
I'm counting my blessings, I've found true happiness, 'cause I'm getting richer, day by day...

Gesara.news #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon gesara.news


GESARA: Global Economic Security and Reformation Act
NESARA: National Economic Security and Recovery Act

GCR stands for Global Currency Reset (for currencies)
HARP Historical Asset Redemption Program (for bonds)
RV that is about the revaluation of currencies.
OFC Quantum Financial System
Group of Seven (G7) international intergovernmental economic organization consisting of the seven largest IMF- advanced economies in the world: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) A growing eastern world alliance led by China
CDBC Central bank digital currency.
The Return to a Gold-Backed U.S. Dollar
No Poverty, No Hunger, No Debt, Only Global Peace and Prosperity for ALL!
Global Peace and Prosperity
The Start of the Financial System RESET
The Great awakening.
Freedom,Love, Ascension
The Golden Age
And Yes! It is happening now!
The Act was passed by the American Congress in the year 2000 and never proclaimed.
NESARA was due to be announced on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10:00 am, but the cabal blew up the World Trade Center buildings at 9:00 am to prevent it.
The gold which backed the new currency was stored in the WTC towers and stolen by the cabal. Building 7 was the center of operations for 9/11 and was destroyed after the operation was complete.
NESARA is designed to erase poverty and all its attendant ills from Earth during a transitional period preceding Ascension so that the planet’s sovereign citizens can focus their attention on planetary transformation
Now You Can Understand Why They Killed President John F Kennedy and Why They Are Now Trying to Stop President Donald J Trump to Implement NESARA in The New Republic of The United States and GESARA Worldwide with The Gold Backed Currency Reset Announcement

Lucifer Faustus #magick #mammon amazon.com

In this book I bring the true magick of Money or Financial Magick. Here are the most powerful Satanic Rituals you will find to bring you money and riches.
All Rituals are explained step by step, have materials that are easy to find and can be practiced by anyone anywhere in the world.
You will have access to potent Rituals of Money and Prosperity never published before. But these Rituals were never published because magicians who have access to this knowledge prefer to keep it to themselves. Unlike them, I want you to learn and practice this, improving your life.
The book “Infernal Magick of Money” was the first step, this is the second step on the path to wealth and true luxury. You will deal with the owners of wealth themselves, this is the true Magick of Money, the raw, powerful and true magick, the rest is deception.
There are 22 secret rituals for money, prosperity, wealth and luxury.

Prosperity Solar Ritual
Unexpected Money Ritual
Ritual for Specific Amount of Money
Ritual for having financial advantage
Ritual to get specific thing
Ritual with bill
Ritual with several bills of money
Ritual to get free discounts and amenities
Wealth Amulet Creation and Activation Ritual
Ritual to make money from culture
Ritual of Magick Coin
Ritual to Bring Home Prosperity
Ritual to Make Money through Pleasure
Ritual of Offering to Lucifuge Rofocal
Ritual of the Apple of Wealth
Ritual of Offering to the 6 Guardians of Wealth and Prosperity
Golden Cord Ritual
Ritual to Attract Luxury
Ritual for Fast Money
Ritual to Increase the Chances of Hitting the Lottery Numbers
Wealth Pot Ritual
Acceleration Amulet Creation Ritual

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #mammon timrifat.com


Born 1957, Libra star sign with Leo ascendant which makes me such a balance and Leonai characters – P.S. I love cats. I’m also keen on pussy. College educated. Former lifeguard. Author. Multimillionaire and well rounded badass.

The world’s leading expert on Psychic Warfare outside of Russia, and a devotee of Yuri Andropov’s Soviet Psychic Warfare program. Trained by M16 Magus Colin Bloy in all the secrets of the Illuminati. An Ipsissimus magician who embodies all the good traits of Aleister Crowley; so without the drug taking, penury, and misogynistic sex rituals. The successor of Don Juan and his shamanic legacy, which ended with Carlos Castaneda destroying The Warriors of Total Freedom, which brought in Tim Tony Stark Rifat’s Warriors of Total Vengeance, the proletariat psychic peasants with pitchforks who brought down the Illuminati Elite with Soviet Psychic Warfare, aided by likeminded friends.


Favorite color blue. Likes women if they’re interesting and is open to suggestions from interesting women about gender fluid sex. Ernest Hemingway went to Cuba to get pissed up and go fishing. I’ve gone to Vietnam to get beered up and beaching.


Devoted to using Psychic Warfare, not to change the world but his bank balance. Now building an organization to use Psychic Warfare to control all aspects of sport, which is its normal purview, so that every sports enthusiast on the planet will be controlled by Tim Tony Stark Rifat and St. Nicholas’ Rule of Sport organization. It took Amazon 10 years to get into profit; we’re only controlling sport and we haven’t even started.

Psychic Warfare is perfect for controlling humans, such as sport stars and organization such as football clubs, so in the future the only winners will be Tim Tony Stark Rifat Winners.


John F. Kennedy for Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Good Morning America and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy happy to be back and to share my message with humanity. When I was walking between the living, my desire was to expose the hidden truth. The Nesara/Gesara was meant to be announced including the reset of currency, exposure of the Secret Space Program and etc. during my presidency.

It didn’t happen, the controllers assassinated me in 1963. Later on, the second time the announcement of the Nesara/Gesara was supposed to come in the morning of September 11, 2001, we all know what happened that day, the Darkness used their dirty deeds to interrupt the event by destroying the Twin Towers of World Trade Center.
Finally, the humanity is standing up for themselves and putting the fight for their right to choose, what to put into their bodies. The Dark Entities, who are so used to getting their ways, didn’t expect any resistance and thought to eliminate all of you without any big confrontation. Their days of glory are over, and the Judgement Day is coming.

My dear Freedom Fighters, this time they can’t stop the transformation from 3D reality to 5D. Many of us who left Earth, and including me, have been waiting for these upcoming glorious moments for a very long time. The truth keeps spreading despite all of the efforts by the corrupted souls to stop it.

The time lines are perfectly aligned to help with the transition of the planet to a higher dimension. The Divine Plan is in works and no one can’t stop it, what was predestined thousands years ago, the fall of the ones, who love the destruction and to torment of live beings.

Be prepared to accept a new life and let go of the old attachments, and to spread the Love around yourselves. Thank you Universal Channel.

Stay Alert and Don’t Be Fooled by the Fake Truth.
John F. Kennedy

EMF Harmonized #crackpot #quack #mammon emfharmonized.com

How Our Technology Protects You

Our golden holograms are a Mylar material programmed with over 300 frequencies that are known to be beneficial to human biology and physiology.
These frequencies are derived from the bioelectrical field of the molecular structures from many different plant compounds, minerals, phytonutrient compounds, flavonoids, oils, and other beneficial earth-derived frequencies that are then programmed into the Mylar hologram.

Mylar is a form of polyester film used in international space programs for its high tensile strength, chemical and dimensional stability, and electrical insulation

Similar to how a credit card strip signals information transfers, our mylar technology carries over 300 stored frequencies. The hologram acts to seal the frequencies instilled in the disc and acts as a prism for signaling to the body. The result is that the body elicits a physiological counter-effect to EMFs.

In other words, EMFs impede our red blood cells’ ability to carry oxygen. The frequencies programmed into our Mylar hologram signal information transfers to our cells’ DNA, which then sparks a physiological switch to occur in the cell.

Specifically, red blood cell membranes return back to their negative electrical charge (which is a good thing). With red blood cells retaining their negative electrical charge, red blood cells are able to carry oxygen and the cell membranes maintain a healthy boundary with each other and do not “rope” or “group” together, as seen in the video below.

As we know, oxygen is life.

Our products are distinctly specialized to protect against the full range of adverse effects that EMFs have on our physiology and promote beneficial health responses throughout the body.

Dr. Johnny Delirious PhD #crackpot #quack #ufo #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

Dr. Johnny Delirious Ph.D. is a bestselling author, Radio Host, and has spent 38 years of experience as a Naturopathic doctor pioneering the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test. He began his journey after he was diagnosed with life threatening Hepatitis c and 96% scar tissue cirrhosis of the liver. He was informed he would need a new liver transplant and only given 6 months to live. During this time, he was abducted a group of Grey Et’s known as the, Resourcey Archive, who taught him a new set of healing protocols that have helped many other professionals including doctors, dentists, lawyers who don’t want chemical drugs or surgery recover from the same conditions that everyone said were hopeless and fatal. Ever since then he has been known as Dr. Delirious and continues to be free of Hepatitis C and has no scar tissue. Dr. Johnny works with 5 world class laboratories and directly with the laboratory that is bringing out the same research on scalar waves for health that Nikola Tesla discovered and developed. This lab has proven they will rejuvenate health and provides the Tesla MedBed and Tesla BioHealer. Dr. Johnny also works with the other types of med beds soon to be introduced in his clinic by the Quantum Team.

