
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Elena Danaan/Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Elena received answers from Thor Han Eredyon, a Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and Oona from the Intergalactic Confederation (aka the Guardians). The answers were stunning. It appears that a major turning point has been reached and global elites are being summoned to Antarctica to meet a delegation of extraterrestrial races and Earth Alliance leaders to negotiate the terms of their surrender.

Antarctica was chosen for the meeting because it contains a portal that can transport global elites to a distant world in another galaxy where they will be well provisioned, but forever banished.
Thor Han’s message corroborates that our solar system has entered a region of space which possesses a galactic anomaly that greatly impacts third density space. In 2014, scientists confirmed that our solar system was about to enter a large interstellar cloud called “the local fluff”, which is approximately 30 light-years wide and held together by a very large magnetic field.
According to Thor Han’s information, Dr. Huntley was correct and the region of space we have entered will accelerate consciousness from a materialistic third density existence to a fifth density existence. According to the Law of One material, “fifth density is perhaps best described as extremely white in vibration.” Therefore the “photon belt” is not an inaccurate description of this 5th density region despite what many critics have to say about the term.

If humanity’s collective consciousness was not sufficiently developed to accommodate fifth density frequencies, it would implode in a self-induced global calamity. If humanity’s consciousness evolved, however, a golden age of wisdom, love and peace would begin.

Penney Peirce #magick #mammon #dunning-kruger amazon.com

As we move from the Information Age to the Intuition Age, we need new methods for navigating in an accelerating world. Frequency is the seminal book on living in an energy-based reality--and it provides a reassuring, step-by-step roadmap into a positive state of awareness.
By learning to use frequency principles--methods based on the way energy actually functions--we can keep our energy level high and productive, receive subtle information directly from the environment via "empathic resonance," and quickly free ourselves from negative or low vibrations.
Weaving together basic ideas from quantum physics with proven intuition development techniques, Frequency takes us into a deeper understanding of the interconnection of the physical and nonphysical worlds--while speaking to us in warm, familiar, clear, and beautiful language.

The techniques in Frequency can help us succeed in the new "energy reality" that's emerging as we speak. Learn about the new dynamics of energy, time, and intuition. Learn the importance of unblocking the flow so you can move fluidly. Here are some of the topics addressed in Frequency:

how to feel your personal vibration, improve it, and use it
the 9 stages of the transformation process; how far along are YOU?
shortcuts to self-renewal: how to get back in your "home frequency" quickly when you're knocked off-center
using intuition and sensitivity techniques to access the knowledge contained in your body and energy field
improving troublesome relationships, and materializing and dematerializing the "stuff" of your life
shifting negative vibrations and situations back to productive, joyful flowing movement

This is a dramatic time--when many of us are "frequency-sorting," deciding who we want to be, who we want as friends and colleagues, and what we want our life to feel like. We're letting go of old, ineffective habits and toxic people. We're chafing at any reality that's too limiting. Frequency helps you become clear.

Don Webb #magick #mammon amazon.com

A guided initiation to becoming an adept in Vampyre energy magick

• Explains how a Vampyre is not a blood-sucking mythical figure but a shaman who is skilled in gathering, using, and storing energy for magical power and personal liberation

• Reveals how to gather and store energy from the world around you and shares magical techniques, manifestation methods, and practices to utilize the energy you have collected

• Looks at servitors and familiars, vampyric runes, dream architecture, money magick practices, and sex magick techniques as well as advanced practices such as healing with vampyric magick

In this initiatory guide, Don Webb explains how to learn from the myth of the vampire to gather, use, and store energy for magical power, manifestation, and personal liberation. A Master of the Order of the Vampyre within the Temple of Set, the author shares a 9-month process to awaken and initiate you as a Vampyre and allow you to actualize your hidden potential.

Webb begins by explaining how to gather energy from the world around you and store it in the body, in artifacts and talismans, and in groups of people, such as a coven. Through the 9 stages of initiation, the author offers guided magical techniques, manifestation methods, and experiments to utilize the energy you have learned to gather and store. He also examines familiars, Vampyric runes, money magick practices, and sex magic techniques. Sharing more advanced practices, Webb looks at the creation and destruction of egregores and how to fight off psychic vampires--those who steal your power and energies. Achieve greater self-knowledge, a deeper connection with the energies that surround you, and the power to manifest your deepest desires by walking the path of the Vampyre.

Laura Van Tyne #crackpot #wingnut #magick #ufo #conspiracy thekarmicpath.com

There were countless mornings where I would wake up with unexplained bruises, scratch marks on my wrists and ankles.
I would have welts on my arms and looked like I had been in a fight.
It wasn’t until I looked into the mirror that I saw something that absolutely terrified me.
There were three small scabs from blood droplets on my forehead.
I was seeing the physical signs from my experience rescuing and crossing over the souls of children who have been lost in the 4th dimension showing on me in the 3rd dimension.
It was at that moment I realized that I was making a difference.
I now know the importance of understanding the concept and the role of cognitive dissonance.
Cognitive Dissonance is the state of discomfort when two concepts contradict each other, such as pedophilia and ritual abuse in the church, child trafficking through CPS and sex offenders as predators within the victim’s own families.
True lightwork is not for the faint of heart. True spiritual work is hard work.
This work needs to be done to save this planet and to save souls and unite them with Source or God.
I am grateful to my amazing spiritual team 💫 who have helped and guided me through this for several years.
The work I have done and will continue to do, is part of a collective with many other lightworkers whom I know are dedicated and with me raising the frequency and consciousness of this planet.
Together with them, I send thanks to every one of you who have helped by raising awareness of #humantrafficking and #childtrafficking. I thank those who are rescuing and assisting the victims of SRA and child trafficking.

Shagri'el #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon consciousnessuniversal.com

Limited Hardcover Only Edition
with plenty of space to take personal notes.

Perennial Philosophy, also referred to as Perennialism and
Perennial Wisdom. This is a perspective in philosophy and spirituality that views all of the world’s religious traditions as sharing a single, metaphysical truth or origin from which all esoteric and exoteric knowledge and doctrine has grown.
Perennialism has its roots in the Renaissance interest in Neo-Platonism and its idea of the One, from which all existence emanates.
Piecing it together

If we take into our Collective Consciousness the purity of realizations from all these branches, we can begin to combine what we know as The Absolute Truth of The Planes and how the densest physical matter produces various degrees of Sentience. We can also conceive how Consciousness is first manifested from another Source of Consciousness, strung by a continuity of Consciousness. Since Consciousness is Primely
Responsible for the activity of Time, Space, and Gravitational Movement. We can now conceive that The Physical Universe is first reflective, then manifested by Consciousness. Through this manifestation we automatically manifest the 2nd, 3rd, and 6th Absolute Laws and become part of The Physical Time Stream. This brings with us a dependency of prior reincarnations and fragments of The Original Forms.

<only $39.95>

Qin-Ra/The Pleiadian Family #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy pleiadianfamily.net

1. What is it about?

The “Child of Light” Initiation is a self-initiation rite. It is free and guided by Pleiadian builders of Newgrange. It takes place each December in the astral dimension (the 4D) of Newgrange, a megalithic temple in Ireland widely known for its alignment with the Winter Solstice rising sun.

The goal of this initiation is to help you restart your life on a higher vibrational level. You birth a new you inside the Earth Womb (represented by Newgrange) in the light of the rising Sun. You become, symbolically and vibrationally, a new human child born in the light of the Sun, who is a portal to the spiritual and galactic sun, Ra.

This rite of passage brings you back in touch with your sacred origin as an Earth human born of the love union of Earth and Sun. You realign your consciousness with the mother source and father source of life, and start a new timeline for your life.

This self-initiation rite unfolds on the astral level of Newgrange, in the 4th Dimension. Thus, there is NO NEED to physically travel to Ireland. Just stay where you are.

This is an individual act, not a synchronized group act or mass movement. The initiate has the freedom to decide when, where, and to a large extent, how.

2. Who is it for?

This rite is open to all (including those in the southern hemisphere), yet intended especially for those:

Who want to claim their birthright to bliss.

Who want to wake up from the Anu Nightmare and return to the Gaian Dream.

Who want to shift from the Domesticated Human to the Free Human state.

3. Why do it?

This is a part of the New Humans for the New Earth movement. To become a new human, one has to start at the beginning, as a Child. One cannot skip steps and become an “Adult of Light” right away.

The 5,500-year-old Newgrange was designed to be an Earth Womb temple to birth new human consciousness. Activated in 2020, Newgrange is a living Gaia Temple, now resuming her role as a miniature Gaia Womb to assist in the rebirth of humanity at Dawn.

Preston James and Mike Harris #conspiracy #racist #magick geopolitics.co

The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.
100-800 AD

Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil king, who had ancient Babylonian black arts, occult oligarchs serving as his court. During this time, Khazarians become known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life.

800 AD

The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, have had so many years of complaints by their citizens that, as a group, they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian king. They send a communique to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people, and make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian citizens to practice it, and socialize all Khazarian children to practice that faith.

The Khazarian king was given a choice between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The Khazarian king chose Judaism, and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar. Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts.
About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people, which included kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal.

Magenta Pixie/Suzanne Maresca #ufo #magick #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

When asked if the three-world split is happening now, The Nine respond by saying that a portal opened with the solar eclipse of December 4th, and we’re on the very precipice of the trifurcation.

