
These filthy peasants! They are revolting!

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #racist #psycho amerika.org

Almost everyone out there has some plan that involves re-arranging the current system. However, if its basis is superstition, then the whole thing is rot. We need something new, perhaps not even a “system” at all.

The first step in any sensible goal involves re-orienting toward realism. No matter what you have to say in public, remember that human opinion is worthless, and you must focus on what you know to be real and true.

When you know what is real, you knpw what you can choose within it. Look to what you actually value because you spend your time on it without others demanding that you do so. You will find things like family, culture, spirit, and civilization.
This orients the mind toward what is both real and necessary.

I have written here extensively what such a reality would involve. Briefly:

Homesteads: we all have houses with small farms attached, and spend most of our time producing things there.
Aristocracy: instead of promoting our most popular as leaders, we promote the most competent and moral.
Caste: each person has a place on the IQ band, and a niche within that, where they can be important and respected.
Eugenics: perhaps “adult eugenics,” this means the promotion of the good and the removal of the bad.
Morality: instead of egalitarianism, we need a moral system that rewards good to the good, and bad to the bad.
Competition: instead of subsidizing the weak, we need a system where the strong rise.
Culture: we cannot trust bureaucracy or ideology, but instead need an organic culture for each ethnic group, which requires separation from all other ethnic, racial, and organized religious groups.

chudur-budur #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy blackpill.club

[Lifefuel] How Fascist are you?


spoilerCorporatism: 100%
Strongman leader: 100%
Militarism: 100%
Dissident Suppression: 100%
Natural Hierarchy: slightly over 60%
Press and Speech Control: 90%
Rebirth myth: 100%
Denunciation of Enemies: 70%
Tough-Mindedness: 80%
Traditional Values: 100%

I got 90.5%.

[smug frogman]

You can take the test here and post your results.

The Rantings of a Madman #elitist #wingnut youtube.com

No mommy state yet "social safety net".... You realize this is the same thing right? It's like saying a car is different than a sedan... nah pretty much the same thing. You can split hairs all day, but it's basically the same thing just different specifics.

How about none of that thank you. I've had to work my entire adult life to not have to be a part of any of these programs because where I am from it's shameful to be reliant on these systems, and I know many who can't function without them. The fault most of the time I see it, is on two things. 1 the government takes too much from them making them have to get on these programs where they otherwise wouldn't have to. or 2 They have no budgeting skills and waste way more than they should. In the first case I pity them and call for the government to steal less from us all. In the second I am loud and adamant that I shouldn't have money stolen from me to fund them when they are at fault. Of the people I know on food stamps about 7 out of 10 of them fall into the second category, so the majority by far. I've tried to help a few and always been met with, you don't know what it is like..... I lived off of minimum wage had a home, had food, had a car, and had enough to live on, I also smoked a pack a day and had enough to smoke weed every single day. This was off of a $7.25 minimum wage. How? Why? It's called a budget and it is basic life skill oh SO MANY lack. They buy what they do not need then expect the tax payer to fund their needs when they have wasted money that could've gone to it, while the average working person gets enough money taken out in taxes each month to pay for everything they would eat in that month. I'm more than willing to have a talk about getting that 3 out of 10 the help they need, but those other 7 can go fuck themselves and starve in a ditch because they are leeches surviving off of my hard work and the generosity of big government who is basically buying their votes with my money.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #racist #wingnut #elitist amerika.org

Even amongst diversity, you will find a certain non-homogeneity. This runs athwart the Marxian Catechism of Post-Modern Leftism. Hence we discover a purificationist impulse, not entirely dissimilar to that which empowered The Spanish Inquisition, stirring amongst this Left-Sanctified Racial Diversity. In Amerika, amongst the African Diaspora of the Left-Sanctified Racial Diversity; we detect a growing stratification.

One particular element thereof, The Amerikan Descendents of Slaves (ADOS) has become increasingly politically strident in a manner reminiscent of Reverend Jesse Jackson.
Imagine the dissonance among the Leftists when someone comes here wearing thread-bare clothes, is somewhat overjoyed not to be sent back to Africa with not much more than an inner tube and a 5th of Gin; and then massively outperforms a dough-bodied product of either suburbia or the EBT system. The fear and jealousy are the only natural responses. The ADOS attacks the real, Strong Black Man with the virulence of a pissed-off immune system.

When a Black African comes to the USA with nothing, plays by what ADOS types swear are rigged White Man Rules and soon afterward rolls down the street with baller swag, it triggers a questioning that nobody over at the $PLC wants to see take place.

Thus ADOS is a backwards perversion of a neo-reactionary movement. Unlike an NRX that recoils against societal deterioration and the threat of death by demotism, ADOS protects that demotism as an established, yet metastable equilibrium under threat. The threat comes from hard-working Blacks who are on the way up and want Freedom of Initiative rather than “Fweedom” of being someone’s pet diversity.

Shaun Bailey #wingnut #elitist theguardian.com

Tory London mayoral candidate: homeless can save for house deposit

The Conservative candidate for London mayor has sparked controversy after suggesting that homeless people in the capital would be able to save up for a £5,000 deposit to buy a share in a newly-built affordable home.

Shaun Bailey has promised to deliver 100,000 affordable homes with his £4bn housing budget if he wins the election in April, many of them shared ownership, of which buyers would be able to purchase a share for as little as £100,000.

Asked how these families would produce a £5,000 deposit and secure a mortgage, he said: “I don’t think the £5,000 will [be a problem]. The mortgage application thing might be a bit tougher … they could save for it, yeah.”

Pressed by the interviewer on whether he was suggesting a homeless family in bed and breakfast accommodation could afford a deposit, Bailey replied: “Not all of them, but some people could. A full proportion of people could.”

Bailey’s comments attracted widespread bewilderment on Twitter. The Liberal Democrat councillor and candidate for London mayor, Luisa Porritt said: “Oh dear, the Tory candidate is at it again. This time he’s suggesting homeless families ‘save up’ for a deposit. Just how out of touch can he get?”

Lambeth Labour councillor Ed Davie tweeted: “Famously, people living in poverty usually have at least £5,000 lying around – it’s amazing that it hasn’t occurred to them to simply buy a London property, which are well known for being really cheap. Thank God senior Tories are here to give out this good advice.”

fschmidt #sexist #elitist coalpha.org

Women should not vote.


