
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

sunnicel #homophobia #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Getting bullied by my flaming homosexual boss because I'm ugly

So my boss in an absolute flaming hommsexual with the voice and deminor and everything and my life working under him is complete hell. Every single guy in my team mogs me and it kills me to see the difference in treatment they get and the way he is standing there fawning over them like the fag that he is when their giving presentations etc, it had reached to the point that he wud openely joke about me not getting laid even the he looks like shit and wud be an incel if he was nt a flamboyant homo.. Most of hr and upper management are women and they love him for his faginess

It's good that the faggot isn''t treating you well. I wouldn't even bother tbh, i don't want to be treated well by those sodomites. You may be a virgin, but at least you're not a literal cocksucking faggot, keep that in your mind and all of his insults turn meaningless.

It's not just that it's mistreatment with everything, I have to fight and aregue to get a vacation even after going for 1 year without one and this applied to everything, at this point he's making every day at work for me a living hell

You can gymmaxx and get some big muscles. Homos tend to be attracted to big muscles more so than foids.

Dude I ain't gymcelling for no homos

Are you in the west or middle east? If middle east than just out him as a fag.

I'm a palestinian. He's an american jew. Were both in israel.

rip, american jews are the most faggy. He will also have more power in isreal. So a racist issue? Are you treated like that wherever you go? If so, there's no option but leave Zion or find a more solitary job

Not a racist issue, he worships the other 2Arab foids and the chaddam in the company

DarthSpectra & your personality #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] How the tables have turned

Friends Of Female Incels Explain What Their Femcel Friends Don't Get - AskViewers

Although to be honest I wonder how many are actually true

How is this involuntary celibate if she has guys wanting to buy her drinks for sex?

Most people are idiots who have no idea what being an incel or femcel in this case is

Fem"cels" = volcel

Word. Even the ones in this video who are actually virgins are fat and disgusting (all which is in their power, the weight and personality)

Why are you giving credence to the lie of "femcels" existing?

They're more like entitled females who refuse to settle for their looksmatches, and don't like being pumped and dumped by nonchads.

>queue 0:38, not even A MINUTE into the video "she had two boyfriends" this has to be a sick joke the female race is pulling on us Incels right? :feelskek::feelskek: btw stopped watching the video after this

Some of them are legit. Like, virgin foods in their 20s. However, all of them have absolutely disgusting attitudes, feminist mindset and are both ugly and fat. Not even the biggest volcel of all is more volcel than these fEmCeLs

(your personality)

I don't like these Reddit threads. They reek of "See? We're not biased against men, we made a thread about women!" I've seen Subredditstats. The numbers don't lie.

Agreed. Just like when feminists talk about how men have issues and then launch into talking about toxic masculinity and how men need to feel more comfortable crying and wearing dresses like r/menslib does. It's fake, condescending concern trolling and pretty much it would be better if they just STFU.

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

The Bible teaches in 1st Corinthians 7:1-3 that everyone should be married, to prevent fornication. The exception is if someone believes God has given them a “gift” of being single (1st Corinthians 7:7). Sometimes people ask me how to deal with sexual sins. I simply tell them to get married.
Now, you can talk to ten different preachers and get ten different interpretations of the Scripture. Being as honest as I can, and true to the Scriptures, I don't think God ever wants anyone to get divorced. God hates divorce (i.e., “putting away” - Malachi 2:16; Jeremiah 3:20). I do not believe that there are any legitimate grounds for a divorce. Pastor Jack Hyles and Dr. John R. Rice believed that in the case of adultery, divorce was permitted. I humbly and respectfully disagree. Matthew 19:9, “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.” Now, I could be wrong in my understanding of the Scriptures, but this verse says “fornication,” not adultery. I agree with Pastor Steven Anderson that Jesus was simply reiterating the Old Testament teaching, that if a man married a woman, but then found out she wasn't a virgin, the marriage was a fraud and could be nullified because of fornication.

I am not telling anyone who is divorced that it is okay to get remarried.
People don't even think twice these days about filing for divorce. Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:37-39 that in the end times, conditions would return as they were before the flood of Noah's time, when people flippantly went from one failed marriage to another. Divorce is a very horrible sin! Our ungodly U.S. government ought not permit divorce. In places like the Philippians and Vietnam, divorce is not permitted. I say Amen!!! Proverbs 13:10, “Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.”

worried19 #kinkshaming #sexist saidit.net

RE: Why do feminists love bdsm and sex work so much?? How someone can be this brainwashed to not see that this is opressive to women??

I don't understand how women can want to be beaten and degraded and dominated by men. Do they really hate themselves that much? Do they consciously view themselves as inferior, or is it all subconscious? How can you date a man who beats you and calls you filthy names and believe that the same man actually loves and respects you? I just don't get it. And most of the women who are into this shit weren't raised watching men beat women. So they have no excuse, in my opinion. Abuse survivors are one thing. But the women who were never hurt or touched by anyone in childhood or adolescence have zero excuse to encourage others to abuse them and call it fun and normal and healthy.

Women in BDSM do not automatically get assigned some passive role by the BDSM community.The disparity is somewhere else: more people prefer passive roles. To understand BDSM you'd have to first acknowledge that this is an affinity to certain sensations people experience involuntarily. I've whipped both men and women, and - apart from minor physiological differences - both react similar and both physically and mentally ENJOY what I do. As long as you view BDSM as an extension of abuse or rape, instead for what it is, you actively keep yourself from any chance of understanding it.

Given that these are your beliefs, I don't see how you can consider yourself a radical feminist. That's all I've got to say.

Why would me being a BDSMer negate my radical feminism? The radical feminism I live, respects the aspects of people they can't and need not change. I can't change the fact that I am female any more than I can change the fact that I am a BDSMer.

I mean, radical feminism opposes what you are doing. I don't want to get into some big argument about whether you were born that way because I highly doubt you could be convinced otherwise, but the stripe of feminism you're claiming to follow doesn't match with that belief.

Various Incels #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] They call us moids now

Vaccines are soy and low IQ, Moid explains

Women are incapable of creativity. They always copy men or infiltrate the communities they create.

This is cultural appropriation.

Lol. Not just incel, a moid. I think soon they will slowly shift the narrative to call any man who said something unpleasant about foids an incel or moid, effectively giving us FDS+femcels 2.0.


