
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Scrod #sexist #psycho mmo-champion.com

[ in response to this article http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-judge-delivers-blistering-rebuke-of-lower-court-sex-assault-decision-1.3694814 regarding a boy being acquitted for raping a girl depite the girl clearly saying no and fighting back ]

Question for the other guys out there:

How many of you had an experience in college where a girl was initially pretty unresponsive or even kind of weakly defensive but suddenly really got into it after you made a few moves? I certainly did, and it wasn't a situation where she was blackout drunk. She just ended up in my bed on some pretext (I think her roommate was hooking up with someone, but she had other options besides climbing into a twin bed with a single guy so it seemed pretty clear what her intent was). Her actions after getting in bed left me pretty confused, she was totally unresponsive to kissing and groping but didn't stop me. However, when I did the right thing she was suddenly all over me. I kind of figured out the boundaries through trial and error. On subsequent nights, I kept pushing and they gradually expanded too (lol).

I wasn't some sort of sexual predator, I was just a shy kid. I read the (nonverbal) signals correctly and it worked out, we dated for a few months after that.


That's why, when I hear something like this, I think: here's a guy who's gotten the wrong message, but he's young and hasn't figured this whole dating/sex thing out yet. Make sure he knows that what he did is very wrong, punish him, but nothing that will impact his life long term. He deserves the chance to prove whether he's learned from his mistake.

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist #psycho incels.is

[It's Over] iPhone 12 Pro lets Foids measure a guys exact height from a distance


Just when you thought technology couldn't fuck up the dating market any more jfl
now thanks to (((iPhone))) foids can just point their iphones in a crowded room and immediately detect which guy is the tallest giga chad jfl
At this rate inceldom is directly proportional to the number of new inventions coming out, as every new big tech development (tinder, onlyfans, iPhone LiDAR height measuring capabilities e.t.c) fucks sub8 men's chances at dating
To solve inceldom - foids should simply be banned from using technology. Simple

StartTakingNotes #sexist youtube.com

(Context: Talking about a show about female vigilantes fighting rapists. It sparked a lot of rage and moralizing from incels)

Sarah A: sigh look, how many vigilante superhero shows/movies/comics exist? you don't see people getting up in arms over those shows; they're able to disengage and recognize it for what it is - fiction. Why does the fact that the crimes in this show are sex crimes bother so many people? Is it because it hits too close to home???

StartTakingNotes: the differance is most superheroes fight supervillans in the act of causing harm, not chasing down and stabbing people that were accused of rape. Some mental gymnastics going on in this comments section lmao

Sarah A: so is rape not 'causing harm'? also, due to its very nature, rape is harder to catch in the act and even after it's over most victims do not get the justice they deserve, often getting blamed themselves. this is an important topic that needs to be addressed in a show like this because of its prevalence in the real world. you don't have literal supervillains going around in real life, but women are raped on a daily basis. that's why a show like this is so deeply satisfying to watch.

StartTakingNotes: I didn't say rape wasn't causing harm, don't put words in my mouth. I said supervillans in the ACT of causing harm like robbing a bank, planting bombs, trying to take over the city/world etc, and superheros are too busy handling that to break there moral code and go stab rape suspects. Also most supervillans are leagues above the local law enforcement, requiring hero's to take them down. Point is your analogy is invalid. Rape is a crime that takes place usually over a few minutes then becomes a he said/she said scenario afterward, and due to burden of proof, it's up to the accuser to prove the crime. it's not a perfect system, but it's better than the alternative. This show is the alternative, where people are accused of a heinous act, then get savagely beaten without a trial long after the act in question. The women portrayed in the show are lawless thugs.

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist #psycho

[It's Over] iPhone 12 Pro lets Foids measure a guys exact height from a distance

Just when you thought technology couldn't fuck up the dating market any more jfl
now thanks to (((iPhone))) foids can just point their iphones in a crowded room and immediately detect which guy is the tallest giga chad jfl
At this rate inceldom is directly proportional to the number of new inventions coming out, as every new big tech development (tinder, onlyfans, iPhone LiDAR height measuring capabilities e.t.c) fucks sub8 men's chances at dating
To solve inceldom - foids should simply be banned from using technology. Simple

armis #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Foids and chads are both soulless tools of nature and DNA

Foids and chads are very similar. Chad's brain is primitive, emotional and feminine. Similar to how foids use their pussy, chad uses his genetics, so he never has to be challenged and never develops any soul or character.

So it's clear why all scientists and great leaders were male non-chads, like Napoleon who was a bullied incel in his youth, and Hitler, who was an incel until he rose to power.

CrackingYs #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Experiment] [Poll] Are foids human beings with sentience and a soul?

This thread makes it clear theres many cels here that still believe foids have value beyond what their vagina brings and also believe a foid is even capable of love, let alone loving them. Love requires a brain with consciousness, higher thought processes, compassion, etc. Human beings deserve human rights because they are aware of their existence and experience feelings like love.

Do you actually believe foids have the brainpower necessary to be considered a human being who deserves the same rights as other human beings?

Are foids human beings?
Yes Votes: 15 23.4%
No Votes: 49 76.6%

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: [ToxicFemininity] Wtf is this, JFL

Pink Pill Feminism

"RadFemTears" -- soon on reddit. Actually, wait. Wahmen are oppressed that's why they (men that they hired off their onlyfans money that is) had to create this totally not hateful site.

Women deserve to freely express their thoughts and opinions on the internet without getting censored or banned.

We all know what their "thoughts and opinions" look like: hate men, kill all men, emasculate 99% of men, round up sub8 men in concentration camps, etc.

Take the pinkpill JFL

take the pinkpill: no matter how privileged foids already are, they still will feel themselves oppressed as long as men exist.

when have women EVER been sensored for their radical feminist views?

(Just here to read)

Could you imagine if women suffered real sex based oppression? They would literally kill themselves in a week

B-But queens do get oppression you inkwell!

