
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy #psycho sinfest.xyz

[From “January 14, 2025: Mount Olympus 92”]

NOTE: the victim has not been hanged yet and would die on January 19


spoilerPanel 1: a Jewish man is standing on gallows, having been caught for poisoning wells. The hangman is saying “The people have spoken”
Panel 2: The hangman continues “You are sentenced to death” and “For the crime of mass poisoning
Panel 3: As the hangman's hands are on the lever, a voice shout “Halt!”
Panel 4: A civil servant is telling to the hangman that “You are in violation” and “of the Anti-Judean Awareness Act”, holding a scroll on which is written “Be nice to Jews”

EeCeEe #racist twitter.com

Hey jerkoff, MLK Jr. cheated on his wife, wiretapped by FBI and leaked to the press on top of being indicted for tax evasion from sermons or campaigning to his cult of sycophants. Isn't that exactly like Donald John Trump?

#47 should have IRS crawl up your ass fake Man-o-God.

815o #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Actual bio of their account…)
I am a real National Socialist nigga who is a proud supporter of: My Nigga The President Führer Donald Trump, My Nigga The Future President Führer Kanye West 2024, and Führer Adolf Hitler. DEUTSCHES REICH SIEG HEIL! HEIL HITLER! I also proudly support my nigga The Filipino President Führer Roderigo Duterte, my nigga The Syrian President Führer Bashar Al-Assad, my nigga The Korean Führer Kim Jong-un, and my nigga The Russian President Führer Vladimir Putin! I do not block users, I am not a pussy.
Blocked by @LauraLoomer, @a Andrew Torba, @realNICKjFUENTES, zionists,& pussys 4 hurting feelings w/facts😜. Have been kicked, KIKEd, & JEW'd so far THIRTEEN¹³ groups on Gab for exercising Free Speech🤷 by posting the truth backed up with proof,statistics

madcatgamer #racist #wingnut incels.is

On Trump wanting to annex Canada and Greenland

Ideally I think this would be a good thing, but trumps admin is filled with Jews and billionaires that want mass immigration of pajeets into the us. I'm worried that trump will take those white countries and fill them with indians (i know Canada already has a big pajeet problem but still). I would love to see a great American empire be formed, but not if it's gonna be run by jews and were being replaced with indians.

Satchidanand #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #conspiracy satchidanand.substack.com


Hey everyone writing about the Fires in Los Angeles: Setting up areas for the coming world Global Satanic Luciferian A.I. Infrastructure build out…
These events should be examined and analyzed in the context of the global pattern of fires in places around the whole world in the last several years, including Australia, Northern California, Canada, Northern Texas, and recently in Maui, now Los Angeles. What is going on, believe it or not is setting up areas for the coming world Global Satanic Luciferian A.I. Infrastructure build out around the whole world, for the future world to come that the Global elite and their minion global Corporations have decided on, and planned to bring to full fruition and materialization, for their “New World Order” which is really “the Plan for New Atlantis”,
So you're saying AI is an electromagnetic silicon interdimensional Interface to the Demons. Yes, and here's the deal.
Anything inanimate can be possessed.
It can be controlled, manipulated. That's the basis of taboo worldwide.

But what's more critical is there are people who have queried AI, and the AI entities, that's what I say, AIEs, have identified that they are…

They are directed by Fallen Angel Demons.
Anybody can be possessed by Fallen Angel Satanic and Luciferian Dark God Demons.

Any Artificial Intelligence can be possessed by Fallen Angel Satanic and Luciferian Dark God Demons.
Black Magician Satanic Luciferian Demons who do not want to die the real death live immortally on the Astral Plane and higher, vampirising the energy of Human beings to live there forever, downloading into, Possessing prepared bodies to manage their Earth Plantation.
They vampirise human energy by connecting to implants they implant into their victims of sex and drug addiction blockages on this plane.

Patrick O'Carroll #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy henrymakow.com

HATHOR PENTALPHA <Talmudic super-lodge> is a prime example of Freemasonry controlling both sides when planning wars, refugee "crises", and other long-term projects, even as the mainstream-media presents all the events as taking place by "happenstance" or "coincidence".
Most members of the PNAC <Project for the New American Century> Group were members of HATHOR PENTALPHA too, which was founded in 1993 after communist Russia faked its own death on 25 Dec 1991. The PNAC Group called for the Zionist US military to gain "full spectrum dominance" over all nations, especially Mid-East nations, and later over all the slaves (or Goyim "Livestock") of the world via brainwashing.

The top actions of HATHOR PENTALPHA and the PNAC Group (members of both are in the same "Big Club."

1. Grab as much territory as possible from the "fallen", ex-communist Russia (by expanding NATO).

2. Grab resources in the Mid-East in the absence of opposition from the "fallen" Russia or "fledgling" China.

3. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase the death-toll of the Arab-Semitic Holocaust to over 10 million.

4. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase the number of Arab-Semitic "refugees" dumped into Europe.

5. Implement Freemasonry's "Clash of Civilizations" credo as its paramount doctrine for the twenty-first century. Under this "Clash of Civilizations" doctrine (credited to political "scientist" & HATHOR PENTALPHA member Samuel Phillips Huntington), the Kalergi Plan must be expanded to increase the proportion of Muslims in Europe and North America, to in turn induce civil wars that will bring a "new" order from the ensuing chaos. But avoid the term "White Genocide", by preferably calling it instead "Weaponized Replacement Migration".

6. Develop race-specific bioweapons to kill political opponents, "nasty" racial groups, and other "undesirables".

7. Ultimately, also acquire "full spectrum dominance" over the minds of the slaves through total brainwashing.

Taki Theodoracopulos #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #elitist takimag.com

I no longer read today’s shysters, those grubby-fingered leeches called journalists, mostly because they’re as far removed from fairness and the truth as I am from LGBQTVMGM. The fact that Trump has won has not reminded them of their primary duty, which is to inform, not to convert. Most of them are envious creatures who erroneously believe in their moral superiority and their left-wing ideology, which is par for the course. One such jerk, writing in The New York Review of Books after November 7, announced the following: “There will be mass round ups and treason trials….” In other words, Stalin- and Hitler-like methods in the Land of the Free. The author of such rubbish is one Fintan O’Toole, probably the kind of wokester who thinks opening a door is unpaid labor.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The Khazarian Mafia have activated their plan for mayhem and destruction in the US to prevent President-Elect Donald Trump from taking power on January 20th. The attack on Los Angeles with directed energy weapons and UN-sponsored arsonists has already caused the largest fire in US history. You can be sure this is just the beginning. This means open warfare between the US military white hats and the KM owners of the mega-corporations has begun in earnest.

The important thing about the LA fires is that they have woken up the majority of the people in the US to the fact they are being attacked by corporate interests. That is why corporate shills at places like the AP (Absurd Propaganda) are coming under heavy attack when they pretend we are dealing with “wildfires.”
Then of course we have multiple reports of illegal immigrants with UN-issued debit cards carrying out arson attacks in LA.

It turns out that, just as in Maui, Acapulco and other places that have experienced such attacks recently, a “smart city” is being planned for LA just where the fires burned.

So who benefits? The answer of course is the usual suspects: BlackRock, State Street, etc. and their pet politicians like California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Of course the forensic trail of the ultimate owners of these corporations will take you inevitably to the Octagon group in Switzerland.

What we need to realize is that these criminals have been running the planet for over 20,000 years and do not intend to go quietly into the night.
Even though the KM have illegal immigrant mercenaries, DEWs and weather weapons at their disposal, they are human beings who can be hunted down and brought to justice.

This means the US military, the National Guard and civilian militias can deal with the problem.
That is also why a huge secret war is being waged over which “Donald Trump” will take power a week from today. Will it be the real one or the short avatar at Mar a Largo working for the Satanic P2 Freemasons?

cockroach #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #racist #transphobia incels.is

Freedom= being a faggot with aids, women being whores, black people stealing stuff.

