
Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

We are not here to defend or promote evolution. You asked for a scientific overview of evolution. The point is that there is no 'good science' that demonstrates evolution is true.

Basically, the theory is that some 15-30 billion years ago, there was nothing. Then, all of a sudden, BANG. All that is exploded into existance from nothing.

Since then, the universe has been on a steady course of random evolution. According to the theory, this random course has come to the point where we are now.

Even in the most basic explanation (as I have given here) it is flawed. One of the fundamental laws of physics is that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. This whole theory assumes that matter spontaneously created itself.

On the other hand, God is the author of the laws of Physics. He can do miracles, and He gave us the explanition that he created the universe.

Teens-4-Christ members #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Current results of a Teens-4-Christ poll. The first number is the amount of people who voted for that option, the second is the percentage of the total voters who voted for that option. Emphasis is added.]

Before you are married, is it ok to...
Hold hands: 9, 10.00%
Hug: 9, 10.00%
Cuddle: 2, 2.22%
Kiss: 11, 12.22%
Passionate Kiss: 8, 8.89%
More: 11, 12.22%
None 40, 44.44%
Total Votes: 90

Bro Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Actually, I did notice the humanistic philosophy you are trying to promote. It will not be tolerated. You may have noticed that this is a Christian forum. Our answers are intended to help you live a life pleasing and honorable to God. Second, our answers are Bible-based. So long as you do not acknowledge the authority of the Word of God and the existence of God, we have no common ground upon which to have a discussion.

The devil is quite the liar. He has deceived you already - he has you believing that there is no meaning in your life and that there are possible alternatives to God's will. But the Devil is a liar. He lied when he proclaimed that he would ascend above God, he lied when he deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden and he lied when he convinced you. There is a difference between me lying about whether I like your hair or not and the devil's lies, though. Where I may not want to hurt your feelings, the devil wants you dead in sin condemned to Hell. Whether through suicide, murder or disease, the devil wants you dead. If you are dead, you cannot choose to serve God. If you die in your sin, without choosing to accept the free gift of salvation from God, you will go to Hell, and spend eternity burning.

kevinmiller #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[In response to another poster mentioning that some women have had men hurt them as a possible explanation as to why women should not be required to always do as men say.]

"I know it is very difficult to honor someone who has hurt you, but it is nonetheless required in the Bible. There is nothing wrong with wanting to stop the pain. But the way to stop that pain is to give it to God. Taking charge to prevent being hurt is not the correct way to deal with it."

Bro Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I honestly believe that you young ladies will never understand the power you have over men through the way you dress. If you even had a slight bit of the smallest clue of the effect you have over a man by they way you dress, there would never be an issue of modesty among ladies who really want to serve God again. I wish I could explain more, but I cannot in mixed company. Just take my word for it.

Mrs Kellie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[The fault lies not with the woman who refused him but with the man who continued despite her protests.]

WRONG. The woman sinned by not dressing modestly, and tempting the man. The man sinned by lusting after a woman that is not his wife, and raping her. In your example the woman sowed seeds of lust in the man, and she reaped the consequences of her actions. While both were guilty of sin, legally the man will be punished criminally.

[Looking at it in another light, if a man went out with a fancy suit and got mugged, would you say that the man was tempting his mugger?]

No the mugging is not his fault, nor did he sin. He may have not been very smart about being on a good side of town, and not going overboard in being flashy. I don't believe the Bible says that being rich is a sin, but it does talk about women dressing modestly.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

It is well documented that the name 'rock and roll' was used to describe fornication in the back of a car. Even today, there are songs and phrases such as rock your world, let's rock, etc. All of these terms have dual meanings. One definition they all share is to fornicate.

The term later came to describe a style of music that caused otherwise proper young ladies to act or move their bodies in a lude, seducive way. This style of music caused them to commit acts of fornication.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

In rape trials, the victim is almost always asked a question something like, "What were you wearing?"

