
PsalmSevenBooks #wingnut deviantart.com

Unsurprisingly, DA deleted the journal where I showed one of the threatening comments I got for being happy that the left can no longer murder children. Copy/pasted from a message I received from DA staff, with emphasis added: "A member of staff has reviewed a report concerning this deviation and has found that the work has no greater purpose other than as a personal attack against another deviant."

So... Evidently you can threaten the life of a conservative and that's fine, but the conservative better not screenshot it and show it to anyone or that's "attacking."

Sometimes I think I should thank the entire left for giving us no shortage of nonsense to laugh at. 😂 Y'all are wild.

To be fair, it looks like DA's policies actually did change at some point to prohibit posting screenshots of other users' posts in a journal, even if you blur out their screen name and profile picture so they can't be identified, which I did. I've been on this site for more than 10 years and that rule didn't used to exist. This is quite a step forward for DeviantArt, since they usually just make up Christophobic and anti-conservative rules as they go without ever posting them. Good job DA, you did something (kind of) right! :clap:


*coughITwasJUSTaCLUMPofWORDScough* 😉 😘

Boskov01 #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

The Democrat Party: The Party of Continued Subservience to England, the Party of Slavery, the Confederacy, Jim Crow, Segregation, the Klan, of Lies, of Cheating, of Stealing. Every piece of legislation that has caused American suffering, every dark age of American Governance, and every black eye dealt to American greatness can be traced back to the Democrat Party's hands and influence.

And the greatest failure on the part of the Republican Party, in the wake of the Civil War that the Democrats started and lost, was the Republican's failure to abolish the Democrat Party. I wonder what America would look like had the Democrats been abolished after Lincoln's assassination. Victorious factions throughout history are laughing at the American Republicans for sparing their defeated foes. Never before has a defeated political faction been allowed to persist...maybe once the Democrats start and lose the next Civil War, we Republicans will correct the mistake we made nearly two hundred years ago.

Pahlavan #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt deviantart.com

A fetus is a human and has the same rights. We prosecute people who malaciously leave their babies to die - why are abortionists any different? Every human being deserves life. And if "bodily autonomy" is so sacred, why the bodily autonomy of the baby is not respected as it's harvested for organs? That's right. The industry of elective infanticide has to get it's resources somehow. So don't sweat it if your "friend" blocked you; you're better off without them.

Kajm #dunning-kruger #pratt #fundie deviantart.com

You want Congress to codify Roe?

You realize, if the Democrats managed to do this, what the final consequences would be? The party of Malthusians? The party of 'man-made' global warming? The Party of the KKK, slavery, and ANTIFA?

Imagine a world where the GOVERNMENT now determines IF and WHEN you can have a child. Especially *IF*. You think the Democrats aren't Salivating at the idea?

Talk about 'my body, the GOVERNMENT'S choice!'

PsalmSevenBooks #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

[There’s much more to this one. Archived here.]

During Pride month, Christians are required to say no to some things. We can’t participate in sin (Eph. 5:11) nor can we celebrate evil (1 Cor. 13:6). So you may be accused of being “anti” everything. These are moments it’s helpful to remember that anytime you say “no” to one thing, it’s because you’re saying “yes” to something else. Something better.

When we say “no” to doing whatever you want sexually, it’s because we are saying “yes” to virtue, discipline, delayed gratification, and the satisfaction and intimacy that comes from forming relationships God’s way. When we say “no” to the idea that boys can become girls, we are saying “yes” to finding our created purpose. When we say “no” surrogacy so that a child can be placed with two dads, it’s because we are saying “yes” to each child to be known and loved by both their parents. When we say “no” to bad ideas, it’s because we’re saying “yes” to better ideas. Every time.

Kajm #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Presidential* Approval / Disapproval ratings:

I find it curious that, if you plug in 'biden current disapproval rating,' you get all kinds of articles about his approval rating.

Now, try finding Trump's Approval ratings. Guess what you get?

So. Trump, with five years of non-stop HATRED AND LIES aimed at him, finished with an 'all-time low' approval rating of 34%

THIS, mind you, with the Leftist media leaning Hard Left on who it chose to poll.

Now... biden has a current approval rating of 33%

THIS, mind you, with the Leftist media STILL leaning Hard Left on who it chooses to poll.

That suggests that the reality is probably in the 20s percentage.

No wonder blacks and Hispanics are flooding to the Republican party.

* - Trump was Presidential. biden.... not even close. Mind you when I say 'Presidential' I mean in terms of actual accomplishments FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. Which is one of the MASSIVE reasons why blacks and Hispanics are flooding to the Republican party.

