
various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

( faerieclaire )
Finally got banned from 2x for…
….saying you shouldn’t be in women’s sports if you have XY chromosomes LMAO

“2 x chromosomes” my ass, they couldn’t care less about women over there. I shared the articles from Khelif’s trainer and coach, saying he had a “chromosome/hormone problem” and that it was unfair for him to be against women etc, and even WITH the evidence, people are saying I’m lying/wrong! Yet they have no evidence of their own to share…. 🙄🙄🙄 Even that one picture with his dick clearly visible in his shorts, people are like “oh well you THINK you see a dick on her” WTF else would it be!? 💀

Hope this is the right place to post something like this, I’m just annoyed with the state of the world in general and wanted to vent for a minute

( Hex )
TwoX is males central. Creepy men who scare women in real life have a place where they can be faceless wolves in women's clothing and get all the attention and validation they want. It's always funny when you clock a TIM just from the male reek of their comments, and lo and behold, they post in TwoX or MtF subs, with a dash of weird porn subs.

( KateAmanak )
I think I just had an insight. Men are particularly drawn to the most female possible spaces specifically and profusely. So XX and lesbian subs. They end up taking over them without noticing others do exactly the same.

Sorry I know this sounds obvious but I used to think they generally took over reddit because they're just chronically online incels taking over the site generally. Now I realize there's a fetish / ego component of specifically taking that space exactly because they shouldn't. And they all equally do that by individual fetishistic reasoning without realizing that they're doing it collectively.


( RappaccinisDaughter )
It is kind of hilarious that they all think they're the only man there.

( syntaxerror )
It reminds me of that funny comic where three men are standing by themselves, naked, in a women’s locker room with horrible makeup and wigs with the caption “Well this fucking sucks.”

Or that one where a couple of wolves stand up in a flock of sheep and take off their sheep costumes once they realize that literally the whole flock of “sheep” is all wolves in sheep costumes.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Yes, they get violation thrills. It is a feature, not a bug.

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com


( RusticTroglodyte )
Literally nobody is saying Imane is trans. We're saying he's a man...bc he is

( a_shrub )
Why would homophobia have anything to do with sending a man that you're pretending is a woman to beat the shit out actual women? Nobody's said anything about his sexual orientation.

( overanddone )
He's not trans, sir, he's just a man. Cheating for profit and fame, who likes to hit women.

He has said he's not trans. That part we believe. He's just a poser.

( BiblikliAkyeretTerf7 )
Why do so many of these freaking idiots believe Islam is transphobic??? Why are they so sure of this "fact" when it's easily proven false?! There's a reason there are more countries in the world that accept transgenderism and have legally sanctioned it compared to countries that have accepted/sanctioned homosexuality, and the reason is: ISLAMIC COUNTRIES.

So even if the man is "trans" (which is auch a nebulous, ill-defined term as to be meaningless anyway), the fact that he is from a country that was invaded, raped, and conquered by Arab muslims would not negate that about him. AT ALL. Islam is, for the most part, fine with transgenderism. Many muslims see transgenderism as an alternative solution to homosexuality (that is, an alternative to exterminating homosexuals).

( RusticTroglodyte )
I'm pretty sure trans bullshit is outlawed in Algeria, but I could be wrong

various commenters #interphobia ovarit.com

RE: It's so disheartening seeing pro Imane rhetoric absolutely drenching Reddit.

( Novemberinthechair )
You should see You Tube. I was told to stop bullying "that woman." If I'm not mistaken, he fathered children....or maybe it was the other fraud. And a lot of them are saying, it's illegal to fake woman in Algeria! Oh wow, did you bring this shit up when the Gays for Palestine people were shouting their heads off? It's just pure hypocrisy. The country wanted to cheat....so they did. XY means male.

( MatchaMeercat )
I got downvoted to hell over the tiniest suggestion that IF Imane had 5-ARD, then they shouldn’t be competing in the female category—but most of them over thete still think Caster Semenya is merely a woman with high testosterone. They also use “intersex” as if it were a third sex and not males or females with DSDs particular to one or the other.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Caster literally fathered children! Biological children!! How can anyone still be arguing that he is a she?

( GeneralLesbian )
After 2 decades of saying TIM athletes don't have an unfair advantage, DSD Males with CAIS and AIS and their wins defeating women totally disproves this. TIMS have fully working Testosterone binding sites.

If XY CAIS/AIS should be disqualified, then so should TIMS.

( Peppermint )
And perhaps this is the exact reason why they won't disqualify any man with a DSD. At this point its obvious. Even if he "identified" as a man but wished to compete against women they wouldn't disqualify him.

( pennygadget )
The only places where we can talk honestly about this shit are ovarit and kiwi farms. Every other place is captured by the Borg

( hellamomzilla )
This will be a modern chapter to be included in Mackay’s Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Just another in the line of crazed fits of humanity like Tulipmania and the South Sea Bubble and Young Werther copycat suicides around Europe.

( Lilith-Fair )
Fact: Imane is SUCH A TRUE and BEAUTIFUL Woman, none of those Reddit scrotes would sleep with him. Between typing they're watching porn and jerking off to XX biological women.

various commenters #interphobia #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Will Imane Khelif throw his last match?

( PatitaGris )
He will fight, if he were a decent or logical person he wouldn't be punching women in international live tv

( Arenlaef )
Honestly, I'm pretty sure Algeria boxing planned this entire thing, so I doubt it. Maybe that's conspiracy level shit, but they're not the first conservative country to pull something like this (I can't remember where it was, but an Islamic country once had a fully male "female" soccer team) so I think they're expecting that Gold.

( TheKnitta )
If he loses it won’t be because it was a fair fight. I’ve fought many men, and guys my height with any form of training would flatten me easily, no matter how much training I did. There’s just no comparison. At this level, with the amount of training and weight classes, no woman can beat a man unless the man is either injured, sick, or not trying. No, it’s not fair, yes, it’s frustrating and annoying as hell to be a woman in that situation, but physical reality exists. It’s pointless to pretend otherwise.

It remains to be seen as to whether he’ll do a Liar Thomas and not try in the final, just so TRAs apparently ‘win’ the ideological argument.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Think if he didn't throw his second one after the outcry around the first 46 second bout, there's no way he'll forfeit gold while it's in reach. The IOC made Carini apologize to him and have been working overtime to cover for him (and cover their own asses in the process), the media's been overwhelmingly painting him as the victim with few exceptions, I just don't see why he would at this point. Maybe in the aftermath there will be enough controversy to reinstate sex tests, but right now doubling down is a clear path to victory, just one more woman to beat up in his way.

various commenters #interphobia ovarit.com

This picture is proof. Not that picture!

( Iggyana )
I mean, if that's a woman she's the envy of TIF's everywhere.


( FeminismIs4Women )
It's not about looks. Females in the Olympics, naturally, are almost all muscular women wearing sports gear. It's the fact that he was banned from women's boxing specifically, and the evidence so far suggests the reason was because he is a man with a DSD. That wouldn't change if he had a different appearance. If he was a woman he would address the issue and have a simple non-invasive sex test. But he won't do that because he is a biological male and he knows it. There is literally a picture where you can see he penis through his shorts.

( RusticTroglodyte )
I'm so confused why his parents would dress him like a girl if he was born with a penis. And I definitely saw that bulge

( FeminismIs4Women )
Kids with DSDs do actually sometimes get labeled as the opposite sex at birth if they have ambiguous parts. The concept was co-opted by TRAs and applied to TIP without DSDs to suit their agenda.


( iCONIC )
The support he's receiving from members of Ovarit is absurd

( TheSimbul )
What is wrong with you? This is the Olympics, not high school.

THE MAN IS A MAN, AND HE IS A CHEAT. No one should be supporting him.

sanitycheck , Edelgard & IrishTheFrenchie #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

( sanitycheck )
Do you think the tide is still turning?
I expected there to be public outrage after Imane Khelif. But business as usual. No one woke up after watch that man hit that woman. I really dont get it. Even if a woman dies in a boxing match. I still dont think men or people paid by men to push the TRA narrative will care at all. And I dont think we're ever going to get to some of these normies either. Its really dispiriting hearing people say Carini was a cry baby and a bad loser and weaponising her femininity and all sorts of other nonsense. People clearly just hate women.

Maybe im in a particularly upsetting place with my mood. What do the women here think? do you have more reason to think we might ever make it out of this madness? do you think the world will peak at some point?

( Edelgard )
Whether the tide is turning or not, I have no idea.

But the wave of support for Khelif is directed at what people believe is a woman with a DSD. That they're wrong doesn't matter, what matters here is that you can't use that as a way to gauge their support of trans ideology. For a particularly obvious and extreme example, all the Algerian tweets I've read on the topic - and I've read a lot - said something like: "Imane is a woman, we don't support degenerate LGBT shit here".

Obviously this controversy is weaponized by TRAs to claim that TIMs are the same as women with DSDs, that "transphobia" hurts real women too, but I don't think anyone changed their mind over this.

Anyone who wasn't peaked by Lia Thomas, an unambiguous male competing in women's swimming because competing with men would hurt his fee-fees, wasn't going to be peaked by a boxer who may or may not have XY chromosomes according to a federation that people don't trust - again, whether people are right to distrust the IBA is another matter entirely.

( IrishTheFrenchie )

But the wave of support for Khelif is directed at what people believe is a woman with a DSD.

I'm sorry, but they SAY they believe Khelif is a woman with a DSD, but we all know if they actually thought that, they wouldn't give a single fuck. They defend him BECAUSE they know he's a man.

Bml7864 , glimmer & LunarWolf #interphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: Khelif & Lin could easily prove they're female - if they were.

