
Lisa0315 #fundie christianforums.com

[Please, anyone who has experience talking to an athiest about God, help me find the correct words to say that will have the most impact on him. Thanks in advance.]

Hon, The only words that will have an impact on him are these: I love you as Christ loves you. Leave it at that. There are no logical arguments that will convince him. It must be the work of the Holy Spirit.

Chris Silver #fundie christianforums.com

So WHY is evolution taught in school and not christianity? What's really a shame is a person actually came up with a religion, something about a spaghetti monster, if anyone has ever heard it, but it was a joke, not real. The purpose of the spaghetti monster religion was to make people understand that more than one viewpoint needs to be heard, not just one. But what's really sad is that people ACTUALLY follow this religion now even though the creator/founder doesn't! Crazy, right? But wait, who else did that? ... Darwin did, came up with some stupid theory that people actually follow now even though he admitted the idea was stupid and could not possibly be true. And it's not the fact that we are learning evolution in class that makes me mad, it makes me mad that they are teaching us evolution and NOT christianity, or any other religion for that matter (for those who believe something different). I want to know who chose this for all of us, biology and and similar classes should be an elective, not a requirement, and religious classes should be a choice as an elective as well. Because I'm sick of learning things IN SCHOOL that I don't believe in. Of course I do my own research on subjects like evolution and other religions to help my growth as a christian, but it shouldn't count as a grade.
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mrguitar #fundie christianforums.com

[*Starlight*:What kind of evidence made you believe that evolution is false?]

Every aspect of this so called "evolution theory" is false.

[You didn't answer my question. What evidence convinced you to have such an opinion about evolution?]

I did answer your question friend.

Every aspect of the theory of evolution is false. Every aspect as in everything about it is false. That includes the so called "evidence".

Deus #fundie christianforums.com

I agree PaladinGirl. Nothing makes me more 'vocal' than seeing two 'happy' gay men holding hands in public as they go off to the voting booths. These people get to decide how our country is ran? How can they possibly make a moral decision when all day long they decide to do the opposite? People like that along with atheists and others who reject God shouldn't have rights.

Gob bless.

Gary51 #fundie christianforums.com

Are Atheists Blind?

I have tried to debate with atheist on this forum, and I don't know if its me or not, but I find them very unreasonable.

They do not seem willing to consider even for a moment that God may be real.

They seem to have an attitude of arrogance about them. And I wonder, could some of them be evil, because sometimes they give me the shivers.

And then there are those that get me a tiny bit angry. Then I want to smite them.... which of course is wrong... I should turn the other cheek.

I'm beginning to think that some of the atheists that come looking for debate maybe under the influence of Satan.

Are these people blind to God's truth? because when it is put right under their noses, they just don't see it.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

Why believe in something you can't prove at all, and which actually flys in the face of the bible? I would have thought that science involved more than belief, in this area, however, it doesn't.

We must consider that God really seems to have created it, and that your so called science is religious balderdash!!!

Zentancia #fundie christianforums.com

Is French Kissing a Mortal Sin?

The reason I ask is that one of my ex-boyfriends found out that french kissing is a mortal sin at a chastity talk. He told me that we may not be able to kiss ever again if God didn't approve. At the time it was really hurtful and I wasn't sure how to deal with it. Eventually, after talking to our youth minister, he found out that it is only bad if that is all you are getting together to do.

jwp #fundie christianforums.com

[I've seen many attempts to make Genesis fit with modern science - none of them work. The Genesis account, taken literally, are just bad science. -artybloke]

Now that's an absolutist statement to make with no proof. Modern sceince makes a lot of assumptions for example there's never been enough time to prove that the decay of Carbon isotopes is a proved time. It's all theroy. Just like the THEROY of Evolution. Anytime a definitive statement is made centering around billions and billions of years (Saganism) there's no proof just assumption.

So to make your statement you MUST put faith in the (religous) SCIENCE statements that foist truth onto us by means of extrapolation of what they do know. The story of sceince is ever changing and corrupted by the sinful nature of man. I for one can't and won't accept anything they say as being the gospel truth when it comes to matters of unprovability.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

In a discussion about creating life in the labratory:

I couldn't care less if they create a star NFL quarterback in a laboratory, from the Periodic Table. The Bible says exactly where we come from, and that settles it.

IamRedeemed #fundie christianforums.com

Guess you weren't "listening" when you read the OP. Please read it again, and
understand it for the facts within it, and come out from under the mushroom
and into reality. This should be a health concern for everyone and should not
be a political or personal matter.

Straight people do not give aids to other straight people.
This is not a recorded fact whatsoever. If a "straight person" gives another
"straight person" HIV, then one of them isn't exactly straight,
or engaged in sexual activity with another who wasn't exactly straight
unless one of them is a victim of tainted blood.

