
Various Terfs #sexist #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: "It so weird to me that after realizing we are men, we are more willing to accept our femininity."

( AnneLister )
Adopting the sissification fetish from their brave and stunning transwomen sisters, I see.

( GynyHappyPeople )
That was my thought.

It’s a sub of trans identified females acting out trans identified male fantasies. So many “catboy” selfies.

( AnneLister )
TRAs make me so embarrassed on behalf of cats.

( tacocat )
Jesus. These people need to get off the internet.

( MonstrousRegiment )
When I saw the post title I instantly imagined some new variation on trans-identifying men who understand that they're autogynophiles! What a disappointment!

( gncautistic )
So they're totally fine with being feminine and a stereotypical woman just as long as you call her a ''he''? this shit you can't even make up! Calling themselves ''femboys'' is so gross. TIF's also can't keep their fetishes a secret.

( ComplicatedSpirit )
There’s so much to unpack. Internalized misogyny, the conviction that all things must be “gendered,” the anxiety over conforming to “masculinity” or “feminity” and what they’re identifying and presenting as. These people have serious problem and they’re turning to fucking Reddit and Tumblr to validation rather than help.

( hmimperialtortie )
And this is yet another example of why I’m really over TIFs and my sympathy for them has almost completely evaporated. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

( Jacknife )
Can't they just cut the crap and act out AGP as cis women?

HellaHella #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

APP (autopedophilia) often overlaps with AGP (autogynephilia).
The combination of the two is at the heart of transgenderism. People do not want to look at this degeneracy, because every normal sane person feels sick. Instead, people choose to believe 'gender dysphoria' pity party narratives.

Mayday #ableist #transphobia #crackpot #interphobia ovarit.com

RE: CAIS are men, not women, and prove sex is binary

A female is not: "identifying" as female, growing up as female, socializing as female, dressing up as female, and "passing as" female.

A woman, a female, is an organism that can bear offspring and/or produce eggs under the right conditions.

CAIS are males with an inability to respond to androgens. The product of the inability is a male with a pseudo-female like appearance, creating the illusion of a female.

Beneath the layers, CAIS have no internal female sex organs - no uterus and no ovaries. They have testes - the male gonads that produce sperm. Their bodies were supposed to support the production of sperm and failed. They are men in every sense of the word.

The only reason they even know they are intersexed is because of modern medicine

The reason humans know they are humans and not another specie is modern medicine, and study of genes. Surely you wouldn't claim humans were not humans before they learned of what separates each specie.

CAIS were not women before modern medicine. They were disordered men.

Various TERFs #transphobia #sexist #pratt ovarit.com

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
I don't believe in forcing people into the military, as is standard in many countries (Korea, Israel, Turkey), but a few years in the Peace Corps, say, would do this man some good. Unless he molested their kids. Would he be subject to local law?

( SamuraiGhostCat )
I don’t think it’s the Peace Corps is the right job for narcissists and sociopaths tbh. And like you said, too much risk not only to the children there, but women too. These men need to be kept away from all society in general.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
You're right. I shouldn't punish others. I'm just trying to think of some actual hardship that might make something click in their brains.

Maybe put them on "trans island" (it wouldn't need to be an actual island) and make them grow their own food, build their own shelter, deal with actual survival like some people today are STILL struggling with, sadly. But like our own ancestors did not that long ago. [Not to say Farmer Jones who was up at dawn working the fields didn't also find time to rape the animals, because I'm sure he did.....]

Make these men dig a well and maintain it. Something where they get physically dirty and sweat and do NOT use their penis.

( proudcatlady )
This was the norm for men for most of human history and they still sucked, big time.

( GoodGoneGirl )

Maybe put them on "trans island" (it wouldn't need to be an actual island)

Let’s make it an actual island. Far, faaaaar away from women and girls.

( SamuraiGhostCat )
Antarctica... or maybe another planet.

( hmimperialtortie )
Prison with hard labour. Back to the old days of breaking rocks.

BlackCirce & Only_Women_Are_Women #crackpot #conspiracy #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I don't 'own' my uterus

( BlackCirce )
Neoliberal transhumanism. We “own” our parts so rich people (men) can rent or sell them as commodities when we are too poor to feed ourselves and our children. This is why cultural feminism is so important. Being female and having female organs is integral to who we are. This is why class pride is important. Being female is good.

First they tell you it’s bad to be female, and they make it true through violence backed up by law. Then they tell you the problem is your female organs. If you didn’t have these bad female organs, you could be free and happy. And they say, you’re raped anyway, you’re going to get pregnant whether you want to or not, why not get some money for it? You’re in pain from menstrual disorders, why not give us your uterus and ovaries? Then the slave, in her mind is free, because she chose it. She transcends her inferiority through destruction and degradation of her body. Her only power and control is through complicity in her own enslavement. So she becomes a partisan against her own interests.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )

Neoliberal transhumanism.

This is not getting a fraction of the press it should, or they write about it like "we'll get rid of diseases and live to be 150" etc.

No. It's creepy billionaire men who not only want eternal life, but want to wear female skin.

Martin Rothblatt should be the most infamous Supervillain out there. Bill Gates and George Soros get a lot of press as Supervillains, but Rothblatt is largely unknown.

Transhumanism isn't being pushed to enable the blind to see or children in wheelchairs to walk -- it is part of a sick sexual fetish.

( BlackCirce )
We already have the technology to feed everyone on the planet but we don’t. Same with medicine and other such amenities for the disabled. So why should I believe that transhumanistic advances would be treated any other way? They’re just fun things for the ultra rich (99% male) to soothe their death anxiety. And they’re also pedophiles looking for a way to create human being who is chronologically of legal age for sexual relationships but physically and mentally early puberty or prepubescent.

Feminists are blamed more for queer theory and transgenderism than Martin Rothblatt is.

starwars #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

To believers in the TRA cult, same sex attraction doesn't exist. They think people are attracted to each other based on gender identity, and if you're attracted to someone with the same gender identity, you're gay. If you're only attracted to those of the same sex, then that's a preference and not an innate sexual orientation according to TRAs.

A problem with the TRA worldview is that homosexual behavior has been observed in many animals species and that homosexuality in animals is completely based on sex, not gender identity. Of course, this is how homosexuality works in humans as well, because gender identity doesn't exist at all in humans or other species. But how would TRAs explain homosexuality in animals?

Do they think animals experience homosexuality based on gender identity? If so, all studies of homosexuality in animals have to be thrown out, since they were conducted based on the animals's sex rather than gender identity.

Do they think homosexuality in animals is based on sex, but based on gender identity in humans? If so, why?
Why did humans evolve gender identity to begin with when other animals did not? Why did gender identity evolve to become a more important factor in sexual orientation than biological sex in the human species? If TRAs think animals can have gender identity as well, why didn't gender identity evolve to replace same sex attraction in animals like it did in humans?

