
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Wristlet 2, cryptic__egg & OldIncel #sexist incels.is

[In reaction to a reddit post titled "Wow... that's creepy", which is in reaction to a screenshot of a Twitter post where a guy describes masturbating during an online class on Zoom while looking at his crush's face]

(Wristlet 2)

I legit don't get how normal people are so delicate, so cowardly, and so unwaveringly obedient to social rules and conceptions, to see something so harmless and in fact hilarious, and throw a tantrum because it's not politically correct.

Besides, something's very wrong with normies when they want to beat up and bully someone over something nobody even realized he did. Like wtf man normies are so retarded.

I actually respect that dude.


I mean I too think it's kinda weird to tweet about beating off to ur classmates in video call.

bc you're a greycel

If it was a foid it would be considered empowering.

ik that's the saddest part, they're obedient to the point of disregarding inconsistencies in social rules


Can't say this is exactly normal, but if a foid did it people would find it funny at worst, sexy and bold at best. The idea of it being creepy or disgusting is exclusive to guys.


lol i love how everyone is like "WOW WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS GAY WORLD?"

When people have been molesting and raping little kids ever since the stone ages.

Masturbating to a zoom conference call is vanilla stuff compared to the shit that goes on in this world. JFL

RodgersSecondAdvent #psycho #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] The fact that women love being raped and humiliated is what makes me unable to have even a grain of respect for these subhumans.

Your average bluepilled numale will shudder at reading the title or throw a massive tantrum in order to uphold his fantasy of the scrupulous, fairer sex. He may deny it because his female "friends" tell him otherwise as only he's stupid enough to take anything that leaves the mouth of a foid for true. #believewomen

Women love being raped, they love being humiliated, they love being dominated, they love feeling small, they love being used as sexual objects and are utterly apathetic when it comes to being respected.

You only need to look at what arouses them the most. A much taller, broad, dominating, deep voiced, brash man. When they say they prefer "confidence", they mean arrogance and narcissism. A relationship with a female couldn't be further removed than a relationship you have with male friends where your friendship is defined by mutual respect and the acknowledgement of standing on equal foot. A female will expect you to take the initiave at all times, outrun agency. In a situation where this happens to not the case, its attraction towards you will dwindle considerably.

Think of the popularity of fifty shades of gray, how females on the rape subreddit try to rape bait men. The biggest enemy of equality are females themselves.

Don't believe whatever a female tells you she's attracted by. Think of my previous thread where females rated their arousal towards bonobo's as minimal when the plethysmograph registered something entirely different. They have both subhuman self-awareness and are massive liars.

Tell me, how the hell am I supposed to respect these creatures that can hardly be viewed as people?

Mainländer #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Experiment] Ever noticed how it's impossible to truly respect sexually passive people?

Cucks and leftists say it's something cultural. Maybe, but I think it's our innate feeling of honor and the fact we biologically know the person who fucks is in a dominant/superior position while who's getting fucked is inferior/submissive.


Notice how the beautifully, sad tone of the song she's singing gets demolished by the contrasting scenes of her sucking cock and getting fucked on camera. It immediately stirs a feeling of lost dignity on us.

Would you be able to respect that girl after seeing it? Would you be able to have her as your doctor, your lawyer, your professor?

I wouldn't. After you see someone getting fucked like that, there's an innate (IMO) feeling of contempt, especially if the guy fucking her isn't her husband. This is related to honor, I think some foids and cucks don't experience it (some foids do however, just see how many feel ashamed and isolate/kill themselves after such videos emerge to the public, even if the consequences of it aren't that dire).

Active sexuality isn't shameful. I wouldn't really give a fuck if there were a video of me fucking a foid on the internet. It could perhaps create some minor inconveniences in my life or something, but I wouldn't cry over it at all. If someone told me they saw the vid, I'd say "yup, that was me fucking the girl in the vid" with a straight face, unlike girls whose videos get published and they do everything to either make people believe it isn't them on the vid or giving some other excuse like "I was raped!", "I was pressured!", etc, even if she's having a blast in the vid.


Now imagine your doctor/lawyer/professor being feature in a video like this one. The foid is rimming the guy while he farts on her mouth.

Would you really be able to respect someone after seeing the person doing that? Some foids and all cucks can do it, but it's impossible to me.

Would you be able to not feel bad it it were your daughter, sister or mother? I wonder how they manage to do it.

Foids wants us to be ashamed of our masculine sexuality. They want us to feel sorry about "toxic masculinity", to force ourselves not to like young developed girls like it's perfectly normal to do as a straight man.

This is what Roosh V talks about with his inversion theory, cultural marxists want to invert everything.

Masculinity is superior to femininity. Men are superior to women. Men are strong, women are weak; men are assertive, women are passive; men are the ones who go to the front line and risk their lives battling fiercely when push comes to shove while women and effeminate faggots cry and piss their pants. Men are the ones who have to do the hard work which is vital to society as well.

[scene of the movie “300”]

Contrast the scenes above, of women getting fucked and sexually humiliated, with this scene of masculine, heroic, strong men bravely fighting to defend their land. The feelings of respect, honor, admiration come up immediately.

Women are supposed to be our subordinates. They have the key role of bearing children and that's it. They inferior to us and unnecessary in everything else they can do.

Wristlet 2 #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] Our society is so dystopic. You can't say anything bad about women or you're shunned. Even when women do things that conflict with their own bs.

It's just sad. Not only is our society cucked and feminist as fuck, but it even bends over backwards to accomodate things women want to do that are against feminist values, and even that can't be criticized or pointed out. Women are supposed to be independent, empowered, equal to men and all that shit, but when they settle down with a beta for the bux or sell their nudes, that's somehow ok and you aren't allowed to criticize that either.

Also a story:

One time, when building up my social skills after a lifetime of being bullied by my parents and socially isolated, I managed to make a few friends. My social skills were superficially ok but not really there yet at that moment. I was clubbing with a couple guys and, for some reason, one of my friends got into an agument with some women. He's a bit of a PUA (which is retarded, and the reason shit like this happens to him all the time, but still) and tried to hit on a girl among a group of friends, and as he went to touch her arm after talking for a bit, one of her friends pushed his arm away and yelled at him. He stood his ground and told her to not touch him again, so they all got hysterical and started crying rape and we had to leave the place.

Afterwards, we randomly met a guy from another friend group I made. It was a typical turbo soyboy, but I didn't know that kinda shit back then, and told him the story and how unfair they were to my friend. And just like that he stopped talking to me as did the rest of that friend group. Wtf man.

Soy simpers get treated like shit by foids. Pretty good lifefuel btw.

how is this life fuel bro its just sad

Its sad that they lack any self awareness. They get what they deserve for being white knighting faggots.

fair point ngl my friend had it coming, but what about the rest of the story

I was talking about the guys who cried rape, not your friend who tried to pick up the girl.

no it was a group of girls

How dare he expect a foid to treat him like a person!


Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

RE: [LifeFuel] White roastie forced to eat outside in China




Zinta, a Latvian national, eats a meal outside a restaurant while her Chinese husband and daughter dine indoors, Chengdu, Sichuan province, 2020. Courtesy of Zinta

“My husband was passing the food through the window to me,” she said.

Based, even though I'm not Chinese and would be subject to this treatment, but I don't live in China. Other non-white countries treat whites like gods
Western normies just can't deal because they've never experienced it before. The Chinese have long memories, and behind the guise of the Covid-19 control, behind this, I'm sure many Chinese are thinking "this is how whites treated Chinese and other non-whites in the past", while the normie screams "but I wasn't there!"; yet, the Chinese don't care. Again, they have long memories, and in their collectivist, long-term outlook on life, you are as guilty as your ancestors. I'm just stating how things, are, I'm not a China apologist, and would not want to live there (I'm too lazy and scatterbrained to work 12 hour days)

Chinks don't give a fuck about other non-Whites.

I know. But the Chinks still have what they call the Century of Humiliation. To normie westerners, it's history. To the Chinks, it's yesterday


Anybody dumb enough to choose to live in china, let alone mix breed with the bugs are low IQ and deserve what they get.


And the bitch complains so hard she ends up on the news where all the sjws can criticize them for treating a privileged Stacy like shit jfl


Piss on that bowl..I think she will love that if it was a Chad..


They also have these types of restaurants in Japan jfl, they're tired of being mogged.


Normally ethnic countries worship white people. Glad to see China isn't cucked.

(Blackpill Rage)

I know. But the Chinks still have what they call the Century of Humiliation. To normie westerners, it's history. To the Chinks, it's yesterday

That's because every non-white has a chip on their shoulders.

This, china is a shit hole. You can be killed by anything, thanks to bugman construction and safety practices. I would not go to china for business or vacation because I know how disgusting those bugmen are.

How dare you dis the country that gave us Coronachan!


Serves her right for trying to join that robotic insect colony of a country.

Wizard32 #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] I called myself “big mama”, because I knew I’d be the oldest one there. (even white Chadlites can't racemax with older fat roasties)

I think sometimes we are vulnerable to envying the 8+ guys that we tend to idealize their situations.

I'm not sure why... I think it's D+C tactics to keep men infighting, TBH.

Perhaps it's partially cope, because we like to pretend happiness is just beyond the curtain. That we'd only have to be a little bit better to enjoy happiness.

If we look at the situation of Brock Turner and Chanel Miller (formerly "Emily Doe") in the Stanford "rape" issue though, it paints a stark reality.

Even a popular athletic Chadlite who is generous enough to finger a girl before she puts out gets falsely accused of rape as soon as the discovery of female degeneracy risks ruining her fake reputation. Men readily assault each other at the drop of a hat, knowing they can get away with it, because only (alleged) assaults against foids get treated seriously.

Basically even if you are a chadlite, a woman who is several points below you is still not a safe investment. Being an 8 is no guarantee of happiness because a pair of 9s can just decide to beat you up while you're on top of a girl so they can become heroes.

That can do this with impunity because they know foids don't want to admit to being degenerate sluts who beg to get fingered in alleyways, so if they start beating up an inferior male (even if he's just 1 point lower) they know the foid will back them up and cry rape (and probably help by feigning unconsciousness, as Chanel did) to save her reputation and get victimcred.

Mogging isn't just 8-10 chadlite/midchad/gigachad mogging the rest of us 1s-7s, it even occurs in the chadsphere and even chadlites can't consensually give a pity fingerbang to an older/fatter/uglier/non-white female who begs for his digit to warm up her gaping hole for his superior caucasian seed, because she is always plotting on how to upgrade to a higher tier of chad, as we can see happened here with the swedish PhD student cyclists Peter Lars Jonsson and Carl-Fredrik Arndt

BummerDrummer #psycho #sexist #racist incels.is


An amber alert is a statewide alert when a child gets kidnapped that blares on your phone. It wakes me up and I check it, and of course it’s a foid whos kidnapping some little shit. Fucking “empathetic gender” my ass.

also of course they’re spics. That’s who’s usually doing this shit. Spics or niggers.


Foid bug me with their shit even when I LDAR at home

ShySaxon #sexist #dunning-kruger #psycho incels.is

[It's Over] Cant cope being a manlet

I’m just flesh and bone at the end of the day so it won’t matter if I die. I’m not good enough. Society demands a 6ft man as standard now and I’m not 6ft, nor can I pass off as 6ft. There’s no way I can change it, limb lengthening surgery is cope because I wanted children and I’d just pass my sub 6ft genes on to my offspring.

I can’t change who I am. I’m subhuman and not fit for this modern world and women see me as garbage as seen by recent threads on a mans height being under 6ft.

ThoughtfulCel #sexist incels.is

A man created the only fans websites, making it easier for women to slut around and make money.

Women just take advantage of what men create, therefore its cucks fault.

Its almost as if creating platforms for women to whore around on reduces the quality of women.

Cucks are to blame once again.
[photo of a gorilla]

Michael Tsarion #sexist #crackpot #magick dragonmother.org

Central to this developing insight are some basic truths that topple the Feminist narrative. Firstly, it is a provable fact that all infants and children see the masculine-solar world through their mother's eyes. Their fathers and the external world are not seen for what they actually are. All too often, they are presented to the child by the mother, and colored by her often warped interpretation of them. It makes no sense, therefore, for Feminists to critique this and that aspect of the Patriarchy. It became what it is due to the prejudicial perspectives of terrible mothers, sending their children into it without a modicum of understanding, admiration and pride. The world critiqued by Feminists is the world already contaminated and undermined by the dragon fight.

Secondly, women control the modern world, and are in no way oppressed or discriminated against. They control the vast amount of credit card spending, and one look at the commercial world reveals the evidence for female dominance and privilege. Men have long been second class citizens and bell-boys for superficial, spendthrift, fashion-obsessed women.

Thirdly, women give birth to all men. Therefore, it stands to reason that whatever malignant men do sociopolitically, and whatever ordinary Joes think about women, originates with the women that bred them. Whatever a man thinks about himself, women, the world, or anything else, tracks back to his relationship with his mother. Nothing can ever contradict this truism. That Feminists and most women never discuss this, or admit it, tells us a great deal. It lets us know that something is not right, and that sleight-of-hand is being used against our reason.

Fourthly, the vast majority of rational women prefer the company of Alpha Men, the very ones who work to build the solar "Patriarchal" world. This also severely compromises the position of ardent Feminists.

Fifthly, what is never admitted, is that for most children passing through the dragon-fight, the solar world of the father is regarded as a haven from the struggle of the lunar world, where they experienced the submission of their will and crushing of their authentic identity. It is seen as a less conflictual place offering a bower of repose from the stygian abyss of the medusan mother. Everything about the solar world - including its repugnant elements - is still seen as being better than its opposite. Again, we see from this the inadequacy of Feminist critiques, citing the male world as the source of all ills. In other words, the Patriarchal world comes into being as a refuge from the baneful influence of the feminized female, the terrible mother. What does this truism do for conventional Feminism's preposterous theories?

