Donald Trump

Walter Bosely/The Higherside Chats #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

From the inception of NYMZA, America’s first military industrial complex, to the sensational saga of the Sonora Aero Club, today’s returning guest, Walter Bosley, has followed these threads deep down the rabbit hole and today he joins The Higherside almost a year later to update us
2:30 As an accomplished researcher in tracking back the history of secret flying machines, deep-state technology and the influence of German Nationalists, Walter has been able to fill the gaps lingering behind in our current understanding of history, along with congruently constructing a coherent narrative that goes beyond the basic bullet points. Kicking things off, Bosley provides some context about the Prussian Nationalist organization NYMZA that was established sometime between the 1850s and 1900s for the purpose of researching advanced technologies in pursuit of a unified Germany. Bosley breaks down the transformation of this group from the Nazi Party of Germany, to the Sonora Aero Club.
Bosley also elaborates on the rumored legend of a Tesla designed airship used by a breakaway civilization to fly to Mars.
22:00 Greg and Walter examine how this beyond belief saga involves everyone’s favorite reality TV President, Donald Trump. Bosley describes a Dellschau drawing dating back to the 1890s referencing a craft from 30 years prior belonging to a man with the surname Trump.
42:00 Continuing with the topic of Trump, Greg and Walter discuss several synchronicities such as the similarities between the Dellschau drawing and modern-day Trump marketing, as well as it appearing in the 4500 series of Dellschau’s work and Trump being our 45th president
– the story of his father and the humans he encountered that had gone underground

– what Walter’s military mentors told him was found in Antartica in the 1950s

– David Wilcock and Corey Goode

– the underground chamber found below Carlsbad Caverns & the remnants of an advanced civilization

– other stories from the subterranean realms

Donald J. Trump #wingnut


Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Our expert witness was incredible in court today. Won every single point, with strength, but grace. It wasn’t even close. The A.G.’s people had NO ANSWERS! This highly respected expert said this case is a disgrace, should never have been brought, and should be dropped immediately - that my financials are the best he has ever seen as an expert. They should be ashamed. They’ve got nothing other than a corrupt Attorney General, who ran on, “I will get TRUMP,” and a Trump Hating Radical Left Judge, who may be crazy. NO JURY, NO VICTIM, A NEVER USED FOR THIS PURPOSE STATUTE, A TOTALLY DISCREDITED STAR WITNESS WHO ADMITTED HE LIED DURING HIS TESTIMONY, WHICH WOULD HAVE CAUSED ANY OTHER JUDGE IN THE COUNTRY TO THROW OUT THIS BIDEN ATTACK ON HIS POLITICAL OPPONENT. WE KEEP ASKING FOR DISMISSAL, BUT THE TRUMP HATER (JUDGE) WON’T LET IT GO. AN INSULT TO AMERICA! HE RULED THAT I WAS A FRAUD BEFORE HE EVEN SAW THE CASE, THEN TRIED TO GET ME TO SETTLE. A TOTAL HIT JOB. MAR-a-LAGO AT $18,000,000???

Donald J. Trump #wingnut #mammon

Due to the great Excitement and Success of my previous TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, we’re doing it again - The MugShot Edition, available RIGHT NOW. Plus, buy 47 cards and get a piece of the suit I wore for the “Mugshot Photo,” and also get an invite to a Gala Dinner with me at Mar-a-Lago! Don’t wait, they’ll go FAST (I believe!). I’m happy if you’re happy. Have fun. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Donald J. Trump #wingnut

I wanted to testify on Monday, despite the fact that I already testified successfully, answering all questions having to do with the Fake, No Victims, No Jury lawsuit, thrown at me by the Corrupt Racist A.G., Letitia James, and presided over by a Trump hating judge who suffers from a massive case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and is a puppet for the CROOKED A.G. Anyway, the Judge, Arthur Engoron, put a GAG ORDER on me, even when I testify, totally taking away my constitutional right to defend myself. We are appealing, but how would you like to be a witness and not be allowed free snd honest speech. THE TRIAL IS RIGGED. I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Anna Von Reitz #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

We are heading into a potentially very tumultuous week in which the British Territorial Military Government and this civilian government of the unincorporated United States and United States of America respond to certain unavoidable world events that will change the face of the financial and economic world.
1. A General Announcement of what has been called NESARA/GESARA, which is essentially a military takeover and resolution of commercial corporation wrong-doing on a worldwide basis.

