
Chance #fundie amazon.com

Science is tainted by theories, most aren't even true. Carbon dating has been proved unreliable, and even some scientists today can date back humanity to a single woman (Eve). Evolution in my eyes is (indeed a theory FYI) misinterpreted genetics. So a dude went for a while to an island and saw genetics in action. Too many flaws in Evolution yet schools teach it anyway. ALL OF YOU LEARN YOUR CHRISTIAN ABC'S BEFORE TRYING TO ARGUE!

The 'God Sucks' Award

StevePL #fundie amazon.com

And another interesting point is that our seeking of gods is one of the biggest things that differentiates us from all the other creatures. I mean, is any atheist/scientists saying that a being with our intelligence HAS to wonder if there is a god? I mean, chimps are pretty smart, and it never occurs to them to wonder if there is a god, or an afterlife. It's almost like God created us with a God-sized hole, a God vacuum of sorts.

Superman #fundie amazon.com

Atheism cheapens everything it touches-look at the results of communism, the most powerful form of atheism on earth. Atheism is cheap on people, because it snobbishly says nine out of ten people through history have been wrong about God and have had a lie at the core of their hearts.

Superman #fundie amazon.com

Atheism is perfectly legal in America today. The problem with most Atheist is they only want to harass the honorable people of faith. As you know they therefore are just activist seeking attention that they didn't receive through a good faith based family structure. So, as I stated earlier an Atheist is just a loon for all intense and purpose in the eyes of the other 91% who do believe in religion.

Joe #fundie amazon.com

In three sentences why I became an atheist:

1) I've always wanted to be just like Madelyn O'Hare

2) I've always thought Stalin was misunderstood

3) The thought of abortion makes me happy

The Beast of Revelation #fundie amazon.com

Lao Tzu, no human is born an "atheist" in any meaningful sense of the word. When a human is born, he has not yet heard of God, so he has not yet asked himself whether God exists or not.

Therefore, no one is born either believing that God does not exist, or believing that he can not know whether God exists or not, or even simply believing that he should not yet decide.

Yes, "atheism" can mean "without belief in a god". But then you could call a rat an atheist, because a rat has never heard of God either. Both a newborn baby and a rat have never heard of God. But it is ridiculous to refer to either as an "atheist".

However, it is correct to refer to an atheist as a "rat". A rat can not be an "atheist", but an atheist can be a "rat".

The Beast of Revelation #fundie #pratt #homophobia amazon.com

In reality, the proof of God's existence is so abundant and obvious as to be undeniable by any rational person. The world in which we live clearly would not exist except for an omnipotent God.

The only reason why atheists believe that God does not exist is that they want to believe that. Their belief is not based on evidence that God does not exist, nor is it based on a lack of evidence that He does exist; their belief has no basis. It has only motivation. The atheist has psychological motivations for believing that God does not exist.

All of the reasons that atheists claim to have for their atheism are really just rationalizations. They had a desire to believe that God does not exist; when they finally found arguments that could allow them to deceive themselves into believing that he does not exist, they did so. The people became atheists after engaging in self-deception.

All of their arguments are really self-delusion.

Atheism is very common among homosexual men; this single fact proves that psychology, not evidence, is the cause of atheism. One can not rationally argue that homosexual men have more evidence that God does not exist. Thus, atheism must be the result of psychological motivation.

Of course, in addition to homosexuality, paranoia and fear of authority result in atheism.

God's existence is manifest and evident. The proof of God's existence is far too plentiful to be denied by any normal person. Therefore, only an individual who has an abnormal psychology can possibly be an atheist.

These are all established facts about psychology. No rational person ever disputes them.

Elias Vasquez #fundie amazon.com

2 billion deaths as a result of false beliefs in the history of the world before Jesus

2 and 1/2 million in 2000 years. on comparison to the rest of our recorded history.

Does that sound like a failure or ONE HELL OF A SUCCESS.

And he still promises more to come.

Most people like to take a view that supports their own interpretation without looking at the big picture.

Look at the big picture. Look at the world without Jesus and the number of Dead bodies. Then Look at the world with Jesus and count again. Belief in Jesus has been the biggest deterrent to religious killings in world history.

Alethea #fundie amazon.com

You do not prove that Christian Identity is a legit religion, like Islam. Because, it isn't. And neither should be Islam.

They break the law, by their basic tenet of denying others' free exercise of religion. Constitutional law, no less.

