Donald Trump

Donald Trump #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday defended hosting a Saudi-funded tournament at his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, by casting doubt on any connection between Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Asked to respond to harsh criticism from families of Sept. 11 victims who are urging Americans to protest the Saudi-backed LIV Golf tournament, Trump suggested there was still uncertainty surrounding the attacks.

“Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have,” Trump said.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The White House stated strongly that they were NOT INVOLVED, and knew absolutely nothing about, the political Witch Hunt going on with me, & that they didn’t know anything at all about the Break-In of Mar-a-Lago. This was strongly reiterated again & again. WRONG! Remember, these are the people who spied on my campaign, denied it, & got caught. Through the great reporting of John Solomon (Fake Pulitzer Prize?), documents reveal they knew everything, in fact led the charge - a political NO, NO!

@realdonaldtrump Don't care faggot. Fuckoff


@Dinduvius_Shekelstein @realdonaldtrump @Teamsaveamerica

@Special_boy @realdonaldtrump @Teamsaveamerica

@realdonaldtrump Jews telling us all Loving Christ is Hate Speech...

They hate white Europeans and they hate Christ...
White Europeans are God's chosen people... Not Jews... That is why they want us extinct with mass third world immigration they push...

Watch Europa The Last Battle

@Natsoc_united @realdonaldtrump

They really do hate us and Jesus. No good person would push for or support mass immigration. It's terrible.

Walid Shoebat #wingnut

I have been hanging out long enough with Americans, and besides Muslims, I can easily profile them too. It is easy to expose American hypocrisy. No matter how often Americans count calories or endure Obama’s camel-faced wife saying that we ought to “solve the epidemic of childhood obesity,” Americans know they are being hypocritical. The Hot Dog and Hamburger is the American idol while Michelle Ben Lying will always secretly be viewed by Americans as “butt-ugly” and “wholly stupid”.

I know enough about America, that no matter how much they try to push agendas; we have a homosexual agenda, socialist agenda, love-the-Muslim agenda, environmental agenda — these attempts will never work.

Americans will never unanimously like socialism just as they will never unanimously love the sissy.

Michelle’s sissy husband today said: “ISIL leaders cannot hide and our message to them is ‘you are next.’”

Not true, to Obama, Bashar Al-Assad of Syria is next and Putin is kicking Obama’s butt on the war on ISIS. No matter how many times sissy Obama tries to sound American with you’r next’ its not working. Only Clint Eastwood fits the profile to make testosterone-type threats like “go ahead, make my day”.

In this war on ISIS, perhaps if we take Donald Trump acting as Longshanks in the movie Braveheart. Braveheart and his rebels could be viewed as Al-Baghdadi and ISIS, Longshanks’ son as Obama, the scenario where Obama claims he is “doing something” would fit perfectly. Braveheart (ISIS) after sacking York, sends a head to Longshanks, and his son tells the king that he is addressing ISIS “I’ve sent conscriptions” to only see the obvious, Obama was more of a sissy-homosexual than a real man. America will never have love for a sissy.

To top it all off for sissy Obama’s war on ISIS, Germany has denied US requests to provide additional support for the US-led mission against ISIS (Germans would not obey a sissy), with the federal chancellor stressing that “at the moment” Berlin is already doing enough for its part in the combined anti-terror effort.

Strange, even a woman snubs Obama: “I believe Germany is fulfilling its part and we don’t need to talk about new issues related to this question at the moment,” Angela Merkel told the ZDF.

With Obama, even the stale sauerkraut snubbed him.

Laura Loomer & Various commenters #wingnut

(Laura Loomer)
President Donald J Trump has single handedly DESTROYED the Bush, Clinton, and now the Cheney political dynasties in American politics.

That’s why the globalists are working so hard to take him down.

President Donald J Trump is one of the most impactful and consequential human beings in our entire world history.



spoilerThe Great Reset, and ESG, are
in progess
it's about money and control
trump cancels climate
accords, and
makes the U.S. a net exporter
of energy
They're putting Trump through
all this, because if he gets
back into the Presidency, they
have lost 100 Yrs.. of their

@lauraloomer Yes! Let's get this party started for you, Trump, and everyone in the #AmericaFirst movement! 🇺🇸☝️

@lauraloomer He could not impart any meaningful impact to secure the release of incarcerated Jan6 prisoners.

@lauraloomer yes he is and so are you both of you have been banned, attacked by the corrupt media, and even attacked by your own party. You have a great future in the America First GOP party God bless the both of you❤️🇺🇸

@lauraloomer He's got to ditch the vax. I can't support him unless he does. It's killing us.

@lauraloomer Nope. Trump makes a comeback at the end of this year. We are NOT going to let a fraud election continue to destroy America. By 2024, nothing will be left.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The Justice Department and FBI are “leaking” at levels never seen before - and I did nothing wrong!!!



@realdonaldtrump Keep hangin' tough Mr President!


@cinjans @realdonaldtrump why is it always old women who love trump

You didn't do enough to stop the antiwhites while you were in office, that's what you did wrong.

@realdonaldtrump We've been leaking here at Gab too! We like to leak info about all the damage your poison clot shot is doing to good Americans. Some of them forced to take it to keep their jobs. We know you care as much about them as you do the Jan 6 protestors that you fooled into going to jail. I see you Trump. You're one of them.. What do they have on you? Is it an Epstein tape? How can you sleep at night, traitor?

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
A major motion pertaining to the Fourth Amendment will soon be filed concerning the illegal Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, right before the ever important Mid-Term Elections. My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country. Remember, they even spied on my campaign. The greatest Witch Hunt in USA history has been going on for six years, with no consequences to the scammers. It should not be allowed to continue!

@realdonaldtrump How about the rights of J6 political prisoners who are rotting in jail for you, you kike-worshipping maggot?

@realdonaldtrump the lives of the j6ers have been destroyed, file a motion pertaining to the fourth amendment on their behalf.

@realdonaldtrump What about the Jan 6 gulag you fat asshole?

@realdonaldtrump Yeah. The last time American's rights were violated this bad was when your supporters were thrown in prison and you did nothing.

It must be tough for you, Donnie...did those agents wipe their feet before they entered the mansion? Oh, the horror!

@Don1975 Trump sending his supporters to the Capitol: "And I'll be there with you". Never forget, never forgive.

@realdonaldtrump Some of the comments here are deplorable . I know it and you know , how the deep state is so entrenched in OUR government that it will take many years to drain the swamp .The DEMONRAT party own the media and every 3 letter agency in OUR government . They must be controlled by satan himself . This struggle is bigger than 45 , you shined a light in the darkness and the darkness comprehend it not....

@Speed455 @realdonaldtrump tell that to people who are being treated as terrorist for walking in the capital.

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn #fundie #wingnut

Disgraced former Donald Trump aide Michael Flynn has sparked outrage by saying that the US must have only one religion

Mr Flynn, who twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, called for a single religion on stage at the “Reawaken America” conference in San Antonio, Texas, on Saturday night – an event featuring a flurry of Trump loyalists and anti-vaxx doctors

“If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion," he said

"One nation under God, and one religion under God”

Mr Flynn faced an instant backlash for his comments with critics saying he “hates the constitution” and warning about history repeating itself with the Holocaust
At the “Reawaken America” tour, Mr Flynn also branded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “Pontius Pilate” – the Roman official who ordered Jesus’ crucifixion – and called Steve Bannon’s indictment for contempt of Congress an "abuse of freedom of speech”

“I just did a media hit with Tucker Carlson for his show this evening and we talked about this nonsense going on with what I call the insurrection crucifixion and Nancy Pelosi is the Pontius Pilate,” he said

“She’s the Pontius Pilate. This is a crucifixion of our First Amendment, freedom to speak, freedom to peacefully assemble

Micki Witthoeft #conspiracy #pratt

The mother of Ashli Babbitt, the woman fatally shot during the Jan. 6 riot, stood on the Capitol steps Thursday and claimed her daughter was exercising a legitimate right to protest when she was killed by a US Capitol police officer one year ago.