Democracy= two same parties that worship Jews

When you look at all the dictatorships they look much better.

North Korea

No lgbt, no whores, no diversity.

“But communist 1984 Animal Crossing!!!” No one gives a shit about communism scare anymore sorry. We all know it’s the Jews that are the problem now. I don’t give a fuck if the government owns the means of production.

“Bbbut the lower standard of living. You don’t get to have cool stuff.”

How good is the standard of living in America? Everyone lives in shitty apartments with roommates and can barely afford their car. What is so great? I guess you can buy more consumerist goods. Are you really happy here though? It’s not that great.

“Muh evil dictator no elections.”
Dictators are like kings that actually care about the greater good of their country. When you have different parties and elections you get all these Jews that don’t give a shit about their country or people and just want to make money.

Clif High #crackpot #racist #ufo #conspiracy substack.com

The Pharisees are a group of evil fucking cunts who took over judaism in the time of the second temple. Way back then.

The Pharisees worship what the Cathari call the ‘demiurge’. At a more base level, the demiurge is Evil. Not incarnate though, that adds complexity.

Anyway, the Pharisees want YOU to understand your REALITY as they do. They want to control your mind by shaping your understanding of your own Life Experience to fit their paradigm.

They believe all of our common shared reality to be based on ‘grit’. They believe that random chance meeting of grit led to the formation of consciousness.

This is wrong.
The UFOs are Here, and Now.

Our paradigm let’s us build and use nuke weapons. This is a bad thing, not just for us, but for ALL Life in this Matterium.

The Pharisees paradigm won’t build you a UFO.
The Pharisees are really stupid, as well as being fucking evil cunts.

The Pharisees have captured our global education, and ‘science’. The Pharisees have imposed their fucked view of reality upon our species.

The space aliens do NOT operate on the same paradigm.
Most of Humanity doesn’t want to be galactic level BUTTHEADS. The paradigm of the Pharisees blinds us to the view of reality seen by the space aliens.

We are NEVER going to get our own UFOs if we keep using this Pharisee paradigm. And it makes the space aliens think we are ALL retarded.

We need, IMO, to get the Pharisee paradigm out of our heads.

It fucks over our communications with the space aliens. That, and shooting their ships out of the sky.

IMO we have little time left before our actions FORCE the space aliens into a more aggressive stance. They have been speaking to us for over 80 years.
You certainly have every right to think me batshit crazy. And there would be no denial from me. BUT just because i am crazy does not make me less accurate with this than any of many other predictions that have been made by me, and manifested into YOUR reality.

Care to take the chance that this one is wrong?

Laura Wood #racist #fundie thinkinghousewife.com

[From ““Healthy Racism” Is Virtuous”]


spoilerPius XI to Propaganda College, L'Osservatore Romano (July 29, 1938)

THE existence of different races is ordained by God. It is not Christian to obliterate these natural distinctions anymore than it is Christian to obliterate male and female. To care about one’s race[…]is not only not sinful, but an ethical obligation

As Pope Pius XI explained in 1938,“healthy racism” does not threaten the universalism of the Church[…]
Besieged by non-white “migrants”, by the plundering of its economic patrimony, by anti-family propaganda and by the constant promotion of miscegenation, the white race faces an existential threat. This is already a catastrophe for the entire world. The white race has throughout history been the bearer of civilization and brought untold benefits to other races as long as it was able at the same time to prosper and reproduce. A major cause of population growth and a higher standard of living in Africa[…]is the technological developments brought to the continent by whites[…]Whites have been the chief guardians of Christian truth. They have brought spiritual progress to untold billions and upon their energy depends the spiritual welfare of other races and the integrity of the true Faith

Civilization in Ancient Egypt, China, India and Rome was the product of white initiative. Once whites failed to protect their racial integrity and blended with non-white races, civilization fell[…]
One of the many errors of the Vatican II sect is its assertion that it is evil for whites to defend themselves[…]
Pius XI’s words recall to mind a nominally Catholic writer on the Internet who has claimed that it is immoral to support any organization defending white interests[…]He would not say the same thing about organizations defending black interests or Japanese interests or Chinese interests

Q the Storm Rider #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy starshipearththebigpicture.com

A WHISTLEBLOWER AND HAD TS/SCI CLEARANCE ( only 8 Congressman in the United States carry this high level top major CLASSIFIED security clearance> … these congressman are known as the gang of eight) .. TS/SCI CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE IS ONE OF THE TOP MILITARY CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE THAT ALLOWS YOU INTO BLACK OPERATIONS/ DEEP DARK OPERATIONS//// and he was coming forward on the drones and advanced military technology connected to infinity energy /Tesla energy/PLASMA ENERGY/ & ELECTROGRAVITICS
(Anti- Gravity)///
_Matthew Livelsberger worked at AREA-51 and deep state DEEP DARK operations in the United States and EU > Germany///
The United States w/ Prescott Bush ( Rockerfeller money) and Uk banks ( Rothchilds) funded Hitler /// … With central Europe being the World war One World war Two objective operation points, the GLOBALIST seized power and stopped all free flow information and changed history of countries and changed the military regime and installed new governments and new laws and new leaders. This now gave power to the globalist to take the technology out of Germany utilize the underground technology bases of ancient civilizations under Switzerland..
_after the war stopped on May 8 1945 in Germany the deep state OSS/ROTHCHILDS/ ROCKERFFELERS/ ETC. immediately excavated the hidden Underground civilization sites near Frankfurt Germany.
>On late summer of 1945 General George Patton and Allen Dulles delivered the first _ELECTROGRAVITICS > ANTI-GRAVITY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY UFO > UAP to the United States. ( Several other technologies were brought into Texas. Nevada, New York. Five fingers lake)

Various Users #racist niggermania.club

(Malcolm Xcrement)
Have niggers given up on Kwanzaa?
Thankfully, I haven't heard a peep about that kwanzaa horseshit this year and I can't recall when the last time was, I did hear of it. No news media pronouncing it, etc.

Ask and ye shall recieve.
Moonbattery Celebrating Kwanzaa With Blasphemous LGBT Art - Moonbattery

How many even realize that Kwanza is a made-up holiday from the late 1960s created by a nigger convicted of torturing two women according to news reports

From bad to worse

“A black Christ welcomes LGBTQ people in “Jesus for All” by Andrea Noel, an Afro-Caribbean artist based in Baltimore. Her Jesus expresses queer solidarity through bright rainbow colors that stream from the head of Christ. The rainbow rays include LGBTQ symbols: linked female signs, linked male signs and a transgender symbol.”

Thinker2 #wingnut #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

One of an event is an accident, Two of an event is a trend, Three of an event is a plan, Four of an event simultaneously is an attack. No Water / No Insurance / No Power is an Inside job.

I’m talking about the California Arson Attacks. No Nukes were use but the devastation is the same.

Who done it?

Not Karen Bass
Not Gavin Newsom
Not P Piddy
Not Jeffrey Epstein
Not Ghislaine Maxwell
Not Hugh Hefner
Who done it?

The people who pull their strings and your strings, the Puppet Masters. But you go ahead and blame the Sock Puppets (Scapegoats), because that is what they are there for. To divert your attention from the real perpetrators (psychopaths). Go ahead and chase your tail one more time. Every war America has fought was lost, because we never arrest the Puppet Masters (Psychopaths). After WW2 1,600 N***s and their families were imported to America under Project Paperclip (The Military Industrial Complex).

Who did 911? It was not Osama bin Laden (Saudi Arabian), not Saddam Hussein (Iraq), not ISIS, not Al-Qaeda. Mossad, CIA, and FBI are responsible for 911.

No Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot Kennedy, and Jack Ruby did not shoot Oswald. It’s all a puppet show for your distraction.

Have you considered blaming:

MOSSAD (There is a reason Mossad is not a member of Five Eyes)
Five Eyes

Do you have any idea who you are dealing with? Can you identify Liberals, Narcissists, Psychopaths by listening to them for a minute or two? You might want to learn.

I define “Insanity” as those who are a danger to themself or others (Self-destructive).

Peace, love, and blessings,


Jesse Watters #racist #pratt mediamatters.org

From the January 8, 2024, edition of Fox News' Jesse Watters Primetime

It gets worse. Gavin's been tearing down dams. Why? Because the Indians wanted some of the river back so they could catch salmon. Gavin didn't just knock down one dam for the Indians, he knocked down all four

And these dams were a go-to source for firefighters to pull water from to fight fires up north. Gavin's literally tearing down western civilization for fish and Indians. Nothing against the Indians, I love the Indians. But really?

Carmen Cojocaru #racist #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy exognosis.com

Jews are type 3 Sirians. Humanoids in the Sirius B star system are white or olive skinned, a mixture of benevolent and malevolent (mostly malevolent) power hungry, selfish, often in the Illuminati banking system, eager either to dominate humanity and transform the Earth into a paradise in their style, or just dominate and control humanity.

The Type 3 Sirians entered into an alliance with the Type 4 Sirians (Annunaki) known as the Sirian-Annunaki Alliance. About 40% of their members have evolved in a more humanitarian direction while the majority of about 60% have as their mission to control and dominate the planet.

They largely control the mass media. Their philosophy is divide and conquer. They specialize in instigating one tribe against another and in permanent war to keep the people divided. They are one of the groups behind the ongoing conflict in the Middle East for thousands of years. They are the force behind the Israeli Mossad and the Khazarian mafia, a terrorist organization that controls the government of Israel and many Western factions.

They rule in Ukraine and provoked Putin to war to take their territories. The Khazars together with the Sumerians and the Jews are at the origins of the Jewish people. Contrary to public perception, the Semites were not among the original descendants of the Jews, they were a different Sirian-Orionian hybrid race that also settled in ancient Persia.
Recent research has indicated that the real Semites were the Khazars and it is funny that some of the Jews consider the Khazars to be their enemies, this makes the Jews anti-Semitic. There are also secret organizations of the Khazars whose objective is to enslave the Jewish people and everyone on Earth. The Jews today are led by another related group of Orion-Sirius hybrids called the Zionists who are an extremely evil consortium of aliens and their descendants who control large portions of the planet. They have an alliance with the dark Illuminati.

TERFs or far-right white nationalists?

They're the same picture.

various commenters #racist ovarit.com

RE: The Welsh Refugee Counsel used 12 year old schoolgirls to entice migrants to come to Wales

( nopenottoday )
It's genocide of native European populations. And I'm sure many people are getting paid off to assist

( Carrots90 )
My Russian husband thinks it’s a way to bring in authoritarian government

Flood the West with people who are accustomed to harsh/corrupt/dysfunctional governance and ‘manage expectations’. As long as it’s better than what the migrants are leaving from, they will be more likely to accept it. And it has to be fast. The older migrants adjusted to the west. Rapid immigration won’t risk assimilation or inter community harmony

Undo feminism, gay rights, personal liberties, etc

( pennygadget )

There must be some financial gain to someones high up. This is not out of control wokeness or an excess of compassion.

They are actively trying to attract migrants, there must be a benefit. This isn’t just kindness

The theory is that they're bringing them in for cheap labor. But that doesn't track because these migrants almost certainly consume more taxpayer money and resources than they contribute

( asmahan )
I think "they" are just trying to balkanize countries and destroy/eliminate common cultural touchstones and heritage. So the country is weakened from within by partisan in-fighting and multicultural strife. Makes them easy pickings for..... whatever you want really.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
So kinda looks like those Pakistani Rape Gangs are a feature, not a bug in their books. I wonder why.

( Disappearanceoftheychromosomer )
Reasons I can come up with:

1. Immigration lowers wages.
2. If you get a lot of immigrants to a historically oppressed nation between a country you can surpress its peculiarities and stop and independentist sentiment from forming.
3. Immigration creates divisions and conflicts between the working class.
4. Immigration lowers political standarts of living.
5. They want to normalize pedophilia.
6. They want society to be more divided, political and cold in general. They want no trust between us so we are forced to trust them.

Average Dad #transphobia #racist #wingnut #fundie pittparents.com

That is correct, we must push back and stand for truth, if not western civilization is domed, history proves that 3 generations of this trans debauchery will be our undoing. We can't survive like this. Unfettered illegal immigration combined with unfettered sexual trans debauchery imposed on children will be our demise. Sexual freedom needs to reigned in some and our immigration laws should have always been enforced. But here we are. Those in power approve of the current state because they will be the ones left in power telling everyone what to do. They are the arsonists and the firefighters, they want to return to paganism and serfdom.

feministfang, eclecticwordblender #sexist #racist #psycho tumblr.com

Listen! I don’t give a fuck how these ugly brown men are treated in the west. Stop showing sympathy for them. Everybody knows what happened in india a few days ago. These are your poor "victim" brown men that some of you think are better than white men. I literally smirk whenever something bad happens to them. I feel happy when Muslim men in india get lynched by mobs. I love it when these men kill each other out of hate. They all deserve it. They deserve worse. And i hope they all burn in hell for eternity.

as long as we’re getting rid of a male, idk man w. silver lining.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #racist #quack #crackpot #kinkshaming barnhardt.biz

[From “Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” can’t be truly appreciated and understood until you know that it is the story of the miraculous healing and conversion to Christianity of a Diabolical Narcissist Jew”]

Thanks for the patience with all of the reposts this week. Unpacking takes ten times longer than packing, and doing it in the run-up to Christmas is… logistically challenging. It’s Christmas Eve, and that means the traditional viewing of “Scrooge” from ARSH 1951[…]Let us pray with Holy Mother Church:

for the faithless Jews: that Almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord[…]

The ARSH 1951 film “Scrooge” starring Alastair Sim is the definitive film version of “A Christmas Carol”[…]
“A Christmas Carol” took on a whole new life and depth of meaning for me when, after my in-depth study of Diabolical Narcissism several years ago, I realized that the reason why “A Christmas Carol” is such a compelling story[…]
The pre-conversion Scrooge character is a classic DN. He is a cerebral narcissist – highly successful in his profession, a miser, caring for nothing but “his work” – which just happens to be usury (Usury? In London? Nooo…)[…]
Scrooge descends into psychopathic usury, and, as we have discussed, even descends into that horrific sexual perversion – ASEXUALITY, by dumping his fiancée and living a life of LOVELESS, MISERABLE, ELITIST SOLITUDE[…]
The other point here which is TOTALLY lost on the modern world is the fact that EBENEEZER is quite possibly the most HEBREW name ever, and that EVERYONE understood when Dickens wrote the book that Scrooge was one of the many JEWISH USURERS in London[…]
The story closes with the words, “And it was always said that he knew how to keep Christmas well”[…]

That, friends, means that Ebeneezer Scrooge, an ethnic Jew and atheist (as almost all ethnic Jews today are), received baptism and became a believing Christian

Mike Stone #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Some of you may remember a piece I wrote back in 2021 about the enormous amount of high-rise residential construction going on in my Los Angeles neighborhood.

Huge apartment buildings ten to thirty stories high were going up all over (and still are). It was bewildering at the time, because the fake vaccine was in the process of killing thousands of people per week. With so many deaths-by-vaccine occurring, I remember wondering who would be left to occupy those buildings.

My conclusion was that Los Angeles was being transformed into a Smart City, and its citizens would be pushed into those high-rise buildings, by force if necessary.

