
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Potbellypos #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] Rape is just a made up concept so Chad can keep all the women for himself

Just think about it. Sex is the only thing in the world that's a good thing that can "traumatize" you if you have to do it with an ugly male. Imagine if pizza is a foid's favorite food but she claims she's got PTSD because an ugly male bought pizza for her. It's the same kind of bullshit like "emotional support animals" or when women use "anxiety" as an excuse to get out of any form of responsibility. Females lie through their teeth and they'll say any kind of bullshit if it suits their needs. Femnazis have fought hard to make it so males can be convicted of rape with ZERO evidence. It's literally just an imaginary crime that soyboys will use as an excuse to round up ugly males like we're jews during the holocaust. Foids can just go down to the police station, claim you raped her and even if you have a perfect alibi with video evidence that you were nowhere near her at the time you'll still get the death penalty. That's assuming the simp inmates don't castrate you and let you bleed to death before you can make it to the electric chair. Being an ugly male in 2020 is considered a crime worthy of capital punishment. If you're ugly, you can be walking down the street and a foid can claim you slapped her ass and everyone in the surrounding area will lynch you while they tape it and post it on Youtube to get a billion likes. Women are modern day nazis the world over. A cunt can post a video of an ugly male being senselessly murdered in America and women in Russia, China, India, and Brazil will all like the video despite not speaking the language. Hatred of ugly men is instinctual to whores, they don't need spoken words to convey their feelings. Persecution of ugly men is a universal concept, even aliens will understand it when they invade our planet.

Various Incels #sexist #racist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] IT cuckold from Facebook telling us to love ourselves we're not ugly forever!

(insanus virginem)


to this day, the most accurate portrayal of my own transgender psychosis i've ever seen was in Silence of the Lambs. as a teenager, i would compulsively draw dismembered female bodies. i was obsessed with the female form, desperately recreating it over and over, imagining myself living inside that skin. and then my shame would lead me to ritualistically dismember that body on the page, piece by piece, with me still inside it.

IT nigger is a mentally ill tranny, figures. BTW trannies and faggots in general have not been the "oppressed" class for at least 20 years so just lol at this fagget. The average trannyfaggot has a much easier time at getting laid than we do

Still, there are a lot of trannies who have it real hard. It is not that much better, believe me. You have to really (at least almost) pass as cis to do good.


Jesus fucking christ. That thing will kill some femoid someday, if it hasn't killed yet.

This Also good signature, like I've also pointed out masculinity has been feminized, so all these incels going around the forum complaining about "not feeling loved" and that "they'd refuse sex if they thought the woman didn't love them for them" are just indoctrinated men raised with a culture of feminized masculinity, what a woman thinks of you doesn't matter, what you can get from her does

Reminder that these abominations are the "sensible" ones JFL.

niggas really get high on estrogen, cut off their dick and obsess with dismembering foids and then go and tell us we're violent psychopaths who need to be locked up for using mean words like "foid" or "tranny"

As a teenager, I was obsessed with the female form, too. But I was jerking off from it, I wasn't imagining dismembering it. But I guess I'm the deranged one, right ?

Potbellypos #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] Why can't foids be bred like pets and live to serve us?

If we don't teach them language other than simple commands so they can obey us, then they can lead a simple life of ignorance. Think how happy your cat or dog is when you come home. Imagine having a sexy slut on her hands and knees ready to suck your cock when you get home. She won't be fat because she doesn't get to eat unless her master feeds her. All she'll want to do is cuddle up next to you or sit on your lap, in between periods of fucking for hours at a time. In this scenario, the foid wouldn't even be alive if we didn't breed her, so she owes us a life debt and must obey us for eternity.

mainlander #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] Women are like selective psychopaths

While a psychopath is not able to care about anyone, women might be able to care about an animal, or a baby, but never about a grown man who isn't their son/close relative at least.

I swear, how little they care about men is something that's giving me the creeps these days. I wouldn't be able to feel that indifferent and sadistic even towards my worst enemy. Yet they do it with men who never did anything at all to deserve it. Even if they have been romantically/sexually involved with a man, they might just move on and these men become as worthy as dirt to them overnight.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "France: Slut Uprising at High Schools as Dirty Whores Demand a Right to Wear Hooker Clothes in Class"]

Every female knows that all of her power comes from her body, and her ability to make men do things for her using her body. Women have literally no ability to do anything of value, and they cannot survive without men. As such, any attempt by a man to prevent a woman from using sex to manipulate men is viewed as “a sexist attack on women.”

Someone has to stop these sluts.

They need to be beaten and gang-raped.

Girls in French high schools were on Monday invited to dress “provocatively” to denounce sexism.
The #Lundi14Septembre (#Monday14September) hashtag was launched on social platforms after several female pupils complained they were refused entry to their high schools over the past few days because their clothes were judged to be “indecent”, according to French media.[…]

This entire framing of the concept that telling women to wear decent clothing is tantamount to rape is utterly nonsensical.
Honestly, we never should have stopped that practice. Including girls in men’s classes was always going to distract the boys. Every single study, ever, shows that both boys and girls do better at sex-segregated schools.
So: the elite keep their sons in private boys only schools, then they not only force you to send your sons to schools with girls, but have all of these “women’s rights” organizations come out and denounce you as evil for not wanting girls dressed up like literal strippers in your son’s school.

When the ruling elite are doing something completely different than you, then constantly using their organizations to attack you and demand that you keep doing more and more extreme versions of a thing they totally refuse to do, you need to start asking what’s going on.

ThoughtfulCel #sexist incels.is

[JFL] Woman pays men to murder both her parents. Comments blame parents and advise future muderers


This retarded asian foid calls a hit on both her parents and then gets interrogated. Retardation insures in the comments as normless, cucks, and women all trip over thier feet to advise future murderers to get a lawyer, lie better, and excuse this foid of her actions.

Her dad was literally shot in the face hospitalized and her mother straight up died. But these people feel nothing but remorse and feel the need to advise potential criminals on how to get away with murder BECAUSE SHES A FEMALE.

Now imagine if a 24 year old male killed both his parents. You think these people would be making the same retarded comments? The woman is wonderful effect is disgusting and even applies to foid murderers. This is only further proof that human beings are retarded and shitty creatures who support terrible people.

Innocent tiny little asian foid kills both her parents? OBVIOUSLY A VICTIM.