Yup. No coronavirus has ever been successfully vaccinated against. They mutate too fast. Love the foid in the comments talking about how it's different from the flu because there is only one strain of COVID. There are at least 12. The one in Europe right now is different than the one in the US. Only a foid can speak with such confidence about something they know nothing about.

if you ever end up wondering how come you're living in a mass surveillance state with social credit and quarterly vaccination just to leave the house, simply look at reddit and women


I have never seen a simp level reached in IncelTears in my life. Imagine being so pussy starved+ low IQ that you try to simp for mentally ill whores in trufemcels, while criticising the fucking original incel community, which you also belong on.

This. The thing is that the term 'moid' is a general term for all males, just like we use 'foid' for all females. So they are actively supporting a community where the foids are degrading their gender as a whole. JFL. Water is wet though. We all know these soys would repeat their foid friends in saying that all men are horrible, although they are talking about themselves.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

[Brutal] [STUDY] Bullies are more attractive, are rewarded with more sex, more relationships, more popularity, access to more economic and physical resources

Adolescent Bullying, Dating, and Mating: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis

if a guy slams your face in to the concrete and shoves you in to the lockers in front of your crush, she now sees you as weak and pathetic and the chances of her wanting to be your girlfriend are pretty much down the drain. if a guy does that to you in front of his crush, he’s not going to be worried that she won’t want to date him anymore, if anything it benefits him because he showed that he’s a physically strong “alpha male”. simple logic. but bluepilled copers still think there’s nothing to how other people perceive you except for how “nice” you are

Women reward and respect men who can unleash violence and destruction upon other men it's really that simple. And the opposite is true for those who are the recipients of that violence

Not shocked at all. Bully is the alpha who fucks. Bullied is the beta who buxx. Or stays an incel (omega male). Bullying is also there to prevent incels from trying and spreading their genes. This is why adults and teachers are allowing for it, 100%.

I remember reading some posts years ago about teachers admitting online that they fucking hate the kids who gets bullied and pretend like they don't see it, deep inside they're actually cheering and when the kid asks for help they do the absolute minimum if anything at all. As enraging as it is, at least it explains a lot of things. Tbh if we couldn't get empathy from people our age, why would we assume that teachers would be different? They were normies who almost certainly stood by or participated in the bullying when they were younger

ScornedStoic #sexist incels.is

It's so depressing that we're right.

I wish we were wrong. I wish if I listened to IT members they'd have new advice or actually prove something about the blackpill wrong. Sometimes when I'm really desperate I try to entertain one of their copes to give me relief but it literally doesn't work because my entire life experience, basic observation and common sense tell me I'm right.

I hate that we're the right ones. I wish we were a deluded cult.

They think we want to "believe" in the blackpill when it's actually the other way around, I absolutely hate the fact that we are right, I didn't want this to be true. But it is.

The pessimists were right all along. It's truly sad.

riceronicel #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [Discussion] Why don't Whitecels date average looking black women.

I think black women are the highest percentage of women to stay in their own race. Black women fucking hate whites, they despise them actually. MUH EVIL OPPRESSORS N SHIIIET

yes and black men hate it when black foids date white men. They see it as dating the oppressors, so you hit the nail on the head on that one.

Which is funny because black foids hate it when black men date white women, because they take that as saying black foids aren't good looking enough for the "good" black men, whatever that means.

Jfl black men pursue white women, white women want white men, white men want to try to date black womenz and black women stay loyal by going after black men.

Where's my position in this cycle as a ricecel?

As a fellow ricecel we are non-existent in this cycle. There's a reason why no foid conventionally speaking want to date rice men in general. We just don't exist in their radar. We're not an option because we were never made an option, whether it's by Hollywood or availability. Most of us are pretty shit ugly anyway so that doesn't help.

Eivind Berge #psycho #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

Antisex bigotry has consumed the world. There are no good places left. Still good sex-positive individuals here and there, but not whole societies.

When you realize the law is against you and the law is unjust, you become an ideological terrorist. When you realize the law reflects the public morality, you become a misanthrope. Except it doesn't quite because Norway had to abolish the jury in order to enforce the sex laws. The feminists would not have had to bother with that step if their sex laws had reflected the public morality. So there is still hope for humanity; just not for any of the current jurisdictions. Our only hope now is collapse of the kind Gail Tverberg is predicting. That is the only way I see the laws being brought back into line with the public morality -- and I say "laws" loosely as we might need to fall all the way back to hunter-gatherer level. Probably along with the death of 99% of humanity, but it's better than no hope at all.

imafreespirit #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

In a fair world, men wouldn't be able to be nowhere near women as they are now

I took animal science classes at uni, and let me say it: if things were ideal, men wouldn't be able to live close to women. 1. Males are pretty useless, they don't serve any other purpose other than impregnation so that we can carry babies, and one man can impregnate many women, but a woman commonly can have 1 baby, so from the start women should outnumber men, patriarchal countries like China and India who have more men than women, they're stupid, having more men means more crime, more theft, everything more bad shit. 2. Men's desperation to invade every single female-only space, because they know they are not needed, not so many of them, they force their way in women's lives by sexist laws, religion, shaming, capitalism, violence, politics, marriage(what other animals from opposite sexes live so bounded to each other more than half their life, it's unnatural af). All their effort wouldn't be needed if submissiveness was natural to women, but it's not, because if it were women would happily accept it but women are not happy about it, so the effort to subdue us is constant and this has been shown for centuries, men are not needed, that's why they try so hard to make themselves relevant to women.

Various Incels #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[LifeFuel] There is hope. Shanghai summit: Russia, China & allies slam US at Shanghai summit

Russia, China & allies slam US at Shanghai summit (Full show)

The SCO currently comprises eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), four Observer States interested in acceding to full membership (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia).

If American hegemony continues, foid hypergamy and inceldom will only get worst. Jews only have power in the sense that White Anglos willingly act as the protectorate of them because of a strong sense of guilt and obligation. When White numbers diminish so will the the military, economic, and cultural threat of America to the rest of the world. Degeneracy will without a doubt be eliminated. Mass inceldom and female hypergamy... Idk. Most likely a long lasting effect and legacy of American hegemony that will take a long time to unlearn.

