
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Rebecca Rose #magick #ufo #mammon rebeccarosebarfoot.com

In these unique sessions, we open your Akashic Records to find answers to these questions and so much more. The focus of a past life reading in the Akasha is to bring more clarity to your life situation now. Your previous incarnations serve as guides on your journey, offering a potent elixir of understanding and healing.

We are often influenced by a multitude of lifetimes. Memories of them can linger deep inside of us for untold years and incarnations. Have you had inklings of this and want to learn more? Then you have come to the right place!!

Your reading may also contain info about parallel timelines and simultaneous experiences you may be having, for example, as a starseed or in another dimension. Whatever arises relates to the journey of your soul through multiple lifetimes, timelines and incarnations.

- The Akashic Records, known as the Sky Library by ancient Tibetans, have been used by many cultures over millennia for insight, healing, multi-dimensional travel, consciousness expansion and more. I use my connection to this infinite source field to ensure that my work with you is clear, accessible and complete. The Akashic realm also offers us the deepest information available for the journey of your soul while helping you understand who you have been. -

We all contain within us unlimited wisdom and infinite inner resources. A past life reading can help you rediscover what already lies deep within and attune you with your own highest guidance. Your soul has the key.

As my light team from Sirius always says, "We come to help you remember who you are, what you know, and what you came here to do."

<60 minute Session: $144>

Michael Love and the Pleiadians #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com










Daniel Duval #fundie #quack #magick #crackpot #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Freedom From Fallen Angel Bloodlines and Genetics

This is an in-depth prayer, combining elements of the “Freedom from Principalities and other Fallen Angels Prayer” and the “Freedom from Illuminati Genetics Prayer”. This prayer has been successful in getting people free from heavenly powers in cases where the bondage is very deep, and other prayers are not proving successful. The blanks will be filled in by the name of the principality or heavenly power that is holding you in bondage. An extensive list of names is found on our Extended List of Heavenly Powers/Principalities.

1. Father in heaven I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I renounce _______________ and my _________________ bloodline, genetics, third DNA strand, bone-marrow, cellular-programing, and markers, and all the powers of darkness associated with this, and serve them a bill of divorce. I pull up the hidden documents detailing every covenant, contract, certificate, oath and vow entangling me and command that they be stamped with the blood of Jesus.

2. In the name of Jesus, I pray that your heavenly hosts would be put on assignment to discover and apprehend every (alter/part belonging to me) that is loyal to the _________________ bloodline. I pray that those parts would be escorted before the throne of the Father in heaven to be purged of their _________________ components and completely healed and delivered.

3. I now deed all territory in me occupied by __________________ and my __________________ genetic code, markers, bone-marrow, third DNA strand, cellular-programing, and blood, and all sentient intelligences along with their agendas, connected realms, and timelines, over to the kingdom of God and I invite you, Lord Jesus, to take the throne and to rule over this territory with your rod of iron.

4. In the name of Jesus I now bind all gatekeepers and discover each and every portal access point associated with ____________________ and my _____________________ genetics, markers, bone-marrow, third DNA strand, cellular-programing, and blood, and all sentient intelligences along with their agendas, connected realms, timelines and all associated counterfeit inheritance.

5. I place the blood of Jesus upon every portal access point in all timelines, every realm, age, and dimension, past, present and future to infinity, and I seal them with the Holy Spirit. I declare that they are put to sleep and permanently deactivated from this point in time and out of time forward and backward, and in every direction, inside out, upside down, back and forth, and reversed.

6. I take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and I cut myself free from __________________ and all ___________________ genetics, markers, bone-marrow, third DNA strand, cellular-programing, and blood, including all sentient intelligences along with their agendas, related realms, timelines and counterfeit inheritance in Jesus’ name.

7. I return every form of counterfeit inheritance inclusive of promised wealth, position, status, calling, ability, power, pride, genetic code, seed, and any other form of counterfeit inheritance in Jesus’ name. I refuse it and sever myself from it and from this point in time and out of time forward and backward, and in every direction, inside out, upside down, back and forth and reversed, I choose to receive my inheritance in Jesus Christ. I also declare your word which says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just. I receive the wealth held hostage by ________________ and my _______________ bloodline as a recipient of wealth transfer in Jesus name. Furthermore, my physical children are an inheritance in Jesus Christ, and I receive them and their redemption in Jesus Christ. I renounce all spirit children related to ___________________ and my ____________________ bloodline and undo all quantum entanglements involved in their creation. I command their judgment, and the purging of the realms they occupy by judgment through living water.

8. I now receive a blood transfusion from Jesus Christ. In the process, I declare that all _______________ circuitry, nanotech, back doors, front doors, side doors, trap doors, cords, wires, cables, chips, computers, chains, programs, backup programs, power sources, backup power sources, receptors, and eggs are destroyed, and that all of their residue is purged with living water. I also reclaim and receive every part of me that has been imprisoned by ______________________ or in (his/her) realm.

9. I appeal to justice according to Galatians 6:7 which declares that as a man sows, so shall he reap. I pray that _____________________ would now reap a hundred-fold return for all of the evil sown against me, my ancestors, and all whom I represent in the form of justice and judgment and wrath, arrows and lightning, hail stones, tsunamis of living water, and plundering by the armies of heaven, in Jesus’ name.

10. I now take authority over every evil spirit on the inside of me and around me that has been operating due to _____________________ and my ___________________ genetic code, markers, third DNA strand, bone-marrow, cellular-programing, assignments, judgments, and blood. I declare that you are discovered, apprehended, bound, pierced through, and thrust out of me for judgment. I also discover every part that is a composite of genetic components of me and others associated with the family, held together by a cord that binds. I declare that the cords are cut, that cords in cords are cut, and that all three-fold cords are cut, and that each part is separated into its components. All demonic components, and components that are not of me, are now bound. I declare that all of you are now being sent to where the true Lord Jesus Christ sends you.

11. Lastly, I pray that every spiritual object, tattoo, device, label, jewel, necklace, earing, crown, ring, scepter, marker, power source, grid, tracking device, system, or branding placed in or around every part of me in order to anchor in __________________ would be consumed in the holy fire of Jesus Christ and totally dissolved. I close every door known and unknown, seen and unseen, and call them completely sealed in Jesus’ name. I render this entire confession established in every timeline, age, realm and dimension, past, present, and future to infinity. Amen.

Daniel Duval #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #ufo #magick bridemovement.com

Deliverance from Black Goo Prayer

Black Goo is an increasing problem, presenting itself for many people that consider themselves Targeted Individuals, but for others as well. It is often seen from the spirit and looks like black tar that is inside of various areas of the body and/or covering soul fragments. We have found that Black Goo is a composite of Death and Artificial Intelligence. Dealing with it can present problems as it is resilient to many prayer tactics. However, this prayer has proven to be very effective in dealing with the problem when it is encountered.

Father God, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and identify the black goo that has been place on the inside of me and/or around me. I call for a virus containing a heavenly algorithm and heavenly artificial intelligence from Jesus Christ to be uploaded into the black goo. I speak that every aspect of the black goo is targeted, disrupted, and destroyed. I furthermore declare that everything ungodly that has been anchored to me or my life through the black goo is now untethered and escorted away from me and into the courts of heaven to be leveraged as evidence against the parties that put it there. I declare my separation from entities, components, non-human nature, artificial intelligence, Death, and every other ungodly thing anchored to me through the black goo. Furthermore, I declare that the areas formerly occupied by the black goo are washed with living water, such that all residues are removed right now in the name of Jesus. I settle this deliverance in all infinities of infinities and beyond, eternities of eternities and beyond, and time wheels that exist, once existed, and could or could not exist, and everything in between. Amen.

Donald Marshall #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #magick donaldmarshallrevolution.com

In the 1940's, a secret pact was forged between the Nazis and the lizards making them mutual allies. Conditions of the pact required directing tremendous resources to assist the Vril lizards, including the building of deep, underground military bases worldwide. This would allow the lizards a way to interact directly with humans which, in turn, would permit the massive, government sponsored bodysnatching so prevalent around the world today.

If we can assume that all this is true, that bodysnatching malevolent lizards have infiltrated human society and are replacing us, one by one, without raising any alarm, one might ask: Wouldn't someone try to tell people and save humanity?

According to Marshall, President Ronald Reagan tried to warn the public on numerous occasions from 1985 to1988. In an important speech to the United Nation General Assembly on September 21st, 1987, at the height of the Star Wars space race with Russia, Reagan mused, "In our obsession with the antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world. And yet I ask: is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our people then war and the threat of war?"

Marshall states that the Illuminati forgave Reagan's comments at first, but when he continued to talk about aliens living among us, they "blew his mind and called it Alzheimer's".

TAL #ufo #crackpot #magick #racist meta-religion.com

Thule group was Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff (Rudolf Glauer) who had direct contact with the Dervish Orders and knew a great deal
about Islamic mysticism, particularly Sufism in all its aspects. He also had contact with Herman Pohl, leader of the German Order
Walvater of the Holy Grail.

Nazi occultism was a mixture of influences and a host of interrelated secret societies, including the Bavarian Illuminati,
the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Holy Vehm, the Golden Dawn, the Rosy-Cross, the Vril Society, the German Order and its
offshoot, the Thule Society.

Thule is known as the capital of Hyperborea, in the polar regions. Also known as "Ultima Thule", it was the gateway to other worlds.

It was known to serve as both a place to leave the earth and a place on the rim of the opening to the "hollow earth". It is interesting
to note that the major powers of the earth have microwave stations setup in the area, broadcasting ELF waves on brain-wave freqencies.
Tradition has it that Hyperboreans were in contact with various "alien cultures". War supposedly broke out between the Hyperboreans
and other civilizations (atomic war).

Descendants of the Thule caste (Celts) emigrated elsewhere to other areas of the planet. They colonized these areas, driven by "memory
chromosomes" inherited from their space-travelling ancestors. These star seed people are mostly of Celtic origin (Basques, Irish,
English, Norsemen, Icelanders, Bretons, Spaniards and Portuguese) which, strangely enough, make up the largest percentage of RH-
NEGATIVE blood types.

Current neo-Nazis are allegedly trying to locate and control these people. Apparently, most contactees have RH-blood type. Are UFO
cultures tracking their own "cross-breeds"?

The Grand Lodge of Vril was seeking to re-unite the ancient Aryan traditions and to make contact with the original super-human
"luminous race" and to make an alliance with beings who have secret sanctuaries hidden inside the planet.

Makia Freeman #conspiracy #magick #wingnut wakingtimes.com

The entire world is participating in an occult corona-initiation ritual, although hardly anyone will realize it. The measures and policies which governments have rolled out worldwide ever since Operation Coronavirus began – such as quarantine, lockdown, hand-washing, mask-wearing, social distancing and more – are in fact aspects of occult initiation ritual. These aspects have been cleverly adapted to the current fake pandemic and disguised as genuine public health strategies. As I covered in previous articles, this pandemic is a 9-11 type event which has been meticulously planned for decades.

The people who run the world, whom I often call the New World Order (NWO) conspirators, leave very little to chance. They are black magicians, and they are running this live exercise in a similar fashion to how they run their secret Satanic rituals. In both cases, the goal is the same: to take initiates out of their normal mode of existence, break them down, engender submission, remold them in the likeness of their leaders, and then finally, return them to a new normal where they cannot return to their old ways and lives.
The Overarching Goal of the Ritual: Destroying the Old and Creating the New

If I were to sum up the entire corona-initiation ritual with one concept, it would be this old, tried and true one. Ordo ab chao. The Hegelian dialectic. Problem-reaction-solution. The phoenix rising out of ashes. All of these phrases point towards the same method: destroying the old to make way for creating the new. This method in and of itself is not bad; it’s all about how it is used. The true purpose of ritual is to alter one’s mind and character, and it can be done consciously or unconsciously, wittingly or unwittingly. Ritual can be used for white magic just as much as black magic, e.g. you can use this technique to conquer destructive habits within yourself and become a better person. It’s just that in the context of the worldwide conspiracy, this method is used by the NWO conspirators to make the world a less free, less peaceful, more controlled and more hierarchical place.

Final Thoughts

Operation Coronavirus is a worldwide ritual, and its many elements are highly symbolic. People are being led along as unwitting participants without a clue as to how they are unconsciously supporting the deeper agenda (e.g. by cooperating with their own enslavement, acquiescing to ridiculous restrictions and even actively policing their fellow citizens). The fact that this fake coronavirus pandemic is a ritual is not surprising, given that the inner core of the NWO are Satanists who practice black magic. As surviving whistleblowers attest, some of their Satanic rituals involve rape, hunting humans like animals, mass orgies, drinking human blood, cannibalism and child sacrifice. We must remain vigilant to the deeper symbolic aspects of this agenda if we are to truly retain our rights and our freedom in the face of this darkness.

Paul Wagner/Nassim Haramein #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick gaia.com

In “Quantum Revolution,” his show on Gaia, Haramein reveals that in ancient knowledge, in ancient civilizations, and in ancient wisdom, there was a unified view. Most of these civilizations gathered around one simple principle; a principle that said that at the base of all creation there is a fundamental energy. The Chinese called it Chi, the Indians called it Prana, and the Egyptians called it Ka, and it was the source of all creation.

Haramein says, “Nothing could happen without that energy.”

In today’s scientific circles, every revelation is isolated. Segregated research camps are obsessively focused on their premises and rarely exchange information or co-create hypotheses together. This model is antithetical to the nature of the Universe. At its core, it’s artificial.

According to Haramein, instead of progressing toward a holistic understanding of how the universe’s aspects interrelate and interact, science has fallen into deaf factions. This “Silo Effect” has limited our perceptions about the causes and effects of cosmological events. As a result, we’ve lost touch with the threads that point to how quantum mechanisms affect consciousness and visa versa.

