
Fschmidt #dunning-kruger #god-complex

I was incel long ago. When incels started posting on the internet, I supported them. This was before humanity became completely retarded, so these incels were reasonable. There were some insightful posts, particularly by Caamib. But as humanity decayed, incels also decayed. About 4 years ago I developed a complete solution to incel. It was a dating service that used Facebook to advertise men to foreign women. It was 100% successful for the incels who tried it. But when I advertised my service in incel subs on Reddit, there was no interest. Incels had become totally useless scum with no interest in solving anything. All they wanted to do is complain.

Of course it is true that most women everywhere are worthless thanks to exposure to modern culture. But unlike in the West, there are at least a few decent women in non-western countries. There are no decent women in the West. And as far as I can tell, there are basically no decent men left anywhere by now. We live in a world of moronic scum.

At this point I feel like Noah from the Bible. Humanity has become completely worthless, deserving almost total extermination. My only job is to build an ark in case anyone wants to escape the flood of dysgenics. Here is my ark. Of course I would make sure that anyone who boards my ark finds a spouse, otherwise boarding the ark is pointless. But the rest of humanity, those outside the ark, can go to hell.

Caamib #psycho #sexist

{from 6 years ago}

Female perspective of rape

Feminist females define "rape" as being any sex they later regret. It is not so much that they will lie and say you raped them when they know you didn't. If you have sex and then they regret it for some reason, such as that you are of lower perceived status than they thought, then as far as they are concerned you "raped" them. Conversely, if you threw a female to the ground, ripped her clothes off and f***ed her without so much as a by your leave and she felt positive about what happened later on, it would probably not even occur to her to think she was raped. Thus the very same physical actions on the man's part could see him categorized either as a great lover or rapist depending on the later claimed emotional response of the female. Since it is not possible to objectively examine an emotional response, it follows that most "rape" cases are now prosecuted on spectral evidence, similar to the Salem witch trials. If we define "rape" as being forced sex, females do not think this is particularly bad or a big deal. Only self-hating manginas think rape is a big deal. Females like manly men who take charge of them and do what they want to them, not sniveling manginas begging them for sex and asking their permission nanosecond by nanosecond. Hence most erotic fiction aimed at females contains rape or quasi-rape scenes and females getting off on being raped is well known in criminology circles. In contexts where it is desirable and socially acceptable for them to have sex, females generally like being raped.

Rape in history

Sane societies do not revolve around the idiot "consent" or other mindless whims of females. In traditional societies females are placed under the control of men such as their husbands, fathers, pimps or whoever, and those men decide when they will have sex or not within the rules of that society. Often it would be considered the obligation females to have sex. After all, we all have unchosen obligations, and there is no reason why sex should be any different. The crime of rape was considered to be forced sex outside of the rules of society, such as a burglar forcing a married woman to have sex while robbing her husbands house. As stated, it is really the same today, except females now have control over what is deemed rape. The consent thing is a red herring.

fschmidt #psycho

Anyway, former president Obama not only justified violence against civilians with his drone strike program, but he actually carried them out and murdered numerous civilians. So how can even compare Caamib to Obama, regardless of your political views. Obama is obviously worse than Caamib by any standard.

fschmidt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

My kids are grown up. I home-schooled them and I taught them that people are generally scum and shouldn't be trusted. I think this served them well. I don't see Caamib as being any worse than modern scum. The political elite are mostly pedos, they just aren't honest about it.

caamib #wingnut

Whites who aren't afraid of Biden's victory are kinda like Jim Jones cult members.

In what way?

They don't feel threatened because they are white liberals, and thus they feel that their own existence is a crime and want to be killed by niggers. Like Jim Jones cult members, they don't fear death but welcome it because for them the existence of whites is unacceptable. So what they're saying by claiming "I am a white who is not threatened by Joe Biden's victory" is akin to a Jim Jones cult member saying "I am not threatened by drinking poison, I know I will go to heaven".

But not all whites are insane as they are. .

caamib #psycho #wingnut

Trump has to stay in power. The Democratic Party of the 2020 combines the worst aspects of Nazi Germany, namely extreme racism and intolerance towards opposition (the only difference that this racism is now against whites) and Soviet Union, namely hostility towards small business. It would be a disaster if these people came to power. If Trump does lose the election he should immediately declare a dictatorship, which would enable him to mercilessly crush the left and set the stage for a peaceful partition of the US once he steps down. If I were Trump I'd just start a dictatorship after Nov 3 in any case and start a war against the left on the streets, since army would be on my side. I would not stop this war before I exterminated all of them.

Caamib #psycho #wingnut

(Title: Did Jeffrey Epstein do anything wrong?)

Jeffrey Epstein recruited attractive teen girls to work as prostitutes for him. He was a pimp whose clients were wealthy, powerful men.

What exactly is wrong with what he did? In order for something to be morally wrong, I think it would have to harm society in some way. Jeffrey Epstein took teen girls from modern Western culture, a culture where all women are doomed to become sluts (remember, none of them would become good wives and mothers anyway), and he just encouraged them to become official prostitutes, and have sex with old rich guys instead of hunky dumb young jocks. It seems to me like this would have a neutral impact on society.

St. Cho Seung-Hui and Caamib #psycho #racist

(St. Cho Seung-Hui)
Jfl @ this NPC cope. Nigger lives don't even matter to other niggers, yet the nation burns because some nig nog was killed by a white cop. What about all the niggers killing themselves in urban America, in places like Detoilet & Chimpcongo? Surely niggers are far more dangerous to other niggers than cops are to niggers.

None of this means I care for bacon of course. There isn't a cop alive who doesn't deserve to swing from a noose or a bullet to the temple. But seriously, cops are for the shitskins & NPC trash. Let me police myself with my own weapons, please & thank you.


All BLM members should be killed on spot.

Caamib #psycho

About 4 years ago I was banned from Reddit after saying I might want to sleep with my daughter when she turns 12 if I can find her at the time. At that time, I was the highest rated moderator at r/incels subreddit. This subreddit was an offshoot of r/truecels, which I've moderated since January 2016 - for about 6 months. During that time these subs grew from tiny, insignificant specs on Reddit that had 50 or so subscribers to subreddits everybody was talking about.

After my ban, partially due to my bad choices of moderators, where I choose borderline retarded people like dsar, these subs suffered a sharp decline in quality after I left and became filled with insane, poorly educated and unreasonable scum. See, my moderation policy was never about keeping out "normies", "femoids" or whatever. Noncels and women participated there, but they had to adhere to the same rules everybody else had to. Terms like normies were barely beginning to emerge and I was using them in a different context . This wasn't a term for anybody who ever had sex like these freaks use it now but for "normal" people who weren't into politics much and who never had any trouble getting women throughout their lives. Nobody called women "femoids" there yet.

It was my ban that led to incel sites developing in such an awful manner - from what were once inclusive places where everybody who adhered to reasonable rules could participate to current echo chambers of very crazy people. And it had been my mistake that things turned out that way.

Anyway, that is all history now.

In this post, I will address some of the complaints people made about my daughter idea. Of course, I can't address the usual "but she's your daughter !" nonsense, as it lacks any substantial argument. But there were some people who expressed actual arguments against my idea, so I will attempt to tackle them here.

The age argument

This is a tired old argument that somebody is 12 "can't consent" because of their immaturity. It's the most common argument used. This argument is so well accepted today that it's now way outside of Overton window to question it. But this argument forgets that many historical legislatures, like canon law, had the aoc at 12 and that as late as in 1995 Spanish criminal code established the aoc at 12 (which had sadly been reversed by now). Ages of consent in Europe - Wikipedia

Were all those legislators just "pedophiles"?

From a standpoint of biology, this argument makes even less sense, as explained in this text Natural Age of Consent

The position of trust/nuclear family argument

This argument claims that it's unnatural and harmful to be having sex with your own child you are living with. It is, in my view, a better argument than the first one, but in my case it is irrelevant, as I don't live with my daughter, who in any case lives in a different country altogether and I've in fact never even seen her irl.

