Religious fundie of the year: - Hausawa Filin Hockey upper-Sharia court, Inspector Aminu Yargoje, Idris Ibrahim and unnamed rioters: "A Nigerian Sharia court in Kano sentenced a 22-year-old gospel singer to death by hanging for alleged blasphemy in a song the singer wrote and circulated on WhatsApp."
Wingnut of the year: - Fraternal Order of Police: "A now-viral video of the confrontation shows officers throw Young and the teenager to the ground and then grab the toddler from the back seat. The scene was captured by Aapril Rice, who watched it unfold from her rooftop and told the Philadelphia Inquirer that watching a police officer take the baby was 'surreal' and 'traumatic.'"
Moonbat of the year:- Adunaiii: "From my point of view, even a sentence in a DPRK prison holds greater meaning and brings greater happiness than any 'free' life outside Juche Korea."
Conspiracy theorist of the year: - Andrew Anglin: "Are the Dangers of Heterosexual STDs Massively Exaggerated to Prevent White Reproduction?"
Ableist of the year: - Whitney Ellenby: “Autism Uncensored: Pulling Back The Curtains”
Racist of the year:- Billyape Pride: "It's been said that an infinite number of monkeys pounding away at an infinite number of typewriters would eventually produce the works of William Shakespeare. But could this ever happen with niggers?"
Sexist of the year: - goydivision: "A woman without arms or legs is an ideal girl."
Mammon-worshipper of the year: - Kambiz Golshani (inventor), Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and presstv (promoters): "a new technology that enables the detection and diagnosis of the new coronavirus within a 100-meter radius in just seconds"
Psycho of the year: - Anonymous: “(((Greatest Generation))) gets the bullet too"
Homophobe/Transphobe of the year: - Six unnamed Jakarta vigilantes: The North Jakarta Police have charged a group of men who allegedly burned a 42-year-old transgender woman to death with aggravated assault.
Pedo of the year: Lolimon: “Up until 5 years old no actual penetration would be allowed (including anal), but little girls under 5 could give blowjobs and get their tiny little pussies rubbed.”
COVIDiot quote of the year: Henry Makow PhD: "As Illuminati insider Leonard Cohen said, I have seen the future and it is murder."
Funniest quote:- David J. Stewart (1): "I'm not some religious nut, I'm a normal person."
Jack Chick Memorial Award for worst artist: - Aubrey Huff: Image depicts a stick figure man lying on his back in a reclining chair while three stick figure women surround him. The first woman is fanning him, the second women is holding a bunch of grapes, and the third women is grabbing the man’s left foot.
One-liner of the year: - Donald J. Trump “President Trump has done many great things (biggest tax & regulation cuts in history, Space Force, rebuilding our military, fixing the V.A., the Wall), but perhaps the most important of all will be what he is doing now, exposing the massive corruption in our Electoral Process.”
Magnetic crank award: Based Frog: “Oppression of Most People is Actually Good”
Website of the year:
Quote submitter of the year: @Why?
Troll of the year: @Nomates
Commenter of the year: @Passerby