
sojourner_truth_ & GraceHoward1729 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Dumb take? I dread the day men invading our spaces stop calling themselves "women" and start claiming they are "transmen" instead

( sojourner_truth_ )
TIMs lie. Literally, that's what they do. They lie about being something other than male, that's their defining trait. They also lie about all kinds of other stuff. So, when I hear sad sobbing and violin music about some poor TIM who was so distraught over using the women's bathrooms, I hear them pulling the heartstrings of the Be Kind crowd. Inevitably, some handmaiden will bleat out "Oh, you poor poor dear! Come and use the women's, don't be silly!" It's a cunning and calculated manipulation. I hate that women still keeping fucking falling for it in 2022. I automatically doubt any such sob stories from these wolves in sheeps clothing, no matter how pretty or nice he pretends to be. He'd keep his crossdressing in the bedroom if he were so nice.

When you're telling your granddaughter about the good old days when women had our own rights and our own single sex spaces, it will sound like a fairy tale about flying on a broomstick or something, because these TIMs are stealing everything from us. I wish women would stop feeling sorry for them while they are robbing every woman and girl of their human dignity, safety and rights. Men's purported attacks on TIMs are not our problem.

( GraceHoward1729 )
They feed off of being called women and being 'seen as' women. It's their fetish. Pretending to be women and getting women to pretend too is the 'right' they are fighting for. It's a men's sexual rights movement. They won't give that up and call themselves 'trans men' for access. It's complete capitulation they want. Kat Blaque is a misogynist and I can guarantee he uses female spaces with glee; the story is bogus to further the narrative that these fetishistic entitled men are somehow 'oppressed' and 'marginalised' by parodying women and purposefully violating women's rights and boundaries.

99% of sexual offenders are male. This is why our goal is 100% of men out of women's sex-segregated spaces. We're not fighting to keep women who pretend to be men in women's spaces, we're fighting to keep men who pretend to be women out of women's spaces.


crodish #transphobia ovarit.com

Dumb take? I dread the day men invading our spaces stop calling themselves "women" and start claiming they are "transmen" instead

I know it's a stupid take, and I'm sorry, but I'm trying to wrap my head around it. I hate that no, not all of us (me mostly) will be able to discern this. I hate that this is a plausible situation that can come from "transmen are free to use female spaces because they are female, regardless of how much they have masculinized themselves" and that scumbag men will likely once again use it to their advantage.

Like right now, there's probably zero chance in hell that TIFs would actually want to admit they are female by using the ladies, or that TIMs would admit to being any sort of man, but I can see the AGPs who don't care either way adopting this.

Males can already stealth in as "passing" transwomen whom we've never noticed (they're already doing it when they don't pass as "women"), they sure as hell would have no problems pretending to be bearded, balding transmen, too.

I remember a positive interaction twitter thread posted by a GNC woman who said she had been confronted by another woman who told her she was in the ladies, thinking she was a man. The OP told the woman she was actually female, the woman then clocked her as female after she spoke, and all was well and good, because the woman did recognize the OP was female, as she said.

I keep thinking about how if it was me and if my shit clocking senses couldn't tell, if I would have made a fool out of myself insisting she was a man (if it was a TIF instead of a GNC woman). Or if it was some skinny feminine AGP with a beard and he'd lied and said he was actually a transman. And I would be more mortified about insulting a masculinized woman that she looked like a man that I'd likely let it go. And if it would start the whole thing about being overly suspicious of anyone remotely non-conforming, or even "truscum trans" who used the right-sexed toilets, or detrans people whose appearances have been permanently altered.

....can we have a rewind to thirty years ago where I would have no idea even if the tiny minority of "passing" transwomen were actually stealthing into our toilets who ACTUALLY only wanted to pee, where we had unspoken assurance that 99% of the people using single-sexed spaces WERE that sex and I didn't have to think about it?


SakuraBlossoms #transphobia ovarit.com


Fixed it!

❌ He is a transgender
❌ He is transgendered

✔️ She identifies as transgender

❌ He transgendered last year

✔️ She started pretending she was a man last year

❌ He changed gender

✔️ She started making people call her a man

❌ He was born a girl

✔️ She is a girl

❌ When he was a girl

✔️ When she didn't deny her sex

❌ Before he became a boy

✔️ Before she became deluded

❌ Being trans means you're gay

✔️ Identifying as trans usually means you're a straight homophobe

❌ Did you get the surgery?

✔️ Did you become a victim of medical malpractice?

hmimperialtortie & XX_Power #transphobia ovarit.com

Wearing transface

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes chucklefuck, they’re women mocking you perverts. Get used to it.

( XX_Power )
Ah the trans, their only weapon is "no u" because they never learned to debate and also the main tenet of their cult is literally "men are women".

So blackface and womanface are defined by one oppressor group appropriating the struggles of the oppressed to mock them. White people aren't black people but they cover themselves in dark color, men aren't women but they cover themselves in tacky ugly makeup to try and look like us.

But what could transface be... Dressing up like... Like you're trying to impersonate the opposite sex? Oh no, that's the trans 🤭 dressing up like you're trying to look like someone who's trying to badly impersonate the opposite sex? ... Okay

pennygadget #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What about a GC voting guide?

Unfortunately, at least in the US, a vote for a candidate who vocally supports single-sex spaces is extremely likely to be a vote for a candidate who vocally opposes reproductive rights.

At this point, I don't fucking care. This may sound extreme, but what's the point in saving abortion if we lose EVERY other right in the process? Whats the point in voting for someone who supports universal healthcare if that person will also vote that "trans healthcare" gets priority over everyone else? What's the point in voting for someone who supports prison reform if they also support locking female inmates in cages with convicted male rapists/murderers?

Seeing more states enact draconian abortion restrictions is scary. But rolling that shit back will be far easier than reinstating women's basic right to define ourselves once those are taken away (just ask the women in Iran).

Also....the Democrats won't learn if we keep voting for them in the vain hope that MAYBE they'll make an effort to protect our reproductive rights in between gutting Title IX and making it a civil right for a dude to follow little girls into changing rooms

notsofreshfeeling #transphobia #sexist #crackpot #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: The underdog position

Yay, in the sense that TiMs play an important role in upholding male supremacy by performing a kind of sacred rite among males to violate and claim any space that might exclude them: single sex spaces for women, language that excludes males (e.g., "woman"), and bodies that exclude the male (i.e., female bodies). This is why you frequently find men who never made public declarations of support re: any feminist concern (abortion, domestic violence, rape) vociferously defending the "rights" of "trans women." So primal is this urge to protect their fellow penis-haver, that most don't even bother trying to make their "feminism" more believable by, say, making a fuss about abortion rights as well.

So, yes, of course men would not allow women, as a sex class, maintain an exclusive claim to sex-based oppression. They've been trying for years through Men's Rights Activism to make the case that men are oppressed by women as well, but they were failing. Transgenderism with its fancy wordplay has been the perfect language hack to create enough cognitive dissonance in people's brains for them to begin mindlessly parroting "Trans women are women." All men had to do was be willing to call themselves "women" to claim the status of underdog without actually being the underdog.

And, of course, this is where apologists would normally froth and spout murder/suicide stats among TiMs (as though 1) men don't have higher rates of murder or suicide, in general, and 2) as though men are killed because they are women). When transsexualism and cross-dressing were less socially acceptable, men were victimized because they were seen to be betraying the code of masculinity. Men responded to these TiMs as though the TiMs were provoking them, daring them. In that sense, to be a TiM has always been the most alpha male shit a man could do. TiMs don't even need masculinity; masculinity is for the weak. TiMs can dispose of masculinity and enter the underworld of forced feminization and still exude their maleness from every pore (forced feminization is, of course, pure fantasy and takes place on a symbolic level). Men need other men to show them that they will survive a feminine underworld. TiMs are like shamans for them (which makes sense since a lot of so-called "two spirit" men also played a shamanistic role within their communities).


ProxyMusic #transphobia ovarit.com

A transgender psychologist reckons with the rising number of teens coming out as trans

Anderson in a male AGP groomer. His whole life story illustrates that men with unsavory sexual proclivities will go to great lengths to gain access to children and adolescents either to abuse them directly or in more indirect ways by indoctrinating them into the club of paraphiliacs.

Anderson might not have engaged in inappropriate sexual touching of the bodies of the children he treats, or in other sorts of sexually abusive behaviors that don't involve touching others but would count as criminal offenses, such as indecently exposing his dick to his young patients, masturbating in front of them, showing them porn or peeping at them through windows, keyholes, spycams and cracks in door jambs. But he has certainly messed with these kids' minds, encouraged them to destroy their fertility and sexual function, fed them into the "gender medicine" maw to have their bodies altered by other "medical professionals" with hormones and surgeries, and turned the kids into sitting ducks who are easy prey for other male sexual fetishists and sex abusers.