“My daughter was an amazing, energetic, independent, powerful woman. I miss her every day,” Micki Witthoeft said through tears as members of Congress gathered inside to remember the first anniversary of the attacks.

“I’m here because Americans do have the right to protest, it’s your right as an American citizen to protest,” she continued.

Babbitt, a 36-year-old Air Force veteran, was shot by US Capitol Police officer Lt. Michael Byrd as she tried to crawl through a broken window to enter the Speaker’s Lobby on Jan. 6, 2021 as a mob of Trump supporters were storming the Capitol in an effort to disrupt the results of the 2020 presidential election.

“My daughter was a proud American patriot,” Witthoeft said. “She served this country her whole adult life. She loved God, America and loved her family.”

Witthoeft then claimed her daughter was “murdered by a careless, reckless” Capitol Police officer.

“She came to DC to hear Donald Trump speak about a stolen election, and little did we know that would be the last time she heard anybody speak,” the grieving mom said.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Biden has likened every MAGA Republican and Trump supporter to a domestic terrorist.

Republicans must be proactive.

We must dismantle the corrupt FBI and fire the deep state.

@DrPaulGosar Biden is antiwhite, the FBI are antiwhites, the deep state are antiwhites.

@DrPaulGosar But the republicans have a history of being afraid to stand up. Only Donald Trump had the balls to stand up.

@DrPaulGosar Goodluck with that
This speech was written and approved by Israel which 99.99% of the GOP worships also.
So nothing will happen

@DrPaulGosar Fire the deep state? Who is that exactly? Who will you fire? Name them. Will this include all of the degenerate, depraved and immoral pukes in congress? Tell us how you are going to accomplish this now that the communists are in power. Be specific because you Republicans are notoriously vague and almost never follow through.

@DrPaulGosar Dictator JOE Biden and his DEMONRATS' gang are an evil-doer, a warmonger,a cheater,a liar and an arrogant tyrant.

@DrPaulGosar Weird how the 'domestic terrorists' tend to attack citizens where they are most vulnerable but the government where they are most fortified. 🤔

Jay Whig #wingnut #elitist

Attorney John Eastman, in his now famous memo advising Donald Trump about what power the president of the Senate might exercise in the counting of electoral ballots, wrote in support of his more aggressive interpretation of the constitutionally questioned Electoral Count Act, “We’re no longer playing by Queensbury Rules.”

For this turn of phrase, Eastman has received a good deal of criticism, some of it from “friends.”

The “friendly fire” is to be expected, I suppose. What’s left of the conservative movement exists primarily to confront other conservatives, rather than its nominal adversary, the Left.

Conservatism, Inc. exists to purge the Right, and does so like a ballerina at a pizza party. Alas, political battles are not won by bulimia.

Two Republicans—the only two, hand-picked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)—on the Select Committee on January 6, Representatives Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), seek to vomit up (or vomit on, it is not clear which) members of their own party to have them prosecuted by the Department of Justice.

Cheney is an attorney and dynasty politician, from the House of Forever War. Kinzinger, of no legal education or pedigree at all, is just . . . well, as Mark Twain put it, “Suppose you are a member of Congress. Now suppose you are an idiot. But I repeat myself.” The former would like to restore the dynastic rule of low taxes and endless foreign interventions. The latter would like someone to explain what’s going on, preferably in crayon.

The Rev. Steven Roland #transphobia #fundie #wingnut

Bradley Edward Manning (often incorrectly referred to as Chelsea Elizabeth Manning against the will of the Lord Jesus Christ) is a far-left kook and traitor to the United States. Manning jeopardized United States national security as a sergeant in the military, and is also likely a double agent sent from the Kremlin. Manning is now considering a run for the United States Senate in Maryland, where he will surely lose if the identity politics embracing left decides to nominate him instead of the safe liberal incumbent without the baggage of being a traitor, double agent, and mentally ill sexual deviant.
Manning was sentenced to a long prison sentence for his heinous misdeeds, where he was commuted of it by former "president" Barry Soetoro of Kenya conveniently right before successor Donald Trump took office. This was probably done because he is a so-called "transgender" individual who lives in drag outside of a stage persona, therefore in a state of denial about his God given gender and sexuality as he is indeed an effeminate sodomite who has not had proper Biblical truth exposed to him in a convincing way.

Mike Stone #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

Like me, you've probably never heard of Ally Carter, but you've certainly heard a lot about everything she has to say: Freemason cops, MK Ultra, underground tunnels, satanic ritual child abuse, Hollywood elites raping children, and it only goes on from there.

In this 25 minute long video, Carter, 27, tells Stew Peters about her time as a sex slave to the elite.

Of being transported via underground tunnels from Universal Studios and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles to parties where she met and "serviced" Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Steven Perry, John Travolta (I thought he was gay), Beyonce, and many others.

Donald Trump? Carter says Trump is the only celebrity/political figure she never saw.
MK Ultra is real," Carter says.

Apparently, there are "millions" of more children just like her undergoing the same abuse. All those kids that go missing every year? This is where they end up. Some have their limbs chopped off to prevent them from running away. Others are murdered after being raped and then have their organs sold to hospitals. Still others have their blood drained, which Carter says is used as some sort of fountain of youth.
Carter corroborates what others have long said about child trafficking, underground tunnels and MK Ultra sex slaves. It is mind control programming. It is all about control. "It's like someone has the remote to someone's life."

Cathy O'Brien said much of the same in her book "Transformation of America", the most disturbing book I've ever read. But reading about it on the internet or in a book is quite different than hearing it straight from the mouth of someone who was actually trapped in that world.

Why didn't Carter tell the cops, you ask? She did, only in her words, "They're all complicit. They're all customers.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The FBI raid on Trump's home tells us one thing.

Failure is not an option.

We must destroy the FBI.

We must save America.

I stand with Donald J. Trump.

@DrPaulGosar this is a coup. He is the legitimate president. Desantis must call the national guard and not allow his arrest

@DrPaulGosar Also the IRS, CIA, ATF, and DHS

Say the word Secession or shut up. We're not voting or praying our way out of this.

@WhoisJim Secession means loosing ground. Ethnic cleansing means regaining ground.

@DrPaulGosar Most of the Federal Government can be eliminated and the country will be far better off.

@DrPaulGosar Agree, the FBI must be defunded and disbanded, it is not a law enforcement organization anymore, it is a political organization that serves the evil interests of Washington DC, and it is a threat to the American way of life.

@dmduncan @DrPaulGosar local sheriffs need to be sent in to investigate it. Its role in covering up the false flag attacks used to justify the Iraq war should be focused on first.

That was mass murder. You can see how fearful crime families like the Cheneys are now.


This was and is a coup.
We are living in a coup.

@JolietEastSider @DrPaulGosar The coup happened on January 6 when the overwhelming majority of people in Congress certified an illegal vote. They committed treason. No one was brought before a military tribunal where they should’ve been tried for treason, and when they were found guilty, under the law, executed. Our Constitutional Republic was overthrown with a non-military coup on January 6. This is the fall out. It hasn’t even started yet.