Homosexual males are the source of HIV/AIDS.

If you don't like the factual data, take it up with the
Health Dept. and the Center for Disease Control.

No sexual immorality/fornication/adultery which is ALL sex outside the
covenant marriage between a man and a woman as ordained by God is
good for society on a whole. That is why God said, FLEE sexual immorality.
(or fornication-same thing)

1 Corinthians 6:18-20
18Flee fornication. Every sin that a man does is without the body; but he
that commits fornication sins against his own body.

19What? Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which
is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?
20For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body,
and in your spirit, which are God's.

If any of us here claim to have been washed in the blood of Jesus and made partakers of the Holy Ghost, then we need to pay particularly close attention to verses 19-20 as they absolutely apply to us who bear His name. So, we need to change our ways, or change our name. We cannot serve two masters, just as Jesus said. We will love the one and despise the other or vice versa. (or hey I know! create a new Jesus...but no that one, the one created by the minds of men, who choose not to walk in the light, cannot save a flea much more a soul)

MikeMcK #fundie christianforums.com

[Surely one of the virtues of the Christian faith is to keep an open mind to the beliefs (and non-beliefs) of others.]

Why? Having an "open mind" is not a virtue. In fact, it's foolish.

Do you have a door on your house? Do you leave it open all the time? Or do you shut it, or even (gasp!) lock it sometimes?

Of course you do, because you know that it isn't wise to let just anybody enter your house.

In the same way, there are many times where it's perfectly appropriate to shut that door of your mind in order to keep harmful things from entering in.

Nadiine #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

Unfortunately, instead of calling sin what it is, anytime a Christian says "homosexual", they're ATTACKED for anything they say regarding the topic... [that is unless they fully support homosexuality]

So even tho you have a valid thread topic (ie. anyone participating in this type of behaviour is doing wrong and in sin), just the slightest mention of GAYS will get you bashed no matter what it is they're doing.

That's how it is today - but that's ok, the human courts can judge you negatively here for it, but wait till they get to God's court where homosexuality IS unacceptable

John the Baptist was thrown into prison for daring to speak the truth to the King, that he was committing adultery... and ultimately had his head cut off for relaying the truth.
We don't do that here, but the situation is the same. Speak the truth about homosexuality & sexual sins and feel the wrath.
I await a much higher court tho

Ondaball #fundie christianforums.com

Darwinism is a mere philosophy that rather clearly misinterprets & stubbornly ignores obvious overwhelming evidence of Intelligent Design reported by hundreds of MSc/PhD scientists, from microbiology to astronomy

True ID science is careful observing/testing all evidence

guzman #fundie christianforums.com

what would you take as evidence?

>peer reviewed research.

saying what...showing what. Since when does science do such experiments on the mind? They hate the mind, remember? They try to hide it.....there will never be any such studies because Big science is full of frauds and crooks.

dean1003 #fundie christianforums.com

I am learning, im learning that you tell me thats proof, but I still don't see it. showing me pics with evidence like swiss cheese isn't going to convince me. For example, I can give you a pic of a rabbit and a cat, thoses two breed together you get a cabbit, thats not evolution. and yes there are cabbits, look it up. Thats not evolution. It the same difference.

HisdaughterJen #fundie christianforums.com

Ok...let's plant the feet firmly on the ground and imagine what kind of changes Obama would initiate in America.

1. There will be more mosques and Islam will become dominant.
2. Racial tensions will increase.
3. Gays and abortionists will be given more rights.
4. Taxes will go sky high to subsidize special interests.
5. Christianity will undergo greater attack and laws will be passed that the Bible is hate speech.
6. Obama's pals will be appointed to his cabinet and include known terrorists and hate-mongers.
7. Obama will accept terrorist organizations/countries and deal face to face with Hamas and Hezbollah to the detriment of Israel.
8. America's military strength will be weaker as Obama cuts military.
9. Obama would give away our sovereignty to the UN or other global government.

HisdaughterJen #fundie christianforums.com

This is the image that is the most telling about Obama and his beliefs.


In the background image, the flag is in tatters with an arrow through it behind Obama's logo and the shield. The Union is missing (blue part with stars) and the flag might indeed be upside-down. The eagle has TURNED-TAIL and is about to fly away. If you can't see the anti-American imagery and symbolism, then read up on what the real symbols mean and the proper treatment of the flag. The faint letters "six" and number "6" as well as 6 lines on Obama's logo isn't the mark of the beast, but is symbolic of the "blessed" Quran. 666 is considered a blessed and holy number in ISLAM! This is the "dark night" over America with Obama's "moon" rising.

