
These filthy peasants! They are revolting!

Vijay Prozak #elitist #wingnut anus.com

Clearly I'm a fascist. I've spent enough time on this world to realize that most people will, without meaning ill, do what is selfish unless coerced otherwise. Whether by money, or the barrel of a gun, their will shall be denied in certain areas; and what of it? The reality is that life isn't found in having the ability to live anywhere you want, or in having the biggest pickup truck on the block, or in being able to watch gay porn and smoke crack cocaine all night. It's in finding your own character and developing it to the fullest, so that you are a hero in your own life, no matter what that may be.

Varg Vikernes #elitist #wingnut burzum.org

And that is where we find the answer to my original question; Norwegians are so ruined by this Socialist ideology and by the fact that they go through life holding hands with the Soviet state that they feel they are not allowed to protect themselves or even others! Not when Norwegian women are being raped by immigrants in the streets, not when Norwegian men are assaulted by immigrants in the streets, and not on Utøya when a single man attacks 800 of them. They are expected to wait until the Soviet state (in form of the Norwegian police) arrives and protects them. The teenagers on Utøya probably even feared punishment from the state if they had tried to protect themselves!

Varg Vikernes #elitist #wingnut burzum.org

What happens then, to all Norwegians who work, is that the state takes most of the money they earn, in form of extremely high taxes (my father payed more than 60% taxes at one point in his career!). In return the state provides them with everything they need; roads, police, a fire department, hospitals and so forth. The welfare system takes care of everyone. You are poor? No problem, the state will help you! You are sick? No problem, the state will help you! You cannot read or write properly? No problem, the state will take care of you! You are depressed? No problem, the state will help (medicate) you! (You want to die? No! You are not allowed to; you belong to the state!) Your car has been stolen? No problem, the state will help you! The car was completely smashed by the car thief? No problem, the state will help you! You have children? No problem, the state will raise them for you! Your children are not Marxists? No problem, the state will indoctrinate them for you! And so forth. The state needs all those tax money because the state takes care of everything! And don't you dare do anything yourself!

If you indeed try to do anything by yourself in Norway you are severely punished for it. Private business? Hell no! Tax them to death! You want to build your own house? Hell no! That is illegal in Norway unless you first attend a state controlled "house building course", lead of course by one of those losers who otherwise would have been unemployed. (This is by the way a good example of an "articifial job".) You want to protect yourself from physical assault, by beating up the assailant? Hell no! Go to prison you damn violent brute! You want to protect that woman being raped in the street over there? Hell no! We have a police for a reason! You beat up a rapists in action? That is assault; go to prison! You win a fist fight (even if you were attacked)? Go to prison! You lose a fist fight (even if you are the aggressor)? Poor, you; we will hold your hand...

Vox Day #dunning-kruger #elitist #fundie #crackpot #wingnut voxday.blogspot.com

[From “The illogically optimistic atheist”]

I actually agree that a secular person who does right of his own accord is an inherently better person than a believer who does right out of the fear of God. The tragedy of the irrational atheist is that he usually is a genuinely decent individual; it is his own decency that blinds him to the corruption and evil in the hearts of others.

On a societal level, atheism does little harm when it is limited to an abstract-minded elite. But unleashing it on the more carnally minded masses is a recipe for disaster, as both Voltaire and Socrates recognized. What is ironic is that it is actually atheism which is the optimist's fairy tale; Christianity, on the other hand, is a grimly realistic faith which requires the willingness to stare squarely into the abyss and not shirk from what looks back.

Don't get me wrong. I may disagree with them and mock them at times, but I quite like irrational atheists. It's the rational ones who scare me, such as the nihilistic Chinese gentleman who wrote the following words:

Heaven brings forth innumerable things to help man.
Man has nothing with which to recompense Heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

The reference to Heaven notwithstanding, this is not the composition of a Deist. This is the desperation of a rational man who lacks both faith and Mr. Rasmussen's utilitarian edifice, who sees no reason not to unleash his empty bitterness and fury upon his fellow man.

Varg Vikernes #wingnut #elitist burzum.org

[From “War in Europe: Part III - Homo sovieticus”]

The Norwegians don't know any better; they are proud when they get their degrees, thinking they are successful when they do, not knowing how difficult it would be to get the same degree in any other country in the world (Ghana included...). They are lost in the Marxist substitute reality. Naturally they educate very few mathematicians or physicians or biologists in Norway; you cannot cheat with natural sciences. To learn mathematics you bloody well need to understand mathematics too! So Norway after year 2000 educates fewer (!) natural scientists than Norway did in the 1950ies, when we didn't even have senior high schools for everyone. The educational budget is about a thousand times larger today, but... their priorities lie elsewhere, so to speak. As explained above.

After education they are just about all given a job. Norway is proud to be one of the countries in the world with the lowest unemployment rates! Wow! What a feat! Marxism must work then, right? Well, not exactly. The Soviet State of Norway has created an abnormal amount of what I call "artificial jobs", intended only to employ Norwegians and to keep the unemployment rates down. We have socionoms, sexologists, journalists en masse, social-anthropologists and so forth, all sent out to confirm the Marxist myths and to keep the Norwegian people in ignorance. Even the dumbest working-class girls have their fancy degrees and are now allowed to perform completely meaningless tasks professionally.

Even at the university in Norway nobody demands anything from them. You can get a fancy degree in Norway with minimal effort, and all the way you will be followed by the dumbest, slowest and worst students. You see, they too are given the "equal opportunity" to get a fancy degree, and in order to make sure they too succeed the Marxists have removed all real challenges on the way. You can pass a course at the university in Norway by reading maybe three or four books. In my English course at the university in Tromsø I only had to translate four pages of text and attend lectures a once or twice each week to pass. I am not kidding!

Vijay Prozak #elitist #psycho anus.com

[From “The Internet”]

If it benefitted this order for me to die, I would die - and I may have to, in the future. If I had to kill no one, or had to kill seven billion, to fulfil this order, I would do so and then go home, eat a big meal and sleep all night with no worries on my mind. When you do what is right by the whole, you do not worry about consequences, because you know that doing right for the order of the cosmos is more important than personal fortunes! Whether my fortune, or that of the ones I slaughter, is irrelevant. None of us matter as much as having the whole be organized well.

I recognize that mine is not the only consciousness on this earth, but I refuse to place another consciousness before mine except that of the whole, and I recognize that said consciousness is divided into parallel entities we call "lives." I acknowledge the holiness of life and I believe in it and always will. I realize that life's greatest invention, which occurs in our thoughts as well as in nature, is the ability to find ideas that are better adapted than others and promote them. I realize that to pick one idea out of two is to destroy the other; for this reason, I have no compunction about destroying lesser designs or killing lesser people. What matters is the whole.

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist winterwatch.net

Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles and San Francisco are being inundated with drug-addled, mentally ill street people. The Red Vanguard discordians and cultural Marxists who run these cities try to define the narrative by calling them “homeless people” and infer that working poor live in these conditions. No working person facing housing affordability issues would live like this.
Seattle and other left coast cities are influenced and controlled by subvert-and-destroy Vanguard Alinskyites. A key theorem of Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven involves “overwhelming the system” until it snaps.

