
Josh Green #conspiracy facebook.com

I just watched video on political correctness and Marxism. Both related, both engineered by evil men.

Long story short, WWI caused Marxism to fail in the rest of Europe, as country loyalty was more important than class loyalty. This is an underlying factor in western society that Marxism will need to slaughter if it is to succeed.

So, during the 1930s-50s, a bunch of rich Zionist Marxists got together in Frankfurt, Germany to find a new way to destroy western society. The settled on one conclusion: if they can't get the classes to unite, divide and conquer. So they begin pushing this agenda on the malleable youth that they are oppressed in an unjust society, and they are unique snowflakes. Anyone who questions these tactics is evil and fascist. Hence political correctness is born. By cultivation generations of people who think they have it so bad, they earn valuable sheep to their cause.

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

Can a Christian have a demon?


Because half of the people being called a 'Christian' nowadays aren't one anyway! A lot of them are sinners who occasionally quote the Bible, post Christian-themed memes on social media and who attend church. But when you check their lives there's no resemblance at all to genuine New Testament Christianity.

If you are doing un-Christian things, you can be taken over by demons and evil spirits. It's really just that simple.

My goal is to make true believers completely demon-proof. But in order for that to happen you have to give up sin. And brush up on your knowledge of the Bible. Too many Christians are content to have a surface level knowledge of scripture.

But surface level Christianity only gets you surface level results.

Go deeper. Dive all the way into the things of God. My ebooks will help you do this. They're written and designed to take you into deeper levels of your Christian spirituality to empower you to live a more impactful practical life.

Spirituality without practicality is futility.

Enough with the surface stuff. That's why the devil keeps kicking your butt! Learn how to kick back and win. Download a copy of Hedonism: Destroying Demonic Sexual Strongholds. Be a Christian wuss no more. Break free and become a Christian warrior instead. See comment section for link and details.

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

So THIS is what our 'queens' have devolved to under Obama???

These pictures were taken at the 10th annual No Pants Subway Ride - which occurred in various cities around the nation and across the world. Obama's presidency helped unleash a wave of this sort of hedonism and sexual non-restraint.

If they did this when it was a frigid 12 degrees outside, can you imagine what they would've done if it was a nice balmy 50 or 60 degrees out?

This is what happens when the leader of the free world celebrates sin by lighting up the White House in the very stolen colors that represent the abomination that God hates. Hate it or love it: Obama flirted with God's judgment in a way previously unknown in America. And we'll be left to deal with the aftermath.

Let's pray God has mercy to temper what's still to come.

#NoPants #NoPantsSubwayRide #NoPantsDC #NoPantsNYC


Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

Did you know that demons can follow hair weave all the way from across the ocean to your head? This is why the Bible warns us stringently about consuming things that come from pagan cultures!

"No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons." 1 Corinthians 10:20

The hair we end up getting in America, Europe and Africa in our salons and beauty stores comes from temples in India. In these temples both men and women who grow their hair to extremely long lengths will have their hair cut off and offered as a sacrifice to the pagan gods they worship.

The Bible tells us those gods are not actually gods - they're really demons. So when you buy that hair with the intent of attaching it to your own head, have you ever stopped to ask yourself if the hair still belongs to those demons it was first given to?

You need to know! Because failure to understand this could be the very reason for those migraines, nightmares and spirit husband encounters you've been having.

The Bible doesn't warn us against these things to stop us from looking our best: it's designed to keep you from inviting DEMONS into your life. I often wonder if this 'hair' isn't part of the reason why breast cancer is so high among so many women these days - especially black women?

Mack Major #fundie #kinkshaming facebook.com

So this is what it's coming to: male sex dolls for women complete with 'bionic penises' - set to be on the market by 2019.

This is what happens when women rebel against God: they end up becoming silly, laden with sin and destroyed by their own unbridled sexual lusts. *2 Timothy 3:6

If your homegirl suddenly stops taking your calls next year, no longer wants to hang out and rarely ever leaves home - now you'll know why! She'll be too busy playing house with mechanical Ken to be bothered!

