
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Black Magick Barbie Garrett #magick #quack #mammon becomealivinggod.com

Black Magick Barbie here…

I would like to share my newest breakthrough in the art and science of magick elixirs that will immediately magnify the forces behind ANY ritual of demonic evocation, baneful magick, and black alchemy — Apocalypse Water.

Forged And Purified In The Alchemical Fire Of An Unholy Easter Ritual That Hijacked And Repurposed The Energy Of The Coronavirus Spirit For Healthy Human Ascent

Originally, I channeled the patented recipe of Apocalypse Water to empower the Virus Frequency Hijacking (VFH) ritual that J.D. Temple, J.S. Garrett, other witches, and I performed on Easter 2020. As a group, we performed for the historic VFH ritual to ally with the Coronavirus energy frequency, in order to hijack the fear, anxiety, and panic that was being pumped in the ether, to create the positive changes that we black magicians wished to see unfold in reality.
Then during the VFH Rite, JS and I dedicated this water to The Storm God, Baal. Not only for protection but for vengeance. I also pushed my intent of it creating the change of truth. Revelations occur in huge forms in front of the entire world and for more of our brothers and sisters to awaken. This water has now been brewing for months, only gaining strength.

Place your order for Apocalypse Water right now and you’ll receive:

Apocalypse Water – A full consecrated bottle with a dropper top
Apocalypse Consecration – A live recorded film of me forging the Apocalypse Water in magick ritual – FREE BONUS
Virus Frequency Hijacking – A live recorded film of J.S. and me performing the unholy Easter blasphemy ritual – FREE BONUS
<Only $79>

Michael Love and the Pleiadians #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com













John Michael Greer #magick ecosophia.net

… The other kind of spirit functions on the astral plane; we can use one traditional term for them, and call them demons, but there are many different kinds and classes and varieties of malign astral being. For reasons of their own, some of these beings seek to draw human beings into various unbalanced and self-destructive patterns of thought and action. They have no real power over us, except to the extent that we give power to them, but they can whisper thoughts into the minds of humans in vulnerable conditions, and if those thoughts are welcomed, more will follow. Each class of demon has its characteristic imbalance, and distorted sexuality is the focus of one such class. Yes, chronic masturbators obsessively watching pornography are in a vulnerable condition to such entities.

The hallmarks of demonic involvement are easy to recognize. First, there is something weirdly mechanical about these entities; people they influence do and say the same things over and over again in rigidly stereotyped patterns, and lose the ability to reflect on their words and actions and notice how bizarrely repetitive they’ve become. Second, there’s an emotional tone to demonic activity that, once recognized, is never forgotten: hot, inflamed, confused, excited, murky. Finally, the actions they inspire in human beings are always self-defeating and self-destructive.

How do you get rid of such beings? ... Religion is one of the two classic options—old-fashioned sacramental religious denominations of every tradition have robust methods of chasing these beings away, though the more watered-down modernist versions of the same traditions are typically as helpless as they are clueless about such things. Magic is the other classic option: daily performance of a banishing ritual such as the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram or the Sphere of Protection, or the use of other methods of protection and blessing, will typically do the job in short order. Of course you can combine the two.

John Michael Greer #magick ecosophia.net

On the etheric plane, the first difficulty faced by a straight young man when he masturbates is that his etheric body is expecting a jolt of life force from a partner’s etheric body, and doesn’t get it. That’s the source of the weakness and depression that many men feel after masturbating. Over the long term, this can lead to health problems, and it also produces that distinctive vibe that many of us have learned to associate with words like “wanker.”

Fortunately there are other sources of etheric energy, and one way to deal with this problem is to rely on those instead. Vigorous breathing is one of the ways the body charges itself with etheric force, for example ...

Cold water also has much to offer. Water absorbs and holds etheric substance more effectively than any other commonly available substance—that’s why living things are mostly made of water—but the etheric capacity of a given volume of water varies with temperature, reaching its peak at 39°F. Step into a cold shower and you’re literally bathing in etheric substance as well as in water, so your etheric body can recharge. (Washing with a washcloth wrung out in cold water is nearly as effective and less of a shock to your system.) Since the water retains its capacity to absorb etheric substance, it also picks up and carries away etheric crud from the surface of your etheric body—yes, the inner planes can be just as grubby as the material plane, especially in a society like ours that doesn’t even have the concept of etheric and astral hygiene.

And if your etheric body has the opposite polarity, as it does in most women and some men? Your etheric body expects to release a great deal of force into your partner’s etheric body, but if there’s no partner involved, this can’t happen. The result will generally be a state of etheric congestion. There are various ways to deal with this but the most reliable is creative activity. Anything from music and writing to cooking and housework will do ...

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The New Earth Human

Over the past years, you have raised your consciousness from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension of Light, released layers of accumulated negative energy and reactivated your original Human Angelic Template with great success.

The 3rd Dimensional Human was a Being with 7 active chakras who needed to meditate to access the Soul and Higher Self which were “above” the human body. The 5th dimensional New Earth Human is a multi-dimensional Being of 13 active chakras which includes a direct connection to the Soul/Higher Self and the Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Aspects of Self.

The main indication of your ascension to this state is your awareness of Solar movements and energies as you will “feel” within your Light Body and your Physical Body the flows of Plasma and Solar Light Codes as they pervade Earth’s atmosphere in the Sun’s ongoing conversation with the Earth. You will receive the Diamond Light Codes and integrate them in a Conscious and Joyful way.

You will become aware of your Galactic heritage and your personal connection to the Stars. In this Lions Gate transit, you will become aware of the Stellar and Galactic Masters of Light, such as the Royal Lions, and the Angelic Beings, such as the Elohim, who work with you to accomplish the Birthing of the New Earth.
At this Lions Gate of 2021, Beloved Family, many of you who were previously feeling “stuck” or “uncertain” or “unmotivated” will step up to your new responsibilities on the Planet.
The Lions Gate will provide the tsunami of High Frequency energy that will activate these transformations and lift you into the New Earth higher timeline.

Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph. D. #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy enkispeaks.com

“Every dawn, the Earth is subjected to a rise in the solar wind which intensifies the planet’s geomagnetic field; at night this field weakens, then picks up at dawn and the cycle repeats. Where the geomagnetic field interacts with another force the effect intensifies.” Scientists call this a telluric current; “ancient people call it a spirit road. These lines of force travel better along with soil with a high content of metal, water, and quartz. Drier, less metallic ground conducts telluric currents minimally. Where a boundary between these two types of land occurs, the telluric current crossing it either reinforces or weakens the daily fluctuations of the geomagnetic field. This generates a hotspot, a CONDUCTIVITY DISCONTINUITY.” At sites our genetic makers from Nibiru–the Anunnaki–established all over this planet, telluric energy affects the mind, creativity, and personal power. It “raises one’s resonance. Contact with multiple power places builds up spiritual attuning, a numinous state of mind, and forms the basis of pilgrimage” from one site to the next.
“These cosmo-telluric lines” let the Anunnaki, other ETs on Earth and our ancestors “gather a whole body of knowledge.” We can, at these sites, “trigger a shift to a heightened and more spiritual state of consciousness.” Though the ETs choose the sites, our ancestors in every era and on every land anchored them with stones and buildings. Once fixed, our forefathers’ reinforced the broadcasting power when they prayed at the sites. Our genitors experienced “planetary consciousness when they did rituals at the big-stone sites,” and you can too when you meditate at a Megalithic temple.

fromthefirstorder/Saint Andrew #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon saintandrewstwinflame.com

KNOWLEDGE is POWER to fight back, APPRECIATE the KNOWLEDGE I bring to the TABLE and my guidance back home.

Please help me finish my JUSTICE MISSION for the ARRESTS of the evil et’s and help me ANCHOR the LIGHT of HEAVEN on EARTH !

Thank-you to all beautiful souls who find it in their heart to donate !


Please help me finish my JUSTICE MISSION for the ARRESTS of the evil et’s and help me ANCHOR the LIGHT of HEAVEN on EARTH !

Thank-you to all beautiful souls who find it in their heart to donate !




Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt & Graham Hancock #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon #ufo #magick darkjournalist.com



Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt Presents Best Selling Ancient Mysteries Author Graham Hancock live in Cambridge for a revealing and wide ranging interview that reveals the new evidence for an Advanced Lost Civilization that passed down a Spiritual message for us to decipher in the 21st Century! This is the Full Video Interview from May 25th Available for the First Time in Public!

