
AprilMayJune #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[part of a long, rambling post about trying to keep her friend from crushing on a "bad" guy, culminating in this *shocking* revelation (paragraph breaks added)]

The guy had a CD player/radio but no one payed any mind to it except Amanda and I. When the graduation was over the 3 of us got in the bus and we went in the back. We were looking at all the stuff they brought, trying to think of a way to play a trick on them or something when Amanda noticed that he'd accidently left his CD player/radio on.
She put the headphones on and her facial expression went from normal to[shocked smiley]! She threw the headphones off her head and Molly said
"What's the matter Mander?"
Amanda didn't say anything. She just opened up the CD player to find *surprise surprise* a country CD. She knew it was because she said her Grandma used to listen to it. Of course this was the kind of proof [that the guy "isn't very nice"] that we'd been looking for for months. Before it was just our word against his. Now it was "Hey we actually found some physical proof."

Marshall Rose #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I remember one time, I was laying on my board, riding in wave after wave, completely oblivious to everything but the wave I was riding in on. Then...WHAM! My foot hits a seashell and cuts wide open. I could barely walk for a week, it hurt so bad. Man, did that ruin the vacation.

Are you ready to have a "seashell moment" There can definitely be days that we think are boring, but rest assured, God is working behind the scenes, and for all we know, he might just send a "seashell" along the way to remind us that He's still God, and He's still got big plans for you and your life! Who knows? God is like that sometimes, and that's what makes Him such an awesome God to serve!!!

erin #fundie teens-4-christ.org

girls go out today wearing jeans so tight it makes their butt look 10x bigger than what it really is just so guys will look at them and then when they get raped they wonder why. well hello!!!!!!!!

sorry if it was kinda you know but it's the pure truth.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I cannot think of a single time where Christians were militant. I can, however, think of many occasions where the Roman church, aka CATHOLIC, has persecuted people, I just cannot think of any CHRISTIAN groups who were militant.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Apparently, Jesus is in the fruit-juice business)

The wine which was made by Jesus was not the strongly alcoholic wine or liquor we see today. If it was fermented at all, it contained an extremely small amount of alcohol - only enough to serve to purify the drink. It's actually more like grape juice than what we would consider to be wine. The wine that is out today is designed for the purpose of making one drunk. It contains a lot more alcohol than the grape juice Jesus made.

Bluegrass_Girl #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Me and my parents have decided that I will not date. We believe in courting. Dating leads to foolish things. By courting, I mean the young man participating in outings with my family and such. Very safe places! I have decided to fully give my heart to my dad. He will be the authorty over me until my wedding day. I (with God's help) hope never to even hold hands with my future husband until my wedding day. I wear a purity ring to remind me of that daily. One day, my purity ring will be molded into my future husbands wedding band as a sign that I am fully giving my heart to him. And that is my whole heart, not a broken heart that I have waisted on other guys.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

There are a lot of things you can learn from the modern, hollywood, romance style of dating:
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to live in disobedience to God's will
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to live with a sexually transmitted disease
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to stand at the wedding alter having a heart and/or body that is sexually impure
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to be disqualified from whatever ministry God may have for you.
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to be a parent before you are ready or married.
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to practice for divorce.
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to have your heart torn asunder because you joined your heart to someone who was not God's will for you.
Need I continue? God has a plan for marriage and Hollywood's style of dating is not a part of it.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Another candidate for the Fundie Word Redefinition Project]

As for the shorts: well, there is a standard.
Isa 47:2-3 Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. (3) Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man.

in this passage, 'nakedness' is defined as making bare the thigh. That is anything above the knee. So, based on that standard, compared to modern clothes, some shorts are ok, some clearly are not!


Bro Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Looking back on my expierences, I have very mixed feelings. Looking at marching bands in secular schools, I see a lot of problems:
Uniforms: often the young ladies are forced to wear pants, or worse! In some cases, the costumes the girls in the color guard (flags, rifles, dance, etc.) are almost non-existant!
Music: almost never is proper for the Christian! Does not praise God!
Dancing: many bands have actions that are downright vulgar. There is one (here in Chrarlotte, NC) that was banned from the Christmas parade becuase their actions were so vulgar that they offended the community. If you know anything about Charlotte, you know that is saying a LOT!
I went to band camp - I know that more than music and marching is practiced or learned! In fact, one of our 'adult' sponsors told us how to sneak out of the dorm we were in w/o setting off an alarm and which bar we could go to!
Now, despite all of these bad things, I firmly believe that everyone should at least try to learn an instrument, but I cannot say that I support a secular school's marching band!