S. Kessler: "Islam is as much a Constitutionally protected religion as is Christianity and Judaism."

Islam is illegal here. Christianity and Judaism are not. Islam has been granted protection under the Constitution --- ILLEGALLY.

Mike A. Robinson #fundie amazon.com

[Note from the Mods: We are aware the original material has been removed at the source location. However, this quote was personally verified by us when it was still in PubAd, and at that time it had not been removed. Because of this, the quote stays. Please stop PMing the mods about it.]

Mathematics Requires Morality

The use of mathematics demands morality. Disclaim God and His moral law and there is no obligation to affirm that two plus two equal four, and that "A" cannot be "A" and "non-A" at the same time, in the same way. "Must" I affirm mathematical or logical truth? If so, I must provide objective unchanging moral grounds for the obligation, and that requires an unchanging God. For two plus three not to be four, anywhere at any time, requires a universal truth: which presupposes an all-knowing God (who supplies the moral law). God's law commands all men to tell the truth and forbids lying. This is the reason we "ought" to affirm two plus three equal five.

Presupposing God as the solution to all questions and the standard for truth does not mean that we must construct a theological postulate just to perform mundane tasks. Yet every simple task and every piece of routine communication presupposes the triune God because we use logic and morality in all those endeavors. God is the precondition for all logic and morality. If we presuppose anything other than God as our starting point, we end up with absurd and contradictory affirmations. The tri-unity of God--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit--is inescapable if we want to make sense out of our world. To reject the triune God is to end up asserting your own philosophical demise. Deny God and you commit logical suicide.

Daniel J. Knight #fundie amazon.com

The author strangely, chooses to ignore the accuracy of the Bible and favors the secular record. It's nonsensical because the Bible repeatedly shows its accuracy in all manner of ways. Why would then, a person show favor to a limited secular record? Regardless, the author whether she likes it or not, shows how accurate the Bible is, because although she fudges against the Bible taking away or adding a few years here and there, it is only a few years. Now compare how consistant secular scientists' dates for the age of the universe is using different dating methods, and it will differ by millions or billions of years. Clearly the Bible is more reliable then. It's sad that Christine refuses to see that.

Sam Wood "Sam" #fundie amazon.com

[In a review of Victor Stenger's book "God: The Failed Hypothesis"]

Victor Stenger is a physicisist and therefore does not have the values and common-sense way of talking that me and my friends have - this angers me.

What makes me even angrier is that Victor seems to think that just by knowing "stuff" he can show that the gospels are wrong and there is no God. He should be more humble and admit that me and my friends are 100% right that God exists and that science cannot explain mysteries such as thought or how birds fly. Only through the eyes of faith can we really understand that Stenger doesn't know what he's talking about, because by believing in Jesus we strengthen our beliefs that we have the answers and Stenger and secular humanists should stop dissing us - this is a Christian country and they are guests.

Also, do not think that the false guess of evolution is true, because Charles Darwin thought of that while on opium and never practiced good science like Jesus and the apostles did. If evolution were true, Jesus would have told us about it, since he didn't Darwin was wrong and animals have always existsed the way they do now (except dinosaurs- people photoshopped pictures of them and fooled everyone and they never existed.)

reject stenger and all he surveys, for it is wicked.

FBRobertson "fbrobertson2 #fundie amazon.com

(From a review of "Kiss My Left Behind")

But because it is a mockery, because it throws insults toward Christians, then a book like this will be put on display. In this day and age the Christians have become the focus of Hate by the liberal media and groups like the ACLU. Further, Christians are the focus of hate by the secularists like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins. While I write this small review, bigotry toward anyone who calls Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior is the must for such people as this Lee chap. Whether a Christian agrees with PreMill or not, no wonder books like the Left Behind are so popular, we Christians are the ones who are being discriminated against! People like Lee and the ones giving this a five star review show just how much America has slipped in terms of respect toward others. Christians are the ones that American elitists hate. That is, the Christians who acknowledge the Bible as truth and the Christians who live their lives for Christ. If this book had been a mockery of Hinduism, Islam, or some other religion like Wicca, the book would not have ever sold...not even considered...but because books like this show the growing and mounting hatred toward Christians, then yes, more books like this one will be seen all around. This is pure Christianphobia. This book is truly hateful just for the sake of being hateful. And that is why people are giving it a rave review, because they know that Christians are the target of hate crimes by organizations like the ACLU and people like Sam Harris, and such people that give this book rave reviews do so to get in on the action of hate crimes toward Christians.