Also, like other AGPs, Anderson has forced the children and adolescents he treats to be "up-close and personal" members of the unwitting and non-consenting but essential audience that men like Anderson need to be there watching them as they indulge and act out their sexual fantasies in full public view.

Finally, I believe that when men like Anderson work as psychotherapists, they get off on their patients'/clients' accounts of pain, shame and sex/gender distress - and much of the listening they do could count as voyeurism.

Yemaya , Confounded & bunyip #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why do so many TRAs write in that condescending, over-enthusiastic, transplaining style?

( Yemaya )
I hate that shit too. They just say you’re “ignorant” and “uneducated” like we’ve never look into or even supported it at one point.

They can’t accept that gender ideology is a belief that not everyone will believe. It’s definitely NOT scientific like they claim it is.

( Confounded )

It’s definitely NOT scientific like they claim it is.

See, I have no doubt that gender dysphoria exists as a real mental health disorder (though I highly doubt that the sudden explosion in kids identifying as trans is a natural thing and not the result of social contagion).

So in that sense, I accept that there is a scientific basis for gender dysphoria as a mental health condition.

But it is a very long and unscientific leap from saying ‘this person feels like they are a woman although they have the body and chromosomes of a man’ to ‘this male person feels like they are a woman therefore they are a woman.’

People with mental health problems sometimes think they are Napoleon or Joan of Arc. This doesn’t mean they are these people.

To force society as a whole to indulge mentally ill people in their delusions to such an extent that actual women are expected to let men compete against them in sports or be housed alongside them in prisons is lunacy.

And as OP pointed out, talking down to those of us who prefer to maintain our belief in objective reality over someone’s delusions is the height of condescension. We’re not idiots, we’re just not going to sit here and pretend the emperor is wearing clothes.

( bunyip )
You're absolutely right. It is the exact same tactic as attempts at religious conversion.

I think it also takes inspiration from the justified condescending attitude used by liberals against the religious. They are obviously co-opting the gay rights movement and its arguments, falsely believing their situations are comparable. Gay rights activists would tell religious people "you can have your beliefs, but gay people must have equal rights under the law. We have the right under the law to get married and it doesn't matter if you dislike it."


OwnLyingEyes #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why do so many TRAs write in that condescending, over-enthusiastic, transplaining style?

IMO because they're true believers acting as missionaries and they don't want an honest debate, they want to convert the heathens. The possibility that they could be wrong, that the "heathens" might have a good point, their ego won't stand for it; their sense of conviction comes solely from the assumption that any deviation from their beliefs must be due to us not understanding them (or possibly being Evil Bigots (TM)). So they'll speak slower and use simpler words, until they can successfully "educate" (read: re-educate/proselytize) us into their way of thinking. And keep it perky sounding like talking to a small, slow, upset child, because HOW ARE YOU NOT AGREEING WITH ME YET? Trying to convert other people inherently comes from a place of condescension, because it assumes you have The Truth and they don't. And some people are more susceptible to condescension as a tool than others; it helps to be fairly confident in your own intelligence and critical thinking skills to be able to recognize a fool when you see one, not be dazzled by credentials.

Also, this ideology is pretty painfully stupid and it disintegrates rapidly when you try to have an actual adult discussion on it instead of a Twitter-esque slapfight (see: the unfolding Maya Forstater tribunal debacle). It is utterly dependent upon child logic that is never held to task to actually CLARIFY what they mean when they are asked to define a woman or say things like "sometimes someone has a woman's brain in a man's body, except because transwomen ARE women it's really a woman's body, and it's not a mental illness or a disorder, just an identity, but if you don't pay for this elective cosmetic surgery and hormone treatment they will literally DIE BY SUICIDE...unless they don't feel like getting it, and that's valid too, and no one's saying that sex isn't real but penises and sperm can be female and clownfish and intersex disorders exist and...."


RisingUp #transphobia #crackpot ovarit.com

(Submitters note: In response to this Daily Mail article : Two inmates at all-women's New Jersey jail are PREGNANT after both had sex with transgender prisoners: ACLU won battle to house 27 trans inmates there )

idk. Suppose you are a pedophile and you want to adopt your very own baby and the pesky laws and social workers are stopping you. What are you going to do about it, assuming absolutely maximal levels of evil?

Well, obviously you'll campaign for no-restrictions surrogacy. You'll campaign for a loophole that means looser standards of safeguarding can be applied to men. I reckon you'll also push for laws that give parents fewer rights over their kids. So far, so TRA.

But what if you want to hurry the process up? Even with all the loosened restrictions you campaigned for to make it easier to exploit poor and desperate women, it's too difficult to find a surrogate willing to give your creepy ass a baby. I guess you're going to have to find unwilling surrogates. A class of women with no rights, who can be made pregnant against their will, and have the babies removed from them after birth.

Lightbulb! You need to put rapist men in women's prisons. You contact all the high placed pedophile politicians you share CSA material with and tell them to get working on it.

And the world is so fucked up that you actually succeed.

(I had no sleep last night and am maximally cynical but yes, I am expecting that eventually there will be a thriving industry of prison baby adoptions. And the standards of those adoptions will keep getting more lax.)

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

What are the chances

( furyosa )
Both of these groups are mocking and appropriating womanhood.

Only one group is also appropriating women's rightful indignation at being mocked and appropriated.

Here's looking at you, TIMs:


( Tq231442 )
Yeah tbh I've never liked drag culture, but at least I can ignore it. I don't have my bosses forcing me to watch drag shows or drag queens showing up in my bathroom lol.

I can't pretend TIMs don't exist

( femlez34 )
Yeah, drag queens are not sending my friends rape threats on "lesbian" dating apps or mutilating children, we've got bigger fish to fry. If women stopped going to drag shows it would tank the industry, no activism required.

( Salixj )
Except now drag queens are giving story hour at local libraries, showing up on kids shows, and performing in local high schools.

It use to be a preformance, a gag.

But it is hilarious that TIMs are claiming appropriation.

Sometimes I want that asteroid to hit.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Hey cissies, our boundaries are valid, but yours are not

( actualdyke )
"not all boundaries are valid" exactly what i expect to hear from a group that believes lesbians and gay men should subject themselves to corrective rape or else they're bigots lol

( La_Terfa )
Lol, "trans women" are literally men, the biggest danger to women. Putting on a dress doesn't change anything.

But it's great to hear them saying "Not all boundaries are valid." Show your true colors, deviants and rapists, this way we don't need to make an effort to uncover your nature.

( GraceHoward1729 )

"when all the stats and research shows"

Ah yes, I shall take your word for it, random Tumblr boundary-violating incel, rather than the actual stats that show that 99% of sexual offenders are male, and the actual research that shows that cross-dressing is the most common paraphilia of convicted sex offenders, so actually men who pretend to be women (i.e. men who call themselves 'trans women') are more of a threat to women than men who don't pretend to be women.

Additionally, even if they weren't, these are men who hear our 'no' and purposefully violate our boundaries, so rape-y red flags all around.

( mathlover )
Rapists believe that "not all boundaries are valid". So of course that is what "trans" males say, since they are all rapists.

( Carrots90 )
Sir, Can you show us studies or even examples of TransWomen who have been attacked by other men for using the mens restroom?

( overanddone )
"transwomen are not and have never been any danger to ciswomen"

Tell that to the women in prisons and hospitals who have been assaulted by self-identifying "transwomen." Own the baddies who are using your cause or they will eventually bring down your cause with their behavior. They will peak the masses, in a way we could never do with our protests. (Then you too will have the not-so-very-easy job of "identifying the baddies" before they offend)

Nediljka_Orwell #transphobia ovarit.com

Some brave lawmaker needs to propose legislation that reads: If you engage in typical male sex offender behavior like flashing your dick or whacking off in public (or other male sex crimes like rape) you WILL LOSE your preferred feminine gender status on all your documents and be subject to supervised detransition by law. And thrown in a sex appropriate prison. Enough with the kid glove treatment, the "Too Trans to Jail" nonsense. Hit 'em where it'll really hurt. Real deterrence.

Larping as a woman 24/7 is a privilege, not a right. A privilege that can and should be forcibly and irrevocably taken away.

tacocat & Gladys_Kravitz #transphobia ovarit.com

( tacocat )
I figured out why I dislike lying about people's sex

I had to navigate childhood trying not to anger my mother, who was borderline. I always had to walk small and tell white lies to try to keep her from being angry with me. I had to be extremely good at reading her mood so I knew how to behave and what I could say.