Occult World #magick #mammon occult-world.com

Live Like You've Got Superpowers
Become a Master of the Black Arts

Before you start this Course, it is important to realize that practicing black magick is a substantial and complex study. It requieres energy, focus, discipline and meditation. When you are ready to start taking control of yourself and your surroundings, you will be able to rise above desperation, find comfort in your own skin and manipulate your circumstances.You do not need any prior training upon taking this course.
3 Reasons You should become a Master of the Black Arts


Experience the POWER to manipulate the material world around you.


Gain WEALTH and prosperity in a financial, emotional and psychical way


Learn how you can attract the LOVE of your life as well as a healthy social circle.
What can you expect from our Black Magick Training ?

When you sign up for your Black Magick Training you will get instant access to all members-only Occult World LIBRARY content, including hidden conjuring spells and rituals. You will receive all the benefits of a membership, including a free astrology report and a free 17 week tarot course.

After signing up, you can access your lesson material immediately. Your Black Magick Training consists of 12 lessons.

“The reason people practice Black Magick is because it means you will change your life in a positive way, it makes the users powerful and makes them a free person instead of a slave of the system.”
Live Like You've Got Superpowers

Complete Control over Your Life
Manipulate Energy

Let go of Fear

Clear Money Blocks
Unleash your Financial Potential

Psychic Protection

Attract True Love
Strong Personality
Stay Focused on your Goals

Sign up now!

and get instant access to your Course : Black Magick Training.

The Divine Mother via Linda Dillon #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #mammon voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The Reval is the Divine Mother’s Plan? Well, of course it is.

The Mother tells us: “If it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (1) How then could something as extensive as the Reval be occurring and be supported by celestials and masters and not be a part of her Plan?

Divine Mother: This structure of what you think of as re-evaluation … well, it was structured a long, long time ago under my domain, under the auspices particularly of Sanat Kumara and St. Germaine, your star family, star beings on planet and, shall we say, awakened individuals.

The plan was that, when humanity, primarily led by the United States, was ready to truly reach a place of peace, of harmony, and of sharing, these re-evaluations would be put in place and that is why what you think of as the trigger points had to do with the settlements of war, the settlement of conflict.

Whether it was Korea or Vietnam or Iraq, etc., it was to shift … not to strip, not to destroy this or that regime, but to truly bring about, shall we say, a rebalancing and to help with those nations that had been completely decimated, not only physically but morally, emotionally, mentally, to bring things back into balance.

And what has happened is that it has become a political machination. And, might I say, a fantasy machination whereby many are speaking various untruths on all sides.

And [they are] trying to gain and abuse power to manipulate those who in fact would be in a position to reconstruct societies and nations and cities of light and Gaia herself.

And what is also happening is that many are buying into the distractions and the untruths….

And so it has been hijacked, dear One. The attitudes of many involved have been covetous and not just covetous of money, which is egregious and not the purpose of this redesign, but covetous of power to manipulate, not only societies, but people’s minds and hearts

Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon dinarchronicles.com

On Fri. night 22 Oct. President Trump was expected to board Air Force One in preparation for the Global Currency Reset and return of 209 countries to gold/asset-backed currencies.

Sat. 23 Oct. would be an important date: the Emergency Broadcast System could come out.

Sat. 23 Oct. Tesla Free Energy would kick in and go through the present power lines. Cost of your former electrical bill should drop by 75%. The Military was already using Tesla Free Energy.

Also on Sat. 23 Oct. Bond Holders (handled out of Reno, Zurich, New York, Texas and Hong Kong) would receive a percentage of their accounts.

Sun./Mon. 24. 25 Oct: President Trump would tweet “My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon Us” and then he would begin to send out on the Emergency Broadcast System, seven Presidential Messages to phones and TV sets worldwide.

Mon. 24 Oct to Tues. 2 Nov. Ten Days of Darkness was slated to begin while the world went into full Martial Law.

During this Ten Days of Darkness all militaries of the globe and via the US Military, would shut down all media, Internet, phones and TV programming.

For ten days 100% of The People would be asked to remain indoors so the Military could make Mass Arrests and broadcast 10 days of 3X8 hour sessions of video confessions, Military Tribunals and evidence of scandals.

While this was happening the Military would be removing governments worldwide and making global arrests on 500 thousand indictments filed in federal courts across the nation and globe.

GESARA/ NESARA would be activated.
Charlie Ward was the official spokesperson for the Quantum Financial Team. It was Ward’s team that moved 650 plane loads of gold from a 150 mile tunnel (that ran from Switzerland to Israel) beneath the Vatican to the proper owners – the US Treasury and treasuries of other countries. He said, “They’re not in any hurry. They’re making sure there are no mistakes.”

The White Dragon Family Elders have cut off giving credit, or monies, to the bad guys.

Judy Byington/Whiplash347 #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon dinarchronicles.com

“The Storm is Upon Us.” A Great Red Wave Started on Mon. 11 Oct. and Ends Thurs. 11 Nov. Done in 30 Days. Soon a Trump Twitter should be activated – THE most awaited tweet in history posted, Trump’s 17,000 Tweet. A lot of Events will happen within those 30 days: Market Crash/ Blackouts/ Revelations/ Military Takeover/ Final Lockdown/ Mass Arrests. The most EPIC 30 days of our lives. The very end of the movie will be 11/11, when finally everyone will be unified. All Criminals Exposed and Arrested. Stay Calm…Trust the Plan…Enjoy the Show You’ll Love How this Movie Ends…

Restored Republic Possible Upcoming Events:

Between Thurs. Oct 14 and November 14 there was a window of Restored Republic activities. (Source connected to POTUS & Rodriquez Trust).

Something big was coming sometime from Oct. 13th to 15th. Will it be the 3 days of darkness “blackout” starting? The red wave right in the middle of Red October.

Wed. 20 Oct.: Hunters Become the Hunted Beginning of the Three Day Event and 7 Presidential announcements (Source: Whiplash347).

History, Whiplash347: Ladies and Gentlemen, THE STORM IS UPON US

Now we wait Justice Thomas to open a can of WHOOP ASS [1776] Style.

The Whole World goes to A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD – Think Revaluation of All Currencies.

The Whole World goes to 1950’s Prices. 1955 the Chosen Year. Post [CRASH]

RHJunior #fundie #kinkshaming #mammon rhjunior.com

Some time ago– Close to the start of this year, in fact– I succumbed to anxiety about my financial situation and to simple, cumulative lust and greed, and decided to try selling “adult” artwork under a second name. I posted artwork on and off on a couple of well-known sites under the synonym “Xanaduxxx”.

It took considerable time, but a little over a month or so ago I finally caved to my guilt and my conscience and repented of it in tears. I emptied the online archives, deleted the artwork from my computer, and posted a confession in the forums on this site, for anyone who had questions.

Well it seems that in the time my porn art was online it has done what the internet does and propagated to two or three other locations on the web. I’ve finally shored up my courage and willpower and sent Do Not Post requests to the sites in question, but I’ve no doubt there are samples of it floating about in the ether somewhere, online or in other people’s computers. And I am sure there are quite a number of vindictive people who would use this against me given the opportunity.

So now you know. I’m still struggling with the sin and the temptation, and probably always will. I only pray that Jesus will strengthen me to cast it off; I have prayed for His forgiveness, and I pray that you all will forgive me as well.

For those of you considering dipping your toe in that oh-so-lucrative(/sarcasm) field– it’s not worth it. Even if I’d made anything at it, it would not have been worth it. The promise of easy money and carnal indulgence is just bait on a hook. The Devil made a FOOL out of me, don’t let him do the same to you.

Master Teacher, Shaman and High Priest SRI Master Gano Grills #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon services.galighticus.com

Baldr Kronos


Baldr is a powerful Norse God of Asgaard.
Kronos is a God that creates time.
This program represents the highest echelon of my teachings and powers.
The powers have been coalescing in my beingness for the past 40 years and I?ve had to mature into their fullest faculty.

This program is strictly for the advanced.The sacred SEQUENCE OF POWER technology will be taught in full to all members. The members have been selected before their birth, and will be drawn into this programme on sight. the SEQUENCE OF POWER technology will not be given to regular humans until the year 2018. This will distribute major cosmic power into the hands of the the common terrestris being. There will 25 SOPs in all given to the aspirant. Know that simply your interest in this program is enough to alter your destiny forever.