What retardation they have there. Man hate is everywhere, no one will take the pinkpill down, but they will try to take down the others. They are also not very mainstream, like reddit and twitter. image

starcrapoo & Bourbon #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Noodlewhore writer for the (((New))) York Times JFL, Xi Jinping: the “protection of women’s rights and interests must become a national commitment.”

Its pretty simple. White Anglo + Jewish Chads benefit the most from a free liberal world order. And as well ALL know, free does NOT mean FAIR, decent, and just. They get first pick of all races of females and WANT all races of females to worship them and themselves only. Thats why they team up with ethnic women like Elsie Chen. The way to conquer a people without firing a single shot is to brainwash their women into hating the male counterparts of their race.

The Anglo Judeo world order is the worst enemy of human dignity and whats more enraging to me is that they claim they are for human rights and decency. Give me a break. If White Anglo-Judeo males TRULY had their way, all of Asia would look like San Francisco. HORDES upon HORDES of ethnic males (especially Asian) all alone while ALL races of females reject ethnic males at the same time worshipping White males (AND at the same time, saying that they are against white racism and white patriarchy).

i'd still choose a vietnamese or japanese noodle over a white bitch. Over they years of observing and experiencing white whores being total degenerates i've lost all hope even in being able to get a hug from one. and these feminist cunts need to be killed off, most of the guys i've seen talking about it say their asian wife doesn't know what feminism is if a noodlewhore goes to a developed 1st world western country or gets into the (((culture))) then she's ruined

Made in Heaven #psycho #sexist incels.is

Reddit is a cesspool of Blackpills

if any of you use reddit, I highly suggest you join r/Relationship_Advice, and especially r/Rape. The blackpills there, be they women falling in love with their rapists, or at least developing rape kinks, cucking their beta husbands, and so on, are abundant. Here's two I was just reading.

“I’m dealing with a lot of haunting thoughts surrounding my physical arousal in situations of harassment/assault (tw)”

“My girlfriend (F24)was raped 6 months ago. Recently found out that she had cheated on me (M31) before with her attacker."

My question is, why do women not understand that men will do what it takes to get sex? If sexuality assualting you is what it takes to make you hyper sexual enough to spread your legs, men will take that root. This is why gender segregation is needed. I cannot tell you how many of these stories I come across that wouldn't happen if gender mixing and ESPECIALLY if alcohol/part culture didn't exist.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [Based] White foid tries her new self defense moves on huge tyrone gets dropped

*Sigh* It's all so tiring...I hope he chimps out and kills her like all the rest do.

That chick is legit good looking for an American foid. She's slim with a nice ass and normal skin/facial features. Jfl

Yep. After the north fucked the south in the civil war in reconstruction the north tried forcing racemixxing on the southern women among other pro black pro northern bullshit. The Ku Klux Klan was founded to combat this and now that the Klan is almost gone and can't do anything due to how extensive the federal govt is racemixxing especially in the south is at an all time high. Not good.

What's stupid is that northerners were cucked by the industrialists and southerners had better lives in many ways. Ofc the southerners didn't want to live with descendants of negro slaves. These people call self-preservation racism. Most of the slave owners were Jews or elitist pricks who hated whites. Send the negros back to Africa or put them on reservations.

big inflated ass, getting thrown around by tyrone, her niggerization is complete, seems it always starts with the ass niggerization though, gotta clap them cheeks

Here's the thing... if she could defend herself or "take him" as she claims do you honestly think she'd still be attracted to him? JFL. It is literally a crime not to beat your wife.

not even a handgun can save a foid coz she'd have to fumble around in her fucking bag for a minute to find it and then probably accidentally shoot herself

She haves bunch of videos attacking him and him beating her, she enjoys every second of it, every time he hits her pussy explodes.

ChinaCurry #sexist incels.is

I know tranny maxxing is not considered legit ascension here, but if you think about it trannys, I mean the good ones, like in Brazil or Thailand, are much better looking than foids, have better tits and ass, and usually way better more sculpted bodies.

Yet we hate on people who ascend by fucking a tranny??

Makes no sense to me srs

genma #sexist incels.is

RE: [Serious] I suppose i can relate to how foids feel when a sub-6 guy approaches

Must be similar to the way you feel when a gay guy approaches you (assuming youre straight), hoping to get sex. Just the way you detest the idea of getting sexual with another guy, foids loathe the idea of touching a sub 6 man.

Yes, your comment touches on a core difference between male and female sexuality - a difference which greatly influences our attitudes about sex. The difference is, male sexuality is "active" (for lack of a better word). Male sexuality does something to you - to your body. Male sexuality is about penetration, while female sexuality is about receptivity. So, a man (gay or not) having sexual interest in you is vaguely threatening. He wants to put something in you. A woman having sexual interest isn't threatening, even if she's a disgusting hambeast, because all her interest means is that she's receptive to you.

And this is a really common troupe in feminist discourse. They talk about this, like, all the time. They really do have penis envy.

But this difference in male and female sexuality isn't actually the problem that we as a group face in society. Oh no. Because this difference has always existed, and our ancestors managed to craft polite, prosperous civilizations where men and women got along (it's a lie that women have ever been oppressed). No, the problem isn't the difference between male and female sexuality. The problem is that due to birth control and government support for single moms, women's natural hypergamy is no longer restrained. The problem is that the modern foid has calibrated her expectations way too high. As a result, a sub-6 man making a polite pass at her is seen as a huge insult, even if she is also objectively sub-6.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #wingnut #sexist #homophobia christorchaos.com

[From "Nations Need Kings According to the Mind and Example of Christ the King"]

