Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #racist #psycho
Almost everyone out there has some plan that involves re-arranging the current system. However, if its basis is superstition, then the whole thing is rot. We need something new, perhaps not even a “system” at all.
The first step in any sensible goal involves re-orienting toward realism. No matter what you have to say in public, remember that human opinion is worthless, and you must focus on what you know to be real and true.
When you know what is real, you knpw what you can choose within it. Look to what you actually value because you spend your time on it without others demanding that you do so. You will find things like family, culture, spirit, and civilization.
This orients the mind toward what is both real and necessary.
I have written here extensively what such a reality would involve. Briefly:
Homesteads: we all have houses with small farms attached, and spend most of our time producing things there.
Aristocracy: instead of promoting our most popular as leaders, we promote the most competent and moral.
Caste: each person has a place on the IQ band, and a niche within that, where they can be important and respected.
Eugenics: perhaps “adult eugenics,” this means the promotion of the good and the removal of the bad.
Morality: instead of egalitarianism, we need a moral system that rewards good to the good, and bad to the bad.
Competition: instead of subsidizing the weak, we need a system where the strong rise.
Culture: we cannot trust bureaucracy or ideology, but instead need an organic culture for each ethnic group, which requires separation from all other ethnic, racial, and organized religious groups.