While some call it The God Force, others, like Haramein, suggest that space is not empty; rather, it’s full to the brim with aether (also ether), a fluid or energy field required for the movement and transmission of electromagnetic fields and gravitational forces.

Once believed to be a farce, the existence of aether is an emerging trend in theoretical physics.

The basic concept is that aether allows for the continuum of interaction.

It fills all voids, trails like any fluid or gas, and has properties that allow for the Universe to expand.
The Unified Field Theory
Haramein believes that consciousness has an impact on matter. According to Haramein, consciousness, matter, space, and gravity influence each other within a unified, interactive field. This Unified Field Theory merges Einstein’s relativity theory with today’s most prescient concepts in quantum mechanics.

Consciousness as a State of Matter
Spiritual masters have long believed that our collective consciousness is accessible, consistent, and dynamic. Vedic teachers throughout time have taught us that we can access the data connected to our experiences, relationships, and emotions via the Akashic Records, a vast library of life-related information. It is ideas like these that suggest to us that consciousness is quantifiable and as expansive as the universe.

How, then, can we leave consciousness out of the equations related to quantum mechanics? If consciousness is present in all matter, and most importantly, all living beings, how could it not be inherent in space, matter, gravity, and time?

Consciousness research most often falls under neuroscience, which doesn’t have a definitive grip on the exponential abilities and value of consciousness. Otherwise, it wouldn’t tend to hold the view that consciousness requires properly functioning brain structures – because it doesn’t. Consciousness is eternal and continuously accessible, regardless of the manifestations or channels through which it expresses itself.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

<multiple links removed for space>
Dark forces are trying to misuse the energy of this planetary initiation by subjecting humanity to Corona occult ritual;

You can counteract the effects of this Corona ritual by reframing it. You can reframe isolation/ social distancing into meditative retreat, you can reframe hand washing into spiritual purification and you can reframe mask wearing into occult silence which is always needed before the initiation.

By doing so you can shift the energies of the negative Corona ritual into positive energies of spiritual initiation /breakthrough.
The first manifestation of this configuration was the explosion in Beirut. It was a plasma nuclear explosion which was done with the purpose of destabilizing Lebanon:
The real orchestrators of this attack are the Black Nobility families and the Jesuits. It is interesting to note that Peter Hans Kolvenbach, former Jesuit superior general, who was the man in charge of the Fukushima 3-11 operation, lived and died in Beirut;

It is also interesting to note that Beirut is the site of the Goddess Vortex of Nymph Beroe, which is one of the main vortexes Jesuits want to destroy:

Underground tunnels discovered below Beirut lead to “far away places”:
Process of clearing the Draco fleet has reached the point when the Light Forces are finally able to reach the surface of the planet with their positive quantum Mjolnir technologies and assist the Lightworkers and Lightwarrors. A special Surface Task Force has been formed on the motherships of the Light Forces, with global teams working on the planetary energy grid, and personal teams working on assisting the individual Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, monitoring and evaluating their development and preparing them for Contact.

If you wish a personal team to be formed for you and assist you, you need to say the following protocol aloud three times: “ Command 12 21” (pronounced Command Twelve Twenty one). The first time you say this, a personal team will be formed, and each time you invoke the protocol after that, you personal team will check your status and help whenever and however they can.

One important aspect of this final war against the Draco is that the Light Forces were able to seize advanced Draco technology which shields Draco ships against toplet bomb explosions. The Light Forces were able to duplicate that technology and will use it to isolate and contain the remaining toplet bombs until they are completely cleared.

This gives a huge strategic disadvantage to the Draco, and they will not be able to execute their plans. They were planning to let the Cabal install their New World Order to enslave humanity, then invade the surface of the planet, kill the Cabal and rule over their human slaves:

Barbie Garrett #magick #mammon becomealivinggod.com

Astarte’s Slut Water: Elixir to unleash your “inner slut”

Unleash Your Inner Slut Rite: Custom ritual performance & photographs
Personal Consultation: 30-minute live chat with Barbie Garrett
Consecration Course: Online access to film of consecration ritual
eBook Grimoire: 23-page guide to incantations & sigil for activation
Author: Barbie Garrett
Global Shipping: Receive in two weeks or less
Safety Warning: Contains all natural ingredients. Safe for limited topical use. Do not swallow or consume.

Barbie Garrett
With Astarte’s Slut Water, you will…

Consecrate your altar and talismans to harness the erotic forces of Astarte
Use it as a manifestation base to evoke the gods of love and cast high-powered love spells
Wear it to exude self-confidence and radiate magnetic sexual attraction
Infuse your makeup to heighten beauty, increase self-love, and cause glamor
Magnify the power of your ritual sex magick
Cast a protective circle against toxic people
Release yourself from the ball and chain of self-hate, anxiety, and guilt
1. Astarte's Slut Water - Ritual & Kit - $999 799
Slut Water – Full bottle with dropper
Unleash Your Inner Slut – Ritual performance
Personal Consultation – 30-minute chat
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David Lotherington #ufo #magick #quack #mammon davidlotherington.com

A Unique Approach

Channeling non terrestrials, Angels and Spirit guides. Akashic records reading. Karma/cord removal. Super soldier memory recovery. DNA infusions. Light language blessings/translation and attunements. Alien implant removal, Government implant removal, AI removal. Master level Reiki, Galactic energy healing, Body scan, Entity removal, House clearing, Black goo removal, Telepathy. Access to scans provided by non terrestrials including pineal gland calcification percentage, Mineral deficiencies and other imbalances. Psychic surgery including chakra spin rate, colour, imbalances. Healing holes in the aura created by implants and more.


Practicing energy healing over several years has sensitized David to be able to see peoples chakras. After a quick scan he can see the colour, spin, and blockage percentage of each chakra. David can then begin to work on optimizing and removing energetic blockages that were created by negative patterns in a clients life. Removing these blockages causes bad habits and pain to fade. Looking at a chakra tells a story about an aspect of someone's life, what is in balance, what is out of balance. Negative entities can be seen if they are present. A negative entity will cause a unblocked chakra to become blocked if it goes untreated. It does this so it can hide in something he calls a black nest. This black nest is like a house, where the entity can maintain a low vibrational frequency. Removing the blockage allows the entity to be seen so David can remove them which raises the clients vibration and removes pain. He loves showing my patients how just a few treatments can make an enormous difference to a clients health and mindset.

"When we touch something, we leave our fingerprints. When we touch the lives of people, we leave our identity. Life is good when you are happy, but life is much better when others are happy because of you. Nothing in nature lives for itself. Rivers do not drink their own water. The trees do not eat their own fruit. The sun does not shine to itself, and the flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. It does not matter how difficult the situation in which you are, keep doing good."

Mythi the Andromedan

Chris Aldridge #magick caldridge.net

True Ghost Experiences: Part 1

There are a number of Americans with stories to tell about their experiences with the paranormal and ghost encounters, and I am no different. Now I'm not someone who can't tell the difference between a haunting and the wind blowing through the trees. I look for very reasonable explanations for things before I start thinking that perhaps it could be something out of the ordinary. Unlike some enthusiasts, I do not long for such things to happen.

The last time a haunting happened that I experienced for myself, and not just someone telling me they themselves experienced it, was when my wife, son and I lived in our home in Thomasville, North Carolina. The events began taking place shortly after we moved in during the year of 2011. My wife also confirms these happenings. Even though the house had been remodeled, it was built during the early 1900s, and as many of us know, such rejuvenating of properties can cause spirits to stir up if they are actually there.

It began when my son would wake up every morning at or close to 3am, the time when spirits are said to be most active. It's also called the "Witching Hour." Each morning, he would wake up crying for no apparent reason. We were always able to soothe him back to sleep, but the awakenings kept happening. It made us wonder what was waking him up and why. Another event that took place happened during the daytime, and this happened more than once. I remember sitting at my desk and hearing something slam onto the floor, like someone dropped a book flat. It just slapped the floor in the kitchen. Upon inspection, nothing was there. This is a classic sign of a haunting. The final confirmation came when my wife heard a woman's voice while she was in the shower one day. We did not live unusually close anyone, there were no windows up, and no television or radio running. Although these were eerie, the presence in the house did not feel hateful or hostile toward us, but we didn't want to take any chances of that changing.

One night, my wife and I stood in different parts of the house and began to commence a banishing, calling on Hestia, Goddess of the Home, and some other Greek Gods to dispel the spirit(s). From that point on, we never again heard noises, voices, and my son was never again awakened at 3am. Whatever eerie thing it was that resided there, it left.

In the Goodness of the Gods,

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ivo: The Storm is part of a collective Ascension process for humans on earth.

Unless you go through this process of awakening and not complying with the evil agenda, you will not ascend.

When the deep state is arrested and ousted from your world, and you return to the world you were living before 2016, what is there to stop another set of people from taking over your world again? Nothing. You must go through this pain in order to evolve. It is the evolution of the human mind and release from the dark's grasp over you that will lead to your eventual freedom. But it is a choice that each individual must make: to be free to ascend or to stay in the lower frequencies.

What you perhaps seem to misunderstand is that your world was created based on corruption. It is entirely based on theft, lying, cheating, manipulation and control. That is the Matrix world and your current life is part of that. The fact that you have surrendered your god-given world to beings who are foreign to it bears that out. You have given your world to thieves who claim to be its leaders when in fact you are its leaders, not they. You were born here.

It would be difficult to return to your pre-corona world without falling back on lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating and controlling as the basis of life. To suddenly declare that all will now be transparent, authentic and of service to others when all are incapable of that would be absurd.

Also, the lives you live now bear no resemblance whatsoever to the true life of a multi-dimensional human.

So the Storm is necessary. You are all becoming socially involved in your political system because now you are all personally affected. You cannot ignore it anymore because your pre-corona standard of living, which was acceptable to so many, is being threatened. This is necessary to make you realize how fragile that way of life was and how vulnerable you are. Many realize that now. In feeling these states of vulnerability, you are taking precautions so that you are less vulnerable. And this is good. You are reacting to the stimulus affecting you.

What you need to be living is a lifestyle that is not vulnerable, and that is the true fashion that the human being lives in - because in becoming invulnerable, by living an invulnerable lifestyle - you are empowered. The problem is the earthling is so disempowered now. You need to gain your power back.

Power begins, as I said before, when you say no to those claiming authority. When enough people do this, the authority has no power over you.

You must understand universal law at work here. This is your planet. Yours. You are the governing power of your planet, not the dark ones, not the deep state. They are pretending. They are lying when they proclaim to be your authority. Universal law stipulates that those native to the planet are its benefactors and hold the power of authority over anyone who visits. In other words, what you say, goes. All must comply with your will on this planet. You make the laws and they relate to universal law - God's laws

Von Galt #quack #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon merkabachakras.com

About Von Galt's QHHT & Chinese Energy Medicine Hypnosis Service: In terms of the hypnotherapy services offered in the Seattle area. I use two methods, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Chinese Energy Medicine. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a technique created by the author, Dolores Cannon who published 19 books that outlined the various hypnosis sessions she undergone with her clients throughout her 45-year hypnotherapy practice. The Chinese Energy Medicine modality that is used is from my studies under Dr. Kweethai Neill, who also studied Black Sect Esoteric Buddhism under former Grand Master Professor Lin Yin. As a comrade of the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, Grand Master Professor Lin Yin would exchange ancient esoteric knowledge with each other in order to share wisdom in the Eastern and Western hemispheres of the Earth. Dowsing rods are used to measure the health of the client's chakras to see where imbalance exists and investigate the issues related to the imbalance chakras. I then combine that with regression using QHHT to uncover what the client's higher-self and over-soul want the client to remember that would address the imbalance or provide clarity for the person. Often, the two are related and the chakras are balanced out for a healthier energetic state.

About the Products Sold: In terms of the products I offer on my website, Merkaba Chakras buys directly from our suppliers and manufacturers, cut out the middleman, and pass these incredible savings on to you. Often, my hypnosis clients would like to buy metaphysical jewelry. We’re all in this together and Merkaba Chakras strives to be a platform for metaphysic resources.

About: Merkaba Chakras was founded by myself, Von Galt. I am IT professional and an author who writes about metaphysics. I earned my Bachelors of Arts degree from the University of Washington. I attended graduate school at the University of Maryland University College for E-Commerce, and ultimately graduated with my Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on E-Business from Westwood College Denver North. I've been a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism and ancient metaphysic studies for 40+ years. As a life-long seeker of the latest in metaphysical practices and products, my mission is to help people always be connected to the universe through Christ Consciousness. Aside from being an IT professional, I offer my QHHT services to those who seek my assistance in uncovering clarity to their life challenges in order to help raise the frequency of Earth. I've peer reviewed QHHT against quantum physics and metaphysics of Buddhism, and I'm confident that the information brought forward from the Starseed and Indigo incarnates that seek me out for a session, reaffirm the scientific findings in academia. I am compiling all the ascension and awakening materials from my Starseed and Indigo incarnate QHHT sessions into a book, which my hope is to help bring awareness to the greater reality of how reincarnation, ascension, awakening, and spirituality play a pivotal part in the parallel reality of the users manifesting within it.

Philosophy: If it’s metaphysical and expands your consciousness, then you’ll find me investigating the phenomenon to see where it fits in the life planning of consciousness. I'm no ordinary ‘woo woo’ practitioner. As a lifelong Buddhist, I investigate and practice the modality and put it against many peer review scientific and medical journals to make sure it can be substantiated by quantum physics. The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso is an example of a well-known Buddhist who put's metaphysic spiritual concepts under much academic research before encouraging practitioners to follow the findings.