Since then, several seemingly unrelated events have happened. We've had a huge increase in chemtrails, a huge increase in energy-directed wildfires, train derailments, toxic chemical spills, fires at food processing plants.

We had the Direct Energy Weapon wildfires in Maui that murdered untold numbers of people. We had the phony "surprise attack" of October 7, 2023, which led to the ongoing slaughter of peaceful Palestinians. And now we have the highly suspicious wildfires in Los Angeles. What do those last three events all have in common? They all involve beachfront property; high-value real estate.
Something Ain't Right

When you live someplace for a while, you notice things. On Wednesday morning, I stepped outside and into a scene I had never seen before in this city. The sky was black, the wind was howling and intense, enough to knock a man down and unlike any wind I've ever experienced. It was like nuclear fallout from a post-apocalyptic movie. Today, a day later, you can't step outside without inhaling ashes.

What I felt was not a natural wind. It felt like something conjured up by only the evilest mind imaginable. Can I prove that? No, but like I said, when you live someplace for a while, you notice things.

The Los Angeles County Fire Department donated surplus equipment to the Ukraine, leaving them under-stocked.


Laura Wood #racist #conspiracy thinkinghousewife.com

[From “Capitalism Is Anti-White”]

WHETHER it was with black slaves from Africa who lived in better conditions than the poor white factory worker, or Mexican construction workers who crowd by the dozens into small houses while their white counterparts turn to drugs, or Indians who work for call centers from places of relative squalor, capitalism inevitably leads to discrimination in favor of non-whites and inevitably impoverishes large numbers of whites

The brutal truth is that non-whites accept lower living standards than whites. Non-whites will work (or be forced to work) for less money and longer hours, undercutting the white worker who historically sought to support his wife and children with higher spiritual and cultural values[…]“Diversity” in economics is not based on concern for anyone’s welfare except for that of those making the money

Modern capitalism is a spirit of economics that seeks to maximize profits and cares nothing for preserving nations or borders. It is and always has been especially hostile to the interests of the white worker. It has led to the progressive decline of Western civilization. For where the white worker cannot support himself and his family, this society is not possible. Civilization is expensive. The civilized family is expensive. Whites tend to approach the education of their children as a gradually elevating process. These standards can’t be maintained in an international marketplace

Many young whites, their families broken or never begun, cover themselves with the marks of low-class slaves, their skin being at least one area in which they can assert some control. They are seemingly powerless against the whirlwind of international money-making that openly discriminates against them and vilifies them at the same time. They do not recognize these injustices as problems caused by human action that can indeed be reversed[…]
In the end, no one benefits when civilization falls, not even the money-makers

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #fundie #quack #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 9, 2025 – ARMAGEDDON in California as Palisades fires burn entire neighborhoods to ash

- California Wildfires and Personal Experiences (0:02)

- Texas Culture and Emergency Response (2:56)

- California's Leadership and Fire Response (6:21)

- Insurance Issues and Potential Economic Impact (17:31)

- Preparedness and Satellite Phones (32:18)

- AI and Its Implications (40:27)

- The Role of Corporations and Media (1:01:41)

- The Last Semite and Jewish Lineage (1:08:24)

- The Role of Religion and Politics (1:21:53)

- The Future of Israel and Palestine (1:23:30)

- Rothschilds and the Scofield Bible (1:23:52)

- Impact of the Scofield Bible on Christian Values (1:27:26)

- Critique of Zionism and Modern Interpretations (1:29:25)

- Historical Context and Modern Implications (1:33:35)

- Modern Zionism and Its Contradictions (2:13:35)

- Legal and Moral Questions Regarding Land Claims (2:32:00)

- Modern Zionism and Its Political Implications (2:32:15)

- The Role of Religion in Modern Politics (2:32:32)

- The Impact of Modern Zionism on Global Relations (2:32:48)

- The Future of Zionism and Its Challenges (2:33:04)

- Division in the Church and Interview Conclusion (2:33:26)

- Introduction to Golden Milk (2:34:42)

- Versatility and Health Benefits of Golden Milk (2:36:32)

- New Products and Enhancements at the Health Ranger Store (2:38:01)

- Preparedness for Potential Nuclear War (2:39:42)

- Supporting Health Ranger Store and Brighton Platforms (2:40:31)

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #pratt #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[From “December 31, 2024: Mount Olympus 78”]“”


spoilerPanel 1: a rabbi is telling to two Greek men investigating on murdered children inside his synagogue that “Gentlemen., I assure you no human has been harmed here”
Panel 2: the rabbi pursues and says “We only make animal offering” and “Sheep. Goats. Chickens”
Panel 3: one of the Greek replies “Uh hun” and “But do you consider us human?”
Panel 4: the rabby replies “Of course we do” while crossing his fingers behind his back

State of the Nation Editor #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stateofthenation.info

The “DOGE” of the Republic of Venice (1200-1670), also known as the Venetian Empire, was the most powerful position of the realm. Genoa, the other major capital of the Northern Italian Black Nobility, was also led by a considerably dominant DOGE.
Now here we are in 2025 and the American people are being introduced to this notion of the DOGE in the person Elon Musk; for not only is he the head of D.O.G.E., he’s also the chief promoter of the Dogecoin. Really, how does that happen in the span of less than two months unless it was made to happen on purpose?!
So, just to be clear, the New World Order is now swiftly manifesting under the aegis of Trump as the DOGE of the US Empire and Elon Musk as the DOGE of the Global Technocracy.

However, this piece is mostly about Elon Musk, because of how much more important his role is within the stealthily emerging One World Government. Because everything now points to the Northern Italian Black Nobility setting up Musk as the modern-day DOGE of the Global Technocracy.

KEY POINTS: The Northern Italian Black Nobility (NIBN) represents the wealthiest and most powerful of all the secret societies down through the ages. The NIBN actually created and secretly controls the Rothschild and Rockefeller banking dynasties which were used to establish the current Global Economic & Financial System—the latest version of the bankster-managed control mechanism foisted on the entire planetary civilization by the even more clandestine Babylonian Banking Cartel.
Looks like Musk really is just the face of all the extremely powerful and well concealed Internet Age oligarchs just like those Black Nobility oligarchs who covertly ruled the Venetian Empire under the cover of the Doge of Venice. This has always been the way of the Plutocracy since time immemorial…and especially since the Khazarian Cabal has occupied the pinnacle of the world power pyramid.

John C. Carleton #racist #conspiracy johnccarleton.org

House GOP Tries to Protect Rothschild’s IsraHELL’s Nitwityahoo From ICC With Rules Package
A Republican congressman known for sometimes clashing with his own party’s leaders called them out on Wednesday for part of the proposed rules package that is an apparent response to a global court issuing arrest warrants for top Israeli politicians over the U.S.-backed assault on the Gaza Strip.
Treason /trē′zən/
1: The betrayal of allegiance toward one’s own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts.

2: The betrayal of someone’s trust or confidence.

3: The offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power; disloyalty; treachery.

Jim #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From “Pete Hegseth gets it, sort of.”]