Many mysteries that we are not even aware of exist within the Absolutem{boundless universes} Those mysteries are exactly how worlds and realities are created. No man who is unenlightened could fathom those depths or heights. Therefore an induction into the mystery school has been resurrected within this program. I have been a high priest in these schools for eons and eons.

I am an awakener of the mentally dead. The testimonies from around the worlds, that is correct, WORLDS, prove this.

Once one is enlightened to what reality truly is, life takes on a new imperative of ultimate purpose and magic.

There will be only 144 members inducted into this programme before it closes forever.

Patricia Burke #crackpot #quack #dunning-kruger #mammon stillnessinthestorm.com

Non-ionizing EMF comes from our devices like cell phones, laptops, tablets, smart meters, WiFi routers, and also from electrical appliances, power lines, and our in-house wiring. Now, even though they’re significantly weaker in strength than ionizing radiations, research studies say that prolonged exposure to non-ionizing EMFs can cause major health problems ranging from sleep disorders to chronic illnesses like cancer.

As we move towards the future with remarkable technological advancements, the EMF pollution in our environment is also getting denser. On top of that, our gadgets are becoming increasingly mobile, prompting us to use and carry these EMF sources very close to our bodies.
you’ve been with us for some time, you know that the power of EMF is strongest near its source, and exposure to such powerful EMF can severely deteriorate your health.

This is why it’s important for you to know your exposure level, so you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from EMF-induced health problems. And you can do that using an EMF meter.
The EMF Health Effects app is a web browser-based application where you can enter the readings from your EMF meter, and it will search our huge database of scientific studies to find the effects recorded on that specific EMF level.

This app is highly user-friendly. All you need to do is select the unit, enter your reading, and hit “Get Results.” This whole process takes less than thirty seconds, and you’ll have everything you need to plan your EMF mitigating journey.
It can’t tell you about the health problems your exposure level may cause in the long term because the data the EMF Health Effects app shows are from scientific experiments conducted at specific EMF levels. And the only science that really gets into specific exposures is laboratory science.

IGOS Success Tech #crackpot #magick #quack #mammon igossuccesstech.org



New weekly Subtle Energy Rate service is what you need. IGOS will provided weekly rates you place in a Triforce System, Black Box System, Radionic Cell, Cosmic Chi Accumulator, Radionic Coin or any of the IGOS tools with your photo to obtain strong subtle energy field building. THIS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE AND THE LIVES OF YOUR LOVED ONES!

New low Radionic Metal Cell with broadcasting antenna system built in. This does not have the Cosmic Code built in. Allowing for use on anyone your desire, not only yourself. Custom Made For IGOS Heavy thick aluminum lasts several lifetimes and will not fade or chip! AT A SPECIAL LOW COST! Just hold and project the Rate into the Amplifier Broadcast Cell. Cells ship within 48 hours. Rate service gives the most potent rate for that week. Keeping ahead of the moving new toxic fields.

Place the written "rate" on our Chi Accumulator with your photo. Add family and pets! Change the "rate" weekly as you get a new one. IT'S THAT SIMPLE!



<Only $159.95>

Master Teacher, Shaman and High Priest SRI Master Gano Grills #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon services.galighticus.com

Ready to pursue enlightenment? Are you seeing the ascension codes of 444,555,1111,333,1234, your birthdate, etc? These codes are being transmitted directly to you as an invitation to the Galighticus studentship program. The world's 1st and ONLY true ascension doorway, created by the GODS themselves. The level one program lasts for 12 months. You will work at Multidimensional levels of self, that will begin your transformation from Earthbound being into an unbound Divine being. This will make you much more aware than you are now. Your dreams will change. You will also draw the attention of the Gods, Arch Angels, and Exalted Beings who have blessed me with the template of this program, to bring it onto this dimension from higher versions of Myself. These powerful beings can only be described as NOT human. They are gods, which are the first children of the Grand Prime CREATOR of all things known and UNKNOWABLE. These beings will watch your development and bless you along the way. The awakening is beyond the ability of what words can convey. Nothing in this world can come anywhere close to comparing. This is the reason why when Buddha got a nanosecond glimpse of that world; it was enough to drive him to become enlightened in multiple lifetimes, not just one.
Consciousness expansion comes with power that has its own latent faculties. Consider the Prophet Solomon and his abilities to speak directly with and to the forces of Mother Nature (NTR]. Or the powers that my cosmic boss, Lord Thoth/Tehuti had, that allowed him to direct the world-renowned pantheon of gods that ancient Egypt is known for. There have been so many higher beings who volunteered to come to this world and educate humans on what is REAL. For the truth as it is will stagger and challenge EVERYTHING you have ever been taught, or believe is true. This program will safely, ephemerally ease you into that reality in a manner meant NOT to shock you.

Studentship Programme of Ascension

$2,500.00 – $5,000.00

Laura J Worley #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #quack #mammon laurajworley.com

Puzzle Pieces Together Presents:

“Puzzle Pieces to the Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery”

One-Of-A-Kind Seminar

In this seminar you will discover the answers to the questions of why, how, where, when, and what has been done by the Cabal to create Mind Controlled Slaves.

This seminar has been many years in the making. It will follow closely my book, “Puzzle Pieces to The Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery.” There will be much more in-depth information shared that could not be put into the book.
So many people have been hurt by satanic groups including the Illuminati, Witchcraft, Satanic, and the Military. Most people do not understand why or how they were hurt.

Addressing mind control and what is done to create a slave can be overwhelming when the pieces are not understood. When the mind becomes fractured and split into many compartments a person under mind control will only have a few of the pieces. This can leave a person confused, angry, and in pain.

Knowledge is everything to breaking free! With knowledge comes hope. There is always hope when faith is present. When hope and faith are present there is power. When you pull upon that power there will be endless options to heal and overcome the traumatic events of mind control, torture, and slavery.

We will show you how to put the pieces together. You will not only learn the pieces to the puzzle of the Cabal, Mind Control and Slavery; you will learn tools and methods to break free from the chains that kept you a prisoner in your own mind.

Chains are easily broken if you know how. Having the missing puzzle pieces are absolutely imperative to find lasting freedom and peace.

<3 days $599>

Mark Baughman #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

On the safety of everyone’s money and finance’s, there will be complete takeover of the Planet’s finances is the QFS, (Quantum Financial system, that is unhackable. Everyone will have an account on this system in the world. To reset, there will be a GCR or Global Currency Reset, and R/V or Re-Evaluation of currencies, who countries was completely devalued unjustly like; Iraq, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. There will be more countries involved, but those are examples.

The EBS will happen in the next few weeks or months, and final take-down of the Deep State rats all over the world. The Alliance will be using the Space Force weapon to “black-out” electricity, cell phones, internet in a city area, the Alliance forces will use even total black-out maybe even two weeks either to flush them out, and capture them on the run or to keep the black-out and track them down inside the military quarantine area to their hide-outs.. Understand, most areas with very little Cabal members, like out in the country or small towns, probably will NOT see any interruptions to their services. <...> Understand, the Alliance will be out there to enforce martial law worldwide and to round up the Deep State rats, as Romana Didulo says in “unmarked Aircrafts (no country flag) is ours/Allied Forces.”

For the New Earth and its direction, humanitarians will lead the way, to rebuild the planet, with technology that was hidden and to stop all hunger, poverty, no one without housing and no children being harmed, ever! We will do it with zero-point energy; a way to free-energy, hydrogen or electric cares, food replicators, anti-gravity technology and the crown-jewel Med-Beds or Celestial Chambers to fix ALL aliments for the body. No one will be left out on the planet and all will share in the wealth and abundance of this great human planet. The first major transition of the planet will be in the next three to six weeks, from multi-sources, but exact timing is unknow.

Whiplash347/Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon dinarchronicles.com

Defcon1 Scare Scenario Events will put the world on high alert while grinding everything to a halt, activating Global Martial law, Mass Arrests and National Lockdowns so everyone could stay at home safe and watch documentaries broadcast 24/7 designed to awaken the General Public.

On 11 Sept. Trump called for 21 Days of Prayer, which takes us to Oct 2nd as in the Mickey Mouse Clock with its hands on 10 & 2.

Cue post 2903: Within the next 21 days (from Sept. 11 2021) BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place. 21 Days of Prayer = 7 + 7 + 7 WhipLash347: 7 Presidential Messages, 7 EBS Alerts, 7 Kingdoms.

