
Hate and discrimination against the disabled

Andrew Anglin #ableist #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "POLL: Greta Thunberg: Smash or Pass?"]

Greta Thunberg has become the absolute talk of the global town. This bitch is literally the most important person on earth. There are protests all across the world right now that she is leading based on the theory of global warming – a pseudoscientific cult doctrine that claims humans control the weather and that we must atone for the sin of making the weather too warm by eating maggots and buying a $95,000 sports car from Elon Musk.

Look at these photos from the front page of The Guardian right now.

Literally right now there are protests across the entire planet against warm weather.

That is all part of an extremist cult movement of which Greta Thunberg is the ideological figurehead.

And understand: this is all nonsensical. No one with any ability for basic critical thinking believes in the global warming hoax. Especially not after Al Gore told us New York would be under water by 2012. So this is a cult driven by various personalities who stir up emotions in stupid people.

However, with all of the celebrity of Ms. Thunberg, and the fact that her own Asperger’s charisma is leading the agenda, none have dared ask the obvious question: would you hit that?

And before anyone starts thinking there’s anything perverted about this: no, she’s not a child. The bitch is 16 years old, which is the age of consent almost everywhere in the world. She just looks like a child because she doesn’t have any breasts, probably because she was a child vegan which caused a crisis in her endocrine system.

Anyway, yeah – the bitch is legal, it’s fair enough to ask whether people want to fuck her, because someone must want to fuck her or she wouldn’t be famous and powerful and the leader of a global revolutionary cult.

universallyabhorred #ableist incels.is

Being NT Is the Ultimate Gift

If someone had a way a way to turn autists into NT, I'd do anything for it, no action is too heinous I'd even be willing to undergo horrible painful torture, because there's nothing worse than being autistic. In fact I'd rather be retarded, downie cripple or any other disability than continue on with this horrible affliction. If there was a pill to make autistic adults NT, I'd be the first one to take it, despite any side effects. If I could just be NT most of my life's problems would be fixed, I'd do and give anything to be NT. You NT bastards have no idea how fortunate you are if I could afflict you with my autistic condition most of you would go insane and be put in the looney bin within weeks.

Lt. Col. Jonathan C. Dowty #ableist #fundie dailykos.com

Excerpt from an article on DailyKos about this guy

The “Christian Fighter Pilot” is Air Force Lt. Col. Dowty, a former fighter pilot turned paper pusher after being rejected for a position as an instructor at the Air Force Academy. The organization that I work for, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) has been aware of Lt. Col. Dowty and his blog for many years, mainly because MRFF and its president Mikey Weinstein are the favorite subject of Dowty’s so-called “ministry.” As of 2012, when I wrote the piece mentioned in the first paragraph, Dowty had written an astounding 432 posts tagged with either MRFF or Weinstein’s name. That was the number as of seven years ago, and Dowty has continued his diatribes against MRFF ever since, sometimes with multiple posts in the same week, bringing his tally of posts about MRFF to well over 1,000.

Dowty has a long track record of virulent homophobic, misogynistic, and Islamophobic posts, and also attacks Christians who aren’t the “right kind” of Christians in his mind. He also has no qualms about disrespecting superior officers, such as publicly accusing the first lesbian commandant of the Air Force Academy of being a liar, and cyber-stalking MRFF’s junior enlisted clients.

MRFF has attempted to get the Air Force to take some sort of action regarding Dowty and his very un-officer-like writings, even filing an Inspector General complaint, but to no avail. He continues to publish his vile screeds with impunity. In the thirteen years since he started his “ministry” blog, he has only had to remove one post — a post equating homosexuality to bestiality.

But, of all the reprehensible trash that has spewed forth from this fine “Christian” officer’s keyboard, his post yesterday, going after the pilot with ALS, is without doubt the most revolting. In this post, titled “How an Air Force Fighter Pilot Faces His Approaching Death. How Would You?,” after quoting from an Air Force article about the pilot, whose attitude would to most people be inspirational, Dowty wrote:

“Naturally, when we talk about someone’s death — especially that of a terminal illness — we speak of mortality, legacy, and perspective. Christians also speak of their faith. As appears evident from the interviews above, Christ is not a part of Holloway’s life. The only direct non-theistic detail publicly available was the fact their post-courthouse wedding ceremony was explicitly ‘non-religious.’ Otherwise, if you can communicate your deepest thoughts on your coming death and not once mention even spirituality, it’s probably a safe bet you’re not concerned with religion.

“Regrettably, that deepens the tragedy. To know that your soul will soon be required of you and to yet not be concerned of things eternal is distressing on an eternal level. Yet, there is still time.”

Just as egregiously insensitive was Dowty’s comment about the pilot’s callsign being “Twitch.” Dowty actually wrote of that:

“Left unsaid is whether the symptoms of the undiagnosed disease were the source of his callsign, ‘Twitch.’”

Judith Newman, “To Siri With Love”, #ableist #psycho books.google.com.au

(Just one of the many horrible things she thinks about and does to her autistic son)

It is very strange not to know what your autistic child knows, and not to know how responsible you need to be for making sure he knows the basics — including the consequences — about sex.
I am still deeply worried about the idea that he could get someone pregnant and yet could never be a real father — which is why I will insist on having medical power of attorney, so that I will be able to make the decision about a vasectomy for him after he turns 18.

Tyrone Rodriguez #racist #homophobia #ableist kotaku.com

[...]Kotaku spoke to four external developers who worked with Nicalis and seven former Nicalis employees, most of whom requested anonymity because they were afraid the company would retaliate against them. (Some of those employees left the company out of frustration; others were let go.) Some shared anecdotes about the company ignoring them for months on end. All described Nicalis’s founder and president Tyrone Rodriguez as a friendly but often difficult boss, prone to behavior that some called controlling and exploitative. Multiple former Nicalis employees said Rodriguez pressured them to drink heavily, made racist jokes in the workplace, and would oscillate between berating them and ignoring them. A few shared Skype logs of Rodriguez using racial and ableist slurs, racist jokes, and antisemitic comments during work conversations. [...]