Incel male kill both of his parents? HE DESERVES TO DIE, POOR PARENTS

Women-are-wonderful effect


only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem, revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic preference for their own gender.[5]


LOLI BREEDING #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] The loli I've been stalking online since corona(6 months) turns out to be 5'11

Seen her today on the bus. It's actually fucking over. Why live as a sub 6'5 male in 2020? She was squatting in group photos apparently, her massive skull should've been a dead giveaway. She brutally mogs all her friends. And she's only like 14 or 15 at most so this may not even be her final form. :lul::feelsUnreal: I mean sure she seemed tall I thought hey she's maybe 5'8 at most that's pretty tall right no she's fucking 5'11 :feelsrope:

FAloner #sexist incels.is

[JFL] Inceltears most powerful argument against incels

No matter in which of the cherry-picked threads, that challenges their bluepilled world view the least, you click on: After years of their existence, you still find the same argument voted to the top, that is a variation of "dis is y u inkwell".

Example of a TOP VOTED comment:

I cant finish reading any post in which bitch ass men call women "holes." Like, you complain you dont get affection or love and cant get laid while in the same breath call the people youd like to get laid by "holes?"

"BuT mY hEiGhT iS tHe IsSuE!"

They keep parroting that because people here call woman "foids" or "holes", that because of misogynistic statements, we are incel.

Incelcucks, listen: Inceldom is HELL. Do you believe that if changing our attitude towards woman would fix our inceldom, we wouldn't do it in a HEARTBEAT? Do you not see that there might be a reason WHY people here behave this way? Do you really believe all of us started out that way?

How many incels do you think respected woman, self-improved, tried every single advice there is already? I know I did and I'm sure the vast majority of us did as well.

We are here because none of that shit worked. And because we are fed up and need a space to rant about what we received and what we can observe about the fucked up dating market.

We are not here because we were born woman haters who just need to change their attitudes to get into a relationship.

based_meme #sexist #racist #conspiracy incels.is

RE: [JFL] Polygamy being a natural state of humans?

(((Psychology Today.)))

The article is trying to make people think that monogamy is unnatural so that they go around thinking it's the natural state to be a cuck and let hundreds of other men bust nuts in your wife, or to justify her whoring around.

I fucking love science and science told me it’s natural for Tyrone laquavius to fuck my wife :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:

Unironically, this is exactly what a soy NPC would think.

ReturnOfSaddam #sexist incels.is

It's so funny to think there was actually a point in time where people believed women didn't care about looks

Think about the fact that for almost all of modern history men legit believed that women didn't care about looks, or at least that men cared about them more JFL. This view is quite prevalent even today. I know in the past they may have valued wealth a lot but they have ALWAYS wanted looks before anything else, it's just they haven't always had the choice.

I think with shit like Tinder, TikTok, etc. you can really just see this to be so blatantly fucking obvious it's not even funny. Women are REPULSED by non-male model men.

youthislife #sexist #fundie incels.is

[Blackpill] I've Never Heard A Foid Say She Wants A Virgin Husband

Even from religious foids whose own religion bans s*x outside of marriage I've never seen them say they want a virgin husband the way guys say they want a virgin wife. Why do foids hate God so much? Chad=the God of foids.

Why would anyone want a virgin anything? There's your answer.

Because s*x outside marriage is banned in both Christianity and Islam. So if a foid is actually religious she should be a virgin until marriage and marry a virgin man.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #homophobia #magick henrymakow.com

On page one of my book Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World (2008), I wrote, "If this were a movie treatment, it would be rejected as implausible. Our leaders are not chosen for their intelligence or achievements but rather because they are able to win the peoples' trust and willing to betray it. They are chosen by a small Satanic cult -- Cabalist bankers and Freemasons -- that controls the world's finances and media...Many "leaders" are kept in line by having them indulge in horrifying occult rituals including human sacrifices, sexual orgies, pedophilia, rape, torture, and murder...The Illuminati goal is to degrade and enslave humanity, mentally and spiritually if not physically. [Their] influence is like cancer that extends throughout society." Does the Coronahoax make sense now?

It's no wonder our "leaders" are criminals, Satanists, and perverts. These are the only people the central banking cartel can trust. The Rothschilds are Satanists (Cabalist i.e. Masonic Jews.) Their cartel is a criminal fraud. They create the medium of exchange ("currency", "credit") out of thin air as a debt to themselves and charge interest.

All the policies deemed "progressive" -- gender-bending, multiculturalism, miscegenation, migration, attack on marriage and family, (homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity), BLM, ANTIFA -- are designed to undermine the target population, people of European and Christian descent who the Cabalist bankers regard as the last remaining obstacle to their hegemony. They are promoting sodomy in public schools. They are all about promoting sickness. "We corrupt in order to control," is their credo. We are being inducted into their cult as their servants.

CrackingYs #sexist #psycho incels.is

[LifeFuel] What is best in life? Hearing the lamentation of the women about losing tbeir abortion rights

They're actually weeping at the thought of having to use birth control or carry a baby to term rather than murdering it.

FreeSkeptic, r/TwoXChromosomes

Conservatives are celebrating the death of a woman just because it might allow them to turn women into gestational slaves again

It's sick.

Meanwhile they could care less about the 200k COVID deaths, starving children, giving women the financial ability to raise children, pre-natal healthcare, LGBTQ people, uninsured folks, etc.

They're not pro-life. They're anti-choice, and in the case of RBG dying they're actually pro-death.

Mainländer #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Women wrongly think love= tingles

They think love is about feeling head over heels for some person who looks exactly like you prefer, and that it's only "true love" if that feeling lasts forever.

Truth is, this strong passionate feeling not only has nothing to do with love, since it's all about looks, but it's known to only last for a limited amount of time. Even if you got together with the most ideal person for you in the world, this intense passionate feeling would go away after some time. This is normal and scientifically proven.

But since women don't know the meaning of the word "loyalty", believe in this "no tingles anymore= not true love" bullshit and face no consequences for frivorce, they'll dump the guy as soon as the tingles are gone nowadays, unless there's some major convenience going on. If you notice carefully, all lasting relationships nowadays are heavily based on convenience, and mostly only work for older people, especially older women. Older women know they won't get Chad consistently anymore, thus, no tingles anymore for them, so they settle for betabuxx SOMETIMES (not even that much is guaranteed, frivorce is still rampant with older women), thinking like "yeah, it'd be too much of a bother to go through a divorce and I won't even get Chad anymore probably, so meh."

AutisticMonstrosity #sexist #racist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] Just a normal/typical day of mine: first two couples I saw today were immigrant man with local woman

My streak of seeing organically couples is much more than 80 couples without seeing any foreign woman, Finnish man couples. Must be hundreds. I don't even remember when I last time saw Finnish man/foreign woman couple. Not this year at least. And it is always only with Asian women, Thais, Filipinos, Chinese etc. Never with Arab or African women or other white foreign women except betabuxxing poor Eastern European women, a phenomenon which has seen a big decrease since their economies have grown well while our economy is still (before the coronashock) smaller per capita than it was in 2007.

