
"Dirty Faggots" Troll #fundie fstdt.com

HEY, fucktards, you don't believe in the Bible. You don't believe in Jesus. You can therefore make no claims, nor can you squawk about what the Bible says. You never read it. You didn't want to conform to it. Now you get whatever you get.

(Then he resumed copy and pasting "Dirty Faggots burn in hell" over and over again.)

#353687 #fundie fstdt.com

Christians ARE the majority in America, a very powerful one, and add Central and South America into the mix and Christians totally dominate the western hemisphere. That leaves you unbelievers with not even enough to be a minority, let alone important. The sheep are those who take care of even the least of Christ's people, and they go to heaven. The goats, like you assholes here at FSTDT, are those who do not look after the people, but rather are enemies of just about everybody, even yourselves. You losers wind up in hell. Any other questions?

Jason #fundie fstdt.com

[So, you're in favour of a Church State, are you?

Which Church?]

*The* Church. There is only one. All others are blasphemy.

[But there ARE many different churches in America, even if you think most of them are blasphemous. Which church should be invlolved in the government?]

No, there aren't. There is one church, and many imitators.

[Well, tell us which one it is, then. Lands sakes, man, there's 30,000 to choose from, and that's just restricting it to Christianity. I wouldn't want to join the wrong one by mistake. G'wan, tell us. Is it a secret? Are you the only one in it?]

The true faith is self-evident.

Snake #fundie fstdt.com

When you look at bacteria and see the evolution of bacteria, you also look at the embryo succession of HUMAN life,you SEE that GOD has use this as HIS way to bring human life to where it is at this point.

You and I do NOT know the will of GOD But we can be assured that HE knows better than your THEORIES. God does not fit within your scope but is much broader than you think He is. BESIDE THIS IS NOT AN ARTICLE OF FAITH! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR SKULL!

Mr Mann #fundie #homophobia fstdt.com

Rowenn: Obviously you haven't read the Bible or you wouldn't make such an ignorant statement. God has made His views on homosexuality very clear throughout the Bible. Here is just one verse:

1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

The Word is clear. Unrepentant (practicing) homosexuals who die in their sin, GO TO HELL. They can go to church, they can call themselves a Christian...but if they are practicing homosexuals when they die--they will spend eternity in Hell.

This passage lists a number of sins that offer the same consequences for unrepentance. An unrepentant thief goes straight to hell as well.

BUT, no other sin listed in that passage has a number of followers out to forcibly legalize their sin-calling sin a civil right.

When Jesus stopped the stoning of the adulteress, He told her to, "Go and sin no more." Repentance doesn't mean perfection, or a lack of struggle...The sin must stop! If a gay or lesbian isn't even attempting to stop the sin-They will burn: end of story.

Bottom line, Rowenn: Unrepentant gays and lesbians are gonna burn. This is not a translation issue--its the Word of God.
--If you don't like it, then maybe Christianity is not for you.

Ernest #fundie fstdt.com

(on FSTDT)

What do you mean Jesus hasn't done anything in 2,000 years? During that time, he has saved BILLIONS. The past 2,000 years have been some of the most active year's in God's economy, as He has sent the Holy Spirit to convict billions of people their sin and lead them to repentence in Christ. According to the Bible, the reason that Jesus has tarried for all of this time is because he is withholding judgment. If Jesus returned today, he would be forced to condemn most of the people on this site to an eternity in the fires of hell. Jesus' "delay" simply gives you another day to choose to repent and trust him as Saviour.

Big Chicken Dinner #fundie fstdt.com

They always put nice handsome young men as the gay guys on TV. The gays are also always polite, sassy, fabulous, witty, and talented. This promotes the idea that it's fun and tempting to be a gay.

But in real life, gays are associated with a higher rate of anal disease, high rates of violent crimes against children and other such innocents, more racist tendencies, generally more greedy, and definately known for notorious public displays of affection (to include oral sex in front of children at their "parades").

Gays on TV should definately be displayed as balding middle-age fat men with bad dandruff. They should smoke cheap cigars and wear unfashionable clothing. And above all, they should be portrayed as ignorant and narrow-minded. This approach worked on "All in the Family" and we eliminated bigotry.