Water Event expected at any time: A volcano on LaPalma Island, of the Canary Islands, Spain was causing a land detachment the size of Manhattan Island that could easily slide into the Atlantic Ocean, generating a Tsunami – that would strike the US East Coast seven hours later, possibly inundating several miles on the US coastline under tens of feet of water and destroying almost everything in its path as it comes ashore.

Financial Collapse Event expected at any time: China’s Three Gorges Dam Crash would trigger Crypto, Bitcoin and Market Crashes, which would then trigger halting of global manufacturing, shipping/port closures, trading, with trucking strikes globally. Plus, Banks would come to a halt, with no transactions made. Sun. 19 Sept. Three Gorges and Danjiangkou Dams were rising! There were earthquakes in Gifu, Japan and India. 3GD is just a straight line! Today is almost full moon, and a prime day 919.
Harvest Moon Sun. evening 9-19 through Wed 9-22 3:20 EST Autumn Equinox makes its peak illumination today 9/20 at 7:55pm EST.

I believe the EBS will be this Wed at 3:20pm triggered by the Tsunami Mass Extinction event

The Final Wakeup Call #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #quack #wingnut #mammon finalwakeupcall.info

We live in a time that is not in sync with reality; societies are run without vision and confidence, nothing has been learned from the past, about what governing really means.

Government itself is fake, phony and false, everything is a lie. The fabric of society and its culture is a hologram, not real nor true. WAKEUP; and let’s start by ridding ourselves of the liars and pretenders.

Our lives and that of our children and future generations depend on us by making the right move now. Abolish the Central Banks all over the world, they are the main culprits of our today’s misère, they are going to loose out on this current financial crisis they have designed themselves. A return to sound money is the first thing necessary to do. Even governments have to be abolished and strongly reduced to 10% of its today’s size and influence. The world will function much better in a free market environment without regulations.
Since, 1871 the USA Inc. was owned by the British, Vatican and Rothschilds. They have fooled Americans into wars for profit in a scheme to accomplish a renewed Roman Empire for the Vatican Jesuits who are the instigators behind the smoke screen.

Their attacks on the populace through Food Poisoning, Chemtrails, Electromagnetic injury, Sugar Diseases, GMO’s, Wheat Modification, Vaccines, Morgellons disease, Nanotech, Aids, the Fluoridation and further poisoning of our water and the murder of Doctors by Big Pharma mercenaries, are all part of a “Soft Kill” scheme to reduce and control the world population.
The demise of the Deep State cabal is already a fact.

In our new positive world that is dawning; only awake people into the 5th Dimension of consciousness will be allowed. There will be no rulers; all of us together will manage our own living and business.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #psycho #mammon timrifat.com

The Soviet Union discovered bioplasm and soul fluid, the lifeforce that vivifies humans. While soul fluid is located in the nucleus of the cell. Psychotronic Generators can accumulate this scalar force from the planet or the biosphere or both.

Vampires suck the blood of their victim as it transfers scalar force around the body. Psychic Vampires interact with the victim to produce emotional stimulus: outpouring of bioplasm which they feed on. They do this by being the Sochevanov Number 2 haters that kill, supress your lifeforce. Since we’ve got Russian scanners that can detect bioplasm and soul fluid we can simply watch the depletion of this scalar force under the influence of Sochevanov Number 2: Haters! That is why Vlad Dracula was consumed by hatred from Turks as they buggered him regularly as a small child when he went to Constantinople as a Janissary. If you build this enough your biophysical body becomes consumed by it and you turn into a vampire.
Now if we use the power of the internet and its associated computer network plus AIs to power our vampirism we can suck out enough bioplasm and soul fluid to make us vampiric and not only retard aging but rejuvenate and build supernormal biblical attributes – fuck going to the gym – suck bitches dry and become superhuman.
We simply now include an image of ourselves with our Vampire Certificates held in the left hand and observable in the video with us standing in 8 concentric circles, You then simply burn the target in 31 concentric squares as the Earth energy squeeze your victim like a lemon pushing them down the Feigenbaum period doubling into Chaos.
You can see why Tim Tony Stark Rifat cultivates enemies upon which he can feed. The computer network via TikTok or YouTube enables the observation of your enemies to be used to collapse the quantum wave function of the planet to shape the quantum wave function of the planet to build Earth Energy Squares around your victim and Spirit Circles around you 24/7.

Jagdish Bhurani #quack #crackpot #mammon urinetherapy.in

The Epidemic of CORONA VIRUS – COVID 19 has created the PANIC and FEAR among the people. Millions of people are infected and thousands of people are dying every day. SHIVAMBU can STOP the present Epidemic of CORONAVIRUS from spreading. It can SAVE Millions of LIFE and people can Live Hale and Healthy Life without any FEAR.

SHIVAMBU is 100% SAFE and can be adopted and practiced at home in an easy method. It does not have any kind of side effects. Persons who are tested COVID POSITIVE can become COVID NEGATIVE with SHIVAMBU without taking any Medical treatment.

I have treated and CURED People who were COVID – POSITIVE with SHIVAMBU.

I have also treated and CURED people suffering from CANCER, HIV, Diabetes, Cerebral Palsy, Nephritic syndrome, Gallbladder Stones, and all other various Chronic Diseases with SHIVAMBU known as URINE THERAPY. THE HEALING POWER IS WITHIN US.

URINE SHIVAMBU is not the waste product; it is the “SERUM” By-Product of Blood Filtration. URINE is the watery part of the Blood. It contains 95% of water and 5 % of Proteins and Vitamins. It contains:-Urea, Creatinine, Ammonia, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphate, Phosphate and Potassium. It can Boost and increase the Immunity System in our Body.

SHIVAMBU is the NECTAR of LIFE known as URINE THERAPY can PREVENT and CURE COVID – 19. It will improve and Boost their Immunity system and prevent them from all kinds of diseases. Persons who drink one Liter of SHIVAMBU daily will not be infected with COVID 19. People who are Healthy and do not have any Diseases can also adopt URINE Therapy.

Government and Media should JOIN their Hands to Educate, promote and Recommend the people to adopt SHIVAMBU known as URINE THERAPY in the similar manner as they are promoting and recommending people to take Vaccine.

The number of people who are infected and dying due to CORONAVIRUS daily can be decreased and reduced in a short period. IT CAN SAVE MILLIONS OF LIFE.

Lucifer Faustus #magick #mammon amazon.com

Money Magick: Wealth Rituals

In this book I bring the true magick of Money or Financial Magick. Here are the most powerful Satanic Rituals you will find to bring you money and riches.
All Rituals are explained step by step, have materials that are easy to find and can be practiced by anyone anywhere in the world.
You will have access to potent Rituals of Money and Prosperity never published before. But these Rituals were never published because magicians who have access to this knowledge prefer to keep it to themselves. Unlike them, I want you to learn and practice this, improving your life.
The book “Infernal Magick of Money” was the first step, this is the second step on the path to wealth and true luxury. You will deal with the owners of wealth themselves, this is the true Magick of Money, the raw, powerful and true magick, the rest is deception.
There are 22 secret rituals for money, prosperity, wealth and luxury.

Prosperity Solar Ritual
Unexpected Money Ritual
Ritual for Specific Amount of Money
Ritual for having financial advantage
Ritual to get specific thing
Ritual with bill
Ritual with several bills of money
Ritual to get free discounts and amenities
Wealth Amulet Creation and Activation Ritual
Ritual to make money from culture
Ritual of Magick Coin
Ritual to Bring Home Prosperity
Ritual to Make Money through Pleasure
Ritual of Offering to Lucifuge Rofocal
Ritual of the Apple of Wealth
Ritual of Offering to the 6 Guardians of Wealth and Prosperity
Golden Cord Ritual
Ritual to Attract Luxury
Ritual for Fast Money
Ritual to Increase the Chances of Hitting the Lottery Numbers
Wealth Pot Ritual
Acceleration Amulet Creation Ritual

Price: 18,00 $

Al Aniyunwiya National Mu'urish Republic #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon aanmrgov.com








PER CAPITA TAX (monthly, payable qtrly or up-yrly) $52


Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon dinarchronicles.com

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!!
Wed. 15 Sept.: This is potentially huge: Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia, grandson of the last German emperor is making (his first? public appearance on an event (and possibly TV) on Sept 15th!!!