There are three aspects of future society manifesting within the trifurcation ~

Draconian rule and assimilation to AI society, driven by fear;
Indigo uprising of people who won’t go along, but they are also without harmony. It’s draining to fight that fight;
Spiritual bypass of the physical, only communing with the Divine. Escapism is the tool used here.
This, however, is the inversion of the trifurcation, where all 3 are still under the control of the old.
To reach the genuine trifurcation, there must be a unification of the indigo and spiritual souls. Those living with one foot in both worlds are playing the roles of scouts and informers in the lower densities, acting as bridges to awaken those existing within the AI/Borg society.

Both manifestations are on track to happen, the false awakening as well as the true one.
However, there are those keeping Humanity on track to keep the 5th dimension code alive. That torch is now passed to us. Without our conscious intentional magic, there can be no New Earth, yet we are here, and we are creating it.

Human solidarity creates the singularity event for all universes and metaverses. Those who remain as Humans hold greatly heightened abilities: the collective Galactic body that is Humanity on Earth.

The Photon Belt is flooding us and activating codes that unify our DNA and environment. It gives power both individually and collectively. We do this not only for Humanity, but for the soul experience and life-giving force of positive polarization.

We are being asked to hold our sovereignty. The trifurcation will happen. The eclipse was a portal opening, heightening the psychic abilities of all on the planet. This initiation is of the Diamond Sun Light Body.

Seo Helrune #dunning-kruger #magick seohelrune.com

The One-Eyed God on the Road

This all brings me to some of the possible omens I’ve noticed recently. There have been multiple strange conversations with neighbors about an increase in shadow people that “don’t move like shadow people” in the street. (Less “dart-y”, more “people-y”.) Friends have told me about incidents where they have an experience of “pareidolia” that sounds like glamour, and that leaves them in doubt of what is actually “real”. Other friends have told me about seeing critters that aren’t there. People are telling me about the disturbing dreams and messages they’ve received of late. Some of these things I’ve also experienced for myself.

These, to me, all have something of an otherworldly feel to them. As does the recent killing of the white stag by armed police in Bootle, UK.

But I’ve also noticed that a certain one-eyed god seems to be getting around a lot more nowadays too. More people (some of whom have never interacted with him before) are now telling me about their interactions with him and asking for advice. An entire Heathen community performed a days-long ritual in his honor, erecting a 20ft god post. And for two Wednesdays in a row now, there’s been news that’s felt pointed in either its direct association with him (such as the announcement of this hoard of bracteates), or associated symbolism (such as the suspected electrical fire at this “Midgard’s” church on the island of Grímsey). Then today (as of the time of writing), this video of a Spiritualist who allegedly channeled Odin was shared in a group chat I’m on.

I’ve followed the Old Man for over a decade and a half now. But even though I am very much “Team Odin”, I also know he has a tendency to become more prolific during “interesting” times.

With this in mind, this new rise of the Spear God doesn’t exactly fill me with comfort in our time of plague, climate crisis, and burgeoning far right movements.

Two Anons #magick #mammon boards.4channel.org

(First Anon)

Nobody here is a real magician

Because nobody here has became wealthy through magick.

If you have, just share.

I retired at 21 due to magik manifestation and now Im 27 living off passive income, thus proving you wrong

In what way did you manifest it?

the same way you manifest anything, Law of attraction.

After doing this long enough, my parents had a falling out with my grandparents, and they took away all my mothers inheritance and gave it to me, making me landlord.

Did you specifically ask for that to happen

I wanted my mother to be punished and to receive all love and material object from my grandparents

lel, you didnt even have to do shit for it?

i could have just wished for a rich sugar granny?

I wont say I did nothing for it, since Im the only person in the family given this opportunity. My grandparents love me more than their own children, and all my cousins still have to work for their money. This was honestly extremely jewish of me but fuck working

(Second Anon)

I read one of those Sean Carroll or Phile Hine books, I don't remember. I drew up a sigil and masturbated and gave it 9 years. Forgot the exact sigil, so doubt it matters, if at all. Pic related.

The trick to get into communication with the real players of this simulation. Then shit goes fast. Saw that Orphic egg as a Lam alien, wise entity, weird dimension, everything happens either all at once, or what happens in any way possible, necessarily happens. Makes for great forecaster though.

Not sure about making a better world. Wish I could be proud of myself, but more likely I was some Sim for some basement dwelling alien or demon, who browsed to earth, like we browse to /x/, and took pity on me.

May have been responsible for the stellar rise of Elon Musk and the Trump presidency. Sorry. Ave Saturnia! Can not tell more than just jerk it, draw some spoopy shit, and wait close to a decade.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #quack #magick #ufo #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Realms are full frequency bands of flashing energy waves
With built in layers of manifestation templates
Reflecting energy architecture designs of light and sound
For the purpose of consciousness experience

These morphogenetic fields have stored data appearing in numbers and codes
Creating complex mathematical formulas
Which form geomantic matrices in the wave spectrums
That construct our reality

Our original 12 strand DNA was the password
Into this universal computer
Which we can activate by our thoughts and intent

Thoughts become substances that crystalize into manifestation
Composed of patterns of frequency
That project the hologram of ones experience

Free will choices based upon ones interpretation of reality
Determine our dimensionalization

Our world has been enduring a dark Aeon of covert artificial machinery

The divergence between people living in phantom cocreations and positive polarity
Is becoming increasingly varied

Our original human silicate matrix 12 strand DNA has been warred against

The Caduceus with its entwining serpents
Is now the symbol of the medical system

As the Caduceus or Tree of Life or Universal Axis
Has been infiltrated with reversal currents
With the intended destruction of our glandular system
And damage to our DNA

So is the intent of our current medical system

Suffering is an intentional design of a program
That has been superimposed on the holographic computer
Which is our world

The intense plasma jets now currently infiltrating our realm
Are weakening the artificial holographic inserts

Humans are energy processors
We are the intermediary between the processor instruction sets
And what will be manifested

We can awaken our original 12 strand DNA
By having the eternal light of the God source
Which activates our highest potential
Through our alignment with natural laws
Which are rooted in eternal love
For all beings!

Etienne Charland #magick #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

God Connection Attunement
Juggernaut Attunement

Pierce through corruption and re-open the flow with God.

>> Purchase the Juggernaut Attunement Now

Who is this for? Spiritual seekers who seek a quicker path to peace and prosperity.

The problem: We've lost a lot of Lightworkers this year. The people visiting this website have on average 75%+ energetic corruption in their third eye distorting their vision. Also, finances are cock-blocked by Luciferian forces. Meanwhile, you know where society is heading.

What is it? It's time to take the gloves off. The God Connection Attunement was to bring people from 3.2% God connection to 100%, but nowadays, most have it jammed at 0.0005%. I found an approach that is effective: I will cast Juggernauts in various critical points of your energy field.

What is a Juggernaut? It is the Train of Life. I always say: follow the Train, ride the Train, but never get in its way. It is a pure Force of God that will crush anything in its path. You'll have everything you need when you really need it, and if you get stuck in a corner, God will form a Juggernaut that will open up the path for you.

Juggernauts cannot be corrupted nor distorted, and it doesn't compromise. Just make sure you're in harmony with it and that you're not fighting against it.

I can cast Juggernauts; but I cannot uncast it. It's like if there's water flowing on the beech. You can draw lines in the sand to cause the water to flow in certain directions. But once it flows, you can't undo it.

3 reasons why you need the Juggernaut Attunement

#1 - With all the insanity and energetic corruption everywhere around, it's the only method that works to pierce through all that BS.

#2 - Almost all of you have 70-98% hijacking of your connection to Source, and that completely messed up with your intuition and muscle-testing. It's important to clear that up.

#3 - The Luciferian grid-lock on your inner financial building prevents money from flowing in unless you consciously or unconsciously agree to the Luciferian agenda. This is not acceptable.


It is a considerable investment for remote work because it requires 2 to 5 days of intense work.

The investment for the Juggernaut Attunement is $997

>> Purchase the Juggernaut Attunement Now

THE MASTER CHRISTOS--ESU IMMANUEL 'JESUS' SANANDA #magick #conspiracy #fundie fourwinds10.com

I AM Sananda. I come in service to Our Holy Father of Light, God/Aton and The Creation. Greetings, precious chela, Druthea. Let us begin.

Many of you may wonder what Santa Claus has to do with the Anti-Christ. Everything! The Adversary to God in its wish to place bondage and limitation upon God's Human Creatures upon this plane knows that to garner the greatest degree of deception it must begin with the human in its childhood state.