Abunch of literally who’s and shitholes. I hope they balkanize the US though so we can have neo confederate states that’d be epic

The SJW cucks in the west are allied with the CCP. Putin is allied with Israel/China and funded retards like Richard Spencer. Those cocksuckers play a left/right dialectic and drive the west further into globalist slavery. The jew subverted our culture since the 30s, so they could easily manipulate simps and women. There are no based countries.

Lebensmüder #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Venting] Stories about a chad I hated in high school

The guy had it all: Millionaire family living in a fucking designer building where parties took place all the time, good in sports, extremely intelligent, face was like the face of those greek marble statues - so incredibly flawless that you just want to punch it. That combination alone would have driven me to hatred/jealousy, because it simply cannot be that someone has so much fucking luck in life, but the "best" thing is about to come:

He bullied a severly mentally-ill student until he left school, he destroyed his science project and after the poor guy attacked him he was punished for it. The victim was warped into the aggressor by a system that failed him, this victim was one of my few friends and due to the severe bullying his grades dropped until he was removed from school.

As the refugee crisis began the chad developed an extremely leftist and hyper-politically-correct world-view and always acted concerned for some completely unrelated people on the other site of the earth - just a few months after destroying a life. Those people show no empathy towards the people in their proximity, but suddenly develop a conscience when the opportunity for virtue signaling presents itself - with this he became something pathognomonic for the modern zeitgeist in my eyes, an allegory for all the sanctimoniousness in our modern world so to speak. A psychopath is in that climate not shunned by society, but rather treated as an idol.

He also acted like a pretentious hippie cunt and always spewed empty platitudes like "Life is no competition!" and other shit - yes, of course you see it that way, you rich and attractive piece of shit, because you never had to fight/compete with others due to the privileges you had since birth which you interpreted as only natural. Had success with women who felt attracted to him because of his "easy-going" and "intellectual aura" (actual quotes) - just fucking lol, you cannot make this shit up.

My school career was nothing more than a series of black pills.

BududubNow #racist #sexist incels.is

[TeeHee] Women age like SHIT, at least slavic ones

Today when I was looking for some pictures on my PC I found a folder that I forgot about with screens that I took a few years ago on badoo (tinder but more popular here in 3rd world Europe) of foids just from my general area. They are not nitpicked, they are of foids from my area (+50 kilometers) that were at the time online when I saved those pictures so they are random and show the state of majority of women here, since there were normally like 6-7 pages of them and each had 12 foids and I only took the worst cases. Either way look at those creatures, they think they deserve a 10/10 alpha chad and that they are pretty princesses and that we should rot at home alone.

Truly ugly. Crow's feet, wrinkles, old facial features, horrible skin like texture of Mars, balding due to high T and all of that in early 20s, sometimes in teens. 20 is the new 40.

Not one of those foids will ever know what loneliness feels like.

Doesn't matter. It's nice to laugh at their ugly nature.

Too many late nights, partying, drugs n alcohol.

And probably getting fucked when they were 11. For women, having sex early makes them age faster. I think it has to do with their bodies getting ready to become carrier of a fetus and to be a mother. Truly weak gender.

That's crazy. Being heterosexual is truly a malediction.

Yeah I wish I was gay. Not a faggot who makes it obvious but just normal gay. I would be happier then I think.

slavic women do age like shit.

I once rented a flat with a foid, she was 2 years younger than me and looked 10 years older than me. If not more.

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie twitter.com

[in response to women who turn down men’s sexual advances]

God gave men a strong sex drive so they would want to marry and procreate. He didn’t create birth control, & He warns about the consequences of fornication. His will is perfect for us and the health of nations. Stop fighting what God has created and ordained. Embrace it instead.

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie twitter.com

The fact that women *fought* for the right to vote, explains to us fully why this was NOT a good idea. They wanted to undo God's ordained order of men being the leaders. Women voting has only caused chaos in our country.

[in a later tweet]

The lives of the unborn are WAY more valuable than a woman’s right to vote.

Deleted member 713885 #sexist #psycho neogaf.com

Unpopular Opinion: Brock Turner was innocent

Meet girl at frat party.
Shes 3 or 4 years older then you (your not even of legal drinking age), has a history of drinking till she blacks out.
Leave party with her.
Make out behind dumpster, finger bang her.
2 Mormon Swedes roll up and accuse you of raping an unconscious woman.
They say you tried to run, you say you went to puke.
Paramedics say her level of unconscious was not responding to yelling but responded to touch and pinch test and had no problem puking/spitting.

All happened around 1am.
Phone records show she was texting her boyfriend up till it all happened.

Brock's power and money is why he got 6 months for finger banging a drunk girl behind a dumpster and not years like they wanted.
Now that accusers name is known comparing Brocks family home prices at 300k seems small to accusers family having a 4 million dollar mansion.
Which family had the 'financial power'?

Accuser could..
1. Tell the cops/act raped
2. Be the girl who cheated on her boyfriend, sloppy drunk as usual...behind a dumpster.

Now have a HUGE book deal and be a 'survivor'

This just solidifies, never interact with a woman who has been drinking. In doing so the rule of law goes out the window and you can and will be guilty until proven innocent.

Deleted member 713885 #psycho #sexist #racist neogaf.com

The Central Park 5 had more evidence against them and what they did to that woman was far more heinous then a finger bang.

But they are celebrated, have documentaries made about them. They are a symbol of wrongly imprisoned black men in a evil white Trump America.
Brock is regarded as one of the most vile men alive in America today.
This thread alone brought such vitriol.
College text books have used his picture next to a definition of rape.

Brock, is what present day society yearns for. He was guilty before the trial. He was guilty once the photo of a white, moderately wealthy, college boy graced our eyes.

Hes guilty of engaging sexually, while drunk, with a drunk woman. But what hes most guilty of is being white and privileged

Saudade #racist #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] Slavic female opens up to a foreigner and openly mocks Slavic men on domestic travel TV show saying how Slavic genes are not very kind to Slavic men.

Mojca Mavec in slovenski moški

If you are a Slavic man in 2019 then it's literally over for you. No Slav woman wants you, no white woman wants you because Slavs are considered untermensch, no East Asian woman wants you because you are scary thug to them and you are too broke to properly cope in SEA. Nobody will understand the pain Slavic men have to go trough each day. The highest abortion rates in World that all come from Slavic lands are literal proof that Slavic women hate us and get disgusted with thought of spawning another Slavic incel or Slavic prostitute. It's literally just slowly kill yourself with alcohol or die like a dog in pointless war for criminal warlords and puppet politicians theory here. I cannot describe with words how it is completely over for Slavic countries and Slavic men in general.