When I see people saying there's no harm in "respecting people's pronouns" and "being kind," it brings me back to my childhood. It's the same effort I made to avoid being an emotional (and sometimes physical) punching bag, and I won't do it. I am not responsible for other people's mental health. I will not walk on eggshells for anyone. That kind of stress can take years off your life, and it's not worth it.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Same. I would say more, but this subject is honestly so exhausting. I've talked about my Nmom a few times on here already and it's draining every time.

These people give me the exact same horrible, tight, nervous, sick feeling deep inside—their behavior is a carbon copy of her narcissistic abuse.

( tacocat )
That's okay. We get it. I think there's a point where you just don't want to talk about it any more, so thank you for commenting. :)

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Thanks for understanding. The best thing I can do for myself is honestly just move on. The more time I spend dwelling on it, the worse I get. I can't change the past, and I will NEVER get a good enough answer as to why she treated me that way.

I've noticed that forcing people to disclose more than they want to is actually part of TRAs behavior. They always want an explanation that involves a lot of private things, like having to explain your "genital fetish" or why you get upset about men in the locker room (they try to force you to talk about your trauma).

It's my mother's behavior all over again. I wasn't allowed privacy, if she wanted to know what I was thinking/feeling she would physically corner me and force me to tell her my innermost thoughts. It was straight up psychological torture.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Emma Hilton claps back at AC. People clapped (for real this time)

( n3847 )
Our "goals"? Making mentally ill people seek the help they need and accept who they are instead of guzzling hormones, doing unnecessary surgeries, and living lives of hypersexual and in some cases, sexual predation? Protecting women from males who lack boundaries and may seek to harm them? Defeating the patriarchy? Yes, those are our goals.

I love how they act like these women are Al-Qaeda 2.0. POTTER MAGIC LADY LIKE BIN LADEN!

( cousinanger )
Women are not allowed to set any boundaries themselves. Saying NO to anything trans activists demand is always, always, always the same as wanting transgender people to be annihilated or somehow causes totally unrelated violent people to attack them. Always our fault, isn't it?

That is the gaslighting I can't take anymore. Not having boundaries is psychologically unhealthy, but despite decades of feminists writing about women's rights to have such boundaries and to defend them, I see so many tweets and other online comments yelling at women who do calmly state their boundaries. And all the Karening! And the demands for silence. Mary Beard's book about how women have never been really allowed to speak in the public sphere for themselves is still an important one.

( femlez34 )
I mean, I think boundary crossing is the entire point for AGPs, that's what their kink is. If we don't let them cross our boundaries and make ourselves available to be abused by them then they really won't exist anymore, they'll drop the fishnets and go find some other weird sexual fixation.

The AGPs have almost total control over the trans movement and they've convinced a lot of the very young, homosexual TIPs that everyone is out to get them so that they stay engaged in trans activism (the goal of which is always conveniently to give AGPs access to their targets, it's never something practical to help TIFs or the HSTS males pushed into prostitution). They also know that young gay TIPs are a more palatable face for the movement.

( ComplicatedSpirit )

Women are not allowed to set any boundaries themselves.

Now that doesn’t make any sense, that sounds like how men behave and we’re talking about TRAs! ….wait…..

XX_Power #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: 14 old TiM admits to having internalize homophobia

It's crazy how straight TIFs and TIMs looove calling themselves "gay" or "lesbian" because they want to be the sexy, interesting, exotic gays and are sick of being called oppressors or boring cissies.

Meanwhile the actual homosexuals who know what homophobia is are running away from it and just want to be "straight and normal".

Those kids are not okay, on a fundamental level. And instead of offering support and therapy, we're throwing snake oil at them, snake oil that destroys their bodies and minds forever.

Carrots90 & La_Terfa #transphobia ovarit.com

TRAs centring themselves in discussions of imperialism

( Carrots90 )
Yes. How apt

This trans shit is a sign of the decay of an empire

The Nazis in power loved to dress up as women. Men in complete power and control love to fetishize those they control. ‘The Danish Woman” was some privileged dudes who liked to escape into some daft bimbo alt he invented. It showed his insulting views on women. Daft, carefree, silly. Not having the mores and worries of thinking men

( La_Terfa )
The Danish AMAB was a disgusting movie. Am I supposed to empathize with this weird guy who fetishizes being a woman and sees women as nothing more than a sexual fantasy?

When he died I was like, "lol". I know that sounds cruel, but I mean, he chose to undergo extremely dangerous surgeries with Nazi doctors to chase a fetish.

( Carrots90 )
I didn’t see the movie. I hope it peaked some people

Unfortunately, they probably didn’t portray the reality of how stupid, misogynistic, and insulting his alt personality was.

( La_Terfa )
Well, to be completely honest, there are moments in the movie that could be seen as TERFy. For example, there's a scene where the main character goes to watch a prostitute peep show and mimics her movements, and it's so hilariously sexualized that you HAVE to think "he's doing this purely for sexual gratification".

There's also a moment when he says to his wife (who's a painter), "I want to be a woman, not a painter", and she answers "well, some people are both, you know?" And I thought that was a good slap on the AGP's face.

But my favourite TERF moment has to be when the painter wife is going to visit some dude in a fancy office and the manservant tells the dude, "sir, the Danish girl is here". So then it feels like the title of the movie, The Danish Girl, refers in fact to the wife of the AGP protagonist. NOT to the guy who says he's actually a woman inside. And that tiny moment was so precious, lol. It was like even this melodramatic movie that tries to romanticize a sexual deviant weirdo is being gender critical.

I honestly don't know how much of this was intentional TERFery, because the movie does try to make the AGP seem like a poor misunderstood victim, but it's there, and I find that very interesting.

It's a bad movie though.

n3847 & Carrots90 #transphobia ovarit.com

TRAs centring themselves in discussions of imperialism

( n3847 )
It doesn't matter what the topic is. TRAs will center THEMSELVES. Invasion of Ukraine? We need to hear how cowardly males are hiding in apartments and TIFs don't want to be men when war to come to their country. ACLU put out some dumb Instagram post about "Reproductive Rights Are Trans Rights" No, it only affects one SEX (female) and most of them are sterilizing themselves for no reason. Poverty? "Trans people are more likely to live in poverty!" Maybe, they should stop spending their money on synthetic hormones, plastic surgery on their faces, breast removals/implants, and medically unnecessary surgeries on their genitals that makes them unable to work for months and have to beg for money on the internet.

( Carrots90 )
This is the complete truth

People dying alone in the ICU because no visitors in the pandemic? Job losses, depression and isolation, the upward transfer of wealth? Delayed cancer diagnosis, deepening political divide

Nope. An article on the pain of having to wait for ‘big mommy milkers’ as some of these pervs put it.

( Carrots90 )
I just went to google the article only to find that there are about 10 or more on this super important tragedy of delayed cosmetic surgery

( n3847 )
OH NO! How can one survive without shaving down their eyebrow ridges and mangling their throats to sound more feminine?! I remember Jessie Gender doing some sad-face video about how his penis-mangling surgery is delayed because of COVID. Poor thing, he'll have to deal w a working set of genitals for longer. He will have to wait to get to feel the relief inverting his ball sack and repurposing his intestines to create a fake vaginal canal. The euphoria of primed and ready rot pocket, will just have to wait.

puppy_cat & princess_toots #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: They weren't gonna say gay, anyway!
(submitters niote: regarding Floridas "Don't say gay"-bill)

( puppy_cat )
They lie and use this language very purposefully, just like when they say "they're banning trans healthcare for children!" or even better, "they're banning healthcare for trans kids!!" Then people start to assume, just as they've been lead to be, that what is being banned are kids being able to get checked out for any medical problem at all. Rather than saying what it is: sterilization of minors, cutting off healthy organs of minors, etc.

Of course it's all the nonsensical gender and fake sexuality stuff that we don't want to be forced on little kids. But because most people would probably not care if a teacher mentioned in passing they are gay, and that this seems to be a preposterous bill that is getting passed if so, they push hard to make it seem like what everyone is against is simply a gay teacher teaching math or whatever. Instead of all the bullshit that's actually happening.

I volunteered at a middle school (10-13 year olds) only a few years ago, and I walked by giant posters on the walls talking about all the "nonbinary genders" and "pansexuality" and whatever else. And that is preteens, almost teenagers. They want this stuff to be taught as young as what, 3-4 years old? Why? What is the end goal?

( princess_toots )
Exactly this. And most people are so under-informed on the issues, they read "denying health care for trans kids" as denying basic care, whereas what's really going on is protecting kids from elective, non-medically necessary prescriptions, procedures, and even surgeries that they can't properly consent to and aren't backed by peer-reviewed science.