I believe in the ABCs, which is to always be connected to source energy. My mission is to uplift customers by offering them helpful tools in metaphysic products and services so that they can live a spiritual and balanced lifestyle. In doing so, my customers are some of the highest vibrating souls on Gaia (Earth) and affect the harmonic frequency of the people around them. It's not always easy to find peace in non-peaceful situations and to remember that you've always been enough.

Michael Love and the Pleiadians #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot intothelight.news













Ground Crew Project #ufo #crackpot #magick #quack wwwuser.gwdg.de

A Message To Humanity From The Ground Crew Project

You have been specially chosen to be a part of a divine experiment in creation. What is about to happen on this planet has never happened before and will never happen again.
Our planet is moving from third dimensional awareness (physical-material reality-what you can see, feel, hear, taste and touch), to a fourth and a fifth-dimensional consciousness. In the these dimensions you will be fully conscious, you will exist in a state of love not fear. You will be telepathic and have much more light in your body.

You will be able to create anything you want with your mind and the new technology that will be provided for you. This technology will be beyond your wildest imagination.

You will be able to live for hundreds or thousands of years. You will be completely healed of any thing that is now wrong with you. You could be 85 years old now and manifest a 20 year old body.

Very soon, we will have millions of space ships and visitors from outer space on this planet. Our government knows this is happening but they want you to be afraid so they can keep life as it has been.

Our visitors will be joined with angels that you will see coming down with the ships. They are benevolent and loving. They will bring counselors, supplies, teachers and new technology.

This divine intervention is being brought about by the grace of God. You might ask "why." "We have free will and have to do all of this ourselves." The reason we are being helped in such a great magnitude is that millions of years ago the Earth was part of a divine experiment. The Prime Creator took billions of laggard souls (souls there were not evolving spiritually with the rest of creation) and just put them on Earth. It was hoped that these souls would transform to higher consciousness.

These souls were from all of the planets under our Great Central Sun. Our planet was fully conscious and in the fifth dimension. We had heaven on Earth.

Alas, we gave birth to these laggard souls and began the fall from grace that is described in the Bible with Adam and Eve. We took on their Wheel of Karma.

Attempts were made during the time of Atlantis and Lemuria to raise the consciousness of the planet back up to the fifth dimension. Both of these attempts failed. Now, as of the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987, over 51% of the people on this planet have enough light in them to make this shift possible. By the grace of God all of Creation is looking upon planet Earth.

We are being assisted by all of Creation-the Spiritual Hierarchy, Angelic Realms, the Galactic Federation of Light, Ascended Masters, and our space brothers and sisters. You are very blessed and very special to be on this planet at this time.

Within a short period of time our planet will be receiving the Photon Belt. This belt of light comes around every 25,000 years. This time it will be ushering in the Golden Age.

The photon energy is an extremely loving energy that is comprised of Photons, Gamma Rays, and Anti-matter Particles.

When the Photon Belt hits we will have three days of darkness and one day of coldness. Then we will have 16 years of light, 24 hours a day.

You will become fully conscious within the first hour when the light beam hits your pineal gland. It will activate all 12 strands of your DNA and you will be able to use all of the rest (90%) of your brain that you currently have not been able to use.

You will be able to create with your thought, whatever you need, light up a room, warm yourself, whatever you need.

There is nothing to fear. A paradise is being created on this planet that is beyond your furthest imagination. We send much blessings of love and light to you.

'We Come in Peace' Award

Dandelion Crystal Civilization via Erena Velazquez #ufo #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings Humans,

We are Dandelion Crystal Civilization, we came here to introduce ourselves to you. We live in a far away galaxy, and we have our own planet, which is called Dandelion Crystal. You are going to ask us what does our name mean, Dandelion Crystal is the main material that we use in our world, and it's everywhere on the surface of the planet. If you would land here, you would see that our whole planet is covered with Dandelions made from Crystal, which are tall, they are between 40 to 50 feet high. You can go on one of them and from the top of that Dandelion Crystal flower, you can see everything what is on the outside of the planet. We are the ones who made them. We live on the inside of the planet, which is a million times bigger than Earth and our population is a 100,000 times larger than humans.
We live in 12th dimension, some of us are even higher. We are tall as you know by now many of Galactic beings are taller than humans. We are 15 feet tall and up, we live long lives and we don't die unless we decide to change our form. We don't have any diseases here, we are all healthy, and we are always happy to help others. We interact with many Galactics, we know the Egyptian Civilization, and other ones like Ants and Blue Rays Civilizations.

We are plant and flower eaters. We grow on our planet quite unusual flowers. Our eatable flowers are so tasty, if you would try one of them, you would be craving for them. We have animals too and they look like us, shiny, silvery with heads that have a white glossy bubble, similar to us on the inside you can see the head with eyes and mouth. It looks like we are carrying an extra bubble on our heads. That bubble is like a helmet, it protects us from harmful environments, when we move around the galaxies and universes.

Prime Creator is our teacher, he was teaching us when we were a very young civilization, he taught us how to create and how to always live in love and high energies. We are very grateful for his knowledge and his teachings, we respect him and love him. As I mentioned before, our ships are very unique, they have the appearance of glass, this is a signature of our planet, and they have Dandelion Crystal globes on them. The ships are fast, extremely fast and are light weighted, they move smoothly from one dimension to another dimension. Your Drako's, which still reside here on Gaia, could not penetrate these ships with any of their weapons. They are impossible to break or dissolve.

Chris Aldridge #magick caldridge.net

In The Presence of the Gods: The Night That Changed Our Lives Forever

This is an experience I do not normally talk about, because I don't want to come off as a bragger. I always say that you can tell the difference between people who have had legitimate spiritual experience and those who haven't, because those who have will not brag, or try to use it to score religious, social or financial points. Those of us who have had real experiences in these realms, don't go around blowing our own trumpets. The only time I tell this story is when it is necessary to describe why my wife and I became worshipers of the Greek Gods. It's not something someone will usually find me discussing or trying to spread around on a consistent basis, because I don't feel the need to be personally validated or convinced of my experience, nor do I care if others believe me or not. In fact, the only reason I am telling it now on my blog and website here is because I feel I should make a reasonable post about it for my readers. They read my life story in my autobiography, but it doesn't describe this massive change, so I am going to tell one of the greatest stories of my personal life.

The Greek Gods are not merely myths as many consider them to be. They were real before and during ancient times, and they remain real in our own time, immortal and deathless, and the rulers of heaven, Earth, and the worlds and realms beyond those. Nothing escapes their authority or their blessings, for it is theirs, and always has been and will be.

The event took place shortly after my wife and I, my fiancee at the time, moved into our first apartment together in North Carolina in the summer of 2009. At that time, she was a Wiccan of ten years and leaned more toward a Norse Pagan persuasion, but she also knew of the Greek Gods and considered herself to have a relationship with Athene. I considered myself to be a "Christian Wiccan," or more accurately, a "Christian Witch." Even though I knew of the Greek Gods as the only alternative religion I had heard of through my years in school, I retained the Christian belief system I had been exposed to all my life and combined it with the emerging practices of magick and witchcraft that I so dearly loved.

Because we had just moved in together and completely left our old lives, we had little money. I was unemployed and my wife only had a part time retail job. So we had to go to thrift stores to get the things we needed for our apartment, which there's no shame in at all. Many times, thrift stores can have very nice things. Although this particular thrift, which shall remain nameless, was unlike any I had ever entered. When you walked in, you could sense that there was just something very, very negative, even perhaps evil, about the place. It just was not a pleasant feeling at all, but rather a feeling of extreme uneasiness. It's not unreasonable to think that such places could possess negative influences, energies or beings because you never know where the items therein originated. They could have been involved in violence and other bad things, or could be the property of a deceased who is very angry that their stuff is being sold. There are several problems that could come with random belongings of others that have been taken or discarded. Nevertheless, we really didn't give it much thought at the time. We just wanted to get a table and chairs for our kitchen, and after a short time, we found a set and went on our way back home.

On into that evening was when things turned weird and terrifying for us. A presence began to manifest in our home which can only be described as a serious and aggressive haunting. Some kind of spirit or negative influence had entered our home, probably having followed or latched onto us from the item we came into contact with and then attacked when we took it to our home. Whatever this thing really was, it made itself known by slamming doors and filling us with fear, saying that it was not going to leave until death was brought on us. Not only could we feel and hear its hostility, we could hear its voice and it talked to us as plain as any person would.

Me being highly Christian, I began an exorcism, calling on Jesus and also Saint Michael, the biggest enemy of Satan, to kick the spirit out. However, not a single prayer of mine worked. In fact, the situation became more and more desperate with each passing minute because the creature grew more and more powerful, or so it seemed. One thing is certain, it laughed at me in everything I did and every prayer I prayed.

My wife told me that she could tell that the spirit feared the old Gods, and how she knew that I did not know. Perhaps she was closer to the Greek Gods than I was at the time. But at this point, I was willing to try something different because nothing I was doing was working. So I decided to turn my prayers to the Greek Gods, particularly to Athene and Apollon. Athene is the great warrior Goddess and defender and Apollon is the God of Light who averts evil and purifies ill. So I prayed to them, my wife joining me, simply asking for them to please help us. After what seemed like a few seconds of praying to these Greek Gods, my wife described an image of a lady with a spear and a male of light appearing and confronting the spirit. To quote her exactly, "Athene grabbed him by his tail," and stabbed him, then Apollon's light filled the area and cleansed away all the impurities. Then, almost as fast as it had begun, the time of terror came to an end.

Needless to say, my wife and I cuddled closely in the bed for the rest of the night, sometimes fearing the spirit might return, but it never did. It was gone, and so was our former religions. The next day, without even verbally confirming it to ourselves, we became ancient Greek. It was a given after our experience, especially with me, because the god I had spent years serving and defending never showed up, while the Gods I had given nothing to, gladly extended their hands in help in our time of desperate need.

I knew that each time I would tell this story, there would be Christians who would not only tell me I wasn't a real Christian, but that what really happened was not that the Greek Gods came and rescued us, but that it was actually Satan tricking us, that he was the one who removed the demon of his to trick us. The theory of this ultimate conman is reverted to sometimes more than the name of his counterparts. But what I found to be interesting about this claim was the fact that Jesus said the exact opposite in the bible, because Jesus plainly stated that Satan cannot cast out Satan, because it would divide his kingdom (Mark 3:22-27). By the words of their very own religious and spiritual icon, no, it wasn't a trick by this alleged Satan, because Satan would not drive out his own presence. The simplest answer is probably the right one, that the Greek Gods are real, they are authorities of goodness, and they came to restore goodness and order once more as they have done for so many years in Greek religious belief.

In the Goodness of the Dodekatheon,

James Rink/Tomas Alvin #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #magick supersoldiertalk.com

Tomas Alvin’s YNK imperial space fleet cargo spaceship’s commander was an MILAB alien abducted Illuminati sub-group Atlantis Nephilim “old religion” New Age esoteric occult Japanese cult group witch “alien contactee” necromancer spirit guide channeler named Commander Morioka. They use small lizard chimera aliens that look like raptor dinosaurs on the spaceships to maintenance repair small spaces. Aside from the Nazi SS 4th Reich Empire’s star destroyer imperial space fleet called the “Nacht Waffen” (Night Army) and the international space fleets, there is also a Japanese Empire’s star destroyer imperial space fleet called the YNK or “Yozora No Kyushu” (Wards of the Night Sky). These breakaway civilizations were not around on earth when the cultural changes took place, so they still retain the old culture. Tomas Alvin was transferred into the Japanese imperial space fleet the YNK. Tomas says that the United Nations runs most of the secret space fleets out in space. The Nazis build their star destroyer spaceships on the dark side of the moon and on other planets. Tomas says that you often see YouTube videos that say that a giant UFO was seen near Saturn, but when you look at them carefully, they are one of ours and not alien spacecraft. The later version of the TR3B which is the TR3K is used in the outer galactic rim. Even the small secret space fleet’s spaceships like the “Horizon” are 20 miles long and 4 miles wide and half a mile high. A lot of the Illuminati spaceship manufacturing company industries are located between the galactic rim and the inner ring. They were able to build such a huge space fleet of thousands of giant spaceships in such a short time, because they time travel into the future to pick up their orders for the spaceships

Chris Aldridge #fundie #magick caldridge.net

Exorcising Ghosts & Spirits - The Ancient Greek Way

Welcome to my final installment on ancient Greek banishment. It has been my pleasure to use my own personal experiences and studies to counsel people on this practice, as it can become necessary at times.

Dealing with ghosts can be difficult. You can read about one of my own haunted house experiences and how I dealt with it here. You can also refer back to my Hellenic House Cleansing rite, because that has worked wonders on hauntings. A while back, a friend of mine a few towns over called me in hysteria over a human ghost that had been messing around in their apartment and that had finally manifested before them. Their residence was right beside a graveyard, so to me, the explanation was rather simple. Not only did I do the Hellenic House Cleaning rite, but I also invoked Gods like Athena and Heroes like Bellerophon and asked them to do battle for the people who lived there, to make the ghost leave or move on (Hermes being the Psychopomp can also be asked to move ghosts or parts of the human spirit onward). When it was over, my friend reported no more incidences in their home, and that people were even sleeping better. Note that anything trying to scare you, is reliant on feeding off that fear. Therefore, don't show any when you enter a place that may be haunted. Be brave and invoke the Gods and Heroes.

Finally, we come to the worst situation of all, but also one that seems to be a rarity, possession of the body or attachment to the body. A spirit can take possession of a human being or cling so tightly to them that they influence their actions. I have seen it happen first hand, and successfully exorcised it. Fortunately, I have only had to encounter this a couple of times, which is why I say that, in my experience, it is rare. It can be prevented by doing all the things I have talked about here and in the past 2 posts, but normally, when you run into possession, the damage is already done. There's no preventing what has already taken place. The only option then is to cure it. Normally, I would advise someone to be heavily experienced in their spirituality or call a priest or priestess for this kind of situation, but that's not to say you can't exorcise the person or yourself successfully.