missions2005 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Well, like I posted earlier, reality and the Bible are two different things. In reality, if I was a Jew in that time [during the holocaust], I WOULD (emphasis) have lied to save my family, but biblically, it doesn't change the fact thats it's still wrong. The right thing to do, it to always tell the truth. Would I always? Absolutely not! Is lying always wrong? Absolutely! It was not only illegal by man's laws (Germany in this instance) , it's going against the very word of God.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Ok, new information:

1. hugo chavez has this little island off the cost of his country. He is using that island to train muslims in how to acclimate to the US culture as mexicans. He then gives the documentation so that they can legally enter into mexico. From there, they can, with relative safety, cross into the United States.
2. The Mexican government is corrupt and run by the druglords. There have been cases where elements of the the Mexican military have actually fired upon the US Border Patrol.
I can only imagine why these things are not widely known, or why the United States populus does not stand in revolt to this invasion.


Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

You also need to notice: He promised to take care of His children. In another topic, you mentioned Darfur, and how Christians sit and do nothing. Tell me: Who do they worship? If you do the research, you will see that the national religion of Darfur is Islam. You will also see that Christians in the area are persecuted. You will find that 65% of the population claims to be devout Muslims while the majority of the remaining 35% claim to only be muslim (as opposed to devout muslim). Why should the Lord bless a country that openly seeks the destruction of HIS chosen people (Israel) and His children (the saved)?

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

To end terrorism...

* Take the gloves off. We need to stop molly-coddling these people and their friends. Folks, for all practical purposes, we own Iraq. We need to act like it. Not only this, but we need to simply destroy the terrorists who stand against us. Recently, I saw a bumper sticker that said, "If a terrorist wants to die, it is my duty to help him accomplish his goal."
* Release Israel from the restrictions they are under. That's right, cut 'em loose and give them the key to the arms warehouse. I am absolutely sick of people saying we need to fight terrorism, and then telling Israel to calm down. I won't rant here. mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif
* Follow the Brit's example. Locate the terrorists in our country, round them up and ... "But what about their rights..." some may whine. Forget their tights. They are using their rights to destroy us!
* Christians need to take a stand. The United States is a CHRISTIAN nation. We need to act like it.
* Close the UN. The United Nations is really a group of dictators, thugs and outright criminals whose goals consist of the exploitation and destruction of the United States of America.

Last, and most importantly...

* Evangelize, exhort and disciple the nation. That's right. We need to take our country back, and we need to actively defend our country, but the most important thing we need to do is evangelize and disciple the nations. If the United States chooses to use it, we have the military power to utterly destroy the terrorist nations, but God chan change their hearts.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

The United Nations is an anti-Hebrew, anti-Christian organization. Every aspect and action of this organization is to orchestrate the erradication of the Jewish and Christian people.

This is an organization that is equally anti-American (although they certainly love the American DOLLAR). Those of you who are of voting age should make sure that you cast your vote, and you cast your vote for those who will represent Jesus and the Word of God!

BaptistForeva #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I believe that all Disney movies are wrong to watch, and try to avoid them as much as possible. Why are you focussing a topic on just ONE of those evil Disney movies? Aren't there other wicked ones that many teens love to watch, such as The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and The Lion King? These have strange fantasies portrayed in them, and should not be watched by Christians.

missions2005 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Here are a few reason why I won't be watching and won't endorse his books or movies.

1. C.S Lewis is a heretic. I mean come on guys, the guy believes in life on other planets, he believes we're the highest of animals. All in all, this guy is heretical nut.

2. Some things that I've heard about the book disturb me. I'm not going to dwell on C.S Lewis' quotes in this post, but am going to focus on the books. Here's a quote from one of the books, small but very dangerous:

"The future of Narnia rests on your courage." (Talking to the children who play roles in the novel)

Now, the future does not rest with us. In fact, God could do anything he wanted without a single soul on this earth. If Asylan is God, then he wouldn't be saying this. God's intentions does not rest on our courage. Plain and simple.

3. Imagination is evil and wicked. You call it an imagination, God calls it evil. (Genesis 8:21) It doesn't matter if you think that a little imagination is okay, it's wicked.

Tiffany138 #racist teens-4-christ.org

why would God put the barriers of skin color up if they don't matter.. there is a reason for different skin color obviously or we would all be white, or black.. there are certain barriers.. i personally believe what i posted. that certain descendants are allowed to intermarry and certain ones are not.. [...]

missions2005 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

(sci·ence (sî'əns) - The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena by way of the Scienific Method (SM).
Theory of Evolution = Science, testable via SM

Theory of a higher power = Not Science, Not testable via SM

In the science classroom, we should be teaching science. There should be a separate class for religious studies.)

