
Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Dinosaurs were in existance in the Word of God. Job referred to a 'leviathan', and the leviathan is mentioned three other times in Scripture. In fact, we see dinosaurs today - they are also called reptiles. They may be smaller today than they were 7,000 years ago, but so are we. And, yes there is a Biblical explanition for that as well. It has been proven that tomato plants can be three stories tall when grown in a chamber with a higher atmospheric pressure and oxygen concentration. This would be much like the atmosphere was before the flood when the atmosphere was compressed by the canopy of water. We can easily suppose that all plants and animals in that environment would be much larger - even man.

As for the other accounts of global events... they were global events which were documented in all records.

And finally, no other religioin predates Christianity. Christianity is the worship of Christ. Christ is the ever existing one and people have worshiped Christ since people were created by God!

Tiffany09 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Talking about what happened to the dinosaurs]

Ken Ham, a brilliant christian scientist, has evidence of dino's in Ireland or Scottland(something like that)...Lockness. Refered to as the Lockness monster. It's fascinating, I think I'll do a research paper on it.

Tiffany09 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Topic Question: If the great flood is why we have no dinosaurs today, why didn't God tell Noah why not to take them on the ark? Did God have something against them? If they did get on the ark, and then went extnct later, how did they all fit?]

The flood killed some of the dinosaurs but not all. They think that there are some still today. In Job, there's some dinosaurs mentioned. I think it's Job 41 verse one, it's called leviathen. They weren't totally wiped off the face of the earth though.
It's called the survival of the fittest. Think of it as God's population control. If we had dino's today, it would be like Godzilla.

Kirsten #racist teens-4-christ.org

[On whether Jazz is Satanic]

Yes,the Bible does say to praise the Lord but it says in psalms and spiritual hymns. Jazz in niether one of those two. Jazz is evil and things pertaining to evil we should stay away from.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Jesus, Himself, was in one sense homeless. However, he was not a drunkard who choose not to work. This is the state of most (the vast majority) of the homeless we see on our streets today. They have chosen to serve alcohol and drugs. They have chosen to live a life on the street. They have chosen to not work. Want proof? The next time you see someone with a sign that says "Will work for food," offer them a job. See what they say! Will they work? NO!

[Later in the same post]
I will add: I will almost guarantee that you will not find someone who is a saved person, living for God, who is homeless. He has promised to take care of His own!

Bluegrass Girl #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[poll: should women go to college?"

No, I do not believe that all women should attend college. Society has made us all to think that everyone should attend college. I do not believe this to be true. So many independent baptist churches push college on us. They have made us think that we will not "be something" unless we go to college. No longer are we thinking about God' will for our lives, but only what other people are telling us.

I believe that a girl should not leave home at 17 or 18. A girl should be under her father's authority and household until she is married. In the wedding ceremony, there is a reason that the father gives the bride away. He is giving her to her future husband.

As I have stated in my other posts, this all goes back to the feminist movement. Women thought that they were no different than men, they wanted to act, like, and talk like them. Women went to work, and the children were left at school.

ForHisGlory2005 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

That is why I have such high standards... When Teens allow themselves to be alone with someone of the opposite gender...that only gives room for temptation and you never know..that preacher boy/Godly girl you always shake hands with or give high fives to...they maybe the one God has you to marry..I dont shake hands or even high five preacher boys because ..that might just be the one I'm to marry one day and on my wedding day...I REALLY want that to be the first time we EVER touch.. AT ALL. Setting high standards is the best way to truly abstain from ALL appearances of evil.

Missions2005 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

This is where you get off track quite a bit. As a Christian, you NEVER let your conscience dictate what you do. Why? Because even the Bible says our heart is desperately wicked. We are not free to do whatever we want to do. Whether it offends the brothers or not, it goes much further than that. It's offensive to God! There is NO excuse for immorality in the life of the believer. Here a tip. Forget what you feel. Forget what you thought. Forget what you've been taught, and go on what the word of God says. And it CLEARLY says that there are some things that Christians should have no part in. Plain and simple!

bound4glory #fundie teens-4-christ.org

actually i dont think i like the world outside of my 16th century bubble... after all life was better back then... values were stronger, standards higher, men were men, women were women, purity was esteemed as a virtue... need I go on? So as for me... ill stay back here in my 16th century bubble, esspecially since that is the Bubble the Bible happens to be in on this issue.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

There are many who get engaged only to learn of that their fiancé is not the one God has chosen for them. Suppose, after the engagement, they kiss. Then they learn that they are not to be together. What then? They have spoiled themselves for their intended spouse. They have reprogrammed themselves and defrauded their real spouses.

Disciple and Mrs. Kellie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Two fundies for the price of one!]