Andraya G. Price #fundie #homophobia amazon.com

(From a lengthy review of a children's Book called "It's Not the Stork!")

On page 48 of the book, it describes the different types of families: "Some families have one child. Some families have two, or three, or four more children. Some families have a mommy and a daddy. Some have a mommy. Some have a daddy. Some have two mommies. Some have two daddies. Some kids live with a parent or stepparent, or with an aunt, an uncle, a grandmother, or grandfather, or with a foster parent. Some kids live with one parent part of the time and with their other parent the rest of the time."

That page is the books flaw, a big one no doubt. A family with 2 mommies or 2 daddies is not a family according to God's Word and the design of God Almighty. I absolutely am not going to be teaching my children what God refers to as an abomination! The book is so great otherwise, what we did was just take a black marker and cross out that one statement "Some have two mommies. Some have two Daddies." It is not biblical or the will of God to teach such a thing to a child as if it is okay, regardless of it is becoming more accepted in the mainstream world today. So I write this just to help Christ-Centered parents be aware.

No doubt sometimes family situations (like step-families etc) are a result of sin and not having Christ at the center of our lives at the time these things occured, but a step-family, single-mom family and so on, does NOT mean that Christ is not now there at the center of that family. I know step-families, single-mom families, divorced parents, and so on that live Christ-Centered lives and so I find no error the statement on page 48 with regards to the various types of families. These are not signs of ongoing sinful lifestyle.

However, a family that is made up of same-sex parents is not a picture of a biblical family period! There is no such thing as living in sin biblically! If a person is living a homosexual existence they are living an existence condemned and seperated from God. A "family that has two mommies or two daddies", though some may consider it to be a "family", the bible does not consider or teach it to be so, and so parents that are trying to use this book as a tool to teach their children about the "healthy sexuality" and such, will want to beware of this page.

Children need not be taught that an sinful choice such as a same sex relationship, is a healthy form of a family just as God's design for a family which is ONLY one Mommy and one daddy. In no way does that mean homesexuality is worse than any other sin. BUT a "family" with homosexual parents is a one illustrates a lifestyle of ongoing sin, it is sin and it does separate us from God and a homosexual lifestyle can not be the way of life of a follower of Christ, and Christ-Centered parenting teaches that homosexuality is an abomination ... NOT that it's a hunky-dory family.

Cindy Marie #fundie amazon.com

Athiests say there is no god. So why weren't the atheists in Haiti helping that country's poor before this earthquake? they knew the people there were poor. And they know there is no god to help them. So why did the atheists allow those people to live in poverty when they could have helped them? If there is no god, then you can't blame him. If there is no god then why do atheist blame god for this and ask why he didn't help? I ask the atheists. Why didn't you help those poor people so they didn't have to live in poverty. Don't hide behind god. there is none. Don't hide behind christians as they are demented and believe in gods and fairies. Why didn't the athiests have this poor country on their list of things to fix. Do the atheists blame God so as to misplace the blame that is really their own. There is no God. there is only man. Man could have fixed the problem and man did not. Humans suck, don't they? If there is no god we have only ourselves to blame. So quit blaming the God you do say does not exist. Blame yourselfs atheists.

Ringaround #fundie amazon.com

I'm quite charmed at the way old man Dawkins rants and raves and gets all tangential at the drop of the hat. Funny guy. As a dinner guest, he would undoubtedly make for an entertaining evening. His arguments for evolution, on the other hand, don't hold up too well in light of today's scientific data. He conveniently avoids Intelligent Design, which is a shame. That was a gaping hole that I would have loved to see filled. Also, recent scientific evidence has proven that all mankind has one common ancestor, the New Eve they call her. She is a 60,000-year-old female. Why is that too avoided here? I'm sure Ricky knows all about her. To boot, show me the medium-necked giraffe. It should be there somewhere in the fossil record. Why isn't it? Well, I think we all know why. Because evolution, the jumping from one species to another (as opposed to adaptation, penguins and ostriches for example) is merely bad science.

J. Day #fundie amazon.com

[A review of They Might Be Giants' new children's album 'Here Comes Science']

I bought this CD+DVD for my son since he really loves the first several TMBGs kids albums No, ABCs and 123s. I own just about every TMBG album out there... I even bought Why does the Sun Shine when it was a new release... So I was very surprised to find out that this CD which claims "Science is Real" and even has a song "Put it To the Test" about the Scientific method has one very religious song and two with lots of religious undertones.