The proper term for this is digisexual. It's someone who gets off on having sex with mechanical things. Like those dildos and vibrators some of you keep in your dresser drawer or closet.

Since when did it become normal to rub a mechanical object on yourself for sexual pleasure?

This actually is nothing new. I wrote about the history of this in at least two of my ebooks: "Diva Goddess Queen" and talked about digisex in "Porn: When Pleasure Becomes Possession."

Dildos and sex dolls are simply modern twists on old concepts such as idols and fetishes. When you bring one of these items into your home you are in fact bringing idolatry into your home.

Idolatry is the worship of demon spirits hidden within statues and items that are designed to be replications of the actual real thing.

If you already own a dildo you are actively engaged in idolatry. And God will eventually judge idolatry with the sentence of eternal death.

That's why whenever you read a message like this one, don't harden your heart. This may be your last chance to get right with God before judgement falls on you.

Or you can choose to ignore and take your chances with the judgement of Almighty God.

Be sure to read my two ebooks:

?? Porn: When Pleasure Becomes Possession

?? Diva Goddess Queen: Breaking The Power of Soul Ties, Lust and Sexual Demons.

And get them before they are taken down at midnight and made unavailable. Most of all repent and get rid of those mechanical demon-houses you have hidden at home. Trash them and start taking your walk with Jesus Christ seriously.

Find a church that teaches sanctification and holiness and start attending regularly. You can't make it by yourself. The temptations will just be too strong for you.

If you don't find yourself a solid church home where sanctification is being taught, Satan will simply eat you for lunch. So GET IN CHURCH and STAY there! That's how you'll defeat the enemy in this hour

Colin Ricard #racist facebook.com

I'm still not convinced, like i once was, that there was a plan to 'exterminate' all Jews and others in 'gas chambers', and then it would be against the law to question it. In fact, i've reached a sad conclusion that holocaust 'truth' is the key to Palestinian freedom, while also revealing that 'the Jews' are not perpetual victims but more likely perpetual tyrants.

Henry Herskovitz #racist facebook.com

To all who follow my friend Gilad:

Fifteen years ago, when I launched myself into this peace biz, I was absolutely confounded by the refusal of peace groups to confront the Jewish state. Literally years went by, and I was left scratching my head: why couldn't a peace group - formed in response to 9-11 - realize that Israel, the Jewish state, played a strategic part on the world stage ... and act upon that realization.

A small part of my brain knew that the leadership of local peace activities were organzied by a couple of Jewish ladies, but the connection between that knowledge, and the lack of energy dedicated to exposing those who supported a Jewish state, left me perplexed. Then I was introduced to Gilad Atzmon. Falsely confident that I had uncovered a BASIC TRUTH: that it wasn't the OCCUPATION of Palestine, it was ZIONISM at the core of the problem, there was Gilad wagging is head: No, it wasn't ZIONISM, it was JEWISH POWER - of which Zionism was a part - that was at the core.

The scales fell from my eyes. I now understood controlled opposition was totally in Jewish hands, and that protection of the Tribe was DUTY NO. 1. Happy New Year, Gilad. Keep teaching throughout 2018, and there will always be a welcome mat for you in Ann Arbor.

Katie Ann Johnson #fundie facebook.com

I use to be pro-choice until I got saved and read the gospel and REALLY understood what being pro-choice meant....needless to say I’m pro-life because it’s not right to end a potential life because of someone’s negligence. In a world where condoms, birth control, and, the morning after pill are tangible easily, there’s no excuse. There is NO such thing as “accidentally pregnant”. Have safe sex or don’t have sex at all (which is my route and I must say it’s 100%)

Ed Byerly #fundie facebook.com

Wherever and whenever these abortion rights animals show up, they should be recognized, referred to, and addressed soley as "Baby Killers". They deserve no other name. They need to come to realize exactly what their agenda is truly about.

Debbie Kelly #fundie facebook.com

America is neck deep in the blood of innocent unborn babies. One of the women seeking an abortion is 22 weeks pregnant. This means the baby will be injected with a salt saline solution thru the mothers lower belly into the uterus.

