
CatholicCarl #fundie christianforums.com

Try as I might, I can't resist the urges


Despite the will bestoyed upon us in the Decalogue, I cannot help but be a voyeur. I live in a small suburban community, and my neighbors have approached me about something called "swinging." I had to look it up online, but after finding out what it was, I said no.

This didn't stop them. Directly in my line of sight from my living room window (on the second floor of the house) is their master bedroom, and my neighbors wife has taken it upon herself to leave the window shades up. I retracted mine, but I'm sad to say curiosity caused my downfall. After peeking and seeing 3 or 4 couples, I had to find more online. I don't know what came over me, but I want it out of me! Please, give me guidance.

michaelmonfre #fundie christianforums.com

Why Is Masterbation Wrong?

The Bible Does Not Speak About This But It Does Say If You Lust With A Woman In Your Heart Then You Have Committed Adultery.
Masterbation Involves Sexual Fantasy And So It Is A Sin.
Masterbation Will Lead You Into Bondage And You Will Objectify Women And Eventually Read Porn And Then You Will Go Deeper.
I Myself Masterbated Since Age 12 And Kept Going As A Christian At Age 19. I Am Now 45 Years Old. The Longest I Have Abstained Was 97 Days Which Was In The Summer Of 2004. This Website Will Help Me Be An Overcomer And Am Anxious To See Those Strugggling Be Set Free.

Quasicentennial #fundie christianforums.com

[Originally in very large, very bold font.]

Heat moves electrons around an atom. Without heat, electrons disappear making the atom frozen solid as centuries past by, but without the freezing-like coldness of ice if the atom is inside a rock in warm weather conditions. It is possible that the atoms in inorganic and organic matter can become synchronized when a point in time has been reached, say a 1000 years later for example, the atoms of a 1000-year-old fossilized dinosaur would synchronize with the atoms of the volcanic rock, making the dinosaur as old as the geologic time period - which is wrong. Large numbers of fish fossil have been found on Mt Everest, evidence of the Great Flood assumed by creationists. The movie Journey To The Center Of The Earth made me believe that God's secret is hidden in the earth's core where living dinosaurs and mammoths, swallowed through cave openings, could still exist.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[Hmm...are you trying to imply that your omnipotent god hasn't got the smarts to figure out how it should use its power to prevent cancer from recurring?]

I'm implying that our omnipotent God isn't obligated to play doctor.

[So much for the "loves mankind" gag.]

Love isn't the opposite of disease --- in fact [atheistic] love is the cause.

TexasSky #fundie christianforums.com

I think non-Christians are lacking a certain love and compassion that they cannot even understand is lacking. I agree that being Christian does not inherently make someone good. However, I believe, with the very depth of my soul, that without Christ you CANNOT understand the true meaning of compassion and unconditional love.

ShieldOFaith #fundie christianforums.com

(All Written in Gianormus Font, of course)

You miss your meds today?

I am a true patriot. I am trying to rid our nation of the things that are killing it. Abortion, homosexuality, drugs, the LEFT-WING media, the a.c.l.u. ...ect..

Because I love my country I understand that we need to arrest all members of the a.c.l.u. as traitors. They are POLITICAL AIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dad #fundie christianforums.com

(this guy is so AWESOME)

Originally Posted by Split Rock:

This is a very poor answer, dad. Did they corrupt insects? Did they corrupt elephants? More evidence that the creationist position makes no sense, even in the light of its own teachings.


Can you prove that Noah was to gather the insects? I thought he did the animals, and birds, not the bees? Back er up.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

Originally Posted by Gracchus:

You said, dad, that if God told you the Bible wasn’t true, you would deem him a liar and spit in his face!

Originally Posted by dad:

And kick his sorry uknowwhat to boot. Then, I'd get mean.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

(Discussing the supposed great flood):

The corruption of animals was not sexual, at least in most cases. I could see how there may have been some monkey business there, just look at the chimps! As for all animals needing to be killed, I would say this, as my opinion. - They were made for man to start with, as was the universe, best I can tell. So, as man goes, so goes the animals, so to speak. If we needed to have a planet flooded to kill man, the animals also would have to die. Man's animals, then, had to go the way of man, except for the ones that could be saved. And, once again, it was on man's boat! The animals again were there for us, now, even to kill and eat as man needed. Animals should be happy they are of use. That being said, I will say I am all for the proper and kind treatment of all animals, and creatures of all sorts, as much as is possible. I hate the way, for example, personally, chickens are treated, often, in big barns, all quite unnatural. Etc.

dad (again - I can't help it he's just too funny) #fundie christianforums.com

Originally Posted by MasterOfKrikkit:

The joy of dad hoc*: there's always an answer, no matter how absurd, convoluted, or just downright insulting.