”Brutal slavpill. Slavic men are also the only men women are allowed to shit on like this. Imagine if she said "Indian genes are not very kind to men" or "Asian genes are not very kind to men". Also Slovenians were voted as most good looking Slavs here but it's still not enough for her. JFL.”

Durex(condom manufacturer) survey ranked Slovenia 2nd in terms of countries where women have more sex partners than men.

And Slovenia is a richest Slavic country which tells you that other Slavic countries would be there too but they are too poor to afford condoms so they just use free abortions as contraception.

SlayerSlayer #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Movies like 'American Pie' ruined my life

This is the imagery of my teens. HAPPY WEALTHY WHITE TEENS BEING REWARDED WITH SEX FOR JUST LIVING. EXPERIENCES, MYTHS, FORNICATIONS. YOU WILL NEVER LOOK LIKE THIS ONSCREEN A&F CATALOG. These films aren't porn. I find that porn is highly self-aware. They know it's a fantasy. These TEEN SEX COMEDIES however seem to be designed to humiliate you. They hire the best looking actors & actresses possible and then gaslight you into thinking this is the way real life should be. SEE THESE GUYS HAD SEX IN AMERICAN PIE, even the loser of their group, AND YOU , Mr. IRL, ARE A FUCKING VIRGIN, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU. These are the kind of films you watch with your normie buddies to suss out just who has had teen sex and who hasn't. And then the Chad of the group stands and boasts about his sex adventures while your normie buddy brags about his hoe 'out of town' while you, the virgin autist, sit there quiet as a serial killer, trying to get through the night without going ER. These films are specifically made to make you feel ashamed for not being white and not having teen sex. They are the living embodiment of 'sex as a reward' propaganda, that keeps men inescapably programmed to strive to be more sexually desirable in order to fornicate with young hot women.

JFL I have made threads like this before, I hate these movies so fucking much. Showing normies with friends, doing stuff "growing up" etc.


They make movies like this then wonder why grown ass niggas want to fuck jbs

for me it's more about having sex AS a teen rather than fucking jb.

Normies watch these types of movies and get nostalgia about their first love and kiss, losing their virginity etc, these movies aren't made for freaks like us.

You're right maybe I'm wrong in that everything depicted in these movies IS, in fact, normal and not heightened gaslighting

Guykild #sexist incels.is

Weird. I consider myself a moderate. I don't put 100% of the blame on women at all. I really don't. At least half of the problem are cucks that spend their money on things like onlyfans and male feminists. They're half of the problem. I'm pretty sure I've stated this before as most of the things we're angry about and the reason we're in the situation we're in right now is because of those cucks.

Where's my ban?

I'm also not interested in enslavement either. I don't care of it's a female or anything as it just seems like too high maintenance in general. There are reasons I don't have pets like that. That and I don't like dogs.

I think I'm very moderate as while I can get really angry and annoyed; I'm not too extreme in what I say. I might have a few extreme ways of thinking, but not as some I've seen on here. I will never get it, but all I want is a girl to like my company, to hug, kiss, have a family with, and play games with. I really don't think that's much to ask for as I think that's a humane way of thinking.

Cucks are more than half thevproblem. Feminist are incapable of mounting a movement without male support

They're not. They only able to do so because males support and allow it. It's not females that decided to destroy things like Terminator Dark Fate. The females in the movie? Yes, but it was males that supported it. It's the same thing as Black Lives Matter shit where the majority are white and not black. Male feminists, which are also cucks, hold up a torch for the feminists in the hopes of getting sex and help push their movement.

If men said nothing, most of this shit would go away after a while by now. You know another thing that help this? Traps. Even those males are getting more rights than females and females getting pissed because a lot of those same male support are supporting them.

Nothing would get anywhere without male support.

ScornedStoic #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[JFL] Australia outdoes itself once again

Budget: Pandemic-affected unemployed NSW women entitled to $5000 grant payment

As if banning anime wasn't bad enough, Australia will now give females, and only eligible females, $5000 because of the pandemic :feelskek: Luckily it seems like the fund will run out quickly

What a fucking joke. If they want financial support they should get OFF the job market and marry.

Oh they will. When they're 35-40 and have accomplished nothing in their careers but having ridden a hundred cocks.

Ultimate cuck country. Top runner anyway.

I'd say it's

1. United States (for exporting feminism to the world post WWII)
2. Sweden; what happens in Sweden happens elsewhere in the world 10 years later, and is such a meme country. Remember the snowplows.
3. Canada; obvious reasons, it's 2016 folks.
4. France; paternity tests are illegal, 'nuff said.
5. Australia; it's always pulling crap like this.

Runner up: Great Britain

Diocel #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Women are soulless , and don't have any personality

When you ask a guy about his height preference in women what would he say ? you can't really predict, some men like like tall women, some men like short women, some men like me like women of the same size, men have different preference and personalities.

But when you as a women ? hurr durr muh 6ft and over hurr durr inkell those are just preference, women are soulless and completely devoted from an interdependent personality, they all think the same, truly the meme gender.

slavcel11 #racist #sexist incels.is

[TeeHee] Women are just objectively pathetic losers

image A photo of a door covered in photos of various celebrities, with a handwritten note reading “Guys we would f*ck” in the center.

This is just cringeworthy and pathetic. Imagine men printing out photos of celebrities and writing "women we would fuck" on their door. It's just objectively loser behaviour but since it's women, it's just quirky fun teehee.

I like how there's a token black guy at the top, so nobody can question why they only like Chad instead of Tyrone, Chang, and Chadpreet.

1. One black
2. Zero curries or ricecels
3. The rest are white or white passing
4. Zero sub8 men

Take notes itards. But oh well it's pure coincidence that of all famous men/actors they took only those who are white and chad.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: [LifeFuel] 12 year oldcel tries to ropemaxx, kills foidlet instead

Woman killed after 12-year-old boy jumps from overpass in suicide attempt

(Copexodius Maximus)
"Just learn the signs of people who are in crisis"

Literally look at their face and see if it someone you as a female would want to fuck. If not, then all other females think the same and he wants to kill himself.