RobertByers #fundie christianforums.com

[Originally Posted by Steezie
You didnt even read the link

So why do they still have these organs? Take whales, they have vestigial legs, they're useless for swimming and whales are FAR too big to walk, so the leg sizes must have changed over time....which sounds like evolution]

I know this stuff and don't like internet links. i've read it a thousand times.

The whales didn't evole but instantly adapted to new conditions. In fact probably within a creatures lifetime. So as long as the legs are out of the way there is no need for more atrophy. Same as birds who don't use their wings.
That few other creatures do not have vestigial organs is great evidence that they did not have different anatomical lives before. Like whales they would of kept bit and pieces of anything they no longer used.

RobertByers #fundie christianforums.com

Fine with the teeth. Yes in post flood days we had a more vigourous diet of meat.
Our bodies are fine. I don't know the actual original body of Adam and so some changes may be in order.

For example originaly women were not to have birthpain . However God gave Eve the punishment of birthpain, which female animals don't have, and since this pain comes from womens unique body shape then we must conclude there bodies were changed at the fall.
Still sexy but might of even been better.

Gottservant #fundie christianforums.com

If you had a supported reason for using up the Sun, would you do it?

I am thinking chiefly of 2 Peter 2:9-13 when I ask the following question:

If you had a supported reason for using up the Sun, would you do it?

I understand that you will feel a natural tendency to search for and provide your own intuition about what such a reason could be, so I will not impose my own ideas, but suffice it to say: I feel that no matter what the reason was, it would be a sin to do so.

Really? So how do you feel about the fact that the Devil is going to do it?

Do you realise that the Devil is going to destroy the Sun?

Have you got the same plans now as you had a moment ago?

Peterskeys #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

There is great harm in homosexual acts. You may say "well its just sex , how can it hurt". There are many factors both physical and spiritual. First the homosexual community has a very high suicide rate, which shows there is great post-coital depression in gay couples. The worst is what it does to the state of your soul, which puts you in a state of mortal sin and denial. Lastly the per captia percentage of AIDS and other STDS in the gay community has a much higher per captia rate than heterosexuals. Meaning if you are gay you have greatly a higher risk of a lower life span. I believe the average life of a homosexual is a little over 40 years old. Lastly the sex in itself is dangerous, since the colon was designed to expel waste and has a very thin walls that are not designed to have things inserted against it. There is always risks of things like fissures, perforation, and infection due to contact with bacteria like e-coli and salmenella.

LilGeorgiaPeach81 #fundie christianforums.com

At last the Lord has spoken, through the Constitution Party, and the choice is Chuck Baldwin. The Republicans have rejected the Christian message in selecting their homosexualist anti-family, anti-Christian candidate, and the Democrats did so long ago, but now there is a choice in Chuck Baldwin, who has won the Constitution Party nomination.

With Christian support, Baldwin can easily win Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, and with the will of God behind him can win the election and save America from the wrath of God!

Maybe it is better said that it is God's will that Christians support the true Christian candidate, and that those who vote for Obama/Clinton/McCain will seal their own fate for their defiance of the Lord.

MissionFM #fundie christianforums.com

Could Evolutionists Admit One Thing????

They are so wrong... They can throw around big fancy words, but really have no clue. Where would we be without you? Do you feel ashamed that you have to lie to get evidence or bend it until it breaks. Your arrogance is unbelievable!

PreachersWife2004 #fundie christianforums.com

If you want to accuse God of being sexist, be my guest. One could say that He was quite sexist. He created man first and only created woman later to help Adam. It was Eve that sinned first and so God was sexist and decided that women would suffer the pains of childbirth. In my book if God wants to be sexist, that's His right as our creator.

GodGunsAndGlory #fundie christianforums.com

[Why openly gay people cannot serve in the US military.]

Because if you haven't noticed, Christians in the military pray before missions and atheists and gays don't pray and it doesn't help the unit be close and if you did let them in, but segregated them they would be terrible units for one and they would complain about that too.

Starcrystal #fundie christianforums.com


Truth is that "white horses" are symbols of speed and power, often in a military sense according to scripture. The color white indicates purity. The author of the article talks like all UFO and alien phenomenon are evil, fallen angels - whatever. This is a typical fundamentalist error. After all, Ezekiel chapters 1, 2 and 10 describe saucer shaped things and living creatures that obviously are of the LORD, not the devil.

Suecianus #fundie christianforums.com

I am a great admirer of China. Mao Tse-tung created one of the best and most effective governments of the world. I have read a book about it. Sad that he was a communist, and a mass-murder. What if he had been a Christian, like Chiang Kai-shek, would China be the paradise on earth opposing US. capitalism and atheism? We'll never know.