The documentary shows the salami attack (szalámitaktika) of preaching hyper “tolerance and compassion.” Comply or be called a Nazi. This is the tactic used by the Red Vanguard anarcho-tyrants responsible for Seattle’s decent into hell.

Anarcho-tyranny combines oppressive government power against the innocent and the law-abiding while simultaneously exhibiting a grotesque paralysis of will to carry out basic public duties, such as public safety and protection. Anarcho-tyranny breaks down society by failing to punish criminals and refusing to enforce legitimate order or even the most minimal standard of public conduct. It also criminalizes the innocent.

But this is finally falling on deaf ears as the city turns into a public toilet/cesspool and reaches its breaking point. The plebs (aka “reactionaries”) are losing their tempers. The kakistocracy responsible for this needs to be identified and removed from power by the citizens of Seattle. The Alinskyite political collective supporting this invasion of drugged street people needs to be fiercely opposed.

Vijay Prozak #elitist anus.com

[From “2008”]

Dear Germany,

I am applying for political asylum to your country as a refugee from the United States of America. Ever since the malls invaded my country, I have been persecuted both politically and economically because my beliefs conflict radically with the idea that everything on earth should be for sale. ...

What is really scary is that the malls are pushing up toward an apocalypse, even if a slow one. ...

I can't go on anymore. Everywhere I turn, there is a mall guard watching over me from its lighted windows with slogans promising heaven in exchange for hell on earth. I cannot find a place to walk where there are no concrete paths, waterfountains and pay phones. Everything is either a mall or a "park," which is like a captive wilderness Disneyland to remind us of what once was, so we can refresh ourselves before going shopping again. The malls have domesticated us, and now we live in cages called "cars" or "apartments," awaiting the end that our common sense tells us will eventually come but of which we cannot speak in public ...

Please help me by granting me asylum in your fair country. I estimate your country has another fifty years before the malls take over, thus asylum would give me liberty for most of my natural life. I would be indebted to you and promise not to breed with your women, as if I introduce mutt American blood into your heritage, I will be contributing to the adulteration of what is it to be German and thus giving the malls a chance to replace your culture. Furthermore, I promise to never eat fast food while in Germany. I hope you can consider my application fairly and deliver me from a state of persecution, for which I will be forever in your debt.

Vijay Prozak

Vermin #elitist ubersite.com

[From “Why Don't Short Men Just Kill Themselves?”]

… It is suspected that women prefer tallness either because it signifies strength and good genes or because it signals a high-quality rearing environment with proper nutrition.

All you 5'6 midgets with your poor cognitive skills know in your heart that this study is true. Women just don't want to poison their offspring with your inferior genetics. Don't take my word for it though. Feel free to do your own research on the matter. There is only one scientific conclusion you will reach: Tall men are far superior than short men in every way.

Life is not fair but God is not entirely without mercy. He did make fat ugly women and they have the same handicap as shorties: they are both lesser beings in His and the world's eyes. Shrimps and fatties are made for each other. Just as good-looking women won't date short men, tall men won't date fatties. The only problem with this scenario is that leaves the fatties and shrimps to breed together and spawn a squat, fat and ugly subspecies of human beings. As one divergent group of humans becomes taller, smarter and better looking, another becomes shorter, fatter and stupider. One day this will inevitably lead to war. This is why I suggest short men and fat women should have the common decency to get sterilized to save much suffering in the future.

Now please don't take the title of my post too seriously for I don't actually want shrimps to kill themselves. I do know personally I would have the dignity to end my shameful life if I was 5'7 or 5'8 or something pathetic like that, however I actually like the fact there are short men out there. It makes me feel better about myself when I look down on them.

Vijay Prozak #elitist anus.com

[From “Sociopathy”]

It goes this way with every mass revolution. Some wise guy stands up and says, "It's them" - the wealthy, or powerful, or good-looking, or gifted; take your pick, or combine - "they live well, while we starve. They oppress us! If we crush them, we will live in paradise!" And so the mob surges forward, and while they certainly murder a few people who deserve it, like decadent nobles and sex predator clergy, for the most part they exterminate or disable the few people with the brains to help them. Keeping your thumb on the fast-forward switch, you can see how in another generation, when the impetus of the revolution has run down, there are no more spoils left to divide, and no more excess wealth upon which one can feast. The nation is collapsing, and the revolutionaries are betraying each other in a desperate attempt to keep a grip on not wealth itself but the slippery concept of how to produce it on a consistent basis. At this point it becomes clear: being able to work a farm or factory does not imply being able to run one, from a design and decision perspective. Since the people are without direction, the demagogues rise, and soon authoritarian rule prevails.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #racist anus.com

[From “Pacifism (is for Undermen)”]

The undermen of course, come from within, and they're very present with us today. There are plenty of Indo-Europeans. The problem is the quality of today's Indo-Europeans. They tend to be small, snivelling people who are good at having office jobs and not offending anyone at parties, thus taking home enough bucks to buy their way out of the ghetto, to get their kids to college and have enough medical insurance to survive the inevitable cancers. If it came down to the line, they'd rather not miss a meal than take on a heroic quest. Although some of them are quite healthy, that number declines every year.

Indo-Europeans at this time tend to be people of mixed tribal heritage, more and more, and they are slowly (1%) beginning the infiltration, again, of bloodlines of other races. Consequently, we're getting even more weird looking people than ever before, because as is obvious, if you mix two differently specialized things, you'll get a weird offspring. We have one Halle Berry for how many million mixed race people? And there you go. Even more, look at the average "100% white" person in America. A mishmash of English, Slavic, Irish, German and French, ending up with something of uncertain origin and purpose. We're making generic people. The undermen love that, as it gives them a good hiding place.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #psycho #wingnut anus.com

[From “The Undermen”]

... do we really need the pretense that says those who do not lift a blade are better than those who do? Whoever wrote that clearly cared more for his own ego than the future of his people! Undermen do not desire sensible world orders. Like Jews and insane Christians, they are morally empty, because they are so fixated on their own lack of self-confidence and their own neediness, a need for reinforcement, that they've forgotten about the world. They will not mean to destroy it, but destroy it they will - it's one of Agatha's simple patterns, like a cross-stitch, that shows up in every population. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The only way to transcend hell is to aim for higher goals; to recognize reality, and act heroically upon it. Undermen oppose this. Unless they are eliminated, they will destroy us all, and our planet besides. THE UNDERMEN MUST DIE. Every generation in every population, no matter how wonderful and high quality, will produce some experiments that fail - mediocre is worse than evil, and if these mediocre are tolerated, they will soon become Undermen. THEY MUST DIE. To love life is to remember its primal rule, which is that without evolution, a backward process begins. Life as a whole, as an organism, is more important than the loss of individual lives. We must produce better lives or we will fail, evolutionarily, and will regress toward mediocrity. To praise life is to praise necessary death. By doing what is necessary, we will grow stronger. Those who oppose us are the Undermen. Those who brought this upon us are the Undermen. The only solution is to remove the Undermen. DEATH TO THE UNDERMEN.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #psycho #wingnut anus.com

[From “The Undermen”]

This isn't to say that killing the undermen ("DEATH TO THE UNDERMEN") is the only solution. Clearly we must outbreed them - killing them helps that, y'know. But there's also the need to find quality people and get them to breed. Even more important however is resurrecting evolution. Bring back adversity, and stop making daily life so safe. Let death take the unwary, the perverse, the delusional. Let the non-insane Christians separate from the rest, and have their own elite churches, where no apologies are made to the poor and retarded and Undermenschish. Nature rewards long-term thinking, such as preparing for winter or breeding selectively or developing inner strengths, so let us resume a society that does that. Anyone who pursues money as a goal above all else is an Underman - THEY MUST DIE. Anyone who objects to this platform is an Underman - THEY MUST DIE. Anyone who squawks "How dare you?" or starts talking about equality is either an Underman, or rapidly descending to be one - THEY MUST DIE. THEY MUST DIE NOW. Mercy is pretense, pity is egoism - you do not need these illness, or you will become an Underman as well.

