
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

UGAfan #racist topix.com

I'm just curious of why I'm considered a racist for standing up for my rights? First off I don't hate any race. I just think it's by god time to stand up for my own...
White people have been looked down upon long enough.
If we get the better job, it's discrimination, if we fly our rebel flags we are racist, if we tell a joke about a blk we are still considered racist oh and don't forget about our Dixie Outfitters shirt. The list goes on and on. Guess what it's time for us to start b***hing and put a stop to it all.
We are all equal and should be treated that way... Why is it ok for some to have rights and ours taken away??? This goes for our religion, our schools our COUNTRY....
So with this I ask WHERE ARE OUR RIGHTS????

TED #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia moonbattery.com

Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives

If a Conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a Liberal doesn't like guns, they believe no one should have one.

If a Conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy. A Liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly enjoys life. If a Liberal is homosexual, they loudly demand legislated respect.

If a Conservative is a minority , he sees himself as independently successful. Their Liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A Liberal wants all churches to be silenced.

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A Liberal demands that his neighbors pay for his.

If a Conservative disagrees with a Liberal president, he is called a racist. When a Liberal disagrees with a Conservative president, it's patriotic dissent.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Responding to a comment made by another group member: "The most hated people in the country are former homosexuals and black conservatives. Both threaten the left-wing political agenda."

Very true Kirk.

They are very brave people to let it be known they were delivered from their addictions to homosexuality and transgenderism. But they are so thankful to be delivered that they don't care what others think of them now. Praise God.

Those who are getting OUT of the liberal democratic party are also praising God for that.

I was watching a YouTube Video the other day about a young man that had joined the Antifa movement, but the minute they clashed with the Patriots, his OWN group threw him in front of their group and allowed the Patriots to get HIM while they took off running!!

That is when he realized he was fighting on the wrong side and he admits he is NOW a Patriot. He said the Patriots were always taking up for the people on their side and even saving them when an Antifa member had one of the Patriots down on the ground.

He said that didn't happen on the Antifa side.

Also, I was watching a YOUTUBE video where an elderly BLACK man was taking sides against the YOUNG BLACKS and their Black Lives Matter Group, calling them angry and evil. He claims he is through with being an angry black man and now sides with GOOD against EVIL. I will never forget look on the young black faces when they realized he was calling them EVIL.


PDK #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com

As I perused the news online this morning I notice Kim Kardashian is pregnant and Kanye is the father.

Normally I could care less about Kim Kardashian, however being a white woman and sharing the eggs she was entrusted with from the white gene pool with black sperm from the black gene pool is the type of transgression or abrogation of nature liberal enforced ideology is making materialize.

This is so wrong.

I wonder if our white girls and white women knew the truth of the black gene pool`s reality, that the black, more r selective GP produces a physically smaller, lower IQ cerebrum, if they would still care to share their genes with black genes. But the liberal enforced ideology will not let our females see this truth; in fact they attempt to persuade our females to share their entrusted eggs with black sperm. So vile is the ability of a liberal, and especially of liberal leadership, itself sick with the desire for the power to parent all as a God, that not only are our white girls and women not allowed to see this truth, they are instead deluded by commercials and other things Hollywood to believe the exact opposite, that black males are superior to white males.

It is horrible enough that we whites surrender our hard earned and created culture to blacks because of liberal ideology. It is far more horrible that we whites allow our white gene pool to be transmogrified and polluted by black genes, yet both these conditions are being enforced upon us by liberal ideology.

Time to consider a gathering together of us non-liberal whites, and declaring independence from liberals and blacks. Time to consider secession. Thank you.

Wotans Krieger #racist #wingnut #psycho #elitist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

During the 12 years of the Third Reich attempts were made to re-establish the link between Blut und Boden, recognising that amongst the German peasantry (not to be misread in the modern sense as a pejorative term) the purest Germanic and Nordic blood was to be found, for by this time the German nobility had become bastardised by the blood of middle-eastern money lending families. We see this today with the supposed English Royal Family that will forge marital alliances with the most unlikely people, the mercantile class, which has its origins in mediaeval Jewry and money lending. Crowns can thus be bought for a few shekels.

In the Reich that is to come these bastardised noble familes will have no place of honour for they are enfeebled distortions of the once racially pure Germanic aristocracy. Thus we must begin again the restoration of the caste system. Building on the vision of the Rigsthula I propose that these reconstituted castes be as follows:

Kon-This must be a recogniseably priestly caste, separate from the one below. In contradistinction to Julius Evola I regard the mystic, priest and shaman to occupy a more important role than that of the Ksatriya warrior-noble. The present nobilities of Europe have long since lost any abilities which they once had, no doubt a consequence of their race-mixing with Levantine elements.

Jarl-The Aristocracy of regenerated Aryan man, occupying positions of leadership in all aspects of Germanentum. They must take their instruction from their spiritual superiors.

Karl-The producers and farmers of our folk. The term peasant must have its honour restored and once again represent the very best in Germanic man. The Karl must recover his mystic link with the land of his ancesters. England must once again become an agricultural not an industrial economy. Thus we can assist the earth to heal itself and we in turn will reforge our lost link with the sacred earth.

As far as the non-Nordic, non-Germanic and non-Aryan caste of the Thralls is concerned they will be banished from our sacred ancestral lands. Once our people and land have been freed from the dual poisons of capitalism and industrial exploitation the Thrall will cease to have a purpose and non-Nordic elements will be banished from our lands. The Rigsthula makes it clear that this caste was an alien one. The very presence of the Thrall in our lands represents a very real threat to our biological survival as a racial community. Some of these Thralls may outwardly appear to be people of our own blood but the obese, the sexual degenerate, the drug addict, the alcoholic and the career criminal should be regarded as part of this slave under class and the necessary corrective measures undertaken. They are the Untermenschen much prized by the liberal elite.

The Woden Initiate of today will form a part of the Kon caste of tomorrow. It is imperative that we focus our time and resources in building up our spiritual knowledge and powers in preparation for the age which is to come. Our descendants will together form the priestly caste which has been built from our loins and give the spiritual direction and leadership that our people need.

Arthur Gordian #elitist #racist socialmatter.net

A Brief Defense Of The Hereditarian Caste System

Returning to the topic of Indo-European mythology, there are two distinct ways that Indo-European societies organize themselves. The first is by means of caste, which Georges Dumézil defines as an order built on the concept of function. He argues that the Proto-Indo-Europeans organized themselves into three groups, the famous trifunctional hypothesis of Priests, Warriors, and Laborers, and that this caste system evolved into the various manifestations we see from India to Ireland. While there were numerous permutations of this system, each changing in some way the specific character of the castes, the same foundational rules applied across the board, namely that society should be divided along the lines of the function men play in the maintenance of order.

