourage in us an unparalleled “marriage” - one not even the angels can ever experience.
To walk away and reject that isn’t so much about defying a command (it is), but the loss of the intimacy He SO VERY MUCH desires with us.

Truly sad.

TatoruzuX #dunning-kruger twitter.com

People don't get it. Even those who might view history through a more sympathetic lens toward WWII era Germany are not members of the NSDAP (which was banned in Germany 80 years ago), and thus, are not Nazis by technicality alone.

Sure, there is the meaningless term "Neo-Nazi," which few people would willingly identify with. You'll scarcely find someone label themself a "Neo-Nazi" even if they do have sympathies toward WWII era Germany, so if you do put that label on someone you're already in the territory of false accusations.

But the reason why it's a meaningless label is because it's completely oxymoronic. A "Neo-Nazi" can't exist because the NSDAP was a uniquely German phenomenon for uniquely German problems of the mid-20th century.

The NSDAP's primary goals were to:
- Unite German-speaking European territories
- Abolish the Treaty of Versailles and St. Germain
- Abolish unearned income
- Expand protections for German works (in the face of the peace treaties that diminished quality of life for German workers)
- Remove foreign influence from German government
- And, yes, minimize the role of Jews in German society

Why would an American in 2024 be so concerned about the Treaty of Versailles, a document signed over 100 years ago? Or why would an American in 2024 be seeking to united the German-speaking territories of Europe?

Obviously, those are not the primary concern of any American in 2024. Because they are uniquely German positions for uniquely German problems of the mid-20th century.

As such, the term Neo-Nazi doesn't make sense. There are no Nazis in 2024. There are no Neo-Nazis. The term "Neo-Nazi" is used as a catch-all term for all unsavory characters who dislike Jews. Using this loose definition for "Neo-Nazi" you can find all sorts of unlikely people to be Neo-Nazis. The Palestinians are Neo-Nazis! The Iranians are Neo-Nazis! Revisionist historians are Neo-Nazis! Twitch streamer Hasan Piker is simultaneously a communist AND a Nazi!

Uhhh... but the Ukrainians, who allied with the actual Nazis in WWII, and still wear swastika patches on their uniforms in 2024? Nah, they can't be Nazis because Putin and "muh Russia" are Nazis.

See how absurd all these "Nazi" accusations are?

Dr. Abby Johnson #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

It isn’t racist to want a border wall to protect our country. It isn’t anti-woman to want to save the lives of babies from the horror of abortion. It isn’t hateful to believe in God’s definition of marriage.

The Left isn’t in charge of morality. God is.
Last edited 2:21 PM · Jan 3, 2025 · 10.9K Views

Michael Voris #fundie twitter.com

The struggle Protestantism has with veneration of the Saints and Angels is what could be termed a “flattening” of grace in its theology.

For Protestantism its Jesus and then just everyone else.
It’s the same font the idea comes from of just, “Jesus and me”.

Protestant theology can’t understand that there exists a hierarchy among His followers - just like exists among the angels.

It can’t make room for the idea that within the Divine economy - some are created with a capacity for GREATER holiness and a greater mission. Therefore, they require GREATER grace - both in kind and quantity.

Yes - some people are holier than others and are loved MORE by God because He wills it that way.

Additionally, because of the unique character of their mission, some are given SINGULAR grace because their mission is SINGULAR- not like other missions and not to be shared in by others.

Mary is the Supreme example of this. Only ONE person could be the Mother of God.

Only ONE person could be His foster father on earth.

Only ONE person could be His herald.

Only ONE person could be the Rock His Church would be established on.

Only ONE person could be the Apostle to the Gentiles.

And so it goes down through history.

Some people receive unique and singular graces because they NEED them to accomplish what the Divine Will has established for them.

Protestantism can’t make room for these theological glories because it refuses to allow that some are holier than others - not because of the individual, but because God has ordained it.

This was true even in the OT - Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, each of the prophets etc.

It’s how the Holy Trinity “works”.

Not everyone is equal in grace given and mission assigned.

Those who have a unique calling and cooperate with the accorded grace are worthy of honor and veneration.