The baby will swallow the solution which will burn the lungs. The skin of the baby will be burned and blackened as it's peeled off. After the innocent baby has suffered a horrific slow death which takes approx 2+ hours the mother will go into labor and deliver a burned dead baby.

This ladies and gentlemen is what America has come to. We legally without even breaking a sweat not only murder these innocent babies but we also torture them in uttero as well.

God help us!

Angela C. Wild #sexist facebook.com

The gaslighting of half the population into accepting men as women is a violent act. It forces women to deny what we know is true: That penis is a male organ, that people with penises are men, that we all know since girlhood that men who we find in women only spaces are not there with good intentions, peeping toms, exhibitionists.

Yet we are brainwashed into welcoming them, we are all scared to speak up precisely because we know they are men and we know the threat they potentially are. How can we trust a male bodied person to be able to represent women? In the nineteen century, when women did not yet gained the right to vote, men in power argued that women did not need the vote because they were already represented by their fathers, brothers, fathers etc... do we want to go back to those times? Liam Madigan is a mra, i am not sure why women, even critical women feel sorry for him?

Franka Smith #sexist facebook.com

Ive yet to see any abuse from feminists against trans, but as u know these delusional males say any questions about women’s rights being taken away and trying to find a solution that keeps everyone safe instead of making laws to the detriment of women, is apparently violence.

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

If you still think the klan, skinheads and other racist organizations were Christian-based, you've been tricked, bamboozled, hood-winked and deceived!

The klan always were nothing more than witches and warlocks who used the cloak of cultural Christianity to hide the fact that they were really practicing witches. (Cultural Christianity is basically when a society agrees to live by laws that are built on mostly biblical principles, but doesn't necessarily follow the fullest expression of Christianity the way a born-again believer would.)

Witchcraft was always an unpopular thing in American society - at least until recently. So the klan couldn't come out as full-blown witches. So they put on hoods and robes and mimicked the different masonic organizations by claiming to be a 'secret society.' That way only real members would know and understand what they were truly all about.

Like I always ask: What real Christian would set a cross on fire or burn down a church???? That is something non-Christians do; just like ISIS is currently doing to Christian folk throughout the Middle East.

And the skinheads are really nothing more but Thor worshipers and practitioners of ancient pre-Christian Nordic religions. You ever wonder why the hammer is such a prominent symbol used by skinheads? Now you do: the hammer represents Thor's hammer, named "Mjölnir."

Thor's name in the ancient middle east was Ba'al. Both are known as the god(s) of thunder and storms. And they are diametrically opposed to Jesus Christ and God's people.

If you're a practicing wiccan, or even a practitioner of some form of voodoo or Kemetic religions: you actually have more in common with the klan and skinheads than Christians do! Its just that no one ever showed you so until now.

So the real racists aren't the ones you suspect. They're the ones who no longer identify with Jesus Christ in any way because they no longer have to in order to be accepted by society. They've ditched their white hoods and robes and now fully embraced the religion of all true racists: witchcraft.

Witchcraft is the religion of the flesh. It's earth-based; therefore it's rooted in flesh which comes from the earth. Earth-based = flesh-based = race-based. This is why even those kemetic religions always coalesce around race. Whenever you base your beliefs on anything earth-based it'll ultimately lead you to exalt the flesh.

Christianity is a religion of heaven. It's heaven-based because it came to us from heaven. It's not based on the flesh at all; it's based on the principles and power of the heavenly realm above where God dwells.

Embrace real Christianity; and Christ will pull you up to the level where the true sons and daughters of God dwell.

"For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus." Ephesians 2:6

Neil-Amy Medcalf #fundie facebook.com

Complete and utter nonsense!!! You are either a male or a female, despite what you think you are, or what you want to identify with! Your chemical makeup does not change based on what you feel like being! No one should be fired for choosing not to play along with mental delusion!

Dereck Gregan #fundie facebook.com

How is it possible that these atheist groups can say and do whatever they want and everybody is just so willing to give in to their constant demands. When will the Real Christians get some courage? It's time to stand up,be bold and make your voice heard! For if you don't, soon even your very existence would be an offence to them. Then you will lose everything......