Brett Stevens #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

When rape first became a crime, we lived in a different world. Among the middle and upper echelons of society, women expected to be virgins at marriage and to be respectable in public thereafter.

These expectations arose from common knowledge which has been forgotten. Without the bonding that sexual inexperience provided, couples lacked the trust that came with shared exclusive experience. Their marriages also became unions of convenience, not based on the sacred but in business-like negotiations for mutual satisfaction on a day-to-day basis.

Not surprisingly when we abandoned this outlook our fortunes fell as far as marriage is concerned. First infidelity swept through marriages, then divorce became common, and now people simply avoid marriage in the first place to avoid being penalized to subsidize someone else after the inevitable divorce. Marriage is like extended dating at this point.

In saner times, rape ruined a woman. If it occurred before marriage, it made her unlikely to become married; if it happened afterwards, people saw her as being ejected from the throes of marital contentment. (This was for decent people in the upper echelons: peasants, criminals and gypsies rutted like pigs and still do, which creates their ever-expanding numbers and ever-decreasing fortune.)

In our new age however rape no longer carries this weight. No woman is ruined by having sex with one more man, since they commonly have sex with six of them on average that they will admit, but we know that people lie on surveys and the actual number may be ten times higher, some without even knowing his name or spending more than a dozen minutes in his company. At this point, it is farce and injustice to keep rape classified as a crime of violence.

Alphabet Agency Alert Award

Brett Stevens #conspiracy #elitist #psycho #wingnut amerika.org

Fatwa: Pope Francis

This fatwa applies to all people who have not yet vanished into the illusion of human individualism and mass culture. If you encounter Pope Francis, and are to kill him and string his intestines around the room spelling out the word WHORE, you will be accepted joyfully into Heaven.

Pope Francis, who purports to be a religious leader, is in fact an agent for the third world which wishes to overrun the first world and take its wealth, destroying it in the process. The proof is here:

To blame population growth instead of extreme and selective consumerism on the part of some, is one way of refusing to face the issues.

In addition to being apologism for the reckless growth of the third world, this places the blame in the scientifically and technically wrong place. What will create ecocide is our overuse of land, crowding out natural species and interrupting ecosystems. The driver for that is population. Pope Francis is lying to us in order to promote his egalitarian agenda, which benefits those at the bottom at the expense of those at the top.

His death will be a holy act and all who participate in it will be holy.

Brett Stevens #elitist #racist #wingnut amerika.org

[From “Periscope (December 30, 2019)”]

Is ‘Dixie Highway’ racist? The debate is growing

Let us make it clear: if anything references the world before diversity took over in the late 1990s, then it is racist. You cannot remind people of the founding ethnic majority because then they realize how much they are simply squatters in the house of more intelligent ancients. This applies to both the ethnic diversity (Italians, Irish, Poles, Jews) and the racial diversity (Africans, Asians, mixes) but also implicates the various boxwine feminists, pajama soyboys, religious fanatics, and neurotics who make up the Left. Once there was greatness, and now we have this lumpy, ugly, unhealthy, angry group of orcs and goblins who have nothing but an impulse to destroy. We will have to remove all of these people, sending them to places where they will have the society they need.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #racist anus.com

[From “Cultural Revival”]

Of course it makes sense for each race to isolate from all others, because without isolation, it is rapidly replaced by a mixed-race population and its culture is discarded. Witness what happened to ancient Greece, Rome and India when they became cosmopolitan centers: cultural consensus was lost, and thus there was no orientation point for future direction, and what replaced it was commerce. Culture died, and soon after it, the uniqueness of that people was lost, as there are more people out there of hybrid genetics than those who belong to the original tribes, each of which specialized over 10,000 generations into being something quite unique with different strengths and weaknesses than others. Most of you spend too much time crying over your televisions ("Roots," "Schindler's List") because it's easier than facing reality, and therefore feel more guilt than self-preservation, because you the individual "feel" better when you're giving something to someone else and thus, they need you, in your own nitwit mind. However, even historical sources directly opposed to any racial values agree on the historical origin of the races, and if you've got any mental health at all, you'll realize much in the same way we should preserve our environment simply because it is cool, the same is true of different races. Uniqueness rocks. Hybrids are run-of-the-mill.

Vijay Prozak #ableist #elitist #psycho anus.com

[From “What I Desire”]

I'd murder the loudmouths, complainers, whiners, priests and other passive people. They sabotage everything that one does by claiming injury anytime someone else takes action; it's like bin Laden versus America, in that America contentedly bombs Arab lands and then claims injury when the Arabs fight back, using that perceived injury to spur its people on to war. Or the "Holocaust," or slavery reparations, or people who were offended by any number of opinions, symbols, or ideas. Life should be tough and often offensive; at least it encourages people to fight, and not just whine. Even more, however, the culture of offense allows all good ideas to be shot down because someone is offended, and since we're all equal, we cannot point out that that person is a whining idiot and therefore will be offended by any sensible idea and thus should always be ignored.

I would march fat people across America and produce skinny people or corpses, no matter which; in either case, they would have conquered their fatness and thus in part fulfilled a destiny.

All the people who live on constant medication, or otherwise in the arms of doctors, I'd slaughter, along with their offspring. You can fix a car any number of times, but the only way you make one that's fun to drive is by designing a better one, like a VW beetle, so that its owner is free from constant worry, fear, and pain. People who live in that state always make terrible decisions and because they lack self-confidence and health, will sabotage any decision that benefits the healthy.

Pentti Linkola #crackpot #elitist penttilinkola.com

What is man? "Oh, what art thou man?" the poets of the good old days used to wonder. Man may be defined in an arbitrary number of ways, but to convey his most fundamental characteristic, he could be described with two words: too much. I'm too much, you're too much. There's five billion of us - an absurd, astonishing number, and still increasing? The earth's biosphere could possibly support a population of five million large mammals of this size, given their food requirements and the offal they produce, in order that they might exist in their own ecological niche, living as one species among many, without discriminating against the richness of other forms of life.