I can think of thousands of things you could make songs about with Science without dedicating three songs to fairy tales about Monkeys. How about volcanoes? Lightning? Why Is the Sky Blue? At least they thru in the song "Davey Crocket in Outer Space" to show everything on their DVD is not, in fact, "Real". Davey Crocket has more to do with being "Real" than track 6[*] which is all about TMBGs world view and their belief and faith in a bizarre and crazy theory that never has been observed, and can not be put to the test.

Anyway, beware if you buy this that TMBG will try to indoctrinate your children with wacko religious views, which they will get plenty of in high school and college. Better to steer clear of this one, and maybe pick up a CD about Peter and the Wolf... it is considerably more about real science than "Here comes Science".

[* Track 6 is a song titled 'My Brother The Ape']

J. Bergeron #fundie amazon.com

[Response to a negative review of Pigs in the Parlor, a book which tells people how to cast out demons and encourages burning children's toys]

Look Mr. Bowman If you have ever sinned you got demons your are not as holy as you think you are. How many demons have you cast out Mr Scholar? Thats what I thought ZERO, because you would run like a scared chiken like most anti deliverance clowns. Yet you talk like your some kind of expert, and your not! Your full of pride thats why you do not understand it. I chalenge you to underline every time jesus cast out demons you well find that almost every page will be underlined. there were certain cases that people brought their loved one to jesus but not in all cases. Stop letting holywood give you ideas about how demons act. As far as childs suff toy being demonic did you know that doll comes from the word idol and idols do carry demons air head!

The Baron #fundie amazon.com

There is NO PROOF that Global Warming is CAUSED BY MAN! You people have exploded this issue! All these people who preach that it's us doing it are flying around in jets and driving cars to conferences where they cry when they can't agree on a solution! The Earth's temperature and climate is constantly changing! In the 1970's the liberal hippies were screaming that the Earth was cooling! In the 1800's it was warming! This influx of temperature is a normal, natural occurrence! In fact recently, the polar ice caps are re-freezing at an amazing rate! And you people have force feed this scare through the media, terrifying everyone into buying hybrid cars and doing all kinds of crazy things for A LIE! It's ludicrous! And you want to shut down the American economy because businesses are destroying the environment with their air pollution yet you don't say anything about CHINA! For pete's sake man, China is the worst emiiter! But no, let's blame the U.S. because we don't like Capitalism! I USED TO BE ATHEIST! When you are saved, you never leave God for anything else, further proof that it is the truth! Christianity is the largest religion in the world and still growing, most of the sciences we use today were created by CHRISTIANS! The only way you'd ever believe me is to quit thinking that objective thinking is THE ONLY real and tangible thing and that the spirit is a reality, just as tangible as ANYTHING! We can feel our spirit in our hearts and minds! Quick scientific fact: Upon death, the body loses 21 grams of weight. This is true of different people, and SCIENCE CANNOT EXPLAIN IT! They've tested theories again and again and the only answer they can come up with is that it is the spirit leaving the body!

y Jeri Nevermind "loves to read" #fundie amazon.com

(Review of "God is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens)

Why aren't atheists horrified by the anger and hatred you find in this book? Do they all just not notice it because they are that way themselves?

Christians give more to charity, help others more, commit adultery less, cheat on their taxes less, and, in thousands of other studies, (go ahead and look it up) prove that Christianity has made a difference in their lives. (see books "Makers and Takers" and "Who Cares More"). Surely they make good citizens? Not to Hitchens, lost as he is in spite and hatred for God.

This is not surprising. If there is no God, then life is pointless and happiness momentary. There isn't any right or wrong. Was it wrong for the Aztecs to rip out the still beating heart of a captive? Was it wrong for the cadres of Pol Pot to murder everyone over the age of twenty? Why?

And Hitchens simply ignores the consequences of atheism. There can only be an ultimate right and wrong in this world if there is a God, as Nietzsche so acidly pointed out. Everything else is merely your opinion and experience versus mine. Where do unalienable rights come from without a Creator? Aren't they just the currently agreed upon myths soon to be changed by the next culture? Without God there is no ultimate truth and no purpose to life. Cultures will rise and fall and men will live and die, and it will all be sound and fury and as utterly pointless as whether or not it's windy today.

God found Abraham in a desert land, in a place of horror, in the howling wilderness. And this is Hitches' real problem: that howling wilderness is life without God.

PS. To find God you need to repent first.