When the developers put an end game trap in the tutorial level

BASED. Only he didnt live to know how much of a favor he did to the world. No gays and femtards born from her, no men divorced or suicided over her, no chads wiped their dick off her mouth, no welfare leeched to feed her after she graduates with her meme degree, bliss all around.

Based as fuck, exactly this. In one mere action he saved tens possible hundreds of men potential heartache from this siren. We all know she was well on her way to fucking above a dozen men

image It's ironic how she wanted to devote her life to helping others just as this boy was trying to end it all, it makes me feel like she saved this boy and is giving him another chance

No you stupid cuck. It's indeed ironic that the very thing that puts modern men at the verge of suicide was killed by a man who attempted a suicide. Based god punished her for making another soul reject god. God granted this man the free will to kill himself just as he made this cunt suffer because the very likes of her make men reject god.

Her white boyfriend will have to fap tonight. JFL at how the condition of the boy (in hospital with life threatening injuries) is a footnote at the end. Imagine if you reversed the sexes. The dead male would be a footnote and the story would be about the girl and foid mental health.

Based-nearcel #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Venting] Not making foids and chads as miserable as you can is cucked .

why tf would you let them do as they please while you rot in solitude, chadfish them, leak their nudes, steal from them, damage them if you can but don't just LDAR in pain while they experience pleasure and joy.

Take the revengepill, the best cope there is.

Randy Thompson #sexist #psycho incel.blog

Funding will be indirectly allocated to fund more law enforcement monitoring of incels online, which is very concerning and scary. As you read further down into the paragraph, you will see the mention of “investigating and prosecuting online sexual harassment,” which has an expansive definition.

As with most campaign promises, this one will probably not materialize into anything but it’s always good to be cautious and on alert for stuff like this from politicians.

Happy_face_caller #sexist saidit.net

Rant: I’m always seeing posts on WGTOW saying go to PinkpillFeminism if you want to complain about males, but then 1/2 their posts/comments are about hating on males.

So help me understand how we are the dumping ground catch all space for ranting about males, but literally declaring We are going our own way away from males isn’t going to have some overlap hating on males topics?

Just chuckling at the axis of hypocrisy here.

I think our conversations are much more nuanced and fact based, and one could argue equally proactive.

Anyone else notice this?

starcrapoo #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RE: [Story] Are Chinese Girls Into White Guys? Surprising answers

Watching this video reminded me of a Taiwanese news story several years ago about white foreign men claiming that Taiwanese girls were easy. It made national headlines I think because Taiwan is such a boring country with extremely low crime.

Thats what I like about Taiwanese people. They are essentially the middle upper class Chinese folks that fled the mainland and established an Island fortress renegade province. And they are super conservative and racist. They still hold on fast to their traditions from ancient times.

VincentVanCock #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] Newlywed foid murders her husband because she didn't want to have sex with him

Any foid would have done the same in her place, it's just not every one of them risks to break the law.

That's why i think the hypergamy pill would be the hardest one for subchad bluepilled males to swallow, If those guys ACTUALLY knew that women only like a very small percentage of men and that their "wives" don't have any kind of attraction towards the betabuxxers and in fact despise them, society would collapse.

The only thing that keeps sub chad men going is their illusion that beauty is "subjective" and that there is someone for everyone out there, If they knew the truth, male suicide would be off the charts.

Roosh V #sexist #fundie rooshv.com

[From "Men Treat Women As Gods"]

In order to be with a woman, there is no sacrifice a modern man is not willing to make. He will pretend to be a feminist, travel around the world, and even feign allegiance to abortion or homosexual marriage. If a man wants a woman, and the woman professes to like something, the man will profess to like it as well, all for a chance of intimacy, sex, or just a bit of companionship, but like Adam following Eve, his actions lead directly to spiritual death.

I originally got into the game because I wanted one idealized sexual relationship, not many.[…]Instead of admitting that the relationship fantasy I desired in my mind didn’t exist in the real world or was unattainable in my current immature state, I convinced myself that I wanted sex with a lot of women all along. I always wanted to be a player.
Adam’s woman was tempted by Satan first and lost eternal life. When she came to him after eating from the tree, I imagine he noticed that her countenance had changed. She was no longer innocent with a saintly glow, and must have appeared worried and tense. The birds were not singing in the Garden like before. He was faced with a difficult choice: turn away from her and reorient himself to God, counting on Him to create another helpmate to make his life worthy, or fall with the woman in a moment of panic and fear of being alone to serve the will of Satan.

To Adam’s credit, he fell with the only woman in the world, yet today, men are begging to fall not for women who love them, not for women who could give them children (they would be immediately aborted), and not even for women they know, but for the potential to meet a godless woman.
Don’t make the same mistake as Adam. Don’t act as if you were made from the woman’s rib instead of the other way around.

VincentVanCock #psycho #sexist incels.is

[JFL] My mom just told me my Hitman uncle(yes, this guy works killing people, nigga lives in one of those countryside lands without any laws)...

Killed his whore wife and buried the body in some hidden place, my mom used to talk with his wife everyday through boomerbook and suddenly she went for some "vacations" and never came back, now my grandma called my mom and said the guy killed his wife JFL, being based is in my fucking bloodline, Brazil ain't no joke nigga, KILL ALL FOIDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. THAT SHIT MADE MY NIGHT , GUY LITERALLY KILLED THE WHORE, BURIED THE BODY AND GAVE NO FUCKS JFLLLLLLLLLL.

Def apprentice max Didn't know hits paid well in the Favelas.

Not in favelas, it's in the northeast part of the country, lots of countryside cities that look like one of those Clint eastwood movies, difference is that it happens in real life.

DO IT BRO OP this is Highly based if legit

It's legit Bro, the guy is a bonafide hitman, he tried to kill my mom a few times before she had me.

Can you just kill people in brazil and post it on the internet and the police wont do anything? So nothing will happen to your uncle when you talk about he killed his wife on .co?

He didn't record it lol. Brazil has a homicide rate higher than 70000 deaths per year, out of all this deaths only 20% are solved or even investigated, so no, nothing will happen to him, this is typical in countryside cities.