In interviews with Kotaku, seven former Nicalis employees painted a picture of Rodriguez as a boss who wielded his power over staff in exploitative ways. “The level of control he has over his employees is definitely a problem,” said one former staffer. “It was, ‘Anything I tell you to do, you have to do this, because I’m the boss.’” Sometimes that meant employees wasting days or weeks of work because Rodriguez wouldn’t respond to their questions; other times it meant more personal grievances. For example, two former Nicalis employees said they’d be rebuked for taking dinner breaks during crunch hours or taking time off to go to the doctor or take care of sick relatives.


On business trips to Japan and at other events like E3 and PAX, former Nicalis employees say that Rodriguez would push them into uncomfortable situations, giving them specific orders about how to act and behave. Two former employees told stories of Rodriguez ordering staff not to cross their legs or put their elbows on the table at dinner. One said that Rodriguez would monitor employees’ Twitter accounts and tell them not to interact with certain people. Six former employees who spoke to Kotaku said that he’d pressure them into drinking heavily, ordering shots of gin or vodka and belittling anyone who refused to participate. “He’d order the highest alcohol content shots, push us to drink them, and we’d be hesitant,” said one. “He’d be like, ‘Come on, don’t be a little bitch.’” (This is a phrase we’ve also seen Rodriguez use in Skype logs and on Twitter.) Several said they’d notice that Rodriguez would hand out shots and drinks but not have much himself, and two former Nicalis employees said they’d seen him get developers drunk before talking about business deals with them.
During one dinner in Japan, according to two people who were there, Rodriguez said he would pay for an employee’s airplane tickets to another country if they drank a disgusting concoction that he’d created at the table, made up of raw eggs, beer, soy sauce, and other assorted food items that Rodriguez had found. Given that Rodriguez owned the company and was responsible for all of their paychecks, Nicalis employees said they felt pressured and uncomfortable during occasions like this. “It’s not very professional… In any other company that’d be a big HR thing,” said one former employee. “But there is no HR at Nicalis, so that went unaccounted for. We were expected to self-report, but you can’t really do that when he’s the one violating HR stuff. Who are we supposed to report to?”

One Skype log shared with Kotaku by a former Nicalis employee shows Rodriguez calling external partners “retards” and his employees “you gays.” In another Skype exchange shown to Kotaku, an employee talks about watching Star Trek and Rodriguez says, of Jean Luc-Picard, “I like that nigger.” Two other former Nicalis employees said that Rodriguez would, as a goof, encourage one employee to use the n-word in Skype group chats. Said a third, when I asked: “I haven’t experienced anything like Tyrone demanding people use racial slurs, but he likes to say ‘white is right’ often in a ‘jokey’ way.”
Kotaku obtained a number of Skype logs from the Nicalis group chat in which Rodriguez communicates with employees. The logs are filled with racist, antisemitic, and homophobic language from the Nicalis founder. Here are some excerpts:


03:35 Tyrone Rodriguez
we‘le xchange at the airport
03:35 Tyrone Rodriguez
matt was getting jewed by his bank today
03:35 Tyrone Rodriguez
the exchange is 103 to the CAD dollar

22:33 Tyrone Rodriguez
it‘s their marketing group
22:33 Tyrone Rodriguez
they had a recent shift in people
22:33 Tyrone Rodriguez
so the new people are kind of retards

06:29 Tyrone Rodriguez
did you know we made an official date on the behest of a retailer?
06:30 Tyrone Rodriguez
this jew is responsible: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Lazarus,_Jr.
06:50 Tyrone Rodriguez
because he probably got paid off by the jew
06:50 Tyrone Rodriguez
corrupt asshole

22:30 [Name redacted]
have we heard anything from Sony and / or Nintendo regarding PAX?
22:31 Tyrone Rodriguez
as far as?
22:32 [Name redacted]
if our build is a „yes“ or a „no“
22:32 Tyrone Rodriguez
sony yes
22:32 Tyrone Rodriguez
Nintendo seems no
22:32 [Name redacted]
and if we should send a new one
22:32 Tyrone Rodriguez
which is what I expected
22:32 [Name redacted]
why doesn‘t Nintendo want it?
22:32 Tyrone Rodriguez
because they‘re gay

21:41 Tyrone Rodriguez
that‘s a lot!
21:41 Tyrone Rodriguez
it‘s usually under 4
21:42 Tyrone Rodriguez
but Obama‘s fucking everything up
21:42 Tyrone Rodriguez
lazy porch monkey

06:31 Tyrone Rodriguez
aah, so you have to go 2x add black bars
06:32 Tyrone Rodriguez
that‘s ironic
06:32 Tyrone Rodriguez
usually the blacks are behind the bars
06:33 Tyrone Rodriguez
that may have been one of my best

Kotaku has reviewed dozens of Skype transcripts full of jokes and messages like this.

One former Nicalis employee, who was overweight and suffered from health issues, said that Rodriguez would make comments on his weight and often told him to go for walks. (This employee requested anonymity but was willing to publicize these specific details, even knowing they might make him identifiable to Nicalis, because he felt it was important.) During a business trip to Japan, the former Nicalis employee said that he’d been walking around so much that his inner thighs began bleeding, and he wanted to rest in his hotel. When Tyrone Rodriguez and his brother, Nicalis CEO Victor Rodriguez, asked him to go on a trip to a nearby landmark, the former employee said he refused. “Tyrone started saying things like, ‘Who do you think paid for your trip?’” he said. “He was essentially trying to coerce me into going… I said, ‘No, I’m not going.’” Soon afterwards, he said, Rodriguez fired him. “When we got back from Japan I feel like that might have been why they got rid of me. Because I stood up for myself.”

Other former Nicalis employees have told similar stories about being rebuked or punished for refusing to go on trips with Tyrone Rodriguez. Three former employees said that Nicalis removed them or people they worked with from the credits of their games once they left the company. “Tyrone can be very generous and a really good guy,” said one. “If he needs something from you. But I’ve seen him turn pretty quickly when you’re not needed anymore.”

{Submitter‘s note: Here is Tyrone Rodriguez‘ reaction on Twitter:}



I wrote some terribly insensitive, stupid remarks in DMs that don‘t represent who I am. Just because they were done in a private situation while trying to be „funny“ and edgy doesn‘t make them any less terrible. They‘re indefensible and unacceptable.