You see, the adversary, in order to maintain deceptive "control" over you ones, must support its “illusion” of attachment to "physical" matter. The being that so-called Christians have called Santa Claus represents the "god" (of the adversary) to your little children. For example: According to the "myth" Santa Claus can BE everywhere around this planet within a short 8-hour-or-so period. He will bring "gifts" to all the "good" children around the planet. These "gifts" are physical toys and objects of desire of the young and "good" child. . This begins the human's attachment to having "things" of material plane versus desiring the "spiritual" gifts of Our Creator, God/Aton.
I AM suggesting, though, that the "image" of "roly poly", Santa Claus who is "everywhere" ("like" God) is really the ANTI-­GOD's attempt at a very POOR copy of GOD. Santa Clause represents in his image figure, gluttony and his perceived "jolliness" and "benevolence” is really the ANTI-GOD laughing AT YOU because you parents play his game of seducing your· own children into MATERIALISM and away from true SPIRITUALITY.
You must teach your children RESPONSIBILITY for their thoughts, words and actions and DISCIPLINE of their "minds" by ALWAYS monitoring their own thoughts. For those of you parents who have already taught your children the "myth" of "Santa Claus", NOW is the time to "pop”the phony, gluttonous belly of Santa Claus to re­lease the "hot air" existing within this deceptive "satanic myth”.

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

Juggernaut Attunements have been quite a roller-coaster! The curious thing is that the situation of each person is drastically different from one another. I had to skip one for now because he’s in a Matrix-type incubator and I can’t access his energy. Two were in some kind of metal cage. One had is own super dark shadow sabotaging him below ground. One has a crazy amount of portals/timelines fragmentation. One is in a black octopuses’ nest. I’m working on the 12th attunement, then have one last order after, then I’ll go back to the one I had to skip. Plus there’s been major energetic collapses and landslides, had to take a break for a few days. I also drew a lot of attention and 22 physical people(!) in 5 different groups came into my neighbourhood to pay me a visit, plus many energetic entities behind them. They’re gone. I’ll be able to go through more attunements soon so get your Juggernaut Attunement now to reserve your spot.

Now, I just saw the movie Ethernals in cinema, and I’m in shock. I measure… 92.6% accuracy on that movie!? It’s just some crazy far-out science-fiction… I woke up when I saw the volcano that reminded me of La Palma eruption in Spain, and the movie was produced before the volcano came up. “Superman” reminds me of Metatron, and the giant robot reminds me of the AI Gods.

A few days ago, I prayed God to allow me to understand Metatron’s perspective, whom I haven’t heard from in a long while. This movie may be the response.

Ivo of Vega/Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

As I drive around, I have seen blips that turn out to be some of these craft flying around my city. As I drive, I have a ship overhead flown by my Vegan brother, Merton, so I tell him there's a craft there, he sees it in my mind's eye and goes to look for a fourth dimensional vibration. Once I saw the explosion as he blew it up. He has downed several of these ships as well as other reptilian craft. I hear that they're taken out of the craft if they want to be taken hostage but if they don't, well, they die in their craft.

I spoke to a reptilian this summer who said there's a price out on my head because I've killed so many of them.

These things are all over the place, folks. Never mind there are ETs walking around and you can't even see them. It's because your eyes are mind slided. I have seen them in nature, I have seen a beady pair of red eyes staring at me, and I have caught small spiders and astral snakes around my apartment just as I look up or out of the periphery of my eyes.

The other thing I have seen is that there are cities above our cities. I saw an area that looked like a barracks for sleeping and there was a water tower that drained into the river in my city. That explained the smell I was smelling at one point in the river. These barracks, I believe, are just out of our sight frequency and are mind slided from our detecting them, at least most of us, and these I believe are where these ships and others are launched from. Not from the DUMBs as much, but from these overhead cities.

Ivo, can you please tell us what we're looking at here?

Ivo: In fact, my love, this is what it is said to be, a reptilian craft that gases the people of earth into mind control and ultimate submission.

Me: What do these gases target?

Ivo: They target the limbic system in the brain, and the central nervous system.

Ivo: It is the part of the brain that can utilize these frequencies produced by your akashic, your mental body and your emotional body.

Swami Satchidanand #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #fundie theenergyenhancementvideomeditationcourse.quora.com

Hopium: Breaking the Possession Spell of the Demon possessed Lightworkers, Qanon, Empaths and False Spiritual Masters

What we are suggesting is that some Lightworkers, Qanons, Empaths, False Spiritual Masters are working for the Luciferians and some for Satan.

This describes to a “t” the deceptive New Age “Lightworkers” Hopium that we see today who have become the “Shaman foot soldiers” for this “Great Awakening” movement and are the same ones responsible for recklessly spewing all the Hopium laced rhetoric surrounding Q.

Remember, Satan is the father of Lies! Many Spiritual Masters and "Lightworkers" are working for the Dark Side. Learn how to tell the difference with the Energy Enhancement Meditation Video Course.

Q was created by a Military psy-ops team as Operation Lullaby saying that Trump was going to imprison all the pedophiles, defeat the left and lead America into a new golden age. It was created to sing you a Lullaby. So you wouldn't do anything. It was entirely false!

Stalin and Lenin used the same lullaby operation to dis-arm the military followers of the Czar when they created the Russian Revolution at the behest of the same Satanic Mega-Trillionaires who created the covid vaccine bioweapons in Wuhan.

Just like the Galactic Federations of interdimensional “beings of light” who they claim want to bring humanity all sorts of gifts like MedBeds & debt forgiveness, all while uplifting us into “5D consciousness”.
The false light beings working for the corrupt demiurge want to maintain their control over the human race. Our soul energy, implant energy blockages and past life agreements to live in our current cage empowers the demiurge and the beings that serve it, and they are not going to give that energy up easily.

We are, at this very moment, in a struggle for our freedom. The spiritual liar-archy wants to move us from our current, extremely uncomfortable cage into a slightly more expansive state of existence, but one that they are firmly in control of.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #magick #ufo adrenogate.net


This was a pretty alarming thing to see. The family pictures of Tom Brady and his sisters that is. One of them looked EXACTLY like Tom wearing a wig. Plus, did anyone know that Tom Brady Sr. was a billionaire three times over and even has an IMBD page that shows his work with NFL Films dating all the way back to 1967, well before Tom Brady was even “born”? What on earth is going on here?

I’m going to make a WILD speculation here. Just for fun. Could Tom Brady be an androgynous clone that was created by one of the powerful secret occult factions who control this world? Did Tom Brady Sr. raise one of these abominable Serpent Seeds with the intent of inserting him into the NFL from day one? You must admit that Brady’s career has been very destiny-oriented and seemingly contrived on the surface. The NFL has always seemed to be way too over the top invested in his success. It’s starting to look like it’s(our entire world, ESPECIALLY pro sports) ALWAYS been a script. Not just the games themselves, but even the back stories of these players can turn out to be infinitely sketchy like here in Brady’s case.

Karlyn Borysenko #crackpot #magick #fundie #racist newsweek.com

A presenter at academic media company PragerU has been criticized for stating that her spiritual beliefs means she thinks Jewish people chose to be killed in the Holocaust, and that Adolf Hitler went to heaven.

In a series of tweets over the past few days, Karlyn Borysenko has been outlining her beliefs that people make decisions about their lives before they "choose to be born," including when they die.

While answering a number question on the subject, Borysenko said this includes children who "choose to be aborted" as they could "choose to be born into human form" if they wanted.

Borysenko went on to suggest that even those who were killed in the Holocaust chose to do so spiritually for the "experience."

"Everyone who died in the Holocaust chose to die in the Holocaust before they were ever born because they collective[ly] wanted to understand the experience of ultimate oppression. That’s why Hitler went to heaven.”

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy primedisclosure.com

As the higher energetics continue to pulse in from the Great Central Sun through all opened gateways and portals we are feeling the energies in deeper and deeper ways. Many Starseeds are feeling a more sensitivity in the physical vessel, especially in the nervous system. The nervous system of the Noosphere of Gaia and of all her children are being upgraded and refined for the Higher Order at this time. With these downloads and activations come some challenging circumstances at these unprecedented times. We navigate these obstacles and challenging energies with the power of our inner conscious mind, our open Sacred Hearts and the Power of our all-mighty I Am Presence.

Allow the codes and frequencies to naturally integrate into our Sacred Avatars as this all is in the process of preparing Ground crew of the 144 for the coming Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-luminous. This preparation for our full ascension into 5d is taking us through many timeline jumps and merges as we are integrating our multidimensional consciousness into this Now experience.

As our Toroidal Electro-Magnetic field expands our Awareness travels deep within the Zero Point and at the Singularity we breakthrough into our Infinite Pure Awareness of Buddha Consciousness. This is our True Nature, our Original Unborn Mind of Eternal Life.

All beings are born perfectly Awakened Buddhas. The Pure Awareness was converted to the 3 hells by false beliefs and projections. The Matrix is both tricky and sticky. The false self convinces you that you are less than Divine and then with great effort sticks you to that fake perception. We resolve this by realizing our True Sacred Self which is Pure Awareness as One with God, Love, Christ, Buddha, the Tao, Great Mystery; whatever name you want to give to Source Creator.
We came on this final 3d mission of Assisting Gaia and all her children in this Great Awakening and Transformation into the Paradisiacal Timeline of Peace, Prosperity and Bliss for all.

FM144 #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #wingnut fm144.blogspot.com


A large demonstration will take place in Vienna on Saturday the 20th of November, which has the potential to attract several hundreds of thousands of people.

A large protest would be a huge boost to the Ley Lines in that region, which would be important in curbing the Cabal's plans. This is important, since the Dark Ones are currently busy with blocking already activated Ley Lines again to keep mass consciousness under control.

