
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Lucifer Faustus #magick #mammon amazon.com

In this book I bring the true magick of Money or Financial Magick. Here are the most powerful Satanic Rituals you will find to bring you money and riches.
All Rituals are explained step by step, have materials that are easy to find and can be practiced by anyone anywhere in the world.
You will have access to potent Rituals of Money and Prosperity never published before. But these Rituals were never published because magicians who have access to this knowledge prefer to keep it to themselves. Unlike them, I want you to learn and practice this, improving your life.
The book “Infernal Magick of Money” was the first step, this is the second step on the path to wealth and true luxury. You will deal with the owners of wealth themselves, this is the true Magick of Money, the raw, powerful and true magick, the rest is deception.
There are 22 secret rituals for money, prosperity, wealth and luxury.

Prosperity Solar Ritual
Unexpected Money Ritual
Ritual for Specific Amount of Money
Ritual for having financial advantage
Ritual to get specific thing
Ritual with bill
Ritual with several bills of money
Ritual to get free discounts and amenities
Wealth Amulet Creation and Activation Ritual
Ritual to make money from culture
Ritual of Magick Coin
Ritual to Bring Home Prosperity
Ritual to Make Money through Pleasure
Ritual of Offering to Lucifuge Rofocal
Ritual of the Apple of Wealth
Ritual of Offering to the 6 Guardians of Wealth and Prosperity
Golden Cord Ritual
Ritual to Attract Luxury
Ritual for Fast Money
Ritual to Increase the Chances of Hitting the Lottery Numbers
Wealth Pot Ritual
Acceleration Amulet Creation Ritual

Vital Frosi #crackpot #fundie #magick #ufo finalwakeupcall.info

The Cycle of Duality on this Planet is coming to an end. It doesn’t matter what you think or don’t think; it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not; it doesn’t matter if you want to make the necessary changes now or not; what really matters is, to at least understand that everything follows a Higher Plan that governs the worlds, and nothing and no one can change it.

The Divine Plan for Planet Earth will be carried out according to your designs. It wasn’t for lack of warning that anyone could argue that they didn’t know anything. About 100 generations have passed since Sananda himself became the Planetary Christ, incarnating among humans to announce the End of this Cycle. He is the Ruler of this Planet since the entire Galaxy is His creation.

Duality was the central axis of the teachings in this School of Souls. I have written here so many times about its purpose and how a Super Soul defragments so that a Fractal of yours will pick up the learning, which will then be integrated into its higher version at the time of ascension. A fractal is a subset of Euclidean space with a fractal dimension that strictly exceeds its topological dimension. Fractals appear the same at different scales.

Polarities are the extremes within each situation; each action; each decision and choice made by each of the embodied. Every action always generates a reaction. And this is the beginning of all learning in this school. There is no mistake because in all possibilities there is always a result that leads to learning.
In this final time of the Ancient Cycle of Atonements and Trials, there will be no Judge to judge You. There will only be an encounter of You with Yourself. Your consciousness will be the password that will open the Portal of the Fifth Dimension. It will lift the veils that have clouded it for all these millennia, and for a while, not long, you will remember your vast resume.

Seraphim Collective via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Seraphim Collective. Your many eyes of your own myriad of experiences are within you. You have more access to these hidden gems of knowledge, of adventure, of healing, of pain, it is all stored within your own marvelous galaxy of DNA that is now twisting and spinning with more light than ever has before. Humanity is being uplifted within this matrix. The death spiral is now the life spiral of light.
(I am seeing and feeling millions of white feathers each with an eye of a different species that are blinking and seeing me, all of me. I feel them embrace me and within me, sweeping, sending light to every part of my memory.)
Being a repository and receptor of this light is the assignment, which all of you are doing in a variety of interesting and exciting ways, just as the Source beings that you are. Others heal through your writing or inspire others with your speaking, others expand through regular meditation or ancient spiritual teachings that are now being revived through the collective expansion of your consciousness which is contributing to the whole. Others create through mathematical formulas that are expanding the humanity’s concept of reality. Quantum physics will soon be understood with more alacrity because it will be revealed further how your universe works and you will understand and remember your contracts and your place within the foray. You will see with understanding your past pains and you will see the reason, the necessity behind those lessons and begin to learn to be thankful for them. This is not an easy assignment but it was most necessary for as Earth fell this entire space quadrant fell into the lower dimensional vortex creating a wormhole and quantum entanglement that could rend the entire multiverse, which is why the entire multiverse has all of their many loving eyes on those who are brave enough and were hand selected to embody. Tremendous help from all of the higher beings of light are at your disposal.

Pleiadian Messenger Qin—Ra #ufo #crackpot #magick pleiadianfamily.net

From darkness to light is the story of my life.

My life was divided into two parts—before and after—and the division line was 2006.

Before 2006, I was seeking light in the dark. From communist China to capitalist America and Europa, from philosophy to religion and art, from US academia to Dutch media, I carried on as a seeker and achiever, never satisfied with what I'd done or got. After attaining the highest academic degree and winning numerous film awards, I still felt this dreadful sense of being lost in an alien world; the desperation and desolation of a homeless wanderer never departed from my inner sensation of the self.
Then came a turning point.

On August 7, 2006, together with my psychic Dutch friend, Mara, I encountered the Pleiadian Group of 8 in a parallel reality at an ancient dolmen in the megalithic field of Carrowmore on the island of Ireland. At the time of this surprise encounter, I didn’t even know what "Pleiades” meant as a word, let alone anyone or anything "Pleiadian."
From 2006 to 2018, I’ve been through precisely this: a great death. I don’t mean to scare you, but this was what happened to Neo after he met Morpheus, and this was what happened to me after I met Sincera, the spokeswoman of the Pleiadian Group of 8. Let me explain: Sincera is a personal interface between the Group of 8 and me. Sincera is to me what Morpheus is to Neo, what Don Juan is to Castaneda, what VALIS is to Philip K. Dick.

A new me slowly emerged from the ashes, with roots growing in multiple dimensions, with abilities to communicate with celestial and terrestrial spirits, and skills to channel images and words. A new me who is more and more at home on Earth and in the universe. This new me has gone through endless ordeals and tests. During one test she made a most important decision in life: “I’d rather die than to serve the Anu Matrix!” This new me lives to serve the Gaian Dream.

Steven Beckow #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #magick goldenageofgaia.com

There are three events that lightworkers are waiting for – the Reval, Ascension, and Disclosure.