PinkPilled #sexist #transphobia pinkpillfeminism.com

Is this womb envy?🤔


TRAs are always whining about how having a vagina/uterus doesn’t make someone a woman yet they’re obsessed with female genitalia. Sofie has multiple (creepy) posts about wanting female anatomy yet constantly says radfems reduce women to body parts. It’s almost like TRAs saying radfems obsess over genitals is a projection…

Seems like a case of wanting to have a womb just so he can say he’s so much more of a woman than women are.

You’re totally right. Clearly he is jealous of women because he can never be one even if he gets a neovagina so he makes fun of women’s bodies to cope.

men love obsessing over the female reproductive system but once a woman says that the female eproductive is female, that’s obsession to them? LMAO

I always hear this from TIMs. They say women are obsessed with genitals yet it’s them who are paying thousands to have fake vaginas and breasts. Notice how he’s comparing a woman’s right to her body to his ability to rape and oppress women. I can’t believe women have the ability to control life and yet we continue to give birth to ungrateful males despite everything they’ve ever done to us. I actually told the moid his mother should’ve aborted him and that males like him is why all women should selectively abort males and he got even more triggered lol. It was the funniest thing ever!:joy:

SorryMsJackson #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] looks like we have a noodlewhore scumbag on this forum

first time i thought this cunt was some cuck who worship noodlwhores, but when i looked into her posts most of her posts were to deny that noodlewhores have lower smv than cumskin whores and she went onto claim that top tier chads end up with ethnic cunts.

Data don't lie. White women = betagrade

In keeping with previous work, there is also a clear and consistent dependence on ethnicity, with Asian women and white men being the most desirable potential mates by our measures across all four cities.

Even top-tier white women married to rich men get cucked by Asian women. Just face it bros, white women are the incels of women:

Blond, sexy and immigrant

“Western women were ranked below the Chinese in the racial hierarchy. The western whiteness is not as posh as the Singaporean, Chinese whiteness. The Swedish women in Singapore were almost desexualised. They felt less feminine. They were not integrated in the Singaporean community. They lived an expat life with other expat wives, and created their own separate community,” says Lundström.


Noodles are desirable for sex but not for marriage. Nobody who has the privilege to be non-Asian wants their sons to be ricecels.

That's not what the data say. The most successful white men marry Asian women. And white male + Asian female marriages have a lower rate of divorce. Imagine even believing white women are marriage material. White male + white female marriages = the face of marital dysfunction and drama in America. WMWF is fucking peasant-tier. I'm beginning to think that those who deny this are white women themselves.


VincentVanCock #racist #sexist incels.is

[JFL] At this point, whenever i see someone talking about "working on your personality", i can't help but laugh my ass off

Honestly it sounds like a skit or something, it's so blatantly pathetic. Anyone that actually goes outside and isn't a mentally ill tranny, have already realized that the guys who pull the most are exactly the good looking ones with bad or no personality, those freaks keep repeating that meme inside their echo chamber and can't get a grip of reality. This is the reason i like to browse IT, those guys are so delusional and always say the SAME bluepilled shit, it feels like watching a sitcom show episode over and over again. Just work on your personality, go to gym, learn some languages, get rich and become the ubermensch bro, meanwhile becky is fucking 5 chads at once while being alcoholic, crackhead, jobless and having a skinnyfat body.

Notice how its always men that need to "improve themselves" or "step up to womens level" Meanwhile women literally just have to exist. What do women bring to the table other than being resource sucking parasites? Why do you think chad fucks them and throws them away?

It's ridiculous, also if you realize the game is rigged and just stop playing something that you are obviously not going to win, they call you a faggot and say you gave up to easy. Women are literally treated like a reward that you have to earn, they should be treated like a bunch of weak dwarfs that can be kidnapped and abused whenever men wanted to.

This is exactly how they were treated. Right before cumskins normalized womens rights.

The world Will never forgive them for giving those worms rights, literally made it harder for everyone.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Serious] I might have accidentally hurt a female today

Was at the grocery store and pulling a shopping cart from the front. On the end there was a old roastie pulling a cart off the same row but the opposite end. Anyway my cart was stuck to the next cart as often happens so I gave it a real good tug and heard the roastie go “OW!” I think it pinched her finger or something when I pulled on the cart. I completely no sold it. Didn’t look at her and certainly didn’t white knight and he like omg roastie are you ok?:soy: Feels good man.

(Subhuman Orangutan)
Remove any feelings of remorse for toilets. I only wish you hit that bitch harder with your shopping cart.


”Thugmaxxed, how old she was?”

Old bro.

I helped a really old woman like 90yo to climb the stairs because she barely walked. I didn't feel like a simp but thoughts that she wouldn't even spit on me in her younger days did cross my mind. I stopped helping anyone who can help themselves and I stopped listening to anyone who is not willing to listen me.

Maryam #sexist saidit.net

Why do men despise feminists who hate men when the hatred for men is an intrinsic part of the female experience?

The hatred, the fear, the bitterness, the anger, the dread, the horror, at and towards men will always, and has been, an intrinsic aspect of womanhood till the dawn of humanity to the end of it. Every single woman in this planet has had a moment in her life when her dislike has overwhelmed her and driven her out of the bullshit and lies she tells herself.

Hatred of men wasn't a movement in the 20th century - my Pakistani conservative mother, my Pakistani conservative friends, my radical Muslim female acquaintances, all dislike men. Every single one of them. We avoid going out at night because we're scared of men. We don't piss off men because we're scared of them. We tell ourselves that "boys will be boys" because we know men. We yell at and create drama amongst other women because we do not have the emotional strength to do it against men. We serve men, we live with the systems men created, we normalize male violence, we protect ourselves from men, because men inconvenience us, and we know it. They inconvenience all of us.

Most women do not get angry at men - they cry or accept it. Every single woman in the planet knows men are different, but she copes and copes and fucking copes with bullshit upon bullshit till she takes her final breath with a good amount of delusion - but with the incapability of believing it completely. Feminism is simply addressing the elephant in the room. All women are wary of men. All women are inconvenienced by men. All women dislike men.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] The kind of responses you get when you post the blackpill on soyyit

The foid on the bottom is correct. They don't need us, hence why they're extremely picky (Only top 20% of men - this may be outdated). No amount of personality or confidence will ever do anything for men as millions-billions of other confident men with better personalities also look better than you. As shown by the comments in that thread: it's over.