The pregnancy/genetic harm argument

This argument says that children born out of incestuous relationships can have genetic defects. Again, a good enough argument on its own but it doesn't apply to my case, as I have no intention of getting my daughter pregnant.

One argument against my position I've sadly never heard but would like to add here would be

The patriarchal/get your daughter married to a good man argument

This argument holds that fathers shouldn't sexually use their daughters as they should marry them off to good quality men as virgins. While completely true, this argument, once again, doesn't apply to my situation (or the situation of most fathers in the femisphere). In the feminist Western world fathers can't marry off their daughters to husbands of their own or their family's choosing. In fact, it's basically impossible to even raise your daughter right even without marrying her off. Home-schooling is prohibited in many parts of Europe and in any case asks for extreme sacrifices, especially if you want to hold a job.

Also, most women in today's feminist areas don't even hold the right patriarchal views so this makes it even harder. In my case, the girl's mother is a schizophrenic slut (I mean with an actually diagnosed schizophrenia) who holds very few opinions on anything at all. So raising a daughter that way would require me to 1) go to Netherlands, where she's been living since she was born, or get her to live with me here - very impractical in either case, especially since I've never been there and can't speak Dutch 2) get full custody, which is also basically impossible due to language barrier, huge expenses, the fact that I've not been taking care of her and the fact that femifascist courts in Europe will always side with a woman in child custody cases unless she is extremely ill and unsuitable for taking care of a child. For example, take a look at this disturbing video from Croatia -
As you can see there, this cunt female social worker and a cucked cop are trying to take this young boy into mother's custody due to a court order, despite him screaming and hiding in his room, obviously not wanting to go. His father is already in jail for obstructing this so he can't do anything. As seen here, courts obviously don't care about the lifelong psychological damage they're inflicting on this child, who is screaming in obvious extreme anguish. Such are the family courts in most of Europe outside of places like Belarus or Russia, where courts aren't just tools of feminism but actually try to do the best for the child.

All in all, it seems all the arguments against it are completely senseless so far.

Caamib #psycho

The thing is, his position had become very precarious the moment he let the seriously ill Kerstin out of the basement. There were already serious doubts as to the existence of some cult and he'd likely be discovered anyway. In fact, it's a miracle his shabby story survived as long as it did. The wisest thing was to just let Kerstin die or maybe recover spontaneously and dump her body somewhere later if she doesn't recover.

But Fritzl didn't do that, and that shows he had humanity in him and wasn't quite the monster the media portray him to be.

Caamib #sexist #psycho

They should however realize that if they admit that if ancient Athens subjugated women that it could only do so because of technological progress. In that sense technology will keep shaping new institutions who will give a different role to women. If the Ancient Athenians were able to adapt themselves to technological advances, so should the incel as well be able to adapt itself to its current technological environment and not blindly want a day and age where technology has regressed just because modern-day technology poses serious questions on how we ought to treat women. This is what it should mean for the incel to improve himself rather than blaming women for his incapacity.

I actually agree with most of this, aside from the idiotic last sentence. Technology itself is not to be blamed. The change in people's mentality is. Just like technological progress around 500 BC enabled Athenians to control their women better than less developed tribes did current technology could enable us to control women 100x better than Athenians did. We could track them with various electronic monitoring systems, for example.

So, the technology itself isn't to be blamed, as good use of technology would enable men to control women in far more effective ways than Athenians did.

However, this doesn't mean that men should improve themselves in a way a naive liberal like you sees it. Scum like modern Western women don't become attracted to men because they're good people, they're attracted to scum. I don't think somebody like yourself would see humiliating and killing women as improving yourself, yet it is exactly what these modern Western women are attracted to.

If men want to actually improve improve the gene pool and society they must improve these things by once again tightly controlling their women using new technology like electronic monitoring equipment.

Caamib #sexist #psycho

[Comment under "HELP!!!!!!!! does anyone know how to get away with rape ????????"]

How risky


I need help I’ve been thinks of ways like getting an unregistered car and kidnapping women rape them then let them go but I don’t want to get caught

First of all, you should not feel sorry about any of that. Liberals want everything white that moves raped and killed simply due to ideology so how can you be even as bad as that? How can you be worse than a liberal who is incel but wouldn't rape or a liberal who isn't incel but both want everything white around them raped by nonwhites? And just due to their indoctrination.

An unregistered car is a great precaution, but letting a raped woman go has its risks - how far away from your place of residence will you catch and release one? They might report the kidnapping more than rape btw. The safest way is to kill a woman and dispose of the body, for which there would be no evidence of any murder ever happening (people go missing all the time) but this requires some knowledge and logistics, plus you might not have the stomach for it.

What's really important is that you don't carry any phones around and immediately dispose of her phone - phones can be easily traced today.

Where would you store the woman and how long would you have her kidnapped? Just in the car for some hours?

Iamsforus (aka caamib) #psycho

What makes it worse, telling an incel to get help will only enrage him/her further.

Actually, this part isn't as unreasonable. What leftists mean by "getting help" is therapy, which is incredibly dangerous. Telling a therapist in Western feminist shitholes about these problems is extremely dangerous. I've seen shrinks who write on this very site talking shit about incels and spouting leftist garbage.

I have a simple test for a shrink to pass if you want him working with you - tell him to harm a local feminist of your own choosing (or one among the several that are offered if you want to give them an option). If they don't wanna do it ditch them right away.

Caamib #psycho

You post so much about morality, but isn’t seducing girls by pretending to be younger than you are somewhat immoral?

Not if you follow the OT morality. These girls aren't a member of my group, since I reject the liberal West. In my view, I could kill them and it wouldn't matter a goddamn thing.

Iamsforums (aka caamib) #sexist #psycho

Rape should almost exclusively be a property crime

There are some unhealthy patriarchal societies but history has never recorded a society that was both healthy and not patriarchal. It just doesn't happen.

In a healthy patriarchal society fathers own their daughters and marry off their daughters to good men when these women are still virgins and aged about 15-16. Their husbands are then the ones who then become their new owners. Imagine such women to be group 1 for purposes of this post.

In a feminist society this doesn't happen and women become massive sluts even at the age of 13-14. They become completely broken and are no longer even relationship material, let alone marriage material. They are scum of the Earth. Imagine such women to be group 2 for purposes of this post.

Women from group 2 deserve to be raped, but what is more important is that their rapes should remain outside of the realms of law. It should not be prosecuted in any way, much like cats or dogs mating should not be prosecuted.

It's different with group 1. If such women are raped than that should be a crime, but not against the woman but against her owner - ie, father or a husband.

My point being - a sane society differentiates between acts or rape and crimes of rape. These are not the same in a healthy patriarchal society.

Some exceptions to that might be self-managing prostitutes, aka prostitutes that aren't property of pimps and widows.

These are some good texts on the issue

Caamib #psycho

(Talking about a video in which a 10 year-old girl giving birth can be seen)

Jesus fucking christ... that segment with her giving birth got me so horny that I had to masturbate right away even with me being a no fapper. I don't think it will do anything to cause penile sensitivity again in any case, since I came in about 10 seconds of fapping, barely having to touch my dick.

Caamib #sexist #psycho

Those opposing incel violence should remember that a) this violence is caused by deprivations no sentient being should feel b) they don't oppose violence against straight white males. To them, these are all lice that must be exterminated.

Your idea rests on the incorrect assumption that "children" (a term which you use even for older teens like those at 17) are somehow inherently incapable of giving consent. It is not so. In the past some girls entered marriage even at 10 years old.

I'm sorry your 13 year-old daughter got ran over and killed, Ms. Smith, but at least no dirty male looked at her ! So rejoice about that, as it is far more important.