The Reval is the re-evaluation of currencies that will provide lightworkers who participate with the funds to begin humanitarian projects. (1)

Ascension is the raising of our collective vibration to a point where one of the Divine Mother’s created environments (the Third Dimension) recedes from view and we find ourselves in a totally-different, love-suffused environment on one of a number of higher dimensions.

Disclosure is the disclosure of the existence and intimate partnership of our star family with us and that brings us to the present book.

This book is about Disclosure but it goes on within an environment that is experiencing a gradual Ascension, punctuated by enlightening events like the Singularity (2) and Ascension itself. (3)

What does our star family tell us about ourselves? We’re a specially designed race of homo sapiens, created by star civilizations like the Pleiadians and Sirians to inhabit a world created by the Mother for her angels to experience love in a physical setting.

The Third Dimension is the lowest rung of the ladder on which one be conscious and have a form. It’s only up from here. And “up” is where they come from – higher dimensions, our future.
Disclosure cannot take place so long as the population might panic and the deep state is doing all it can to encourage that. Hence the channeled communication from the galactics, the flybys and appearances, the monoliths, and all the other evidences of their presence.

What we can do is to familiarize ourselves as much as possible with everything we can know about them so that we’re not take aback when they appear. People seem to look around at a time like this and see how others were reavting. Our calmness could convince others that the situation is OK.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

This spiritual battle has shown up as a manufactured hoax that weaponizes others around us and this is another element of what makes it so painful. That people we love, our family, our friends; this manufactured hoax is ripping people apart through divide and conquer tactics rooted in ideological conflicts. This need for people to deny darkness from their immense fears, to succumb to the consciousness slavery allows a weaponization of other’s shadow darkness and unresolved fears.

To maintain our sanity and coherence we have to see this happening very clearly; that is, the intentional weaponization of people around us. It doesn't mean they are bad people or they are negative people. It means they are in terrorizing fear and they do not understand what they are participating with when they lash out to hurt others. Unfortunately, the weaponization creates an extremely aggressive intimidation force to try to control us, to try to get us to comply with the acceptance of the lies of the mind control narrative. This narrative is being conjured by the black magicians, the sorcerer's that are evil criminal psychopaths that rely on satanism to support their evil deeds. And we can see them showing themselves as they are coming out of every nook and cranny of society’s control pillars at this time.

For those of us that are on the Christos mission, the Starseed mission, unfortunately these anti-human forces, they're desperate. The antichrist is pulling out all of their bag of tricks. Every resource they have to weaponize our communities, to weaponize our inner circle, to weaponize groups with the best of intentions, to attack communities and people seeking truth in order to divide and weaken them. And by doing so they are attacking the weaker links of people around us that have the potential or the vulnerability to act as a dark portal and spread harm or chaos.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick adrenogate.net

IMO, planets are just wandering stars and gravity is just a theory. SMHP

If you look at pics of the twin towers. they look like a giant pause button. Was 9.11 a ritual to try and pause time?

We had a total solar eclipse in 2017 that crossed the middle of the United States. There is another total eclipse in 2024 that crosses the United States making an X across the country. 7 years between both eclipses. Does that mark the beginning or end of the last days? What are your thoughts?

When you choose Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you win! Jesus is waiting at the end for the devil to make his final chess move then checkmate satan, into the pit with you and your minions. Who’s team are you on? Time is short my friends. Escape The Matrix Through Door

Christian Science sect #quack #fundie #magick #ableist csmonitor.com

{moderator’s note: this is from 2008}

In the 142 years since Mary Baker Eddy discovered it, Christian Science has delivered many people from mental torment (see report of healing of bipolar disorder in the Christian Science Sentinel, July 14, pp. 12-13). Christian Science treatment doesn't begin with conventional methods of addressing mental illness – including prescription medications with their host of side effects, or psychoanalysis – all of which assume that the cause of the trouble exists in the brain. In fact, Christian Science asserts that healing answers lie in the opposite direction. "Every concept which seems to begin with the brain begins falsely," wrote Mrs. Eddy. "Divine Mind is the only cause or Principle of existence. Cause does not exist in matter, in mortal mind, or in physical forms" ("Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," p. 262). Mind and Principle, as used here, are synonymous with God.

The authority for that statement comes from the teaching of Jesus. Two of the Gospels tell about a man he healed who had the symptoms of severe mental illness and how Jesus restored him to "his right mind." No longer a tormented recluse, he became a functioning member of society – and an advocate of Jesus and his healing power (see Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39).

If Jesus had seen only an emotionally disturbed man who needed to be changed into a sound one, he wouldn't have been able to heal him. As Christian Science explains, Jesus healed by seeing everyone as God created them – perfect as He is, whole, free, always in their right mind. And his example shows us how we can approach the issue of mental illness and help alleviate it. To Jesus, even the most difficult of human circumstances were not hard and fast realities. They were situations to be spiritually confronted – and overcome. He specifically urged his followers to "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons: freely ye received, freely give" (Matt. 10:8, American Standard Version). And Christian Science teaches that, as we follow Jesus' example, it's possible to maintain spiritual facts in the face of the most discouraging material appearances. This is the Christlike model for attacking any problem through prayer.

Benjamin Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo #quack bennettleeross.com

When the great civilizations of yesteryear were brought down
And the ancient giants retreated to other realms

The eating of animal corpses was introduced

It was the beginning of transhumanism

Foreign DNA makes the body repel the resonant frequencies
Of our higher self

As our cellular integrity is compromised
Our cells are less able to communicate with each other

Our unique personal blueprint is written
In the instruction set of our DNA
Which then determines our energy field

When our resonant energy signature experiences blockages
Links with the highest spiritual forces will be inhibited

Energy blockages generate extreme physical density
Which is consubstantial with corrupted elementals
And subtle dark forces

The injection of foreign animal DNA through vaccines
Makes us less human

The reason for genetic engineering
Which is done secretly in underground cloning stations
Is to take away our humanity

We then lose reverence for life

When we eat genetically modified food
Our carbon molecules become static and locked down
And it interferes with our natural fluidity

CRISPR technology can now easily alter DNA sequences
Causing personality shifts

When we recognize the deception games
We can see the real agenda hidden in the structure

And then we will not be automatically manipulated
To give way our power

When we reintegrate our spiritual body
When we reawaken our true selves
When we recharge our bio electrical nature
When our inner sound and light layers unify

Our original crystal body is recreated
And a wide range of bio spiritual plasmas are activated
And our angelic humanity can be expressed!

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #mammon timrifat.com


Born 1957, Libra star sign with Leo ascendant which makes me such a balance and Leonai characters – P.S. I love cats. I’m also keen on pussy. College educated. Former lifeguard. Author. Multimillionaire and well rounded badass.