OhNoYouDidnt #dunning-kruger #wingnut twitter.com

Obamacare was necessary so that middle class workers could pay massively more for health insurance, so that the government wouldn’t need to stop sending money overseas, or just wasting it, to hand free healthcare to you. Now you are blocked for failure to understand basic etiquette in debate 😎

Since Obamacare, my health insurance has gone from $200 a month to $1650 with a large deductible. There are many physicians offering monthly unlimited subscription services that would work with a catastrophic policy. With all the regulations and restrictions, it is impossible to find a catastrophic policy and simply pay out of pocket for everything else.

It was supposed to “ widen the pool” as you put it, but did it? I have zero faith in the governments oversight capabilities on anything. Just one more bureaucratic cesspool. As we are going to see for 2025, when the govt negotiates prices it is meant for them to have more funds to move around and spend recklessly. Seniors will see increases in their part D coverage every single year. It is forecast currently to be a 18% to 35% increase along with a 6% increase in part B.

Medicare does not have the same raiding restrictions as Social Security. If they try to lump all health insurance into Medicare I’m betting we will still pay the large premiums they have conditioned us to and they will siphon money off to keep up the ridiculous spending trend, just eliminating the middle man.

So, NO I am a hard no on this issue. Smaller government not larger

Jesse Lee Peterson #sexist twitter.com

Men make a grave mistake telling women their problems and weaknesses. She uses it against you, judges you, and seeks to destroy you.

Imagine Christ complaining to you about how he's feeling. Men would be lost. Women look to men in the same way.
1:17 AM · Dec 18, 2024 · 8,649 Views

Michael Voris #fundie twitter.com

We have to get the philosophy and theology right as we love to reestablish western civilization.
Everything matters.
Protestantism is a self-defeating proposition and cannot be the philosophical or theological basis for a renewed civilization.

Lila Rose #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

2,000 years ago,

King Herod murdered hundreds of babies as he sought to kill our Lord.

Threatened by the prospect of a child disrupting his life, in fear of losing his control and status - he destroyed the most vulnerable.

Today the same broken human condition and reasoning fuels abortion - causing the death of 1M children each year in America alone.

On the Feast of The Holy Innocents today, let us recommit ourselves to the spread of the gospel and the work to protect babies from abortion.
6:54 AM · Dec 29, 2024 · 31K Views

TatoruzuX #racist #conspiracy #elitist #pratt twitter.com

The Chinese and Indian students never spoke with any of the American students. The Chinese students didn't even speak English. Both the Chinese and Indian students were caught and warned multiple times for copy + pasting their code and turning in the same exact projects line-for-line. And on tests, they would obviously cheat but the professors would usually turn a blind eye. There was one Chinese student who was kicked out for academic integrity reasons, but the foreign students made enough of a fuss about "racism" that it was unlikely to happen again.

I mostly ignored the Chinese and Indians and let them do their own thing. By the time I reached the 200-level Math classes required for my CS degree, the classes were filled with Indians and Chinese students who typically got by through cheating and collaborating with each other, and a couple extremely talented White dudes who actually knew what was going on.

As such, all of the Math TAs were South Asian or Chinese. Well, one day my Math professor decided to take a sabbatical for a few weeks, and he'd return for the big midterm exam. In the meantime, he put a South Asian senior student in charge of teaching the class while he was gone. She barely knew English, and I shit you not, she taught the class in Hindi. I learned nothing in class during those few weeks and there was nobody who spoke a word of English to review the homework with. Obviously, the Indian kids had no problems...

I ended up switching my major and pursued a humanities degree instead despite completing most of the CS classes that were required for a CS major.

Higher education, especially STEM, is designed to disadvantage White students. From admissions, to grants/aid, to corrupt or afraid anti-White professors, to nepotism.

Many of the Indian students in my graduating class who cheated their way to their degree were set up with post-graduate programs specifically designed to give foreign students jobs after graduation to prevent them from getting deported. Most of them don't write a single line of code at their jobs; they just manage Excel spreadsheets.

Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

Not people" in 1800 - African slaves

Deaths: 1.8M

"Not people" in 1915 - Armenians

Deaths: 1.5M

"Not people" in 1943 - Jews

Deaths: 6M

"Not people" in 1994- Tutsis

Deaths: 657K

"Not people" in 2025 - Preborn babies

Deaths: 63M in America alone

We must stop the dehumanization and genocide
6:01 AM · Dec 28, 2024 · 52.8K Views

End Wokeness #wingnut twitter.com

We have 2 years left to bring this map to life in time for our 250th birthday


spoilerMap of the United Styates of America aftr annexing Canada, Greenland, Northern Mexico, Northern Sicily, the Panama Canal, Yucatan, Iceland, Feroe Islands, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Cuba and the Dominican Republic

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Charles Darwin is the man credited with popularizing in our time the idea of evolution. His legacy lives on today as his naturalistic (atheistic) ideas have permeated not only Western culture, but much of the rest of the world and much of the church.

But his legacy is not a good one. He popularized a philosophy that attacked (and was intended to destroy—but that can never happen, of course) the authority of the Word of God. Sadly, many churches adopted his ideas and reinterpreted the book of Genesis. This led to an undermining of the authority of God’s Word and generations doubting its truth and walking away from the Christian faith. Darwin’s legacy is a destructive, evil legacy, and it lives on not only in the secular culture and teaching but, sadly, also in many churches.

Darwin’s legacy in the church can be seen in the fact that he was buried in the floor of a church (Westminster Abbey in London) and honored by the church. This to me is a reminder that a man who popularized a philosophy to undermine the foundation of the church is honored by the church and buried in the foundation of the church!

So I challenge you: What legacy are you leaving behind? Are you leaving a legacy that will long outlive you and be felt in subsequent generations? Will your legacy impact your immediate family, local believers, unbelievers, or even the body of Christ around the world?
11:29 PM · Dec 20, 2024 · 4,694 Views

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut twitter.com

Literally everything you’ve been told about January 6th is a lie.

The truth: It wasn’t an insurrection.

Protesters didn’t have illegal weapons.

It wasn’t “coordinated”—except by Feds.

26 undercover FBI sources entered the Capitol & restricted areas.

None have been prosecuted.

No police were killed.

In fact, nobody was killed except Ashli Babbitt who was shot by police.

Trump did not call for violence. He specifically called for peace, and told violent rioters to go home.

The Q-anon shaman wasn’t trying to overthrow the government.

Cops opened Capitol doors for protesters.

Barriers outside were moved to allow protesters through.

Nancy Pelosi knew everything & did nothing to stop it.

AOC was never in danger.

J6 defendants have been denied due process & coerced into pleading guilty.

All in an effort to hide the reality that Biden stole the 2020 election, which is a mundane and obvious observation now that we see that Biden got millions more votes than any other Democrat in history.

Trump should prosecute and throw in prison every single rotten evil scumbag involved.
6:41 AM · Dec 13, 2024 · 573.9K Views

Andrew Tate #crackpot #dunning-kruger #homophobia #psycho #sexist twitter.com

Sleeping soundly is for overtly homosexual men.

The world is at war, people are dying and BTC breaks a new ATH everyday.

Money moving in every single direction, elections are over thrown in "democratic" nations....

And you have ZERO innate anxiety?

You close your eyes and become absolutely killable for a full 9 hours, without tossing, without turning, without any input from the outside world at all?

You dont wake up in a sweat and instantly check the news?

Youre not even rich, youre poor, and youre snoring?

What you dreaming of you fucking loser YOU HAVE NO MONEY.

Where is your warrior instinct? Where is your PTSD and your fear? Where is the adrenaline in your blood?

"Well why would I have PTSD" says the nobody.

Because if you were a somebody you would take risks and the outcome of those risks would weigh heavy on your mind.

Your soul would be burnt with the stories of battles lost and the hope for battles you can win.

What kind of full grown man DOESNT have mental issues?

You feel no stress? None? Youre napping? Like a kitten? Like a little cute kitty kat?

Are you comfy? awww youre so comfy? Do you have a blanket?

You are gay.

"I had a nap" = Gay
"I was sleeping" = Gay
"He didnt wake up yet" = Gay.

I close my eyes but i never truly sleep.

Im tired but thats fine.

Life as a man is wanting food you dont eat.

And wanting sleep you CANT get.