First, you must determine if possession is actually taking place. If the person has severe depression, severe anxiety, bipolar disorder, personality disorder, schizophrenia, or severe anger issues, you may simply be looking at mental illness, especially if they are not medicated. However, if the person is not known to have mental problems, there is likely something else at play. In short, acting out of character. Someone who is possessed or claimed by a malevolent spirit, will normally exhibit the following traits or conditions: Hate for self, others and the world, extreme resentment of anyone or anything that symbolizes goodness, order or love, angry verbal or physical outbursts, self-harming, isolation, prolonged unhappiness, suicidal thoughts, plans or attempts, unable to remember bad behavior, scratching, biting, growling or talking in strange voices, finding pleasure in the pain of others, going in and out of consciousness, or exhibiting a split or multiple personalities. Of course, all of the symptoms I described can be medical and not spiritual, but when all mundane explanations have been ruled out and all tactics tried, it's time for spiritual intervention.

In one case I handled a long time ago, the girl would show malevolence unlike herself, but when I looked into her eyes and called her name, she started to cry as she became herself again, begging me for help. She described it as a drowning feeling when the spirit was in control, and that hearing me call her name brought her back each time. But then, she would fall back into the other personality immediately after I stopped. Only after successfully achieving the help of Athena and Apollo was the spirit forced out, never again to return. This was a legitimate case of spiritual possession or attachment.

A spirit that has possession of a person can be explicit in their presence by coming right out and telling you who they are, or they may try to hide. In a rare case, I've even seen spirits masquerade as deities in order to fool people in a number of ways, but remember the ancient proverb; if something does evil, it is not a God. The spirit might claim to be all kinds of things if they think it will further their ambitions of fear, control and destruction, which is why you really shouldn't listen to the ramblings of evil.

To begin an exorcism of someone else or yourself, cleanse the body with sea water or spring water that has been blessed (the basic prayer to Apollon and Poseidon in the House Cleansing rite will suffice for the blessing).

I ask that Apollon and Poseidon bless this water, to drive out malevolence from all it touches, and shake us free from the bonds of evil.

I have also seen malevolent presence successfully hindered by the burning of sage in the room. It appears to weaken the spirit's grasp. If possible, open the windows and let sunlight come in the room or on the person.

When you begin your prayers, you must focus on Gods and/or Heroes who are specifically geared toward battle and the destruction of evil or monsters, so for example, Athena, Apollon, Ares, Theseus, Bellerophon, and Kadmos. Giving them offerings and sacrifices will increase your chance of successfully gaining their attention. You are to ask them humbly to please fight for you or the person, to expel the spirit and the presence of evil from yourself or another. This is where you may see things really take hold. The spirit will probably hate your prayers deeply, and hate the Gods. Sometimes, this can be the hardest part because you may have to stick it out for a long time and keep up the pressure. In my own experience as a Hellene, I have never gone more than 5 or 10 minutes doing a banishment or exorcism. The Gods and Heroes are very powerful and responsive, but I can't be sure that everyone will have the same experience as me. Stay with it until it's over, and trust me, it will eventually end. It's also possible that it could end several times. In other words, you may have to be a kind of doctor to the afflicted, and return from time to time if their condition arises again. Sometimes, you may find yourself in a continuous fight, the ultimate outcome determined by whose will is stronger.

Before doing an exorcism on someone else, always have their permission and do not harm or allow them to harm themselves. Remember, if it's legitimate, you're not actually dealing with the person. You're fighting that which is not physical itself. I also would not suggest jumping right into one if you're inexperienced. If it's forced on you, that is one thing. You have no choice in the matter. But you should dedicate yourself to deep study, a strong relationship with the Gods, and maybe even some smaller banishing of energies before exorcisms generally speaking, because trust me, they are terrifying and difficult. I sincerely hope that all of my advice and experience in these entries has helped, and will help, all of you.

In the Goodness of the Gods,

Chris Aldridge #fundie #magick caldridge.net

When Monsters Live Among Us

There are two things about me that are not secrets. One, I am a lover of the mysterious and paranormal, and two, I have had my fair share of hostile encounters with malevolent spirits and beings. One such encounter actually led to my conversion to Hellenic Polytheism. I am not skeptical of the spiritual and paranormal, or the unusual and extraordinary side of the world because I have seen and experienced it firsthand.

One such incident happened in 2009 or 2010 in North Carolina. I would have to say around this time period because I remember it being a very hot summer, and I was already Hellenic by that time and it was before I moved out of my first apartment, so it had to have been the summer of 09 or 10. Which, if you've lived in North Carolina, you know summer lasts longer than 3 months. So it's an educated guess as to the exact date. However, the details of the event will stay with me forever.

My wife (fiancee at the time) and I were driving in my old Buick around the town we were in at that moment. It was lunchtime and Anastasia wanted Chinese food. I wasn't in the mood but I wanted to make her happy. Besides, I was normally able to find something I could deal with at a buffet. We located a random restaurant and sat down inside. Two Chinese waitresses dressed in blue stood by the entrance to the dining room. After a few minutes, I just felt immense uneasiness, a presence of sheer hostility. It was something that just made me literally want to move. I soon looked at Anastasia and said, "Can we leave? I don't feel so good." She quickly consented.

On the way home, my wife informed me that the two waitresses had been staring intently at me from behind the entire time. Then, I recalled their eyes as I passed them on the way out. They were as black as night, or at least shadowed to give off such an appearance. I didn't know these people at all, nor had any idea why they would hate me so much. Especially to the point that their energy would impact my feelings. I love the Gods dearly, and I can only conclude that I encountered someone or something in or around them who didn't like the Gods or their people. In ancient Greece, people found monsters in the deepest confines, but today, they have left their prisons and live among us in many forms. This I truly believe.

In the Goodness of the Gods,
Chris Aldridge.

Ron Morehead #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick ronmorehead.com

Excerpts from my new book,
“The Quantum Bigfoot.”

Excerpts from Chapter 4.

So how does quantum physics relate to spirituality and Bigfoot? In my 45+ years of researching this phenomenon, I’ve heard several very strange reports. A few of these reports, from seemingly heartfelt people, claimed that these creatures disappeared. Is that even possible? Can the laws of quantum physics actually answer that question? Knowing what I know, I’m compelled to delve in and see. The accepted mathematics of quantum physics says that there is more going on than what we see with our three-dimensional eyes.

Scientists now know, through physics, that empty space (Dark Matter, Dark Energy) is not actually empty…however, it is a dimension existing outside of the human light spectrum and the observable vibrational frequency. It seems to me that classical science has restricted itself by its own disciplines and because of those disciplines, will never grasp the big picture. If we use the classical box to try and determine all that exists, we would never begin to understand the cosmos, e.g., the world of spirituality.
The math of quantum physics indicates that there are at least eleven dimensions in existence…possibly innumerable. So, could the laws of quantum physics be the answer to the Bigfoot mysteries? If so, how do we move forward in that possibility?

Excerpts from Chapter 5:

The quantum world of physics also provides an explanation for those folks who believe in God…how divine energy infiltrates the world we live in. If we allow our minds to capture this thought we all win. Many religious people have never before considered quantum physics as the way God works throughout the universe, on this planet, in you and in me.
The quantum laws, which were brought to light in the 19th century, are the same that was taught by Jesus over 2000 years ago. The very Oneness of connection He shows us in John 17:22-23. As humans, we all have it, so why are we not walking on water?

Is there really a possible physical connection that can take us to another realm of reality…something that is not really in woo-woo land, or that can only be found in church on Sunday by bowing our heads or…

Neological Technologies #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon neologicaltech.com


After your purchase you will be given a link to a digital download of a MP3 file which will be made available after you complete the check out process. It is located in the checkout bin at the bottom of your order invoice. If you miss this step someone will have to email you the link which may delay your order. The file is approximately 62 MB and delivered as a .ZIP file. If you are using a smart phone or tablet device you may need to locate a .zip extractor app to access the file contents. Manifestation of magic requires the alignment of intent and belief system of the operator to will into action. No refunds please.

Quantum Grid Prime

What happens when you combined the most powerful sacred geometry and an advanced Radionics Control plate, psychotronic orgone grid power source that is combined with a virtual power amplification device which is connected to psionic amplifiers that run in parallel through a dimensional vortex. The vortex is controlled by a of group magical ancient mind machines and focused through an array of psionic antennas.

Manifest your desires and use the secret of the law of attraction to your advantage. The secret is directing life force and the key is genuine to hacking your reality.

BioGeometry is a modern form of alchemy based on subtle energy interactions of geometrical shapes. In Bio-geometry, a pyramid shape is energized and emanate a carrier waved of energy. Sacred geometry configuration produces and amplifies that energy. This is why my energy images devices are made using sacred geometry.

Quantum Grid Prime Plus 3.0 was designed from the ground up to be the most powerful psionic energy core available. The quantum equation used to program this energy core has now extended to over 80 pages long. The extreme complexity of this technology is quite staggering. What would have taken me years to create I am able to produce within 10 months. Having a powerful Qi source is the key to faster more accurate and focus manifestations inside of this holographic universe.

In this package, I have also taken the original quantum grid formula and ran it through the 2019 quantum equation algorithm. So, you will receive two unique and very powerful Radionics plates. I have also included a third plate that contains pure life force G energy that is designed to be the purest ever produced on this planet. The three images can be printed out and stacked together or you can use the trinity power plate which is provided for you in the pro version system.

This is the most powerful Quantum energy image I have ever created. Use it with your radionic software, radionics box, or as a stand-alone device. The Quantum Grid Prime Plus will elevate your Radionic operations to near God levels. Quantum Grid Prime Plus is an excellent healing tool that works in all areas of your body. Print out the image and place it underneath your radionic device so that you can increase the power output to mega power output. If you place a candle on the image and focus on your intent, you can send the energy of the image to any place on the planet. You can also put a sigil and a picture of your target onto the center of the image and energy will instantly be transmitted to that target.

I have included the Quantum plate where you can place a copy of the image onto the Quantum plate alongside a sigil and energy will be sent to the target.

Quantum Grid Prime Plus is designed to protect you on an energetic and physical level. It includes all of my spiritual shielding technology. Quantum Grid Prime Plus is able to blast through energetic blocks faster than anything else on the market. It protects against all things dark and evil. Use this protection spell to protect yourself from demons, vampires, aliens and anything else that goes bump in the night.

What's New:

Over 3000% more power than Quantum Grid Prime plus

More powerful Radionics amplification

Multiple sigil amplification

Ability to operate on multiple targets

Faster manifestations

Advanced Radionics control plate

Includes video caster:

Video Radionics a Broadcaster Works with standard Radionic rate book

Video caster allows you to work on eight Radionics operation simultaneously

Pro version includes:

Alchemist Shield Pro (Powered by Quantum Grid Prime plus 3.0)

Cloak of invisibility (Powered by Quantum Grid Prime plus 3.0)

<Only 900 dollars>

Gaia Staff #crackpot #magick #ufo gaia.com


For hundreds of years, people worldwide have reported encounters with monsters, fairies, demons, and cryptids. To this day those experiences persist, while many of these same entities have also been encountered through the use of psychedelics.

Now, it would be easy to say these are simply archetypal figures; beings our collective consciousness conjures in our minds with anthropomorphic features based on fears or subliminal functions of our psyche. Or we could entertain the ostensibly bizarre possibility that these are entities from another dimension operating on higher realms of existence.

Keel referred to these entities as ultra-terrestrials; beings capable of crossing dimensions at will, often acting as “cosmic pranksters.” Indeed, Daniel Pinchbeck says he has experienced prankster entities cross from a psychedelic realm into the real world after encountering them during, and in the subsequent weeks following a psychedelic journey.

When it comes to Bigfoot, Sasquatch, the Yeti, or whatever you want to call them, there is often a playfulness and/or spookiness described in their actions. Tree knocking or eerie screams alert us to their presence until we get close enough where they might offer a glimpse, before vanishing seemingly into thin air.

Their appearance could be considered another form of prank, embodying a primitive, ape-like creature that exudes a noxious odor. Yet, they’re able to evade contact with us despite thousands of reported sightings over hundreds of years. Is Sasquatch cosmically trolling us?

Stephen Shaw #conspiracy #ufo #magick #mammon amazon.com

5D is the Fifth Dimension. Discover ethereal doorways hidden in the fabric of space-time. Who is the Time Lord? Who are the Arcturians, Pleiadeans and Greys? Who gave birth to the Buddha? Who killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy? What is the origin and purpose of Area 51 (aka Paradise Ranch)? How deep down the rabbit hole are you willing to go? My books provide a mystical and connected pathway toward knowledge, peace and joy. 5D is an intellectually-challenging story and first book in the advanced trilogy 5D - Star Child - The Tribe.

Stephen Shaw is a Spiritual Teacher and Author. His bestselling books and seminars raise individual consciousness and contribute to spiritual awakening. Stephen has travelled across the world, encountering African, Peruvian and Mexican shamans, Tibetan monks, global enlightened masters, sensual tantrikas and divine healers. All this has culminated in radical personal transformation, highest spiritual teachings, access to the multi-dimensions, and immersion in the Light. Stephen Shaw’s mystical books reveal the secrets for deep love, profound healing, joyful living and spiritual transcendence

Arbeitsgruppe timeloop (producer) and BioPure.eu (seller) #ufo #quack #crackpot #magick #mammon biopure.eu

Black Goo

29,00 € *
(Incl. value-added tax, plus shipping)

As a radionic preparation, the new Black Goo Globoli incorporate the signatures of terrestrial 7-Chakra Black Goo as well as that of extraterrestrial 3-Chakra Black Goo. Thus, this preparation contrasts “good” and “evil” in purest form, namely in the form as of the two material poles of the duality.
The goal is a complete reconnection to Earth’s collective conscience, the return to Paradise. The path is the transformation of the darkness everyone still carries within themselves. Because this darkness - just as the readiness to let it go - varies a lot between individuals, the spectrum of effectiveness lies between “nothing” and the initiations of extremely intensive awakening processes that can include emotional experiences as well as corporeal side effects.