The alternative method of organizing society, also indigenous to Indo-European societies, is the class system which dominated the post-Medieval world. The major distinction between class and caste is that class system organizes people by socio-economic status rather than social function. What one does in society does not matter in a class system. What matters is the amount of wealth and status you can accrue from your function. Members of the upper class can be politicians, businessmen, or generals, but these roles are insignificant to the class system. It is certainly true that upper-caste members tend to be wealthier than lower-caste members in traditional economies, but the material differences are incidental to the caste system and central to a class system.

In Dumézil’s Mitra-Varuna and his two volume work on Ancient Roman religion, the author shows the conflict which emerged in the Roman Republic when the class system began to eclipse and replace the ancient religious caste system. Like most European religions, especially among the Germanic peoples, the priestly caste was largely absorbed into the warrior caste and retained only ritualistic significance, which Dumézil traces in the various priesthoods of the Monarchy and Republican period. What distinguished the Romans was the rise of a system where men were divided into socio-economic classes, such as the Senatores, Equites, Proletarii, and so forth. While there were hereditary roots to these classes, after the Republican period they were primarily economic, as the poet Juvenal tells us:

Would you not like to fill up a whole note-book [of satirical writings] at the street crossings when you see a forger borne along upon the necks of six porters, and exposed to view on this side and on that in his almost naked litter, and reminding you of the lounging Maecenas: one who by help of a scrap of paper and a moistened seal has converted himself into a fine and wealthy gentleman? – Satire 1

Juvenal’s complaint should sound familiar to modern ears: unscrupulous foreigners who lacked any respect for the Roman virtues or laws usurped the positions of power, authority, and wealth from the native Roman population. The openness of the Roman system, which transitioned toward the class structure after the Servile Wars in order to permit qualified plebians to serve in high military office, allowed the complete disenfranchisement of the Romans themselves.

—when a guttersnipe of the Nile like Crispinus —-a slave-born denizen of Canopus —-hitches a Tyrian cloak on to his shoulder, whilst on his sweating finger he airs a summer ring of gold, unable to endure the weight of a heavier gem—-it is hard not to write satire. For who can be so tolerant of this monstrous city, who so iron of soul, as to contain himself when the brand-new litter of lawyer Matho comes along, filled with his huge self; after him one who has informed against his noble patron and will soon despoil our pillaged nobility of what remains to them—-one whom Massa dreads, whom Carus propitiates by a bribe, and to whom Thymele was made over by the terrified Latinus; when you are thrust on one side by men who earn legacies by nightly performances, and are raised to heaven by that now royal road to high preferment—-the favours of an aged and wealthy woman? – Satire 1

As hard as it is to tear ourselves away from the masterful writing of Juvenal, let us return to the point; the openness of a class system, which reduces all social order to that of wealth and popularity (to which Juvenal has more to say, but I’ll desist), creates the opportunity for the erosion of social values and cultural goods by removing one of the core limits on superbia, the overweening ambition of the opportunist.

The rise of the low-caste man to a position of absolute power is bad enough, as history has demonstrated, but the greater danger is that such a society is a magnet for every two-bit con man and grifter across the globe. People with no attachment to the land, culture, or society can use class systems to free-ride on the cultural and social capital of a well-ordered society until even the greatest community is brought down under the overwhelming weight of parasitism. Rome became that magnet, attracting the scum of every corner of the Mediterranean to pull down the greatest civilization before our own. When wealth alone determines social status, anyone willing to violate the norms and unspoken rules governing society can elevate themselves, because when their actions transform society into a cesspit of corruption and despair, they can simply pick up again and move on to the next target. The weight of social disapproval, which ensures a functional society’s consuetudines et usus, the unwritten customs, values, norms, and beliefs which undergird social order and protect against anti-social disruption, does not function on the alien. Cicero declared the fundamental character of a community to be a common language, common “ius[1],” and common weal. There is no common language, “ius,” or weal in the Rome Juvenal is portraying to us, and that is largely due to the Roman class system.

Thus, we return to the notion of caste, in which function and heredity primarily determine one’s social position. I am under no delusion that I am a “secret aristocrat,” as the liberal slur goes. My heredity is pure redneck back over five hundred years. Under a strict hereditarian system, I would most likely be prohibited from receiving enough education to read Juvenal. Nevertheless, the reactionary in me says that my personal situation is irrelevant, and I ask of my reader to keep that in mind themselves as they read the following. If I must be a farmer in order that my people should be free and my children be assured a place, no matter how humble, in their own homeland, then that is a price I am willing to pay.

No functional society is possible without a hereditarian caste system. The arrogance and superbia of Man is such that there must be hard, unbreakable limits on personal ambition, along with strict disincentives to opportunistic parasitism. I am not saying that there cannot be any movement, or that every son of a farmer must be destined to farm forevermore. Even Plato did not suggest this. Every system has some level of flexibility, both ethnic and caste. It is no coincidence that English populations on the borders of the Danegeld, Wales, and Scotland show DNA markers for Nordic and Celtic genotypes. Nor do I deny the various Ciceros and Charles Martels who rose from middling ranks to preserve and protect their homelands. However, the flexibility inherent in any caste system is a weakness in the armor of a nation, and every exception to the rule justifies the waiting masses of alien grifters, who undermine the whole of social order for the material benefit of himself and his tribe.

Hereditarianism is perhaps the most important safeguard to any society because social stability rests on consuetudines et usus, unwritten norms and ethics tied to particular ethnic and cultural groups. It is no coincidence that Ethnic and Ethics arise from the same Greek root. One does not routinely scam one’s neighbors because they are kith and kin; their essential connection to you is the bond and guarantee of equitable relationships. We mourn the day when “a man’s handshake was his bond,” but that handshake wasn’t the true bond. The bond, (in legal terminology, the collateral of a contract) is the reputation one has in the community, which is built upon common heredity. Honor matters because it is the mark of approval from the community that one abides by the unwritten rules which make society spin. The alien neither has honor, nor cares for honor, because he does not care for the community with which he shares no blood.

In any caste system, the alien is either the lowest caste or outside the system altogether. The merchant, who surrenders his identity for a cosmopolitan existence, is also low on the scale, even when he shares blood with the community. This is because a caste system is a fundamental barrier to dyscivic practices and free-rider scenarios, and these two groups have the most to gain from undermining the system and replacing caste with class. When wealth replaces blood, who becomes the highest members of society? It is no coincidence that the word “liberal” was nearly always preceded by “bourgeois” until the 20th century; they are the beneficiaries of the replacement of the medieval caste with the capitalist class system. Likewise, the replacement of caste with class is the only means wherein the alien will be permitted to rise in status over the native-born.