I opened my window the first time today. And totally randomly, what I saw? Tall, handsome, muscular mulatto man talking on the phone using hands-free earphones. He was walking alone, maybe talking to his Finnish girlfriend. He appeared using videocall feature, FaceTime or something, because he looked all the time to the phone screen while talking.

It is calming and jealous to watch the protester masses in Belarus in the news. Finland used to be like that. No foreigners to be seen in the masses of people. The only couples I know nearby are invader man/local woman ones.

I am literally starving here because I have not had the mental peace to go buy food in Lidl. Because the last a few times (since spring actually!) in a row I have seen every time Arab/(Iraqi), Afghan, British, African man, Finnish young woman couples. One time couple weeks ago the Finnish woman really watched me long in the eyes with a mien to signal her message of contempt for normal Finnish men. It is seen as cool to date foreign men and speak English. But these same women have utmost contempt for men that have a foreign spouse and call them losers. And the women-run mass-media agrees.

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

[JFL] Female teacher slept with 15 year old student, praised him that he has bigger penis than her husband


JFL... True story, it's all over the news. And her husband is still supporting her, going with her to court trials and shit. Foids are ultimate psychopath, they have no sense of guilt or remorse, they will do anything to satisfy their desires - material, sexual, whatever.

WHY DO CUCKS EXIST I'd be fucking embarrassed to show my face in public if I was that guy. Instead he LITERALLY broadcasts being a shameless cuck to the entire world. BEYOND pathetic.

I can't decide which is more infuriating, that worthless whore or her pathetic cuck husband.

(insanus virginem)
Females sexually mature a year or two before males do yet whenever a 17 year old girl gets fucked by her male teacher it is considered far more gross and "pedophilic" than when a female teacher fucks a 15 year old male. Btw this isn't pedophilia it's ephebophila


" aspiring Chad " I think he earned the title now.

The adult in me finds this disgusting, especially as how she's essentially getting away with it. It's the purest form of sexism and everybody knows it. But the child in me, this was all I wanted as a kid. To get to fuck a grown woman. And to do that and be told that you're better than a grown man? I agree, open the books and make this kid Chad.

(Made in Heaven)
Yet whites still have the audacity to talk about being the superior race. Imagine getting cucked by a 15 year old who has a bigger dick than you. Imagine your wife telling a barely-adult male his dick is bigger than yours. Imagine STILL siding with that filthy whore afterwards, This is a genuine question: Are Europeans genetically predisposed to be cucks? It seems they absolutely LOVE getting cucked

insanus virginem & ReturnOfSaddam #sexist #crackpot incels.is

(insanus virginem)
[Discussion] Losing virginity at uncommon age

How do you go about doing it? How do you explain your date that you are in your mid 20's or even 30 and you still have not had sex yet? 19 or 20 was probably the last year it was not considered too weird but at that age it's extremely uncommon. Now imagine that you haven't even kissed a woman yet by that age when there are 12 year olds running around making out and touching each other. Telling someone that you are a KHV is extremely emasculating and a sure way for a woman to lose all respect she had for you. But you can't hide it and if you do your performace looks even worse. Now imagine that she is your coworker or in your social circle and that she will be telling everyone how you're a loser virgin. "Practicing" with prostitutes is an alternative but who wants to make out with hookers and which hooker even wants to make out with you? And why would your first time be with some ugly foid you have to pay to have sex with?


This is my last chance.

JFL act quickly then because 19/20 is when life starts going by quick as fuck. It's true. The average person will have lived half of their perceived life by age 23 according to this: http://www.kafalas.com/Logtime.html And not only that, even if you forget about perception of time just look at your actual life activity, the shit you'll be doing. By 23 you'll almost certainly be done with college and be stuck in some boring wageslave job. Doesn't matter if it's well paying or minimum wage, it's still 8 hours chained to a fucking desk suffering. And that's if you're one of the "lucky" ones, you might not find any work. Then there's the hours spent commuting, suffering, doing boring ass chores, etc etc etc it's just comically fucking bad man. I once saw a thread on another forum titled "Life is what happens between age 0-25". It couldn't be more true.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

Never had a boyfriend seeks advice

Ask Anna: I'm almost 23 and I've never had a boyfriend – is this normal?

Stacy “embarrassed” she never had a bf (but I’m sure she’s had hookups). a woman asks this? “Don’t be embarrassed! It’s never too late.That’s because you’re independent!” A man worried that he’s never had a girlfriend? “Ewww. Incel creep. Weirdo. That’s because women sense your misogyny”

(insanus virginem)
The article says:

Q: I’m almost 23 and I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’ve dated a few people, but not many – is this normal?

Retarded foid had several boyfriends but does not count them for some retarded foid reason. That's like me inserting my cock inside her pussy against her will and claiming I never tehnically raped her because I didn't orgasm or some other arbitrary made up rule.

Never had a chad willing to commit*. If she is so bothered about that fact she is more than welcome to suck the dick of each and everyone of the users in this site, hypergamous bitch hope you die a painful and gruesome death.

(Total Imbecile)
This is why I dont even read womens posts on the topic Could go right now on r/dating and find a post like that Women cant ever be incel

?????? insert niggawhat.jpeg I fucking swear people nowadays, it boils my blood, “single” doesn’t mean anything, well it does, it means she is a massive whore. Do you really believe an attractive woman is not getting it? It’s the way the terminology is used, “I’m single” but they have multiple FWB, hookups, sell nudes and suck random dick at parties. It’s completely meaningless.

Fearofeight #sexist #crackpot #psycho incels.is

[Theory] Why Women Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Say No [According to Leftist Logic]

Sheboon can’t get into restaurant for being black? :soy::feels: “NOOOOO!!!11 YOU CANT DO THAT RACIST!!”
Incel can’t get into houseparty for being ugly? :soy: “Nobody owes you anything INKWELL it’s their property!11”

Imagine in public if a black guy tries to talk to me and I say “I don’t talk to black people” that’s racist and in a Leftist world would have me shot against the wall.
Now if a woman refuses to talk to a guy because he is ugly, “You go queen!” guy gets called a creep and potential rapist harassing women.

leftists also believe a baker should be forced to bake cakes for fags, they say you can’t make “my body my choice” argument because bakers are bakers and they bake for other people and that’s their stated business, that as long as you pay you should get a cake.

Now, Leftists also believe Sex is real work, so by their logic all Women should have sex with you as long as you pay the price for the service.

Now, what about women who have sex free of charge? Or they fuck a guy who bought them coffee for example?

By leftist logic, that’s the price of their service, every woman is then a sex worker. Thus they should not discriminate.

I should then (by their own logic) fuck any woman at the same price they fuck others, if they charge more, or refuse me individually that’s discrimination and inequality.