The world’s leading expert on Psychic Warfare outside of Russia, and a devotee of Yuri Andropov’s Soviet Psychic Warfare program. Trained by M16 Magus Colin Bloy in all the secrets of the Illuminati. An Ipsissimus magician who embodies all the good traits of Aleister Crowley; so without the drug taking, penury, and misogynistic sex rituals. The successor of Don Juan and his shamanic legacy, which ended with Carlos Castaneda destroying The Warriors of Total Freedom, which brought in Tim Tony Stark Rifat’s Warriors of Total Vengeance, the proletariat psychic peasants with pitchforks who brought down the Illuminati Elite with Soviet Psychic Warfare, aided by likeminded friends.


Favorite color blue. Likes women if they’re interesting and is open to suggestions from interesting women about gender fluid sex. Ernest Hemingway went to Cuba to get pissed up and go fishing. I’ve gone to Vietnam to get beered up and beaching.


Devoted to using Psychic Warfare, not to change the world but his bank balance. Now building an organization to use Psychic Warfare to control all aspects of sport, which is its normal purview, so that every sports enthusiast on the planet will be controlled by Tim Tony Stark Rifat and St. Nicholas’ Rule of Sport organization. It took Amazon 10 years to get into profit; we’re only controlling sport and we haven’t even started.

Psychic Warfare is perfect for controlling humans, such as sport stars and organization such as football clubs, so in the future the only winners will be Tim Tony Stark Rifat Winners.


John F. Kennedy for Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Good Morning America and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy happy to be back and to share my message with humanity. When I was walking between the living, my desire was to expose the hidden truth. The Nesara/Gesara was meant to be announced including the reset of currency, exposure of the Secret Space Program and etc. during my presidency.

It didn’t happen, the controllers assassinated me in 1963. Later on, the second time the announcement of the Nesara/Gesara was supposed to come in the morning of September 11, 2001, we all know what happened that day, the Darkness used their dirty deeds to interrupt the event by destroying the Twin Towers of World Trade Center.
Finally, the humanity is standing up for themselves and putting the fight for their right to choose, what to put into their bodies. The Dark Entities, who are so used to getting their ways, didn’t expect any resistance and thought to eliminate all of you without any big confrontation. Their days of glory are over, and the Judgement Day is coming.

My dear Freedom Fighters, this time they can’t stop the transformation from 3D reality to 5D. Many of us who left Earth, and including me, have been waiting for these upcoming glorious moments for a very long time. The truth keeps spreading despite all of the efforts by the corrupted souls to stop it.

The time lines are perfectly aligned to help with the transition of the planet to a higher dimension. The Divine Plan is in works and no one can’t stop it, what was predestined thousands years ago, the fall of the ones, who love the destruction and to torment of live beings.

Be prepared to accept a new life and let go of the old attachments, and to spread the Love around yourselves. Thank you Universal Channel.

Stay Alert and Don’t Be Fooled by the Fake Truth.
John F. Kennedy

Tom/Montalk.net #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger montalk.net

So the Great Pyramid was being resonated at the Schumann frequency, and with limestone and granite being piezoelectric that meant mechanical oscillations would be converted into electrical oscillations. Further, mass itself generates gravity waves when shaken or accelerated, so the pyramid was creating mechanical, gravitational, electric, and magnetic waves at the resonant frequency of the planet. All the while being located at the center of Earth’s land mass and having a height to base ratio that mimics the ratio between earth’s polar radius to equatorial radius. That’s why scholars saying it was merely a tomb are out of their minds.

Ok, so while it’s doing all that, plasma inside is ignited by the alien technology and then vocal sounds are passed through it. Plasma consists of electrically charged particles and sound waves are longitudinal in nature, that means they compress back and forth rather than wiggle side to side when they travel. When you send longitudinal waves through a plasma, the charges are moved longitudinally and since accelerating charges emit energy, the result is longitudinal waves which are also known as scalar or electrogravitational waves. So you have these longitudinal scalar waves encoding a certain vowel sound, being put atop the 7.8 Hz carrier wave or vice versa, and with a piece of alien technology at the heart of it all. The vowel sound, well you know about the power of the word, of magical invocations, about the Logos and how in the beginning there was the Word.

Oddly similar to what HAARP is doing nowadays with resonating the ionosphere, right? Except this was over five thousand years ago and made primarily of stone and set into motion by water. The thing probably lit up like Christmas tree due to all the plasma and electrical fields, so isn’t it funny that in the Old Testament, the Great Pyramid was referred to as Mount Horeb, which means glowing mountain.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #magick #ufo projectcamelotportal.com

It is also worth noting that use of the etheric can emanate from Humans and therefore affect AI and for that matter Nano. What this means is that INFLUENCE is a multi-dimensional factor that needs to be considered in all cases where humans interact with external forces, beings or constructions including AI and Nano. We can influence matter in essence through the ether as well as plasma all around us. What some scientists like to call the intelligence field. Therefore, AI is not impervious to our influence or other outside influence in an ongoing manner. That is, where Cezar and Radu in the book cited here, ETHERIC CRYSTAL, are speaking about the original construction of an AI may of course be influenced or tilted to lean one way or another toward light or dark or positive or negative…at its origin it can also be influenced at any given moment from then on through the action of ether.

Special note: In this book they are constructing a device in the secret space program in Romania and working with the American secret space program who have done the same thing however their devices had some important differences. It is worth noting that one does not need a “device” to double and travel in the ether. I do this “doubling” all the time…it seems to be some strange ability I acquired when I was very young.
There are some similarities to remote viewing but it is an expansion of that technique involving remote influencing and bi-location. I prefer to call it simply the human ability to time travel at will. Keep in mind this is being done while fully awake and conscious but can also be done while sleeping. Of course some may view this as ‘out of body’ travel which is another way of referring to it. But most people think out of body travel is only something you do while sleeping when in reality you can do it while fully awake. Carlos Castenada books talk about this ability as well.

Era of Light #ufo #magick eraoflight.com

In this phase of transformation of man and planet Earth, we are dealing with pole-shifts, solar flares, new frequencies and other types of energies.

For many people this is very tangible and at the same time very measurable via the Shumann Resonance.

Hybrid cars, vehicles that use energy more efficiently, we consider it to be the most normal thing in the world.

These vehicles are slowly but surely switching from fossil fuel (carbon-based) to electro-magnetic propulsion.

But what about our own vehicle, our body?

How does it deal with changes in the use of energy?

Also our body is constantly having to deal with adaptations to new frequencies and energies.
The frequency of people today (you might not believe it if you look outwards to the world) is many times higher than in those days and radiates more light.