[ 1) Unless animals have the capacity for right/wrong, sin, etc, how were they "vilely affected"? What human sin affected lemurs? How had humans corrupted giraffes?]


Look in the nearest bathroom. Toilet tissue has no capacity for right and wrong, but it gets vilely affected by man!

dad #fundie christianforums.com

The scriptures, and God's people were around long before Socrates. As many of the scriptures the man God Personally chose, and appeared to, -Paul, often referred to! And Paul was smart enough, and honest enough to admit it!!!

Carey #fundie christianforums.com

Not the end of the world , THE END OF THE AGE>

Global warming, nuclear war, the middle east, food prices (causing Famon), adverse weather conditions , global warming ,cyclones tsunamis earthquakes all over the news today.

Is this Good News??? YES

Because we know the Bible is correct and we know our Lord will return soon.

This is Good News in addition to the Good News he loves us is resurrected and died for our sins if we accept him and the Gospel.

And some people say eschatology is doom and gloom

TrueHope #fundie christianforums.com

I did mine last week. But listen....pray before anyone comes in...that's hard to do. I forget all the time. And pay consequences....The spirits come in all forms and through any open door....meaning person, animal....and all it takes is getting the slightest bit annoyed at something...and they pounce. Knowing you are scared, they may come strong so annoint your house and pray non-stop rebuking all evil from your home and anyone who enters it.

God Bless

ShieldOFaith #fundie christianforums.com

There can't even be a hydrogen atom without GOD making it. Duh!!!


You can't have a big bang/ slime ball in the soup/ turning into a monkey/ turning into a man. Ridiculous and stupid. It is what we rational thinking human beings call SCIENCE FICTION!!!

327 #fundie christianforums.com

I really can not tell you if I was awake or sleep when this happened. I baby sit my little niece at night and she was sleeping beside me. I felt a cold draft come in and I woke up to see if my niece was covered. She wasn’t and I started to cover her.

I wear contacts so when I don’t have them one anything 10 feet away is a little blurry. I notice while I was covering my niece up my front door was open. When I looked to see why, I saw this BLACK figure, DARK BLACK FIGURE! It looked like it was some type of being covered in black cloth. It was trying to come into my home but I just gave it this look like DIE! I started praying but I didn’t speak. All I know is that it knew I was staring at him. Since I didn’t have my contacts on I cant give you a full description. This thing was nothing but 2 to 2 ½ feet tall.

I woke up this morning to check my door and it was locked. You would think that explains everything but NO I don’t.

TrueHope #fundie christianforums.com

I once went to a psychiatrist once and demanded she find a way to stop the demons from chasing me....I was desperate. She went into this "Oh, you had such a rough childhood... Your brain is allowing you bits of information it knows your ready to handle bla bla bla. I'm going to give you this...(Med) in which I said....Meds don't take them away...I want to know WHAT DOES?!?!?! Little did I know....CHRIST does!!!! YAY

dad #fundie christianforums.com

Those that oppose God, and refuse to knuckle under, come to the point of deserving to be killed. If a cow is diseased, with, say, mad cow disease, you don't grant it equal rights, you put it down. If a dog bites a kid's face off, and is rabid, foaming at the mouth, it needs to be killed, not out infecting and maiming others. God has needed to kill some vile peoples, that fought Him, and His. My best advice is don't fight God. You will lose. If you are a city full, so will your city, in some cases, as a merciful overseer knows would be needed. Crying about those wicked that had to be put down, and accusing God of doing it for less than purest of reasons, is self righteous ignorance of the facts. The numbers God had to cull, really are dwarfed by the wicked, greedy, filthy, useless wars of man, for no good reason! I read that about 42 million unborn kids each year are snuffed, hacked, burned, or otherwise mutilated, and destroyed. In 10 years, one decade, that is about the population of the US, Canada, and Australia, and then some, if my rough count was right!! Every decade!!! Not to mention the man made famines caused by greed, and wickedness, and selfishness of man! Then there is the pollution and cancers, and other diseases, and death dealing devices of wicked man, and his world!! Then we get into the millions slaughtered on the highways, by wicked driving, drunkenness, speeding, and etc!!! Then there are the wars, and all those WOMD that will be used some day, as well as the cluster bombs, and village destroying bombs, etc, already used!!! This world is but a graveyard, and wicked, pipsqueak man trying to point his dirty little finger at a pure, and just, and loving, and righteous, and concerned, and saving God, is a conceited, cowardly, cocky, two bit, and twisted travesty!