WizardofSoda #sexist #crackpot incels.is

My radical idea: Cloning millions of Staceys

We all know cloning is possible now even if the powers that be have stopped talking about it. (actually the media blackout on cloning is sure fire evidence that it is possible now)

This idea just came to me in a flash. Like as the foot of Pegasus hits the stone, creating the spark of creativity(that normies don't have).

20 years ago if the people in power had honestly taken steps to address the gender imbalance for marriages & romance, we could have had moderate ideas, that together could have reduced the problem. But the studied ignorance and hatred of society towards sex have-nots like us has forced us into a position that when we seize power we will have to take extreme measures.

With the power of the state we can create any number of cloned Stacies. The only way women could temper our production of clone Stacies is if they actually started having sex with and loving and giving a chance to incels. Then because we are wise and enlightened supreme gentlemen we would see the honest effort of women and take into account their desires and pleasures too.

We also could have a ready made supply of cloned Stacies with all sorts of different looks and personalities. So that blackpilled incels could get to know some of the clones and then decide which one they wanted. For example do you want a sultry and seductive Arabic Stacey, or do you want a Sassy high tier blonde Stacey, or a lusty big tits Brunette.

Holymanbaba #sexist reddit.com

[OP of “All western women are now prostitutes”]

Ie everything about them is transactional.

There is no chance of connection or chemistry.

Its "do you have the looks/money/status? Ok I will open my legs. If you don't? Fuck off".

Their bluntness and uncouthness is like a hooker off the street.

Even when I pass the 'standard' for this transaction, I find it uninspiring and offputting.

I have just realized I should just consider all westen women prostitutes, and treat them as such. Makes things more simple.

lastlivingdodo51 #sexist reddit.com

Nothing triggers foids more than an ugly man who appears genuinely confident, laid back and happy

It's not enough for foids to have Chad. They need ugly men to suffer. They NEED ugly men to struggle, sweat, beg, and fight tooth and nail for every little scrap of food, comfort, and affection.
They need this so much that they'll go out of their way to inconvenience us at every opportunity. This is especially true in our modern clown world, where foids with jobs, many of which are managerial positions (lmao), offload as much of Chad's work to incels as they possibly can.
Foids want to feel like royalty, like they're queens, and Chad is the king, and we're all their servants. Don't give them this satisfaction.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

(To koniec)
[Serious] Did you fetishized foids from other countries/races ?

At beginning of blackpill i thought that polish women are worst and many polish incels hated polish women. They fetishized russian, ukrainian foids. Whitecels hate white foids and wants 'muuhhhh noodle feminie whores' Ricecels from aznidenity hate rice women wants muhhh blonde foids ( i look at you @PPEcel ) Browncels like curries, latinos thinks that brown women wants just white men ( despite majority of curry women marry curry men ) Always thought that such phenomen is caused due to view of your women with other race of men cause you to believe that their are traitor worthless and women from other countries are better. I thought about this about east slav women, but learned that women are same evrything. And russkies and hohols are anal loving degenerates ( despite their 'hatred' for gays ) ( seriously, a lot russian pornastars love anal ).

German foids are the worst of all, most of them wouldn't even date German guys. You need to have at least 1/2 (1/4 in some cases) foreign ancestry. But keep in mind that they wouldn't date rices, ethnics, curries.

I despise any Asian girls who are not native to Asia. They all seem to have a superiority complex because they Nintendo soytards treat them like goddesses. Makes me wanna smash their faces in.

I’m a spic-cel, and for a long time I fetishized Russian bitches. I still find them extremely hot, but I later learned they’re not as traditional as I naively thought —- high divorce rate and high rates of single motherhood. They also expect the man to pay for everything, even if they’re a doctor or attorney the only thing likable about Russian foids is that they hate fags, dikes and trannies

Let's put it this way, the more attractive curry cunts are white men chasing traitors, but relatively attractive curry cunts are rare to come by, that's why it's obvious that most curry cunts are with curry men but once they have the chance to jump on cumskin dick, they would.

Magnanimity #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] Unattractive men are more dangerous.

This dawned on me. We know that women are attracted to the dark triad--but whose more dangerous than an unattractive man? Rather than relying on their looks to attract women, we have to resort to manipulation, coercion, stalking, and rape. Attractive dudes have to worry about literally none of that to secure sex--but it's all we've got. Think about it--thousands of years of men making laws to ensure women as their property--to ensure paternity--and all those men were privileged citizens. For everyone else, it was anyone's game. You don't own the harems--when less than half of your sex are reproducing, how do you procreate? You go to war with your fellow men, hoping to share in the spoils--and in doing so, more men die, further decreasing the male rate of reproduction!

Now those instincts are hardwired into us--only to be tamed if we allow our hardwiring to be hijacked by pornography--tricking our brains into thinking we've reproduced. Instead, we think we have to stalk women. Get to know everything about them to increase our chances that something magical will happen. Manipulate their reality using our advanced faculties of reason. Get them to believe what is clearly not true--and then, take advantage of them when they've been thoroughly isolated.

Sexual fitness has made us inherently disingenuous. Liars. Rapists--all for survival.

PPEcel #sexist incels.is

[News] Lookism in action: Roastie flight attendants sue United Airlines for packing charter flights with "young, blonde" Stacy crews

In a workplace discrimination suit filed in California Superior Court, Guillory v. United Airlines, two veteran flight attendants (a middle-aged black femoid and a middle-aged Jewish femoid) complained that United

...has adopted and continues to implement procedures that are designed to ensure that young, white, blond/blue-eyed, female employees receive positions with the charter program, while more senior, and Black and Jewish employees such as plaintiffs, do not "United has created a despicable situation, as if decades of laws and policies preventing discrimination based on age, race and ancestry, and gender simply do not exist.”

Are these older flight attendants admitting that race, ethnicity, age, hair/eye colour, and gender are all proxies for sexual capital? Huh, water is wet...

Why is she mad. She has infinite SMV

cuz she's not Stacy I'm convinced that you can't lose in life as a white femoid

what's wrong with them getting comped tickets to games though? are roasties going to complain next that blonde stacy bartenders get more tips? given it's a customer facing role, i don't really see what is wrong with putting their "A-Team" forward for their most valued clients tbh

You know those roasties would never apply their logic to ugly ethnic males.

I bet they made full use of their youth when they had the chance, now they want to steal it away from the new generation of bimbo. i dont want to sound like a simp, but i think that becky jelousy towards stacy is more common then one might think

pretty much lol

OkLetterhead9 & Lion_amongst_gods #sexist reddit.com

For those who still think that women are oppressed in third world countries, just because the western media doesn't show you female privilege and the oppression of men as fathers or husbands doesn't mean they don't exist !