I've had religious fundamentalists tell me "We should behave better than animals" when I point out homosexuality exist in animals. I wonder if this is how TRAs view gay people as well. A dumb animal doesn't know what it's doing, but they expect a human to know better. I also think TRAs have the religiously rooted worldview that humans are special and above animals. That's why they don't even sit down and think why humans (supposedly) have gender identities while other animals don't. There's nothing in science, biology or evolution that tells us humans are special, unique or above other animals.

Why aren't TRAs angry at scientists who study homosexuality in animals? I've seen biologist on twitter get attacked by the trans mob for saying biological sex exist. How long until gender stereotype worshipers feel invalidated by gay animals?

Various TERFs #pratt #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Why are schools allowing autogynephiles around children

MEN shouldn't teach young children. Especially not ones with public sexual fetishes.

Y’all already know how I feel about men 😭

I absolutely agree with the second one (obviously) but not with the first one. You know there are nice men and men in typical womens positions and viceversa is actually a good thing for gender abolition... I don't want a world where only women have relationships with children when I know there are respectable and normal men out there who would never be inappropiate with children.

He’s a nice man who would never do that to a child is what everyone says after it’s revealed that yes he would do that to a child

I mostly agree with this. But I think it's dangerous to have males teaching/supervising very little children who often need a teacher to help them in the toilet, to change a diaper, to bathe them after an accident, etc. The risk of abuse is just too high. And I think even most fathers would agree with this policy.

Once children are older, have the vocabulary to complain if they're abused, and don't need help in the toilet anymore; than male teachers are okay. But I'd be anxious if a man I didn't know was supervising my infant at a daycare.

Not worth the risk when we're talking about children's safety tbh

Yeah until we can impose actual consequences for ALL inappropriate behaviors (such as being weird, leering, and grooming; not just actually physically harming a child), men should not be allowed to teach.

Various TERFs #transphobia #sexist #pratt ovarit.com

RE: Students stage massive walk-out after a trans girl was blocked from the locker room / LGBTQ Nation

( OneStarWolf )
Crazy to me that any girl would be protesting to put a boy changing in the locker room with them. They're so naive.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
And indoctrinated.

( MiMi2013 )
And stupid. And desperate to be handmaidens. :-(

The boy students , at least some of them, know they're protesting for the erasure of women from public places : From employment, from education, even from any place in public where they might need to use the restroom, AND that this will lead to a society in which women can only survive by finding some man, any man, to marry. That this is the result of allowing any boy or man who wants to , to "identify" as a woman (woman=porn category) has been openly discussed on 'manosphere' sites for years now.

And I have zero sympathy left for trans people at ALL. I do not believe dysphoria is at all common ; where it does exist is mental illness probably akin to body dysmorphia disorder; most trans woMEN are just autogynephiliacs (IOW, rape-y, entitled heterosexual men) , and even they are being replaced by violent sex predators willing to feign trans ness to prey on girls and women (as we see in only too many prisons). In a word : MONSTERS.

IrishTheFrenchie & zephyrean #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com



( zephyrean )
TBH that "right" is bullshit and it shouldn't exist at all either way. Why is this specific fetish elevated above others?

A trans is a thoroughly unpleasant individual, an offensive gross pervert. Society should agree on what constitutes "unpersoning" and grant the right to not be unpersoned to absolutely everyone who isn't a criminal. Let's say "equal prices for goods and services offered to the public". (There are a lot of free variables. What's a crime? What must be "offered to the public" and what can be a private deal? How often can you change the terms?)

For example, a person walking into a store to buy food should be allowed to buy food; if a community wouldn't sell someone food, the person can't live in that community: they should either criminalize the person's offensive behavior outright to be intellectually honest or pass a law that mandates equal access. The same goes for housing.

Consider "smelling bad". Is that offensive? Can you throw a stinker in jail? Can you demand that he leaves a store? Can you reject his job application? If yes, how is he different from a trans who engages in his fetish in public?

Can you reject the job application of someone who behaves normally in public but writes "other races are subhuman" online? If yes, how is he different from a person who behaves normally in public but has a gender identity?

Various TERFs #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIMs losing height on HRT?

( yikesforever )
Gender dysphoria is a mental health condition (even if they deny it), it's not a normal healthy mental state of mind to be in.

I'll be happy for them tho. Go get that unhealthy body AGPs! :D

( GoodGoneGirl )
My first thought was actually that it would make them less of a threat. But the majority of TIMs are way bigger than women regardless of, erm … shrinkage.

( hmimperialtortie )
Every bit of harm these perverts do themselves just gives me schadenfreude.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
Until they start clogging up our medical facilities and wasting MORE of our tax money on treatment for conditions they brought on themselves.

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes, that’s the only drawback.

Various TERFs #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Brit LGBT Awards doesn't use the word "lesbian" anywhere

Women and lesbian are bad words now unless it’s being used to label men who think they’re women, or when describing porn categories.

It all has to be redefined to encompass men first.

Of course they didn't. The number one goal of these people is to hijack the community we built and erase us from it. No woman who is not willing to open her legs to a man will be welcome in society anymore, not even among the "weird" kids, who are really just the same old oppressors but with ugly haircuts and poorly applied lipstick.

Lesbian is only allowed to be used for men now. Lesbians™, actual female homosexuals, are supposed to fuck off and be called non-men now or simply disappear into the ether.

TIMS don’t want any pesky reminders of same-sex sexual orientation. Society says: ok men, whatever you say, whatever you want.

Lesbians are expected to compromise their unique identity/culture and assimilate into the Akira-esque Queer Blob. THIS is why lesbians need spaces away from males and "qweers".

I wish I knew how to code, because it'd be so cool to write a program that tracks LGBT news sites/blogs/social media/etc. for a given time frame and returns the frequency with which certain terms are used (lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, etc.). Not strictly related to this post but it'd be interesting to see how the usage of certain terms changes over time. All things considered, this is depressing as hell.

Jade #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Ban urged on rape suspects ‘claiming they are women’ | Scotland | The Times

I've had my fair share of "kink-positive, it's-his-right-if-he-wants-to-work-in-the-sex-industry, positive-vibes-only, can-we-talk-about-something-else?" libfems derail sorority group meetings created to tackle reports of sexual assault within a specific social group with "but why can't we invite men? Why does it have be us against them? Men get raped too! Women rape men too!"

All we need now is to corroborate this pickme virtue signalling do jour with statistics that "prove them right" because Jayden decided to be called Aimee and rape some "fellow women".

ComplicatedSpirit #dunning-kruger #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

Re: Charges filed against sex offender in notorious Wi Spa incident

So what never happens has happened again. I wonder if any "right side of history" media will mention this.

I'm just wondering how many times this has to actually happen before anything gets done. I don't think I'm so far gone as to think there will never be a tipping point but I suspect when it happens we'll see a lot of hand wringing and 'well how could we have known'

How many times will they make excuses like, “oh he’s not really trans and that’s why he did it” etc. etc. it’s frustrating.