The Serpent #fundie christianforums.com

You have hit the nail on the head, my friend.

Essentially if someone tells you they are an Atheist, then what they are really telling you is that deep, deep down in their Soul they believe that they are God and you and everyone else are merely figments of their demented imagination.

The Atheists and Materialists are looking for a “Theory of Everything” They want to reduce the universe down to a math equation. The problem is that once they succeed they discover that math equation has been running in their subconscious mind and has been generating the universe all around them all along!

[Another Funny Fundie: It's funny how you will NOT accept God without proof, but you will accept other things without proof.]

Yeah, if you want to get them all riled up ask them about that nitwit Sagan and SETI. Ask them to give you some empirical evidence for intelligent extra-terrestrial aliens?

Or ask them why they believe that flipped coins ALWAYS land TAILS up.

They claim it is because there is no evidence the coin will land HEADs up, but that doesn’t make any sense to me???

Senachwine #fundie christianforums.com

Search for a post in Origins Theology with my name, Lizzie. Evolution is/was not. Did your teacher have an explanation for how intelligent thought came to be with evolution from fiery matter? I gave you the Creation, Lizzie. It is true. So much effort spent on trying to validate a false concept, such as evolution= what a waste. All the evolutionists/any of us can hope for is an understanding of the Order established by the Creator.

True Blue #fundie christianforums.com

Why Biblical rape law is just and good


A lot of you have mentioned the Biblical rape law as a reason not to believe Christianity, or a reason not to take the Bible seriously. Here is my rationale for why the Biblical rape law makes sense.

Deuteronomy 22:25: "But if out in the country a man happens to meet a girl pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die."
Deuteronomy 22:28: "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives."

We need to start with the proposition that modern rape laws in the United States are broken. Most rapes and sexual assaults are unreported. Only 10-20% of defendants are convicted. The average sentence for those convicted is 3-5 years. Review of DNA evidence shows that ONE THIRD of men convicted of rape are wrongfully accused. The reasons for false accusations should be fairly obvious. Moreover, the nature of the crime means that witnesses and evidence make it naturally hard, if not impossible, for fact-finders to make accurate determinations in all but rare or violent instances of rape. One also needs to start with the proposition that the death penalty is the appropriate punishment for rape. I have absolutely no problem with the death penalty for forcible rape. This one squares with my reason and sense of justice. Rape ruins a person's life, so the rapist's live should be ruined in return. One must also recognize that the law DOES NOT REQUIRE THE PARTIES TO COHABITATE. The woman would be free to live where ever she wants, mostly likely with her father. The law would then have the effect of making the rapist a virtual eunuch, ON PENALTY OF DEATH. Since he would be legally married, if he ever had sex with another woman for the rest of his life, he would be executed for adultery. It gets worse for the alleged rapist of the single woman. If that single woman decided not to cohabitate with him, that would be sending a VERY clear signal to the community that she was the injured party. So her father, her brothers, and other interested men in the community, such as myself, would forthwith go and beat the snot out of the rapist, and they would enjoy the exercise. If the rapist managed to survive or elude them, he would be forced to flee to one of the cities of refuge set up in the Law and be exiled for the rest of his life. If he owned real and personal property, I'm sure the city authorities would find a way for the victim’s family to buy the property at reduced or no price. Beating, exile, and forfeiture would be significant punishments.

I believe this mandatory marriage law would be a VERY significant deterrence. In fact, it would be so significant that if implemented in the United States, a single instance of rape would be so rare and so shocking that it would make national news. So would the law make sense, even though a few single women annually would be on the wrong end of the stick? Yes, absolutely. Preventing 10-20 women in the United States annually from getting married in a nation of 300,000,000 is unquestionably better than having 1/4 women be sexually assaulted at some point in their life, as is the case now.

Of the 31102 verses in the Bible, I'm down to only two verses that I have trouble with. The Biblical rape law troubled me for 15 years, but it troubles me no longer.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

First of all, most people on this forum are not my brothers. They are pagans, witches, atheists, and etc. When they spout anti Christ, demonic doctrines, with no scientific premise at all, it is not insulting to call it rubbish. It is truth. As for fellow Christians that chose to side with them, then they better learn to howl with the wolves as well as run with them. Cause I don't intend on allowing the pack to lie as they wish, whether or not that pack includes them.