Scott Stilwell #fundie facebook.com

I've never served in the armed forces so I don't have a full understanding of requirements necessary to serve. That being said though, from my understanding, there is a requirement that ALL enlisted must be combat ready.

Now if Johnny enlists in the Army and gets his dangly bits cut off to become Jane, then he/she/it is no longer combat ready. Furthermore, if he/she/it is taking gender bending hormone treatments, I cannot imagine those would be readily available on the battlefield.

What are these weirdos gonna do? Ask the terrorists to pause shooting at them while they take their pills or injections or whatever?

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

Santa Muerte is the demonic spirit worshiped by the notorious MS-13 gang. It literally means Saint Death, also called Lady of the Shadows, Lady of the Seven Powers and the Lady of the Holy Death.

If you've been wondering why MS-13 has gained such a fierce reputation as a deadly and blood-thirsty gang: now you know. They. Worship. Death. This is just one such evil spirit I uncovered that is linked directly to gang activity while doing research for my newest ebook 'Gangs And Demons: Blood In And Blood Out.'

There's a very real, very sinister dark force that drives gang activity in America. And this evil force is laying waste to an entire generation, sealing their pacts with unsuspecting victims through covenants of violence that are inked in human blood.

Every life lost on the streets of urban America - innocent or otherwise - can be directly tied to these demonic forces. This ebook also reveals the dark spirits associated with gangs like the Bloods and Crips, Folk and People Nations, Latin Kings, Vice Lords, GD's - plus many others.

Entire communities in cities across America are being held hostage to these demonic forces. And only the Church of Jesus Christ has the power to effectively evict these agents of darkness from their inner-city strongholds, and establish Light where darkness now reigns.

This is a spiritual warfare book: and this is a battle we CAN win. What's needed is powerful information that can point us in the direction of victory. And here it is.

If you know someone who's currently in a gang or in the process of getting out of one: you need to read this highly informative new ebook ASAP. What you read in these pages may help you save a soul: and could help you save a life.

John Kinal #conspiracy facebook.com

Competing with military dictatorships, on equal footing, will have the enemy Rightard with the fascist Atheists 'win' as nakedly proud, bigoted false accusers willing injustice to continue unopposed. How can America compete with slave labor, without enslaving themselves?, as officially, good for no one I ask?
All invites welcomed. We have our world to save.

Do right, vote John Kinal for President.

John Kinal #conspiracy facebook.com

It's called war crimes, and it's very anti-American..
Why does Satanic America, war the Democracy of Syria with anti-woman Saudi Arabia as terrorists? It is because in 2001, Assad, Democratically elected, decided to remove all middle men from banking. And what happened? Everyone's money when twice as far without inflation. Then Assad used the new wealth to build countless schools, and many hospitals, now bombed by the pro Hitlery and Obama forces of EVIL.. Why not on TV? They will to con US for death as victims to war crimes with pretty smiles. No TV celebrity demands to have arrested, those who have RIGGED the election, SEE NEVADA, and too, stolen trillions through embezzlement and extortion - In one transfer, 16 trillion hidden from the Federal Reserve, as then exposed in an public audit... Are we, or are we not capable of thinking freely here? Why would anyone will to be cheated a fair say for death ask yourself? We all want to count, and be counted fairly is the freedom to be all we can be, acting civilized.? ?

Lib whore to all Hitlery, with Rightard Congress, OPENLY war the Democracy of Syria, with TV lies as the for real terrorists.. that appose fair say, such as paper ballot elections... that appose all fair human interaction.. apposing God's will to be just, as law abiding.. Satanic liars found out simply by speaking a fair game, where all are legitimately concerned, about where the hell Congress things they can further steal from America's will to be liberated of this ungodly tyranny. Besides, all FBi agents are too cowardly to demand justice for 9/11 today even..

