
Life is sacred until it’s born, then it’s the law of the jungle.

William Grimes #fundie #sexist #homophobia #forced-birth conservatism.referata.com

We proclaim the truth of the risen Lord Jesus Christ here at New Testament Baptist Church, formerly known as Conservatism Wiki. More on doctrine soon!
Core Articles of Faith

We believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is how the One True God is manifested. We reject any "oneness doctrine" and the "Jesus-only" movement as heretical.
We reject any idols or any other gods, such as Allah, Buddha, Taylor Swift, and all these other Mormon "gods" and the false gods Jehovah's Witnesses worship.
We accept the passion, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only remission of sins, and no "hocus pocus" including "sacrificial" worship has any impact on grace.
The world is in a fallen state, and anyone who desires to be saved must accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. We reject Universalism here.
We believe in baptism by immersion only, and only to be done upon those who are of the age of reason. Baptism is a symbolic act showing the believer buried with Christ and cleansed of sins.
Likewise, we reject any concept of "original sin" as Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant groups understand it, and thus reject baptismal regeneration and the baptism of infants.
Men are to be the sole breadwinners, and women are to be in charge of domestic household affairs. This is godly naturally ordained gender roles.
We believe that homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God, and that homosexuals cannot be saved since they are vile reprobate. They are damned eternally for being homosexuals.
Abortion, capital punishment, physician assisted suicide, and other forms of killing are unequivocally condemned since God hath said "thou shalt not kill."
Racism in all its forms are likewise unequivocally condemned by New Testament Baptist Church. All creatures are created in the image of God, and one's skin color is irrelevant to one's character.
Modest attire that covers the entire body is required, and as such we do not accept the movement of men wearing shorts and women showing breasts and legs, for instance.
All forms of secular music, television, film, and literature are to be treated with the utmost scrupulosity and to be cast out if offending material is found.

David J. Stewart #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Are You Hateful Enough?

By David J. Stewart

Psalm 97:10a, “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil.”

[RIGHT]image[/RIGHT] The unsaved world discourages hatred in all forms, but the Bible teaches that there is a good form of hatred—hatred against evil. In fact, God commands it in Psalm 97:10, "Ye that love the LORD, hate evil." Sadly, most professed Christians today don't hate evil like they should. Hatred is a strong word and every Christian should have a strong feeling of dislike against evil that makes us want to do something about it.


Every born-again believer ought to hate evil in every form; such as the evil of abortion (i.e., murdering little living and growing babies). Abortion is brutal and demonic. When one stops to realize that America silently passed the 50,000,000 abortion mark in January of 2008, it's hard to fathom that 25% of our U.S. population has been holocausted. The official U.S. population for 1970 was 203,211,926.1 Since 1970, Americans have killed one-fourth of their own children. Tearfully consider that in 2004, there were 74 abortions for every 100 births in New York City. Can you imagine?

We ought not hate the people getting abortions, nor the people performing abortions; but we must hate the evil of abortion itself. To deliberately kill a child is evil. When you think of the blessings in your life, you should praise God that your parents didn't believe in abortion. Sadly, a mother's womb is the most dangerous place to be in the world today. This is a sad fact. There's not enough hatred today against abortion. God tells us to hate abortion, because abortion is very evil. If you don't hate the sin of abortion, then you DON'T love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hateful Heathens

Ironically, it appears that some of the strongest hatred today is against Bible-believing, Christ-honoring, Christians who do hate evil as the Bible teaches. Flaming homosexual, Ellen DeGeneres, criticizes Bible-believers who “use the Bible to justify their hate.” Uh, Ellen, Psalm 97:10 does teach believers to hate, to hate evil. Hatred for sin and evil can be justified with the Bible. Ellen calls such faithful Christians, “idiotic” ...

"I don't see full-page ads saying `Stop the Hate, Stop the Violence." said DeGeneres. "These same evil, idiotic, so-called God-loving people who use the Bible to justify their hate, I'm sure still feel deep down that blacks aren't equal to whites because the Bible was also used to justify slavery."

SOURCE: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3827/is_199810/ai_n8815714

It seems that Ellen DeGeneres has quite a bit of hatred herself toward Christians who hate evil, which brings a Bible verse to mind... Proverb 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.” An “abomination” is hatred coupled with disgust. To the righteous man, he not only views “Sin City” Las Vegas as evil, but as repulsive and disgusting. I think Hollywood (or Hollyweird) is an abomination. It's not just saturated with sin and evil, it's a disgusting place of sick-minded perverts and demented God-haters. Walt Disney employs some of the most sick-minded, perverted, immoral, sin-loving, Bible-hating, Christ-hating, blasphemous, people in the world. That's why their shows and movies are so abominable. Most of the movies and programs Walt Disney produces nowadays are utterly offensive to any decent person. There's no garbage pail that wreaks with the stench of rot and maggots anymore than Walt Disney, Hollywood and all the other heathen movies producers of this sinful generation. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Pay Day is Coming!

Before the Apostle Paul became a Christian, he hated the Church and persecuted and tried to destroy it (Galatians 1:13). The Word of God brings out the best and the worst in people. You either love God or you are his enemy. People either love the Bible or hate it. Jesus said that the same world that hated Him, and crucified Him, would hate us and treat us the same horrible way. Increasingly, American society and nations abroad are becoming hostile towards Christianity. People who live contrary to the Word of God know it, and therefore hate the Bible intensely. Romans 1:18, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." The Bible says that the wicked "hold the truth in unrighteousness." In other words, they are sinning in full knowledge of what they are doing. Ellen DeGeneres KNOWS lesbianism is a sin, and is against nature, and is abnormal and will eventually bring the judgment of God. I do not hate anyone, please know that. I only hate sin. I love sinners, because they are people whom Jesus Christ died for to pay for their sins. God loves humanity, which includes sinners too. God hates sin and evil, but he is waiting for men and women to repent (2nd Peter 3:9).

Immodesty and and Lewd Behavior

Our love for Jesus Christ is easily measured by the intensity of our hatred for sin and evil. Most people take sin lightly nowadays. It means nothing for a professed Christian woman these days to put on a miniskirt or wear a low-cut blouse. These are the sinful clothing styles of the world. 1st Timothy 2:9 and other Scriptures teach that a Christian lady ought to dress modestly as an expression of her chastity and virtuous behavior.

Hollywood female celebrities dress like sleazy-trash, whores and bimbos. I'm not trying to be unkind, I'm being moral. It is a shameful disgrace the sinful way in which American women dress immodestly nowadays, wearing tight blouses, exposing their thighs, causing men to lust in adulterous thoughts, which is adultery (Matthew 5:28). To such whorish women, it's game, a thrill a tease. They will answer to God. God tells women to dress in "modest apparel." Christian ladies ought to hate immodest clothing. Dressing seductively in public is sinful. Women and girls ought to dress in modest clothing. This is what God says in the Bible. It's rare nowadays to find women who adhere to strict Christian dress codes. Ladies ought to wear dresses. We live in a sicko society that is trying to turn teenage girls into whores. Walt Disney makes teenage girls look like whores by moral standards 50-years ago. America has lost it's respect for God, morality, the marriage, decency and Christianity. Now we've got a Muslim U.S. President who despises Christianity and won't even salute the U.S. flag during the national anthem. Sad.

What Do You Hate?

Everybody hates something. A lot of people hate the Bible. A lot of people hate Christianity. A lot of people hate a righteous person. What we ought to hate is evil. Hatred against sin is good. The unsaved world will always demonize Bible-believing Christians who hate sin. The Devil has successfully built a false religion today, that encompasses many denominations who have been taught that any form of hatred is bad. This is simply not true. God commands us as His children to HATE EVIL. That means we should hate drunkenness, fornication, whorish clothing, homosexuality, government theft and violations of the U.S. Constitution. We ought to hate lying and false advertising and cruelty to animals. We ought to hate the heathen public school system, CPS who thinks they own our children and the evil sin of divorce. We ought to hate indifference and false religion. We ought to hate movies that curse in God's name, songs and books that diminish, attack and belittle the Bible. It's seems that every movie made today has to have someone cursing in God's name. Someone told me that they like the Sylvester Stallone movie, First Blood; yet God's name is taken in vain no less than 10 times throughout the movie. The movie is evil, of the Devil and dishonors God. I hate any movie that takes God's name in vain. God created us, feeds us, gives us the health and life we enjoy, and then people go around making movies that insult God, curse in his name in anger and show utter disrespect for the Lord. No wonder America is going to Hell in a wheelbarrow. We ought to hate when anyone takes God's precious and holy name in vain.