Any decent man masturbating must have his fingers broken. Your penis is a weapon. Use it.

I'd beat the living fuck of any woman who claimed to be incel.

If you're wanted by any modern Western woman there is something wrong with you. Only non-consensual sex with modern Western women is right.

If my grandfather opened fire on women in his town during the 1940s they'd be disgusted and scared. Modern Women would be attracted....

Caamib #psycho

Maybe I should look up my daughter when she's already 11?

It wouldn't make that much of a difference and might save me an year of waiting. Judging by her mother she'll be a complete slut so why bother waiting until she's 12? Plus they might move in an year.

Caamib #psycho

(Title: I had a sex dream about my daughter)

In it she was 12 and we were having sex with her legs on my shoulders. I don't know how I knew she 12 in a dream but it's one of those things you're sort of "aware" of in a dream. I didn't really see her face or remember it... Anyway, I was railing her snatch like there was no tomorrow (I know the feeling in this position since I had sex with some girl in it couple of times) and I came in her, only to suddenly wake up disappointed and... well, messy down there. I am a no-fapper so I have such dreams occasionally (if I haven't ejaculated in a woman for a longer time) so this is not new to me but none of my previous dreams were that graphic.

Caamib #psycho


Dragan (born 1980)

his "victim"/rape slave, Tijana (1999-2014)ć

A video taken in a summer camp during what is likely June or July 2014. She was a very talented singer !

My opinion/explanation

It is indeed very controversial to call this man a hero. What he did seems pretty heinous and it's in our natures to be protective of young people, especially girls. When I first saw this story I genuinely teared up for Tijana. This is simply our nature.

Yet, there is more to this than the story says. While browsing the Internet looking for more info I found that he was not married at 34. Sure, he had only finished elementary school and was of a low IQ, but could you imagine some low-IQ butcher being single against his will in something like 1914 Serbia? Yeah, me neither.
I found one article (that I can't find now for the life of me) where I read that his aunt asked him when is he finally going to marry and he sadly replied that he will never marry, which shocked her. I will put the article (though it's in Serbian) the moment I find it.

This guy was incel, and it was society that made him incel. I have little doubt that this was why he killed her.

Serbia is within the femisphere and is a feminist country where bad boys are highly sought after. Material wealth is also sought after, but, again, like in most feminist countries, that wealth is not the wealth of some normal worker but huge wealth. Look at this video

A pathetic country that deserves things everything it has coming to it.

Who, on the other hand, was Tijana? Well she seems to be a talented young singer who attended a music school parallel to her main education. But, honestly, what were the chances of her remaining a decent woman in 5 to 10 years?

Caamib #psycho

[Do you disagree that it's sometimes the logical action for an individual to take?]

I don't disagree that it's sometimes a logical action to take. This is more of a rule to ban those "Kill yourself" assholes, but then again they could be banned by some other rules for saying that. That being said, I think there's always at least a small degree of hope in your life. Take yourself for example. Most people would say you're living a failed life and in some sense you are. But at the same time you've made more difference than most morons who work 9-5 jobs do.

There's another reason. I'd much prefer people who wanna commit suicide going ER. It would kill some Western scum and give more attention to the site. Them offing themselves in empty rooms, not so much. But I can't put that into rules.

Caamib #psycho

(In a thread titled “Could you just imagine penetrating a 12 year-old girl's pussy?”)

It must be the most heavenly feeling on Earth. Like hot knife through a butter. Your dick must be in heaven.

Caamib #psycho

(The thread itself is disturbing enough, describing a 23 year-old member of “Raping girls is fun” taking a 16 year-old girl’s virginity)

Try to get her pregnant next. Poke some holes in condoms if need be.

Sans_Logique #sexist #crackpot #psycho

Inceldom is lame.

That's because it's built upon a sociological theory that can easily be proven false by basic psychology. (If all women wanted to sleep with chads, then why is hybristophilia a mental disorder?) At least Aristotle appealed to the essence of men and women when defending patriarchy. This is a notion many still uphold today.

If a man from Ancient Greece has a better theory than you for explaining things you have a resounding failure of a theory in your hands.

Your post is extremely poorly thought out. I'd call you an idiot but it would be an insult to all the idiots.

That's because it's built upon a sociological theory that can easily be proven false by basic psychology. (If all women wanted to sleep with chads, then why is hybristophilia a mental disorder?)

Because the term/concept were developed at a time when feminism hasn't yet completely mutilated Western societies.

]At least Aristotle appealed to the essence of men and women when defending patriarchy. This is a notion many still uphold today. If a man from Ancient Greece has a better theory than you for explaining things you have a resounding failure of a theory in your hands.

What does any of this have to do with anything you state before ? Also, you almost certainly don't even know what specific theories fschmidt has and incels have vastly different theories on what causes their problem. You just lump it all together and you don't even explain what Aristotle was saying and why his ideas are better than... whose ideas exactly?

Fucking lunatic.


Because the term/concept were developed at a time when feminism hasn't yet completely mutilated Western societies.

Ah yes, the "feminism mutilates". If you think that writing "women are equal to men" in the constitution is a form of mutilation you have explained what's wrong with you indeed.

What does any of this have to do with anything you state before ?

If a misogynist from more than 2000 years ago has a better theory for justifying misogyny than you do you know you have a massive failure of a theory on your hands.[quoe]You just lump it all together and you don't even explain what Aristotle was saying and why his ideas are better than... whose ideas exactly?

Indeed. I've yet to see a theory incels have for their suffering other than the blackpill. The fact that you think incels are a diverse group of people when in actuality they force eachother into one rigid streamlined thought where any diversion has to be eliminated shows an incredible lack of awareness. And I don't care if liberals have another theory for their suffering. I care what they themselves actually think.

And in case you haven't noticed. Aristotle was much better (although still wrong) than incels ever will be.


If you think that writing "women are equal to men" in the constitution is a form of mutilation you have explained what's wrong with you indeed.

Anybody can write down whatever they want. I can write down that "men can fly and women have 7 breasts" and nothing will happen. But when I try to live by such nonsense is where problems happen in society. Men and women are not equal and trying to live by that lie kills a society pretty quickly.

I don't know what's "wrong" with me and I don't think it's up to you to tell me, given that you don't know anything about me or Aristotle or incels or whatever the fuck you ramble about,

You also did nothing to address my point, which is that hybristophilia was rare and thus a disorder before feminist plague wiped out any intelligence and morality. Today's Western women are very attracted to violent, immoral men and putting a bullet through a woman's brain will attract other women much more than any honesty, decency or morality. Raping and executing a woman is attractive to women in feminist societies much more than being intelligent or decent can ever be - being anything more than scum repels modern Western women

If a misogynist from more than 2000 years... something about theories

Aristotle wasn't a misogynist. Judging by your insanity anybody before 150 years ago or so would be a misogynist in this case. Nobody who lived before that time would even think of something as retarded as giving women the vote or believing that they were equal to men. His theory (which I am not familiar with and you don't bother to explain it) wasn't to "justify" anything but came out of his own pondering. You can't apply 2019 idiocy to a man who lived in 4th century BC.


Indeed what? Do you even know what you're replying to?

I've yet to see a theory incels have for their suffering other than the blackpill.

Umm, really? I don't know how you define the term "blackpill" at all but there are several explainations to why incel happens in a society that don't claim looks are a cause. Read

shows an incredible lack of awareness

Actually, you are the one with the incredible lack of awareness, equating the term that has existed since 1997 and that many people define and see differently with a stupid sub culture that appeared in 2016. If you actually read you'd see that this all started when a bunch of morons from sites like Lookism and Sluthate overtook the term after Caamib was banned from Reddit. His way of running things was different and focused on rape, low ages of consent, Islam and positive thinking. You could have investigated and read about older incel forums, like or the now defunct Incel Support to see what they're about. Instead you just blather like an idiot.

I care what they themselves actually think.