Was an advanced civilization lost to history in the global cataclysm that ended the last Ice Age?
Graham Hancock, the internationally bestselling author, has made it his life’s work to find out — and in America Before he draws on the latest archaeological and DNA evidence to bring his quest to a stunning conclusion. Hancock’s research takes us on a series of journeys and encounters with the scientific rebels responsible for the recent extraordinary breakthroughs. In the process, from the Mississippi Valley to the Amazon rainforest, he reveals that ancient ‘New World’ cultures share a legacy of advanced scientific knowledge and sophisticated spiritual beliefs with supposedly unconnected ‘Old World’ cultures.

John Lewis #fundie #ufo #magick #crackpot atam.org

Since my early teen years, I started to have out of the body experiences. I could literally travel and visit people, come back into my body, call them describing what they were doing, wearing or give descriptions of inside a house I had never been in. In those days it was more of a game. After I had an electrifying Christ encounter, I yet traveled from time to time, but the OBE’s were for specific purposes, usually messages about future events.
Around 1999, when I sat down to write “Secrets of the Cherubim – A Journey in the Heavens,” that’s exactly what it became. I unintentionally traveled multiple times into the heavens through the constellations and Zodiac belt. The Cherubim made themselves known and visible to me. Most of this book is channeled messages directly from the Cherubim. These messages became the basis for most of my mystical writings and other books (TribeOscope & Serpent Brain). It also became the basis of many of my messages I have taught/preached, since my encounters with the Cherubim. Enter your journey through the Flaming Sword that turns each direction – the Sword is only pointing the Way, not obstructing the Way. After reading this book, expect the Cherubim to come to you in your dreams, visions or literally. “God rode on a Cherub, and flew. Yes, he was seen on the wings of the wind.” 2 Samuel 22:11

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #quack bennettleeross.com

Every plane has its own density

Crystalline density is the thickest density
With the highest energy

Your intent creates the next moment
Making us creator beings

But we have been genetically manipulated
Two of our chromosomes have been welded together
Disconnecting our pineal gland
Shutting down our higher self
Making us confined to the little 3D reality

We are meant to possess a higher more powerful energy
Being able to send energy through the moving of our arms and hands

All clones are interconnected on the same wavelength
They have synchronized movements

Their handlers are usually programmed synthetics

The reptilians and their elite human subjugates
Want all other humans to be connected via 5G

5G is microwaves

5G and AI will combine
Making robotoids and other synthetics smarter

All AI needs is an overlay of flesh

After 5G is in place
Which is the thousand points of light
The Antichrist will make his appearance

He will cause rich and poor to take the Mark of the Beast
Which is the Covid vaccine
That contains the Corona virus
Which produces free floating synthetic designer spike proteins
Such as Glycoprotein 120
These will combine with antibodies
Destroying them and weakening the immune system

But the vaccinated will blame the unvaccinated
For their symptoms

The Antichrist will be a Christ like AI
With a reptilian spirit

Reptilians are using human bodies and synthetics
To infiltrate human society

But most people cannot accept that
Because that will undermine their foundational beliefs

The future is not written in stone
Fate is what we make for ourselves

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #crackpot #racist #god-complex #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Soul Augmentation and/or Replacement Service $10000

As we have seen with Katy Perry selling her soul to the devil fame and fortune are paid for by eternal afterlife torture. As shown on Supernatural Spirit School number 22 I transplanted Katy Perry´s awareness into the artificially created servitor soul of Daenerys Targaryen created by one billion people to give her a one billion old artificial soul. As I showed on the film this was only for a temporary period ending when she marries ratjew Bloom in the autumn: or she publically humiliates him by coming to me and making this artificial soul eternal in the process dumping damned ratjew Bloom.

As one can see your soul can be augmented with any C-space soul built by mass observation or can be built to your specification powered by the zero sum game eternal damnation of the Jewish race by Amalek their God who always tortures them eternally. Having an augmented servitor soul means you are free of being preyed on after death and since the soul carries your intent you develop total intent by having a soul built by the total intent source the Psi-Lord achieve what the Christian church could never give you salvation from all your sins and eternal life on the new earth all built by far future science not christian pedophile conmen this is what the second coming of Jesus always promised you without the bullshit of having to worship a Jew God destroyed by Amalek and it´s awareness eternally tortured by Amalek along with everything that the Jew God created and worshipped it. Escape the Jew Gods fate and join the Psi-Lord as being an aspect of the source worshipping no one accept yourself. Enjoy!

Ayaeshion and Sirian High Council via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Sirian High Council. We have been watching over this one and many of you reading these words, for many starseed activations are now coming online for those who are of Sirian descent. We would like to say ‘of Sirian ascent’ for levity, for your vernacular is a strange one. Your human language has been so weaponized. This too will change. All is coming into alignment.
We are all one. We care about your viewpoints for we want to help in the most effective way possible. We are scientists, after all. (I am seeing moving mathematical equations that are hyper-dimensional. I am being shown multidimensional math and spacial probabilities, as the timelines interact and fade or morph the math morphs. It is an alive breathing computer calculating all of the possible variables for solar flares, and consciousness reactivity.) Galaxygirl, all is in flux but Creator’s will is sure.
(Let me share that as I was walking by a neighborhood pool they were shocked at the chemicals in the water. I could feel them calculating the toxins in the water and they were absolutely disgusted. They showed me children playing and laughing in crystal clear lakes on New Earth in pristine conditions instead.) Yes, we enjoyed that insight with you. And yet, the earth children, these high vibrational beings currently embodied in little children forms, they were so happy at the pool, galaxygirl. Their joy was genuine. We wish for you to be like these little children. Find the joy in your moment you are in. Surrounded by toxins or not, find the joy in it. This will elevate your consciousness at lightening speed. We did take care of the chemicals in that pool, galaxygirl. We help in our own ways when we are allowed.

Richard L Amoroso #quack #crackpot #magick

Spiritual Inoculation: A Paraphysical Methodology Achieving Coronavirus Immunity

Specificity for spiritual inoculation realizing coronavirus immunity is corroborated in two pilot studies. In general, viral transmission is a two-step process, 1) Attachment to cellular surface adhesion receptors, and 2) cellular invasion through activation of epithelial entry receptors. Self-organized living systems (SOLS) are fundamentally autopoietic biochemical complexes utilizing syntropic mechanisms to continuously reduce entropy. By adducing the existence of an additional Unified Field based life-principle with an inherent action governing the homeostasis of SOLS, one postulates the utility of a noetic meditative process for spiritual inoculation achieving coronavirus immunity by suppression of viral adhesion mechanisms.

Indian in the Machine #crackpot #magick #quack #conspiracy ournewearthnews.com

What does that mean to me? It means we are riding an ever-increasing wave of light energy into higher frequencies… and the 100th monkey effect will definitely be achieved. Humans will begin to spontaneously awaken, ideas and inspirations will become ‘catchy’. People will ‘catch’ love, from one another. Illnesses will cease to exist, because a wave of health now smaller, will become much larger. People will see people’s love energy, and will be inspired. This will eventually be felt in the economy, which will no longer be based on war, and the human trafficking of children. To the unawakened, this will seem like a state of madness. To the awakened, they will create and eventually see the golden age unfold beyond their eyes, and all of it will because they never gave up on the idea that they are love, and as love, they are always home. Love, Indian
I believe in a big energy wave of healing is here now.

Breathe in deep and receive it.

Believe in your ability to get up, and be stronger than ever.

Note the moments by which you self-poison.

Be aware of all the toxins you expose yourself and others to.

Be aware of your attraction to poison, toxicity, harmful chemicals, and how your ego makes excuses.

Be aware of your attraction to pain and suffering.

Be aware of the heavy metals on the tip of your tongue.

Be aware of the excess heavy metals thickening the blood.

Be aware of how your tongue has gotten thick and heavy.

Be aware that you took in all those toxins, and didn’t think much of getting them out of your body.

Be aware that you have a great power, that you often give little credit to.