The reason that women shouldn't vote has nothing to do with intelligence. The reason is that men's instincts are designed for tribe formation and women's instincts aren't. The natural structure of tribes of both humans and chimpanzees is for the tribe to be run by males. Men have a sense of fairness that comes with this role. Women have no such sense of fairness. Men naturally develop a loyalty to the tribe and will act in the tribe's best interest. The loyalty of women is always primarily based on family, particularly her children. When women are given the vote, they will always support these things; a strong central government to support them, the right to sexually provoke men without consequences, and the right to cheat on their husbands. These are women's primary political concerns. In a democracy that includes women, immoral men and almost all women will vote for these things and ruin society.


For equality, one can have separate governments for men and women. Under this system, men would elect a men's government to govern men and women would elect a women's government to govern women. This would prevent women from using the government to oppress men. What would be the result of such a system? The answer is that women wouldn't bother voting in such a system. If you look at all the political actions of women, they are all about controlling men. Women have no interest in controlling or regulating women. Women want a strong government to force men to hire women, to protect women from men, and to tax men to support women. Women want divorce laws to force men to pay alimony and child support to women. And women want to be free to sexually provoke men while having the government prevent any response from men which women call "sexual harassment". There isn't one single thing that women want from government that involves restricting women in any way.

Yukon Jack #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist web.archive.org

Not too long ago I made the observation that all hope was about to be lost. I even wrote an essay just to make sure it was a marker in time, on how things are evolving. Slowly but surely the information is that we have been betrayed by all of D.C., and it is only a matter of time before the Trumptards have to face reality that Donald Trump destroyed the nation, he didn’t Make Amerika Great Again, or even maintain Amerika at par, he nuked it while playing hero.
In no way am I trying to rub salt in the wounds of the patriot crowd, but they are wrong to follow any leader who is a lover of Israel and the Bible. Yes Virginia, even a preacher loyal to the Bible God is not loyal to humanity, as the Bible God of Israel hates humanity and is using Jews to destroy us. This is very clear in the Old Testament text where God commands the Israelites to go over the hill and kill every living thing.

The BIG problem with the patriots is they are psychically castrated by the Bible and the ADL, they are unable to name the REAL ENEMY THE JEWS. For some strange reason people have a BIG problem identifying the enemy when the Jew is right in your face screwing you, like the little shit Chucky Schumer or Pence who is a Jew loyalist. So if you can’t figure out who is screwing you then what are your chances of solving the problems we face or even survive?

Pootytang #wingnut #elitist patriots.win

I’m so sick of people saying “this is terrible for our democracy”, I don’t give a fuck about Democracy, I care about God given individual rights that are supposed to be protected by the Constitution. Democracy is fucking mob rule that leads to Socialism.

Kurt Gersen #racist #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy amerika.org

By inverting White culture, the Left seeks to entrap the resurgent Right.

True Right, which is a synonym for traditionalism, consists of hierarchy, structure, order, heroism and overcoming one’s self in a true Nietzschean manner. It is antipodal to all things egalitarian, where “Utopia” is achieved by leveling all culture to the ground, obtaining equality through heat death.

When the Leftist neoliberal globalist media casts Blacks in culturally and historically White storylines about culturally and historically White characters, its aim is threefold:

- Erase white (pre-Christian, but also — and mainly — Christian) history and culture.
- Ingrain the egalitarian agenda into the soft brains of the millenials who do not know better.
-Kill the resurgent Right by drawing it into the Left’s semantic black hole.
There is no way in halting the Left’s continued takeover and warping of Western culture except through creating an alt-tech and an alt-culture completely divorced from Leftist, neoliberal, globalist-owned and controlled platforms. Stop being on the receiving end. Create a new culture because the old one has been stolen and subverted by the Left. Fight their idea (resentment-borne deconstructivism) with another idea.

Fly above them. It’s the only way. Let the people choose where they want to be and where they want to stay by offering them a legitimate alternative. Watch hordes of people desert the currently rotten and putrid social media sphere ruled by vindictive “fact-checkers” and SJW grand inquisitors, to where a new sun and a new Earth will be.

Otto Bismark #elitist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Destruction of the Aristocracies"]

One thing that has been of keen interest to me as of late has been analyzing the differences between societies of the past and our dreary present, so as to not only trace their decline but understand the factors, when combined with others, that played into it. The subject that has been on my radar, specifically, is of the high society of the Old South and the important role that period played in ensuring stability and growth.
Historically, and in the South, when we discuss the Antebellum society, we associate the high class with those responsible for steering a great deal of societal culture. And, this was typically the planter or “plantation class.” The men of this aristocratic class (which can be interchangeably used to describe the planter or high class) were the South’s statesmen, her generals, and Dixie’s political philosophers, generally speaking.
The planter class never recovered from the War, and agrarian republicanism languished without its stewards.
Tracing the transition of the high society classes, which once ruled over various regions within the United States, but also the United States as a whole, we can see how gradually these high class societies were targeted for destruction by progressives (see communists). An aristocracy is hierarchal in nature; as such, it is antithetical to egalitarianism.
This was done through a number of schemes that benefited leftists – ranging from breaking up the aristocrats’ power and control, but also their wealth. In addition, progressives infiltrated Ivy League schools, traditionally attended by the children of the old order, for the purpose to manipulate, indoctrinate, and, subsequently, brainwash them to act not only against their own interests, but against their very country and people.

Sharif Sourour #elitist #wingnut #pratt twitter.com

Give $600 to a poor person & it's gone in a week.

Give $600 to a rich person & it's multiplied 10X in a few years or less.

When someone points out that poor people need to buy food and pay rent…

Exactly. Because investing in liabilities instead of assets is how poor people use their money and therefore lose it.

I mean even if the rich person was stripped of all his riches and put in the position of the poor, with the rich person’s mentality he or she could figure out how to be rich again from that situation.

Daniel Greenfield #wingnut #elitist danielgreenfield.org

When we celebrate Thanksgiving, after being thankful for family and friends, for health and comfort, for food and shelter; we shouldn’t forget to be thankful for the left.

There is no light without darkness and without evil, the good often fails to find their own voice. It is in the presence of slavery that we remember the worth of freedom. Men and nations are forged in war; not only the war of shell and shot, but the war of ideas. War teaches us to fight for what we have. Wars of ideas teach us to stand up for what we believe.