2. Do not, however, mistake the potential danger of welcoming a military solution to civilian problems, and letting what is, essentially, a foreign, for-profit, British Territorial Mercenary Corporation gain favor and dominance apart from their service contracts.
7. Likewise, our gripe with Donald Trump, who is likely to be returning to office, is based on the fact that he is, or would be, the President of the aforementioned British Territorial Corporation. We consider the President of that Corporation dba the United States of America, Incorporated, to be an Undeclared Foreign Agent until such time as our own Public Elections are held -- not political elections, but free and honest American Public Elections for the actual Office of The President of The United States of America ---which is an unincorporated civilian office within our actual government.

8. We have often admitted that our Federal Republic has never been reconstructed and that we are currently engaged in the work leading up to that accomplishment; there is no need or desire for a British Territorial Government or its Agents to substitute for our Federal Republic. We would welcome the assistance and support of our Subcontractors, but wish for no further Substitution Schemes or usurpations. Our Federation of States is competent to serve in lieu of the Federal Republic until such time as it is resurrected, and did all the later delegated duties from 1776 to 1781.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut


Donald J. Trump #wingnut


@Wanderers_Choice #wingnut #racist

I'm noticing something. Conner McGregor. He wished jews a happy hannukah and that sucks, he's probably a Zionist, BUT, I'm noticing accounts trying to use that to call into question everything he has said about Irishmen needing to fight back.

I have to say, if he's telling White men to FIGHT back instead of just whining about it like Donald Trump then GOOD.

This is one of those things I've been noticing more and more lately on Gab because there are a lot of legitimate non-White Eastern Shills here pretending to be White and they want the West to lose, not just jews, they just use jews as a proxy and they take things like this McGregor situation and twist it so that him wanting to defend Ireland is really just helping jews.

Stopping jews is important, always keeping them foremost in our mind is important because it IS the jews causing the worst problems for White people BUT one of those PROBLEMS is the invasion of non-Whites and I'm more worried about that invasion than whatever the jews and their shabbos goy are doing in Brown countries.

If Trump came out this week and started telling White men to kill the invaders, I'd be on the new Trump train by Friday, Zionist or not.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

I hope everyone is watching the Kangaroo Court Witch Hunt taking place against me, led by a totally corrupt and Racist A.G., and a highly partisan Judge who made his decision before the trial even started, and before he knew anything about the case. Mar-a-Lago worth $18,000,000? Yesterday, a highly acclaimed finance EXPERT powerfully stated that I did NOTHING WRONG, AND THAT I BUILT A GREAT COMPANY. The case should be dropped. No business will ever move to New York after watching this charade, and many will be leaving. I was not allowed a jury. SO UNFAIR. The Judge knows we are not guilty of anything but creating thousands of jobs and building a GREAT COMPANY!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

All of these Biden “Political Opponent” Lawsuits against me could have been brought 3 years ago, but the slimeballs brought them right in the middle of my very successful campaign for President. The J6 Fake Case, where the Obama appointed, Trump Hating Judge, Tanya S. Chutkan, actually had the audacity to schedule the trial THE DAY BEFORE SUPER TUESDAY (always considered the biggest of all Primary days), has been put into serious question when most of the Unselect Committee’s evidence was deleted and destroyed. This illegal act, that would have shown the GUILT of Crazy Nancy Pelosi, and others, should end this Biden Witch Hunt. Our FAILING NATION is now becoming a BANANA REPUBLIC. MAGA!