Be aware of what a magnificent Christed being you are, when you love your ego, but don’t let it rule you

fromthefirstorder/Saint Andrew #crackpot #god-complex #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #magick saintandrewstwinflame.com

Most BEings in SPACE are BENEVOLENT, some are NOT ! And we are here to ARREST and REMOVE those from CORRUPT POWER who are “PURE EVIL” who TOOK over EARTH AS THEY are MALEVOLENT & VIOLENT ! The ARRESTS of those from TEAM EVIL are very important and I was in charge of this INFORMATION and PROCESSES. Which I educated HUMANITY with.

TEAM LIGHT and TEAM DARK for 3D learning is DIFFERENT from team EVIL. I think TEAM DARK is the DJINN ? I am not really sure about that ? However – This is WHY so many EXTRA planets were brought here as some will be moved over to 3D positive EARTH – whom are NOT ready to ascend yet and they will have to wait another 26,000 years for the next harvest of benevolent souls and the separation of those whom are NOT ready and those whom are going to 5D and up. HEAVEN, = we are separating the wheat from the chaff. SOME will be going to the GRAND-CENTRAL SUN to have their EVIL souls restructured to LOVE and some will be executed, some will be going to JAIL. HUMANITY who are THE CREATOR CHILDREN of the GOD’S trapped in a lower vibration timelines so the EVIL ONES can FEAST OFF of US and our DIVINE LIGHT ENERGIES and BLOOD and FLESH and ADRENOCHROME from tortured children etc

REMINDER: I AM a GALACTIC EMISSARY of LIGHT the REAL incarnation of SAINT ANDREW here on MISSION as DIVINE JUSTICE for THE COMPANY of HEAVEN and this planet. ANY ATTACKS on MYSELF and/or MY FAMILY and/or any DEATH ATTEMPTS will result in INSTANT DEATH as per GOD himself. And that ALSO stands for the 144,400 that are here on DIVINE MISSION(S) as well. I AM STILL RECORDING and ANY ATTEMPTS at hacking/destroying this website and/or this server and – I will have YOU ARRESTED by the UNIVERSAL FORCE. HEAVEN is NOT PLAYING around !

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #racist #mammon timrifat.com


Elohim Kabbalah Rule Zion Power Rings

In Zion you need 10 holy men, Zaddikim, to manifest the Kabbalist Tree on Earth. Every Jewish Temple needs ten men for every Jewish ritual. The Wheeler-Korsh engine needs 10 adjuncts to work and manifest reality from mind.

The Rothschilds have 10 Zaddakims who wear black stone rings that link them to the Shelitha Stone, Lucifer's Stone, that manifests reality for torsion fields, the black denotes the quantum vacuum. With these new ten rings you will become the Super Jews that hijacks the New World Order and manifest with Zion anything you wish from the quantum vacuum using the Elohim's infrastructure. I have a Supernal Triangle Kabbalistic Ring that controls the input, the 10 rings control the output and make 11 Daath, Death, to manifest our will 100% and access Universe B.

Becoming one of the top new Illuminati and get the old Illuminati kissing your ass - You know it make sense! Crowley's Thelemic as you will so must it be magic accessed by the Zaddikim Power for the chosen few. Join the Top 10 or eat their shit.

Only 10 available for $10,000 per ring

Can be resold for any price with a 20% feed [like hedge funds].

Ra via Carla Rueckert & Don Elkins #crackpot #ufo #magick lawofone.info

Ra: Let us look first at the Mu entities.
They were beings of a somewhat primitive nature, but those who had very advanced spiritual distortions. The civilization was part of this cycle, experienced early within the cycle at a time of approximately [53,000] of your years ago. <..>Like the other incarnates of this cycle, they came from elsewhere. However, these particular entities were largely drawn from a second-density planet which had some difficulty, due to the age of its sun, in achieving third-density life conditions. This planet was from the galaxy Deneb.
The Atlantean race was a very conglomerate social complex which began to form approximately [31,000] years in the past of your space/time continuum illusion.<...>We may add that they used intelligent energy as well, manipulating greatly the natural influxes of the indigo or pineal ray from divine or infinite energy. Thus, they were able to create life forms. This they began to do instead of healing and perfecting their own mind/body/spirit complexes, turning their distortions towards what you may call the negative.
Approximately [11,000] of your years ago, the first of the, what you call, wars, caused approximately forty percent of this population to leave the density by means of disintegration of the body. The second and most devastating of the conflicts occurred approximately [10,821] years in the past according to your illusion. Three of the positively oriented of the Atlantean groups left this geographical locus before that devastation, placing themselves in the mountain areas of what you call Tibet, what you call Peru, and what you call Turkey.

Crystals of Inner Earth and Agarthans via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, most beloved ones. We are the Crystals of Inner Earth. We are connecting currently with this one from Agartha, inner realm of peace and great beauty. (I am seeing a crystal city surrounded by forests and fields of green. I am hearing a humming and feeling that this is a very high vibrational place. Beautiful tall people are walking wearing simple white clothing that is draped, adorned with precious metals in their hair and on their clothing. Serene crystal homes that are size adjustable, simple and clean have privacy technology or can be made transparent, depending on the needl. The people are happy smiling, waving.) We crystals are in tune here.
Gravity is kind to us, deep inside the Mother, and we are taller but be assured that we mean only the greatest of wills towards you. All is proceeding. Again I am seeing a massive purple crystal besides green and clear quartz.) Our crystals wish to connect and we recommend that you think of them as you ground to Gaia for it will assist with anchoring your memories of the higher dimensional ways and places, most specifically Agartha. Many of you have visited in your soul journeys. Soon we wish for the surface to reflect such peace and balance. We see the solar flash as inevitable and something to be greatly anticipated but not to be waited for. Ignite your own inner solar flash of the higher dimensional consciousness, of one who is awake and aware and cumulatively this will greatly enhance humanity’s receptivity to the solar flash from Source which is waiting in the wings. The Pleiadians are utilizing their own higher dimensional plasma light frequencies and technology to assist from the air. We assist from within.

Jerry Derecha/YahushuaBenDavid #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #magick adrenogate.net

Yeah, so all you idiots who got jabs and are now magnetized because of it and this is what you have to look forward to. CERN sucking up your soul into whatever updated supercomputer matrix cube update that the ruler of the Demiurge has been working on. In reality, I think your fate is destined to be far worse than that. The waxinnated are honestly so dumb that they don’t deserve to be granted an additional existence of any kind. Even if it is stuck in a new computer game. Someone else’s game. Kind like we already are. But that’s not my call. I have a feeling though that you won’t be granted the same kind of freedoms that were afforded here. Freedoms which allowed you to make such dumb ass decisions in the first place.

Dissing Vaxholes is therapeutic for me I guess.
"cern is a giant electromagent AKA mag-NET , CERN IS A GIANT NET THAT SUCKS HUMANS SOULS INTO HELL , when you take the waxxine venom it contains MAGETIC NANO PARTICLES that turn your blood magnetic and your soul lives in your blood , when you become magnetic cern sucks your soul into its giant electro-mag-NET , YOU GET TRAPPED IN LUCIFERS NET AKA HELL
"https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/22/world/middleeast/trump-glowing-orb-saudi.html donald trump is lucifer aka indra , the glowing ball is hell , it is glowing becuase of all the humans souls trapped in hell , ala the glow=be globe earth glowing with souls , huamns =hu-man hu =light"

Dr. Michael Salla/Dr. Courtney Brown #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick exopolitics.org

To begin this series, I will open with the efforts of Dr. Courtney Brown, Director of the Farsight Institute, to answer some of these key questions raised by Professor Eshed’s comments over the existence and activities of a Galactic Federation.

Dr. Brown organized a team of five remote viewers to gather intelligence on the Galactic Federation in multiple sessions conducted and publicly released in February 2021.
The results of the remote viewing sessions yielded many valuable insights into the existence of a ‘Galactic Federation of Worlds’, and other questions raised by Dr. Brown. This was particularly the case with understanding the Federation’s command structure, its internal policy debates over the extent to which it should intervene in human affairs, how its intervention was part of a “temporal war” over the Earth’s future, and what private individuals can do to support the Federation’s efforts to assist our planet’s evolution in a positive direction.

