The rant of a hopeless Hungarian detrans woman about the current state of trans activism in my country
Sometimes I feel like my country's more woke than western countries when it comes to transgenderism, because even though the trans community is getting more visible, it is not followed by the appearance of gc/radfem voices (Not that feminism is flourishing here, anyway) All the popular feminist pages I found on FB are libfems, there are only a few "queer" groups and all of them are of course inclusive.
2 days ago the government announced a referendum made of 5 questions, 3 of them dealing with whether the promotion (or even depiction?) of transgenderism in front of children and the gender change of minors should be illegal.
This referendum is just a means to shift attention from the government's recent wrongdoings, but the opposition's reaction disgusted me.
1. evaded the topic of transgenderism affecting kids and started stating the numerous other issues regarding the well-being of children that should be addressed first
2. Defended the transing of kids
3. Made distasteful jokes.
Political parties, meme groups, comments everywhere were making jokes and being sarcastic. For example, MKKP is a joke party but quite popular, and they were sharing memes like "are you also afraid of your child becoming a transformers?"
There's nothing remotely funny about this. They are a registered political party who joke about the mutilation of children. Let that sink in. For them it is a joke but for many people this is reality. And I'm very tired of people arguing "seeing a queer person won't make your kid queer". That might be the case with sexual orientation, but gender identity is a whole different case. The rapidly increasing number of trans and non-binary kids is proof enough.
I can't believe there's still anybody in their right mind who doesn't recognise this really is a trend. Even worse, it's a religion and it's followers can't be reasoned with. That's why I'm hopeless.