S. Guengerich "SharaSxE" #fundie #homophobia amazon.com

(From another review of "The Pink Swastika")

Scott Lively, of Abiding Truth Ministries, and Kevin E. Abrams have done their homework before writing this book. Thoroughly documenting evidence regarding the rise of the Nazi Regime, this book gives keen insight into the dangerous homosexual political agenda gaining power in America today. You will understand that homosexuals don't really want a part in the institution of marriage, they want to destroy it! You will learn why homosexuals show up at pro-abortion activities - on the pro-abort side. Homosexuals will not stop short of creating a society of unlimited sexual license and abortion is a means to this end. Sexual deviancy has destroyed numerous nations before us. Hopefully this book will wake people up, especially Christians, to the fact that we better get involved in the culture wars, or lose the little remaining light for the Gospel this nation has been for the world in the past. We are to occupy until Jesus comes again. Pastors, especially, need to read this book and start leading their congregations before they lose their right to congregate. This is a huge part of loving our neighbor.

Disciple #fundie amazon.com

(The review of a book called "Be Intolerant: Because Some Things are Just Stupid," by Ryan Dobson)

Is is just me are has the world become ALOT more liberal. I have no problem with it UNTIL it intervenes with my life. The many people who have negatively commented about this book have failed to realize that this book reveals the hypocrisy of todays so called "open minded" people. The very people who cry woe is me for being homosexuals aka sinners(sin is sin) and being discriminated ARE the very same people who HARASS Christians. You guys are so narrow minded. But its expected. One thing I ask of you. STOP boxing in the life of Jesus. He was loving and forgave, but he was FIERCE too. People dont want to mention ALL the sides of Jesus. The Lord brings a SWORD, not a hug people. I dont have to judge you. THE BIBLE does that already. So get over yourself

Anthony N. Scalco #fundie amazon.com

(commenting on a review of Jimmy Carter's book, "We can have peace in the Holy Land:A Plan that will work.")

It is amazing that this man became president, although there are others as bad and as naive. My personal opinion is he fell out of his baby carriage on his head. Arabs hate Jews and have been hating them for over 3000 years . If some of our idiot politicians read the Bible they would understand the real problems and support God`s people. The Israeli people should also read their Bible and return to God`s commandments and statutes before it is too late Thanks and God bless.

C. Haug "Nexis777 #fundie amazon.com

If you are a parent who has read the Bible, and believes it to be the inerrant Word of God, then this book is for you. The Bible teaches us, in no uncertain terms, that we are to "Train our children up in the way they should go". Biblically, there is use of a "rod" or other implement that is used for spanking. This is NOT hitting or anything even close to it. It is carefully controlled, calm spanking that is issued on the bottom or upper thigh. The Bible promotes this. But, it does not just start or end in spanking. Spanking is a tool God has given us to help us direct our children, but it is not the ONLY tool. It is critical to spend time with your children, getting to know them, by having them close to you (tomato staking), and leading them in paths of righteousness. Love on your kids everyday, all day, by having them near to you. Don't send them off to their rooms, don't send them away to day care, don't send them off to school. Keep them with you and near you where you can see each attitude and problem as it comes up, and lovingly correct, whether through training a different attitude, sending to a corner, or spanking, or all of the above.

Ms. Parrothead "Book Lover #fundie amazon.com

I am inclined to disagree with the reviewer who felt the book read like a "1950's Home Ec. Book." I'm in my late 20's, and while the book is not written with the modern feminist movement in mind, it is still a great book with wonderful ideas. Yes, women were created to be a "help-mate" for men, specifically, to our husbands. Women were/are instructed by the Apostle Paul to respect and to submt ourselves to our husbands, which is what Mrs. George emphasizes.

As for being "physically available" for our husbands, not only is it Biblical - but in the book, Mrs. George is referring to women who withhold sex from their husbands as "punishment" for some transgression.
As for the comment that the author commends a woman for dropping out of Bible study to spend time with her husband, it was taken out of context. In the book, a friend of the author had to choose between her Wednesday "morning out/ladies brunch/Bible study" and spending the day with her husband, whose day off fell on Wednesday.

I commend the author for standing up for the traditional marriage relationship. No, everything she says won't work for every couple, but the main idea is to make your husband your #2 priority (after God - of course) I believe that author makes a very good argument for the relationship between a husband and wife. So often in marriages the couple grows apart and children, careers, and selfish behavior take over.