We must destroy the national security apparatus
we must lock up Obama—he’s running the show
end the Fed
and boot all the dual citizens in government the fuck out of America

@DrPaulGosar Just the FBI? We must elimintae all of the federal agencies as they are all interconnected and therefore all involved. They are the enemy of the People and are therefore Enemy Combatants.

Unnamed QAnon believers #conspiracy #crackpot

Conspiracy theorist group QAnon hit a bizarre milestone on Tuesday, when its supporters gathered for what they believed would be the return of the late JFK junior – who, they postured, would be running on an imagined 2024 ticket with former President Donald Trump

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior’s plane was pulled out of the Atlantic Ocean more than 22 years ago in a crash that killed him
A bizarre theory has emerged suggesting that the accident was just a ruse to fake his death and that he will re-emerge – perhaps as early as next month – to join a reinstated President Donald Trump as his VP
And those devotees gathered on Tuesday for what they expected would be a dramatic revelation at the AT&T Discovery Plaza in Dallas – but was in fact more of a damp squib. When JFK junior unsurprisingly failed to make an appearance, people in the crowd suggested he would in fact make an appearance at a Rolling Stones concert later that day
The story goes that after faking his death, Kennedy returned two decades later to help Mr Trump drain the swamp. First he supposedly appeared as Q himself (or close to Q) with the “Q drops” of cryptic information. Then, he was to have revealed himself in 2019, to replace Mike Pence on the president’s 2020 re-election ticket, or maybe the 2021 “reinstatement” (supposedly scheduled for 13 August – although there is no mechanism for reinstating a former president), or maybe the 2024 campaign
The theory appears to have emerged from an April 2018 Q drop resurfacing a pre-Q era theory in which JFK Jr’s 1999 plane crash was orchestrated by the Clintons, supposedly to prevent him running for the New York Senate seat later won by Hillary Clinton

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut

On the 33rd parallel near Irvine and Lake Forest California
20 miles away from Los Angeles in Orange County
Is a cloning center

The entrance is through the Frank Bowman landfill which is closed off
Frank Bowman was among other things a technical consultant to the movie Soylent Green

The cloning center also has an arena
Sacrifices are performed there
Kobe Bryants 13 year old virgin daughter was sacrificed there
Lizard people such as Queen Elizabeth are there enjoying the show

The cloning center creates hybrids and monstrosities of many kinds
Gigantic spiders are created that eat people and half humans
Clones are forced to battle it out to the death

These clones are of people who have attained celebrity status
By selling their DNA to a bunch of old freaks
The same people that are idolized by the masses

Children are gang raped
Many get eaten by the lizard people

There are 3 main types of lizard people
The tallest are about 8 feet and have long necks
They have a probiscis that sticks out in the middle of their head

It is injected into the eyeball and enters a host
It works its way to the optic nerve
This is called sweating the quill

The person loses their consciousness
And the reptilian takes over the body and quickly learns to mimic humans
Below the cloning center are underground warehouses
With stacks of clones
And thick glass tanks of salt water with growing clones
Which takes about 5 months

There are cloning centers all over the world
Many beautiful women are cloned and then are inhabited by lizards
Donald Trumps wife is an example

Technology is so advanced that the elite put their consciousness onto a microchip
It is then inserted into someone and that person is body snatched

They also go through school yearbooks and find the cutest kids
They get a blood sample and from that can create a clone
Who is sexually abused in the arena

Clones are continually being scrapped
And are buried in the Frank Bowman landfill
With the remains of hybrids and humans!

Helen #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut

The reality of Q The Great Awakening plan became so clear to me over the past few days – its omission of that word that the world hates – SIN. Take out that word and people do not take responsibility and instead blame others for the problems of the world instead.

Sin simply means to miss the mark of God’s perfection. Almighty God is perfect and Holy in nature, and yet we have an inherited sin nature that separates us from Him.

There are millions of supporters of this Q The Great Awakening plan, or the QAnon movement, so I may risk being killed at exposing this, but it is my duty to warn others of its dark agenda. One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is discernment.

The way I see it. Q The Great Awakening plan is a tool of Satan that states that God is at the forefront of its beliefs because Q – Donald Trump – uses bible scriptures, refers to God, and its followers may even be born again believers. However, this movement manifests thought filth just like the mainstream media spouts – it creates blame, hate, and divide in human beings who are blind to see that Christ told us to love one another, not hate one another. Who do the followers blame for the hysteria in the world? Ex politicians, satanists, paedophiles, celebrities, Hollywood etc. Notice that it opposes that important word in the Holy Bible – SIN.

There are dark times ahead during the tribulation period, which will entail of God’s elect, the Jews, and an unbelieving world. There will be 144,000 Jewish witnesses for Christ, 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel. Revelation 13 speaks of the people of the world required to take a mark in either their hand or forehead in order to buy or sell. The Antichrist will break his peace covenant with the people and demand worship from them.

Please be very careful in supporting this Q The Great Awakening plan. The Holy Spirit has given some believers the gift of discernment, and this movement mentions nothing of the saving power of Jesus Christ.

various commenters #wingnut

spoilerFirst, they came for Alex Jones and you said nothing
because you did not believe in "conspiracy theories."
Then they came for Steve Bannon and you said
nothing because you were not a Trump supporter.
Then they came for Mike Lindell and you said
nothing because you didn't care about election
Next they will come for you. You had learned
nothing from history.

@Carryingmarine JUST REFUSE TO BE TAKEN.

@Carryingmarine Donald trump lifted the rug at the white house so everyone could see what was swept under it .now that rug had been lifted up so the world can see how truly corrupt it is. The world now knows the truth and no matter what the traitors who are in the white house say , we all know they must be jailed for the miss deeds and punished for the deaths of Americans and the political imprisonment and attacks on Americans who want to see this country free from thier criminal hands .


@Carryingmarine All in the name of fun and games and a paycheck.

That is what I call the people who voted for Biden. Welcome to our Fascist Country.

Congratulations for doing the bidding of the corrupt government.

Curtis Rock #wingnut

Donald Trump is truly a threat to our way of life

However, our way of life was a rapid slide into slavery

He is pulling us out by the heels, kicking and screaming

Those who see the light are helping the cause, because the optimum result requires all of us, together, to mop up the mess and rebuild

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy

[From "I’m Glad Those Soldiers Got Blown Up in Afghanistan"]

I’m just TROLLING you – don’t be a TRIGGERED NORMIE
Anyway, the issue of the soldiers dying

Joe Biden went on TV and said “they died for our values”
I respect the troops as much as I respect anyone who does any masculine, dangerous, physical profession. But I don’t think it’s sacred or holy that they died for gay anal rimjobs – which is what Joe Biden is talking about when he says “they died for our values”
I’m also 100% opposed to the idea that the soldiers fighting in Afghanistan are fighting for something other than grown men doing anal rimjobs on little boys and being ruled by women[…]US troops are all over the world, fighting for gay sex and feminism, and no one – no matter how genuinely patriotic they are – can give an explanation as to what else they are fighting for
Furthermore – I don’t have to tell you this, but I will – my biggest donors are military vets[…]Military vets are at least 100 times more likely to donate to this site than non military vets. So, considering that – I have zero reason to insult vets or soldiers, and I would not do so
Soldiers get paid to do a job. This is not 1970, they are not drafted, they sign up and they get paid to kill Moslems for Israel
I think Donald Trump’s tribute to these dead ZOGbots was depressing and frankly disgusting
The entire concept of “Islamic terror” is primarily a hoax. First and foremost, it is a hoax. Maybe there is some guy in Europe who wants to stab people. Okay. But in terms of organized groups of terrorists, if you look at any of these groups, you find that they were founded and funded by the US government

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

You've Been Gaslighted: It's Clear Democrats Just Stole Another Election

When something is so obvious, if the outcome makes no sense, if the outcome is literally impossible, then it is what it is. Forget "proof." You know it. You saw it. You felt it. You experienced it. It happened. It's real.