What meaning is there in these masses, what use do they have? What essential new contribution is brought forth to the world by hundreds of human societies similar to one other, or by the hundreds of identical communities existing within these societies? What sense is there in the fact that every small Finnish town has the same choice of workshops and stores, a similar men's choir and a similar municipal theatre, all clogging up the earth's surface with their foundations and asphalt slabs? Would it be any loss to the biosphere - or to humanity itself - if the area of ??nekoski no longer existed, and instead in its place was an unregulated and diverse mosaic of natural landscape, containing thousands of species and tilting slopes of gnarled, primitive trees mirrored in the shimmering surface of Kuhmoj?rvi lake? Or would it really be a loss if a small bundle of towns disappeared from the map - Ylivieska, Kuusamo, lahti, Duisburg, Jefremov, Gloucester - and wilderness replaced them? How about Belgium?

Vijay Prozak #elitist #wingnut #crackpot anus.com

To my mind, what has happened with humanity is no different than what happens to an untended garden: weeds crop up, order is lost, and thus there's no efficient breeding. Unlike a forest, it was never good for this kind of order, therefore is a mess. If the land is forest, it is okay. If it is garden, it is okay. In a state in-between, there is nothing but breakdown. Such is the occurrence of humanity now. All of its problems relate back to a lack of order. We are ruled by the crowd, and through their need for competition, consumerism, and thus our values decay. But what caused this crowd rule? A lack of agreement on leadership and, simply put, the weeds outnumbering the gardeners. That is also why "nothing has been done." If 2 people out of a thousand can understand the problem, they face 998 people they either have to manipulate, murder or drug before they can make any positive change. The six thousand people who can figure it out in the USA, for example, have no desire to take on a losing battle, as the braver National Socialists in Germany and ultra-brave Ted Kaczynski did. They're going to live the good life if they can, and get ready to abandon the rest of these morons the instant the Chinese attack. They hate those morons because morons enforce upon us a collective version of reality, based in artificial anthrocentric values and perceptions, as only that makes them feel immune to death and to the inequality of nature.

Vijay Prozak #elitist anus.com

Serf's Up!

[Concluding remarks on why monarchy and feudalism are much better than modern society]

Fact is, modern man, you were so clever -- you saw what the lord of the manse had, and you desired it, like Cain viewing Abel naked in the shower, resplendent in a natural glory you are in your Gollum-like ugliness not given, resplendent in a natural intelligence that in your Goliath-like stolidity you are not given -- cheated! -- like Esau viewing Jacob the future inheritor, like a dark-haired girl looking longingly on a blonde until longing turns to hate. You saw what those gifted by nature had and you determined you'd take it. You gathered all you knew and said, now we rule -- and you did. You overthrew the Lord of the Manse, you married and impregnated his granddaughters, and now everything's equal. Yet there's a new Lord of the Manse and it's not one person, but millions, hiding behind your credit cards and your house payments, parasitically wanting exactly what you do which is more money all of the time, and thus we all prey on each other, parasitic brothers locked in arms as we descend the whirlpool of our feedback loop rotting society for our profit -- but surely it was worth it, because you're free?

You're not a serf anymore, or are you? Oh, you outsmarted yourself, and ruined the whole game in the process. Good work. Next time life gets you down, remember that you've not only prolonged your servitude but made it bitter and turned every person against all others for -- for what? For gold? Oh, there's no hope. Enjoy what you've made. Maybe even embrace depression and low self-esteem, and think about hating your own life and subjecting yourself to the most mindless tasks you can out of pure anger, even turned inward -- like suicide, but parasitic and prolonged. There is no hope; leap into the vortex of darkness. Last one in's a rotten egg. Serf's up!

Steven Fishman #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #elitist henrymakow.com

Face reality here: Within 5 years, 80% or more of those who have been vaccinated, either by choice or by coercion, will at worst be dead, and at best, will be deathly injured due to prions, spike proteins, Messenger RNA converted into transhumanist DNA; anaphylactic shock, paralysis of the lungs, fatal blood clotting, and a cocktail of aborted fetal and animal tissue containing viruses which include AIDS.

But I am not talking to the "vaccinated." They are the Walking Dead. There is no cure for the "vaccine," because it is not a "vaccine," but rather Experimental Eugenics Depopulation Gene Therapy by Bill Gates and Big Pharma.

It has been craftily designed to make people want something "appealing" that will kill them. And the end [for them] is very near. Life Insurance companies are already talking about not paying the Vaccinated. No compensation for insanity, stupidity, or gullibility!

It is we, the unvaccinated that need protection from the Walking Dead. I am an older guy that admires beautiful women. But if a Victoria's Secret Model or a James Bond Girl told me she was "vaccinated," I would run like hell!
And I hope that we, the unvaccinated and "never-will-be-vaccinated" flourish and prosper long enough to see true justice prevail, where Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci and the Globalists at "[mRNA]" Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Nazi-Zeneca get tried and convicted in Nuremberg-style proceedings, and then get slowly lowered into a boiling vat of hydro-sulfuric acid to compensate for the deaths of billions of people. And I wish that for them happily and without the slightest bit of anger, I say in subtle sarcasm.

Stay safe, healthy, and far away from the Walking Dead!

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut amerika.org

The 1%

In many ways, the “blame the institutions” people create a self-fulfilling prophecy: they replace a nation of living, breathing individuals with a giant drone collective mind that conforms to its own notions of acceptable non-conformity. That’s what the Occupy Wall Street/”We are the 99%” protests are about.

Those protests are created by a herd that, having demanded equality and subsidies from its government, now has more demands. Its initial demands, from the 1960s onward, have trashed the United States as a functioning nation. Instead, it’s two groups: the mindless herd of proles, and those working around the system.

What it forgets is that our nation has always been made great not by the 99%, who attend jobs and buy stuff but don’t do much else (besides litter, vote randomly, and protest in the streets), but by the 1% who have had exceptional ideas and taken risks in order to invent or create new ways of doing things.

The 1% contains all of our captains of industry, our best artists, our thinkers and doers, our innovators and inventors, and our critics who could not be bought by pandering to some audience just waiting for validation. The 1% are the critical thinkers, the frontierspeople, the leaders and the creators.

When we hand our society over the 99% solely because that angry mob is certain that society wronged it, we give up on all things higher than the lowest common denominator.


What we don’t need is another angry mob screaming demands they don’t understand in their fury to assign blame to someone other than the guilty party — the 99% themselves.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #psycho anus.com

Society Blames Others For Its Illness

[On school shooter Pekka-Eric Auvinen]

… we can see this school shooter and extreme right/left wing dictators as what they really are, which is a force of natural renewal much like the forest fire that kills off the weak trees and lets the others divide up the resources so they can create a stronger, better, more uniformly healthy forest. What we call tolerance is too often an excuse to tolerate the parasitic, criminal, stupid and ugly, and guys like Stalin, Hitler, Linkola and this school shooter show us that reality.

Society will strike back with passive aggression, because that is the only option left to people shocked out how rudely they are yanked out of denial. To be passive aggressive, blithely assume that you are right while forcing other people to conform to your needs, all without directly striking them. … That's what this society does to any dissident with a chance of making change, which is why some kids get frustrated and shoot up their schools (others are insane, but not all).

Our modern society of shared denial fears the truth and so we suppress it, which is why school shootings get responses of outrage and disbelief. … We are all disconnected from any context but our own selves, and so focused on our wealth and status that we're oblivious to the world, or the intangible values of life which our materialistic society denies. The only disbelief here is the shock of being caught in a daydream that we pretended was reality, and this is why we have such outrage against this school shooter, who in a healthier time might be known as a hero for his extermination of false authoritarians, weak people and other stooges of human delusion.