The Jews have some crazy little thing they do, spelling God as G_d, claiming that is their way of respecting God. Yet, in total hypocrisy, they opening reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah. They are effectively atheists, because they reject Jesus as God in the flesh (John 1:1-3.14; John 10:33; I Timothy 3:16; Colossians 2:9; Revelation 1:8; John 14:1-6). We should hate the false religion of Judaism, which denies Jesus Christ as the Savior, and teaches in their Talmud that it's ok for priests to molest 3-year old girls. Why doesn't Jack Chick ever expose the Jew's false religion instead of attacking the Muslims for everything. The Muslims weren't the masterminds behind 911. We ought to hate the New World Order, which aims to destroy Christianity, eliminate true American freedom (i.e., out Bill of Rights) and bring to fruition a Communist Police State to smash resistance from Christians, patriots and those who defend the U.S. Constitution. It's frightening how insane many people get when you hand them a badge, a gun and give them authority over the common man. Then stuff like this happens. There's a million punks running around America nowadays, called police, including she-men women who belong at home baking cookies, who don't care about your Bill of Rights. They just want to smash you, take your kids and force you to comply with the New World Order's Communist agendas. You're now guilty until proven innocent. You don't have to be proven guilty to go to prison nowadays, the jury simply needs to "think" you're guilty and you're a goner. And they call that justice.


I could write a book on all the evils and sins which born-again Christians should hate, but that is not necessary. You have a Bible and I hope you read it. Most Christians neglect their Bible and don't read it enough (if at all). Hearing the Bible increases our faith (Romans 10:17). In discouraging times, we need to read the Bible to boost our faith. In times of loss, when our friends hurt us, family betrays us and the Devil comes after us to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10), we ought to spend more time in the Scriptures and rest upon the promises of God. God will keep His Word, His name is at stake. You can rest assure on the promises of God.

Let us hate evil and expose it wherever it is found. You don't have to be unkind to people, but you don't have to go along with the evil either. Professed Christians all across America go to Walt Disney, Las Vegas casinos, Jack Daniel's brewery, Elvis Presley's mansion, et cetera. There are all shameful places. The need of this hour is for Christians to act like Christians and get angry over sin, because the Devil's crowd doesn't care.

Nya Nya Jo #fundie #wingnut #sexist #forced-birth #homophobia edendecoded.com

People want to say that religion and politics doesn't mix, but it does!

Biblical history shows us that the law of the land IS a religion; and the religion IS the law of the land. Ultimately, the politics (religious beliefs) of every society was based on what god or gods were worshiped. And this is no different to what we are witnessing now in our political arena.

SO THE QUESTION is what religious doctrine did Black women overwhelmingly subscribe to, that can be credited for destroying the traditional Black family?

We can NOT say it's Christianity. Because the black church never taught nor endorsed single motherhood as a viable option to Christian motherhood: which is found within the sanctity of a marriage covenant between a man and a woman.

The Bible, along with the Christian faith that rests on it, is replete with admonishments and warnings to avoid the type of sexual activity that leads to whoredom becoming the culture of the land. Nevertheless black women by and large (to the tune of 72% by recent stats) have rejected the biblical Christian standard. So what spiritual standard are they living by?

I believe Black women subscribed to the religious doctrine of Liberalism. You may be thinking that liberalism is not a religion, but it is. Liberalism is a very old ancient religion started over 3,000 years ago.

DID YOU KNOW the following about liberalism?

• Liberalism is based on the Roman god Liber.

• The Roman god name Liber means 'the free one;' its alternate Roman name was Bacchus; and the Greeks referred to this god as Dionysus.

• Liber is described as androgynous, man-womanish, sensuous, naked or half-naked.

• Liber is the god of wine, fertility, debauchery, uninhibited freedom and free speech.

• Liber's worship centered around large phallics; consisted of orgies, drunkenness, intoxication through various potions, and sexual activities (including homosexual acts).

• The Liber cult conducted human and animal sacrifices.

• Originally, Liber rituals were only attended and conducted by women, who practiced sexual masturbation rituals with carved life-sized phallic objects.

• Liber was the patron deity of the common people of Rome (the lower social classes); such as women who had lesser rights than the common man in ancient Roman society; slaves and foreigners.

• Worship of Liber taught civil disobedience to the established social order and the transformation of religious authority. Very much like what we've seen recently in the news with the riots and angry protests after the Presidential election that was won by Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

• In 186BC, the Roman Senate banned Liber worship because it was considered to be a threat to the security of the Roman Republic due to their political conspiracies, crimes and debauchery.

Now, let's take a look at our modern (current) Liberal politics.

Americn Liberalism is obsessed with sex - especially the kind that deals with homosexual and other alternative sexual infatuations. It also has an unhealthy focus on redefining family structure and twisting gender roles and identity.

The driving force behind liberalism is to create anarchy through 'anti-establishment' rhetoric; and to ultimately destroy traditional social principles by using the political system and process.

Modern liberalism aims to:

• End 'partriachy;' which means to prevent men from fulfilling their God-given right of leadership in home, government, moral authority; thus stripping men of their role and rights as fathers.

• Endorse free speech of every type and hue - except for free speech that contains traditional Christian principles.

• Teach sexual liberation; challenge the traditional codes of sexual behavior through LGBTQ special rights, laws and overwhelming media coverage.

• Promote free love; and that sexual freedom is a direct expression of power and authority.

• Normalize birth control (abortion), public nudity, masturbation, sex toys, pornography, premarital (casual) sex, sex with children (pederasty) and homosexuality.

• Reshape the image of the traditional family to include open marriage, spouse swapping, swinging and same-sex marriage.

• Make recreational drugs and alcohol easily accessible.

SO I ASK YOU: How could the black family remain intact with women that chose to adopt a liberal mindset that involved twisting gender roles, pushing the natural boundaries of sex, fighting against the God-given role men were given as leader in the home, indulging in all types of anti-biblical forms of intoxication, and devaluing their children to the point where they see nothing wrong in aborting them?

Liberalism is anti-god in all its ways.

Under liberalism black women have become gender confused, domineering over men (which is a hallmark of that confusion), whoreish (unable to get married, or maintain a marriage), excessive masturbators, sexual predators, cold and callous towards children (including the unborn), promoters of abortion (infanticide), drunkards (excessive drinkers), with a desire to assume final authority over men in the workplace, in government, in the church, and in their homes. These women rather pattern themselves after the image of liberalism, rather than the image of the virtuous women in the Bible who chose to honor God by becoming wives and mothers under the authority and headship of husbands.

And just like that, over the past 50 years, the Liberal political system converted the minds of women into pagan worshipping harlots of the god called Liber.

The Devil used Black Women as a 'legal and lawful' satanic attack on the black family. Ana if not rectified, this is the blueprint the Devil will use to destroy families of other races, ethnicities and cultures.

Satan has the blueprint for family destruction, and he will continue to use it across our country and the world.

Leviticus 19:29 (KJV) warns us: "Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness."

So what we are witnessing right now is the result of generational self-prostitution of women; women choosing the lifestyle of whoredom over the standards of the Bible. And unashamedly, Black women voted for laws that led to the destruction of the Black family all so she could have laws that supported her ability to live a life of whoredom.

Hard truth: You don't have the mind of Jesus Christ if you choose to live life as a whore. You have the mind of some other god.

It is our lifestyle that shows our dedication to a specific set of religious beliefs. And we make sure our beliefs are cemented and protected through the laws and policies of our land via civil rights or identity rights.

I plead with Christians - particularly black Christian women and men to get involved in changing this damnable mindset of liberalism that has crept into our churches. Get involved in reshaping the political ideology to be pro-Christian!

We have a mandate and duty to be that light on the hill; I like to think of that hill as also including Capitol Hill.

Will YOU be that light? Become part of the movement to overthrow liberalism in the Church and in the black community. And let's restore the biblical perspective as the right foundation on which to build our homes, lives, communities and nation on.