If you made the gays as unappealing as Archie Bunker, we'd see a decrease in gays to pre-1950 levels.

wrightbrigade #fundie fstdt.com

[Mid rant about it's awareness of history and all-round betterness than the horrifically tolerant it sees around it...]

And how can I be ignorant about anthropology when that is a word you just made up?

Wrightbrigade #fundie fstdt.com

Hey summer, are you going to put your atheist gestapo on me so I can't have any more kids?

Too late anyway, I already have 4 kids and none of them is going to grow up being a queer lover. Face it, we're out producing you and pretty soon, we're going to end all this atheist,queer-loving, bible denying, mix-race supporting, baby killing, women-working rebel-rousing.

We'll set things right, even if it means converting a few of you at gunpoint (or on a bonfire).

Brent #fundie fstdt.com

The Jesus of the BIBLE preached longer and louder about Hell than He preached of Heaven. The reason liberal "Christians" deny Hell is because, deep down, they KNOW they're going there. God won't shed a tear when He damns their souls to Hell. If you disagree, you don't know the God of the Bible. It's just that simple!

Pastor Roger #fundie fstdt.com

The NASA scientists have not explained why plants are green; they have
simply observed a system that works. The fact that there is plenty of blue and
red light available as an energy source does not explain how the highly complex
and precisely shaped molecules that capture the light came into being. The most
rational explanation for any system that works well is that a rational mind
outside the system designed each component to work with the others. The God who
made light on the first creation day designed and made the plants to use "best
light there is".

BCF #fundie fstdt.com

You guys don't even know what a real Christian is, nor do you know what they believe. You are children of your father, the devil. You are the children of lies, and you father is a deciever. There is no truth in him, he has been a liar since the begining. Flee from your wicked idols, and occult like traditions. You will all feel the wrath of a Holy and Righteous judge. Only the Guilty object to the teachings of the righteous. Only the Guilty say, let me go without payment. Only the Guilty question the morality of the judge. Make it easier for yourself, stop storing up wrath. The reason you are still alive is because God is letting you store up wrath.

BigChrisFlame #fundie fstdt.com

Sandman, the fact that Atheist like you and say such nice things about you should be evidence enough that you are not a Christian. You need to examine yourself. I don't know what your error is, but I am betting it is with scripture. Because that is ALWAYS where heresy starts.

BigChrisFilm #fundie fstdt.com

Different levels of Hell, and it is completely fair if you understand how horrible a person you are. Which you will on judgment day. Think about it, God is going to play a movie of everything you have ever said, thought, or done. All those things you got away with, that no one knows about, they will all be brought to the light on judgment day. Everyone is going to see it all.

BigChrisfilm #fundie fstdt.com

[about his Judgement Day fantasy]
No, I will actually be standing on the right hand of God, and watching you. I doubt you will be able to even speak, let alone flip him off. But wow, what a chance for God to poor out his wrath if you do.

BCF (who else?) #fundie fstdt.com

Everyone person deserves to go to hell, but God is a loving, merciful God, and not everyone is going to go there. You are going to have to understand that YES, everything you do IS a sin. You are not only not a good person, you are an EVIL person. The issue isn't that you sin, it's that YOU'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING BUT SIN. And it is NOT wrong for a Holy Righteous judge to send law breakers to prison. Only the ones breaking the law think such things as those.

The Bible is Right! #fundie fstdt.com

You can't tell me the earth is old.

Did you know that if the universe is very old, they would have landed in a mile of space dust on the moon.

Also, they have beetles that make a spit so hot that it couldn't have been evolved because they is no step inbtween.

But they never tell you these things in science because it goes against they religon of evolution.

Let me ask you people a question: If evolution was true, where do bulls come from? There are no female bulls, so how do they come to be if they aren't created? I bet you never talked about that in evolution school.