Finally, Feminists love critiquing the imperfections of the Patriarchal world. It's their stock-in-trade and volumes are written on the subject. However, the entire enterprise is wrongheaded and does not ultimately support the skewed outlooks of Feminism.

Imperfections are overcome with progress. Progress is in turn facilitated when the past is honored and studied. Crucially, progress is made possible by heroic reason, ingenuity and masculine will.

Progress sees the end of imperfections. But the key issue concerns the nature of imperfection. Rather than being a negative phenomena, as Feminists present it, it is the cause of progress and improvement. Indeed, as Hegel showed, there can be no question of progress and perfection without imperfection. It is the catalyst to all positive change and advancement, to the creation and sustainment of the Noosphere. Again, Feminist critiques in this regard lead only to contradiction and fallacy.

It is apparent that Feminism, in most of its hideous guises, exists so women can maintain their camouflage. Any progress in our society of a philosophical and psychological nature, inevitably means for men the upgrading of insight into the female psyche. This denouement has to be opposed and thwarted. Socialism, Feminism, Critical Theory, Postmodernism, Deconstructionism, etc, are the means to this end. They have been established and funded so humanity is held back and denied insight into the most important matter, one effecting every aspect of life, including whether civilization as we've known it survives or perishes.

mylifeistrash #sexist incels.is

Fetishes for men = lowering your standards to the lowest possible levels. That's all.

Men develop fetishes when they can't get what nature wants for them to get, a young, healthy woman who isn't fat.

So he starts getting into landwhales, then older women, then cuck shit, being a sub to a "strong woman", etc. etc. and finally tranny shit.

It just means he has shitty genes so he has keep selling himself at a lower price until something finally wants him.

GeneticJoke #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] When a woman says a man is "good in bed"

It simply means he has a big dick, AND THAT'S IT.

She just doesn't say it outright due to not wanting to look bad or shallow or a complete slut, or just out of being shy and high inhib.

Even if she described him as "fantastic in bed" as opposed to "good", it still leaves a bit to the imagination of the coping dicklet. Is it his PIV technique and the way he moves his dick in and out of her (the motion of the ocean) ? Or maybe it's the way he fingers and licks her pussy. Or could it be that he is just an attentive lover, always considerate towards her and listening to what she wants ?

Nope. It's just that genetics has blessed him with a large piece of flesh between his legs.

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property and unnamed Catholic couple #fundie #sexist tfp.org

Catholics Fight Against False Prophets in California

On February 22, members and supporters of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), along with local Californians prayerfully protested outside of the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress in Anaheim, California, where Catholic truth and orthodoxy were under attack.

The congress boasts an attendance of nearly 40,000 and is considered the largest gathering of Catholics in the country. Many of the speakers openly reject Church teaching on issues such as false ecumenism, transgenderism, homosexuality, women’s ordination and liberation theology.

The protest rally began with the recitation of the Holy Rosary and distribution of the flyer, “Beware of False Prophets: Unorthodoxy Reigns at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress,” which alerted congress attendees of the horrors of the errors spewed by specific notorious speakers.

Most of those attending were incredibly supportive of the TFP’s message and efforts. The issue is, a conference so massive with hundreds of speakers at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, many honest and faithful Catholics could attend without ever being aware of many of the dangerous speakers.

“Oh! That Jesuit!”

One couple, after being offered a flyer, was skeptical and refused, saying, “Who are you, and what are you doing?”

The wife immediately said, “Talk to my husband.”

The TFP member explained the campaign and expressed concern with the error being promoted at the conference. He gave the example of Fr. James Martin, when immediately the wife shouted, “Oh! That Jesuit!”

When the couple realized that the TFP was opposing the progressive speakers at the congress, they sighed relief and said, “We’re with you. We have been avoiding this conference for the past few years because it has been getting more and more liberal.”

The woman was an iconographer and expressed her love for sacred art. She said, “I love sacred art, not that stuff in there,” referring to the art exhibit at the conference center.

The couple proceeded to apologize for being so defensive in the beginning. The TFP member assured them that there was no problem and that it was good they were so ready to defend their Faith.

Faithful Catholics Cannot Remain Silent

The gathering of all these heterodox speakers at an official event of the Los Angeles Archdiocese is a calamity of enormous proportions. It will serve to encourage dissenters, confuse believers and threaten the Faith of countless Catholics.

Catholics must be willing to fight and defend the orthodoxy of the Faith despite false prophets who seek to disfigure and distort the truth. Catholics must stand up for the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Destonreson #sexist reddit.com

I just don’t get the hostility towards the men’s rights movement

I’m an MRA, and I simply cannot understand the hate it gets. I think my views are fair and equal. I think I my beliefs make sense, and are in line with equality and fairness for all. But the things I hear people say, the pure hatred the MRM gets, it makes zero sense to me. It’s upsetting and scary and has given me a negative view of society.

Yet again, a girl I matched with on tinder blocked me when I brought it up. I’m glad she did, I see being anti- MRA as a red flag. IMO, the real reason feminists are so bothered and angry by MRAs existing is because they want to be abusive and controlling in relationships. So they hate it when they know a man wouldn’t put up with it, and they hate it when a “white male” dares to have the audacity to see himself as a human being.

Domestic violence against men is one example of what I think is a basic and obvious point of fairness that feminists hate and attack- but why? If you’re against “harmful gender stereotypes”, then why are you against recognizing that male victims exist?
Another thing is circumcision. It’s mutilation and IMO not a debate. The frenulum, ridged band, and meissners corpsucles irreversibly sliced off. But feminists will attack you for even bringing it up, and will constantly defend it or it minimize it by bringing up FGM.Yes, FGM is disgusting and barbaric and has now place in the world. It doesn’t just mutilate women/girls, it’s fatal and kills many women/girls. I know! I acknowledge that.

But how is that a relevant part of circumcision? Why does that mean I shouldn’t be able to talk about it? Would you say “littering doesnt matter because global warming is worse” or “rape doesn’t matter because genocide is worse”? No, because that doesn’t make sense. Why do feminists ALWAYS bring up FGM to “counter” circumcision? As if it’s a “defense?” It’s not.

Feminists are just incapable of making intellectual/logical arguments.

There are so many things that MRAs are right about...the education gap, the unemployment gap, the life expectancy gap, conscription, higher pension ages, homeless men being denied shelter because they aren’t “priority need”...what am I wrong about? What do MRAs say that isn’t true?
I just don’t get it.

BummerDrummer #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[RageFuel] How easy it would have been to stop female rights.

Female suffragists: "Give us rights! Voting rights! Equality!"