David J. Stewart #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

When asked by the religious hypocrites if the woman caught in the act of adultery should be stoned as Moses commanded, our Lord lovingly said, John 8:7, “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Thus, we learn that it is never Biblical to condemn anyone for their sins, because we are just as guilty of sin in the sight of a holy God (Romans 2:1).

Yet, it is still Biblical that all sin brings death (Romans 6:23), and certain sins are listed as crimes in the Holy Bible, which are deserving of capital punishment, which a godly government would enforce. Such crimes include murder, bestiality, adultery, homosexuality, witchcraft, idolatry and incest. When the United States of America was founded, homosexuality was thought worthy of capital punishment. Thus, it is not being unChristlike to uphold the Biblical truth that homosexuals should be executed as criminals, just as murders and adulterers. Jesus was not in a position of government authority as a judge, and so as a citizen He showed compassion for His fellow mankind. If Jesus were physically alive on earth today, He would never accept the position of a judge in America, because He would have to enforce ungodly laws that permit murder by abortion, permit same-sex perversion, permit wicked divorces and hordes of other evils.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth #wingnut jesus-is-savior.com

I Apologize to You God

I apologize to you God for the way we mistreat you in America. We are wasteful people, throwing 14% of our food into the garbage, while children in Haiti eat mud to survive. We use kitty-litter made from corn for our pets to poop in, while 18,000 children die from starvation every day in the world. Something is very wrong with us. We curse in your holy name without fear nor gratitude for your blessings. We complain about everything, demanding our rights to live in sin. We mock you and blaspheme Your holy character on Late Night shows, portraying the Son of God as a homosexual voyeur.

Our women dress and behave like whores, many of whom are whores, claiming it is Your will. Country singer, Taylor Swift is a disgrace to the United States, being honored when she ought to be shamed for her sinful lewdness on TV. Lesbians are getting married, starting so-called Lesbian Christian ministries, and are saying that You approve of this abomination. I'm sorry, Oh Lord. Where will this insanity lead? America is beautiful no more. Our pastors are saying “gay is ok.” Some pastors are saying that the election of Barack Obama, a Godless Communist who supports abortion and homosexuality, is “wonderful.” Other pastors are saying that the evils of abortion and homosexuality are a “minor concern” in the church. I apologize on behalf of these apostate pastors Oh Lord? We are long overdue for judgment in America. As conditions worsen in our nation, we can say nothing against Thee, because we get what we deserve.

So the next time you turn on the news and hear about the most hideous and heinous of crimes being committed by your fellow Americans, just remember that we stopped leading our public school children in prayer to God in 1962, and we stopped teaching public school children the Word of God in 1963. Americans get what we deserve.

David J.Stewart #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Just because people living in the jungles and bush country have not advanced in the technology of agriculture, medicine, sciences, etc., does not qualify them as "heathen," as we think. Many of these tribes have a higher value on life, marriage and the family than America does. It is estimated that 4,000 babies, daily, are slaughtered by abortion in America. Lesbians and homosexuals have brainwashed America to the point, most of the schools are teaching our young people to accept this as an "alternative" lifestyle instead of what God calls it, "Plain, old perverted sin." Of all the missionary books I have read, I do not recall any of the missionaries encountering the problem of homosexuality in the bush tribes. Many of the so-called "heathen" execute the death penalty for adultery because of their values concerning the home and family.

Angus Buchan, Rosemary Parle & Julie Power #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth irishtimes.com

It’s Wednesday evening, and Mulhall has come to the Hub in Kilkenny to hear controversial South African pastor, Angus Buchan. Prior to the event, some 40 people marched to the gates of the venue to protest the fact that Buchan has preached in the past that homosexuality can be cured through prayer.

Rosemary Parle from Kildare and her friend Hilary Anderson from Lisburn describe themselves as Disciples of Christ. They have arranged their holiday together especially to coincide with Buchan’s appearance in Kilkenny. Why?

“It shows how much God loves Ireland. That’s why Angus is here, because God wants us to hear good news, among all the bad news,” Parle explains.

“Unfortunately, Ireland has become so liberal in its thinking that we have strayed from the teachings of the Lord and taken on a humanistic view instead. A homosexual lifestyle goes against the covenant of marriage.”

Even though marriage between same-sex couples in Ireland is now legal?

“That’s not marriage,” Parle says. “Marriage is one man and one woman. Their bodies fit together. I’m sorry to sound crude, but it’s true.”

A group of friends have come from Carlow. Before Buchan ever takes the stage, Maria Doyle says she has already got everything she came for.

“We’re meeting our family,” is how she puts it. “Say someone went away to Australia, and then they came home. The whole family would come together to celebrate. That’s what it’s like here.”

What do they think of Buchan’s views on homosexuality? “Homosexuality is a sin in God’s eyes,” her friend Julie Power explains. “Not the fact that two men love each other. The act. Sex together.”

By the time the event begins, the Hub, which has seating for 1,400 is full, including several children. Buchan jumps on stage and bellows, “I love the Irish, I really do! You are the most passionate people I have ever met.”

The crowd go mad. Camera phones flash.

“The Bible tells me to love my wife,” Buchan says. “I love my wife. If I love my wife, she will gladly submit to me.” He says this twice. The crowd roar.

These are some of the other things Buchan says:

“Abortion is legalised murder.” (This gets the loudest cheer of the evening.)

“You must discipline your children, and children, you must respect your parents.”

“Believers go to Heaven, not good people.”

“I will pray tonight that God will give a baby to all those people who can’t have babies, I have done this all over the world.”

Every sentence ends in a shout. In between cheering, the audience are totally silent.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

All we hear about nowadays is how religion throughout the ages has caused wars and suppressed people's rights. Increasingly, children today are being brainwashed to view Christianity as a power-hungry "MAGISTERIUM" (i.e., the evil organization in The Golden Compass), which seeks to suppress the rights of homosexuals, Wiccan witches, Evolutionists, abortionists, feminists and other degenerates of society. The fact is that God's Word, the Bible, condemns these sins. Just as Satan caused Eve to sinfully magnify her restrictions (i.e., the rules God had made), so do God-hating atheists today desire to instill in children a resentment for God's Word which restricts the freedoms of the wicked. Public school children are being taught that Christianity is bigoted and unfair, just as Satan caused Eve to think God was being unfair.

The grave danger of Harry Potter and The Golden Compass is that they cause children to view God as being unfair, in a learning environment where any type of discrimination is considered wrong. The fact of the matter is that God commands us to discriminate in certain cases... "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat." Christians are commanded not to associate with any professed Christian who is a drunkard, chases women, lives for money or lives in unrepentant sin. Certainly, Christians are not supposed to associate with unsaved heathens (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17), other than to befriend them with the Gospel as Jesus did. Public school children are being taught that the sin of homosexuality should be accepted; BUT, God says "No." Now you know why homosexuals hate God's Word so much.

His4Life #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth fstdt.com

He is like Obama. This Pope is anything but a Christian. He is pro-homosexual, pro-climate change, pro-abortion and extremely shady due to his jesuit background. I know he has not explicitly endorsed homosexual unions or abortion but he is paving the road for the Catholic church to eventually embrace these things and he knows what he is doing. My kids refer to this man as "Pope Poophole the Great" due to his love of homosexual lifestyle choices.

In His Love,
Apostle Dorie

Chick Publications #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth #kinkshaming chick.com

Biblical Marriage the Casualty of the "Sexual Revolution"

With Biblical marriage reeling under the attack by the virulent gay rights activists, we should have seen it coming. For fifty years, one court case after another has jackhammered away at the foundations of the family.

In most of history, “recreational sex” has replaced God’s plan for “one flesh” bonding of husband and wife when God’s laws are ignored.

Contraceptives were the first issue. In 1965, in a Connecticut case (Griswold v. Connecticut) involving the sale of contraceptives to married couples, an ominous seed was planted. Here the court "discovered" a right to privacy in the Bill of Rights for individuals instead of just in the sanctity of marriage.

By this time, godless Humanism had grown strong roots in our schools and legislatures. If man was truly the spearhead of evolution's progress, then whatever man wanted to do must be good, and whatever he did in private was nobody's business.

No unwanted blob of tissue growing in a womb could be allowed to hinder the enjoyment of those involved. So, in 1973, the court gave the owner of that womb permission to medically eliminate that inconvenience (Roe v. Wade).