Bush "we don't need any evidence, we know he's guilty" Speaking of why America will not be allowed to follow probable cause, to determine suspects guilty for mass murdering Americans in NYC. Instead pin the entire show on bin Laden as false accuser.. Did bin Laden have any accomplices? No one to this day at the FBI, is allowed to investigate still, for fear of being 'arrested' by the ungodly Satanic enemy, hiding behind our pirated flags. This demonic TV con I will tell, was not started with Bush, but with President Clinton.. it is titled, W199i - i do believe.. Done to hide Alex Jones' bud, Anthony Shaffer's direct complicity in the Cole Bombing.. Blowing up AMERICAN sailors..Changed in a good way, for the better.
Support John Kinal for Attorney General

Lewis Freeman-Harrison #fundie facebook.com

Marriage Survey 39% - NO....61% - Yes

We all knew from the outset that the media were going to support minority rights and the LBGTI political agenda.

We watched as Qantas, Councils, Paypal and GetUp poured incredible resources into YES campaign. Everyone with a mobile were contacted, illegally.

We were dismayed when Turnbull introduced protective legislation for YES campaigners only and then witnessed countless innocent Australians being vilified, punched and their property destroyed by the protected YES, for taking their stand with existing legislation.

We were shocked when the Australian Electoral Commission had Facebook close down our page the weekend of the marches. This is after the many news posts that Facebook refused to allow out, because they showed the YES campaign in a bad light.

Our leader, a YES supporter Malcolm Turnbull is crooning that this was a fair campaign and a massive win. Our only consolation is that more people support the NO vote than support his current leadership.

Despite all of this heaviness we feel—a massive thank you to all the page supporters, sponsors and helpers—we all did an awesome job against this backdrop to get the information out.

We also know that YES vote is going to have far reaching consequences because we informed ourselves and wanted to protect our children and the family.

Many voted YES before they understood the ramifications and saw the behaviour of the Left— and regretted it later.

This is a non-binding survey. The issue is not over. While Turnbull wants to initiate legislation as fast a possible, we must continue our fight to protect our children, our rights, and our religious freedoms. We have just suffered a set back. The issue is not yet over.

Lewis Freeman-Harrison
Campaign Manager
Vote No Australia

Derrick Hood #fundie facebook.com

I believe that every person believes in God. I know I did even when I had convinced myself that I was an atheist. Atheists like to debate because they feel like if they can win a debate, their stance HAS to be true (that there is no God) and in the end, they are just trying to convince themselves of what they, deep down, know is untrue.

Evolution is a Lie #fundie facebook.com

An atheist making typical excuses for the existence of atheist churches. Yes there are atheist churches, even mega churches (1000 plus members). And yes they do act like regular churches. And guess what they preach behind the pulpit? Yes you got it. The tenets of atheism, Science and evolution. Yep that's the gospel they preach. I'll leave examples below this post in the comments area for those who do not believe me.

Peter Mannisi #fundie facebook.com

We not trying to prove anything. already know the truth about vaccines. Will continue to teach the truth to the world until people wake up. Vaccine free living is just one of the many aspects that are part of my spiritual teaching to spiritually regenerate the world that i live by and share with others who are interested. .

From the Oahspe bible - in the words of Jehovih " inoculations and vaccinations are the battle ax of satan. to try to save the flesh from poison by use of poison is the battle ax of satan" If you think 42 years of vaccinating your body has not harmed you you are more of a sheeple than i imagined you t o be.

UK Korean Friendship Association #conspiracy facebook.com

Anti-DPRK fake news alert . The mainstream or imperialist media such as the BBC and CNN along with the likes of dopes such as Russian capitalist RT have carried what is claimed to be CCTV footage of a so-called "north Korean defector " absconding to the US occupied south Korea . However looking at the film very closely it is very apparent that it is actually a number of different film clips spliced together . In fact it does look like classic spy film stuff , like something out of James Bond .

Some of the footage is crystal clear and some is grainy or blurry . Several things wrong in it that cast strong doubt on its authenicity . Firstly, KPA troops at Panmunjom are shown with rifles ,however under the regulations of the Korean Armistice Agreement they are usually armed with pistols . Every time a UK KFA delegation has visited Panmunjom , the KPA troops have been unarmed or just had pistols .