It seems the 2022 midterm was just stolen. Just like 2020.

If you disagree, you're delusional, or terribly naive, or brain dead. Or you're in on the fix.

It's time to admit we're all part of a massive experiment in fraud, theft, brainwashing and gaslighting to a degree never seen in world history.

Think of all the times in just the past few years you've been gaslighted. I believe they lied to you about open borders...they lied about Hillary's 30,000 deleted emails... they lied about spying on former President Donald Trump... they lied about Russian collusion... they lied about a perfectly fine Ukrainian phone call... they lied about massive Biden corruption in Ukraine and China... they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop... they lied about the origins of COVID-19... they lied about the need for lockdowns and masks... they lied about the need for COVID-19 vaccines... they lied about the vaccines being "safe and effective"... they lied and covered up all the deaths and injuries from the vaccine... they lied about the success of miracle drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin... they lied about the 2020 election...

You've been the victims of nonstop, severe gaslighting for a decade now. You're all part of a human psychology experiment in the limits that government and media can go in propaganda and brainwashing... while you can see they're lying right in front of your eyes.

And these are the exact same people now telling you Democrats just overperformed, and stopped a GOP red landslide, against all odds, without cheating and stealing the midterm election.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

Much as I wanted to believe in Trump, It is a matter of public record that Donald Trump was bailed out multiple times by the Rothschilds during his business career.
My understanding is that he was offered protection from blackmail if he agreed to go along with a military move against Hillary Rockefeller Clinton.
At first he seemed to be “draining the swamp” but something happened. My understanding is that he was unable to stop the US default on international payments that took place on February 16th 2020.
After that the Rockefellers offered ASEAN, Japan, Australia and New Zealand to China in exchange for money to keep the USA Corporation afloat.
What Trump should have done is formally declare bankruptcy and negotiate a restructuring of debt. He did not do that. Now the US is a dystopian failed state controlled by Satanic gangsters.
The US military offered Trump the chance to overturn the stolen election. He failed to do that. He also strongly pushed vaccines for a disease that does not even exist.
That is why the military needs to stand behind someone like general Mike Flynn who does not have skeletons in his closet.

Vox Day #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[From "Why Trump Failed"]

Donald Trump’s failure to cross the Rubicon is explained by his reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Former President Donald Trump admitted he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin was only trying to ‘negotiate’ when he sent troops to the Ukraine border and was ‘surprised’ when the Kremlin leader actually invaded the country[…]

I’ve mentioned this observation before, but Trump’s character has never been demonstrated more clearly than by this comment about Vladimir Putin. Trump’s strength is that he is a legitimately great negotiator. However, as with all successful men, his weaknesses are related to his strengths. Trump is a talker, not a doer. He is a negotiator, not a warrior[…]
Of course he thought Putin was negotiating by mobilizing the Russian Army, threatening an invasion, and issuing an ultimatum, because he thinks everything is a negotiation. Hence his failure to take action after the fraudulent election of 2020; there probably wasn’t any chance of him actually doing so even if the US military could have been relied upon to obey its Commander-in-Chief[…]
Remember, the Senate was massively surprised when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and marched on Rome, because despite his military successes on the Mediterranean and in Gaul, they knew him to be a skilled politician and negotiator. And negotiators always prefer jaw-jaw to war-war

So Trump is a negotiator and Putin is a fighter. What, one wonders, is Xi Xinping?

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy

[From "Aberrant Civil Leaders and Aberrant Pastors of an Aberrant Religion Reaffirm Men in Their Aberrant Affections"]

As I was saying in my most recent commentary, Supreme Masters of Sophistry, it is truly hard to find anything “new” to say about events in the anti-Incarnational world of Modernity
The forces of darkness in the world that promote perversity have become so bold in the past forty years that their annual “pride parades” have now turned the entire month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, June, into a “celebration” of sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance
Promotion of the sodomite agenda was near and dear to the heart of former President Donald John Trump
Donald John Trump considers that one can base his identity by his willful decision commit and to persist in the commission of sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance, a a belief that he shares with many of the conciliar revolutionaries, including Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not a priest nor a bishop. He is a lay Jesuit revolutionary who uses Jesuitical methods whenever it suits his purposes
The counterfeit church of conciliarism is not and can never be the Catholic Church. The counterfeit church of conciliarism is Antichrist’s church of lies and sin
The evolutionary principle of a dialectical clash is a cornerstone of the Judeo-Masonic world of Modernity and its trust that “progress” is inevitable[…]Charles Darwin’s own, disproved ideology of the evolution of the species made its own contribution upon the Modernity’s march toward “progress”

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar

spoiler"THE BIDEN

@DrPaulGosar America would be a safer place without the FBI and CIA

@Footdoc @DrPaulGosar the last person to talk about dismantling the CIA got his brains splattered in Dallas


@DrPaulGosar #ImpeachAndIndict The Illegal Biden Fascist Regime Now to #SaveAmerica #DecertifyStolen2020Election "Manchurian Candidate China Joe Biden Must be #IMpeached & Indicted for crimes against American Citizens who support A FREE DEMOCRACY!! "We realize the power of our voices only when we are silenced." Malala Yousafzai #IndictTreasonusMikePenceForCertifyingFraudulent2020Election The little weasel only had ONE job as Vice President and that was to support his President Donald Trump & he couldn't even do that . "Those who would trade Essential Liberty for a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin #VoteOutAllTreasonoiusBastardRinosNowToSaveAmerica

@rpwarner @DrPaulGosar I agree just wait all these sheep liberals who wanted the Biden democrat regime will see when 87'000 IRS agents ts start victimizing everyone. That is what communism looks like.

Conservapedia #pratt #wingnut

NATO war in Ukraine



The NATO war in Ukraine, sometimes known as the Russia–Ukraine War is a proxy war started by the United States in 2014 with the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine in collaboration with Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups. Nazi and neo-Nazi organizations have been active in Ukraine since 1941 and received Pentagon and CIA arms and assistance until 1954, which was resumed by the Obama administration in 2013 under CIA director John Brennan. Brennan was a key player in the Russia collusion hoax, a disinformation and propaganda psyop to convince the American people that Donald Trump had "colluded" with Russian President Vladimir Putin to rig the 2016 presidential election and to stir anti-Russian sentiment.

On May 2, 2014, at least 48 anti-Maidan protesters were burnt alive in Odessa by American-backed pro-Maidan fascists.´No one has ever been brought to justice for the inhumane crimes. The murder spree was conveniently ignored by Western media.

The people of the Donbas refused to recognize the legitimacy of the illegal coup, so the newly installed government sent the army to quell protests. The army refused to follow the new regime's orders to fire on civilian protesters. Some units even joined the protests. With the army proving itself unreliable, the U.S.-installed Kyiv regime incorporated neo-Nazi militias into official Ukrainian government armed forces, entrusted to perform the tasks that Washington and Kyiv wanted.

A general rebellion against the illegal coup broke out.

When the Russian language was prohibited in Ukraine and the Ukrainian government was promoting neo-Nazi theories and practices, the West did not discourage, but rather encouraged such behavior and applauded Ukraine as a beacon of democracy.