More arrows in the heart of marriage followed rapidly. A Missouri case cut fathers out of the picture by voiding a law requiring spousal and parental consent to an abortion (Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth).

Parents of children were next. A New York law barring sale of contraceptives to 15-year-olds and younger was voided (Carey v. Population Services International). Parents no longer had the right to know if their child was planning premarital sex.In 1979, a Massachusetts law requiring parental consent for a minor’s abortion was struck down in Bellotti v. Baird.

Along the way, Texas’ anti-sodomy law was considered a violation of man’s “right to privacy” and was struck down in 2003 in Lawrence v. Texas.

With the foundations of marriage thus weakened, marriage itself came under fire. In 1993, Hawaii’s Supreme Court decided that the state’s marriage law violated the equal protection provision of the state constitution by not considering “sexual orientation.”

This direct attack on man-woman marriage alerted many, and the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) passed congress by a wide margin and many state legislatures passed similar bills.

However, gay rights activists, having succeeded in changing the discussion from “sexual preference” to “sexual orientation,” began attacking marriage in earnest.

If the evolving human animal now included a newly discovered sexual “orientation,” then it was “discrimination” to forbid any of the expressions of that sexuality. Anyone confused over his sexuality could claim victimhood when forbidden to explore new sexual experiments.

Federal and state governments rushed to add legal protection for these “victims,” adding “sexual orientation” to the long list of protected categories along with race, age, and disabilities discrimination.

In 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the DOMA (Windsor v. United States) after the president and the Justice Dept. refused to enforce it. The battle then moved to the States where bills were passed by popular vote to protect marriage. Powerful gay activists, many made rich by blossoming tech companies, poured millions into a blistering campaign against these votes. Across the country, homosexual judges or those sympathetic to the cause invalidated the laws put in place by the people, using anti-discrimination and personal privacy arguments.

Now, the drive is to eliminate any tattered remnant of normal marriage and put the bull’s eye squarely on the back of those who follow a biblical God.

Since marriage is the central issue, anyone who refuses to bake a wedding cake or design flowers for a same-sex wedding must be made an example of. And the complaints are lodged and fines imposed and everyone wonders what happened.

But this locomotive has been coming out of the dark tunnel for a long time. Only courageous soul winners can stop it. In past revivals no-nonsense gospel literature has played a vital role. We need to plant God’s truth about marriage far and wide.

Here are some helpful resources that you can use to saturate our communities with the Truth:

[List of Chick tracts about abortion and homosexuality, plus a video titled "Could same-sex marriage be connected with abandoning the KJV?"]

Dr. David R. Reagan and Franklin Graham #fundie #forced-birth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia lamblion.us

Franklin Graham is not calling the pastors and evangelists of this nation to do something he is not willing to do himself. He has, in fact, become the model of a prophetic voice speaking out boldly against the sins of our nation. In the process he has taken the bull by the horns on many occasions. Consider his comments on the following social and moral issues:

Abortion - "There is no place for compromise on straightforward issues such as abortion... God has given us clear biblical direction that we must follow and obey... As a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe this is a nonnegotiable issue. Abortion is wrong. It is the murder of unborn children, and no law of the land and no party platform can ever legitimize it."

Gun Control - "The gun control proposals now circulating in Washington and in many state capitals don't address a more important issue - the constant strain of violence put forth by the entertainment industry [in movies, music and video games]. But the problem - the real crux of the issue - lies not in the instruments of violence used... The root of violence is in the evil and depraved heart of man."

Islam - "Islam is a religion of hatred. It's a religion of war." "For Muslims, peace comes only through supmission to Islam. When they speak of peace, they mean supmission to their religion... Worldwide, tens of thousands of men, women and children have been slaughtered in the name of Allah, under the bloody flag of Islam."

ISIS - "The evil of ISIS really shouldn't shock us - it is fully in keeping with their ultimate agenda of hastening a final apocalypse... One thing is for sure - one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Hinduism - "No elephant with 100 arms can do anything for me. None of their 9,000 gods is going to lead me to salvation."

Same-Sex Marriage - "True followers of Jesus Christ... cannot endorse same-sex marriage, regardless of what our President, the Congress, the Supreme Court, the media or the latest Gallup poll says about the matter... This moral issue has been settled by God Himself and is not supject to man-made revisions or modifications. In the end, I would rather be on the wrong side of public opinion than on the wrong side of Almighty God who established the standard of living for the world He created."

Homosexuality - "The church is on dangerous ground when it departs from the teaching of Christ and attempts to redefine His commands and compromise His truth. There are many things in Scripture that Christians disagree on, but the Bible is crystal clear about the sanctity of life and marriage. It is also clear that homosexuality is spelled out as sin — there are not ifs, ands or buts."

Transgender Restrooms - "[The idea] is not only ridiculous, it's unsafe. Common sense tells us that this would open the door, literally, to all sorts of serious concerns, including giving sexual predators access to children. It violates every sense of privacy and decency for people of both sexes, adults and children."

Secularism - "When the Berlin Wall came down, everybody said we had won... [but then] Secularism came. And Secularism and Communism are the same thing. They're godless. They're anti-Christ."

Christian Persecution - "Even in America there has recently grown an ugly, anti-Christian bias and intolerance that is changing our nation from the inside out, opening doors for all kinds of discrimination and loss of religious freedom that we hear about daily in the news."

Government - "We're living now in a time where we see the spirit of Antichrist is at the government level." "I have no confidence that any politician or any party is going to turn this country around. The only hope for this country is for men and women of God to take a stand."

Rev. Austin Miles #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #forced-birth renewamerica.com

Under Obama's direction, America is beginning to look like a freak show. Watch videos of any "Gay Pride LGBT Parade" and you will see what we mean. Take a look around the streets, in newspaper reports and countless images on TV attempting to make gender bending acceptable, even desirable.

An example is a new commercial showing a personable "waitress" all primed up but speaking with a man's voice like this is perfectly normal. Transgender individuals are multiplying along with the demand to be accepted. They say, "We're just like you." NO THEY ARE NOT.

The Obama Administration has long worked to blur the lines of gender distinction, to tear down morality, which is the strength of a people, and is instead, hell-bent on destroying the traditional family.

Businesses owners can now be fined and jailed for refusing to make a cake or t-shirt with a homosexual message and that includes ministers who refuse to officiate at a wedding consisting of couples of the same sex, even though the Bible states clearly that homosexuality is a sin. But then again, Hellary has publicly stated that the Bible must be re-written regarding those topics for the good (comfort) of society.

Army chaplains are discharged from military service for mentioning the name of Jesus at a chapel service or funeral and for not catering to or promoting sodomites. This is by Obama's order.

The illegal in the White House did state, before his occupation of The Oval Office, that he would change America. He has certainly accomplished that. America is unrecognizable today.

Not only that, he has aggressively insisted that the world share and support his sexual obsession to the point of ordering U.S. Embassies throughout the world to fly the rainbow flag over each one. He has even demanded that uniformed military parades include carrying a rainbow flag. What's more, soldiers have been required to salute that flag of perversion.

And who can forget that military madness in which soldiers in a parade were ORDERED to wear red high heels with their uniforms. What a ridiculous image of The United States Army, thanks to Obama.


This fraud in the White House says we must be accepting of all, no matter how loathsome they are or what disgusting habits they exhibit. The Girl Scouts of America GSA now allows lesbians to become members and leaders as well as engaging in a disturbing partnership with Planned Parenthood.

So what is the purpose of allowing your children to be members of organizations that will simply teach them to be accepting of all the world's weirdness and perversions instead of raising clean-cut kids with high standards? But it gets worse. Now they allow Planned Parenthood to teach them about how to murder, which is called abortion, as a means of birth control.

What value is it to enroll your kids in these organizations that simply mirror what is now considered normal on the streets and to encourage it? This is what Jesus meant about 'being in this world but not a part of it.' (derived from John 15:19, John 17:14-16.)


Today the House voted to ban these barbaric late-term abortions. It is now up to the Senate. However, Obama, the most pro-abortion "president" in the history of America, has stated that if that bill passes, he will immediately veto it. This is the personification of evil.