UNMARRIED HINDU DAUGHTER CAN CLAIM MAINTENANCE FROM FATHER UNTIL SHE IS MARRIED: SC Relying on Section 20(5) of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, the top court throws light on the limited scope of Section 125 of the CrPC, which denies a similar right. I V. Venkatesan

Women are definitely still oppressed in third world countries, but India isn’t a third world country

No they are not, i'm from third world country (Algeria) and college graduate are 60% female ! The media focus exclusively on women's issues that's why you have the illusion that women suffer more. just like in the west the media never talk about men's issues and they say women are oppressed.

You’re right actually. It’s quite interesting but Algeria is actually the exception rather than the rule. A lot of third world countries aren’t like Algeria though

In Iran 65% of college graduates are female. The oppression of women is a myth, there is no country that oppress women. In all countries both men and women have problems and issues.

The hindu son

should take care of his parents

should provide for his wife

should pay for the expenses of his children

The hindu daughter

can claim maintenance from a father

can claim money from her husband

can claim alimony from her ex-husband

can claim money from her son

India is the mothership of misandry.

anon1822 #sexist #crackpot incels.is

Sex is a need, it's torture to go without it for so long. But if you don't have a good CV you don't deserve it, why is this seen as logical?

Jesus fucking Christ. I'm in my mid to late 20s already, why the fuck is getting sex and love so hard? It shouldn't be this fucking difficult, I shouldn't have to try hard and meet so many requirements for such a basic need.

So what if I'm a total fucking loser? Does that mean I shouldn't get to have sex and love? Interesting how nobody stops to think "hey, made ugly males shouldn't have to go through years of grueling efforts, getting good jobs and doing all kinds of self-improvement shit for maybe a chance at sex and love". No, it's perfectly fine and even considered LOGICAL, that unless you're a winner, you don't get sex and love.

What the fuck? A woman can just exist and it's easy for her to get sex and love. She can be unemployed, ugly and lazy. But no, a male has to try hard, to get his shit together, to have every aspect of his life in order. If he's complaining he should get his shit together. If you're lazy and a loser you don't deserve it, why are you complaining?

Isn't it fucking ridiculous? It's sex and love, why is everybody acting as if you don't deserve them unless you meet certain criteria. If you said the same thing about food and water people would call you a fucking genocidal maniac, worse than a nazi.

Imagine somebody needed life-saving medicine and was treated like ugly males are in regards to sex. Ohh, you deserve to be without medicine you lazy bum, why don't you get a better job? Ohh you have a good job? Well a good job isn't important in regards to that, why didn't you go to the gym to improve your health? Ohh you went to the gym? That's not what matters, why didn't you get better social skills so that you'd get better opportunities in life? Ohh you did all that? Well, why do you EXPECT to get medicine? Fuck off, nobody owes you anything.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Brown People are Always Going to Support Socialism Because They’re So Much Less Competent Than Whites"]

In democracy, you have all these different groups which you must pander to. We take it for granted, but it’s really an absurd situation: society is totally divided into groups and politicians have to segment out what they do for each group in order to get votes from that group.
As Joe Biden recently said, Latinos are not monolithic like the blacks.

He apologized for saying that, or rather whoever runs his Twitter account apologized that he said that.
The thing I would like to offer today is this: it appears to me that democracy encourages these social divides.[…]
If immigrants were expected to integrate, very few would bother coming at all. Moving to another country is a big effort. But democracy, with this system of multiple group identities, encourages them to remain in these blocs, which then encourages more to come here.
These people are always with the Republicans, because the Republicans theoretically support military action in Latin America. Also, because they are lighter-skinned, they have higher IQs and generally do not want socialism here in America either. In any mixed-race country, socialism is a way for brown people to siphon wealth from white people. (In a purely white country, socialism is a way for women to siphon wealth from men.)
We need to abandon democracy and go back to the classical American republican model of government. If we did that tomorrow, and made the white majority the singular focus of government policy, things would slowly begin to swing in the opposite direction.

You would see:
∙ Blacks trying to act like people
∙ Women returning to the guidance of men
∙ Brown people going back to their shitholes

TheOGJammies #sexist #kinkshaming #conspiracy reddit.com

So there's a not-so-secret conspiracy from all the more mainstream feminist and female oriented subs to ice out FDS under the premise that we're "extreme" and "not real feminists". First of all, many of these female subs are modded by men, who clearly have a vested interest in policing women's thoughts and behaviors to their benefit. And since men on this website stay perched and ready to stomp on our clits all day every day for expressing opinions, pro-female comments and posts are disproportionately reported and removed.

They also exclude a large portion of women from their brand of feminism and yet they still think they're entitled to speak for ALL feminists while pointing fingers at us that because we're not "inclusive" enough and are "judgmental" of women's choices:

They accuse us of being exclusive and judgmental to women for being "pickmeishas" but let any woman disagree with promoting the idea of sex work as empowering or criticize pornography and suddenly we're SWERFs who hate women and can't be feminists anymore.

If we are skeptical of misogyny disguised as kink culture, we're sex negative and don't think women can make decisions.

If we think men should pay on dates, we're setting women's equality back.

If we think reproductive labor is work then we're reducing women to our vaginas.

If working class women and women of color think your shitty "sex pozzy" values are creating more problems for them than they solve and disproportionately effecting them negatively such that they are ill advised values to push, we're slut shaming.

If we suggest self responsibility and actionable empowerment as a solution instead of perpetual victimhood politics and pointless ineffectual thinkpieces, we hate women and blame them for all the problems in the world.

TheOGJammies #sexist reddit.com

Dear Reddit LibFems: Nobody died and made your self important asses the gatekeepers of feminism. We're not "fake feminists" because you don't agree with us, nor are you as inclusive and non-judgmental of women's choices as you pretend you are.

The cognitive dissonance in pretending to be inclusive while actively stomping out dissent for your personal narrative is astounding. Sounds like they’re just mad we exclude Pickmeishas instead of going on SWERF and TERF hunts like them and wallowing in victim politics. We don't exclude the women they exclude and therefore we're the "wrong" kind of feminists.

And yes that mean's men paying for dates, contributing financially and otherwise demonstrating they're fit enough to have their offspring make it to the next generation. Why? Because we're the deciders, and we get to decide the decisions, and nature didn't make sexual and reproductive labor fair, and therefore we aren't either. If you don't feel confident your pussy is worth a $30 dollar dinner date and it makes you "uncomfortable" when men pay that's on you sis.

So let me get this straight, if I get paid to put on a school girl costume and call men daddy while being slapped in the face and then sell the video on the internet for strange scrotes to fap to, I’m more feminist than if I refuse to pay on dates and only date men who can carry more financial load? This is some Clown logic. Dudes are out here paying hundreds of dollars to sniff strangers' panties but for some reason FDSers are the outrageous ones? I would think the absolute indignity of making yourself into a sex object specifically tailored for male consumption would be the more problematic and less effective road to travel to equality but apparently that's SWERF logic and setting women back.