A Friend (Troy) #fundie fstdt.com

[In response to the "How could Adam and Eve know what they're doing wrong without the ability to discern right from wrong. I used a robot for an example]

Man is not a robot, He is made in God's image with free-will. The man God made as a sovereign being knew to obey and trust in God so he had no excuse. You misread the Bible. We are all biologically born into sin, it is unavoidable for sin moves down through the act of procreation. That which is born of the flesh is flesh: flesh is sin of the body and self of the soul: this is reality: deal with reality! No man has never not sinned except the man who was also God. This is spiritual reality. You want fantasy, but God deals in reality and the righteous way of doing things. Either God does not create at all or as it turns out we are all born into sin (except Adam and Eve) due the sin of one man. The latter is better for you would not be able to have this conversation.

Big Chris Film #fundie fstdt.com

[Doesn't matter. I refuse to repent as I have done nothing wrong. If your god exists, I'll be glad to accept my punishment. I would rather spend eternity in hell than with an "all-loving" being who would even think that a place like hell is a good idea.]

No, actually you will not be glad. The Bible says you are going to be whinning, and gorveling, while we all watch you go into the pit of hell. Now, believe me, that's not something I want for you. But you are right. You refuse to repent. It has nothing to do with being unable.

Chris R16/R2730 #fundie fstdt.com

Thanks for continuing to prove me right regarding atheism. Most of its followers are as irrational and militant as the creation people they despise. Someone said something untrue about our beloved atheism; let's get him guys!

I don't care what it says in the dictionary either, as terms such as religion or atheism are nothing more than stupid human constructs. Atheism can mean whatever the hell I want it to, and you atheist inquisitors can't force me to accept the "established" definition.

BigChrisFilm #fundie fstdt.com

["Oh, and fyi: Ian Paisley is a known bigot and terrorism advocate. He actually condones bombing buildings and shooting people of other denominations. Not a great role model, bub."]

Of course, the world hates Paisley. Almost as much as the world hated Jesus. But anyway, I tell you what. You keep your religion out of our schools, and I will do the same. But until then, I will advocate for my religion to be taught along side your religion. Anyway, I am glad you read the bible. The Bible is not a book that you can read through once, and be done with. If you do that, it will seem foolish, but the more you study it, and compare scriptures you will realize there are not as many errors as you thought. Infact, there are none. If you TRULEY would like to go through the "errors" in the Bible, and TRULEY would like to know how I reconcile these "errors" yet STILL believe it to be infallible, I will start a topic, and you can start posting your favorite errors.

Liz #fundie fstdt.com

To not believe an incubus attack can happen because demons don't exist is such a narrow, ignorant view. I'm writing this now at 3:30am because I'm afraid to fall asleep. I experienced an attack last night - It wasn't a person, it was evil and unlike a person, it can get away with it. It's the scariest thing that I've ever experienced. There are more things going on in this life than what we can see. Rather than opening your eyes wider, try closing them so you can feel what's around you. Then you'll know...

Virginia D. Templeton #fundie fstdt.com

Ever notice how your entire theory hinges on mutation, but NO beneficial mutation has ever been observed? It's always retardation, extra arms, deformed dirty parts, and so on.

[Tempus posts an article titled, "The Milano mutation: A rare protein mutation offers new hope for heart disease patients"]

Tempus, I'm not going to bother reading that article because it's a lot of atheo-technobabble bologna. But I can tell you just from reading the title that there's no "mutation" going on there at all—God decided to heal some people who were sick. It's as simple as that. And you use this beautiful miracle as a way of SPITTING in God's face! Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting.

Virginia D. Templeton #fundie fstdt.com

Evolution is not science—science must be TESTABLE and OBSERVABLE, and no one has ever been able to observe one species turning into another, over any period of time. Creation science IS true science because we have a living document, the Bible, whose existence can be proven (surely you've seen a Bible!) and whose veracity is corroborated by millenia worth of archaeological evidence.

Let me put it in terms you can understand. I'm not a fan of baseball, but my parents used to go to games all the time when my mother was pregnant with me. Beer is often served at baseball games—does this mean that beer is a sport? Likewise, evolution is often "served with" science, but that doesn't make it science.

Remove your naturalist blinders and take a gander at the facts.

rockin guy xd #fundie fstdt.com

Please people, this is a serious matter.

Would you really want to spend eternity in a lake of fire with gays,transsexuals, jews,and other miscreants?

Ha, didn't think so.