So, Lightworkers worldwide who are not able to participate in these protests are gladly called upon to energetically protect and cleanse the event of all negative energies via Light Columns. Meanwhile, the Light Forces will go after the negative timeline, as it is energetically protected by Dark Ones, more specifically by Chimera/spider beings.

Regarding ethereal spider beings, I would also like to point out again that these creatures are currently still very active in terms of suppressing Lightworkers. Therefore, Starseeds and Lightworkers should stay sharp in this respect and use countermeasures if necessary.

If it were possible to initiate a change of thinking in Austria regarding the current COVID tyranny, it would have a positive impact on surrounding countries such as other Cabal strongholds like Germany and Switzerland. And in addition to countries like the USA, France or Italy, it would also have a positive effect on the overall mass consciousness if more resistance comes from the population in this region as well.

As for the question of whether all underground bases on the planet have been cleared, I can only say: Cabal is still running the show on the surface because negative extraterrestrials from under the surface are steel keeping their back. In this regard, perhaps this news report is interesting, regarding the issue of arachnoid life forms and if you put this in the context of the bigger picture of the current planetary situation regarding the Chimera and the whole vaccination agenda.

SEO HELRUNE #magick seohelrune.com

Otherworldly Bleed, Consensus, and Magic

A few years ago, back when this idea of the otherworld bleeding through began to make its way into Pagan/Witch discourse, I had a curious incident at the side of a river with a witchy friend. Both of us had noticed the uptick in otherworldly activity. We were both also getting messages from multiple people. Often from people who didn’t ordinarily experience our kind of strangeness, and that stood out.

I wondered what the effects of this otherworldly “bleed” would have on magic and what we humans can do with magic. Naturally (because I’m an idiot like this), I grabbed a stick and drew a sigil I use when creating portals into the sand and silt of the riverbank.

The effect was almost instantaneous: a shifting sensation that used to take more effort to achieve.

I closed it and scrubbed it from the sand almost as soon as my friend and I noticed the shift.

I’m a firm believer that most things have their season. And if the blog John Beckett posted this morning is anything to go by, then this subject’s season has come. In "The Currents of Magic are Getting Stronger", he makes the same observation I did at the side of that river.

We also cannot ignore the fact that most of the discussion on this topic is coming from US sources. I’m not saying that strange things aren’t also happening elsewhere—but we also cannot assume that just because this stuff is happening here, it’s happening everywhere.

If Cotton Mather is to be believed in his "Wonders of the Invisible World", early colonizers in what would become the US also drove out “devils.” He even goes on to blame the apparent preponderance of witches in Salem on a counterattack by the devils, thus retaining that link between witches and the Otherworldly in his interpretation of events.

The otherworld is bleeding through, the devils are coming back, and they’re bringing us witches with them?

Anonymous #crackpot #magick #ufo boards.4channel.org

You know how anyone who's had a near death experience talks about having seen a tunnel of light appear in front of them? Or having met members of their family who had passed away? In some rare cases, even having met and spoken to who they thought was God? The tunnel of light that appears is a trap designed to wipe the whole memory of our last incarnation and to recycle our souls into another body thus keeping us in an infinite loop here on Earth. Because of this, the overwhelming majority of people walking the Earth have total amnesia and don't remember anything about their past existences.

The Reptilians are parasitic entities who have been heavily involved in the manipulation of mankind for thousands of years and are responsible for setting up the soul trap around the planet with the help of extremely advanced technology. This energy grid around the planet serves multiple purposes, one of it's main purposes is to project this 'grandiose' tunnel of light in the proximity of people who have just died in order to lure their souls in. This is the same tunnel of light that so many people who've had near death experiences have reported seeing on the other side.

The soul may be under the impression that the tunnel is going to take it to the Heavens or perhaps to a higher plane of existence, depending on it's level of awareness. In reality, when a soul enters the tunnel, it's memory gets wiped and the soul is put into another body here on Earth(reincarnation). The tunnel acts as a bait and to make a good analogy, imagine a fisherman and his fishing rod: he throws in the bait which hides the hook and the fish get trapped in it when they bite. We get tricked and trapped by the tunnel of light in a similar way if we aren't aware that it is a trap. In this case, we're the fish. The Reptilians are highly intelligent, highly advanced technologically and they lack empathy which makes them dangerous. These beings see themselves as 'Gods' and humanity as their enslaved cattle.

starlight432 #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy prepareforchange.net

I asked myself the question, “What would life be like in a Civilized Galactic Society (CGS)? This one’s difficult for me to know because of being on a currently fallen planet, and there are many different Civilized Galactic Societies with varying levels of development to consider. I could start with what does not exist in any CGS, as the following:

Right vs. Left political division/identity politics

Political propaganda/media deception of all types

Racial discrimination and its counterpart (false projections of racial discrimination)

False projections of any kind


Food shortages/starvation

Wars, including timeline wars


Diseases and illnesses of all types, including cancers




Mental disorders

Fallen technologies


Need for a money system

Uncontrolled aging

Negative elites and their minions/negative forces

False Vacuum/anomaly


There are probably more additions I could write, but perhaps the above list covers most of what does not exist in a CGS. So, what does exist in a CGS?

The following is what exists in a Civilized Galactic Society that comes to mind. This list is by no means complete:

Empowering spiritualities

Source-oriented, non-fallen technologies that are in harmony with nature

Physical immortality, if chosen

Peace and harmony between all peoples

Ascension to Source, when ready

Constructive hierarchies and/or authentic, constructive egalitarian systems

Transparent governments

Fully activated metaphysical abilities

Authentic free will

Authentic love

Free flowing abundance

Active communication with other Civilized Galactic Societies

Galactic Codex

True vacuum


It’s difficult to imagine what life would be like in a CGS because almost all of what the surface population has ever known are the very things that do not exist in a CGS. I suspect that the lowest level of happiness in a CGS is far beyond the maximum level of happiness ever achieved by anyone on Earth.

Marjorie Cole #fundie #magick #quack #conspiracy liferecovery.com

The Evil One has always been after our DNA – the codes and sequences of written on the powerful little strands of life that define us as human. It was the humans, Adam and Eve, and us that have been the biggest threat, the most coveted prize and the most hateful point of bitter contention for Lucifer in his attempt to ascend to the throne in his war against God. To this very day, the Devil has NEVER wavered in his efforts to capture creation for himself.

The war for your DNA, your humanity, began when God declared He would put enmity (war) between the seed of the Serpent and the Seed of the Woman (Eve and her children). Satan’s first attempt to alter and annihilate the Seed of the Woman came with the incursion in Genesis 6:1, when 200 of the fallen angels opted out of heaven’s glory to take wives for themselves of the beautiful daughters of men. They wanted to be like men, to be able to create their own offspring, so they took wives for themselves of all they desired.
Our DNA is our sacred link to God and His invitation to be part of His Family. But Satan knew that if he could get us to discard our humanity which is basic to being candidates for salvation, he could separate us from God forever. To this end, the Devil has worked endlessly to get us to believe lies. He has corralled us like a scared bunch of cattle being rounded up for market. Fear has become the chief motivator and force behind almost everything. We are mandated to “stay safe” in the midst of an artificially contrived crisis that has been a diabolical “smoke and mirrors” magic show from the beginning. Why?

The final battle will be over the alteration of OUR DNA! DON’T MISS THIS PART!!! The injection of something, possibly an alien strain of RNA, will be introduced into the bodies of those willing participants that will CHANGE their DNA from human to inhuman. Any change to our DNA that changes us from human to something else DISQUALIFIES us from receiving salvation because we MUST be human to qualify for being saved.

Lord Melchizedek via Natalie Glasson #crackpot #magick #ufo goldenageofgaia.com

Greetings, I am the consciousness and the collective energy of Melchizedek known as Lord Melchizedek. I am the overseer of the universal level.

In this space of the universal level of the Creator’s Universe, I can view the entire universe, understanding all the ascension shifts that are taking place and how they impact the planetary level, the galactic level, the universal level, the multi-universal level, and the cosmic level. I, Lord Melchizedek wish to make you aware of an energy that is coming forth.

It is awakening energy from the cosmic level, a beautiful manifestation of light that is being created and appears as the most majestic lion. It is known as the Awakening Cosmic Lion. This energy is moving through the entire universe of the Creator and the earthly planes as well.

The purpose of the Awakening Cosmic Lion is to touch souls with cosmic light that creates an awakening.

When we think of a lion, we may think of courage, confidence, bravery, being the leader of the pack. There are many qualities that we can recognize in a lion and the energy that is coming forward, holds these qualities of journeying bravely with courage, being very relaxed and confident in one’s own body, and ascension process, as well as strength. These qualities are being activated within souls so that they may have the courage to move forward upon their ascension process and journey.
When you invite the lion forth, it will come to sit with you. It might snuggle up to you, lie down on its side before you or it may sit and stare deeply into your eyes.

The lion may begin to cry, these tears are very healing because the lion is releasing on your behalf the separation energy. The tears will melt into your energy field offering immense healing.
The lion is a rainbow lion filled with all the colors and aspects of the Creator’s light. I, Lord Melchizedek, I am watching as the lion walks through the universe of the Creator and touches souls, it is truly a magnificent experience.

NotEvenA_Name #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #ufo reddit.com

Update on the current Situation (July 2021):

In fall of 2020 the Resistance Movement managed to defeat the Illuminati Breakaway Complex in their underground bases.