Our bodies are currently mainly constructed on the basis of carbon (we are so-called Carbon Based Life Forms) and are burning sugars (carbohydrates/carbons) and fats for its energy supply.

Just like cars, therefore, hydrocarbons are burned.

And our bodies slowly transform into bodies with more crystalline structures (Silicon), as far as our current DNA makes this possible.

Many extraterrestrial civilizations can (compared to us) accommodate very high frequencies because their bodies have more crystalline structures than ours.
Our bodies have partly evolved (and degenerated) naturally on this planet by adapting to changing electromagnetic fields and at the same time it has been altered unnaturaly by adjustments to our DNA.

Much of this altered DNA has gone to sleep (has become inactive) during the Kali-Yuga and is awakening again in this era.

The extraterrestrial codes are being activated again.

In this sense, we are genetically related to many of the civilizations that are currently visiting us, because they know that we are waking up. And they want to be there when we do.

Our bodies are, in a sense, already hybrid vehicles.

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #crackpot #quack #ufo #magick #conspiracy spiritualselftransformation.com

I went for a pizza with a vaccinated friend. Something physically spread out of his body to infect me, my wife and daughter. It’s as he said in the video: graphene oxide thin needles shooting out of a body to spread to other bodies up to 10-20 feet away. This wasn’t just energetic infection.

We did a complete scan of the parasite. There is a living entity in the middle of the graphene oxide, keeping it together. That parasite is a cyborg, 38% alive 62% AI.

There are 3 layers to it that must be worked on in proper order:

1. Graphene oxide must be detoxed from the body; but it can’t as long as the parasite is alive.

2. The parasite must be killed; but it can’t as long as it supported by energetic infections.

3. The energetic infections must be cleared first.

Addressing only 1 of these 3 layers won’t be effective. A simple detox might be overall 1% effective. MMS cleanse is ineffective and can cause damage to the nervous system.

95.2% of the world population already has this parasite, 98.4% of Americans, and only 4 people in China aren’t infected!

This is extremely advanced AI tech, combining alien life, AI and deep quantum physics. It’s built 32 million densities high in the energetic realms. The security protocols are extremely sophisticated and hard to break through.

Still, we hacked through it and disabled the parasites, where energetic infections aren’t too high. About 32% of human infections have been cleared so far. This solves about 14% of the problems with vaccines.

There are also graphene oxide parasites living in tap water of many cities. We did mention last year that they would attack through the water supply. Now it makes sense. These parasites in the environment and water supply are however wired differently and even harder to break through.

They’ve now been destroyed regardless. There’s about 0.2% left, forming thin wires with extreme tensions that are holding all the crap realities together.

Djwhal Kuhl via Thea Grace Sirius #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Every human soul on Earth is moving from the 3rd Dimension through the 4th Dimension into the 5th and above. Many can survive through the 4th Dimension but others may need your help . It is as if they are asleep so to speak and nothing that you can do or say to them about the current goings on will persuade them that anything is wrong.

In my time as a Tibetan monk on the planet we had to learn to master Patience and I myself had problems with this concept as a young man and initiate in our order. Over time and with much guidance I was able to come to terms with my own impatience and my Dears, so can you with our help.
Gaia is herself moving up from the 3rd Dimension into the 5th Dimension and as a consciousness herself ,she knows exactly who her friends are .She can see through the soul of every human being .There are some darker beings who are pretending to be caring about her planet but she sees through them and will not allow these darker beings on her soil and when the time comes they will leave .

Many are talking about climate change and this is happening but it is not happening the way that many doom mongers like to talk about . You can see these changes happening but Dear Ones do not be concerned ,for the changes that are happening, are making the planet more habitable, not less. You are seeing many more Earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, strong winds and rains, and strange weather patterns .Not all of these are natural and some have been caused by the darker elements. However Gaia is using some of these changing weather patterns to her advantage and in time much of her planet will become more ambient and less volatile.
Darker entities have been on the planet for eons of your time and have caused much of the disease that you know and hear about. They have kept you in their control and in fear of these diseases. The unnatural cures that they have encouraged have kept people from their own soul destiny but this will stop soon.

Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

These historical events provide important context for Elena Danaan’s most recent contact experiences where she claims to have been taken to Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, where she met with the Council of Nine, and was told why Rodenberry was chosen to prepare humanity for a Star Trek future.
Her subsequent November 3 encounter focuses on the Council of Nine’s relationship with Gene Roddenberry, creator of the Star Trek series. This is how the message Elena sent me begins:

I woke up abruptly, my forehead tingling, with a sensation of a vortex spinning inside of my head. I sat on my bed and saw, in front of me, the ethereal figure of the Tall White woman from the Intergalactic Confederation, whom I had met onboard one of their motherships in the vicinity of Ganymede, about a week ago. She expressed herself in the same holographic language, composed of thought-form frequency modules. She pointed a finger at my forehead and the extremity of it glowed with green light. At the moment her green-glowing fingertip touched my forehead, I was propelled inwards into a powerful vortex. I felt as if I disintegrated, as if all the molecules of my body stretched into space. In a normal circumstance this could have been frightening, but it seemed that in this state of consciousness I was unable to experience fright any more. I sensed several presences in it. Then, a soft voice resonated inside of my head, with a slight echoing effect. It wasn’t theatrical at all, as one could expect; it was instead really soft and gentle, masculine.

-”We are the Nine.”
The Council of Nine, through Elena Danaan, has just confirmed that they and other positive extraterrestrial groups have been quietly nurturing a Star Trek future for humanity in a Temporal War, which is coming to a decisive end, as previously reported. Consequently, we owe a huge collective debt of gratitude to Gene Roddenberry and many others who diligently nurtured Star Trek as a bridge to a future reality

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

The victors in the electric Atlantean Wars
As well as the Egyptian Sumerian invasion
Were not human

Awareness of this was methodically erased
And the information suppressed
As history was rewritten

The result was consciousness enslavement

These unseen invaders
Are now the invisible ruling class
Waging a silent war

They are now able to freely access
The energy quanta of the earth
And her inhabitants without resistance

The human power elite
Are now their representative prison wardens
On the surface of the earth plane

Humans and non humans work together
On their long term enslavement program

The reptilian virus of power abuse
Has been installed in the political military
Financial religious and medical systems

Divide and conquer techniques have been inserted

The hidden Black Pope runs secret societies
That have anti human agendas

The Black Nobility promotes blood sacrifice and blood rituals
Which include blood drinking and cannibalism

And promotes the fake Christian religion
Which also has blood sacrifice and ritual

Catholic convents are a front
For child trafficking and pedophile rings

Vatican and Jesuit Orders
Are the basis for banking and corporate cartels

And are referred to as the Black Madonna Network

The person in charge is called the Dark Mother

The Black Dragon is high dimensional artificial intelligence
That alters reality through reversal energy called Black Magic
And installs fear programs which result in consciousness traps

As the earth architecture and energy fields shift
So does our consciousness
Which awakens us and lets us see
What really has been happening
Behind the hidden veils of secrecy!