Thats easy to say that it's testable by SM, but you don't back up your statement with and proof. Evolution IS a religion. There should be no creation or evolution in the classrooms. Just plain science!


Mrs. Kellie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

The Baptist church is the one that Jesus began when He was here on earth. However, not ALL Baptist churches still follow the Bible like they once did. Even some independent fundamental Baptist churches are straying from the foundations in God's Word.

No other denomination was started by Jesus....they were all started by fallible mortal men.

Mrs. Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

The Baptist church is the one that Jesus began when He was here on earth. However, not ALL Baptist churches still follow the Bible like they once did. Even some independent fundamental Baptist churches are straying from the foundations in God's Word.

No other denomination was started by Jesus....they were all started by fallible mortal men.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Harry Potter has never been considered to be a 'good thing'. That series, along with this one, is based on witchcraft.

Folks - do you really not see the dangers in witchcraft?

By the way, Lora, you are proving our point. Even if there were some redeeming quailty to CoN (which there is not), it is a gateway to other wickedness. First Narnia, then Harry Potter, then books about wicca, then ...

It is a slippery slope the Devil wants you to slide down. Please take this warning from us and flee the wickedness now!

Mrs. Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

["Women working outside the home?"]

The problem is, Disciple, the attitude of women today. They do not really want rights - because they have many if they would stop and think. No, women today want to be in charge...they want to do the man's job and be just like him. Women have power they do not realize! A Christian lady who is living by the Book is the lady who is the most free and "liberated" and joyful individual on the earth.

Yes, women have rights - the right to obey God's Word.......

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I'll give you an example of something I saw recently:

Blonde is a natural color for some.
Black is a natural color for others.

I saw a person crossing the street who had all black hair except for one blonde patch. That was immodest.

Another example is from someone a little closer. She has multicolored hair - red's, brown's, and blonde's all mixed up. That is unnatural and immodest!

["...how it is immodest to have a blond spot (or other colors) in your hair?"]

The essence of modesty is showing others your countenance. The only part of your body that can show a countenance that reflects Christ (a spirit of humility) is your face. If you draw attention to any other part or aspect of your body (i.e., your hair), then you are immodes.

In the cases I cited, the people were immodest because their hair attracts attention away from their face. The one with black hair and a blonde spot - I saw her from a half mile away!

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Since Satanism came on the scene, wearing all black has been a sign of worship of Satan. In fact, look at the garb most catholic priests wear - all black. This dates back to the pagan worship instituted by Nimrod and his wife.

It is not coincidental that when you wore all black, you only wanted to sit alone in your room listening to metal.

Bluegrass Girl #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I personally think that a teenage girl shoud not try to draw extra attention to herself. A lot of girls think they belong to their friends, or even their boyfriend, and they follow what they are doing. As a girl, you belong to your dad until your wedding day. Who are you trying to impress?

kevinmiller #fundie teens-4-christ.org

How has Pres. Bush degraded our country?? He's stood up for what was right on numerous occasions very unlike former Pres. Clinton who was arrogant and self-seeking. He spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars on vacations during his term. And in a place of a authority, an affair is not a "personal matter." He is representing the United States. I would be afraid to see what Clinton would have done after September 11th and I'm glad that we have a President who puts America's needs first and not the United Nonsense(oops, I mean Nations) [eyeroll smiley]

No offense, but I think you are the one who needs to do your research...

Clinton degraded our country, and Bush has given us a country to be proud of.

missions2005 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[That is a ridiculous thing to say about Abe Lincoln. There is far more evidence to support that he existed.]

Prove it! It's very easy to say, but very hard to prove. And don't give me history books, because the people that wrote the history book could be lying. So, thats not a good source of information. Scientist are just now discovering that there actually was a world-wide flood. Don't talk about something you don't know about.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[The bible is not a textbook of fact you have got to stop hiding behind it. Form your own opinions instead of quoting passages]

Folks, this is why so many people have been decieved by cATHOLICS. They want to believe the traditions of men instead of following the Word of God. Sometimes, the Word of God is not the easiest way to follow, but for the saint, for the believer, it is the only way!

By the way, if the Bible is not the absolute, complete truth, then God is a liar and we are in serious trouble!

Arlomay #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[This is from a thread discussing whether there is such a thing as Christian rock and whether to call it Christian rock or X-tian rock.]

"I don't think Christ and rock and roll should be put together. Where do you think they got the title? THe guy that invented it called it that because he heard postitutes use it.
Rock em' and Roll em'. Get it?"

kevinmillier #fundie teens-4-christ.org

['Women are in church to worship same as the men so why should men be able to be expressive in worship but not the woman?']