Vijay Prozak #elitist anus.com

Equality as a tool of the salesperson

• We have eliminated the open spaces natural species need to breed, frolic, hunt and nest.
• We have made toxic most of our air and water.
• We have created ugly, utilitarian cities of square shapes.
• Our societies reward the biggest drama queens because drama is necessary to rise above equality.
• We are entering an age of constant political conflict where unlimited wants meet finite reality.
• We have dumbed ourselves down by insisting on equality instead of rewarding the exceptional.
• Our climate may or may not be getting ready to destroy us — our authorities cannot agree.

If you ask any modern person their woes, once you get beyond the car payments and toothaches, you will find that these consequences at the root of their misery. Essentially, the social infrastructure is rotted and has been replaced by social preference, which leads to the lowest common denominator enthroned as the optimum.

As these consequences move in with us, and make themselves at home, we will see the facade of equality begin to fade. It’s well and good to tell everyone they’re equal when we have seemingly unlimited industrial wealth; it’s another thing when we’re facing shortage of resources, ugly environmental decay, and the political instability that ethnic, religious, resource (water and oil) conflict will bring.

It’s not implausible to imagine a future authoritarian state arising, one based on the idea of inequality as wisdom. Such a state would cut population with IQ tests, and then compel its population to compete, while wise elders watched to eliminate those of bad moral character.

This state forged of blood would end up being the most peaceful place on earth because it would have eliminated the only true inequality — that people have different levels of competence and moral character. Where the factors of selection are most rigorous, we get the strongest and most uniform peoples, so they have very few internal conflicts.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #psycho anus.com

[mod note: Cho Seung-Hui is a school shooter]

Our brief detour into humanistic justification has been replaced by a grim reality of future ethnic, religious and territorial conflicts. We’re returning to what we were, as if nature just rebooted to see if it couldn’t get rid of the junk in memory.

Cho Seung-Hui is part of this rebooting. If we knew what was good for us, as a species, we would clone a hundred thousand Cho Seung-Huis and let them loose on society at large. Maybe we would give them hammers instead of handguns, but we would let these predators claim those whose vapidity precludes any real direction in life and thus endows them with a lack of will to live. They will preserve themselves passively if given the choice, but lack the creative ability to struggle for survival. Put in unbroken forest overnight, they would starve and freeze because their personal lifestyle choices don’t lend themselves to the hard work of making fire and finding food.

The mindless chatter comes from such voices who are afraid that the obvious might be seen, and those who still have the potential for wolfhood might wake up to see how many need cleansing. If we want to avoid this kind of incident in the future, we need to stop blaming Cho and analyzing him with effete meaningless rhetoric, and look toward why this happened. We can ban all handguns, cover the world in padded foam, and put warning tags on every door, but we cannot escape the inertia within. As we escaped reality, we brought it back on ourselves, and if we do not face it with a bolder and braver outlook, soon it will consume us.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #psycho anus.com

Perhaps, looking at the universe from a quantum physics perspective, we see the importance of this inequality as not a destabilizing but a stabilizing factor, even if to us from the tunnel vision of individual fears, desires and instabilities see it as a gigant threat. In life, thus, our society thrives through inequality, because it prevents the crowd from literally taking over; if we were equal, the instant one made a mistake, the entire group would, and society would not have made it this far […]

However, the crowd is never far from us; they are there, we might surmise, as evolutionary throwbacks or simply as what they appear to be, which is like the packing materials in a package from amazon.com insulation for the actual payload. Indeed, the smartest thing any civilization would do would be to kill its slaves, having the dual benefit here of a lack of slave revolt, which has taken down (Maya, Aztec, Inca, India, Greece, Rome, England) most great civilizations, whether active revolution or passive through economic, social and moral systems; -- and forcing the smarter and better among us to clean their own goddamn toilets and mow their own lawns and build their own houses, which keeps them from becoming idle, effete, useless wealth-storage receptacles. Imagine a world where the king carries his own suitcase… and there are no proles to delight in that humility, only people wise enough to see that it is no humility, no morality and no poverty but simply common sense that makes him do it! Ah, death to the slaves… death to the slaves… no society as of yet has been heartless enough to do such a thing, but if humanity survives its current debacle, it is likely there will be astute enough servants of history to do just that, and to slaughter everyone at 125 IQ points or fewer.

Shoji Gatoh #elitist blog.esuteru.com

[On Greta Thunberg]

I dislike this girl. If I ruled the world from the shadows, I would take everything from her and sneer at her when she hits rock bottom. Then I’d make her eat a delicious, piping hot steak and watch the tears of frustration on her face. I really want to see it.


Varg Vikernes #conspiracy #elitist #racist burzum.org

War in Europe: Part VI - Regarding Adam Lanza and His Tribe

Alas! We are truly blue-eyed. We are so trustworthy, naïve and good that we are unable to see and indeed believe that the Jews can be that deceitful, cruel and sinister. We would never do to anyone what they do to us and others, and we erroneously think they are like us, so we cannot make ourselves believe or indeed fathom that they would do something like that either. The fact is that they do, they have always done, and they are not like us!

The porn industry is Jewish and designed to break down European morals and sense of honour. The banking system is Jewish and designed to turn us into debt slaves. Feminism is Jewish and designed to reduce the number of children born by European mothers. Capitalism is Jewish and designed to cultivate greed and egoism in Europeans. Socialism is Jewish and designed to break down the tribal and racial identity of Europeans. Christianity is Jewish and designed to destroy our traditions and values. Fashion is Jewish and designed to reduce the fertility of European women and increase the chance for them to (if they ever do) procreate with men from other human races. And so forth. The list of genocidal "programs" they have working is very long, and they are all working to fulfil their goal to exterminate us.

Now, the question many naturally have is of course why? Why on Earth would they want to exterminate us? The answer is simply because we the brave, skilled, creative, inventive, intelligent and honourable Europeans stand in their way of world domination. We are the exact opposite of Jews; we are honest, kind and racially healthy, we object to injustice and cruelty, and we think lying and greed are bad things, and so forth. We would not have allowed their rule, and we are much stronger than them! They on the other hand have always been slavers, money-lenders and assassins, full of deceit, cruelty, greed and dishonesty, and they have cultivated these horrible traits through their Satanic religion.

Edgelording Like Teenagers Since 1996

Search “anus.com” on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine

Vijay Prozak #elitist anus.com

You weep for the six million Jews allegedly lost in Europe during WWII? Cough, cough... you're going to be looking at six billion dead in the next round, as all the civilizations we have carefully built collapse in on themselves. This is nature's way of cleaning up. That which is illogical grows fat in summer, but in winter, the herd is thinned. That is what you will soon be witnessing; it may take anywhere between five to fifty years, but yes, it is coming. ...