Although there were certainly more than a handful of potentates who[…]did not fulfill their duties to rule according to the mind of Christ the King[…], many others did so heroically as they took seriously their Coronation Oath[…]
The framers of the Constitution of the United States of America[…]made the text of their document’s own words as the only basis for law, justice, and peace[…]
Holy Mother Church required the kings of Christendom to cut off the “mass of iniquity,” not to seek a “consensus” with it.[…]Absent the Holy Faith[…]men must descend to the depths of depravity, including the advance of every manner of wickedness that[…]might even have put the residents of Sodom and Gomorrha to shame
There is no room for effeminacy in the life of a ruler. There is NO ROOM for effeminacy in the life of a priest.
Yes, the keenness of the mind is blunted by the sort of bodily pleasures that Donald John Trump and almost everyone else in the farce of naturalism that continues to unfold before us, including his fiercest opponents in the Democratic Party, have partaken throughout the course of their adult lives.
When was the last time you heard someone in public life citing the example of Saint Henry the Emperor or Saint Edward the Confessor[…]as the example of civil leadership[…]? No, candidates for public office cite the "plaster saints" of Modernity who reject the Social Reign of Christ[…], believing in the "sovereignty of the people"
We are so far from a detestation of perverse sins and so ignorant of the holiness and virtues necessary for a just civil ruler that even most Catholics[…]are willing to “overlook” the president’s overtures to practitioners of perversity

Biblical Gender Roles #sexist biblicalgenderroles.com

In Corinthians 11:9 the Bible says: “Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man”.

When we apply that truth to sex, we can rightly say that sex was not created for the woman, but rather sex was created for the man. Everything about woman, including her ability to give and receive sexual pleasure was created for man.

However, the difficulty emerges when the husband begins to ask for new things in the sexual arena, things the wife is not comfortable with. It is at this second stage of sexual submission that many wives will look for the escape hatch. They will say things like “I am doing what he wants with the finances and the keeping of the house and I never say no to sex anymore – why can’t he just be happy with that?”.

But the answer to these young wives is always the same. Ephesians 5:22-24 tells us that marriage was created by God to model the relationship of God to his people and in the New Testament of Christ to his church. In verse 24 of Ephesians 5 the Bible says “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing”.

Notice the Bible does not say wives should be subject to their husbands “in every thing they are comfortable with” but rather it simply says “in every thing”. Of course, we understand that wives should not submit to sinful requests of their husbands (Acts 5:29). But a husband asking his wife to do something sexually that is outside her comfort zone does not equal him asking her to sin.

NothinButAComedy #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] IT won't Touch This :Stupid Chad Ungrateful that he gets crushed on by roasties

But I don't get this dude is clearly an abrasive asshole who doesn't respect and actively demean women why would she be attracted to him ....? Its almost like his charecter played literally no role..in attraction....and yet ofc IT won't touch this it shatters their entire worldview instead of looking at objective reality IT will continue to pull the wool over their eyes....mlady can do no wrong. Lol its insane to think that women thirst for chad so much that they'll literally label themselves as chads property by writing his name down on their breasts ....MEME GENDER STRIKES AGAIN

oh yeah and ofc he pulls foids ....MEME GENDER WOMEN ARE A JOKE

Not untouchable. First of all, who says he's being ungrateful? One could, especially if they're from IncelTear, interpret this as rightful reproach because this is stalkerish from the girl. Second, the girl crushing on the boy most likely doesn't know he's an asshole, if he even is an asshole. IncelTear never said looking good didn't help, just that being an asshole hurts.

Lol he was he bullied her and deleted the app and blocked her genius...and they got to the same school she would have known hes an ass....lol and you'd be surprised how many ITers say looks don't matter ...and my point was that if personality trumps all why was she attracted to him

BlkPillPres #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] she had to force herself to find you attractive btw

What ascension copers don't get is that from a woman's perspective she's always settling because nobody is good enough for her, so an "ascended" incel is always going to have to be "working on himself" in order to keep a woman from straying

Lol who cares if she forced herself. As long as she "forces herself" to stay loyal idgaf. Imagine caring about if a foid wants you or not after swallowing the blackpill.

Most incels aren't even black pilled, they are just blue pilled bandwagonists who are here because they don't have anywhere else to go

Like many have said before me, pretty much all incels are one IOI (Indicator Of Interest) away from disowning the black pill and calling it "a phase". They just need to get one wink with a smile to start doubting the black pill, one warm hug to start looksmaxxing because "maybe I have a chance"

CrackingYs #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Theory] If a vagina could be grown in a lab and kept alive (without the rest of the female) would you want one?

Would you buy a biofoid torso?
Yes Votes: 26 42.6%
No Votes: 35 57.4%

Imagine if bio-technology got to the point where we can grow vaginas artificially just as easily as chia pets or brewing beer. Or even better if we could keep the whole torso of a foid alive, basically a biofoid without a brain, a living fleshlight. Not quite human, not a robot, but fucks like a pornstar and is down for anything.

I think this would have all the advantages of a foid, without all of the annoyances like listening to her say retarded things and being bitchy. Then after a few years when she starts to become a roastie you just grow a new torso and throw the old one out in the trash heap -- something you can't legally do with a real foid, unfortunately.

I'm not seeing the downsides here.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] Moments where you have seen the blackpill in action?

5 years ago at a uni nightclub a foid came up to my classmate on the dance floor and started making out with him, he didn't even know her. It's one of the most brutal things I've seen irl.

Normies think we exaggerate when we say men 5/10+ and women live in a completely different reality, but when you're blackpilled and look back at this kind of stuff that happened to think how different it would have went were your looks better, it just becomes undeniable. I truly wish the blackpill was wrong, but it just isn't and we gotta deal with the cold, harsh reality. Cope or rope boys, unfortunately

One foid was always ragging on one dude (an obvious bad boy). She used me as an emotional tampon to tell me how awful he was and I shouldn't be like him. So in my head I thought that meant she thought I was a good guy. One day she was feeling down and the bad boy told me I should give her a hug. I didn't but she heard him say it and the look on her face, as if she stepped in dog shit. LOL. Later than day for her break I saw her and bad boy hanging out. Think that was my first clue.

I've relayed the story a few times. Before she reported me for committing the crime of being unattractive she blew me off because needed to get her work done that day. Not long later I saw her make her way to a tallfag's work station and it was textbook out of a PUA playbook. She was giggling and playing with her hair as he barely gave her the time of day. Night and day how she reacted to him versus me. There is no escaping these moments unless you just keep your head down and march straight to your room. Foids detest unattractive (read: not a chad) men and are not shy about showing it.