As someone who has experienced racism and discrimination in my life, I should know better and must be a better person. I can‘t throw around words for shock value or because I think they‘ll get a laugh.

I want to also clarify that my insensitivity and vulgarity shouldn‘t reflect on the people I work with. They‘re very good people and shouldn‘t be held responsible for my own actions.

If I‘ve hurt you- and I wasn‘t aware until today that I might have- I hope you can forgive me someday.

Obsidianiris #ableist reddit.com

[on bpd not being an excuse to abuse others]

Oh, come on now. I'm disgusted that this is getting so many upvotes. If it was really a matter of having 100% of our faculties and being able to exercise our will perfectly (which this implies), it wouldn't be a psychiatric disorder. Fuck this "take responsibility!" mentality.

I've been horribly abusive to loved ones. I loathe myself for it. But I never wanted to become that; I never saw it as making a choice--I was incapable of making choices normally because of this illness. This is utterly insulting.

Welcumtotherealworld #racist #ableist #psycho incels.is

Most American Tyrone's should be thankful for slavery

They are the strong descendants of blacks that were specifically bred for strength and size. @Tellem-T would be and example of this. Although I suspect he had a white ancestor along the way because he has white features.

Most black incels here are either majorly unlucky or the descendants of non physical working blacks.

If only white people had specifically bred themselves for strength and size there would be a lot less incels today.

Nordcel9588 and Theodore Kaczynski aka the Unabomber #wingnut #ableist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] The fall of man began with the Neolithic/Holocene extinction, making humans the top species, thus allowing subhumans to survive and breed.

"The Industrial Society and Its consequences have been a disaster to the human race"
This is the opening sentence to Theodore Kaczynski's essay Industrial Society and Its Future. In which he details the detrimental effects industrial civilization has on the human psyche, the environment, and the world at large. He goes over the great suffering caused by modern society and the reasons why there are so much widespread suffering should be obvious to anyone here. We, as humans, no matter what race we are, are not designed to live like this.

We, humans, evolved as pack predators. From an evolutionary standpoint, we are meant to live in small autonomous, high-trust hunter-gatherer tribes. And for most of our history, we lived like this. That all changed 12 000 years ago with the invention of agriculture and permanent settlements. What exactly changed? While the end of the ice age was without a doubt a major factor, people seem to forget that the last great extinction happened around this time. Extinction of many large animals that hunted us. Before roughly 12 000 years ago, we humans were not at the top of the food chains, we were hunters, yes, but also hunted.

The evolutionary implications here should be obvious. The weak will not and cannot survive in such a situation. While we were preyed upon, the beta/incel/subhuman populations were naturally removed from the world as they could not survive the harsh conditions. After the neolithic extinction, life became somewhat easier as we were now the top dog of the food chain, meaning that Grugcel would no longer be eaten by a cave bear overpowering him. And since subhumans are born in way larger quantities than chads, it was only a matter of time before the Grugcel population increased to such levels that they couldn't even hunt anymore, despite being on top of the food chain. The "solution" for these failed hunters was agriculture. Instead of slaying animals in the wild like a true chad, just stick a fork in the dirt and plant some seeds like a cuck.

The more one thinks about it, the more one realizes that the fall of man and the explosion of subhumans began with agriculture.

Dominoes Pizza and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce #ableist washingtonpost.com

Domino’s sells more than 2.5 million pizzas every day, and the company says it offers at least 15 ways to order one. But Guillermo Robles, who is blind, said neither the company’s website nor its mobile app allowed him to order the pizza he wanted, or receive a discount for ordering online.

He sued.

Now Domino’s, backed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the nation’s largest retailers, wants the Supreme Court to step in to decide whether the Americans With Disabilities Act, which has transformed America’s physical landscape, applies equally to the Internet.

The ADA “says nothing about the accessibility of websites or applications on smartphones, whether standing alone or in connection with restaurants, stores, or any other brick-and-mortar establishments that qualify as public accommodations,” wrote Washington lawyer Lisa S. Blatt, who represents Domino’s.

“When Congress passed the ADA in 1990, websites were in their infancy, and apps did not yet exist.”

Lower courts have said the statute does apply, although they have disagreed about exactly when and to whom. As a result, the number of lawsuits has exploded: 2,250 federal suits asserting ADA violations based on website inaccessibility were filed in 2018, nearly triple the number from the year before, according to the Domino’s brief.

Beyoncé’s website has been targeted. So have art galleries in New York.

And the National Retail Federation tells the Supreme Court in a friend-of-the-court brief that its website doesn’t comply with industry standards, either.

The group ran supremecourt.govthrough a free online resource that applies Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) developed by private parties and found “19 ‘known problems’ and 411 ‘potential problems.’ ”

“Only this court’s intervention can establish a true nationwide standard establishing the proper scope” of website accessibility, writes Washington lawyer Pratik A. Shah, representing the retailers. “It is time for this court to bring order to a chaotic legal landscape marked by unpredictable and unworkable accessibility standards that run counter to the goals of the ADA, consumers, and the retailers who serve them.”

Businesses have rallied around the Robles case in their effort to persuade the Supreme Court to intervene, even as they profess that it would be in their best interests to make their goods as accessible as possible.

Robles sued because he said his attempts in 2016 to use the Domino’s website and mobile app to order a pizza for delivery were unsuccessful.

A federal judge in California agreed with Robles that the ADA covered websites but dismissed the lawsuit. He agreed with Domino’s that its due process rights would be violated because the Department of Justice has never made good on its obligation to issue guidance on exactly how websites and apps should comply with Title III of the act, which concerns public accommodations.

But earlier this year, a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit disagreed.

“At least since 1996, Domino’s has been on notice that its online offerings must effectively communicate with its disabled customers and facilitate ‘full and equal enjoyment’ of Domino’s goods and services,” Circuit Judge John B. Owens wrote.

He added: “While we understand why Domino’s wants DOJ to issue specific guidelines for website and app accessibility, the Constitution only requires that Domino’s receive fair notice of its legal duties, not a blueprint for compliance with its statutory obligations.”