Caste and blood are the only protection that native-born labor have against oppression and loss of self-determination–hence the traditional support of the rural working class for reactionary politics. The upper-castes, the priesthood and aristocracy, are limited in their oppression by those very customs which make society run, but the alien landlord or banker is not so constrained by the cultural limits on power and is free to grind the working classes into dust. When a reactionary says, “neither capitalist nor socialist,” it is a recognition that both are symptoms of the same social breakdown.

The destruction of social order epitomized by the English Whigs and the resultant socialist working-class backlash to an out-of-order bourgeoisie have their roots in the rejection of the role of blood and heredity in determining a social order. Bourgeois rebels against custom and order create socialist rebels by destroying the functional limits on power in society which rested in the hereditary aristocracy.

There is a price to be paid in personal liberty for a caste system, true. I would never be allowed to become a scholar in a society where heredity ruled. The other option, however, is this:

Then up comes a lordly dame who, when her husband wants a drink, mixes toad’s blood with his old Calenian, and improving upon Lucusta herself, teaches her artless neighbours to brave the talk of the town and carry forth to burial the blackened corpses of their husbands. If you want to be anybody nowadays, you must dare some crime that merits narrow Gyara or a gaol; honesty is praised and starves. It is to their crimes that men owe their pleasure-grounds and high commands, their fine tables and old silver goblets with goats standing out in relief. Who can get, sleep for thinking of a money-loving daughter-in-law seduced, of brides that have lost their virtue, or of adulterers not out of their teens? – Satire 1

[1] It can mean law, justice, or Right. In this situation, it probably means all three.

Mr. Anon #wingnut #racist #homophobia moonbattery.com

Liberals lied about the Hart-Celler Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which abolished the national quota system in favor of lotteries and family reunification. Hart, Celler, Ted Kennedy, and Hubert Humphery claimed that it would not alter the ethnic and racial makeup of this country. It has.

Many of these same liberals lied about the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Reagan signed that one, by the way) - they said it would once and for all end illegal immigration to this country by granting amnesty to the 3 million illegal aliens here at the time. There are now anywhere from 12 - 20 million illegal aliens (no one knows for certain).

Liberals told us that Affirmative Action would not lead to hiring quotas. It did.

Twenty years ago, homosexual activists themsleves laughed at the very idea that the gay rights movement would lead to gay marriage. Now, redifining marriage is their primary aim. Now they claim that redefining marriage to include gay marriage will not lead to legalization of polygamy. This is a transparent lie - hollywood is already trying to normalize polygamy, with shows like "Big Love", just like they started normalizing homosexuality with movies and TV shows thirty years ago.

Left-wing politics is built upon lying.

Chris T #racist uk.answers.yahoo.com

Is race-mixing a form of natural selection?

The worst Anglo-Saxons always seem to breed with the ne-gro, the lowest race one earth. I wonder if this is nature's way of taking the worst of our race away from us, a role that war played in the past.

I'm not saying it's a good thing, it's terrible, in fact, but it happens.

Keltischer Sturm #racist stormfront.org

It is more poisoning. America was not founded by some bunch of jungle monkeys with their pants pulled half way to their ankles. America was founded by great men of action who believed actions speak louder than words. I think we need to take Feb back and call it: Founding fathers month. We could have banners of the original American flag and the Don't tread on me flag. Teach children about great warriors of The Revolution. Historic battles that won our freedom. Not some greasy crying nigger.

Mark Colborne #racist thespec.com

A British court on Tuesday convicted a man dubbed a "ginger extremist" of plotting a chemical attack and planning to kill Prince Charles to pave the way for ginger-haired Prince Harry to become king.

Mark Colborne, 37, a self-confessed admirer of Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Breivik, said he planned to carry out an attack "for the Aryan people."


The court heard that Colborne felt he was "marginalized" as a white, ginger-haired man.

He wrote in his diary that he wanted to become a "military terrorist" and "strike at the hearts of the dark-haired, dark-eyed Caucasian race," the BBC reported earlier.

Death Metal Prophet #racist stormfront.org

Ohh, no, I'm sorry, but your assertion that jews are oppressed is far from the truth. In fact, it's jews, that oppress other people by rewriting history and extorting money from White nations through the jewish creation of White guilt and the "holocaust." Jews have it so easy. They cry racist and White nations bow and ask where they can kiss the boo-boo. By the way, if you believe jews really care about black rights, then you're terribly mistaken. They use blacks in an attempt to undermine Whites. Silly, boy you.

I don't care if ethnic groups unite, which is actually questionable if you consider that most Asians hate blacks, black and hispanic gangs are always at each others' throats, and mestizos will have an impact on black Americans when they take jobs from them. Yes, every race unites against the White "devil," until they learn of ways they can screw other races to get ahead, or until they need the White "devil's" technology, science, nations, and advanced way of life.

John Hawkins #wingnut #transphobia #racist #fundie #elitist #sexist #homophobia rightwingnews.com

20 Basic Truths You Can't Talk about in America Anymore

1) People who want to change sexes should be treated by a psychologist, not deformed through surgery, given hormone treatments, and falsely told that they can change sexes.

2) Most people who remain poor over the long haul in America stay that way because of their own poor life choices.
3) Most black Americans are good and decent people, but percentage wise there are more black Americans in jail because percentage wise, black Americans commit a lot more crimes than white Americans.
4) As often as not in America, the people claiming to be “victims” are the real bullies and they don’t deserve anyone’s sympathy.
5) The reason most politicians in D.C. are shameless liars with no character is because most Americans will knowingly choose a shameless liar with no character who says what they want to hear over an honest man with morals who tells them the hard truths they’d rather ignore.

6) Illegal aliens are foreigners who knowingly broke the law to come here and Americans owe them even less than we owe other foreigners living in China, Sweden, or El Salvador because at least those people didn’t break our laws.
7) Life begins at conception and having an abortion is no morally different than strangling your baby in the crib.
8) Most liberals aren’t patriotic and they don’t love their country.
9) Our soldiers should make every effort to avoid civilian casualties, but when it comes right down to it, the life of an American soldier should be treated as more important than the life of a foreign civilian.