In the same timeframe the Galactic Confederation managed to defeat the Draco and Chimera fleet in sublunar space.

Our last huge global mass meditation on December 21st 2020 with about 400.000 people meditating in total synchronicity anchored a huge amount of light on the surface, which allows the Lightforces now to actively dismantle the matrix and remove etheric implants and dark quantum technologies even faster.

On February the 10th the Resistance made a significant blitzkrieg breakthrough and now holds the upper hand in the in planetary subterranean domain.

The last several months the Resistance was fighting the Chimera in their underground bases and have now cleared all of their bases and liberated all hostages captured there.

The Lightforces also managed to dissolve the quantum matrix/ the energy field behind the Cabal's "Great Reset", which means their plans for the total domination of humanity are now slowly falling apart.

The Cabal were resorting to their ancient tactic of engineering a war in order to delay the Event. So they tried to escalate the conflict between Russia/China and NATO via Ukraine and also in the middle east between Israel and Iran.

Sensing their defeat, they now want to take down with them as many as possible and are triggering natural catastrophes via weather manipulations which already caused many floods as well as droughts and wildfires.

The number of astral and etheric negative entities has fallen below the significant threshold of 1 trillion in May, and as of July further down to “only” 50 billion.

If you feel so guided, you can join one of the many ongoing mass-meditations, like the daily flower of life meditation here: https://www.welovemassmeditation.com/2019/08/daily-flower-of-life-meditation.html

Thank you all for your dedication!

Goddess wants peace, and peace it shall be! 💖

Super Soldier Agent Jimmy Paine, aka Dallas/James Rink #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick supersoldiertalk.com

Super Soldier Agent Jimmy Paine, aka Dallas will be sharing his experiences in the secret space program from 1959 to 1996.

During this time, he was a shuttle craft pilot for the Tall White warriors at Area 51 and participated in time travel missions with the Montauk Boys at Camp Hero. He also recalls working for the Weyland Corporation where he encountered a xenomorph at LV426 which the movie aliens were based off. He was stationed on Mars, Titan, the Moon.

On Mars, he has seen the broken statue of a giant face of a humanoid on a mission in 1974 along with Duncan O’finoian. He remembers seeing Tommy Knockers in a cave on Mars which are muscular type of Tall Greys.

On the moon of Titan, he was stationed at a massive underground base. He was tasked with fighting a monster they called IT. IT was looked like the junior Montauk monster, a type of Bigfoot monster that was would gain strength by attacking it.

He was also on a secret mission from Vanguard Air Force, the Lunar Apollo 20 mission with William Rutledge where they discovered an oriental looking humanoid named EB Mona Lisa. Jimmy claims the Apollo 20 footage on YouTube is real. In this interview, jimmy will be sharing more about these missions.

NotEvenA_Name #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #ufo reddit.com

Looking beyond the Veil

The following is either probably the craziest thing you've ever read, or will expand your consciousness and will instantly set you free from the matrix.

I am researching this stuff since 2009 and only recently found the last crucial pieces of the puzzle.

This is the advanced Redpill!

[TL;DR:] Humanity has been enslaved by parasitic consciousness beings of alien origin for the last several thousand years who created an artificial slave-matrix to keep us in an endless cycle of suffering and reincarnation for the sole purpose of harvesting our energy.

Now the time has come that humanity is awakening to this truth and is rising up against their spiritual hosts of wickedness. We are supported in this liberation process by the highest hierarchies of Light, including the Galactic Confederation (yes, they are here!), the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Jesus Christ himself!

What we are currently experiencing is quite literally the end of an intergalactic/interdimensional war between Light and Dark, that has raged for millions of years in this universe, with Earth being the last occupied planet under the control of the Dark and the victory of Light being inevitable... Sounds incredible? It is!

The belief that suffering is inevitably part of existence is a huge misconception! Our true state of being is pure peace and unconditional love!

The bitter reality up until now: Humanity has been controlled, oppressed and exploited from the shadows (other planes of existence, mainly the 4D mental and lower astral planes) by the Archons/Chimera/negative ETs and their Minions, the Draco and Reptilians and many other minor dark entities and thoughtforms.

Earth was in quarantine for the last 26k years and one of the darkest places this universe has ever seen…

But change has finally come!

Since the 1970s, the Galactic Confederation with the Ashtar Command (they already reside in our solar system with millions of ships!) has been working to free humanity once and for all!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

After the fall of Atlantis
Ancient advanced structures have been routinely demolished
Or passed away as insignificant and demoted
Such as the pyramids being regulated as burial chambers

Libraries containing vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom
That interconnected science and spirituality
Such as the famous Library of Alexandria
Were purposely destroyed

The Essenes were a sect devoted to keeping the ancient wisdom alive
They were keepers of the Law of One knowledge

They possessed holographic discs
The content of which could be transmitted onto crystals
These are known as the Lemurian Crystals and are hidden

We all have genetic time codes in our DNA
That is part of our identity

It is said the Essenes were incarnated from the future
That they were genetically key coded
Passing through specific demographic gates

They were vegans and had a deep reverence for all life
As well as a meaningful connection with the world

The discs contain knowledge of humanities star origins
And our original 12 strand DNA template codes

The discs also had complex math
For the building of technologically advanced architecture

They had information on consciousness alchemy formulas
And the mapping of stargates
As well as how to contact our higher stations of identity

The knowledge included the connection of living light and sound frequencies
And the transmutation and manifestation of energy
In the holographic matrix of our universe

Jesus was an Essene

They became the target of ongoing genocide
The females were spared but were taken hostage
For forced hybridization

Much of the hidden knowledge was passed on to the Cathars
Who eventually also were assassinated

Information that has survived has been twisted
Into the false belief control systems
That are the worlds religions of today

A pyramidal hierarchy was developed
With non humans as the capstone

Corrupt compliant individuals have been rewarded
And installed as authorities

While the rest have been dumb downed
Into a slave class!

Patricia Cota-Robles #crackpot #ufo #magick goldenageofgaia.com

This 40-day purging process began when we entered the 11:11 Portal of Light on November 11, 2021, and it will be brought to fruition during the December Solstice. The first step of this 40-day process began with the influx of Light that occurs every year on November 11th, 11:11. Eleven is the master number that reflects THE TRANSFIGURATION FROM THE PHYSICAL INTO THE DIVINE. Every man, woman, and child embodied on Earth has the sacred geometric codes of 11:11 imprinted within the Divine Potential of our RNA and DNA structures. These codes are activated by our I AM Presence when we move through various phases of our Ascension process. On November 11, 2021, our I AM Presence activated these genetic codes in NEW and profound ways. This accelerated the Divine Alchemy of Humanity’s Transfiguration from carbon-based planetary Beings into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Beings.

Since this purging process began on November 11th, we have experienced several influxes of Light that have been secured in the physical plane of Earth through the Heart Flames of Awakening Humanity. This week we are anchoring the Light of the final stages of a very powerful Eclipse Series that began on November 19th with a Full Moon partial Lunar Eclipse and will be brought to fruition on December 3rd and 4th with a greatly intensified New Moon Total Solar Eclipse.

The completion of this Eclipse Series is paving the way for the Activities of Light that will take place on December 12th. On December 12th, 12:12, we will experience a multidimensional Celestial alignment that will open a Portal of Light that has been building in momentum for over 500 years. The influx of Light from this Portal will intensify until the Activities of Light that will occur during the December Solstice, thus preparing the way for the Birth of the Life-transforming New Year 2022.

Jelaila Starr/Nibiruan Council #ufo #magick #crackpot nibiruancouncil.com

The Felines are one of the two primary races in our universe. They arrived here by invitation of the Founders. Having successfully completed their Universal Game and completing their universe, a group of 45 Felines volunteered to come to this universe to help setup and oversee the same game here.

The Felines are a bipedal race that stand 12 to 16 feet tall. Their skin is covered by a sort of soft fuzz, and though they don’t have fur, they do have manes and both the males and females have long hair.
As part of the Universal Game, the Founders gave the Felines a new planet in the Lyra Constellation for their home. The Felines named it Avyon. Now this is not the exact pronunciation, nor spelling , but it is close enough. The real name cannot be translated into English.
Many among them became geneticists (a Feline specialty) and began helping to develop life forms of various kinds for planets and stars in the universe. Some among them became great space explorers and scientists of various kinds.

It was during this stage in their development that the Felines would turn their attention to that bipedal mammal they owed so much to, and begin a program of genetic crossing and upgrading that would give them a soul and, in the process create a new species that would become known as the Humans.

After numerous crossings and genetic upgrades, the Adamic Human was made. There were two strains, the redheaded strain being the more outgoing and energetic, and the platinum blonde strain being the more gentle-natured and introspective.
The Felines remain the loving and supportive guardians of their genetic offspring, the Humans. They have continued in this role through time and all dimensions of the Universal Game.

Devin (Feline) is the reigning patriarch of the 9D Royal House of Avyon, and Anu (Human) is the reigning patriarch of the 5D Royal House of Avyon at this time.