The judges sent the case back for the lower court judge to decide whether Domino’s has complied with its obligations, saying “courts are perfectly capable of interpreting the meaning of ‘equal’ and ‘effective.’ ”

Domino’s and the business interests urging the court’s intervention said the decision in the 9th Circuit — which covers California and most of the western United States — was a game-changer.

“Virtually every national business and non-profit offers its goods and services at physical locations within the Ninth Circuit,” Domino’s tells the court, so its rule “will apply nationwide no matter what. No one can tailor their online presence to fit different rules in different circuits.”

But Eve Hill, a Baltimore attorney who has worked on website accessibility cases for the National Federation of the Blind and at Justice, said the decision “breaks no new ground.”

Courts across the country have found that websites and apps must comply with the ADA, she said. Companies may not like the message, but that doesn’t mean there is a need for the Supreme Court’s attention.

And she said the Justice Department’s inability to issue guidelines for compliance — it announced in 2017 that it was giving up the effort — does not mean companies are helpless. The lack of a national standard could be seen “as a feature, not a bug,” freeing companies to comply in different ways, Hill said.

In the Domino’s petition, and the accompanying amicus briefs, is a familiar battle between companies and lawyers who sue them.

Gregory G. Garre, representing the Chamber of Commerce, told the court that an “opportunistic plaintiff’s bar” has discovered “a lucrative sue-and-settle practice against businesses.”

“Businesses now face a rising sea of litigation that flows from one venue to another as plaintiffs’ lawyers seek out the most favorable local precedent, leaving companies unable to tell what standards they should meet in order to provide access and avoid liability,” he wrote.

Domino’s said the firm representing Robles has filed 14 suits on his behalf, and more than three dozen for a Montana resident. Joseph R. Manning Jr., the Newport Beach, Calif., lawyer who represents Robles, said in an email that he was not discussing the pending case.

He is due to respond to the pizza chain’s petition to the high court next month.

But Hill said the explosion in the number of lawsuits was simply a result of the explosion in new websites and apps.

Her client, the National Federation of the Blind, is not interested in “stick-up lawsuits,” she said, but securing companies’ compliance in opening the web to people with disabilities.

The case is Domino’s v. Robles.

PM_ME_STRIPPERS #ableist incels.is

I love it when they argue "but what about disabled people????"

" what about disabled people bro??" " plenty of them have lived life happily without a partner bro"!

Its different, their brains are retarded, they dont think like non - disabled people do, so their brains are wired differently. Honestly, TRUST ME NORMIES i wish i could have no desire to obtain a female and have sex or at least develop a relationship with her, but no, here I am stuck with the biological natured and sex driven male life, and alone FOREVER.

Donald Trump #fundie #ableist #megalomania news.vice.com

Homelessness is super sad, President Donald Trump conceded — at least for the white-collar workers walking by unsheltered people to get into their office buildings.

For the people actually experiencing homelessness, though, Trump didn’t offer much sympathy in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Monday night.

Trump said the government “may intercede” in cleaning up West Coast cities swamped with tent cities and vehicle encampments after Carlson suggested people were living in “filth.” To be sure, Trump’s administration has proposed eliminating the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness — twice. The council was established in 1987 to coordinate the government’s homelessness efforts across federal agencies.

“Perhaps they like living that way,” Trump said of unsheltered people. “They can’t do that. We cannot ruin our cities.”

“You have people that work in those cities,” Trump continued. “They work in office buildings and to get into the building, they have to walk through a scene that nobody would have believed possible three years ago."

Homelessness has been gradually increasing in recent years to at least 553,000 people on a single night in 2018, according to government data. (Advocates and scholars have repeatedly said such “point-in-time” counts vastly underestimate the true number of people experiencing homelessness on any given day.)

Currently, about 59,000 people in Los Angeles County alone are homeless — a 12% increase from last year that’s shocked local lawmakers and spurred increased coverage on Fox News over the past month. The crisis is exacerbated by a shortage of affordable rental units in major cities, an inadequate amount of shelter beds, and a lack of resources for drug users or people experiencing mental illness.

But the homelessness epidemic has been used by conservative voices like Carlson to deride left-leaning cities like San Francisco, Seattle, and Los Angeles, where visible homelessness is concentrated and, in some cases, growing worse. During the recent G-20 summit in Osaka, Trump told reporters that San Francisco and Los Angeles have become “sad to look at” due to their liberal leadership.

Fox News recently increased its coverage of the issue, according to the left-leaning group Media Matters, but has mostly argued the crisis is caused by “virtue signaling” and city officials failing to take control of their residents.

“You only have one solution: You bulldoze the 50-block radius, and you institutionalize everybody and detoxify them, and then you let them out,” Fox News host Jesse Watters said of homeless encampments in June.

Cities have tried something pretty close to that: sweeping people off the streets and arresting them, or literally shipping people out of town. Advocates say those efforts don’t help. In fact, Trump mentioned that he “ended” homelessness in Washington D.C. because he was concerned world leaders were “looking at scenes like you see in Los Angeles and San Francisco.”

It’s unclear whether or not “ending” homelessness in D.C. meant that people were given help — but D.C. has greatly increased its efforts to remove homeless camps over the past two years, according to NBC4 in Washington.

“We have to take the people and do something, it’s destroying a whole way of life,” Trump told Carlson.

Cover: Homeless people move belongings from a street near Los Angeles City Hall as crews prepared to clean the area Monday, July 1, 2019. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

Poiseon #racist #homophobia #ableist kiwifarms.net

There is only free speech. Laws like this, made by oversensitive maladjusted twats who should neck themselves instead of wasting so much time and money, do not protect anyone from anything. Banning the word nigger won't stop the hundreds of black on black murders in Chicago every year. They are only a way to punish people that thin-skinned re-tards don't like. They never left the playground.

Minorities are not protected by 'hate speech laws'. An erosion of the civil rights of the populace because an angsty faggot just can't handle being called names is the height of mental re-tardation.

PornAccount62001 #ableist reddit.com

I don’t like autistic people, and would choose to never associate with them if I had the choice

On the high functioning side of the spectrum, they are tiring to be and annoying and weird. I’m tired of having awkward conversations because they don’t know how to read human interactions or don’t enjoy the conversation topic. I don’t like having to carefully plan out what I say because they don’t understand human inflection or body language.