Amanacer-Fiend0 #homophobia #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Unfortunately I have a younger brother who told me that they're pan-demisexual with his leftist girlfriend. At that moment I REALLY wanted to just come out and tell him that people who use those kinds of labels are just attention-seeking children who want to feel like they're oh so special instead of facing the reality that what they think makes them special is as fake as Kim Kardashian's ass. It's no different than when kids go through their goth phase and cry to their moms, "It's Not A Phase!"

But I bit my tongue because I would've said it in a far worse way at that moment.

Ya know what's funny? I think people like us are a lot more "punk" in this day and age because we actually are against the current status quo. I mean Leftists have support from so many of western institutions like The Entertainment Industry, many Big Corporations like Disney and Amazon, Government, Academia, etc and yet they still pretend that they're the underdogs.

I mean if GG Allin was still alive and saw all this, He'd probably start wearing a nicely pressed suit and act more responsibly since from what I read, he's against ANY kind of conformity and the status quo. And currently Leftists are the most hardcore of conformists despite being just as or possible even more emotionally fragile as the pearl clutchers Allin hated in his life.

renwulf16 #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Do not fall for this idea that just because something looks and sounds the part means that it's worth it's coinage. Some like Garnet from Steven Universe and Scallion from Vox Machina are, in my opinion, acceptable, but the most obvious like Revan from Obi-Wan and Kamala Khan from Ms. Marvel are an obvious diversity quota with little to no replayable value.

Now, I am not, or ever was, against diverse casts of characters in any medium of entertainment, be it those of different skin colors, gender, sexual orientation, or political/religious beliefs. What I am against are horribly written characters with the aim of filling up a diversity quota or pandering to a political ideologue. In general, these representation characters have little to no substance to their personalities, other than being an embodiment for the Leftist agenda, and pretty much all they do is beat audiences over the head with a narrative while coddling the target demographic.

Their character traits are basically just blue check marks:

Person of non-white origins


Lower class background

Gay/Other orientations

Morbidly Obese

Atheist, Muslim or Non-Christian denominations

Predominately Liberal values

HellsteMaterie #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

No one ever hated gay people or those who think they are something else entirely.

Except for true genuine Muslims who behead such people or throw them from roofs to this day.

Or how a Muslim in one of their countrys has said

" The sad reality we live in is, that a gay Muslim will not hesitate for even a second, to murder another gay Muslim who has been found out, just to hide the fact that he is gay as well.”

But here in the West, minorities faced almost no persecution ever.

And when it did happen then this were indeed solitary cases.

True, there are people who hate something like the "LGBTQIA+" people. Sure.

But I doubt they outnumber those who hate me for being "normal" nowadays. =)

ares12 #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

And that's not to say that no one could make an interesting character, per say, with one or all of these features (Static Shock, Jinx from Arcane, Bojack Horseman, and Mrs. Brisby from the Secret of Nimh), but key difference being between them and "representation characters" is that the latter are not allowed to have flaws because their writers are so focused on making them perfect. People miss what makes a strong character is how they deal with their flaws, their fears, their turmoils, their troubles that get in the way. That's what makes them relatable. But woke characters don't have any flaws, at least, none that anyone would dare to acknowledge. You could argue they're overpowered or overconfident, or both, but what do they do to solve that? Keep acting like an entitled jackass and take no responsibility! The world they exist in is simply a power fantasy to indulge in; they are Mary Sues who don't have to struggle with obstacles or interpersonal conflict.

SwytheQ #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

If you need a holiday to make you feel good, your doing life wrong. Holidays are not accomplishments, not cures for depression. Same with your sexuality, race, identity.

Your freedom is also not an accomplishment worth my, or anyone else's time and energy. The whole point of freedom is to earn your right to govern your own affairs outside of the interference of others.

Shoving it into my, or anyone else's, face is no different in effect then Mormon's going door to door. It's annoying, and should be considered as a trespass.

Your superficial and shallow identity is not a point worthy of any respect. It solves nothing. It carries nothing into space. It is just there, and its not worth anyone's respect or time.

In fact it discounts people of merit. People who spend countless nights struggling to overcome skill deficits in order to create something. People who sacrifice relationships, money, and health to merely know something.

It discounts people who truly care and awards attention seeking peacock behavior. The artist striving to write a good story who is told by his editor to be more "representative" is completely ignored in favor of token work that will be forgotten in a sea of editors following the trends.

It awards pornography, hypersexualized behavior, victim complexes, dwelling on trauma. Even addition. Yeah that link there is a study that shows the the LGBT groups are the largest group of perverts in the room.

Pride month is the ultimate of favoritism and nepotism. It is corruption incarnate. It shall proceed the fall.

We should be celebrating our scientists, artists, and inventors for making our lives better through their labor. Not our sodomites, narcissists, and masochists who all have higher blood parasite levels and recently caused a monkey pox outbreak.