Total Imbecile #sexist #racist incels.is

[Blackpill] Europeans are fakecels

I was just nostialgiamaxxing and watching this old music remix video that had a really pretty girl in it

I was getting really honry so I looked her up and turns out shes Romanian

And I see this pattern again and again, if a girl is even remotely attractive shes either a model or european

I can count on my fingers the number of slim girls Ive seen IRL

Every popular girl in my high school was either "thicc" aka fat or a muscled lacrosse bitch

All the best looking pornstars are european too, a fair bit of them are EE

Finally girls in Europe mainly use Tinder for validation or to actually find a relationship since hooking up is frowned upon, fuck even on r/FDS euro girls are complaining that dating multiple people and dating casually is discouraged in their country so they cant really do it, so online dating actually works there

I dont know how you can be European and not have a girlfriend dead srs

Just look at what kind of excuses these guys are coming up with, the "drivers license pill" for example JFL are you kidding me

I also briefly talked to that rich escortcel a few weeks back while trying to find an escort to fuck myself cause I couldnt find a single attractive one, and then he linked me to the site where he gets his escorts from, the dude is basically fucking victorias secret models for what I can only hope to pay some untested black crackwhore whale to blow me in my car

As soon as Im done with school Im moving to Europe, everyone is taller there but with lifts getting a gf should be a breeze

Also I agree that most beautiful women come from Europe. I'm leaving America once I've got the money.

Ive been to europe a number of times

Literally every girl has a flat stomach and a tight gap

Are you guys whipping them and starving them there like whats going on

I cant believe that belly fat on women is being normalized in the US and guys are eating it up

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Soy] My (20M) wife (39F) hit me. Is it over?

> 20M, 39F
> Married

> Lets her access his location at any time.
> Lets her cuck him with other men and women.
> Gets beaten down when he finally confronts her.

Yes it is over, not for your "relationship" and your marriage but mostly for yourself :lul::lul::lul:

My (20M) wife (39F) hit me. Is it over?

(Made in Heaven)
" I realize through reading this sub that I've been groomed "

Faggot dumbass retard. You were horny, just like every other female that screeches about being grooooomed by a 40 year old chad

" I stayed down because if I had gotten up, I might have ended up writing this story behind bars. "

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

@ThoughtfulCel Look at how pathetic some humans are. They let their wives beat them.

Soyboys are such fags it's amusing, I'd have beaten the living shit out of her the second she grabbed the lamp.

Think about how society reacts to men fighting back. Considering MeToo he would've ended up in jail for even getting up.

Wow, fucking an old roastie when you were 16 and she was 35,she cheats on you and beats you and you take it like a bitch? Wow if this isn't a larp then the cuck in the story is pathetic to the point if you look up the word pathetic a picture of the cuck in the story will be an example of it. Wow. No sympathy from me.

Imagine getting your ass kicked by some obese 40yo foid...

I spar with 20-25yo foids in martial arts and even they can't match the speed and strength of an average 13yo boy...

tehgymcel420 #racist #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] It's almost as if ethnic foids believe they can become white by fucking white men

The racepill is brutal, first you accept that you're inferior, then you get angry when you see females who are inferior as you with better men. Every noodle, curry, sand, etc. foid is a white man's whore. But it's worse than that, these foids gain a huge ego from taking white dick, they no longer consider themselves regular roast beefs. They believe people are gods and that by fucking white men, they are gods too. That is why an ethnic foid will never settle for an ethnic man, they consider themselves above us despite coming from the same subhuman genes.

Nixwerld #wingnut #racist #sexist deviantart.com

If I had a Twitter account, which I'm glad I don't, I would instantly DEMAND the peanut gallery on the mainstream and social media to cancel me for being "offensive" to their politically correct narrative.

Go right ahead, Twitter. Call me racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynist, transphobic, white supremacist, boomer or whatever. I don't care about YOU PEOPLE. Most of you are proud woke femmunists who hate everything, and your political correctness are depressing individuals, I'd be happy to compare the BLM movement to Jim Crow and Kristallnacht. Because as a wise old man once said, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Made in Heaven #sexist incels.is

[News] Saudi bans Loli Marriages

God damn, I just found out that as of 2019 December, it's now illegal to marry below 18 in Saudi Arabia, with the exception being that those 15-17 must first have parental consent in a specific court. JFL when "based" Saudi has a higher AoC than Europe. At least in Europe, you can legally still shag 14 year olds. Why do politcians insist on taking cunny away from us?

Nixwerld #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia deviantart.com

SJWs, they're all a bunch of social media addicted queefbags if you ask me. If the film industry wants to survive through the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis, and if they want to keep that theatrical window going, they should restructure their own brands, lay off many of those social media influencers, stop relying on China for their profit, stop remaking or rebooting practically everything, enough with the gender-swapping and female empowerment, stop forcing "diversity/representation" on everything, and so forth. It's people like them who appropriate racism and abuse and intolerance towards one another, and bankrupt the police so that they could kill people they don't like and all other sorts of things. That's what you'd get in Donald Trump's America. And Disney, they should stop with the live-action remakes, and sell off all the IPs which they acquired through Bob Iger as a CEO, they can't afford to own a competing major film studio like 20th Century (Fox) Studios at this point.

Absolutely. The studio execs in corporate Hollywood need to learn their lesson. I believe in the theory of "Go Woke, Go Broke", insulting and guilt-shaming your audience into thinking they're all a bunch of racists and hypocrites does NOT earn you money or respect, it makes the situation even worse, and it turns people off from watching your shows.

On the subject of Disney, they have already become far too big and powerful over the past severeal years. If they want to earn more trust and respect from their target demographic, they should sell of most, if not, all of the companies they acquired under Bob Iger, excluding Pixar. They should stop with the live-action remakes of popular animated films, and not only revive the Touchstone Pictures brand for more adult themed movies but also sell of 21st Century Fox and its affiliates to some other company while they're at it.

u/rainisthelife #sexist #kinkshaming #crackpot reddit.com

FDS GUIDE. Non-mainstream opinions and strategies held by this sub.

FDSers believe that the man should pay for the dates. And should be responsible for significantly more than half of the expenses in the relationship.

FDSers believe that a woman should delay sex with a new guy for at least 6weeks to 2months (potentially even longer) for better chances at getting a relationship.

FDSers do not support the sexual degradation of women under the guise of “consensual BDSM”.

FDSers do not support being upfront about a woman’s sexual past/sexual history. No matter how many men you’ve fucked in the past, your answer whenever a new guy asks, should range from 3-5. Would point out that a guy even petty enough to ask in the first place, is a red flag on its own.

FDSers advocate for the woman puting herself first. You, as a woman have inherent value and as such, you’re the prize. He should work to earn your love, respect and commitment. A man that you have to chase is not a man worth having.