You don't have to if you come to Jesus and ask him to save you. There is no reason for anyone to spend eternity in hell when salvation is completely free.

Troy, AKA "A Friend" #fundie fstdt.com

(He's BAAAACK...)

KJV onlyists are wrong. Sheol and Hades are not Hell. Sheol and Hades are the place of timeless unawares where people wait to be resurrected from.

Lazarus was in the good side of hades, which is paradise below (in contrast to paradise above) and will be resurrected at the end of the Tribulation at the start of the 7th trumpet.

In the bad side of hades is the rich man who will be resurrected a thousand years after Lazarus, to be judged at Great White Throne and cast into hell for all eternity.

That is where 99%+ of people at fstdt are going, especially its owner.

Crusader11089 #fundie fstdt.com

[In response to a YouTube video of a person taking the Blasphemy Challenge]

lol. you extreme left wing liberal, you deserve no place in the society that christianity and rational human beings have created. go eat some fucking grass you vegan bitch. oh and btw, according to evolution meat stimulates brain growth, thats why homo robustus died out. so chew on that science fucktard. i can only hope that you will die before you reach voting age.you are a perfect example of why we could reimpose the inquisition...

one voice #fundie fstdt.com

It is known that every religion opposes homosexuality, even Islam and Hinduism. Even the Satanic Bible condemns it not just because it gives free will (which is against Satanic teachings) but it will disrupt the growth of the Satanic race, which is the same reason why the devil's bible supports the idea of women as property. So with this fact there's not much a difference between Satanism and the so-called "Christian" fundentalism which is not true Christianity.

Robert #fundie fstdt.com

[In response to this quote being on the site: "If u have sex before marriage then in Gods eyes u are married to that person if a man rapes a woman in Gods eyes they are married it sucks for the girl but what can we do lol"]

I don't see what's wrong with this statement. Why is this on this site anyway????

Jason #fundie fstdt.com

Atheists are always so quick to point out that atheism is not a religion, but a lack thereof. I think you can pretty much apply that across the board: liberalism isn't a political ideology, but a lack thereof.

Also, acknowledging other non-Christ based religions in the name of "political correctness" is tantamount to admitting that there's a possibility that Christianity is incorrect. There isn't.

We've got the Bible - we win.

Katy Anne #fundie fstdt.com

It is sad to see how mislead some of you people are. Abortions don't turn a profit? Not true! Aborted babies are used in vaccines and the medical establishment is trying to get more women to have abortions because the demand for vaccinations have gone up in recent years!
You can find the article I wrote about it at KJBchurch.com

Vic #fundie fstdt.com

Christians do FAR more good for suffering people in the world han atheists will ever even think of doing, even at the cost of their own lives. All atheists care about is their selfish interests and desires.

Most of the concern about what is going on in Darfur is by christian organizations. What are atheists doing? They basically ignore it and go on with what they love to do: attacking christians, slandering Jesus and all the other worldly and immoral activities they love to do. You guys care more about animals than you do about human beings, specifically the black people suffering from genocide in Africa.

By the way, the title of this page is complete HORSECRAP. It just further proves that most of you atheists are pathological liars.

How does NOT believing in God and not being religious make someone "likely to care for the poor"??? Isn't it far more likely that people who have a faith that SPECIFICALLY teaches love for others and care for the poor will do just that? You atheists are so full of crap.

And, concerning that woman's video on youtube. The fact that you atheists could watch that video and none of what she said entered your thick heads, and some of you can use demeaning adjectives against it such as "trainwreck". It shows that your hearts really are evil and what she said was basically true. You guys and satanists have a lot in common: self-worship, arrogance, refusal to ever listen, habitual lying, selfishness and immorality.

Like I said, the title of this page is such a lie on so many levels. Even if you met a "religious" doctor who refused to care for the poor, then that doctor is obviously really an atheist who doesn't really believe in his religion but just pretends to. What the hell has not being religious or not believing in God got ANYTHING to do with being good? Criminals, pornographers and all sorts of bad people in the world are obviously FAR more likely to be atheists than christians. Unless it is a religion that specifically encourages immorality, like Islam or Satanism, which you atheists have no problem with, like that godly woman pointed out. You guys are the embodiment of immorality, deafness, stubborness and selfishness.