The entire point of self-ID is self-ID. So saying some one is “not really trans” becomes moot.

Especially when the criteria for being trans keeps expanding to the point where it’s vapour. You don’t need to have dysphoria. You don’t need to be uncomfortable with yourself at all. You don’t even need to insist that its not a fetish anymore- now you can openly embrace it and proclaim it.

At this point, for the transgender movement, there is no such thing as “not really trans.” They have so eliminated it at their own insistence.

Even a religion has the benefit of an established belief system against which members’ own convictions and actions can be weighted; if they don’t hold up to it, saying someone is “not a real Buddhist” or “not a real Christian” or whatever is valid. But TRAs have sought to do away with the very concept. The only thing they hold sacred is that they cannot be questioned on the basis of their identity- either that they are a man or a woman, or that they are transgender.

Their choice. But that also means that they cannot squeal “That person isn’t really trans!” every time one of their own acts on their perversions.

Various terfs #dunning-kruger #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Is Men's Rights Activism inclusive of trans men?

If your MR activism isn't inclusive of trans men, it's not men's rights! It's nazism and you literally want the genocide of every single trans person!

This was one of my biggest peak moments: transwomen have to be included in women's spaces, but transmen also have to be included in women's spaces. It's up to the women to accommodate everybody, because of course the men won't.

nice try, but we know noone cares about trans men (not even the most rabid TRAs)

Trans men once again forgotten and with no power lmao. Their hairlines receding for no reason.🤣

But MRA activism is already Nazism...

TIFs are excluded in every aspect when it comes to men in power. Legit have never seen TIFs take over a company, win awards, or use their "male privilege" for anything. the only time they get attention is... when they get pregnant 🥱

Careful what you wish for, I know some TIFs who talk a lot about misandry being a serious problem.

this btw was one thing that made me peak, how nobody, except evil terven uwu care about trans men and a trans man on twitter told me that once, they only care about them when they get pregnant or in his case become gc

NotCis #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

Where's the backlash against Texas?

Where are all the businesses lining up to announce that they won't do business with Texas anymore because of the new restrictions on women's rights? Where's the NCAA announcing that it won't host tournaments and events there? If you ever needed proof that trans activism gets more attention and corporate support than women ever did, it's in this silence.

The difference between the response to NC over bathroom bills and the response to abortion rights is what peaked me on the democrats. I don’t know who to vote for anymore.

I won't be voting for Democrats again. The state of California, which is in a Democrat stranglehold and nearly always has been, banned state-funded travel to Texas over the "bathroom bills." Crickets now.

I did vote Dem, always have, but in recent years it's been more because "the other side is even worse." I used to be an enthusiastic Democrat but I can no longer stomach voting for a party that does not recognize women as human. I'm considering emigrating.

Not voting is better than voting for any political party.

Democrat: Pro-"trans" no matter what, misogynistic, and homophobic.

Republican: Pro-"trans" when it's convenient (e.g. "trans the non-conforming and gay away"), misogynistic, and homophobic.

Yeah, I agree. I’m at the point where I can no longer go along with “the Dems are better than the alternative.” The climate change argument was compelling for a while but at this point we’re so fucked I don’t know if it matters as much as I once thought. It does matter, but Dems aren’t exactly ramming through a carbon tax right now.

Britain's not that bad (TERF Island wooo) but good luck emigrating here with the new hostile policy after Brexit. Although it's mostly Eastern Europeans and brown people that they like to bully so maybe it's better if you're American.

Are there immigration limits because of Covid as well?

crodish & BogHag #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #psycho #transphobia ovarit.com

( crodish )

"LGB Alliance is a hAtE gRoUp fOr EXCLUDING US!!11one"


Cannot even begin to describe how sick I am of seeing "LGB Alliance is a hate group!!" just because the T is not included.

Animal lovers don't hate dogs because they choose to own a cat.

A bird sanctuary established for endangered species of toucans doesn't hate pigeons.

And at this point, seeing as how much MASSIVE SUPPORT the T has right now, over the simple act of a man wearing a cap and a shirt with dangerous scary words, they don't need our backing.

Call us back when trans-friendly shelters start having dead opossums nailed to their doors.

I remember reading an article about the usage of the words "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender" by each of the major "LGBT" orgs, and Trans was about 80% of the total, Lesbian almost 0.

I remember that too! I can't recall the source now and I wish I could.

by their logic, any trans group that doesn't explicitly include the LGB as well is guilty of the same hate crime. After all, I thought LGBT+ is only allowed together or not at all?

( BogHag )

It's being a homosexual itself that's not inclusive and that absolutely chaps the asscheeks of TQ

I think it's that without the LGB, they have no legitimacy. They're parasites.

That's a big part of it. There's also the connection to their oppressed status, their "in group", "the community", they lose access to gays and lesbians to validate their very real assimilation into the opposite sex, access to vulnerable people they can groom for sex, young people in particular they can groom for sex and to praise and validate their narcissism... LGB is an absolute treasure trove for TQ

fizzy #transphobia ovarit.com

The way TRAs treat detransitioners and desisters is actually disgusting. The fact that detransitioners and desisters know how the medical system treats the issue and are open about how fucked up it is threatens their ideology and cult-like indoctrination.

SamuraiGhostCat #moonbat #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

I love being a terf

I love being a woman who sticks up for the rights of other women and girls.

I love knowing biological reality & believing in science.

I love having logic.

I love sticking up to misogynistic men.

I love being speaking the truth!

I love being a part of a community of wonderful, hilarious, intelligent, witty, caring, amazing women who support each other.

I love being a terf.


Anyone else? 🙋‍♀️

Various TERFs #dunning-kruger #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: First identical twins, 19, to BOTH undergo sex change surgery reveal they 'never identified as boys' | Daily Mail Online ---but how young did they start on hormones?

comment section is a wealth of sexist bs. (lots of applause because they appear 'beautiful'). 'they look better than some women'

If you scratch beneath the surface of those replies, you can see just how misogynistic society really is.

Um, it's scientifically proven that wearing a skimpy bikini and more makeup than a Kardashian is what makes a person truly beautiful.

But seriously, something that always occurs to me when I see these "beautiful" TIMs is that the relative lack of body fat in males lends itself to that sort of supermodel look when fat is strategically added via gender-affirming Brazilian Butt Lifts and breast augmentations.

Wonder how many of them have died from those incredibly dangerous lifts yet?

Many men only care about women or TIMs, if they can jerk off to them.

This is the world these people want. That womanhood is defined by beauty, and beauty determines a woman's value.

Isn't it kind of statistically significant that this is the only known set of identical twins to end up both transitioning? I know a set of twins and only one of them transitioned (TIF), and the other one doesn't seem to have any gender issues. That would suggest this is a socialized condition rather than something that truly exists in the brain at birth.