Many of us who were not fully deluded by the propaganda - our society is the best, ever! the most enlightened! praise multiculturalism and corporate money and jesus! - have seen this on the horizon for some time, and we are preparing in ways that the rest of you cannot comprehend. When things collapse, we will quickly move toward a new type of order, in which no single absolute assessment determines a situation. Most likely, we will get our slaughter on in degrees you will find appalling, with millions upon millions of men, women and children extinguished for being of lumpenproletariat heritage. The smarter ones will be able to identify each other, and will spare those, of course; we want allies. But for all the people who are products of this "Money Says" society, there will no longer be a use, and their very presence, daily consuming resources and producing waste, will be a threat to the new order, which is one in which natural health is more important than money or popularity. Thus people like me will spend our days in dual states: building with love, and killing with love, as we're going to eliminate the rest of you and have a blast doing it. Where "Money Says" ruled, illogicality followed and produced a degenerate form of the human race. That's about to be erased, and the order of the future, unlike "Money Says," will rest entirely within the logic of this world and will bypass these false absolutes.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #racist anus.com

What You Have Lost

One major factor about the middle ages that was pleasant was its view toward relationships. This was before the reactionary and patriarchal laws of the early industrial revolution took hold; those were designed mainly to regulate women as a labor force, and had no bearing on tradition. Back then, the girls were a lot prettier than they are now, in part because they came from consistent ethnic stocks and in part because the criteria for selection were more rigorous. Sex and love were not these wide-eyed, holy ideals, but practical means toward a family, in which man and wife were equal partners of different areas of practice. Neurotic girls and ugly girls and dysfunctional girls got sold to gypsy traders, while they'd send their defective male counterparts off to the front line. The result was that people bred beter, and the result was many generations of beautiful and intelligent people; now, you're lucky to get one of those two, although most of the well-bred women I've met have had both. Since there was a consistent ethnic ideal, people were naturally selected to fulfill that standard, and the whining of "individualists" unheard from the distant gypsy cabins.

Varg Vikernes #elitist #wingnut thuleanperspective.com

The Class Struggle

Then came Communism, or if you like; Marxism. I will use the Soviet Union as an example, because what happened there is so evident to those who look at it. First of all they removed (killed…) or enslaved (forced into GULags or working class jobs) the elite of the Russian society (the smarter owners). Secondly they removed the barriers that had previously prevented intermarriage between the social classes. In the USSR the “owner” would marry the “slave” as often as not. They were encouraged to, directly or indirectly. “There are no social classes! We are all the same!”

The result (after only some generations) of this mixing of classes was a man not smart enough to perform the tasks of the owner, but still a man too smart to perform the tasks of the worker. This of course is code for “a criminal”…. one just smart enough to understand that he can break the rules and get away with it.

Now, not all ex-Soviet peoples are criminals, of course, but a disproportionately large amount of their populations are criminally corrupt. Russia is not “by chance” the most corrupt country in all of Europe, and competing for the title of the most corrupt in the entire world… Western Europe is not flooded by criminal East Europeans “by chance”. This is the result of the Communism they have been under for 70 or so years.

Smart people still exist there, they are just fewer. Really stupid people (average workers) still exist there – and their numbers might actually have been increased. But the amount of “socially mixed” individuals have been dramatically increased by Communism, and the average intelligence has been lowered. Thanks to Marxism.

Peter D'Abrosca #wingnut #elitist #quack amgreatness.com

As a healthy 29-year-old, my likelihood of dying from the virus is practically nil, so why risk the blood clots? And before anyone accuses me of trying to murder granny, shouldn’t she be immune to the virus if she gets the vaccine? Whether that’s actually true seems to be the topic of some debate. We’ll have to follow The Science™, then parse through its legitimacy relative to its political value for Democrats (that’s a new step in the scientific method) before we can know for sure.
Personal liberty is not the reason I’m avoiding it, either. I’m not a member of the “don’t tread on me” club. I’m not here to take a principled stand against the federal or state governments on this issue. In fact, I’m saving my principled stands against the federal or state governments for issues that really matter, like strengthening libel laws so that lying journalists can finally be shipped off to Guantanamo Bay where they belong.

My primary reason for refusing the vaccine is much simpler: I dislike the people who want me to take it, and it makes them mad when they hear about my refusal. That, in turn, makes me happy.

Maybe it’s petty, but the thought of the worst people on planet earth, those whom I like to call the Branch Covidians, literally shaking as I stroll into Target vaccine-free, makes me smile.
I also don’t care whether you decide to get the vaccine. It’s really none of my business.

Perhaps you’re not as committed to upsetting the enemy as I am. That is fine.

Perhaps you just want to go on a cruise vacation again. If so, call Bill Kristol or Jonah Goldberg and have your vaccine identification card ready. Godspeed.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #racist #transphobia #elitist amerika.org

History will record this as the dumb era. A bunch of people who belong in jobs decided that they could rule better than the naturally talented, and they set off an orgy of bureaucracy and control-scheming that eventually destroyed the group. Obviously they were dumb.

All of this came about because society prospered just enough to get arrogant. We had more free time. We became distanced from nature, with our tools. Most of all, we no longer had to agree on anything, since we were already members of a permanent civilization.

In previous civilizations, people formed small bands. It was libertarian, and fascist. You went with the band that matched your mindset. If you encountered other bands, you would kill them if they were weaker than you. (If they were stronger, you ran like hell.)

Once you get permanent civilization, you have to “accept everyone,” or at least, a market is created for those that do that. In any social group, you will become popular by saying that all are welcome and everyone is at the same level.
That is the basis of the dumb era. We meant well, but forget to think through the logical conclusions of our actions, and by inviting in the misfits, we also summoned demons. Most of these are mundane parasites, but in large enough numbers, they kill the host.
It takes someone to enter from outside of politics to shake things up by asking the questions, “do we actually need this?” and “is this worth the cost and side effects?”

When you ask those questions, you will end up throwing out most of what government does. We do not need affirmative action, welfare, diversity education, transgender representation, foreign aid, socialized medicine, and social security. They are just vote buys.

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA #crackpot #conspiracy #transphobia #quack #wingnut #elitist vernoncoleman.com

What the devil is wrong with these people?

Why are so many not questioning what is happening? Can't they read and think for themselves? The answers sadly are clearly No and No...

One explanation is that the problem is something called cognitive dissonance. Many people just cannot believe that governments could tell so many lies and that politicians could be so deceitful. The zombies and the trolls aren't very bright and are unable to see the big picture. They aren't bright enough to see things in perspective. They don't believe anyone could tell such big lies...
I have been pointing out for 30 years that our drinking water is enriched with female hormones. It is clear that those hormones are now having a dramatic effect on the human race. There's more about this, incidentally, on my video entitled `Is Tap Water Safe to Drink?'

The problems started in the 1960s when millions of women started taking the contraceptive pill. The hormone residues from those pills are excreted in their urine.
I think the zombies, the trolls, the mask wearers have all been drinking too much tap water. Too many cups of tea, perhaps.

This explains why male zombies and trolls tend to be effeminate and stupid and female zombies, trolls and mask wearers tend to be stupid, confused, irritable and sulky.
There are millions of zombies and trolls around because they are naïve, gullible, poorly educated, unintelligent, immature and self-important but ultimately terrified of authority because the hormones in the drinking water have turned them into permanent teenagers.

They may be beyond our help.