Multiple scenarios are aligning: 1) Bitcoin mining is connected to the earthquakes in China that seem to follow the Silk Road. Silk Road is the centuries old trafficking road along the Chinese water entering Europe via Kazakhstan. East to west leads to the 3 Gorges Dam next to Wuhan the epicenter. Eyes on R3. CHONGQING marker when this dam goes the water will overflow leading up to 3GD. 2) China banning BTC & BTC contracts expiring May 29. Market crash? When BTC crashes again…..crash causes storm. 3) SEC case connected to the XRP – Ripple can cause waves can cause flow of Gold into the new financial market when we switch from SWIFT to QFS. Timing is everything. Attorney pulling out is creating more time. Eyes on all 3.

Tony Rodrigues #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon tonyrodrigues.com

Exercises for fragmented memories

Purchase Now: $39

Have you found yourself here because you have a hunch that you were involved in some kind of experimental or secret space program? After thousands of others with the same feeling contacted Tony for advice, he teamed with psychic medium, Jaci Pearse, to create a thorough and comprehensive protocol course for others who, like him, were looking for help.

How to recall space program memories


Over 1 hour 40 minutes of instructional video tutorials, Q&A, and guidance from Tony

A step-by-step protocol for memory recall

Exercises, examples, and supporting links for all steps covered


There seem to be three main categories of program experiences:

1) Human Space Programs

People that have been in a military program, usually the United States, or United Nations program. Typically have the Moon and Mars memories, always heavy medical and military memories.

2) Draco Group Contact

Usually alongside a human group, always a reptilian being and/or the typical Grey being. Always great trauma. Unspeakable things get carried out. Very rarely anything positive. Also aligned with the German Breakaway Group.

3) Everyone Else

Any number of other species come through our solar system and have an interest in interacting with any one of us. For as many different reasons. So visiting space faring species very often can leave the contactee with the feeling of benevolent interaction. The levels of technology witnessed can vary greatly, and the accounts tend to have very few things in common with other accounts.


Tony is now offering $65 consultations and can be contacted here to book. You will be asked to present completed exercises taught in the recall course before confirming your appointment time

Elena Danaan #crackpot #ufo #magick #mammon elenadanaan.org

Arcturian & Pleiadean Meditations
Set of 8 sessions
Channelled meditation & guidance with 5, 7 & 9D extraterrestrials:

Thor Han - 5D Pleiadean from Erra
Annax - 7D Egaroth from Meissa
Coron - 9D Pleiadean from Dakhurat

The Ohoran way is an meditative practice traditional to the Ohora star system, that we also name Arcturus. Spiritual discipline renown through the galaxy as an art of the spirit, it is very popular among those serving the Light, as it reaches out to a greater diversity of levels of consciousness.

In this set of 8 videos, I have channelled three amazing galactic teachers who take you for a journey at the discovery of the true nature of your soul, and how it is connected to the entire multidimensional universe.

What a perfect way to empower ourselves and rise into our true celestial beauty.

Donation: $80

New Humanity Movement & 5D EVENTS #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

New Humanity Movement & 5D EVENTS

Present their 27TH epic event:


NOVEMBER 4-7-2021

Golden Nugget Hotel Las Vegas
5D Events are about amazing 3-day epic 5D event is about creating a better future with Quantum consciousness, Space Science, ET Disclosure, Functional Wellness, Scalar Research and Technology, Stem Cell Research, Cancer research, Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, DNA Activation, Longevity, Quantum Healing, Tesla Technology, Agenda 21, Survival of Humanity, Secrets of Pyramids, Artificial Intelligence, Secret Space Programs, Super Soldier SSP Programs, Time Travel, ET contact, Business Leadership, CO-Creating a new Paradigm with a 2.0 humanity, Personal Empowerment, Mindfulness, Awareness, Transformation, Gratitude, Sacred Geometry, Spirituality & Life Mastery with many Lectures, Workshops, Panels, Exhibits, Friday Night Speakers meet and greet party & Saturday Night Banquet Dinner party. Networking of Researchers, Scientists, Space Scientists, Disclosure groups, Lightworkers, Star Seeds, Consciousness groups, Quantum Medicine Researchers, Biomedical Companies, Tesla Science researchers, Medical Doctors, Business Leaders, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Health Practitioners, Nutritionists, Energy Healers, Mindfulness Coaches, Please join us at this amazing 5D event with diverse audience and amazing speakers with exploration of the five precepts which we consider to be fundamentally allowing ourselves to Quantify further & gauge the following “Health, Wellness, Science, Biomedicine & Quantum Healing”. Within these three days, we shall have the most prominent keynote speakers in each area of those dimensions which will discover and engage with workshops, lectures & panels on some of the most prominent questions in our lifetime.
Event 4 days ticket now is $199 and gradually goes up biweekly to $496 (covers all lectures, Panels, workshops & exhibits), (Dinners are extra).


QuWave.com #quack #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon amazon.com

QuWave Defender helps Targeted Individuals live a happier and normal life. Produces Scalar Fields and Solfeggio Waves to protect body and brain from Electronic Harassment and Psychotronic or Psychic Attacks. Protects mind and body from ELF, HAARP, Implants, Microwave, V2K and Psychic Attacks. Converts electronic and psychic attacks to positive energy. Carry it with you wherever you go. Personal Model QWX1.

(Submitter's note: This is actually the product name. The description is far longer and far more incoherent.)


John-Henry Westen/Fr. Brendan Kilcoyne #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #mammon lifesitenews.com

Many of you are probably wondering how a strong and traditional Catholic country such as Ireland could pass laws in support of abortion and so-called gay “marriage” in recent years.

In this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, I speak with Fr. Brendan Kilcoyne, an Irish priest, who explains exactly the cause of the decline of Ireland. He also details the history of Christianity in Ireland, including the many persecutions the Irish people have faced for their faith in God and the Church.

Fr. Brendan points out that the main problems with Ireland were caused by a “tsunami of modernity” both in the Church and secular society. He says that the promotion of anti-life and anti-family policies have been largely “accelerated by the unfolding scandals in terms of the Church, emerging over a 25-year period.”

He also explained that today, for the most part, the faith of Irish Catholics is “very superficial,” even though for decades and even centuries, they made their mark as brave and heroic people in the Church.

Asking himself the question whether this “Old Ireland” could ever return in this day and age, Fr. Brendan answered, “Yes. Without a doubt, [because] the Faith is still here.” He further stated that it will be the small remnant that will maintain the Faith, and pass it on to subsequent generations.

Brendan Kilcoyne and Immaculata Productions are working hard in to preserve the great pearl that is our shared faith in Ireland, but they need your help to bring the truth to their countrymen. I strongly encourage you to make a secure donation right now by going to this LifeFunder page, and to pray for Fr. Kilcoyne and his mission.

Perri W. Roberts #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy #mammon gaysavedbyjesus.com

YES, a GAY person CAN be SAVED by JESUS.
YES, a GAY person CAN be SAVED from sin.
YES, a GAY person CAN be SAVED through the blood of Christ.
The Bible and Homosexuality - Christian Homosexual Sin
Gay Christians - A Ministering Guide for Christian Homosexual Issues

Featured on TBN and the 700 Club as a Pastoral Christian witness to Christian homosexual issues, as Minister to current and former homosexuals, and as a guide to the Christian friend or family of a gay or homosexual loved one, Pastor Perri Roberts lends personal insights regarding the truth about homosexuality to the Christian community. His witness through media and Crusades has enlightened thousands of concerned Christians and Pastors seeking the light of Christ in regards to homosexuality, as well as advice for homosexuality Ministering.

People around the world have found true inspiration in reading this book, Dying for Love: The Plain Truth About Homosexuality. This real life story of Pastor Perri W. Roberts is unforgettable and spellbinding, and it is truly a fascinating reading experience for young and old, Christian and non-Christian. This book chronicles Pastor Roberts’ remarkable life journey through abuse, homosexuality, loneliness, torment, confusion, fear, ending in a glorious victory through Jesus Christ. This book offers an endless view into one mans life as he struggles for the Love he was dying for, and then, the powerful life changing love he found in his Savior.

This book is about adventure, survival, and ultimately, faith. You will read the harrowing account of how God saved the life of young Roberts when a coven of witches tried to kidnap him for a human sacrifice. Also riveting, and utterly amazing, Pastor Roberts tells of his true story of seeing Jesus in a cloud; on a mountaintop where the Lord stopped the devil from taking his soul, and the souls of his two friends to hell.
Then just as intense, is his story of God reaching out of a glorious light, taking his hand, and revealing to him the path of life and what would come in later years. These stories will be uplifting, when you yourself, through the words of this book, behold the love and grace of almighty God.
Click here to buy his book today!