Jesus said in Mat 5:28, "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

Here is the point I want to make: modesty is essential. Rapist are attracted to those who are immodest. How often do we hear about kids and teens being kidnapped, raped and murdered. Then we see pictures of the kids only to see that they were not modest at all. Jean Bennet Ramsey was dressed, as a little child, like a scaled-down adult protestitute. What should we expect from the dregs of society? My point is simply this: I believe that if you knowingly dress in a way to attract guys, you are as guilty of adultery as the guys are. You are committing adultery with them. [emphasis original]

katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Although I firmly believe that pants are mens clothing and should not be worn by women, to deliberately wear some that "culture" (although it is wrong) has defined as womens pants, goes against this verse also:

[Deut 22:5]

It is an abomination to God. And crossdressing (although yes I believe all pants are mens clothing, the fact that society accepts these as being womens pants means that men should not wear those particular styles) identifies you with homosexuals and other such wicked and perverted people.

Tiffany138 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

if a girl dresses immodestly and does it to lure a guy in and then she decides that she doesn't want to do anything with him after tempting him and she tells him no but he still "rapes" her then do you think she is guilty too?

i believe the answer is yes she is guilty just like the man of commiting sin!
that is what half of these girl that go around crying "rape" have done
they chose to dress the way they did to get a guy to sleep with them then all of the sudden when they felt "uncomfortable" they decide it is rape when really they had the intentions all along to sleep with the man

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

You are right, as individuals, we are not to resist persecution for our faith. As a nation, we are not to allow God's country to be overtaken by muslims and pagans. When you study the entire Word of God, you will see the origins of this conflict: Isaac vs. Ishmael. From there, the conflict grew. Ishmael choose not to obey God and fathered a nation which is, to this day living in rebellion to God. Second, God promised the seed of Isaac a nation and a certain parcel of land. Over time, the Devil, through the hand of the Muslims, have progressively taken that land from the children of God.

Now, we continue to see the results of Ishmael's rebellion. As a Christian nation, we must respect and support Israel. Becase we worship Jehovah - the God of Israel, we must reject the god of Ishmael. Because we reject the false religion of Ishmael, Islam, they have delcared war on us. This is a war we must fight.

As a nation, though, we are not fighting the religious war against Islam. We are fighting a war against terrorism. This is a war we must fight, but it is a war Christ will win!

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

That is not what I was saying here. The rapist certainly is responsible for his actions. However, if the girl involved has dressed immodestly, she shares that responsibility.

A few months ago, when I went to bed, I left some cookies out. When we got up the next morning, there were two smiling kids and cookie crumbs in living room. they were wrong for eating the cookies, and touching what was not theirs to touch, but I was also wrong for giving them a strong temptation. I should have removed the temptation from them. Likewise, a girl who dresses immodestly is setting up a temptation for men. Some men may be able to contain themselves and their thoughts. Other men may not be as strong. Their thoughts run away with them, and they lust after the flesh they see, but they are able to contain it at that. But men who are weaker still may not even be able to stop there. These men may go further and act on their desires. If a man commits rape, has he done wrong? Absolutely! If the woman tempted him, is she wrong as well? Sure is! This flies in the face of the sensibilities we have all been taught because we have believed a lie. We have believed that we can do whatever we want and there are no consequences to our sins. This is a lie.

[The scariest thing about this thread is that to every post Randy makes, there are at least 3 "amen!"s.]

Geno #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I keep wanting SOMEBODY decent to run, and so far, it looks like the Mormon's the best. But it's just by process of elimination:


Giuliani...LIBERAL! A pro-abortion, pro-homosexual gun-grabber.
McCain......see above, I'll add their pro-illegal immigrantion stances to the pot


the Muslim....SOCIALIST!

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

No Debating

Teens-4-Christ is not a 'debate' site. You will not change our minds, do not try. A quick read of Romans 1 will show that those who debate are in the company of adulterers, sodomites and murderers. Therefore, debating will not be allowed.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Any school which discards the Word of God in favor of other perVersions is not what I would call a 'fundamental' school. I am sorry if you are offended, but this is the truth.

* Bob Jones Univ. has never been (nor claimed to be) a Baptist school.
* They have discarded the Word of God and now are claiming there are 'many' acceptable translations of the Word of God.
* They are now teaching that the Blood of Christ was no different than the blood of any other man.
* They have completely discarded many standards of modesty. In fact, they allow the women to wear pants.
* They have changed their standards on dating several times over the last few years.

I could go on and list many other points of lesser importance, however I do not have the time at the moment.

It is true that some of these other colleges were founded by men from Bob Jonesh. Many of them did this becase they saw the decay of the colleges which were the pillars of fundamentalism.