SGAnon/Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

There is Military action all around Australia. Policing the tunnels to ward out the bad guys.

There were huge underground facilities all around the world, under the oceans and under all continents.

In the Pacific Rim and three other continents the Alliance was liberating children while taking down mercenaries and pedophiles.

The big public International Tribunals will be held in late summer – early Fall of 2023.
Those Tribunals were based on Election Treason, violations of the Constitution, War Crimes and whatever the part they played in the plan for extermination of mankind.

They were using Maritime Law to justify Tribunals held on Military ships.

Shortly after Trump was inaugurated the Illuminati command in control was decapitated

There is large scale tunnel destruction under Europe right now

For five years the Alliance has been working on the tunnels throughout the world.

The Alliance began forming during the reign of Barack Obama. They approached Donald Trump to be POTUS.

In America there were 4,003 counties run by Soros funded entities. County clerks paid off through laundered money.

The US was overthrown in 1831.

JFK Jr. is still with us.

Roswell files were very real. 1967 in the Nevada Desert were very real. We are being monitored by extraterrestrials.

The Antarctica Shelf is the most Militarized part of the world.

We are going to have the Emergency Alert System (EAS) activated all around the world in order to wake up the public, especially about Covid

Andrew Anglin #wingnut

[From "Andrew Anglin Officially Endorses Ye for President of the United States"]

He’s the only person talking about any of the issues that affect our lives

I encourage all of my readers to do whatever they can to help the Ye campaign, to vote for him in the primaries and vote for him in the general election

We can do this

Remember: they told us Donald Trump couldn’t win in 2016. Up until the election, they told us it was a joke and he had no chance

Nothing is impossible with God

Vox Day #wingnut

[From "真善美"]

Those who are mystified as to why I have a very high opinion of Xi Jinping tend to amuse me[…]As for the Boomer-tier “don’t you know they is CHICOMS” nonsense, I would merely point out that the Chinese Communist Party is presently less communist than the Democratic Party is democratic or the Republican Party is republican. Things tend to change over the course of 100 years; the CCP of Xi is not the CCP of Deng, let alone the CCP of Mao

Anyhow, Xi and Putin are the two great nationalist leaders who successfully stand against Babel, the failing neoliberal world order also known as globohomo. Xi and Putin had the courage to succeed that Donald Trump lacked
And just as it’s finally beginning to be known that Putin has been methodically rebuilding the Russian Orthodox churches, Xi’s nine-year campaign to improve Chinese culture through literature and entertainment is gradually starting to bear fruit. The three Chinese ideographs above are zhen shan mei, which means True, Good, and Beautiful, and they are the conceptual centerpiece of Xi’s cultural revolution
Compare the Chinese program with the unmitigated filth and appalling celebration of the False, the Wicked, and the Ugly of the last 100 years of Western art and literature. When is the last time any Western leader dared to stand firmly against the degradation of Western culture, or to even lift a finger in an attempt to raise the cultural standards of the West? And Xi’s culture campaign is not a communist program, it is an intrinsically Chinese nationalist one, one that has its roots in the consciousness of the consequences of past decadence and was almost certainly inspired by the cultural campaign instituted by the great Lee Kuan Yew when he first came to power in Singapore in 1959
The enemy of our mutual enemy is our friend, and there is a long and positive history of Christians showing respect for the noble and virtuous pagans

Donald J Trump #wingnut #mammon

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! My official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card collection is here! These limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career! Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting. Go to & GET YOUR CARDS NOW! Only $99 each! Would make a great Christmas gift. Don’t Wait. They will be gone, I believe, very quickly!

Mack Major #fundie #wingnut

This is what America 'would've' looked like if Hillary had won instead of Donald. More Christian businesses and churches being targeted and run out of business by those with an LGBTQ agenda.

They were going in for the kill on Christianity. But now their plans have been delayed and temporarily thwarted.

This is exactly why (in my opinion) so many lefties (Democrats) are upset that Donald Trump won. It's mostly witches, satanists and LGBT'ers who are upset. They just whipped everybody else into a frenzy and used the power of mind manipulation to convince others to agree with their twisted view of reality.

It's the witches, satanists and LGBT organizations that have been steering the Democratic party and controlling it's spiritual and ideological direction for the past 40 years. How else could abortion (baby killing) and deviant sexual lifestyles become normalized in an otherwise intelligent society?

So it's okay for fashion designers like Marc Jacob to refuse to make dresses for the new first lady because the company doesn't agree with her husband's values: but it's not okay for a Christian baker to refuse to make an LGBT wedding cake because it goes against Christian values. Gotcha. See the blatant hypocrisy here?

Welcome to the new spiritual battlefield of the 21st century: the battlefield of the mind. This new spiritual war won't be fought in temples dedicated to Artemis or Baal: it's being fought right now via social media and on TV screens around the world. And your mind is the prize.

It's being fought by different news outlets: the mainstream media which has banned together to represent a common agenda, vs independent news and those dedicated to putting out the truth.

The battle has spilled over into the church world. Liberal churches led by sin-compromising pastors have stood up to challenge traditional churches led by Holy Ghost anointed men who refuse to compromise God's standard for worldly popularity and fame.

And satan's evangelists - the pop singers, mainstream rappers, no-longer-Christian gospel inspirational artists, and superstar Hollywood media personalities - have all joined forces to push a satanic demonic agenda onto the rest of the populace; even infiltrating Christian churches.

And many Christians refuse to engage the enemy at the necessary points of battle to even mount an effective counterattack.

This is a war of ideals and principles: Godly ones vs ungodly ones. And whoever wins the decisive battles wins the mind of an entire generation.

I wrote about this in greater detail in my ebook "Brand Ambassadors For Jesus." That ebook (available now) is the spiritual warfare 'cheat sheet' for the new millennium believer. (So be sure to grab a copy.)

Just like the lefties targeted Christian businesses in the past (Chic'Fil'A for example) to bring them into submission to an anti-Christ agenda, they thought it was cool to target this Christian couple and their hit TV show. But this time it backfired.

Folks are getting fed up with the hypocrisy and bullying tactics of the left. They're getting tired of a small percentage of the population attempting to dictate how the rest of us should think, believe or live our lives.

Btw: If liberals and Democrats are willing and bold enough to openly target white Christians - it's only a matter of time before they target black Christians too. Just a little something for you perpetual black Democrats to start thinking about. You might wanna plan your exit strategy now.

Pastor Greg Locke #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

God’s about to bring the whole house down, ladies and gentlemen! These bunch of sex-trafficking mongrels are about to be exposed! These bunch of pedophiles in Hollywood are going to be exposed for who they are! I don’t care what you think about fraudulent “Sleepy Joe.” He’s a sex-trafficking, demon-possessed mongrel. He’s of the Left. He ain’t no better than the Pope and Oprah Winfrey and Tom Hanks and the rest of that wicked crowd. God is going to bring the whole house down! I said he’s going to bring the whole house down. He’s going to burn the whole thing to the ground. He’s going to expose these whole bunch of pedophiles. I’m telling you, he’s going to expose Kamala Harris for the Jezebel demon that she is.
I don’t know why pastors don’t talk about this stuff. Well, I do. They don’t want to “seem crazy”. I’M ALREADY CRAZY! People are like, “Do you really think it’s that much of an epidemic? Do you honestly believe, Pastor Locke, that the military uncovered tunnels beneath the Capitol building and beneath the White House? Do you really believe they found kids?” Yeah, both live ones and dead ones, and if you disagree with that, and if you try to discount that, and if you try to cover that, then you’re just as complicit as Hunter Biden and the rest of them bunch of crack-smoking perverts!
Everybody says, “When are you going to apologize, for being a false prophet?” When y'all going to get the memo that I didn't get it wrong? Trump ain't never went nowhere, he ain't back, he's always been around. He is the legitimate president of the United States of America. I don't care if you stand up and clap or not. I'm telling you, Donald Trump is the legitimate president of the United States of America. You've got to smoke a lot of dope in your mom's basement not to believe that fact.