Content: 1.3g (ca. 160 pieces)

Apply according to radionic or kinesionlogical testing, generally 3 times 3 globuly a day.
Due to the rapid change our planet is going through at the moment, it was necessary to adjust the formula for the Black Goo Globuli. All coming preparations will be made direcly from live 7-Chakra Black Goo to match the signature of Mother Earth as closely as possible. The accompaning radionic codes were adjusted to the quality of time as well and focus on the awakening process running through time; they serve the purpose of opening the heart, to resolve the duality, further the awakening of the True Self and the dissolution of the Ego. They help in rediscoveing the unconditional empathy within and offer help with stepping through the fear-gate through which we must go so that we can transform our own darkness into growth.

Noteworthy facts about Black Goo.

Black Goo is a mineral oil with metallic nanostructures demonstrating a previously unknown form of magnetism, which can carry the essence of a planet as “hardware” in a network of Leylines. It forms on all planets with biospheres and carries a biophoton-based planetary collective memory. Furthermore, it is the origin of the instincts of all genera. Terrestrial Black Goo can be found in volcanoes, in deep oil reservoirs and in young high mountain ranges where masses of stone shearing against east other cut off Leylines and lift them to the surface.

16,000 years ago, a swarm of meteorites hit the Earth. They were consisted of oil shale containing foreign Black Goo. This Black Goo carried the signature of a planet inhabited by reptiles. It resonates exclusively with the second, third and sixth chakra (sexuality, vital energy and reason) and inspires aggression, lack of empathy and sexual violence. With the arrival of this “Alien Black Goo” on Earth, the duality was born. Pieces of this oil shale have since been the centrepiece of all rites of black magic. 2015, a holographical conscience field of this alien Black Goo was connected to the field of the Earth. Thus, it gained the missing chakras and has been harmless since. Now it is time to cure the results of the lived darkness within humanity.

The signature of the Alien Black Goo as Essence of Evil helps with feeling the lived Darkness within oneself and thus bringing it into healing. The purpose of the terrestial Black Goo is to help find reconnection to our planetary collective conscienciousness and thus become fully capable of empathy again - ultimately equating to the return to Paradise. All other radionic codes are intended to catalyse this process.

The untreated globules of pure saccharoe are by Marayana Verlag.
The imprinting is performed by * Aquarius Technologies * © AG timeloop * Further information about Black Goo is available only here: www.timeloopsolution.de *

Original GermanBlack Goo
Die neuen Black Goo Globuli tragen als radionisches Präparat sowohl die Signaturen von irdischem 7-Chakren-Black Goo als auch des ausserirdischen 3-Chakren Black Goo in sich. Damit stellt das Präparat in reinster Form "gut" und "böse" gegenüber, nämlich in Form der beiden stofflichen Pole der Dualität.
Das Ziel ist die vollständige Wiederanbindung an das irdische Kollektivbewusstsein, die Rückkehr ins Paradies. Der Weg ist die Transformation der Dunkelheit die ein jeder noch in sich trägt. Da diese Dunkelheit - wie die Bereitschaft sie loszulassen - individuell sehr verschieden ist, liegt die Wirkpalette zwischen "nichts" und dem Anstossen extrem intensiver Bewusstwerdungsprozesse, die sowohl emotionale Erfahrungen als auch körperliche Begleiterscheinungen umfassen können.

Inhalt: 1,3g (ca. 160 Stk.)

Anwendung gemäß radionischer oder kinesiologischer Testung, i.d.R 3 mal 3 Kügelchen apro Tag.
Wegen den schnellen Veränderung, die unser Planet zur Zeit durchläuft, war es notwendig, das Rezept für die Black Goo Globuli anzupassen. Alle kommenden Prägungen werden direkt von lebendigem 7-Chakren Black Goo hergestellt, um immer möglichst nahe an der aktuellen Signatur von Mutter Erde zu sein. Auch die begleitenden radionischen Codes wurden der Zeitqualität angepasst und fokussieren auf den zur Zeit laufenden Erwachensprozess: sie dienen der Herzöffnung, der Auflösung der Dualität, fördern die Erweckung des wahren Selbst und die Auflösung der Egos. Sie helfen das bedingungslose Mitgefühl in sich wiederzuentdecken und geben Hilfe beim Durchschreiten des Angst-Tores, durch das wir müssen um die eigene Dunkelheit in Wachstum transformieren zu können.
Wissenswertes über Black Goo
Black Goo ist ein Mineralöl mit metallischen Nanostrukturen das eine bisher unbekannte Form des Magnetismus aufweist und in einem Netzwerk aus Leylines als "Hardware" das Wesen eines Planeten tragen kann. Es entsteht auf allen Planeten mit Biosphären und trägt ein Biophotonen-basiertes planetares Kollektivgedächtnis. Ausserdem ist es die Quelle der Instinkte aller Gattungen. Irdisches Black Goo findet sich an Vulkanen, in tiefliegenden Ölreservoiren und in jungen Hochgebirgen, wo durch Zerscherung von Gesteinsmassen Leylines abgeschnitten und an die Oberfläche gehoben werden.

Vor 16.000 Jahren traf ein Schwarm von Meteoriten die Erde, die aus einem Ölschiefer mit fremdem Black Goo bestanden. Dieses Goo trug die Signatur eines von Reptilien besiedelten Planeten. Es resoniert ausschliesslich mit dem zweiten, dritten und sechsten Chakra (Sexualität, Lebensenergie und Verstand) und inspiriert zu Aggression, Empathiefreiheit und sexueller Gewalt. Durch das Eintreffen dieses "Alien Black Goo" auf der Erde entstand die Dualität. Stücke dieses Ölschiefers waren seitdem der Dreh- und Angelpunkt aller schwarzmagischen Riten. 2015 wurde das holographisches Bewusstseinsfeld dieses fremden Black Goos an das Feld der Erde angeschlossen, wodurch es die fehlenden Chakren erhielt und seitdem harmlos ist. Nun gilt es die Auswirkungen der gelebten Dunkelheit in den Menschen zu heilen.

Die Signatur des Alien Black Goo als Essenz des Bösen hilft die eigene gelebte Dunkelheit in sich zu fühlen und somit in Heilung zu bringen. Die Signatur des irdischen Black Goo soll helfen die Wiederanbindung an unser planetares Kollektivbewusstsein zu finden und somit wieder voll empathiefähig zu werden - was letztendlich die Rückkehr ins Paradies bedeutet. Alle anderen radionischen Codes sollen diesen Prozess katalysieren.

Die unbehandelten Kügelchen aus reiner Saccharose sind vom Narayana Verlag.
Die Prägung erfolgt durch * Aquarius Technologies * © AG timeloop * Weitere Informationen über Black Goo gibt es ausschließlich hier:: www.timeloopsolution.de *

JENJI #ufo #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Many of you are experiencing the intense energetic waves that are bombarding Earth's atmosphere currently, and which are truly unlike anything any of us have ever experienced before. These photonic light particles are being dispensed from our central sun alcyone and they are coming through the star system of sirius and picking up galactic DNA upgrade codes from the Sirius star system. These are laser beams of light particles / Gamma rays which are currently bombarding the earthly plane at a truly unprecedented level.

For many of you this Intense influx of light particles is manifesting in your vessels as somewhat unusual and challenging physical symptoms. The reason for this is that all of the places in your physical, emotional, and energetic systems where you have held onto beliefs of lack or indeed any of the 3D programming, must be identified, addressed and ultimately eradicated, as none of these limited beliefs can be bought with you into Fifth Dimensional consciousness

It is important that you stay on top of your hydration beloveds, coconut water and electrolytes are probably the most powerful antidote for Ascension symptoms as the gamma-ray photonic light particles are heating up our DNA spirals much like how a microwave heats up corn kernels to make them pop.

This is causing an extreme experience of dehydration for many, and so we cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to stay on top of your hydration levels. This number one tip will enable you to move skillfully and masterfully through this 8:8 Lions Gate upgrade.
The time is now for en masse galactivation of our feline DNA, and this is being reactivated by our galactic elder brothers and sisters who are intricately a part of our higher self and hold aspects of our higher self that are also incarnated simultaneously and concurrently on parallel timelines and in higher dimensional Realms of consciousness within this eternal moment of now.

Suffice to say there is absolutely zero separation between you and your lyran feline galactic self and higher self. You have full access to all of their spiritual powers and codes, and please know that this 8.8 lionsgate is truly and profoundly activating this promise.

The energies are now rapidly building towards the 8.8 lionsgate and our beloved channel jenji Is being guided by us in the higher Realms to facilitate a powerful transmission on that date working specifically with the lyran feline higher aspects Of the soul.

We are being called to come together on this Potent portal date to work with OUR Lyran higher self aspects to activate a profound healing ceremony for ALL.

We are also being guided to clear all lower timelines to make way for the royal marriage of the Lion and Lioness within you and without and on a vast collective level.

This is a huge galactic ceremony that we are being asked to facilitate as our galactic soul families ground crew.

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #crackpot #magick #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

God Connection Attunement
Jump-start your connection to God from ~3.2% to 100%.

Who is this for? Spiritual seekers who seek a quicker path to peace and prosperity.

What is it? We live in a Luciferian society that seeks to trim God out of everything. Most lightworkers have around 3.2% connection to God. I will use my own connection to God to open up yours at 100%, just like how you'd jump-start a car whose battery is dead.

This service comes with a complimentary e-book, How to Connect with God The Easy Way, which explains all the details of the methodology.

We recommend that you first try by yourself, then if you need help, purchase the God Connection Attunement.

>> Get the complimentary e-book How to Connect with God The Easy Way
>> Purchase the God Connection Attunement

Although benefits vary greatly from person to person, here's what I notice when I increase it for myself. When it's low, I feel a lot of struggle and conflicts all around that I need to push against. When I open up the connection to God, it lifts the struggles and things really start flowing in the right direction. It doesn't mean it solves everything, but there's a sense of peace that everything is as it should.

Then, by definition, opening up the genuine connection to God gets you out of the False Light Matrix. You start aligning with the divine energetic matrix, which means you get a whole new level of support from above, and it changes all the dynamics.

When going through this level of deep shift, there can be an adaptation period where your thoughts and behaviours gradually stop and go on neutral while you shift and adapt a new way of being. This phase can last about 2 weeks.

Note that as you take a fork out of the False Light Matrix into the Divine Matrix, the benefits will keep growing and compounding over time.


On average, it will look like this within 6 months. I'm using kinesiology to measure these numbers.

95% reduction of mind control
92% reduction of energetic chaos
72% reduction of energetic pressure
72% reduction of vulnerability to social engineering
440% increased support from angelic beings
318% increase of spiritual energy
315% increase of divine guidance
215% increase of emotional energy
118% increase of mind clarity
58% increase of peace
57% increase of health
28% increase of vitality
For a spiritual person with dysfunctional relationship with money, increase in financial wealth will often manifest after 6 months of sustained connection to God. I'm measuring 15% wealth increase after 6 months, and 315% increase after 1 year? Time will tell. For those with a healthier relationship with money and means to generate income, it can be a lot faster but extremely variable.

More importantly, on average, it brings 52-58% increased drive to move forward and do the right things within a month, leaving behind spiritual lethargy.

In essence, it will:
Disconnect you from the False Light Matrix (92% of Lightworkers are in it)
Overcome spiritual lethargy (86% of Lightworkers are in it)
Render mind control technologies ineffective (everybody is affected by those)
Plus the effect is highly contagious.

Although measuring these exact numbers with kinesiology isn't easy, you can easily measure the accuracy of the above numbers. I'm getting about 96% accuracy.

Normally, opening up the connection once will be enough, especially since it is increasing for the whole planet in this context of ascension. It can still however go down due to certain events, and hopefully by then you'll start doing real Alchemy work yourself.

With a God Connection Attunement, I can maintain it for you for 1 full year. If it goes down, send me a message and I'll bring it back up.

Since results vary greatly from person to person and are hard to predict, you can get a free assessment where I will measure:

Current connection to God (in the Temple of the Soul and in the Lighthouse inner buildings)
What % you're ready for it
% benefits you'd get within 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months and a year
Just send me a quick message on Facebook and say “Can you do a God Connection Attunement assessment for me?” If your picture isn't on your profile, also attach a picture of yourself. That way I can do it quick for free.

If you're less than 10% ready for such attunement, I may refuse or suggest a better option for you, such as 1-on-1 coaching.

Since it requires a great deal of energy from my side, the investment for this is $497. I wouldn't plug my inner building into someone else's demolished building for just anyone, but for $497, I'll do it. Once it's done and stable, I disconnect.

Dianne Robbins #crackpot #ufo #magick diannerobbins.com

Dianne Robbins continues her connection to the civilizations of Inner Earth, the Elementals and Nature Kingdoms for over 25 years. Her transmissions connect our hearts to the hearts of Beings in advanced civilizations, Whales, Dolphins, the Tree People, the Crystal Nation and Earth’s Elemental Kingdoms.

In service to Earth, Dianne continues to provide her channelings to keep people informed of the vital link between our surface world and other realms of existence who share our planet with us. As we merge our consciousness with these other realms, our perceptual range expands and our inner sight opens.