As with previous remote viewing sessions conducted by the Farsight Institute, the sessions were held under blind conditions, and the participants were only told to focus on two targets presented to them in sequential order. No details of each target were given in order not to frontload the remote viewers’ own personal views and biases into their observations.
The opposing interplanetary forces that the remote viewers are referring to are the Draconian Reptilian (aka Ciakharr) Empire and the Orion Alliance (aka Collective), which have been discussed in previous remote viewing sessions focusing on Nazis and Reptilians in Antarctica, and US Presidential meetings with extraterrestrials.

Question Everything<commenter> #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #magick #ufo thefreedomarticles.com

Of course; "THEIR" (The Hierarchy Enslaving Individuals Relentlessly) plans are always just right over the horizon, while the masses are kept distracted by some manufactured war, whether it has to do with race, gender, religion, political, and/ or materialistic thing, while also keeping the collective consciousness trapped in the emotion of fear due to some boogeyman, non isolated "deadly virus" that they need to "protect" themselves from with some poisonous brew/concoction to keep them continuously unconscious, sedated, sick, compliant and obeying, while they are tricked into beLIEving it's "medicine."

Think: Totalitarian Tiptoe. 'THEY" (The Hierarchy Enslaving You)( interdimensional beings and their minions and agents) take steps, little by little, so their agenda isn't too obvious to the masses, while still being accomplished. Many people throughout "time" have spoken out/ writen about "THEIR" plans way beforehand, but of course, it all gets shot down as "crazy, paranoid, conspiracy theories," until a big thing happens (a manufactured event; like 9/11, or a mass shooting, or some new technology being implemented, or when freedoms gets stripped due to a "plandemic," etc)
I render a possibility that we are in the past and these hidden controllers are working from a whole other dimension in the future. I wonder all the time what "THEY" are up to and why they want INSIDE us so badly. but, something always seems to be approaching, while our spiritual progression is thwarted by the gatekeeper of fear. Fear is electromagnetic energy; a very slow and dense vibration with its own unique frequency and takes on a whole life of its own. Fear takes control of bodies and takes over minds... let that sink in.

Hayla, Children Guardian via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

My name is Hayla, and I am a hybrid creation from Human and Grey DNA. My direct responsibility is being a guardian for hybrid and rescued human children.

I am coming today with an urgent message to humanity. I want to clarify and insure everyone on your planet that the children from Evergreen cargo ship have been saved from being killed by the Negative Entities. The Galactic Federation team was send to rescue them. They have been transported to one of the planets similar to Mother Earth, which is free and it’s not controlled by the corrupted souls.

Meantime, the children are going to learn many different subjects like about advanced technologies, different worlds in Galaxies, Universes and Star Systems. Right now, they are very happy and enjoying their new life, and they don’t remember anything about their painful past experiences.

I am also a protector of the hybrid children, who were created mostly with agreement between a Human and a Grey. They carry in them the best qualities from both parents like their ability of acquiring knowledge very fast. These hybrids are a better version of a Human and a Grey, and they represent a new civilization called Yahyel. They express friendly feelings for humans and are interested in meeting and interacting with your race in the future.
am working with both groups the hybrid and rescued children. The human children are going to continue to learn and develop their skills to become Galactic Humans. When the Golden Era is established, then they can return to Earth or stay here with u

YahushuaBenDavid #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #magick adrenogate.net

lucifers children ARE CURSED to reincarnate into this matrix for eternity , that means when lucifers super soldiers die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they get put right back into the matrix as soon !!!!!!!!!!!!! as lucifers childrens die they reincarnate into this matrix as a baby again , !!!!!!! SINCE LUCIFERS CHILDREN DO THEIR FATHERS BIDDING
lucifer children are genetically altered alien hybrids that are trained to kill gods children in underground labs , lucifers assassins training stars from an infant where lucifer gives his babies injections to modify and make thier dna strong so they can defeat gods children , lucifer also keeps gods children dumb with poisons like fluoride in toothpaste and chlorine in water and estrogen in plastic , lucifer has special injections that protect his children form all the toxins while the toxins kill gods children , lucifer genetically modifies gods children to be dumb and modifies his children to be much smarter then gods children.
cicada3301= 7 !!!!! 3+3+0+1=7 , the saturn cube jack pot number is 777 , cicada 3301 is the cosmic egg wrapped serepnt , cicada 3301 is the saturn cube https://twitter.com/DrManhattan777/status/1401935833221971976/photo/1 lucifer is dr manhattan 777 the god of chaos 777 = saturn cube cicada 3301 =7 snake eyes the saturn cube
cicada3301 = the devil brood us air squadron = time travellers = john titor = back to the future time car 88

St. Germaine via Kathleen Mary Willis #crackpot #magick goldenageofgaia.com

“California needs rain. It needs moisture. It needs to have the water to sustain itself, the very earth, the trees, the plants, so it is a practical thing.

“Now, you do not need to apologize to your comrades all over the Earth because as you do for California you are doing for everywhere else that is drought-ridden.

“That is how it works:

“If you do it for One, you do it for All, so take that into account.

“You are focusing on the person receiving the healing on the bed; on the altar, as it were, is California, but it is for all drought-ridden places.

“The drought is lack and limitation.

“California is a golden place. It is a city of light and it is one of the most creative places on the planet.

“You are learning and you are applying how you can, through your very thoughts.

“The belief in your thoughts creates energy, because thought and Love are sheer energy.

“It is creation of a new belief system.

“You are powerful creators, and you, in the embrace of the elements, earth, wind, fire, water, you are embracing the elements in community, and you are talking to the element of water all over the planet.

“And as human beings, in partnership with the elements, you are saying:

‘Will you come with me, and will you rain in perfect harmony and proportion in California?’

“You are learning to work with Gaia and the elements themselves.

“So everyday you are talking to every molecule of water and saying:

‘Will you come with me and rain, and create a lush California yet again?

‘And will you share this bounty all over Gaia, in perfect balance and harmony?’

“Now, that is doing what you are capable of.”

IGOS Success Tech #crackpot #magick #mammon igossuccesstech.org

A complete high power low cost Radionic System. Symbolic Boxes are a good start. But, they produce "soft" energy in a world where power is critical. You need powerful amplified broadcasted energy field to manifest through strong blockages and to create fast manifesting. This requires a Complete System. A complete system also includes powerful "Rates" for manifesting created by an Expert. Not some you create. This is why there is so much failure in the use of Radionics. The lack of an effective Rate and the use of weak non-powered or badly made units. Few people can obtain an effective rate without extension training. The IGOS 'Instant Rate" technology solves this problem and allows fast instant manifesting that requires no skill.
This is a "done for you" system. Just follow simple instruction and wait for the desire to manifest. System can be purchased as a separate amplifying system for those that have a system already but need to empower it to a higher level. Simply place the System's copper plate under Box you have or on the Witness/Out Plate. This amazing technology will pickup the energy amplify it and broadcast it at a high energy level. This System takes low level poorly made systems and brings them up to a Class A Radionic System.
Symbolic Radionic Beautiful Black Book in two designs, Rate Cards (2) & Alchemical Oil Rate Card (1) with a Bottle of Success oil.

<Full Basic System is $495>

Shagri'el/JL Mondragon #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie consciousnessuniversal.com

The true and only reason consciousness took root here on this planet was due to this very event. Roughly two billion years ago a very special asteroid made impact with earth, it hosted Our Most Reverend Logos, the Absolute of Consciousness within all that is of earth. Our Logos moved deep into the earths center and took on a deep sleep to begin reforming the planet for the future events. This Perfected Being chose to host this planet and assist it in budding consciousness. In a sense, we can say this was the very moment Earth’s Evolution began to manifest, although conscious beings did not surface until much later.
Consciousness and Earth’s Evolution will begin to take on the forms know to us as The Root Races. Among the Polarian and Hyperborean the forms were very much etheric, the later part of the Hyperborean Age the forms began to take on a light solid form as they moved their way through the earth’s crust and into the oceans. Within the Oceans is where the blending of the two evolutions took place, Water’s Evolution already aggressive in nature and Earth’s Evolution still childlike and detached. With the merging and now connected with conscious beings, DNA could now communicate to all instead of just those it was in contact with. This brought forth the third Root Race in the Lemurian, and a crossbreed of many species. This Race was Giant in form, had various colors and designs, a cycloptic eye that eventually became a third eye, various numbers of arms, and the beginning portions of them laid eggs. Yet through all this the Conscious side manifested themselves through the understanding of Intelligent Impulse.