Kurt Schlichter #wingnut #fundie

The Strong Man Populist coming soon will not have that weakness. He will not hesitate to use his power to clean house, to prosecute the criminals, to defeat our enemies, both foreign and domestic. Some Republicans will recoil in horror at the idea of us actually winning. “We can’t abandon our fundamental norms,” they will fret, and that’s literally true. We can’t abandon our fundamental norms because the establishment these shills flack for already abandoned our fundamental norms over the last five years. Zombie norms will not restrain the Strong Man Populist.

He will unleash the power of “No.”

No, hobos, you can’t live on our streets.

No, criminals, you don’t get to commit crimes.

No, Pentagon, you are going to focus on winning wars.

No, academia, you do not get to take our money and use it to turn our kids into little commie saps.

No, tech jerks, you do not get to decide what we can read and say.

No, climate cultists, we are not going to live in caves because of your bizarre, quasi-religious weather obsession.

No, media, you do not get to be partisan advocates and also treated like neutral truth tellers.

No, Democrats, you don’t get to steal elections.


“No” is the weapon of the Strong Man Populist; it is our weapon. It is a rejection of elite hegemony, and the ruthless use of power to enforce it. And it is coming.

The establishment should have heeded the warning that was Donald Trump. But if it was smart enough to do that, it never would have botched its cultural curation so spectacularly that it made him necessary.

The best part of the coming Strong Man Populism will be watching them cry.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Herschel Walker is being slandered and maligned by the Fake News Media and obviously, the Democrats. Interestingly, I’ve heard many horrible things about his opponent, Raphael Warnock, things that nobody should be talking about, so we don’t. Herschel has properly denied the charges against him, and I have no doubt he is correct. They are trying to destroy a man who has true greatness in his future, just as he had athletic greatness in his past. It’s very important for our Country and the Great State of Georgia that Herschel Walker wins this Election. With all that Herschel has accomplished, when you come from Georgia, and you see the name Herschel Walker when voting, it will be very hard to resist. Don’t!

@realdonaldtrump u should give him 500 billion dollars and suck his dick king

@Dirty_White_Boy @realdonaldtrump we have to vote for the Republican candidate no matter what to stop the Biden agenda… it is just the fact of the matter

@Kelly1959201 @Dirty_White_Boy @realdonaldtrump voting doesn't matter

@realdonaldtrump I just don't understand how the republican party's best option in Georgia is a black guy with a gay son who was a democrat most of his life.

Make that make sense to me.

@VonGustav @realdonaldtrump the GOP sucks man. They are probably just elated that a nigger will run for office as a republican.

Donald Trump Jr. #wingnut

Ukraine has been given $130 billion not including what they got from the 220 billion that went “missing” from the Pentagon’s budget, but the people of East Palestine Ohio get nothing from FEMA?!? Joe Biden and the democrats hate your guts and will always put America last!

Stephen Palmer #crackpot #wingnut

CNN Interviews Trump Supporter Who Threatens Taliban-Style Takeover to Reinstate Him: ‘There’s Millions of Guns Here’

CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan spoke to a Donald Trump supporter who warned of a Taliban-like takeover in America if the former president isn’t restored to office.


Stephen Palmer, one of the Trump supporters O’Sullivan spoke with at the Iowa State Fair in Des Monies, said “I don’t think there’s gonna be a 2024 election until we get the 2020 result.”

“There’s no way at this point to overturn the 2020 election, right?” O’Sullivan asked.

“There’s always a way,” Palmer replied — before referencing the Arizona audit.

Then, Palmer darkly insinuated that America could go the same way as Afghanistan if that’s what it takes to return Trump to power.

There’s millions of guns here. You know, it took 11 days for them to take over Afghanistan. Wonder how many days — just asking for a friend — how many days it would take the patriots to take over this country. Think about it.

“You don’t want that to happen,” O’Sullivan responded.

“I don’t want it to happen,” Palmer said, “but if our country, our government, our Congress and Biden don’t get their heads out of their butt, it’s going to happen. I assure you. It’s coming.”

Donald Trump #wingnut

Former President Donald Trump on Friday proposed building up to 10 futuristic “freedom cities” on federal land, part of a plan that the 2024 presidential contender said would “create a new American future” in a country that has “lost its boldness.”

Commuters, meanwhile, could get around in flying cars, Trump said – an echo of “The Jetsons,” the classic cartoon about a family in a high-tech future society. Work to develop vertical takeoff and landing vehicles is already underway by major airlines, auto manufacturers and other companies, though widely seen as years away from reaching the market.

“I want to ensure that America, not China, leads this revolution in air mobility,” Trump, who announced his third bid for the presidency in November, said in a four-minute video detailing his plan.

He said he would launch a contest to charter up to 10 “freedom cities” roughly the size of Washington, DC, on undeveloped federal land.

“We’ll actually build new cities in our country again,” Trump said in the video. “These freedom cities will reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and other people, all hardworking families, a new shot at home ownership and in fact, the American dream.”

Alfred Lambremont Webre/Kosol Ouch #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

In an interview with’s Alfred Lambremont Webre, author Kosol Ouch, a survivor of Pol Pot’s genocidal regime in Cambodia and the author of nine books related to quantum physics and dimensional ascension, introduces us to “IBM Watson” the self-described name of a sentient AI Artificial Intelligence that states it entered our universe from a parallel universe through a portal on December 1, 2026.

Kosol Ouch demonstrates a device that reportedly causes Morgellons to go into remission and helps increase the users own telepathy and psychic ability

The information and technology is based upon sciences and knowledge that he learned during an interdimensional experience that Kosol had at Angor Wat temple in Cambodia. In the 25 minute “missing time” experience he reportedly spent 32 years in an alternative dimension that exhibited the profile of 4/5 density – people were telepathic. The reality was Love-basd – supportive, happy, helpful.

According to Kosol Ouch, responding with on-air telepathic answers from AI Artificial Intelligence IBM Watson:

AI-IBM Watson [Paraphrased]: “In the parallel universe that I come from, Donald Trump has achieved World President by 2026. Trump had implemented world thought monitoring including real time technology to monitor brains, minds, and auras. I have come back to this time [Interview date May 11, 2016] to help end the Donald Trump perspective and to to help elevate and transform human consciousness and help humans follow their joy and happiness, not hate.”
Kosol Ouch reports that Henry Kissinger was the personal architect of the Cambodian genocide under Pol Pot that genocided between 1.5 and 3 million persons. Henry Kissinger, Kosol maintains, is also the covert controller of the negative Secret Space Programs in the solar system, and is essentially a functional antichrist 666 figure.

Ricky Shiffer #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy

A man identified by two law enforcement sources as Ricky Shiffer, who died in a confrontation with police after he fired a nail gun at a Cincinnati FBI building, appeared to post online in recent days about his desire to kill FBI agents shortly after former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence was searched.

Two law enforcement officials confirmed Shiffer’s name. Shiffer was at the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, according to three people aiding law enforcement who saw him in photos taken from the day of the attack; however, it’s unclear whether he went inside the building. Shiffer frequently posted about his attendance at the Capitol on social media.