Benj-amin #elitist #racist #sexist incels.is


Not surprising tbh. Most of her fans are probably black cuz "muh black culture", and niggaz tend to have low levels of IQ (this is not an eccentric opinion, even black people admit it). I think the average IQ for Blacks is around 80, so 75 is not far off the mark. It only means that Cradi B fans are the most retarded people on earth, even among niggers.

Notice how they are are Black "women", Black nigger Foids are the lowest trash of all foids.

Nigger foids are literal trash, most of them are low IQ hood type bitches who can't even compose a coherent sentence. They have insane single motherhood rates, and work dead end jobs, nothing worth pursing tbh. The only ones worth pursing are the ones who come from affluent families.

Lol imagine thinking that "affluent" black women are worth pursuing, They are just like the trash in the inner cities. Don't be fooled by the civilized Facade they put on, White man.

The ones I met in college weren't as bad as the low class ones, but then again, all women are trash after all. Some of them are just less trashy than others.

Also, are you black? Cuz if you are you probably know more about that.

I am a blackcel, yes. I live in a very segrated city (STL), one side of of city is literally mostly vacant lots, Vacant houses, and is 98% majority black, and where most of the shootings occur. On the other end, are mainly rich white folk that some Nigger foids try to emulate. Those "Affluent" Niggas you speak of.

Tony Capoccia #fundie #sexist #elitist biblebb.com

Question: My husband, who claims to be a Christian, shows little or no sexual self-control in our marriage.  He doesn't seem to care how I feel (emotionally or physically), he just does what he wants, whenever he feels like it, be it masturbation or the raping of his wife.  In addition, he seems to have a problem with pornography for the past five years. I have been counseled by quite a few Christian marriage counselors in the past few weeks, and have been told that this obsession with pornography and the lack of sexual self-control is considered "sexual immorality," which is a Biblical reason for divorce. Is this true?  I want a divorce, but only if it can be Biblical.

Answer: If you were to divorce him because of his sin problems noted, then you would be sinning by the divorce.  Christians are not like the world, we can't just leave our spouses because we don't like them, we have the power to change them, by prayer. To stay and pray for the Lord to change him would bring God the greatest glory and avoid the serious sin of divorce and its consequences.  Your children would suffer a great deal as a result of a divorce.
God can change him if he is truly a Christian.  You must pray for him, and pray that God will change him.  He must stop the masturbation and the pornography, for that is only adding greatly to the problem.  You need to try (and I am sure you have before) to meet his needs the best you can.  I know you are all done with him, and he doesn't deserve it, but you both need to try to help each other.  It will mean some talking about the problem, and he must agree to get rid of the pornography immediately--rip it up and dispose of it. That also means if he goes to porno websites, that he must delete them and if necessary, get a new email address.  There must be some accountability here, somehow he needs to agree that you can check up on him.  For you, and I know it will be hard to do, but pray, telling God you need His help for you to give when you don't want to give, and when your husband doesn't deserve it.  It is your responsibility to submit to him, and with God's help you can.

Biblical Gender Roles #elitist #sexist #fundie biblicalgenderroles.com

Egalitarianism is nothing less than complete rebellion against God’s establishment of patriarchy, male headship, in all areas of society including the family, the church and civil government. The lack of male leadership in any of these spheres leads to chaos and destruction. God spoke about this in Isaiah 3:12 when he said “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths”. And this is what we are witnessing today in our equality obsessed western nations.

Jesus Christ never gave up his heavenly kingship when he came to earth. But rather he asserted it many times while he was here in his earthly ministry. He was not just a servant, but truly he was a servant leader.

Christ taught us that a servant leader does not use his leadership only to fulfill his own desires. But rather he works with and helps the people under his leadership to work together to fulfill the mission he has been given or that he has set for himself. He develops the people under his leadership and seeks to help them reach their full potential. He steps in wherever help is needed and sacrifices himself for his people, but he also pushes his people to do what they ought to do and disciplines those under his authority to help them to do what they ought to be doing.

The truth we find in the Bible is that while God has called husbands and wives to serve one another, he has called them to serve one another in very different ways. The husband serves his wife as her head, while she serves him as his helper. He uses his headship to make her the most glorious wife she can be by God’s standards, and she helps him by bringing glory to him in all that she says and does.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #wingnut #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger amerika.org

Prior to modernity, unemployed people were considered useless. Feudal minor nobles would typically conscript them into levies and send them marching off to some conflict armed with their farm implements. There was no vital security interest necessary for the minor feudal nobles to send these people off. This was a eugenics program; the nobles wanted to offload any proportion of their population that couldn’t get something useful done.
But the political class in both of our major political parties caters to this mob. The cucked civnats tell us kids like Tiffany France’s son must not be left behind. The Leftists turn them into secular saints. Demotism is like that. The rulers feed them, fan them, and hope they stay content to just sit on the front stoop drinking their juice down in the hood.

Demotism is rule by those who fear what happens when this sullen, perpetually aggrieved mob stops being content drinking the juice. Then, the most evil, the cleverest, and the most debased get to use them for something. If there’s a pointless beef you need to have settled, then Tiffany France’s son is out there on the streets somewhere. It’s not like he’s working as a stock broker, and he’s got not much else going on for the next three years.

There are people in positions of power who find this misbegotten and already ruined young man useful to keep around on a subsistence level of pointless existence. They are a part of why our nation is going to Hell instead Mars or The Moon these days. The ninth century feudal dedge Lords were perhaps more morally decent than our Great Society when they rounded up all the people like Tiffany France’s son and sent them off on Crusades. Syria was a popular destination.

Ikiniks #elitist #fundie #god-complex #conspiracy tvtropes.org

The [sic] the later enlightenment up to the early 20th century made up such denser, more absurd, and more ignorant kinds of irrational myths and pseudosciences borne out of infantile anti-religious sentiments that make the cheese moon look entirely feasible and reasonable by comparison. The fields of historical research and social observation are still reeling from its setbacks.

Brett Stevens #racist #elitist #wingnut #conspiracy amerika.org

In a multicultural society, each group has a choice to be conquered or a conqueror. If they remain an ineffectual minority, their fate lies in the hands of other groups, who they trust to act in their own interest by oppressing that minority.

On the other hand, if they seize power and use it against other groups, they can achieve dominance and oppress the other groups, removing the threat of being conquered by them. Diversity brings international politics into a domestic race war.
These multiculturalists miss the point: each group wants to maintain its own standards, behaviors, values, aesthetics, and customs, so that it can win the racial cold war that diversity introduces.

They do not want “White” behaviors, since to adopt those is to accept being conquered. They want to assert their own, however arbitrary, in order to build up their own brand and project their own power, in order to win the conflict.

Consequently, we see a condition where there is no solution: whether “racist” or “anti-racist,” our diversity policies end up at the same place, which is a divided population warring against itself for ethnic dominance.
Diversity offers us no solutions except self-destruction or ending diversity. It does not work and cannot be made to work. It serves as an epitaph for empires, not a new beginning; our hopes for it are simply denial rebranding with a positive spin.

Edo Nyland Award

For excellence in linguistic crackpottery

Unveiling Them #fundie #crackpot #elitist #dunning-kruger unveilingthem.com

English the language of Jesus & the tribes of Israel.