The sub-human creature called Obama, can rightfully be identified as a charismatic monster that rose straight from the pits of hell. From hell did he come and to hell shall he return.

And the sooner the better.

Gary Cass #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth defendchristians.org

Top Ten Anti-Christian Acts of 2014

2014 was another wild and frustrating year for American Christians as the threats to our liberties and values are increasing. Here are the results of our online poll of the Top Ten Anti-Christian Acts of 2014. It’s not as predicable as you might think.

Rather than getting lost in the trees and not recognizing the forest, lets look at the larger trends revealed in the poll, and they are disconcerting.

Political correctness about social issues, (sexual deviancy and abortion) has been institutionalized publicly and privately. Biblically faithful Christians and their institutions are being pressured to compromise their values and accept arbitrary, tyrannical, secular ethics or feel the wrath of politicians, the courts, the academy, the media, and business.

Churches are being coerced to subsidize abortions, a pastor is on trial for telling the truth, ministers are bullied by a tyrannical mayor, and Christ is continuing to be blasphemed on network TV.

This is a sobering set of facts, but ones that ought to stir us to action, not resignation. As we pray and act, we do so in faith that God can turn us back to him. The means He uses our bold, counter-cultural voices of Truth. Christ calls us back to reality and to respect for His ordained institution of marriage and the sanctity of life created in His image and freedom to declare the whole counsel of God’s Word.

Share this list with your family and friends. We MUST engage in concerted prayer, evangelism and seek FIRST God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. America is ripe for either God’s justice or a heaven sent revival.

1. Christian colleges are now facing a new threat to their institutions... allow homosexual behavior or be stripped of accreditation. The New England Association of Schools and Colleges is threatening to strip Gordon College, of their accreditation unless the college accepts “homosexual practice” by it’s students.

2. Federal Judge, Michael Posner, ignored Supreme Court precedence and allowed a frivolous lawsuit to move forward against American minster, Scott Lively. Lively is a minister and an attorney and was invited by the Ugandan legislature to help them create laws to protect their society from the homosexual movement. Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), hauled Rev. Lively to US Federal Court under international law accusing him of “crimes against humanity.”

3. Annise Parker, the lesbian Houston mayor, ordered city’s churches to turn over sermons, any e-mails, text messages, and other communications that talk about homosexuality, gender identity issues, or Annise Parker herself. The pastors were targeted after organizing descent against a rbill passed by the city council that allowed transgender individuals to use the bathroom of their choice. After news spread throughout the Country, Parker’s attorney’s dropped the subpoenas.

4. HGTV canceled a new program, “Flip It Forward”, because of the stars support of traditional marriage. The series followed the life of two brothers, David and Jason Benham, as they helped struggling families buy fixer-upper homes and transform them into forever homes. Both brothers have been vocal about their support for traditional marriage.

5. The Girl Scouts USA introduced family planning into their curriculum in partnership with Planned Parenthood. The Girls Scouts also tout the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, as an “eloquent woman”.

6. California churches are now required to cover the costs of abortions as “basic health care.” The state legislature is trying to exploit a “loop-hole” in the national healthcare law for the pro-abortion agenda.

7. Mozilla CEO, Brendan Eich, was forced to resign from the huge tech company he founded after it was discovered he donated $1,000 towards legislation to uphold traditional marriage in California. Proposition 8 was a ballet initiative in support of traditional marriage that was approved by a majority of California voters, but was later ruled unconstitutional by the California Supreme Court.

8. American tax dollars are still being used to pay for abortions. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) in Washington, found that at least 1,036 plans use your tax dollars to fund abortion-on-demand.

9. A California male high school teacher returned as a woman from spring break. 56 year-old married father, Gary Sconce, has been a teacher at the rural Yosemite High School for 24 years. But after a letter was sent to the parents, he returned from the break as “Karen Adell Scot.”

10. “I only wish the Virgin would’ve had an abortion,” was belted out in a song by musical guest, Kristeen Young, on CBS’s The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. “The song,” according to Young, “is about the centuries of religious persecution of women.”

David J. Stewart #fundie #pratt #forced-birth #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

People who live in gross immorality become so used to it that the awfulness of sin is gone. Think with me, if you will, how evil America has become. We teach our children the blatant lies of evolution, without the slightest shred of proof to back up the ludicrous claims. What was once an unproven theory is now arrogantly (and sinfully) taught by wicked men and women as fact. And please don't mistake the legitimate science of an old earth for the bogus deception of evolution. The Bible teaches that the earth is indeed millions of years old, but mankind was created by God at approximately 4,000 B.C. as taught in the Genesis account of Creation. For an in-depth Biblical exegesis on this important matter, please read, THE TRUTH ABOUT EVOLUTION (or don't let Satan make a monkey out of you) by Dr. Max D. Younce.

How wicked is America? We have slaughtered, brutally murdered over 55,000,000 precious babies since Roe vs. Wade in 1972 and the number is only going higher and higher! Worldwide, a startling 1,700,000,000 children have been murdered by abortion! Sicko John Wayne Gacy murdered 33 young men and was sentenced to death; yet there are abortion doctors who have murdered THOUSANDS of human beings in the womb, cutting their bodies into pieces like Jeffrey Dahmer, putting their body parts into refrigerators, and even selling the BODY PARTS! Yet these evil doctors of death are sinfully honored by a wicked society which craves more and more death and gore on television. TV has completely DESENSITIZED our society to the value of human life and the horrific evils of abortion and war. Americans have become indifferent, complacent and spoiled.

I have just touched the tip of the iceberg concerning America's utter wickedness in the sight of God, and the irony of a Noah's ark theme park amidst such a wicked people! As I type, at least 13 states have now legalized homosexual unions (errantly called “marriages”). The only “gay marriage” is between one man and one woman. Homosexuality is a disgusting sin which brings the judgment of God. It's just a matter of time, likely if Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton is appointed Commander-In-Thief of our nation, that the U.S. Supreme Court (supreme arrogance against God) will legalize same-sex unions at a federal level, just like Roe vs. Wade (of which 37 states had already legalized abortion at the time it was federalized). Same-sex marriage is the death of America in so many ways! Even in Noah's time we don't read about homosexuals getting legally married, which is sanctioning the wickedness, claiming it is good and acceptable to God. Biblically, God hates all sin (Psalms 97:10; Hebrews 1:9). God destroyed the entire world by flood because of their constant wickedness. We need 40 days of rain today!

Pat Robertson & Wendy Griffith #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth rightwingwatch.org

“I think you got to remember from the Bible, if you look carefully at the Bible what would have happened in Jesus’ time if two men decided they wanted to cohabit together, they would have been stoned to death,” Robertson said. “So Jesus would not have baked them a wedding cake nor would he have made them a bed to sleep in because they wouldn’t have been there. But we don’t have that in this country here so that’s the way it is.” (Robertson’s claim that Jesus would never have encountered a same-sex couple is a matter of debate.)

Robertson added: “Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have to recognize what I said a few years ago, at that point homosexual marriage was condemned, homosexuality itself was considered a pathology and now those that are practicing that activity have turned and become the oppressors of those who hold deeply-held religious points of view, the tables have turned.”

“What is it about gays? What is it about abortion? Have you ever thought why they’re on the forefront right now? Both of them deny the reproduction of human species,” Robertson said, adding that homosexuality is “a meaningless exercise because it doesn’t go anywhere.”

“The Devil is trying to say, ‘I’m going to destroy your progeny any way I can. If you will kill your babies, that’s fine, I’m with you; if you will deny the chance of having babies, that’s fine too; but I want to destroy your opportunities to reproduce,’” he said. “It’s a very serious thing and we’re not talking about it, and we need to as a society, we have to realize where the attack is coming because it is definitely an attack.”

Co-host Wendy Griffith agreed: “The Devil wants to steal, kill and destroy. Well said Pat.”

aCultureWarrior #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth theologyonline.com

[aCultureWarrior has a bit of a meltdown and discusses me and my partner]

Well then, I guess besides being a lying (or to paraphrase annabenedettttti 'LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!') coward, who is a closet fag that molests children, I'm also a adulterer.

Wait, I forgot something:

'and and and I'm pro choice too!'