( Bml7864 )
Today I was out a overheard a group of middle aged (50s) people discussing Khelif. The man said it was a similar genetic condition as Michael Phelps, which gives people long arms and now they are saying it's an "advantage." Then he tried to say it was misogyny that they were giving a hard time to khelif because she's female but Phelps didn't get a hard time.

I don't claim to understand everything about this situation or DSDs in general, but it's crazy how wrong these people are. There was no mention of XY, dude literally thought this was about Khelif being tall or having "long arms."

These people vote.

The funniest part was their mom (late 70s) was like "oh well she shouldn't compete. I didn't know Phelps had a condition that gave him an advantage. I wouldn't have rooted for him if I'd known."

( glimmer )
The confusion is no accident. The narrative is being distorted on purpose. This person is a "cis" female athlete who was "born and raised" a girl, therefore if you oppose them in the sport you are just being transphobic??? It makes no sense.

Anyone with eyes knows that Khelif is male. Standing next to a woman it is obvious. I'm sorry he was born in a country that thinks no dick = female, but a female body is much more than just an absence of a dongle.

( LunarWolf )

Anyone with eyes knows that Khelif is male.

This is exceedingly relevant. Part of the tactic and possibly goal of this movement is to convince us we cannot trust our own senses, instincts, knowing and perception of the world. If you can’t trust your own senses and perceptions, where do you look for truth? Always and only outside yourself.

This tactic, in many forms, is how cults gain mind control of their victims. It sets the stage for a population to accept authoritarian control as inevitable and maybe even a relief.

notsofreshfeeling , Dusty & DoomedSibyl #interphobia ovarit.com

International Olympic Committee Was Warned About Male Boxers, World Boxing Organization Vice President Says - Reduxx

( notsofreshfeeling )
Does anyone know of any clips showing Khelif or the Yu-Ting speaking and gesticulating? I feel like speaking voice and mannerisms are generally pretty solid evidence. For example Caster Semenya behaves and speaks just like a man.

Edit: Evidence enough for me, I mean.

( Dusty )
Isn't it funny how that works? Even in Semenya's case I'll admit I was leaning towards his being male but was still unsure when I initially saw him compete, but once I watched one of his interviews it was the most obvious thing in the world. I mean his voice, his facial expressions, his aggression etc. There are probably a laundry list of other factors that we don't even know we notice, but the recognition of their male biology becomes pretty immediate as soon as you hear them speak and see them interact with people.

Like, even people who claim to be male or female, and those who do a good job of passing from a distance, generally give themselves away within seconds when they do an interview or you see them in person. There's always something, even people who pass as convincingly as Caroline Cossey give the game away within seconds because their presentation is far too flamboyant.

( DoomedSibyl )
So much for being socialized female. /s

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

So what happened to "HER" penis?

Barbie: “But Ken, that Algerian boxer was born with a vagina.”
Ken: “So now that determines gender again?”

( Committing_Tervery )
There’s zero proof he was born with a vagina, and he even has a bulge in at least one picture.

( LasagnaRossa )
Even if he developed a vagina, he has no uterus and no ovaries because his karyotype is XY.

To my beloved lurkers: TERFs have always said that necessary condition to be catalogued female is to have the whole package (vulva, vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries) not just one aspect, especially not the most superficial one. And yes, a woman is still a woman even if she removed her uterus. You must have something first to lose it.

( TheSoupDragon )
Even if this person were born with external female-appearing genitalia and internal testes I don't see what difference it makes when they've clearly been through male puberty.

Also, addressing the meme, I saw "actually, trans women have higher levels of estrogen than cis women so they're literally more female" on twitter. They'll say whatever's convenient in the moment, even if it's something they've vehemently denied minutes earlier.

( CruddyMuddy )
No, Barbie, he wasn’t. The most he had was a shallow cavity to nowhere.

( Daphne )
People call me cruel for pointing this out, but what can I do if it's the truth? What a male with a DSD has is not a vagina. A vagina is an organ, not just a "hole".

( LasagnaRossa )
Apparently trans activists have turned tables again because somewhat we are saying that real womanhood is made by low testosterone, not the female genitals. That's their opinion.

various commenters #interphobia ovarit.com

Because women adjust their junk after a match 🙄

( DoomedSibyl )
He even stands like a man. Look at the differences in width of shoulders and feet width apart and angle of the pelvis. Even though Carini is a tall, strong woman the differences are there.

This entire thing is a travesty.

( Redmage )
That wasn't just adjusting a wedgie, that was adjusting a boner

( IrishTheFrenchie )
Figures. I knew the "He has no penis because of a DSD" line was bullshit.

( StopThisMadness )
Right? Like which is it? Seems to me like penis wielder behavior above.

( Sebastes )
Regardless of if he was directly adjusting his junk or not, it's sus that he spent so much time looking down at his shorts and adjusting them. If it's something uncomfortable, why does he start doing that in front of the cameras rather than in the corner earlier? If I had a wedgie, I'd definitely want to fix it before standing in front of everyone watching me grab at my crotch. It's almost like he became concerned something could be visible.

( Riothamus )

That's the "I'm adjusting my boner to hide it in tight underwear" grab. He's getting off on this!

( LogicalDocSpock )
Disgusting. He has no feminine traits whatsoever. Masculine shoulders, hips, stance, facial structure and we are supposed to believe this is a woman?? Nope

( somegenerichandle )
It's a still from Reduxx's post: https://x.com/ReduxxMag/status/1819023215609455052

( Randomwalk )
Wow, literally swinging his dick around after a victory! Can't get anymore male than that. I wonder if it was intentional, or if he's just an idiot for drawing attention to the suspiciously penis-shaped object under his baggy shorts. Unless he's a TIF with a packer lmfao /s

various commenters #interphobia ovarit.com

Isn’t it funny, though, how they suddenly remember what the word female means?

( pennygadget )
There are actual female athletes who lost their Olympic spot for using medicated lip balm, smoking weed, or wearing swim caps designed for afros. But this whole ass man gets to compete in women's boxing despite having a dick and a lifetime of male puberty

( FeminismIs4Women )
They pulled the same stunt with Caster Semenya, the man with a DSD.

I think it's been established that TRAs in general either do not understand what the words female and intersex mean or they pretend to be ignorant and try to muddy the water on purpose.

( TeRadF )
is there actually any substance to what the TIMs are saying? Like is he actually intersex? I can't find more info on him. Regardless it doesnt matter because he has XY chromosomes. ;

( IrishTheFrenchie )
There is no account of him, or anyone representing him, ever saying he has a DSD. He's also never said he is trans.

Therefore, IMO, he is a regular dude with a forged document.

( Researcher1536 )
"But her passport says female, BIGOT!!!!"

various commenters #interphobia ovarit.com

RE: Swyer Syndrome

( Radical )
Just because they initially thought they were female before puberty doesn't mean it's fair for them to compete with women. The fact that they're biologically male should take priority in sports, for both safety reasons and dignity.

Although I will say demanding to compete with women, after finding out that you're overwhelmingly likely to severely injure or kill them, is extremely male-coded. A very typical example of male entitlement. You can't really get much more male than that.

( DonnaFemina )
Semenya has 5-alpha reductase deficiency, in which males (XY chromosomes) are born with apparently female genitals but at puberty their balls drop and they grow a dick. It's extremely rare, with a few clusters worldwide. The one in the Dominican Republic calls it guevedoces (dick/balls at 12).

Swyer Syndrome is a completely different DSD. It makes genetic males develop into, essentially, sterile females. https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/swyer-syndrome

Khelif does NOT have Swyer Syndrome. If he did, he would have looked female from birth and he'd look indistinguishable from a woman right now.

( Lilith-Fair )
Semenya fathered to kids. No woman in the world can inseminate another woman.

( DonnaFemina )
"Semenya fathered to kids. No woman in the world can inseminate another woman."

You will get no argument from me that Semenya is male. XY 5-ARD is a male DSD.

( CompassionateGoddess )
If there is a Y chromosome, that person is a male no matter what. It doesn’t matter what he looks like, it doesn’t matter how he was raised, it doesn’t matter if his feelings are hurt. He is a male. He is not one of us. He will never be female. He should stay out of female spaces and sports. He shouldn’t steal opportunities and resources from females. He is a male who has a difference/disorder of sexual development.

( TheTortureCouch )
People with Swyer Syndrome are female. They don't produce gametes (what primarily determines sex) but their reproductive structure is female.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Only males can have Swyer’s. These people are male (and by the way, the cheating boxer clearly does not have Swyer’s). Biologically, those with this syndrome are male regardless of their phenotype.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Calling out gender ideology in a conservative country is so hard without promoting homophobia as well

( OneStarWolf )
T has nothing to do with LGB. In fact I’d say it’s counterproductive to all of LGBs goals in other countries because conservative countries actually tolerate and even embrace T much more readily. It’s the perfect way to trans away all those pesky homosexuals while also applauding and reinforcing sex stereotypes.

Transgenderism is acceptable to the Pope and backed by the supreme leaders of Iran! So of course very conservative 3rd world countries would love Trans ideology way more than LGB because it’s entirely built on a deeply misogynistic and male supremacist ideology! Fits in perfect into that patriarchy intersection branch. Even the most regressive conservatives get to pat themselves on the back and gain western kudos for their bravery and “progressiveness”.

The big question is when will the rest of the LGB wake up and realize how they’re being hijacked by the T and it’s harming more than helping ✂️✂️

( Pointer )
I think the best argument for gay rights to give to conservatives is that gay rights are good for straight people, because gay people don't have to hide in straight marriages anymore. They can be with other gays and leave the straights alone.