Yet you never bothered to research it at all and are showing breathtaking ignorance.

Your last sentence is also breathtakingly ignorant as we have already established that no one man can be better at anything than a very disparate group under a very disparate term.

Do I need to repeat myself? I'd call you an idiot but it would be an insult to all the idiots.

Caamib #sexist #psycho

Why even ponder all this crap? Rape as a criminal act should be decided upon attacking the property of the father, husband or a pimp. Rape as an act? Who cares, really? Only the moronic cucks in modern Western society think rape should be punished because it violated the consent of the female. Sane societies don't revolve around any consent of the female.

Caamib #sexist

Reddit's censorship is really disgusting. That site is beyond evil. I was banned for saying I MIGHT want to sleep with one 12 year-old girl but, mind you, not now or in several weeks or months but 11 FUCKING YEARS. And that would not even be illegal in some countries, as some countries have the age of consent set at 12. Yet I was banned for "sexualization of minors" and the subreddit I maintained turned into slime and disaster you currently see associated with the term incel.

Caamib #sexist #psycho

There are some unhealthy patriarchal societies but history has never recorded a society that was both healthy and not patriarchal. It just doesn't happen.

In a healthy patriarchal society fathers own their daughters and marry off their daughters to good men when these women are still virgins and aged about 15-16. Their husbands are then the ones who then become their new owners. Imagine such women to be group 1 for purposes of this post.

In a feminist society this doesn't happen and women become massive sluts even at the age of 13-14. They become completely broken and are no longer even relationship material, let alone marriage material. They are scum of the Earth. Imagine such women to be group 2 for purposes of this post.

Women from group 2 deserve to be raped, but what is more important is that their rapes should remain outside of the realms of law. It should not be prosecuted in any way, much like cats or dogs mating should not be prosecuted.

It's different with group 1. If such women are raped than that should be a crime, but not against the woman but against her owner - ie, father or a husband.

My point being - a sane society differentiates between acts or rape and crimes of rape. These are not the same in a healthy patriarchal society.

Read CoAlpha Reactionary Forum - Obvious facts about rape

caamib #sexist #psycho

(In regards to comments on a quote of his where he proclaims himself a “limited political pedophile”)

first anon-

"Yeah I have a question. Can we put you in prison before you hurt someone."

No. I am not committing a crime by saying this. I am merely explaining a political view.

Kanna - "Some females at some time ignored you, therefore all females at all times should be penalized"

What the fuck are you rambling about? I don't care about women who ignored me at all, they didn't do any damage to me at all. The ones who didn't ignore me were the ones who could hurt me. I also never say that all should be penalized, I specifically state which ones should.

Kadorloon - " what makes you think outright admitting you'd have sex with a toddler is in any way, shape or form a good idea? "

The same thing that makes anybody state our their political ideas.

"Oh, right, brain damage. "

Hahahah, here we go again. The same cretin who wants citations about everything is making a completely unverifiable claim again, after I warned him many times about it. Still claiming I am living in a mental hospital while never taking me up on my offer to talk on Skype at 3 AM? Only an American can be this dumb and have this little self-awareness.

"EDIT: and, no, no one else in the world cares what made-up distinctions
you make to pretend a toddler from America "deserves it" "

No one else? Made up distinctions? Tell it to tens of thousands of men who have already left America and other feminist countries to find wives in non-feminist places in the world. Tell them how rape worshipping scum like modern Western women are no different than sane non-feminist ones. You imbecile !

"more than a toddler from some Middle Eastern sharia hellhole that you hold as the epitome of morality because they'd just straight-up kill her."

What ?!

A toddler from a non-feminist country doesn't deserve it at all, and nobody would kill such a toddler, but the ones who would rape such a female toddler. It would be a horrific crime, while it would be honorable act in America, as American women are scum. So are Western men, as evidenced by you. The fuck did you get the idea that somebody would just kill a raped toddler in the Middle East? Or that Middle East is the only non-feminist region of the world? Or that Middle East is a shithole, while some of the wealthiest countries in the world are situated there? You're a cretin, Kadorloon.

"Not only are you disgusting but you just contradicted yourself."

I am not. I explicitly say IT IS NOT ABOUT ATTRACTION and am even expressing doubts about my ability to get a hard on somebody that young. It's a political matter, limited political pedophilia.

Jacob Ripley #fundie

(Commenting on Caamib's article)

My favorites lines are

“But how many of them are actually against women’s suffrage or return of the patriarchal European values? What do they think would happen even if Muslims were to leave? Nothing, West would revert to state it was in 10,000 BC before the end of the century.”

I thought this was so funny and poignant. A great criticism. In America already the only thing keeping people from being totally feral and doing witch-hunts daily is the older, more traditional edifice. I have no doubt in as little as one generation (or hell 5-10 years), that everything will start breaking down.

Also my other favorite:

“History belongs to those who show up. It will be a far cry from what the West was when it was sane but much less dysfunctional than current West, a society demented and cruel enough to do what even ISIL would never even thought of – take away any ability for decent men to have any chance of having a partner and expect them to slave away for thugs and sluts.”

I never even thought of that way, but man that really hit me hard. Just thinking of how the American media constantly demonizes them but at the end of the day they have a much more functional and feasible moral code than us. At the end of the day their way of life is sustainable (meaning having over 2.1 children per couple) and our way of life is not.

Reiner and Caamib #sexist


The women are just incapable underage girls at 15 or 35 is the only thing I agree with feminazis.

And as incapable underage girls all their lives, they should not vote, they should not participate in politics, they should not be allowed to open checking accounts, they should not be allowed to decide with whom to mate, and they should be a property that passes from the authority of the father to the authority of the husband.


I agree completely and doing my best to deny whatever I can from the things you mentioned to my girlfriend. I obviously can’t have things that are non-existent like property passes and I didn’t get to know her via our parents deciding to meet us up but other than things you mention here that are legally non-existent I try to completely cut her off from the things you mention. Thanks for being one of the aware men. I plan to gather those like you.

Caamib #psycho


A picture of two crudely drawn guys.

One, wearing black, scrawny, frowning, and labeled “Virgin Incel”:

* calls anyone with the slightest romantic/sexual experience 'normies', is basically running a cult

* likes aspects of modern degenerate society other than not getting laid himself

* makes bizarre and phantasmagorical theories on what society should do, like blinding newborn females, never does anything about it irl

* most violent act against women is throwing coffee at one and trying to infect the other with the flu virus

* rarely and vaguely talks about feminism, and obsesses with looks, thus missing the real issue

* remove all the women from their communities, even ones that agree with him on some issues and have experience and education, simply because they are women

* turns every Incel platform he visits into a cesspool

* hates all women everywhere and at any time period because he lacks any knowledge of the world

* calls other cucks for allowing women to post and not being in a cult but has the same opinions on age of consent and rape as mainstream society

The other, labeled “chad caamib”, is visible muscular, has a big crotch bulge, wears bright red, and seems happy:

* Allows noncels and even married people to post on his Incel platforms, knowing their experience, knowledge, and wisdom are often greater than 19-year-old NEET virgins

* Bans people who equate Incel to merely a lack of sex, always accentuates the importance of finding a good wife

* Was interviewed for several newspapers and scientific magazines throughout the years

* Saw a lot of attempted outright defamation, simply gave the trolls someone else's info and was never harmed in any way or removed any of his writings

* Proudly and openly calls for the killing of feminists and leftists, knowing that there is no real improvement without this

* Blackmailed women for sex by calling their home handlines, impregnated a schizophrenic woman with his baby, raped several women he didn't even know and proud of all of this

* Deservedly hates modern Western women for being scum but knows that female behavior is influenced by culture and that there are good women in strictly patriarchal societies

* Openly claims all modern Western females of any age should be raped, would proudly sleep with any girl 12 or older

caamib #sexist

"One of the most repulsive"

And yet has a girlfriend, which imbeciles like passerby and pharaoh will never ever ever have. I mean, for all their wisdom about women you'd expect them to be just a bit more successful that I was? Instead I already have my third girlfriend and had sex with 6 different women if you count just consensual.