10) We’d be better off as a society if the people who are ignorant, ill informed, or who really don’t care one way or another, didn’t vote.
11) The only practical way to make peace between the Israelis and Palestinians is for the Israelis to transfer the Palestinians and take their land.
12) This is a Christian nation that has been successful because it adopted Christian principles and the more we move away from that, the worse off we will be as a nation.
13) Men are just generally better at some things than women, just as women are just generally better at some things than men are.
14) “Racism” used to be a big deal in America, but these days the people who cry racism are usually phonies trying to gain a political advantage or deflect from ethical shortcomings or poor performance.
15) Long term, the only way our country can pay its bills is by asking everyone who’s not dirt poor to pay as much in taxes to the government as they’re given in services if they want to continue to receive those services.
16) Nine times out of ten, a mother and father will do a considerably better job of raising a child than a single mother, a single father, two gay parents or their grandparents.
17) The Boy Scouts could never survive gay scoutmasters because no parents with a brain in their head are sending their male, teenage boy out in the woods alone with a gay man who may very well be attracted to him, just as the parents of Girl Scouts wouldn’t want to send their teenage daughter out alone in the woods with a straight adult who might secretly be savoring the opportunity to have her alone.

18) People who are homeless over the long term are overwhelmingly mentally ill or have substance abuse problems and the only thing we can really do to help them is round them up, put them into halfway houses and force them to get treatment in spite of themselves.
19) If you have good character, you should feel ashamed of taking food stamps, taking welfare, or being on a school lunch program.
20) We would be much better off as a nation if most of the immigrants to this country were well educated people from nations in Europe that shared our Western values as opposed to our current policy which brings in mostly less educated people from Third World nations.

Bill Coonsby #racist niggermania.net

I love your story ---- My son has a skin condition that causes these white bumps to appear....it does not hurt him, or bother him in any way, but since he is getting older and going to have his eye on the ladies soon, I thought I would take him to a doctor to diagnose the issue and take care of it for cosmetic reasons. So I went to my insurance company's website, and looked under specialists (dermatology) and found one with a human name. Booked an appointment and took him there. Well, it was a nigger. He "axed" him to take his shirt off....looked at the bumps for about 2 seconds, and handed us a sample bottle of some lotion that is available over the counter at CVS. It said use this once a day and it will go away....and of course there was a $50 co-pay for this $3 bottle of lotion.
So we leave and my son says to me, "Dad, that's not going to work is it?"
I answered, "Why don't you think it will work, Son?"
Him, "The doctor was a dumb nigger and didn't even look for 2 seconds at what I have - just wanted his money and the next patient"

Have to admit -- my son is wise beyond his years.

Oh, and of course - he still has the bumps.

CADFAEL3000 #racist kurzweilai.net

The reason why Whales and Panda's are used by Liberals to promote "green" issues is because both animals skins are a mix of Black and white. It's psychological mind-manipulation designed to trick the masses into accepting multi-culturalism. Do they ever use ethnically pure white animals to promote their cause? No. What a surprise.

Metapedia #wingnut #homophobia #racist #sexist en.metapedia.org

[This is a racist wiki's article on the television series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. No, this is not a parody. Yes, that is a Star of David symbol after Lauren Faust's name.]

To make the toys popular, Hashbro finances the preparation of a movie. The director is Lauren Faust?. The story plays in Equestria, country of the horses. Ponies live a communistic, multicultural society. Most inhabitants of Equestria are mares, who according to the movie have lesbian relations with each other. Many of the actors openly state to be homosexual, in a movie created for children under 12 years old. The series tries to make popular liberal ideas like tolerance and accepting differences and perversions, as if they would be normal and preferable.

[What follows are pictures of some of the characters, along with short descriptions of them.]

Twilight Sparkle, the main actor, a one-horned animal. Quits school to play with friends. That's the example children need.....

Applejack, white farmers mocked as 'White Trash' (Also:Redneck) by Jews and blacks in the USA. This actor parodizes these mocked persons.

Rainbow Dash, openly homosexual, a pegazus horse, who lives with a lesbian griff-bird.


Pinkie Pie, a pony, who likes sweet food, some interpret this as drug addict.

Steven Magnet, a homosexual water dragon, who cares much about his appearance.

Spike, loves Rarity, a pony, even though he is a dragon. With this besides sodomy also zoophilia or at least miscenegation appears in the series.

Hoity-Toity, Pony, openly homosexual, fashion creator.


The series was originally written for teenage girls, however, there are boys and men, who are fans of these movies in the USA and Canada. They are degenerated, often homosexual, typically white middle class men, they call themselves "Brony". Their web page (http://www.equestriadaily.com/) is full of images and written material to make sexual aberrations popular. The fans meet regularly and try to convince all people to live as abnormal as they do.

newman #racist #homophobia jtf.org

You might wonder how such people appear so normal and personable on TV and in movies if they fit the picture I've been painting. The media treats homosexuals like they do the blacks. There are about 35 million blacks in this country and half of them are feeble-minded. But it's no big job to find a couple of hundred thousand intelligent blacks in their upper-class to present as the norm.

The media does the same with homosexuals. As you see them in TV interviews, talk shows, etc. they seem quite normal and unaffected. Not all homosexuals act like fairies and many of those who do in their day-to-day life can change and act straight before a camera.

Griff #racist realjewnews.com

America is a zombie under the spell of Jews.

It looks like at least 40% of the people (progressives, dullards, and apathetic slurpy drinkers) in zombie America have forgotten the The Declaration of Independence.

All we have to do is remove the cancer and uphold this powerful, living document and shove it in their faces. Just read the following all the time:

It becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth (FREEDOM FROM JEWISH CONTROL Of the NWO), and retake our “certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The Jews are guilty of revoking the above and therefore will receive the justice issued to those guilty of high treason.

Men's Rights EXTREMIST #racist#wingnut rationalwiki.org

Why are so many black men voting for Hillary in the primary?