Secondly, some of the footage shows the 'defector' driving down the road to Panmunjom in a jeep but how would the south Koreans get this coverage as it is on the DPRK side ? , Thirdly , not clear from the footage whether the 'defector' is actually a KPA soldier as it does not look like he is wearing a uniform . Surely as a soldier he would have been armed and could have returned fire ? , Fourthly , how come the 'defector' got as far as he did without being intercepted by the KPA or DPRK security personnel ?

Libby Klein-Rapier #fundie facebook.com

To bad people are so brainwashed you can't even see. They got you so deep you can't even question it. Flat earth is gaining momentum because the people questioning are getting scientific answers using their scientific math and physics. The answers just don't jive with what science has told us. That's why people are taking it further. Why not learn and question??? Isn't that what were supposed to be doing???

Life's to short to believe everything someone says. Even if their teachers, professor's, and scientists. Science isn't written in gold. It changes constantly. Shit relativity is just a theory not a law. There's so many discrepancies that when you investigate flat earth it becomes clear. People aren't guessing their doing the math. Anyone can do their own experiments and come to their own conclusions. The fact that science isn't addressing the questions in the flat earth community is disturbing and makes one even question further for being ignored. So I say continue your quest for the truth.

Alex Lipp #conspiracy facebook.com

21st century warfare..The Stasi 2.0 is here and operating in america. .Gov paid trained citizen spies used to harass truth seekers, political dissidents, corporate enemies, activists(both left and right)etc.

The program uses means of high tech electronic harassment(google it), gang stalking of "targeted individuals", harassing them even up to the point of suicide.... also youtube search: organized gang stalking, targeted individuals. .. James Harken explains all the details of the unconstitutional program being used by local l.e. and other agencies all across the country... Get informed, take a look..

????? ???? #conspiracy facebook.com

Satanic ritual abuse is very common. Satanic covens are located in every neighborhood in every town in every city in every state in every country of the world. Some common practices amongst these satanic covens are the rape and burnt sacrifice of babies and children. The innocent child's blood is drank, and the organs especially the heart are eaten and the bodies are burned to ashes.

These abominable practices are common among upper echelon prominent super elite members of society including cops congressmen presidents doctors basketball players musicians religous leaders social workers probation officers etc etc! Educate yourself on these horrible things that are happening all around you everyday.

Brent Anderson #fundie facebook.com

(=Two comments on the same thread by the same guy regarding an Ex-Flat-Earther coming out against the movement=)

Comment One: Just by accepting the Earth as a "globe" and by loving it most people are worshipping baal! There are so many inconsistencies within pseudo science. Neil Tyson says the Earth is shaped like an oblong pear but the several "photos" from NASA show a perfectly globular spheroid shaped earth. So which is it NASA? Then there are other mistakes NASA has made and you can see this for yourself by comparing different pics of the globe from different years. In all pictures the overall shape of the Earth is the same size yet the continents in view are larger and smaller from one pic to the next. Also, NASA says you can plainly see the curvature of earth at a specified height and when amateur photos are taken from balloons thousands of feet above this height with a camera that doesn't use a fisheye lens you can clearly see a flat horizon. The Pythagorean Theorem proves that Earth is either thousands times bigger than what NASA states or its flat. Laser tests also prove this and there is no religious dogma about any of that. There is no such thing as "gravity", it's never been proven to exist. No study has ever shown there to be a "gravity particle". Density and buoyancy explain away what you think gravity is. No need for your magical "gravity". Besides the idea of gravity was only invented to explain away all of heliocentrism. I'm not "emotional" about any of this mind you. It is just fact, nothing more, nothing less.

Comment two: Just another shill. However instead of using ad hominem attacks he's using a different tactic to try and discredit the Earth being flat and stationary. He's technical jargon that most do not understand to try and deceive people into believing the earth isn't flat and stationary. He's talking about how lights and lasers supposedly bend but refuses to bring up the things I stated in my previous comment, which blows the globe model out of the water. It's already been debunked. We do not live on a globe.