It is because conservatives are basically hopeful and confident that we are also prone to extremes of despair. Too many us were shocked at the decline of our society because of our great confidence in it. The faith that conservatives have in America makes them vulnerable to being crushed by the latest victory of the left.

I have seen far too much despair and defeatism, too many comments that suggest there is no hope for America and the only thing left to do is pour a glass of wine and watch the sun go down.
Their evil teaches us to find the good within ourselves. Their strength teaches us to find our own strength. And their plots against what we have teach us how many treasures we have, not least of these being the full value of our freedom and our happiness that they wish to take from us.

Their war on America is teaching us to be better Americans. It may not feel that way right now, but we are privileged to have this opportunity and this fight.

We should be thankful for the left, its assaults on us are teaching us how to fight and its plots against our freedom are teaching us how to be free.

Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #elitist #mammon amazon.com

Marxist-spouting professors. Tolerant Westside liberals refusing to be tolerant. Angry protesters beating motorists and appropriating their cars in the name of "justice." Is this hell? No, it's Los Angeles.

On the most divisive day of the year, in the most racially-charged city in America, recently red-pilled movie producer John Duke is about to learn what political correctness really means: marching with the herd or losing everything, including his family.

"A New America" takes place on Election Day 2016 in the city of Los Angeles. It follows a dozen or so characters from morning until night. It's contemporary fiction, similar in structure to the movie "Crash", only told from the perspective of the alt-right. In other words, a contemporary novel about the way things really are, not the slick Hollywood pablum that's constantly shoved in our faces.

If you love God, if you love America, if you're a patriot, then you're part of the alt-right movement, whether you know it or not.

Jim Lacey #elitist nationalreview.com

I have no idea whether Charles Dickens, if he were alive today, would have joined the Occupy Wall Street movement. Given the revulsion he expressed when America’s riff-raff had the temerity to become overly familiar on his two visits to this country, one may doubt his commitment to overthrowing society’s class structure. Despite this, he may still be considered among the movement’s intellectual forerunners. For it was he, in the person of his literary creation Ebenezer Scrooge, who gave the world a character who embodied all of the evil traits the Occupiers attribute to today’s 1 percent. In fact, Scrooge might, in many ways, be considered the literary patron saint of the Occupy movement. Who among them does not dream of a time when today’s 1 percent will find the same inspiration Scrooge did, and give away their riches to “more deserving” folk? Oh wait. The occupiers don’t want the rich to give their money away to the charities of their choice. They want the government to take the wealth of the rich and give it away according to the Occupiers’ desirers.

Either way, such actions are not really going to do much to improve the human condition. I contend that Scrooge, before he became “enlightened,” was already doing more to help his fellow man than any of the other main characters we meet in A Christmas Carol. Moreover, by giving away a substantial portion of his accumulated fortune, he drastically reduced his ability to do even more good in the world.

Scrooge was a “man of business” and evidently a shrewd and successful one. Although Dickens fails to tell us exactly what line of business Scrooge is in, a typical 19th-century “man of business” could be expected to involve himself in many endeavors — what investment advisers today refer to as diversifying one’s risk. One can infer from A Christmas Carol that Scrooge was a financier, who lent money to both businesses and individuals. He also spent long hours at the Exchange, probably speculating on commodities, buying and selling government debt, and purchasing and selling shares in various joint stock companies.

Mike Stone #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy #racist henrymakow.com

Listen. Listen very carefully. Do you hear it? That moanful cry in the distance? That far off wail of anguish?

Brace yourself, because it's coming, oh yes, it's coming.

Trump is going to win the election and you are going to witness an emotional meltdown from the left. It will be the most intense, the most outlandish, the most mind-bogglingly insane display of raw emotion and street theater you've ever seen in your life. It won't be the Great Reset. It will be the Great Recount.

The evil queen bees of Black Lives Matter and their beta male followers will kick things off, faithfully following orders to riot, loot, and burn. They'll be joined by the ugly skanks and eunuchs of Antifa. Televisions will be taken, cosmetics will be confiscated, liquor will be liquidated, but not a single pair of work boots will be stolen.

Colleges across the country will be forced to set up emergency safe spaces, stocked with teddy bears, blankets, pacifiers, and hugs for their distraught students.

Keep the faith through it all. It's up to good people, such as yourself, to help those in need, to keep America great, and to combat the forces of darkness that surround us. Without you, President Trump can do very little. With you, he can move mountains.

Don't think this is the end of it. On the contrary, it's only the beginning. There remains much work to be done. But for a few days at least, enjoy the show. It's going to be quite a ride. Get your popcorn ready.

Jim Goad #dunning-kruger #elitist jimgoad.net

The first thing that popped into my mind when I read that a monster quake had rocked Port-au-Prince was, “How the fuck will they be able to tell the difference?” I mean, it’s Haiti, for fuck’s sake. They eat fly poop for all three meals and drink AIDS-tainted blood for an evening snack. What we call trash dumps, they call houses. The media response has been typically hypocritical and vomit-inducing. Amid the outpouring of vigils and prayers and drum circles and outreach projects and relief efforts and humanitarian work and charity organizations and healing and cooperation and the inevitable flood of dirt-stupid, America-hostile refugees to our shores, I don’t see many people willing to actually move there.

Mike Stone #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

You're a patriot, a proud American, and a kind and thoughtful person. You strive to always do the right thing and treat others the way you wish to be treated.

So how do you deal with such outright evil, such blatant criminality as the stolen election we are now witnessing? On a personal level, how do you deal with everyone in your life that supports this criminality?

How do you deal with your friends, family members, and neighbors who voted for Joe Biden who don't give a hoot about the obvious voter fraud currently taking place?

I come home tonight and hear televisions blaring from my neighbors. They're watching Joe Biden's "acceptance speech."

To them, it's a proud moment. To them, it's a wondrous thing.

So what do I do?

If you met my neighbors you'd think they were the nicest people in the world. The Hispanic couple next door is as helpful and friendly as anyone you'd ever meet. I would do anything for them and I'm sure they would do anything for me. Yet they're celebrating this stolen election like it's the greatest thing ever.

My neighbors obviously have no idea of the fraud that's taking place. They have no knowledge or conception of Communism. They have no idea how bad things are going to get if Biden actually takes control of the White House.

I have friends and family members who believe what they see on the idiot box and never question authority.

Any attempt to educate them falls on deaf ears.