I guess maybe they're just voting for her because of her husband, who was supposedly "the first black President". As Toni Morrison was writing, "Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald’s-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas."
Plus he smoked weed and enjoyed fucking white chicks — and he was persecuted for it by Republicans, JUST LIKE A BLACK MAN WOULD'VE BEEN.
Bernie Sanders actually gives a fuck about real issues that have been keeping the black man down for generations, and he was a bona fide activist for black issues in college, but he just doesn't ACT stereotypically black enough to suit these guys. He needs to start wearing a baseball cap backwards, let his pants sag below his ass, throw a few "my niggas" into his speeches, and maybe flash a gang signal now and then.
Also, Hillary is a feminist, and feminists and black men seem to share the same idea that it's best to destroy the institution of the family and just have a few gangsta thug motherfuckas (aka alphas) impregnate all the women, who will then use welfare to feed their families. Feminists see this as empowering because they don't have to be ruled over by a husband, while black men always imagine that they're going to be the ones who will be badasses enough to slay pussy everywhere they go in a system where marriage hasn't locked either them or these bitches down.
(When you think about it, there are A LOT of people who would like to destroy the traditional institution of the biological family. Evangelical Christians are on board that program too, because whenever a struggling, working-class family gets broken up by CPS, they get to show up as the saviors who adopt the kids and train them in their Christian ways.)
Plus, black men don't really like this idea of economic equality in which there's no longer a top 1 percent that gets to rule the world. Rather, they want to BE that 1 percent. Black men are always flipping through the "Mansion" section of the Wall Street Journal as they sit in their prison cells and imagining the yachts, fancy homes, etc. they're going to have after they get out and finally set up their crack empire the right way. They like to read hood novels that feature a black man as a Hollywood filmmaker who gets to fuck lots of (light-skinned) broads, and imagine that they could rise to that role somehow by hustlin' and makin' the right deals. Hey, why not.
In light of how blacks buy so much into the "rags to riches" narrative of economic mobility, it almost seems like they're actually Republicans at heart, but maybe the GOP turned them off with all of their Confederate flag waving to the point where the only Republican they're going to be willing to vote for is Donald Trump (who of course harbors no racism in his heart). Trump will likely appeal to them in the general election, because he's anti-Hispanic (notice how Hispanics and blacks never get along when they're put in the same prison cell?) and likes to flash his bling and young, hot (and white) wives around everywhere. They like how he didn't need a lot of fancy education to become rich, but just was able to get to the top seemingly through negotiation and sheer bravado alone.
His dominance also appeals to them. They like how he didn't slowly build up a career as a Republican politician the way Jeb Bush did, but instead seemingly just walked in there and took over that shit — like a GANGSTA. They admire anyone who can figure out a shortcut to success that involves mainly boldness, salesmanship, and a keen understanding of the psychology of the people one is dealing with as well as the politics of the situation, as opposed to a lot of hard work.

Saiwania #racist forum.nationstates.net

*It's that simple - the white vote continues to shrink as a proportion of the voting population, and even though it's still a majority, not enough whites are so mindlessly bigoted as to be anything but nauseated at such open displays of racism.*

Doesn't the fact that the White percentage of the vote is shrinking prove my fear that White people are gradually becoming extinct? Or is this trend only limited to the US in your view?

It is the simple observation that besides primarily majority White countries, most of the world's majority non-White countries are much less ethnically diverse but far outnumber White people as a percentage of human population. What should happen eventually, looking at the numbers in my mind; is the exponential decline of Whites globally as they shrink into extinction while the non-Whites will still experience exponential growth from already having a larger pool of people and not being as economically developed.

Surely White people will perish from this Earth if the demographic reality is continuously stacked against us.

longlivedeath #racist stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com

I just don’t see how “Having no white identity” escaped the top posts? I mean that’s what liberalism and white guilt are all about. If you hate American whites so much I would take a look at where you are living (presumably America) and start shutting the hell up. Everything you have in this country was won with European blood and bullets. To think otherwise is a serious disregard for history.

CelticWhiteWolf #racist stormfront.org

I make it a point not to speak to race mixers. However, I ALWAYS look them dead in the eye. I want them to know that I see them for what they are and I'm not afraid to make a point of it.

It usually seems to be an overweight to obese White female with a negro male. Also, because I'm in the American Southwest, I see a lot of White women with mestizos and mestizo women with White guys. This is all very common. I always look because I want them to see the disapproval on my face. I don't say much to them, usually nothing at all, but they almost always seem to get the point. The woman will usually look away, often with an ashamed look on her face.

It's interesting to me also that I used to do this before I became racially awake. Looking at mixed couples. I got the same result then that I do now, usually a look of shame from the woman. Perhaps she knows she is doing something terrible.

Anyway, just my thoughts on the subject.

NATHAN #racist realjewnews.com

I had an interesting incident with a Jewish Man lately.

When I publicly criticized Margo Kaplan of Rutgers U, who called for the legalization of pedophilia as a Communist Jew, I was threatened. I meant no ill will but it was as if because I am a Christian, I am not permitted to criticize anyone.

I have seen from my limited experience, Jews tend to close ranks around even the most heinous Jews. If a Jew, like Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg in New York dares go to the Goyim ie the NYPD and accuses various Rabbis of tolerating open pedophilia, he is threatened with death.

I know you have explained this situation multiple times.

VelocityLion #racist reddit.com

Most white males who marry out are white supremacists. They like to feel superior to their wife and children. It's a sick power fetish that literally only white males have. The easiest way to tell if a white male is a racist misogynistic is to see who his wife is. If his wife is Asian, he is probably a racist, misogynistic, impotent pindicked, closet homosexual, spergfag with a massive inferiority complex. Truly the worst people in the world.

Earline Moody #fundie #racist moodymanual.demonbuster.com

I have an Indian-English-German-French background. There are curses on each of these people. Indians worshipped devils. Some English and Europeans were Druids who worshipped Satan.

In innocence my father participated in some occult practices - wart removal and water witching. From my father came curses of Masons and Indians. Physical problems came as a result of curses on Indian worship: Inactive thyroid, female disorders and heart disease.

My mother was a paranoid schizophrenic with an Indian-English background. Her emotional illness caused me to need a lot of DELIVERANCE from emotional problems.

Thegoodman #racist friendlyatheist.com

The Jewish community certainly was undeserving of their punishment by the Nazi’s, but their role as a catalyst for the Nazi hatred of them could not possibly be created if the Jewish community was the lovable doctors and children often depicted in Hollywood cinema.

I don’t pretend to know much about the events leading up to WW2, but I cannot believe the Jewish community was an innocent bystander while Eastern Germany was the scapegoat of WW1. They were certainly victims, but not innocent. They just got way way more than they deserved.

ready2go #fundie #racist #psycho rr-bb.com

You are a pretty funny person. As far as the O[ld]T[estament] goes, God wanted those people dead for a reason. Be it the wicked lives and practices they [and their children?] lead or the genetic make up they had. Far be it from any of us to question God. Mind you unbelievers may get a chance to ask God questions like your's before they are banished for eternity. [Emphasis Added]

calculus #homophobia #conspiracy #racist kakistocracyblog.wordpress.com

Homosexuality is partly caused by a self-reinforcing mental process, especially considering the brain plasticity during teenage, which, associated with autosuggestion, becomes an irreversibly imprinted into early adulthood.
You’ve heard of people getting trapped into religious sects and sort of addicted to it, right? They never get out by themselves. Same thing here.

So, if you are at the beginning of your sexuality and you get trapped in a homosexual pattern, you may never get out of it. And yes, by the time you reach legal age, you will feel genuinely attracted to boys. But this attraction will be the result of an induced or imposed behavior, not a genetic determination of any sort.
In the past, a boy may have feel confused with his hormones and vaguely attracted to boys for a short time, but that was it. No Induced process was there to imprint his brain because of the barriers put in place by the Society, plus Religion forbade it, so, end of story. Now, here is an incredible concept: the Society was actually protecting its Citizen, can you believe it?