(In other news, Rick Romero reveals that a surprisingly large percentage of FSTDT users aren't atheists. Film at eleven!)

Jason #fundie fstdt.com

There are two types of people: Christians and Christians in denial. There simply are no other alternatives. Each of you knows, deep down, the truth, but for some reason are afraid to admit it. Why?

Torture Her #fundie fstdt.com

Torture Her

2007-Jul-17 06:49 P

I say we give this woman the special treatment. After seeing those poor kids in the jesus camp videos there is only one solution to this problem. I advocate the torture of this becky creature. We should take a hint from dragon keal and RAPE HER. I say stick a sword up her cunt AND an electric baton in her ass and watch her writhe in pain until she begs for it to stop. But we won't stop, we shall continue over and over and over again until she bleeds to death from cuntal blood loss and a high voltage colon. That is all I have to say. Have a really nice day.

ResistNWO #conspiracy fstdt.com

The shame in this post is it turns the masses off to the real truth behind 911 because it is strewn with outlandish claims. Yes the government brought down the WTC. Yes the Federal Reserve cronies masterminded it, maybe at the bohemian grove :) Yes they are moving us toward a one world government. And yes when people like this guy makes statements of the facts combined with imagination, it makes the rest of us look like insane conspiracy theorists, instead of sane conspiracy realists.

DontKidYourself #fundie fstdt.com

(Proving our side has its share of idiots too)

@TheWatcher... Bullshit... someone should rape IFBaptist girl. It might actually save her from herself. I'm sure she'll change her views on randy reaaaaallll quick when he lets her know the bible said its all her fault and shes a sinner for letting it happen. Whats worse? Being raped one time, or being the living epitomy for someone elses perpetuated lies all of your life. I'll bend over, thank you very much.

IFBaptist Girl #fundie fstdt.com

Well, if you ignorant atheiests would actually start looking at history with an open mind, you'd see the fingerprints too, But all you do is sit at home sinning, at least I'm not at some public college learning all sorts of humanistic propoganda and learning that sin is ok like ya'll did.

IFBaptist Girl #fundie fstdt.com

The most godly version of goverment is monoacry, god never institutes a democracy, and a woman is not to have authority over a man. I'd tell you to read the Bible but most of you are too busy running away from God to even bother picking up the KJB.

BLOC #fundie #homophobia fstdt.com

How do you know Jesus never mentioned it? He mentioned lots of things in a more general way, and not everything He said is recorded in the Gospels. John wrote that if everything He said and did were recorded in books there wouldn't be enough books in the world to hold it all. There were not many homosexuals around either, and it was common knowledge that it was forbidden. Homosexuals were executed then, so almost no one in Israel was misbehaving that way. There are several passages that allude to it though, that's what abominators are and they don't go to heaven. Homosexualism is depravity, and is forbidden. I can't help it if you don't want to believe it, it's true nevertheless, and you'll just have to deal with it.

("BLOC" then resumed copying and pasting "DIRTY FAGGOTS!" over and over again.)

BigChrisfilm #fundie fstdt.com

[about Virginia Tech]
Everyone deserves to be violently gunned down. Me, you, everyone. Now, having said that, I believe that anyone that actually DOES that, is pure evil. It was a horrible tragedy that happened. And they did nothing to HIM to deserve death. But everyone deserves to die. No one is good, no one is innocent. No one is better than they think they are.

Carico #fundie fstdt.com

Atheists have to deny all of history if they deny that Adam was a real person. They have to make up people's ancestors, which they've done by claiming that they are monkeys. That's the degree of irrationality that atheists have to descendend to deny God. No wonder they're angry and bitter.

Carico #fundie fstdt.com

Atheists have to deny all of history if they deny that Adam was a real person. They have to make up people's ancestors, which they've done by claiming that they are monkeys. That's the degree of irrationality that atheists have to descendend to deny God. No wonder they're angry and bitter.

Carico #fundie fstdt.com

Romans 8:24, "But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?"

So since atheists only understand what they can see, they not only have no hope, but they are ignorant of the greatest part of life, that which is unseen. No wonder they're angry at Christians.

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