Feminism Sucks! #racist #sexist #wingnut #psycho #fundie #forced-birth

[OP of “SorWHORity girls have no right to judge us”]

I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood

SorWHORity organizations are way more exclusive than ours[…]They all look down on everyone without a "Greek life" affiliation. When I was in college, they treated me like shit because I was a lowly non-frat person. Frat boys were[…]much nicer to me[…]
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid[…]
I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia[…]
I love Robert E. Lee. I love the Confederacy[…]
I love Strom Thurmond. I love Segregation
I love Alfred Deakin. I love the White Australia Policy
I love Enoch Powell. I love the British National Party
I love Ye. I love Death Con 3
I love Donald J. Trump. I love MAGA[…]
I love Harvey Weinstein. I love the Casting Couch
I love Andrew Jackson. I love the Trail of Tears
I love Éric Zemmour. I love Remigration
I love Augusto Pinochet. I love Free Helicopter Rides
I love Maurice Challe. I love the Sétif and Guelma Massacre
I love Bill Cosby. I love Jello Pudding[…]
I love Brock Turner. I love 20 Minutes of Action
I love Clarence Thomas. I love AbWHOREtion Bans[…]
I love António de Oliveira Salazar. I love the Estado Novo
I love Godfrey of Bouillon. I love the Crusades
I love Slobodan Miloševic. I love Kebab Removal
I love Madison Grant. I love Eugenics[…]
I love Francisco Franco. I love Fascism
I love R Kelly. I love Human Urinals
I love Meir Kahane. I love the Jewish Defense League
I love Tomás de Torquemada. I love the Spanish Inquisition
I love Stephen Miller. I love Migrant Detention Centers
I love General Custer. I love Indian Removal
I love Derek Chauvin. I love His Mighty Knee
I love Cecil Rhodes. I love Colonialism
I love Joe McCarthy. I love McCarthyism[…]
I love King Leopold. I love the Congo Free State[…]
I love Itamar Ben Gvir. I love Israeli Settlements
I love Thomas Thistlewood. I love Plantation Slavery

Donald J. Trump #conspiracy #wingnut

The Radical Left Democrats in Congress, under the influence of the Crooked Joe Biden Regime, viciously subpoenaed my COMPLETELY INNOCENT family, and deposed them for a total of 18 hours based on Russia, Russia, Russia, and other Fake News. Certainly, Hunter Biden should be treated in the same manner. Just because the DOJ, FBI and IRS consistently turn a blind eye to Biden crimes and corruption, doesn’t mean Republicans in Congress should do the same. Our Law Enforcement is not only Weaponized, it is a dangerous, Two-Tiered System. The Bidens should honor their subpoenas by the House Oversight Committee, just as the Trump Family did!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

I told my wonderful son, Eric, not to testify tomorrow at the RIGGED TRIAL brought about by A.G. Letitia James’ campaign promise that, without knowing anything about me, “I WILL GET TRUMP!” She ran for A.G., then Governor of New York, and lost! Eric has already testified, PERFECTLY (Unlike their STAR witness-who admitted he lied!), so there is no reason to waste any more of this Crooked Court’s time on having him say the same thing, over and over again, as a witness for the defense (us!). His young life has already been unfairly disturbed and disrupted enough on this corrupt Witch Hunt. Besides, I will be testifying on Monday in this shameful, NO JURY ALLOWED “TRIAL.” Happy Banks and Insurance Companies, NO VICTIMS, GREAT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Perfect Disclaimer Clause - BUT A CORRUPT ATTORNEY GENERAL AND JUDGE!!!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut #god-complex

Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly told his supporters he will serve as their “retribution” if he is elected again in 2024.

But pressed by Fox host Sean Hannity in a Fox News town hall Tuesday about whether he would abuse his power or seek retribution against his political enemies as president, Trump first sidestepped the question –and then seemed to minimize its seriousness, responding on a second round that he would only be a “dictator” on Day One of his presidency to address the border and domestic oil production.