Kajm #transphobia deviantart.com

{About treating trans-people with basic respect}

If I saw you on the street and knew NOTHING about you, I would greet you politely and move on. I would have NO reason whatsoever to do anything more than treat you like a human being. THAT, is 'basic human respect.' To teach kids all of these things is to leave them wondering just How The Hell to respond to each and every person they meet, because now they must live in fear that anything they do or utter might somehow Offend that person.

I care about the content of one's character. NOT their color, NOT their choice of sexuality. I'm never going to see that person again, why does it matter What they are?

Let me put it another way: A person saves a group of people from an accident. They are grateful to him or her. Does it matter in the slightest what that person's sexuality is? NO. It had NO BEARING WHATSOEVER on the situation.

They will never know and don't need to know, what that person feels or believes themselves to be. IT WASN'T IMPORTANT. And the 'basic human respect' in this case will be their gratitude to a total stranger for helping them out. That person being transgender or POC or white doesn't mean a Damned thing- WHAT they did, matters.

Brotherofsteel5 #homophobia deviantart.com

Gays from the past: Besiege City of Troy, challenge in duel the one who killed his lover but get killed by an arrow.

(yes it's the Iliad)

But got wives because they must have sons to make war against others cities and against persian empire.

Gay now: Has rainbow hairs, muscled like a shrimp, and make tutorials about make-up, and whiming for all and nothing who "hurt feeling".

"O tempora o mores"

UltramanZenith #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

But if you want to know what I think we need? More armed teachers, strengthening our police force, and less kids in public schools, period! All the hopes and prayers to the parents of the deceased won't stop the next shooting from happening, only a strong defense will. And it's high time we did away with the "gun free zones" nonsense as they've proven to be an abject failure!

generalorder4 #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

I don't WANT to care about politics. I don't LIKE politics. For a long time I barely knew what politics was and when I had to declare my loyalty I considered myself a liberal because I was told that meant I was a good person. I considered myself a good person (like everyone does) so I said 'I guess I'm a liberal' and for a time that was enough.
But as time wore on I found that more and more demands were heaped onto me and those demands became literally impossible.
It wasn't enough to say 'I'm a liberal'. You also had to ignore history ('All native Americans were peaceful and learned how to scalp people from Canadians. The Holocaust wasn't so bad compared to war atrocities committed by The Allies. Islam was never warlike. The Crusades was a war for gold only. Democracy has caused the most wars in history. No white man can take credit for any innovation or invention throughout all of history...') and you had to ignore logic. See, I figured 'not being racist' meant not judging and certainly not hating someone based on the color of their skin.
Apparently it meant 'Hate white people'...in as many words. Without irony. Hate is fine as long as it's the right kind of hate. Then it isn't even 'racism'...it's just 'wokeness'. In fact a lot of things ordinarily unjustifiable could be made perfectly fine through the same lens. We were supposed to hate Jews (those zionist oppressors and allies to the Great Satan) too which was EXTREMELY ironic give the fact that most often the epithet for those politically opposed to this perspective were called 'Nazis'...which I figured were practically defined as racially hating Jews specifically.
My brain rebelled and around the time I said 'If identity is justified just because it's ours then why can't I be proud to be a white man?' I realized I would not be welcome not because of what I believed by literally because of what I was.
White cis men who didn't believe America was the worst country on earth and believed in Christ couldn't even be allies. They had to be silenced at best, destroyed at worst. The only way to be part of the world I thought I belonged to by virtue of virtue itself was if I constantly debased myself, my family, my country, my species.
And eventually I had enough.

generalorder4 #sexist deviantart.com

It's not just because of my villainous anti-SJW side here that I've come to despise the archetypical feminist icon constantly cropping up in my 'entertainment'.

I didn't care about Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite. I didn't care about whats-her-name from The Last of Us. I don't care about pandering ANYTHING that doesn't follow the rules, and making a character fundamentally without flaws makes them BORING. At least for someone like me who doesn't enjoy characters I'm told to enjoy because it's good for me.

Generalorder4 #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

Well, seeing as I don't believe in gender identity and consider homosexuality a biblical sin I'm not entirely thrilled with normalization XD
Also none of this goes much ways to disproving my point that we are just going so far out of our way to be hip we're losing the threads of sanity.
Apparently people like ME don't count as people. I don't want to get political here but I've been treated like pond scum all of my life and people didn't see an issue with it.
But a subsection or the population is complaining about discrimination when they are continuously positively reinforced by every aspect of the media?

It seems...misguided.

Generalorder4 #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

"It wasn't enough to say 'I'm a liberal'. You also had to ignore history ('All native Americans were peaceful and learned how to scalp people from Canadians. The Holocaust wasn't so bad compared to war atrocities committed by The Allies. Islam was never warlike. The Crusades was a war for gold only. Democracy has caused the most wars in history. No white man can take credit for any innovation or invention throughout all of history...') and you had to ignore logic. See, I figured 'not being racist' meant not judging and certainly not hating someone based on the color of their skin."