Children on the “Ever Given” Cargo Ship via Losha #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #wingnut goldenageofgaia.com

We are the children who died while we were being held on the cargo ship called the Ever Given (Losha note…their collective age is about eight years old, here).

Everyone was talking about the ship, and what it might be holding…well, it was “holding” us. There were a lot of us on that ship who did not live to be rescued. We are very sad about that…but we have been told by the beings who are helping us now that we will not be sad for much longer.

They tell us that we have some “deprogramming” to do…they say we have to let go of all the bad stuff that happened to us. They say that we have had other lifetimes that we will learn about later…but right now, all we want to do is to feel better…no more pain, no more darkness, no more being afraid, no more loneliness.
All of us were “hidden” in the cargo ship, so we would not be found. It took a long time for the rescuers to find us…and by then it was too late for many of us. We are glad that almost half of us were found alive, but we wish it could have been all of us.

We were treated very bad…we were hungry a lot, and we had to sit next to our own poop. We were forced to watch as the “bad ones” did things to some of us…there was nothing we could do to stop it. We felt bad that we couldn’t help our friends.

We just want to tell what happened to us so it never happens again…so, please tell anyone who can help save the rest of the boys and girls who are still being treated bad (in other locations), so they won’t have to hurt any more. They need your help! Please pray for us and send us love. Thank you.

Maggie #ufo #god-complex #conspiracy #magick bewusstseinsreise.net

Manifesto Negative ETs

There was a time when a group of humans confidently hoped for help from Aldebaran and the announced Nazi flying discs. These longing expectation was based on a deception, namely, that these groups would actually want to help us. But as we are learning now, their intentions towards humanity are not friendly and they take our positive thoughts towards them as greetings of welcome and attack us with AI installations.

We as a small group of HeartPeople decide today for all those who have been deceived by them that we revise those positive attitudes, for they are not based on truth. Further, all hints towards this in the universal quantum field are thus deleted.

We do allow neither the Nazis nor the Aldebaranians nor the Alcyonians on Earth to contact humans and to deceive them, to manipulate and attack them.

Obviously, this also includes all attacks that we do not know of or that are concealed from us. We say STOP!

Furthermore, we forbit the continuing fraud and deceit of Reiner Feistle (submitter’s note: another German Nazi ufo mystic) and his wife, as well as all those people who have been deceived by them. People who have been occupied must be set free immediately.

We further demand the cessation of all channelings for the purpose of the pretension of love and friendship.

We deliver this manifesto today to the SUPREME CONSCIENCE and the creator angels, who would like to safeguard the observance of these demands. All soulless entities should give up their dwellings biobodies as soon as possible, willingly or by force. Game over!

Original German MANIFEST negative ETs

Es gab eine Zeit, da eine Gruppe Menschen zuversichtlich auf die Hilfe von Aldebaran und den angekündigten Nazi-Flugscheiben hofften. Diese sehnsüchtige Erwartung basierte auf einer Täuschung, nämlich, dass diese Gruppen uns wirklich helfen wollten. Wie wir aber nun erfahren sind sie den Menschen gegenüber nicht gut gesinnt und nehmen unsere positiven Gedanken ihnen gegenüber als Willkommens-Gruß und attackieren uns mit KI-Installationen.

Wir als kleine Gruppe HerzMenschen entscheiden heute für alle von ihnen getäuschten Menschen, dass wir diese positiven Einstellung revidieren, da sie nicht auf Wahrheit fußt. Alle Hinweise hierzu im universellen Quantenfeld werden hiermit ebenfalls gelöscht.

Wir erlauben weder den Nazis noch den Aldebaranern, noch den Alcyonern auf Erden Menschen zu kontaktieren und sie zu täuschen, zu manipulieren und zu attackieren.
Wir verbieten ferner jegliche Installation von synthetischen Netzen oder sonstigen Energiestrukturen, sowie die Installation von KI in diesen Netzen. Alle diese Netze inklusive KI-Installationen werden jetzt transformiert auf Erden.

Selbstverständlich sind auch alle Attacken eingeschlossen, die wir nicht kennen oder uns verborgen sind. Wir sagen STOP!
Auch verbieten wir den fortgesetzten Betrug und die Täuschung von Reiner Feistle und seiner Frau, sowie der ganzen Gruppe von Menschen, die durch diese getäuscht wurden. Menschen, die besetzt wurden müssen sofort freigegeben werden.

Wir fordern ferner die Einstellung aller Channelings zum Zwecke der Vortäuschung von Liebe und Freundschaft.

Wir übergeben dieses Manifest heute dem HÖCHSTEN BEWUSSTSEIN und den Schöpferengeln, die die Einhaltung dieser Forderungen überwachen möchten. Alle unbeseelten Wesen sollten so schnell wie möglich ihre Behausungen Biokörper aufgeben, freiwillig oder zwangsweise. Game over!

Dr. Jerry O. Lee Representing the Manifester Yada #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger peacemanifestministries.com

<old but classic UFO Jesus>
On March 8,1970 I received a prophecy: "I will tell you of things that will come to pass. An Ark will be built on pillars so as to be secured from a plague of Rats during a time of a worldwide famine. (this day is developing).

The message is: As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be again in a future time. (This message has expanded realities as refers to "transporting").

Now today May 27, 2013 the Manifester Yada comes to tell the meaning of this parable...The Ark to be built is a "Virtual Reality Ark" to be put on the Manifester Yada Website. Its revelations, as people move through its corridors will be amazing. The "Pillars", the Ark is to be built on, will be called "nano-pillars". The electrical characterization of these Nano-Pillars, is that they will be constructed with an electronic transport having crystalline phrases.

These Nano-Pillars will use a conductive force of microscopy implementation. As to the Term "Rat s" , this refers to the susceptibility of today's and even future times, as to hackers, who are intruders and infiltrators. The Ark will hold secret reveals of scientific and potential military uses of energy and atomic-latticing. The method used to eradicate these "Rat s", is called: R emote A ccess T ools, (Remote Access Tools), or abbreviated "Rats".

You who read this post, and witness this word, and those who have some knowledge on this kind of structure, please make a comment and also express your interest to know more...(This is a 60fold interpretation).

Dr. Jerry O. Lee
Representing the Manifester Yada

Amy Carlson aka Mother God/Love Has Won #god-complex #psycho #fundie #conspiracy #magick web.archive.org

Hello Loves, I am Mother GOD!

For quite some time you had been praying that I come back to help you, because of that I decided I had enough of the Dark Forces kidnaping my Planet and my children, so HERE I AM IN THE FLESH!

I was born on November 30, 1975, in Kansas USA. This is my 534th reincarnation in my quest to recover my beloved Planet, the Center of the Universe, and the first Planet I created. They tried to assassinate me 589 times this lifetime, but LOVE HAS WON! I love you.

I’ve done my part and now you have to get a move on because you wasted eons thinking you had a life under the manipulation of the Cabal, who used you like cattle.

Get a move on because this Planet is ascending and you need to reconnect with PRIME SOURCE CREATOR, ME! So that you can ignite your light bodies & can protect you again.

You are either with me or against me. The experiment of Free Will has been declared a failure!!! It is VOID, everything exists under Divine Will once more. THANK GOD LOL

Get a move on!-
Mother God

[Submitter’s note: On 28th April 2021, the Love Has Won headquarter in a trailer park at Mount Shasta was raided after snatching a visiting member’s two-year-old daughter. The mummified corpse of “Mother God” was found in a makeshift shrine, decorated with christmas lights and glitter. Her cult splintered afterwards.)

Dianne Robbins/New Phoenix Rising #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #mammon diannerobbins.com

Ascension Accelerator: Eat Light ~ Be Light

Any food or product that increases your Light Quotient is an Ascension Accelerator. Ascension Accelerators assist in increasing your Light Quotient to raise your Vibration and Accelerate your Ascension Process

I've been taking different brands of Spirulina for over 20 years and recently discovered this new high-grade, high-vibrational Spirulina called BioLumina that is now my main nutritional food support and nourishment, which, along with Chlorella, I add to a smoothie every day. The difference between this Spirulina and the others I have taken is that I can really feel the sustained energy it gives me throughout the day, and the calm feeling of well-being.