They don't need us. They can make their own wealth (sometimes) and have their rights. They can choose to be picky, but the men up top will only pump and dump them, because they have multiple girls throwing themselves at them. Why would they stay with one girl, when they have better options on the side. So the girl is getting pump and dump and then realizes. "Oh shit!" "These men don't love me". Then they try to find a simp or a betabux to marry and make his life a living hell and most likely divorce him and get child support. Women have fucked up the dating game and they don't care or realize it. Don't worry men. They will be miserable when they hit their late 20's or 30's and realize that no man wants her. Getting her back blown out by chad with fuck her over in the long run. Modern women are awful and we all know why. I rather get the fantasy of having the traditional family in a game, than real life.

these idiots never understand what you tell them. "you dont need sex to be alive sweaty :soy:". yeah no shit nobody ever said that. they can never understand how someone can be extremely sexually frusturated. "just work on yourself :soy:" is literally the only answer they can give when faced with the reality that many men are lonely and sex-less

Lebensmüder #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [Brutal] Today is International Mens day, and it's being saturated with Tranny propoganda

The Jewish wealthy mega-elite, like with most holidays and special occasions, just love to inject their wicked and awful agenda into this day. International Men's day isn't about men anymore. It's about mentally ill people who claim to be males, and instead of empowering the male, rather they seek to feminize him. I wouldn't be surprised if next "international mens day" ceased to exist, or if it did exist it would be renamed to "international transgenders day" or the content for international mens day would just be tranny pushing. Regardless, my opinions on transgenders matches the same as the Ku Klux Klan's, who make their opinion on this very clear.

They are incredibly pathognomonic for the Zeitgeist of our modern world/dystopia: It's easier to mutilate yourself with surgeries until you end up as a twisted parody of your former self that vaguely resembles a female at best and then being fucked by an equally grotesque man than being a normal man. It's unbelievable. It shows how fast the Overton Window has shifted and it's the best example that absolute morality doesn't exist. If you told that a man a few years ago he would have laughed at you, nowadays they laugh about you when you don't kiss the asses of these individuals. The surgeries they perform in these clinics are nightmarish, "vaginas" made out of fish skin and other shit. Almost nothing scares me, but these medical procedures do.

Trannies will be the downfall of feminism imo. Imagine a future where all female leaders are men larping as women, it's already happening :feelskek:

The only good thing about them. They really fuck up feminist communities.

Various Incels #crackpot #sexist incels.is

(Babica Yaga)
[Blackpill] [Study] [Juicy] Study finds foid scientists turn out to be shit without male guidance in their careers

In other words: Foids NEED to have male mentors if they want to succeed and have an impactful scientific career after their mentorships. Look at the reactions it's been receiving and the soy SJW lefty foid professors and PhD's responding on Twitter LMFAO. GarBaGe aLErT. HOW DARE YOU SAY WAHMEN CAN'T BE GOOD MENTORS LIKE MEN!! YOU FILTHY MISOGYNISTIC, PRIVILEGED, STOOPID WHITE MALES!!" :soy::soy: The paper was btw written by 3 sandniggers JFL. Gigabased.

The only appropriate place for foids in academia is under the desk.

This is a classic example of how if the scientific results of research don’t fit the sjw agenda they will just claim they are false with absolutely no evidence. What they want to believe (that women are equal or superior to men at literally everything) MUST be true and any facts disputing that must be false.

Women cannot be scientists because they think with emotions and not with logic, and also are completely oblivious to everything that is not themselves and Chad. If society was only made up by women they would still be in the stoneage.


The paper was btw written by 3 sandniggers JFL. Gigabased.

From searching on twitter, it seems these triggered soys were smart enough not say anything about that. Report written in Abu dhabi........ Based since I'm still in the city for the next few weeks.


Quick update: The paper has been retracted. Just felt the need to address this as it shows ((they)) will go as far as to censor scientific knowledge if it doesn't align with their belief systems. Truly saddening.

JFL, "I LoVE sCieNce" :soy: Yet when the paper shows women are incompetent at mentoring. "ThIS SiEnTIfic PaPer is my sogy kneeee" :feels:

PinkPilled & Gunpowder #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia pinkpillfeminism.com

“A man climbs into the women’s wagon in Mexico. They tell him to get off the train. The man responds by saying, ‘I am a woman.’”


A reminder that gender ideology only benefits men while erasing women and taking over their rights and single-sex spaces. This is exactly what happens when the reality of biological sex is denied for the sake of mentally ill men. This will continue to happen thanks to deluded TRAs who are actively trying to change the definition of the word “woman” to include men who believe they are women. This insanity needs to stop.

Hardly surprising. According to the new gender orthodoxy, men are allowed to remain as their own separate sex class, but women now have to include ‘everyone else.’ This is just the newest male tool in the colonisation of women.

GenGene & shii410 #sexist incels.is

[LDAR] Why I can't empathize with females, no matter their circumstances

I've read about or saw firsthand numerous ways that females can get into negative circumstances. Poverty, abusive families, drug addiction, asshole boyfriends... wait.

The time when a guy comes into the picture is when I stop caring, and that's 100% of the time. Even if a girl's parents are abusive drug addicts living in poverty she has the realistic option of just running away with a boyfriend who will gladly take care of her, and find a different one if he's not to her liking. I've seen this happen.

Stuff like this is apparent on places like r9k, where the males and females might share an identical life story (except the 'asshole boyfriend' part if that comes up), but the difference in their actual social security and being wanted is worlds apart. Only the men are the 'virgin losers', while females are sought after no matter what.

imagine being a truecel from a shitty low income family with drug addict parents, and just being able to download an app on your phone and instantly choose from hundreds of attractive women who are willing to provide for you and pay for all your expenses, as easily as ordering a pizza

that is how women live in 2020. tutorial mode

TheMostAncientcel #sexist incels.is

The reason foids wear lipstick is because they want to suck Chad's cock.

Think about it : why the hell should they embelish a non sexual part of their body whose function is linked to mouth and so to eating and talking? Because they want to make their lips SEXUAL so that Chad gets aroused and put his 8x6 inch cock in their mouths cumming liters and liters like there's no tomorrow. Remember that they bite their lips when in heat? They crave that Chad's sausage and they long to be on their knees in worship to their god. If all Chads of the world would die the lipstick industry would go bankrupt in a week tops.