A state needs a faith, and an army needs a faith. There is always a state faith. And starting with Obama, the faith of woke is currently being imposed on the army — a faith incompatible with the army’s core function[…]It is also incompatible with war production, or production of anything, as recently became apparent in the Ukraine war

And the last place where the old faith of the Republic lived was the army. Obama decided to stamp that out […]Pete Hegseth intends to restore the old faith of the Republic in the army

The trouble with the old faith of the Republic is that it only worked because of unprincipled exceptions. And if you remove all the unprincipled exceptions you get woke

If all men are created equal, blacks are equal, women are equal. If men and women are equal, they are interchangeable, and you get sodomite marriage, trannies in the army, and you have to mind your pronouns

Pete wants to restore the recently removed unprincipled exceptions. Men will no longer have an inherent universal human right to be women, nor vice versa. But he does not want the old unprincipled exceptions restored. Sodomy will remain, women will remain, provided they can make the physical, which of course they cannot, and he is going to make sure they cannot[…]
A faith that does not need unprincipled exceptions to meet reality is more viable. I want 1660, not 1770. But certainly 1770[…]is a whole lot easier to sell in the army

The inherent contradictions of the faith of 1770 got us to where we are today

Well, is he a real adherent of the faith of 1770? His experience in Afghanistan and Iraq cured him of democratic universalism[…]He is rather keen on the Bible. The founding fathers, being Deists[…],were not nearly so keen on the Bible[…]
What is important is that Trump is appointing someone who knows you have to bring a gun to gunfight and a faith to a holy war, and who understands we are in a holy war

Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I've said two things repeatedly over the last four years. First, that Donald Trump would win the November election by a landslide. Second, that nothing substantial was going to change under Trump in the long run. I was right about the first, and I'm right about the second.

Yes, we will see economic improvement beginning in 2025. (After four years of Clown World economics, how could the economy not improve?)

Yes, we will see a curtailing of wokeness.

Yes, we will see deportations of illegal aliens.

Those will be welcome changes. But in terms of lessening the moral rot of society and saving souls from hell; in terms of eradicating the evil, cowardice, and incomprehensible stupidity that causes men and women to condemn their souls to everlasting fire, nothing is going to change.
Now if Trump goes full authoritarian and outlaws abortion, outlaws pornography, outlaws homosexuality and trannyism, fires every teacher in the country, fires every city and state police officer in the country, strips Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and every other fake news outlet of their license and arrests all of their employees, then I'll take it all back. But I think we both know that none of those things are going to happen.
You can wear your MAGA hat and waste your time watching Fox News or listening to the liars on "conservative" talk radio, but NONE OF THAT IS GOING TO CHANGE. And it won't be Trump's fault. The cowardice and stupidity of the American people have made positive change impossible.
Just because nothing in our society is going to change for the better, doesn't mean that your individual life can't change for the better. It can and it should. At the very least, you can limit your exposure to liars.
You can choose the level of consciousness you want to live in. While everyone else around you is choosing to live in a world of lies, you can choose truth. While everyone around you is choosing to burn forever in the fires of hell, you can choose Heaven.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #enbyphobia #homophobia #racist #transphobia #pratt sinfest.xyz

From “Mount Olympus 82″, Jan 04 2025

Original Art:

Final (Modified) Art:

Panel 1: Book cover with woke hipster as the art, titled “How to Kill an Nation without firing a shot, by Shmuley Finklebaum”

Panel 2: [POISON THE BODY] Jew dumping liquid from skull-marked bottles down a well

Panel 3: [POISON THE MIND] Woke enby, with pink hair and clothes, pointing to symbols on a chalkboard. Symbols are a unicorn, a Genderbread Person, LGBTQIA+ rainbow heart, transgender heart, and Black Lives Matter.

Panel 4: [POISON THE SPIRIT] Le Happy Merchant caricature standing behind a lectern with a book. Original art makes it look like he’s in the sewers, suggesting that he’s one of the rat-controlling sewer wizards from earlier strips. Golden symbols float over his head: the Illuminati, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Freemasonry.

The altered version removes the Illuminati and Freemasonry symbols, puts the other three on a stained-glass window in the background, and alters his hands/arms so he’s no longer rubbing his hands greedily.

Valentina Gomez and Laura Loomer #racist #psycho independent.co.uk

Aspiring congresswoman and controversial MAGA cheerleader Valentina Gomez has sparked outrage once again after posting a video in which she appears to simulate executing an immigrant

The 25-year-old, who tried and failed to be elected as the Missouri Secretary of State earlier this year, said in the disturbing clip that undocumented persons who committed violent crimes “deserve to be ended”

In the video, posted to X on Monday, Gomez is seen firing a handgun into the back of the head of a dummy tied to a chair with a black bag over its head

“It’s that simple, public executions for any illegal that rapes or kills an American. They don’t deserve deportation, they deserve to be ended,” she says

The video has been flagged by X as potentially violating the platform’s rules against “violent speech,” but it had not been removed as of Tuesday. “Public executions for any illegal that rapes or kills an American.” Gomez captioned the video

It quickly sparked outrage from other social media users, with some branding the Colombian native as a “psychopath.” “What’s wrong with these people?” one wrote[…]
However, others seemed to agree with Gomez’s stance, including fellow MAGA firebrand and Trump acolyte Laura Loomer who posted. “Love this”

After X started restricting the video, Gomez claimed that she was “the biggest threat to the establishment because I call it like I see it”[…]
Gomez gained only 7.4 per cent of the vote with finishing sixth out of eight candidates in the race for Missouri Secretary of State

Last week she announced that she was running for Congress in Texas and relocating to the state to challenge Republican congressman Dan Crenshaw’s seat. “I don’t fear pdfs, criminals, or the crooks in DC. I only fear God,” she wrote in a post announcing the move

Rinus Verhagen #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #osycho operationdisclosureofficial.com

Dear Readers,

First of all, best wishes for 2025 our year of transition.

Liberation for humanity was and is a spiritual war, both within ourselves and also around us.

Therefore, the attack on humanity’s pineal gland is aimed at turning them into zombies, without empathy and totally indifferent to world events.

All the stories about Clone makes me think that many are not people, but manufactured shells that disrupted society with an unfeeling activity that seems to be programmed in.

It has also always been told that the end will not be for everyone.

Let’s hope Space Force has too technology to eliminate all these human dummies at once via Starlink.

How amazed are we going to look if all the Politicians, police, and top of the pyramid would be gone at once.

If everyone who has dual citizenship, sold their souls to the Z******s are taken away, humanity will flourish.
All A**********e Vampires do not get a tribunal, but a bullet they have truly earned.

EO13816 and EO13848 are going to breach governments all over the western world.

What you don’t know is that Israel, is also the Netherlands, where 12 families direct all crimes against the population I was told in an anonymous phone conversation.
This would explain why the will of the people does not matter at all, the destructive Agenda of Evil just rolls on.

The attacks on the world’s population sprayed with all pesticide chemicals will have to stop when the QFS goes into effect.

We are now aware that the Mo.Sa.d and Ci@ are the executors of all terror against the world’s population, at the behest of the globally dispersed N***s who have infiltrated all western regimes.

The NV, EU, NATO, WHO should be dissolved, also all international treaties will have to be invalidated, stop the migrant promotion of governments to replace their own population with unworldly people who are victims of the globalists, but a scourge to the indigenous population, precisely because of the difference of norms and values.