“I’m going to be, you know he keeps, we love this guy, he says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said, ‘No, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling.’ After that I’m not a dictator,” Trump said.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

The perverts and losers at the failed and once disbanded Lincoln Project, and others, are using A.I.(Artificial Intelligence) in their Fake television commercials in order to make me look as bad and pathetic as Crooked Joe Biden, not an easy thing to do. FoxNews shouldn’t run these ads, just as low ratings CNN & MSDNC will not, under any circumstances, run negative ads on Biden or the Democrats. They are, after all, in-kind campaign contributors to the Dems!

Benjamin Lee Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

The Khazarian mafia is trying to negotiate a surrender, according to high-level intelligence agency sources. David de Rothschild, chairman of the board of directors of the World Jewish Congress is offering to hand over control of the Western financial system to the Planetary Liberation Alliance. They are asking for amnesty in return. This offer came via the new head of the committee of 300 (who replaced Queen Elizabeth and is not Charles). The Illuminati council has granted this individual the power to negotiate with the alliance. The alliance has responded with the following demands:

1) A jubilee, as in a one-off cancellation of all debts, public and private, must be carried out.
4) All the technologies, such as hydrogen and anti-gravity, that have been suppressed by the KM must be released to the public
5) A massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction must be started.
6) Democracy, freedom of the press and the rule of law must be restored in the Western countries hijacked by the KM.
The KM are trying to surrender now because they fear a pogrom to end all pogroms will be carried out by the backers of US President Donald Trump.,

Furthermore, the Russian army has arrived at the borders of Israel and threatened to invade unless they stop their genocide in Gaza.
Ukraine is now being quarantined. Thousands of vehicles are piled up in lines stretching as far as 40 kilometers (25 miles) as drivers wait in freezing temperatures to cross the border into Ukraine due to blockades staged by protesting truckers. The truckers have the support of the Polish government. The Slovakian and Hungarian governments are also moving to shut the border.

The Germans are also cutting off Ukraine by stopping the flow of weapons and money there. The Ukraine is now an openly criminal regime. Ukrainian soldiers are getting “strange vaccinations from Western doctors in what are probable biological experiments,”

Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

Timeline of the Restored Republic:

August 2019: Trump signs National Quantum Initiative – Executive Order 13885.
March 27, 2020: Trump signs Executive Order 13912 which Federalizes 1,000,000 National Guard to Active-Duty Status.
January 2021: National Guard Troops place fence around Capitol Building (47 US Code 606).
January 20, 2021: Commander In Chief Donald Trump receives full grade by Law Constitutional and Military Grade Presidential Inauguration Ceremony.
By Aug. 2022 all Army and Military branches have transferred all their communications to Space Force under command of Trump.
September 2021: The Quantum US Government was launched.
Rumored Timeline

Mon. 4 Dec. late afternoon: Global Currency Reset liquidity according to posting on Federal Reserve site.
First Week in December: Trump will be back according to Bruce’s Military Contact.
Mon. 4 Dec. China’s second largest real estate company Evergrande faces Bankruptcy Court.
Wed. 6 Dec. China to announce gold-backed Yuan, incentivizing countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead.
At some point Project Odin Begins: Starlink EBS Active, X, New Financial System, 10 Day Movie, New Currency Rates effective, Trump Return.
Before Christmas Dec. 2023 Med Beds Announced.
On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
Tues. 30 Jan. 2024 deadline for implementation of Protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS.
In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

As my Poll Numbers go higher and higher, in some places setting records, Crooked Joe Biden’s Weaponization Strategy against his Political Opponent grows more and more radical and unhinged. The whole World is watching as the USA turns into a Banana Republic. Biden should repudiate and stop this plan before it is too late. ELECTION INTERFERENCE! #fundie

The Seven Year Tribulation is not coming in some far off future, it has probably already started:
The Abraham Accords commissioned by Trump and authored by his "prince" most likely started the final seven years before Our Lord Jesus' Triumphant Return. This covenant was initiated in September, 2020 and more and more Arab/Muslim nations are confirming it. Nine nations have confirmed the covenant to date and growing with the first Arab/Muslim nation confirming this treaty with Israel on September 15th, 2020.