Let me put it to you this way

Caamib - 3 girlfriends, 6 sexual partners (if you just count consensual)

Passerby - 0 girlfriends, 1 possible, but not confirmed sexual partner (he was too drunk), which is basically zero since he doesn't even remember even if it happened.
Pharaoh- 0 girlfriends, 0 zero times he had sex.

Women in their countries and their prime minister approved importing a bunch of rapists who know what women want exactly because men like Passerby and Pharaoh are too pathetic and these women want strong Muslim men to breed them.

And these guys are giving somebody advice !

"and least aware (self or otherwise) people"

Oh? And what am I not aware of? I mean, I can't be less aware than these two with the facts I just mentioned? Hahahahaha

Vogon Award

for worst attempt at poetry

caamib and Holocaust21 #sexist

Nathan, have you thought about creating a Fb account of a teenager and trying to infiltrate some teenage communities?

Is that the “get arrested for sexual grooming” plan? I am not sure it’s going to achieve anything, except giving the feminists satisfaction.

I’ve seen this claim before this week by somebody and in both cases it wasn’t explained at all. There are several ways in which such an arrest can be avoided. From texting the girl briefly and with vague messages and meeting up as soon as possible, to beating a retreat the moment things become fishy and you think she’s gonna tell somebody, to many other things. It would all depend on your communication with the girl and instincts. When I tried my Tinder for teens experiment, weeks before it was cancelled, I went for one girl as young as 13 and she was real, just really immature so the youngest I did in fact meet was 15 and thus legal. Though I would have lied on that site where I was doing my report if I met some younger girl, just so I don’t get reported to the authorities by cucks and femifascist scum there.

Caamib #sexist

"underage girls is illegal, how am I going to have sex then without ending up in jail? answer me that question."

I will try to answer it for you. This very much depends on your age and location. In some areas of the world it would likely be too risky to try something like that and then you must travel to Asia. In other areas the risk of somewhat lower.

If the risk isn't very high like in some areas of America, try creating a facebook acc as a teen and fill it up with content. Have 100s of fake friends if need be. Then start messaging teenage girls. Look for apps that are for teens that want to create "friendships". Go to some school forums or local forums/facebook groups for teens. Be resourceful in trying to play a teen. I've heard of cases of in their 20s and 30s actually attending high school classes for a semester. Not in some African country but United States !

Also, do you hate modern Western women? Do you believe they should have no rights and that they're just worthless sluts? Eivind might not agree on this as his years long relationship might have softened him but I know that the tastes of modern Western women are irreparably broken and that the only thing they deserve is to be used and that laws should not apply to them.

Have you read my text on limited political pedophilia? It states

"I am a limited political pedophile.

What does this mean?

I am not attracted to female children below the age of 12, but I would still have sex with a modern Western female even younger, even a toddler.


Because I hate almost all modern Western women and don't care what happens to them. I know they will all become worthless sluts who will fuck the dirtiest men around (actual omegas - and that they will reject any male who will be interested in a serious relationship, let alone marriage. They might marry a beta when they're 35 or so just so he can feed their disgusting omega spawn but even then they'll fuck dirtbags who will still have them.

I don't care what happens to almost any Western female toddler (excluding women from sane groups in the West, like Amish, Mormons, Mennonites or Orthodox Jews). Would I get hard on 3 year old female toddler were I to get one? I don't know, I honestly haven't been with one before. But even if I could not, I'd still try to lick its vagina or something like that, just for experiment. I suspect it would be easier with some developed girl who is like 11. I have no doubt I'd be attracted to her and would fuck her well.

The point isn't attraction. Were I attracted to below 12 jailbaits I'd be sure I could get it hard even for a 3 year-old, but I can't be sure of that right now for reasons I've mentioned - a) I am not attracted to them now b) I have never been with somebody who is, like, a toddler.
The point is something else completely -as a modern Western female, you have no rights in my eyes. You are lost, broken, tainted, worthless. You will never be anything than a public urinal. You have no capability of being a good wife or a mother.

On the other hand, I'd never act in ways I described with a female from a non-feminist country !

So in that sense I am a political pedophile, in a limited sense (I am not a political pedophile toward non-feminist women). "

This is why I am for violence even against women younger than 12, though I am talking about it from a moral perspective and not saying anybody should go and do it now (for safety reasons). If you apply this view you will lose sight of the non-existent moral reasons for not treating such women violently, but it will sharpen you to avoiding criminal charges. It will ultimately be a good thing. These women deserve nothing better.

If you employ the mindset I have as limited political pedophile to women older than 12 as well you will no longer have moral qualms about raping them. So maybe that would become an option as well.

Caamib #sexist

bold is mine

Gally, I will reply to you though my goal isn't so much for you to read it, as you're a delusional idiot, but to make an intelligent reader, somebody who really wants to learn about this stuff, see why you're wrong and misrepresenting a lot of what we believe.

"Being anti-masturbation and anti-porn has NOTHING to do with fighting against feminist anti-male sex laws. "

Jesus, what idiocy ! Of course they don't have nothing to do with it. You're right. You know what it has to do with? Actual improvement in male lives. Making it easier for healthy, reasonable males to get women. Which masturbation actively impedes by making them less motivated to do so. But the fuck would you know about any of that?

That's basically the reply to that entire paragraph of utter bs. Let's go on...

"You're validating their whole enterprise. The whole feminist movement has been a response to the ever greater range of sexual alternatives for men to the average woman on the street (and women are getting more and more average by the day, at least in the West). "

You have no idea why and how feminism comes about. Today's males have far less sexual choices than those in 1970s, when there was less feminism. Another thing that's a waste of time to discuss with you.

"How the hell can you seriously rage against feminist anti-porn laws when you agree with the feminist junk science basis for them?"

Which "junk science" are you rambling about? Feminists were never against masturbation, in fact they deem it to be an acceptable "solution" as their idea of a nightmare is whites having any kind of sex. But this is also something you're too stupid to get.

"You also completely fail to see what's going to be happening in the next few decades."

No, in fact you do. Your idea of robots replacing women in that women will not happen. And I'll tell you why. There's several reasons. First of all, the technology won't develop. In late 1998 people believed they'd have robots as servants and various other stuff by 2018. We don't. We have been stagnating technologically since around 2000 and your fantasies simply won't happen. Chances are that technology will decline, not improve with times.
Other issue is that there's still a lot of shame connected to using such technology.

But there's one reason that is much more crucial - men and women still want to be with each other. I still meet women 13-40 with my online ads, because modern Western women, as messed up as they are, still are looking for somebody to control them and own the shit of them, to put them in their place. You won't replace this and the male need to do so with any robots and virtual reality.

And there's a more important reason as well- why would we want to do so? Can you marry a robot, have a child with a robot? No? So what is the point, anyway? Why live in a virtual reality and knowing you'll never procreate? You think men like fschmidt, Nathan or myself would have kids if we did so? Why don't you just take drugs or kill yourself if you don't want to live in the real world?

"This is the last thing men need in the face of the tsunami of anti-porn based feminist sex puritan laws."

No. This would be a blessing, which he understands full well as he's not as dumb as you are. It would make thousands of men get off their asses and take women.

"'I'd go as far to say as you're as much of an enemy to men as feminists are at this stage"

No, he's just not a delusional idiot like you.

"And given all the work you've done for the last couple of decades, includes bravely standing up to the Norwegian State, that's a real tragedy."

Standing up to delusional idiots like yourself, who pretend to be their friends (unlike the less perverse Norwegian state) is also quite brave. As I told you, he's just not a delusional idiot like you.