I know quite a few sets of twins IRL. It seems to me that it's not uncommon to try to find an individual identity that differentiates you from your twin. Maybe that doesn't always happen, but it seems the twins I know either do absolutely everything together (like get sexual reassignment surgery, in the example of these boys) or try to become as different from their twin as possible. Maybe transitioning is another way for one twin to seek an identity away from their sibling.

VeggieAnnie & Fugacity #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

Rant: But It's so Stupid!

This is truly a rant, it will have no effectiveness out in the world.

I posted about this before, sort of, when I posted a silly poll asking which is worse, How malicious it all is? or How stupid it all is?

I JUST. Cannot. Get. Over. how stupid it all is. I can't forgive people, even my own husband, for not seeing how illogical gender ideology is. It's SO dumb. I can't not hold this against people. I see people into the gender woo (regular people, not teens with mental illnesses, they have their own thing going on) and I think, "oh, ok, you're a moron." It makes me really angry to see so many people say stupid things. People like fucking mathematicians. I can't....they are supposed to be like Helen Joyce and think, "this proof is false."

I can't with people anymore. I can't handle the stupid.

Rant end.

I resonate with this so much. I was never a TRA and my peaking was gradual but I just always assumed that surely people didn't believe that sex was literally changeable and that males were women. Helen Joyce makes the analogy that in maths if you start with a false statement then you can pseudo-prove anything you like - same thing with the whole gender empire.

The men in women's bathrooms, prisons and sports, the sterilisation of gay kids, the privileging of self-ID over material reality, the entire edifice is built on the LIE that everyone has a gender identity and that it's the characteristic around which we need to organise society. It's just a pure lie, it's simply false. Arguably the whole framework was built to let autogynephiles force everybody to immerse them in a sexual fantasy (it's grown into so much more obviously) and the loss of women's and children's rights, bodies, safety, and dignity are collateral damage in the project. God I fucking hate this movement

oof didn't plan to write all that but I needed to get it out

Hyacinth #psycho #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TiM says forms asking for his biological sex are "offensive and disrespectful", so he lies and says he's biologically female


What if he goes under anesthesia for a major operation where he's still awake but the doctors gave him a female dosage not strong enough for his male pain threshold and feels every single thing while they slice into him?

Did I say what if, I meant hopefully

shewolfoffrance #conspiracy #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Message from Central California Women’s Facility (via WoLF) — Male neo-Nazi gang members are now encouraging each other to transfer into women’s prisons by identifying as trans.

Can't wait to see what Antifa is going to do to protect women, many of whom are victims of racial prejudice in the justice system, from Nazis (literal Nazis, not moms who don't want men wagging their penises in front of children).

They are not going to do anything. They "defend" categories only if it' s trendy, it' s not trendy to defend women, but it is trendy to defend men who call themselves women, regardless of the reason why they do it.

Nazis "identifying" as women will be the poor victims of bigotry, even when they rape, kill and torture biological women in prisons.

I think it would go down much the same way as Chris Chan. Mainstream media outlets will ignore the story, TRAs will be up in arms about pronouns and ignore the female victim, and a few TRAs will try to claim the Nazi rapists "were never really trans."

They will call it a hoax and say it never happens and when confronted with evidence they will say “oh but it hasn’t happened a lot” and so forth and so on

They'll go full rape apologist too. They'll claim the sex was consensual and the woman was lying.

About 60% of the women's prison population in California are women of color. Black women in particular are severely overrepresented. You'd think there'd be some concern from the people who claim they believe black lives matter about subjecting black women who have likely already experienced a lot of injustice and abuse in their lives to violent white supremacist males. But you know there won't be.

It seems like a lot of Antifa kids are young, white, middle-class men larping as radicals. Young men picking fights and destroying property for fun is the oldest story in the book. The veneer of social consciousness is new, but I don't think it reflects any deeply held beliefs.

Various TERFs #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

TIMs using TIFs as a lever to enter women's spaces?

I think there is something qualitatively different about the rights demanded by TIMs and TIFs, but TIMs try to conflate the two.

When TIFs insist that "men can get pregnant" and ask us to say "chestfeeding," it is obnoxious and denies basic reality. But it does not remove women's safety the way that demanding access to women's spaces does.

What is happening is:

TIFs convince society that pretending men can get pregnant is the kind thing to do -- we all know that men can't actually get pregnant, but this makes TIFs feel better and we all want to be nice. So we agree to be "inclusive."

TIMs capitalize on this and demand access to the same spaces because we're being inclusive, aren't we? It would be MEAN to exclude them and we already agreed to be nice!

TiMs are parading TiFs around in order to minimize the fetish aspect of their demands. Making TiFs have the demands that TiMs actually want. All of our school-aged concessions to the TRAs have had a biological female face. We have not even had a teenage boy ask to be put in the girls' locker rooms on the news. If one was only watching/reading local coverage, one might not even know about TiMs, but I know they are out there. It's very scary the capture of media on this issue, but it's very obvious why they are doing it that way too.

Adult AGPs and their allies seek camouflage by shifting the spotlight onto childhood transitioners and teenage girls with ROGD. The focus on female minors bolsters the lie that transness is innate and unrelated to sexual fetish. Any normie who interacts with a few trans-identified teenage females will quickly figure out that (a) they arrived at their trans identities via social contagion and (b) many are sexually motivated. Even so, it’s still easier to make 5'2", 16-year-old Elijah look palatable to the public eye than it is to pass off 6'2", 46-year-old Valentine as a fragile little daisy.

Sweetsummerchild #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

The rant of a hopeless Hungarian detrans woman about the current state of trans activism in my country

Sometimes I feel like my country's more woke than western countries when it comes to transgenderism, because even though the trans community is getting more visible, it is not followed by the appearance of gc/radfem voices (Not that feminism is flourishing here, anyway) All the popular feminist pages I found on FB are libfems, there are only a few "queer" groups and all of them are of course inclusive.

2 days ago the government announced a referendum made of 5 questions, 3 of them dealing with whether the promotion (or even depiction?) of transgenderism in front of children and the gender change of minors should be illegal.

This referendum is just a means to shift attention from the government's recent wrongdoings, but the opposition's reaction disgusted me.


1. evaded the topic of transgenderism affecting kids and started stating the numerous other issues regarding the well-being of children that should be addressed first

2. Defended the transing of kids

3. Made distasteful jokes.

Political parties, meme groups, comments everywhere were making jokes and being sarcastic. For example, MKKP is a joke party but quite popular, and they were sharing memes like "are you also afraid of your child becoming a transformers?"

There's nothing remotely funny about this. They are a registered political party who joke about the mutilation of children. Let that sink in. For them it is a joke but for many people this is reality. And I'm very tired of people arguing "seeing a queer person won't make your kid queer". That might be the case with sexual orientation, but gender identity is a whole different case. The rapidly increasing number of trans and non-binary kids is proof enough.

