Prussian Society of America

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #psycho #wingnut

[From "Urgent Message to Canadians Who Are Resisting. You Should Be Ready For Inflicting Violence"]

You may think you will be able to use “reason” or “logic” with Law Enforcement Officers[…]but from the LEOs perspective, this does not matter

You are seen as a “potential combatant” but also as a unit of “disruption”
Some viewers and people out there may also not believe Evil is a Real Thing, but the very nature of Evil itself means that it also possesses its own seed of Self-Destruction

Meaning, that Evil does not necessarily have an interest to protect itself eternally
Police Officers were completely indifferent in 2020 even in the USA while Anti-Fascists, BLM and other organized Street Forces tried to rail against them or spray paint “ACAB” or do whatever else it is they do (Burning, Looting, Murdering)
When Law Enforcement is hired, the behind the scenes screening is designed to ensure that every Officer they hire, is completely indifferent to their own primal needs to survive, their own personal interests, and even quite frankly, common sense in general
Most LEOs do not even know that they serve the interests of the NWO, but also they do not even know that the NWO forces intend to cull and replace them with a whole different set of LEOs when bringing about this system
So I write all this as a message of warning, to those of you in Canada who are in some way or part involved with the resistance measures against the Tyrannical Regime of Canada
If you’re unwilling to use violence, they will arrest you, slander you and make an example out of you and still claim you were violent anyway
It will not be held against you for what ever kinds of supply shortages or economic fallout has occurred from the disruptive activities, as we understand that this is just Liberal Drivel
Harvest time is long overdue. SHOW NO MERCY!

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #elitist

[From "Why Prussian Pride and Chauvinism, not Chivalry, are the way of the Future for Germans and Europeans"]

During Prussian Supremacy, even the Muslims recognized us as their superior

Without this Superiority Element over the Arab World, the Arab world then looks upon Europe as their potential “Caliphate”
Aside from the eras of the Greeks and Romans, that only the Prussians had made a staunch effort in the promotion of Chastity among Women so as to keep the society strong and retain Men’s Freedoms

The majority of Germanic people and many Europeans today seem to take issue with the idea of owning Women as “Property” and feel that Women should have the right towards sexual liberation
During the Prussian Reign of power, the inferior elements in Germany and Europe and any other Barbarian we encounter, when in our presence, keeps their mouth shut, and stands back in their place where they belong

The disruption of Prussian Legacy has brought us a world now where Inferiors are the rulers and ones in charge, and where Inferiors feel rights and entitlements over the Superiors
Germany’s Future relies on having a Leader who can simultaneously dismantle both Christianity and Chivalry, who can be freely offensive and brash without burdens of repercussions or disapproval, all of which must run off like rain water over his leather trench coat
Without Prussian Dominance over Germans, the average German is lost, and it is why the Modern Germans worry about things like the Environment, Green Energy, Vegan Diets, Plastic Bags and Insurance Policies
Educated German Women represented a major liability and disgrace to the legacy of German Culture and Prosperity for its future
During an era of German Greatness, Barbarians stay in their domain, they do not challenge or argue with the Prussian

Prussian Society of America #sexist

[From "“Tales Of Barbarian Women” to become a New Feature of our Website"]

We will be featuring a New Series line called “Tales of Barbarian Women” which will show stories and also YouTube Channels of the Ridiculous Specimens that exist in this world

The page will illustrate just how much Feminism has Damaged the West and what Men ought to really know about what you are dealing with when it comes to Western Women, and just how ridiculous Men go out of their way to cater everything towards them to the most unnatural degree

We promise you all will greatly love this new section, and we will also accept any contributions from viewers who wish to submit any material!

It will shortly be added with its own Dedicated Page Section

Prussian Society of America #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

[From "The Reversal of Mandates, is another catalyst for bringing about Civil War"]

Many of the Restrictions and Mandates for Vaccine Requirements to Enter Establishments, which are being reversed in a lot of places (Minus Canada), are actually yet another step towards what is inevitible, because since the COVID Cult Members were virtue signaling about how they think getting the shot means “a return back to normal” and were happy about being part of their exclusive “club”, they can no longer ride that horse with the sudden shocking news towards them, all the while they are recognizing more and more of them are getting sick, and are shocked and disturbed how unvaccinated people are not getting sick

Over recent months, more Women are also reporting Menstrual Disturbances, since their eggs are being “bled dry” from taking their vaccines, and so now this is bound to put more and more people in a tailspin if Vaccines are suddenly not required, recognizing they did it all for nothing

That being said, they can “rollback again” and bring the mandates back yet again, should they want to deem a new false “outbreak” which is something I suspect they will do, at different times and for different countries, depending on what the algorithms suggest

The amazing part of this whole agenda is how many people absolutely sold their lives on the altar of the “COVID Agenda”, where it has become their total reason for existence, ironically, with the fear of dying

They would rather sabotage every aspect of their lives, so long as they do not die, even though everyone eventually dies somehow from something sooner or later, these cyborgs think they somehow “cheated death”

They are perpetually governed by everything to do with “COVID”

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut

[From "Ukrainian Communist E-Beggars who have no shame/Disinformation about Russia"]

The circus show we are living just gets more insane and surreal by the day[…]You can’t take anything seriously around you and everything and everyone is suspicious!

Everything you see and hear on the Media is a lie, and also the lies being told about Russians attacking Ukrainian citizens, which they are not doing

The criminal and genocidal actions of these sorts are being carried out by the Zelenskyy Regime, with American/NATO Support
There is a multi-faceted agenda that the Zelenskky regime is using to destroy Ukraine, literally, between the people and the grounds, and they are falsely blaming it on the Russians, despite what the Dramatic scenes are showing people worldwide

There is also doctored and old footage from either other conflicts or the previous Maidan revolution and even footage from other countries
The Zelenskyy regime is using firing squads on the Ukrainians trying to flee the country, while blaming the Russians on carrying it out!

What sickens me is that these Communist Criminals have so much power and influence all over the world, that they can so overtly conduct their affairs[…]example of this Daughter of a father who is part of the Communist Partisans who are working towards creating Mass Destruction
While many companies including payment systems and banking is being cut off from Russia, this girl Taya Ukraine posts this publicly on her Facebook
After seeing the image below, it should be evident to you just how very corrupt and backwards Ukraine is[…]Yet the world will give a free pass from this ever being considered as DIRECTLY financing Terrorism
Look closely at her Father, and if you have the properly trained eye, you can see that he is of such Typical Communist Pedigree
They never just look like ordinary citizens of their Native Country

Prussian Society of America #ableist #racist #psycho

[From "Jewish Girl Born without a Vagina / Western Men Worship and Yearn For her"]

[Living Without A Vagina | BORN DIFFERENT]

One of my largest pet peeves[…]is the disgusting love that Western people, especially Americans, have for people who are born with deformities that are NOT natural, whether it’s a mental or physical handicap

I have explained that the major decline in primal and moral perception of others is evident in how people feel hope, inspiration and happiness from seeing people who are obviously deformed and worthless, and who otherwise should have not been permitted in the gene pool
As the Jews are a genetically altered creation that comes from a “dark force”, they are notorious for having many mental, neurological and physical defects since they are a race of “defects” to begin with

Watch the video and then read the ridiculous comments of Men who need to give their “two cents” to prove just how much “MORE” of a Woman she is compared to a Woman who does have a vagina that a Man can have sex with and reliable reproduction with
The very bizarre notion of Western People, is that they do not view leaving people who are “deformed” alive as a form of barbarism, but yet they would view giving someone mentally or physically deformed the option for euthanasia because of the fact they cannot exist normally or live a normal life, this is viewed instead as the “barbaric option”

Nevertheless, it’s all mind programming, but this mind programming comes from Christians who have long indoctrinated their adherents with having “love for all” and this delusional belief that “all life has value”

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #psycho

[From "Pogroms must be made not only for LGBTQ, But also anyone who defends their rights"]

Extremism must be the order of the day when it comes to cleaning up house, and there is nothing that irritates me more, but also that which creates more danger in our societies than the foolish bums (Especially Americans) who boast about how they have no problem with someone being Gay/Transgender or whatever the fuck new flavor of genders that have been invented, so long as they don’t push their “propaganda”

Anyone who defends these clowns and their rights for any reason is a complete and utter threat to society, and they must be eliminated and inflicted with the most torturous end

In addition, anyone who supports and defend Democracy is also an enemy and should meet the same fate

Whereas the Nazis went a bit easier on Lesbians, we shall not

Whereas the Nazis did not often use torture, we shall

We live in an Era of Proxy Wars and Elements, and we must be just as ruthless, if not the more with all these external subversive elements and give them no mercy whatsoever

There would be no greater revenge than whispering in their faces to recite “Hitler was a sweetheart” compared to us in the treatment we will deliver them