"yet if you can point to one single pro cannabis legalization activist (let alone 'the leader') who actually promotes the idea that smoking cannabis is harmful and should be avoided, then I'll apologize to you and become a 'Male Sexualist'."

No. Another thing you get completely wrong. An actual comparison would be "find me a cannabis legalization activist who actively promotes harmful chemical alternatives to pot that are known to destroy people's lives". And that is what masturbation is - a shade of actual sexuality, nothing. A dangerous tool that makes you complacent and unlikely to seek out actual sex. If you think being a male sexualist is about helping males jerk themselves off in dark rooms... Well, I'll just say that getting rid of that would be the first step to not being an idiot.

"We're struggling to get more than a dozen followers out of the 3 billion men on the planet affected by feminist sex laws"

But feminist sex laws would collapse quickly if men stopped jerking off. Because, guess what? You are not a hebephile. There's no such thing. All sane men would sleep with 12 year-old girls and younger. And they'll be much more motivated to so when they don't jack off. When millions do it regularly, and they will when boys are discouraged from masturbating, it will be easy.

"Islamic minded anti-masturbation incels who crave spending their lives with a HB4 just when AI sex robots and virtual reality sex are becoming real??"

No, no, no, no.... Just no.

Everything wrong and stupid. The problem with the term incels is lookism and cultism, which didn't exist when I was in charge more, as I explained in my June article. This is directly connected to their takeover of the term after July 2016, Also, you miss the real point. Incels aren't meant to be popular or liked, of course feminists will hate them. The point is to promote actual solutions, which don't have to do with looks but are extremely contrary to feminism (finding non-feminist wives, rape etc). When men who call themselves incel seek actual solutions then the term will be seen more seriously. The idea that you will get a political solution in Western countries is pure idiocy. I just want to help men improve their everyday's lives. Politics is a waste of time and these countries like Norway will collapse like all countries which adopted their policies did.

It's your stupidity and idiocy and listening to mainstream media that you believe incel is some political term or whatever. It isn't. You're a fucking incel.

My goal is simply to improve the lives of men, not some great political solutions you dream of.

I already addressed the robot thing. Your assumptions about the state of technology and human nature are wrong.

If I chose robots instead of women I'd never have a daughter now, for example. Or several girlfriends or willing sexual partners, not to mention less willing ones.

Also, I'd like to address some of the shit you said before, some of which I painstakingly translated..

-Eivind's ideas on women being the owners of sex don't mean that men can't reject sex. They just mean women forcing it on them should be very lightly punishable. If I don't want chocolate that moment and somebody force feeds me some delicious chocolate am I some great victim? That's nonsense ! And Eivind did say that in cases of harsher violence these women should be charged with assault. But for giving somebody chocolate, which is how men see women's sexuality? Of course not. Another thing you'd know if you weren't a brainwashed house negro.

- No, male fetuses masturbating in wombs aren't a problem. Males usually develop first serious interest at women at around 12-14. Besides, their penises are usually too small to be properly masturbated before around 10-11-12, so they masturbate them the way clitorises are played with before that age (at least that is my experience). So such males don't develop penile sensitivity and can be successfully directed to have sex with rl girls of similar age of slightly younger/older. See how stupid and clueless you are?

Also, remember just one thing, Gally. Sperm doesn't ask. It doesn't ask if you're worthy enough, if you achieved this or that, if you have this or that level of consent or respect. It just impregnates. Think about that. So impregnate somebody. Do your role in the world.

I was attacked for saying I should have killed 12 year-old girls with C4 and burning rubber tires around their necks, but guess what? THIS IS WHAT MODERN WESTERN WOMEN WANT. What they don't want is anybody of IQ above that of a goldfish and any respect. This went down the drain from the first moment they got basic "rights" like suffrage, which are nothing but privileges that enable the destruction of society.

Oh, and another thing. Regarding islamic minded incels, you're completely wrong, as usual. Those in such communities who are most islamic minded, like myself or fschmidt, aren't even incel anymnore. Most actual incels, at least by my definition, are lookist fools who know nothing about history or wqmen's nature, want to have consensual sex (and nothing else) with dirty Western sluts who get raped regularly anyway and don' give a fuck about it, and then they're are angry when this fails.

caamib #sexist

So, STE. I guess the most interesting thing would be knowing who you are in terms of your ideology.
Are you some libtard trying to stir up some of our vague “coalitions” or are you a real libertine who supports Holcoausts’ blog? Or are you something third?

If you are just some leftie I’ll tell you to go fuck yourself. But I’ll assume you’re somebody who actually supports Holocaust21.

I’ve never tried to hide the fact that I hate modern Western women. I believe them to be incapable of being good mothers and wives. This is no secret, most of my writings talk about that. To understand my post, you’d have to know the fundamental change that happened in the world around 2000-2004, which had to do with feminism entering my home country and making providers now unnecessary and to be replaced by seducers. Since I am not a seducer doing horrible shit like that would have indeed made me more attractive to girls that age, when I was 12 myself. Why didn’t I? Because I didn’t know how things were ! My parents, teachers etc were all raised in a society that was much less feminist. The shit a person like that Calvin2018 nutcase blames me for is just that – not getting around in a completely new environment on time. Also, Calvin’s posts, both on Reddit and their blog, are horrendous accusations veiled behind fake intellectualism, as they couldn’t even pretend it’s not about sex for a single day despite claiming they don’t believe it is (I mean it’s just in their title and everything they write, why I am so picky when saying that?) and plainly told me that me not being incel for a year means that I’ve been having sex for an year. That is Calvin, but you’re not mentioning them so I won’t go further into that.

Does that post say I’d do the same thing now? No, it doesn’t !

You call me a misogynist? Do you know what that would entail? It would entail hatred of ALL women. But how many of my posts attacked women in non-feminist societies? There are some sentences I made on female nature in general, but they’re more “buyer beware” than hateful content.

Is killing women wrong? Depends on how you view these women. I view modern Western women as irredeemably evil, and believe killing them makes a male more, not less attractive. Same with rape or other acts of violence against them. I’ve seen the rape thing with my own eyes. You call MRA’s misogynists? What is this, 2012? Honey, MRAs have been losing relevance for some years. And, no, they’re not all misogynists, this is something retarded that a feminist would write in 2012.

And finally, do people you mentioned have disagreements? Of course they do. I disagree with some of Nathan’s ideas and consider them absurd and barbaric (impregnating you daughter? C’mon). I disagree with Holocaust that the best societies were Netherlands or Sweden in the 70s. I mean, I think these were pleasant to live in but were something like that moment before Willie Coyote realizes that there is a nothing underneath him. They didn’t function on sustainable grounds and turned to shit they are now because the foundations were wrong even then.

But why should we agree on everything?

Now, if you wanna make a serious reply to this go ahead. But I doubt you will.

Caamib #fundie

Also, something the OP said, that both Progressives and Nazis want him dead because he is a Jew. That might be technically correct, but Nazis have much less power than Progressives in the current society. I often talk about politics and how presidential politics in the US is irrelevant etc. And that much is true, but had Hillary won Progressives would have had much more power and she did came very close. One can only hope that Trump will continue with his policies that amount to nothing less than ethnic cleansing of its voters to at least slow down the Democratic Party.

caamib #sexist #wingnut #psycho

I am a limited political pedophile.

What does this mean?

I am not attracted to female children below the age of 12, but I would still have sex with a modern Western female even younger, even a toddler.


Because I hate almost all modern Western women and don't care what happens to them. I know they will all become worthless sluts who will fuck the dirtiest men around (actual omegas - and that they will reject any male who will be interested in a serious relationship, let alone marriage. They might marry a beta when they're 35 or so just so he can feed their disgusting omega spawn but even then they'll fuck dirtbags who will still have them.