Because contrary to what society today will tell you, men and women are not equal. The man is to be the authority figure in and outside of church. I don't know that I have a problem with women saying amen to where only their husbands, for example, can hear it though.

April1663 & katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Man IS an animal]

April1663: Man is not an animal! Man is a living soul! A dog does not know right or wrong. Dogs merely exist. Man has a purpose! Jesus didn't come and die on the cross to save the whales! He died to save Mankind! Man might have the same characteristics as a mammal, but we are not animals! That kind of thinking and teaching is exactly why most of todays young people and teenagers are acting like animals. One cannot be expected to perform over what they have been taught! You teach a child that he is fat and he will think he is fat for the rest of his life! You teach a child that he is nothing more than a common animal and that is what he will become!

katyanne: Yes good point Laura! I still struggle with how my parents used to tell me how stupid I was and I still a lot of times think I'm stupid. If you are taught something that much you do end up believing it. I think you hit the nail on the head!

Randy Ross #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[From the "Rules"]

Teens-4-Christ is a King James Version Bible site.....please use King James Scripture when posting Scripture reference. failure to do so will result in the editing or deleting of your post. Your account may also be deleted or banned.

Any posts supporting beliefs contrary to "What we believe" will be deleted...may result in banning of the poster.

Any link to be posted on The Board must be pre-approved by an administrator before it is posted. Failing to get links pre-approved may result in a suspension of your privileges.

katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Harry Potter only gets kids reading because of the content of the books. The content of the books is evil and the author herself is a satanist. Satanism is a very dangerous religion. Young people are drawn into it becuase it is so appealing. It appeals to their flesh and their sense of mystery and the music appeals to their flesh too. Harry Potter books are dangerous and leading many down the broad road of destruction.

Taigum #fundie teens-4-christ.org

["I am a Lord of the Rings fan! I have read the books three times, and I also read the Hobbit."]

I'm sorry, I had to stop reading at this point. I'm praying that you'll be saved from hell.

I'd like it if God could summon all the bad books into a big pile and we could have a barbeque.

katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Note, this poster believes witchcraft is real]

My sister loves LOTR, Narnia and Harry Potter, and her head is always in these fantasy lands, and it is the same for a lot of other kids I know. That is not good or right for that to happen. We are not to live in fantasy lands in our minds.

bound4glory #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Ok so i think we can all agree that the Bible is our final authority on all things? if you agree with that then we should have no problem. so if the Bible is the Final authority on ALL things that includes movies, yes? yes! well in that case Kevin hit the nail on the head when he quoted Psalm 101:3 but lets look at it again for good measure. I will set NO wicked thing before my eyes.... whoa whoa wait a sec read it again... NO WICKED thing. so think about disney any disney show from Beauty and the beast to The little mermaid to The Empror's New Groove... the bible says they are wrong.... why? cause they have wickedness in them. actually ive set a challenge before my youth group to find one movie that has nothing that goes against the Bible (wickedness!) and they cant find one... want to know why? simply because if there is a movie where everyone always acts right and does right it would be boring! if there isnt something that is wrong in it then there is zero plot!

But lets get back to the verse, no wicked thing..... that means NO drinking, NO cussing (zero zip nada!!), NO immodesty (whether on the cartoon character or a real person, modest is modest period), NO rebelloin, NO magic(whether 'good' or bad, whether in a fantisy world or in real life, the Bible doesnt cange in fantasy), NO false religions (that means Sound of Music is out since they promote Catholisim), NO using false versions of the 'bible' (KJV is it for the english speaking people, that kicks out veggie tales)..... ok i think i got the point across.... No wickedness means just that No wickedness, unless of course God made a mistake?

So where is the line we should draw? well God drew it for us, No wickedness and from all I can see that means no movies because they all have something wicked in them. the problem is that we have been so exposed to evil that we are used to it and we dont see wickedness as wicked, instead we see it as cute, fake, or ok... my friends let's back the standard up to God's standard....

Lizzie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

You know...I have a confession rolleyes.gif A while back I used to watch Wil and Grace (I know, I know, don't bash me now...I got right...). I knew homosexuality was wrong, but it was entertaining and I thought ahh...it's not that bad. I was watching it one night and one of the girls on there was scared to go to the doctor for a check up, so she had Wil go with her. When she got her results back she didn't want to open them out of fear. So Wil opens them. During that she says, 'God, if the results are alright then I'll spend the rest of my life devoted to you!'. When Wil gets them open he says, 'yeah, you're alright.'. She then pulls her hand out from behind her back which had her fingers crossed and shouts, 'HaHa, got you again, God!'
I was so shocked and disturbed. I seriously almost cried. I (thank the Lord) haven't watched it since and I de-reccomend it to anyone I hear talking about it.

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