Yvonne Walker #fundie facebook.com

I think enough is enough I don't have any particular religious leanings, but I was schooled in Christian schools.I don't think more mosques should be allowed to be built we have had one open not too long ago and it seems the more they build the more people move into your area but at least there are no minarets in Lancaster yet I really feel sorry for your people in Golders Green but how do you stop these people infiltrating area's which is what has been happening for years now, why can't we have our own country back.

Lloyd Geldard #fundie facebook.com

There needs to be a relentless campaign against sitting liberals who support the change to marriage law in order to remove them from pre-selection and if not possible then to present an alternative candidate in the next election in each liberal/national electorate where this is the case. Turn Mr Turnbull's hairs completely white.

Richard Betteridge #fundie facebook.com

The time has come to release more about what the Lord has been telling me about this same sex marriage fiasco that has engulfed our nation. You might remember two weeks ago I posted a message from Dad, telling those of us who were His children to Fear Not. During the past couple of weeks we have seen more and more vicious behaviour from those who espouse free love, those who claim “love is Love”, but who show no love to those who stand true to God. It’s so sad that the alphabet people don’t get it; they don’t see what is really going on here. The enemy has blinded them and in these End Times is pulling so many away from God. We know that we are not going to win this vote, but we were never meant to, we were meant to fight the good fight, we were meant to stand up for God and His ways, we were meant to be lights shining against the darkness, but, we were not meant to win this fight.

You won’t hear this message or anything like it preached from the pulpits of the liberal churches that have twisted and altered our Fathers words. Those churches, those ministers are too busy preaching messages about social inclusion, preaching about the god they have designed not the God of the Bible. Their messages are an insult to God, they preach anything but the truth and are no longer fit to be called shepherds but are wolves among the flock. Any Pastor that preaches anything contrary to the Word of God, who teaches falsehoods and lies, who pushes a form of godliness that opposes God’s righteousness, will wish they had a millstone placed around their necks rather than face God.

So let me get to the message. Australia is a nation under God’s Wrath. Don’t look for fire and brimstone that is not what He is talking about. Just as with Israel in the past when they wanted their own way, not His, God sent His prophets and judges to try and turn them back to Him, but they would not listen. They wanted a king, God said, I am your King, but they persisted. So God said okay have it your way and gave them a king. A right mess that turned out to be. They wanted the things of the Assyrians and Babylonians, God said, they are not good things to have, I have better for you. But they persisted. So God said okay have it your way and allowed them to be conquered by their neighbours and carried off into captivity. Time and time again God has given His children what they wanted in order to draw them back to Him. They had to suffer God’s wrath in order to be His.

So it is with us as a nation, we were blessed, we were His, but we have turned our backs on His ways, on His righteousness, on His truth. We want it our way, we say either God is a big meany who spoils all our fun, or God doesn’t exist so we can do whatever we want. We covet the things of the world. We murder our children or we tell them they have no gender. We accept homosexuality and same sex marriage. We promote evil and satanic ideas as being good. We rape and pillage our country daily instead of being stewards. We don’t care about our neighbours as ourselves. Well God says, okay if that’s what you want, you’ve got it, but don’t come crying to me or blame me when it all blows up in your faces. You want it, you got it.

When God judges the five cities around Sodom, He would have spared them if he had found as few as ten righteous people, that is not going to happen this time. Just as God told the prophet Jeremiah not to pray for the nation because He had delivered them up for judgement, so He tells us the same thing. They had hardened their necks towards God and now He would harden their hearts. Pray for your family and friends, that they may come to know the Father. Pray for the timing of God’s wrath to be short. Pray that those who are wavering would be strengthened. Pray for your brothers and sisters that they will find courage to speak for God during this time. But don’t pray for the nation, we need this time just as a disobedient child needs chastisement.

The signs of the coming return of the Lord are growing by the day. Whilst it is true that there are still a few major signs left to be fulfilled, we must remain as alert as the watchmen on the tower and declare them to the world as they occur. The next few years are going to be interesting to say the least. As we watch them unfold we need not fear as we stand firm in the Fathers Love. Declare to the world you are His unflinchingly and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide your words and deeds. Not a Slave, Not a Servant, but a Son.