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon exopolitics.org

Our Star Trek Future – New Webinar

At a March 2019 “Space Futures Conference” featuring leaders from multiple national space programs, aerospace corporations, and military organizations from around the world, it was agreed that a Star Trek Future was the optimal outcome that humanity should strive to achieve by the year 2060. Not surprisingly, the creation of a multinational military space alliance—a modern-day “Starfleet”—was critical to a Star Trek future.

In August 2019, the US Space Command was re-booted and the US Space Force was officially launched four months later on December 20. In October 2020, the Artemis Accords were signed making it possible for a multinational space alliance to be created with the US at its core. NATO subsequently created a Space Center at Ramstein Air Base (Germany) that would become a key institution for the future multinational military coalition.

These critical events occurred at the same time as key officials in the Trump administration were said to be working with a “Galactic Federation” towards disclosing suppressed life changing technologies, and the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Critically, in July 2021, the Galactic Federation (of Worlds) allegedly held a meeting near Jupiter with representatives from Earth’s major space faring nations to discuss the future of our solar system, due to the looming defeat of negative extraterrestrial races, the Dark Fleet and the Deep State in controlling the Earth, Moon, Mars, and the rest of our solar system. Key aspects this secret meeting coincide with what is known about the growing popularity of the Artemis Accords among space faring nations, and the failure of the China-Russia Moon base initiative in attracting international support.

In this exciting new webinar, Dr Michael Salla will present all the evidence for how these recent developments firmly point to a Star Trek Future being created right before our eyes.

Length 4.5 hours (includes Q&A & 20 min recess)

Alan John Miller and Mary Luck #fundie #mammon marketresearchtelecast.com

A man claims he is his own Jesus Christ and that his partner is Mary Magdalene. In 2013 they founded a religious movement in the state of Queensland, Australia that already has more than 25,000 followers. Per year they collect $ 500,000

The protagonists of the sect are Alan John Miller, 52, and Mary Luck, 37. They both created the movement. Divine Truth, for which Miller gives courses and travels around the world showing how (according to him) you can have a personal relationship with God (that is, with himself), based on the control of emotions
Miller claims to remember everything that happened more than 2000 years ago: “I have very clear memories of the crucifixion, but it was not as distressing for me as it was for others, like Maria, who was present,” he said in a report to the British news channel Sky News

Likewise, regarding his crucifixion he assured: “When you are god You are not in a state of fear, and you have good control over the sensations of your body and the level of pain that you can absorb ”

Another of the hilarious statements of this Australian is that “after his crucifixion” met Plato, Socrates, and various popes and presidents

He also related that he remembers the miracles he performed: “I resurrected quite a number of people, including my friend Lazaro, which is mentioned in the Bible”
For his part, Reverend David Millikan knows AJ Miller very well, whom he described as a “dangerous man” because his followers abandon their families, give up their social life, spend all their money just to follow him and “they become zoombies”
Millikan said that “when a detractor asks him to perform a miracle, he responds that it is not necessary, because he is Jesus and everyone knows it”

Hecateus Apuliensis (Author) and Michele Zeni Pamelin (Editor) #magick #mammon amazon.com

Liber Astrum: Magick of the Planetary Intelligences

Planets’ energy can passively affect your lives, but what if you can use actively those energies to change your reality?

This book is about the planetary Intelligences, powerful beings who can change reality in accordance to your Will. These beings are true allies of the magician.

In this grimoire I will show you how to contact these entities using a modern method I developed myself, based on the ancient lore of these beings. Inspired by the tradition inherited from Agrippa’s most famous work “The three books of the Occult Philosophy” and other grimoires that speak about them.

With the magical power of the seven Intelligences of the planets, you will be able to shape reality and bring success, love, protection, and much more in your life. This will be possible thanks to the aid of these divine spirits that harness and control the archetypical forces that each planet has.

Through this system of Magick you can satisfy most of your needs, but at the same time it allows you to expand its usage to your desire. Also, every occult association a planet has, it can be manifested by the powerful beings in this occult manual.

You will be taught how to summon their powers through a simple ritual and what they can do to improve your life or your beloved one’s.

As an extra, the book also contains 7 pathworkings as an alternative for the ritual to contact the planetary Intelligences. Through the pathworkings you can hone your connection with the Intelligences and make deeper your magical experience with them.

Finally I have included also the powerful Ring of Light ritual that contacts the Archangels to offer protection and power up your magick whenever is needed.

If you were looking for a new system of Magick with a short list of entities with virtually infinite powers, this Grimoire it’s your call.

If you are curious to know more about the powers these entities offer or ever wandered how to use at your advantage the energies of the planets to make better your life, don’t hesitate any longer. Liber Astrum can be your key to achieve your goals and become a real magician.

Per aspera ad astra!

Shadow Books #magick #psycho #mammon amazon.com

The Complete Book of Black Magic and Witchcraft: Including the rituals of Ceremonial Magic, Exorcism, True Sorcery and Infernal Necromancy


The Complete Book of Black Magic and Witchcraft is a mainstay for both beginners and advanced seekers into genuine occult methods because it is the first instruction manual to systematise the techniques and aims of Ritual Magic. Including how to prepare for rituals of exorcism and purging, and the rites and mysteries of sorcery, and Infernal Necromancy. This was achieved this by years of research pooling information from rare manuscripts on these subjects and comparing the various sub-sections of each to find the central methods of Ceremonial Magic. While crucially informing the readers of the differences so they can experiment with which works best.This Complete Book of Black Magic and Witchcraft is a reliable, accurate and scholarly work. Originally published in 1898 it is still highly sought after by initiates in the know today. Many scarce magical texts are included, complete with hundreds of Sigils, dozens of Talismans, multiple Keys, Seals, Calls, Prayers and Chants. All of these images have been digitally remastered in high quality. Along with diagrams of how to cast magic circles and how to prepare one's magical equipment and tools including timings and the special Characters of all the intelligences and spirits. All of which come with copious footnotes and a commentary showing how they are used in magic and pricelessly where the original source work came from. Discover all you ever wanted to know about ageless magic and its mysterious teachings for invoking spirits. All its ancient lore and its secrets now revealed for you to experiment with - if you dare.

Marilyn J Williams #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon marilynjwilliams.com

Nesara & Gesara… here we go:

Debt forgiveness (Jubilee). All illegal banking and government activities such as credit cards, mortgage and loans or fees forgiven
No more Income Tax
Abolish tax collection agencies
Food, medicine, sale of old homes, or any essential items will be tax-free.
A flat rate tax (could be somewhere between 14-17%) on non-essential new items only as revenue for the government.
Senior citizens will receive increased benefits
Law and legal matters returned to Constitutional Law
Reinstating of the original Title of Nobility amendment
Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to Constitutional Law.
No more fraudulent elections owing to the new Quantum System
Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver,
Taken from the old fiat currency (what we are currently used to now) to a gold backed standard (including silver and platinum precious metals) on the new Quantum System
Forbidding the sale of Birth Certificates and/or Baptism Certificates as currently happens
Initiates new Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
Financial privacy restored
Retraining of all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
The cessation of all aggressive government military actions worldwide
Peace established throughout the entire world
Enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes released
Over 6,000 suppressed technology patents released. Previously withheld from the public by the NWO. These will include free energy devices, anti gravity and sonic healing machines.

Juli A. Mazi #mammon #quack ktla.com

A licensed Northern California homeopathic doctor was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of falsifying COVID-19 vaccination cards and selling “immunization pellets” that she claimed would protect from the virus, officials announced.

Juli A. Mazi, 41, of Napa allegedly told patients that taking pellets with small amounts of COVID-19 would result in full “lifelong immunity” from the virus, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

She also gave out Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccine cards to customers, telling them to complete them to make it look like they got two doses of the Moderna vaccine when they hadn’t, federal officials said.

The homeopathic doctor provided specific Moderna vaccine lot numbers and vaccine dates to evade suspicion, according to a Department of Justice news release.

Mazi was charged with one count each of wire fraud and false statements related to health care matters.

It’s the first federal criminal fraud prosecution related to homeoprophylaxis immunizations and fraudulent CDC COVID-19 vaccine cards, Department of Justice officials said.

“This defendant allegedly defrauded and endangered the public by preying on fears and spreading misinformation about FDA-authorized vaccinations, while also peddling fake treatments that put people’s lives at risk,” Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco said in a statement. “Even worse, the defendant allegedly created counterfeit COVID-19 vaccination cards and instructed her customers to falsely mark that they had received a vaccine, allowing them to circumvent efforts to contain the spread of the disease.”