Feminism and gay rights are linked, and transgender ideology threatens and opposes both. It's no surprise then that trans is more accepted in conservative countries than homosexuality is. Just trans the gay away!

( ItsCalculated )
As a lesbian, having watched the trans and gender movement pull an "invasion of the body snatchers" on the gay community and LGB movement, I am very weary about linking movements to each other.

I work in the abortion movement, and let me tell you the linking of the trans movement to the abortion movement is fucking chaos. My peers would have me calling the women I help get abortions, "people," and "womb havers," when it's women that get abortions.

For this reason I refuse to link feminism, and gay rights without the epitome of linking arguments. I say this as a radical feminist, and lesbian.

( FluffyFuzz )
I'd also like to point out that not all conservatives are anti gay rights, but a LOT of us are against this trans movement.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I love it when TRAs are in the witness box.

( WasItSomethingISaid )

NC - so your evidence is that an SU might want to see a woman-identified person but not care about seeing a woman by sex category

KM - yes

They are discussing women who have just been raped and who seek reassurance that they will not be examined by males. Of course they don't want a woman or any man who says he's a woman. They only want to deal with women for obvious reasons. As for the driver's license and birth certificate, these documents should reflect sex and even if he has had it changed, this doesn't change his sex. If there's any place where sex matters, it's in a goddamned rape shelter.

The brainwashing shown here is truly disturbing. These women have been trained to gaslight rape victims under the leadership of a man who should not be allowed to even enter the facility, let alone run it.

( jvsmine )
they always say "I'm legally a woman!! hahaha! in your face! it says it!" and I always say "well it used to be legal to beat and rape your wife because she was property. didn't make it right or morally just. but okay."

I have literally NEVER received a response from a trans.

( sylviasmushrooms )
Lots of atrocities have been legal throughout history in various places. Anyone who thinks that legality denotes some kind of unimpeachable truth or moral standard has no business putting “ACAB” next to their pronouns because, hey, if the man with the badge says so, then by their logic he must be correct as though decreed by some higher power.

( jvsmine )
ACAB til a woman misgenders them online, then they loooooooooove their trans-flag flyin brothers in blue.

( notsofreshfeeling )
As a rape victim, I'd rather be forced to see a normal man than a cross-dressing man who could only ever be in rape crisis work because he gets off on women's suffering.

( Hollyhock )
This is so true. Cross-dressing men tell you with their behavior what they think of women. Your chances of finding a safe and compassionate male service worker are far better if you pick the man who dresses like he respects social norms.

( Carrots90 )
Especially dangerous is the man who wants to work at a rape center knowing at least some women will have an issue

Nimona666, sylviasmushrooms & VestalVirgin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Bigfoot is more likely to be real than transgenderism.

( Nimona666 )
I'm willing to believe that fairy sightings might be real sometimes. I'm willing to believe weird shit can happen, maybe, sometimes.

Transgenderism, though is a perversion of truth designed to harm women. It's not something that expands our world or makes our planet more magical. Trangenderism is a rape ideology cleverly masked. A narcissist operation designed to invade, copy and steal. They reveal their hatred of women when they call us "radical feminists" - like they need to pathologize our love for our sovereign bodies and for womankind. If a mom battles a tiger to protect her daughter, will you call that "radical mothering" and then send her death threats?

Perverts, liars, thieves, monsters.

( sylviasmushrooms )
I have heard some VERY compelling Bigfoot stories. I’m inclined to agree with everything you said, not because I’m a Bigfoot believer, but because, stripped down to facts and evidence, Bigfoot at least has crumbs and shreds of credibility based on the types of creatures we already know exist in this world. Trans ideology has NONE, and is in fact directly refutable when you take away all the metaphysical and religious language and thought processes.

( VestalVirgin )

So if I had to bet money on which is real, gender souls or Bigfoot, I'm going with Bigfoot.

Me, too.

Especially since me wrongly believing in Bigfoot (or Nessie, or ghosts) would not negatively affect anyone's life at all. Worst that might happen is that I have an accident while looking for the creature, but that sort of thing could just as well happen to people who explore the territory for fun, so ...

I'd choose Bigfoot every time.

(Heck, even with wrong beliefs that cause actual damage ... anti-vaxxers might be wrong, their refusal to get vaccinated against Covid 19 might cause actual damage to others, but their fears, irrational though they might be, make a 100 times more sense than genderism. And yet, the same people who condemn anti-vaxxers because of "science!" applaud the notion that men can turn into women by the mere act of saying they feel like it, happily condemning thousands of female prisoners to be raped and taking away the privacy and dignity of the whole female population of their countries as if it is nothing.)

Spencer_Shayy , CupOfAbominations & Ava #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIFs always think they're more analytical and logical than other women

( Spencer_Shayy )

"I'm not sure about that- TIFs are so highly distressed and emotional that they destroy their bodies to kinda sorta somewhat look like men."

Exactly. "Transmen" literally believe in strict, regressive gender roles. They literally believe they're not like other girls and therefore are not really female.

No "transman", or "transwoman" for that matter, is logical or rational. There's nothing logical or rational about "identifying" as another "gender". Artemis, you decision to "transition" (aka LARP as a poor imitation of a man) stems from your self-hated. Self-hate is irrational and illogical.

It's always the dumbest among us who claim they're smarter than us all.

( CupOfAbominations )
TIFs are NLOGs on steroids (literally!) so I'm not terribly surprised.

( Ava )

"Artemis admits that none of her experiences in and of themselves mean she's a man. So why is she citing them? Is she saying that all of them put together make her a man?"

I see them do this a lot. They don't want to seem like they're enforcing stereotypes, so for any individual activity they'll clarify that both men and women can enjoy it. But deep down they do still put things into boxes. You're allowed to deviate from stereotypes, but if you deviate too much, now you're trans.

And even if she could prove that she does have more "male-typical" behaviors than the average woman, all that would make her is a woman with "masculine" behaviors. The fact that her "male brain" can exist in a female body is proof that the traits she calls "male" aren't actually male.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Pointer )
Resisted pronouns in first day of therapy day program today
"And what are your pronouns?"

"I think gender ideology is sexist, and I can't endorse it."

"That's perfectly fine."

And we moved on. Like it was perfectly fine.

( lilybriscoe )
wow that’s really badass.

i would say “no thanks on the pronouns” and that was usually fine too. it made one of the NBs mad and they stopped showing up

( cranberrysalad )
Did she/he say anything? Have you ever had someone push back verbally over it?

( c_incognito )
I've told people things like "I don't care what you call me" and "it's obvious what I am" and most people don't care.

BUT, I have made a trans mad and he kept calling me "He" trying to upset me, obviously to prove a point. He just wound up getting mad that I wasn't mad though.

I know what I am and it's clear you do too. I'm not the one with the insatiable need for external validation.

notsofreshfeeling & Killer_Danish #transphobia ovarit.com

Will Ferrell Embraces the Transgender Community in Sundance Documentary

( notsofreshfeeling )
How kind of Will Ferrell to invite men into our locker rooms, changing rooms, and public toilets.

How kind of him to ask female victims of rape to make space for men in their group therapy sessions.

How kind of him to make it impossible for women or girls to request and be guaranteed a female clinician or home health aid.

How kind of him to invite mentally ill men to share rooms in the psych wards with mentally ill women.

How kind of him to invite male rapists to bunk with women in prison cells.

How kind of him to include men in the word "mother."

How kind of him to make it impossible for women and girls to have ANY words that exclude men and boys.

How kind of him to promote an ideology that uses words like "front hole" for female anatomy.

How kind of him to erase lesbians by allowing men and boys to call themselves "lesbian."

How kind of him to promote an ideology that sterilizes kids who would grow up to be gay.

How kind of him to let a child consent to irreversible bodily harm.

How kind of him to promote double mastectomies for anxiety-ridden teen girls.

Such a sweet dude. How could you not love him?

( Killer_Danish )
Suck a trans-gurl cock then, Will, to prove you’re not just spouting bullshit for woke points (you won’t!)

dobby & CryingInYourInbox #transphobia ovarit.com


( dobby )
These TIMs brag about becoming “weaker” (or faking being weak) and fetishize the terrifying feeling of helplessness that biological women feel when we’re reminded of our physical limitations. They treat it like a joke.

I hate them so much. I hate all males.

( CryingInYourInbox )
This is why males taking HRT should be illegal. You shouldn't be allowed to make yourself weaker on purpose

( dobby )
Honestly I don’t really care if males are taking HRT, especially if it makes them weaker or sterilizes them. I’m not okay with tax-payers footing the bill for their fetish or the strain that these cosmetic procedures put on the healthcare system, or with these males thinking that taking HRT allows them into women’s spaces.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

conversion therapy is ok when we do it

( pennygadget )
So its "bigoted" if a parent doesn't want to castrate their 5 year old for acting a little "too gay"? Its bigoted if they want their 12 year old to wait until they're an adult before making permanent changes to their body? It's bigoted if a parent tells their teenage daughter, "Its okay to be a butch lesbian. You don't need to take drugs and cut up your body"?

The "trans community" is a fucking cult. They're WORSE than the old Christian conversion therapists because at least those assholes didn't castrate they gay & lesbian people who fell into their clutches

( Carrots90 )

perverts invading women’s single sex spaces and the daylight theft of our hard won rights

( Ava )
I don't think trans-ID'd people are evilly rubbing their hands together and laughing about how they're gonna convince gay kids to transition. But their ideology is rooted in sex stereotypes, and it does make GNC kids vulnerable to believing they're "trans." A preference for activities associated with the opposite sex is literally a symptom of "gender dysphoria."

There are detransitioners who've spoken about how internalized homophobia motivated them to transition. It may not have been the trans movement's intention to harm these people, but they were harmed nonetheless.