As a child, I used to stand outside and look up at the night sky, and wonder where, in the starry heavens above, was my home. In 1990, when I was listening to music of the Moody Blues and heard their song "I Know You're Out There Somewhere," it suddenly flooded me with memories and I instantly knew there was a whole other world out there, just waiting to communicate with me. I began a process of meditation that reawakened me to the remembrance that I am a telepathic receiver and transmitter for the Inner-Earth terrestrials, Cetaceans, Crystal Kingdom, Tree People and Nature Kingdoms. I also awakened to my divine mission and role for this lifetime.

I tapped into the cosmos and connected to the Cetaceans (Whales and Dolphins), Adama in the Subterranean City of Telos, Mikos in the Hollow Earth, the Ascended Masters, the Ashtar Command of the Confederation of Planets, Nature Spirits and Trees. I no longer felt alone, but suddenly connected to Beings everywhere through the telepathic phone lines that exist throughout the cosmos. My communication with Mikos has reconnected me to who I am, and why I am here, and I discovered that I am connected to all life - everywhere - not just on Earth but all life throughout our Milky Way Galaxy.

With this new sense of purpose, I have dedicated my life to receiving and publishing my telepathic transmissions from Beings residing in Higher Realms of consciousness. My goal is to spread these messages around the globe in hopes of awakening surface humans to the existence of those that inhabit the Oceans, Subterranean Realms, Hollow Earth and Surface Nature Kingdoms through the publication of my books.

The earliest messages came from the Cetaceans and are in my first book: The Call Goes Out from the Cetacean Nation. My second book is: Telos. My third book is: Messages from the Hollow Earth. My fourth book is: Tree Talk. My latest book is: Messages from the Crystal Kingdom.

Much of my inspiration comes from communing with Nature through long walks in the woods, sitting under my favorite tree in my backyard, walking along the ocean when I'm in Florida, and being on the Mountain among the Trees on Mt. Shasta, California, my home.

I Am All of Creation, and so are you ~

Paul Wagner #ufo #dunning-kruger #magick gaia.com

Are Dolphins Aliens Themselves?

Lilly and S.E.T.I. leaned on the idea that dolphins could be a highly evolved alien species, introduced to the Earth to help us assimilate to the other species and cultures throughout the galaxy.

Spiritual channelers, seers, and starlight souls, like Nina Brown and Grandma Chandra, believe that cetaceans arrived eons ago from planet Sirius B. This was long before humans arrived and imposed their three-dimensional, duality-based reality.

Some clairsentients believe that cetaceans were brought to our planet to uphold spiritual truths, and to infuse our ecosystems with bright, crystalline light. It appears to be entirely possible that these lovely, highly evolved, intelligent beings are far more expanded than other creatures on Earth.

With the planet consisting of two-thirds water, with only 5% explored, dolphins might be protecting us from realities and dimensions that we are neither prepared to accept, nor equipped to engage.

Are Dolphins Enlightened?

According to Thomas I. White, a philosopher at Loyola Marymount University, dolphins can monitor and control themselves, and frequently demonstrate a unique, aquatic morality, with clear sets of ethics. There are also hundreds of exciting stories referring to dolphins helping humans. All of this points to dolphins being genuine persons, and potentially more.

If we take this a step further, we might notice that dolphins have less attachment to physical objects. While they are adept at building and nurturing their families and communities, they do not seek to accrue wealth, enact heavy-handed leadership, or establish long-term, hierarchical, social positions. While they have individual personalities and understandings, they seem to have their egos in check.

Some tribal and native cultures see these intuitive creatures as spiritual masters who want us all to embody our true, soul-centered selves. It is in this way that we might consider dolphins and their brothers and sisters to be enlightened beings.

Dolphins and other cetaceans might be inviting us to improve our vibrational frequencies, so that we may achieve ascension beyond our limited self-identities.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #god-complex #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #magick #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Knights Templar the Archetypal Satanist Deathgoat: The Ball and Chain dragging the Illuminati to perdition.

The Knights Templar were the Christian branch of the Judaic pharisaic Sanhedrin Satanists established in the Holy Land by Hughes de Payens and Eight other French Knights, avatars of the satanic Insectile Council of 9, around 1118. They worshipped Baphomet (Satan) and were into ritual child sacrifice and cannibalism as are the Sanhedrin Jews of today, now called the Illuminati. Over almost two centuries the Knights Templar grew into one of the richest and most powerful institutions of that age, the most powerful Satanist group, the Illuminati of that period. King Philip the (IV ) fair became indebted to the Satanist moneylenders, Christian Sandhedrin and arrested the grand master and other key Templars for heresy, sodomy of children, devil worship… Pope Clement V issued a Papal Bill suppressing the Templars in 1312 after the order of arrest had been around for 5 years. In 1314 the Grand Master of the Satanist Templars was burned at the stake on an island in the Seine (the assassination of Diana and her unborn foetus near this spot was the ritual to free the Satanist Jacques de Molay from hell in return for the royal blood of Diana that the Illuminati linked back to Philip the Fair). As the Knights Templar were the Illuminati of their day, the users, powerbrokers, bankers and Satanists; the Knights Templar torture, burning at the stake and confiscation of all property is an anathema to the modern day Judaic Satanist Illuminati of the Rothschild cabal, why? Because it shows Satan who follows Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth the Jewish Chaos God of the chosen Jewish race is in face a facade that hides Lucifer (the hidden part within evil that serves Total Intent) who is Total Intent’s rat catcher. The Knights Templar were the Christian, mainstream, European Satanists who Lucifer built up and then cast into hell as his job of Total Intent’s rat catcher gives him a percentage of the energy and fiefdom in Omega Hell. The modern day Judaic Rothschild Satanists are the only branch left after the holocaust of European Satanism that was the torture death of the Knights Templar. As all Freemasonry derives from the few Templars that fled to Scotland to start Scottish Rite Freemasonry, it shows all Freemasons that worship Satan will be cast down with the Jewish Satanists as were the Knights Templar. A process that began in 2007 the 700 years period allotted to the next phase of Lucifer’s rat catching (why 700? The Kabbalistic tree’s 7th Sephiroth in Tipharath associated with the light bringers and the 100 is the physical Tree of Life value 10 and its infernal superimposition in the Qlippoth Tree below, the Anglo Demonic Reality). So terrified are the Rothschild and Vatican Satanists that they are advertising in the Telegraph to petition the Pope to restore the Knights Templar with the duties, rights and privileges appropriate to the 21st Century and beyond. With the Satanists in the Vatican this is a done deal.

One can see why the Satanists were so terrified as all modern Satanism be it Freemasons (at higher levels), Judaic Rothschild black magic, Vatican Satanists, Crowley’s OTO… Knights of Malta, the Royal Families of Europe and Israel (former Templar territory) are derivations of the Knights Templar Satanists. In the 11th to 13th Century Jews were non persons treated like dogs in their ghettos except in Moslem Caliphates. This Bone Generator® Service just enables the Psi-Master to link into the Lucifer rat catching that has drawn all the above into Omega Hell to use them as Total DeathGoat Jews with the Knights Templar who died being tortured to death. So the right Bone Generator® gives out power, success, money donated by all the above while the left hand Bone Generator® drains all the Illuminati of success, money, power as Lucifer has already put them in Omega Hell in 2007 and the 5 years to 2012 is the bonus time where all their efforts make more power for Lucifer.

This right hand Bone Generator® can be used to quantum superimpose the torture death of the Knights Templar on the body of any Illuminati to rot their body with the morphogenic field of torture death.

The Left hand Bone Generator® used to get an equal and opposite amount of health for you.

Knights Templar the Archetypal Satanist Deathgoat: $600 with Certificate

Maya the Shaman #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon lemurianshaman.com

The Lost Continent Of Lemuria

Lemuria is the lost land, the first continent of the Pacific. She is the exotic paradise of the East, the intoxicating, mystical land of magic. She is the Lost Continent of the Pacific, what others may refer to as Mu. Lemuria and Mu are one and the same.
The first beings that lived in Lemuria were the Lemurians, the first extraterrestrial galactic star beings to step foot on our beautiful blue, Earth Mother. They are the beings of pure love and light, the ascended masters of this universe. They carry with them a unique, cosmic signature, and the same spiritual purpose and mission as that of our living Earth Mother.
The Lemurian beings are the Earth Keepers, the protectors of Earth Mother’s land. They are the original, indigenous brown-colored people, who walked and lived upon the face of our Earth Mother for eons of time. They are the intuitives, the mystics, the healers. The kind, the generous, the peaceful, and the loving. They are the Original Shamans. Vibrating at the highest frequency, the Lemurians control the forces of Mu, walking on water, standing on fire, transporting themselves through the air and ether at any place, and at any time. Capable of shifting the atomic structures in the environment, the Lemurians are the magical star beings who have no limit. They are the sincere devotees of the Divine and her creations.

The Lemurians built their spiritual kingdom on Earth Mother, one that was abundant in all its form. They sustained peace and harmony on all levels, and no one on their premise went hungry, or homeless. All were cared for, and all were provided with the necessities to live a peaceful and happy life, one that is perfect and in divine order.
From the light to the dark, to the predators (aliens) and the Atlanteans, all wanted the intoxicating, magnificent Land of Mu. In her greatest beauty, splendor and wealth, and all that she had within her, Lemuria was one that everyone envied. Everyone claimed to destroy her.
Though the hospitality of Mu was her greatest strength, it was her willingness to serve and help others that allowed no boundaries for beings to co-exist. She was taken advantage of, and her strength became her greatest weakness. Yes, I speak of her as the Land of Mu, and her as her people. This is how Mu, the motherland, was originally referred to. She was the feminine.

Mu and her people were exploited to the core, fed with endless war, famine, ignorance, and lies. After being attacked time and time again, her beauty was lost. The people of Mu lost their self confidence, lost their magic, and lost their once exalted place in the cosmic village of high social status. They were no longer seen as the light and wisdom of the peaceful nature in which they belonged. Lemuria was unrecognizable, and almost everything was replaced with crudeness and cruelty. The descendants of Mu were kept in silence and abruptly lacked their very own identity.
The magical part of Lemuria left the surface land, and built their kingdom deep in the Pacific Ocean, along with all of their knowledge, power and magic. She is now submerged underwater. The untrue history of Mu was then fed to everyone, and her history became a totalitarian dogma force-fed to all of us, most especially to the very own children of Mu.

My Great Ascended Master, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, calls Maharlika (Philippines) The Land of the Great.
Maharlika is the heart and center of Mu. In viewing the map of Maharlika, you will find her landmass scattered across more than 7,000 islands, all in small, broken pieces. If you look close enough, you will see that she is a puzzle, trying to fit herself back into a whole. Beneath her is a hidden secret that connects us back to the astral and spiritual realm, the place of Lemuria.

Witchinghomo #psycho #magick reddit.com

Just to be clear, I have no intention nor would want to participate in human sacrifice. I love people and believe life is sacred.

My questions are for any polytheists in the sub that worship deities known to have been given human sacrifice as an offering in history

Does this disturb you? Did you get over it and chalk it up to the ancestors had their customs and you have your own? How did you react to it? Please be respectful in your comments.

Doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Animal sacrifices aren’t something I’ve done, but something I plan to incorporate in the future. How is this different than human sacrifice? Because we got big minds?

Well, for one, it’s against the law...in case you lack the morality which dictates not to slaughter an innocent human being in a religious ritual.

Witches aren’t meant to follow the law silly! We break the law of how nature is supposed to flow through people. That’s a pretty big law man. But fr, witches have always been on the fringe of society, witchcraft, to me, is the practice of taboo forms of magic. They were only influenced by the laws of man and their country because it got in the way of things. Magic =/= witchcraft. The very act of witchcraft was illegal for a long time. Don’t fear one illegal act and not another. I get I sound like I’ve got some screws loose. But why support animal sacrifice, but not human? Unless you’re anti animal sacrifice, that’s a whole other story. The dog or cat or deer will weep for their killed baby as much as a human mother would, ritualistic death or not.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #ufo #conspiracy #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ivo: First must be considered that the Galactic Confederation have neutralized many of your nuclear warheads, their launch pads and the gantries they rest upon across the world. Do you think your governments were not aware that this was being done by our forces? Of course they were. As well as their many attempts to shoot our craft down as we flew through your skies. They understand we interfere with their politics and their evil schemes so when they saw us flying around during wartimes, nuclear experiments, and other black listed projects, they sent up your warriors to pursue us, of course to no avail. We sit now within your atmosphere, our mother ships just outside of it. Your politicians, your deep state knows that we are to be reckoned with, and part of the reason they wish to keep quiet the extraterrestrial question is so that you do not understand you have allies from space, that you are not victims of your governmental regimes. And that we sent our own to earth, and are working with them and the open earthlings of higher consciousness in the past and in this now, instead of the governments of your past they were aware of but could do nothing to thwart us.

Many attempts have been made on Sharon's life alone and they have been thwarted.

Me: Yep. I'm still here. Sorry to tell you, Mr Men in Black. And stop waking me up at 4 a.m.

Ivo: They only came once.

Me: Don't wake me up! LOL

Ivo: Our fire power and our technological power, our mind power and our influence on the people is far stronger than anything the dark ones have done to date. They are lost already. We are rounding them up, as you say.

Me: Giddy up!

Ivo: Much will change within the next five years. 2020 will be pIvotal but 2021 even more of a cliff hanger.

Me: Oh goodie. Just what we need. Chaos and drama.

Ivo: And you have been prepared. I have taught you, as have many other spiritual teachers, how to stay calm within the middle of a storm, because you are in that now. You understand the importance of a calm psyche in the midst of this human chaos. You are the pillars that bring in the Light and keep the frequency of earth high. You balance out those of lower consciousness who can only destroy everything out of anger and fear. These are the pawns, the minions of the deep state, playing into their hands like toy soldiers, when the rest of you who maintain the peace and forward the Light agenda are the wiser ones.