Bebold Nolan #fundie facebook.com

Now this is ridiculous. I hope this is another fake news. If not, we are truly a lost country, sad when a child is confused about something as obvious as gender, sadder are adults that support the child's confusion. God said He created us male and female. How difficult is that to understand?

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

There is a demonic spirit - a principality if you will - that is over the realm of pornography. This is an old ancient demon, formerly worshiped as a god in many lands, long before Jesus Christ came onto the scene.

After Jesus made His appearance and through the ongoing work of The Church, this demonic being was vanquished and sent into exile. Colossians 2:15 hints at this. When I first found this information I was completely blown away.

But in more recent times - and thanks in large part to the weakening moral foundation of the American church in conjunction with the advance of technology - this demonic spirit has re-emerged and come back.

It now presides over an entire industry of adult films from San Fernando Valley in California (called 'porn valley') to Atlanta Georgia - the emerging porn epicenter. And from there it comes directly into unsuspecting people's homes via modern technology, and entices them to worship it.

(Sidenote: Why do you think San Fernando valley has been on fire these past few months? God always purges the activity of this demon by fire; just like what happened to Pompeii, Sodom and Gomorrah in ancient times.)

You see, there has always only been one way to worship this demonic being. And its the same way its worshiped now. You worship it through the types of sex found in porn movies. Think of all the different genres of porn movies: If you've ever engaged in watching any of these, particularly if you've masturbated in conjunction with watching it - you were worshiping, invoking and attracting this demonic being to you - whether you meant to or not!

Why do you think it often felt like someone was watching you while you were doing it, even though there was no one else visibly in the room?

Because we don't understand the spirit world or how it operates we sometimes blindly go into things, following trends or what's popular without any knowledge of the repercussions for what we're doing.

The Bible warns us about these things, but many cannot understand what's written in scripture - especially when they have compromised themselves and seared their own consciousness by doing things that are in clear violation of God's Word.

I try to enlighten you on this page - but much of the info I share ends up getting blocked by the filters set in place to block such information. How many of you knew that social media has an agenda to help this evil demonic being to trap souls? This is why seeing this type of content is so rare; but seeing semi or fully pornographic material on social media is the norm.

This is why I've written ebooks: in order to give you unhindered information about the inner workings of the spirit realm, so that you won't get yourself into trouble doing things unawares.

My ebook titled PORN: When Pleasure Becomes Possession talks very candidly about the porn industry, as well as what happens to you when you watch porn. And it will enlighten you further on what you need to know to avoid watching it, as well as how to break free from its controlling influence in your life.

Last thing: You'll know that you have opened yourself up to this demonic spirit if you cannot resist the urge to watch porn, or the urge to masturbate. And especially if you hear a loud voice telling you not to get this ebook.

Start the process of breaking its power in your life now by downloading the ebook. What do you have to lose in comparison to what you might gain? God bless.

UK Korean Friendship Association #fundie facebook.com

The enemies of People's Korea like to claim that people are starving to death but it is the UK that has foodbanks and where the disabled starve to death .

Quote from the "Daily Mirror " 2015 "Disabled Mark Wood starved to death four months after he was found "fit to work" and his benefits were slashed.The “frail and vulnerable” 44-year-old weighed just 5st 8lbs when he was found."

Shawn Mcdonald #fundie facebook.com

if i tie a string to a tree branch it hangs straight down. vertically. why is this? if the earth is rotating at 1,000mph, the rope should have a slight pitch caused by the earths rotation. if i take that same rope and hang it from my arm and hold still.. the rope also stays still... but if i try to move my arm at any speed, the rope is no longer vertical.

the end of the rope in my hand leads, the end closes to the ground trails behind it. theres no movement. simple as that. how about a helium baloon.. but one thats lost some of its helium so that it sits buoyant instead of rising...

if you have a string hanging from a helium baloon thats just floating. it stays in the same place... you cant observe the earths movement below it.. yet its not attached to anything. it just sits there... yet globers will use a pendulum as proof for the spinning ball earth.

Fucking Gravity Award

How does it work?

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