Trans-ID'd people aren't just "existing" when they're pushing the message that a desire to be the opposite sex means you're "trans," without even encouraging you to reflect on where that desire could have come from.

( Persimmon64 )
Yeah, the whole ideology is built in homophobia. "Trans" kids came about because homophobic parents took their GNC little boys to clinics to be "assessed" or examined because they were feminine and claimed to be a girl.

A loving parent would realize, yeah, he's probably going to be gay and he's a kid so he doesn't understand sex and sexuality yet, just the fact that all the girls he sees behave and look a certain way and the boys he sees do the opposite, so he's coming to the conclusion that he must be a girl too because kids are extremely superficial yet and have large imaginations.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

For a group that claims that the existence of infertile women means that female can’t be defined, they sure spend a lot of time complaining about how they can’t get pregnant

( RusticTroglodyte )
It actually delights me that they so desperately want something they can't have. It makes me so happy to know they're suffering bc of it. Die mad, scrotes

( Wsbfom01 )
Their desire to be pregnant comes from a fetish, not a sense of nurture or care for children. They’re disgusting.

( StopThisMadness )
Doesn't want kids but wants to "carry a child" -- fetish.

( SuddenlyRamen )
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Trauma appropriating wankers.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
Babe wake up a new sticker idea just dropped

TWAW - trans women are wankers

( MaryDyer )
Why do you feel like less of a woman, boys? You’ve made it pretty clear that “woman” is meaningless and is merely a nebulous feeling. Why be so butthurt over not being able to get pregnant, when it’s apparently “bioessentialist” to include reproductive capacity in any form in a definition of woman? Hell, even in a definition of female? That’s right - you people have done your damndest to erase any mention of sex from the definition of female.

Yet here you are blowing snot because you can’t get pregnant. Why would you do such a thing? You’ve ensured that reproductive anatomy and biology have been uncoupled from woman, to the point that infertile females are likened to full on, reproductively-healthy males.

Now you seem to be…backtracking? Why? Is it because you know, despite what rhetoric you spread, that infertile women of a certain age are an anomaly, and you want to be a typical woman? Oh how sad for you. 😢

( mathlover )
I feel infinite relief that, once they "trans" most of the larping men will never have children.

( Understanderson )
Oh my god, this is just soooooo creepy. I hate that we're not allowed to notice how creepy it is!

samsdat #transphobia ovarit.com

"Gender-affirming care" is self-harm

It seems blatantly obvious, doesn’t it? I understand how people who haven’t given an ounce of thought to it can go along with the idea that “gender affirming care” is good for “trans kids” and that “trans kids” are even real, but as soon as you start thinking it through, the whole concept falls apart and it becomes clear that the trans-identified teenage girls are the biggest victims in this movement. And the mental health industry, particularly the APA, but also the counseling and therapy professions, are glibly helping destroy these young women (and no, I know it’s not everyone, but if the majority are against it, they aren’t speaking out).

And ordinary people are also helping it along, particularly the most outspoken “allies” out there, the ones who actually have no personal skin in the game, no “trans” kids, no transing themselves, just an “I know better than everyone else and I’m going to make the world a better place, because I am Good and Kind, and damn the torpedos (and the truth and the well being of children and anything else that stands in my way)” self-righteous attitude. If it weren’t for the vehement allies being such enthusiastic flying monkeys for the whole trans movement, this whole damn movement would have fallen apart due to mockery and honest debate a while back.

various commenters #transphobia #homophobia ovarit.com

RE: Gay men angry with Rad Fems for not doing enough about TIFs in their spaces

( Spencer_Shayy )
Gay men, the men who stayed quiet at best when their brothers-in-wigs began invading our spaces and threatening to rape and murder us, or who smugly cheered it on at worst, now what us to give a shit when straight little fujoshi women do it to them?

Gay men, who gave me and so many other women shit for focusing on women's rights in addition to gay rights? Who called me TRASH for doing so?

Gay men, who have constantly treat lesbians like shit throughout history even though we were the ones who helped you during the AIDs crisis when everyone thought touching you would infect them?

I hate these creepy homophobic TIFs almost as much as I hate TIMs, but this is karma.

"Transgender" is a men's movement. You're damn right I'm going to blame men. Gay men are just as misogynistic as straight men, hell, gay men makeup some of the "trans" population. You're all to blame - every single one of you, no matter your race or sexuality.

To any gay men who may be lurking here - FUCK YOU! Reap what you sow.

( mathlover )
Gay men were the reason the T was added to the alphabet soup. When this occurred the vast majority of "trans" were gay men, with the het men mostly avoiding the gay spaces where they felt unwelcome (they did not want to be thought of as gay men). Adding the T to LGB was done largely by stealth so the gay men could get their gay male buddies into LGB community centers and other services.

If gay men get rid of the T completely, the larping women will go as well. The balls are in their (gay mens) court.

( Ceibo )
Have gay men helped lesbians and women in general keep their personal spaces TIM-free? Have they given us their support? No? then they need to STFU and GTFO. TIFs are far less dangerous than TIMs anyway.

Men are the fucking worst, gay, bi or straight.

( Megasaurus )
Gay men can just tell TIFs to fuck off and 90% of them will just run away and cry. Lesbians who tell TIMs to fuck off have to worry about getting hurt by narcissistic, enraged Buffalo Bills. Because of that, gay men have been able to defend their spaces much more effectively.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Utah House passes bill calling for bathroom use according to gender on birth certificate

( BlackCirce )

If someone fully transitions to the opposite gender — and changes their birth certificate to reflect that change — they also could use the bathroom that corresponds to their new gender.

What does “fully transition” mean?

( BondiBlue )
Governments need to stop letting these institution-destroying radicals normalize and facilitate mass public records fraud. Changing one's name is no big deal (as long as the previous name is not obliterated; there is no such thing as a "dead name"). Changing one's birth certificate however, is the definition of a lie. What's to stop people from changing their birth year if they can alter their sex (not "gender") on official documentation? I am in my late thirties, but I don't identify with (stereotypes of) millennials or (stereotypical) "millennial culture"; do I have the right to change my birth year to the generation I identify as? If that's the case, then from now on, my pronouns are ok/boomer.

( Moonflower )
100% this. Retroactively editing birth certificates to make them say the literal opposite of reality should not ever have been on the table.

( Persimmon64 )
And how does one transition "gender"? I thought they already were their "gender" so they were trying to change their body to "match it." But if they already are their "gender" why do they need to transition to the opposite?

And how would they know what bathroom corresponds with their gender when bathrooms are separated by sex.

If they're separated by gender then I have no idea where to go because I don't have a "gender"

( cranberrysalad )
Someone made a great point recently in a comment on Ovarit that really stuck with me. I wish I remembered who and what thread. Anyway she said that altering the birth record alters the reality of others. The mother who gave birth to a son that is now changed to a daughter—how is it okay to alter her lived experience? It’s not just the TiM/TiP that is impacted.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIM works at the coffee shop I frequent and now the whole vibe is ruined

( Pickles )
There is a TIM that works at a sandwich shop I used to frequent and had to quit going because his attempt at mimicking a woman's voice was so incredibly unnerving to me and he always worked the cash register. The voice and impression he put on was actually frightening to me. Minor inconvenience for sure, but I don't hear other demographics of people who need to quit going to establishments because they have employees who openly put on offensive impressions of them. It really is bullshit we have to put up with it.

( CupOfAbominations )
Oh yeah that'd put me over the edge; the fake voice they put on is even worse, esp when they do things like exaggerating vocal fry. "Thankfully" this guy doesn't even try to affect a female voice, but he's so loud and he's always talking I just can't take it anymore...

( overanddone )
I hear you. There is a TIM clerk in a store I frequent, and I try to avoid him.

BUT! His mere presence means I have to consider him whenever I am there. I can’t relax, have to watch where I am looking and control my face, so the experience of shopping there has become slightly tense and no longer comfortable.

Is there a suggestion box at your coffee shop? Can you prepare and slip in a comment that loud political talk is ruining the once-pleasant vibe?

( Radishe )
Just having a TIM working in a coffee shop (there seem to be a lot of them, I had one today) puts me on my guard because I'm concerned it could escalate over any thing. I am always polite, I don't "sir" them, I don't look at them much, just place my order, but it still makes it less comfortable in there. It would be worse if he started going on about politics like that.

I bet his coworkers can't stand him either but have to suffer in silence.

( Spencer_Shayy )

"because I'm concerned it could escalate over any thing."

Literally why I hate working with "transwomen" and hate going to businesses staffed with "transwomen". They're ticking time bombs waiting for any excuse to fly into a violent rage. I actually feel safer around men who aren't "transwomen".

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

I’m going to be sick. Wtf did I just read?

( WitchPlease )
I highly doubt that any woman would allow her porn sick brother to feed toxic discharge to her kids. This is a disgusting fantasy.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
I highly doubt most women would even know what "Hormones" in what dosage to get to help with lactation. These TiMs don't get it, what is a natural process for women is a chemically induced freak thing to a male body, and when something similar is done to animals, it would be considered animal abuse.

( Uber )
No fucking way did this EVER happen. I can never imagine any situation where a woman would allow anyone else to breastfeed her child, certainly not a man. And I'm sorry, I thought we were calling it chestfeeding now? Or is that only reserved for the sex that naturally grows breasts?

There's no way in hell that even if this DID happen (which it did not), there would be any nutrients to speak of, unless we're considering unnatural synthetic chemicals nutrients, now? I can't keep up.