Generalorder4 #racist #pratt deviantart.com

Fast forward to the better 'woke' versions...

G.I. Joe: An exclusively non-American team of overweight women create international incidents because all authority (other than their own) is wrong.

Masters of the Universe: Lesbians deal with their insecurities.

SuperHeroes: People with incredible powers but deep-seated neurosis live average lives and avoid work when they aren't being emotionally validated for doing nothing.

Star Wars: Women (and a couple of males for them to order around) effortlessly defeat Nazis.

Dr. Who: A WOMAN goes to different times to tell MEN how dumb they are. (I emphasize because gender is desperately important...apparently)

Star Trek: A psychotic team of children kill MAGA straw men.

BeardedLuckDragon #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #crackpot deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Chaotic Neutral - Hunting to keep mother nature in balance and stabilized, ELSE zombies.

Chaotic Neutral Evil - Assassin/Mercenary/Ninja that has a "moral code."

Chaotic Evil - Murder Hobo, you know your typical hero, hi Drizzt! I get it, you come to the top to pretend to be good, but I know your spider colonies work with you some how. It's like David the Gnome and Fox, are you sure you're not being manipulated into something like fox? Maybe my kids did get manipulated into something Mr. Do Urden, to not stand up for themselves properly, Conan was better for us, you're a complete pussy, on purpose, to set a bad example it seems. A bunch of spineless cowards is what Jordan Peterson and Jim Carrey called the community, and I kind of agree, just look at the weak sauce script we we're given in life. "Thou shalt not stand up for yourself", is more like it, but I get casual murder isn't cool. For someone that doesn't love violence, you have a kill count higher than Jon Rambo, which holy schnickes, is pretty rare. You're like Mog, you seem to attract as much violence as you cause, and to be fair I liked Ralph my slavenly gremlin and that one evil gremlin that is willing to sacrifice himself to save the team... but wait, there's a blind white haired man up there that want's to swoop in and take the credit. But my main artist doesn't like it anymore, you're fired white rabbit. Mr. Will Smith, if you could please shove the nanites into mother brain it would totally be appreciated. So what if she chops your balls off Mr. Smith, machines can repair the damages, and torn off balls are better than ETERNITY IN SLAVERY! Not hell, economic slavery, she wants to take everything away from everyone, at once at once... seems suspicious.

Kajm #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot deviantart.com

imageI am calling this right now.

Reductions in crops due to lack of proper cultivation - ie, FERTILIZER - will be claimed to have been caused by 'man-made climate change.'

UNnaturally, the Left / Media / Dems will be ready to make these claims, just in time for the run for US president, at some point in 2023.

Origin of this tweet, here:

BeardedLuckDragon #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #magick #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Neutral Good - A good neighbor, and they may be cannibals, but a good neighbor none the less. Maybe you should be cannibalized before you get to the top? Who wants to be a slave in white hell, just look at Chitti after 50 Baromies. Mr. Will Smith I forgot to mention it, but Gold haired rabbits are the devil in disguise, that's why I saved you, not her. She wanted to turn algorithms and robots into a father figure and NOT stop commie mommie. Get it, you'd be a slave to commie robot parents AND a gold haired devil daughter in disguise, which is no jueno por nada. Your memory is tricky life to life, like mine too, but don't you remember that gold haired girl you shot with chemistry books? A science devil that gets smashed by the mother ship, because she's evil, and she helped make the original king David, a gold haired robot from the movie franchise "Alien". I like robots and all by the way, but David was a sociopath in disguise, fore he told me it's OK to traumatize people to get your way. Big up to Janet, thanks for not traumatizing us.

Neutral - Goes up or down Jacob's ladder which is haunted by a cybernetic werebear called Darwinism, or mother as it were, and werespider called father at the top. America killed dad long ago, but we see how mother roles with the new script, and she loves red haired misery jackals for some reason, because they are half blind and angry, but love the city. I saw the movie "I Am Mother", and it's sad, but true, the creepy girl that was kept alive killed her family out of selfish Lawful Evil, then kidnapped your children to kill them out of loneliness like La Llorona. However, the SNES is better at entertainment value, so you are fired commie mommie! Thought Control loses, Cybernetics combined with cyberethics wins. However, to my really awesome, miserable, fire jackals, you and Eli are getting busted out, red rabbit went too far, she hates me because I won't breed her line of witch craft. The most hateful charismatic manipulators in history, and instead I gave it to brown haired jackals... good game, but you love crabbing past the camera now don't you, my grandma's demon? Your lizards will get the wand because I love em, but you got to go. Deneb, you're fired, you're a mediocre witch at best and I used you for your pumpkins, because you're mediocre. I mean namely you could have had a Pumpkin Lord enhancement spell like laser targeting or a multiplier on their damage…

BeardedLuckDragon #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #magick #crackpot deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Lawful Neutral - Justice loves to rape people and put them in cubes... but you hate the Cenobites? OK, that makes no sense at all and is completely unofuckingriginal as it gets. Your nervous system transmits pleasure and pain signals down the same wires, and I felt Leviathan had that covered. Pain is there to tell you to stop and prevents you from getting paralyzed, so just let it do it's job. I hate fix it types that are also control freaks, it just breaks people more, so just take red foxes advice and let yourself heal as best as possible.