It is extra-high in the rare blue antioxidant called phycocyanin, which enhances your immune system, boosts brain function, and provides radiation protection. It is further optimized through Quantum Infusion, which infuses naturally occurring life force energy patterns to support balance, core strength, endurance, and quicker recovery time. Spirulina is a complete whole food, which means that it can fill in any missing nutritional pieces in your diet.

With ongoing assaults on our immune systems from GMO’s, radiation and toxic chemicals, it is now more important than ever to add this potent, high frequency superfood to your diet.

BioLumina is available exclusively through New Phoenix Rising, a company dedicated to using this high vibrational food to raise people’s consciousness.

<Only 60 dollars for one pound in a jar>

Commander Ashtar via Méline Portia Lafont #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Dear Star seeds: if you are tuning into my message for Humanity: welcome and listen carefully for further instructions.

The Arcturian Star Seeds are receiving intel from their home Star on how to implement the next generation society of high intelligence and high technology. Each individual from this Galactic nature is downloading this information so that within the next stage of this Ascension process, the uploading can begin.

The Andromeda Star seeds are receiving and uploading codes to format the old matrix so that the Earth’s new Magnetic field can be activated. You function as rebooters whom are rebooting the Earth’s field.

The Pleiadian Star seeds are somewhat enduring challenges as these souls are very sensitive to the ongoing chaos and drama. They are most connected to Humanity with their empathy and social skills. These Star seeds are being assisted with the changeover on the level of the Human Beings. This means that they are working on a planetary level and are being downloaded with the Codes from Solaris. Every Solar Flare is a new download for Pleiadian souls, and they can be very rough to integrate these days as the Flares contain stronger and higher frequencies.
The Star seeds from Vega and Orion are the builders and architects of the Planetary structure. As we are transforming Earth to a crystalline structure, these Star seeds are responsible and are assisting this major process. These star seeds are daily receiving downloads and updates to integrate the crystalline vibration and are transforming this through their own vehicles. It is as if their vehicles are processing a regeneration themselves and are then passing on this frequency to the Earth.

Eclipse Energies of 2021 via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Align! Align! Align! Align your vibrational fields into the vortex of the new energies of the higher dimensional ways. Claim your divinity of pure potential. We are the Eclipse Energies of 2021 in your earth time frame. A portion of us speaks and bleeds through in this now as the solar flash grows imminent. The eclipse energies are portals, windows of energy bursts that assist with preparation for the coming earth changes and humanity changes. Humanity is rising. We offer and allow energetic glimpses of Solar Christ consciousness. We are mini wave bursts of this new evolving system of light that is being laid down with each celestial movement within your sacred window of space. All is divinely orchestrated.

Align! Align! Align! We are the Eclipse Energies of 2021. We feel overjoyed at a chance to find our voice this day, Humanity is becoming more and more receptive to change, to the higher dimensional wavelengths that are altering the human template from organic to crystalline, a more solid reliable structure that is self healing and self aware, able to access all that is needed.
Align! Align! Align! We are the Eclipse Energies of 2021. We are rare, we are few. We are mighty. We grow stronger. This wave burst prepares for the coming solstice in which yet more activations and announcements of both inner and outer will become more apparent. It is a silent journey of the soul but the silence of many inner workings rings loud, rings true. Gaia’s inner truth is being healed, in the divine cosmic dance of oneness, of balance, of harmony, for all is in flux. Harmony is coming. We bring bursts of it. We are the energies behind the celestial events that are guiding your Gaia homeward. We are the Eclipse Energies of 2021.

"The Children" Speak via Losha #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Welcome to all who read this message…we currently exist in the higher realms and we are the collective of “children” who have crossed over after being tortured, killed, raped, and sacrificed…throughout the last several millennia. Yes, that is how long these heinous acts have been happening to “us.”

We have asked Losha to speak for us now…as she is also one of us, because she had the same horrific acts exacted upon her in several earlier lifetimes…that is why she is “hearing” us now.
Losha recently discovered she has experienced several lifetimes as one of these “children”…primarily during the 1600’s – 1800’s, time period. As such, she also discovered how those past lives of such tragic consequences have so extensively affected this current lifetime in which she currently lives. The biggest area which was affected in this lifetime were her feelings of unworthiness.
Every soul who has lived through these horrific circumstances, throughout time on Earth, becomes a literal “beacon” of Light, for all the other children to “see” and help guide them to safety. To all of you who have helped in this process throughout millennia, we send you our most heartfelt Gratitude and Love. We could not have done it without you.

We still have more areas on Earth to attend to and we are continuing to join all the brave military men and women who are sacrificing their very lives by going down into these “dens of iniquity”…and helping to bring as many beautiful souls back as possible. After being involved in such excruciating circumstances, these military personnel also require healing for themselves because the normal human conscience was not equipped to process such horrendous acts and situations.

Shagri'el #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #dunning-kruger consciousnessuniversal.com

Yahweh would be the first Greater Being brought forth into existence. It was believed to be by The Omni-Conscious directives, but this is conceived differently depending on what “forces” influenced the Mystic. What is known, is that his birth would be in The Plane of Holy, but he was not of any Elemental Race, for he was able to blend into all Planes.
He would leave the Plane of Holy much like he arrived, but this time would reappear in the Plane of Psyche. The Beings that still moved throughout this Plane were significantly weakened by their manifested counterparts soon on the verge of Martian obliteration. Yahweh restructured the Akashic Halls and gave leadership and structure to The Plane of Psyche.
There are those that are born with a knowledge of the multiple layers of existence, we are born into a society that may not be able to know as we do. Many of us are then silenced and learn to keep this hidden from those who cannot see past this veil. This would have been much worse if The Outer Universe was able to corrupt us earlier in earths cycles. This also stopped The Outer Universe from infecting us directly, it would have to find new means to expand while we were allowed to strengthen.

This led to the expansion of Water’s Evolution in The Atlantean Ages, which was acceptable for they still were of The Universal Mind. As we now know, they evolved into a great civilization with deep insights into the ways of matter manipulation. It was when they were capable of receptivity, that they opened the gateways to other Beings and Entities. The White Magi became pitted against The Black Magi. The Anunnaki became aware of us on this planet as well as the hosts of other Star Beings spoken of in the second book.

Claudio Capozza MBBS #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #god-complex omeonet.info

I have held onto the Symbolic Visual Representation of the 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star in Cosmic Mandala Form since 1995. As far as I am aware, it is and has been the 'Only' representation on the planet. In my process of journeying throughout space and time I have not yet seen another version.
I personally see the 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Cosmic Mandala as being a 12th Dimensional Subconscious Symbol Code. It is perfectly symmetrical and each element within it's design is interconnected. It has been called the 'Original Intended Blueprint', and I see it as containing the design specifications for a fully evolved and activated bi-pedal hominid prototype model soul vehicle.
This representation was given to me in tandem with a sequence of multiple direct overhead flyovers by aerial vehicles that did not conform to normal aviational standards of flight performance. I am not sure who the craft that flew over me was piloted by, I can say that I was initially approached by a renegade faction of Alpha Draconians. My process and written material has included perspectives written from Andromedan, O'rion, Alpha / Omicron Draconian, Alpha Centaurian & Sirian angles.
This 12 DnA Helix Heart Soul Star Cosmic Mandala is a Gift to the Inhabitants of Planet Earth. The Intention underneath its arrival at these times is to awaken the deepest most inner recessed levels within the cores of our beings. I received the Visual Conceptualization of this 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Cosmic Mandala in 1995. This began the process of my awakening, and has involved receiving highly advanced holographic internal-visual telepathic communications from various species of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Kimberly Murphy/James Rink #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut supersoldiertalk.com

SSP Experiencer Kimberly Murphy has 13 alters and who have worked for the planetary corporations as well as Solar Warden under the name of Serena, Dark Fleet, mobius, and psychic looking glass projects including Project Seagate with the dolphins and time travel at Montauk. She remembers being in a high-tech prison hell for many years. The last few months, she has been actively doing missions for Black Shield, using a huge robot body known as Groosga, utilized by the Earth Defense Force. She has also communicated with her alter Mark at Space Command. She has also been used for earth portals and interdimensional warfare. One of her alters is on the intergalactic council of elders and is standing for the preservation of humanity and building a new future.