( CupOfAbominations )
I'm relieved that this is probably 99.9% fanfiction, but this is so gross to read. No sane mother would put her newborn's health at risk to validate her weirdo TIM brother's delusions. It's all about him, all about his "biology dysphoria" without any concern over what would be best for the baby! Surely a naturally lactating mother's milk would be the most nutritious thing for the baby than whatever gross milky discharge is coming from his nipples!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Maine pushes to become 'transgender safe haven' where minors can receive sex-change surgery and can't be returned to their parents - as outraged community leaders try to slow efforts | Daily Mail Online

( ProfTerfMom )
Rep. Katrina Smith (R-Palermo) said: 'The state should never place itself above a loving parent and irreparably destroy the reproductive health of a minor child.'

Why isn't this common sense???

It terrifies me that any adult believes it is ok to give minors drugs and surgery based on what is essentially a self-diagnosis. The implications (and complications) will affect these kids for the rest of their shortened lives.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Right? Many of these detransitioner stories are them deciding to be "trans" as kids or teenagers and regretting it in their 20s. These kids didn't even get to reach adulthood normally. They'll be mentally and physically fucked for life. "Gender affirming care" is so evil.

( RusticTroglodyte )

The 'Act to Safeguard Gender Affirming Health Care' would enable certain out-of-state teens to access hormone blockers or surgery without their parents' consent regardless of their own state's laws

Do they fucking hear themselves???

Aside from the permanent medical damage these kids will endure, the foster care system and orphanage (group home) system is rife with abuse. This is brilliant: take vulnerable children with low self esteem, remove them from their support systems and primary caregivers, and put them in the system hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Nothing could possibly go wrong with that. I'm sure none of these sexually confused children will be preyed upon

( OxyToxin )
So you want to trade a reputation for delicious blueberries and lobster for the title of pedophile Mecca? Jealous of California getting so much attention?

These people are deranged.

BlackCirce & westhead #transphobia ovarit.com

( BlackCirce )
The stereotypical heterosexual relationship is the AGP working a high powered and/or male dominated job while practicing his perversion in private for many years while his wife raises their children. Then he comes out dramatically as a woman and there is a photoshoot where he towers over his beleaguered wife in his size 15 high heels and clothes he stole out of her closet while she tries unsuccessfully to hide the 1000 yard stare she’s developed while trying to satisfy his gonzo porn inspired sexual desires and keep the secret of his disreputable behavior from family and friends.

Is that what he means?

( westhead )
10/10 perfect description of the AGP lifecycle. Only thing missing is the TIM gets appointed head of some DEI or Women in Tech task force due to being stunning and brave.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gender Critical v Terf

( VestalVirgin )
Eh, well, "terf" has always been a slur. I cannot begrudge it anyone if they don't want to use that as self-description.

(I don't use it, either, except jokingly. I consider myself a plain old feminist. If I need to clarify, I might add a "radical", but that's it.)

( CruelEnnui )
This so much. People seem to forget that not only is "terf" a slur used to silence women, it is also incorrect in the sense that radical feminists don't exclude trans people - only trans males.

( Unicorn )
Yes. Men are not part of radical feminism because it is a female movement. (They can be allies to radical feminism but not actually radical feminists.)

Transgender-identifying men ("transwomen") are not excluded because they are transgender-identifying, they are excluded because they are male. Radical feminism rejects the upholding of gender, which transgender ideology requires, especially in order to consider a "transwoman" a woman.

( syntaxerror )
Yep. TERFs are fine with accepting “trans men” into feminism, since they are, you know, women. It’s the TIMs they don’t want.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I don't call myself a feminist. It's become so androcentric that I'm embarrassed to be affiliated with it. I prefer "women's libber".

But I like her statement about the three groups because she's right, even if we call them something different. Too many GCers are trying to compromise with trans activists. Placating men is literally why feminism is in such a sorry state.

These people hate you for being female. Their whole ideology ("transgender") is the result of misogyny. They constantly wish us all raped and killed for not validating, supporting, or agreeing with them.

Why do you think making concessions and being diplomatic will change this? Has that EVER changed mens behavior towards women?

( syntaxerror )
I guess technically the TRAs would refer to me as a TERF but that term has long been watered down from its original meaning. They call right wing men TERFs now.

I am not a radical feminist. I am a feminist for sure, but as I’ve said here before I disagree with a few views that can be classified as “radfem” so I would refer to myself as GC if I was required to identify that type of political thinking. But idk I qualify as a TERF with the way the word has shifted so who knows at this point.

BlackCirce #transphobia ovarit.com

GC Purity Politics: A Threat to Unity? - by Noray

I don’t want to go line by line but I don’t know how useful the concept of purity politics is for women. Purity is bad for men and good for women, because women are already too accommodating to interests that conflict with our own.

Politics is about power and when it comes to the trans issue radical feminists are in the weakest position. That’s how we got routed to begin with and it makes sense for radical feminists to be wary of big-tentism because it didn’t serve us in the past. The religious right is in a better position to fight trans because they have more money and clout. “Terfs” are on the very outside of our natural ally group which are far leftists. Collaboration with the religious right is going to cost us something and them nothing. This doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done, beggars can’t be choosers and all that. But it should be acknowledged.

It becomes increasingly difficult to defend GC movements as progressive or pro-woman when people hold increasing tolerance, or platform fascists on a regular basis.

Why does the charge of fascism always come from the left towards us? The “antifascist” left sends men to punch elderly lesbians and gays, sporting shirts that say “a million dead terfs” and shit like that. I hate men who are against abortion and think women’s proper role is in the home just as much as the next RF, but right now, they are not threatening to kill me, “antifascist” leftists are. Abortion is still legal in my state. But I can’t meet with other women and protest on behalf of lesbians. I can’t say women are adult human females or risk my job or even my life. Again I can’t stand conservative men and I’ve never considered them my friends or allies, but the handwringing about “gender critical fascism” turning away women who openly praise left wing men who write fantasies about raping and murdering lesbians and RFs as justified resistance is goofy. These are the same women who march on behalf of Hamas and Hizbollah… they clearly can handle a little diversity of opinion in the movement.


BlackCirce , justanothernastywoman & syntaxerror #transphobia ovarit.com

Doctor is suspended for refusing to use transgender patient's preferred pronouns - during argument about danger of sex change drugs | Daily Mail Online

( BlackCirce )
This is why the “evil money hungry doctors vs innocent unsuspecting patients” narrative framing is inaccurate. The patients are demanding this treatment against the will of the physicians and doing the most to punish the doctors who say no.

( justanothernastywoman )
The surgeons who do SRS are definitely money-hungry and evil, especially the ones who perform elective surgeries on children, but you're right, the adults demanding these treatments aren't innocent. They're mentally disturbed and delusional.

It's absolutely sick that someone who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars training in school for 8+ years to be a doctor can be suspended for not affirming delusions. Should psychiatrists affirm the delusions of schizophrenia patients, too?

( syntaxerror )
I agree that most (if not all) surgeons in western societies, particularly America and the UK are being forced into this way of practicing medicine on threat of losing their livelihood they spent a decade to work towards and that they’re being told the science is “settled” on the affirmation model, despite what they’re witnessing. We should absolutely be more understanding to the average doctor. I think their hands are tied in a lot of cases, and the ones that do bravely speak out are being silenced and getting serious consequences.

That being said, the surgeons who agree to operate on healthy minors deserve to lose their license at a minimum. No one’s forcing them to do that. And honestly, even surgeons who operate on adults (who often have several mental illnesses) need to be heavily scrutinized as well.

TheKnitta & NastasyaFillipovna #transphobia ovarit.com

Staff working in rape and trafficking centres are routinely subjected to bullying and intimidation for defending women's rights, report warns | Daily Mail Online

( TheKnitta )
The Rape Crisis Centre I went to for years, that was so adamant at keeping a woman-only space and was so supportive and wonderful, has recently started posting shit like ‘TWAW’ on Facebook. It made me wonder what had gone on internally, because I can’t imagine many of the staff who were there when I was would’ve agreed to that.

Many women from the Middle East used their services, and they had specially trained women for it (languages spoken etc). I can’t see many, if any, of the Middle Eastern women I knew back then using the service now if men are there. Such an important resource for refugee women, trashed for the fetish of a few men in dresses.

The selfishness of men never ceases to enrage me. They’re smirking at this. It’s why they do what they do. It turns them on. Of anyone, I’d have expected staff at Rape Crisis to know this. It’s heartening to hear some women are still standing up for women, at least, but the threats they face are disgraceful.

( NastasyaFillipovna )

It made me wonder what had gone on internally

My guess is they hired some new young staff out of university trained in Social Work, who are completely high on Gender Ideology. Same thing happening to teachers.

( TheKnitta )
I know in the city I lived in previously a TIM from the local university took a very close interest in ‘fundraising’ and ‘helping’ the local Rape Crisis Centre there…while trying to wriggle their way into the staff. No idea if they finally managed it. I hope not, but if my local Rape Crisis is anything to go by, you’re probably absolutely spot on. All the work women built up over years, chucked away for a few pervert men in dresses. It’s enraging.

various commenters #transphobia #ableist ovarit.com

RE: Almost every single time - AUTISM
( pennygadget )
IMO, this trans fad is a sinister way to castrate autistic people (mainly autistic kids). Its so much easier for a clinician to tell an autistic girl that testosterone will magically fix her problems instead of helping her work through her issues and learn to adapt to society

( RusticTroglodyte )
I agree. It's a convenient way to get ppl who are autistic, or same sex attracted to self-sterilize

( PracticalMagic )
Honestly call me a nasty old woman but I am growing so BORED with neurodiversity. Everyone and her dog is neurodiverse now. It's become meaningless and at worst a set of excuses to do nothing.