The bill was never about teachers saying they're gay. Teachers can mention their partners in passing, that's been happening for year. Heck, we used to pester our teachers about their boyfriends/girlfriends. The bill is designed to protect against teachers enabling kids or encouraging gender issues, particularly without parental consent.

IrishTheFrenchie & VeggieAnnie #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: They weren't gonna say gay, anyway!
(submitters note: regarding Floridas "Don't say gay"-bill)

( IrishTheFrenchie )
The worst part about using "Don't Say Gay" as "opposition" is that the left has, whether on purpose or not, directly pitted gay rights against parental rights.

Parents: "We think it's inappropriate to teach 5-8 year olds explicit sexual material, gender ideology, or any sexual orientation, or to keep any conversations had with our children about these subjects a secret, or to keep from parents if our child "identifies" as a different sex."

TRAs/politicians: "WHY DO YOU HATE GAY PEOPLE???!!!!"

The bill has NOTHING to do with gay rights, or being gay, or losing freedom as a gay person, yet because of this stupid slogan, it's now accepted in people's minds that if you support the rights of parents to know what their VERY SMALL CHILDREN are learning in school, and that schools must not medicate/trans your children without your knowledge, or teach gender/sex ed without your knowledge, then you despise gay people and want their rights taken away.

This is a MAJOR PROBLEM for the LGB community (and the left in general) because now parents around the country are associating all that perversion and subversion (aka grooming) being taught in schools with gay people.

If a regular normie parent hears that they have to choose between their kids or gay rights, what do you think most people will choose? Especially when they've pretty much been (falsely) told by the left that all the perverted sex ed/trans shit being taught to kids comes from gay people?

This is a disaster for the LGB community and it's solely the fault of politicians trying to "dunk" on the right by screaming "Don't Say Gay"! whenever a common sense parental rights bill comes up.

I'm so pissed they invented this false association, because it's going to stick in people's heads and it's not going to be pretty.

( VeggieAnnie )
Yes. Thank you for unpacking it all and making it explicit, where I had just made a quick post.

The extreme left is behaving as if they just want to teach "some kids have two dads." But they don't. They want to teach queer/trans/furries/introductory porn/etc. And by lumping all that under the word "gay," they are giving people the impression that homosexuals are perverts. Just as you point out. […]

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Very disturbing video promoting the 'joy' and 'freedom' of Top Surgery. "Top surgery is for everyone!"

( La_Terfa )
The idea behind this is that the female body is inherently disgusting or shameful, and if you mutilate it to resemble a moid body a little, that's freeing and beautiful. It's genuinely offensive.

( Carthimundia )
They never stop to think why women aren't allowed to be outside topless, why we can't walk around showing our chests...it's because patriarchy has said our bodies are obscene so we can't expose them. It's so fucked up that their solution to this is to AMPUTATE BODY PARTS in order to fit in, rather than changing the arbitrary rules which says women can't go topless.

I know a few women in real life who have amputated their breasts, and they talk about freedom a lot too. They can now go on the beach and not worry about the male gaze, or run without buying expensive sports bras. It's heartbreaking. Their natural bodies are conceived of them as a cage, as a fetter, as an inconvenience.

( hmimperialtortie )
If it’s for “everyone” push it for the TIMs with moobs.

( kalina )
yeah, if its for everyone then why are 100% of the people who get it female?

Just out of curiosity, I wonder how much money is made every year installing fake breasts and how much money is made every year removing real breasts.

I know people learning to be comfortable with themselves generates zero dollars.

( pennygadget )

out of curiosity, I wonder how much money is made every year installing fake breasts and how much money is made every year removing real breasts.

They must be making bank. Before this trans nonsense took over, mastectomies were only done in women who were older or sick due to cancer. And women who wanted one for a non-illness reason (ie breast reduction to fix back pain) were often denied. Now we have a crop of healthy young girls demanding mastectomies and healthy young men demanding implants. And insurance will cover these entirely cosmetic procedures because they're meant to "fix dysphoria"

La_Terfa , crodish & homosuperior #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

(La_Terfa )
Fuck moids, they can solve their own little pathetic problems. They could do it very easily, in fact, since most of their problems are their own creation. Women's issues are a thousand times worse, and they're not our fault, they're all of the abuse we suffer from others due to our biology and bodies.

And in the case of TIFs harassing gay dudes, well, gay men already tell them to fuck off with no repercussions, because society respects men's dignity.

And no, I don't "support" men in anything except being quiet.

( crodish )
I'm fine with men's spaces being "invaded" by females because 1) maybe then they'll finally fucking understand why it's a big deal to us 2) TIFs are going to pose VERY little threat to them regardless of the fact 3) men need to start being more responsible for their class as a whole.

Women are already fighting against men in female spaces, women who argue that men SHOULD be in our spaces (fuck you Emma Watson), and we're probably going to be asked and blamed for women in men's spaces, too. Women's fault for everything while the men just pile on, rules of misogyny, etc. Tired of it.

I know there are some men fighting back already, both straight (Chris Billboard comes to mind, as do a bunch of conservative politicians and comedians) and gay (MrMenno is my favorite, and most of the others who are normally allies with "GC" TIMs on twitter), and that includes the few men on here as well, but there needs to be more. MORE.

At the same time I am concerned that most of the men I see standing up against gender ideology are the same men who believe homosexuality is sinful and that women should go back to the kitchen and that abortion is murder. Sigh. Fuck this earth

( homosuperior )
I almost agree, except for two reasons: I have an autistic brother who cried when he saw two men pretending to be women the other day, and was confused why they were “lying”. If he was in a men’s bathroom and a girl walked in pretending to be a man, I know him, he’d refuse to use a bathroom in public again. And secondly, I’m worried of the safety of young TIFs. I identified as a TIF, but I never used men’s facilities (never medically transitioned either), because I’ve been sexually assaulted by a man in a bathroom. [...]

crodish & bannedrui_resin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: the trans healthcare dilemma

( crodish )
Ooooh I really don't like this insidious comparision.

The single person is a detrans person. The one on the tracks are "eggs" or trans people.

They present it as a "you're killing all trans people just for the one detrans person who said this is bad! Get rid of the detrans person instead, it's only one!" When in actual reality we are trying to derail the whole fucking train altogether so that no one on either track has to die.

The train is gender ideology. The train is the problem. It is full of scientists who suddenly have no idea what chromosomes and gametes are and medical practitioners who want to make bank off of confused children and vulnerable youth and adults.

( bannedrui_resin )
Or how about this scenario: There are ten children with sexual or social trauma, internalised misogyny or homophobia on the tracks. If you don't pull the lever, trans activists and medical professionals will groom them into believing that their rational unhappiness is an innate identity that can only be fully realised with devastating surgery and drugs, while simultaneously encouraging a mentality of victimhood and the delusional belief that everyone who knows the difference between men and women is a fascistic bigot who is out to get them, perhaps especially their own parents.

On the other side of the tracks are an unknown number of redditors with a paraphilia for roleplaying womanhood. If you pull the lever and do not allow the children to be medically interfered with, nine of them will find another, healthier way to cope and one will join the roleplayers. Also, the roleplayers will experience a second of doubt about whether man made stereotypes of femininity based on subordination, objectification and humiliation constitute a truly authentic identity, and whether literally every single women they ever meet is just pretending to believe they're a "real woman" and is just too afraid to be honest. But only a second. They'll recover rapidly. All of them will be able to get whatever cosmetic surgery they want because they're adults.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Creepy r/MtF thread about wanting to skinwalk the women they're attracted to

( hontrapoints )
This is seriously the creepiest shit ever. They really have no reservations about violating women's boundaries.

I've known several TIMs throughout my life. The idea that there is even the slightest possibility one may have considered skin walking me at any point makes me wish I were dead. The simple idea feels almost violating at a core level.

( Carrots90 )
Do not ever turn it on yourself. It’s not you that needs to be gone.

Just use biologically correct pronouns.

Supposedly that just invalidates them off into some other dimension.

( bellatrixbells )
Yesterday I was scrolling a thread where a bunch of scrotes and handmaidens were asking every dissenting woman if she'd ever met a TIM. I was like... Honestly dude IRL I've only met and actually interacted with, like, seven or eight and all of them creeped me out at the most intimate level. Pretty sure those who say "you've obviously never met a twans wimin" are the ones who never have. 😒

( puppy_cat )
I live in a pretty liberal area and somehow have had freakish luck with running into or seeing many (like at the very least 30+ of them over a good 6+ years). One of the first I remember was for some reason the friend of a girl I worked with in retail when I was younger (like maybe around 16 years old) and this guy would come in the store wearing miniskirts (wish I could unsee it) and talk to her and me, and ask for us to all "hang out". He was probably, at the very least, 40 years old. I've never met any TiMs that weren't creepy or fetishistic, or outright pedophiles (personally know 2 men who were outed as pedophiles and then suddenly "transitioned"). And the ones I didn't have any relationship with who were just strangers or worked in stores I was going into all acted unwell, too.