The latest nations considering membership in these Accords proves that after more than three years the Accords are here to stay. Once Saudi Arabia joins, several other Arab nations will follow.

More and more nations have moved their embassies following Donald Trump's lead, to Jerusalem preparing the way for the beast to declare Jerusalem the "Capital" of the world. Israel wants this peace treaty to grow and include all Arab nations. Note: Media in Israel and throughout the middle east cover story after story about the Abraham Accords but by design, western media will not report on the Abraham Accords for a reason. Satan knows westerners are predominantly Christian and these Abraham Accords if reported upon properly would be a "sign" of the end for them and trust this folks, Satan doesn't want you to watch and pray or prepare yourselves in any way for Christ's Return.

Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: Note: The Lord doesn't say BEFORE one week; He says "for one week".

Many believe that the Israeli Messiah is alive: Please see our Who is the beast page for the links supporting this claim.

Israel recently announced that their Messiah is now here and they're going to reveal him soon. This means that the Antichrist is likely about to be brought onto the world stage.

Interesting note: God knows it is a seven year treaty and we by faith believe Him. The Edomites and surrounding Arab nations however have no idea it will last just seven years. So please don't keep an eye out for a "Seven year peace treaty" as it's title. Ideas like that are designed by Satan to keep the weeds, weeds and to never allow them to be God's "wheat".


Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Thank you to very talented Writer and Thinker, Byron York. He is right, the Radical Left Democrat Judge ruled against me before he learned anything about the case, then he fraudulently reduced the value of Mar-a-Lago from over $1 Billion to $18 Million, with other Assets likewise, in order to justify what he purposefully did, which is fraudulent. He is a Puppet for Radical Left Lunatic, the worst Attorney General in the Nation, Letitia James. She is driving Businesses out of New York while Crime flourishes. Peekaboo is the best thing that ever happened for Violent Criminals, and for other States that are plucking our Businesses like taking candy from a baby!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Judge Engoron and Letitia James should be impeached and removed from office for fraudulently reducing my Asset Values, by many times, in order to hurt and demean me. The bank, a major lender, totally disagrees with their numbers, and the fact that they would sue me on a loan that was PERFECT. It is a political Witch Hunt, and a great embarrassment to New York State. REMOVE THEM AND DISMISS THIS RIDICULOUS, NO VICTIM, NO JURY, CASE!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

The big and respected bank yesterday said the loans were great, they got their money, and that I did nothing wrong. There was no defaults, no “nothing.” This is a RIGGED AND VICTIMLESS CASE THAT SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BROUGHT by the Corrupt New York State Attorney General and her Puppet Judge. Election Interference and WEAPONIZATION of JUSTICE. DISGRACEFUL! VIOLENT CRIME AT AN ALL TIME HIGH, BUSINESSES FLEEING NEW YORK!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

I’m 12 Points up on Crooked Joe Biden - But he’s got the Justice Department and others suing me wherever and whenever possible - WEAPONIZATION, it’s called, and maybe that can make a difference. This has never been done on this scale before, not in our Country, but it opens up a very big and dangerous Pandora’s Box. Joe Biden should stop his Election Interfering Thugs before it is too late for him and the rest of the Country. As the leader of the Opposition Party, I should not be forced to campaign from inside a courthouse, which is very doable, but not very Democratic or convenient. This is where they want me to spend my time and money, but is not the way our system is supposed to work. If they filed these cases years ago, which they could have, this would not be a problem. But they want it to be a problem because they are BAD! Voters have, and will, reject it. To ALL Democrats, be careful what you wish for. God Bless America!

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

But if you're not a serious threat... if they don't fear you... if you're invisible to them... if they don't think you have the balls to indict them... they won't indict you.

That's why they only go after Donald J. Trump. He's the only one they fear. He's the only one who could beat them and upset their treasonous plans. And he's the only one who they can't bribe. Trump doesn't need their money.

Here are the two important lessons for the day...