Ferengi #fundie amazon.com

- If the laws of chemistry PREVENT the formation of organic molecules due to the chemical composition of the early earth atmosphere as oxydizing, then how is Darwinian-macro-evolution even acceptable as a scientific theory?
- If macro-evolution VIOLATES the very laws of nature itself, is it not contradictory and therefore false, scientifically as well as logically?
- The evidence tells us that chemical evolution is not possible, but complex intelligent life abounds. How is this NOT a violation of natural law?
- As a violation of natural law, is this not a super natural event by definition?
- The evidence presented establishes that chemical evolution is not possible, therefore shouldn't Darwinian-macro-evolution be discarded as scientific theory because it's assumptions have been verified as empirically and scientifically false?
- What is the only other competing model for the origin of life?
- Shouldn't Special Creation be given due consideration since it is the model that best matches the evidence?

Isobel #fundie amazon.com

(Customer review for Evolution: A Theory In Crisis)
I did a comparative study on this and the Species of Origin. I have to say, I was once an evolutionist, but I now I realize how much blind faith I held in it.

Knight #fundie amazon.com

The author strangely, chooses to ignore the accuracy of the Bible and favors the secular record. It's nonsensical because the Bible repeatedly shows its accuracy in all manner of ways. Why would then, a person show favor to a limited secular record?

David King #fundie amazon.com

I may not always like what the Bible says (take that whole love your neighbor thing - what was God thinking?), but I find it presents a clear and consistent picture of who God is and who we are and what the relationship is between him and us.

GangstaLawya #conspiracy amazon.com

The demonic personality of Obama is displayed very clearly. Other reviewers did an excellent job in itemizing out the topics covered in this book. However, I recommend Obamafile.com on the internet to update this information. Obama is a dangerous man. Even more dangerous is a fully democratic government which would unleash leftist policies on the American Republic overnight. Hard working middle class white Americans would be oppressed by the juwish puppet Barack Obama. Obama wants to teach sex ed to children, endorses abortion and is for every despictable thing you can imagine. At a juwish group, he demonstrated his hatred of white Americans of whom he said clung to their guns and Bibles. You bet we do Obama with the likes of you trying to enter public office to take away the right to cling to those guns and Bibles. Obama is a threat to our freedoms in a way worse than Clinton. This is an excellent book. However, many other important facts aren't really addressed: such as, is he even an American citizen? How did this poor kid get into Harvard law school and then run for state senator? Is he a queer as two mysteriously murdered people at his church said?

Paul H. Kogel #fundie amazon.com

I love coming to the Religious Forum to read what you so-called Atheists have to say. I don't believe most of you for a moment, though. You come here and bloviate about a God you "claim" you don't believe in and get yourselves all worked up over it. You seem to be on a mission. It's hilarious. You're like little mini-devils. The Devil believes in God, he just hates him. I think you too believe in God. Why else would you expend so much time and energy writing about how much you hate him? And you do hate him so. So you must therefore believe in him. You are, however, very entertaining.

[....] But not any God, mind you - mostly the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - Jesus, the Son of God. Notice, T.R., how often they refuse to capitalize the 'g' in God, for example - they must know, with all their "supposed wisdom", that wisdom that makes them feel they know more and better than God, that to spell it with a small 'g' is an insult to Christians. So, yes, they hate Christians - but they REALLY, REALLY hate God with a grand passion.

Paul H. Kogel #fundie amazon.com

I love coming to the Religious Forum to read what you so-called Atheists have to say. I don't believe most of you for a moment, though. You come here and bloviate about a God you "claim" you don't believe in and get yourselves all worked up over it. You seem to be on a mission. It's hilarious. You're like little mini-devils. The Devil believes in God, he just hates him. I think you too believe in God. Why else would you expend so much time and energy writing about how much you hate him? And you do hate him so. So you must therefore believe in him. You are, however, very entertaining.

Experienced #fundie amazon.com

(Discussing the contradictory accounts among the Gospels about the number of angels present at Jesus' tomb)

As for counting one angel or two angels as a contradiction. Angels are spirits and can appear and disappear instantly.

Shieldwolf #fundie amazon.com

I am amazed at how defensive the darwinists are. Someone finally calls them on the carpet and they have "gang-piled" over a thousand reviews against this film. Why? Because they don't believe in Free Speech. They are the new Puritians who silence those with whom they disagree. This film [Expelled] documents that.

Patriotic Dissent #fundie amazon.com

[This review goes on like this for a really long time...]