Because your mind and soul is plagued by battles past present and future.

You think Putin sleeps well? Lol




Nightmares are masculine. You should shoot awake with sweat multiple times a night.

Maybe then your woman would finally love you.

Instead she wakes up to see you snoring and drooling, her movement didnt even rattle you. She fully got out of bed and youre out cold because youre scum.

She could stab you in the neck and she considers it because you deserve it.

Killed by a girl because you were sleepy. Awwww.

The second I see a man who enjoys his sleep and acquires it with ease...

I know hes bitch made.

Sleep is what you give up once you become a hero.

Peace of mind is for lifes losers.

There is no debate.

Autocorrect 2.0 #fundie #dunning-kruger twitter.com

Atheist: Christianity is irrational.

Christian: Why?

A: You believe in the resurrection.

C: Is that a problem?

A: Yes! No one has ever observed a resurrection.

C: I see. So, you have a problem with the idea of an intelligent God restoring life from non-life?

A: Of course!
C: I see. Question: Don't you believe that unintelligent processes created life from non-life?

A: Yes. It's called abiogenesis.

C: Yes, and have you ever observed it?

A: Well, no.

C: And you have no empirical evidence for it, right?

A: Well, no.

C: But you think it's rational?

A: Yes.

Atheism is the ultimate form of cognitive dissonance.

Jesse Lee Peterson #sexist twitter.com

With these school shootings, they don't tend to tell the truth about why these kids are doing it. They don't admit they were put on drugs, or recently came off medication. They were angry at their parents.

But it's hell on earth, and it's only going to get worse.

Then they've put women in charge of many of these schools. The kids can't stand mama at home; now they have to deal with mama in the schools. They can't deal with that evil imposing spirit.
1:15 AM · Dec 18, 2024 · 4,095 Views

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

I don’t know what it’s going to take for people to realize the truth. The data is so clear the Covid vaccines and the flu vaccines don’t work. People simply want to trust the medical community no matter what the data says.image3:39 AM · Dec 16, 2024 · 154K Views
1,715 Reposts 98 Quotes 6,060 Likes 233 Bookmarks

MJTruthUltra/John Ferguson #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy twitter.com

The CEO of Saxon Remote Systems believes a Dirty Nuclear Bomb from Ukraine may be on US Soil - and the Drones may be Sniffing for Radioactive Activity

John Ferguson says he spoke to a High Government Official a few months ago who was trying to raise the alarm on a Nuclear Warhead that he physically put his hands on that was left over from Ukraine. It left Europe and now it’s gone missing.

He felt that it would eventually make its way to the United States for the purpose of getting us into war with Russia


What he’s describing should sound familiar to every single anon.

• U1
• Russia Russia Russia
• The film, The Sum of all Fears, where a dirty Nuke was detonated in Baltimore MD to get the US into a war with Russia,

This is the best theory I’ve heard so far. Regardless if this is a real threat or not, or that is what these drones are actually doing, we should consider the possibility.

We don’t know much.. and I believe the deep state is desperate enough to do something this stupid.

But in the end, God did not give us the spirit of fear.. so try not to worry too much about things outside of our control.

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

“None of the CHSs who entered the Capitol or a restricted area has been prosecuted to date.”

The most heinous part of the J6 fed-surrection isn’t the 26 undercover FBI sources in the Capitol & restricted areas, it’s the fact that J6 defendants have been rotting in prison for years, convicted of “terrorism” or who killed themselves while FBI fedboys who DID THE SAME ACTION are walking free. I’m so angry I can barely speak.image6:28 AM · Dec 13, 2024 · 55.2K Views
188 Reposts 7 Quotes 551 Likes 26 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

I can't wait for Trump to take over! WE get secure border...we deport 20+ million bad guys who don't belong here...we kill terrorists...we find out who killed JFK...we find out who went to Epstein Island & Diddy's parties. We arrest traitors who intentionally tried to destroy USA. We shoot down drones from China or Iran. And no more nuclear dirty bomb threats inside USA- simply because border will be sealed. God bless Trump & God bless America.
5:31 AM · Dec 15, 2024 · 2,561 Views
13 Reposts 73 Likes 1 Bookmark

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