First, ever since Trump was indicted the first time in New York City, no one else in the GOP primary ever stood a chance. The GOP base all understood from that moment on that Democrats, corrupt D.C. swamp criminals and deep state traitors (I know, I repeat myself) clearly feared one man and only one man: Trump.

And that made virtually every patriot, conservative and Christian support one man and only one man: Trump.

What DeSantis and Nikki backers fail to understand is that Trump isn't under indictment because he's done something wrong. He's only under indictment because he scares Democrats and the deep state. If DeSantis or Nikki were a threat, they'd be facing the same indictments as Trump.

The second lesson is simple. Let's say Trump is disqualified and/or then winds up in prison for life. Then DeSantis and Nikki will think they won; they were the smart ones; they "saved" us. But they won't save anyone but themselves.

Destroying Trump's life was a warning to intimidate every future GOP candidate. If Trump were replaced by DeSantis or Haley, they would be too intimidated to ever oppose the D.C. swamp and deep state. Do you think they'd risk being impeached multiple times; being hunted like animals for four years; going broke with tens of millions of dollars in legal fees; or going to prison for the rest of their lives?

Trust me, they'll do whatever the deep state wants. Because the deep state persecution of Trump is a warning that no one is safe. They can and will destroy anyone who opposes their agenda.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

For anyone who’s paid even a marginal amount of attention over the last 8 years, you know that America has become a severely-fractured and tribal nation, where there is a different administration of justice based on your political leanings, ideologies and what you say on social media. Biden and Trump both mishandled documents, yet only one is punished. J6 participants are jailed while BLM agitants who burned buildings and killed people walk free. The cop who killed George Floyd has just been stabbed nearly to death in his prison cell, while the cop who killed Ashli Babbitt had a secret trial, was let go scot-free and is praised by the Left. I bet you don’t even know his name, and that’s on purpose.

If you know the right people, you can commit crimes at will. This is America in 2023, and it’s about to get a whole lot worse in 2024.

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the ‘land of the free’ has become decidedly less free, much less free. This article you are reading right now is sitting on a site branded as an ‘extremist organization’ by the US Cyber Command. Donald Trump ran for president with a vow to ‘drain the Swamp’, and he did not fulfill that promise. In fact, the very Swamp he vowed to drain now has him pinned to the wall facing 91 felony counts in Washington, New York, Florida and Georgia. It’ll be a miracle if he manages to stay out of jail, let alone become the 47th president of the United States. But…what if he does? What would a Trump presidency look like when The Donald uses his administration to get revenge the same way the Biden administration is doing it to him? What happens to America at that point? Today we show you how much The Swamp has grown, how deep the Deep State has become, and what the future of America might look like when we run it through the filter of your King James Bible. All this and updates on Hamas, the hostages, and everything else you need to know.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country, Ron DeSanctimonious and his failing campaign apparatus, together with the Democrat’s Radical Left “Disinformation Machine,” go wild saying that “Trump doesn’t know the name of our President, (CROOKED!) Joe Biden. He must be cognitively impaired.” No, I know both names very well, never mix them up, and know that they are destroying our Country. Also, and as reported, I just took a cognitive test as part of my Physical Exam, and ACED it. Also ACED (a perfect score!) one taken while in the White House. Biden should take one so we can determine why he wants Open Borders, No Energy Independence, A Woke Military, High Inflation, No Voter I.D., Men playing In Women’s Sports, Only Electric Cars & Trucks, A Weaponized DOJ/FBI, and so many other CRAZY things!!!