Starcrystal #fundie christianforums.com

If Christians sit around waiting for a literal white horse in the sky they might be disappointed... and don't forget, there is also a white horse among the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.... this of couse gets into more potentially complex symbolism: perhaps the evil white horse being a counterfeit of Jesus is actually the Grays and Reptilians.... do these fundamentalist Christians really know what they are talking about when it comes to these prophecies? Don't they know the ancients wrote prophecies using words they knew at the time to describe something futuristic?

Must look deeper than the surface of a lake to see what really dwells beneath the waves."

Knowledge3 #fundie christianforums.com

[Difference between Christians and atheists?]

The difference being; in contrast with agnosticism and atheism - is that a Christian would care about the 'relationship' with God- their destiny, the state of the soul, the body, personal hygiene and other things.

HisdaughterJen #fundie christianforums.com

[regarding literal veracity of the bible]

In your own life, you will notice things are true:

1. Pride comes before the fall. (Proverbs 11:2) Example: People (usually young people) will say something like, "I'm so good at this" and then trip. It's true throughout life. If you are prideful/boastful, you will be humbled.
2. Children look like their parents. (created in the image of their father)
3. Children are created, they do not evolve from another creature.
4. What you say directs the course of your life. (Proverbs 18:21 & James 3:6)
5. The sun, moon, and stars have been set in motion and follow a particular path and mark seasons (Genesis 1)
6. How you treat others comes back on you, whether good or bad.
7. We have free will but with our choices comes blessings or curses based on the laws that God has established.
Example: choose homosexuality or promiscuity and you will receive the curse of an unwanted pregnancy, STD, death. Cheat and lie, and you will be cheated and lied to.
8. Children are under the authority of their parents. A parents ungodly behavior can put their child's life at risk.
9. Those who seek God and strive to follow His ways are under His protection.

All of this is true and you can see it just by living your life. There's more.

Knowledge3 #fundie christianforums.com

[Regarding evidence of the existance of Jesus]

On the lighter side of things ~ the existence of Jesus can be logically inferred by simply reading the Bible, watching the Passion of Christ, various 'movies' based on the Bible and OT/NT. The existence of Jesus can even be logically inferred just by looking at an icon or painting.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[Do conservative Christians really accept the deliberate killing of infants in the conquest of Canaan (for example) as, at one time, ethical behavior?]

Yes --- I acknowledge the deliberate killing of infants during the conquest of Canaan as acceptable behavior then.

In fact --- I acknowledge it as obedient behavior.

Suecianus #fundie christianforums.com

The scripture is clear on this matter, the earth is not moving, nor can it be moved. Therefore the sun revolves around the earth. If you disagree , you disagree with the bible and with God. The Church's treatment of Galileo Galilei was fully correct.

My priest may disagree and there may be many supporters of Helliocentrism in the Catholic Church, but the fact still stands: The Earth is not moving according to the bible and the bible is always right.

sthatting (FLDS) #fundie christianforums.com

[No offense, but the fact that you don't know what to think of a man (Warren Jeffs) who's been convicted on multiple counts of sexual assault and rape is raising some red flags for me.]

I don't think you understand, nor would you ever understand. It deals with faith and obedience, not logic.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[About his self-declared lack of knowledge in Science]

"My newbie friend, I "reject" the interpretation of your [plural] observations.

We [plural] actually hold science up to a higher Standard.

You want me to learn biology? You learn theobiology.

(I know --- "Duh, what's 'theobiology'?)"

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[Explain how a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 is necessary to Christianity.]

Other parts of the Bible would make no sense.

Genesis 3:19
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

[Logical progression from your post, AV:

Why does it matter if the Bible doesn't make sense?]

For one thing, the United States of America wouldn't exist.

ShieldOFaith #fundie christianforums.com

I am the Law givva!!!

The pure and true internet laws:

LAW 1. : EVERY time a real born again Christian speaks against any left wing policy/thought/idea they will be labeled with the word "HATE" instantly, or somewhere in the thread.

This Law will be hereby and forever known as Shield Of Faith's Law #1. Or Shields Law #1. Or SOF's Law #1.

LAW 2. : EVERY time a real born again Christian creates a thread, or makes a post that deals with a very right wing topic, they are instantly labeled as a POE! This will occur within two or three posts, or at least somewhere in the thread.

This Law will hereby and forever be known as Shield Of Faith's Law #2. Or Shields Law #2. Or SOF's Law #2.


I am the Law givva!!!

jsu5381m #fundie christianforums.com

Can you get pregant from a toilet seat?

How long does semen last when not inside a woman? Does it die instantly? I get worried I may have gotten my sister pregnant if any of my sperm got on the toilet seat we share. I did not mean to do this, and know to be more careful next time. I am not ready to have kids, and I don't want to go to jail.

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