I can't believe there's still anybody in their right mind who doesn't recognise this really is a trend. Even worse, it's a religion and it's followers can't be reasoned with. That's why I'm hopeless.

ProxyMusic #conspiracy #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

I believe another reason some African countries have done this is to stick it to the European-led world sports governing bodies & to the nations of "the Global North" more generally.

Athletics South Africa decided to put Semenya forward as a runner in women's sports knowing that Semenya was XY DSD not just to gain gold, glory & $$, but to challenge the hegemony of white-dominated orgs like the IAAF/World Athletics & the IOC - & to use modern-day gender ideology to hoist the white "global North" by its own petard more generally.

Many ANC officials who had risen to power in the SA government by the time Semenya was dubbed SA's "golden girl" attended college/uni or grad school in North America or the UK when gender studies & queer theory were becoming all the rage on campuses. I don't think it's a stretch to think that a number of guys with astute political minds from SA cleverly realized that ideas coming out of Western academia - such as "sex is a spectrum, not a binary," "there are five sexes," "no one knows what a woman is" & "sex determination in humans is really hard to do" - could easily be used to challenge the system of sex categorization in sports as well as to protest Europeans' "colonialist," oppressively binary, & of course "racist" & "white supremacist" ideas about who is a woman.

Whilst the South Africans haven't succeeded in trying to end sex categorization in women's sports, they have by & large won the war in the court of public opinion. People here & on forums like letsrun.com widely see the Semenya saga for the scam & long con that it is, but most of the world sees it very differently. Most of the world doesn't view Semenya as an XY person who has made use of his male-only DSD to cheat in sports & to screw over women athletes. No, most of the world sees Semenya as a noble, put-upon "woman with naturally occurring high testosterone" who has been treated unfairly & cruelly by the IAAF/WA. Most of the world sees Lynsey Sharp as evil, & Semenya as a saint.

ixora & sapphicafemme #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Uterus Transplant

( ixora)

I've seen this, but I have never really seen too much on transmen going out and begging to have men give their testicles and penis to them so that they may be able to know what it's like to impregnate a woman. Or wait for the man to die so they may harvest their penis and testicles so that they may be able to have this male experience. Why is that? Or am I just not looking hard enough.

( sapphicafemme )

Because most TIFs are just women trying to escape the pains of sexism while TIMs are fetishist incels that want to harm women while larping as us. Moreover, TRAs and pro-trans doctors are always trying to find new ways to “feminize” TIMs to help them transition but completely ignore TIFs. Medical sexism has given TIMs hope that uterus transplants are on the horizon while TIFs have to sit back and be used as pawns for their schemes.

Only_Women_Are_Women #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

What scares me is the big bully TIM would probably think he could put his hand on MY neck too, because it would be "woman on woman" -- men in dresses are scarier to me than regular men.

When I see a regular man, I assume he watches a lot of brutal porn and wouldn't care if I got run over by a truck because I'm not "young, beautiful, and fertile" nor am I his mom. But I don't assume he deeply hates me because I'm a woman. I also don't assume he would physically assault me if I called him a name. He'd probably just call me something vulgar and walk away.

When I see an "It's Ma'am," I know 100% he HATES me because I'm a woman. And he would freak out and start kicking things over if I called him a name.

"Hitler Ate Sugar" Award

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

( kaitzi )
“Excluding trans people from yet another public space”

Um. Your order to stay away from playgrounds has nothing to do with you being trans, dude.

( SarahSaysSure )
What an interesting person. I wonder if colonists felt that locals were exclusionary when their homes barred them from entry.

(Excluding colonizers is perfectly fine, excluding marginalized groups not so much—that’s the distinction, the nuance if you will, that people seem not to understand. Of course, who’s marginalized and who isn’t should become clear).

( hmimperialtortie )
One thing these crossdressing men are not, is marginalised. Unfortunately.

( hmimperialtortie )
I wish male transvestites were excluded from all public spaces. Given how many of them are paedophiles, how many are rapists, and that all of them are fetishists, they should be kept away from all women and children.

Various TERFs #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why are men such staunch TRA supporters?


My only hypothesis is so that they can reap the sexual benefits of homosexual sex while being perceived as straight, and because TIM prostitutes are way cheaper.

It gives them a socially acceptable cover for blatantly hating on women.

It's a backlash against feminism. These men have been sitting uncomfortably for a few years while it was socially acceptable to mock men. Now, suddenly, a new villain enters the stage! Every time they've wanted to talk shit about women, but feared being called sexist, can now be expressed because now they have a socially acceptable way to do so!

It's a way of displacing their self-hatred and guilt because they're deeply insecure, and like most insecure men, they lash out at women.

My assumption as to why a man who isn't a TIM would support the TRA movement would be because men love pushing women's boundaries -- and to be able to do that while publicly shitting on women and getting away with it (AND being cheered on by so-called feminists? It's gotta be like hitting the jackpot!). I'm going to assume that any man who's spitting "terf" at women is a nice guy, an MRA, or a misogynist. Or maybe he's the trifecta in the form of a male feminist!

All males are in the brotherhood. Regardless if straight men think TIMS are out in left field or not, they know that they are men.

Men always support other men at the expense of women.

All the men I know are in the "transwomen are men and we all know it, but we humor them a bit to make them feel better" boat - I don't really know any TIM supporting men.

Nona_Biba & jelliknight #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Do they actually believe their own bullshit?

(Nona_Biba )
IMO if they REALLY believed their own bullshit, they wouldn't need to insist on blocking terfs and "terfs DNI" and things like shinigami eyes. I think most of them deep down know that we're right, and that's why they don't want to hear from us. I know that the earth is round. Do I care enough to block flat earthers from my social media? No, because I am confident I am right. Those loons won't be able to convince me no matter what they say.

A trans person's identity is fragile because it's built on lies. And they know it's a lie, so they don't want to hear from us lest we remind them that they estranged their family and friends and possibly altered their body for a lie. Like they may have ruined their lives so they could live a lie. I don't think I'd want to be reminded of reality if I were in their shoes either.

PS- where are the block lists for racists and white nationalists? Where are the block lists for incels and misogynists? trans people are far from the most oppressed people in the world, why are they the only ones who care enough to censor people who disagree with them from the internet?

They can't literally believe their own claims. They do not believe they are literally female in the same way Catholics do not believe they are literally eating the body of a deadman. They SAY they believe it literally, but they arent actually tasting flesh.

They know 100% that they are not any kind of woman. Its wilful suspension of disbelief, like when people watch professional wrestling. Everyone knows that everyones pretending but saying so ruins the fun.

TerfSedai & Only_Women_Are_Women #kinkshaming #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

( TerfSedai )
I was just thinking the other day that men always want to enter women's spaces, but how come the human pups never want to attend doggie daycare!?