Autism is a real thing of course but it's bwcome the left handedness of the 2020s, something everyone suddenly wants because it's more "creative".

( OverTheWall )
Same. Its kind of to a point where we’ve determined that, yes, every brain is an individual and works in a speshul individual way, and maybe people learn and function differently than one another.

But the neuro-divergent bubble wrap sad marshmallow gang just went full stupid with this concept and use their differences as an excuse to not try hard at anything and just give up on learning to function or even thrive.

Hell, I feel like a neurodivergent diagnoses is a self fulfilling prophecy. None of them seem turn their differences into anything positive or take the information they learn about how their brain works to be better, even just at one specific thing, but instead just cry “I can’t do that because I’m NeUroDiVeGenT”.

( Bml7864 )
Yes, but I wonder how many have been diagnosed vs self diagnosed. In today's society, people are using "I'm autistic" or "I have ADHD" as a get out of jail free card to act however they want without having to work on themselves.

( VestalVirgin )
True, but I do think many of the girls who trans have autism.

It would explain why they fall for the lie that it is possible to have a sex-change surgery (and other lies TRAs tell) so easily: They don't expect to be lied to.


Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com

The Lavender Scare

I sometimes think of the parallels between the Lavender Scare and the modern day "trans" movement, and I wonder:

What is the difference between the government demanding I lose my job for being a homosexual and a trans activist demand I lose my job for be a "TERF" (homosexual)?

What is the difference between being called "morally weak" and a "sexual deviant" by conservatives and being called a "genital fetishist" by trans activists who constantly imply, if not outright state, that I am "morally weak"?

What's the difference between the government's tests for homosexuality and trans activists tests for "TERFs"?

What;s the difference between men pretending to be gay to get out of the draft and young people pretending to be "LGBTQ" to get out of being seen as straight or "cis"?

What's the difference between McCarthy's blacklists of "subversives" and modern trans activists blacklists of "TERFs"?

What's the difference between McCarthy era bureaucrats interrogating possible homosexual employees and trans activists interrogating possible "TERFs"?

I'd really, really like to know.

"It has also been suggested that contemporary attitudes towards LGBT people in America have been shaped by the Lavender Scare. The 'Pervert Elimination Campaign' and the criminalization of gay men existing in public spaces demonstrates how attitudes towards LGBT people during the Lavender Scare shifted towards intolerance in public spaces. Brandon Andrew Robinson has suggested that this criminalization of LGBT people in public spaces has impacted how LGBT people now exist within America. [...]"

No. It was not "LGBT". It was HOMOSEXUALS targeted by the Lavender Scare. The Lavender Scare influenced everyone's attitudes on HOMOSEXUALS, including "trans" people, who often seem to hate us MORE than regular old conservative straights.

I don't want "trans" people to think for a second that the Lavender Scare had anything to do with you. It didn't. You were among the ugly, sniveling little assholes hounding us out of our jobs and forcing us into heteronormative institutions back then, just like you are now.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans "women" are still required to be registered for the US draft.

( WatcherattheGates )
So, in the end, the government actually does know sex is more important than gender.

( MiMi2013 )
Which makes me wonder exactly why DC is so eager to force trans "girls" aka BOYS into the spaces reserved for actual girls at our schools. It almost seems as if they know they're putting real girls at risk by playing these semantic games, and as if there's some secret, sinister motive behind it...

( Iceni )

If TIMs inconvenience women the United States government doesn't care. If TIMS inconvenience the United States government, the US government cares.

( Hollyhock )
There were a few wildly naive stories on the poor TiPs in Ukraine. One was told about a poor TiM who couldn't leave the country because he was a 6'2 20something male. How could he fight as 'a girl' ? I don't know, maybe use your upper body strength to help carry victims on stretchers to the hospital? Another was a story about a poor TiF who worried she'd be turned away at the border as she looked male. She wasn't, she was allowed to leave along with her mother, but guess being a man only matters when there's not a war raging.

Meanwhile, teen girls stayed behind to drive trucks and elderly women took training on how to shoot guns. I even read of a mother who brought her two small children to safety in another country where her sister was living, then returned back to fight alongside her husband.

( neonbandit )
These examples are just further proof that one still keeps their male/female privilege while they pretend to be the opposite sex.

The TiF wants to be perceived as male until it means putting her life on the line, then she is suddenly ok with being female. . . a card all the Ukranian men couldn't play, not even the TiM.

The TiM wants to self ID into that female privilege but when a country is under siege, they need all the man power they can get. They can't afford to play into someone's gender delusions. It would also create a massive loophole for deserters to claim trans to get out of fighting. A loophole similar to the get out of men's prison and cheat in women's sports that we have now. But only women are harmed by those loopholes so that's ok!

CupOfAbominations #transphobia ovarit.com

TRAs and semantic bleaching
For those unfamiliar, semantic bleaching is when the strength of a word becomes diluted due to frequent exaggeration, misuse, or hyperbole. A good example is "literally" being used so often in a figurative sense that its "literal" meaning has been softened, no longer holding the same impact.

I see this happening everywhere, especially with the TQ crowd and I've grown to hate it. I hate it because it's led me to start doubting people at face value. They overuse powerful words to create a false sense of urgency for their cause or to drum up sympathy, and I hate it because of the real-life implications of these words taken less seriously.

When the meaning of "child abuse" has been watered down to also include parents that won't give their children puberty blockers, how are genuine victims of child abuse going to get help when social services are flooded with kids that are "traumatized" because their parents won't call them Lilith?

The meaning of "lesbian" has become "non-man attracted to non-men" (while also implicitly including men in skirts in that definition) and real lesbians can no longer trust any space or community that claims to be lesbian.

"Trigger" no longer means something that can induce a severe PTSD flashback or panic attack, but "thing that makes me mildly uncomfortable"

Their use of "genocide" is perhaps one of the most infuriating. There are real, ongoing genocides happening all over the world. Darfur has been repeating history for several months and almost no major outlets are reporting on it. The Uyghurs are one of many, many ethnic minorities in China that are being cleansed. How narcissistic, how out of touch with reality do you have to be to put yourself on the same level as genocide victims because a law won't let children cut off their breasts?

Semantic bleaching of these powerful words is having a chilling effect on our ability to empathize with other humans. It's gradually making us more cynical, more skeptical when people bring up "abuse" and "trauma" and I hate seeing that cynicism grow within myself; an ugly seed that grows each time I see someone stealing these words to wear like accessories so that they can boast about who has the worst life.


Understanderson #transphobia ovarit.com

Types of trans
One of the confusing things about trying to talk with people about trans is arriving at a shared understanding of what "trans" even means. The word is used to cover such a broad range of different issues. I sat and wrote it down, and will probably make a graphic of the list once I have it finalized (will share!).

Input? Suggestions? Thanks!


- Classic trans (what most people still think all TIMs are): gay men (HSTS) with internalized homophobia (and in some cases misogyny) who are more comfortable pretending to be women. More likely to get surgeries than other types.

- Straight men (AGP) who are sexually excited either just by wearing women’s clothing or by the idea of themselves as women. Usually need to be “validated” by real women to keep the boner going. More delusional about their appearance than HSTS. Comfortable misogynists.

- Sensitive (mostly) young men who find male stereotypes restrictive or don’t want to be part of the oppressor group. Don't understand women.

- Men and boys caught up in sissy porn, anime and gaming. Incel to trans pipeline. View women as "living on easy mode." Overt misogynists.

- Drag queens - can be gay or straight—put on the “woman” with the clothes, parade her before the crowd, and take her off again when they’re done. Love using misogynist slurs when dressed up as women. Generally contemptuous of women.

- Trenders and opportunists


- Stone butches - “Life is just simpler if people think I’m a man.”

- Young, gender non-conforming lesbians. Internalized homophobia and/or confusion about a supposed lesbian community that includes men in dresses that it's bigoted to reject.

- Straight girls and women with internalized misogyny. Want to be loved by men as equals, not fetishized as female stereotypes; want to be recognized for their abilities and accomplishments without first being judged on their fuckability; are completely alienated by the idea of women presented in porn and popular culture and see what their mothers and other older women have been through and want nothing to do with it.

- Trenders and opportunists

terfology , Ava & Wrenn #transphobia ovarit.com

( terfology )
“You Can’t Define Woman Because of XYZ”
“You can’t define woman because _____”!

• “Some women don’t get periods!”

• “Some women are infertile!”

• [Insert other willfully ignorant excuses here]

Ignoring the fact that everyone — including the people making these arguments — are indeed aware of what is a woman and what is a man, its also a miracle that they only seem to misunderstand “the exception is not the rule” when it comes to women’s rights.

Let’s try applying that logic to other things as well, shall we?

Mammals are animals where the females breastfeed their young, among some other qualifications. According to TRA logic, women that can’t breastfeed are no longer mammals.

Humans are bipedal. According to TRA logic, people who have lost their legs or cannot use them are no longer humans.

Humans have two kidneys. If you get rid of one, I guess you’re no longer a person!

It’s almost like… TRAs are full of bullshit, and know exactly what a woman — er, sorry, I mean an “AFAB” — is!

Women who don’t have periods know they are women. Women who can’t get pregnant know they are women. The only women who need reassurance that they are women, aren’t women at all. They’re men.

(Feel free to add more examples in the comments if you want.)

( Ava )
Yeah, "TERFs" don't even claim that fertility is what makes you a woman.

Infertile women still have a female reproductive system. We can see that their bodies would produce viable eggs if not for whatever issue is inhibiting the process. Meanwhile TIMs are never considered "infertile" for not producing eggs, because we can see they have a male reproductive system organized around producing sperm.