That’s one thing. The other thing is the chemical environment. It contains pollutants and hormones analogues, that decrease men’s hormonal load, which translates into hetero men with lower sperm count and in boys into small breast and small penises. A note here: fat is great to store all these pollutants, in addition to racial differences in sensitivity and fat storage. See how everything is linked?
Then, obviously, many more boys will start at the edges of hormonal un-differentiation and will become easy preys to the psychological mechanisms mentioned above.

Don’t say it’s not true, because even in girls you have the mirror mechanism: the constant decrease in the age in the fist menarche of girls. In the 18th century, It was relatively convenient for a girl to remain chaste until her 17eens, when she barely finished her puberty at 16, as opposed to now when many white girls start puberty in their 10th or 11th and are done by 12, and we ask them ‘not to think about it’ for the next 6-7 years, with raging hormones inside.
I asked a doctor why is that (for the girls) he said he doesn’t know, and nobody knows for sure. A combination of many chemicals, food, and behavior is likely.

So this is it. Beside the rare cases of true hormonal imbalance genetically determined and very rare, as for most genetic diseases, most cases of homosexuality are ‘induced’ by environment and behavior.
For the environment: pesticides/growth hormones are used to increase food production as well as many other chemicals from plastics, and female hormones are also directly released in the environment.
For the Behavior: well, the body is merchandised and you own your body right? so there is a market aperture here.
To resume it all: it’s MONEY.

So if you want, you can replace my long text with that small emoticon of a slightly hunchback man with a crook nose and who is rubbing his hands because of all the money he knows he’s gonna make.

Alaska Joe #racist answers.yahoo.com

Dont you feel angry now with the Obama thing?

I am angry, i do not think a black person can do the job. When he discuss international matters he will always bring up the slavery-days. Its like putting a jew as a president and all he likes to talk about is the nonsense holocaust.
I think there is a reason why all previous presidents has been white, we do a good job.
Can you picture Obama going to Norway discussing something, he will only talk about the black slavery-days and the Norwegian will not be happy.
Im ashamed of this election, somehow i thought america would stick together in a good way. Now we show people in the world that the highest priority is multicultural instead of productivity. Sad, im crying when i write this.

CitizenUSA #fundie #homophobia #racist #wingnut freerepublic.com

This is why many of us opposed homosexual “marriage” in the first place. It wasn’t about what consenting adults do in private or even who people spend their lives with. It was about the normalization/legitimization of homosexuality and the subsequent and ongoing war against opposing views. When government says two homoesexuals can marry, for example, that marriage has to be treated as entirely normal in all aspects.

We already surrendered religious freedom, free speech, and freedom of association in the civil rights era (for an arguably worthy cause—elimination of institutionalized racism), and legal homosexual “marriage” allows the homosexualists to use those same mechanisms to drive opposing thought/speech from the public sphere. In other words, the legal framework to oppress Christians was already in place.

You may be allowed to practice your faith in private—maybe.

cantfightnature #racist cantfightnature.tumblr.com

[Further adventures of the racist porn blogger. Source is, once again, NSFW.]
[About Chairman Mao offering women to the US]

Damn. There is so much lovely, hilarious shit going on here I don’t know where to begin.
My favorite thing is definitely the way Mao phrased it, “We have too many women.” A country completely filled with beautiful, submissive Asian women, and the guy in charge just thinks “Boy, we have way too many of these! What are we going to do with all of them?” Is there any better evidence for how sexless Asian males are? They’re taking up too much space, we should replace them all with more calculators and assembly lines and monuments to glorious Communism! A whole country full of dickless males, unable to imagine any fun ways to pass the time involving millions of Chinese women.
That got me thinking about the way he treats women as a resource, as if they’re just something growing out of the ground that they have too much of: “China is a poor country, but we have an excess of women!” Objectifying women is, of course, fine. It just reminded me of something I saw (maybe on @justgookythings, come to think of it) about how blacks emerged on a continent covered in precious resources, wood, metal, gems, oil, and did absolutely nothing with it. The white man conquered Africa to get its un-utilized resources. But Asia produced resources of a different nature: feminine resources, pliant women and curious inventions. The Chinese invented gunpowder and used it to make pretty fireworks, and the compass and never sailed out to new lands, and bred beautiful women and couldn’t fuck them. If the African story is one of wasted natural goods, the Asian one is a story of wasted human ones.
In comes the White man and takes both. We needed to conquer Africa to extract its minerals, but Asians are smarter, and were able to give up their human capital without much of a fight. That’s the history of Asia in a nutshell: a dickless Asian guy is ignoring his bored, sexually frustrated wife to invent some useless toy. A white man arrives, gets him hooked on opium, steals his invention, uses it to conquer his country, and fucks his wife for good measure.
The whole world is made for white men. Our cocks fit perfectly into Asian pussies, and our feet fit perfectly on inferior necks, and the world fits snugly into our grasp.
Of course, this all happened long ago. No Asian man today is willingly surrendering his women to white men— now if you’ll excuse me, I’m facefucking a Chinese exchange student tonight

NORDIC CAUCASOID #racist stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com


here's something to chew on. our #1 ally is Great Briton right? or at least they say! Well when probably the most powerful WHITE woman of all time died Margret Thatcher our Head NGR In Charge(HNIC) didn't even lower the Flag to 1/2 mast! not even for one fucking day! well the HNIC communist buddy [Nelson Mandela] dies and not only his country isn't a top 5 ALLY but the HNIC told his peeps to fly Old Glory at 1/2 mast for 10 f-ing days!

Now it's reported that the HNIC and his not so better half are going over towards his home country Kenya(moochelle's words not mine) for the "man who changed the world's"(again not my words) funeral.

I don't think the HNIC sent a secretary(the kind behind the desk & answers the white house phone) let alone the Secretary of State John Ferry! to Ms. Thatcher's funeral this Greatwhites again tells us what we already know! The HNIC HATES ALL WHITE PEOPLE! except when they shine his shoes for him! That Son of a Bitch!


english nobody #racist stormfront.org

"Seriously? "Our" filth? Are you aware of the fact that there are gypsies in almost all European countries? Why should we always take responsibility and feel guilty for what some Finnish gypsy does? Should the British take responsability for what some negro from your country does? Should the Germans feel guilty when a Turk commits a crime?"

Do the right thing and take back all the Roma from England, Our gypsies are Irish which are last time i checked are White.

You continental Europeans have let this Brown filth live here for 500 plus years take some responsibility.

And about our slave descendants yes we should take full responsibility for what they do and i feel very ashamed we haven't deported them all yet.