The best form of torture we can use on our enemies, even among the civil wars is forcing them to recite with every lash and pain we inflict on them to profess how the Nazis are the good guys, and pay their respects to the Führer

There will be no considerations made

This must be how they face their inevitable end

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho

[From "Why Create Wars with unimportant Nations, when we could go to War with USA, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand"]

The Elimination of the Anglo-Saxon and Celtic Race is the most paramount of all effective and valuable cleansings we can perform only second to their Jewish Masters

Other enemies of ours are smaller in scale and can be tamed or reasoned with

But the Anglo-Saxons and Celts are the most dangerous and barbaric, and they must be eliminated. They are worthless and they are the most empowering of the Jews[…]
Other Races simply just need to be placed at the Mercy of Germans, but as far as Ethnic cleansing, we must launch a global campaign of total elimination of the Anglo-Saxons and Celts

These people were also the ones who have officially ordered the Ethnic Cleansing of Germans in both World Wars. They are evil trash

The Elimination of the Anglos and Celts is not just in the interest of Germans, but of all Europeans and every Nation of the world[…]
The English are like the ugly duckling of the Germanic race, a fester that came from a certain Tribe of our people and later became prominent, and as Wilhelm II said himself, they are not deserving of their Germanic Origins, particularly since they have been responsible for tarnishing the German Image in general

They must be exterminated

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #dunning-kruger #racist

[From "Subconscious hatred of “Nazis”."]

Every person in addition to the Jews who despises “Nazis” to the high heavens[…]does so for reasons that completely transcend the surface issues of items like Political or Philosophical Ideologies, even the Racial Policies[…]
Descendants of the families who fought against Germany, are privy to specific knowledge that would not only expose their criminality, but many of their family ties and involvements[…]many War Veterans in the West who are almost exclusively of Freemasonic Backgrounds, especially in England, France and America

The Capitalists hate National Socialists, because they understand that our Doctrines completely eliminate their abilities to use racketeering, or even to profit from and exploit Real Estate[…]
The Communists/Marxists hate us, because they understand the National System was authentic in its attempts for Socialism [Namely, Socialism by Race] but not in the Economic Means, and that it created a superior model than theirs[…]National Socialism had taken over the credibility of Marxian Socialism[…]
War Veteran Families know VERY WELL that the Germans were superior than Americans especially, and the War Veterans know how many Germans they killed off, and they wish to not have to speak about this information[…]it would not only endanger their life and that of their family, but it would also have severe implications for the National Reputation[…]
The Americans and British are too pig-headed and proud to ever confess[…]prefer the route of committing National Suicide, and even taking down everyone of European descent[…]
It ever to become known that not only did America NOT fight against Communism, but that it allied with Communism[…]
They simply think they will go around beating Nazis senseless, but these scumbags know very well that they were shitting their pants when confronted with the Wehrmacht and any NS Officer

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #psycho

[From "Even if 99% of Germans were against us, we would not abandon our Mission"]

The Prussian Mission in this world is something that can never be abandoned from our Hearts

It may be today that Germany has little interest in the restoration of it, but this does not dim our desire and ambitions, simply we would then write off 99% as being Anti-German, Null and Void as if it were a Cancer that must be cut out, to be repopulated with Germans deserving the name and glory of what it means to be German

Every German alive today who curses the idea of restoring the Reich and yet embraces Democracy has committed unforgivable sins towards his German brothers and sisters, and must pay the price for these sins

Every German who swears off the National Socialist Party leaders has desecrated the most honorable and Noble leadership to grace the Holy Lands of Germany

We are not here to be Popular or Popularly accepted, nor to gain trust from others or for them to see that we are in the right. To lower ourselves to this level will put us in the inferior position which we must Dominate[…]
The vengeance to be unleashed on the Western World is to carry out the Mission[…]
The innumerable war crimes that have been cast upon Germany and other nameless European peoples who today live as a minority in squalor and suffer for their survival at the best of the racial trash that leeches off them, must be paid for in blood, monies and land[…]
We are Passionate Professional Haters

We believe that unity through Hatred is the most powerful force on Earth, and only the most Bold and Bravest of our kind will feel the fever the way we do and in unison with us

There must be more and more Hatred, it must become encompassing, there must be more hatred of the Vaccinated!

Every Vaccinated person should be treated as a “disease” and a “danger” to our healthy population and should be regarded as a liability to the State!

So let there be more Hatred!

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist

[From "The Price Americans, especially American Soldiers & Veterans are about to pay, is Frighteningly enormous"]

Of course, not frightening for us Prussians[…]
American Soldiers and Veterans have taken all the disgusting credit away from Germans and in fact many other Europeans and other Nations who have naturally worked to defend Honor and their own People’s[…]
Americans are going to get their assess kicked REALLY fucking hard in the conflict that is now taking place with Ukraine[…]
American Soldiers[…]especially the USMC are the biggest scum of the earth, and they are about to have all of their Uniforms stripped from them, and if Nuclear Weapons don’t get around to it, people will dig up the graves of every US Soldier ever buried and smash the graves and burn the corpses that lie buried in their caskets[…]
The Hatred that will soon emerge for Americans is going to be absolutely epic[…]
Why their is such a Propaganda War to make Putin seem the most evil[…]
It’s curious to see how while the Western People have had no problems also about the damages done to countries like Iraq[…]
The Arab world has mostly been lost anyway, which is all by design in the leadup for Israel to conquer it all[…]
This is why the Western World needs a powerful leader with an iron fist [In Germany][…]
The thing with Russia is that, while they are trying to protect Civilian lives of the Ukrainians[…]we cannot simply assume that the same fate would be given to any expansion of this conflict in Non-Slavic countries[…]
Even if Americans were to live in the future with no Dictatorship that would keep them confined[…]there will be a day when Americans will not be able to ever travel again. They will be shot on sight[…]
The Prussian Society of America does not guarantee protections or security for any group of “Caucasian Women”

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #quack

[From "The Attack on Beef and Mid-Western Farms is Deliberate"]

It is no coincidence that “Beef” is the most Industry-targeted meat staple the enemy is trying to eliminate, along with the bogus “Bird Flu” in which they are trying to claim the majority of infections are in the Mid-West

It’s truly unbelievable (rhetorically speaking) that people are buying into this nonsense, for all we care, they could invent 12 New Pandemics now and people will eat it all up!

All in the name of a “pandemic”, they can justify culling as many species of animals, or humans (including political opponents) as they please, and cover it all up

In addition to the Texas Cattle Ranchers, the Mid-Western Farmers and Belt is one of the most important regions for a lot of farming that is done, and we have an abysmal start for a growing season already this year as it is

This is a direct attack on German-American Farmers, and also a means that they are trying to destabilize the Mid-West in general

All of the destruction and methods of what is done in the US Farming industry is a complete crime against humanity and even against the animals with vaccination and industrialized methods and so forth[…]
The Communists who run America are literally trying to pull out all the stops for Full-Force Starvation

BEEF is the most healthiest and highest in nutrition[…]along with other Red Meats, compared to all other Meats. While there is of course the attacks on Chicken and Pork[…]the key attack has been on Beef[…]
They have brainwashed people to think Red Meat is the most dangerous meat and these bogus ideas that it cause “Colon Cancer” and Heart Disease

The “Colon Cancer” Conspiracy Theory from meat was actually drummed up from the idea of “cured meats”[…]
The Health Industry decided to not blame the salt, but instead to blame the meat!

Prussian Society of America #sexist

[From "Effective 1 MAY 2022, We will no longer admit any New Women into Our Organization"]

Due to the ever-increasing problems and chaos that are becoming prevalent with Women, no less, even with many “German Women”, we will be closing all Admission and Consideration for any Applicants who have taken interest in our Society as of 1 May 2022

The current condition of German Women, both in America, Germany and all around the world is absolutely abysmal and unacceptable

The rapidly deteriorating situation with Women and overall Society is becoming far too unbearable, and we have been having some who have approached our Society either using it as a means to think they will scoop up Men for their own ill means, and many have provided us with False Identities/Aliases, and have been pushing other kinds of absolute nonsense that is really becoming far too absurd to deal with

To protect the integrity and security of our Fraternal Order and Club Membership, we will no longer be admitting any Women whatsoever for the foreseeable future, and this policy is not likely to be reversed

Women who are not Official Members of PSA are not welcome to attend any of our hosted public events

Please do not contact us

Prussian Society of America #elitist #racist #conspiracy #wingnut

[From "Separate Website Exposing Subversive Frauds in Music Subcultures and Explaining Music History to be Launched"]

In witnessing a lot of divisions and breakdowns of society[…]I have decided that we will be launching a separate website to discuss matters relating to Music and Subcultures, along with Subversive themes along the lines of their history but especially with the themes that have overtaken them today and have distorted their original form

It will focus a lot on the subcultures related to Goth, Punk and Metalhead and related scenes

I want to keep this topic separate from this website, especially because it is also more based on American problems within these Subcultures and I cannot exactly vouch for any bleeding of the degeneracy that may be spilling over into either the German, UK or European Scene in general.