Jake Shields and Thomas Rousseau #conspiracy #racist #psycho angrywhitemen.org

On Dec. 22, 2024[…]Jake Shields sat down for a cordial interview with Thomas Rousseau[…]
He led members of the white supremacist group Vanguard America at the deadly “Unite the Right” rally[…]
He then asked Rousseau about the right-wing conspiracy that members of Patriot Front are secretly “feds” — or federal agents. Rousseau denied the allegations, telling Shields that the people making them “have an ulterior motive for dismissing nationalism, for dismissing a patriotism that recognizes race and ethnicity”

Shields said that diversity “can cause divides,” but that “realistically there’s no way we’re getting rid of minorities” in America “at this point.” And he asked Rousseau what his “solution” would be to this. In response, Rousseau praised the Immigration Act of 1924[…]
Rousseau said his solution to this would be mass deportations and denaturalization

“So, of course, everybody who’s illegal, you know, out, out, out, out,” he said. “And when you have people who have been naturalized wrongfully, there’s existing laws on the books where, if you lied on your naturalization papers, if you lied about your refugee status, if your documents were forged — and how many people through human trafficking are doing that — they need to be denaturalized”

After asking how U.S. involvement in Israel and Syria helps “your average American,” Rousseau claimed that “a lot” of people “who run the government” are Jews. Shields interrupted, referring to Jews as “dual citizens”[…]
When Rousseau accused the[…](FEMA) of “mishandling the issue,” Shields claimed that a “dual citizen was the head of that”[…]
Shields and Rousseau also attacked the Anti-Defamation League and defended the lynching of Leo Frank[…]
“Look how brave we used to be,” he declared. “They tried bribing some politician to like not — to get rid of his death sentence, but the men back there they marched in, dragged him out of jail, and hung him, you know, with faces out like proudly. The pictures of these guys”

State of Nation Editor #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.info

This Alt Media platform made a small research project of the real Jimmy Carter story many years ago before the World Wide Web was scrubbed clean of all the hard evidence and high-integrity testimony provided by various insiders and whistleblowers regarding how Jimmy Carter was actually selected as the Democrat’s 1976 nominee. The only thing we could find this year is the following excerpt which provides a crucial piece of evidence about why Carter’s [UNKNOWN TO HIM] Khazarian masters planted him in the White House.
Some of Carter’s closet confidantes and most influential intimates knew that he had a long established medical history of severe depression (that was easily accessed through his US Navy medical records) and which required medical monitoring and pharma drugs. And, it proved to be a history that haunted him most of his life, which is why he chose such a humble post-presidential path to walk, to his great credit.
Jimmy Carter, because he was so easily manipulated by political powerhouses like Brzezinski and Turner and Vance, was clearly installed to make certain things happened in the Mideast and Afghanistan to favor Israel.

After all, the Brzezinski’s mujahideen did chase Russia out of Afghanistan, and Iran has been forever deprecated as the “forever member” of the latest version of the ‘Axis of Evil’ regularly fabricated by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis.

Clearly, a chronically depressed man — with virtually zero foreign policy experience — who is seized by religious zeal is much more easy to control and manipulate toward those Neocon Zionist goals.
SOTN Editor’s Note: This exposé is not meant to disparage President Jimmy Carter in any way during this week of his passing. <...> With that said, it appears that Carter eventually came to understand his previous presidential plight and, therefore, quite purposefully chose to live a life that truly reflected his genuinely held Christian values. Our sincere condolences to his entire family.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[From “December 27, 2024: Mount Olympus 74”]


spoilerPanel 1: Two men wearing payots are saying “Lord Trumpius” and “Judeans are under attack!” to someone wearing a Roman toga and a Trump-like haircut
Panel 2: The two men are saying “We must pass the Anti-Judean Awareness Act” and “Forthwith!” On the roll is written “No criticize Jews”
Panel 3: Lord Trumpus is saying “I dunno” and “People aren't gonna like it”
Panel 4: The two men tell Lord Trumpius “Just tell them you're playing 5D chess” and “Yeah! Yeah! Trust the plan!”

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #racist #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

A huge breakthrough happened on December 21st, when one portion of Pleiadian fleet was able to permanently anchor itself in key postilions throughout the Agartha network, and in the stratosphere as cloaked ships above key surface locations. This is a very important key step towards the final liberation of the surface.
Another part of this fleet will work with the planetary energy grid by activating energy vortexes around the planet and by upgrading the Tachyon chambers, cintamani stones and moldavites to the next level. At this point, more Tachyon chambers are needed on the surface of the planet to strengthen that grid.

The Agartha network has fully activated their global system of underground tunnels that is roughly following Dragon leylines, connecting many underground Agarthan cities with high speed magnetohydrodynamic trains. Blue Dragon Agartha network has completely activated its main tunnel network that goes below Xian-Wuhan-Fuzhou-Taipei-Keelung-Kagoshima-Kyoto.
This huge breakthrough was only possible because all negative Jesuit factions have been removed from the interplanetary space.

This has allowed the full return inside the interplanetary space of the Pleiadian fleet, the Silver fleet and many fleets of other cosmic races beyond the usual Andromedan, Aldebaran and Arcturian fleets that are already involved in the liberation operations. All those fleets are sending a strong network of ATVOR rays, effectively clearing the anomaly around planet Earth.
Meanwhile, here on the surface, the battle between Light and dark continues. The Zionist faction has started to pressure Trump with hidden nuclear weapons:

Most of the mysterious drones currently swarming USA are actually nuclear sniffers, trying to find those hidden nukes:

Some of the “drones” are plasma engine craft similar to TR3-B:

Those belong to Secret space program military factions and they are searching for Aldebarans that are emerging from their underwater and underground locations:

Sister Toldjah #conspiracy #racist redstate.com

Because the left loves to play word games in an effort to deliberately misinform and gaslight people, this was a critically important correction to make in light of the current situation at the border and in so-called "sanctuary cities" across the country.

Trump's pledge wasn't to mass deport "immigrants." It was to deport illegal immigrants, again with the focus first being on those who have committed criminal offenses.

It's something that law-abiding citizens should support, especially considering the wave of violent, often deadly crimes we've seen happen this year, including the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley in February at the hands of an illegal immigrant, and more recently, the unidentified woman who was set on fire and killed on a New York City subway, allegedly by an illegal immigrant.

TatoruzuX #racist #conspiracy #elitist #pratt twitter.com

The Chinese and Indian students never spoke with any of the American students. The Chinese students didn't even speak English. Both the Chinese and Indian students were caught and warned multiple times for copy + pasting their code and turning in the same exact projects line-for-line. And on tests, they would obviously cheat but the professors would usually turn a blind eye. There was one Chinese student who was kicked out for academic integrity reasons, but the foreign students made enough of a fuss about "racism" that it was unlikely to happen again.

I mostly ignored the Chinese and Indians and let them do their own thing. By the time I reached the 200-level Math classes required for my CS degree, the classes were filled with Indians and Chinese students who typically got by through cheating and collaborating with each other, and a couple extremely talented White dudes who actually knew what was going on.

As such, all of the Math TAs were South Asian or Chinese. Well, one day my Math professor decided to take a sabbatical for a few weeks, and he'd return for the big midterm exam. In the meantime, he put a South Asian senior student in charge of teaching the class while he was gone. She barely knew English, and I shit you not, she taught the class in Hindi. I learned nothing in class during those few weeks and there was nobody who spoke a word of English to review the homework with. Obviously, the Indian kids had no problems...

I ended up switching my major and pursued a humanities degree instead despite completing most of the CS classes that were required for a CS major.

Higher education, especially STEM, is designed to disadvantage White students. From admissions, to grants/aid, to corrupt or afraid anti-White professors, to nepotism.

Many of the Indian students in my graduating class who cheated their way to their degree were set up with post-graduate programs specifically designed to give foreign students jobs after graduation to prevent them from getting deported. Most of them don't write a single line of code at their jobs; they just manage Excel spreadsheets.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #wingnut #magick #racist #transphobia inglinga.blogspot.com

The Occult Symbol known as 'Baphomet', originating I believe in Eliphas Levi, is not the same as the Templar 'head', but is in itself an Occult Sysmbol of this 'Fusion of Opposites' -

1. White Moon - Black Moon: the hands point upwards and downwards to these symbols, which are 'White Man - Black Man' (Man and Moon are linked in the Germanic Tongue). On the arm is 'Solve et Coagula' - a formula for breaking down and running together the Black Man and White Man.

2. The figure is androgyne - Man and Woman fused together.

3. The figure sits upon the Globe of the World, symbolic of world domination.

4. There are other Occult Symbols but we need not go into these here.

Over the past decades some of the most important happenings point to a Global Agenda based upon this 'Conflict of Opposites', and agenda that will produce a 'third force' - a New World Order.