I have no easy answers. I can tell you that I have no patience for the fools and cowards who believe it makes no difference who wins the election and who are too timid to fight. Nor for those who are fully aware of the criminality taking place and support it.

Various Commenters #elitist #racist amren.com

RE: School District Decides Asians Aren’t Students of Color

If Orientals want to be included with students of color they will need to start failing their courses, sassing their teachers, skipping school, getting in trouble with the police, and having illegitimate children.

(Francis Galton)

What the equity report really highlights is the absurdities that result from overreliance on semi-arbitrary race-based categories. Students of poverty perform 28 percent worse on math tests, for instance. That socioeconomic category captures something real and meaningful in a way that the gerrymandered race category does not.

Yes, they both capture IQ disparities.

(Rich at Large)
The definition is "success = white". Asians who succeed thus become "white". If Hispanics ever reached the same level (highly doubtful) they would become "white" as well. Whereas blacks cannot succeed and are in no danger of being confused with "white". Also the definition of "equity" is "forced equality of outcomes for blacks to get what whites got through intelligence and work".

(Fed Up)
Why wouldn't they lump them in with Whites. Haven't Latino criminals been called White for the last 50 years. In order to distract White people's attention from the tsunami of illegal immigration and the many criminals we suddenly inherited.

(Robert Kelly)
This is a scheme to deflect from the fact that you have minority group that does well, even though they live under a supposed white supremacist society. Just like how the white supremacist criminal justice system incarcerates more whites than asians. Perhaps, the criminal justice system is Asian Supremacist and racist against whites???

ReturnOfSaddam #elitist incels.is

RE: [Soy] "Teen girls are innocent. Teen boys are evil"

Chav girl bullying boy

I live right by the kind of trash who participate in these actions.

Chavs seem like the most trashy, subhuman whites ever to me, at least from what I've seen on the internet. Literally worse than the trashiest of slavs

Oh god they are for sure. Human trash.

Foreign people don't understand just how deep the class division in the UK is, we are legit like the white equivalent of the currycels class system. It's not true that most working class people are chavs, a lot of middle/upper class people are absolute scum and a lot of working class people are really cool. It is truth though that you can literally instantly tell if someone's from a different class from you, everything from the words they use, their accent, and on and on is different.

Derrick Broze/Samuel E. Kronkin III #wingnut #elitist #mammon #crackpot theconsciousresistance.com

In the late 1970’s, anarchist, activist, and writer Samuel E. Konkin III (SEKIII) released The New Libertarian Manifesto, presenting his case for a new strain of libertarianism that he called “New Libertarianism”. The philosophy behind the New Libertarian Movement was agorism, named after the “agora”, the Greek word for marketplace. “An agorist is one who acts consistently for freedom and in freedom,” SEKIII wrote.

Essentially, agorism is a radical libertarian philosophy that seeks to create a society free of coercion and force by using black and gray markets in the underground or “illegal” economy to siphon power away from the state. Konkin termed this strategy “counter-economics”, which he considered to be all peaceful economic activity that takes place outside the purview and control of the state. This includes competing currencies, community gardening schemes, tax resistance and operating a business without licenses. Agorism also extends to the creation of alternative education programs, free schools or skill shares, and independent media ventures that counter the establishment narratives.
From here, Konkin suggests that agorists may want to start condensing into districts, ghettos, islands, or space colonies. We are, in fact, beginning to see the creation of Agorist minded communities, seasteaders, eco-villages, co-ops, and underground spaces which emphasize counter-economic activity and the creation of counter-institutions to the state. Konkin believed these agorist communities might be able to count on the sympathy of mainstream society to prevent an attack from the state. This is the moment where the question of community protection and defense comes into play.

Basil Zempilas #elitist dailymail.co.uk

Newly-elected Perth mayor Basil Zempilas has spoken out about his radical plan for a 'safer, cleaner, friendlier city' ahead of his swearing-in on Monday.

The high-profile Weekend Sunrise sports presenter and former Channel Seven host was voted in as Lord Mayor of the city on Saturday night.

The father-of-three sparked outrage early in his campaign when he said he'd 'forcibly remove' homeless people from the CBD, calling them a 'blight' on the city.


He first made mention of his strong views of the homeless issue in Perth's CBD in a opinion column he wrote in August.

'I make no apologies for this, the homeless need to be moved out of the Hay and Murray Street malls and the surrounding areas,' he wrote.

'Forcibly, if that's what it takes. I'm sick of being told by people who don't live and work in the city like I do that it's not that bad — actually, it's worse.

'The look, the smell, the language, the fights — it's disgusting. A blight on our city.'

VeganForLifeNZ #moonbat #elitist #pratt twitter.com

“Vegans shouldn't be aggressive!"
Oh, fuck off, will ya? Nobody expects human rights activists to be “polite” in their advocacy, EXCEPT for the fucking oppressors.

It's always the people engaging in violent behavior who expect activists to be nice and smiley and polite and fucking “respectful”.

You wanna talk about respect? Start respecting the fundamental rights of other sentient beings. And just remember that I can swear all day long, but that still ain't nothing compared to the atrocities you're inflicting upon animals.

I fucking love this shit: the people funding literal slavery criticize me for not being "civil". What a fucking world we live in.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #wingnut #racist #homophobia #elitist amerika.org

Christianity did not rebuild Europe from The Dark Ages by handing out Skittles and grape juice during The Sacrament. Marraige counseling didn’t involve showing both partners how to put the condom on the banana.

Christianity succeeded as a hard-nosed religion for a terrible set of times. The witches got burned for a reason. Half of the reason why most European Historians failure in understanding of The Baroque Era is their failure to acknowledge that The Spanish Inquisition has some good, valid points. The Thirty Years War did to Rennaissance Europe what two world wars did to Modern Europe. They still need a rebuild – probably from both catastrophies.

You don’t casually rebuild a land overrun by “multi-culturalism” consisting of barbarian hordes that sack your cities, rape all your women, and turn your children into chattel. Cohesive societies ban butt-pirates, apostates, and freaks who don’t keep it on the down-low and cease and desist from cultural sabotage and choreographed personal drama. A failure to oust perverts gets you a leadership that tells you to vote for the father of a kid who screws his underage relatives and is stupid enough to actually keep a set of pictures. “Should I not have done this?” Hunter Biden ponders over another pipe full.