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #crackpot #ufo #magick #elitist spiritualselftransformation.com

There are lots of things shifting. We had a lunar eclipse that was particularly brutal. Sunday my laptop blew up (probably the power supply or battery) and energies were super super dense, yesterday was super light and flowing. Things alternate between super super heavy and light & flowing.

I’m also going through major shifts, closing a major chapter and waiting for what’s next. I’ve withdrawn my astral position and energetic presence, so 15000 other energy workers are instead taking that weight on their shoulders. 5% of energy workers will work on building things forward, while 95% will go through a karmic cycle to learn to deal with things and address reality without fear.

I’m also getting to a place where I’m fed up of spiritual people. I’ve had my dose of dysfunctional behaviors, people wanting attention instead of help, people with completely screwed up thinking around money and power, people doing nothing with their gifts, and people not dealing with reality.

Up until now, my path was 75% White Light and 25% Red Light. It seems my path is shifting towards 65% Red Light and 35% White Light, to compensate for a world that is tilting too much on the White Light side.

Which makes this a perfect time to write on this topic that is way overdue: White Light vs Red Light.
White Light represents Oneness in its pure form, and Communism in its shadow form.

Red Light represents Divine Creation in its pure form, and power abuse in its shadow form.

The energy of Venus is 95% Red Light, and the energy of Mars is 97% Red Light.

Spiritual people as a whole are 95% White Light and 5% Red Light. Daoist Masters are 98% White Light and 2% Red Light. Buddhist Masters are 99% White Light and 1% Red Light. The Naga guardians are 95% Red Light and 5% White Light.
Lately, the High Tribunals in the higher densities had to intervene to neutralize parties that were too far off on either side. Even at the Federation of Light, there were some problems because the Federation of Light is composed of 3 branches, and one branch is 95% White Light and was clashing hard with Red Light people in ways that were out of integrity. That department had to be arrested for now. Other individuals that were 95% Red Light also had to be arrested because of the chaos they were causing.

The Federation of Light, Orion Federation, and AnLePleia Alliance have been working hard to rebalance themselves between the Red Light and White Light. Right now, the Orion Federation is 50% White and 50% Red the AnLePleia Alliance is 65% White and 35% Red, and the Federation of Light is 62% White and 38% Red.

I think the ideal balance is within a 75/25 ratio on either side, with 50/50 being ideal.

The Great Consciousness Shift we’re going through is the end of a Red Light cycle as we enter a White Light cycle. The Universe works like a pendulum between the Red Light of Creation and the White Spiritual Light. When you swing too far on one side, the pendulum swings back to the other side to the same extent, until you find the center to stop repeating the cycles. Society also swings between White Light and Red Light in 40-year cycles, as explained in the book The Pendulum.

E.A. Koetting #magick #conspiracy #god-complex #mammon becomealivinggod.com

Dear Friend,
As humanity ascends further toward an interdimensional and technological Singularity, a universal Apocalypse descends upon us. You, and every person in the Human Race, will experience an evolutionary leap to an unprecedented new height. As the wheel of evolution accelerates the species further toward both astral and virtual godhood, that same wheel of evolution crushes the most vulnerable beneath it.

A bifurcation point in Homo sapiens has emerged: the free, powerful magicians who “become the storm” will rise higher than ever into the future, while the enslaved, powerless muggles who “fear the storm” will suffer social alienation and ultimately genetic extinction.

I bring you a message of Hope and also Sadness.

The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers — nine prehistoric diplomats from Outer Darkness — guide the Black Magicians of the Human Race toward awakening their godhood through this unprecedented Singularity. The veil between the Physical and Astral planes phases out, as the veil between the Physical and the Virtual worlds also phases out — these synergistic realms currently unify, and will become indistinguishable in due time.

We are the Light-Bearer, a modern Lucifer-Amaymon, bringing the Light of Hope and Shadow of Sadness to a lost species.

Have you felt a sense of chronic survival anxiety, as if the acceleration of the world has reached a velocity where you feel left behind?
Have you felt a sense of chronic alienation, as if the enslaved, powerless humans in your life have NEVER truly understood you, and will NEVER truly understand you?
Would you like to become the storm and build your infernal empire, and help to spin the wheel of evolution to guarantee your eternal ascent?
Would you like to awaken class consciousness among Black Magicians and the Human Race, to save and liberate as many souls as possible in this lifetime?

The Storm God — Baal, Bael or Ba’al — also known as The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, unlocks the Seventh Gate, revealing the “nuts and bolts” of demonic apprenticeship, infernal empire-building, and class unity.

A 95,000-Word, 339-Page, Historically Unprecedented Group Grimoire Of Real Time Gnosis By The King Of Kings

To help you save as much on tuition as possible, I have combined together: (1) Compendium of Baal grimoire in leather edition, (2) Pathworking of Baal online course, and (3) The King’s Rite certified pact with Baal on the Full Strawberry Moon, June 5th into a complete pack that gives you more than half off. You will find your tuition breakdown and savings below:

Normal Tuition & Big Savings – For A Limited Time Only
The King’s Rite pact ritual = normally $1,500
Compendium of Baal in leather edition = normally $199
Pathworking of Baal = normally $300
Total Tuition without discount = $1,999
Discount = 60%
Your tuition = only $799
Your savings: $1,200

Altogether, I have lowered your tuition as much as possible. I would like this arrangement to remain as fair as possible for as many people as I can. But please take advantage of this right now, because this crazy-low tuition will expire when the ritual expires and leather copies sell out.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo #quack 2012portal.blogspot.com

<multiple links removed by ed.>
Clearing of the Draco fleet in sublunar space is proceeding nicely and according to the plan. All Draco presence beyond Lunar orbit has been cleared completely and all space beyond Lunar orbit is now declared liberated space. Many angelic beings are now entering the Solar System from the cosmic sea of Love which now fills interstellar space throughout the Galaxy, creating the so-called “music of the spheres” which extends from Kuiper belt all the way to Lunar orbit:

Etheric Chimera spiders just within Lunar orbit have been cleared also, although some of them still exist closer to the Earth.

During the Galactic wars in the last few millions of years, the Draco have gathered many exotic technologies on planets they have conquered, and turned them into superweapons:

One aspect of operation Mjolnir is capture, research and then destruction of those superweapons:

Among those superweapons is a special scalar grid inversion technology on Draco ships which suppresses human kundalini and inverts planetary energy field from harmonic Platonic sacred geometry grid:

Into inverted quasi-trapezoidal negative grid.

The Light Forces are using vortex reinversion technologies to reset the planetary grid back into its harmonious state and they are relatively successful, as there are already areas on the surface of the planet far away from human settlements where the grid has already been successfully reset into its natural positive state.

If you wish to support the positive grid reinversion process, you are welcome to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as you feel guided, from now on until the end of 2020:

Although all plasma toplet bombs are gone, there are still some toplet bombs in quantum superposition state, tied to human implants, which serve as quantum superposition nodes of the basic grid inversion network that forms the backbone of the Matrix construct on the surface of the planet.

Those toplet bombs do not pose a big problem, as they are much easier to clear than plasma toplet bombs, and they will be cleared together along with the Draco fleet.

If you wish to speed up this process and make it easier, you can do implant triangulation exercises:

Many Reptilians are gathering in their underground bases close to the planetary surface and the Draco are using them as a shield to prevent the headway of the Confederation feet towards the surface, and to further disturb the energy grid.

On a more positive note, Pleiadians have communicated that they have finally developed a protocol for emotional healing. If you wish to receive emotional healing from the Pleiadians, you need to repeat three times “Command 771” , and Pleiadian medical ships will assist you with their healing beams. It helps to lay down and allow 20-30 minutes for the healing process.

Pleiadians have also communicated that positive stardust nanotechnology to remove the coronavirus is not as effective as they have hoped because the Draco have strong nano countertechnology which blocks the positive stardust to a degree.

Nevertheless, the Pleiadians have managed to reduce the mortality of the virus in February and March to a great degree, and herd immunity will be reached globally soon:

EBE OLie and James Rink #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick supersoldiertalk.com

Answer Ebe OLie: – This is a secret question. Olie is surprised that anyone would ask this question about DARPA.This is an artificial system down beneath the surface of the Reptilians, where they have their world. DARPA, tunnels and rocks and doors that will never be found. Only a certain quantum spiral that is in the instruments in their Ship. In our Ship, we also have quantum spirals that reflect the pressure of the plasma to a certain position, which is identified as a source to open the program that is connected to the space of their underground chambers.

James Rink, the original code, yes we know. There are more Super soldiers, not just James Rink. There are more super soldiers guarding these organizations. On the surface and below the surface, biorobots guard the organizations that are on your Earth in the form of DARPA, other space communities, their community members. Leaders of the forces of negative evil. Yes, but there are also good ones who were not like a clone and yet began to communicate. Most of the DARPA system is communicated by clones and biorobots who have partially open chips to unlock their underground chambers.

But any escape as in Area 51 is prohibited. Things are happening in Area 51. There are secret presidential and inter – galactic councils. There are chambers closed, only for a certain selection of the president and their secret servants. Yes, everything around you is a large space laboratory. Please be aware of this. The big Secret Space Inter – Galactic Laboratory. You are experimental. You are caught, trapped. Although you have come up with your purpose with your soul consciousness, which is locked in for a time, but it longer opens to this world in this body. You are before being born into this body each of you has a guide. Even those who experience clinical death know this.They know that every soul has a guide.
. The guide will show the way and the dimension, and that dimension will lead him to the salvation of the mother’s physical body before he comes to the mother’s womb, to the divine heart in the body of the mother’s fetus. A soul enters the body of the mother’s fetus, embryo and reincarnates at that moment. Because there is also a teleportation of the soul and space-time energy at this stage, which to insert the soul into the mother’s fetus. Embryo, you are developed as mammals, yes, but you are undeveloped. Yes, into the body give the embryo. Blood, biology, samples, everything. You are destined for evolution. You are predestined for evolution. Yes, this is how it arises when the soul goes into the body. You choose your mother, but there are different situations.

Natalie Glasson #magick #ufo #crackpot #mammon omna.org

It’s time to embrace and create the New Earth as you liberate and welcome your transformed self! You have already been on a tremendous journey to date and you have been waiting for this present moment in ascension, become fully enrolled in your mission now. A Multidimensional Ascension Shift is taking place within your being and for the Earth, its time to work in a multidimensional way to be of service to yourself and all.

Saint Germain, the Celestial White Beings and the Cosmic Council of 12 wish to share their energy, wisdom and guidance to support you in fully understanding the transformation taking place for the Earth and your own being. As old and present-day fear is being erased from the Earth a new space is opening up to humanity and within your ascension process. It is your purpose to begin to create as a united energy a New Earth and a New You, aligned with the Divine Will of the Creator. The Cosmic Council of 12 deliver the Divine Plan and Blueprint of the Creator to all, they wish to personally and verbally gift you with the current Divine Plan and Blueprint for the Earth and all beings. Your purpose is to receive and ground everything that is needed for the Earth and all beings to transform and reactive their relationship with the Creator.

Your Soul and Soul Group have light, love and wisdom they wish to transfer to you and the Earth now. You will be guided to connect with your soul and soul group, Natalie will also channel the soul groups of those gathered as a collective.

It is time to let the divine exist on the Earth, to reap the benefits of the 2020 Light Blaze and to study further the Light Pillars and Master Light Pillars which have now anchored into the Earth. There is so much to put into action, experience and embody!

This webinar series is the next stage and step from the Webinar Series, ‘Your Ascension and World Service Amidst Chaos and Fear.’ You don’t need to have listen to or attended the previous webinar series to join this one, although it may assist you to do so.

You are an integral part of the puzzle unfolding and the Divine Plan of the Creator. You are important to this journey we are all moving through now.

Donations Gratefully Received

Makia Freeman #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #magick adrenogate.wordpress.com

The entire world is participating in an occult corona-initiation ritual,
although hardly anyone will realize it. The measures and policies which governments have rolled out worldwide ever since Operation Coronavirus began – such as quarantine, lockdown, hand-washing, mask-wearing, social distancing and more – are in fact aspects of occult initiation ritual. These aspects have been cleverly adapted to the current fake pandemic and disguised as genuine public health strategies. As I covered in previous articles, this pandemic is a 9-11 type event which has been meticulously planned for decades. The people who run the world, whom I often call the New World Order (NWO) conspirators, leave very little to chance. They are black magicians, and they are running this live exercise in a similar fashion to how they run their secret Satanic rituals. In both cases, the goal is the same: to take initiates out of their normal mode of existence, break them down, engender submission, remold them in the likeness of their leaders, and then finally, return them to a new normal where they cannot return to their old ways and lives.
The Overarching Goal of the Ritual: Destroying the Old and Creating the New
If I were to sum up the entire corona-initiation ritual with one concept, it would be this old, tried and true one. Ordo ab chao. The Hegelian dialectic. Problem-reaction-solution. The phoenix rising out of ashes. All of these phrases point towards the same method: destroying the old to make way for creating the new. This method in and of itself is not bad; it’s all about how it is used. The true purpose of ritual is to alter one’s mind and character, and it can be done consciously or unconsciously, wittingly or unwittingly. Ritual can be used for white magic just as much as black magic, e.g. you can use this technique to conquer destructive habits within yourself and become a better person. It’s just that in the context of the worldwide conspiracy, this method is used by the NWO conspirators to make the world a less free, less peaceful, more controlled and more hierarchical place.