1. The conflict of Capitalism and Marxism is now fusing together in the 'Great Reset'; Capitalism was created in order to put the world's wealth in the hands of an 'Elite', and Marxism was created to produce the 'proles', the slaves needed for these Elites to control in their Global Order.

2. The conflict of Man and Woman has seen the fusion of male-female over the last few decades.

3. The conflict of White and Black has seen the fusion of these races (in part) already, the move towards a 'Race of Tan' predicted by Count Kalergi.

4. The conflict of parent-child creates a situation in which children appear to grow up quickly and miss the important childhood, and where some adults do not seem to mature at all.

5. The conflict of Judaeo-Christianity and Islam will result in their fusion into a new World Religion. The other religions are also pitted against each other and they too will fuse into the new World Religion.

The method used by the Occult Powers is 'Conflict Management', by backing both sides at the same time whilst guiding the outcome through ensuring that one side is stronger than the other (if necessary), and the outcome is assured. With this knowledge we can see more clearly the 'progress' of history throughout the last few hundred years. It is thus very hard to counter such a force since whatever is done can be manipulated and used in this 'Conflict of Opposites'. This should have become clear with the emergence of 'Tommy Robinson' and the rise of the 'Far Right' (sic.) here in England.

The Zetas via Nancy Lieder #ufo #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy zetatalk.com

In anticipation of panic over the increased visibility of Nibiru, the Nibiru Coverup crowd planned a distraction. Clif High's Web Bot program has been used from the start to predict what the establishment already had planned, thus his apparent prediction accuracy. The December 3 date was planned months ago due to the obvious increase in naked eye visibility of Nibiru that emerged as expected. The Nibiru Coverup crowd hope to confuse the issue, claiming that the Nibiru Complex seen in the skies is but a swarm of UFOs, an alien invasion.
Throughout history, fires that plagued mankind were the result of lightning strikes. Wildfires today are primarily blamed on lightning. But the explosions in mankind’s cities and infrastructure come from the grid which mankind often chooses to distribute along with natural gas lines in the pipelines and cables in the streets and branching off into homes. The Plate Movements are pulling gas pipeline connections apart and releasing Methane gas from the rock, and torn electrical lines are sparking all this into explosions.

The coming Crustal Shift during the Passage of Nibiru will arrange this for mankind in any case. Fortunately, a shut down of these two vital utilities – Gas and Electric – has been built into these systems from the start. Just throw a switch and deal with the howls from the public.
Meanwhile where the drone assault continues there will be theories. Priority shipping via drone delivery is being done by Amazon and promised by Musk, but is not yet in New Jersey. Iran and other foreign countries have the technology but why would they want to sniff around at low altitudes in New Jersey? Iran has their hands full in Syria and Russia is bogged down in the Ukraine and China is wrangling with Taiwan. Meanwhile the Rothschild banking system is faltering and being overtly replaced by the QFS, and greatly fears the impact of bank failure due to people deserting their mortgage payments. Look no further for the drone boogie.

State of the Nation Editor #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stateofthenation.info

Super RINO & Speaker Mike Johnson
Again Exposes Himself As A Traitor To

SOTN Editor’s Note: We’re not telling anybody anything they didn’t already know; nevertheless, the stunning exposé posted below is quite shocking for the outright treason it describes of Speaker Mike Johnson.
A SIMPLE POINT OF FACT: If Trump does not immediately demand a new Speaker of the House, then that is proof positive that a deal has been cut and the conservative wing of New World Order globalist cabal will not hold the Democrat Traitors accountable for their countless crime sprees since Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama first illicitly occupied the White House.

After all, Trump is well aware of this irrefutable scathing indictment of Johnson, among many others that have been written about him (since he was first unanimously elected—HOW DOES THAT EVER HAPPEN EXCEPT BY THE ZOG?!) <Zionist Occupation Government> by the best and the brightest within the Patriot Movement.

Furthermore, as the following SOTN excerpt insinuates, Trump and Johnson may in fact form the perfect ZOG tag team, installed by the Khazarian Cabal to deliberately bankrupt the US Corporation.
KEY POINTS: There is also the distinct possibility that Trump is both point man and frontman for the cabal with the explicit mission of deceitfully corralling the entire Patriot Movement into a pen of complete and total compliance. His disturbing promotion of the crypto Pyramid-Ponzi scheme known is Bitcoin is particularly alarming, but even more so is the long leash he gives to high-level traitors like Speaker Johnson who nominally controls the power of the purse for the Khazarians who control him. And when Trump viciously attacked Texas conservative Chip Roy with a tweet like the following, you know he’s carrying water for the banksters, especially when the President-elect went on record calling for the permanent elimination of a federal debt limit—WOW!!!

C. Jay Engel and Jeremy Carl #fundie #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #forced-birth angrywhitemen.org

On the Christian nationalist podcast Contra Mundum, Jeremy Carl claimed that Christianity was replaced in the public square by other “secular” religions[…]
During the show, co-host C. Jay Engel complained that the 20th century “was largely like a massive project of undermining the old constitutional norms,” and that the Constitution has “basically been liquidated, first in the New Deal, then in the Civil Rights Act” and the “bureaucratic machinations that were set up” as a result

Engel added that “if you oppose that, you know, you’re seen as a racist and all these things.” In the past Engel has claimed that “the majority of blacks have demonstrated that they cannot function within the old European cultural standards”[…]
Jeremy Carl told Engel that he was “exactly right” about the 20th century, and began criticizing the concept of separation of church and state

Carl claimed that “every single one of the founders” except Thomas Jefferson “would be a right-wing Christo-fascist,” that the Supreme Court “radically inverted the fact that Christianity and religion had always been in the center of American public life,” and that the idea that “invoking the Christian God in a public context could be unconstitutional” is “just risible”

He then went on to say that “what you see right now in the public square is a different religion. It’s the religion of transgenderism. It’s the religion of homosexuality”

“Abortion rights,” Andrew Isker interrupted

“Yeah,” Carl replied. “I mean that’s the god — or secularism, you know, quite frankly. That’s the god that we need to worship right now. It is not that a public square with no god. It’s a public square with a god that is antithetical to the god of the Founders. You know, for the country that they thought they were founding”

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy amg-news.com

In a post-truth world, where facts are stranger than fiction, the truth often discredits itself, becoming a “conspiracy theory”—and the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is a prime example. The official narrative just doesn’t add up. Why? Because the REAL TRUTH about MH370 is so explosive that it shakes the very foundations of global power.
Let’s get this straight—MH370 wasn’t just carrying passengers on a routine flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. On board that plane were 20 elite semiconductor scientists and engineers, transporting superconductivity microchips worth an estimated $800 billion each. Technology that could revolutionize antigravity propulsion systems, advanced military weapons, super AI, and even cloaking technology that could hide entire planets from detection.
The Deep State, led by figures like the Rothschilds, along with CIA, Mossad, and their globalist allies, wanted to move advanced superconductivity microchips to China. These weren’t your run-of-the-mill tech components; they were 1000x more advanced than RFID chips.
When Flight MH370 departed from Kuala Lumpur, most people thought it was just another commercial flight. But behind the scenes, U.S. Special Forces, disguised as civilians, were on board, ready to take action. These operatives were Iranian special ops soldiers working for U.S. white hat forces. Who would suspect them?
But the white hats had other plans. They knew that capturing these microchips would not only cripple the Deep State’s global operations but also expose their underground networks, and more importantly, it would lay the groundwork for a new military branch that would forever alter the battlefield—the United States Space Force.
Everything you’ve been told about MH370 by the mainstream media is a fabrication. The debris, the engine parts, the wild theories—it’s all designed to hide the truth. MH370 wasn’t just a military operation; it was the Hand of God in action.