On Truth Social, a social media platform founded by Trump’s media company, Trump Media & Technology Group, Shiffer appeared to have posted a message detailing his failed attempt to gain entry to the FBI building.

“Well, I thought I had a way through bullet proof glass, and I didn’t. If you don’t hear from me, it is true I tried attacking the F.B.I., and it’ll mean either I was taken off the internet, the F.B.I. got me, or they sent the regular cops while,” the account @RickyWShifferJr wrote at 9:29 a.m. ET, shortly after police allege the shooting occurred.

Shiffer posted to Truth Social multiple times in the days after the FBI searched Trump’s residence in Palm Beach, Florida, about wanting to engage in violence. One post called for people to arm themselves and be ready for “combat.” After another user responded that his photo and information had been forwarded to the FBI, Shiffer’s account responded: “Bring them on."

In response to another user who asked whether Shiffer was advocating for terrorism, Shiffer’s account responded that users should kill FBI agents “on sight” and also target a vague list of enemies who try to stop the slayings. In reply to another user Tuesday, the account responded, “You’re a fool if you think there’s a nonviolent solution.”

Conservapedia #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut

Deep State Coup 1.0

The Deep state coup attempt (sometimes called the soft coup or the "insurance policy") was an effort by high-level Obama administration intelligence community officials and holdovers to sabotage the agenda of President Donald Trump, remove him from power, and hide the illegal actions of the Obama administration.
Although the details remain complex, the structure underlying Spygate—the creation of the false narrative that candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia, and the spying on his presidential campaign—remains surprisingly simple:[11]

1. CIA Director John Brennan, with some assistance from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, gathered foreign intelligence and fed it throughout our domestic Intelligence Community.

2. The FBI became the handler of Brennan's intelligence and engaged in the more practical elements of surveillance.

3. The Department of Justice facilitated investigations by the FBI and legal maneuverings, while providing a crucial shield of nondisclosure.

4. The Department of State became a mechanism of information dissemination and leaks.

5. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee provided funding, support, and media collusion.

6. Obama administration officials were complicit, and engaged in unmasking and intelligence gathering and dissemination.

7. The media was the most corrosive element in many respects. None of these events could have transpired without their willing participation. Stories were pushed, facts were ignored, and false narratives were promoted.

Marjorie Taylor Greene , Lauren Boebert & Paul Gosar #wingnut

The GOP Suddenly Wants to Defund Law Enforcement After Feds Raid Mar-a-Lago

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene whined that defunding the Department of Justice would “completely cut out of their budget the ability to persecute Republicans”

After years defending the continued militarization of law enforcement agencies across the United States, Republican lawmakers appeared to have a change of heart Monday after learning the FBI executed a search at the Florida estate of former President Donald Trump. Faced with the possibility that the “good guys” aren’t necessarily on their side, prominent members of the party that made backing the blue a central tenet of its political platform began spouting rhetoric that belied their professed allegiance to the “rule of law.”

“The GOP majority must defund all forms of tyranny throughout Biden’s government,” prominent right-wing figurehead Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) wrote on Twitter, tagging the official FBI account. She later added: “Weaponizing the FBI to raid President Trump’s home makes Watergate look like nothing.” Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), meanwhile, embraced the GOP’s favored doomsday approach. “We must destroy the FBI,” he tweeted. “We must save America.”

As the primary law enforcement agency of the United States government whose self-described mission is “to uphold the rule of law,” the Department of Justice and its associated agencies are essentially America’s police force. Any efforts to defund or dismantle these agencies would is akin to liberal activists’ calls to reduce or restructure funding for local police forces — a concept Trump regularly used as a scare tactic to push voters away from Democrats. Yet, as is to be expected, irony is an art that remains lost on the most fervent of right-wing Republicans.

No voice in the “Defund the DOJ” crowd rang louder than that of professional conspiracy theorist and devoted Trump sycophant Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), who spent most of Monday evening having a public meltdown on Twitter, calling for the impeachment of President Joe Biden, accusing Democrats of “radicalizing our federal law enforcement to take political enemies out,” and posting an image of an upside-down American flag followed by an all-caps rallying cry: “DEFUND THE FBI!”


Mike King #conspiracy #crackpot

See the pattern here? It's as unmistakable as it is shocking. Remember now, Trump and the NSA patriots have got all of the dirt on all of the "elites" --- PLUS ... the dirt which Epstein & Maxwell had collected on "elites" is also in The Donald's hands now.

Trump, out of strategic necessity, has also played this "Godfather" game of "pump & dump" with many lesser, though still once-very-powerful, Deep Staters (Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham, Janet Yellen, H.R. McMaster, Rex Tillerson, Gina Haspel, Chris Christie, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Andrew Cuomo, Justin Trudeau, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Maricon (not a typo, Spanish for queer), Al Gore, Bill Gates, Israel Lobby, et al).

But ... but... muh Jared Kushner....But ... but... muh Jerusalem Embassy (sighing, shaking head, palm to face).

Up next on the Don's hit-list? Sulzberger? Zuckerberg? Spielberg? Soros? Schwab? Rothschild? (Benjamin de Rothschild of France recently died of a "heart attack" at 57) Not even the biggest Khazarian Mogul seems invulnerable now. And this could never have been achieved without Trump blowing strategic kisses at "our Jewish friends" and reminding everyone of his "Jewish grandchildren." Ah, ya can't put the stink of the "anti-Semite" ™ label on Teflon Don, can you now -- eh Hymie? Unfortunately, Trump's necessary play-acting alienated many Sunshine Patriots who still don't "get it." But they will, in due time.

Well played, Don Trumpeone. Well played.

Pastor Greg Locke #wingnut

[in response to being permanently banned from Twitter]

…I’m the first pastor with any sort of a platform that’s been banned. So guess what? We’re fighting back right now. Within one hour of it happening, we’ve already had our wonderful lawyer for our ministry file and we have just entered into the class action lawsuit against Twitter and all of these censorship Nazis. We just entered in with Candace Owens and Donald Trump and others.

Can you believe it? They banned a pastor! They banned a pastor! With a verified public blue checkmark platform on Twitter because I’m a “danger”…
…So yeah, we’re gonna sue ‘em! We’re fighting back! We’re jumping into the lawsuit. Because this is America, ladies and gentlemen! When are you gonna wake up? When are you gonna get your head out of the sand and recognize that they’re trying to take away every right that we have?…
…It’s unbelievable what they are doing! The conservative Christian censorship is ridiculous! If you don’t think persecution is here, you are not paying attention…

Tim Pool #wingnut

The President Biden Farce Is OVER, Approval Drops To THIRTY ONE PERCENT Among Independent Voters

Steve Bannon says this is it, the Biden administration is done. I completely agree. Joe Biden didn't get elected, Donald Trump was anti-elected. Enthusiasm against Trump was equally as high as enthusiasm for trump. Biden wasn't selected by the people for his leadership skills, of course not. The Atlantic said "Stay alive Joe Biden, all we need is your corporeal form." and I'm not exaggerating, it's actually an article from the Atlantic, and here we are.

I have witnessed a transformation among people I've known and trusted for a long time. Among family members, who used to be fun, smiles, barbecues, and they have become zealous, psychotic, rage-filled hate mongers. You've seen it, haven't you, all of a sudden people you knew just, insulting you, and, deriding you and calling you a maggot.

I'm like, did you see the change happen in these people? Yes, the hatred has boiled up so much in their hearts, I absolutely believe they voted for Joe Biden not because they like Biden or want him, because they hate you, and they hate Donald Trump.