BlackpilledAF #sexist incels.is

[Story] [BlackPill] Normcuck practically offers his "female friend" for Chads on a silver plate

So these two used to always come together, joke around together, and more importantly: the normcuck used to dedicate more than one hour of his time per day to coach the femoid and give her tips. I've been away from this gym for about 5 months, and when I came back to my old gym, I saw so many changes. Whereas she had a chubby body before, her body is so fuckable now and is sexy af. Damn she looks TIGHT now!

Along with this physical change of hers, and her bumping from 5.5 to 7.5, came with a lot of behavioral changes:

- They don't come together anymore, and she barely says hi to him.

- Whereas she was a "nice girl" before, she's now the Chads' plaything. She's always slutting around with some Chad, and has like 2-3 regular chads she hangs around with. But not just hanging around, the way she works out with these chads is very sexual. Like, when they support her while doing squats, they pretty much dry hump her from behind and she keeps touching them, whereas her workouts with the slant-eyed normie were very "platonic".

- She's now the girlfriend of one of these Chads, and she keeps making out with him under the eyes of the Normcuck, who is obviously annoyed by all this.

- Whereas the normcuck used to strut around the gym, proud that he is accompanied by a femoid, his body language now is completely cucked, and is invisible. Doesn't socialize with the guys anymore, whereas before he used to try to behave as if he was a Chad.

- A year of orbiting around the female, and sacrificing hundreds of hours of his time to help the femoid sculpt her body got him the following result: he now gets to see all his efforts and hard work being reaped by Chad, who just had to be there. Practically he offered his female friend to the Chads on a silver platter. That's some deep cuckery.

I find the gym, where aesthetics are glorified, a place of raw human instinct and a raw environment for the BlackPill.

JosefMengelecel #sexist incels.is

[Incel Trait] Jerking off to foids during online classes

It is so unbelievably easy to do during online classes. My teachers don’t even bother enforcing the camera rule so I never have it on. I still have tape covering the camera just in case. I have also checked online and nobody will notice if you pin a certain screen so I can freely jerk off to whatever foid I want and nobody will notice it. This is something I will never be able to do irl. Hopefully online schooling will stay for more time because I have no idea how I will control myself from jerking off to jbs at school.

High T, good for you. Tbh nowadays I can't even get a full boner even with the most niche porn I can find. I have to start jerking off to weird tags I think of at the moment, like "hairy" or other weird shit. And I have to alternate between weird shit cause otherwise it's not satisfying at all. And even when jerking it's never like 100% erect cause I guess I've jerked too much in this life.

Also I have to alternate between real porn, hentai and porn games.

That’s pretty brutal. I mostly jerk off to hentai but will also jerk off to irl jbs and lolis if the chance comes up.

osman27 & VincentVanCock #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] JFL, just checking what type of thing trends on YouTube here in the Arabian peninsula.

I see this blonde haired blue eyed Levantine chick with over 4 millions subs. Simp-dom is a global epidemic.

اخواتي فاجئوني بحفلة ال 4 مليون 😍


She's a quirky Gamer-Girl. Respect her

مقالب مضحكة بالمدرسة الشريرة جنناها !!!! صارت تترجاني ! 😂scary teacher 3D

Simpdom has never been higher in the history of mankind

That’s what the war in Afghanistan is partly about, the right for JB foids to stream tick tock videos from her Kabul bedroom.


Simpdom has never been higher in the history of mankind

Countless wars of the ancient times were caused because of pussy, simps gonna simp and have been simping since ever.

That’s what the war in Afghanistan is partly about, the right for JB foids to stream tick tock videos from her Kabul bedroom.

The only right they deserve is the right to suck my cock and let me behead them.

anon1822 #psycho #sexist incels.is

Do you fantasize about being a big, bad, dangerous dude? (not to attract women)

I look like a weak, polite, nice dude to strangers.

But sometimes I fantasize about looking dangerous. Not even for women, fuck them, I don't fantasize about this for women at all. Like I fantasize just walking down the street, everybody looking at you knowing you are a bad motha fucka. If I did that not even my baldness would matter. Nor my missing front teeth where the fillings keep fucking falling. Just a bad fucker who looks gnarly.

But I'm just a weak introvert who has to be polite cause he's so anxious of any consequences. And tbh I seem to have too much empathy and conscience, guess my parents raised me that way. I'm empathetic despite hating humanity in general. Doesn't do me any favors though.

Also I my body is a piece of shit lol. By now I'm really unhealthy, got several problems. But even as a teen I was weak. I went to the gym for like 4 months and saw no progress, literally none. Never could even do a pull up. And tbh to look the way I fantasize I'd have to get on steroids and that's a no go for many reasons, my fucked heart would blow up and tbh it's pricey too.

If I was like that I wouldn't be so anxious at least. Damn, I'm agoraphobic by now. Can't walk down the street without fearing I'll be seen by somebody that used to know me or heard about my many public embarrassments.

Douglas Wilson #sexist #psycho patheos.com

Say a woman — for some egalitarian and very foolish reason, declines to have her dinner date walk her back to her car in some urban center after dark. Let us say she is raped and murdered. According to what RHE says, my response is going to be some variant of “served her right.” Now you would have to be a fool not to see the connection between her refusal of an escort and what happened to her, but you would also have to be pretty vile to say that walking to your car deserves the penalty of rape and murder. You would also have to be pretty high up among Obama’s advisers to falsely accuse someone of being that vile.

One consequence of rejecting the protection of good men is that you are opening yourself up to the predations of bad men. I fully acknowledge that this is not what such women think they are doing. They think they are rejecting the patriarchy, or some other icky thing, but when they have walked away from the protections of fathers and brothers, what it amounts to is a tacit (implicit, in principle, not overt) acceptance of the propriety of rape.