In April, someone called a federal hotline to report that family members had bought the COVID-19 immunization pellets from Mazi, along with COVID-19 vaccine cards that had Moderna listed, according to the news release.

Federal officials said the Mazi was using the coronavirus pandemic to expand an immunization scheme she was already running.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon richardalanmiller.com

Second in the series "Toward the Evolution of Consciousness" —Power Tools for the 21st Century are the protocols that were developed for the Navy SEALs to create super soldiers. These Power Tools can be used today for your own personal evolution of consciousness. Dr. Richard Alan Miller, a physicist, provides the full science of the work done for SEAL Corporation. Included is the rational as the basis for these tools and a historic perspective that applies to everyday usage now. Featured is Brainwave Training; Breath Control; Virtual Audio; Sacred Geometry; Belief Systems and Change of Values; ESP; Frequency Studies and Brainwave Entrainment; Archetype Encounters and Mythical Living; an Onthology of Mystical States and Free Will; plus current research on two powerful super foods.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller's mentor, Dr. Stanley Krippner, PhD. who coauthored the landmark publication in psychology called Extraordinary Dreams and How to Use Them says that "Dr. Richard Alan Miller is one of the pioneers in the study of the paranormal. From studies designed to enhance military performance, he has created invaluable tools for living life in the 21st century. These techniques and processes can help your own conscious evolution, and help you find your purpose in life."

<only 12 dollars for ebook format>

Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon #racist dinarchronicles.com

Restored Republic:

On Fri. 13 August 2021 the DoD White Hats expected Trump back in office as US President. Right now the US Military was in charge of the US government and under authority of the Alliance*, acted as overseers of law enforcement across the globe for the Global Currency Reset. On Jan. 20 with a failure by Congress to present a full report on 2020 Election showing that it complied with laws of the Constitutional Republic, the US Military began their own 45 day investigation. On March 6 the US Military determined that there was fraud and foreign interference in the 2020 Election – an act of Treason. The US Military then read in Donald Trump as Commander in Chief of the US on March 11.

Emergency Broadcast System Activation:

On Tues. 13 July President Trump reported that, “Both Iran and their people want Nuclear World War 3 to start to fulfill Islamic prophecies which had Great Satan America falling, Little Satan Israel becoming Iran again and the One World Islamic Order completed.”

Internationally there were massive crisis going on including a pending Stock Market Crash, a massive Solar Storm about to hit that would take out cell phones worldwide, extensive floods in Arizona, plus in London and New York subways and breaks in China’s Three Gorges Dam (headquarters for Bitcoin and international Child Sex Trafficking and Adrenachrome production), fires across the West, a French Revolution over vaccination mandates, mass arrests of prominent people and protests in Italy, Germany, U.S cities, Canada cities South American cities, Middle East, Australia, France, London and Cuba that were moving the countries toward democracy – all of which would soon lead to an activation of the Emergency Broadcast System.

Shakiaseabrook22 #sexist #kinkshaming #fundie #mammon instagram.com

God set boundaries for sex.

Yet the flesh continues to push them.

God created boundaries for sex for our protection, which we may never full understand because of our limited capacity to understand.

But with our flesh wanting instant gratification we can push those boundaries, do away with those boundaries or pervert those boundaries.

While living an sexual abstinence lifestyle begin to see those boundaries as a blessing not a burden


Black Magick Barbie Garrett #magick #quack #mammon becomealivinggod.com

Black Magick Barbie here…

I would like to share my newest breakthrough in the art and science of magick elixirs that will immediately magnify the forces behind ANY ritual of demonic evocation, baneful magick, and black alchemy — Apocalypse Water.

Forged And Purified In The Alchemical Fire Of An Unholy Easter Ritual That Hijacked And Repurposed The Energy Of The Coronavirus Spirit For Healthy Human Ascent

Originally, I channeled the patented recipe of Apocalypse Water to empower the Virus Frequency Hijacking (VFH) ritual that J.D. Temple, J.S. Garrett, other witches, and I performed on Easter 2020. As a group, we performed for the historic VFH ritual to ally with the Coronavirus energy frequency, in order to hijack the fear, anxiety, and panic that was being pumped in the ether, to create the positive changes that we black magicians wished to see unfold in reality.
Then during the VFH Rite, JS and I dedicated this water to The Storm God, Baal. Not only for protection but for vengeance. I also pushed my intent of it creating the change of truth. Revelations occur in huge forms in front of the entire world and for more of our brothers and sisters to awaken. This water has now been brewing for months, only gaining strength.

Place your order for Apocalypse Water right now and you’ll receive:

Apocalypse Water – A full consecrated bottle with a dropper top
Apocalypse Consecration – A live recorded film of me forging the Apocalypse Water in magick ritual – FREE BONUS
Virus Frequency Hijacking – A live recorded film of J.S. and me performing the unholy Easter blasphemy ritual – FREE BONUS
<Only $79>

Resonant Light Technology #crackpot #quack #mammon resonantlight.com

No more wires, mats, plates or cylinders! Rather than being delivered via conductive accessories, frequencies are broadcasted by the PERL M+ over the air to every cells in the body for maximum wellness benefits. Enjoy complete freedom of movement to live your day within the PERL’s effective range. Eat, read, sleep, cook, work – all while getting your frequencies delivered with flawless accuracy. Also an ideal solution for pets, horses and farm animals.

The PERL M+ uses a 27.125 MHz carrier wave to deliver frequencies safely to the entire body at the deepest cellular level. It is by far the best effective range in the industry. While other so-called “rife machines” on the market force you to be inches away from the tube, the PERL M+ is so well designed that it is not subject to the Inverse Square Law (ISL). Everyone within 30 feet share its wellness benefits, plants included!

The PERL’s revolutionary plasma tube is truly a one-of-a-kind feat of engineering. It incorporates ground-breaking frequency concepts pioneered by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, Dr. James Bare, Dr. Anthony Holland and Dr. James Oschmann. The tube contains a noble gas, Argon, which is completely safe while offering the cleanest signal output for pristine frequency emission. The PERL M+ ships with two plasma tubes. The tubes are identical and are rated for thousands of hours of use each.

Plasma is the most accurate emitter and outputs frequencies orders of magnitude higher than even the best magnetic coils. The PERL’s plasma tube alone emits frequencies up to 300,000Hz at 100% modulation while most other plasma devices on the market are limited to 40,000Hz.

fromthefirstorder/Saint Andrew #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon saintandrewstwinflame.com

KNOWLEDGE is POWER to fight back, APPRECIATE the KNOWLEDGE I bring to the TABLE and my guidance back home.

Please help me finish my JUSTICE MISSION for the ARRESTS of the evil et’s and help me ANCHOR the LIGHT of HEAVEN on EARTH !

Thank-you to all beautiful souls who find it in their heart to donate !


Please help me finish my JUSTICE MISSION for the ARRESTS of the evil et’s and help me ANCHOR the LIGHT of HEAVEN on EARTH !

Thank-you to all beautiful souls who find it in their heart to donate !




Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt & Graham Hancock #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon #ufo #magick darkjournalist.com



Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt Presents Best Selling Ancient Mysteries Author Graham Hancock live in Cambridge for a revealing and wide ranging interview that reveals the new evidence for an Advanced Lost Civilization that passed down a Spiritual message for us to decipher in the 21st Century! This is the Full Video Interview from May 25th Available for the First Time in Public!

Was an advanced civilization lost to history in the global cataclysm that ended the last Ice Age?
Graham Hancock, the internationally bestselling author, has made it his life’s work to find out — and in America Before he draws on the latest archaeological and DNA evidence to bring his quest to a stunning conclusion. Hancock’s research takes us on a series of journeys and encounters with the scientific rebels responsible for the recent extraordinary breakthroughs. In the process, from the Mississippi Valley to the Amazon rainforest, he reveals that ancient ‘New World’ cultures share a legacy of advanced scientific knowledge and sophisticated spiritual beliefs with supposedly unconnected ‘Old World’ cultures.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #crackpot #racist #god-complex #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Soul Augmentation and/or Replacement Service $10000

As we have seen with Katy Perry selling her soul to the devil fame and fortune are paid for by eternal afterlife torture. As shown on Supernatural Spirit School number 22 I transplanted Katy Perry´s awareness into the artificially created servitor soul of Daenerys Targaryen created by one billion people to give her a one billion old artificial soul. As I showed on the film this was only for a temporary period ending when she marries ratjew Bloom in the autumn: or she publically humiliates him by coming to me and making this artificial soul eternal in the process dumping damned ratjew Bloom.