( puppy_cat )
I have actually had a man online tell me that I'm the reason he's "transitioning". He was a complete stranger that wrote to me on social media and had apparently stalked my photos for a while (I wasn't even aware I had some of my settings on public). He said it "took him a while to figure out if he just was very attracted to me or wanted to be me" and "found out it was both, but moreso wanting to be me". These men are unhinged.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Handwringing over “Don’t Say Gay” bills
( Marmorsymphata )
The establishment Right is getting what they wanted unfortunately. If only the left had a single clue that they're fulfilling bigots' wildest dreams by advocating all the things that used to be fake fearmongering stereotypes about the LGB in the form of transsexualism in children. It has somehow against all laws of reality come to pass that yes, extremists ARE converting children. Extremists ARE telling children to hide interactions with their teachers from their parents. Extremists ARE harming children's health with profane advice like binding. They ARE trying to expose little girls to little boys.

It really feels like the Earth got sucked into a wormhole somewhere between 2012 and 2016 and now we've landed in Bizarro world.

( Laila_Salem )
So the Mayan prophecy about the world ending in 2012 had some truth to it after all!

( mountainwitch )
It's really scary to be seeing this shift in the left. I now consider myself more center-aligned than left at this point, because the left is so far out of whack and doesn't even seem to understand basic reality. I was raised to be extremely liberal but the Id-pol cancer has eaten away at the left so much that there is nothing recognizable or tangible within their "goals".

Republicans have always been crazy but at the very least they are focused on reality. That's why they have been so successful whenever they get into power. None of this sidestepping and handwringing that leftists do whenever faced with policy or enacting change. I hate to say it but those damn rightwing nutjobs get shit done, evil as it may be.

( aerialstrike )
It's absolutely ludicrous to promote transsexualism and homosexuality at the same time because they're completely antithetical to one another. Transsexualism was originally invented as a way to "fix" homosexuals, and now they're considered to be the same thing ("LGBTQ++") and this shit is going on where conservatives leverage homophobia and liberals (or what centrists pass for "liberal" in the U.S.) are too braindead to notice what's going on, or simply don't care because they don't have a clue about what transsexualism truly is. Apparently there's no room for analysis between "traditional heterosexualist gender roles" and "everyone be free to express your damaged identities!"

Coffeefiend & carpetplaydohx2 #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIMs suffer far more than we cis women could ever possibly imagine

( Coffeefiend )

Sure we can't get periods which are apparently the worst thing ever even though I'd murder I friend to be able to have them.

Creepy and unhinged skinwalkers. You whiny scrotes couldn’t handle the debilitating pain of conditions like endometriosis. Fuck off.

Also, we have the highly exaggerated “harassment, violence, discrimination” bullshit they always spew even though women experience all of that too and have since childhood. And the whole “we are more at risk for violence than anyone else” notion is such a blatant lie anyway. These scrotes are utterly insufferable, solipsistic morons.

I mean between the fact that my fertility is the luck of the draw, getting called the wrong gender, (even by my parents) and the fact that I cant even use the bathrooms I prefer because either

Oh no! The horror of getting called the “wrong gender” and “not being able to use the preferred bathroom!” Delusional males who choose to take toxic hormones and butcher their bodies have it so much worse! Here’s a medal for the first place winners of the Oppression Olympics. 😞

( carpetplaydohx2 )

Also, we have the highly exaggerated “harassment, violence, discrimination” bullshit they always spew even though women experience all of that too and have since childhood.

Exactly -- they have the fucking privilege of being able to go back into "boy mode" whenever and wherever they want and can walk safely, live safely, BE SAFE and it costs them absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, I am a woman with no "get out of woman free" card that I can use whenever I want to opt-out of oppression or "boy mode" that I can slip on and off at the drop of a hat so I can go stealth when my womanhood is a literal risk to my life or wellbeing.

That's not even counting the number of ways that I've been shortchanged since birth simply because I was born with a female reproductive system rather than a male one.

They can fuck right back off with this and go play oppression Olympics elsewhere. These spoilt white men are not oppressed.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Women can be strip-searched by trans officers who were born male, say police

( sarstan )
This is so wrong. No. The man knows he's a man and he knows you know he's a man. This is a severe violation of women's rights. This is state sanctioned sexual assault against women. This cannot be allowed.

( WhatTheBlazes )
This is state sanctioned sexual assault against women.


( SecondSkin )
The police, NHS and schools have created a triad of rights violations that have waved this in by stealth.

The people whose job it is to safeguard us have been throwing away safeguarding. Throwing away safeguarding is a predatory act.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
It's not even an accident, like a lot of safeguarding gaps. This is deliberate.

( IronicWolf )
I’m also concerned about policewomen (and female prison officers) who will be targeted by fetishists and forced to perform intimate searches on men.

( VestalVirgin )
This plays right into their plans - because the policewomen can kinda opt out of being routinely sexually assaulted by TIMs by not becoming policewomen. Soon we will be back to an all-male police, where some men pretend to be women and get to legally grope actual women under the guise of searching them.

( Califasauros )
Yes, imagine the autogynephile's glee at a female police officer being required to intimately search his nether bits....

( bellatrixbells )
"Oh, I'm sorry Tiffany McTits, I forgot to wash my hands after eating hit sauce and cayenne pepper!!!"

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Fighting TRAs with their own medicine.

I'm so fed up with being called "cis" by these people that I'm now reporting every single person who does it for "misgendering".

I tell them I'm not "cis" because I don't have a gender and don't believe in gender, and they then try and call me "agender" AND claim I'm still "cis".

Fight them with fire, throw their own words right back at them. It's LitERaL viOLeNcE to be misgendered, so they get reported.

( Lipsy )
"you call me cis, i call you transvestite"

( XX_Power )
I mean i call them crossdressers no matter what they call me. Even the friendliest and most feminine TIM I'd call a man because he is a man. Womanhood is not something we give to less violent and less vile crossdressers.

( Lipsy )
oh absolutely. But... like... in the States at least, "transvestite" is one of those words like "Negro", "oriental", etc. that throws a whole bunch of extra shade because it's been retired (for decades) and replaced by more socially acceptable words. 😂 It's not the epitome of classy, but, i mean, "cis" so whatever.

( Boudicaea )
Transvestite was never a slur. It's an accurate term. I mean yeah some people used to use it in the same breath as qu**r, but they were just generally homophobic. It's still the correct term. I feel that crossdresser is more slur like, but even then it's just an accurate term.


( Boudicaea )
Oh, I see what you mean. I guess that makes sense, although I would say negro and oriental are both intended pejoratively. There are worse words, but also there are better words that can be used (although I think negro originally was a respectful alternative to much worse terms, so it is a pretty good analogy). I don't know that there's anything more respectful that you can call a trans person without being inaccurate. They aren't the sex they claim to be and no one is truly "trans" in the way they mean it. But you can cross dress or have SRS. shrug

I do see what you mean though. I think trans people find these terms offensive mostly because it means not using their preferred terminology that denies reality.

( XX_Power )
Oh my that's how I know I live in a conservative space, transvestite is maybe not fashionable but it's absolutely not even close to a slur. Probably what my older colleagues would call them. And now also me ;)

Various Commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

'I don't want facial hair': Transgender girl, eight, has sleepless nights about growing up as a boy | UK News | Sky News

( hmimperialtortie )
Learn to shave like every other bloke does, kid.

( Lipsy )
Shit, girl... learn to shave like lots of Women with PCOS do!

of course I rlly shouldn't point out things like this that might make their specific choices of first-world problems seem less unique and special and totally individual—especially not with Most Special Of All Non-Binary type people, who have already been genocided an average of 5.2 times each. Such a bad habit SMDH

( VestalVirgin)
Or learn to shave like lots of women who don't even have PCOS but the wrong kind of genes do.

I grew up thinking that in exchange for having to deal with periods, I at least wouldn't have to shave.

Yeah, well. That was a rude awakening in my early twenties. Unlike this boy, I didn't even have time to get used to the idea.

( XX_Power )
No it's way easier to sterilize him and cut off his dick.

( hmimperialtortie )
Ain’t that the truth.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TiMs rage about "cis men" "slapping the trans label" onto themselves to "feed their degradation fetish"

( WTMatterHere )
“OMG your ETA is on point. The trans label isn't something you can slap onto your self to feed your degradation fetish.”