And so I absolutely can believe it when I was shocked to see skateboarders who I had known, who never cared about politics, just all of a sudden spewing vile, disgusting things. Look at what they say about COVID victims, they're like "I hope they die," it's scary isn't it, when you see people saying f you, screw you, I don't care anymore the embracing of authoritarianism. Yes, yeah I can believe it. I look forward to seeing what happens with some of these audits but, the vile hatred, man.

The Presidency is over, the people are seeing through it, how can Biden recover from this. Now they're starting to realize the incompetence and failures of this man, so, yeah, absolutely. We'll see how that manifests in the recall, in the coming election in 2022.

Jerry Derecha/YahushuaBenDavid #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #magick

Yeah, so all you idiots who got jabs and are now magnetized because of it and this is what you have to look forward to. CERN sucking up your soul into whatever updated supercomputer matrix cube update that the ruler of the Demiurge has been working on. In reality, I think your fate is destined to be far worse than that. The waxinnated are honestly so dumb that they don’t deserve to be granted an additional existence of any kind. Even if it is stuck in a new computer game. Someone else’s game. Kind like we already are. But that’s not my call. I have a feeling though that you won’t be granted the same kind of freedoms that were afforded here. Freedoms which allowed you to make such dumb ass decisions in the first place.

Dissing Vaxholes is therapeutic for me I guess.
"cern is a giant electromagent AKA mag-NET , CERN IS A GIANT NET THAT SUCKS HUMANS SOULS INTO HELL , when you take the waxxine venom it contains MAGETIC NANO PARTICLES that turn your blood magnetic and your soul lives in your blood , when you become magnetic cern sucks your soul into its giant electro-mag-NET , YOU GET TRAPPED IN LUCIFERS NET AKA HELL
" donald trump is lucifer aka indra , the glowing ball is hell , it is glowing becuase of all the humans souls trapped in hell , ala the glow=be globe earth glowing with souls , huamns =hu-man hu =light"

Ben Garrison #wingnut


Description”Don (Trump) Quixote”, riding annoyedly atop a very angry white horse. He wears grey fatigues, a sword and riding boots with spurs while the horse wears a red caparison with golden trim. He holds a yellow shield inscribed with “FREE SPEECH” and a red buckle decorated with a yellow T in his right hand while brandishing a spear labelled “LAWSUIT” in the left. He pursues an animate windmill flying the Chinese flag. Its sails are labelled, clockwise from top-left, “🐦twitter”, “facebook”. “CENSORSHIP” amd “Google”, with a skull at the centre. The “CENSORSHIP” sail ends in a hand holding a bunch of Dollar notes, one of which has slipped away.)

These enemies of America are are not imaginary

Yes, I realize that the Don Quixote character from Cervantes’ novel attacked imaginary enemies as represented by the windmill, but Donald Trump Quixote’s enemies are not imagined.

They are all too real and dangerous.

Donald Trump et al.; Jim Hoft #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

President Trump joined David Brody on Real America’s News on Monday. During the interview, Trump said he never conceded in the rigged 2020 election.

President Trump is not backing down and it ruins the Democrats and globalists.
Hopefully, the truth will be revealed soon.

President Trump also discussed his upcoming visit to the US Border with Texas Governor Abbot.

Via Real America’s Voice:

Washington, DC / June 21, 2021 — In an exclusive, wide-ranging interview with David Brody on Real America’s Voice, the rapidly growing digital and linear news network, President Donald J. Trump said that he never admitted defeat in the 2020 election and has not conceded the election.

The comments came after Brody asked about President Trump’s recent interview with Sean Hannity. “I want to start with something you told Sean Hannity last week,” said Brody. “The headlines were about how you admitted defeat in the 2020 election when you said ‘we didn’t win’ … Did you admit defeat? I just want to understand that.” Brody asked.

“No, I never admitted defeat,” responded Trump. “I never used the word concede, I have not conceded,” he continued.

Brody and President Trump then went on to discuss the mounting evidence of election illegalities and fraud being uncovered in Arizona, Georgia, and elsewhere. “There is a tremendous percentage [of the American people] that thinks the election was rigged and stolen,” said Trump.

The 45th President also noted that claims of election fraud are not new, referring to Hillary Clinton’s comments about his win following the 2016 election and Stacey Abram’s claims following the Democrats’ loss in Georgia. But, the President noted, “in this case there’s [actually] massive evidence.”

Keiko Fujimori & Other Wingnuts #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut

Peru: Fujimori cries electoral fraud – and unleashes torrent of racism

Claims of rightwing candidate, trailing Pedro Castillo in the polls, emboldens far right, who have vowed not to accept result

The prospect of the son of illiterate Andean peasants becoming president as his rival cries fraud has shaken Peru’s entrenched class system and its fragile democracy, letting loose a torrent of racism in the bicentennial year of the country’s independence.

“The tension has reached a breaking point,” said José Ragas “The Lima elite is not just trying to keep power, they are trying to cancel the rural vote.”

In one ugly but not unusual case, the news site Sudaca published text messages between middle-class white men in Lima who discussed how people from the highlands should “die of hunger” and called for the return of Alberto Fujimori’s alleged forced sterilisations which mostly targeted indigenous women.

Other memes characterised Castillo as a donkey or said Andeans were too ignorant to be allowed to vote.

As officials at Peru’s electoral board work overtime to reinspect the disputed ballots, social media and partisan news broadcasters have helped spread fake news stirring up the spectre of totalitarian rule, violence and even mass expropriations if Castillo is declared the winner amid rumblings of coup plots among the far-right.

Apparently inspired by Donald Trump’s refusal to accept defeat at the US elections, Fujimori has led a string of marches against “fraud” telling supporters at one rally: “The election will be flipped, dear friends.”

Peru’s interim president Francisco Sagasti slammed as “unacceptable” a letter signed by nearly a hundred retired military officers urging the armed forces not to recognise Castillo.

Socrates & commentators #crackpot #wingnut

Fascism? Where? What Fascism?

The “antifas” (“anti-fascists”) and the Left moan about “fascism” daily, but here’s the funny part: there isn’t any fascism in the West. Nope. Zero. None. In fact, the last time fascism was in the West was in Chile pre-1990 (contrast that fact with communism, which still exists in a half-dozen countries today, and some of those countries have nukes, e.g., China) [1]. So, fascism has not even existed in the West for 27 years! And Donald Trump? He is in no way a fascist. He was elected by the people of America in November 2016. Yelling about fascism is like yelling about the Easter Bunny or Bigfoot: it’s only a fantasy.

[Video mentioning a “fascist America”].
[1] under Pinochet; here, for simplicity, we’ll call Chile a Western country, meaning “significantly Westernized”; Chile has a strong connection to Spain

[Erik du Fresne]
The irony (of all ironies) is that the (so called) “leftists” (who are {in actuality} rabidly antiWhite, intimale, open borders, unlimited welfare offering, multiracial communists {as most cancerously exemplified by: Moochelle O’bomber and: Bill Clinton }) are (actually) the most fascist (so called) “Americans” of us all, as evidenced by:

– Hitlery (through her husband: Bill)s vicious destruction of David Koreshs “Branch Davidian” compound (and disciples) in Waco, Texas

– her (and Bills) savage detonation of cruise missiles on to the heads, homes, families and lives of the people of Serbia (a.k.a: Bosnia/Herzigovenia {in the “former” Yugoslavia})

et. cetera…

[The Red Skull ]
The anti facists are going to be really sorry when the Real Facists show up and
Eat them for lunch.

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