As one can see your soul can be augmented with any C-space soul built by mass observation or can be built to your specification powered by the zero sum game eternal damnation of the Jewish race by Amalek their God who always tortures them eternally. Having an augmented servitor soul means you are free of being preyed on after death and since the soul carries your intent you develop total intent by having a soul built by the total intent source the Psi-Lord achieve what the Christian church could never give you salvation from all your sins and eternal life on the new earth all built by far future science not christian pedophile conmen this is what the second coming of Jesus always promised you without the bullshit of having to worship a Jew God destroyed by Amalek and it´s awareness eternally tortured by Amalek along with everything that the Jew God created and worshipped it. Escape the Jew Gods fate and join the Psi-Lord as being an aspect of the source worshipping no one accept yourself. Enjoy!

Leisa Miller #mammon #dunning-kruger fee.org

(From “3 reasons millenials should ditch Karl Marx for Ayn Rand”)

Karl Marx appeals to your emotional indignation.

I groan every time a Boomer rants about “entitled Millennials these days.” We are not entitled. We are not lazy. And when they try to guilt us into going to church more or playing video games less or buying a house or getting married “while we’re still young?” Puh-lease. Emotional appeals are the worst.

And don’t even get us started on media sensationalism. We’ve had enough of the red, shouting faces, the blatant lying and fear-mongering, the “Wars on Christmas.” The media is constantly trying to pit us against each other.

It turns out that Karl Marx uses the same “Us vs. Them” hysteria as CNN and Fox News. He appeals to pathos and emotional outrage to - like we discussed above - try to get us to start a war.

We’re not having any of that though, are we? We’re done being manipulated by outrage and hysteria. It’s time to change the channel to something a little calmer, more grounded, and personally empowering.

Ayn Rand, fortunately, has the peaceful empowerment we're so desperately missing. While Karl Marx wants you to blame others (the bourgeoisie) for your plights, Ayn Rand wants you to introspect and perhaps reassess your values. Rather than encouraging you to camouflage yourself into a “union of workers,” she wants to empower you as an individual to create a meaningful life for yourself. Mass hysteria, be gone!

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

[On Facebook introducing an “Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist?” warning message]

As I pointed out in the comments on yesterday’s post, a hallmark of authoritarian regimes is their need to make everybody inform on everyone else. Facebook, the online marketing firm to which the state has long outsourced its censorship work, has now dropped any pretext of being an open forum where people of varying opinions can freely discuss ideas. Instead, they are issuing Stasi-style calls for their users to rat on friends and family members suspected of heresy against the Death Cult.

On the odd chance you still had a Facebook account for some reason, that reason no longer exists. Delete your Facebook account. Don’t wait for your Funko Pop-Cultist college roommate or your three mask-wearing wine aunt to turn you in. Facebook has openly declared itself a surveillance state contractor. Get off their platform now!

For those who used to follow me on Facebook, you can find me on Gab. And if you want a fun read that puts the white-knuckle thrills back in sci fi anthologies, find it in Combat Frame XSeed: Classified Intel

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #racist #mammon timrifat.com


Elohim Kabbalah Rule Zion Power Rings

In Zion you need 10 holy men, Zaddikim, to manifest the Kabbalist Tree on Earth. Every Jewish Temple needs ten men for every Jewish ritual. The Wheeler-Korsh engine needs 10 adjuncts to work and manifest reality from mind.

The Rothschilds have 10 Zaddakims who wear black stone rings that link them to the Shelitha Stone, Lucifer's Stone, that manifests reality for torsion fields, the black denotes the quantum vacuum. With these new ten rings you will become the Super Jews that hijacks the New World Order and manifest with Zion anything you wish from the quantum vacuum using the Elohim's infrastructure. I have a Supernal Triangle Kabbalistic Ring that controls the input, the 10 rings control the output and make 11 Daath, Death, to manifest our will 100% and access Universe B.

Becoming one of the top new Illuminati and get the old Illuminati kissing your ass - You know it make sense! Crowley's Thelemic as you will so must it be magic accessed by the Zaddikim Power for the chosen few. Join the Top 10 or eat their shit.

Only 10 available for $10,000 per ring

Can be resold for any price with a 20% feed [like hedge funds].

Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #mammon dinarchronicles.com

Hollywood: Tunnel implosions incoming. Shifty Schiff’s District. Hollywood Blvd and Western Ave This is NOT a TEST.
90% of the Trolls arguing with you online are paid professionals.

Zap from Inside Intel: Trumpy will either be back in power (he never left) by June 25, or at the latest by Aug. 14. He may be able to stop the bullshit vaccines and/or get the Medbed rollout started. NESARA/GESARA was scheduled for Sept. and at the latest by Oct.
British doctor Peter Daszak who tried to gag Wuhan lab leak theory is FIRED from UN commission investigating COVID after he was exposed for organizing letter denying leak claim in The Lancet medical journal.

1776 – Makes Vaccines Illegal. Med Beds ie Celestial Chambers reverse Vaccine Damage. They are starting to be delivered. Check out ZapSurgical.com. ​Treat tumors and lesions in the brain, head, and neck with ZAP-X | MNC We provide treatments for a variety of diseases such as tumors, lesions, and neurological conditions in the brain.

COVID Investigation:

1. Fauci gives money to Peter Daszak.

2. Peter Daszak gives money to Wuhan Lab.

3. Wuhan Lab leaks virus that kills millions of people.

4. WHO hires Peter Daszak to investigate.

5. Peter Daszak asks Wuhan Lab “so everything is fine?”

6. Wuhan Lab answers: “yes”

7. Case closed.

The World Health Organization has announced a ban on vaccinating children.” Children should not be vaccinated yet. There is not yet sufficient data on the use of the COVID-19 vaccine in children to make recommendations that children should be vaccinated against COVID-19. Children and adolescents tend to get sick in a milder form compared to adults.

IGOS Success Tech #crackpot #magick #mammon igossuccesstech.org

A complete high power low cost Radionic System. Symbolic Boxes are a good start. But, they produce "soft" energy in a world where power is critical. You need powerful amplified broadcasted energy field to manifest through strong blockages and to create fast manifesting. This requires a Complete System. A complete system also includes powerful "Rates" for manifesting created by an Expert. Not some you create. This is why there is so much failure in the use of Radionics. The lack of an effective Rate and the use of weak non-powered or badly made units. Few people can obtain an effective rate without extension training. The IGOS 'Instant Rate" technology solves this problem and allows fast instant manifesting that requires no skill.
This is a "done for you" system. Just follow simple instruction and wait for the desire to manifest. System can be purchased as a separate amplifying system for those that have a system already but need to empower it to a higher level. Simply place the System's copper plate under Box you have or on the Witness/Out Plate. This amazing technology will pickup the energy amplify it and broadcast it at a high energy level. This System takes low level poorly made systems and brings them up to a Class A Radionic System.
Symbolic Radionic Beautiful Black Book in two designs, Rate Cards (2) & Alchemical Oil Rate Card (1) with a Bottle of Success oil.

<Full Basic System is $495>

Dianne Robbins/New Phoenix Rising #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #mammon diannerobbins.com

Ascension Accelerator: Eat Light ~ Be Light

Any food or product that increases your Light Quotient is an Ascension Accelerator. Ascension Accelerators assist in increasing your Light Quotient to raise your Vibration and Accelerate your Ascension Process

I've been taking different brands of Spirulina for over 20 years and recently discovered this new high-grade, high-vibrational Spirulina called BioLumina that is now my main nutritional food support and nourishment, which, along with Chlorella, I add to a smoothie every day. The difference between this Spirulina and the others I have taken is that I can really feel the sustained energy it gives me throughout the day, and the calm feeling of well-being.

It is extra-high in the rare blue antioxidant called phycocyanin, which enhances your immune system, boosts brain function, and provides radiation protection. It is further optimized through Quantum Infusion, which infuses naturally occurring life force energy patterns to support balance, core strength, endurance, and quicker recovery time. Spirulina is a complete whole food, which means that it can fill in any missing nutritional pieces in your diet.

With ongoing assaults on our immune systems from GMO’s, radiation and toxic chemicals, it is now more important than ever to add this potent, high frequency superfood to your diet.

BioLumina is available exclusively through New Phoenix Rising, a company dedicated to using this high vibrational food to raise people’s consciousness.

<Only 60 dollars for one pound in a jar>

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