Done. That would have literally been it. Let me explain;

The difference between female equality movements and, say, negro civil rights movements is that Negroes posed an actual physical threat. Negro (males) could riot, get weapons, etc. If not a physical threat, many Negroes back in that time period had jobs (although usually bottom barrel tier) that if they mass protested in strikes could pose an economic problem. Women had neither physical power nor economic power. The only time women were ever really "militarized" and fought was around 10-15 years later in the Spanish Civil war, in which case they got utterly destroyed, and the reason these spanish civil war foids fought was because they were in a situation 1000x worse than 1920's woman's suffrage America.

Economically Women had no power either, a vast majority were either housewives or some easily replaceable job like a secretary. They did not have the economic sway to do anything if our fucking ancestors just said "No" to their plea for rights. "But m-muh they deserved it by working in the factories!" "In ww2 we would've lost cuz wymn made all the ammo!" No they didn't, this is a parroted talking point but if females didn't make any factory contributions at all in both world wars it would've ended the same way. They aren't "Muh independent wymn" for doing something even a child could do, which would be the people who would make ammo in factories if females didn't do it (Or other men not at the front).

There was no reason for our ancestors to have let these fucking stupid hags get anywhere in equality. They couldn't have done anything if we just said "No". But because of how cucked we were EVEN BACK THEN 100 YEARS AGO we said "Yes". Also cuz the jews.

MoggedManlet #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[LifeFuel] All women are whores, love doesn't exist, it's a scam.

It's an illusion, the way Santa Claus is, it could be an awesome experience, but always fake.

The difference is the payment method and amount.

You want the longterm girlfriend experience from a Stacy? Well, you need to trade looks and money in exchange.

You need an hour of love? Well, that'd be $200.

You get what you pay for.

"Love" in reality is transaction for women. The moment Chad's looks decline, suddenly, he won't be "loved" anymore.

This is lifefuel, cuz what you guys have is FOMO anyway.

Personalityinkwell #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] IncelTears actually has control over what we can post here.

Yesterday I posted an April fools joke about how rape is ascension, and it got deleted, and I didn't even get a warning. The question is, why? The answer is because the cucked mods are actually giving in to outside forces, that's why. But who could the outside forces be? Well, our haters, mainly inceltears.

So remember that your freedom of speech is being obstructed because mods need to appease the haters.

kt0998 #sexist reddit.com

What is Black Pill Feminism?

Feminism for doomers.

Basic tenets of Black Pill Feminism:

- Biological realism. Male misogyny, sadism, violence and the need to subjugate and control women are caused by male biology. Female submissiveness and pickme-traits are caused by female biology. These generalizations apply to 99%+ of humanity. Patriarchy is the result of (biological) misogyny, not the origin of it.

- Feminism is a scam. Society's definition of equality is re-packaged male dominance. Feminism has been hijacked by anti-woman forces and was always doomed to succumb to the pickme-nature of most feminists. Feminism is anti-woman movement.

- We are heading towards misogynist dystopia. Hardcore porn, misogynist online communities, transgenderism, deep fakes, invasion of privacy, sexualization of children and the general rise of all things degenerate, fucked up and anti-woman. No matter how you look at it, women are fucked and things will keep getting worse and worse. Don't have kids.


- Moids.

- Positivity. This is doomer only sub.

- "muh socialization" If biological determinism triggers you, this is not a sub for you. Pick another sub. Any sub. Literally EVERY feminist/leftist/liberal/marxist/whatever space promote biological denialism and blank slate ideology. We know socialization is real, but we reject it as the underlying/main cause.

- Promotion of any political movements or ideologies. Guess what, they are all anti-women.

- Trolling, MRA, pickme, coomer, SJW etc bullshit, spam, blah blah.

anon1822 #racist #sexist incels.is

Porn is basically the only tool us incels have to deal with the normal and unavoidable physiological urge for sexual release, cause we sure as hell will never get women (at least I won't), so nofap is retarded and I definitely can't fap using just my imagination.

And yet even porn is ruined. Why are these themes so common nowadays? I can't count the number of times I see a thumbnail with a hot chick in it and I have to ignore the video and continue looking for a good one. Or to watch it but try really hard to ignore it, which is basically impossible when with some themes such as blacked, by far the one thing that I hate most in porn.

I won't even mention hentai. Years ago the situation was better, but nowadays degenerate retards filled the hentai scene with disgusting shit such as futa or even worse, god damn furries or even bestiality. That shit makes me want to barf.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Onlyfans will have as much impact as tinder and social media

Millions of men out there are willing to send money to foids just for nudes. You have to mentally retarded to pay for something you can get online for free wtf

Recently with corona and lockdowns, even more men are lining up to pay foids smh

In the coming years it'll be impossible to betabuxx. Because of all those simps and paypigs, tons of women will be making 6 figures just by showing their cunts a few times per month. You can bet they'll still be bitching about the wage gap though.

Linesnap99 #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

One of the major reason of this "bluepill" epidemic

Most of the people are taught early on that , ladies first and they should be respected. We are told that women are fragile and soft. These are the BS that are fed to the children and teenagers. The most effective form of brainwashing are the movies. And guess what, the DISNEY movies. I regret watching those cucked romantic propaganda. These are terrible times.
I think the whole economy runs on lying to the uninformed men.

(The Incel Decade)
And then in their teens they're watching females kicking ass in superhero movies

The Women and Family Ministry of Malaysia #sexist channelnewsasia.com

KUALA LUMPUR: Married women in Malaysia were briefly issued a set of recommendations on how to manage their households and husbands during the movement control order, including speaking in "Doraemon's voice" and giggling coyly.

The Women and Family Ministry on Monday (Mar 30) posted several tips on social media on how to avoid domestic arguments between husband and wife.

The posts, made public on both Facebook and Instagram, were taken down a day later.

“If you see your husband carry out a task in a manner that clashes with your own method, avoid nagging,” the ministry said in a since-deleted infographic.

READ: ‘We can do this’, say Malaysian social media users after extension of movement control order
In a separate image, the ministry said wives should instead use “humorous” words and phrases such as “this is the proper way to hang the clothes for drying, my dear (cara sidai baju macam ni lah sayangku)”.

The ministry also recommended that women should “mimic the tone of Doraemon” and follow their statements with a coy and feminine laugh.

In a third graphic, the ministry said that wives should refrain from making sarcastic comments if they see their husbands not helping with housework.

“Ask for help and inform him – in some cases, our partner needs to be ‘told’ of their responsibility in order for them to be aware of what needs to be done,” the post read.

Should arguments arise and strain feelings, the ministry advised women to “count from one to 20” before responding.

"Within the span of 20 seconds, the brain will become more rational and calm when making decisions,” it said.

In a Facebook post last Friday, which was still available as of Tuesday evening, the ministry also urged wives to avoid wearing “home clothes” during the movement control order: “Present yourself as per usual, wear makeup and dress neatly.”

