And yet, Dolt 45 and his fascist cronies see nothing wrong with doing this to thousands of people seeking refuge.
Yes, because he’s evil and I’m … less evil.
Its funny that its totally inappropriate to mention that happening to the fat moron racist's kid and yet his supporters think its fine to do it to refuges' kids with zero plans to even identify these kids.
His supporters are psychotic. I’m not, and since this is being posted by removeddit, apparently the other members of the subreddit aren’t, either.
I actually don't think its wrong. I think its simply karma.
It’s not your, dolt45’s, or anyone else’s place to hand out karma. Karma can only be handed out by the cosmos.
And it wouldn't cost anything...the trump administration has already spent thousands building child cages. The only problem is who's in them.
Put dolt45 in jail, and put his 8-year-old son in foster care.