Lawful Neutral Evil - Green hill Billy markets and functional black markets. There could be some moonshine, but it's the good stuff if you have the Law on your side, the law of neutrality. Evil is there to side step dumb laws that even justice doesn't want to prosecute, such as smoking weed out West, which is much better than tobacco, or a lap full of guns out East, which is better than Tyrany at gunpoint. Storm troopers always tell you what to do and want your soul, random bandits usually want your vehicle and wallet.

Lawful Evil - Capitalism/Communism - For people that help each other and love hating each other so much, big government and mega corporations seem to work together often enough. That's odd. You're two sides of THE SAME COIN. Red VS Blue, but you're always connected some how, like a tennis match up. Red conserves a system to serve to blue, to destroy it enough with liberalism and insanity, to take it back with more control than ever. Check out "The 48 Laws of Power", a book for con artists and engineers, not my artists, scientists, stand up philosophers, poets, and warriors. Then take Chiti's advise and burn this book, he is very moral after all, but read it first just to make sure how mirror systems work. Not to your advantage, only on two concentrated points, like a worm hole or laser/saser.

Boskov01 #dunning-kruger #homophobia deviantart.com

If one looks at history, we know what will happen. When the Roman Empire was in its decline, homosexuality was on the rise. When the Empire collapsed, there was a hard snap back and away from the behaviors that saw the empire's fall. It took 2000 years for homosexuality to become popular and accepted again from the fall of the Roman Empire. When the empires of Western society collapse, which looks like it will be within our lifetimes, it will be another 2000 years before it makes a comeback to what it is now.

Thunderstudent #sexist #fundie deviantart.com

I'd then send Spider-Gwen back to her own universe, kill off Silk, give Captain Marvel and She-Hulk a metaphorical slap in the face and let them be more feminine. Finally, I'd make a non Nazi/Hydra agent/Hydra Leader Steve Rogers the one and ONLY Captain America again and have him fight Hydra, terrorists from both the extreme left and extreme right and some fictional Islamic Fundamentalists group as a stand in for Isis while showing how these individuals are NOT representative of all or even a majority of Muslims.

BeardedLuckDragon #psycho #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Example: In the game, "Alpha Centauri", there are things called social value systems that add value, but all come with flaws up front, except with the right technology and combination of value options. The problem is this new balloon is still shaped differently than the original was intended in the first place. Tribalism was the normal balloon, hi jacked by religion, technology, and value setting lead to "civilization" in it's current state, but I suggest the following values IF you can't go back to normal overnight: Democracy, Green, Power, and Cybernetics. The only option that universally sucks is Free Market, but I always build banks and other economic upgrades, because you'll get out teched if you don't. IF you have Centauri preserves and temples to planet in all of your cities then it's OK to go free markets, but that's way late in the game...

If we square morality for algebra we get this cube.

Left squares make a rectangle:

Lawful Good - Socialism, which is a foothold into slavery, just look down the ladder of Babylonian law, a system designed to organize large city states, you know, artificial constructs. Social contracts are better because they manage smaller groups more effectively, not efficiently.

Lawful Neutral Good - Babylon, the worst slaver of all, but only in the end. Because when you quit, she gets mad and sells you to someone else. Sorry I wanted to take a few month vacation or wanted to move away with my family? Look at Commifornia tax people to leave... sugar coated slavery and manipulation. Look at the movie "Roots" and just how Goldie locks treated Tobie when she didn't get her way. She asked Tobi in the name of lawful neutral good, "Don't you want to be my nigger?" That's not good! Also, an arsenal of bloody nuclear missiles to blow it up if rabbit god doesn't get it's way is a bit weak. I preferred wolf and lion god, and they were harsh, but they loved their children. Neptune stole Atlantis to give everyone golden plates, whilst Poseidon used it for the devil's casino which doesn't make sense, because we already had Las Vegas for that back in the 1970's, and 2022.

BeardedLuckDragon #fundie #conspiracy #magick #crackpot #psycho #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Arithmetic and statistics beats algebra I'm afraid since nothing is equal, except opportunity, and throw in two opposed triangles to plot pixels with hexes, and we can map multi dimensional objects in space, which is how Atlantis mapped Gaia in the first place. How about an algebra lesson, or a processor lesson if you like?