That being said, I'm certain that the drag queen homosexual who is engaged to a man that plans on having genital mutilation surgery to become a woman, is sitting back in his pantyhose and hi heels smiling knowing that there are Christians out there that believe he has some kind of "right" to teach America's children, to work in daycare facilities, or to mentor youth in the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or the rest of the long list of youth mentor organizations that have allowed openly (i.e. proud and unrepentant) homosexuals into their organizations.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth jesus-is-savior.com

Whether one realizes it or not, our entire legal system was established upon the Bible. In the good ole days of America, adultery was against the law, as was homosexuality, witchcraft and stealing. The Ten Commandments used to be the basis upon which our laws were based. Sadly, today's laws are increasingly being changed in accordance with the wickedness of an immoral and reckless apostate society. Please read, The U.S. Constitution and Faith in God.

We ought to obey the Laws set forth in the Word of God. Exodus 22:18 plainly states, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” The Bible mandates the death penalty upon all genuine witches, just as the Bible pronounces death for all abortionists, adulterers, murders and homosexuals. Get mad at God if you don't like it, because He said it. Salem, Massachusetts is in serious trouble with God for legalizing, encouraging, sponsoring and honoring witchcraft.

Witchcraft should be punishable by law. No one has the freedom to undermine the very basis upon which freedom is established—FAITH IN THE GOD OF THE BIBLE. The entire philosophy of witchcraft and Satanism is that a person can do anything they want, just so long as no one gets hurt; but that's the big lie, because fornication, homosexuality and abortion DOES hurt others, very much so. The evils of divorce, venereal disease, fatherless children, A.I.D.S. and millions of brutally aborted babies is evidence of this.

Bill Williams #homophobia #forced-birth lettersfrombill.tumblr.com

History tells us how society has changed and established different standards. Take homosexuality, for example. When this perverse behavior is taught as an alternative lifestyle, we see same-sex marriages, homosexuals adopting children, and schools such as Penn State. We see how homosexuality affects society’s standards.

Abortion as a form of birth control said it has had enormous effects on our society. Massachusetts schools had several young girls make a pact to experience pregnancy, not having any regard for the consequences of their actions. More men and women are destroying their marriages through adultery which is having an overwhelming impact on their children.

Linda Harvey #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia rightwingwatch.org

Far from apologizing or changing his mind or respecting both our faith and our First Amendment rights, no, our President has doubled down, he now says this [contraception] mandate stands and will extend even to students, so Christian college insurance plans will now be required to pay for abortion-inducing drugs without any copay for both employees and students. How does a sitting president get away this this? I don’t know and we need to pray for him because his insulting rebellion in the face of God is breathtaking. Pray for his repentance. But just as we have to call out to God for help on these issues, we Christens also need to ask—within lawful means, of course—we have the God-given freedom to make changes in America which not all oppressed people in this world do. A godless dictator and his minions do not rule this country yet, we the people do.

It is clear where this administration stands on respecting liberty, they don’t, or respecting faith, they don’t. We know they’re so committed to abortion and homosexuality that they’re willing to support late term abortion, to undermine national marriage law and to sanction open homosexual behavior in our military. Should we trust this administration? Not with our lives and our faith, and that’s really sad.

Bryan Fischer #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #forced-birth afa.net

These new commandments must be obeyed, and those who flout them will receive the most severe and unyielding punishments, including censure, excommunication, (say, from graduate counseling programs), and fines in the forms of legal fees to the secular imams at the ACLU.

Here, then, are the Ten Commandments of secular Sharia:

1. “Government, not Yahweh, is God.” Secular fundamentalists want us to look to government for everything we we [sic] were once taught to look for from God. Government is all knowing, all powerful, all wise, all caring. You know, all the things God used to be.

2. “You shall have no gods, period.” The goal of secular fundamentalists is the extermination of any and all mentions of God and Christ in the public arena. The only exceptions to the “no god” rule will be for Gaia and Allah. Gaia is to be worshiped, and any blasphemy against her, by plundering her for such things as the fuel on which the world runs, will be met with the severest punishment and condemnation.

3. “You shall not take the name of the homosexual agenda or Islam in vain.” If you do, we will land on you like a falling safe. Profanity, blasphemy, vulgarity, obscenity, pornography, all are fine. Criticize homosexual conduct, on the other hand, and we will cause the wrath of our god to descend upon you as a consuming fire. You will be silenced, marginalized and treated as a leper. We secularists have freedom of speech but you cretinous conservatives do not. If you have a problem with sexually deviant behavior, you are by definition a homophobic hatemonger and we don’t have to listen to you.

4. “Observe Halloween, Labor Day and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as holy days. Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, on the other hand, must be wiped off school calendars as if they never existed.”

5. “Honor your father and mother - by which we mean liberal politicians, since they have turned government into your mommy and your daddy.” No husband, no problem: government will be the head of your home. No father, no problem: government will be your provider and raise your children for you.

6. “You shall not murder - unless it’s a defenseless baby in the womb.”

7. “You shall not commit adultery - unless it’s with another man’s wife. Fornication and sodomy without repercussions and penalty are okay too. And we’re working on polygamy and pedophilia.” Anyone who disagrees, and says anything remotely critical of such behaviors, will be subject to the wrath of the holy and righteous prophets of secular Sharia in the out-of-the-mainstream media, who will call down fire and brimstone on those who dare to challenge the sexual orthodoxy of leftist libertines.

8. “You shall not steal - unless it’s to plunder from the producers what they have earned to give to the non-producers what they have not earned.” Anyone who complains about this involuntary transfer of wealth will be judged by the secular mullahs as evil, greedy capitalists and silenced. Right after they have been ripped off.

9. “You shall not bear false witness - unless it is to tell blatant lies about the Constitution, American history, the economy, unemployment figures and drilling for oil.” As long as you are lying to advance the power and reach of government, or get a leftist politician reelected, it’s okay. Secularists have their own version of taqqiya, just like the Muslims do.

10. “You shall not covet anything - as long as it belongs to people who are poorer than you. If they have more money than you, they are evil oppressors who must be plundered of their ill-gotten wealth by our government overlords so it can be redistributed to the lazy, shiftless and irresponsible.”

Mr.Canada #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia mapleleafweb.com

[What if a new test could determine whether a fetus was genetically predisposed to homosexuality?]

Well first you'd have o prove to me that homosexuality is genetic, which it isn't. It's a choice but lets just say it's genetic so I can answer you. Next no abortion at all ever, we're Catholic. Additionally, I have strong male hetro genes and no child of mine will be gay but lets play along and say it was true. He would be taught that homosexual acts are a sin and he's not to give in to these feelings or he'll land his eternal soul into the fires of hell for all eternity being ripped apart over and over again. He would join the seminary if he is admitted and become celibate and become a priest if he got the call from the Bishop. He would have no choice as I, his father calls the shots not him. I'm the boss of my children not the other way around like so many seculars.

Operation Save America #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth operationsaveamerica.org

[The rest of the brochure is equally disturbing]

Homosexuality, Islam, and abortion have
something in common. They are three
different colored gloves covering the same
fist. Abortion is a crimson glove (stained
with the blood of our pre-born children).
Homosexuality is a pink glove (stained with
the blood of young men and women given
over to their own lust, and stained with the
blood of nations that approve of such
behavior). Islam is a black glove (stained
with the blood of Christians, Jews, and
anyone else who dares disagree with the false
“god” Allah and his demon possessed
prophet Mohammed). Three different
colored gloves, yet the same fist. It is the fist
of him who robs, kills, and destroys. That’s
right, I’m talking about the devil himself!
We are not unaware of his schemes.

Diana #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia politicsdaily.com


He just took CREATOR out of the declaration of independence.. If he's Christian so is Hitler. He murders babies in abortion, forcing homosexual perverts on Christians, takes away conscience laws, puts a homosexual pervert in charge of schools and a tax cheat to make tax laws. At a Catholic institution he made them take away the christian symbols. He is a follower of satan. "By their deeds you shall now them,' the bible says.

hilhal #forced-birth fmylife.com

no it's prolife. not prochoice if we all wanted to be prochoice it would be okay for people to CHOOSE to murder and rape people because ABORTION is murder. she chose to have sex she needs to suffer abortion is wrong you shouldn't make bad choices and be able to murder your child

baileysmom #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia rr-bb.com

I agree completely. We should not be worrying about our hard-earned money going to pay for abortions. Abortion should be completely illegal. Every chid is a gift from God, and every child deserves a chance at life. We also should not have to be worrying about our hard-earned money going to pay for health benefits and health care for homosexuals. Homosexuality is a depraved, disgusting, unhealthy lifestyle choice, and if somebody is going to make the choice to be a gay or lesbian and catch who knows what kind of disease because they have so many sexual partners (I've read statistics that say the average is for them to have over 1,000 "partners"), I sure don't want to be the one footing the bill for there treatment. And I too get disgusted with the commercialization of Christmas. Materialism and pure greed is what it is. I wonder how many kids know the true meaning of Christmas and how many just think it's about Santa Clause and opening more and more and more gifts.