The Distributist #elitist twitter.com

When you actually scratch the surface of successful democracies you find
1. endless status quo
2. mono-cultural consensus
3. strong leader w mandate
Otherwise "Democracy" becomes an endless "meeting" with rule by the loudest and most stubborn.

In reality people don't want Democracy in basic terms. They want better distributed property and competent leadership. They want a house, NOT a vote on the management of a million houses.

Many things only work well as non-democracies. Families, classrooms, ships, military commands. Remember Heaven is a monarchy, Hell is a Democracy. The left seems halfway to understanding this.

Pasco Cruz #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger fringeculture.home.blog

While the Christian in me still has me running around cautioning everyone to not fall for the deceptive “New Age” aspects of “Great Awakening”, that doesn’t mean I am not going to acknowledge the reality of what’s happening here and that JFK Jr. is very much alive. I’ve even gone as far as to speculate that he will be this long anticipated, highly charismatic Anti-Christ figure who will soon take the reigns as world leader. He fits the bill PERFECTLY. But I’m not going to lie about what’s going on. That boy is living…

The debunking efforts are PITIFUL & outright EMBARASSING if you ask me. The people attempting to debunk this, in one instance by using Gematria decodes, oidn’t even know what Gematria was(his “subs” told him to do it) and couldn’t even pronounce it right.
I realize that this may be new information to many out there. I’m not going to be an arrogant little prick and not post about just because it’s old news to me. Its still fascinating that they have been able to pull this off for as long as they have. The fact that Trump is hated so much by the press is why they have been alt to stay under the radar for so long. I can’t wait to see what the DemonRats establishment does when this finally comes out. That’s what I’m so anxious to see. The DemonRat leadership squirm.

Especially when they also realize that Jimmy Carter is JFK Sr. A conspiracy that I seem to be quite alone, yet still content with.

I’m also pretty sure that JFK Jr. is Juan O’Savin at this point

Biblical Gender Roles #conspiracy #elitist #psycho #racist #sexist biblicalgenderroles.com

When God created mankind, he ordained three core social classes and those were men, women and children. After sin entered the world, he allowed for a fourth social class of slaves (both male and female) because of poverty and war.

Humanists rejected these four social class structures and instead sought to bring about a new model of society that had only two social classes which we know today as “adults” and “children”. The abolitionist humanists first targeted the slave class for elimination. Then some female abolitionists broke off and organized the first womens rights conference in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York.

When they talked about “humanizing” people, they were talking about making women and slaves equal with free men. In other words, they were seeking to eliminate the social classes of men, women and slaves and replace those classes with one new social class, that of a “human” or “adult” while leaving the child class intact.

This is why today if any adult is seen has having less rights than another adult, it is said that the person with less rights is being “dehumanized”.

The ultimate goal of humanists of the late 19th century was to build an “internationalist” or what we call today “globalist” society. No men, no women, no slaves, no rich, no poor, no Christians, no Muslims, no Jews, no Americans, no Mexicans, no British.

Just humans.

And it is this march toward a one world society with no nations, no religions, no genders, no rich and no poor that humanists refer to as “progress”. And this is why leftists today refer to themselves as “progressives”.

Humanists knew that their master plan would take decades and perhaps more than a century to bring about. And they knew they had to do it in small incremental pieces. This is why if you notice in this ruling, the court still acknowledged that a wife had a duty to be in subjection to her husband. It would have been too much for American society to accept all at once that a husband could not use corporal punishment on his wife and that a wife did not have a duty to obey her husband.

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #racist #homophobia #elitist henrymakow.com

Do you feel odd, different or strange? Do you feel like a square peg in a round hole? Do you wonder if you even belong in current-day human society?

You know the whole coronavirus deal is a hoax, but everyone in your neighborhood is wearing a mask, looking like extras from a bondage movie.

You know Black Lives Matter is a violent, terrorist organization, but your employer just signed a statement of solidarity with them and they want you to attend "diversity training." They say it's "voluntary," but you know exactly what will happen if you don't go.

You know Hollywood is nothing more than a collection of homosexual leading men, washed up old hags, and shameless young whores on their way to becoming washed-up old hags, but you're forced to listen incessantly to your co-workers gush about their celebrity crushes.

Welcome to the world of the awake. Not the phony woke world of the Social Justice Warrior, perpetuated by Communist academia and the fake news media, but the real world. A world visible to you; a world you alone are able to decipher as if you were wearing X-ray glasses that no one else possessed. A world invisible to everyone else.
How do you deal with friends and family who just don't want to know the truth? Who are indifferent to the danger we all face? How do you navigate your way through a maze of utter stupidity and deceit?
Are you a man or a woman without a country? A stranger in a strange land? An interloper from another galaxy stranded on this mortal coil of idiocy?

Ximena Barreto #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist reactionarytimes.com

Thus, what is a law-abiding citizen to do in America today? I am already fearful of displaying a Trump lawn sign, wear a MAGA hat in public, and the like. If I do, I am asking for a triggered, likely white ANTIFA anarchist to attack me physically at worst, or verbally assault my family and I at best. I am far more scared of political violence in 2020 than I am of catching COVID.

To make things worse, it is incredibly unclear to what extent I have the right to defend myself. There are disturbing images of men sneaking up on an old man in Baltimore with a brick and knocking him unconscious, a Trump supporter publicly executed in the street, 'Mean Girls for Biden' inappropriately touching and stealing from a child, and on and on. A Biden supporter is extremely unlikely to be attacked unprovoked. Still, a White or Latina Trump supporter is, unfortunately, more likely to be attacked than ever (since maybe wearing a pro-Union hat in Richmond during the Civil War)

It is widely known that the police do not have an affirmative responsibility to protect us from crime. This is especially true today in Democratic cities, where police are being defunded, attacked, and are fearful of making one mistake that could cost them their career, pension, and or life. One's best hope is for the police to investigate your assault after-the-fact. How then can a citizen feel safe in our nation's largest cities in 2020? Trump's re-election is quickly approaching, and ANTIFA is secretly hoping he wins so that they can use it as an excuse for wanton mayhem, murder, looting, and more.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #racist #elitist amerika.org

We know that our society cannot go on; whatever once was has been replaced, mainly because it endorsed the ideology of those who would replace it, and what exists now works for no one. Likely this is the last Columbus Day for America.