( llkit )
Believe me it could be much much worse.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
When they are actually having sex with animals and children as they march along. If we don't have a MASSIVE pendulum swing back to reality soon, by 2030 I'm sure the age of consent will be 12, tops, and sex with all animals will be legal.

Instead of "emotional support animals" men will be allowed in public with "sexual support dogs" -- and total nuclear annihilation of the planet will be the best choice.

IrishTheFrenchie #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

In getting us to repeat a big lie, the powerful are studying their own influence. Who will comply and who won't?

ABSOLUTELY. Ignore everyone who says you're a "conspiracy theorist" for believing this. Elites DO run the world, they DO run corporations, and they DO gather every year to decide what to do or influence next to make more money. (Bilderberg and Davos immediately come to mind) A good example is fashion, Do you think every single fashion magazine and designer and clothing company decide independently to use the same color and dub it the "hot new color of the year" by coincidence? No. THEY decide what that color will be over a year in advance and send out the word.


"Gender identity" is clearly a religious belief, but how is the religion serving the most powerful?

Without gender stereotypes, how will they sell femininity? (makeup, clothing, jewelry, etc) I also think this about population control- sterilizing youth. And dividing people further (women vs TRAs, black vs. white, right vs. left) because a united populace cannot be controlled and won't do what they're told if it's not in their best interests. They also need us fighting among ourselves so we don't have time to demand politicians answer REAL problems instead of these problems they're forcing on us like bathrooms and girls sports.

I mean, why is it so hard to just be the sex you are and express yourself in ways non-stereotypical for your sex? I mean, really? It must be so hard to simply defy sex stereotypes that it's easier to claim an immutable gendered soul. So, why is it so hard?

Because then you'd be happy and wouldn't need their drugs, cosmetics, medical interventions, lobbyists, fundraisers, politicians...)

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why isn't opposite-sex rape a sex-based hate crime?

Because it’s men (98.7% of the time) doing the raping and women (87% of the time) being raped. Men abusing women is the status quo and recognizing it as a hate crime would make a lot of people (men) uncomfortable and men being uncomfortable is the greatest crime against humanity that is humanly possible.

Have you ever called the cops for any reason? They are beyond useless at BEST, they will actively harm, rape, stalk, or kill you at worst.

You expect these woman-beating racist murderers to arrest anyone over rape, never mind as a hate crime? Rape is barely a crime at all. The majority of rapists will never see any consequences.

Can’t have a hate crime when the victim isn’t counted as human.´

But if a TIM gets raped by a man, it's a hate crime.

Go fucking figure.

Or a woman refuses to fuck a TIM, that’s a hate crime too in their lexicon.

I have often asked this question and never can seem to get a coherent answer.

If a white dude waits outside a bar for a black person to come out so he can beat them up...that's a hate crime.

But if a dude waits outside a bar for a women to come out so he can rape her...the cops will blame her for drinking and ask what she was wearing.

Men hate us and no one gives a shit.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist ovarit.com

RE: A group of women bought a big territory on Alaska to create a women-only community

Yes! Here's to a return of the womyn's lands of the 1960's and 70's (some are still in existence, but they're rapidly dying out). Hopefully they can stay legitimately women-only.

I agree, I think they are slowly fading away. Had we found a community already dedicated to holding space for women's healing and wisdom we would've joined and put our efforts into that community. But I also think it's better to have more communities for women to give them more options. We'll always be female only😊

Fantastic. This is exactly what needs to be done. Teach girls to put money aside for land and let's start building oaseses of female separatism and autonomy.

I want this so badly. I want to do this so, so badly.....

I hope they stay safe. I just don’t trust men to not find them and do unspeakable things...


Good luck. Homesteading in Alaska is hard work, and the success rate of the people that want to do it is very low.

Men have built a ski slope snow dome in the middle of the Dubai desert. Women can do anything they want in Alaska...with money of course. If these women had the money they needed - invested or donated by other women - they could do what ever they wanted and succeed.

The TIMs showing up to use this for validation in 3...2...


Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Peaking is so good for mental health!

Literally, I feel so much better. I’ve lost a bunch of weight, it just melted off. It’s easier to move, my laughter comes easily, my smiles are genuine, I feel really really great. Maybe leaving radical left politics in general was also a factor. Those places can be toxic - “no discussion, no debate” etc. Now I can grow. I’m not stunting myself.

It's been hard at times but I've experienced this too. Certain gender critical ideas helped me understand myself and name my experiences within the first, like, three months more than gender ideology or Tumblr brainrot did in five years. The extremely woke left reminds me of the exact inverse of evangelical Christians: the same lane of collective insanity but exact opposite beliefs.

Yes, 100%! Hitting peak trans and becoming GC woke me up to the nature of my sex-based oppression and gave me the framework to assess my own experiences and the language to name female oppression.

I finally see the rampant misogyny of men on the left and of liberal feminism, of not just the bullshit about transwomen being women on the basis of sexist stereotyping and belief in gendered brains, but also the rhetoric that prostitution is work and porn is empowerment and BDSM is hot and WAP is a feminist master-piece. It's all so gross to call all that feminism but lefties are taught to parrot woman-hating nonsense.

I absolutely think "woke think" has completely rotted the left's ability to think critically, and like you said, it's like a fundamentalist religion where they must adhere to dogma or be pilloried as a heretic.

Only_Women_Are_Women #moonbat #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Totally not a social contagion. 10% of all kids in the school district are trans/nb.

I presumed it to be upper middle class white kids. Well, these figures alarm me:

The prevalence was over 14% among Hispanic teens, and 10% among Black students, ompared with 7% of their white peers.

Why is this spreading among Hispanics? They are the most conservative of all. 10% of Black students? And here I thought Black women were not having this insanity.

It makes sense that an ideology with deep roots in traditional gender roles would get popular among youth raised in a culture that already reinforces traditional gender roles. For gay kids in those communities, they might be coping with homophobia by trying to change sex.

All the more important to have solid LGB resources and outreach. LGB. Not T.

Latching their T onto LGB has been nothing but harmful.

At my previous site, I didn't see the black girls or asian girls or the white girls doing anything quite like this. I asked my colleagues about it - pre-TRA craziness - and there was some speculation about a response to sexual abuse.

Wow, that was shocking and sad. I've often heard there is a lot of violence and sexual violence in many Hispanic homes. There is everywhere, not just Hispanic homes, but if the area is majority Hispanic, then the victims will also be majority Hispanic.

A huge investigation needs to be launched into this. Is a rise in sexual abuse behind the TIF craze? It has to be. Of course, this abuse has always gone on, but clearly the Gender Lobby is preying on the victims now.

Vita #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Trans Movement is about enabling men to be Cowards

When perverts flash, grope, and harass women in public, it's upsetting to the women, but it's troubling to men too. Because men might have to step up and do something, say something to those perverts.