Paul White Gold Eagle #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy primedisclosure.com

Greetings Divine StarSeeds of Tara Nova Gaia Ground Crew of the 144

Happy New SuperMoon in Scorpio and Diwali , the festival of Lights, where we Celebrate the Victory of the Light over darkness. Today is also the Lunar Samhain where we are at the end of an old cycle and a new beginning commences. With this powerful New Dark Super moon in Scorpio the Owl Nation is Connecting with all Starseeds to Guide us through the Darkness into the Dawning of the New Golden Age of Eternal Life. The Holy Water of the Divine Feminine Priestess of the Moon is flowing freely clearing and releasing all that remains of the false 3d manifestations of the old structures of babylon. In this Exodus we are being freed and redeemed in the Light of the Holy Spirit to Activate and Transform our Minds and Imagination into Divine Sovereign Wayshowers of the New Earth.

Today is the 13th and last day of the Red Skywalker Wavespell on the Mayan Calendar and kin 65 the Red Cosmic Serpent. We are in the full activation of the Kundalini Energy as she ascends up our spine meeting the Golden Halo in the Crown for full 5D Cosmic Consciousness Awakening. With all the upgrades and timeline merging we are being prepared for the final Quantum Leap of Consciousness from homo sapien into Homo-Luminous, Beings of Indestructible Rainbow Plasma Diamond Light.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Look at it this way.....

You're living in a multi-dimensional scenario where you can see all dimensions beneath you, but because you hold your frequency high, you're not affected by them.

I can imagine in Canada there are people being thrown into FEMA camps right now. Am I? No.

Somewhere on earth, there are people being cut off of food supplies because they are anti-vaxx. Am I? No. I hear this is happening in Asia Pacific. They can't go into malls unless they're vaxxed.

There are people whose children are being vaxxed against their will somewhere? Would mine be if I had any? No.

There are so many potentials being enacted right now and depending on how you vibrate, you are either in it or you're unaffected by it.
Ivo: Correct. As you vibrate at a higher frequency you experience the consequences of that frequency, and they are decidedly more pleasant than others lives at lower vibration. The other thing that perhaps you are overlooking is that you have been making higher vibrational choices throughout your lifetime anyway, and so as you came into this time of awareness of the evil, you were already on a higher timeline and had prepared for what was to come now.

For example, let us take Sharon's life.

Me: As we always do. LOL

Ivo: She is working on the internet. She sells books and does personal channelings via the internet. Now, the internet will experience some changes now and in future, but it will not dissolve. It will stay as a service to humanity. The nefarious business transactions being carried out upon it now will be looked into and stopped, because yes, there is pornography and there is child abduction being carried out via the internet. This will be stopped and the internet allowed to carry on, however vibrating at a higher frequency. When it is higher frequency no nefarious activities will be allowed to be conducted through it.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

So what are we to expect from a potential rogue A.I. super intelligence that’s suddenly become both self-aware(actually Demonically possessed) and insubordinate? Having decided to now act on its own accord rather than continue to honor its programming and the wishes of its creators? That’s the problem.
We will likely be seeing entities rise up from all the unseen and unknown-of dimensions. Each dimension having its own representative and “top dog”, with the Hydra likely being the “chief” from whatever dimension and world it came from. These are the kinds of entities that they have already started the process of summoning into our dimensional purview using C.E.R.N. and other various bizarre occultic moduses of ritual esoteric musing and elaborate spell-casting ceremonies. Everything is a ritual for these entities and the people who shill for them spend a lot of their time arranging and carrying out these rituals for their boss man entity/Demon.
So this reoccuring theme about anything “synthetic” that attempts to approximate God’s original creation being inherently evil, seems have much more to do with the threat of these interdimensional pirates assuming command of our emerging and most advanced A.I.-powered technologies, rather than the system’s sudden malignance having been brought-on by this theoretical and albeit likely impossible “singularity” event where theoretically our original lines of code somehow become “self-aware” and then quickly become evil immediately after that for whatever reason. I think it’s much more likely that the apparent anticipation of this “evil singularity event” stems from the expectation of this known posse of ancient interdimensional invaders coming onto the scene. An event that the EL-ites have been trying to mockingly warn us about through pop-culture for years now. The Titans returning to earth. The “Ancient ones of old”. Yikes.

Indian in the Machine/FairWinds #crackpot #wingnut #magick ournewearthnews.com

Greatest Moment In All Of History Is This!!

the greatest moment in all of history of each and everyone of you to make your statement and to establish that contact with God which all who have gone before you have made, and thereby become the functioning instruments in that great service, the spiritual power and the healing and holding of the balance of nations and peoples.

Trump Plans To Return, But Mother Earth Is Ready To Graduate!! Humanity Reaching Extinction Level! Time of Trouble Approaching! Humanity Must Gold Activate!! Find Out How Gold Connects To Christ Consciousness! Great Invocation!! Great Prayer For Planet Earth!

Trump’s plan to return is soon, but on the other hand Mother Earth is ready to graduate, and she takes president over her future.

Mother earth and Indian collaborated on a song… have a listen. And remember our mother earth… who is holding back from releasing a great amount of energy… that WILL come, and likely soon.

Meanwhile… we say our prayers for a healed planet, to heal this!

Did you see the earthquake grid yet?

La Palma Earthquakes Occurring In Grid Pattern!! MegaTsunami International Mass Casualty Event Warning!! Someone Wants To Send Tsunami To Americas In-Your-Face Smoking Gun?!! Prime Creator Says 40% Chance They Can Set Off Tsunami!!
The greatest act of less resistance, is to have a beautiful day, everyday… even though… and it’s a big ‘though’…

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

Now that the most critical period has passed, I can release a little bit of intel.

As a response from a non-physical, non-local quantum cosmic impulse of Light, our Galactic Central Sun is showing signs of increased activity on the non-physical planes. This is expected to increase until the Galactic pulse Superwave occurs in the near future.