Does this mean they deserve to be wronged? Of course not. Does John Piper deserve to be mugged because he won’t carry a gun? Do I deserve to have my truck stolen because I left it unlocked? Did the oysters in The Walrus and the Carpenter deserve to be eaten because they were so stupid?

David J. Stewart #fundie #magick #crackpot #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Kundalini Yoga Is Of The Devil!

I recently ran across a book entitled, "KUNDALINI, THE MOTHER-POWER" (1992). The author is SRI CHINMOY (ISBN 0-88497-104-X). This article I am writing is intended for research purposes. All my writings are FREE for you to use for the Lord.
Sri begins by claiming that god is "both" a mother and father to us. Sri says: "The Kundalini power is the power of the supreme goddess, the power of the mother aspect of the divine." The Bible never mentions any such thing. There is NO feminine side of God presented in the Bible. I am not a male-chauvinist, but I am not going to corrupt the word of God to appease a political agenda either. God chose the woman to continue His divine creation—There is no greater honor than to be the mother of one of God's little creations. This whole thing of equal rights has been blown way out of proportion. Most men and women simply don't understand the Bible—at all!

Their is nothing inferior about submitting to authority. Jesus submitted to the Heavenly Father while upon this earth, but He was not inferior in any way. Likewise, a Godly woman who obeys her husband is not inferior in any way. The only one inferior may be the husband who is abusive and fails to love his wife with kindness, respect and appreciation. Many women feel it is degrading to even think about OBEYING a husband—This is unfortunate. God has created us all equally IN HIS IMAGE.

BududubNow #psycho #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] I. Really. Fucking. Hate. ZOOMERS.

HOW THE FUCK IS THIS FUNNY? Zommers are fucking braindead, have zero self awareness about their cringe levels or about the environment, not to mention social settings behaviour and stuff of this sort. They literally behave like boomers and old Gen X people on the internet, this is the same type of lack of awareness that makes them unfunny, cringy and overall FUCKING ANNOYING, just like those old fart boomers are. How is that possible? You would think that with how natural the evolution of human gnerations was, they would fit in the internet "world" that was mostly created by millenials and simply make it evolve even more. BUT NO, they completely missed it's point, their humor is SHIT and if they couldn't maintain such a basic concept that is the internet, HOW THE FUCK ARE THEY GOING TO SURVIVE, LET ALONE THRIVE IN REAL WORLD? Seriously, anyone born after 1999 should fucking... I won't finish but you can take a guess at what I meant to say.

Also, anyone born before after 1999 should not be able to post on this forum. MAYBE LURK only.

Braindamage #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Whats the point for females to live if they dont want to breed?

Females are designed to breed at a early age and 20 years ago the the average age of childbirth for females was 20 now its almost 30. And when a female is 30 her body is ruined and has no value her eggs she has left are shit and will barely work and will give bith to some defected kids. why doesnt they want to breed anymore? thats the purpose

FlyFace #conspiracy #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: the supposedly hottest woman in the world looks like a regular tier becky without makeup

Scarlett Johanson. Admittedly she is in her mid-30s now, and so looking a little older. Probably was a legit Stacy in her early-mid twenties. She is cute no doubt. 6/10-7/10 without makeup. But not even stacy tier. No eyelashes at all, even I have longer eyelashes. Fat face, bug gum expoure, big forehead, greasy hair. Male chads look the way they do without makeups. There are no stacy. Fakeup should be banned. image

she's old as fuck though. The actual most beautiful woman in the world is probably a teenager

Lolis look good without make up. Think about it. What is the point of make up if not to mimic the traits found among preteen and teen girls?

Jewish ZOG brainwashing to try and make beta males with melted brains believe that old women are in anyway, shape or form attractive. Youth is beauty. Leonardo Di Caprio knows this.

"OY VEY BOYIM I MIGHT BE 80 YEARS OLD BUT I AM STILL ATTRACTIVE!! THE TALMUD VISION SAID SO!!" I swear as time goes on you need to watch how the Foid lies get even more unbelievable as time progresses. The thing about it is that Incels won't even be able to cope because silly putty brained Chads will be banging all the grandmas in the retirement home as well as every other prime whore in the world. Infinitely over.

BududubNow #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] The biggest bluepill pusher - Chad

There are three types of bluepillers:

>Ugly cucks who can't accept the reality and give up the game
>Foids who of course gain from cucks being bluepilled

But there is a group not many people notice that they have to keep bluepilling themselves to sleep well at night and certainly this group is not seen as bluepilled often enough - CHADS.

Yes, Chad will never admit that it's not just lucky dice roll of good genes that makes him popular and gives him easy life mode. He would have to admit that Stacy wouldn't see a worthy person in him if he was one of us, that he didn't get to where he is today with hard work, that he doesn't have personality, that he is not anything special. I hate chads TBH, more so than majority of this forum. Chad is the pupetteer behind the curtain and he steers foids and cucks to do his bidding of bluepilling others for his own gain. Chad is like a jew.

Fearofeight #sexist incels.is

[Venting] The term "friends with benefits" makes me sick

Am I the only one? It makes me seriously physically sick and nauseous, dizzy. Sometimes i cry a little.

I guess it comes from my bluepilled perspective being broken, but I would expect this type of "no strings attached" degeneracy from men, but it really fucks with me to see women go around talking about having FwB, fuckbuddies, etc. Like it's normal! You fucking sociopaths..

How can there be more proof of the blackpill than that? It proves that love is not real, femoids are shallow and have no feelings.

Imagine you study and work hard, become an engineer or some shit, just to betabuxx some SOCIOPATH roastie who had fuckbuddies. Sex to her is a meaningless pragmatic tool to use you.

You wouldn't even know if they are a psycho or not because asking them about such stuff is "none of your business".

This is what I said in my other post, "IT MEANS NOTHING" because that's what sex is to them, nothing. Normies are all degenerate coomers, men AND WOMEN alike.

One thing is rejection, and then there's being in love with a sociopath, which most people are sociopaths.

Imagine having all this fantasies of love and intimacy for someone, and they just fuck whatever stranger makes their genitals tingle, and they are completely emotionally unaffected and dettached. This world is fucked.