In the same post, the ministry also recommended that working mothers keep the dining table, kitchen and living room clean and neat to help maintain a clear mind when working from home.

Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin on Mar 25 announced that the movement control order would be extended by two weeks until Apr 14 to contain the further spread of COVID-19.

He urged Malaysians to stay at home to break the chain of infection and said that this was the only way to contain the situation.

READ: Malaysia unveils RM250 billion economic stimulus package as COVID-19 cases surge

The women ministry's social media posts have drawn flak from All Women’s Action Society (AWAM), a non-governmental organisation.

In a series of tweet, AWAM called the ministry out for the the "sexist" tips.

"While dressing up to work is one way of maintaining discipline and a route while working from home, the focus on look, dress and makeup is absolutely unnecessary," it said.

It added in another tweet: "(Giggling like Doraemon) applies to five-year-olds, not mothers at home."

Women are human beings and not an object or a commodity, it said.

"Women have more than enough to do during the MCO without the added pressure of putting on makeup and looking good."

The Women and Family Ministry said in a statement issued on Tuesday night that it is "sorry if several of the shared tips were unsuitable or touched on the sensitivities of certain parties".

The ministry added that it has received feedback from several parties in response to their tips, and that it will be more careful in the future.

Atavistic Autist #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] As a consequence of the Corona Virus, roasties are being forced to live in enclosed spaces with their psychopathic/narcissistic Chad partners 24/7

Corona Virus quarantines have not only resulted in an increase of the divorce rate, as roasties grow disgusted by the unrelenting presence of their beta hubbies as compared to the male models they see on Tinder, but has also resulted in a rise of reported domestic abuse cases, as their psychopathic/narcissistic Chad boyfriends slam them against the walls and throw them off of balconies in between suffocating them to an inch of their lives.

Hopefully many of them will die.

JFL at "baby boom" copers hoping for a neo-boomer generation to replace the old boomers who are being decimated. Most of these roasties are on birth control, and even if they do actually give birth after nine months and don't simply get socially distanced abortions, they will just raise giga-soy'd sons or severely damaged cretins like their fathers (not to mention severely damaged, giga-slut daughters like their mothers).

The corona generation, insofar as it comes to fruition, will be remembered as being much more vacuous than even the baby boomers were.

igotnoballz #sexist reddit.com

It’s true. People probably care about your personality 20% but if you are hot enough they will put up with anything.

Case in my point, my mom used to be super beautiful and now she looks awful because she is one of those women who really let herself go. But she has an amazingly horrible personality. Like out of this world awful, she’s abusive and she just starts screaming at you if you don’t agree with her, telling you to go die and you are a worthless piece of shit etc. but she used to have a shitton of suitors. Like she used to get a huge amount of gifts, attention, etc etc anything she wanted. Objectively speaking she has no sense of logic and has no empathy, she also continuously talks about how great she is and how smart she is. But the shitton of guys who obsessed over her didn’t care, and society didn’t care either because she used to get Grade A treatment from people in general all because she was beautiful. It’s almost like your personality could be boring as a rock and you could be the shittiest person alive and guys would pick that over a girl they actually get along with. It’s almost like relationships in general aren’t real because 90 percent of it is based on how attracted the guy is to your face and ass and boobs, not you. As anyone not had this experience where guys actually care more about your personality instead of what you look like?

Sobinia #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Stacy sister trying to "help" me lose weight

When you visited me today, you told me to go to "the nude site" (r/normalnudes). You showed and compared me to pictures of other women to "motivate" me to lose weight. Pointed at Stacies that were obviously Genetic Lottery winners, telling me that I'd never look like them, nor do I deserve it. You grabbed my phone, noticed that I consumed 1500 calories the previous day, called me out for stuffing my face. When I started crying, you called me out for being "jealous" of the women you showed me and told me that I'm not working hard enough at all. That a woman should spend a few hours per day taking care of her looks - either by going to the gym, picking clothes or putting on make-up. You said that, after working out for a month, changes to my body should be visible.

They say men are the ones most harsh and judging when it comes to lookism. Turns out, women can be just as cruel. How can a 28 year old woman say such things to her own SISTER? Stacy, you're lucky that I had enough self-control not to grab my knife that was in my backpack and cut off your tits. Cut up your perfect face, leaving scars that would make you a femcel for the rest of your miserable life. I wonder how your husband would take it, seeing you as a disgusting monster? How you'd maintain your orbiters?

You said that I'm jealous. That I act like an animal. How am I even supposed to avoid being jealous? When I am constantly surrounded by Stacies like you. When you compare me to other women on the internet, as if you were some sort of pervert. You're lucky that you're my mother's "golden child". That I'd be in the streets if I tried to kick you out of the house. I really hope that you hit the wall hard. That after that, you'll finally learn what it's like to experience lookism first hand. When all of your orbiters will disappear and your husband will dump you for a new, younger spermbag.

blackredrosepetals #sexist reddit.com

Realising how pretty the average girl is, is such suifuel

This is particularly relevant to the young femcels. But honestly, the average young woman is actually attractive to most people.

With makeup, your average girl can be quite pretty. And even if she has a large nose, then she’ll have pretty eyes or nice hair or whatever else to balance it out.

If she is not overweight, her body is usually fairly attractive. She usually will have either nice boobs, butt or both.

There are girls that meet the beauty standards, and quite a lot of them actually.

We are the statistical anomalies, the weird ones, for having such undesirable features. We are abnormal for not fitting any standards.

Absolute pure f*cking suifuel.

face2cmnarrower #sexist reddit.com

I have no sympathy for people who are bitching because they are housebound! What about me???

How am I supposed to feel sympathy for people who are now bitching and whining because they have to limit their social activities due to the Covid-19 outbreak? How? I don't give a fu&%! I have been "incarcerated" in my own home for years. I am a recluse. To be exact, I am a hikikomori. I have been deprived of basic human needs: love, sex, going to the prom, going shopping for clothes. I have no family and no friends, aside from my pets whom I love to death. The list would take days to compile, but the point is that 95% of things that normal people can do like going to the store or going to the beach, I can't do. Not only am I ugly, I am deformed. My face virilized due to a hormonal imbalance, so, I am the ultimate type of fugly. I have to wait until there's nobody outside to check my mailbox or put the trash in the dumpster, otherwise, I get stared at and laughed at. I have been told that things will be alright, that everything is fine and I just have to think positive, but that was a load of crap. So, people need to stop whining. These are people who have no real issues. If normal people had 1% of the problems I face daily, they would kill themselves.

Some people are outdoorsy by nature. I consider myself a femcel and I am DYING from being trapped indoors. My brain needs stimulus to survive. From my perspective, introverts are acting like bitches with superiority complex bc they're so used to being cooped indoors all day everyday. But I don't complain about their attitudes, because I seek to understand their side as well, and know that everyone is different. No shade.