However, for now, we should celebrate the meaning of Columbus Day, which is to celebrate the urge to explore and discover new places, creating in them the same greatness that Western Civilization has created everywhere.
I reject the idea that just because someone is failing, the rest of us must check our rise. The Amerinds got replaced for a reason, namely that their keystone civilization (Cahokia) had failed centuries prior.

Columbus was not the first Westerner to come here; in the Amerinds remaining, we discovered some traces of Indo-European blood from ancient times. Our last venturers here were absorbed.

Likely, Europeans learned from their encounters with Muslim invaders during the Crusades and the Golden Horde during the Mongol Invasions, namely that if we encounter a foreign group, we must conquer it because it will try to do the same to us, no matter how “nice” we are.

Currently, diversity has conquered us, and we are trying to be “nice” and hoping for mercy. This will not work, and is unfortunate because it will boomerang into an equal and opposite reaction of brutality.

Those like myself who speak against diversity would avoid both of these reactions, and instead look toward the pragmatic, which is that diverse societies fail, but homogeneous ones have a chance to gain control of themselves, suppress human weakness, and rise.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #elitist blog.reaction.la

[From "The real election platform"]

The 2016 Republican Platform consisted of what little red meat still remained within the Overton Window […]
In 2020, could not have a platform, because everything is outside the ever narrowing Overton Window.

So they dog whistled their platform.

The republican party platform is unpublishable, because it is leftism with all the unprincipled exceptions that make normal life, a normal market economy, normal jobs, a normal home, and a normal family, just barely possible.
But if we restore those unprincipled exceptions, the only way to restore stability is to make them not unprincipled exceptions, but honor rightly due to nation, Gnon, family, and ancestors:

At the Republican convention, the Republicans kept uttering the name of Jesus Christ, something that Democrats have great difficulty doing respectfully. And I have found on my blog, the name of Jesus Christ is a good shill detector.
The unmentionable and unspeakable Republican platform is:
•The wall. An end to extraordinary legal, educational and welfare privilege for illegal immigrants.
•The country is gripped by a surge of crime and lawlessness as a result of the Black Lives Matter movement and its criticism of police. Police misconduct, such as that in the George Floyd case, should be punished. But the priority now should be to stop crime by empowering police.
•Voting is a privilege. States should have wide latitude to regulate that privilege in such a way as to minimize voting fraud, which is rife among Black Americans and new immigrant communities. The federal government needs to prevent Democrats from abusing the U.S. Postal Service to enable fraud by their voters.
•Anti-Black racism has ceased to be an important problem in American life, if it ever was a problem. At this point, the people most likely to be targets of adverse discrimination are whites, Christians, and Asian university applicants.

Aloysius Fozdyke #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist henrymakow.com

Events in Australia and elsewhere else are going so well. Compliant Australians just can't get enough and there's so much more in store for them. With businesses closed, suicide rates rising (especially of the young, but not reported in the media), food shortages looming, electronic surveillance, increased domestic violence, falling birth rates, and deaths from not seeking medical help, Aussies really have it all. Indeed, there's a whole Lockdown generation economically crippled for life. Then there's the increasing debt.
Already the Communist Party of China refers to Australians as "the white trash of Asian", although why they restrict it to Asia is beyond me. At least they know the caliber of those they'll be ruling. Let me tell you and your readers something: the descendants of the Chinese who are yet to be born hate the guts of the white trash who are yet to be born. But Australians are really into multiculturalism and you can't get more multicultural than gifting the wealthiest (or second wealthiest) country in the world to a people with a completely different culture and language, half a world away.

The Chinese intend to turn Australia into how modern Australia began; as a big, open-air prison using facial recognition system cameras and a social credit system. Already, Australian governments are getting ready for the handover by installing Chinese manufactured facial recognition system cameras, electronic public transport cards, drones enforcing the Lockdown, mobile phone tracking, and increased police violence. Aussie white trash just can't get enough! It's the same worldwide.

roflcopt0rz_returns #sexist #elitist #fundie reddit.com

"WhY dO yOu gUyS aLwAyS pOsT aBoUt WoMen???!!!1!!"

You'll get a lot of wahmen and cucks who complain about us, how we apparently are not going our own way because we "complain" about women.

To which, I ask them this question; why do religious people constantly read their bible or testament or other religious scriptures, even though they've probably read the whole thing several times already?

Same reason why MGTOW posts about divorce rape, false accusations, marriage statistics, etc.

Same reason why people write down their goals that they supposedly should know and refer to their notes constantly (because, you know, it's their life goals).

Sometimes no matter how devout you are, your conviction wavers as life throws bullshit at you from every direction, and you need to remind yourself of the path you're on and why you believe it is right. A Christian will pull out his bible and read a random passage from the book to enforce his conviction. MGTOW's scriptures are real-life stories from men who were destroyed by the system for no reason, case studies, science, and statistics.

MGTOW is the path to happiness, enlightenment, and the truth. However your sex drive is your biggest enemy as it draws you to women and off the path of MGTOW. Reading about divorce rapes, gynocentrism, watching MGTOW videos, and so on, are the equivalent to Christians reading their bible everyday.

Samgeaux #wingnut #elitist foxnews.com

We will all need [...] to escape the suburbs if Biden gets elected. The biggest issue in this election: Biden and the Dems' platform (page 78) proposes spending $78 billion annually (and $780 billion over 10 years) in taxpayer money to move SECTION 8 HOUSING to every suburb in America in all 50 states. This will destroy the suburbs. If Biden wins and this is enacted, that 300k house will be 150k overnight and that 400k house will be 200k overnight - and dropping. And people will have to stay because they owe more on their houses than they are worth. As a strategy, they are moving inner city Portland to our suburbs. Crime will be off the charts - and our kids won't be able to shoot hoops in the driveway for fear of being shot in a drive-by. With Biden's no police and no guns directive, only the criminals will have guns, and we will be sitting ducks in our own homes. The home invaders will be like ants. This is the biggest threat to American society in our country's history. This plan will take our wealth (our biggest asset) and our security in one fell swoop. This will be the biggest hit the middle class has ever taken. If Biden and the Dems destroy the suburbs, they destroy America.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist familyfriendlygaming.com

The Game Awards has been a face palm embarrassment since it was created. The Game Awards continues to be out of touch yet again. The macabre and morbid video games dominate in their twisted hater view point. The arrogant snobbery of The Game Awards continues in a way that disgusts families to this day.