MeeksPilled #sexist incels.is

[Hypocrisy] The same people who complain about being slut-shamed use "virgin" and "incel" as insults.

The definition of slut-shame is to "criticize people, especially women and girls, who are perceived to violate expectations of behavior and appearance regarding issues related to sexuality," this definition can be applied to virgin men as well seeing as the expectations of behavior is that men should lose their virginity by the time of adulthood, or at least by the time they turn 20. Why is it that the women who complain about this shit are the same who dish it out lmao? Any time a dude calls a woman out on twitter for having an Onlyfans her response is usually some shit like "umm, sleeping around and having an Onlyfans is empowering, maybe get out of your mom's basement and have sex you virgin teehee."

I'm sick of the hypocrisy in this fucked up world.

copecel2 #sexist incels.is

About Chads (IT won't touch this because it burns)

If there is not any bias towards ugly people, why are Chads selected for main roles in important movies? Why are Chads so popular in music videos? Why do handsome dudes are protagonists EVEN in videogames? Why do Chads are being shown on billboards, posters, newspapers, internet ads and so on?

We are not stupid to the oblivious truth. Why are ugly people ALWAYS the villains? Why are them ignored by the society? This problem runs deeply into more complex problems that we always face. I never got called 'handsome' by anyone in this life. I would put more effort in appearance if women would call me 'handsome'. For real, you can't build confidence from shallow rock, and this is proved. Unless you're someone who smokes weed and jerks off, yeah, you can have a positive outcome from your brain, but it is just a facade.

ITers are afraid of the truth that they won't realize and won't even explain logically that Chads are living life on tutorial mode and are more likely to become millionaires and well-received by the population.

Ugly people aren’t even the main villains usually. The main villains are chads just dark triad. the ugly people are the goblin henchmen and shit

I didn't mention ugly dudes are the MAIN villains, I just stated that they are the bad guys. Ugly people are the extras or minions who get gunned down in 2 seconds.

ReconElement #crackpot #sexist incels.is

If you are male that is definitely true tbh males are always fighting with each other. It's only because of polite social norms and conventions that in person multiracial groups of males don't get in more arguments.

Yea males need to fight for everything, especially with a different male to be relevant on any field of life probably for this reason professions where women begin to reach the same numbers as that of males, that profession loses its value and people are no longer interested in it.

In any profession where women reach the same numbers as that of males very quickly many existing males get booted out or marginalized because women have an innate group preference and in the end of their collective interest in mind. Unlike normie males who see every other guy as competition and that he is potentially better than.

Yea, Normies don't miss a single opportunity to decrease the status of a male they thing they can. This behaviour only gets excarbated in the presence of foids.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] 24 minutes of a whore faking being an "introvert"

Women do the "shy quirky girl" routine all the fucking time. It's so clear it's never fucking geniune. Just walk up infront of a giant audiance and millions of camera and giggle and tilt your head. Fucking simps fall for it all the time. Women are fake. their personalities are fake. none of them have anything real. They just portray what they think makes them special.

I remember noticing this in college. A foid did it all the time when there were people around. I notice that when she thought no one was looking or around suddenly her "quirkiness xDDD" was gone

FUCKITALLREEE #sexist incels.is

I think they do know the truth, they just want to shut us down because we spread the truth and threaten the existence of the bluepill

They are running on lies and hopeless hope, if you lay down the blackpill facts in front of them, they will always pull an anecdote out of their ass to tell you that you are wrong. Jfl at those brainlets, they love scienece except when it doesn't support their view, then they say it is debatable and not credible enough or simply wrong because they can't handle being wrong themselves so they reject everything that doesn't support their closed view and brain dead opinion.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

[JFL] The big brains over at r/IncelTear try to calculate what a slave girl would cost in today's dollars

Apparently none of these Einsteins understand supply & demand curves. If a prime foids would fetch $130,000, you better believe they would be bred in large quantities until a price / value equilibrium is reached where it's affordable and fair for all men to afford as many slave girls as he wanted.

Even if they were right and that we could not afford slaves, slavery would destroy their feminist power anyways. I would take that.

Not the wisest move since black folks associate slavery with their past in america and we currently have ethnic cleasing with whiteys being the ethnicity on the chopping block.


Tbh even if it cost an exorbitant amount, I would be fine with that, at least it would give me something to work towards instead of having the rest of my life consisting of rotting in loneliness. STEMmaxxing would actually mean something instead of just being a better paid wageslave

same. imagine buying a pristine loli for $300k :feelsohh:


Just a bunch of white people tryna calculate the price of slaves today. Nothing to see

As natural for them as fucking dogs.

TheMostAncientcel #sexist incels.is

Being forced to listen to pop music sung by foids in grocery stores is offensive to ugly males.

Those songs are always abouth some Chad who makes them go crazy or make them suffer or just putting him to a pedestal. You cannot even cope by buying junk food in peace without being forced to listen to literal female mating calls bombarding your ears constantly at maximum volume. And it is not limited to grocery store but EVERYWHERE. You are basically reminded constantly that you are not a man worthy of attraction and love. And no one says anything. Now immagine if a slightly antizionist song would be played in pubblic spaces. Hell woild break loose and this is the ultimate proof that our lives are considered a joke and unworthy of bare minimum respect.

Mainländer #sexist incels.is

[Experiment] What do you think of the idea of multiple ages of consent?

Yeah, that would be reasonable tbh Votes: 5 12.8%
No, age of consent should be all-in-one like today Votes: 10 25.6%
There should be no age of consent because families should decide on such things Votes: 3 7.7%
There should be no age of consent because I want that prime pussy Votes: 15 38.5%
Age of consent should be marriage Votes: 3 7.7%
Other (say ITT) Votes: 3 7.7%
Total voters 39

I mean, isn't it just retarded that in the US for example (other places are similar tbh), you can get your life ruined for making out with a 17yo foid, but the very next day she could legally sit on the couch of facial abuse?