SimplyStar #racist newsweek.com

[About speaking other languages in public]

In America while away from your own home, regardless of where you are, people are talking loud enough to hear the conversation. How am I supposed to know that they are not making fun of me, plotting a crime, or whatever ,when all I hear is a language I do no understand. First requirement for a citizen should be learn the language or leave. I am very uncomfortable in this situation. to be aware of what is going on around you is to keep safe, the Wal mart here in my home town in Iowa is full of foriegn speaking people all the time. Should WM hire 20 or 30 different language speaking people just to even this out? I don't think so, my neice in Calif was told to learn Spanish or her teaching position would be taken from her, she had 15 years at that school. this is America, and we are losing our identity. if I could do it , I would refuse to let a dollar of my taxes be spent in second language courses, unless they were the elective ones.

Brother Nathanael Kapner #wingnut #racist #homophobia realjewnews.com

"States Rights" IS our last protection against the FEDERALIZED JEW agenda.

JEWS have taken TOTAL CONTROL of the CENTRAL Government and DEEPLY EMBEDDED in every political, juridical, financial, and information venue in this JEW-RUINED country.

Now the wicked FREEDOM-HATING, TRUTH-HATING, MORALITY-CORRUPTING (for the goys) want to shove their HOMOSEXUAL depravity "same=sex" marriages down our throats by DENYING states to BAN morally repugnant same-sex marriages.

Even Thomas Jefferson, who wanted to mitigate the "death penalty" for homosexual acts, wanted to have the homosexuals CASTRATED.

But today, with JEWS infesting our court system, everything the Founding Fathers envisiones and enscribed BY LAW has morphed into a "Living Constitution" where SICK JEWS twist and turn the ORIGNINAL INTENT of our founding document, the US Constitution.

Woe to your country when Jews, queers, and women, rule over you!

Wipe Them Out #racist godlikeproductions.com

Star Wars: Race Mixing and the Alpha Negro - Propaganda for a Perishing Population

Reinforce the death cycle in the disintegrating cattle's minds. Prompt them to act out. Rebel. Revolt.


Watch them incinerated and exterminated like vermin as ORDER and CIVILIZATION prevails over monkey savagery and raceless genomic entropy.

Tom Shelly #racist niggermania.com


The short answer to your question consists of two reasons: feminism and political correctness.

Feminism and political correctness have castrated masculine traits in our society and even brainwashed men to reject or minimize their own natural inclinations of masculine traits and thoughts.

Think about it: What are racist thoughts? What are thoughts of ‘hate’ and in judging someone or something based upon the overall actions of the group they are in? It is the masculine trait of aggression and protectiveness. The assertion of will: the assertion of one’s opinions and in learned experiences. It is a particularly masculine trait. People from the countries you mentioned do not come from a society that has been affected by feminism and in the suppression of masculinity. Therefore, they feel no remorse or self-consciousness in expressing masculine traits, behaviors, or thoughts. And one of those thoughts is to bash a nigger over the head with a baseball bat if he tries to pull a knife on you and rob you. It is a protective, masculine response.

To me, it is patently obvious that niggers are retarded, violent apes. All one has to do is look at one to plainly see that. Turn on the news at night, go to any prison, drive through any nigger neighborhood and the thought that niggers are slovenly, violent criminals is only re-enforced. If anyone honestly and objectively considered niggers and compared them with all other groups, it’s the only conclusion they could reach.

So why do so many people toss aside the obvious and what they naturally feel to allow these niggers to run amuck among us and cause so much suffering and pain and such an economic drain? Because feminism and an overall atmosphere of pansy-assed political correctness causes them to second guess what is reality and reject any such thoughts that are aggressive or violent or one that puts anyone as less than equal in their minds.

The society that gives us such euphemisms as “mentally challenged”, “African American”, “womyn”, “sight challenged”, “deferred success”, etc. etc. also allows niggers to run wild and commit their crimes, slovenly behavior, and get more free handouts and social transfer payments than any other group in history in any other country or setting.

I don’t want my message here to be a condemnation of feminism, per se. But I think that feminism has gone amuck in that it is now demonizing masculinity and is nothing more than women wanting to be men and at the same time, feminizing men. Just consider that every single President of the National Organization of Women (NOW) has been a self-described lesbian. I doubt that most women want a lesbian representing their interests or speaking for them! Could you imagine if a national organization for men that was representing ALL men was run exclusively by gays? Do you think it would be taken seriously?

In the beginning, women did have a need for an organization and to stand for their rights. They had to fight for the right to vote, to have the police help them in domestic abuse cases, to have access to the same jobs men have, etc. But once that was achieved, feminism has now turned into a militant group of lesbians or bitter middle-aged, usually overweight women trying to demonize and castrate men.

I’m willing to bet there are more male racists than female racists percentage wise. Women don’t have to protect their families as much as men or provide for them. They are not as aware of physical threats around them or of the predatory nature of the world or of those they come in contact with. Men are. We think about it on a constant basis and every time we are out with our families. And nothing gets our guard up like a group of niggers congregating for no good reason at the corner. But since feminism has brainwashed men into thinking that masculine traits are to avoided and suppressed, many men discount their natural thoughts. And unfortunately, many end up with the shit kicked out of them being held down as niggers gang rape their wife and children. (happens every day in America, on an almost constant basis).

But an immigrant from Korea, unaffected by lesbian feminists, would gladly shove a .45 in the nigger’s face and blow his monkey head off before he even has a chance of touching his family. There’s the difference, no hesitation and no remorse. No feminization, political correctness, or brainwashing. He trusts his natural, protective masculine inclinations and acts upon them. That’s why you’re more likely to see a news story about a Korean or Russian shop keeper beating a nigger robber to death with a baseball bat one night and another story about how a white American family was robbed, beaten, and raped just a block away on the next night. The American man is unwilling to trust his instincts and fight back. He’s been brainwashed to think that his own instinctive reactions to the nigger beasts is to be suppressed and rejected. When he sees a group of nigger punks coming toward him in the middle of the night and feels his adrenaline flowing and his instinctive reaction to fight come up, he rejects it as racist and unfortunately, he ends up in the gutter getting his head kicked in.

The brainwashing and pressure on American white men is so great and so widespread that news reporters routinely leave out the race of violent criminals or wanted men in their descriptions. If a nigger commits a rape and their description is given, they will announce it as: “the suspect is described as 5 foot 9 inches, heavy set, wearing a brown jacket and white tennis shoes”. But if he was white it would be “the suspect is a white male, 5 foot 9 inches, heavy set, wearing a brown jacket and tennis shoes.” And no one mocks it, makes fun of it, or even complains. It has gotten THAT bad. Reports of nigger crime and behavior is so completely censored that even news reports of crimes are being censored. And anyone who expresses or even thinks that niggers are more violent or prone to violence as any other group is immediately branded a “racist”, a “hater”, or “spreading hate” and all sorts of politically correct cut downs

In that kind of twisted atmosphere, it’s easy to see why so many men are pussy-assed, politically-correct whimps and why niggers are getting away with so much today.