GWB404 #fundie christianforums.com

My brother got involved with a girl back in March last year. She got pregnant and now has his baby, my neice. She was living very poorly with her "best friend" in her mum's basement. March of this year they moved up here to be closer to my family and to my brother. Things fell apart from there on as my brother didn't prove himself very well and is now in jail for 6 months They are now living in a dumpy apartment with commercial like utilities, tile floor, and it's just unhealthy. To make matters worse, the mom's friend is pregnant with twins (most likely my brother's, argh), and she broke her neck. Both of them have seizures and many other health issues. The pregnant one is at high risk for losing the twins because of her epilepsy, her cancer, and stress.

I feel a drawing to help these girls in any way that I can. I feel like God wants me to help them. But here's what's stopping me. They are bi-sexual.

YourChild #fundie christianforums.com

the first thing to ask is...are you guys turning your heads away from half naked girls? is your mind constantly thinking about God and about this dying world and about the ways in which you can seek the lost? I thought that was supposed to be the mentality of every reborn Christian? another thing that could be fueling your urge to masturbate is demons. spirit of lust and spirit of adultery...it could very likely be that you need deliverance from these oppressions.

Dorki #fundie christianforums.com

Man, you really must love to jack-off... are you trying to find every bit of way to justify this nasty habbit? I went down that route before, I tried to find every possible way to justify that smoking is ok. Turns out that I found a demon that was causing me to smoke... sounds like to me that you have a terrible "jacking-off demon" in you. Quit deffering yourself from what's true. Do you want me to cast out that demon for you?

RobertByers #fundie christianforums.com

No innate ability to change is not evolution for many reasons. Its not triggered by selection or happenchance mutations. Its instantly a adaptation perhaps even in the womb of a mother without the adaptation.

I know all claims about folks not changing now.
Yet the change did happen quickly so we merely surmise that human bodies after the flood wre more sensitive to adaptation. Of coarse since we needed it god would of provided the mechanism. I have siggested before that the oringinal bodies did not have the colour fixed in our skin. Our skin perhaps was very different and flexible to any change. like a chameleon maybe.
Only after the flood did our bodies have more severe needs and more severe skin change results.
We needed to get light to get the sun or we needed to get black to protect from the sun. like your rickets example.
Our bodies perhaps don't change today for the reason they are in a fixed state. originally we were not and things being more primitive we couldn't take care of ourselves.
Human bodies are the great example of quick adaptive change that is innate just as I see it in animals.

SolitarySoul #fundie christianforums.com

Read this if you think Christians are not persecuted in America

For the privacy of those involved I am not going to say who of course, but I recently recieved many threats from a man who is going across youtube preaching that God is hateful.

I just wanted to ask for your prayers and to give an example that even in a country such as America there is still persecution sometimes. I have recently begun my own online devotional ministry, I do not even have my website completely and online yet. And I have already been contacted multiple times by an individual who is not only taking verses out of context to form a false view of God and Christianity, but he is actually gaining a following of non-believers by doing so.

Please pray for this man and those who believe his lies. He pulls verses out of the Bible, mostly the Old Testiment, parts such as when the firstborn of every child was killed in Exodus, and when adultrers were stoned, etc., and pulls these verses out of their context to bend them into forming this false view that God is hateful, and that churches today preach just what it is they want to, while leaving out the bad. He is generating hatred toward Christians in general over the internet. I replied calmly to his messages toward me, but I admit I'm a bit concerned that he may start directing this hatred toward me or others inparticular because of my new ministry.

mrguitar #fundie christianforums.com

You can not put Science and the supernatural into one. The Bible even says that. Demons cause sickness, there is NO DOUBT about it. Everyone I know...which some are Baptists, Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Pentecostals, etc, etc,....all know that sickness is generated by demons. You can not deny that.

shallowtentpegs #fundie christianforums.com

[Discussion Topic: Spanking Teens]

Important to remember, any law that violates God's law is an illegitimate law. If I lived in Canada I would still spank because God commands it. (prov23:13) God says those who do not use the rod hates their son. (prov13:24)
Some other discipline can certainly be effective for older children but we can never say that another person should never spank their teenager. Only the parent of that particular child knows that child well enough to make that decision but certainly should make that decision in light of Scripture. Sometimes spanking does not get immediate results so it is abandoned too early. We should never grow weary of well doing, even in this area, as God commands corporal punishment. I have a hunch that some parents don't spank hard enough for it hurt. It's supposed to be unpleasant, it's chastening!
Some very determined children need spankings well into their teens; others do not. As boys get older, they do better with fathers applying the rod of discipline but if I, as the mother, were the only one available to do it, I must. Anything else would be disobedience on my part.
We must remember where we get this anti-Christain propaganda about spanking being harmful to their "self-esteem": from God hating humanist psychologists like Freud and others.