Disciple: Last night we had a pizza party at the pastor's house, and a lot of us gathered in the fixed-up basement to play Dance Dance Revolution on the pastor's big screen, flat panel TV. But somehow things starting getting really out of hand and really sexual. I'm glad my youth pastor came downstairs to check on us teens when he did, because the direction it was heading in was starting to concern me a lot. But everyone acted like perfect Christians as soon as they saw the youth pastor! It's amazing how quickly the sight of the pastor can change everyone's behavor from R-rated to G-rated! Glad he got there before it turned into X-rated, which it was just starting to turn into before he showed up!

Mrs. Kellie: This is so sad Disciple.....Sad that a pastor and youth pastor would allow such an activity. Pastors and youth pastors should be encouraging teens to be spiritually minded, and showing them that you can have fun, and do right at the same time. That game is full of ungodly music, and encourages people to show off their bodies in a lustful way, that is like lighting a match in a room filled with gas. I would guess from what you have said about their actions that most of the teens in your youth group are not Christian...sadly they are just playing the part.

Zach #fundie teens-4-christ.org

You know, its because of evolution that we have Earth Day. I'm againat Earth Day. If you look at the purpose and reason behind Earth Day, its satanic. People want you to think that we're in some way obligated to cleaning up the earth.

Paul #fundie teens-4-christ.org

However, the sun was created after light. But it does say that God separated the light from the darkness, so there could very easily have been a night and day. God also said that the sun and moon were "for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years." They are simply a sign to show us when the day starts and when it ends. They don't necessarily determine when day and night are; they simply show us when they are.

Bro Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Is there a scientific reason why evolution would be false? Yes, many. First, the Bible declares it to be flse. [...]

Another reason is actually quite clear, and comical. One of the most popular methods of dating an object is carbon-14 dating. But, there is a problem: carbon-14 dating always seems to return an age of less than 10,000 years. Of course, when these ages are 'observed', the observations are discarded.

samer #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Makes me fearful to live in America...You're just BEGGING God for a curse, Mr. President.
That's the tip of the iceberg, friends. Muslims going to heaven? Still a proud member of that wicked secret society Skull & Bones? Don't even get me started on more secret, conspiratorial things. And he's a lefty as far as finances go. And the babies...won't someone think of the babies... *Shudders*
www.GodFamilyRepublic.com (HI KEVIN!!!!!!!!!)

jesusfish #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki]

Nobody is ever completely innocent except unborn children. But that's irrelevent. We killed the citizens of Japan because their government was an immediate threat to ours, not because they were guilty of something.

The real tragedy is that so many people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't saved. In one fell swoop, the United States sent the populations of two cities to Satan.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Well, science literally is the study of something. More specifcally, the scientific meathod is a process. During that process, a theory is formed. A theory is basicly a supposition, but it cannot be proven.

In real, honest science, observations are made and the theory is strengthened or disproven. However, with evolution, when observations are made, if they do not fit the theory of evolution or if they completely disprove it, they are discarded. In some cases, observations have been falsified, and in some cases, outright lies have been promoted.

In any case, the science behind evolution is not honest, true science.

Paul #fundie teens-4-christ.org

As for what "good science" is, I think he means science based on observation, as opposed to observations based on science. That's actually where the theory of intelligent design came from -- science based on observations. Objective science. The only reason I don't like intelligent design is that they come short of saying "In the beginning God created..."

Brynn Winslow #fundie teens-4-christ.org

I never thought about unicorns actually existing! that's pretty neat that they did. i wonder if the unicorns, dragons, etc mentioned in the Bible actually looked like what we picture them as today. Hmmm.... :) there's a thought provoker! :D as some of my teachers say, i hope that one day, when we are in heaven, God has a big projector screen so we can watch all the stories that we've always read about! wouldn't it be cool to be able to actually watch when Moses parted the Red Sea? and all of those other great stories??? i really hope that we'll be able to see them, but if we can't, it won't really matter will it? we'll be in heaven!!!

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[In response to someone who asked about the verses in the KJV that mention unicorns, leviathans, dragons and satyrs. It looks like Randy has zoological information that modern day science does not]

There are a number of passages that refer to unicorns, dragons and leviathan's. Satyrs, however, are mythical creatures.

Mrs. Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

As for a situation where the mother's life may be in danger by giving birth...... It is not our place to play God by killing the baby to save the mother's life. He has a purpose in everything...even a situation like this one. It is never right to do wrong to do right. It is the Lord who blessed that woman with a pregnancy and He is the only One Who can rightfully end the pregnancy or cause the mother to carry to full term. It is also His prerogative to choose to take the mother's life so that the child may live. Being saved or unsaved makes no difference here - except - the saved mother has the peace of God dwelling in her to uphold her, comfort her, and guide her.