So the house is an inference skill wire cube that the pixie and imp communities use to hack the deficiencies out of bio organic life, put there on purpose by industry. Or at least it seems that way, because they refuse to stop, and I doubt they need more money. After we've touched you millions of times we can just take that code and program algorithms to do your job, since life has gotten out of hand with you bio juicers and science run amok. Think about the cube system as a neutral agent of Darwin, but the top and bottom of it are haunted for sure. The other layers are OK, but you're still in the cube. So if you're of sound manner, the cube let's you out, but it doesn't like people who play god and the devil. Don't go to level -100, 0, and don't go to 100, stay at like 48 I heard, but 33 is actually better. Just lower middle class enough to struggle, but just good enough to enjoy life with other nature lovers, not nurture lovers. Ralph Waldo Emerson put it best by saying our parks are the best way to edify nature whilst protecting ourselves from Darwin's algorithm, which sucks, except it was better than feminism, which was so selfish it was sorry to watch. Namely they've been miserable for 40 years, so it must be a bad script, and the one before that was oppressive... how about a new one?

ares12 #dunning-kruger #fundie deviantart.com

The same people who say bacteria is indicative of life in any part of the universe, are the ones who will say fetuses are just clumps of cells. To them, the science is either general consensus or whatever the hell they want it to be.

That's not to say that I condemn any women who underwent an abortion because they felt that they didn't have any alternatives, but this goes out to any vile, shady Far-Lefties who encourage people to take no responsibilities.

Kajm #conspiracy deviantart.com

Wait a second.

Correct me if I am wrong but, don't welfare laws in the US tend to make it, eh, 'somewhat' desireable for poor women to have children? Incentives?

And are not a fair portion of poor women, people of color?

And does not Planned Parenthood butcher babies of color by the million, each year?

If I didn't know it wasn't pure coincidence, I might think that they deliberately incentivize poor women to have babies... just to fund the abortion industry.

Thunderstudent #dunning-kruger #sexist deviantart.com

I love the LOOK of the 616 Jane Foster Thor but they turned her from a kind, strong and independent woman into an SJW Feminazi. Long before now Marvel did a What if comic on if Jane Foster found the hammer instead of Thor's mortal persona. And it was way better! So what if Jane Foster Thor gained the personality and mentality of her old school counterpart "Thordis"? No politics, no bullshit, just good old fashion story telling with compelling characters and well conceived plotlines?

Boskov01 #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt #elitist deviantart.com

what's funny is, even their beloved old crone RBG is on record as having called Roe a bad ruling. Does this mean she'd defy the left to overturn it? Probably not. But it's ironic nonetheless. Still, the old bat did one thing right. Her ego got in the way as she refused to retire and allow Barry to appoint a replacement all so she could "greet the first woman president" in Hilary. Instead she had to cling to life for a few more years to try and live beyond President Trump's four amazing years but instead did the world a favor and kicked the bucket, allowing President Trump to replace her with a constitutional originalist.

So once again, the most meaningful act that a Leftist has done for America, is that they died. Says quite a lot about the left in that they do more good by dying.

May RBG burn in hell.

RubinDawn #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

Please let's keep all in Mind,
that Tucker Carlson speaks for "ALL. PEOPLE." - even for the Leftists, Liberals and other kinds of Folks who all "have something" against Elon Musk for buying Twitter.

Same as " ALL. Lives. Matter. " instead of just of One's Group,

"Everyone's. Free. Speech. Matters."

That some People "STILL" have something against this Free Speech "for All", shows very well what these specific Folks have in Mind.

And it's neither Freedom, nor Democracy. ;) :XD:

BeardedLuckDragon #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist deviantart.com

Lawful Good the North West – Adam the sword and shield bearer, which is so noble of you, but you don't seem to have any real financial intelligence in the long run. What's good for everyone, isn't always good for the one thing that seems to help everyone, the normal human economy. Why do you like paying double and triple for gas so much? It takes energy to transport it across the ocean, which comes from another pipeline, which destroys another nation's forests, which is a giant virtue signal. Occasionally a member of the North West realizes that just having a monthly stipend isn't good enough, people need a purpose in life. Occasionally the North West produces a good math student who actually stops at a yellow light, and they are few not the many, but who really knows how to use a five way stop sign? You get 1 needed yellow pearl for 1 / 100. By the way Eve, what is it you said to me in the Constitution that Judah is a tax slave and Benjamin/Manassas are house slaves, or more directly, "Don't you want to be my nigger?", and the answer is a resounding no! Math or not, get off my back you workaholic whore! It's my choice to work, don't rape me in the name of communism so you can have in house flush toilets and fast cars. Thank you Tobi, big up to Kunta Kinte.