It would make more sense if there were multiple ages of consent. For example:

Kissing: no age of consent
Blowjobs: 12
Vaginal sex: 14
Hard fetishes: 16

starterVincentVanCock #sexist #racist incels.is

[JFL] It's ridiculous how ugly brazilians are, myself included, no wonder there are so many incels( in denial or aware) in this shithole + HUGE VENTING WALL

I was inside my house for a good 6 months, only getting out to cut my hair, today i decided to go for a run to see If my body still works after months of sedentarism and boy.. WHERE DID SO MANY SUBHUMANS CAME FROM?

There wasn't a single ethnic that wasn't subhuman, no wonder JBW is so strong here, the only half decent guys i saw were the whites ones.

I was FOGGED hard, an amazon white foid wearing heels almost towered me, bitch rlly made me fuming from inside, i wanted to break her legs on the spot, but the only thing i could do was coming back to my house after being brutally humiliated.

The foids are also ugly as hell, fat AF, short AF, small ass, no tits, fucking hell, pls Kim jong un, Trump, hitler or any world leader, NUKE this place, miscigenation was a HUGE mistake.

I forgot how ugly i was too, went to the bathroom and threw some water on my face, when my head went up and i saw my face i almost cried, no wonder i'm postmaxxing in this forum, i'm ugly AF too, definitely here to stay.

Plus my hairline is DESTROYED, i look like a mulatto avatar, the legend of silva( most common last name here in this country).

That was my statement, remember boys stay inside because the only thing waiting us out there are humiliations and mogging.

NoCopeOnlyRope #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] My Roommate Treats His Girlfriend Like Absolute Shit and She Still Stays With Him

My Chadlite roommate with hunter eyes treats his girlfriend like complete garbage calling her a whore, a slut, stupid, fuckface, etc. Despite all of this, she is still deeply attracted to him cuz of his looks and she’ll come over on call to hop on his dick anytime he wants and she always enjoys it to. JFL at anyone who ever said a good personality and respecting women gets you laid. This guy treats his girlfriend like absolute shit and she’s still deeply attracted to him and willing to have sex with him

Because he dumpster dived for a low self esteem ethnic landwhale, I don’t think his looksmatch would put up with that

Tbh. If you mog the girl hard enough in looks/money/status, she will put up with a lot to still be with you


RE: [JFL] Dating apps are hard for girls

Every single FUCKING time a guy has a mostly exclusively guy problem, foids will be like ''oh that sucks for but I have that issue to, now let me rant on about it to overshadow your problem to tell about how I suffer from it''

Complaining about tutorial mode

foids are on modded creative mode with dev hacks and console etc

it's actually insane how the internet allows literal foids to share their inane 'thoughts' with the world. why the fuck is this legal :feelsree:

BududubNow #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] The irony of foids calling other foids "basic bitches"

Literally 99.999% of foids in 2020 are ctrl+c -> ctrl+v. The same basic bitch that says she's not like the other girls but in reality there is no differences between them. Even 10 years ago here in Poland you could see so many types of girls -> staciec, beckies, gothic girls, hipster chicks, emo, skater girls, nerdy video game enthusiasts, you name it. Today, ALL FOIDS ARE THE SAME, there are no subcultures, they don't have different music tastes, they all like "traveling and photography", here we call them "Julki" from the Julia name - typical early zoomer foid with instagram, mid class parents, who likes to brag on instagram about her new clothes, makes lots of pictures on cheap, govt. funded vacations in Croatia, has at least one tattoo to show how much different she is from other girls, wears typical overpriced clothes from mall clothes stores. Literally every foid is like that here, no originality. The more poor ones act like that too, they will most of the time post pictures of different clothes in shops changing rooms because their parents can't afford them and don't take pics in their rusty households. AWALT literally is true about EVERY aspec of foid's life in 2020.

”govt. funded vacations in Croatia” really, how does that even work? sounds like a whole new level of cucking

All foids are pre-programmed NPCs

Yeah my bro Colvin, I have read that the XX chromosome of foids is monkey-based while XY male chromosome was clearly designed by some creator on purpose. I literally think foids are soulless NPCs and nothing more. They are a shallow as a puddle. I forgot where I heard it but I think it was a part of video in a robert septher's video (he's and anthropologist).

VincentVanCock #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Having a sister is something i don't wish to anyone

She just offended me, i offended her and then my whore landwhale mother started to talk bullshit DEMANDING that i accepted her offenses, i refused and called my whore sister a dirty ass hoe. She started to talk about how she's proud of being a hoe and i said how much she's coping, now shit is over but it's incredible how the media, state and society allow women to be disrespectful towards men. They are so bold cause they know the state and the whiteknights are there to protect them, If It wasn't for that she would learn how much of a cumsack peasant she is, i would sell her to a brothel and fuck some thick european hoes with the money. My whore sister deserves to get beaten and killed( in cidade alerta simulator), If she died today i would have a laugh and play some games.

Based Brothercel make her life hell bro

Wish i could, i'm just a skinnyfat mulatto brazilian, i'm not willing to destroy my life because of her, hopefully she will move out with some idiot willing to betabuxx her rotten pussy and i will finally have peace.

Rape her. Ascend with her, whether she likes it or not

She's disgusting to me. Brazilian prisons are HELL, plus as i ALREADY said, she fucking disgusts me, her skintone reminde me of currywhores. I'm good with escortcelling.

Uglyme #sexist #psycho incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] Women's lives are so ridiculously easy that they shouldn't complain about rape

Seriously, the chances of any woman succeeding in life without doing anything are way higher than being raped any day. Even in third world countries where rape is supposed to be a thing, any foid can become a millionaire by selling pictures of her dirty ass without having to work a day in her life. Meanwhile, men have to work her ass off to barely afford to have a decent life. Men have to work in the most dangerous and low paid jobs you can imagine. Men die everyday in the battlefield to protect the interests of corrupt countries. Men have to deal with mental illnesses and loneliness without receiving treatment. Men are killed, robbed, kidnapped, raped everyday and in higher proportion than women. And women are crying that they're the ones who have it harder? Really? Just because one foid gets raped for being drunk and half naked at the club, everyone loses their shit? If women had at least one bit of remorse, they would realize they are actually very privileged for living in a society that values and protects them instead of complaining about "muh misogyny" every time a subhuman dares to look at them for more than 5 seconds.