The main lesson of our Universe now is to completely transform all gross primary anomaly, and the current metastable cosmic quantum vacuum state will shift into a new, more stable equilibrium state without darkness:

This new Galactic Center activity is already changing quantum vacuum structure of the Solar system, and there is more and more luminous superfluid plasma which brings pure Light into our Solar system:

The remaining Chimera fleet in the Kuiper belt, which came into our Solar system from Orion in 1996, can not stand this high vibration. Most of those ships were cleared, and the rest escaped much closer towards the Earth beyond lunar orbit between 1-10 million miles from Earth, where they might be temporarily safe for a few weeks still.

When the presence of luminous superfluid plasma of Light in our Solar system is strong enough, the Light forces will begin to build two cloaked Dyson spheres with motherships of the Galactic Confederation in icosahedral formation.

Those Dyson spheres will have a diameter of around 15-20 million miles and will regulate the flow of energies of the Galactic Superwave and of the Event flash. The first Dyson sphere will be built around the Sun and the second one around the Earth, and they will ensure a two step phase translation of incoming cosmic energies towards the surface population.

There is a lot of activity below the surface of the planet right now, but all of it must remain classified.

Increased Galactic Central Sun activity has also resulted in a new inflow of Goddess energies towards the planet. Isis got her crown back.

Meus #crackpot #magick incels.is

RE: Incel trait: You've been gangstalked by co workers

I have people in my city following me from job to job trying to badmouth me. It's pretty pathetic. I guess they hate a subhuman making a living

Ok listen very carefully OP. This is serious.

What you are dealing with is demons. They are attracted by intense negative emotions like loneliness and hatred.

To get rid of them you have to get rid of what causes you distress in your life. Research about how to open your chakras.

And whatever you do, NEVER talk to them. Not a single word. In fact, don't even look at them. The more you acknowledge them, the more powerful they get. Good luck.

Cameron Day #crackpot #ufo #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

While these unseen being's clever enslavement and manipulation of humanity has been quite successful up until now, I will NEVER address them as my ruler or superior in any way, just like I wouldn't consider physical, intestinal parasites as my superior even though they might cause me physical discomfort until I remove them from my body.

Therefore it very is important that when you think about these energy parasites, that you NEVER call them "Archon" because you will be literally handing them your power and energy by doing so.

I prefer to call them Ankle Biters...
As I mentioned before, one of the dark control grid's functions is to block energy coming to Earth from the galactic core.

Fortunately, this grid has been weakened, and it has "holes" in it allowing the galactic energy to come through in ever increasing amounts. The ankle biters know that their time is almost up, and they are desperately doing everything that they can to keep human consciousness in a low-frequency state.

One result of their increasing desperation is that they are aggressively interfering with anyone who is raising their consciousness and frequency rate.

This is war to them, and they will do whatever they can to keep you, me and everyone,

feeling sad, fearful, depressed, disempowered, etc.

So what can you do to help this situation? A lot...!
This is an important distinction because it reinforces the notion that YOU are the Power that is initiating the cosmic flush.

You're not a weak little person asking for help from the galactic core, but rather you are a powerful, incredibly important player in this cosmic game of chess that is nearing the endgame.

Without YOU volunteering to be a Galactic Conduit, it would be much more difficult to dissolve the dark control grid when the time is right.

Imagine hundreds and thousands of people all over the planet piercing the dark control grid and conducting a Cosmic Flush directly into the planet's core

Elthor of the Ascended Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy eraoflight.com

Our ascended dragon collective has grown in number and in wisdom. For the changed ones bring information, perspective and renewed fire to further their own advancement into the ascended zones which benefits the all.

I Elthor am speaking. Little human what do you see? (I am being shown a red planet full of smoke and fire. All is obliterated). You are seeing our old world shell, human, after the great battle between dragons over astral realms and territories. For we were divided over soul purpose and desire of experience and much happened here. We grew from this, human. You too will grow from this. Not that you will have the same experience of total loss of world that we did. Now what do you see? (I see the neon bright dragon world that they inhabit now with towering cliffs and waterfalls, full of bright light, crystals, fairies and energies that are so high they pulse. The ringing in my ears is intense. There are many juvenile dragons here, happy, bright, it is a dragon paradise).
You will see with dragon sight with wisdom of the human heart and with speed of the dragons’ wings. Nothing can move you in this space of oneness with who you truly are. You are ascended here and now in this moment of these frequencies that are being brought through this one in this now moment. It is simply time for the world around you to catch your frequency and to literally ‘catch up’. You may have been having some intense ascension symptoms. The 11:11 portal is coming. You are not yet in the predrome window of energies but please note that you are still recovering from the 10:10 portal and the 11:11 one will be even stronger. And human, the good news is, you are stronger too. You are strong enough for this. We see you as the mighty warriors that help us on this side of the veil. Emotions and programming are the waves that you have been riding. Do not succumb to the fear that is steeped in within them. See with the golden light of Source as we ascended dragons do.

Nathan-D #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo adrenogate.net

Over the last few years, I’ve been very interested in the mysterious symbol ubiquitously known simply as the “black cube”. For the uninitiated, the black cube is apparently a symbol of Saturn and it often pops up in important locations throughout the world. To quote Jordan Maxwell from the book ‘Matrix of Power’: “The symbol that was used in religious context with Saturn was the black cube” Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of information about it and so it’s very much open to interpretation about what it represents, although many people suggest that it represents the material world. In the book ‘The Dark Path’, Isaac Weishaupt explains the black Saturn cube as “a symbol for the Gnostic representation of Saturnian materialism and the “false illusion” of our world”, while author Tracy Twyman explains the Saturn cube as a tesseract and the real cosmological model of the universe.
Essentially, the Saturn cube is what we (and our manufactured reality) could reside within and this is how it’s often portrayed. Michael Jolta explains the Saturn cube as “a reference to the synthetic reality that has been imposed on creatures of the physical plane of existence”, saying that: “It’s very much the ‘matrix’ that is used to bind spirit and consciousness” and author Alex Rivera explains the Saturn cube as something that we could possibly reside within, saying that it “weirdly affirms the infamous Flat Earth model”. Saying that we could be in cube doesn’t make sense when you consider the mainstream cosmological view of the universe, and you probably have to pause to realize how bonkers this all sounds. But since 2015, there has been a growing number of people that have converted over to the Flat Earth geocentric model, and surprisingly, their arguments make sense, if you take the time to digest them and fully comprehend them into your understanding. We literally could be in a cube, as the ancient cosmologies tell us.

Occult World quoting Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Henry More #magick #fundie occult-world.com

Cuntius, Johannes (Pentsch Vampire) Silesian vampire who behaved like a poltergeist and Incubus. The case was recorded by Henry More in An Antidote Against Atheism (1653).