Now, all the harassment is done out of sight of the "good guys." The pervs can go into the shelters and restrooms without fear of getting punched by a woman's husband/brother/father/friend.

You know how men turn a blind eye to sex crimes that happen in the family home? This is like the public version of that.

All men are cowards.

Too afraid to fight for weaker people (women will defend other women & children though, at risk to themselves!)

Too cowardly to be fashion-forward (women wore pants and new fashions in public, even if they got ridiculed!)

Too cowardly to face the consequences of their actions (trying to get out of men's prisons.)

Too afraid to face their own vices and weaknesses (AGP can only be treated if they admit they have it!)

My granny has more guts than most men I've met.

When you go through life on easy mode there's no need to become strong or brave.

Various TERFs #quack #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIM regrets transition.

(GynyHappyPeople )
He expected to pass and for the medication to alleviate his dyphoria. He doesn’t pass and it didn’t help, and now his mental illness is visible and obvious.

He feels he’s been encouraged into a neurosis that’s just made his underlying mental condition worse.

Improving mental health care is a much saner approach than trying to convince the masses to accept that a person can change sex.


Yeah. Taking cross sex hormones and getting plastic surgery to look somewhat like the opposite sex is a bit like getting a forehead tattoo that says "I AM MENTALLY UNSTABLE".

Transition honestly feels like a cruel lie being sold to gender dysphoric people. They will NEVER be the opposite sex. They will never 100% pass; most don't even pass most of the time! What's the point in encouraging Gamestop ma'am to go on HRT or use female pronouns? It's just allowing people to make a laughing stock of themselves...

I don't get guys like him. He seems like he's close to realizing that sex changes are not possible and that the trans cult grooms people into believing the lie that sex changes are possible and will make your life like heaven on earth.

But he can't take one further step into accepting he will always be a man.

It feels a bit like he's trying to get people to tell him he's too ugly or mannish to "successfully transition". He keeps mentioning "if he passed"... I mean do they seriously not realize that the supermajority of TIMs will never pass? He has to have actually seen some TIMs, like does he think Bruce Jenner passes? Even, say, Blaire White with the small statute and innumerable surgeries basically reads as an effeminate gay men to most.

littleowl12 & ramani #moonbat #sexist ovarit.com

Woke people who think they live in a matriarchy

I’m still mad about that stupid “Cooking with Trans Women of Color,” mostly about the Colombian dish that stated families ate it under “matriarchal leadership.” In other words Mom telling everyone that dinner is ready. Every culture in the world has mothers that tell you to sit down and eat your damn spaghetti. This is a common pattern I see with woke people. They claim most other cultures are matriarchal. They claim their own are, or their families are. If Colombia were a matriarchy it wouldn’t have a high femicide rate. Or rape. It's such a great way for men to absolve themselves of any responsibility to try to do better. They'll take this one sliver of benefit of colonization- they can blame someone else for their own misogyny.

You’re right. My tribal group actually did afford legal rights to women, BUT, that did not mean they had actual power, or even much agency in their lives. “Woke” people just make up histories of nations and cultures of which they really know nothing, even if they have ancestral connections to them. I’ve seen this in my own cultural group. It’s bizarre and ridiculous. They create some mythological “monster” - Colonialism, for example - before which they theorize everything was wonderful and equal between the different groups of people, and of course there were no binary sex categories and distinctions, etc., etc.

Sometimes I honestly wonder whether it’s because a lot of these people live too much online, and this has distorted their sense of what real life is, especially for women in poor countries in the global south. I’ve lived in both kinds of societies, and the sheer cluelessness of “woke” people is unbelievable.

Alecto #moonbat #sexist ovarit.com

Here's the thing--if they can say matriarchy exists in places that aren't colonized by white people, then they can deduce misogyny is just a side effect of white supremacy. It isn't men who are the problem around the globe--it's white people.

⬆️ why i don't bother with black nationalism and allying with black men on the issue of race. ill take my chances with women tyvm ⬆️ there are black men who say these exact sentences over and over ⬆️ like bruh what is stopping you from treating women like human beings today? what does colonialism have to do with you?

This is a perfect point. What racist made you hit your girlfriend?

I rather liked your idea of female nationalism. Men will take any excuse to avoid confronting their own supremacy. It's why so much of male 'feminism' is somehow all about ensuring male sexual access to women.

This is why so many of my black sisters are divesting from black men. They want racial unity to fight white supremacy but that’s not possible when they keep treating women like sex objects.

It infuriates me to see women accused of bigotry for calling out sexism in minority communities, even if they're a member of those communities themselves. They're shamed into staying silent because you want to present a united front against the oppressor, don't you? It's very abusive to the women in those communities.

I’ve also seen it argued that people from traditionally oppressed groups don’t have to bother with any other social justice, environmental or other ethical issues. Somehow that argument never applies to women though.

Well obviously not, because women are the fucking helpmeets of the entire goddamn world.

PlainSimpleTailor #transphobia ovarit.com

Yeah I've heard the "HRT makes the penis small, soft and flaccid" tidbit that's supposed to make it sound less threatening to have sex with a TiM. Like, wow, that sounds like something any woman would love. What a sales pitch. Ugh.

That moment when these men already know that women don't want them and therefore try to verbally minimize the turn-offs. They're merely asking for an exception to be made for them personally, while admitting that generally, lesbians don't want men (and most straight and bi women wouldn't want a TiM either). That's rape culture. They know women's boundaries would exclude them but they're trying to lower them anyways, instead of doing what a truly non-threatening person would do, which is backing off. It reminds me of this old joke: "My girlfriend says a small penis is not a problem in a relationship... I'd still prefer it if she didn't have one."

And viagra fixes all that in less than an hour.

For supposedly hating their male bodies so much and feeling intense dysphoria over their genitals, they sure love to make use of those genitals to have "traditional" hetero sex. Having sex "as a man" / in the typical man's role should give them endless dysphoria by their own logic. But of course, dysphoria is a flexible enough concept to exclude one's preferred method of achieving orgasm. How convenient.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist ovarit.com

(Probably) Unpopular Opinion: Men Should Not Be Allowed to Use/Possess Guns

99% of men’s gun use is not in self-defense, and they use them to commit homicides and mass murders frequently. When women use guns, it is most often in self defense. How many women mass shooters are there, compared to men? How many gun homicides are caused by men, compared to women? Men have unchecked rage & refuse to control themselves. Most sociopaths (people with antisocial personality disorder, of which the criteria are violence, and complete lack of empathy, guilt or remorse) and psychopaths are men.

i absolutely agree. Men have dominated women because they evolve to be physically stronger. We can erase that difference if we only allow women to control weapons. All Kind of weapons on earth. No scrote allowed in the vicinity of anything explosive or dangerous. "Billy, don't play with swords and guns, that's what girls do. Here is your toy sweeper!" That would be wonderful 🙂

I’m all for this. Just look at statistics. It’s for the best. We are essentially relegated to mothering the entire world because most men don’t grow up emotionally, sometimes ever.