Topics like menstruation and pregnancy are relevant to women's rights because only women can experience them, but that doesn't mean all women experience them. But as you said, TIMs are willfully ignorant. I'm sure they can understand this logic, they just think that playing word games will force people to accept them as women.

( Wrenn )
For people who claim to be so scientific, they really quickly forgot the basic premise of a subset.

Here are some to refresh the memory of any lurkers :


Not all women have a uterus. But all adults with a uterus are women.

Not all men are pornsick AGPs who cut off their penis. But all pornsick AGPs who cut off their penis are MEN!

IrissaIridium , WitchPlease & no- #transphobia ovarit.com

( IrissaIridium )
DAE notice the difference between lesbians' and transbians' responses to being excluded from dating pools?

Lesbians: *completely excluded from being with over 95% of women who are absolutely unwilling to date them*

Lesbians: "It sure does suck to have such a small dating pool! ☹️ I wish I could meet more compatible lesbians to date."

Transbians: *completely excluded from being with less than 1% of women who are absolutely unwilling to date them*

Transbians: "SUCK THE LADY DICK, DYKE! 💢👊💢 KILL ALL TERFS! DIE CIS SCUM! *slithers off to Preddit to post another sour grapes post about mean, ugly dykes/manifesto about lesbians unpacking their sexual biases and genital fetishes/payback rape fantasy against lesbians*"

Nothing says "I'm a man" quite like thinking you're entitled to sex and getting argumentative, aggressive and violent when you're told "no" by a tiny sliver of the population you'd like to have sex with.

(I know plenty of straight and bi women are unwilling to date TIMs too but my point is that lesbians are the only group TIMs have absolutely no hope of being with and they can't even handle the rejection of a tiny population of women without losing their shit).

( WitchPlease )
I find it very funny how they demand to bee seen as ~real lesbians~ and that lesbians date them, but they get upset that their "lesbian" spaces are filled with sausage. They barely pretend to believe the thing they demand everyone else to believe. They know they are men, they know others like them are men, but lesbians are not allowed to notice that.

( IrissaIridium )
I notice they don't go hard against other transbians who only want to be with real women. I've heard TRAs make some weak noises about "internalized transphobia" but it's nothing like the heavy bombing campaign against lesbians. I think their main objection to transbians saying "no T4T" is that those transbians are saying the quiet part out loud and if they're allowed to say that without repercussions, lesbians might get the idea that we are too.

( no- )
If they really believed trans identified men can be lesbians, they’d stop complaining about transphobic terfs who won’t suck dick and start dating each other.

Persimmon64 #transphobia ovarit.com

What do Munroe Bergdorf and Andrew Tate have in common? | The Spectator

Haven't read the article yet, but imo, TIMs and AIMs (alpha-identified males, as I'm now going to refer to them) are just two sides of the same sexist coin of misogyny two testicles of the same scrotum.

They view men and women, not as male and female people with their own individual feelings and personalities, but as stereotypical roles we all play. Everything for them is about image.

Woman = feminine/submissive

Man = masculine/dominant

Women exist to be used by and serve men.

Edit: "two testicles of the same scrotum" I'm using this all the time now. Brilliant.

ImNewHere & overanddone #transphobia ovarit.com

( ImNewHere )
I expect a fair few of you have also been through the sinking, often scary feeling of your female friends deserting you for being gender critical. How do you reconcile it and move on?

Yesterday I posted on instagram stories ‘I’m sick of this. It’s not hard to say woman’ under an article about women’s reproductive health that referred to ‘uterus owners’ and ‘people who get pregnant’ etc. That’s all I said. Within hours I’d had 3 separate girlfriends tell me I’m wrong because transmem aren’t women (nnng!!!), and 2 others flatly say I’m a bigot. A couple have unfollowed me. I’m talking people I’ve known since university.

I know reading this on the screen has a degree of anonymity and therefore it’s easy to say well that’s stupid, find new friends. But obviously it really really hurts too. And it’s really quite alarming to feel that you’re the only person who hasn’t fallen for this emperor’s new clothes lunacy. Most of my friends are the intelligent left-leaning types – like me!

Anyway, how do you mentally cope with it? I’ve been sick to my stomach all day. I’m confident that I’m right and I have a right to my own opinion, but it still doesn’t take away the feeling of “oh shoot, should I have done that?!”

( overanddone )
It's fear. They are afraid. Sad to say, I have many former friends like this. It was painful, but through the pain a few people poked their heads up and said me too. I treasure those people. They are true friends.

I circled the wagons with the few I could trust. And then...I am happy to say we spend time mocking the cult and figuring out ways to poke the beast. They are so easily mocked!

They know we are right. Who could argue with women's reproductive systems and how they affect our lives? Who could argue that a man should strip search a woman passenger in a TSA back room? Who can argue men in women's sports...prisons...hospitals...

We all could go on and on. Your friends know they have to tow the TRA line or be subjected to the same behavior you are receiving. They are scared. And they are not as strong as you are. They may also believe it's a right wing issue, that no one on the left is not enamored of the gender cult. This is so not true.

Find your few friends or family with whom you can be honest. Then have a right good gathering and mock the afflicted. My mother would not be proud that I just said that.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

“Gender-Affirming Care” Is Increasingly Being Recognized as Unscientific

( pennygadget )
Trans is the only mental/medical condition where the patient is allowed to diagnose themselves and decide which medications and surgeries they need. The doctors only exist to rubber stamp whatever they want. That's how you know the whole thing is bullshit

( Persimmon64 )
Trans is the only subculture fad that allows people to get cosmetic alterations and drugs given to them by doctors to enable them to get a certain aesthetic and the only subculture/fashion/fad that not only relies on fantasy, but forces others including the government and our laws, to play along

( SamanthaK )
Our paychecks too. Since gender affirming care is often paid for by the taxpayer.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
In the famous TV show House MD, its a running theme sorta that patiests lie, always. And House never took any patient for face value for what they were saying.

Wonder how they would've handled TiMs

( syntaxerror )
House frequently makes TRAs screech because of that episode where the patient of the week ended up being an XY male with androgen insensitivity syndrome (basically unresponsive to testosterone) making him appear to be completely female. The problem ended up being cancer on one of the patient’s undescended testicles.

House says the ultimate woman is a man and then says that he has cancer on his left testicle and the patient flips out and screams “I’m not a boy, I’m a girl!” It was revealed earlier in the episode that the girls father had sexually assaulted her (sex at her request, but she was supposed to be 15) and then House basically makes a comment about the dad being gay, now.

What I’m saying is, I can promise you House would not have put up with Trans bullshit for even a second. He was offensively blunt and cruel, and didn’t even mince words with a totally female presenting hermaphrodite because he had a Y chromosome

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Normal people being awoken to the crazy shit you people are saying/doing =/= “far right” trying to start a culture war

( Unicorn )
Nah buddy, people are just sick of being fed bullshit.

And transgenderism is basically a culture war. The entire concept of trans exists on gender—socially, culturally, constructed sex-based stereotypes. Your group has been a "massive culture war" since its inception.

( no- )
“Why do people hate us just for existing?” They ask. No one gave an f about transsexuals before they decided everyone had to pray to their gender god or lose their jobs and reputation. Transgenderism is a lie, a pseudoscientific but profitable fabrication. There’s only so much bullshit and censorship people can take before they get sick of it, especially when it’s causing as much damage as it is.

( ratherbecomes )
That's what gets me. They started the culture war, and when anyone gets involved against it, they accuse them of actually being the ones starting a war.

( OwnLyingEyes )
They think they have some kind of divine right to tear everything down and remake it to suit themselves and are outraged that other people think we have some kind of right to oppose them.

( Exempli_Gratia )
Shit, it's not even just opposition, it's anything short of absolute brainwashed obedience - they want to completely recreate reality and the way we perceive it and we're not even allowed to say, "no thank you, I think I'll stick with my current beliefs and worldview." We have to live in and completely accept and believe their reality or they'll throw a gigantic screaming shitfit.

I'm sick of being asked to submit to the tantrums of grown-ass adults. I refuse to do it any more

( Women1st )
That’s how you silence someone. Call them a racist, transphobe, Karen, whatever.

( pennygadget )
"I don't think kids in public schools should be forced to accept Jesus Christ as their lord and Savior. Its not fair to kids who don't believe in Christianity"


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Very human problems in the field of gender medicine

( Calidris )
I'd never tell anyone else what they should think, and I definitely do understand where you're coming from.

But I disagree. I am going full on scorched earth and I will call these people what I think they are, evil. If you cannot call the doctors who cut healthy organs off of mentally ill people evil, what is even evil? Thinking you're doing a good thing is not an excuse, as a German I should know, all our Nazis did their crimes against humanity for "the greater good" after all.

( sylviasmushrooms )
I’m an American. I think a big part of the problem is that people literally DO forget that the nazis and their followers were human beings, doing monstrous things… not monsters, unconditionally evil beyond comprehension.

That framing makes it easy for other people in this era doing monstrous things to write it off, because it’s as if a weird sense of determinism is guiding people’s morals. “Only monsters could ever fall into dangerous and damaging ideologies built on hate. I’m not a monster, therefore my ideology with colorful flags is good. We aren’t coercing and suppressing dissenting thoughts and speech, we are defeating HATE, among other monsters, who therefore must be nazis.”

The evil inherent in this must be acknowledged, absolutely, but humans are the only species that just keeps falling for it so I think there’s a lot of truth in this piece.

( Persimmon64 )
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

We have countless movies and books and story arcs covering this very common theme, yet people are unable to recognize it when they are the ones commiting the atrocities.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I'm sure they also used the "greater good" excuse for lobotomies too. They sure as fuck use it for every goddamn war.