I knew "Expelled" would be a rollicking time after I discovered the film sent battery acid coursing through the veins of Richard Dawkins, the oft-celebrated Josef Mengele of Oxford. The man tiptoed across the Atlantic in a failed sabotage against a preview screening in St. Paul for crying out loud. That should show to the unobservant average Joe that something in the Intelligent Design movement is making the Ape-worshippers squeal and squirm even more than Bible-toting creationists of yester-year. "Expelled," starring economist and Yale-educated lawyer Ben Stein, shoves the not-shy evil eye of the movie camera into the faces of sputtering atheists and Darwiniacs alike, and the result is like watching one of those funny home videos when a precocious-looking child, bat in hand, gives dad a surprise blow in his privates.

Mike S. Hansen #fundie amazon.com

The question is why are these people under attack if the scientific community is truly interested in open dialogue? The reality is: most people are willing to believe evolution, something they don't truly understand or even endeavor to, simply because it affirms their lifestyle. If there ever was an opiate for the masses, it would be evolution.

When a person in a lab coat proclaims evolution as the explanation for the creation of life, and someone who might know basic chemistry but no more, believes it (takes it on faith), no one balks or criticizes. That theory says we can do what we want as long as we don't get caught. Why wouldn't they latch on to such a self-justifying description of life?

Dalton Joule #fundie amazon.com

The functioning of parietal cells is vividly described in the Gospels, from the "Last Supper", through "Judas' kiss" to Pilate's hand washing.


The "Last" Supper: Jesus (water) brings food to the body's hungry cells.

The agony in the garden: Jesus (water) knows that his Father (you) will feel hungry and will eat food.

The three "authorities" initiate the parietal cell's unique process. (as mentioned by dvimus in prior post). They are the priests, the pharisees, and King Herod.

Jesus (water) is kissed by Judas (carbonic anhydrase). Carbon dioxide is present (product of combustion-torches).

Jesus (water) is changed by Judas' kiss and a "certain young man" enters the story. This young man is a proton removed from the water molecule. Judas' soldiers attempt to restrain the young man (proton) but only succeed in retaining his garment (single electron). The young man flees away. (to exit the parietal cell and join with the chloride ion to form HCL)

Jesus is now bicarbonate.

He is judged, finally, by Pilate (the chloride/bicarbonate exchanger) who, at the request of the Jews, releases Barabbas (chloride) into the cell and sends Jesus (bicarbonate) into the blood stream.

No more is said, in the Gospels, about the "certain young man", or Barabbas, which is fitting since they both disappear out of the parietal cell into the stomach.

Jesus' fate, as bicarbonate, is crucifixion between two thieves. Those thieves represent acid and base imbalance. When Jesus tastes the vinegar, he gives up his spirit. In other words, he (bicarbonate) neutalizes excess acidity in the blood. (a crucial function)

[Note for readers from a subsequent poster:
Parietal cells produce gastric acid in response to histamine, via H2 receptors, acetylcholine (M3 receptors) and gastrin (CCK2 receptors). The histamine receptors act by increasing intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate [cAMP], whereas the muscarinic and gastrin receptors increase intracellular Ca2+ levels. Both cAMP and Ca2+ acts via protein kinases to increase the transport of acid into the stomach.]

AC #fundie amazon.com

[Replying to another Christian who thinks the rapture is a lie by Satan]

You really DO NOT know what you are talking about, so you can be forgiven.

The Rapture is one of the few things that Satan cannot emulate because God has made it Copy-Proof.

Satan has copied many things God does to fool and deceive people.

But the Rapture is one of those things Satan CANNOT reproduce or INTERRUPT once it begins.

GangstaLawya #fundie amazon.com

Carlin was always acting like a bitter old man and people call that "funny." I saw the act "Religion is b. s." and "abortion," and there was no humor, just sarcastic support for his own wicked ways. The "invisible man in the sky" came down and took on human form in the person of Jesus Christ. Yet, Carlin rejected the faith which has as its symbol "a guy nailed to two pieces of wood." Carlin also thought he could improve the ten commandments. Well, first of all, that guy nailed to two pieces of wood wanted to atone for Carlin's sins so he wouldn't be judged by them on the other side of the grave. And with respect to the ten commandments, Carlin perpertrated the idiocy of juwes by observing the letter of the law and ignoring the spirit of the law. For, if you loved God and neigbhor, you wouldn't break the commandments. For love is the heart of the commandments. God says He sees no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Carlin was a foolish man, and we can only hope he repented before he died.