From what I understand in Germany, the scene is still thriving and generally good and I still find a lot of Great New Music acts and everything which come out of the Fatherland

But if any social issues which I report in the American Music scene exist in any form whatsoever in the European Countries, we would be so grateful to hear anyone’s feedback on this, but I will still always believe the American one is the worst[…]
The website we will launch will focus on history and other attributes behind the American Music Scene, especially in how the Jews and Ulster Scots completely have a monopoly on Rock ‘N’ Roll and its development[…]It will discuss how degeneracy has been even much more of a problem with the American scene compared to Europe and even the UK at that[…]
It also gets hard to discuss this topic without bringing up the Jewish Problem and even the reason why the Nazis suppressed Jazz [rightfully so][…]

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist

[From "Poles already regretting taking in Ukrainian Refugees"]

Within a matter of days of Poland taking in the Ukrainian Refugees, we received countless amount of feedback about how the Ukrainians immediately took advantage of Refugee status[…]many of these migrants been found to come from questionable elements which are not even of Ukrainian descent[…]Ukrainian Women are making proposals and using methods of stealing Polish Men behind the backs of their girlfriends and wives[…]
Having traveled a lot and interacting with many different Races especially in various projects, I have witnessed the various races who do attempt infidelity and to interact with other Men or Women behind the backs of others

Most of the time, Barbarian Races use verbal flirting methods

Even Roma Gypsies I have encountered only resorted to verbal seduction[…]
The tactics and finesse she used to isolate her husband from the scenario were beyond imaginable that someone would chance what she did, but when you understand the nature of this people and how poor, desperate and corrupt that country is, applying the racial attributes about them, you can understand how someone would even attempt something like that, in her own household as well[…]
One thing many Western Men overlook when involving themselves with Russian or Ukrainian women is that those Women do not like Men who ever have idle time. While they may be a so-called “wife” type, they hoodwink the most gullible Men, and they want that Man always busy with work so she may tend to other activities behind his back when he is not around[…]
Many Slavic Men not have much enthusiasm over their own Women and many remain indifferent to Westerners who come to these countries[…]for these types of Women

It’s because they know how much value is lacking in their own Women[…]
We can only wonder now what types of things these Ukrainian Immigrants will be doing in Germany!!!

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #psycho

[From "Yes, you “DO” owe your existence to someone else"]

There is a major Individualistic Obsession/Trend among Western people these days with a snarky attitude like “I don’t owe anything to anyone”

And it is precisely this attitude which is a major problem, because such people who think they ought to be allowed to exist in this manner, must be culled from the population

The people who speak these words are a liability

It is also the reason why Citizens should be property of the State, particularly as far as the German Reich is concerned

A society where people think they do not need to owe anyone anything, but feel they are owed, is one on its way to completely self-annihilation

Prussian Society of America #racist #magick #fundie #conspiracy

[From "Demonic Bloodlines vs. Demonic Possession/How Christianity distorted “Demonic” Concept"]

The layers of how well Christianity has influenced most of Modern People[…]is so pervasive that even Non-Believers and Atheists alike, still subscribe to Christian theology[…]
People are more familiar with the concept of people becoming “demon-possessed”, rather than the object of Bloodlines being the origin of Demonic Hosts, but the reason for this is that the Church has a strategic interest[…]
Demonic Possession is possible[…]usually happens either through trauma or abuse[…]
Otherwise, Demonic Possession usually only happens to people who in general are very Weak-willed, and have accordingly given up their will to something, and such is common on low levels such as with drug users, and on the high levels such as in Hollywood Initiation of Famous Stars[…]
Demons present themselves, more often than not to the public, as being victims or somehow having certain ethics or ideas that are noble[…]
As most of Humanity is programmed to view and follow certain traits and attributes that they view as agreeable based on their specific programming, this is why false ideas of what is Good or Evil exist[…]
Same reason why Hitler was believed to be “Demonic Possessed” and that so too were the German People during the Third Reich, but in fact the opposite was true, since Adolf Hitler was charged with Divine Authority[…]
Science can only be a means via the “Scientic Process”, but to make it the pillar of Human civilization, purpose and existence is to bring Mankind to a humdrum and slavish state[…]
If the British Royal Family for example did not know something something about their Bloodlines, why would they be so ultra curious about maintaining it so well, as does many other Royal Family Lines?[…]
Few people suspect the Jew as Evil because Jews always manipulate people and host nations

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

[From "Fucking Canadians/New bogus Virus Scares"]

Canada really should be regarded for what it is, America’s leftover trash heap next door

I did some statistical research of the global interests about “COVID” in how it has peaked and waned since 2020, and it appears that the Canadians and Australians are more obsessed than ever and take more interest points in anything to do with “Coronavirus News” than all other Nations

Not only this, but the new bogus “monkeypox” scare that just comes out of nowhere, guess who tops the list?!

Canada and Australia, above all other countries (with the exception of Nigeria)

Nigeria is a tough country to rely on in statistics however, because of the amount of scams and opportunistic criminals that operate in that country which sometimes may have nothing to do with any personal interest, so statistics tend to not tell much to the story for that country[…]
There is nothing worthy reporting on the new “monkeypox” scare, because it appears to be only that

The only possible interest is there is some ingredient that discusses something on the Astra-Zeneca Literature for the A-Z COVID-19 Vaccine that implies something to the effect of a chimpanzee adenovirus existing in it, but I have no firm statement on it to make at this time whether this is a coincidence or if there is a connection with it

But for the most part, we can assume that nearly all new scares of anything, are either designed as placeholders to buy time, or for the coming deaths of masses of people in which they will institute new Lockdowns out of nowhere just as rapidly, and without any discussion or challenge

We are in Year 3 of this nonsense, and most Humanoids still don’t see how they have fell for the plot over and over and over with being promised bogus economic reopenings and “getting back to normal” when there will be no sense of normality

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy #elitist #racist

[From "Europe to become a backwater and repeat mistakes dating back to even the 14th century"]

I would like to reiterate the fact that there has not ever been a single figure in European History ever known, who sought to disrupt the flow and channels of wealth, particularly ill-gotten wealth and the status quo, as to the level that Adolf Hitler had sought

This is why “Hitler Had To Be Stopped”™[…]
Europe’s conflicts will never be natural or out of true necessity[…]Only Adolf Hitler ever stood up to trying to eliminated thievery and advantageous scenarios that permanently allowed the Wealthy to ever gain and hold precedent on wealth[…]
The Nazi Economic policies were of the most harsh and brutal variety (as they should be) that any Authoritarian Regime has ever attempted in history. Behind shutting down union offices and confiscating their wealth, confiscating wealth from the Jews (rightfully so), and also using other excellent examples of punishment towards anyone with ill-gotten wealth or real estate holdings[…]
Most Baby Boomers are corrupt and immoral degenerates, the large majority of them are, and so are the children they had born which took on their ways

The consequences for the road of which things have led on will surely bring about the catastrophe of the Dark Age that took place for Europe in the Middle Ages[…]
Our Love and Support for Adolf Hitler is so great in his ambitions, that even if it meant that all of Europe had to face an even greater genocide and wealth confiscation program to secure the BEST populations to prosper and build a new future for Europe, we would be in total support for it[…]
Civil War is the only way

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist

[From "The Blowing up of the Georgia Guidestones"]

The Title is not click-bait, it really did happen[…]
The most interesting fact about this taking place is that it will almost certainly draw even much more unintended attention to the stones, plus there is very little of a moral argument for why the stones would have been demolished by someone or to go overboard in declaring it vandalism or anything evil to do, considering what was etched into these stones

Further, the fact that the Stones were built once, and have become ominous, to have them rebuilt will bring rapid attention or risks to those trying to build and replace them there, unlike the first time around. If they are ever to be replaced, at minimum at the same location, even a contractor who would erect them would be putting their lives at risk from people in-the-know who would attack them, despite the fact that there is some level of security at the site

However, even as ridiculous or absurd any arguments that can be on either side about these stones, they will ruthlessly go through as much expense and investigation as possible to try to hunt down who demolished them, since the monument was built by the Freemasons

This act, however, definitely is a very strong message to the Illuminati and Freemasons, and I certainly cannot say that I am against the act

Granted, we are in serious need of a major population reduction, because the real populations of value have already been eliminated

The Illuminati allowed for the rampant reproduction that people engaged in after World War II, along with an artificial massive boom in the world population. All of it was purposely done and artificial, not a natural phenomenon that just happened