AutumnLeaf #fundie christianforums.com

There is currently a push for having homosexuals who want to commit to each other to be called married if they want to. Traditionally marriage has been a word reserved for only men and women who chose to commit to each other. Should we change the meaning of homosexuality to also include people who have sex with animals?

huldah153 #fundie christianforums.com

*In a conversation about ERV's*

It's not deceptive, because it was never God's intention for Darwinism to exist as a scientific theory. Had the ERVs been discovered in these spots without the Darwinian paradigm, scientists would not have assumed that they denote common descent. Instead, scientists would have interpreted the data in a totally different light, and concluded that God made them that way.

Phill_R #fundie christianforums.com

Hi, ive got a bit of a dilema, there's this real nice lookin resturant that i would like to take my girl, the only porblem is that it has displayed inside the Aum symbol, as well as a religous statue. Should i eat at a place like this?

I asked my dad, and he then asked me if i would eat in a resturant with satanic symbolys, and i wouldnt, so why should it be different for this resturant?

On the other hand Jesus him self ate with the sinners, and surely we should be following his example?

I'm not realy sure about this, so I was wondering if some people could give me a few pointers so that i can make my own choice.

yeshuaslavejeff #fundie christianforums.com

["But I pray that it will happen as it did in the Roman Empire where Christians were attempted destroyed for 300 years, but where they eventually became the majority without political or religious means."]

????? what history books have you been reading?
the Christians(true Christians, not worldly fakes)
that I know of.

The Princess Bride #fundie christianforums.com

Oh, which reminds me, how is it provable that all this "evidence" of skeletons and DNA isnt some fabrication devised to act as "proof" for the unprovable? Modern technology can certainly create molds or modifications to a skeleton to make it appear to be something that it is not.

Stinker #fundie christianforums.com

I would argue that the Christian religion is the most logical of all the world religions. There were many religions that were based on myth, however, Christianity is based on history. Jesus Himself was considered a historical person by ancient writers of the 1st century. Even today, scientific evidence from the Shroud of Turin reveal that the the image of the crucified man in it are from an unknown form of radiation.

Lisa0315 #fundie christianforums.com

[Please, anyone who has experience talking to an athiest about God, help me find the correct words to say that will have the most impact on him. Thanks in advance.]

Hon, The only words that will have an impact on him are these: I love you as Christ loves you. Leave it at that. There are no logical arguments that will convince him. It must be the work of the Holy Spirit.

IisJustme #fundie christianforums.com

I am constantly amused by the white "greens" who like to claim the Native American "never killed more than he could eat." That's total nonsense. The Native American did more to destroy the Great Plains Bison Herd than a few dozen buffalo hunters working for the railroads ever did.

Chris Silver #fundie christianforums.com

So WHY is evolution taught in school and not christianity? What's really a shame is a person actually came up with a religion, something about a spaghetti monster, if anyone has ever heard it, but it was a joke, not real. The purpose of the spaghetti monster religion was to make people understand that more than one viewpoint needs to be heard, not just one. But what's really sad is that people ACTUALLY follow this religion now even though the creator/founder doesn't! Crazy, right? But wait, who else did that? ... Darwin did, came up with some stupid theory that people actually follow now even though he admitted the idea was stupid and could not possibly be true. And it's not the fact that we are learning evolution in class that makes me mad, it makes me mad that they are teaching us evolution and NOT christianity, or any other religion for that matter (for those who believe something different). I want to know who chose this for all of us, biology and and similar classes should be an elective, not a requirement, and religious classes should be a choice as an elective as well. Because I'm sick of learning things IN SCHOOL that I don't believe in. Of course I do my own research on subjects like evolution and other religions to help my growth as a christian, but it shouldn't count as a grade.
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True_Blue #fundie christianforums.com

I agree that it should be death penalty offense to commune with the devil and practice witchcraft, provided that the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard is met. And the Bible mandates additional evidentially standards for the death penalty. I have a problem with the Salem Witch Trials and similar rare events n history because they violated due process with their investigations and trials, and executed innocent people.

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