Miss Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

(responding to a post sceptical that Unicorns and Dragons really exist)

You're right, The Man With No Name. Unicorns and Dragons do not exist. Not now! However, they are definitely mentioned in God's Word therefore proving that at one time they were alive and well here on the earth.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Some people have described pornography as the only form of safe sex. This is a lie. Though the odds of catching a disease through the use of pornography are lower than they are when compared to other illicit sexual activities, the one who uses pornography is just as subject to the judgment of God as the one who physically engages in illicit sexual activities.

Bro Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

(I was reading through parts of my KJV bible today (I regularly switch between KJV, NKJV, NASB, and NIV) and I noticed that it mentioned a unicorn (Numbers 23:22 God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn.) I thought that was a little strange so I went on Biblegateway.com and looked up more verses with animals. Here are some of the ones I found:

Isaish 13:21But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there 22And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.

umm so the last time I checked dragons, satyrs, and unicorns didn't exist. Do you think the Bible is refering to mythical creatures, that it is speaking of real animals, or that the translation meant something different when it was written? )

Many animals, including dinosaurs, existed before the flood. Noah did not have room to take each animal onto the ark, he only took two of each kind. After the flood, I am sure God superintended in a miracle which helped the animals divirsify and produce the many different animals we see today.

When you think about it, which would you rather be on a boat with: a pair of twenty-foot tall dinos or a pair of six inch geckos?

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[I decided to bait him into a trap using moral codes against the bible and posted some links about Utilitarianism, not suprisingly, he covered up free speech and deleted the links, closed the thread and posted stupid crap, totally missing the point of the original post.]

God is a moral absolute. is a relative practice where morality is determined by the action's relative impact and whether the impact is positive or negative.

Moreover, it denies the overall sin nature of man as well as the existance of God. It seems to be most commonly promoted by the likes of Karl Marx.

katyanne #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[on whether or not it is okay to have an abortion if the mother's life is at risk]

You're saying that murder is wrong in all instances except one. No it is not murder to tell the mother to not have the abortion, you need to tell her how to get saved so she can get saved. If that is the mothers day to die anyway, God is going to take her in another way. It is God's choice when we die.

Mrs Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

As for war....... The killing that occurs in war is different than the murder killing mentioned in Exodus 20:13. War killing is done as self-defense and in defense of a country. The Lord Himself upholds this kind of defense. He sent Israel into battle many times. He told Israel to kill all within the land of Canaan before moving into that Promised Land.

Ashleigh #fundie teens-4-christ.org

there is a person my Dad went to college with (at PCC) and he opened this theme park type place called Dino land (or something like that), for Christains who beleive how God actually created the earth (the Biblical way!). There, they actually FOSSILIZED a teddy bear.

What does this tell you about science now?

missions2005 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

The women has no rights when she has a baby. There's not that many women who are going to be damaged by having a baby. It's natural, so therefore it doesn't cause harm. If she didn't want a bady, she didn't have to have one. Simple as that!

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[The least correct answer ever to the question 'can someone please explain to me what <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darfur_conflict" target="_blank">Darfur</a> is?']

Darfur is a small country in Africa which is being destroyed by Satan at the hands of the muslims. Poverty is rampant, people are starving, being murdered and raped. When financial aid is sent in, it is stolen by the muslim terrorists who control the country. When aid in the form of the Gospel is sent in, the Christians are just murdered.

missions2005 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Now wait, marrying girls age 11 and younger is abomination? I don't know about that. It may not be adviseable, but it's not an abomination. Most Bible scholars will tell you that in the time of Jesus Christ, girls got married at quite an early age. Most of them will also tell you that Mary herself was not a lady of middle age or old age, but a very young girl. So abomination? No. Unwise? Yes.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Are you implying that no one ever gets abused, raped, harrassed or molested in church? A friend of mine was obediant to her parents, the churches rules and officials-to the point where she never cried out for help or told anyone for years after the fact. To say that anyone is ever truely safe blindly obeying those in power above them is fallacy, just thought i'd throw that thought out there. I get kinda agitated when someone mentions that "they woulda been safe in church."]