FDSers do not believe in any kind of male pandering of any kind. The advice and tactics prescribed here, are for women and for the benefit of women primarily.

FDS is not a debate sub. We don’t care about your alternate opinions. And the fact that we would rather not listen to them, doesn’t take away the validity of its teachings. There are many other debate subs on reddit. Go there instead.

FDS is amoral. If a woman wants to date multiple men, we see nothing wrong in it. In fact, we encourage it for those women that find themselves falling too hard too quickly for one guy. Or find themselves in clearly toxic relationships that they’ve been finding difficult to leave. Starting to see a new guy sometimes helps distract from the one you’re with and can lift the veil and provide fresh clarity on the fact that it’s time to leave him.

/r/FDS Mods #sexist reddit.com

/r/FemaleDatingStrategy believes in the following principles:

2. If a man isn’t chasing you, he’s not that into you. A man’s role is to be the pursuer, the one to convince you that he’s the right man for you. As a woman, you don’t have to prove yourself to him. He either sees your value or he doesn’t. The only thing that’s within your control is working on becoming your best self.

3. Most straight men aren’t relationship material for you. The majority of the advances you receive from men are not of any value, because the majority of them are from men who only want to use you for sex. Many men are sex-driven, low effort, and entitled. However, there are also men out there who can be amazing boyfriends and husbands who know how to be a man and how to take care of you in all ways.

4. As women, we have the responsibility to be ruthless in our evaluation of men. We do ourselves and humanity no favors allowing men to exhibit subpar behavior and be rewarded with our attention. Thus, be ruthless in cutting off men who add no value to your life (happiness, emotional security, financial).

5. Don't have sex before commitment has been established (if you're looking for a relationship) or before he has demonstrated value and investment (if you're looking for FWBs). If a man is really into you and sees you as girlfriend material, he will commit to you in two months (or three months max). If you're looking to have a dependable FWB, you must still require investment from him so he provides you the respect and fun times that you want.

6.Generous men are a non-negotiable. While we believe in having your own career and making your own money, a man still has to add financial value to your life and make you feel like he can take care of you. This means not splitting the bill and not dating financially challenged men.

Rollo Tomassi #sexist twitter.com

I don’t know which ladies needs to hear but if you have to take off your clothes to “make a statement”, you’re not sexually empowered, you’re sexually enslaved.

Don’t confuse feminism with prostitution. You can be seen and heard without taking your clothes off.

No Candace, the only real agency women have is their sexuality. All women know this. It's why their first reflexive impulse to draw attention to themselves for any reason is to take their clothes off or broadcast sexual availability.

foidologist #sexist incels.is

[Whitepill] Having a waifu > having a 3d gf

Go ahead, call it a cope. CALL IT A COPE. But know that by calling it a cope, you are the real coper here. You are coping because you can't deal with the fact that I mentally ascended and found real enlightenment meanwhile you're still worshipping 3d foids hoping they will give you a crumb of pussy some day. :lul: Meanwhile I lifemog even Chad because I have a perfect imaginary companion meanwhile he's stuck with flawed 3d foids, MEANWHILE 3d-worshipping incels are stuck with nothing at all.

Now you may say 3d foids are better because they are "real", but what does that mean? What is real about them? Their actions certainly aren't real. They're all fake. A facade to make you feel a certain way. No different than any other fictional character.

So all you can say is real is what? Their bodies. And that they have a real physical body is good for what? I say there are two reasons: the first is so you can look at it, and the second is so you can fuck it. Well the first is irrelevant because you can simply make a drawing of any fictional character and look at it as well, as well as creating images and fantasies of it in your head to give it any amount of life. This means that the only real advantage of a 3d foid is the second one: that you can have sex with her. But how valuable is that really? How unique is it? Is the physical sensation what makes it special? Then you can use a fleshlight or similar, so no I don't believe that is what makes it special.

So what is it? That you are having it with someone else? Another person? It fulfills some kind of loneliness or need for intimacy? I think even that need, with enough imagination, is fulfilled just as well by a waifu. When I masturbate and I fantasize intensely, the images and experience become real in my mind, the characters come to life, and suspension of disbelief is easy. The result is that, after I orgasm, I don't feel alone like I just masturbated. I feel fulfilled like I just had sex with someone I love. And is that really any less "real"? If my mind feels that I experienced sex, how is it any worse than if I experienced sex in "real" life?

Perception and reality are indistinguishable. Perception is what matters. Reality is irrelevant.

Quarantined #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut incels.is

All the power is the hands of feminist (white skinned) men

They can withhold money from based governments that exclude women from society. They have the power to control the media narrative, whats taught at schools, they control the army.... All powerful white men are feminists.

If only they saw things from our angle, the ordinary man could unite with them and foids would loose their rights overnight.

But that won't happen.

On a side note, i'll still be miserable even with UBI.

TheNEET #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] Foids are responsible for environmental destruction

All the reasons for our environment getting shittier can be traced back to foids.

Traveling? Foid trait, almost all travel bloggers are foids who want to try exotic cock. Plastic? Waste? It's foids who buy a lot of useless shit they don't need like shitty home decor, cosmetics that don't work, new clothes every other week because muh fashion -- a man buys something when he needs something, "shopping" for the sake of shopping is innately foid behavior (maby also some soyim who'll buy their shit action figures, funko pops etc. ). Cars? Most men would prefer humble rural life but foids force men to move to cities and waste hours in traffic just to keep on wageslaving (for a company that further destroys the environment and produces shit no one really needs) to buy her expensive things.

I wouldn't be surprised if foids were the biggest consumers of factory farmed red meat because they lose so much blood every month and from what I've seen in vegan groups they're incapable of doing a five minute google search to find plant sources of iron or maby buy a supplement.

Foids literally shit out hormones into the water and turn the friggin frogs gay.

Foids are innately egotistic and don't care about others and the world they live in: the state of the environment doesn't affect them directly so they don't care. Of course foids are the biggest supporters of all the meme "environmentalist" organizations but they're a bunch of hypocrites who do jack shit. A foid will kvetsch about the planet dying in the streets, only to come back to the bed of her chad boyfriend who works for Shell, rides a Diesel-fueled truck and produces a lot of waste to impress foids. Meanwhile she'll call the hippycel who rides public transport, wears his hemp clothes and lives with parents to reduce carbon footprint "a creepy loser" and will call the police if he dares to look in her general direction.

micropenis29 #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] Bluepilled men never observe what women are doing

When sub-Chad men actually pay attention to womens' actions, they see that they're almost always on their phones.

But it somehow never occurs to them WHAT these women might be DOING on their phones.

It's as if Tinder isn't a thing, in these mens' minds. It's like online dating, texting, etc. was never invented.