What we need in this country is more MEN. More men unafraid to express their masculinity and unafraid to put their boot up a monkey nigger's ass when they get out of line.

Rameses2 #racist reddit.com

It would be sad to me to see the White population in America go under 50% permanently, and I feel that way because it was their ancestors who let in my family to this country 150 years ago, and I feel indebted.

Also, I think White people have the right to express nationalism (just not at my expense).

Various incels #racist reddit.com

(OP by pyrofield)
Normies that are lurking here, your wife/girl was once gangbanged by Tyrone and his thug goons.

If you aren't chad you are a beta.

People say that white males are apparently on top of the sexual market. I believe that any female will choose Tyrone over Chad. Tyrone is more animalistic, aggressive, and manly.

Exactly. Blackcel will deny this, but most women prefer black guys. Especially due to the bbc implication, which is one of the 3 main preselection aspects for women.

you all watch too much bbc interracial porn. doesn't work like that. "most" women prefer white guys. If it was up to a 10/10 white guy and a 10/10 black guy for a female to choose, the woman will choose the white guy every time unless she fetishes black men.

Daily Slave #racist #homophobia dailystormer.name

It is incredibly frustrating to see any nation where Jews sink their claws into succumb to pushing homosexuality and other types of faggot behavior. Unfortunately, this just happened in Estonia. In a close vote, their legislature approved a law that would essentially legalize homosexual marriages.

This type of madness needs to stop. Homosexual behavior has no place in a moral and virtuous society. It is a mental illness that should be treated not embraced.

Theodore Shoebat #racist #wingnut #fundie #homophobia joemygod.com

Trump’s plan to ban all Muslims is the epitome of “American values,” Shoebat explained, just as was Jackson’s treatment of the Native Americans.

“Any Indian that expressed any sort of anti-American sentiment, he killed them,” Shoebat rejoiced. “He had no tolerance for evil and wicked people. He got rid of them and he purged the society of these pagan heathens and he did an American Inquisition and that’s what we need now.”

“Homosexuality? Death penalty. Blasphemy? Should be punished. Pagans coming in to your land? Kill the pagans, defeat them, convert the to Christianity.”

“I’m more American than you,” Shoebat declared. “Back in the day, just 100 years ago or so, 200 years ago, the American people 100 percent would have agreed with me. The Founding Fathers would have agreed with me.”

Vox Day #racist voxday.blogspot.com

[Charles] Blow is wrong about one thing: there is no "nation divided against itself", because as I've previously noted, there are not merely two separate nations, there are four. There are the Reds of progressive, secular America, there are the Whites of traditional religious America, there are the Browns of third world America, and there are the Blacks of feral America. They may broadly follow the racial demographics, but the lines are not hard; for example, Charles Blow is a black man who is clearly Red, rather than Black, just as David Brooks is Red, not White.

Given how people have expressed considerable doubt concerning my negative outlook on the continued union of these four Americas, it should be interesting to see how they respond to a black, left-wing New York Times columnist who has, despite our very different perspectives, reached similar conclusions. Note, in particular, that damning admission: "because of dramatic... demographic changes".

The fruits of diversity are bloodshed and war. They always have been. Populations of sufficiently differing time preferences simply cannot live together for long. And the only successful way to keep those fruits from ripening has is a powerful militaristic state willing and able to commit atrocities in order to keep the otherwise warring parties in line. Consider, for example, the difference between segregation as it was practiced in the pre-1960s USA and the way it was practiced in the USSR and China. Or the way it is presently practiced in Africa with the various tribes vying for power in the national government.

It won't surprise me if those who oppose deportations now and are horrified by the WWII Japanese internment live long enought to one day find themselves supporting a Red American government that is engaged in internal deportations of Hispanics to its Aztlan Autonomous Oblast.

MST70 #racist youtube.com

with obama president the statue of liberty will be replaced by aunt jemima and the country's bird will change from the Bald Eagle to the fried chicken and all water fountains will have not water but kool-aid

fuck obama and his towel head and nigger friends

NS Cat, John in Woodbridge, Vadler #racist #crackpot #psycho vnnforum.com

NS Cat: I have heard that niggers have thicker, denser skulls that have sometimes been able to stop weak bullets(.22lr) and deflect strong ones(.45acp). Also, niggers have simple, primitive brains that are smaller and less developed. Niggers are used to living in a half-unconscious state where no thinking is done and impulses are immediately acted upon. Could it be possible that a headshot to a nigger's brain would only slow the nigger down? Maybe we ought to aim for the heart instead.

John in Woodbridge: Niggers have smaller brains and thicker skulls. Might make a difference with a .22 round, but not a .45.

Vadler: Either: a double barrel shotgun hit to the head or a .45 slug to the neck or heart would stop the ape.

Donald Trump #racist washingtonpost.com

Native American groups have long objected to President Trump’s use of the nickname “Pocahontas” to deride one of his political foes, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).?

But even at a White House event specifically intended to honor the World War II Navajo code talkers — the heroic Native Americans who helped the U.S. Marines send coded messages in the Pacific Theater — Trump couldn’t resist.

?“I just want to thank you because you’re very, very special people,” Trump said Monday afternoon, speaking to a small group of code talkers. “You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who, they say, was here a long time ago. They call her ‘Pocahontas.’ ”

Dave Blount #racist moonbattery.com

Latest “Teen” Craze: Setting Whites on Fire

Any left-wing phenomenon, if left unchecked, will grow. Progressives progress by always pushing the envelope. For example, attacking random whites and beating them unconscious used to be a cutting edge activity for “teens” (the media’s euphemism for blacks who commit crimes). But by the time the media finally got around to grudgingly reporting on it, the Knockout Game was already passé.

Now they set whites on fire. DailyKenn.com has collected multiple examples. Just a few samples[...]

For plenty more cases, many involving fire, refer to Why Do Blacks Attack Old White People?

The seeds of aggrievement planted by the liberal media and education establishments are blossoming into flames.

Needless to say, if whites did this to blacks, it would crowd out every other news story with the possible exception of Nelson Mandela hagiographies.

But don’t forget, white people deserve it because a minority of us had ancestors who owned slaves going on two centuries ago.

Atrociter #racist stormfront.org

["Have you noticed an increase of race mixing ads aimed at kids?"]

It is certainly the 'norm' nowadays in the world of advertising. If they do show a white without the insinuation that there's an Orc hanging out of the back of it, they usually pick a red head to still represent a minority.
You never see an Indian/Pakistani girl with a white/black bloke of course. If they did that they'd have to have the 'uncles' loitering in the background sharpening the knives...