No, I am not saying that just being in church makes you safe. I think the Roman Church has fairly well proven that to be a fact. Don't get me wrong here - there are too many cases of abuse in IFB churches too. My point is that being in GOD's WILL brings the protection of the Lord. It does not mean that nothing will happen to try us, it only means that whatever happens will be under the control of the Lord. In this girl's case, I can say with certanity that if she would have stayed at church, as she was supposed to, she would not have been raped that night.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

When I started to answer this post, I started to talk about the reasons why someone would be raped and who is at fault. But, that is not the topic here. To directly answer your question: I believe there is a physical purity and a spiritual purity. The physical purity is gone. It was stolen from her. But her spiritual purity may not be. This is where we have to examine the 'why' behind the rape. If someone is dressed immodestly, is drinking or doing drugs that cause her to loose her inhibitions, or is somewhere she should not be, then she did contribute to the crime. For example: There was a girl in our youth group some time ago. This girl was clearly in rebellion to the Lord. One night, she decided that she wanted to visit her friend, but her parents brought her to church. When she got to church, she quickly left and started walking to her friends house. She was raped less than 300 yards from the church property. Was the rapist wrong? Absolutely. Was she? Did she contribute to the situition? Yes, she did. If she had been obedient to the authorities over her (her parents, the church's rules and workers), she would have stayed at church and been safe.

Spiritual purity is a heart condition. By the way -- Spiritual purity can be lost without ever touching another person or being touched by another person.

Mrs. Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[I'm not certain that she sees the implication of what she's saying...]

I have personally known mentally disabled and brain-damaged adults. The mentally disabled are usually quite open to Jesus because they think like a child...

Zach #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Not only that, but also, our kids are learning that they as humans are the cause of the earth's pollution (though humans do cause pollution), but the school system makes them out to be the only reason why the earth is so polluted. You know, its because of evolution that we have Earth Day. I'm againat Earth Day. If you look at the purpose and reason behind Earth Day, its satanic. People want you to think that we're in some way obligated to cleaning up the earth.

ForHisGlory2005 #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Having children out of wed-lock isn't good for the child. It robs them of the parents God intended for them to have. Also, if you're not married or just living together your child doesn't have a father. Maybe, a biological father, but not a true father, one they could look up to.

Living together is as much of a sin as just having sex. So, any "christian" out there that thinks other wise needs to think again that they are doing the right thing and you are still going to hell.

Evangelist #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[I hate to play the devils advoc------ no, no wait, i love to play the devils advocate! the bible is violent to. Killing kings, entire populations(Jericho, Ai, etc............) stoning ur kid if he talks back........]

true, but all that was comanded by God.

Bro. randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[There have been militant Christian groups in the past. They are people who distort the word of God into what they think it means.]

I cannot think of a single time where Christians were militant. I can, however, think of many occasions where the Roman church, aka CATHOLIC, has persecuted people, I just cannot think of any CHRISTIAN groups who were militant.

Mrs. Debbie #fundie teens-4-christ.org

My husband and I do not fly anymore for two reasons -

* We refuse to let the governement search us bodily.
* We refuse to fly with Muslims.

Our preacher rarely flies also. He has started driving to his preaching engagements.

This is America. We should not cater to the Muslims who hate us and are out to "murder the infidels."

jesusfish #fundie teens-4-christ.org

What books have you been forced to read in school that clearly go against God's word? I can't even count the ones I've been made to study for some reason or another that are completely unholy:

-Moby-Dick (homosexuality, idol-worship, defiance of the Lord, referencing of the Bible for evil, etc.)
-The Iliad / The Odessey (Greek mythology, false gods, monsters, adultery/other sexual sin)
-Much of Shakespeare (ghosts, magic, faries, witches, sexual humor)
-Maus (the suggestion that anthropomorphic mice are sentient beings)
-The Scarlet Letter (adultery mainly)
-The Hobbit (obviously...)
-Lord of the Flies (name is a reference to Satan, idol worship, paralleling a human character to Jesus)
-Bless Me, Ultima (glorification of Catholicism, witchcraft for healing, and another human/Jesus parallel)

And there are many, many more.

Bro. randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

[Teens-4-Christ official rules]

NO DEBATING. Teens-4-Christ is not a 'debate' site. You will not change our minds, do not try. A quick read of Romans 1 will show that those who debate are in the company of adulterers, sodomites and murderers. Therefore, debating will not be allowed.

All posts contrary to the doctrinal beliefs this site was founded on are subject to being deleted at the discretion of management. Any posts supporting beliefs contrary to "What we believe" will be deleted...may result in banning of the poster.

God's Word is the final authority on all matters.

Bro. Randy #fundie teens-4-christ.org

First, there are observations - physical findings.

Based on observations, a conclusion can be predicted. This prediction becomes what we call a hypothesis. When a hypothesis is tested, it is either disproven, or it becomes a theory. After further testing and observation, the theory may be proven. At that point, we call it a law.

Disciple #fundie teens-4-christ.org

Since you are a guy, I don't see a problem with you being friends with a lesbian. Just don't be close friends, because our close friends should not be living in sin. As long as she doesn't become one of your closest friends, I think it's fine.

I'm a girl who used to be good friends with a lesbian, and I now realize that was a very bad idea. But I still have a couple of gay acquaintances. This is different because these gay guys are of the opposite sex and because they're not good friends.

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