On the lower function side of the spectrum are the non-verbal ones who I don’t know how to interact with at all. Am I supposed to try and treat them like a baby? Do I ignore them? Do I treat them like a functioning person despite not being one? To what level am I supposed to help with basic tasks?

In the middle functioning side are people who have both issues. They can try and maintain basic conversation but may require almost babying or extreme care when it comes to social tasks. I have to try and help them while also not seeming to patronize them

There are also issues with almost everyone on the spectrum as well

A lot of autistic people are extremely passionate about a small selection of topics, and can’t maintain conversations or such well of it doesn’t relate to these topics

I also don’t like how the media portrays autism. Hardly anyone is a rain man type virtuoso genius, and most are like I have previously described. But a decent amount of higher functioning autistic people or parents seem to have a since of superiority because maybe one or two important/interesting people are autistic as well.

And don’t say “blah blah blah you’ve only met one or two people like that” cause I haven’t. My brother is mid functioning so for years I had to go to special education events and was even forced to ride the short bus because we went to the same school. I have plenty of experience dealing with people from the highs and lows of the spectrum

laidnyc #god-complex #sexist #elitist #racist #ableist web.archive.org


Your Seed is Gold

Sex is too easy.

Work out, put on nice clothes, talk to girl, tease her, tell her cool things about me, pretend to be interested in her, fuck her.


Too fucking easy.

It’s stupid.

I don’t give a shit about sex. Any broad can spread her legs.

You know what I do care about? Holding girls to a higher standard.

Why? Because my seed is liquid fucking gold and I don’t give it out like its god damn tap water.

See girls, your pussy is powerless to me. What else you got?

You slip on a tight skirt and throw on some makeup and flaunt those nice tits and think your job is done. You shit-test me all the way into the bedroom expecting me to give you amused mastery and show you my status and give you attention and ignore you just right all at the same time, and then you’ll give me sex.

But why should I give you my valuable time and let you revel in my charisma?

Sex, is that the big deal? I’m supposed to feel so grateful that you blessed me with that magical unicorn pussy of yours?

I got news for you girls. For a guy with any clue, finding sex is as easy as finding a pizzeria in New York, and like pizza in New York, its all pretty fucking good.

Your brand ‘aint that special.

Sex is everywhere and anywhere I want it, I don’t give a shit about yours.

It takes more than a nice curve of the ass or a bat of the eyelashes to earn my seed.

My salty essence and genetic code is a gift from my father, and his father, and his father, and on it goes. Its the sticky genetic code of self-sufficient men who have protected and provided for family, women and children. Its the haplogroup of men who built civilization. I have the genetic lineage of warriors, business owners, firefighters, blacksmiths, farmers, herders, poets, politicians, soldiers, artists and even chefs. Hard jobs that help build the world, thinking jobs that help build a culture, they’ve all been done by men in my bloodline. My ceiling for accomplishment is limitless.

I’m not some average guy begging to give my seed away. My seed is valuable and I know it.

Men of lesser genetics may be able to afford spraying their seed anywhere; I allow myself no such atrocities.

My sperm could populate an entire society of strong good looking altruistic people and any girl who takes it in would be lucky to be a vessel towards that new world.

But for that I demand a high price.

Whether or not our sex is intended to end in pregnancy makes no difference. Just the sheer fact that it could makes me demand the same high price.

You better have enviable genetics yourself- I don’t breed with inferior stock. Beauty is the minimum and you better know how important that is. Long hair grown to impress me, healthy diet and exercise to maintain your figure and viability of your eggs.

But the beauty that draws the stares, stutters and drools of lesser men won’t capture my attention for more than a millisecond. I am inundated with a surplus of beauty in my daily pursuits, I can assure you that yours ‘aint that special. You probably look like shit first thing in the morning or on the first day of your period.

I expect impeccable hygiene and classy style. A body tainted by tattoos and excessive piercings and slutty clothing signals you are available for sex to lesser men than myself. I’ll have none of that.

I demand a low N count to show you value your body and sex, and the seed I am about to give you will be appreciated on the level it deserves. A low N count shows both intelligence and confidence as you are smart enough not to give your body to charlatans and scoundrels, and confident enough to wait for the high value man you know you deserve.

I expect manners and grace. No swearing, drunkenness, burping, sarcasm or anything else unbecoming of a lady. I spend a lot of time working with and competing against men in my daily life, the last thing I need is the company of a woman who acts like the men I must compete with. You exist to soothe, not to grate.

A year from now I will be richer and fitter and more socially respected in the Kingdom, but your beauty will have faded a notch. I demand that you treat me with the humility and respect that this biological reality dictates.

Finally, there is nothing I despise more than a woman who shows any disgust for my jizz.

It is the Royal Essence and you better enjoy every last drop.
If it lands on your face, chest or back, consider it raindrops from heaven, a rope of Holy Yogurt.
If you are lucky enough to get it in your mouth, savor it like the nourishing nectar of the Gods.
If I shoot it inside you consider it the greatest compliment of all. You will feel an immediate buzz.
My jizz is to women what Walter White’s pure blue meth is to junkies.
You’ll take my seed, sweetly tell me “thank you sir” and buzz with happy feminine energy for the next day while you iron my fine shirts and indulge in memories of me.

I’ll settle for nothing less.

Some girls don’t want to respect a man that much. They have been poisoned by feminism or never had a strong male figure to look up to growing up or they have already taken far too high a volume of cock to revere their next one. I have no use for those girls. Even a one-night stand with them is worthless beyond the ten-second orgasm, itself not worth the time spent to get it. Leave them for the men who have a low enough opinion of themselves to not demand such respect.

For guys, I don’t give a shit how many girls you’ve fucked just like I don’t give a shit how many pizzerias you’ve eaten at. A man is measured more by the pizzeria’s he refuses to eat at, the prices he refuses to pay for average pizza, if you know what I mean.

Remember, you set the price of your seed.

Mine is fucking gold.

What’s yours?

Some incels #sexist #racist #homophobia #ableist reddit.com

Re: Went to a therapy group for people with social phobias. Literally all of the Foids in the group had BFs while all the guys were 100% autistic spergs. JFL


Is it even surprising though? I'd legitimately prefer a girl who was a little autistic (not full blown) or very anti social/not outgoing. Would increase the likelihood of her not cheating/finding someone better.