I shudder to think what our country is coming to.

Navaros #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth forum.dune2k.com

[Note the dialogue of Euthypho and Socrates: conclusion that what is pious is not because of the quality that it is loved by a god, but for a reason inherent in it, and that the god loves it because it is good.]

Socrates is in Hell right now, burning as we speak. He knew nothing of God, or what is good. So you picked a very bad example to quote from about this subject.

Humans do not have minds capable of knowing what is "good" better than God does. For example, you see many people on this site promoting and/or defending evil causes such as "homosexuality" (one reason why Socrates is now in Hell, by the way) and genocide against human children. They have no basis for saying these things are "good", yet they do. These things are in fact very evil. Many men who society considers "wise" are actually fools. So says God, and God is correct.

God knows what is good and what is not good. His opinion is the one that counts. Not the petty, evil opinion of man. Christ has said that mankind will naturally promote wickedness and evil instead of doing good. That is why you see things like "Gay Pride Parades" and genocide against children. Because the foolishness of man says that "these things are good!" It does not matter how many say that evil things are good - evil things will *NEVER* be good.

It is true that Atheists have no morality. Because a man in his natural state will almost always automatically promote and defend evildoings. Like Akriku and ACElethal and other Atheists promoting "homosexuality", for example. To be moral requires a man to leave his natural state and allow himself to become righteous. Atheists almost never have a reason to do this since they do not obey God's commands, and hence most Atheists have no morality

Baldrick Cunningplan #homophobia #forced-birth evcforum.net

The question isn't how I sleep at night. The question is how you don't choke to death, what with all the bullshit spewing from your mouth. The idea that "homophobia" (a fictitious word fabricated by liberals) is comparable to ethnic discrimination is utterly comical (although not in any way that makes me laugh), as is the idea that there's something wrong with the latter. I have the right to take away the happiness of homosexuals, just as I have the right to take away the happiness of any pedophile or any other breed of subhuman. The happiness of sick freaks must never come at the expense of the basic human sense of right and wrong. It certainly must not come at the expense of what is best for children. Anyone who supports abortion must hang from the neck till dead (it's genuinely nothing but baby-murdering...but I guess women don't have a problem with killing millions of babies as long as women get all the rights they want and don't have to experience any physical discomfort), but I can safely tell you that, were I not yet born, and I had sentience and the option of either being raised by homosexuals or being aborted, I would choose abortion without a second thought. If it's not wrong to discriminate against homosexuals then it can't possibly be wrong to elect the Grand Dragon of the KKK for president. How do I sleep at night? No. The question is how do YOU sleep at night?

And yes, I know that I supposedly supported abortion just now after saying anyone who does must die, but I already know that, so don't be a smartass. And I would be aborting myself, not anyone else.

MarkD #fundie #wingnut #forced-birth #homophobia rr-bb.com

God help us all!

America is begging for God's wrath. The blood of millions of aborted babies, left gasping on counters to die, amongst other atrocities is crying out to God. (Look up Jill Stanek on the internet). I am from the Chicagoland area, not proudly, where this nurse worked at Christ's hospital. She gave a gruesome detailed testimony to the IL state senate depicting the horrible atrocities she had witnessed while working there. Horrible late and partial birth abortions, etc. Obama, after hearing this testimony, still voted in favor of all types of abortion to continue. He and many others have a lot of blood to account for some day. It takes a very cold heart to hear the stories this nurse tells and then turn around and vote to continue it. It sickens me. Then in his acceptance speech he thanks homosexuals-because after all they voted him in to. Thumbing homosexuality up in God's face is not advisable for our nation. See: Sodom and Gomorrah--Old testament. I don't think our economy beginning to fail is a coincidence.

God can no longer bless a nation that has kicked Him out. Look at the Israelites. Every time they turned away from God disaster struck.

Not to prophesy gloom and doom, but Pray People, Pray.

The blood cries out even as we speak.

RejectedDreams #fundie #pratt #homophobia #forced-birth rejecteddreams.deviantart.com

How many times have you heard someone say:"I'm a Christian but..." and then say something unbiblical?
While in their own mind this person might feel the belief they hold is correct, but when compared to what the Bibles teaches-they are in serious conflict and error. So if you are a Christian, yet any of the following sounds like something that you would say;then you need to start paying more attention to what God tells us in His Word and not what the world and its popular opinions say.

Here are a few of the more common "I'm a Christian but..." statements:

-I believe that God used evolution to create life slowly over time.
-I believe that humans evolved from apes or had an ape-like ancestor millions of years ago.
-I believe humans are animals.
-I believe the great flood of Noah is just a story, and never actually happened.
-I believe the Bible isn't to be taken literally.
-I believe the Bible is just a book of stories or fairy tales.
-I believe the Bible is not actually the words of God.
-I believe the Bible was written only by humans;God was not involved.
-I believe the Bible has been rewritten so many times we can't trust it.
-I don't think the Ten Commandments apply to us today.
-I think the church needs to be more "tolerant".
-I believe the Bible has to be updated to fit our modern society.
-I believe some words/messages in the Bible have been changed or "mistranslated".
-I don't think that homosexuality is sin.
-I support homosexual rights.
-I support homosexual "marriage".
-I believe "love is love", regardless of gender.
-I don't have a problem with abortion.
-I don't believe that hell is real.
-I don't believe that God would send anyone to hell.
-I don't believe Satan or demons are real.
-I believe in Wicca.
-I believe in a "mother earth" type of spirit.
-I believe in reincarnation.
-I believe in ghosts("spirits" of dead humans).
-I don't have a problem with witchcraft.
-I think Halloween is just harmless fun.
-I think certain books/movies/games/TV programs that involve witchcraft are harmless fun.
-I don't have a problem with TV programs that blaspheme the name of God or Christianity.
-I think all pornography is normal.
-I think the ACLU is a good organization.
-I believe there are "many paths" to God.
-I believe there is more then one way to find salvation.
-I believe all religions/beliefs serve the same god.
-I think all religions/beliefs are equal.
-I believe God is whatever you want Him/her/it to be.
-I think truth is whatever you want it to be.
-I don't know if God really exists.
-I believe everyone is going to Heaven in the end.
-I believe there is no actual "right" or "wrong".
-I think having sex outside of marriage is perfectly fine.
-I think having sex with someone is okay, just as long as you "love" them.
-I think it's okay to live together with a person and not be married.
-I think divorce is a good thing.

Gordon Bishop #wingnut #forced-birth #homophobia #sexist #pratt ahherald.com


I received an email last week exposing liberals simply by listing “21 Ways To Be a Good Democrat.” Here’s the list:

* You have to be against capital punishment, but support abortion on demand.

* You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.

* You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear weapons technology in the hands of Chinese and North Korean communists.

* You have to believe that there was no art before Federal funding.

* You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical documented changes in the Earth’s climate and more affected by soccer moms driving SUVs.

* You have to believe that gender roles are artificial, but being homosexual is natural.

* You have to believe that AIDS virus is spread by a lack of Federal funding.

* You have to believe that the same teacher who can’t teach 4 th-graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.

* You have to believe that hunters don’t care about nature, but loony activists who have never been outside of San Francisco do.

* You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.

* You have to believe that Mel Gibson spent $25 million of his own money to make “The Passion Of The Christ” for financial gain only.

* You have to believe the National Rifle Association (NRA) is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.

* You have to believe that taxes are low, but ATM fees are too high.

* You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem (feminists) are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, General Robert E. Lee, Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.

* You have to believe that standardized tests are racists, but racial quotas and set-asides are not.

* You have to believe that Hillary Clinton is normal and is a very nice person.