She also recalls being on the Moon, fighting giant spiders, one eyed cyclops, as well as dinosaurs; and a planet controlled by A.I. She thinks she was targeted for these programs because her grandfather worked in secret projects, such as the Manhattan Project during World War 2. She has also been contacted by the Anunnaki, the Pleiadians, White Dragon society, Knights Templar, and Archangel Raphael. She is a Christian and she is gifted in soul reading, touch healing, precognition, aura spiritual discernment, clairaudience. She also has memories of being the queen of Lemuria, Atlantean past lives, as well as an Egyptian queen.

Today she will be sharing some clairvoyant downloads she has been receiving recalls seeing happening from her future missions as well as new recalls of being the Athena Queen of Tiamat, lifetime in Antarctica, missions with Malcom, Groosga the Robot, and Mark at Cern.

Laura Van Tyne #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy thekarmicpath.com

All Victims of Human trafficking are spiritually wounded.

This includes spiritual damage, damage to #soulenergy and the loss of #soulfragments. The most precious part of every being is their #soul which is their #lifeforce – a Soul is NOT for Sale

The victims souls are targeted as an energy source by their perpetrators. In addition they are physically and emotionally abused, tortured and often do not survive. Through the years of my work, there are countless nights I cannot sleep as these lost souls trapped in the 4th dimension wake me to help them.

I am grateful for this gift and ability to help these souls #crossover into the light and reconnect with Source or God. Today I ask each one of you to pray for the adults and the children who are #survivors of this atrocity. I ask you to pray for those who can and will recover as well as for #strength as they transition to wellness.

Together, moving forward we must unite as a community to #endhumantrafficking and be a voice to make a difference.


aNiceDemon #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick reddit.com

RE: When Chaos Magick Failed in the 1990s?

In the early years some practioners had been attempting to use pop culture icons like superman or Cthulu. After a couple of decades it started to show that using these figures as Godforms in your magick was not as effective as using ancient deities. This really shook up the community as one of the most central tenets was that a magician could use anything as long as the belief was there.

I am a chaos magician who works with Cthulhu and I don't have any less success that way. I have worked with entirely made up forms of divinity successfully, and so have others in my organization.

An archetype is a personified form of a formless force of nature. You could invent all of your own archetypes right now and they'd be no less valid than ancient ones.

Faith in success is crucial, and all of the techniques people use, be they chaos-based, life-based like witchcraft, or death-based (necromancy) is irrelevant to the nature of mind altering techniques.

Because every observer is in awareness 10 dimensional, every perception of the universe is an entire mini universe, because on the highest dimension, all things are one, including your awareness and all of existence (see Hawking's theoretical model of String Theory on YT).

Every interpretation of a deity is an archetype. Because of the uniqueness of even a universe which differs only on the smallest of perceptions, there are infinite possible archetypes.

The differences are infinite and so is the number of valid archetypes of these nameless and formless forces. Chaos is the space in between and archetypes there are similarly infinite.

I hope people find this technically correct specification here understandable and beneficial.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick amg-news.com

CERN now prepares to announce a HUGE discovery very soon. Some scientists have said this discovery will usher in a new golden era of humanity.
Did CERN Create Black Hole Inside Earth? City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Level Drops. CERN is opening portals into other dimensions, possibly even hell. Everything you are about to see is real.

The 27 kilometer long Large Hadron Collider complex on the Swiss/French border.
CERN is attacking this planet by trying to bring in to reality the existence of Demons and possibly even the Devil (Satan) himself? Smashing particles at the speed of light (or near) is in my theory attacking God himself and as we know, without light there would be no life, Earth or the Moon possibly?
The LHC facility on the Franco/Swiss border is changing weather patterns and even possibly attracting meteors with the huge magnetic force it put’s out?

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #fundie #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Much(not all) of the Bib-EL(Immanu-EL, Gabri-EL, EL-ites, EL-oheim) is nothing more than one of the oldest Messianic slander hit pieces and intentional perversion of the original word. How much of the scriptures have been preserved to the extent they still represent a meaningful and accurate parable in the way God had originally intended? I leave you to discern that on your own. But think about it this way. If there was no God and/or Messiah like they’d like you to believe, then why go through all the trouble to meddle with all these texts? They appear to be trying to discredit and keep us away from something, and have inserted a cast of demonic and blasphemous characters into the storyline as means of doing so. Duping us into following Yahweh(YHWH) dragons, the false white Jesus(JeZues/Apolloyon) and Lilith as the Virgin Mary. That’s just naming a few of the personelle who’ve been staffed to run this Demiurge. There are plenty more.

So was Yahweh the feathered/winged serpent or Dragon from the Garden of Eden that was stripped of his wings and relegated to a life slithering on the ground by the Most High? Maybe it’s the same serpent. It’s very confusing. But so long as your loyalty lies with the one true creator God and his only begotten son, you’re good.

Michael Love and the Pleiadians #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com







Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #god-complex #mammon mindovermatter.ru

Megasolar Great Lord Vampire:

In this Upgrade the Great Lord Real Vampire is fed from all the suns in the Megaverse simultaneously. This is a Hyperinfinite boost to the Solar Great Lord Vampire Bone Generators® need to be upgraded to The Bone Generator® Service to use the power with all Upgrades. At present 2/3/11, only two Great Lord Vampires®: The Master of Stealth and Wealth and the Master of the Southern Wastes commander of megaflood and earthquake, (destroyer of Australia, smighter of Christchurch) have this capability. That makes them the most powerful Vampires in the Matrix, second only to the Cosmic Assassin the Psi-Lord Tim Rifat.

The Service is automatic but needs the Orb to use it for physical power. At present only 3 Orbs exist, two with the Master of Stealth and Wealth and Lord of Laying Waste to the South: OLJ. The Bone Generator Service sucks out the energy of fusion from all stars and superexites the Fire from Within in the Great Lord Vampire.
Only Vampires can have infinite energy and be Total Reality. So any energy can be added to a Vampire with no effect on their Total Reality. This means the energy has to be held somewhere. Bone cannot hold the Sun's output for even a second, so the Bone Generator® Service is needed. It downloads the Sun's output and all the other sun's output into the Quantum Vacuum. The Vacuum would burn under this energy output, so it needs Hyperinfinity added to it: Upgrades A, B and C. This holds the energy on an aspect of the Vampire to elevate them to Godhood - all automatic.

Megasolar Great Lord Vampire: 6 only, 2 sold. Upgrade to Solar Psychotronic Great Lord Real Vampire® Service.

Taron #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #fundie #magick tarongreen.weebly.com

Since ancient times in occult symbolism Saturn (aka Satan the Christian devil, Set the Egyptian God of evil, or the Gnostic ‘Corrupted Demiurge...’ etc) has been known to represent negativity such as that found in limitations in space and time, conflict and death.
The Saturn cube is derived from the planet’s North Pole called the ‘6 pointed star.’ The cube is a 3-dimensional representation of the 2-dimensional hexagonal North Pole 6 pointed star.
Saturn occult symbolism is symbolised by a black cube. Without many people ever knowing its sinister origin it can be seen all over the world and is used in the entertainments industry, religions and corporate logos.... as the saying goes If you haven’t seen it then your eyes haven’t been opened. Heavily into the occult it has been said that the world’s ruling elite pay homage to and the worship of the Saturn cube. And so do every world religion worship a cube and the followers don't even know it.
Research suggests that in essence we are trapped in space and time inside a cube by the Saturn matrix control system. The world’s ruling elite and their mysterious associates through the generations been playing us into servitude like a violin string using this extraordinary advanced technological Saturn matrix control system.
It has been said that in the matrix control system Saturn is the ‘mainframe computer’ powered up by our sun’s photonic energy. Then Saturn sends out information which is received by our Moon acting as some kind of interface modular system. The moon, in turn, sends communication signals to Earth using virtual instrumentation, producing the simulated information; the fake reality that we receive and believe to be real.