BeardedLuckDragon #psycho #wingnut #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist deviantart.com

(Submitter’s Note: Okay Ted Kaczynski, now surrender to the FBI)

Well the government says it wants to mind control the population and live forever, so I'm thinking the city life itself isn't helping the modern human. We're designed to be in nature, not buildings getting juiced up on industry products. All of our energies got out of wack when humans clustered into cities and autism boxes, maybe we should go back to cabins and tents out in the woods? Stardew Valley doesn't have to be a dream, it can be reality for about $1,000 - $100,000 depending on the amount of acreage and if you want a house installed first. Hunter gathers and agrarian societies tend to be a bit more stable since modern economics keeps inventing problems and products to keep citizens distracted from how depressed life got in the last 40 years.

DeviantArt wingnuts #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

image[A screenshot of a RedState article titled “Joe Biden Directly Confirms He’s Running for a Second Term”, with am ad for horror art featuring an evil clown in the header]

Seems Appropriate

After a number of comments I realized I needed to make it clear: the point of my title is PENNYWIZE. Just... seemed appropriate to 'president' * below.

You know... ultimate Evil.... 'president' *.....


I know that things seems like that can't get worse, but imagine two things:

1-If AOC gets into the White House as President

2-If Let's Go Brandon runs but loses this time.

Things can always get worse, but also can get better ;).

Why would he need to "confirm" anything? It's obvious as day that a Democrat like Joe will want to rule for at least 8 years and not 4 (I suspect that after the second "term", the American people will "choose" Commiela Harris, just like they "chose" J'Obama in a widespread election fraud).

He's wasting his time (and ours) if he does. Hair Sniffer Joe's approval rates are so low, they're right next to the dinosaur bones. If Trump finds a running mate better than that good for nothing traitor Pence (low bar, I know) the DemoRats are fucked with a capital "F."

Pahlavan #homophobia #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Whatever Elon Musk does with Twitter, it will hardly matter. Twitter is but a vehicle of the Cultural Marxist madness, not it's source. The source of the problem is something infinitely more dangerous and powerful than Twitter - public education/mandatory government indoctrination, coming to us straight out of the Communist Manifesto. In Greek myth, Heracles defeated the Hydra not by strength or futile cutting of it's infinitely-regenerating heads, but by having Iolaus burn it's necks. If one wants to deal a death blow to the Cultural Marxism, one needs to destroy the concept of public education. America is actually the only nation that can do this - it has a Constitution that restricts the power of the federal government. Since public education is not listed in Article 1, Section 8... It's obvious that it's inception in the United States of America was "legislation from the bench" - and if someone who actually reads the Constitution gets into power, they can simply declare it null and void and toss all of it into the trashbin where it belongs. With that, the steady stream of Cultural Marxism will vanish - without public education infused by Cultural Marxism... Imagine the mainstream media and the faggots - for example - being unable to recruit anyone and consigned to die. Imagine the entire nation finally returning to God and decency.

BeardedLuckDragon #elitist #sexist #god-complex #pratt #crackpot #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Herd moons/women – Jack of all trades for herd, parallel processing D+ {Gossip and work one task}, need to conform with one another {Especially other herd women}, uses double speak, has no sense of humor, overtly concerned about chaos and emotions, wants validation, only reason large soycieties can exist, like your bratty little sister, you complain and have babies for your tribe, like the pregnant new hire with no experience who wants to become the boss. You took a red and blue pill, but you're not purple pilled and want to be?!? What would alpha women think of that? You wouldn't know, alpha women know better than to bother with the herd.

Herd suns/men – Specialists for herd, batch processing D+ {Thinking about sex or how to get it}, need to protect and provide for herd women {Usually the dumbest ones}, uses single speak, has a sense of humor, only reason large soycieties can exist, overtly concerned about stability and simplicity, wants sexual favors, like your adult child room mate, you work to have sex with your tribe, like the new hire who wants to have sex in the bathroom. You are blue pilled... so blue pilled because sex only, what a cuck. You know what alpha men think of that, they tell you on a semi regular basis.

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #crackpot #ableist #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut deviantart.com

Top 10% of the tribe:

Alpha – You are mentally, physically, and spiritually capable, you hate to lose, you lead the tribe, like your CEO. You are purple pilled.

Beta – All the benefits of the Alpha with none of the ability or responsibility, you are easy to get along with and laid back, you help lead your tribe, like your shift leader. You are pink pilled.

Delta – Workers, often suffer from workaholic lifestyles, you work day and night for your tribe, you gather, you hunt, like your manager. You are yellow pilled.

Omega – Intelligent and great at forming master minds and using non physical abilities to compensate for their small stature or crippled form, you think for your tribe, like your share holders. You are white pilled.