Redskins WFT Commanders #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

Take that stroll down Memory lane. The date Jan 20, 2017. Washington DC. The date when thousands of left wing democrats tried to overthrow the results of the 2016 election. Those videos don't lie. Google "Washington DC January 20 2017" and check out the videos. See federal and local police in hand to hand combat under missile assault as the crowd tried to reach the inauguration stage to kill Donald Trump

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including the Racist & Incompetent Attorney General of New York State, Letitia “Peekaboo” James, who has let Murder & Violent Crime FLOURISH, & Businesses FLEE; the Radical Left Trump Hating Judge, a “Psycho,” Arthur Engoron, who Criminally Defrauded the State of New York, & ME, by purposely Valuing my Assets at a “tiny” Fraction of what they are really worth in order to convict me of Fraud before even a Trial, or seeing any PROOF, & used his Politically Biased & Corrupt Campaign Finance Violator, Chief Clerk Alison Greenfield, to sit by his side on the “Bench” & tell him what to do; & Crooked Joe Biden, who has WEAPONIZED his Department of Injustice against his Political Opponent, & allowed our Country to go to HELL; & all of the other Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, Democrats, & RINOS, who are seriously looking to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY. Have no fear, however, we will WIN the Presidential Election of 2024, & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Judge Arthur Engoron, the most overturned and stayed Judge in the State, and the Racist New York State Attorney General, the most corrupt & incompetent A.G. in the Country (Violent Crime Is Raging!), have FRAUDULENTLY Undervalued my properties, by many times, in order to make me look bad, and make the Judge’s original ridiculous finding of Fraud look “reasonable,” which it does not. This Judicial and Prosecutorial corruption and misconduct took place BEFORE THE TRIAL EVEN STARTED, & WITHOUT ANY KNOWLEDGE OF THE CASE. Judge Engoron just did what the highly partisan A.G. told him to do. He is her complete and total puppet!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

These Fake Political cases brought against me could have been filed years ago, but these Crooked and Biased Prosecutors, working closely with my Political Opponent in Washington, D.C., Crooked Joe Biden, waited, and waited, and waited, and filed them right in the middle of my campaign for President. Why do you think that Fani, and Alvin, and Letitia and, of course, the Deranged One, Jack Smith, took sooo long after very publicly (LEAKS!) starting their “work?” ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!! PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT!!!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

2024 is our final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News Media, we will evict Joe Biden from the White House, and we will FINISH THE JOB ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

The Judge committed FRAUD in my Trial by valuing my assets at a tiny fraction of what they are really worth in order to make his FAKE CASE against me - And everyone, including his crooked and highly partisan Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, and Racist A.G. Letitia James, knows it. The Judicial System in New York State is in chaos and disrepute over this horribly handled Persecution of a Political Opponent. The World is watching this illegal Witch Hunt. Engoron, James, and Greenfield should be sanctioned and prosecuted over this complete and very obvious MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE!!!

various commenters #transphobia

( MaryDyer )
This is the chance to peak people, ladies
Very simple:

You: “I can just see Donald Trump declaring he’s a woman and being moved to a women’s prison if he’s convicted.”

Them: “What? They wouldn’t move a man to a women’s prison.”

You: “Hmm…you sure about that?” proceed to rattle off a list of names of male rapists who are living comfortably in women’s prisons

This is our chance to truly spread the word.

( Re-enacterf )
I said to my friend there are male rapists in women's prison right now, raping women. She said trans women are women, therefore there are no men in women's prison.

( Sonnet )
“Transwomen are women, so when a large, criminally dangerous male gets on top of a terrified female and forces his penis inside her without her consent, it is only women to blame.”

( realityismykink )
Did you reply that you couldn't possibly be friends with a misogynistic rape apologist, therefore you weren't friends anymore?

( Re-enacterf )
With TRA female friends, I wait for them to burn the bridge first. It was a horrific comment, but borne out of ignorance of male depravity. Unforgivable to handwave rape, yes, but she might realize what she's done some day. Male TRA friends who give me any guff I block. They know exactly what these TIMs are up to.

( Tailz1012 )
If TWAW and TWAM there are still men in women's prisons bc TIFs don't request transfers to men's prisons for obvious reasons. Regardless of your definition there are men in womens prisons. They need to decide which definition of men to kick out.

( MissBehaved )
I'm literally waiting on Trump to declare himself America's first woman president. I hope he does it. He's honestly nuts enough that I can imagine him doing this. Dems would be floundering, the whole country would go crazy haha

( BillyPilgrim )
He hates women too much to ever pretend to be one.

