Are you standing at a crossroads in your life, and could use spiritual guidance from a real mystic?
Have you always wanted to astral project, but are having difficulty, and feel frustrated… or, do you want to see auras, but they refuse to appear, no matter how hard you try?
Are you, or someone you know, suffering from a terminal illness, and in desperate need of deep energy healing RIGHT NOW?
Are there negative astral entities hurting you and your family… and you need help banishing them from your personal space, so they stop tormenting you?
Because you’re about learn EXACTLY how you can “pick the brain” of the world’s most accomplished, living metaphysician, so you can fulfill your own spiritual education…
Now it’s not my intent to brag… but truthfully, over the last 40 years, I’ve been through a lot. I’ve risen my kundalini countless times, explored the Afterlife thoroughly, exorcised full blown demonic possessions, helped people overcome fatal illnesses with energy work, written several bestselling books, and run training seminars around the world.
From the moment I wake up in the morning, to the moment I go to sleep at night, I am devoted to assisting my fellow humans with their spiritual success. It brings me great joy.
This is why I’m happy to announce that for the first time ever, I am officially available to the general public for personal one-to-one consultations – something I’ve NEVER done before.
That’s right… if you really want my direct help, you can get it.
60-Minute Counseling - only $199
Perfect for in-depth discussion
The most popular type of consultation
30-Minute Counseling - only $99