Final Thoughts
Operation Coronavirus is a worldwide ritual, and its many elements are highly symbolic. People are being led along as unwitting participants without a clue as to how they are unconsciously supporting the deeper agenda (e.g. by cooperating with their own enslavement, acquiescing to ridiculous restrictions and even actively policing their fellow citizens). The fact that this fake coronavirus pandemic is a ritual is not surprising, given that the inner core of the NWO are Satanists who practice black magic. As surviving whistleblowers attest, some of their Satanic rituals involve rape, hunting humans like animals, mass orgies, drinking human blood, cannibalism and child sacrifice. We must remain vigilant to the deeper symbolic aspects of this agenda if we are to truly retain our rights and our freedom in the face of this darkness.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #moonbat #magick #fundie energeticsynthesis.com

From within your 12D Shield, create the Hub Handshake with the Unity Vow:

Defenders of Truth, Sovereignty and Liberation. Guardian Families, serving the One.

From across all the Multiverses I call upon my Guardian families to join me now. My unification is demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - I sound my heart tone to you now. My energy template updated, renewed and forever perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. My Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and I endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Please sustain me in the Eternal Power of my Consecration.

I have asked for your Gatekeeping in order to hold my mission, my highest purpose in Service to the One Light, my Source, the Living Light Code. My Intention is Unification - the Cosmic Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, here and now.

I request the handshake to fortify my spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into the Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of my Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into my created form. I set my intention now to be remembered to that which I AM, fully, completely and totally.

I state my mutual purpose as One, please resurrect all inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light now. And to that I say, Thank God I AM the Living Eternal Light. And so it is lovingly decreed.

Benj-amin #sexist #magick #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] [Discussion]Does sex with a Succubus count as Ascension?

If one were to have sex with a succubus, Is it really far to say that they have Ascended?


After all the pain and suffering that an incel had to work through with human foids and yet got nothing?
Or after putting in all the work to Summon a succubi or other entity?
Is it really accurate (or even fair) to say that they have ’Ascended’knowing that he will always get Rejected by foids in spite of this accomplisment?

I am here to propose a new definition of Ascension: If one can get a Human foid without betabuxxing or other cucked means, then he has ascended.
I limit the definition to human foids because Incels should not have to go so far as to date outside the species or even outside the Spectrum just to get Companionship and Sex.

For me it would be like having sex with an escort

Possibly, But if she gave you more companionship and better sex and love than any foid, is it really an escort?
Succubi can be really dedicated towards their partner.

Are you telling me you’ve fucked one

I know people who did.
I know people who did summon succubi before.

Just schizomaxx bro

it is not schizo, its magicK.

Robert Aaron Gulick III #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy mind-matrix.net

This is the Legacy of Man, a vast body of knowledge of the true nature of being and multi-dimensional reality known as the Matrix…a knowledge of immeasurable value. We shall explore this knowledge through three Portals. The first (1), what is called the Ancient Wisdom, the teachings of the traditions known as metaphysics and the mysteries, especially in numbers, sacred geometry and geomancy. Secondly (2) the Sacred Science emerging from the synthesis of the ancient wisdom with the new sciences. And the third (3), the Ascension or The Great Awakening…the Journey of the Soul which will chronicle mankind‘s true origins, purpose, powers, history and destiny as eternal divine beings. the plan of the Earth Experiment, the Shift, the structure of the Matrix, that is of multi-dimensional reality or the Paths of Return to the Source of our being, the Shift in Consciousness, Personal and Planetary Transformation and the Practice by which one may achieve Enlightenment or Ascension.

Through the ages of mankind’s evolution this knowledge has been suppressed by a group of cosmic beings known as the “dark” or “the fallen” having rejected the Light and Love of the Creator in favor of serving their own self interests, They have presented themselves to humanity as the god or gods of ancient civilizations and religions, impersonating the Supreme Being. Conflicts have been waged between the forces of Light and Darkness for control of the planet. Working through a pantheon of lesser gods in higher dimensions, through negative extraterrestrials and an elite group of families and/or priesthoods on the physical plane, they have sought to manipulate and control humanity both from the physical and astral planes as slaves and a source of energy upon which they feed. They have modified our DNA and implemented mind control through our technology, our subtle energy chakra systems and our institutions, particularly religion, government, education and economics. Ultimately they have modified the Divine or Universal Matrix with a false or synthetic overlay matrix in the lower dimensions to lead mankind deeper into materialism, more reliance on technology, all to obstruct our spiritual evolution. For if we knew the truth, we could not be controlled. Knowledge is power. But in playing what is called “the Game” in the false matrix success and even survival require compliance, fitness means obedience and playing the rules. All is for profit. Their agenda is veiled from us as isour true nature but this is what we came here for.

Many hundreds of millions of years ago, as earth measures time, there was a galactic conflict on multiple dimensions to redeem the original Divine Plan for this galaxy and universe that was being taken over by the fallen dark and causing a descent into chaos. This is a story told in the Akashic Record which continues today. We are a part of a vast complex of conscious civilizations in this galaxy and so also a vast history.

IGOS Success Tech #crackpot #magick #mammon #conspiracy igossuccesstech.org

Earth reality is a strange and hidden reality few understand. As the earth reality changes from ancient principles to the Next Level, so does the empowerment enlightenment process. Secret Orders still operate but in a different manner. While a few Orders like the Masons & Rosicrucian's still have physical meetings, Orders of the greatest levels only meet in the astral to empower each other and work in the regular and future realities. The new ASTRAL TEMPLES ARE FOR THOSE WANTING THE GREATEST EMPOWERMENT. Common physical meetings are for low level dreamers with little power. Souls gather not physical bodies.

These powerful secret Orders teach in the astral and in unconscious states. Your regular consciousness state is worthless. You only learn worthless common information. True wisdom can only be passed in the unconsciousness state of being or to the soul in the astral. IGOS has been chosen to offer access to the Secret Orders through a unique initiation process.

Astral connections are the only "pure" connections to any Order. Orders change from year to year in the physical plane depending on general society and leadership. NOT ASTRAL connections. The pure wisdom of any Order is only available in the Astral Temples that preserves the original wisdom without change that the physical really causes. Once great wisdom is always polluted and corrupted by those coming into an Order. Once great wisdom is perverted by mankind day in and day, this guaranteed. Only Astral Temples are pure. Only individuals seeking wisdom can access pure wisdom.

The initiation process is done in the astral by using a unique Audio Amulet that you play on the IGOS Sound Wave Tool. You insert your photo into the Tool when not in use. When initiated you are sent astral empowerment and training while you sleep. The process is life changing on the Inner Being level. Your life will change radically. These changes are subtle yet, extremely powerful. What took years of Mystery School training is gained within months of the initiation. You understand EVERYTHING as the process continues. Even better, the process is NOT about doing anything. YOU JUST LET IT HAPPEN. True wisdom is NOT learned, it passed to you. You just get it! Learning or training in something is a fraud! You just get it, understand it at a deep level. You never LEARN it. How much and how great your UNDERSTANDING depends on you and where you came from and where you want to go now.

There is an initial cost for the Connection and a yearly fee to stay connected. The connection includes an audio amulet connection with a personal certificate laminated with your name on it.. You also need a Sound Home DVD Unit. You need to buy this separately. The audio needs to be played daily without sound in your environment. There is a yearly $20.00 fee to stay connected to the Order of your choosing.

Laurence Gardner #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #moonbat amazon.com

From beneath the windswept sands of ancient Mesopotarnia comes the documented legacy of the creation chamber of the heavenly Anunnaki. Here is the story of the clinical cloning of Adam and Eve, which predates Bible scripture by more than 2,000 years.
From cuneiform texts, cylinder seals, and suppressed archives, best-selling historian and distinguished genealogist Laurence Gardner tells the ultimate story of the alchemical bloodline of the Holy Grail, including:

-Hidden secrets of the Tables of Testimony

-Anti-gravitational science of the pyramid pharaohs

-A history of God and the lords of eternity

-Disclosures of the Phoenix and the Philosophers' Stone

-The superconductive powers of monatomic gold

-A genetic key to the evolutionary Missing Link

-Active longevity and the Star Fire magic of Eden

Ashtar via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com


I am Ashtar Galactic Federation Commander,

I am happy to be here and deliver this message to you today. You noticed that a lot is going on in your world and the world you live in has changed and continues to change. Somedays, you feel that your life is now, so drastically different than before, that it doesn't even feel the same or look normal anymore. You know why, since March you were stuck at your homes, the whole world got darker and you were affected by it a lot. Your life and your families got separated by the mask and social distancing, you can't even hug each other anymore, because of the restrictions your governments put on you. The government leaders have their own agendas and it's not in the best interest of your needs. All they do is create more problems and obstacles for you to overcome with their new rules. They want you to be staying at your location and be controlled by them, and this is nothing new for you. You have been seeing that for the past 3 months now.

You are now in the second phase of the Coronavirus, I mentioned before that We, The Galactics eliminated over hundred viruses in my previous message and we did. This one is just leftovers from the main virus and it's not so dangerous, what the media claims to the public, your immune system can handle this and it can adopt to this new threat. The only people who had issue with the Coronavirus are the ones who already had a lot of health issues before it was released on humanity by the Dark Forces, so please trust us and trust yourself. Don't panic and don't buy what your governments are trying to sell to you with their scare tactics.

We are working very hard behind the scenes everyday and we are receiving and adding more tasks to do in our mission here on Earth, because of all the chaos going on right now on Mother Gaia our workload is increasing with each day. The Galactic Federation is preventing catastrophic events that would end life here on this planet on a daily basis. We are committed to our mission here
and want to make sure that humanity stays safe and sound, and that nothing would stop them from reaching their goal of Ascension.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #god-complex #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #mammon #dunning-kruger supernaturalspirit.com

5D Kline Bottle Bone Generators®:

A Kline bottle named after the mathematician Kline is a three or four dimensional bottle, that has a higher dimensional bottle neck enfolded in its topology. This is akin to the Molius Strip a 2 dimensional strip whose ends are joined after one twist so if you run your pencil along the strip without lifting it off the paper you have the line on both sides of the strip even though the strip is 2 dimensional. In a Kline bottle if you painted all its surfaces you would find a higher dimensional incursion had occurred; in the Molius Strip a 3 dimensional quantum sequestration by Chaos and Chaos needs an enclosed bounded system, the 4D Matrix must be veiled. This is done by the pyramid wave guide of the ill Illuminati and the Schethlya pyramid capstone. Psychotronic Crystals® work by quantum topology of the crystal which makes them a Kline Bottle. So the Chaos Hyperinfinity parasite in crystals is erased by opening the 4D Matrix to 5D True Reality feeing the crystals Hyperinfinity for use; once a Quantum Computing Engine has been downloaded into it the Psychotronic Crystal® can collapse the Quantum Wave Function to produce the events, reality, memetic pathway for: love, luck, money…

More importantly the 5 Extraordinary Sets of Set Theory consists of 6 Extraordinary Sets, two of which are mathematically equivalent in the Talmudic Matrix axiomatic mathematical system of materialism. But as seen above the imposition of a 5D Kline Bottle on the 4D Matrix causes an incursion of 5 Dimensional Riemann Manifolds. Now the clever bit is that these 5D incursions can be of different types, the 5D incursion of a 5 form Extraordinary Set Riemann Manifold or a 5D incursion of a six fold Riemann Manifold so the resulting Kline Bottle is a 4D structure with the twist to 5 dimensionality being the split of the 5th and 6th Extraordinary Sets, that are equivalent in Talmudic mathematical axioms to non equivalence of the 5th and 6th Extraordinary Sets, a resultant of the incursion of higher, mathematical spaces where the 5th and 6th Extraordinary Sets are non equivalent. This non-equivalence occurs in the Transinfinite Mathematical Demons the realm of the Agglutinising Force so in the 1st case the Kline Bottle makes the Psi-Master a 5d structure and is the basis for the No Matrix Service where the Psi-Master is permanently outside the Matrix but as a 4D Kline Bottle able to interact with it in the 4D world of temporal reality. In the case of non-equivalence of the 5th and 6th Extraordinary Sets the Psi-Master has a 4D physical energy body with the Kline portal to two 5 fold Riemann Manifolds that are non-equivalent, so the manifestation of the Psi-Master is doubled,; you have two physical energy bodies. Similarly the biophysical body has a doubled manifestation. The Nagual Superhuman has this structure innate within them to build the 4 lobed energy body. Here the process is complete so you have two physical energy bodies and two energy bodies. As the Agglutinising Force is the cohering force that gives the energy body the membrane that holds it separate from external emanations as with the physical energy body the 5D Kline Bottle Bone Generator® makes your energy bodies open systems, hence no Chaos is allowed even with quantum computing to cohere Chaos to you, the Rolling Force that hits your gap to age and kill you no longer can as you are opened up already having a 5D hole in your membrane so the Rolling Force goes in and out as if you were dead, your energy membrane breached. The result of this is to suspend death and ageing, the basis of the www.psychicpower.ru immortality rental service. The psycho kinetic force is a resultant of your external surface of your energy bodies (eaten by parasites for this reason) so a 5D surface automatically raises your mind over matter abilities from 4D to 5D powers so all manner of magic is possible. The incorporation of the doubling of manifestation enables you to be in two places at once in the temporal world, so you can build a physical doppelganger and a dreaming body doppelganger (the basis of quantum teleportation here far future science enables doubling of your energy body and physical body. As this process is non commutative and associative it means you can build a real physical energy body in the 4D temporal real but not of the Matrix. So like Agent Smith in the Matrix you can replicate, because you can 5D Kline bottle the Replicant to replicate again… to build an army of dreaming bodies with this Bone Generator® Service – very useful as if you have one body killed you automatically have a spare that replicate a spare… This means the 5D Kline Bottle Psi-Master is hard to kill – hence Bone Generators® are banned in all future except this timeline the Russian Federation timeline.
<$600.00 with certificate>

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