( SpatOutTheKoolaid )
That doesn't stop most TIMs.

( RusticTroglodyteSnazzy )
So do tims lol. Hating women is a necessary part of transition for both tims and tifs

( LunarWolf )
as opposed to most TIMs?

( Fluffy_gender )
Trump is pro trans actually. He was OK with a TIM in Miss Universe and he had a comment while running for president that he doesn't mind TIMs in women's bathrooms - after all, he also regularly barged into teen girls' changing rooms, too.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Judge Arthur Engoron has just been overturned (stayed!) by the New York State Appellate Division (Appeals Court), for the 4th TIME (on the same case!). His Ridiculous and Unconstitutional Gag Order, not allowing me to defend myself against him and his politically biased and out of control, Trump Hating Clerk, who is sinking him and his Court to new levels of LOW, is a disgrace. They are defending the Worst and Least Respected Attorney General in the United States, Letitia James, who is a Worldwide disgrace, as is her illegal Witch Hunt against me. The Radical and Unprecedented actions of Judge Engoron will keep BUSINESSES and JOBS forever out of New York State. I have done NOTHING WRONG, my numbers were low, not high, I have a COMPLETE DISCLAIMER CLAUSE, their Star Witness admitted he lied and made up this Fake case against me, and the the Attorney General used a “Get Trump” platform in order to run for A.G. & Governor (she failed!). This wicked attack on Democracy must be ended, NOW!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Trump Hating, Radical Left Judge, Arthur Engoron, is, sadly, the most overturned Judge in New York State. He was just stayed on his Gag Order, which Unconstitutionally prohibited me & my attorneys from talking about important elements of a Fraud case where it was he & Letitia James that committed the Fraud by knowingly, substantially, & outrageously devaluing my asset values in order to make me look guilty of something which I did not do. In actuality, witnesses & experts have proven conclusively that my Financial Statements Value is LOW, or very Conservative, not HIGH, as they were claiming. A.G. James & Engoron worked in COLLUSION to make some assets many times lower in Value than they are. By doing this, they ridiculously & wrongfully, without Knowledge, Trial, or Jury (which is not allowed in this case!), ruled that I was guilty of FRAUD. This HOAX is a public relations disaster for New York State. Violent Crime is raging, and companies are FLEEING, never to be seen in N.Y. again!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

These Fake Political cases brought against me could have been filed years ago, but these Crooked and Biased Prosecutors, working closely with my Political Opponent in Washington, D.C., Crooked Joe Biden, waited, and waited, and waited, and filed them right in the middle of my campaign for President. Why do you think that Fani, and Alvin, and Letitia and, of course, the Deranged One, Jack Smith, took sooo long after very publicly (LEAKS!) starting their “work?” ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!! PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT!!!

Donald Trump Jr. #wingnut

One day after the corrupt politicians have chased all the businesses out of New York and destroyed what’s left of this once great city, the people will get it and they’ll pray for a guy like Trump to come back and rebuild it all.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Racist A.G. Letitia James is smirking all day long from her seat in Court, as New York continues to set records in murder and other violent crimes, and businesses flee to other States. “This is a law that’s rather bazar, this is a law that doesn’t require any victims (there are none, except me!), it doesn’t require anyone to lose money - the banks didn’t complain here, they made money. You have a (Trump Hating!) Attorney General who’s seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in damages when not a single penny was lost by these banks, and that’s part of this (Unconstitutional!) Law…You can see from the reaction of A.G. James, every morning from that seat, that she is enjoying this, enjoying it a bit too much.” Law Professor Jonathan Turley. THIS LAW HAS NEVER BEEN USED FOR THIS BEFORE. It is both Unconstitutional and very UNFAIR! No businesses will come to New York, only continue to leave. The whole case is RIGGED from D.C. It is ELECTION INTERFERENCE. OUR COUNTRY IS BROKEN & CORRUPT!!!

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