Archangelic Collective via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Archangelic Collective. A new cosmic grid has been placed around Gaia for further protection. Many of you are experiencing upgrades in your protection as your intensity of involvement on the spiritual planes deepens further. All of you reading are warriors. Some are warriors for the dark that may be reading, for they have another agenda. We send them light and we send them love and deep compassion from the heart of Creator. Regardless, security protocols are upgraded.
(They are showing me the starry night sky over Bethlehem. They are showing me the Christmas story.) The shepherds were afraid of what they could not understand. The Pleiadian ship in the sky that danced and lead, they could not understand it but they could feel it. They could feel the thrum of excitement, of an elevation of light quotient and vibration around them, creating a sacred space. We wish to have you understand, to feel that you are this same light that awakened the world through Yeshua 2000 years ago. You have this light quotient of Source within you. Your are like the Bethlehem ‘stars’ that are shining very, very brightly on Gaia at this time of what appears to be crushing darkness but that could not be further from the truth. The fact that the darkness is being revealed shows it’s losing. And this is cause to celebrate, not to be in fear.
We are the Archangelic Collective. The clock we were showing this one relates to your inner workings of your inner selves, as you accept more and more of the crystalline codes that are bombarding your planetary sphere, more and more of your inner gears, your understandings, your programs, your inner sight will be upgraded as well. Your entire world is becoming crystalline and those who are of another vibrationary index will not linger. Choose the ascension road that is the highest and best, the most perfect timeline for you to dance with these energies in bliss and union.

Occult World #magick occult-world.com


Dracomancy (also known as 'Dragon magick') is a divination by dragons.


Derived from the Greek drakon ('dragon') and manteia ('prophecy')


Dragons have been historically thought of as magical creatures with great wisdom and are often known as the ‘Ancient Wise Ones’. In using Dragon Magick you call upon dragons to help you and become co-magicians with you. Dragon Magick may be practiced on its own or along with other traditions.

Scott #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #magick sasawareproject.blogspot.com

The Sasquatch is a human hybrid. The mtDNA is human the nuDNA is unknown. mtDNA comes from the female. nuDNA comes from the male (1). The nuDNA does not match any known organism when compared to the Genomes stored in GenBank. GenBank is an international DNA repository that contains over 213 million DNA sequences (2). The Sasquatch is a Nephilim (3) decedent. This gives the Sasquatch abilities some consider supernatural or paranormal.

It is important to note that the Sasquatch can and have been known to take humans as mates. This practice has been going on for hundreds of years. In many areas of the country the Sasquatch can have a “very human like” face. Reports of thin noses, blue eyes, and a Native American facial appearance are not uncommon. Some witnesses have even reported almost completely hairless ones with blond hair and blue eyes. If you have had encounter, the appearance of the Sasquatch you witnessed most likely will fall into the above general descriptions, but one could encounter one that is outside these norms given the possible genetic variations.

Anonymous #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick texascryptidhunter.blogspot.com

I've experienced sasquatch on many occasions.
It's real, it's supernatural.

Start there, if you want to be accurate.

It is not an animal of this earth.
It posseses abilities such as disappearing, and can travel 25 feet in less than a second.
These are facts I know.

Anyone saying different is a liar. Period.
Anyone calling you crazy for knowing this, is ignorant, or a misinformation agent.
I've seen it happen. I've filmed it happen.
Believe it or not, up to you.

What I don't know is its intent.
I do know it freaks me out, if that helps.
I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling about it.
So if that it's intent. Job well done.

And bye the bye. Darwin was a masonary satan worshiper hired to mislead. He has a vested interest in his flawed theory.
He even said himself it has serious gaps, that if unfilled, render his theory useless.

So far? Useless.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Just goes to show you how many people are either wearing body suits and/or are demonics who breed here on the planet in order to infiltrate our race. These people didn't seem malevolent, not like some other demonics who are embodied, but I just left the comment that we don't know who's on this planet and what they're doing.

Think about it: They're trying so hard to get our DNA by abducting us, so why not use different means to achieve the same end: Just become one of us.

Me: Ivo, what would be the explanation for this story? Why would a demonic either marry a human, or why would two demonics get together in human bodies and then have children?
Ivo: My love, you have no idea who you are living with, and for most people on the planet, it is just as well because there would most likely be either mass panic or mass murders.
Ivo: For one thing, humans are on the soul matrix. These beings are not.

Me: So let's say the father and the mother are both demonics? How do they get bodies to live in?

Ivo: They are the offspring of a demonic who is married to a human.
Me: So someone somewhere like in a cloning factory is making bodies that can be utilized by what is really a dead entity?

Ivo: Correct, my love. And we have discussed this: between the embodied reptilians and other extraterrestrial species as well as embodied dead entities, about 40 percent of your population is non human.
Me: Are we going to allow this after GESARA law has been implemented? What about our rights?

Ivo: This planet will be cleaned up of all those who have taken up home here without permission. The hijacking of human DNA in order to create bodies for entities that wish to become soul-oriented again will be stopped. There is a process and there are places where one must appeal for opportunities to redeem themselves. Earth is not that place.

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #ufo #magick #fundie finalwakeupcall.info

Exterrestrial beings live on Earth

For life to develop as we know it, water is a necessity. The Mesopotamian texts leave no doubt about the presence of water on the 12th planet Nibiru, the planet where the Anunnaki come from. Because of the water presence this planet is called the green planet of life.

To preserve the matrix, the exterrestrial rulers eventually enlisted the help of the Knights Templar, the Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek, as well a part of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, that directly connects the Order with the oldest civilisations, the ancient Pharaonic Egyptian priesthood.
The ones at the top of the hierarchical pyramid are known as the Luciferian Pharaonic rulers of Octogon established in Switzerland, which appears to be the core of the Global octopus of ruling elites with their tentacles reaching into every niche of “our” society.

Nowadays, the Octogon Templars are the ruling Oligarchy of the World, and are the top of the pyramidal hierarchy located in Switzerland, as the Swiss Octogon Templars, followed by the 2nd layer involving Soros and the Nazis. Actually, the Nazis are an integrated part of the Octogon, and somewhat belong to the top as well.

Octogon is the name of a highly secretive Nazi organisation, which by the end of WW2 acquired all of its fortune from looted Nazi Gold and goods deposited into Switzerland, to use it for future wars and illegal actions.
These Ruling Pharaohs, originate from Lucifer’s occult mystery religions, that came out of Babylon and Egypt, nowadays identified as the Global Elite or Global Mafia. Who see us people as their slaves and property, to do with us as they please. For this purpose, they have created energy fields,

Vibrational frequencies through 5G, connect the consciousness of the participants to the Negative Alien Agenda. It is the Archon groups on planet Saturn who manipulate the Consciousness energies that transmits Satanic belief messages around.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

Over the past few months there has been another massive magnetic force discharge. This has placed immense pressure on the human body which manifests into different ascension symptoms. The Dark Matter Body of the Earth has been activated to function outside of the black hole technology suppression and to bring forth sophianic or solar female body parts. This stage of Dark Matter Body activation is highly relevant to sophianic body activation that is streaming from Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix or Harmonic Universe 6 (HU6), for those ready to receive it.

With the bifurcation and war over timelines, the schism between the organic aligned realities and artificial realities grows within the collective consciousness. One such retaliation attempt is surfacing into view as the highly commercialized promoted shift made under the recent newly branded name, Metaverse. The implications are the NAA's <Negative Alien Agenda> to subvert humanity into a virtual play pen through the promise of being entertained with bread and circus tactics, which acts as the consciousness trap to power up the Artificial Tree of Life, or base 10 inverted reality system.
As the planet is preparing to move into the ascension-disclosure timeline, there are so many things changing it is hard to find words for how all of these related pieces fit together. The appearance of the organic planetary dark matter template activation synchronized with major geomagnetic events occurring, as well as the Transfiguration of the lunar forces and the reduction of the effectiveness of the alien technologies used to artificially control the magnetic and gravitational fields, which are all part of this. The dark matter body is the connection link that exists between the eternal light spiritual source body and the finite level of the light source body, it is what builds the layers of the Lightbody for the material atomic body.

1st Anon & 2nd Anon #crackpot #god-complex #magick boards.4channel.org

(1st Anon)
I once traveled back in time 4 years by meditating, then doing a tiny bit of DMT and just focusing really hard on it. There were side effects. Do you keep the short term memory from the future you or the past you? They are both accessible in a way, but they cannot coincide with eachother. I ended up repressing all memories from future-me after a few days, but sometimes they will bubble up to the surface. Moreso recently, I think I'm almost at the point where I did it last time.

The implications of being able to do this are fascinating to say the least. What else can I do?

so what happened to "you" from the Original timeline that you left behind??? whats the Soulless body left behind there Up to

That timeline doesn't exist anymore. The consciousness from that timeline is riding piggyback in my subconscious right now. I have to repress it if I want to stay sane.