Cope, it won't matter, she will still have 0 problems sucking other cocks.


This is what's known as "Juggernaut Theory".

Maybe 30yrs ago it was a legitimate strategy, today your only chance of not having a woman walk out on you is to date a quadriplegic.

I'm 42 and consider myself lucky that I occasionally meet women (like 1 out of 5) who have never used social media and barely know how to use the internet. They only use their phone for texting and calling, no data. Some don't even have a cell and only have a landline, but those tend to be 50+ y.o. Your generation has it rough. I don't even bother with younger women cos' I know I have zero chance.


Tbh this is one of the things part of braincels gets wrong, and it's where the shy girls are the most slutty trope comes from (and why it's also in normie memes lowkey). In my experience dating, stacies are usually stable because they have a fulfilling life anyways so if they want to be locked down in a relationship, they're honest about it and leave a relationship if they're not satisfied.

A lot of girls with mental issues or even some normal girls and beckies feel like their quirks make them superior to stacies for some reason and they feel entitled to everything they see every stacy has, and because they feel wronged for not having it, they're more likely to go behind your back because they feel justified in deserving everything. The VERY rare high inhib stacy is the most stable partner and is probably the most likely candidate for a NAWALT.


Very high IQ. The sluttiest of girls I have known was a 2, 4 and a 5. The 2 being a landwhale used to go to bars and desperate guys would always approach her. She used to love shooting them down or having sex with them depending on her mood. She had a ons with a 6, actually a good guy and they ended up in a relationship. She dumped him for some reason. Even obese 2 girls have no problem getting guys JFL


social phobia as a woman

teehee i feel nervous in public sometimes

social phobia as a man

destined to a life of coping with loneliness and eventual suicide


Same here. Went to a group session cuz I couldn’t afford a one on one with the therapist. Was me and one other guy with 4 foids in the group. All of the holes took up the whole time complaining about the most insignificant shit I’ve ever heard. One complained about her bf while the other was struggling with “social media addiction.” JFL the other dude and me couldn’t even get a word in because the holes just dominated the session with their insignificant bs


Of course women are addicted to social media. They can post anything and get endless likes and comments. Every time they log in they get a huge dopamine rush.


Lol I went to one of these faggot "group therapy sessions" Literally all the women had bfs or were clearly riding the caroseul while every other guy was an ethnic, ugly or a legit mentalcel who had been involuntarily admitted to a psych ward at least once in their miserable lives. It took me six months to get into this group and I was told it was very hard to get in. After months of agony and drug sedation imagine my disappointment when I found it was your typical bluepilled circlejerk spouting nothing but empty platitudes and no real world solutions. I quit after a month and I swallowed the blackpill that night.

Karina Baha #ableist psychologytoday.com

Because you are fat

You're the idiot. Did you ever heard about the master and slave morality? Of course you are the slave and if you can'to loose weight, well. Stop making children like you. You know there are shinny happy people in this world and we don't t want to see these slaves and their children. If you can't loose weight, than stop being. If stop eating doesn't to help you. Or pay taxes. But don't make people accept cause we don't! And we don't t have Tim we to accept your ilness. It's just time to multiply yourself!

Manly-Chicken #ableist kiwifarms.net

image(holly: “I have not spoken out sooner because on May 9th, I checked myself into a hospital because I was having self-harming thoughts. I’m not ashamed of this at all, it was the right thing to do and I was safe there. It’s okay to ask for mental health help when you need it.)

As soon as someone plays the "mental health" card, I tune out.

It's exclusively used by awful people to excuse their shitty behavior without having to take responsibility or apologize for their actions.

Flat_Earth_Shill #ableist reddit.com

Most chronic illnesses are genetic to at least some extent. If we make healthcare "free" anywhere it ruins the last little bit of natural selection we have. The chronically ill will breed, create more chronicially ill, and so on and so forth until their are too many to support and it topples the whole system.

Also, when you make healthcare universal you are stealing from me at gunpoint to pay for it. It is immoral.


I dont want to pay for any public health care. It is all immoral and bad for the species.

No evidence that many chronic illnesses are in part genetic? That is ludicrous. Everything about every living creature is mostly or partially genetic. Next, youll be telling me Im 6'3 because of my environment.

alienfagtall #sexist #ableist reddit.com

Anyone else hate femoids who claim to have mental illnesses? I had the displeasure of encountering a few cunts like this during my years at university. Popular, well-liked attractive white rich stacies who claimed to have severe depression and social anxiety. They would post retarded "inspirational quotes" and other such garbage on instagram, and make big facebook statuses about "how proud of myself I am for coping with depression" (always guaranteed 400-500 likes. These fucking lying bitches always had 800+ insta followers and hundreds of likes on each pic (which mainly consist of flaunting their semi-nude body). They were always total hypergamous chad chasers too.

Pieces of shit like that have made a fuckin mockery out of these disorders and it makes me sick. Its the reason why no one takes my own crippling social anxiety seriously and think its some kind of mild shyness that can be overcome with some willpower. Femoids are attention seeking validation whores and I hate them beyond fucking words.

chimpburger, AnOminous, et. al. #wingnut #transphobia #ableist #senpai_noticed_us kiwifarms.net

[Highlights from a conversation about Fundies Say the Darndest Things on Kiwi Farms, where the OP challenged people to "find shit on there and their super spergy posts."]

chimpburgers: Haha these guys again.

They can shove their tranny communist white knighting right back where it came from as far as I'm concerned cause that's what this site looks like to me.

Proof of the blatant communism over there. Their pussy spines crackle when they hear about Trump.


AnOminous: It used to be actually about fundies. Now it's about them REEEEing at anything that triggers their euphoria and causes their fedoras to fly off.


NotCobalt: Yeah. But back then they actually made fun of the lulcows, known as fundies. Both sandniggers and jesustards were fair game.

I remember this fag was a huge target:


StarvingAutist: One of the comments linked in the OP called us an "alt-right/GamerGate safe space", probably because he falls into the "if you complain about SJWs then you're a racist" bullshit.