Water is..

Wet. And their stinky vaginas too.

" The reason foids <insert any imaginable action> is because they want to suck Chad's cock."

Yeah this is even more accurate lol

VincentVanCock #sexist incels.is

[JFL] Mom coping about "when my son gets a girlfriend"

Third day in a row that she came with that bullshit of " oh VincentVanCock, when you get a girlfriend she's going to be a Very Lucky woman", this site came to my head at the spot and i started to laugh with her delusion, she asked me what was wrong and i brushed it off. She's in for one hell of a surprise, you ain't getting grandsons/daughters mama.

I swear down this quote and "You're so smart/handsome" is always fucking said to utter subhumans. No one is saying this stuff to chad, only incels like us

Hate that shit, you perceive that they are blatantly lying to you.

Do you plan to blackpill her anytime soon? It will eventually reach a tipping point anyways

Nah, she would freak out and think i'm a faggot so i will just keep avoiding the subject.

She's the kind of boomer foid that thinks her son is the most handsome guy in the planet, we used to go to gym together and she would always make up some lie about " look, this beautiful girl was checking you out" and then when i looked to the foid, she was looking at me on fear, anger and disgust JFL, most mothers are extremely and completely deluded about their sons' looks.

Various Incels #homophobia #racist #sexist incels.is


r/singapore 18-year-old admits to asking sister, 12, to carry out sexual act in exchange for Korean boy band BTS merchandise

He was too aggressive in his approach, was supposed to "get caught" watching a porn video and then leave the room with the video playing to see how she reacts to it and if she continues to watch. He didn't work up to it at all, no "grooming" was done, dude literally just grabbed her, carried her to a room and rubbed her belly down, then later got caught masturbating in her room, he sounds legit retarded. One of the most common things you hear about in stories about pedophiles is that they would give their targets erotic material and treat it like its something harmless. That accomplishes 3 things: 1. Normalization 2. Curiosity 3. Arousal

No moral faggotry please. When I'm mentally placed in a scenario I think it through in a detailed manner. I wouldn't do anything like this but its still interesting to imagine how I would go about doing it


”Source on him being an incel?” No source, but he is from Singapore so he might be curry cel

Curries in Singapore? And I doubt anyone in the forums would do this to their sister, don't compare us to that trash. Okay this was not an incel, this was just a sociopath who obsessed with BTS. Only Asian foids do this, so that's kind of suspicious

I knew a chick who said her brother made her do sexual stuff in exchange for pokemon cards when they were kids. Stuff is more common than you think. Studies show that the vast majority of people that are sexually abused as children suffer little recognized trauma from it as adults. Many become gay, but that isn't considered a problem in our society.

misandrist & basedandpinkpilled #sexist pinkpillfeminism.com

I love hating men

hating men makes me feel amazing. wonderful, even. i hope they all choke on their own dicks and die. I used to be hesitant to hate men because i thought that my hatred for them might show in my everyday superficial interactions with them and it will make me at risk of male violence but it actually did the opposite. I’m literally much safer now from male violence because my misandry makes me view men as depraved parasites that are to be avoided at all times.

Hating men is simply a rational response to the reality of this world. Also, women are most likely to be raped by a man they know and murdered by their current or ex- male partner. Avoiding men is an easy way to immediately cut down on many safety risks. Men and their handmaidens will keep trying to gaslight us out of this but deep down we know the truth.

StSausageCel #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] My sister heard me venting to myself about how lonely I am in college.

She then came into the room and gave me some bluepilled advice about getting hobbies and reading novels.

Then she asked me if I have no friends. I told her, "It's not like i don't have friends, it just gets lonely sometimes, you know?"

She laughed and said "What? I can't relate tbh". That sentence snapped me out of it and I realized I was talking to a woman. Of course she went through college with tons of guys and girls wanting to be her friend. She will never truly understand the loneliness I'm feeling.

So I replied, "Of course you can't relate, you're a woman..."

Then she laughed uncomfortably and left.

College is hell on earth for me. I don't know why I thought my sister would understand. The utter surprise she had on her face when I told her "college is lonely" utterly destroyed me. These whores are living on tutorial mode.

watcher #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Bunch of Brazilian whores in the heat thirsting over convict subhumans

A bunch of Brazilian monkeys did a live stream (this is Brazil after all...) and the whores watching it (mostly women) all started treating them like they are gods. To make things even more absurd they are mostly ugly as fuck so you can't even say this is lookism in action, just whores being whores and treating criminals well like they always do.



"Do a tour around the cell!!!! show the daily's received" (I don't know what the hell she is talking about)
"Do a live stream of your conjugal visit" JFL
"You are cooler than the free people here"
"Do a video trying to escape from prison"
"Only gift from god" wtf?
"I loved the tooth"

These bitches have really broken Portuguese so that's why my translation look weird, they are too stupid to write simple sentences, and they want to fuck these animals. These are the "people" populating the world after we are all gone, literal half-human half-chimp mongrels who live by pointing guns at other people's faces. This is what women want to fuck and reproduce with. They are not tall, they look ugly and they live inside a cell with other monkeys where they probably fuck each other in the ass when they feel horny. And women would rather fuck them than us.

TheMostAncientcel #crackpot #god-complex #sexist incels.is

There's a chance that we are actual GODS

Imagine you are a god. You are eternal, beautiful and have unlimited powers to do whatever you want. Every now and that you look at mortals and laugh at their pathetic life. Why should you not? Even a multibillionaire TeraChad is a balding indian janitor compared to you.

But,..after aeons you start getting bored of an existence of eternal power and pleasure so you think it's time to find something really entertaining that would not be spoiled by the fact that you mog the whole fucking universe.

So you think and think when suddenly...eureka! You realize that in orther to find a real thrill you have to nerf yourself and incarnate as a human being.

Of course since you are really bored you rule out the option of reincarnating as Chad or Chadlite as it would pose no real challenge. And being a normiecuck would be too bland.

You then realize you have to play nightmare mode and descending into earthly plane as INCEL. The more subhuman the better! Even better if manlet or with a short penis (optional).

That would explain not only our existence but also why non subhumans lack self awareness and are ultimately NPCs.

It's over for godscels.

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