These monsters who control humanity have destroyed the Human Species and turned people into Zombies, and they still intend to get rid of anyone else left who is not a Zombie

Prussian Society of America #racist #dunning-kruger

[From "The Cry of Racism is actually a denial of participation in Racial Civil War"]

Just as any animal would never think of other animals to be “racist”, even among its own species, an animal instinctively understands that any potential outsider is a threat to its territorial grounds and its desire to breed[…]
People who cry about Racism are actually weakened shadows of their own Racial People from yesterday, because instinctively, Men of their own tribe[…]do not blame other races for being “racist”[…]
It is a complete joke that people of the era we live in think that they will somehow eradicate “racism”[…]real problem is that they do not recognize what a Race is, and the fact that Race is a Sub-species

Even Birds recognize their is a pecking order among themselves[…]
The fact that there is discussion or debate, or such open dialogue in our times that Barbarians can so openly and freely debate and discuss these topics, is a sign of chronic decline and peril[…]
Inferiors always know they are Inferior, and the only people who want to deny that some races are naturally inferior, are people who reject nature

It doesn’t matter what an Inferior speaks of, or professes that he believes, because when things come down to the most basic levels and needs of survival, the Inferior will always demonstrate their character of savagery[…]
Make no mistake, many European People are Barbarians too, it’s not just Non-Caucasians

If you are not of Pure Greek [Hellenic], Pure Roman or Pure Germanic Descent, you are a Barbarian, and you will always be a Barbarian[…]
Today, you should be answering to a German Conqueror, and it is for this same reason that even under artificial edifices and institutions in the EU for example, Germany is still looked at as the Center[…]
True Germans are not afraid to be Racist, or to correct and influence something over a Barbarian at any time, for any reason

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho

[From "Making Laws that deem and punish Women as sexual predators is revolutionary."]

It is alarming how much the Justice scales are tipped against Men and in favor of Women in these times, but the era is upon us where the damage Women have done in societies will create such a demand that Men will have to use violence and the heavy hand of law to treat Women

If a Woman in any way weaponizes her body, uses it for ill-intended purposes, or to make money or tease Men, she should be punished with torture and systemically registered as a Sex Offender

Imprisonment would be a lucky chance for her, because sexual deviance in Women including infidelity calls for burning them in the public square

The first step in eliminating the problem with Women is legislation and attitudes must no longer permit the viewing of Women as a victim, or that she may be prone to being a victim or disadvantaged compared to the Man

Women are pretty damn vicious, and for this reason, Women should have less rights in society, more restrictions and more laws placed against her, as she is Not a Sovereign Vessel as a Man

Only Weak, Pathetic, Stupid Men look at Women as victims or want to help them with everything[…]
The National Socialists gave Women the right to vote, however we see that as an experimental tendency, and it violates our Prussian Tradition of suppressing the Woman and regarding her as the inferior

Europeans always should look to Prussian Standards when it comes to how to treat and regard Women

If the era which calls for enacting Laws against Women for their behavior cannot be pursued, Men should refrain from sexual relations and use violence

The problem is that not enough Men use violence, hence Laws have been put into place

Prussian Society of America #racist #elitist

[From "Not fighting for your Racial People or against COVID means you must marinate in self-hatred and Lament"]

The Caucasian World is entering a new wave of a total stupor beyong anything ever witnessed in the history of the West, and the consequential results of a people who have entirely given up the “fight” in anything for their Name and Legacy, along with refusing to engage in revolutionary activity because they are cowards and socially retarded, and refusing the fight against COVID Protocols, comes with a heavy price to pay

The price means that you will see endless hordes of White people who are simmering, marinating and completely engulfed in their own despicable Self-Hatred

Let them stew and marinate in their horrible concotion of toxic stew

Fucking retards and cowards, especially White Collar ones as well

The major destiny for the Caucasian world is to be roiled in Self-Hatred and to look like tattered jerks who are laying on the street

This is the destiny they have chosen, over pursuing truth or racial defense

All because they “didn’t want to look like some sort of crazy person” or lose their social acceptance among others

Fucking Morons

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho #racist

[From "Don’t even think or debate about Saving and Protecting White Women"]

The majority of them are completely long dead and gone. They are just whistling past the graveyard, and only a fool with a Christian conscience would entertain such silly notions

You must be a Man who has enough self-respect for your Sovereignty to stomach the idea of witnessing your own savage racial women starve and suffer

They deserve it

The Grim Reaper, needs to come do his long overdue handiwork, so to speak[…]
Of these filthy whores manage to even survive through the coming storm, it’s only a question about who will capture them and hold them ransom as Slaves to either be used or sold, because that will be the only use for them and even at that, Western Women have highly toxic minds and bodies, so they are actually even low value slaves. They would be sold very cheaply

Caucasian Women who have maintained their honor, integrity and purity in every interpretations of those words, are few and far between, and only such specimens as those are worthy of securing

Women are routinely cheap with Men and give Men nearly nothing but an idea, therefore it is wise that a Man acts very cheaply with Women[…]
Gender Segregation, as I have warned about, is becoming a major trend now in the West, and will continue to accelerate

Men and Women are pretty much no longer ideal for one another because of genetic tampering with the races, intermixing and subversive Propaganda with Feminism that has ensured it

And when you tie in the genetic changes and infertility that Women now have after taking the clot shots, not only can they not have kids, but they have even longer duration menstrual cycles which means more aggravation and pissy moods from them

Prussian Society of America #fundie #wingnut

[From "It is a duty of the Prussian State, to regulate and completely control the public’s use of anything relating to “God” or the “Divine”"]

As it was in Ancient Times, keeping the most sacred secrets of anything Divine, left to only the responsible, is one of very prudent and careful measures[…]
There are those of us who are very carefully informed about what is “known” in the realm of Divinity, but even with what we must keep concealed from the Public who is not necessarily responsible to handle such information without bastardizing it, we can at least admit to the public that this Universe is NOT a creation by God[…]
Censorship, even down to Musical lyrics or Poetry or any Literature that refer to God in any inappropriate ways, or which have connections to religious cults or delusional ideas, needs to be called into question and essentially banned[…]
People who also preach Falsities about God or Gods, or some notions that “God will forgive them” or whatever nonsense of the day is being dished out, these people belong in concentration camps and are a public threat

It is one thing to believe in God or some Gods. It is another to have delusions about it, and to think that “God was there for me” or “God has a plan for me” or even to suggest to others that “God has a plan for them”

99% of the time, when God, or even the mythical “Jesus” is uttered by an individual, it is almost always out of an ego-centric and/or subversive manner, whether the utterer realizes it or not, and they fail to recognize their delusion[…]
Such religious fools like these need to be arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapo[…]
For those who really have such a sincere desire to learn about the sacred mysteries of the divine, and how this universe is basically locked away from it, they must approach us or which ever Mystery School is in charge, to demonstrate their discipline and wisdom

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #quack

[From "Video Clips to remind about the Truth about Trump and his Supporters"]

You can boast on and on about Trump being a Christian and Conservative President, but in America’s history, he is also the most Liberal of all Conservative Presidents that the country ever elected into office

Let these video clips be a reminder as to why Trump was just an actor and a Jew puppet the entire time in office, but of course the Right Wingers will always wish to correct you by saying “Oh, but he HAD to do that because the Liberals would do this”[…]
Even if the bastard were just paying Lip Service for his ratings and tolerance in office, it’s still disingenuous and demonstrates how low the Moral Standards are in Americans

Trump Pledged to defend the LGBTQ Community:
Trump: I will protect LGBTQ citizens from hateful rhetoric of radical terrorists

Trump Promoting the COVID Vaccines:
When Trump has told his supporters to get vaccinated

Donald Trump Endorsing the COVID Vaccines:
Donald Trump endorses COVID vaccines at Alabama rally

Trump Capitulates to Mask Wearing:
Trump Signals Strongest Support Yet for Masks

Prussian Society of America #elitist

[From "Evolution of German Culture, would require the Repudiation of Insurance"]

Should Germans still “live” in any form, they will eventually come to recognize that Insurance has been nothing but a Fraud

There is an instinct in our people to avoid risk or at least to mitigate risk[…]what we ought to look for is less with the potential of avoiding risks at all costs, but more towards risk management[…]
The long-term Problem with Insurance[…]there is one major hurdle that cannot be swept under the carpet which makes Insurance something that is not sustainable in the long-term

This is true about ALL forms of Insurance and Welfare payments, including Retirement[…]
Insurance eventually becomes self-destructive to a Nation, where people will find themselves inevitibly paying more into it and gaining less benefits, and to where it becomes more engulfing and oppressive, less efficient and not reasonable