TimeToTurn: A formerly great site. 2016 Presidential election pretty much finished off everything great about the site. It used to be "Look at some crazy nut on X site", now it's "look at some mean thing a Republican said" and most of the posts were reposts from other left-wing blogs. Once gay marriage got legalised in the US, even the funny homophobia mostly stopped. It's too bad, because there's still tons of exceptional websites run by religious idiots of all faiths, but they'd rather just whine about what Donald Trump did this week. Distind's departure was basically the last straw of the devolution of FSTDT.

Haven't been on there in a while. Don't really feel like it. It was fun being left-wing and being a self-professed authoritarian at the same time, which got me quoted so many times. I just have to play an over-the-top version of what I believe IRL and they would get so triggered. Lots of great discussion was to be had, both from the SJWs freaking out and then the people who were actually semi-intelligent.

My scientific analysis blames this on the fact that FSTDT emerged with the New Atheism movement (along with Rational Wiki and other shit) and as that movement declined into infighting and irrelevance, so did its offspring, which is a reason why Rational Wiki and FSTDT (a proud partner of Rational Wiki) are shite nowadays.

I'm probably reminiscing too much now. Eh, right now I'm about as drunk as I was whenever I'd post there. Thanks for the thread, you Kiwi Farmers, even though I'll regret posting here before long.


I'm trying so hard right now to see the remnants of good on this site. But TimetoTurn does have a point about us being autistic as fuck. And @autism420 is still Islamic IMO.

Thanks man. Should be no surprise to you that a fellow autist like me would show up here. Autists there hate me. But it was glad I learned that all spergs needed to believe the same things about autism OR ELSE.


NotCobalt: [in response to a user making a list of quotes from the topic] What list? The one of "people you want to have sex with" or the one "These exceptional individuals used to belong to an ancient forum with like perhaps 500 active members, so they probably know each other, and I wish I had been a part of that cool kids club back when, but instead I was too poor to afford internet, so I just cried all day instead"?


sikotik: The site started going down hill as early as 2008 when every other user became a tranny &/or easily triggered furry.


TimeToTurn: Never knew Marjan got banned, but I can assume he would with the new administration. Distind only banned spammers and shit. The new administration seems intent on making it a "safe space". Even though they always made fun of other websites like Free Republic and Rapture Ready for "suppressing free speech". I can't post shit messing with them (or I could, if I had a day to waste). So Marjan/caamib/whatever he calls himself can't do the same. I'd assume Marjan might be back at some point, but I don't really care to investigate. They really hate TOR, too, nowadays.

David J. Stewart I'm sure is as crazy as always, but him getting any crazier would take divine intervention and I'd just await either reports of his death (guy's a painkiller addict) or more dealings with the Guam government.


Dr W: The problem was that they didn't branch out into mocking SJWs. That's what kept Kiwi Farms rather politically inert. Instead, they allowed a core of crazy tranny furry dipshits to eject fecal matter everywhere.

Damn shame, I used to love that site.


rianzi: Shame how the site became infested by SJWS. It used to be a nice place where you could laugh at religious loons.

mubzonline #racist mubzonline.tumblr.com

re White People More Prone To Disability Than Black People?

Disability in the black community exists and we welcome it with open arms. However, It’s not exactly part of our genetic makeup. We tend to have stronger genes than white people. Half of the disabilities that you see in the West are practically non-existent in Africa. When was the last time you seen someone in Africa with Down’s Syndrome? Not to sound like a perfectionist, but if you are going contemplate having kids with a white person, it’s worth asking for a brief history of their genetic background. There’s no denying that black people are the most genetically superior beings on this planet. Why would we ruin that by trying to breed with inferior beings?

Here Are The Following Reasons Why White People Are More Prone To Disability Than Black People:

Thou Shall Not Mate With Their Brother Or Sister

Can white people really be surprised at their high rates of disability? They’re the ones that are having children with their brothers, sisters, cousins and whoever else they can get their filthy hands on. The worst thing is, white people are supportive of each others predatory behavior.

The Skeletal System (A Quick Introductory)

Black people have better bodies than white people. We are fitter, stronger and our bodies are more desirable. Hence the fact that we overly fetishized. There must be something about the heaven sent melanin that keeps disability away from our community.

How You Gon’ Win When You Ain’t Right Within?

Being conceived in the womb of a black woman is the biggest advantage/blessing that anyone can have. Obviously white people can’t relate to that statement since they’re conceived in the feeble womb of the white woman. No wonder white kids always end up coming out with some next level chronic diseases. Although the black woman is the most disrespected person on the planet, she shall soon bear the fruits of her labor.

They Call Themselves The “Superior Race” But Their Lifestyle Says Otherwise

How many white women have you seen who were smoking/drinking/taking drugs whilst they were pregnant? You’ve probably lost count right? As soon as they give birth, their child comes out craving methamphetamine and ends up looking like Zoidberg from Futurama. And white people have the cheek to cry call us “crack babies.” Lol.

Rather You Than Me

Being black is lit, but it does also have its disadvantages. Those disadvantages are mainly perpetuated by white supremacy. One thing that we always overlook as black people, is our sheer genetic dominance. It’s important to never forget that. We have the power to change the world.

#disability #disabled #disabled community #disablism #ableism #white people #black peope #genetics #science #biology #blm #black women #black women matter #social justice #mubzonline

Dave Cimillo #ableist facebook.com

[What is the single dumbest thing you've ever heard?]

That mental illness exists and is not just an excuse for spoiled little first world bitches to not properly cope with their little emotional problems.

fschmidt #racist #ableist #wingnut reddit.com

Actually the welfare state had a dysgenic effect on American blacks. My opinion is that blacks weren't inferior until the liberals used the welfare state to encourage higher birthrates in stupid blacks. So liberals made American blacks genetically inferior.

Pastor Steven Anderson #fundie #ableist patheos.com

The Bible says women are supposed to be sober. “That means get off the drugs. You say, ‘Well, nobody in our church is smoking pot.’ Well, what about all the other drugs? What about all the other mind-altering drugs that you’re on for your [big quote fingers] ‘depression’? For your ‘anxiety’?— No Christian ought to be on psychiatric meds, period.