There are all kinds of great family friendly video games that deserved recognition and The Game Awards ignores them. No wonder so many families have no clue The Game Awards even exists. The ones that do have a negative viewpoint of yet another radical far leftist awards show. A horror game that offends a great many families won family game of the year. How is Luigi’s Mansion 3 more family friendly than Super Mario Maker 2? Why are the only family friendly titles all from Nintendo? Talk about laziness. Why were games like Fun Fun Animal Park, Steven Universe Save The Light and OK KO Lets Play Heroes, The Fisherman Fishing Planet excluded? How is Super Smash Bros considered family friendly?

It baffles me that the people making these decisions have no clue what the definition of family friendly actually is. I guess in their minds it is Nintendo. Whether the Nintendo game is family friendly or not. I do not even waste my time with The Game Awards anymore because I expect them to be completely backwards and messed up. I shake my head at what an embarrassment The Game Awards is to the entire video game industry. They glorify the macabre and morbid video games in a way that disgusts a great many families. They throw a few crumbs to families and cannot even do that right. It is such a head shaking moment in disgust.

Based Frog #elitist #wingnut #racist #sexist rebelreformer.wordpress.com

Oppression of Most People is Actually Good

All the time, the communist party rants about how awful oppression is; and seemingly their delusional fear of oppression leads them to conjure up imaginary oppression in all areas of life. Time and time again, the normies espouse hysterical paranoia regarding oppression, as they hallucinate oppression to be an evil force ingrained in the remnants of the old-world society. Worst of all; they seem to believe that oppression is somehow ‘bad’ although they can never seem to explain why.
In actuality, natural oppression exists all around us and is fundamental to the structure of society. Don’t believe me? Well lets look at some examples of oppression. Arguably, children are oppressed by their parents. Parents set up rules for their children and teach them what’s good and bad. Parental discipline and rules are both good because none of it’s done out of a desire for totalitarian control; but rather because every child is inherently born as an uncultured barbarian who is in desperate need of basic correction.
How about oppression on the basis of race or gender? That’s also awesome. I’m personally opposed to any and all gender rights activism that has ever existed because it’s not possible for gendered oppression to exist, and then also I’m not necessarily a big fan of advocating for racial-rights either – especially not in modern times. As is mentioned by the communists; racism and sexism have theoretically resulted in oppression in many ways; all of which have always been perfectly wonderful.
In reality, it’s okay that inherent differences produce inequality: It’s okay that the West is white; It’s okay that women choose lower paying jobs; And it’s okay to oppose immigration. Then let’s remember that it’s oppression to not use a mentally disabled person’s ‘preferred pronouns.’ Lol. Honestly, anything that leftists claim is ‘racist’ or ‘sexist’ is actually just normal.

[And a picture of a Pepe Trump saying ‘no’ to a crying Pepe in a sombrero on the other side of a brick wall]

JosefMengelecel #elitist #conspiracy incels.is

[Serious] The application for joining this forum should be harder

Making the application to join here should include other questions other than just a brief summary of your inceldom. In r a p e y the application to join also includes other questions and makes you have to justify rape to join. Same way, the application for this forum should include questions like should foids have rights or other basic questions about the blackpill. Cucks who want to infiltrate this forum won’t be able to answer the questions properly and their applications will get rejected. Unfortunately people who want to join here just be edgy will still join but most infiltrators like journalists and cucks won’t join.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #wingnut #fundie #racist #elitist amerika.org

It’s not a pleasant thing when the monkey grabs the car keys. It gets less pleasant if said primate knows exactly where to insert the key and turn. The loud and predictable bang may well spell the end of your poor and loyal Family Truckster. This is easy to comprehend and probably worth an evil chuckle if it’s someone else’s Family Truckster. So what happens when the bug-ridden simian gets his grubby mitts on something like a religion or an ideology? Nothing particularly good.
The Millennial Heretic cons the audience by offering two things. They promise to painlessly forgive everyone’s sins and then punish “the real racists” or some other (((Goldstein))) instead. The painless forgiving of sins can either be religious or secular. The Christian version involves the baptism. This involves the death of the sinful version of me and then my subsequent rebirth as a saved and redeemed person.
The Post-Christian version of this 100% absolution is even less binding. You don’t even need to bring a new set of clothes and a towel over to the baptismal font. This is called virtue-signaling, and it’s as stupid as it is tempting. All I have to do to be saved is play Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live. “I’m nice enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it; people like me!” That, or “I’m not one of the racists, sexists, capitalists, etc…” Once you’ve claimed that, the pearly gates are supposed to open and Stoned Jesus smiles a vacant smile. Except for the small print under this contract.

Ocean12 #elitist #racist stormfront.org

I am white (dark hair, dark eyes) but would never consider going with a black man. Nor would I want that for my kids. It's just you see them in the news every night charged with crime after crime. Then there was one the other day who had 17 kids and he was only 26 and he got killed. That is gross. Maybe that is African "culture" but that is not for me. It's disgusting is what it is.

der einzelganger #crackpot #elitist #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Right on, SS, glad to see someone here understands – It is Nature’s way that the higher the species, the slower its development

There is no living creature more helpless, more immobile than a White infant. By way of contrast, a newborn colt can stand up within minutes of being born. On its second day of life it can outrun a man; on its third day it can run with its mother.

In our competitive world the White child pays a heavy price for its eventual superiority. By the age of eleven, it lags nearly two years behind the negro, and one year behind other dark children. Even Asians are slightly ahead. Because of Whites’ higher IQ, this ‘equivalent age gap’ is not so apparent in the classroom. But in all measures of physiology – size, strength, agility, speed, endurance, and yes, sexuality – it can be a crushing disadvantage.

By the age of early to mid-20s the difference has been made up, and the White young adult will continue to advance far longer. But by then many key milestones of early adulthood have already been passed, and can never be made up. The level of individual self-esteem is long established, athletic scholarships and accolades have all been handed out, and one’s potentiality for success with the opposite sex is already in play.