Insurance Policies, Welfare and Retirement Benefits, all require new suckers to pay into the funds, to keep expenses going for the older generations who paid into them[…]
True Risk Management, should not always be looked at from the standpoint of having it managed by a Financial Agent or Institution, but by the raw industrious power and prosperous nature that is within the German people itself[…]
Understand that in a truly prosperous society, things like “insurance” are not required, since whatever the case may be due from damage or other means, the abilities to get things resolved would naturally be a lot cheaper[…]
Insurance is unfair, because it requires all those who do not use it[…]to have to pay into the pool for other[…]
We cannot have Insurance Companies living and thriving among us. And their existence should be outlawed by civilzied peoples[…]
Insurance is quick-fix shortcut towards not addressing systemic needs of a society and its advancing population or demands

Prussian Society of America #racist

[From "Race Wars will also mean Intra-Racial Wars"]

The inevitible Race Wars which will break out in America and Europe, will be of epic porportions

America, however is already under a Race War, but it is an undeclared one at this time[…]
It is absolutely imperative that we must take advantage of every opportunity to expose, exploit and even curtail conditions to our favor and interest when it comes to Intra-racial conflicts[…]
This may mean using direct or indirect methods of instigating tensions or conflicts between said races[…]
The Barbarian Races know that their own people are Barbarians[…]
Every Barbarian knows they are inferior, thus they are seeking for any platform of leverage[…]
It is the same reason why their own leaders suppress their own people in their Nations in the style that they do[…]
We must make no effort to leave the stones unturned with the fact that most Hispanic people alive today are not purely Spaniards and many of them have Sephardic Jewish Ancestry

It is advantageous and desirable[…]Latin America upholds to its largest extent as possible, its own policy of Aryan Supremacy in terms of maintaining Pure Spanish or Portuguese Blood[…]
We must make no effort to withold the fact that African-Americans are de facto, “Bolshevized” Elements and that many African-Americans have a few droplets of Jewish ancestry[…]We must utilize every opportunity to even encourage these “Africans” to want to impose pogroms or enslave these “African-Americans”[…]
The American Indian Race[…]is a very complex issue, because for one they are an Oriental Race, but while they are not Jewish, some Tribes were more aggressively violent than others[…]
In Germany, the Welfare State must entirely be shut down[…]It must be entirely eradicated if we are to even begin to give Germany a sporting chance at fighting back against the enemies of the Vaterland

Prussian Society of America #sexist #elitist #homophobia #transphobia

[From "Women Behave and Think like Criminals"]

Men, generally are indifferent to other Men, whereas Women are never indifferent to other Women and view every other Women as a potential threat and rival [enemy]

Outside of Criminal Syndicates, or with the excessive need for overcoming Online “Censorship”, Men never use “Code-speak” with other Men or even with Women for that matter

It is Women who are always using Code-speak and hiding their intentions, saying one thing while meaning another

Also, Women make no shame about their attraction and interest towards dating Criminals, while outside of Criminal Syndicates, you would almost never hear of a Man who approves of other Criminals[…]
We must have total determination to break up and smash this society and world order that is determined to maintain the idea and notion that Men are only valued for Money[…]Natural Selection can be restored to its high

Our greatest tragedy today is that the Majority of both Men and Women are directly related to the Majority of Women alive, and not equally towards the pool of Men left in our genetic populations, and the fact that these majority of genetics that are being handed down, come from Filthy, Greedy, Money-hungry, Narcissistic/Psychopathic and Parasitic Pathological Lying types

We can only ultimately seek to bring about their extermination[…]
Women who are dishonest about attraction, also have dishonest sex drives[…]they will engage in deviant sexual behavior, which includes infidelity, experimenting with other Women or Transgender people, even their own Pets (especially Dogs), and that such Women are actually more only interested or turned on by a Man’s Wealth[…]
Women who have dishonest sex drives are also horrible in the bedroom. They are like a chore to deal with and expect the Man to do all the work and drain the Man of his sexual energies in the bedroom, and then drain his wallet

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy

[From "Whites Will Lose To Colored People For This One Specific Reason"]

The only people in the world who are careful and cautious about appearing Pragmatic, Righteous and Lawful are Caucasians

The Jews are using this to destroy Caucasians collectively, by guilt-tripping them through the Nobility of what it means to be Caucasian, and by the perpetual indoctrination of Christianity, and it’s destruction it has laid for over 2000 Years

There are very few Caucasian people left in this world who are willing to stand up as Pariahs against the rest of the world, let alone their own people for the sake of losing their reputations or being humiliated or ostracized for it

And when we look for such people like that, the most common class to find who are willing to be Pariahs are inevitibly the Criminal Classes

We couldn’t care less what other people think of us, let alone the Modern German or European Masses, or the World’s population itself

It should be known that the only Caucasian People which can ever expect to even have a whiff of a chance for survival, are those which are willing to be the most Ruthless, Daring Pariahs amidst the degrading, listless, mundane bourgeoisie and Corporate Drones which live their lives in Auto-Pilot

Even in the best case scenario, Displacement of most European Races is inevitable in some shape or form because of unwillingness to perceive or stand up for the task that must be done to ensure Future survival and relevance. With the exception of Russia, even all the other Slavic Nations will eventually be over-run, it’s only a matter of time[…]
Assuming of course, whomever or whatever remains alive in the case of Nuclear War

Prussian Society of America #sexist #conspiracy #racist


It is no surprise that Andrew Tate is being “taken down”, however do not be surprised if this is actually nothing more than a Smoke and Mirrors operation and it could actually be staged altogether, just like the so-called “Trump Impeachment”

It’s Kabuki Theater[…]
With Trump’s alleged “Impeachments” and 2020 Election Loss, they had stirred both sides of the population

The Left Wing believed Trump was going to be destroyed[…]
The Right Wing were believing in the QAnon psyops[…]
Even the January 6th event was another great example of Kabuki Theater and Psyop Operations[…]
Trump only has loyalty to Capitalists and especially his Jewish Handlers[…]
The reason for going on about that is because I want you to think about it and relate it to what is going on with Andrew Tate’s sudden takedown, which also makes his Christmas Message he delivered to age “badly” in the eyes of his desperate and hopeful supporters[…]
From a lot of what we’ve been reviewing about Andrew Tate’s take down in Romania, it seems that this is more of a greater operation in having used Andrew Tate as an element and face cover for “Toxic Masculinity”, i.e. that the World Controllers spun him into the figurehead[…]
It also stirs up an element to make Men who do travel abroad to Eastern Europe or other countries to even more so be potentially viewed as “Sex Tourists”, so this effort seems to be aimed at targeting “Target Masculinity”[…]
It may also be playing a discreet role in bringing about the Gender Civil War, because it will only make tensions rise further between Men and Women[…]
Women in the West are also “closing their legs even tighter than ever” these days now as well, as they are seeing the money and freebie pools drying up around them rapidly[…]
Women who have no fear of their Men, are cunning

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

[From "The Albanian Question/Problem (Future Article)"]

I am in the process of an entry dedicated to a Race which denies their Slavic Heritage, but also the fact that they remain a Menace and Liability for many European and Western States, but are very cautious in hiding the destruction they do until it’s too late

If you have any questions or topic points you would like to be addressed on this article, please send me an E-mail and I will be sure to feature it in the upcoming release and why Albanians are an untrustworthy race and are not who you think they are, despite their clever antics and machinations when they come to your country

The Albanian Race is prone to corruption and bad decisions as a people, and they are one of the Lowest Empathy Races in the world. The Article will explain their Low Empathy

While Barbarian Races can have High Empathy and still be outright Savages, it will illustrate the difference in character of Albanians since they, like all Slavic peoples, have Low Empathy, but yet why they are also in denial of their Slavic Heritage, at least in Modern Times as far as we know

Prussian Society of America #elitist #dunning-kruger

[From "Sooner or Later, The Automaton Issue Will Become More Evident and Inescapable"]

It doesn’t matter what someone says or who they claim to be a as a person

It doesn’t matter what Laws you Create or Change in your Favor

You cannot recondition Automatons or make any good use out of them, unless they are to be used as the Slaves they are, but the problem to begin with is that they are all Energy suckers

They provide no meaningful existence or purpose, and they use other Humans and live vicariously through them

They are very clever imitators however, which makes them able to be highly convincing towards others

The best way to know that someone is an Automaton or even of a Demonic origin is to look out for that Lip-licking or tongue flopping reflex[…]
In the long run, if you want to keep toxic people out of your life, this is the easiest and most simple method to discover who is one of these monsters, always watch the tongue movement provided they are not eating or drinking food or chewing gum

You will notice more and more everywhere in society, no matter which country you live in, that almost all the Human populations have this unnatural reflex, and you will automatically know that these people are liars and frauds, and are toxic garbage[…]
When you become aware of just how numerous these creatures are, you will become absolutely disgusted by it. You will also see them in your own families or among people you work with

What’s worse, is many Automatons have also come to believe that they can call out “other Automatons” as if they are not one themselves

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut

[From "New Video: The absurdity of “Non-Germans” Demanding to be Recognized as “Germans”"]

What's the hardest part of life in Germany?