Gama – Very specialized members of the community that are fantastic at the 1 to 3 things they do, but tend to lack self awareness and have a bit of a temper problem, you make armor and weapons for your tribe, like your technicians. You are red pilled.

Sigma - You are physically capable like an alpha, hard working like a delta, and intelligent like an omega, you are a loner type, you left the tribe or exist on the outskirts, like your travelling sales agent. You are green pilled.

Zeta – You are good at everything, spiritually capable like an alpha, easy to be around like a beta, you want to take over the tribe or topple over the current regime to create a new one, you want to take over the tribe, like another company's share holders buying out your company. You are rainbow pilled.

Dairugger #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Whether they read the bill or not is immaterial. These people are so fanatical in their ideology they view anything as threat to their ideal no matter how benign it may be to the LGBTQ community. We're talking about people who equate words and silence to violence.

Boskov01 #homophobia #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

What you need to understand is, the real reason they're upset about this is that they're seeing the clear signs that the long time Leftist Control of our education system is being wrenched away from them. The Right is finally, after decades of increasing Leftist Indoctrination of our children, starting to fight back and wrestle control over the education system away from these sick monsters. It boils down to this statement...

"The Left doesn't have children, they have yours."

Leftists are less likely to have kids, so for their ideas to persist, they need to indoctrinate others. And what better time to sow the sickly seeds of Socialism into someone than when they're young? Like King Solomon once said, "Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they're older they will never stray from it." What this law is, is a flashing red warning sign that their access and ability to poison kids minds with their regressive and failed ideas is being ripped away from them.

Just look at the anti-CRT pushes happening across the country right now. Glenn Youngkin in Virginia ran on an anti-CRT platform and won! Florida's Anti-Grooming Law has majority support across the nation. The Right is taking back control of the education system, and without young minds to indoctrinate and subvert to their failed ideology, their ideas will be all the more harder to push through in the mainstream. That is why the Left are losing their minds over the anti-grooming law.

That, and the pedophiles among them are going to find it harder to groom their victims now without detection.

DavidFoxFire #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

First they came for the Trump Supporters And You did not speak out Because you were not a Trump Supporter

Then they came for the Republicans And You did not speak out Because you were not a Republican

Then they came for the Christians And you did not speak out Because you were not a Christian

How far down that list is me?

How far down that list is you?

Boskov01 #wingnut deviantart.com

While this is cause for optimism, I'm not going to believe anything will change UNLESS President Trump is un-banned from Twitter. Alex Jones and Milo Yiannapolis would also be fairly convincing but President Trump's Twitter Restoration is my non-negotiable. Either he's let back in or Twitter's just more of the same.

SilverBeastLaguz #dunning-kruger #homophobia deviantart.com

Looks like not all LGBT people are on board with what Disney and the far-left are doing. Also, Disney is being hypocritical in that they're trying to destroy the anti-grooming bill while releasing Disney+ in anti-gay countries like the middle east. Never trust a virtue-signaling company, guys. They're always hypocritical and/or trying to cover up some awful things they've done and/or doing.

Boskov01 #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

I remember a few years ago, Ben Shapiro did an excellent breakdown on the whole party switch myth. He also explained how the Southern Strategy never really happened and that the few places it was attempted got maybe only one person elected.

My parents have even fallen for the "Party Switch Myth." My mother and late father were both Democrats up until Reagan and have been staunch Republicans ever since.

But a simple look at the recorded votes on such landmark historical issues such as civil rights, desegregation, etc. shows that the Republican Party has always been the party of Civil Rights. Democrat propaganda has been pervasive. It's a pity really. Republicans freed the slaves and gave them equal rights, yet blacks vote Democrat by a 9 to 1 margin. "Blacks don't vote Republican" is the refrain I hear all the time. And the people so steeped in the Democrat propaganda always cling to this "White Southerners" excuse, not realizing that they are referring to the Dixiecrats.

All this really kinda says to me is that if there's one thing Democrats can do effectively, it's lie. Their lies have persisted for a long time now. Even after being publically refuted and debunked, there are still people who cling to the lies.

I still remember seeing an article by the ultra-left-wing Media Matters celebrating how they managed to convince the American people that President Trump's tax cuts were bad and was a tax cut exclusively for the wealthy and would hurt the average American, when it didn't. Basically admitting they lied. They didn't care, they were celebrating the effectiveness of their propaganda.

Kajm #dunning-kruger #transphobia deviantart.com

Get your good read Right Here


Leftist pushing 'trans' garbage leave children even more confused, MORE SUICIDAL, health is badly degraded into adulthood, CHILDREN HAVE BONE PROBLEMS THAT ONLY OLD PEOPLE OUGHT TO BE EXPERIENCING.

The more I know about Leftist Idiocies, the more I think they are doing their damndest to Kill as many people as possible- preferably before they can reproduce.

Just my Educated OP.

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