What of the poorly parented White girl? Girls always develop faster than boys, so without strong leadership it should come as no surprise when the fast-developing teen bimbo – trembling on the brink of womanhood and frustrated with her less mature male classmates who are into gaming, RC toys and even studying – falls prey to some cocky world-wise mongrel.

beautysimp #ableist #fundie #elitist beautysimp.tumblr.com

I’m assuming you mean what would happen if this occurred during segregation? Well, again, I don’t have all the answers, but from my POV it depends on how noticeable it is in the child from an early age. Maybe an age limit on when a child can be considered able to “grow out of it”? When they get to that age if they don’t look good still, they’re forced into segregation. If it’s possible to tell from when they’re really young, like especially if they have obvious traits or have something “wrong” physically...well actually I’m not going to go into my full opinions on this just to save myself the agro of the backlash (plus it might be a step too far for Tumblr to take and get me deleted). Sorry.

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist #magick #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

I’m slowly rebirthing from the ashes, stronger than ever. The various groups are finally starting to learn to take their distance — because they’re completely disintegrating from the 80th Dimension. I’m expecting a few more waves of attacks but they’ll run out of fuel pretty soon.

Meanwhile, I’m sensing 75 people who stepped up to take my previous roles, and many more in the year to come. I asked myself: what do these people need now? What would help them step up to the roles needed of them?

Inspiration then came a few days ago: removing the influence of social engineering. Social engineering is everywhere around you, in your daily life, and takes 90% of Lightworkers right out of the game of ascension.

So, I’m going to produce a new program called: Disarm Social Engineering. Already, I’ve been seeing a lot of interest from clients on Facebook.

I’m still in early design stage of designing the program, and you will get more details about it soon. I want to keep it at a low $97 price point, with a video program that is easy to follow and digest. 7 modules of 3 videos each.

Black-Yellow Alliance (SGA) #crackpot #wingnut #elitist sga.monarchisten.org

The form of government of the monarchy.

This continuity, this consistency in the most important point, which first welds a community together, common identity, a feeling of togetherness and national symbols, as well as connecting traditions make these monarchical states so extremely successful. The monarchy guaranteed and guaranteed the permanent existence of those states. In the history of Great Britain, Sweden, Holland or Belgium there was no "zero hour", no "point of no return", no fateful break and turning point that washed away the monarchy overnight and with it the land of total irresponsibility and the beast of nationalism would have left. In those countries, in the hour of need, people remembered the strongest symbol of the fatherland: the monarch.
This unbroken, permanent, crisis-proof "state" of a nation is partly responsible for its economic and social success. A "condition" that seems all the more important for the multilingual Danube region. On the other hand, the 20th century has proven beyond measure that the republics are quickly drowned in wars, fascism or communism or that they themselves do so.

Today's republics, in turn, are drowning in corruption, mismanagement, exploitation, intolerance, rampant commerce and increasing moral neglect. Things that are gradually nowhere near as advanced in monarchies as in republics. In the above international rankings, today's Austria is by no means bad. What increase would be possible if our country were a parliamentary monarchy!

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist amerika.org

After the downfall of Hitler, conservatives abandoned all of their organic principles and focused on the idea of making people obey an ideology of conservatism, which makes no sense since as a realist philosophy, conservatism is the opposite of an ideology, or a symbolic dogma.

They were so eager to prove themselves “not Hitler” that they turned themselves into Leftists. In fact, almost all criticism of conservatives boils down to the idea that they are not distinct enough from the Left, forming a uni-party or deep state that simply perpetuates the Leftist bureaucracy.

In contrast, the Left constantly advances because it is a cult which has a messianic Utopian core, the Big Lie of equality, which both explains all failings of its members as a lack of equality, and makes them believe that with equality, a new age of humanBasically, this is the same pap that they have been preaching since the pompously-named “Enlightenment”: reality is not what it obvious is, instead, we can live in this symbolic, emotional, and social state of mind where everyone is important!

Conservatives lost to this for two reasons:

1. They were not dramatic enough. Democracy is about manipulating huge groups of stupid, selfish, and ignorant people. They react to emotions and symbols, not facts and logic.
2. They were not desperate enough. Leftists are self-destructive and do not care if they get shot, so are willing to roll the dice and risk riots, revolutions, and crimes.

How do you counter a fanatical audience that, like the Mongols, attacks with abandon, sacrifices its members willingly, and always retreats instead of confronting a superior force? enlightenment will dawn.

ShySaxon #elitist #ableist #conspiracy #racist incels.is

[Blackpill] Only the Elite should breed

The Elite want the world for themselves. They want the population down to about 500 million at the highest, so I say let them have it. Being born with disadvantages means you’re destined for misery.

Working class people shouldn’t breed because you’re just creating more wage slaves and capitalist serfs to toil for Mr Noseberg and his corporation. You’ll make a fraction of what he makes. Being working class also means you’re poor and at the bottom rung of the socio-economic hierarchy. You’re one of the “commoners”. The masses. You’re just another number. A non person. Being poor = death. You’ll have limited monetary options in life and your life is expendable.
You will especially suffer in the dating market where the modern woman doesn’t want an average Joe.

Ugly and short men shouldn’t breed either as they’re at a genetic disadvantage compared to their peers. No woman wants to date or have sex with an unattractive man (somebody they don’t find attractive). Personality is giga cope, a woman doesn’t date based on personality.

I’m working class and ugly so it’s double over for me.

TL;DR: Give up if you’re working class, poor and/or ugly.

The Monarchists Black-Yellow Alliance (SGA) #wingnut #elitist #crackpot #racist sga.monarchisten.org

Basics of the SGA program
Non-denominational - Pro-European - Monarchist-

Our foundation is the European tradition, which includes the values ​​of Christianity and the Enlightenment.

As responsible citizens from the middle of society, we are unconditionally committed to democracy, the rule of law and the separation of powers. Although we want to change the form of government, we are true to the letter on the basis of the current constitution of Austria and confess that we only strive for a change in the form of government via the path prescribed by the legislature and thus in a democratic way.
With the reintroduction of the monarchy, the currently applicable Nobility Repeal Act is to be amended so that people whose ancestors were entitled to use a title of nobility until 1918 because of their achievements for the good of the country regain this right for themselves and their descendants. However, this is only on the condition that the person in question has already actively campaigned for the restoration during the republican interregnum or at least has openly demonstrably committed to it. In all other cases, the titles are considered to have expired.

All other rights and privileges, apart from the use of the predicate, have been abolished as they were under the dual monarchy. In addition, we see the nobility as particularly committed to working for the good of society.

We propose that the number of seats that would be allocated to the proportion of non-voters after an election should be filled by non-partisan persons chosen by the monarch from among deserving citizens. This would also represent the non-voters and white voters in parliament.

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