I think it is intersting that YOU are the one who mentioned BJU, not me. So, whether you choose to admit it or not, you must also know some of this is true!

[Note: Randy DID mention BJU, but he couldn't remember the full name before.]

Mrs. Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Oh, yeah, on the P[ensacola] C[hristian] C[ollege] website they do state that their church functions as an independent baptist church]

It functions AS a Baptist church........It is Baptistic ......not Baptist. If they truly stood with the Baptists it would be Campus Baptist Church.

Romans 6:23 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I was driving home from school on a normal winter day. There was some snow on the ground, but overall the roads were pretty much clear. The road I was on was 45 MPH, so I was moving pretty fast for the weather conditions! So anyway, I was going up a slight hill and as soon as a reach the top I see a school bus stopped letting some kids off and there were two or three cars behind it. I lightly pushed onto the brakes to slow down but realized I wasn't slowing down at all! I immediately SLAMMED on the brakes as hard as I could and went into a skid, heading straight for the row of cars ahead of me! I screamed at the top of my lungs "PLEASE HELP ME GOD!" and slid all the way up until I was about 4 inches away from the row of cars, and I came to a sudden stop, which was extremely scary because I was still moving at about 10 MPH just before that! I thought I had hit a car from sure and that's what stopped me, but the person in that car didn't seem to notice. I stopped to catch my breath and just sat in my car for a bit to see what the other person would do. The line started moving and the car ahead of me just kept on going. Amazingly there were no scratches on his car at all! I pulled aside, got out of my car, and looked for any damage, and there was absolutely none! I came to the conclusion that it wasn't the car ahead of me that stopped me, but the hand of GOD Himself!

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Let me say it this way:

I do not want religion taught in public education (I do want FACTS such as the account of creation taught). However, I do beileve there should be choice in education and that choice should include the public funding, without oversight, of private alternative forms of education including private religious education as well as home schools.

In other words, we need vouchers.

SarahM #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Brother Randy is right. They don't even teach the truth about the creation of the world, much less Christianity.
Evolution and atheism are the two religions taught in public schools - and all the bad things that go with that, like Buddhism - "safe sex", etc.

I can't see a reason why it would be good to teach about Islam or Buddhism. Why learn the tenets of Islam or the teachings of Buddha? They're false religions, after all. Maybe historically it'd be fine, but there's no real reason to go into the religion itself, right?

In other words, we need vouchers.

Bro. Randy #sexist teens-4-christ.org

[Regarding courtship]

[I have a question, in all these situations it seems assumed that the man makes the first move or hears from God (in new-manna's post). Is it, in your respected circles where this takes place, acceptable or customary for the woman involved to make the first move? I do not know much about this practice and I'm just curious as to what ya'll and those in your churches or communities think and believe.]

NO. The girl is not to make the first move. It is the guy's responsibility to seek the will of the girls father.

OnMy Knees #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I think that creation should be taught and the truths of the Bible, but not religion. We're suposed to be righteous not religious. Religion killed Jesus. The Pharisees were extremly religious. It's disturbing that we're supposed so tolerent of everyone and everything except when it comes to the truth.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

['That does not justify being cruel, rude or anything to that sort.']

I have reviewed this thread, and found nothing cruel, rude or crude.

I assume you are referring to the word queer. Well, when I checked my dictionary, I found the following definitions:

1. strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint; unusually different.

2. of a questionable nature or character; suspicious; shady.

3. not feeling physically right or well; giddy, faint, or qualmish: to feel queer.

4. mentally unbalanced or deranged.

At least two, if not all of those definitions apply to the sodomite.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

First, we need to understand that religion is already taught in public schools. The problem is that Christ is not taught.

* New York and California both teach Islamic studies.
* When I was in school in South Carolina, we were taught that the Christians tried to take over the world and persecuted non-believers (the conquests and the inquisitions). Those were not Christian actions, they were Catholic actions.
* Other schools teach Buddhist meditation and secular humanism
* All schools teach evolutionism.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Response to why Evangelicals don't dance]

We don't dance (as it is today) for a couple of reasons:

1. most types of dancing we see today are sensual
2. the types of dancing we see today do not glorify the Lord
3. Modern dance involves the use of music that does not glorify the Lord.

Mrs. Kellie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

The Bible calls atheists fools

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, [There is] no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: [there is] none that doeth good.