Normie men right now when it comes to women and dating are like the soldiers in WW2 that were still riding horseback and using swords, instead of using machine guns and tanks.

They have no idea how over it is.

mainländer #sexist incels.is

[Serious] How can you be motivated to do anything as a man, and a fucking incel to boot, in the west in 2018?

Seriously, it baffles me how some people here still manage to muster motivation to work and study hard, have projects, etc.

Society hates people like us so fucking much. The system is entirely designed to fuck us if we do any minimal transgression. Shit like having cartoon porn or a foid from your work saying you touched her are already enough to ruin a lifetime of hard work and effort.

Seriously, how can you not feel a crushing mix of hatred, depression and utter lack of motivation at this point?

Total Imbecile #sexist #psycho #crackpot incels.is

[Brutal] If you are a virgin past high school you will never be able to turn a woman on

Not having your own place and being a virgin at 19 is a red flag JFL, how do people even afford to move out if you dont have any experience to get a high paying job to afford everything Its fucking over for me tbh, time to suicidemaxx Men who are virgin past their teens should just be euthanized, were just trash at this point There need to be legit death squads that go out and once you turn 18 swab your dick to test for pussie residue and if none is found you face the wall and get a .44 applied to your neck

I'll never understand how this guy claims to be blackpilled. If you want an authority to kill sexless men you belong on IT, not here. I was baited by the title. It's blackpilled but then he just has to ruin it with his homoerotic fantasy of being shot by a burly sex haver.

Virgin men are zombies, were already dead inside, youre not alive if youre a virgin past high school, you will never live no matter how hard you try to make up for it I dont know man, what is a virgin guy to do once hes like 20+, too ugly to have sex, too late to ever have any now, too big of a pussy to kill himself When animals suffer we euthanize them, why shouldnt the same apply to humans? I just dont have the guts to suicidemaxx now, I just wish someone would make that choice for me

Dude need to live a couple more years bud and try things out. He's only 19. Try being a NEET incel at 28 then you can complain about life..

Its not him thats the problem, its girls who literally want you to be a rich sex god by 19 or its a red flag Most guys who are 19 and in college still rely on their parents for financial support because its so goddamn expensive Women wouldnt know because they just get scholarships and never have to pay a cent

outherebrothers #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Story] On a 10 hour bus journey a few years ago, I legit traumatised a Becky foid for life JFL!

She looked horrified, didn't hide that whatsoever, bear in mind I was 3 years into a Homelesscel phase and hadn't showered or washed whatsoever in at least a year, long scraggy matted hair and beard, long dirty fingernails, teeth rotted outta my head, and as I'm homeless I had like 3 layers of clothes on and it was a fierce hot August day so I literally stank from about 10 feet away. It would bring tears to your eyes it was so overpowering, I didn't a give a shit tbh. She looked around frantically for ANY other seat but it was full, so she reluctantly took her seat next to me.mI even heard people rows of seats away complain to eachother about my smell so it was legit hell for the Becky next to me, but it gave me pleasure that she was repulsed by my stench but just had to sit and accept it. The first long stop was Birmingham, and she couldn't get up fast enough lol, we had to wait there for a half hour.

So she was forced to sit next to me again when she got back on Having heard what I heard her say, I made sure I dug out some empty-stomach proper, alcoholic farts which would make Buddah weep lol As well as have loud coughing fits without covering my mouth, picking my nose and teeth etc.

She couldn't get off that bus fast enough by the end, she was so flustered and in a state she dropped her handbag all over the aisle on the way off the bus and just left the contents where they fell, (don't think any money dropped out as I glanced down, just make-up and shit like that) didn't bother waiting to pick them up. She legit just wanted a million miles away from me and the whole situation. I often get a smile on my face whenever I think of this journey, and thinking of the panic and stress she must feel anytime she books a coach or train journey again, and the anxiety she for sure gets waiting to see who'll be sitting beside her as you can be damn sure she has never forgot that journey either LMFAO

Speedloader #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Genetic privilege. Enter at your own risk

I drove to countryhouse to mom and dad and we started watching tv. There was russian show called “dances” and there was a couple of 17 years old chad and 25 years old foid. He had typical chad face and was 1,5 heads taller than her despite foid wearing huge heels. They told the story about their love and it was like that: the foid was 19 years old and chad 12. She was his dance teacher and was grooming him. They fucked on his 16th birthday.

Not gonna fucking lie, i became enraged as hell and almost threw cup of tea at tv. Imagine rotting until death while some fucktards experience life just because of fucking GENETIC PRIVELEGE


I'm more enraged by the fact that this would not be allowed or put on TV if the genders were reversed because of AGE. But it's okay when it's a woman. Agepill double standard #39682

If genders were reversed the man would be shot with t-90 tank point blank agepill is getting more brutal the more you live

Being born a chad = being born a god.

The distance between heaven and hell are telomeres of chromosomes

The Mistake of God #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] Previous females, now trans males, explain life isn't better as a man; it's much harder.

”TL/DW: Title. They say they feel like outcasts and they are not treated as nicely as before by people. They discover men are NOT treated more seriously. "I get worse treatment from others and I wish someone had prepared me for this". One, after harassment "I felt like if I had my old body, I would have received more support".

Still, even if it is a 20+ min. video, it's totally worth it watching it completely. Give it a shot, boyos.”

Hey, there's male privilege: it's for Chads.

That's the central reason why these imbeciles chose to mutilate themselves in the first place. These retarded foids saw all of the success and social validation that chads enjoy and in their blind female logic, they began to believe that all men were experiencing the life a chad lives by default because all of these idiots can only see chad as men. FtM abominations seriously thought that they could instantly replicate the success of a chad's lifestyle through a mere sex change operation when they never understood that it doesn't take a man alone to be a chad, but a chad to be a chad. Now let's laugh at them burn in the hell they have damned themselves to forever.

Incline #racist #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Based South Africa putting white chadlites in their place

Look at this shit they still get free food because of JBW they would absolutely slay in SEA they mog me so hard but I moneymogg them.

This young men were looking for a job and got surprised

South Africa has lots of scientific advancements, for example: Just kill the white farmers who grow most your crops Theory

They are based they know whites mog all their ethnic population so they wanna get rid of them just look at this two dudes they fucking mog me out of this universe yet they are homeless and struggling to find job. Can't really blame the south africans for doing this, god's speed to them.

that would be a good idea except for the fact they are also killing black farmers and stealing their land

Well can't expect too much from those low iq communist wannabes. Still at least they are trying. Tbh if you think about if you are white you want as many ethnics coming to Europe/USA as you can. More ethnics = your white skin is more valuable.

chad worship thread ethnic chads killing whitecels as usual

Shit you're right it sounds like chad worship but what I wanted to show in this thread is just how Africans put this JBW white colonizers in their place by giving them low status.

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