According to official history* the English language came about in the 400’s - 500’s AD.
After the end of Roman rule in 410 AD.

The “lost tribes of Israel” eventually migrated to Britannia. At the time it was one of the farthest places removed from their origins when they settled and conquered. There they kept the name of the country Britain and assumed the British identity to hide their true origins. They maintained their native tongue – English.

The tribes maintained a presence in the countries they conquered on the way to Britain. The names of countries were unchanged. They assumed the identity of the people and learned the language of those countries – to cover their tracks.

They conquered and rule all the nations. The vast majority of the populations do not belong to them. They are 1% of the world population, 43 million.

* History is written by, for & about them

Brett Stevens #wingnut #transphobia #elitist #psycho amerika.org

Very few focus on how fascist nature is, and simultaneously, how forgiving. You can use any method that you want to achieve the goal, but you have to find some way to adapt to your environment and reproduce.
If you wonder why people seem pathologically opposed to anything real, natural, or intuitive, this is why: they reject the world. They want symbols of this rejection like diversity and transgenderism to replace reality, so that we can all be happy solipsists in narcissistic navel-gazing worlds of our own emotions.

Normal people — those still “clinging” to reality, history, and common sense — find the image of a bearded pregnant woman to be appalling, just like men with breasts and androgynous people. The Baphomet is gender-ambiguous for a reason.

This means that we have reached a tipping point: much of, if not most of, our species has gone insane. This means that they are not just irrelevant to us normally-adapted people, but toxic.

If people were thinking clearly, we would encourage transgenderism and support the surgery, so long as it sterilized the transgender person in question. Let us remove those genes from the population, since something went wrong.

In the same way, one wonders why we are not handing out free abortions. Encourage the insane to abort as many of their genetic offspring as possible. The children of insane and retarded people tend to be insane and retarded anyway.
It is time we admit that, unlike the problems humans have been pursuing, humanity has a quality control problem, both in our thinking and in the genetics of the people around us. Let nature fix this as she will.

Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #elitist #dunning-kruger michaeltsarion.com

In The Irish Origins of Civilization I expose the true origins and agendas of the world’s most powerful secret societies. I also expose the origins and agendas of the religions that secret society elites have given birth to. Essentially our work informs the reader of certain vital occult facts that are for the most part unknown to members of secret societies. For generations the true origins and agendas of the Masonic Order, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians and Illuminati have been carefully guarded secrets:
Naturally, the power-elites and their minions (who apparently believe the world to be their personal play-pen), have a great deal to lose should the underclasses learn about the psychic and social control that operates all around them, hidden in plain sight. However, the task of revealers is made considerably more difficult due to "consensus trance" and knee-jerk fear that inhibits a colonized mind. Servants of Truth know from experience how few friends are won when and if they endeavor to expose the dirty big secrets of religion’s upper echelon.

Nevertheless, a Servant of Truth is not permanently daunted by controversy or resistance. He is aware that one is much more likely to cut themselves with a blunt knife than a sharp one. He is aware that the cost of ignorance is ultimately far greater than the price paid for knowledge. He knows that freedom is never free and that silence is most definitely consent. He comes to realize that on the great board game of life, if he fatally chooses not to occupy the white squares of knowledge, he will be manipulated by those who will.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger amerika.org

You’ve probably seen at least some YouTube car chase clips from the old Mad Max Movies. Notice they don’t treat the vehicles they drive with the tender loving care that Big Rocky would treat his vintage, collectable Mustang Poonwagon. They’ve gone a month or so without a car wash and may not be changing the oil on a planned, regular basis. So why abuse the chrome, man?

The answer to this is because nobody really owned these cars anymore. This is because his world had effectively collapsed. Resource scarcity and advanced-stage Anarcho-Tyranny do unleash havoc upon the poor dimwit clerks at the County Title Office.

So Mad Max drove those junk jalopies he scavenged out in the desert like he stole them. If we foolishly assume his timeline still had orderly civilized governance, then he did steal them. Had he politely obeyed the one or two derelict speed limit signs that still remained, the bad guys would have caught him and doused his ride with Molotov Cocktails.
Whatever we still have in place of the once-functional Amerikan Republic will be driven the way Mad Max drove that random, still-functional derelict car he found out in the Post-Civilization Outback wastes. The people ensconced behind the barbed wire at Firebase Capitol Hill feel the same level of legitimate title to what they’ve stolen that Max felt to the vehicles.

Maybe the good guys win, maybe they lose. The car that got them through the grand finale chase scene is just like “Rosebud” in Citizen Kane. It’s a Mulligan. It has no intrinsic value to the actors in a given timeline beyond abstract symbolism. Once it no longer has a role as a useable symbol, it gets chucked as a derelict.

Fed Up #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Adam Smith Business School Postpone Seminar by “Eugenicist”

The talk that was scheduled to be to be delivered was titled: “For Whom the Bell Curve Tolls: A lineage of 400,000 individuals 1750-2020 shows genetics determines most social outcomes”. In his book, he argues that socio-economic status is genetically inherited through the “genetic transmission of … some mysterious mix of drive and ability”. He also theorised that “200 years from now the descendants of enslaved African-Americans will still be underrepresented”.

Oh, my God! The very idea - of someone blaming the obvious (genetics) on why blacks are so predisposed to failure and crime.

So, genetics determine that whites are doomed to extinction in any territory that become multiracial? It’s genetics that eliminated white all throughout Africa, the Subcontinent, Asia, Oceaniana, Central America and the Caribbean?

What will eliminate Whites is the combination of interracial mixing and recessive genetics.

I'm SO confused. We are expected to believe "the Science" re: WuFlu but, we are supposed to ignore the science of biology.

Or any scientific research which provides a realistic explanation of why black Africans and their descendants are always the lowest racial group to be found on our planet.

Class is genetic. The raw, brutal truth of this fact is too much for little soft socialist brains to handle.

No doubt, the liberals and their black protegees will be running home to their mothers, and have themselves a good cry.

Robert Bruce #magick #elitist #quack #mammon becomealivinggod.com

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Tim Boyd #elitist #wingnut independent.co.uk

The mayor of a city in Texas reportedly wrote a Facebook post telling residents it was not the government's job to care for them during trying times, telling them "the strong will survive and the weak will parish [sic]" as an unprecedented winter storm leaves millions without power.


"Let me hurt some feelings while I have a minute!!" Mr Boyd said in his post. "No one owes you are [sic] your family anything; nor is it the local government's responsibility to support you during trying times like this! Sink or swim it's your choice! The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING!!"

He then complained that residents were looking for a "hand out" and told people they should have been personally prepared to deal with catastrophic circumstances like the massive winter storm that struck the region, leaving Texans in some areas without heat in single digit temperatures.

"I'm sick and tired of people looking for a damn handout! If you don't have electricity you step up and come up with a game plan to keep your family warm and safe. If you have no water you deal without and think outside of the box to survive and provide water for your family," he wrote.

Mr Boyd then accused people of being "lazy" because they are waiting for their power to come back on. He did not offer suggestions as to how individual people could restore Texas's failed power grid amid the devastating storm.

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