Asians wanting to be recognized as “Germans”. Something that could only be concocted from the Liberal Ideology, since no natural person even born in the Orient would ever even think to be considered “German” when they are Asian

Imagine us Germans going to China, Japan or Korea and telling them we really are of their ethnicities, it just so happens to be that we are from “Germany”

Also as typical outside of Germany, many people even among other White Nations are ignorant to think Red Hair is a native feature of Germanics, when it is not. That’s why red-headed Germans are rare, it is not native to our bloodline except in territories where Celtic settlements existed prior or along-side Germanic Tribes[…]
Freckles, Red Hair and Ultra Pale Skin [Pinkish skin] are Celtic/Jewish Trait, not Nordic ones

This video makes me sick and is nauseating, and any German that still has semblance of honor and despises what is taking place in the Vaterland also would naturally have this same reflex[…]
The Hispanics in the video also illustrate exactly how different Barbarian Peoples are about “follow rules”, compared to how Germans behave[…]
In Purer Eras, these clowns would be viewed for who they truly are, especially as the video thumbnail, such a person would be viewed as someone walking into a store trying to convince others that they are a Helicopter but nobody believes them

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut

[From "VIDEO: East Prussia will always belong to East Prussians, not Barbarian Occupiers, Speech by Stephan Grigat"]

»Ostpreußen lebt!« – Rede von LO-Sprecher Stephan Grigat, Wolfsburg 2022

A very thorough and articulated speech given by Stephan Grigat, and it makes our society extremely happy to witness this thriving ambition that still exists with other fellow Prussians who today are still alive and connected with our Spiritual Heritage and the Land[…]
However, our only large disagreements in this speech come to where the present Ukrainian and Lithuanian/Polish involvement in the Russian situation come into play[…]
One could argue legalities[…]but the other factors at play is that even though Russia owns Königsberg today through ill-gotten means and renamed it to their liking, there are other powers and institutions at play which oversee it along with the fact that Russia is a massive Nuclear power[…]
While we posses some of the most sacred ideas in how to go about wrestling back East Prussia and all other lost land back into the Greater Germany, I will never publish them openly here or for public viewing in any form[…]
It is interesting to note how in general for a long window of time, there has barely been much talk or sincere interest[…]in restoring Prussian Lands[…]
Should Lithuania continue with what it’s doing in the Railway blockade, we have the right to charge Lithuania with endangering Hallowed German Territory[…]
Germans must remember at all times[…]we have lacked and will still continue to lack a true National, Sovereign Army since 1945. The Wehrmacht was our last hope[…]
The Prussian Society of America will always remain open to feedback from anyone of Prussian or German ancestry, and we would appreciate to hear from anyone who ever desires to communicate with us further on solidifying our Eternal Goal

Prussian Society of America #dunning-kruger #wingnut #quack #pratt #sexist


Just the other day, I had learned some new very insightful information on people wearing masks by some Woman who works in the Medical Industry about the effects of Mask Wearing on the Brain / Body
even while Brain Cells will begin to deteriorate and die, that the exposure to up to about 20% of reduction in Oxygen intake levels will even cause the Brain to adjust to build tolerance in breathing in lower levels of oxygen over extended periods of time
This now puts things in an ENTIRELY new perspective, explaining everything you need to know about this addiction to masking, when you sit back to understand the consequences as far as why people are so eager to continue wearing their masks and find no desire to let up or revolt against the practice
There are now well over 2 Billion Masks discarded into World Oceans since the start of the COVID Cult, not to mention all the other Hospital Equipment, all of it which is highly contaminated with Estrogenic properties
[Some rambling on environment and how Germany is not "the most Forward-Thinking Nation in the world [...] since 1945"]
Today, in my vicinity I had to stop at the Local Supermarket, and even just outdoors, everyone is wearing their Masks again just like back in April/May 2020
God Forbid, if I were living somewhere in Europe right now, even if there was a Law or Mandate, I would still not be wearing masks, even if it meant my death over it. I am beyond tired of this nonsense
If you can’t even be bothered to carry out the most minimal of resistance methods in this fight, like even to go about Slamming the Doors behind you in people’s face trying to Enter a store with their masks on at public establishments, or to tell some nasty cunt who is wearing her mask how ugly she is and how her face looks like a guy’s crotch, you are absolutely pathetic and worthless in this fight!
There is No “Happy New Year” at this point, and it would be foolish and disingenuous for me to say it, even out of cordiality or tradition

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

[From "Albanians Are No Better Than Serbians"]

The Dark History of Albania & The Future of the American Empire

Albanians are not the people most people think they are… And the Nations which import them or give them free ability to exist and have their way, will greatly regret[…]
The Albanians rely on the so-called “Illyrian Myth”, but the fact is that they are Turko-Slavs, some are more or entirely Turkish (bottom of the Barrel) or Slavic[…]
It is no mistake that this Man mentions in the video that without American, that they would basically be the “Kurds of Europe”, because that is the thing with them, they have no loyalties or richness or honor as a people, like some other Barbarians do

This video at least provides insight into the mind of how Albanians think, and all the more proves the Barbarism of Slavs, yet they try to make themselves seem more honorable than “Russians”

All Slavs, are known for being highly Barbaric and stirring up conflicts all the time even among their own people[…]
If Albanians are regarded as the “Mexicans of Europe”, then we must say that the Albanians are White on the outside, but Negroes on the inside

Albanians are not well-liked in Europe because they have horrific personalities and values, even look and behave sketchy and are involved in a lot of illicit activities. They even have their hands all in with Espionage and the CIA and Biotech firms, and they have absolutely no loyalty to anyone[…]
The Best thing Europeans can do at least as far as how they observe the regional conflict of Serbia/Kosova/Albania is to have completely indifference[…]
In terms of the Balkans, these countries along with Bosnia are troubled grounds and troubled people[…]
Lowest IQ of all people in Europe, and Lowest Empathy. Passive-Aggressive Personalities who only lower the leve of culture, integrity and honesty in society to very abysmal levels

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

[From "Videos proving Ukrainians are dumb as a doorknob"]

I have an entry I will be publishing soon on the outbreak of war in Ukraine, but the funny thing is how much more ignorant and dumb the Ukrainians have become from now since the Maidan in 2014

For weeks we have been watching lots of Propaganda Videos by Ukrainians, who were trying to claim Rumors of war were nothing but “Propaganda” Scare tactics by Western Media

These numbskull idiots, proving how inferior the Slavic Race is in general, couldn’t see the writing on the Wall when Putin had unleashed massive amounts of Artillery Tanks in the previous weeks through the Belarusian border
A country like Russia would not be spending the money it has on deploying all that heavy artillery and posturing, if it did not have serious intentions on launching a war, albeit, with the actual conflict being something instigated by the US/NATO

You actually even have more people in this world too who think World War III will never happen, and that it’s just just a “fear tactic” and some of these morons who think Nuclear Weapons are not real!

There is plenty of evidence that Nuclear Weapons do exist and have been used. The highest officials of the National Socialist Party, especially Hitler himself, Goebbels and Goring reported the inevitability of World War III unless Nazism makes its grand return (once it was officially recognized they were losing the war)
Watch how poorly these videos have aged. I had another video I was going to post, but the guy deleted the video, a guy who made a mockery about the notions of an outbreak of war, showing how people were calm in the streets
[Panic in Ukraine regarding Russian invasion]
[It's official, the war has started]
Just the day before:
[What's going on in Ukraine now: mood in Kyiv]

Prussian Society of America #ableist #racist #wingnut

[From "A Case Study in Humans who love Disabled, Ugly and worthless people"]

My Philosophy for a Happy Life” TEDxMidAtlantic, October 2013

Progeria is not a condition, it is a different species of Humanoids, nevertheless, Sam Berns is a Jew

It is most excessively apparent in the Americans, and this is why I repeatedly state that Americans are a Nation of Losers, who love Slavery and Bondage, and have an inner streak of Self-Hatred of which they project everywhere

Take a Glance at the comments, and you will see and understand the hysterical obsession and religious nuances being spoken by these obsessed freaks who want to claim someone is beautiful[…]and to claim they are a “good person”[…]
Why isn’t a Beautiful Musician or Band who creates Beautiful Music given such statements of worship and inspiration?[…]
One commenter writes:

Charlie Pecto: You are a beautiful human being Sam! .. I am sharing this video of yours to my 19 year old son who is facing challenges emotionally and mentally but can’t quiet win over these challenges! Thank you so much for sharing your philosophies