Terry J. Trainor "Bible Thumper" #fundie amazon.com

(An Amazon customer review of Expelled)

This film can be an eye-opener to anyone that has bought into the "Evolution is a proven fact" nonsense hyped by those that dedicate themselves to protecting their turf rather than actually seeking the truth. Evolution, in the TRUE meaning of the word IS a proven fact, of course, but the Darwinians always use this statement when speaking of COMMON DESCENT, which is nothing but speculation.
The well established connections of Darwin's ideas to both Eugenics and Nazism is revealed for the first time in a popular format that can cause the general public to see the causitive relationship between this false philosophy and some of the truly evil results of it.
Congratulations, Ben! You did a GREAT job.
Buy this movie!
Show it to your kids!
Show it to your friends!
Give it as CHRISTMAS presents!
This is one of the most important films ever produced.

Konstantin Oleksishin #fundie amazon.com

Frank R. Eggers, you pretty familiar with the passage. but the difference between Christian and false teacher is precisely based on his methodology of studying the Bible. Christian is the one who uses exegesis. And you guys are the ones who rape the Bible in whatever way you want.

When you read newspaper about some local events, do you allegorize, and pick and choose what you like there? Do you allegorize temperature forecast? Why then do you false teachers twist the Bible, when it is PLAIN, and every honest scholar who knows original language will tell you that you're lier?

There is no 'context' or any cultural situation found in the Bible to support your 'queer theology'. It's simply not there. You can wishfully suppress the evidence and create your own pity lies, but this will not change the fact of history. Homosexual Christian is about as possible as square circle. This is so disgraceful, I can not believe people have guts to twist Bible so bad...

Dalton Joule #fundie amazon.com

[Describing his view of the universe, and how Jesus is... water]

I readily admit that I'm not a scientist. I said that here, early on. What I'm doing is making comparisons between the Bible and things we are familiar with. I hope that others will be able to find sources of new information in the Bible.

For instance, you asked about physics. Jesus said "suffer the little children to come unto me". The traditional view is that children should be introduced to Christianity at an early age. I think that Jesus is really talking about electrons, which if they come to him, water, will result in chemical compounds.


Alpha Ott #fundie amazon.com

[On homosexuality.]

How I would like to just ignore this argument and say, "Who cares"!! But, I came across this discussion and I've felt compelled to have a say....I have to respond as a Christian, born again at that....that I believe in the Creator that made you and I, I believe with all my heart that HE inspired every word written in the Bible, AKA ,Gods Word....and in it, I have read that God is not wanting HIS creations, made in HIS likeness to make love with the same sex ...And seeing as HE knows how we are made and HE knows whats best for HIS creation, He has said, a MAN is not to lie with anothr Man. I believe that means NOT to have SEX with the same gender. ( Last time I looked, shall not is in the negative...) NOW...He did not say you cannot LOVE one another...THAT HE wants for all of us to be part of...however I think HE means to cherish, care for, be tender towards one another not to literally have sex with...I also believe that HE means women are to NOT have sex with another woeman as well...( there's equality in that statement)...He's also stated that He finds homosexuality an ABOMINATION...
SO....since I believe in Jehova, the CREATOR, the ONE who loves each of us and sets rules and commandments up for us to have a MUCH better life and world to live by AND IN...i have TO SAY, i DO NOT AGREE THAT having sex with the same gender, man with man, woman with woman, is the right thing to do....IF you love each other, live together....just don't have sex....I know...I know...how silly is that?...But, its not anymore silly that for people to read Gods words and then say..." H, He didn't mean that"...OR, Well , thats from the OLD testament, that doesn't apply...well...I guess " thou shalt not kill doesn't then, or thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife, or ...thou shalt not steal, ect....Anyway...Disagreeing with you doesn't make me a haterof people that I don't agree with. THAT would break Gods GREATEST command and that is....Thou Shalt LOVE one another... So, I wish you well....LOVE and peace... have a reat life together.....just don't have sex together...It isn't MY rule...or idea. God thought of it first!! *S*

SURE's TOOTIN' kc's dandy with me #fundie #homophobia amazon.com


J. L. Napoletan #fundie amazon.com

I guess I was looking at a possibility that this would be a great good vs evil type of book. Instead, it is another serious stab at Christians. It was both cliche and sophomoric in nature. Seriously, what else has the world community done over the past fifty years but make Christians look like a bunch of dumb yuk sheeple who would be tricked into the most ridiculous scenarios?

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