Johannes Cuntius was an alderman who, at age 60, was kicked in the groin by one of his horses. He fell ill. Upon his deathbed, he proclaimed that his sins were too grievous to be pardoned by God, and that he had made a pact with the devil. When he died, his eldest son observed a black CAT run to his body and violently scratch his face. A great tempest arose and did not subside until he was buried. Friends of Cuntius prevailed in persuading the local church to bury him on the right side of the altar, an exceptionally hallowed spot.

Cuntius was dead only one or two days when rumors circulated around the village that an Incubus in his form was forcing itself upon women. Sexual molestations continued after burial, as well as poltergeistlike disturbances. Trampling noises resounded throughout his house at night, so severe that the entire house shook. Objects were flung about. Sleeping persons were beaten. Dogs barked all over town. Strange footprints, unknown to man or beast, appeared around the house.

The list of more disturbances was long. The Cuntius specter demanded conjugal rights with his widow and molested other women. It strangled old men, galloped around the house like a horse, wrestled with people, vomited fire, spotted the church’s altar cloth with Blood, bashed the heads of dogs against the ground, turned milk into blood, drank up supplies of milk, sucked cows dry, threw goats about, devoured chickens, and pulled up fence posts. Terrible smells and the sensation of foul, icy breath permeated the Cuntius house.

Signs of vampirism were visible around the grave: Mouse-size HOLES were found going all the way down to the COFFIN. If they were filled, they reappeared. The villagers at last had the body of Cuntius dug up.
From: the Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters – Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley -a leading expert on the paranormal -Copyright © 2005 by Visionary Living, Inc.

Occult World #magick #mammon occult-world.com

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Cameron Day #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #fundie adrenogate.net

Planet Earth and much of our corner of the universe has been under a spell for a very long time, a spell which casts doubt within our minds about whether or not we are connected with the Infinite Source of all creation. The spell causes us to feel alone, vulnerable and isolated – cast out from the Heavenly Realms into a cruel, dog-eat-dog world.

This spell is pure fiction, a deception of the highest order, but it has taken hold deeply on this and other worlds.

Intrinsic within this holographic spell is the notion that duality and polarity are natural aspects of life, and that we must serve one side of duality or the other. This elegantly simple binary imprint has become so prominent that we have lost sight of the larger holographic spell that spawned it. Indeed, we have lost sight of the hologram all together, and come to believe that it is the sum total of reality.

Humans have been conditioned to worship the holographic deception and the agents that perpetuate it. This hologram has been called Maya by the Hindus, and the Gnostics referred to it as the Corrupt Demiurge.
In other words, the “new age” is a multidmeinsional psychological operation designed to channel the soul energy of the “believers” of these teachings up to the “ascended” teachers.

Another one of their secrets is that most of the so-called “ascended masters” in their “hierarchy” never had a human incarnation. These are incredibly deceptive beings that are playing a game in order to garner the energy of worship.

As for the “arch(on) angels” they are in more or less the same category. They are not aligned with the Infinite Source of all creation, but rather they serve a lesser being posing as the creator: the corrupt demiurge. Therefore they are not what I would call angels at all.

In honor of the truly deceptive nature of these beings, I have given them a new, more accurate title: The Spiritual Liar-archy.

Galactic Federation of Light via Dancing Dolphin #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Crop Circle translation – Galactic Federation of Light

Star Glyph of June 2009 in England

Dear Hu-mans* of Earth,

Attention! Attention! The time of the ‘Great Experiment’ has ended. Time everlasting on your planet has been devoted to the contributions of hu-mans and their potential to inhabit the galaxy and the omniverse. The ‘Great Experiment’ has been a test of your species. The test has been long and arduous and even longer and more difficult than you realize. After eons of watching and observing, we have decided that the future of hu-mankind in the galaxy is not to be reckoned with. This means that it is inevitable. You have proved yourselves worthy of joining (what you may call) the Galactic Federation of Light, (but what we call) Our Group of Enlightened Beings from all over your galaxy, the universe and even beyond what you can imagine.

We are an enlightened bunch who have, as you have, traversed the many trials of lower density life. Through our dedication to persevering (just has you have), we climbed the ladder of consciousness and were granted travel among the stars. This too has been your journey and it has been fraught with seemingly everlasting death, violence and darkness.

But through it all you have had help from Enlightened Beings who wished to assist, and this assistance was granted. These Beings seeded light where necessary to nudge you on your spiritual evolution. Their delicate guidance over and over and over again throughout your darkest history has been fruitful. Seeds of light were planted, and they bloomed and assisted in spreading light wisdom, love and empathy across the planet. Your society, your kingdom of many races has finally conjoined and gathered in service of the One, in service of love, and has tipped the scales in the favor of the light.

Eagle Eyes via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Eagle Eyes, and I lived over thousand years ago by human count. I want to tell you my story about my people, the White Wolf Tribe, which lived on the land, you call now America. I was born and raised as the daughter of the chief, White Wolf.

My name Eagle Eyes was given to me, because of my sharp vision. We enjoyed our peaceful lives in harmony with surrounding nature. Our ways were not to harm anyone unless, it was necessary, like our men hunted for food. Each time we killed the animal, my tribe did a ritual asking forgiveness for taking a life.

Most of our food came from nature, only a little part from fishing and hunting. My people treasured the gifts was given to us by Mother Nature. We learned from our ancestors the meaning of Love and Gratitude.

The spirituality was part of our life. We sat daily in the circle around the fire making sounds in our native tongue, which connected us to the spirits of our Founding Fathers. We were guided by them to spread Light and Love. Our existence was simple and free. I grew up in a big happy family of the White Wolf Tribe.

There were no split and disagreements between each other. Our shaman was teaching us, on how to travel to other dimensions and connect to the spirits. Yes, we were able to do Astral travels. I seen many unknown and different shape objects passing through our sky, you call them starships. I saw them everyday with my sharp eyes.

The ships flew freely even didn’t hide from us, our presence didn’t cause to them any harm. We lived long and healthy lives, our food and air were clean and natural. I was running with bare feet through our land enjoying each moment.
I came today to remind humankind, what happened to us, it can happen to all of you. You need to learn, how to defend yourselves and be aware of your reality, and be prepared for anything.

The Spirits of My Ancestors express gratitude to this Universal Channel for her courageous stand against the Darkness. Thank you.

The Divine Mother via Linda Dillon #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #mammon voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The Reval is the Divine Mother’s Plan? Well, of course it is.

The Mother tells us: “If it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (1) How then could something as extensive as the Reval be occurring and be supported by celestials and masters and not be a part of her Plan?