For one, he is not beautiful, and the fact that the commenter needs to imply of him being a “Human Being” just shows how unnatural the emotion and statement behind it all is[…]
Rhere is a Musician I know of, beautiful inside and out, of whom someone was making an attempt to attack during their musical career, and for everything this Musician did do or didn’t do, and she was accused of all kinds of ridiculous theories as to her disdain with things. A lot of her personal works were also ruthlessly rejected by Record Companies, deemed too “Nationalistic”[…]
It’s just as silly as the cult following that the Autistic Demon girl Greta Thunberg has[…]
It is also demonstrative of how much Americans are in love with Jewry and has absolutely no Discernment or set of Standards

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #racist


Everything told in Western Media regarding the Russia/Ukraine situation is completely distorted
Ukraine has mixed history with Russia, because of the Holodomor and also there is the mixed Cultural Divide between Western and Eastern Ukraine
The most ideal scenario for Ukraine’s continued existence, would be one of an Independent State[…]Russia is not likely to permit that
An outbreak of war in this region will surely create numerous instability problems and also exacerbate other regional issues[…]it could very likely cause Ukraine to break up into two separate Nations, once again, as USA is often responsible for, such as how North Korea and South Korea had “split”
The conflict which took place many years ago, including the modern one involves USA as the Aggressor, not Russia. Nevertheless, monitoring Russian influence in the region is of key importance
Ukrainians have everything in relation with Russia more than they do with the USA, and the USA is a Corporation, and NATO is wholly evil

But the problem is still that both USA and Russia are Zionist countries
It was a great strategic loss that Germany today did not win authority or control of the sea ports of the Crimea
As Germans, we do not have a particular interest over Ukraine or to Germanise them or much interest outside of establishment of Bipartisan Trade Agreements
German Ambitions should maintain focus in restoration of our former lands and all lost areas of East Prussia which we did formerly own and are authentically Germany, which should be at the base point of German Policy in restoration of the Reich
The Baltic States need to be under German authority some day again, albeit under a different arrangement than they may currently enjoy or hope to have, but it is in their best interest

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist #conspiracy #psycho

[From "Rebuilding the West OR WHAT’S LEFT OF IT Means Women cannot hold Victim Titles or be Perceived Victims"]

Shaming and Enslaving any Man who attempts to promote Victim Culture in Women will have to enacted as Law, even to execute and entirely remove from the Gene Pool, any such Men which demonstrate trying to Equalize or Elevate Women over the status of Man
Women will always seek to claim in some form or another that they are a Victim of “something”[…]for many Centuries, Men chose to ignore Women’s claims, and did not allow Women to vote
There is always the notion of Women who claim that they were oppressed or mistreated for many centuries by Men

The only true countries this may be the case would qualify for is in African Countries, or maybe India or China

In said countries[…]they still practice genital mutilation of females or even heat pressing of the “breasts”[…]Main reasons for this has to do with savage characteristics of jealousy and control
Countries which recruit Females into their Military (with exception of Hospitality/Care positions) also are performing a very barbaric practice
In India, you have cases of 5 year old girls who are forced into slave labor to dig out sewers or human refuse[…]Indians are a mixed race to begin and are highly corrupt and degenerate[…]they will forever have a Caste system[…]unless they were 100% without the Negro blood that they possess
The Jews, English and the Irish and Scottish are the ones specifically pushing for Feminism
The Prussian State only recognizes Rape as being an unwanted attempt by a Barbarian to enforce himself on a German Woman (or equivalent for other Nations)
Women should not even enjoy the privilege of Holding Cash or Currency
I tend to like the treatment that the Russian Cossacks use on Feminist Women in Russia, but putting that on steroids

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #crackpot

[From "Will you still fight, even if you are destined to lose?"]

Very Few Men in this world, except for Germans have ever had the guts to Fight Wars, even with the knowledge or reality that the likelihood to lose is
There are very few people left in this world who fight with Honor, because essentially brotherhood between Men has become largely a thing of the past after World War II
Due to the influence of Christianity and especially the vast influence of New Age philosophies, the majority of Humans are subject to Magical Thinking and being paid Lip Service in order to get them willing to fight
The US National Guard has been on standby for many months ready to quell any serious form of National Unrest that may suddenly show up, but told to “stand down” when the real enemies like Antifa Activists and other Communist Trash does what they do
However the real event the USNG is waiting for[…]is when the real Hyperinflation arises
In Europe[…]the forces there view it as fun and entertainment to get to have their way in these countries, whether it be Germany, Italy, France, Spain or elsewhere
People have been properly primed for 2 years to understand “staying in their home” and “isolating from others” and expecting to have permission for “who they can see and who they cannot see”
For those who comply in this new system, they will be told even if and when they can go to work when they leave house for the day. This is the future, at any rate, that the NWO Agents have in store for how daily conditions are run
Almost all Western people in some form or another will become subjected to Military Dictatorship in an even more extreme form that ever took place under any typical Dictatorship of other Examples
The likelihood of World War III taking place in the hot form, is also coming close to a reality as the tensions build up

Prussian Society of America #ableist #racist #psycho #dunning-kruger

[From "Video: Proof that Most Humans are in love with Mental Illness and Degenerate Life Forms"]

Growing up with an Unknown Syndrome (The Unique and Delightful Ruby)

We are living in the epic pinnacle of history at a time where people who are “Empty Inside”[…]are looking for an external source of “stimulation” or “inspiration” in some cases
This phenomenon is extremely problematic in America, which thrives on supporting, defending and enabling degeneracy and also undesirables everywhere in society, as it fits in line with their “Democratic Values”
They have this urgency to tell almost everyone they meet, indiscrimanately:“YOU are Beautiful!”“YOU are Loved!”

Therefore, you’ll see people and life forms that are beyond questionable and demonic looking, and yet you’ll find endless hordes of these people who are embracing and feeling inspiration and hope for them
At a time when we require many Eugenics Measures applied to actually breed healthy and soulful Human Beings

Television Features like these are a major form of Mind Programming[…]you will notice how they pretend that she is “Beautiful” and that she is a “Human”
The Love for disabled people and exalting them above even Superior or Average Individuals, is a sign of grave weakness, sickness and decay of the Human Condition

In case you were unaware, both parents of this girl are Jewish
Even a droplet of their blood, taints the blood

If you have a keen eye for Proper and Desirable Genetics, you will also recognize that every single Human in the video is Untermenschen!
It is also the same reason that they worship demonic creatures like Stephen Hawking

Anyone who has strong Intuitive Qualities and Perception, can see the evil in this Man’s eyes, and would wish this creature to be put to death!

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

[From "Caucasians are Poised to become #2 on the list of most brainwashed and subverted Race, only second to Negroes"]

Caucasians of all varieties are being poised to fall in the history books as the most easily able to be influenced and brainwashed race, second to that of the Negro

The worse position of this fate, is the fact that Caucasians have become the World Conquerors and have maintained this status of being true World Civilizers through different eras, for many thousands of years

The large majority of them demonstrate just how eager they are to give up their role[…]
Perhaps no other race but Caucasians have demonstrated the highest level of willingness to discard all Primal Instincts[…]deceiving their tribe and to show a ridiculous level of empathy for other races[…]
This trend is pretty much irreversible[…]
Even Brazilian Women and Russian Women have far surpassed value of over 90% of Western Women, and that is not only extremely dangerous[…]they will inevitably lower the standards of quality and never be able to forge First World Standards[…]
While Asians generally have the highest IQ’s in the world, they are much quicker to mentally calculate and process information compared to any race on earth except the Jews, the Asians, like the Jews have nearly no empathy whatsoever[…]
For so many decades now, and under the direction of the Vatican’s influences and standards of Marriage, the large amount of people who have been procreating come from Psychopathic, Greedy, Money-Oriented family[…]
Men were prized on their ability to grow fine hair[…]
All of this changed once phrenology became written off as “Psuedo-Science”[…]
There is almost no genuine interest for Good Eugenics in the world anymore[…]
Most Women in US, UK and Canada are either openly or discreetly lesbian or asexual[…]so they can sleep with Men on one hand to have access to his wallet

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy

[From "Putin Commits To Long Haul War"]

It became very obvious to us early on from looking at every angle of the situation and outbreak of WW3 for what it really was, and we saw imminent factors that the conflict in Ukraine would be dragged out as long as possible[…]
I believe at this point they have gotten people bored to tears with the conflict so as to keep the naive for the carnage and bankruptcy of the West of which this war and economic factors have played a massive role along with COVID Lockdowns

Ukraine[…]could be used even within this confined territory to finally drag the rest of Europe down, and America of course[…]
Putin is completely obedient like a dog to his Zionist masters, so he is performing a slow-burn of Ukraine insteiad of Conquering it