Do you think I enjoy being holed up at home? I don't. I am outdoorsy by nature, but I can't go out because this society treats me like a leper.

metabuxx #psycho #sexist #pratt incels.is

[RageFuel] "Just get out of your basement inkwell"

Never fall for this. ITS A TRAP. Being born as a non Chad is a curse and all non Chads should take every necessary precaution to avoid being seen publicly.

By getting out of your coping area you are exposing yourself to further embarrassment and humiliation. They want you to get out so they can laugh at your subhumanity.
You are giving a chance to holes, normies and simps to make fun of your hideous face.
White knights and feminists see this a perfect opportunity to beat you, falsely accuse you of rape and get you locked up for having the audacity to breathe in the same air M'ladies were breathing.
You are giving Chads the pleasure of mogging you in every way possible into oblivion.
Every single person present around you only wishes for you death and nothing else. They'll spit on your face and piss on your grave and the world will praise them for doing so. Why risk going out into the gynocentric world when you can happily LDAR in your favorite coping spot.

PPEcel #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] Whores are still working in the UK amid the lockdown

JFL at normies who are whining about not being able to go clubbing.

Escortcels, you shouldn't let something as stupid as the pandemic get in your way. I know because I visited one yesterday. And if you aren't an escortcel, you should consider becoming one, since you probably have nothing better to do right now. The upmarket agencies in London are desperate for business since their usual clientele of married white boomers are deathly afraid of corona chan.

The Incel Decade #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] What percentage of fertile years straight women are not having sex due to the lockdown?

Normally 99%+ fertile age women are having sex on a regular basis, so this quarantine is unheralded in terms of increasing the percentage of women that are having to forgo sex.

Obviously a fair number of them live with their partner so will be having more sex than usual.

Plenty of whores will still be sneaking out to fuck Chad,

But that still leaves plenty. For starters the percentage of women that can't get Chad (whether it's 80/20 rules or 90/10 in 2020) means they won't be having sex as they won't risk Corona Chan for normie.

It's absolutely unprecedented for a whole generation of women to have any more than the odd outlier female to be going weeks without sex. It's no wonder they can't cope. When we get out of lockdown it'll be like the last days of Rome for the open degeneracy these depraved women will be showing. You won't be able to walk down a street without seeing people having sex. Warning: stay at home when normality returns.

Edfech #pratt #sexist #fundie incels.is

[moderator’s note: Original posting MUCH too long. 80% deleted. Please don’t post reprints of entire articles here. Interested readers can follow the link for further nonsense consumption if they want to.]

[Based] Timeless quotes on women

1,000–600 BC: The Bible (Old Testament)
While I was still searching but not finding—I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all.
—Ecclesiastes 7:28[1]
For a prostitute can be had for a loaf of bread, but another man’s wife preys on your very life.
—Proverbs 6:21 [2]
Youths oppress my people, women rule over them. My people, your guides lead you astray; they turn you from the path.

1947–: Camille Paglia
"If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts."
"Woman's flirtatious arts of self-concealment mean man's approach must take the form of rape."
"Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist."
"Men are run ragged by female sexuality all their lives. From the beginning of his life to the end, no man ever fully commands any woman. It's an illusion. Men are pussy-whipped. And they know it. That's what the strip clubs are about; not woman as victim, not woman as slave, but woman as goddess."

It's incredible how all these great men could reach at the same conclusion in different time periods...

who am I say something against them?

mylifeistrash #sexist #psycho #crackpot incels.is

During this pandemic, fat women should be denied medical care to preserve resources for the healthy and thin

Women over 25 should be denied medical services so people who are healthy have a better shot at recovering.

NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO HEALTH CARE. If you overeat, you forfeit that right.

Incel tears (full of fat trannies) will repost this topic because they believe they are special princesses who are entitled to eat to the point of obesity and receive free medical care. But they're pieces of garbage who are causing others to die for their selfish decisions.

cope they'd get double the resources/treatment for being "discriminated" against

They'll piss off all the doctors and nurses who have to move their fat asses around the hospital

doctors fucking hate fat people

(Transcended Trucel)
sadly this won't happen

Whisper of Sadness #sexist incels.is

[Story] This is how easy it is for Chad (WARNING)

So back when I was at college before corona happened...

I live in this small dorm at the school. Top floor of the building so I use the elevator. Floor is entirely girls except for me and and 1 other dude. (~15 girls and 2 dudes on this floor). Im incel so this ratio doesn't matter (all the chicks are pretty ugly though so its not too hard to cope). Other guy on the floor... total fucking chad. Looks really similar to Timothée Chalamet except 6'2.

Our dorm has communal dinners and each of the floors sits with each other. This means I actually get to talk with Chad a lot as we have dinner and are the only 2 dudes on the floor and our rooms are right across from each other. Hes chill and nice to me thank god.

Okay now that you know the environment, here's the story. Its a Thursday night, around 1:30 am. Im up as usual celing. I have to leave my room and go to the ground floor to fill up my water bottle. I go to the elevator and click the button. When the elevator comes up guess who's on it... Chad, only he has a literal 8-9/10 Stacie with him on the elevator. He says sup to me and they both walk out and towards his room. After witnessing this suifuel, I barely manage to go and get my water and make it back to my room.

The next day at dinner Im sitting with Chad. We are just talking normally and he says "hey I remember seeing you last night". Im like yeah you did. He tells me "last night was absolutely crazy bruh" and then proceeds to tell me his whole night. Apparently he had gone out to a frat party with some of his friends and they had ditched him because he met a girl there. He said he ended up just making out and then left to go find his friends at another party. While on the way to the other party, he said a girl came up to him and started talking to him. This was the 8-9/10 he brought home....

He said it went like this "she came up to me and asked me if i was the guy from one of her classes last semester. I said yeah i think I remember you to." Then they started talking and ended up walking back to his place (our dorm). Then he went on to tell me that they fucked. But guess what? She was also a virgin and bled on his bed.... (and btw this chad has said that condoms are a joke and that he never uses them). Now the craziest part to him was that he had not talked to this girl once the entire semester when they were in class together. I legit told chad "thats cool bro" with this face

Just imagine having a life like this

TLDR - Chad in my dorm fucked a 9/10 virgin that approached him after JUST seeing him in class last semester. (He literally never talked to her until she approached him JFL)

no read but i agree

Not even the TLDR?

good spare yourself

This makes me want to rope. Virgin girls are rarer than diamonds and your roommate got to fuck one! Women only save their virginity for Chad.

Im not even joking I was shaking the entire rest of the day after hearing it from him. I was trembling with feels

wont read for my sanity

For the best tbh, this was a nuclearblackpill experience

There's literally no way she's an 8-9

Im dead serious she was easily 8-9/10 I actually remember chad even said she was the hottest girl in the class

And she was a virgin

Absolute suifuel

and he fucked her raw

god mode activated for this young Chad,

all chad had to say (it's just you, the girls show up)

literally just existed and she wanted to fuck

Arthur Copenhauer #sexist #dunning-kruger #crackpot incels.is

”Ever notice how EVERYTHING about women is related to sex or relationships or babies? Literally all they do, think, or talk about is in some form related to one of those things. EVERYTHING.