It is always sad when people reject the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, for we know that the end of that rejection is an eternity in hell.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

1. If there is a mixed group, and someone will be leading the prayer, the ladies should split up from the men, or a man should lead the prayer.
2. If everyone is praying, and no one is 'leading' the prayer, then no problems
3. If it is a group prayer, and there is no man who will pray, then there shouldn't be a group prayer - everyone should pray.

The bottom line is that praying, like everything else, should be led by the men - ladies should not take over and speak for the men.

katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Do you'll think it is okay for women to pray when men are around?]

"Like in my church we are really small so in prayer meetings the women and the men split up to pray, and in churches I have been in it has always been done that way. I really don't think a woman should pray in public if there is a man to do it."

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Is there anything wrong with a Christian girl saying "stinks" plz let me know if there is]

I'm glad you asked. There are a lot of 'Christian' swear words.

I must admit, as I think of it, I am guilty as well.

If you are saying something has a foul odor about it, then there is nothing wrong with saying it stinks (duh) but if you are expressing your frusration, then it is one of those Christian swear words. For example, if you stub your toe, and you exclaim, "Oh stink!" The phrase becomes an expression of your pain and frustration. In that case, it is a sin.

heavenbound85 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Are you saying that if a church doesn't believe in "once saved, always saved" that it is a cult?]

My mother-in-law is church of God and does not belive in eternal security. We differ on this issue, but I don't believe she is in a cult. LOL I believe the author of what I posted was saying that cult leaders will use their followers circumstances to make them feel they have no salvation except through them and what they are teaching. That's how I understood it anyway. People who are involved in cults are usually those that have very low self esteem issues, have never really been taught the Scriptures and need assurance of SOMETHING. They'll fall for anything, and cult leaders know that. So they play on their insecurities.

[So close, yet so far away. Bro. Randy must be wiping the sweat from his brow]

Romans15 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Anyway, Bob wants to be my friend. The only problem is that Bob is overweight. While it might not be within my right to judge anyone, I've always seen being overweight as a form of sinful nature. Seeing overweight people (gluttons) in church tends to bother me. It bothers me like those people who smoke or drink, even get tattoos or piercings. In fact, the Bible associates gluttons with drunkards - "And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard" (Deut 21:20). What they do is mostly bad for them. There's no way it pleases God to treat our bodies that way. He made us in His perfect image. We weren't made gluttons.

saved4ever #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Why are you so worried about you or your children having a social life outside of church? Ultimately all they need is one friend, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. However, they can usually find a good friend or two at church. Why does a person have to have a ton of "friends" at school who most likely will not encourage him in the Lord or help him spiritually? I don't think we need to worry about socialization. When I was 5 and my parents began to homeschool me, my grandparents (who are unsaved) were so worried about it. Namely because I would not get the social experience that I "needed." I seem to be doing fine having never been to school, and I thank my parents so much for teaching me at home where the Bible was our main textbook. You don't get that at a public school and rarely at a Christian school.

kevinmiller #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I do believe it is wrong for a woman to work outside the home for a couple of reasons.

-It causes the wife to not rely on the husband like she should. She is making her own money and she also is more likely to take control of the finances or spend money without her husband's blessings. I have seen this first-hand.

-God also describes the virtous woman as a keeper at home. God outlines a woman's responsibilities and none of them include jobs outside the home. She works yes, but within the home and under the leadership of her own husband. A woman who works outside the home is not only under her husband's authority but also under the authority of the person that she works for. The husband is the "head of the wife."

saved4ever #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Here's a verse to think about:

"A companion of fools shall be destroyed." - Proverbs 13:20

If you get a group of 30 2nd graders together, what do you have? You have a companion of fools. The same thing works for the older ones. If you get a group of 20 - 30 10th graders together, more than likely there is going to be one or two kids who become the leaders and they are going to lead everyone. A group of 10th graders are going to want to get into trouble and have "fun", etc. They are also a companion of fools. If you do not want your children to be brought to either physical or spiritual destruction, I would recommend that you homeschool your kids!

katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[on whether or not women should wear pants]

My beleif is that it would be wrong for me to wear pants. I used to wear them, but the Lord convicted me about this and that is why I say that for me to wear pants would be wrong. I heard this idea presented and I went and began to study it for myself. The Bible tells us to be modest as women. I watched women pants-wearers closely for about two weeks. It didn't seem to matter what kind of pants they wore, tight, loose etc. ALL of them seemed to creep in places they shouldn't. So that is not modest.