Actually I’d say that’s often exactly what it is.

( Mandy )
And yet they can't see this is exactly why they can't be allowed inside women's protected spaces. If they really identified with women and not simply as women they would want the most vulnerable women to have every protection possible.

"just a little upsetting when I find a crossdresser who passes better than I do..." I'm sure it is. Women can't tel you guys apart by looking. We can't tell which ones are using us as props in their fetish and which of you are nice guys who just want to pee.

( Owlchaser )

We can't tell which ones are using us as props in their fetish and which of you are nice guys who just want to pee.

What, you can't see their magical pink gender aura?

( hmimperialtortie )
Almost always, I’d say.

( Califasauros )
Interesting. Presumably, non-autogynephilic female-identifying males are sick of being lumped under the same label as fetishistic cross dressers....males who don't see cross dressers as trans.

Well, these upset female-identifying males had better have a conversation with the powerful gender identity lobby, letting it know that cross dressers don't belong in their "trans" demographic.

I'm sure that that will turn out real well for them...after all, the gender identity lobby lives to listen to vulnerable members of demographics it purports to support (LOL - sarcasm, of course).

Just look how well the lobby has treated women, adult human females.🥺

actualdyke , BlankandPitiless & hmimperialtortie #kinkshaming ovarit.com

I do NOT consent to be a part of your kink

( actualdyke )
the REAL tea is they actually don't give a shit about consent, they just make a big song and dance of it so that they can't be held accountable for their actions. like 'yeah actually it's totally fine that i gagged bound & beat my girlfriend, bc we have a safe word and she didn't use it so obviously she consented :)'. another thing: the entire purpose of the safe word is so that they can ignore 'no', 'stop', 'enough', 'get off me' etc and feign ignorance, bc they know that in moments of fear and panic it'll be almost impossible to remember the extremely specific safeword. "oh but you didn't say 'pasta napolitain with extra olives' so🤷‍♂️"

( BlankandPitiless )
I was in San Francisco once during some sort of massive kink street parade (Folsom Street Parade). Fetish gear, furries and penises galore. I hoped an asteroid would hit. I had no idea this was going on so completely against my will I had to be subjected to dozens of penises. At the time it just seemed so ridiculous that we were supposed to celebrate men acting out their sexual fetishes in public. I think this was the first time I started to think that conservatives weren't so wrong about liberals. Like this wasn't progressive, it's a symptom of moral decay and it's a slippery slope.

( hmimperialtortie )
I saw this sort of shit too, at the Melbourne Pride March over twenty years ago.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( crodish )
I still haven't heard an actual explanation as to why saying "a transwoman is a man" is hateful.

It's the truth. Your shame of being male and/or your discomfort of your own body does not entitle you to overwrite material reality. There is nothing wrong with being a feminine man, a flamboyant man, a man who likes dresses, a man who likes pink, etc. It does not make you a woman.

"It's not hate to state the truth"!

( kalina )
its hateful to them because they want you to play along with their fantasy and you refuse. Refusing to play along with anything a man wants = literal violence

( jeannedeaux )
It is the rage of a cockblocked man.

Testosterone is both a man's aggression hormone and his arousal hormone. And now you know why they get so angry when they're horny and someone tells them No.

I'm not sure how aware most men are of that connection. I like to think some are and therefore control the anger better. But that's not most TIMs. And it's just another sign that this is a fetish to them. If their sexuality weren't tangled up in it, they would probably be a lot more rational when they run into resistance.

( jeannedeaux )
Also, when a TIM gets offended that you called him a man, he's literally saying it's bad to be a man, that "man" is a slur. Social media should be banning them for saying that, not us for saying they're men. If we didn't live in Wackyland.

( real_feminist )
I would be careful about making this argument to a TRA. The obvious comeback is that it's hateful to call someone fat even if it's true. Of course, it's not the same because being fat is stigmatized in our society and rarely necessary to point out and being a man is not. Just be careful with your wording on that one if you share that thought elsewhere.

( crodish )
If a fat person asked me to pretend they were thin and healthy, like the HAES movement, I would absolutely call it out.

I'm not obliged to be kind to clearly deluded people.

IrishTheFrenchie , Hollyhock & SakuraBlossoms #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "Cis women are experts at victimising themselves"

( IrishTheFrenchie )
First they silence the lesbians with TERF.

Then they silence all women with “Karen”.

And suddenly there’s very little opposition to male sexual perversions. It’s genius really. They learned a lot since their failure to incorporate pedos in the LGB movement in the 70’s.

( Hollyhock )
I can't remember if I was talking about this w/ you recently, but the Karen thing was a legitimate way for Black women to express frustration over white women who treated them like shit and used their institutional power (to call police and be believed/call manager to complain) to be discriminatory towards Black women.

But then the TRAs realized the brilliance of co-opting this because white women in the US at least DO have more institutional power/money/access/platforms, so if you shut up white women, you lose a LOT of feminist power that could have helped stop this train of gender bs. I'm not denying there are issues w/ white women's issues getting more press than Black, Hispanic, Native, Asian women's issues in feminism, but this was a brilliant strategy by the TRAs to divide us and shut us up. But if you have the power to shut up the more privileged of women, what kind of message is that to women without the same means? It's a power move by the TRAs.

( SakuraBlossoms )
Yeah big switcheroo from black women using it to describe their experiences of racism vs. white men using it as a synonym for "b*tch"

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I don't think it was me, but I did read that post and it makes perfect sense.

TRAs are parasites. They co-opt everything and deceptively apply it to themselves.

( SakuraBlossoms )
And of course using the term "cis" invented by the self-proclaimed "pedosexual" to silence women as the privileged oppressors of men. It's a huge testament to the power of language and labeling. These slippery dogs actually managed to convince people that sexually perverse men are being oppressed... by women. I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.

girl_undone & BiologyIsReal #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "Terf Tr*nny Alliance" ...?

( girl_undone )
Great post and conversation starter, OP.

I have nothing in common with men who larp as women, we have no "womanhood" in common. It's an offensive notion. I have more affinity with normal men than full-time fetishistic parodies. I don't understand what we're supposed to have in common.

I identified as a gender abolitionist long before I ever heard of radical feminism. It's why I couldn't manage to jive with trans ideology. Being a gender abolitionist has nothing to do with propping up men who pretend to "be" women and demand resources from us and violate our boundaries. That's very typical, gendered, entitled male behavior in my opinion.

( BiologyIsReal )
Making special exeptions for some men is what started all this mess in first place. Imo, women who keep doing this again and again are shooting themselves in the foot. I don't understand why some women still believe transgenderism is a new madness that came from nowhere and that in the old days there was proper "gatekeeping" and sanity prevailed.

Ultimately, a man cannot became a woman not matter how many cosmetic surgeries he undergoes, or how much exogenous hormones he takes, or how much effort and money he puts in "passing". The first moment people started treating some men as some sort of "honorary women" because they were supposedly "transsexuals", they abandoned any biology based definition of women and, gradually, more and more social and legal concessions were made. Likewise, "transition" of minors likely wouldn't be a thing today if society hadn't accepted first that some people are really "trans" and that "medical transition" was an appropriate and needed treatment for such adults despite the lack of evidence that it works.

femlez34 & Califasauros #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

RE: What is the response people are looking for when they say they are “non binary”?

( femlez34 )
I think women say it thinking it's a magical spell to prevent people from treating them like women, aka sexually harassing them, talking over them in the work place, etc. It doesn't work though, everyone can see that they're female. Even within the trans community there is so much sexism directed at non-binary women and TIFs from TIMs, who have the gall to suggest these women have "male privilege".

To me as a lesbian, it's a signal that I don't want to date or befriend this woman because I can't stand all the drama that comes with it. Half of them want to be called lesbians while the other half are outraged if you call them one, and they refuse to give you any clues on this stuff, you're expected to be psychic. Many of them now aren't even androgynous or gender non-conforming. They're women who are all dolled up with tons of makeup and high heels, acting outraged that anyone calls them "she" or "ma'am". Then you have TIMs on the other side throwing a public fit if someone doesn't see their wonky eyeliner and assume that they want to be called "she" (see gamestop trans). Which is it?!?

As for your last question, no it has nothing to do with being "bi". "Bi" is an abbreviation for "bisexual". Anyone can be a bisexual, and many non-binary people are not bisexual, a lot of them are straight or gay. Sometimes the straight or bi ones call themselves "queer" instead, because you have to admit to having a gender yourself to use straight or gay.