English Motherfucker

Do you speak it?

Speedloader #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Sheboons, noodle bitches and criminal’s fuckpillows (latinas) smv mog cumskin foids in russia to hell and back

I fucking hate that I can’t get noodle or sheboon because MUH EXOTIC PUSSY in russia

how does a sheboon mog a russian foid? image

No idea but in slavlands sheniggers are worshipped more. Nigga foid smv in russia = cumskin foid smv x 10. And slim nigga smv mogs them all combined (slavlands only).

Wrong. You can just Russian far eastmaxx for that Tatar/Tuvan/Yakut pussy.

Cope. They are muslims and I’ll get beheaded if i tatarmaxx. And tuvans are the most low inhib dark triad rices on earth

Then go to Kalmykia and bang their foids. Kalmykia is mainly buddhist, so now you don't have an excuse.

Just go into third world lands theory

Isn't most of Russia outside St Petersburg and Moscow third world? There is plenty of Turkic/Mongolic foids in Russia, ripe for your taking, buddy boyo.

Moscow /peterburg are third world and places outside them are fourh world :lul:

Wanna trade places? My goal is to be with a slavic women.

Ehtnic cels want white foids Whitecels want ehtnic foids Couldn't you all stick to your own ?

I own nothing

wereqryan #crackpot #sexist incels.is

RE: This Redditor finds out the hard way that chad sex is different

JFL at this Reddit cuck. I would leave any relationship where its apparent that either one of us aren't sexually satisfying enough for the other.

Imagine the how much the number of sexually frustrated males grows when we take into consideration cucking relationships and deadbedroom betabux-based relationships!!

I had a conversation with a foid about this dual mating strategy thing where women are sexually almost unresponsive when it comes to having sex with men who aren't Chads. This is what she said:

"To tell u more, I have dated someone I wasn’t attracted. He was just nowhere on my attraction radar, how much love do u think I could give him? Not even a fraction of what I had to offer. It just couldn’t come out! When he gave me always felt bland. So the conclusion I have drawn is, If it’s a relationship where I feel like I am settling for him, It’s goona create a void in me. The void dosent help people in the relationship be the best they can be, infact it poisons relationship beyond words. Better to be single then rather than spiting and resenting the person in relationship."

Hubert Cumberdale & Apex Predator #sexist #wingnut amren.com

(Hubert Cumberdale)

Women under 30 think the world owes them something so why pay for it.

If life is divided into 5ths -- with 15 years in each section (75 in total) -- the 2nd section (age 15 - 30) is a woman's oyster. If her looks are sufficient, all manner of personality defects, bad behavior, and poor decision making are excused due to men's greatest desire of having an attractive woman by his side. Women still have a lot of power in the 3rd section (age 30 - 45) but it wanes considerably and the balance of power gradually shifts to men who at least have their financial house and health in order. Men of means in the 4th and 5th sections (age 45 to death) have it better than women. Older men can still marry and father children with women considerably younger than them while women do not have this option and are largely invisible at this point.

People don't really appreciate just how much overlap there is with AmRen and the general "manosphere" talking points from the likes of Roosh, Richard Cooper, Rollo Tomassi, etc. When you date or marry your typical Millennial or older Gen Z American woman, you are dating or marrying her debts that women from most other nationalities simply will not have.

(Apex Predator)
The 19th Amendment was a serious mistake, if you can't look around and understand this you are living in an alternate reality. A creature ruled by 'feelz' and emotions has no business attempting to run a society anywhere except into the ground. (some exceptions for the pragmatic & logical women which are a minority, but do exist)

AutisticMonstrosity #sexist incels.is

RE: [News] Teacher, 24, who had sex with student, 14, and sent him lingerie pics is spared jail

The article used words like "the pervert", criminal etc. multiple times even though there was nothing pervert and should be nothing criminal. Why you morons here want her in prison? It's wrong that she lost her job and got some punishment and criminal record + picture published. She should get promotion if anything.

Also, if the sexes were the opposite, also then there would be nothing wrong. The article and newspapers write that she was a "pedo"(phile). Fucking a 14 years old is not an evidence of that. They are biologically adults. The boy could get an erection and father children, that means he is biologically an adult. Pedophile is someone who is attracted to prepubertal persons!

It is a sign of decline of civilisation that there is an artificial age that determines instead of biological facts (common sense). People mature at a different speed and reach fecundity at different ages. The legal age has been put very high so that even the slowest maturers have reached fecundity. Pedophile is and should be in law only be a person that is after prepubertal persons.

The "boy's" mother is the real wrongdoer here!

JohnWickCel #sexist incels.is

The only reason women got mad at Trump for his "grab em by the pussy" statement was because it was calling them out.

Just look at Hollywood and Harvey Weinstein. I doubt those women were raped, he just made them an offer for roles if they jerked him off and they said yes for money and fame. Sleazy for sure, but not this horrible monster he was portrayed as when all this was found out. Tons of other elites do way worse, the women only revealed this stuff when their fame ran out. I mean, when's the last time you saw Jennifer Lawrence in a movie after all that? And what Trump said wasn't even that bad, all he said was when your rich and powerful women don't care how you act because they want your money and power.

contraterrene #sexist reddit.com

[On the subject of hybristophilia]

This 'disorder' is an intrinsic part of female sexuality.

Women in ancient times did not swoon for losers because a man that is not brutally violent in defending himself or his mate / offspring will find himself out of the gene pool.

In our far savage history it made evolutionary sense.

Now because of it you have female prison guards cheating on their husbands and getting pregnant by scum of the earth inmates, ordinary women getting knocked up by thugs and raising fatherless kids on taxpayers money and a multitude of women sending love letters to serial killers they see on TV.

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