It's because they're literally worthless otherwise. They're inferior men, the only reason they're valued is for their biology. It fucking pisses me off how inflated their egos get because of how men treat them, but deep down they're useless and only leech off the hard work of the men they pretend to be superior to.”

You wouldn’t expect eugenics automatons to think/do anything else

Based. This is literally the entire reason that women exist as they do. Their entire biological purpose is genetic selection, and because pregnancy and child-rearing is so time-consuming and biologically expensive/strenuous, they remained inferior to men in every possible way. Men are unburdened, and the only role they must play in reproduction is finding any fertile female, and impregnating her, regardless of her genetic quality. Because of this low commitment, they were free to evolve in other ways (intellectually/physically), while women were forced to be pregnant and look after the children.

Same with men, you think men who can get sex discuss anything else when they’re together? The only reason men who can’t are forced to distract themselves with pathetic copes and have other interests is because they can’t get laid. We actually have a higher sex drive than women.

See what I wrote above. Regardless of other interests being "cope", the point is that men actually posses the capacity for them, unlike women. A woman who cannot achieve sex cannot "cope", because she is too intellectually underdeveloped, and too biologically obsessed with reproduction. A woman can't become a master of anything to the level that a man can.

BummerDrummer #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] Incels are the strongest people mentally in the world.

As we've seen from quarantine stories, normies cannot cope with having to be at home, even if its for a few weeks. It is too much for them, and take into account said normies even have friends, a girlfriend, etc. they can talk to on their phone 24/7. This means even when normies are alone and quarantined they still have a social life and friends, mogging us, yet they can't even handle that.

Meanwhile, you have us across the pond who have been lonely for years, if not DECADES in certain circumstances. No friends, no girlfriend to speak of, and definitely not a social life (for those incels that do it's not very big). All of this WHILE we get demeaned by society and watchdogs, rendering us not even in a state of loneliness but of loneliness and oppression. If normalfags can't even handle this, which is not even 20% of what we have to deal with for YEARS, then that means we are in such a state of neurotic callousing and hardening that we are arguably the strongest people on the planet in terms of our minds.

Take pride in this fact. You are better mentally than all of society and its inhabitants. Your brain has hardened itself and you are superior to the people around you because of this fact. They are mentally unstable and can fracture and fail at the slightest inconvenience, meanwhile your entire life is a massive inconvenience and problem. Their minds are weak while ours are strong.

gymletethnicel #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Remember that every female your age has received miles of shlong

This is something very brutal to remind yourself of. While you haven't even received a single hug or a single fucking kiss, the opposite sex has already done every act in the book. Also, remember that getting your first kiss gives you an unimaginable amount of dopamine which literally cannot be attained with coping. So you will literally never even experience the dopamine rush of sex and kissing, let alone actually doing these acts. Even if you somehow magically turned into an attractive male and could slay, the harm has already be done. While people around you are growing up and are becoming adults, many and have their own children even, you will literally always remain a child because of your bone structure.

Yet people expect us to act as if nothing is happening, as if this brutality isn't the reality of our existence. It is beyond over. Cope or rope.

VirginAutistManlet #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] I was at the Clinical Pyschologists office 2 weeks ago, and the moment I left I got destroyed and immediately felt like absolute shit again

Yes I know this story is late, but I only remembered it now after making my previous thread.

I walked out of the office, out of the psychologists building, and I started walking down the street and opened my phone to call a uber, as I was walking a TALL COUPLE walked past me, guy was like 6'4, full head of hair, and the girl was at least 5'11, me being 5'7 they BRUTALLY height mogged me.

This is what I mean. Just leaving the house is dangerous for me. I can goto a clinical psychologists therapy session, and the moment I leave, when im feeling a bit better, is to instantly get destroyed by being brutally mogged literally 15 seconds after walking out of the therapy session.

You know when im just HOME 24/7 this doesn't happen, when im shut-in there are no opportunists for me to get brutally mogged like that, which is why being home is the safest option for me.


HARVARDCRlMSON12 and Copemaxx #crackpot #sexist #conspiracy incels.is



TranscriptThe Chemistry of Copulins (How Women are Drugging You)

The vagina produces a thick fluid known as copulin that has actual mind control effects on a male's brain. If a man is exposed to a woman's copulins, over time she will be able to:

1) Change remove or insert memories.
2) Tell the male what he sees hears feels smells tastes.
3) Insert subconscious thoughts that will surface as "his own ideas" or behavior later
4) Plant trigger words or actions that can cause thoughts actions or sensations in the male at later dates (days weeks even months).

"Karl Grammer and Elizabeth Oberzaucher, researchers who study how the human scent influences sexual attraction, found that when women are ovulating, they produce pheromones called copulins. Copulins have a distinct smell, which Elizabeth describes as "butter that has gone bad.

When a man gets a whiff of copulins, his testosterone levels rise. As a result, he secretes androstenone, an odor that repels women who arent ovulating.

TL DR: Foids are literally brainwashing sex havers with their pussies, and Incels are the only ones free from the mind control.

TheIncelRepublic #sexist #wingnut #psycho incels.is

Anyone just want to live in a total utopia patriarchy?

Now for as long as humanity has existed we have never lived in a total patriarchy, women in history had some degree of rights.

But we ended up hypothetically take over society and put in extreme patricarcal laws.

So, we should only let women into the workforce making up 100% of workers with the exception of military, government, police, doctors and other high ranking jobs. Every male is given a government mandated wife/gf to breed with. All other men who aren't high IQ or don't want higher wages can become certified NEETs. Every male NEET will receive a free wife/gf , a free house, $3000 from the government each month, and a free education. Men can only be citizens, all other countries have to cooperate in the equal distribution of women as a source of labor and breeding

Women aren't allowed to go to school unless they need to use the education for their work. If she doesn't need it, she is not allowed to read or do any math.

Women aren't allowed to show any skin in public.

Women are not allowed to be near unneutered animals.

No abortions and birth control is only provided by their male leaders.

Women aren't allowed to vote or have a say in government.

Obey their male leaders whatever they say and adhere to their immediate commands, if the male demands sex, she has to give sex no matter what.

Women aren't allowed to chose their sex partners, but men are allowed to chose which women they want through government assisted selection process.

Tinder, porn and all other female degeneracy is banned. She has to have no male friends, and she has to not speak to anyone unless she is given permission too.

Any violation to these rules will result in extreme and harsh measures by the government to put these women back in line.

She is not entitled to food, shelter, water, affection, Chad or any basic human rights for that matter.

All men are entitled to human rights.

If there is an excess of men then we are to genetically create more eggs and sperm that will have a higher likely spawn rate of more women in the womb.