Make no mistake, slow wars are occupations. Conquering or reclaiming land is done quickly

One must understand what kind of Man Putin is, given his background and upbringing, and that he is a Man who has both vested interests in Russia but also cares to line his pockets[…]
Putin may be a smart Man but also not all that smart, as is often the case with Slavs. He is obeying his Jewish Masters like a good goy

He could very well deploy his more powerful weapons and take Ukraine overnight, but he does not because he is going along with the Israeli script

The Slav can never be trusted or relied upon when it comes to the Jewish Question, not only because many of them are even sometimes mixed with Jews, but that their desperation and behaviors have historically always relegated them to aggressively defending and protecting them. This is true not just in Russia, Ukraine or Poland, but even in partially Slavic countries like Albania, who protected the Jews and Albania became temporarily a hotbed of Jewry [refugees] in and after WWII

As such, the Jewish Question remains permanent a German problem and of which only Germans can offer a solution to it

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist

[From "Ukraine is not worth one drop of German Blood/NATO Framework is Anti-Prussian"]

The only thing valuable about Ukraine is the Soil and Geographical position in the Crimean Peninsula, and Definitely not its people[…]
Ukraine and the Crimea have been strategically a policy of Lebensraum, but as the ambition had never been achieved in annexing it for Germany after the Reich fell, the prospects for obtaining it are not in the cards for the current German Era

One may try to argue whether or not the Ukrainians have value on the basis that they are some of the least vaccinated people in Europe, but it is exactly why the conflict there was roused[…]the March deadline for Vaccination of the West has been approached[…]
There are rumors floating now that NATO is in such desperation that it has been flirting with the idea of transferring NATO’s Leadership over into the hands of Europe[…]not a gift but a Trojan Horse[…]
The Prussian Society of America has its own Foreign Policy, and which is the only correct one for Germany and Europe’s position, if there is a truly sincere desire to survive and come out better positioned in the process[…]
Seeing that nobody in the West took much of any legitimate measures for trying to attack and bring down both the Leaders and Medical Officials in their countries for imposing COVID Tyranny upon them

We should have seen houses of Mask Wearers and Vaccinated people blown up, and Medical officials yanked out from Hospitals and hanging on Lamp Posts…[…]
I believe that securing the German Reich also means sealing off all Nordic Lands from Slavic Lands, as history demonstrates that Slavdom has been a great liability towards European Stability[…]
Russians would do well to honor what rightfully belongs to Germany and what should be restored to Germany[…]
Jewish Problem and Jewish Question are of primary concern to the matters of Europe being saved

Prussian Society of America #sexist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist

[From "Every Father who has ever sent his daughter off to College / Encouraged Her, has Committed a Crime"]

Every Father who has prodded and promoted the notion of his Daughter becoming “Educated” and “Independent” and to promote their “Careers” has done great harm, and committed an eternal crime against his Racial People

It may be today that such things are not seen or understood to be the crime for what they are, but the tomorrow is on the Horizon for when they will be regarded as criminals and sorry excuses for Fathers

No Real Man who has born Healthy, Primal, Full of Wisdom and Esoteric Spirit would ever dream of sending his daughters off to University, but instead would take the time and effort in securing to make sure she is with the proper Husband

The Baby Boomer generation is the most guilty of this crime, and the fact they will never confess is that they promote their daughters to go to school out of lack of responsibility to have them make good life decisions or to educate them in seeking a valuable partner for life
All of course, are part of the Communist Party Platform of establishing their system in place

Honorable Men loathe the idea of a Career-oriented/College-educated Female

Such females have absolutely no value
Career-oriented and College-educated Women only serve the interests of Financial Capitalists. As such, these Women are property and cattle, of these Financial Hyenas
All Women who attend Universities are far much more likely to also engage in and promote subversive activities such as miscegenation, International Missionary Work for Barbarian Nations, and promotion of the LGBTQ activities
It is for this very reason that Prussia asserts itself as a Power to regulate control over the bodies of its citizens, and that it instructs its Men to seize their rightful position as having complete ownership over Women, Mind, Body and Spirit

Only Men are to be Sovereigns

Prussian Society of America #sexist #dunning-kruger #racist #conspiracy

[From "Capitalism shuns Natural Selection between Women and Men, based on Appearance"]

I like to expand upon this topic from different angles[…]some Races seem to have a much wider gamut of “Physically Attractive” people, usually at least up to 90% of the population[…]
The worst countries by far are definitely America and England[…]
Germany had been the Nation of Europe which has held onto its racial integrity the longest compared to many other countries[…]
Homogeneity is not always the indication of Pure or Good Race either[…]
Latin American Nations are perfect examples of it, since a very vast majority of Latin American countries have admixtures of Sephardic Jewish blood in them, and some which come from very undesirable barbaric tribes[…]
Convincing Women to “like” or “learn to like” Men they do not actually find attractive, based on whether he may be wealthy, socially acceptable or agreeable to her peers and society at large or trendy. The trendy factor promotes Caucasian Women to sleep more with Negroes[…]
Rearing people to ignore their biological instincts of what they are attracted to is a major SIN[…]
Christians loves to make Men and Women to both feel guilty for desiring a partner on the basis of physical looks[…]
The Capitalists benefit even further because since there is a shortage of beautiful and attractive/in-shape Women, they have created Women into being “markets” that any Rich Man can buy[…]
Ugly filthy Jew former Treasurer Secretary of the US, Steve Mnuchin with his wife. An autistic nerd which has every undesirable trait that no normal human would want to see introduced into the population, who has a wife that excels his appearance to an unimaginable level[…]
I am not trying to suggest that ugly and unattractive people should not exist[…]There is a natural reason and instinct for desire to prolong desirable traits for the majority of the species

Prussian Society of America #racist #dunning-kruger

[From "Why Immigrant Cultural Contributions are often worthless"]

Some Barbarian Races may cook great food, or have certain traits about them which may seem admirable from time to time, but they can be potentially destructive to the landscape of your country[…]
Very few races are capable of improving and innovating upon another culture[…]
We have a lot of problematic immigrants in America who are not just among Blacks and Hispanics, but there are many problematic people like Albanians, Syrians, even some Romanians and others as well[…]
Many of these Races lower the standards and quality of European Civilization, if even they may also have European or Aryan ancestry or origins of some sort, because they have higher tolerance for corruption[…]
Arabs and Persians for example, many are disgusting two-faced liars, they lack honor and very few Islamic Clerics today will speak the truth of how degenerate their people have become[…]
Many Races love to be people pleasers, ESPECIALLY if they gained an immigration foothold on suspicious terms[…]
The differences and nuances among various races are too great to be ignored

Civilizations which bring in all kinds of immigrants from all parts of the world, even if they do not miscegenation, it still causes dissonance[…]
Societies which bring in immigrants from many parts of the world become less trustworthy and more anti-social[…]
America did bring in better elements from Europe, from countries like even Greece, Italy or Poland[…]these effects were very short-lived[…]
Some Empires throughout history have attempted atomized multi-ethnic enclaves, such as the Ottoman Empire did[…]
Albanians have some of the lowest levels of empathy, shoddy and shallow[…]
The best policy for Caucasians to mitigate claims and cries of Racism from Non-Whites is to unashamedly and brazenly show one’s Racist Attitudes

Prussian Society of America #fundie #racist #sexist

Q: Are you a Christian Order or Religious Organization?

A: We are NOT Christian and our Entire Society is also Not Christian. We are a Pagan Fraternal Order and do not believe in organized forms of Worship, such as the Abrahamic Faiths do. In our view, Christianity is an aberration of Spirit. A foreign influence that has encapsulated Europeans in general, but our focus on its destruction lay more on the effects it has brought people of Germany and Baltic Nations. We encourage our Volk to return to their Pagan roots in accordance with Nature’s Demand, away from Manmade Belief systems which have unnatural philosophies and with fake morals and fake hearts which teach philosophies which can only be innate in an individual, but never learned. Return to our Pagan Spirituality is the natural course of Evolution and Renaissance of our Volk.

Q: Does the PSA Promote Odin [WOTAN] or other Norse Religions?

A: Our Society does not Promote Odin Worship, Asatru, or any of these Norse Religions.

Norse Belief systems are at odds with our Practices and Beliefs, because they promote Equality with Women, and sometimes, the Women having a higher status over the Man.

Q: Are you Atheists?

A: No, we are not Atheists, as we do believe in God. However the God-Force and Concept of God in general that we believe in is completely different than Abrahamic Religions, as well as the Buddhists and any Manmade Religion.

Q: Can Atheists join your Organization?

A: Atheists are not welcome into our Society. We view Atheists to also be a religious cult in and of itself, and that they have a worldly agenda of their own, especially in their aim to promote World Communism. Our Society does not promote religious dogma to our Members.

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