( Califasauros )
This makes a lot of sense. For girls and women trying to escape societal expectations of what it means to be a woman (including, and perhaps, most importantly, what it means to be a woman in extreme online porn made by men for men), taking on a non-binary identity is a step not quite as drastic as taking on the identity of a trans man. Of course, there are those enbies who are quite extreme...those who have smoothing surgeries to make genitalia less prominent, those who have surgeries to remove nipples as well as breasts, but I think their numbers are still very small.

pennygadget , TheDirtyYumejo & Stealthygal #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The numbers of Trans Kids seen by Clinicians prior to 2005 was 0%

( pennygadget )
This is exactly why diagnosing trans people (including children) is based in blind, unquestionable affirmation (which isn't done with ANY other physical or mental disorder). Its not about properly diagnosing and treating patients. Its about getting people (primarily young people) on the transgender conveyor belt towards a lifetime of dependence on expensive drugs, surgeries, therapy, reproductive technology & surrogacy to replace their annihilated fertility, etc

( TheDirtyYumejo )

which isn't done with ANY other physical or mental disorder

The amount of hypocrisy is unreal. I guarantee if a schizophrenic person said they were the queen of Africa (a patient my mum saw believed that) or some other identity, they'd be told they're delusional and to take their meds. If my OCD therapist did that affirmation bullshit they do with trans people, she'd be fired on the spot. Why treat one mental issue specially and not the others when it falls into the same category of delusion/dysphoria disorders??

( pennygadget )
At one of my old apartments, this crazy guy lurked around and told the women who lived in the building that God told him his future wife lived there and he needed to get married within the year. He was eventually chased away for good. But, according to the TRA treatment model, one of us girls should have taken one for the team and married him to affirm his identity as a married man.

( Stealthygal )
I wouldn't even care if they were affirmed without medication they'll need all their lives for a feeling.


I take medication to cope with my depressive feelings and I am happy to take it for life. What's a good comeback on that? For some trans people the physical risks are worth it. But should that extend to people who haven't stopped (or even started!l) growing yet?

( pennygadget )

I take medication to cope with my depressive feelings and I am happy to take it for life. What's a good comeback on that?

My comeback would be....

I assume you had to jump through some hoops to get that medication and didn't just waltz into a therapist's office and scream: "I'M DEPRESSED!!! GIMME [INSERT MEDICATION HERE]!!!"


itsnotaboutewe , BogHag & La_Terfa #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger #ableism ovarit.com

RE: Or maybe, just maybe, autistic people are 3x-6x more likely to be sucked into the trans cult...

( itsnotaboutewe )
Do boys who identify as NB ever do this or is it only females who feel the need to destroy their bodies to look sexless? A masculine-looking chest with small, flat nipples is a bit of a giveaway that they are male but I've never seen a male showing off his huge scar across his nippleless chest. Maybe, just maybe, they should do a bit of research on the way non-binary people are treated differently on the basis of their observed sex?

( BogHag )
I've seen a few male Nullo, but they're more interested in removing genitals. Not quite the same. There are some men though who want to remove their nipples to be extirely sexless.

I don't know how you see something like that and not immediately think childhood sexual trauma.

( La_Terfa )
It's literally only the females who are pushed into getting horrific surgeries within the transgender movement. They all poison themselves with wrong sex hormones, but the vast majority of TIMs keep their dicks, for example. On the other hand, to be a "trans man" you need to at least butcher your healthy breasts.

sconsolato #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "Trans are the REAL suffragettes."

How can he even think this when they haven't even ever asked for their own spaces or accommodation? All they want is to take from women what we have established and fought for out of dire necessity. The delusion and self-pity, I swear!

On that note, It's absolutely insane that trans people haven't once campaigned for third spaces. With the political support they currently have, they would be given whatever they want in a heartbeat. What the Americans with Disabilities Act did for disabled folks, trans folks people would get that and more if that's what they wanted. It's a reasonable request for necessary accommodation. Unfortunately, third spaces would absolutely shatter their delusions of femininity by separating them from women. THIS is why they don't want their own bathrooms, sport teams, etc. It doesn't support their fetish. They'd rather put women at risk and strip us of our dignity so they can keep playing pretend and jerking their dicks to their GenderFeelz. Makes me sick.

various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Fridge horror: the consequences of rapists changing their legal sex on record

( SakuraBlossoms )
A rape kit would obviously show the victim was raped by a man. If the rape victim is able to provide a description of the rapist, they'll of course also mention that they were raped by a male, because they were. No one would think semen left behind at the crime scene came from a "female."

I would argue that forcing everyone to pretend that men are women is also an impediment to stopping rapists and other criminals. Imagine police asking a TRA if they saw any men leaving a crime scene at a certain time. Would they be so intent on pretending they didn't recognize the obvious male because he had a wig on that they wouldn't mention him, knowing that he could be a potential rape suspect?

( crodish )
Well of course no one would think the semen would come from a female. The problem comes when you have to go through the database and instead of narrowing it down to only males, you now need to search through "female" as well, because those males may or may not have already had their legal sex updated to read "female". It's just extra work and a waste of time for everyone involved.

I'm not super clear on which countries have completely allowed for this, or if it IS actually a thing atm, but imagine the scenario where a law says yep, don't bother keeping the change history on records, just update it to whatever and that's that.

( La_Terfa )
I hate TIMs even more than I hate moids.

Oh, yeah, they're moids.

( Nerdylesbian )
What's a moid?

(La_Terfa )
That's the correct, scientific term for "males".

Tortoisemouse #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gender Descriptors Are Super Offensive as It Turns Out | by Rachel Bridgers | Apr, 2022 | An Injustice!

So much wrong with this article I don't even know where to start.

People who voted that "cis" was offensive "are the same people who called leftist “snowflakes that get offended by everything”".

I was one of those people voting on Twitter and I am a leftist.

This article assumes TWAW. If you start from the premise that this is true, then all sorts of conclusions flow logically from this starting point. But the author fails to comprehend that many of the people objecting to "cis" do so precisely because TW are not W (and TM are not M).

Of course if I assert "chairs are tables" then I can make all kinds of logical arguments based on that premise, and reach all kinds of conclusions, and many of them would be absurd.

And this BORING BORING fucking argument: "When I say I’m a white woman, are people offended by me saying I’m white? I’m simply stating a fact. No one attributes that to being a “subset” of my gender. It’s simply a ridiculous argument."

Yeah because white women are still women you idiot. TiMs are not women. That's the whole point.

This style of reasoning/arguing drives me insane because they are completely missing the point. The whole point is how you define woman. If you redefine it to include men then that's the ridiculous argument. But they sail past this bit, assuming TWAW is a "fact" (like the fact of a white woman being a woman) without acknowledging that disputing this fact is precisely what is at issue here.

There's no capacity or willingness to examine the statement TWAW. Instead a load of twaddle based on the premise that it's true. Fine to believe TWAW but be prepared to argue why you think this.


(edited for own stupidity)

ArmedFemme #transphobia ovarit.com

What it feels like talking to a TRA


spoilerPerson in front of the progress pride flag: “Republicans are wrecking human rights because they're not giving children sex damaging sterilizing hormones but not to mention that grown males are female if they get off to the idea of it and if you don't date them you're transphobic, let them in sports even if it makes real females uncomfortable because that’s #FEMINISM everything you said can be perceived as transphobic ageist ableist sexist homophobic or whatever else I come up with in the moment to discredit you without actually using an argument against you, hey by the way you have to go by queer now since it's inclusive and I don't care if it used to be a slur, grow up and deal with it, but also saying transsexuals and homosexual is literal violence and you need to ask for somebody's gender or assume it as they/them because that's inclusive, make every medical label in existence general even if it only affects males or females because they might not identify with their biology even if 99.5% of the rest do because the last thing you would want to do is trigger them.”
Person in front of the Labrys pride flag remains silent

SakuraBlossoms #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Female Jealousy versus Male Envy

This makes incredible sense. You have really opened my mind to an entirely new way of looking at this. TIMs are truly the utmost pinnacle of envy. Every single thing they feel has been "stolen" from them, literally everything on earth. No matter how horrible an experience is for a woman, we shouldn't be allowed to complain about it because some entitled fetishist envies it. Just today's Ovarit posts I saw--a man envying quinceañeras so much he stages one at 40, and then this insanity, a man... I'm honestly clueless. It's absolutely nuts. I've never seen this kind of envy in my life except from TIMs. It's basically incels channeling their envy they used to feel towards any man who had a girlfriend to instead envying absolutely anything and everything they were "entitled to" but were denied because they didn't get to pick their sex. It's a catch-22 though; the only way they are able to envy every aspect of womanhood like this is because they aren't women. If they had been born female they of course would not appreciate these things the way they think they would, because the irrational envy wouldn't have been there to begin with.

bellatrixbells #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans complains about the creepy crossdressing fetishists in their midst

This sounds a lot like another example of an autogynephile attempting to echo women's words and appropriate them to make himself feel more womanly, or to give credence to his movement.