Femitheist Divine #sexist #ableist thefemitheist.blogspot.nl

Should handicapped people be aborted and or euthanized?

The answer is, undeniably: Yes.

They should be.

Now, allow me to explain.

People, regardless of gender, who are born with either a mental disability or a physical disability, that is of such a degree it has been socially proven to hinder normal common functions, should not be allowed to suffer through a life of misery at the hands of care-takers and or sitters.

Not only is someone who is mentally handicapped or physically handicapped a drain to society, to tax-payers, and to their own family members and “friends” who are forced to care for them each day, but they, themselves, will suffer a lifetime of meaninglessness and agony.

This has to end.

The simple solutions for this would be to:

A) Test for hindering disabilities, and upon finding one, have the child aborted at the mother’s permission (which should be greatly encouraged or even lawfully mandated).
B) Have any child who manages to be born in a way that evades abortion euthanized as soon as possible, in order to keep them from straining not only society, but their own family as well.

Men should take no roll in this decision. And, they should have no interaction with the process of aborting or euthanizing the handicapped child; for multiple reasons:

A man performing an abortion of this sort, which slightly reflects a Spartan-esque ideology, would be doing nothing more than posturing and inflating their masculinity, as they are then, by extension, the official executioner of a life which they did not birth, and physically cannot birth.

Only women should be the official “executioners” or “doctors” who perform these ceremonial procedures, because, if a woman were to do it, it would be an act of kindness by the very inherent nature of that which is female. They would be, essentially, putting a life out of its misery so that it did not have to suffer. Unlike a man, who would only be asserting his dominance over said life, which he cannot ever even hope to produce; due to lacking the necessary genetic components for giving birth.

If a male or a female is found, in the womb, to be disabled, or are able to be born with a disability, which would, in the future of their life, cause an economic, mental and physical strain on their family, and even society as a whole, they should be aborted or euthanized.

That is my verdict on this important issue.

Thank you for your consideration!

Mental or Spiritual Weigh the Facts #fundie #quack #ableist autismordemonicpossession.webs.com

Autism is a medical label fluke used by the world governments and society to pacify demonic possession.

Autistic kids/people have very obvious traits and anyone will know an autistic child when seeing one.

You can literally feel it in their presence a heaviness and darkness while in their presence that cannot be ignored

The fact is this; a truly Autistic child/person has the same symptoms of demonic possession as in:

Lewd behavior as in exposing one's self and imitating sexual acts with no prior knowledge of these things

Violence, be it self inflicted or towards others

They will excrement on themselves and let loose their bladder at any time or place and also play with the waste, they seem to like having the bodily waste on their person

They spit

They have animalistic traits like sniffing, and licking

They will eat anything including old food and garbage if it has a smell that attracts them to it

They will scream without end at times, and in a loud howl-like inhuman screaming sound that can shatter anyones nerves overtime

They keep up constant noise vocally or with objects to bring confusion to where ever they are

They bite themselves and others

They strike or attempt to choke others

Pain really doesn’t affect them

They speak a strange language and they actually can communicate between each other

They are extremely strong when in a rage

As children they can over power an adult when having the fits of rage

They don't like the Name of Jesus and they will always be put under control by His name

They are selfish, mean spirited, and dominate people

They show no signs of guilt when doing wrong

Word Salad Award

For when "Green ideas sleep furiously."

Energycrisis13 #fundie #homophobia #ableist tos100.wordpress.com

[Check the link for the full post. This is just the tip of the iceberg.]

Did you know homosexuals are actually a retarded people? They now hide behind atheism of science only to attack church as no such thing as no god in this universe ONLY stubborn dumb animals known as atheist homosexuals desiring to seek the shit of another mans ass- truly a retarded people in need of shock therapy. Congressional legislation soon to label all homo people as RETARDS so mankind understand the root cause of atheism and move on

AGAIN=atheists are nothing more than disgruntled homosexuals- if by small chance you are a heterosexual atheist this is simply because you were brainwashed by the homosexuals as all humans are a simple gullible monkey creature without knowledge of our infinite souls and guidance by god—.Homosexuals are nothing more than abused children which made by god TO MIRROR the disgust in so called normal civilized behavior of sex lusting monkey people of the earth- everyone repent

The fascinating aspect of the atheists homosexual is theirscientific rational to glorify and colorfy the world of shit. Atheism is world of shit in which your head is up your ass. Homosexuality akin to pagan sex monkey people. both realms are retarded as many retarded people Yet the atheists homosexual may operate with humanity such as congress hair salons and such- families love retards during good times as Pets, bad times kill everything with retard merely in the way and focus of scapegoat policy by simple monkey people of weak faith behavior caused by very retarded shit lined rainbow coalition of shit-the atheists and homosexuals- one in the same made by god to mirror the disgusting pagan weak of faith community at large.repent

nabalzbbfr #fundie #ableist scienceblogs.com

Autism is, in the vast majority of cases, a fraud and a racket. It is a product of utterly misguided permissive parenting, which turns perfectly normal kids into dysfunctional antisocial brats. The problem is parents have been getting their advice from idiotic child-rearing books like Spock's, instead of the Holy Bible: spare the rod and spoil the child. Scientific research on genetic causes of autism is a colossal waste of time and money, whether or not it involves fruit flies in Paris or elsewhere.

Nic Samojluk #homophobia #ableist spectrummagazine.org

You seem to conclude that homosexuals unions should be elevated to the dignity of married individuals. For me this is like saying. Dwarfs are not to blame for the physical abnormalities they were born with; therefore they should be allowed to become policemen, firemen, or apply for any other line of employment available for normal individuals.

Fore Sam #conspiracy #ableist hatingautism.blogspot.com

[Apparently Fore Sam thinks that everyone who disagrees with him wants to beat the shit out of "decent parents"]

Neurodiversity is beating the shit out of decent parents who want to help children. Autism Speaks is beating the shit out of decent parents who want to help children.
Pharma is beating the shit out of decent parents who want to help children.

Decent parents who want to help children can beat the shit out of these bastards if they will get off their private groups and get their message out to the general public. Blogs are a powerful way to send messages. Just ask Kevin Leitch who is beating the shit out of decent parents who want to help children.

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