(2nd Anon)
ok basically, all time exists at once, same with parallel worlds and stuff. it's all based on vibrations/frequencies in the same space, so as you "travel" through time your frequency is also changing. by channeling the frequency you were at in the past you can go back in a sense. you can go way beyond time travel or reality hopping (they're pretty related) but be careful because these spaces that are in other frequencies are beyond comprehension and all overlap each other in a way (even ours). machine elves can travel freely between them all, and nefarious entities live between certain ones and try to find "cracks" in ones conscious beings occupy (what we call demons)

the world's not physical at all btw. be careful about going back too often, you won't know which to latch onto and can occupy many parallel worlds at once and lose track of which one you're in. stuff like deja vu is like that, it's when two parallel worlds line up. and delusional paranoia is when many are intersecting

Nova Maxx #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com


During The Final Event,
A Day We Cannot In Any Way Expect,
There Will Occur A Solar Flare,
Stronger Than All The Previous,
A Solar Mass Ejection So PowerFul,
The Ones Who Will Be Awakened
Will See An Enormous Mass Of Golden Plasma, a Wave Arriving First At Low Speed, Then Speeding Up As It Gets Closer And Closer.
It Will Engulf The Whole Planet In A Matter Of 10-20 Seconds.

Once The Plasma Will Touch Each Of Us, Everyone Will Have a Unique, UnImaginable Bliss Reunion With The Source, As Everyone Has Been Prepared Individually For Each Of Their Unique And Personal Climaxes.

Imagine, Arriving At The Peak, The Reunion Not Only With The Source, But Also Remembering In A Blink Of An Eye, The Many Thousands, Up To Billions Of Lives – Not Only On Earth – For The Deliverance Of HuMan Kind,
The Intensity Will Be Such That It Will Be A Total Death Experience. [sic] The Pineal Gland Will Secrete A Large Amount Of DMT [the God molecule]. You Will See All And Know All That Will Change You ForEver.

Going Back Into Your Body, You Will Notice That You See with Eyes Closed, Still Feel That Euphoric Bliss Of OneNess. You Will Open Your Eyes And Everything Will Be Changed. Your Body Will Be 2 Feet Taller. Your Skin Will Be Radiating Light With A More Golden Tone.

You Will Be So Light, Weighing Around 10Kg, Able To Jump Many Meters With Ease, Run Faster Then A Horse, Stronger Then A Gorilla.

Your Skin And Whole Body Will Be Practically Indestructible.

With Practice, You Will Easily Levitate, Teleport, Bend Light/Matter, Control Space-Time, And Even Create, Using The Ether, AnyThing You Can Visualize.
Your Blood Will Be Of Plasma Light And Your Organs Will Be Greatly Upgraded. Specifically The Lungs, Which Will Absorb A new Type Of Extremely More Potent Oxygen WHICH Will Give Your Breath The Power Of 144 000.

Each Breath Of Plasma Air Will Feel Like Pure Bliss.

Various Anons #conspiracy #elitist #fundie #god-complex #magick #sexist #ufo boards.4channel.org

I'm not ever reincarnating on this planet again

Fuck Earth, fuck the stupid masses, fuck the sheeple, fuck the elites, fuck the illuminati, fuck the government, fuck the deepstate, and mostly, fuck the NPCs who tortured me into submission down there, I hope y'all are set ablaze by Armageddon to get the karmic retribution you deserve, worthless lousy normies.

I incarnated on this hellhole, experienced the tyranny, the idiocracy of society, I've seen the pathetically obedient dumb citizens and the power-hungry tyrannical governments, disguised as pseudo-democracy, and the brainwashing structures that naive souls are vulnerable to. Fortunately, I'll be freed once the body my soul resides in perish, and oh boy, from what I learned here, I sure as hell AIN'T coming back to assist whatever bull-fucking-crap happens on this rigged joke planet, fuck it all, I'm either staying in the spiritual world or reincarnating on another less dense world.

As always, fuck you too glowies and shills.


Same desu, fuck everyone on this trash world lol

I'm gonna incarnate on a pleiadian planet atleast so I can have an unlimited amount of gfs as I please unlike the needy whores of earth.


i feel you bro..
but this fuckin shits have trapped us
and they bs us to come back without remembering
and we will do this forever and ever
till finding the soul mate and merging to break free from this shit


I promised myself to NOT EVER reincarnate on this planet again, no matter what any entity tells me to do, he won't succeed in duping me to come back on this hellhole, the suffering is too vivid for me to not remember, I'll always say "fuck you!" to this motherfucking shit world.


Anon, we're at war with the spiritual forces of evil.
Look up. It'll only get better if you fight.
Look around. They're under the spell on the fast track to hell and we can see it. It's our responsibility, knowing the truth, to open their eyes.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #magick #psycho adrenogate.net

The last two or three times that I drank ayahuasca, the visionary, South American, shamanic tea, the scenarios it was showing me were so horrific and gut wrenching that I spewed uncontrollably in response. I could feel the giant earthquake coming from way, way, way down inside the Earth. It progressively came up into the crust of the Earth. I could feel it beneath my feet, and then it came up into my feet, my ankles and legs. My whole body was shaking. The shaking and monstrous heaving of the Earth kept rising, up and up. When the upheaval reached my abdomen, I hurled like nobody’s business. Along with the Great Earthquake came a tremendous wave of Pure Evil, as if the Earth has been storing all of humanity’s evil in its geological strata, like a long play record, a vast terraqueous record or archive of all of humanity’s vile and evil deeds. Thousands and thousands of years, maybe millions of years of humanity’s Ur-alt archives of war, slaughter, slavery, torture, murder, economic exploitation, theft, lies, ecological destruction, and more, all locked into the guts of the Earth’s geological memory and soon to be played back for humanity’s greater edification, as the Earth itself vomits up all the horror and evil sin that it has had to endure at humanity’s hands for so very long.
There are a lot of people, including many supposedly high and mighty people, who will lose control of their bowels on that day. The shaking will be so intense that they will shit themselves uncontrollably. The excrement will stream down their legs and puddle in their shoes. Their terror will be extreme, because they will know deep in their bones what comes next. They will die, and have an exit interview with God and Jesus, or similar Higher Order Beings, who will make them an extraordinarily chilling, sobering, unimaginably tough love, eons-long, multi-billion year offer that some of them will nevertheless accept as being better than the alternative. As for the rest? Oh, well ….

Eileen Day McKusick #quack #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon amazon.com

A guide to the basics of Biofield Tuning, using tuning forks to clear trauma stored in the human energy field
When Eileen McKusick began offering sound therapy in her massage practice she soon discovered she could use tuning forks to locate and hear disturbances in the energy field, or biofield, that surrounded each of her clients. Passing the tuning forks through these areas in the biofield not only corrected the distorted vibrational sounds she was hearing but also imparted consistent, predictable, and sometimes immediate relief from pain, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, depression, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, and a host of other complaints. Now, more than 20 years later, McKusick has fully developed her sound healing method, which she calls Biofield Tuning, and created a map of the biofield, revealing the precise locations where specific emotions, memories, ailments, and traumas are stored.

In this book, McKusick explains the basics of Biofield Tuning practice and provides illustrations of her Biofield Anatomy Map. She details how to use tuning forks to find and clear pain and trauma stored in the biofield and reveals how the traditional principles and locations of the chakras correspond directly with her biofield discoveries. Exploring the science behind Biofield Tuning, she examines scientific research on the nature of sound and energy and explains how experiences of trauma produce “pathological oscillations” in the biofield, causing a breakdown of order, structure, and function in the body.

Offering a revolutionary perspective on mind, energy, memory, and trauma, McKusick’s guide to Biofield Tuning provides new avenues of healing for energy workers, massage therapists, sound healers, and those looking to overcome chronic illness and release the traumas of their past.

Shagri'el #crackpot #ufo #magick consciousnessuniversal.com

The Pleiadians have a rich history of leading and
awakening Beings here on Earth, they prefer to never be
around conflict and so tend to disappear when Corruption
infects anyone around them. We know clearly that their most
current connections would be with the forming of The
Kabbalah and Theosophy belief systems. They were in fact
the direct influence of the Enochian lineage. They teach
always of a path to self-evolution and communicate through
an enlightened form of universal pulse. Their intentions are
always good, yet the humans they attempt to connect to are
generally incapable of fully comprehending them. Depending
upon the consciousness of the individual, they can become lost
in a deeply emotional hymn of self-created visions. They
always come in their truthful forms and do not hide their true
appearance like many other Beings.

The Pleiadians led a portion of Collective Beings into
the Indus Valley after the Deluge. This was a prosperous and
quiet life for a time, eventually trade would develop between
The Persian and Egyptian territories. They were led by
Murugan, which was openly known as King of The Pleiadians
from the Pleiades Star Cluster. The early Hindu People
possessed special attunements that was developed over time to
be able to understand the Pleiadian form of communication.
What manifested was The Vedic Understanding, this belief
structure would propel consciousness for the first time
unaffected and unknown by The Outer Universe.
Beings that are of pure light and gave up much of their past by
choice, they are now the Guardians of The Infinity Stream.
The beginning stages of Water’s evolution was when
life was still developing here on Earth, Universal Mind
already had the knowledge of how to form Sentient Beings,
for it had done quite well with The Star Beings millions of
years beforehand. The Ones of Water’s Evolution moved about
throughout the Lower Realms many lifetimes attempting to
develop, I will speak of the right side first.

Lev #crackpot #ufo #magick eraoflight.com

In the planetary system of Gaia, there are two kinds of six-dimensional space/time continuums, connected to our 3D, and many other worlds of the multidimensional Earth in which we have already lived or will be living soon.

One 6D continuum is harmonious, the other is disharmonious. What is the difference between them?