I mean, let's break this down.

"What is up with some crossdressing fetishists persistently trying to insert themselves into trans people's (usually trans women's) spaces? And why is it usually older men who do this?"

What is up with some crossdressers persistently trying to insert themselves into opposite sex people's (especially women's) spaces? And why is it usually straight, older men who do this?

"I'm not usually one to kink shame (even though I find this particular fetish to be pretty misogynistic, the whole "sissy slut" thing), but it feels really gross and disrespectful to me."

Yeah, because dressing up as a woman (whatever that even means) and entering non consenting women's safe spaces isn't misogynistic, gross and disrespectful. It's only misogynistic, gross and disrespectful to TIMs if the man in question is an older fetishist.

"I get people and mods trying not to be gatekeep-y, but why does this sort of thing seem to be more tolerated than chasers?"

Because the whole premise of the trans movement is autogynephilia and the destruction of women's boundaries? Chasers harass men (TIMs), while TIMs "only" harass women. Of course the TIMs who have taken over women's spaces specifically to prevent any sort of gatekeeping will care about limiting chasers, but not autogynephiles. Doing so is antithetical to the entire trans movement which claims that anyone claiming a "female gender identity" should unquestioningly get to enter women's spaces.

"Fetishizing the trans experience, in a trans space no less is gross. It's gross when chasers do it, it's gross when other people do it too."

Dude, fetishizing and appropriating women's (and gay men's!) experience, in a female only, feminist, or gay men's space, is gross (and don't even get me started on lesbians!!). It's gross when crossdressers do it, it's gross when other people do it too. Even the poow widdle HSTS.


actualdyke , Feminist_Username & UnknownBeignet #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: 'HER' - a (previously) lesbian dating app now has 'Terf Control'

( actualdyke )
lol they'd literally rather kick out wrongthinking women than actual males off of the app meant for women. i jumped ship on HER yearssss who when i realized the app was mostly men, but this is a new low lmao. I would pay to see the TIMs' faces when they eventually realize theyve run all the women off the app and now they're all the options are other men like them.

( Feminist_Username )
It'll be like Ashley Madison where there aren't any organic female users and the company just makes fake profiles to keep the men interested. It's exactly what they deserve and it's not like they know what a woman is anyway lol so they probably won't mind

( UnknownBeignet )
I mean, I'm also ok with the TIMs getting scammed by bots

( Feminist_Username )
Lmao. Look how long it took them to figure out they're the only ones posting and commenting on reddits "lesbian" subs. Years. Their entire movement flies in the face of reality, they're always the last ones to notice their own grossness and they have the disposable income to make themselves the perfect target for this kind of scam.

I genuinely feel bad for lesbians though. All I feel like I can do is keep calling it out when I see it.

( actualdyke )
haha yup they have no idea what a woman is until it's time to date one - Then they're just as dick exclusionary as us good ol terfs

SakuraBlossoms #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: How do you react when you see TIMs overtly dehumanize women?

If they saw female experiences as human experiences, they wouldn't be trans. The entire foundation of their cult belief system is that there is some "feeling" that ~3.9 billion women share that is separate from the feeling that ~3.9 billion men share. If they saw women as equally human to men, they'd understand we're just normal people living our lives who happened to be born one of the two sexes. They'd know there is no way to copy us or identify into our group because being a woman goes no further than that. This is why I don't bother trying to see past differences with TIMs. The sexism and dehumanization is guaranteed if someone thinks woman is a feeling rather than a sex.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

The Russian soldiers who are raping little girls in Ukraine sure seem to know what makes us female.
I lost the link, but read on Twitter that girls under 10 are coming into the hospitals in Ukraine with rectal/vaginal tearing.

And of course older girls and women are also being raped regularly.

Turns out everyone knows exactly what it means to be a woman/girl when they want to rape us.

( Misssarcasm )
In my eyes the raped women and girls have it worse than the killed men.

I wonder what the many many "transwomen" say to this. If they feel jealous.

( omerta )
In war people expect women to be raped, it's just a a casual thing that happens as a result.

When it happens to men/boys, on the other hand, that's when it becomes an atrocity, a terrible human rights violation, etc. etc. because men are supposed to die with dignity during war while women suffer and are humiliated.

A non-passing TIM would be clocked and likely murdered, not raped, although many of them may fantasize about it. I don't think any passing TIM would be able to pass military fitness tests (would gain too much muscle) so that's not something they care much about.

( Snowy )
I have no doubt some of them actively fantasize about it.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
It's part of the perks of joining the military. It's been known for thousands upon thousands of years.

( pennygadget )

I wonder what the many many "transwomen" say to this. If they feel jealous.

They'd say: "Just tell the Russian soldiers you identify as a boy and that raping you would be gay!"

XX_Power ,crodish & BlackCirce #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Male pattern behavior is male pattern behavior. A detrans label does not negate nor absolve that.

( XX_Power )
I mean they're deTRANS for a reason, at some point they saw the misogynistic clown show that is the trans movement and thought, wow, that really makes sense! Then his dick stopped working or he was "too ugly for a woman", or his AGP was getting boring and now he's back to being a super special misogynistic male.

I'm not about to slag off female detransitioners, from reading in their spaces most of them get that trans isn't anything and they just tried to run away from womanhood for any reason from hating dresses to severe sexual child abuse.

Now the males.... Some definitely get it. But most just seem to detrans because they hormones didn't transform them into a sexy catgirl lesbian of their dreams so they're bitter and disappointed but didn't actually stop believing in the insane ideology or even grasp the misogyny behind it.

But all these words to say: males be maleing

( crodish )
This detrans male has a history of being groomed in particular by female TRA and libfems and explains this as his reasoning for hating them as similar to how most radical feminists "hate" men.

I've not engaged with nor followed very closely the detrans twitter community, but from what I've seen of it (particularly after Detrans Awareness Day) it seems that within that community they are still very prone to TRA-like manners of thinking, and most of them just "upgraded" back to normal misogynists that acknowledge their sex, including most female detransitioners.

I'm cautious and worried that these people are simply just becoming a rebranded group that feminists will also have to defend themselves from. Sigh.

More worrying still is I think this male also took the advice to start his own community for other detrans males. Which... good for him, good job, but I can already foresee it becoming just another incel space but with the detrans label siiiiiigh

( BlackCirce )
Many (idk if it’s most) people blame feminists/feminism/women for trans. Some of them are angry and resentful that in order to be against trans, they have to share space with radical feminists, who have been fighting trans for over 40 years. They want to be anti-trans and anti-feminist at the same time, but find the political space occupied by a different group of feminists.


Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "Most transsexuals are AGPs" - true?

( Tortoisemouse )
Thanks for all replies.

Is it not the case that many TiMs are gay men with internalised homophobia and/or struggling with being gender-nonconforming? Presumably they wouldn't be AGP?

I don't know for sure but I would hazard a guess that most of the TiMs I see around campus are gay men. They are student age. But I guess I am only seeing a subsection of the demographic, as this is a University city.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
Those are the minority of TIMs.

Blanchard was quoted as saying he estimated 75% or so were AGP back when he did his research (so that’s back in 80’s-90’s). The number must be higher today.

( Ladylucy )
Do you think there more AGPs because the internet has normalized fetishes?

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I think it's normalized but I also think the increasing perversion in society and easier access to violent, degrading porn has played a role.

( LOriginedumonde )
One would think that there must be a negative correlation between gay acceptance and the prevalence of HSTS, and a positive correlation between gay acceptance and the prevalence of AGPs.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
Straight men in pursuit of orgasm are definitely more privileged and act more entitled than a gay man trying to escape homophobia.

( ProxyMusic )
But most gay men who adopt a cross-sex identity as a response to homophobia are also in pursuit of orgasm. Gay boys and men are just as much driven by the male libido and male pursuit of their own sexual pleasure as any bog standard straight guys are.

Moreover, gay boys and men who become TIMs are not necessarily "trying to escape homophobia." Their actions are partly or largely a way of responding to homophobia, yes, but responding to homophobia isn't the same as an attempt to escape homophobia. On the contrary, for the majority of gay guys who become TIMs, adopting an opposite-sex identity seems to be their way of caving to and thoroughly embracing homophobia.

Many gay TIMs with internalized homophobia also have lots of externalized homophobia too. They say and do many things that are overtly homophobic. Some celebrate their own homophobia towards gay guys who aren't TIMs and especially towards lesbians. Which is why it's so easy for them to find fellowship and solidarity with straight men with AGP.

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