God convicted me (and this was at the same time He convicted me about wearing mini-skirts and tight tops that showed my belly off etc) about this. He was working on all these things in me at the same time, and to me a pair of pants was almost as bad as a mini-skirt, and still immodest.

Bro Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[How to tell if you are saved by Bro Randy. #6 is disturbing...]

1. When you prayed the prayer, were you sincere or did you just want to make someone else happy? If you were sincere, give yourself a point.
2. Did you really want to give yourself to God, or did you really want to not go to hell? If you really wanted to give yourself to God, add a point.
3. Would you do anything the Lord led you to do? If yes, add another point.
4. When you sin, does the Holy Spirit convict you? If yes, add another point.
5. Has the Lord shown you things in your life that are wrong? If yes, add another point.
6. In general, do worldly people love you or not? If worldly people do not like you, add a point.

Romans 6:23 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I voted absolutely none for reasons already stated! My one friend is really getting wrapped up in a relationship! The other day, I saw him and the girl he was dating holding hands!!! It's getting pretty serious and I'm worried. Things for them seem to be moving quickly! I mean, they've only been dating for 2 weeks and they're already holding hands! They might have even been doing it longer than that!!! It's just I've never seen it until now! My friend is really starting to lose interest in God and I blame it all on this!!!!

Mrs. Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I AM here to be my husband's "personal maid" and to be "stuck in the house." I showed plenty of verses that showed that - the 31st chapter of Proverbs! Wives are to be a help meet for their husbands. I consider it a privilege to cook the meals, do the laundry, clean the house, rear the children, pick up clothes he may leave lying around, clean the kitchen counters after he makes a sandwich...... [...]

Yes, women have rights - the right to obey God's Word.......

Romans 6:23 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

This festival seemed pretty good though. The first couple singers were great, a couple of them even made a nice Christian speech-- I was really impressed! Then all of a sudden I saw a new band setting up. I saw an electric guitar and immediately thought "uh-oh!"

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

The Biblical standards for music are:

Separation: The music as well as the musicians should be distinctly separate from anything that is worldly. Simply, the music should not sound like the music the world loves.

Testimony: The musicians testimony should be one that demonstrates their love for God and their willingness to serve Him. Of course, this means that they must be living a pure and holy life. Opening for rock/pop/rap/mainstream country stars would, of course, disqualify them.

Message: The message of the music must be clear, must praise God and must edify the saint.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

(Bro. Randy expanding his definition of "non-Christian" stuff...aparently Bob Jones University isn't fundie enough for him...)

XTian Rock
Contempory XTian Music We have been hitting hard on XTian Rock, but it is only one genre, or style of music. There are many styles of music which claim to be Christian, but which are completely worldly in their sound, and devoid in their message. These have all fall under the 'Contempory' or modern label. Give me the old fashioned stuff!

XTian School
A School or university which claims to be Christian but either does not have Christian standards or had them at one point, but is now abandoning them. For example: Yale University. There is another one in Greenvile, SC, but it's name escapes me at the moment ... Bob something...

Non-denominational XTian Church
In other words, come as you are, we'll give you a warm fuzzy feeling, and you can leave like you came!

Mrs. Kellie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I know that cXm is against the rules but I would like to know why

what makes {CXM artist removed by admin}worse than {classical artist name removed by admin}
Why is {CXM group removed by admin} banned but {classical artist name removed by admin} isnt
what makes music good or bad (I'm asking for the views of the Mods not the actual biblical response because I know that there is a huge difference)

<font color="red">***CXM and all other ungodly music performers/groups will not be promoted/mentioned on T4C, doing so will result in the editing of posts, warnings being issued, and privileges being removed. Please review the T4C Rules, as well as the Music forum rules.

This post has been edited by Mrs. Kellie: Today, 10:22 PM</font>

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Do you mean Barak HUSSAIN Obama? The MUSLIM? Hmm, where will he stand in the defence of our country against the terrorists? Oh, wait, he has already stood and voted numerous times in numerous bills and resolutions AGAINST our President and AGAINST the defence of our country.

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