* You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn’t worked anywhere it’s been tried because the right people haven’t been in charge.

* You have to believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but a liar and sex offender belonged in the White House.

* You have to believe that homosexual parades display drag, transvestites and beastiality should be Constitutionally protected, and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.

* You have to believe that illegal Democrat Party funding by the communist Chinese Government is somehow in the best interests of the United States.

* You have to believe that this message is a part of a vast, right-wing conspiracy.

Americans, wake up – or lose it!

Jill Stanek #homophobia #forced-birth wnd.com

Homosexual activists push comprehensive sex ed, too, which promotes gay sex. The goal of the gay/abortion lobbies here is the same: Talk up sex to titillate kids to enter into promiscuous hetero- or homosexual lifestyles while calling the behavior normal. Gays get fresh meat, and pro-aborts get customers.

Amanda's Mom #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia rr-bb.com

[In a thread "Has God abandoned America?"]

I don't think it's so much that God has/will abondon the USA. I think it's more that the USA has abandoned God. From the youngest embryo murdered to the President forcing Israel to give up land, to homosexuals blatantly having sex in the streets in front of children and MOCKING His Son by taking the picture of the Last Supper and filling it with homosexuals in skimpy leather costumes. I think God is shedding tears over this once proud and God-fearing nation that has turned its back on Him. I pray that He will come and take us home, I have grown so weary of the pain, hatred, anger, deception of this world.

Mike Huckabee #wingnut #homophobia #forced-birth motherjones.com

"Abortion, environmentalism, AIDS, pornography, drug abuse, and homosexual activism have fragmented and polarized our communities."


"It is now difficult to keep track of the vast array of publicly endorsed and institutionally supported aberrations—from homosexuality and pedophilia to sadomasochism and necrophilia."

Laura Lopez #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth palmbeachpost.com

Eighty books in high school library stacks are corrupting students with tales of abortion, homosexuality and atheism. That's according to a West Palm Beach mother who has appealed to the school board to remove the books from the shelves of Dreyfoos and Royal Palm Beach high schools.

Laura Lopez has been fighting since September to ban these books that she says "promote sin and lies."


Lopez admits she hasn't read a single one of the objectionable books cover-to-cover.

In her appeal, she quotes scripture and blames the Columbine school shootings, drugs, bullies, teenage pregnancy and other ills on what she considers the removal of God from schools.

She targets literary genres ranging from reference books to short stories. Among the books she wants removed are "Medical Ethics: Moral and Legal Conflicts in Health Care," "Warriors of God: Richard the Lionhearted and Saladin in the Third Crusade," "Coping When a Parent is Gay" and "The Cider House Rules," a John Irving novel about a rural doctor who runs an orphanage and performs illegal abortions.

Lopez said the book challenges stemmed from a basic interest in the types of books in her sons' school libraries.

So, she went to the computerized card catalogue and typed in the keywords "homosexuality," "abortion" and "atheism." She was shocked by the dozens of titles that popped up.

"My kids are going to school to learn, not to become a homosexual or an abortion doctor or an atheist," she said.


In her objection to "Am I Blue?: Coming out from the Silence," a collection of 18 short stories about gay and lesbian issues, Lopez wrote: "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, and not Eve and Sue."


Even within her own home, reaction is split.

"My oldest son doesn't believe in God," she said. "I guess he kind of thinks I'm stupid."

Archbishop Angelo Amato #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth today.reuters.com

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican's second-highest ranking doctrinal official on Monday forcefully branded homosexual marriage an evil and denounced abortion and euthanasia as forms of "terrorism with a human face".

The attack by Archbishop Angelo Amato, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was the latest in a string of speeches made by either Pope Benedict or other Vatican officials as Italy considers giving more rights to gays.

In an address to chaplains, Amato said newspapers and television bulletins often seemed like "a perverse film about evil". He denounced "evils that remain almost invisible" because the media presented them as "expression of human progress".

He listed these as abortion clinics, which he called "slaughterhouses of human beings", euthanasia, and "parliaments of so-called civilized nations where laws contrary to the nature of the human being are being promulgated, such as the approval of marriage between people of the same sex ..."

Amato spoke at a time when the Vatican and Italy's powerful Roman Catholic Church are at loggerheads over plans for a highly controversial law that would give unmarried heterosexual and homosexual couples some form of legal recognition.

The Church and Catholic politicians, even some in Prime Minister Romano Prodi's centre-left coalition, see the proposed law as a Trojan Horse and say it could lead to gay marriages.

Amato, who is said to be very close to Pope Benedict, criticized the media's coverage of ethical issues.

Robert T. Lee #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth #sexist #wingnut tencommandments.org

What the heathen Statue of Liberty really means


Freedom to seek asylum in America from the rightful stigmatization of true criminality in other nations

Freedom to practice homosexuality or lesbianism

Freedom to murder innocent human embryos and fetuses

Freedom to publicly blaspheme God

Freedom to worship satan (Note: we do not capitalize the word satan even when it begins a sentence).

Freedom to practice obstetrics and gynecology as a male physician

Freedom to make and sell pornography

Freedom from the death penalty for death-worthy crimes

Freedom to abandon children to daycare and public schools while seeking the fleeting American dream.

Freedom to make a living off foolish, vain and immoral employment.

Freedom to abandon parents to nursing homes.

Freedom to wrongly serve in government as homosexuals, lesbians and other high criminals.

Freedom for women to foolishly seek to be equal with men.

Freedom to foolishly petition the government for immoral interests.

Freedom to receive food stamps, veteran benefits and other federal financial benefits while a criminal or muderer in prison.

Freedom to elect moral criminals such as homosexuals, lebians, murderers, robbers and other criminals to government positions.

Freedom to make heroes and celebrities out of deathworthy criminals.

Freedom to sell and purchase crime tools and art of muderers.

Freedom to produce and make megabucks off violent and murderous video games, toys, movies and music in order to teach children how to become violent and murderers.

clirus #fundie #kinkshaming #forced-birth #homophobia christianforums.com

Democrats - Soft on Security

The Patriot Act fiasco again points out the fact that democrats are still soft on security. Being soft of security is what lead to the 9/11 attack that killed 3000 Americans in American cities. The democrats like to say they are protecting civil liberties. That is equivalent to their statements that pornography is freedom of speech, abortion is a woman's choice, and homosexuality is a civil right. It is no wonder Clinton knew he could get away with the big lie that, I did not have sex with that woman.

The fear of criticism by the Atheistic liberal news media is what keep Clinton from taking on Iraq and Afghanistan. Why should Republicans take the blame for solving problems and the democrats set around looking like peace lovers. It is ironic that people who solve problems are criticized and people who do nothing are praised. Of course the doing nothing catches up with you, as it did with 9/11.

The Middle East problem is not going to be solved until Syria and Iran are dealt with. If it is done by Republicans, it should be done with a full declaration of war that carries with it a total censorship of the news media. It is unlikely Republican will deal with the Syria and Iran issue because of the pain inflicted by the Atheistic liberal news media, and certainly the democrats are not going to do anything because they are soft on security.

I guess it is time to start preparing for the next Middle East war.

The list of things the democrats never got done is long. They never had an energy policy. They never had an education policy. They never had a medical insurance policy. They never had an immigration policy. They never had a solution for social security. The foreign policy of the democrats was an policy of appeasement that led to 9/11, the North Korea mess, and the failure to resolve the Israeli - Palestine problem. The only policies democrats do have are socialism, feminism, pornography, abortion and homosexuality, none of which should be supported by Christians.

Democrats are soft on security, but strong on sin.

During democratic administrations problems develop and there is little criticism. During Republican administrations problems are solved but there is great criticism. It is a wonder the Atheistic liberal news media has not questioned the legality of President Bush breathing. The Atheists who question the legality of everything President Bush does are the one who most often violate God's law. I wonder what would occur if there was a fair and balanced news media instead of the Atheistic liberal news media.

It is pitiful that America does have the stomach for the urban gorilla wars such as Iraq, because that is the model for all future wars. If Iran gets a nuclear device, it might be different, but generally the nature of war will be house to house and roadside bombs. You will know the war has been won when the people are providing tips on the enemy. I totally blame the inability to fight a urban gorilla war on the democrats and the Atheistic liberal news media.

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