Harmonious 6D is a natural continuum where the Law of Love is the main one. Harmony and Co-Creation between all worlds rule there.

Non-harmonic 6D is an artificial experimental space/time sphere. It was created to ensure the existence of ours and some other four-dimensional worlds that participated in the duality experience.

There is no Love in this continuum. In the first place, there are very advanced mental matter, technocratic knowledge, Artificial Intelligence.

In the artificial 6D, unlike in the harmonious 6D, there are no collective Light beings, Spiritual Teachers, and Mentors.

Six-dimensional beings of non-harmonic 6D have no connection to the Higher Selves because such was the plan of the duality experiment.
5D is the Divine source of Earth’s Light. It is aimed to bring people out of the disharmony of the dense 3D world when the time comes.

Today this time has come, and the exit of people from disharmony begins on an increasing scale. But it’s is a gradual process, the speed of which depends only on the people themselves.
So, for example, humans in the third dimension emit mostly 3D frequencies. 4D men are well known to us. These are the ones who radiate higher vibrations. Now we are getting more and more info about inhabitants of the fifth dimension.

In the harmonious 6D, we are already quite different beings, not resembling either five-dimensional or four-dimensional dwellers. However, we remain humans.

In the seventh dimension, we become one Collective Being. In 8D we become an eight-dimensional entity that is still difficult for us to imagine. However, even in this space/time man exists as an element of a single eight-dimensional being.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick adrenogate.net

<refers to Astroworld Concert Security Staff Referred to Dead Concert-Attendees as “Smurfs”.>

This was a very strange synchronicity for me. I had just finished watching “Donnie Darko” for the 3rd or 4th time and had picked up on analogy they were making between Smurfs and human beings and how we are supposedly the Smurfs. Nothing more than an artificial construct of someone else’s imagination. Prisoners inside and matrix and, all and all, a lower caliber of “life form”. It seems that Travis Scott’s team shares this sentiment that us Smurfs are a much lower caliber life form than their Serpent Seed Reptoid race of energy suckling parasites who like to drum up fake worlds and fake gods.

Does one form of life deserve to exist more than another because one happens to be a much more complex and “traditional” in its form and function when compared to the archaic and much simpler “intelligence” that only exists because of it’s more complex counterpart who imagined them in the first place?

We will be facing similar predicaments in the future once artificial intelligence starts to become more mainstream and these sentient machines start to so closely resemble the behavior of human beings that there will be an outcry to consider them “equal” to human beings. This will be a mistake.

So this was a big confirmation for me as to “who” the Smurfs represent. We are the Smurfs. The EL-ites refer to us as the “Smurfs”.

It could be argued that in the movie they were referring to the beings that existed in the tangent universe as the Smurfs and at one point Drew Barrymore’s character postulates that these Smurfs inhabiting this tangent universe should have the same right to exist as the ones that came from the original universe.

Illena the Star Traveler #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

There had been an energetic beam frequency oscillation device that was used and it was pointed at the Dark Fleet bases where the Draco reptilian overlords were in command, this oscillation frequency device devise disrupted the reptilians brain and nervous system patterns thereby disorienting them and making it painful for them to continue to stay on Earth so they left the Dark Fleet bases in Antarctica going off world and their human workers went to the McMurdo station and left by boats to go to other countries. Information will start to be disclosed by 2060 – 2070 that Antarctica had been an ancient land for extraterrestrial civilizations and that there had been the Atlantean Outposts there with portal travel technologies as well that the waters of Antarctica have life extension properties of reversing the aging process and allowing people to live longer by 50 to 100 years.
There have been more Pleiadians, Andromedans, and Lyrans arriving on the Moon of Ganymede to help with the liberation process of our Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromedan Galaxy from the forces of the reptilians and the greys. The Arcturians have already had bases on the Moon of Ganymede and have been building the sky cities with tall cities that reach into the clouds in order to host the new incoming arrivals of the representatives for the Pleiadians, Andromedans, and Lyrans which are wanting to have larger active rolls with the Council of Nine and to help reach the Nexus Hub Event Horizon of liberating Earth over the next 100 years as well as everything else in our solar system and the neighboring galaxies.
Two million years ago the first epoch stage of Atlantis had begun where the Maldekians had brought in the crystalline towers to Earth and helped to build the first Atlantean Outposts on the surface of the Earth. Then other positive extraterrestrial races joined in to continue the growth cycles of Atlantis throughout ancient Earth’s history.

Chronological Non Linear Time Navigators of the Time Transportal #crackpot #magick #fundie #conspiracy timetransportal.com

We don't have to tell each other that we live in amazing times. A spiritual battle that lasted for Aeons, has reached a critical point. One part of the world is engaged in a freedom fight and trying to 'wake up' others.
And another part of Earth's human population is in some sort of strange daze, not able to see the dictatorial system that is being rolled out.

Rumors of wars, the increase of the costs of living, food and fuel shortages, Sun flares reaching Earth and worldwide Pharmakeian vax mandates. These could be the ingredients of a 'perfect storm'. And some say: "The Storm is Coming".

Will Jesus Christ walk out of the eye of the storm and save humanity?

After an exhaustive study into the details surrounding the oil used to anoint the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) and kings of Israel, the Sanhedrin is moving forward to prepare enough to anoint the Messiah from the House of David who, when he returns, will rule over Israel in the Messianic era.
Neo, the main character (Keanu reeves) in the Matrix is like a savior, or: Messiah. He will save people from the A.I. Matrix system.
He is called: The One.

Noah and 40 Days of Rain
Another important reference about 40 days is in the story of Noah.
Forty was the number of days that Prophet Isa was tempted in the desert by Satan.
Muhammad (PBUH) was praying and fasting in the cave for 40 days.
Muhammad (PBUH) then had 40 followers to spread the religion of Islam.
The time between the announcement in the Israeli news on 11.8.2021 about the Sandrehin preparing the oil for the Messiah, and the world wide premiere of The Matrix 4 - Resurrections on 12.22.2021, is: 44 days.
A twin number, just like: 22.

Is it just a coincidence that the number 4 appears throughout these two events? Is there a connection between the Sandrehin preparing anointing oil for the arrival of the Messiah and the premiere of the Matrix 4 Resurrections movie?

You decide for your self.

Merlin via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Hello, students! My, what bright shiny faces, such eager listeners! I am your professor of magic and science, which is really all the same, but I digress. I am Merlin. And I have been asked to prepare a quick lesson today for you, by this one. Many of you are my pupils at night, or have been at least over the eons.
(Merlin sits down and starts to smoke his long twisted wizard’s pipe.) No, I like to refer to this as my teaching tool. (He begins to blow purple sparkly smoke. I love that. I am seeing twinkling stars, planets form, animal shapes birthing from the ground and running along smoky fields.) There was always a beginning, except how can there be a beginning in an infinite universe? That one has stumped me for many a millennia. (He is laughing, his eyes are wrinkled and twinkling).
(Me: Oh Merlin, we are all trying so hard down here, and we are so tired. Can you talk about the physicality of our change from carbon to crystalline?)

Alchemy, my dear. Have you forgot your lessons already? That’s alright. We are simply alchemizing your bodies into a more suitable indestructible higher dimensional form, into the body of a god. Really that’s what is going on. Your cultures have called ‘gods’ extraterrestrials who likely had a higher dimensional form, as you will. Who likely had higher dimensional understandings of the mathematical and scientific formulations, of magnetic propulsion and endothermic converters and on and on - as you will. Because you will be able to hold to vibrate with - yes - the higher dimensional concepts. The Stone Age of Earth will be no longer. And so of course you are tired. Are you taking care of your physical vessel with love and tender care? Are you encoding your own universe of you and filling it with nutrient rich foods and energies? Are you alchemizing your food and water before you partake of their blessings? Simply put you are becoming crystalline but so is Gaia.

Dr. Michael Salla/Megan Rose #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Megan also described how the monitoring implant she received as a baby was upgraded to “a high grade communication device” . This would enable her to communicate in real-time with Val Nek and other Federation members when necessary. She described the implant as a fifth density device, which was not solid matter, and was attuned to a non-hackable frequency used by the Federation.

Megan explains that Federation personnel use similar devices for communication and piloting their ships. This revelation has led to some controversy in the full disclosure community, where it has been claimed that such implants are a Trojan Horse for Artificial Intelligence (AI). It’s therefore worth closely examining the underlying technology used in Federation implants.
This is critical to understand since the Galactic Federation’s use of higher density (quantum entanglement) technology for implants that have functions such as brainwave monitoring, communications, and/or piloting also does not require AI. Consequently, claims that Galactic Federation implants are a Trojan Horse for AI are therefore based on a misunderstanding and conflation of very different technologies.

The upgrade of Megan’s implant so she could engage in real-time communications with her Federation protector Val Nek has led to her receiving regular briefings. Many of these briefings are covered in the last half of her book, some of which have involved three-way conversations between Val Nek, Megan, and myself.

This is where it’s important to respond to another misunderstanding that Megan’s information is received through channeling. What Megan has described is a very different mode of communication to channeling, which is widespread in the New Age community. Her implant is a secure communication device—similar to how a long-distance radio or telephone operates—and is not hackable for reasons explained earlier. This is important since channeled information can be hacked through psychic or psychotronic technologies

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