It also evens the playing field so that their strength and our relative weakness cannot be weaponized

Here are some hard numbers for anyone who wants to see the breakdown:

Since 1982, an astonishing 118 mass shootings have been carried out in the United States by male shooters. In contrast, only three mass shootings have been carried out by women

Interestingly, there was recently a school shooting in Idaho from a girl. She shot three people before a teacher disarmed her, and no one died

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Child notices that the Emporer has no clothes (says her Dad will never be a real girl)


They shouldn’t be sharing their fetishes with children. These men shouldn’t be allowed around children.


Yep, especially considering how most TIMs are pedophiles.



Users here say “feminists aren’t advocating for trans people to be harmed or lose their jobs or whatever” and most are not, but I absolutely want all male “transitioners” to be removed from society. They are all fetishists, all dangerous to women and most of them are, as you said, paedophiles. Parading a fetish should be cause for dismissal or not hiring and it should mean never being allowed near children again.


Same!!! Totally agree with you.

That recent Supreme Court decision about employers not being allowed to fire people for being trans is bullshit. Especially since the case involved a TIM being fired from a funeral home because he wanted to wear women’s dresses and heels there. That’s the last thing people need/want to see while mourning, & the people had every right to fire his ass. Now TIMs can get away with anything they want, basically.


“TIM” + “funeral home” = “necrophiliac waiting for his opportunity” in my book.

There is no field they should be allowed into, or to remain in, imo.



Same goes for all rapists and pedophiles, and any male degenerates in general. Add porn addicts and misogynists to that list, too. None are fit for society.


Exactly. They belong in solitary confinement. No internet, either.

mathlover #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Like others have said, not all trans females are predatory males

ALL trans males are predators.

A fox in a henhouse is a predator even if it never touches any of the chickens. The fox never belongs in the henhouse; it is a predator just by being where it will never belong.

Men never belong in womens spaces no matter how they "identify" or what they do, or don't do, to their bodies. They are always predators just by being - even just by wanting to be - where they will never belong.

BlackCirce #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gender Ideology and the belief in 'souls'

The reason why trans has spread so effectively is because it covers both bases. The divide is between thinking sex stereotypical behavior is learned or innate. Those who believe sex stereotypical behavior is innate are more likely to believe in genderism, regardless of spirituality.

For people who are prone to believing in dualism there is the idea of “gender identity” which is essentially a soul or private mental state that dictates behavior and makes one truly the opposite sex.

But science minded people don’t have to buy that if they don’t want to. Many, if not most, atheists already believe in sexed brains. From there it’s just a short step to believing in utero cross sex hormonal exposures cause some male fetuses to have female brains and vice versa.

The people most resistant to the ideology are people who are social constructionists who believe sex stereotypical behavior is learned. That group includes most radical feminists and many social conservatives. That’s what causes the strange bedfellows affect.

PlainSimpleTailor #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gay men discussing "getting over" their transphobia to sleep with Transmen

Weird, because it doesn't sound like men at all to question their own sexual preferences. If the Law of the Penis states that another dick must be present, then so be it. If the Law of the Penis states that there must be a receiving end for one's desire to inflinct violence, then so be it. Questioning the things men need to get off is the biggest taboo, especially in woke culture. Maybe these "gay men" were trans themselves? I usually only see women obsessing and self-flagellating over their "transphobia" (because they are the ones who are being targeted by accusations of transphobia 99% of the time).

gay males, especially younger ones are the hyper focus for some of this stuff and being painted as evil. I think you're confusing heterosexual men with homosexuals. One sort of killed and murdered the other for fun for over 2000 years and begrudgingly resents the other for being slowly recognized as human. Your analysis might be a little off.

I truly didn't know gay men were targeted for "transphobia" that much. I stand corrected in my assumption that women are targeted "99% of the time". It's obviously not as clear-cut. However, pressuring women into accepting dicks inside their bodies seems more rapey than women trying to convince gay men of pussy. It's the same homophobia, but one group actually has physical power over the other and regularly threatens the other with sexual violence / sees sex as a punishment for dissenting women ("choke on my girld*ck" and such). Still doesn't make it okay that gay men are told to "overcome their pussyphobia" and such nonsense and I apologize for trivializing the way gay men are targeted.

dixiechick547 #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

By the virtue of them being men, even if larger breasts run in their family they can't really get that big and what with their overall chest and shoulder size it doesn't look that much different. But still this shit shouldn't be covered by women's money. Women don't get to pick and choose their beast size this is so stupid.

And the implants look ridiculous on them anyway.

dude so do the fake hormone tiddies. they look so weird. and like... I'm sorry. attraction to a man is attraction to a stereotypical fit male body usually. attraction to a fit and healthy female body is that. like... it's REALLY REALLY weird seeing boobs on my male friend. it doesn't make him look female. just like someone with a hormone problem.

They don’t look attractive at all. With their broad rib cages and shoulders the implants are pointing at different latitudes, ffs!

It looks and I hesitate to even say this, freakish. Like some sick science experiment. I don’t want to think about people this way, but I can’t help it. I know there are men who think ‘chicks with dicks’ are hot but I doubt any women do. It’s just gross. Like making my stomach queasy gross. Even the ones who aren’t greasy haired behemoths still look like science gone wrong.

I’m amazed any women date them. That’s why they try so hard to trap women and kick so hard against the spousal exit clause. Waiting until they’ve got kids and are middle aged so the women can’t leave. They’re only attractive to other pornsick men. It’s really disturbing.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What TIMs need to hear



One notable thing about TiFs is they don't blame men for their trans related problems and cry about them gatekeeping manhood. They 100% know they are a GUEST and own nothing

Because TIFs don't have male privilege or toxic masculinity. They KNOW they won't be listened to. Men on the other hand, DEMAND to be listened to.

It used to be like that, but recently I have started seeing more and more "gay" TIFs who complain and cry about gay men not being interested about their female anatomy and calling those men slurs.

And here’s another thing they might need to hear, as unpleasant as it may sound: even those who very politely play along, and act in the most supportive manner, use your preferred pronouns and chant TWAW... still see you as males. It’s always on the back of their minds. It’s something very visible and you cannot command your eyes to deny reality that’s in front of you.

Just the other day I was at a bakery and this guy was serving me, huuuge guy, built like a brick shithouse, easily 6"3' and generally extremely masculine... but then I realized he had breasts and was wearing makeup and fake nails and long hair etc.

Cool. I get it, you want to present and be seen like a woman, but no amount of makeup will make me see you as one and, frankly, if I were in a changeroom with this person I would be so uncomfortable and (even if they won't admit it) so would most women no matter how much they claim to be pro-trans.

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