Emil Kirkegaard #crackpot #racist #elitist #pratt #conspiracy emilkirkegaard.dk

[From “A hereditarian revolution, maybe”]

Back in February, Nathan Cofnas wrote an influential piece A Guide for the Hereditarian Revolution[…]
The Republicans have taken control of the presidency, senate, very probably the house, and they already had the supreme court. While Trump does occasionally post about intelligence, genetics, crime etc., he’s not an intellectual. However, the vice president elect[…]Vance reads books and blogs[…]There is a decent chance he knows the central facts of HBD (defined broadly as biological influences on human differences, whether these are sexes, sexual orientations, races, criminals[…]). To this we can add that Elon musk follows and engages with Crémieux, Wilfred Reilly, i/o, datahazard, Colin Wright, Hanania, as well as edge accounts iamyesyouareno and Defiant L’s. Given that Musk grew up in South Africa, he’s almost guaranteed to know about Black-White IQ gaps and crime rates. Given this, some of the Republican elites can probably be assumed to be at least HBD aware

Does this change anything? Hanania thinks most politics is top-down[…]Maybe for the first time in a while, some top US politicians are red pilled. This has happened before. Take this recording of a phone call between US Republican president Richard Nixon and his advisor Daniel Moynihan in 1971[…]

The 25-minute conversation begins with a discussion about an article called “IQ” that Richard Herrnstein had just published in The Atlantic and that Moynihan had sent to Nixon. This was a comprehensive, 18-page explanation of the heritability of intelligence[…]

Their policy of keeping it secret that they knew led to another 50+ years of race conflicts, affirmative action and a climate of lies[…]
•Something must be done about the egalitarian infestation in academia[…]
•Punish publicly funded universities that undermine science by firing or otherwise harassing dissident professors[…]
•Musk must make sure there are non-Woke AIs on the market

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #racist simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

We are headed into dark times now. We have an incoming demented perverted adulterous president who wants to sell America to the highest bidder, import Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists and other non-Christians to do our jobs, and send Christian Americans to the poor house to make a quick buck. Removing Christ from our country, our government, our schools, and replacing Him with Allah or Buddha or Vishnu or any other false gods that will result in the further decay of our society. This is all part of the Zionist plan to destroy America from within and to make a quick profit as evil men like Benjamin “evangelicals are useful idiots” Netanyahu and their puppets like Wicked Donny destroy our country with this globalist Zionist agenda.
Pastor Steven has been thoroughly exposing the brainwashing that’s been happening to our young people. These foreign shows from East Asia that have been turning our kids into brain dead God hating tools since the original “Pokemon” came onto our shores over twenty years ago. Many parents, even in IFB churches, are ignorant of the dangers that lie in these programs and Pastor Steven has been making sure we don’t let our kids be set up for failure before they turn eighteen! We thank the Lord every day for Pastor Steven’s thoughtful analysis on how entertainment is one of the biggest weapons of this globalist Zionist elite!
We need to pray to Christ our Lord to excise these Zionist demons of sodomy, transsexualism, feminism, anti-Americanism, cultural and moral relativism, and the root of all this evil, Zionism. Let’s not confuse this with racism, because the issue is not that people of different races are entering America but that they are introducing false gods and repugnant worldviews. We should welcome people of all races that accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and have an American worldview. The problem lies when we have public schools leading students in Islamic prayers or learning about Buddha instead of reading the Bible and praying to God who will actually hear your prayers. We need to have faith in Christ and pray that He purge us of all of this sick wickedness that’s become in this country and that He will tell the Zionists who killed Him where to stick it!

Léon #wingnut #racist #psycho reseau-libre.org

[Translated from “Let the 95% of assholes die, but enjoy yourself!”]

https://web.archive.org/web/20240708074739/https://reseau-libre.org/site/2024/07/08/laissez-les-95-de-connards-crever-mais-faites-vous-plaisir/ (July 8)

My friend Condor on Réseau-Libre described the situation perfectly in an article yesterday, but I think we need to be a little clearer. As I have been saying for years, the French have become a people of larvae and there are therefore 2 options: Either we take note and we decide to let it happen by simply protecting ourselves with our own, or we decide to put in tis place this herd of assholes with the only remaining methods that I'll let you imagine

The second method requires general, non-targeted attacks, based on the principle that 95% of victims are assholes and that it is therefore acceptable. Some have proposed this to me very concretely, I oppose it, not being a terrorist. Which does not prevent me from seeing with great pleasure the next “Bataclan” committed by those to whom the French give blowjobs :)

The first method is attractive, but I choose a variation: protect yourself and protect your loved ones BUT while regularly attacking not random targets among the 95% of assholes, but targets who assume their status as enemies. Condor talks about lawyers, journalists, community leaders and second-rate politicians, I agree without hesitation

We protect ourselves as a family, we have a seemingly orderly little life, we change sidewalks when faced with a herd of ragheads, and regularly we catch an enemy and neutralize him once and for all. With all the hatred he inspires in us. We slaughter him and leave him in plain sight so that he can serve as an example. A vengeance and an enormous pleasure

No need for firearms, although they are very easy to get in France. But a good kitchen knife, or even a crossbow, or even a pickaxe handle will do the job very well

Let the 95% of assholes die, but enjoy yourself! Happy hunting!

Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann #wingnut #racist #homophobia #enbyphobia #transphobia #conspiracy amgreatness.com

Listen to any speech given by Democrats in 2024, and you’ll be bombarded by buzzwords, sloganeering, euphemisms, and phrases that provide a constant diversion from answering truthfully. During this election cycle, the language is changing so fast that we need this updated glossary of terms to understand exactly what they’re talking about.

Affordable Housing: Housing that is government subsidized to below-market value, ruining the value of compatible unsubsidized housing in the nearby area. So what? Ownership is oppressive and harmful to those who don’t have it. From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs. Marxism is so cool!
“Common Sense” Gun Control: Gun confiscation. There is nothing “sensible” about violating a citizen’s Second Amendment rights. It is like confiscating a person’s car because someone else used their car in the commission of a crime. This is a ploy by the government to disarm citizens as a way to exert maximum control over their lives. Don’t think it can’t happen here.
Diversity: Dividing people by their immutable qualities, such as race and gender, to create conflict within a society or system for the benefit of those in power. You see, “diversity” is our strength. Just ask those who are in charge.

Equity: Equal outcome of life’s experiences, no matter how much effort or ambition is applied. A chain is as strong as its weakest link; thus a society is as strong as the most incompetent, lazy, psychopathic weirdo among us.
Hate Speech: Any speech the left disagrees with.

Inclusion: The exclusion of heterosexual, white males from employment, opportunities for advancement, and participation in American society.

Non-binary: A person who can’t decide if they’re straight or gay. Spoiler: If you’re a guy and you like guys, or if you’re a gal and you like gals, gay it is. You’re welcome.
Path to Citizenship: Blanket amnesty.

Privilege: Something for White people to “check.” We keep “checking,” but we can’t find it.

Scorezeny #racist #homophobia gab.com

Part 1. Acute education. Not so many years ago, the immediate vicinity was devoid of vibrant undesirables. There may have been a smattering of creepy queers and generic weirdos but by and large, it was mostly cholo gangbangers and “hopefuls”- transplants mostly from the midwest, trying to break into “the industry”. Vivid Entertainment was Plan B for actresses with minimal talent. It came to a screeching halt with the writers’ strike. The rest of the nation called it a recession, or a bubble. The stage had been set, decline was in full swing following that slowdown. Quality of life laws began to be sloughed off, illegals were hired for more chores, the Prop 8 assault on morality began. A slope slippery with diarrhea and K-Y Jelly led to the election of obaphomet. When the bus is going over a cliff, you may as well get a chimp to drive it. An illegal foreigner to boot, married to a hesheboon.

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