I don't care what happens to almost any Western female toddler (excluding women from sane groups in the West, like Amish, Mormons, Mennonites or Orthodox Jews). Would I get hard on 3 year old female toddler were I to get one? I don't know, I honestly haven't been with one before. But even if I could not, I'd still try to lick its vagina or something like that, just for experiment. I suspect it would be easier with some developed girl who is like 11. I have no doubt I'd be attracted to her and would fuck her well.

The point isn't attraction. Were I attracted to below 12 jailbaits I'd be sure I could get it hard even for a 3 year-old, but I can't be sure of that right now for reasons I've mentioned - a) I am not attracted to them now b) I have never been with somebody who is, like, a toddler.
The point is something else completely -as a modern Western female, you have no rights in my eyes. You are lost, broken, tainted, worthless. You will never be anything than a public urinal. You have no capability of being a good wife or a mother.

On the other hand, I'd never act in ways I described with a female from a non-feminist country !

So in that sense I am a political pedophile, in a limited sense (I am not a political pedophile toward non-feminist women).

Any questions?

Caamib #racist

Just punched a nigger in head

There are a lot of niggers in a city where I work. Some were shouting something right now on a busy street, annoying me to no end after a full day's work. I just wanted to sit down somewhere and have a beer while watching World Cup. So I approached one of these monkeys from behind and punched it from behind in the head. It fell down and before his stupid friends could react I punched him once again with my foot and started running away. I heard some yelling behind me but I easily managed to dissappear in the crowd.

caamib #fundie

"If we incorporate caamib's idea that having sex with prostitutes would not be considered premarital sex nor would it be impeded by a ban on women working... then wouldn't all women just become prostitutes?

Follow my train of thought for a moment: Cat's Paw's proposals make marriage unpleasant for women. "

Yeah, I was amazed by your conclusion that women would just want to become prostitutes and decided to gave you a chance. I tried to follow your thought further but stopped reading when I got to the part where you claim his ideas make marriage uncomfortable.

Somebody who'd say that has no idea how women work. Women just go for what's the current norm in society and feel comfortable when they do that.

Sucking frat cock and being worthless scum isn't the natural state of women, nor is it being good wives and mothers. Women just adjust to what's popular in society.

"Two: Semantics nothing, these are the very definitions of words. Why not just admit you don't think shit through instead of going into a series of increasingly ridiculous excuses that always ends up with you making a claim so impossibly absurd that you never live it down. "

I am still waiting for you to make an argument. So far your only argument is "but prostitutes are also workers and therefore all of your arguments are baaaad!". Ok, I'll give you a chance...

"Three: Even if you got your heads out of the alternate dimensions you've got tucked away in your assholes where the world works based on some alien logic hostile to the reality the rest of us humans here on Earth are used to and tried to set this bullshit up in a manner that somehow technically works despite the contradictions and mutually exclusive initiatives how the hell would you even enforce something so laughably convoluted and easily exploited for purposes contrary to your insane intentions? "

1. How is it convoluted and whatever you say?

2. How it would be enforced? The same way all sane cultures, from Ancient Athens/Rome to early America did. It's pretty easy once people wake up.

"The abolition of privacy laws alone"

Some things I wanted to point out regarding cat paw's suggestions are that some of these would actually be redundant.

If you do the essential things like ban women from voting and working and make adultery and pre-marital sex illegal you would no longer have any need for slut shaming or things like that. Women would just accept a sane culture.

So I am not sure what cat meant by "abolish privacy laws", probably not all of them, but it would ultimately be irrelevant. See my post to the person above.

As for my "doxxers", lololololol. What cat's paw didn't mention in that post is that in a sane culture there would likely be none of those tactics on the Internet at all. It would be a civil society since seducers would be destroyed.


And regarding the comment on what women feel as uncomfortable, do you think women naturally want to be raped by niggers, have bullets in them and want to be impregnated by animals who will never take care of the kids?

Of course not.

But, at the same time, no more do they want to be good mothers and wives who will marry chaste and be decent wives.

Women are what you make of them in a society created by men.

If a society created by men is bad women will be bad. If a society created by men is good women will be good.

If you see the amount of men defending what is the death of any society, an atrocity like women's suffrage, you'll see that this society is dead.

caamib #fundie

The entire nature of the bullshit white men are taught today makes them inadequate, as it goes against female nature.
Does consent exist in nature?
So who thinks about consent?
Losers think about consent.
Can women be fully lesbian?
No, they can't.
So why do some women turn fully lesbian?
Because they're disgusted by men.
Does contraception exist in nature?
So who uses contraception?
Losers use contraception.
Are dates a good way to get modern Western women?
No, dates are a horrible way to get modern Western women, since these women don't want to be treated civilly or be talked to.
So who goes on dates?
Losers go on dates.
Who washes their ass?
Entitled, boring straight white guys wash their ass.
You never see blacks, Muslims or such groups do any of this. Yet nobody's accusing them of anything.
Men who are not inadequate do what they want with women and colonize them with pregnancies. Yet the society teaches men not to do that.

Inadequacy comes from applying the standards that go against human nature.

Why do so many men have problems with women?

Because women hate men. And for good reason.

Men who aren't to be hated have no notion of nonsense like consent, contraception or female's will.

caamib #fundie

"Well parts of wise sociology is harm-reduction.

Say we have a person who is attracted to minors, and we construct the two opposing choices between 1) telling him that he is a monster and is going to offend sooner or later, and 2) telling him that he is a perv and lots of people are pervs and to stay clean off of minor-sex"

Neither of these is any harm reduction.

You explain why proposition nr 1 is wrong but what you should understand is that nr 2 is much, much worse.

- Calling somebody a "perv" would actually offend a sane person much more than the word "monster". A "perv" means... what? It sounds like a bunny dropping of a fifth rate mind.

-What do you care what lots of people are?

- Staying clean of minor sex is a horrible idea. First of all, bad/evil laws are there to be broken. And these laws are the epitome of evil so they should be broken, just like many German laws from WW2 should have been broken.

- The sole idea that somebody will abstain from sex due to laws in insane. It shows a fundamental misreading of human nature. You are like those idiots who tell incels to just "forget about women", while forgetting themselves that no incel would exist if their forefathers had "forgotten about women". A good advice to pedos should be- offend, offend, offend, as much as you can ! It is no offense at all. Of course one needs to worry about his safety as well as cops and many brainwashed civilians really enforce and believe in these laws but no sane human being will give up on sex due to laws. Horrible, abominable laws in that.

- You also forget the very important and ever present racial issue here. Most people who believe in these laws would also like to enforce laws in which you'd be hunted down and killed just for being white. They are dangerous, insane and shouldn't be listened to.

caamib #fundie


Anonymous coward - nothing you say here makes any sense. 

I am useless about what ? Paying taxes for feminist causes that would ensure I remain lonely, had I listened to human manure like you? Like those poor crazy ba starts on this site who do believe your crazy ideology, men stupid and crazy enough that they'd remain virgins than fuck even 17 year old girls but would let gladly let even toddlers be raped by blacks and other groups than can do not wrong on their minds ? That kind of "useless"? 

I am not useless to my friends and my parther, I am useless to scum like you, scum that wants whites massacred. And that kind of uselessness is just too splendid. 

The rest is even more of a riot. 

I never seriously attempted to do what you claim (read to understand the context ). I have also never mentioned it since 2013 nor do I even see my parents for months at a time so what kindo of idiot would blabber about this time and time and again? 

Oh, this kind of idiot, as we see later on. 

Because only a hyper idiot would claim that I am somehow, according to you, not mentally read for am activity I've engaged in for more than 5 years. I can only laugh hysterically are that, but.... What isn't funny though is that vermin like you actually can apply this desire for control and judgement to young girls and trumatize them when they have sex, especially if they have sex with much older men (when that sex is much LESS traumatic if scum like you doesn't poke their disgusting pig nose in). There are many girls who actually are traumatized by vermin like you that sends prosecutors and such scum after their boyfriends with no regard to the wellbeing of these girls. 