The wife/gf goes to work with the other women and makes a wage which is automatically transacted to your bank account and taxed by the government to fuel the welfare state. When she comes home from waging, she cooks dinner and cleans the house for the family and she has to feed you tendies and fries on your bed and have sex at the same time while you are watching a movie or playing a game. She also has to take care of your children when they come home from daycare. She is your property and you should do what you want with her as you wish. If you decide to get rid of her she is to be handed back to the government as "used goods" if she isn't virgin and essentially a slave to work without a wage as free labor.

But what if the women rebel against their male overlords?

Males will still be in the military, and I think you can put two and two together.

I think this my dream and comfy utopia right here.

Various incels #sexist incels.is

[Serious] It's unnatural for a female to speak without permission

When I hear the female tone of voice is like I don't care what you say. You shouldn't give any opinion to start off. You're just a hole, you've been ravaged by chad. Your tone of voice is only for mating purposes during sex act.

It's annoying hearing the high pitch female voice, it gives a headache. They shouldn't talk without the permission of her father and be offered virgins to man so they hold some self respect, instead of riding the cock carousel.

I am somewhat disgusted by their voice. This is why I cannot even hear/see vertain songs or series anymore.

Yep, women were never suppose to speak unless spoken to. Now they can’t shut the fuck up.

(Arthur Copenhauer)
Correct. Maybe it's a bit extreme to say never speak unless spoken to. But the way they speak and assert themselves today is akin to a child incessantly blabbering on about inane garbage, but for some reason no adult has the spine to tell them to be quiet.

This is actually really high IQ. This is the way it used to be for hundreds of years, the biggest way for a female to gain respect in society was to marry as a virgin. However today, sluts get all the respect.

Anonymous MG #sexist incels.is

Cucks have always, and will always, be the main driving force behind social degeneracy and a decline in male conditions as long as they're allowed to keep existing in society. Before, these types of men would succumb to disease or be killed fighting a war, as the masculine men would survive and reproduce up until the advent of modern medicine and "the long peace".

These weak men will cause a societal collapse soon enough with their awful values and ideals, and we'll have to rebuild and try again soon enough. This is the cycle of civilization, and these are the unforeseen consequences of social reforms that enforce "equality".

Coronachan pls save us pewpew

ThoughtfulCel #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] Man is the main cause of Inceldom

We can all agree that man has played a major role in advancing the human race through each era and age. The stone age, Victorian era, the age of discovery, etc. We can also agree that man has not always made the right decisions in history, with countless wars, terrible torture and rape, brutality, etc. But in general man has dominated and ruled over earth for centuries.

When i say man is the cause of Inceldom, i do not mean any of you are, or even the majority of men. I mean a select few men have doomed all of us to a life of inceldom. Man is the reason women have rights, he is the reason women can vote, can drive, can work, etc. Man is also the reason why most of us will never have sex, girlfriends, or wives.

Throughout history we've had countless books and quotes spoken and written by our greatest minds warning us about the nature of women. These men existed before females were "equal" to men, and saw through the deceptively convincing docile and innocent nature that women convey. If they were alive today, half of the things they said would not appear in any form of media. Currently it is a sin to expose female and criticize female nature for what it is.

Man has made it so that the nature of females is not only accepted, but encouraged. We've created devices, programs, and websites,that further encourage female hypergamy and their selective and discriminatory nature. We defend, orbit, and put down other men in hopes of gaining female attention and acceptance.

If a dog bites you maliciously, as a master, do you scold and slap it? Or do you let it continue to bite you? The answer is obvious, yet ignored when it comes to women. Women vocally speak their hatred of men. They lie, cheat, deceive, and storm media in hordes, complaining, whining, and babbling about inequality. And what does man do? He keeps giving, feeding, and allowing females to continue. He lets the dog continue to bite in order to satisfy it, without realizing it will never be satisfied.

Because of this, art, music, speech, and the lives of many men have been censored in the pursuit of keeping women happy and feeding into the female ego. What man doesn't understand is that females will never be satisfied. First it was the right to vote, then equal rights, and now you can't even engage a female without meeting HER checklist of requirements or you run the risk of being socially outcast. And the sad part is, its too late to turn back.

Women are not strong, they are not wise, funny, or even good for entertainment or friendship. Yet it is man who tells them they are. Coddles them, empowers them, and feeds them. And it is man who is responsible for inceldom.

TLDR females are terrible, and we've known that since we gained sentience as a species, but despite that, they have been allowed to unleash their full nature thanks to man. You can hate females for what they are, but its important to remember the cucks in history who have supported and allowed females equality despite knowing their nature.

Copemaxx #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] Being incel has given me ptsd
you often hear abuse survivors talking about ptsd and all that but fuck that shit. being incel, shunned by women all my life has given me extreme PTSD. it is hard to walk, talk, even fucking breathe, i feel fucking subhuman just because im overweight manlet and short so women feel disgusted even looking at me. being <8/10 should qualify for disability. missing out on love should qualify as disability. being incel is living hell. i am physically and mentally fucked beyond any recognition, and any hope for the future is gone


HeebJesus #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Serious] Leftism is for foids

Women are naturally more collectivist when it comes to things like gender, which is why they're so easy to dupe by Jews and also why many white women are radical feminists and leftists. However, collectivism when it comes to race is almost never seen in foids, but ESPECIALLY white ones. Nazism is an almost entirely male-dominated sport. Most "female Nazis" are only like that because their boyfriends are fash. Remember, women only follow the status quo because they're social butterflies. They would NEVER want to risk lowering themselves on the social ladder, hence why they get all those brownie points. The only exceptions to that rule are women who are just batshit insane, like Tila Tequila or Valeria Lukyanova. Only crazy women are attracted to Nazism, and that's pretty much where the list ends.

Now, I'm obviously not ripping on any leftists on here, but at the same time, it should be said that leftism is a female sport while rightism is a male sport. That's all.

Furthermore, women do not challenge the status quo. If something is popular, say ethnopluralism, multiculturalism, etc then they're going to follow it. Period.

Blackpill Rage #sexist #racist incels.is

[Discussion] Foids view men the same way jews view goyims.

Jews considers everyone else to be cattle and their sole purpose of existing is to serve jews. Foids view men the same way. Foids are actually just like jews just not as intelligent. They are manipulative, deceitful and lack any kind of empathy, guilt, or compassion. Jews are the #1 civilization destroyers and foids are a close second.

nxdismycope #psycho #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] foids nightmare compared to our nightmare
just think about it.

we are living our nightmare - which is being alone. with no love. no cuddling. no1 caring about you. we would do anything to break this vicious cycle.

meanwhile, foids so called nightmare? "rape". JFL. something that means that someone wants you so hard he is willing to break the law for you. JFL. imagine.

imagine someone risking years in prison just to be close to you. i cant even imagine a foid sucking my dick if my jizz gave mortality. LIKE WTF IS THIS SHIT?

everyday the rope is closer.

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