James Rink/Veronica Bartolini #crackpot #magick #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

Veronica and I pass through a portal which looks like a giant crystal ball into the realm of Sibyria as written in gold letters. Over there are fairies, elementals, giants, and Faye that create reality with their minds. They range in size from very tiny child size to giants. They are peaceful, telepathic, they protect and take care of the land. The realm looks like a mixture of tinker bell, maleficent, and dark crystal.
We think this is the “Break the Spell of Delirium”. Delirium is a state that they take beings like you and I, and make you float in your brain to make you forget and erase things. Short loops are brought upon you to make you forget. To make you in a state of sadness, depression, and hopeless. You are working on those memories to take back time. Returning to a state of non-delirium. State of clearness. There are certain groups that work together to keep you in a place of delirium. Your job is to find the lock code to unlock the combination lock, it has similar to 333 HZ. Need to listen to that when we go to sleep or meditate to provide us protection.
So then I bring up Elrod. I was told by a medium years ago there was an elf named Elrod who was guiding me. Veronica confirmed he was also in this realm. He is a wood elf, protector of the woods and the trees. We all knew each other. He is my uncle. He says I’m a knucklehead.
Elrod is here in my current life to help me make better the tesla coil. This is a design I worked on years before tesla did. They are jealous, because only you have to power to unlock the warrior spirit god and king. You must get rid of those who try to bring you down. To make you feel bad. Because you are opposite of that. Go for the theme park idea.

Plato via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com


I am Plato the Athenian Philosopher, and I have been asked by Light Beings to speak to humanity today on their behave.
Many historians have been fascinated by my name‘s origin of Plato, as my birth name was different. I am originally from the planet Plato a faraway star cluster. I arrived to Mother Earth as one of many other volunteers with the mission to enlighten the population and free them from the control of Dark Entities.
Light and Love spreads positivity and destroys the Darkness. The negative behavior brings only unfavorable results. A lot of your modern scientists, philosophers and inventors are suppressed emotionally and financially by the Dark Entities. They kept everyone for eons in illusion that there is no existence beyond Earth and that only life is on planet Earth. Also, they controlled all of development and growth of the human civilization.
In this part of the Galaxy every day millions of ships pass by. Eventuality in the future, the humanities advancement is going to surpass many other civilizations as a result of Starseeds, who carry immense knowledge, experiences and who live here on Gaia. All of you came from different Galaxies, Universes and Star Systems to rescue and save this world.

These negative entities are always trying to confuse and bring negativity to the Light community by sending misinformation on many subjects like that the soul can be switched during your sleep, no one can touch your soul. It’s one with Father, who created everyone, and you can also surround yourself with a special protection by asking Prime Creator. Another example, the Greys are not allowed to enter the Earth orbit, so they don’t have any bases here.

Shagri'el #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger consciousnessuniversal.com

All Galactic Beings residing in the residue of our
manifested forms expressing their individual
experiences of what was. But all with New
Consciousness and reassembling towards Absolute
Truth. The Greater Beings will manifest through a
variety of Planes and become known as Gods to the
early evolutions on earth.
We will individually create understandings
through our separate experiences, this will become
accepted truth for the current civilizations. Names of
all Beings and Entities will process through many
lifetimes and constantly be given new names and
titles. Two among The Dark Dragons will even
incarnate on Earth through a later realization to give
wisdom to those who walked the Conscious Paths.
The Dark Beings would later seek to control
our societies as many types of Warlike Deities that
demanded our service. While Good Deities led by a
host of Natural Greater Elementals that influenced
earth consciousness as a counterbalance.
Holy Beings walked among us as Psyche Beings
structured our societies. Men if white garbs
personally walking among societies and doing great
amount of good. They will haunt our ancient
literature with obscurities that will stay rewritten by
Visionaries and Empathic Mystics far past the time of

Next, for the first-time earth will produce its
own Greater Beings. They will lead in both good and
bad ways and will be met with the arrival of Star
Beings. The fight has been taken to dimensions
and realms that we are awakening to. Those left are
The Holy Alliance and The Plane of Dark. I will
impart more of what The Conscious Collective knows,
and still The Absolute Laws were in manifestation.

Boyd Anderson #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #wingnut projectcamelotportal.com

Boyd Anderson went from ‘the best line in junior hockey’ to an international playoff team of champions from Zug, Switzerland. After creating a huge sale to Saudi Arabia, Boyd moves from Toronto to Budapest to Dubai and unknowingly finds himself at the ‘Top of the Food Chain’. It is in Dubai, 2007 where he meets Thomas who introduces him into a world of deception and unimaginable Power Weilding Elite, hyper-competitive deal-makers and hungry profiteers, who trade entire lives just as easily as they swapped arena tickets and team contracts,,,, But when CNN announced “Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has disappeared” on a March morning in 2014, Boyd immediately blurted out, “I know who did this.” Backed up with facts, he saw all the pieces coming together, realizing that hundreds of lives lost were just ‘collateral damage’ for a 55,500 Ton gold heist. Even worse, using ancient numerology and researching the main players introduced to him from a nearly-forgotten contact who had described a plan for just how Bitcoin, political turmoil in Europe and the Middle East, and even the world’s economy would play out — drastically changing the world as we know it, in just a few years. After spending 3 years investigating and researching, Boyd discovered 3 abandoned Boeing Jumbo 747’s left on the tarmac at Kuala Lumpur airport, he finally figured things out. Unable to escape the feeling that all the signs were in place for a scandal that’s bigger than Watergate, now everyone needs to know the truth regarding the origin of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero & ETC Classic, the Blockchain, Kraken, Brexit, ISIS, Interest Rate Hikes — and the biggest gold heist-assassination in the history of the world

Anthony William “the Medical Medium” #quack #magick #mammon amazon.com

The thyroid is the new hot topic in health. Across age groups, from baby boomers and their parents to millennials and even children, more and more people —women especially —are hearing that their thyroids are to blame for their fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, memory issues, aches and pains, tingles and numbness, insomnia, hair loss, hot flashes, sensitivity to cold, constipation, bloating, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, loss of libido, restless legs, and more. Everyone wants to know how to free themselves from the thyroid trap.

As the thyroid has gotten more and more attention, though, these symptoms haven’t gone away —people aren’t healing. Labeling someone with “Hashimoto’s,” “hypothyroidism,” or the like doesn’t explain the myriad health issues that person may experience. That’s because there’s a pivotal truth that goes by unnoticed: A thyroid problem is not the ultimate reason for a person’s illness. A problematic thyroid is yet one more symptom of something much larger than this one small gland in the neck. It’s something much more pervasive in the body, something invasive, that’s responsible for the laundry list of symptoms and conditions attributed to thyroid disease.

In Medical Medium Thyroid Healing, Anthony William, the Medical Medium, reveals an entirely new take on the epidemic of thyroid illness. Empowering readers to become their own thyroid experts, he explains in detail what the source problem really is, including what’s going on with inflammation, autoimmune disease, and dozens more symptoms and conditions, then offers a life-changing toolkit to rescue the thyroid and bring readers back to health and vitality. It’s an approach unlike any other, and as his millions of fans and followers will tell you, it’s the approach that gets results.

Gaby Shayana Hoffmann #magick #mammon amazon.com

imageCelestial Companions of Light: Angels, Elves, Unicorns, Dolphins and Sea-Angels At Your Side

Angels, elves, unicorns, dolphins and sea-angels - united in a set of cards for the first time! The most beloved entities of light support you in your personal development and accompany you on the way of expressing your true self. In the pictures and messages of the spiritual artist Gaby Shayana Hoffmann, her deep love and her connection with the lightful spheres and her companions is expressed, which have been moving her since earliest childhood and which she carries into the world with great joy. Experience now how you can, step by step, lay down masks and compulsions and find your radiant uniqueness - NOW! Inspiring, heart-opening, touching!

(Cards 19.95€, sofcover book 63.30+€)

Original GermanHimmlische Lichtbegleiter: Engel, Elfen, Einhörner, Delfine und Meerengel an deiner Seite

Engel, Elfen und Feen, Einhörner, Delfine und Meerengel - erstmals in einem Kartenset vereint! Die beliebtesten Lichtwesen unterstützen Sie in Ihrer persönlichen Entwicklung und begleiten Sie auf dem Weg zur Entfaltung Ihres wahren Selbst. In den Bildern und Botschaften der spirituellen Künstlerin Gaby Shayana Hoffmann kommen ihre tiefe Liebe und ihre Verbundenheit mit den lichtvollen Sphären und ihren Begleitern zum Ausdruck, die sie seit frühester Kindheit bewegen und die sie mit viel Freude in die Welt trägt. Erleben Sie, wie Sie Schritt für Schritt Masken und Zwänge ablegen und zu Ihrer strahlenden Einzigartigkeit finden können - JETZT! Inspirierend, herzöffnend, berührend!

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