( elizamondegreen )
They're doing a terrible thing. That's not the same as doing a terrible thing with terrible intent... but of course very few people do terrible things with terrible intent. Most have to be persuaded by some idea -- however dangerous and deadly -- that they are doing some kind of good for someone (no matter the costs to others).

But where I suspect we agree is that their intentions don't diminish their culpability whatsoever.

FemmeEtal & Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com

No, she’s not the “other mother” she is THE mother

( FemmeEtal )
The mommy fetish is probably the most disgusting for me. These men don’t feel maternal instinct, they never felt a stirring in their nonexistent wombs, lactated and fed an infant that came from them. They just have sick twisted desires and disorders about their own mothers and want to pervert the most innocent and pure thing, a child calling for their mother. It’s vile and infuriating.

( Spencer_Shayy )
This is so vile. I hate men.

SlowCollapse & pennygadget #transphobia ovarit.com

1 in 6 Hiring Managers have been told to stop hiring white men

( SlowCollapse )
Not gender-related you may say?

But consider this. There is one and only one way for a 'straight white male' to opt out of that lowest-of-the-low identity. Transition! - and that gets them directly to a triple oppression combo, trans/woman/lesbian, suddenly they're precious 'diverse individuals', in high demand by DEI-driven hiring.

Is the demonisation of the 'straight white male' a factor in the rise of trans identities? This isn't related to anger at men for their violence and mistreatment of women, it's about the weaponisation of intersectionality to create a common enemy of all 'oppressed groups', and lash out at it. It has been enabled by the redefinition of words, 'you can't be racist against whites or sexist against men', the same weaponisation of language that has empowered the trans movement.

( pennygadget )

Is the demonisation of the 'straight white male' a factor in the rise of trans identities?

I absolutely believe that it is. How can a White Man resist doing something simple to take himself from the bottom of the oppression stack to the top? Especially if he runs in leftist circles and it will benefit him in multiple avenues?

Persimmon64 , Uber & RighteousIndignation #transphobia ovarit.com

( Persimmon64 )
New Year's Resolution
I'm done using their language. I'm done playing their games.

My New Year's resolution for 2024 is to stop it all and take my language back.

I'm not calling it "transition" "medical transition" or "social transition" ever again. It's pretending to be the opposite sex. It's cosmetic surgeries, synthetic hormones, and genital mutilation for the purpose of deceiving others into believing one is the opposite sex.

I'm never calling another person "trans." They're men who pretend to be women and women who pretend to be men. The only concession I can make is calling them "trans-identified" as that's what they are, people who call themselves "trans." Otherwise, "trans" is a nonexistent concept that I won't play lip service to any longer.

No more "gender dysphoria." I'm calling it how I see it in different individuals: abusive parents, sexual fetish, low self-esteem, self-consciousness, body dysmorphia, autism, internalized homophobia, internalized misogyny, and plain old sexual perversion and misogyny.

No more "gender." These are sexist stereotypes and expectations we're talking about here.

I would encourage everyone here to stop using their terms as well. The language we use shapes our perceptions of the world around us. I know it will be difficult, as I've become so used to seeing, hearing, and using these terms myself, but I've found the more I do it, the easier it gets.

Any other words or phrases I should eliminate from my vocabulary?

( Uber )
Inclusive. I don't use it but I fucking HATE it, like nails on a chalkboard.

It's not really about different races, religions, nationalities, and sexual orientations (unless they're homosexual males) coming together so much as made up identities, victim mentalities, and people who are severely mentally ill and refuse to take the logical steps towards getting well.

( RighteousIndignation )
inclusive to me is just 1984 doublespeak it means exclusionary, it means threatening and excluding those who do not hold the fascist line.

I wave two fingers at everyone who uses the term inclusive, these people and organizations are creepy AF, its the soft spoken through gritted teeth I hate it, Jeffery Marsh is a prime example of what I mean, he hisses comply or else through a fake smile and childish tone.

Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: 2024 could be the year America's trans bubble bursts - The Post

"The biggest drivers of public opposition to the trans movement has always been trans activists themselves"

I always love when people point that out. I was pro-live and let live for "trans" people until I actually met "trans" people and was exposed to the deranged, vile, hateful beliefs they have. To any "trans" lurkers who may come across this, YOU are the reason I hate you and your evil ideology. Congrats on all the enemies you've made. Really. It's mind boggling. The only "marginalized" group people feel LESS empathy towards the more they get to know you.

"General society is not willing to allow more rights for transgender people"

That's because you have "rights" confused with "privileges". You asking for special privileges (and that's all "trans rights" is) is NOT the same as supporting basic human rights for groups that are ACTUALLY oppressed.

"Public understanding of trans issues was always something activists explicitly avoided"

And here lies the heart of the hypocrisy. "Trans" people are treat everyone else like evil idiots, dangerous animals who are just so ignorant until the "wise" AGP incel or self hating pickme girl comes to "enlighten" us, insisting we'd change our minds if we "got to know trans people". And yet, the only reason your heinous ideology has taken hold in modern society is because of a decades long campaign done BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, with "activists" explicitly telling each other to avoid contact with the public and media. Read the Denton document. We were worried about the wrong fascists infiltrating.

Bring on the lawsuits. Bankrupt and jail every butcher who surgically experiments on people. Remove the licenses of every counselor and social worker who tells someone, especially a CHILD, that they're "born wrong". Fire every teacher who pushes children down the pipeline to sterilization and medical mutilation. Take the children away from the parents who "trans" them. Dismiss every doctor who pushes this heinous science denying ideology on their practice and patients. Drag everyone - regardless of who they are - supporting this hate movement wrapped in a pink and blue how.

It's time to put an end to these conservative-in-liberal-clothing tyrants once and for all.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( MaryDyer )
A common theme from “transbians” on lesbian subreddits
They’re constantly posting about “I just wanna girlfriend”, “why can’t I get a girlfriend?”, “I wanna be someone’s girlfriend”, “how do I get a girlfriend?”

I mean, if it wasn’t already obvious that the vast majority of “transbians” are simply incels trying to re-market themselves, then their posts should be evidence.

1000% desperate incel behavior. It’s pathetic.

( pennygadget )
They could easily solve their problem by dating one another. But they don't because they know that all the transbians are disgusting men. They crave the validation of guilting an actual lesbian into fucking them

Many of these scrotes won't even settle for a pity fuck from a bisexual handmaiden because its not validating enough

( bittersweetcreature )
It is hilarious how none of them seem to be attracted to each other despite their claims to be "real women." Like, their dicks sure as hell can identify women even if their brains claim not to

( mathlover )
"Trans lesbians" are 100% heterosexual men, and remain attracted to women who fulfill male ideals of what women should. They constantly talk about being attracted to straight women and primarily to only very "femme" lesbians

And, yes, there is the also constant whining "I need a gf". Sorry guys, you're stuck with each other. lol

( IrissaIridium )
One of the funniest fucking things to come out of the delusional Trans Lesbians Are Lesbians movement is how the transbians took over the lesbian dating app Her, kicked out all the real lesbians for being TERFs and now do nothing but sit around complaining that no women ever want to hit them up. "Is this app transphobic or sumthin?" Yes, boys, your transaturated "lesbian" app is transphobic (just like reality). Shouldn't be a problem for you to date each other though, right? 🤣

( Sheva )
HER. Otherwise known as HIM

I used to have an account on HER. I had one question and answer listed and it was “what is the biggest attractor for you?” And my answer was “Two X Chromosomes”

I had in my bio “2X only” and “no dudes under any circumstances, in any way shape or form!”

And I STILL got TIMs trying to connect with me. I get offended. Like, that fucking MALE audacity to think I, a Lesbian, would want you, a greasy, hairy man, grotesque man in a dress and a wig that doesn’t quite sit right on your half balding head


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why do so many men defend gender ideology?

( BigBoats )
Unfortuntely, most of the people who push pro-TIM propaganda ARE women though (and TIMs of course). Just look at images of pro-trans demonstrations and you'll see most of them are women. It's the result of extreme female socialization, a desire to receive validation by being self-sacrificing to the extreme because it's been drilled into them that women are only valuable if they don't stand up for themselves.

I rarely see men defend pro-TIM nonsense. Most men don't even care because it doesnt affect them. And the few men who do defend it do so because it makes them look good and they have nothing to lose by defending it, probably.

( bluetinfoilhat )
I find most heterosexual men don't. Those that do generally haven't thought it out much or think it is linked to homophobia and they just knee jerkily want to see pro-gay. Unfortunately, a lot of gay men seem to support it or seem agitated when women talk about how it is negatively affecting women. Even though the trans movement is homophobic. No offense I think it is because many gay men don't value more feminine gay men, so they just don't care.

For the few heterosexual men who seem to support it a lot, I think they get off on trans women intimidating women, forcing themselves on lesbians, and taking away opportunities from women. They are personally not bold enough to go into the women's locker room, but they get off on that some men can get away with it.

( mathlover )
Because gender ideology is part of the foundation of the patriarchy maintaining male oppression of women. Men get what they want from gender ideology; they have no reason to ever object to it.

( Dogmother )
There once was a thread about TIMs and men on Reddit, and the top comment, I kid you not, was a guy saying "Straight men aren't attracted to women, they're attracted to femininity." A hundred replies or so, all defending this guy, it was insane. So pf course men are going to defend TIMs, as long as they make their dicks hard.

( drdeeisback )
Men will always support and defend other men. (Which is how you can be 100% sure they are well aware TIMs are men.)

( shewolfoffrance )
100%. You never see men lecturing other men on the need to be welcoming and inclusive towards TiFs. They're only interested in making sure that women continue to behave like service animals.

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