Anyway, keep making a damn fool out of yourself and blaming me due to fact nobody taught me that modern Western women want to have car tires strapped around their necks and set on fire. Because that's exactly what some boy at 12 would know with no guidance. 

Idiot. All you're good for is taking a piss on.

caamib #fundie

I think both of you go too far. The OP proclaims to be a half-troll but I like his approach and much appreciate his blog so it matters less if he’s serious or not but I’ll assume you certainly are, Chinzork.

It would be a folly to just teach women to be sex slaves and prostitutes. Once feminism collapses there will be millions of sluts and feminists who will be just that for a loaf a bread and a glass a water a day and, believe me, you will not have to teach the first generation anything about fucking and sucking anyway.

But in order to maintain the current level of industrial civilization in a non-feminist society (which will soon be surpassed once male creative energies are released and sexual frustration and PC are no longer a hindrance) you’ll need women for jobs like teaching, maids, nursery, probably even doctors. I agree that they shouldn’t be allowed into basically any STEM fields because they just create dissension between men and exchange sexual services for career advancement but they must do some jobs as well.

What’s really important, even more than the STEM thing, is that 1. they get no right to vote – it is impossible to have a civilization with this 2. are married off to good men young 3. aren’t socializing with men outside of families.

With this you have already solved 99 percent of the problem.

Btw, daily, is there any way to donate to you? Loving your blog !

caamib #fundie

Well, I thank you for this comment. The idiots that believe I censor everybody would think I would delete and not publish this but in fact this comment is in line with all the rules, since insults are paired with some arguments. The problem is that your arguments don’t stand so well.

“You think the blacks coming Africa are going to take over Europe and make it some Islamic paradise? HAHA HAHA”

You’re equating blacks and Middle Easterners, as Rationalist already told you. Huge parts of Africa are Christian as well. I agree that blacks are of poor IQ and basically animals but guess what? 1) I place more stock in Middle Easterners 2) poor IQ and basically animals is what the Westerners are becoming as well.

“Islam is like the down syndrome brother of Christianity that wear’s the super man shirt and thinks it’s a super hero because so.”

Dude, please ! If you think Christianity is in any way more functional than Islam right now look at the state of young people in the current Western world, who are worthless trash. Their women are all skanks and whores, young men degenerate idiots. I prefer Islam to a culture where the same man can’t breed a woman and take care of a child – and this is the current Western culture.

“The blacks coming from Africa may very well find coal burners to mate with and have children with, forcefully or not. But those children will be burned just like the adults.”

No. What you don’t understand is that these children are no less valuable than white children produced by seduction. And if your reply’s gonna be something like “But you wanna enslave wimmen because ya can’t get laid you stupid jew” to a person who had girlfriends and sex you will just prove my point. Seducers shouldn’t be allowed to have kids and kids of white seducers are worse than any black kids of black non-seducers. This is the crucial thing you’re missing.

“The AfD being voted in in Germany is the start of this. Poland saying not white, not right shows us this. Brexit, Trump, Australia closing it’s door to the unskilled – all indicator’s of the left’s slipping foothold. And when the liberals are in the minority, all it will take is a brave, mustache touting wild eyed facsit to kick of the great purge once again.”

Let me school you on some of this

1) AfD is voted into the Parliament. It is nowhere near power and no other party wants to go into a coalition with it.

2) Poland? Oh you mean the hyperfundie place where you can’t get an abortion if raped by one of these blacks you rail about? Well, guess what- none of this means dick to what I’m saying. Polish women are still pieces of shit and Roosh’s experiences in places like Warsaw said they’re worse than women in small backward American towns. Imagine how awful they are then ! Poland has an extremely right wing government now but this does nothing to curb seduction or annul so called “women’s rights”, just like Trump’s victory didn’t make American women better. It’s all just your misconceptions in which you believe “right wing government = good society” without taking any real factors into consideration. If Poland repeals women’s suffrage, which no successful society can have, then one could take them seriously. Up to that point it’s all a joke.

3) I touched on Trump. Brexit and Australia? Again, do you know what this essay says? It says that even if Muslims are left out the West will collapse on its own. I am not calling for Muslims because the West is functional. I am calling for them because the West remaining is a worse option.

“And when the liberals are in the minority, all it will take is a brave, mustache touting wild eyed facsit to kick of the great purge once again.”

I’d have no problem with that, as long as that fascist does the right steps in terms of banning women’s suffrage and all forms of feminism. Otherwise everything will remain the same. I will be the first to fight alongside such a man if he can get “women’s rights” to a 1750 AD level.

“It might be 10, 20, 40 years from now. Primitives like yourself are going to be taken and tortured for worshipping your pig fucker, Mohummad.”

Again, you’re missing the point of this essay. The point is that I believe there is no better alternative than Islam. Your post did nothing to say why the current West, with all the faults of it my essay lists, is a better alternative.

Btw, another problem is that you have no idea how strong what you’re fighting against is. These are people who would have their own female children, wives and sisters raped by Muslims at any age but hate you for being straight and white and these people have enormous power. See how the America looks like today. There’s more witch-hunts against men than ever, under a Republican administration. I’d wager it is still much more likely that they will win and then hand power to Muslims, who will destroy them to the man.

Caamib #sexist

The word rape has various meanings today. Some, like the one which will be about its sane legal definition, are sadly mostly historical in current Western culture, though they still subsist in some saner cultures even today. So what are these definitions?

Sane definition of the act of rape - This definition is also consistent with Common Law ("Carnal knowledge of a woman forcibly and against her will") and even with evolutionary psychology (“Human copulation resisted by the victim to the best of her ability unless such resistance would probably result in death or serious injury to her or others she commonly protects” is the definition used by Thornhill & Palmer in A Natural History of Rape).

So rape can only be performed by a penis and of course women can't rape men.

Sane legal definition of rape - Sane legal systems differentiate between act of rape and a crime of rape. A sane legal definition of rape doesn't believe all acts of rape are crimes of rape. What nonsense would it be to believe that and to treat the whims of some sluts as actually defacing a virgin or a married woman !

A sane legal definition of rape would define rape as a property crime against the woman's father or husband. Also, rapes against prostitutes should be prosecuted. But it would certainly never account for rapes of sluts, and would consider raping a slut a justified response that should be praised, not persecuted.

Current insane definition of the act/crime of rape - I am saying act/crime of rape because insane modern Western cultures basically don't differentiate between the act of rape and a crime of rape. In any case, this definition had been, especially since 2000, expanded to include much more than just the actual act of rape. It now includes any form of coercion, inserting objects into sexual orifices, even the insane claim that a woman can rape a male ! There are feminists/liberals insane enough to believe Brock Turner raped some unconscious woman he fingered or that I raped a woman who offered my sex herself in a phone call, simply because I put her picture on my blog when she decided to torture me (as she later admitted herself).

An actual moral definition of rape used by feminists/liberals - this is what almost all feminists and liberals actually see as rape. It is defined as any act a straight white male does to get sex. Asking a woman out by a straight white male is rape to liberals. Going on a date if you're a straight white male is rape. On the other hand, no actual act of rape, even rape of smallest children, is rape if it is done by Sacred Classes like blacks, Muslims or Hispanics.

I will admit that there are some feminists and liberals who don't believe so, but these mostly stop calling themselves feminists or liberals once they realize what these ideologies are about.

It is also true that this definition isn't yet widely used in law but and police officers and judges who don't use this definition are seen as vermin by liberals and there are places in the West where it's slowly getting there .

Female definition of rape- Women simply define rape as sex they regret, and pay basically no intention to any other circumstances, including physical pain. So this definition is completely silly and shouldn't be regarded by anybody sane as anything more than what 5 year-old children think. That some legal systems are starting to bring this definition into equation (though usually by ignoring the sex with a member of Sacred classes females regret) is simply a symptom of a decaying society.

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