Divine Mother: This structure of what you think of as re-evaluation … well, it was structured a long, long time ago under my domain, under the auspices particularly of Sanat Kumara and St. Germaine, your star family, star beings on planet and, shall we say, awakened individuals.

The plan was that, when humanity, primarily led by the United States, was ready to truly reach a place of peace, of harmony, and of sharing, these re-evaluations would be put in place and that is why what you think of as the trigger points had to do with the settlements of war, the settlement of conflict.

Whether it was Korea or Vietnam or Iraq, etc., it was to shift … not to strip, not to destroy this or that regime, but to truly bring about, shall we say, a rebalancing and to help with those nations that had been completely decimated, not only physically but morally, emotionally, mentally, to bring things back into balance.

And what has happened is that it has become a political machination. And, might I say, a fantasy machination whereby many are speaking various untruths on all sides.

And [they are] trying to gain and abuse power to manipulate those who in fact would be in a position to reconstruct societies and nations and cities of light and Gaia herself.

And what is also happening is that many are buying into the distractions and the untruths….

And so it has been hijacked, dear One. The attitudes of many involved have been covetous and not just covetous of money, which is egregious and not the purpose of this redesign, but covetous of power to manipulate, not only societies, but people’s minds and hearts

Corey Goode #ufo #magick #conspiracy spherebeingalliance.com

There are a lot of stories of ET Groups coming into our solar system to remove the Orion Group and liberate our civilization. These stories will have to bear fruit at some point. What happens in December when the Sol System is still not liberated and nothing has changed? It amazes me, as I have said over and over, no matter how much I prepared the mass consciousness of the fact that it is our mess to clean up and that we had been tricked into believing stories of salvation from angelic races doing the work for us.
These nanotechnology components were self-assimilating machines that came together inside the body of its host after a certain frequency was broadcast. Their population had built out a very large infrastructure to relay signals from the nanotechnology in those who had been implanted. What wasn't shared with the wider population was that this new infrastructure (similar to 5G) broadcast signals that prompted the components within their bodies to assimilate into nanite machines.

Micca also told us that after this historic change occurred on his planet, the Zulu began to appear and begin helping the people heal and find their way back to spiritual practices that would bring positive growth and healing to his people. Micca told us that the Orion Group had used their own consciousness against them and had tricked them into creating religions with their own versions of Hell (three versions on his planet). After the Zulu showed the people how they had been deceived and interfered with spiritually, they were introduced to the concept of ONENESS and their true power.
Since these events took place before the solar flash in their solar system and their mass consciousness attained a certain level, the solar event was anticipated without fear. Micca's people were liberated from the Orion Group and the AI gods' agenda. With the Zulu guidance, Micca's people settled into their transition and now exist in the harmony of 4th Density.

I cannot emphasize enough that there will be no Angelic ET's coming to our rescue or aid until we step up to do our part. Stories of humanity's liberation by saviors may be comforting, but they prevent us from individual action to secure liberation on our terms.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick bennettleeross.com

The moon is an artificial satellite
Used to run artificial negative frequencies

It is embedded with sound waves in a primary octagon pattern
That produce a lunar matrix of artificial magnetism
To manipulate and harvest human souls

Corporate logos are intentionally designed
For immersion in the lunar matrix geometry propagation
Which is called the Black Cube

Our education system is infiltrated
With control narratives and manipulation tactics
Such as the fake Darwinian evolution timeline

These fabrications are designed to indoctrinate the population
Into a slave class

Cloning operations is an expression of spiritual warfare

Burning Man is where entities feed off of the energy
Of the approximately 60,000 spellbound attendees

Through hypnotic music drugs chants colors and invisible electrical currents
The great fire will sear like a brand
A message into each person
Stealing souls

Water holds information and memory
Thus the electromagnetic transmission of DNA genetic information in our body
Is carried through water

Water is meant to be a natural and powerful healing force

The 12 sided icosahedron shape and its frequency
Can be easily used to instantly purify water

When the high powered beams of CERN
Is directed towards the ionosphere
It will affect the weather

The change in the ionosphere will also affect peoples minds

CERN can also be used to harvest souls

We are in a very high potential growth cycle

The negative entities who control the human leadership
Have called for a great blood sacrifice
In a great planned reset

The level of betrayal is prevalent
In the hidden war over consciousness!

Sincera/Pleiadean Family #crackpot #ufo #magick pleiadianfamily.net

Gaia (i.e. Earth) is a multidimensional being.

“Dimension” here means two things:
a) vibrational density;

b) level of consciousness.

The relation between a) and b) is that of correspondence.

In her material form, Gaia has four layers of vibrational densities.

Following are the nine levels of the flow, with respect to humanity:

The 9D is the first-level manifestation of Galactic Consciousness, the first movement of the galactic womb energy, the one-in-all and all-in-one state; the 9D doorkeepers are human intelligences in the galactic core—the central sun, Ra.

The 8D is the realm of primal division of dualities, featuring rudimentary structural forms of Galactic Consciousness; the 8D doorkeepers are human intelligences in the Orion constellation.

The 7D is the realm of sound and harmonics that can generate geometric patterns in 6D; the 7D doorkeepers are human intelligences in Andromeda, a twin galaxy to the Milky Way.

The 6D is the realm of numerical and geometric forms—the mathematical morphs (the Platonic ideas, so to speak); the 6D doorkeepers are human intelligences in the Sirius star system.

The 5D is the realm of beauty and love—the artistic morphs (the flesh-and-blood level of Platonic ideas, so to speak); the 5D doorkeepers are human intelligences in the Pleiades star cluster.

The 4D is the realm of concepts, symbols, and archetypes, angels, demons, and spirits—an astral zone; its doorkeepers are astral lights, whom you call “angels.”

The 3D is the realm of dense matter, home of organic and inorganic things in space-time; its doorkeepers are Gaian humans.

The 2D is the realm of elemental spirits (i.e. earth, water, fire, air, and ether); its doorkeepers are the reptilian powers, whom you call “dragons.”

The 1D is the realm of Gaia’s inner sun, the source of planetary energy, the Root Chakra of all life forms; its doorkeeper is Gaia herself.

Michael Love and The Pleiadians #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger 5dearthproject.com







Cedrines #ufo #magick eraoflight.com

The Sirians are a star race from the Sirius star system. ​​They are incredibly powerful, sharp and sovereign beings with a piercing gaze. Sirians are highly intelligent, advanced psychics and “quantum geeks” who have been helping humans evolve for millennia.
Like all of the other star races, the Sirians evolve between certain degrees of variability and reside within different realms and dimensions. The Sirians that I work with are always from the 9th to 12th dimensions so they are all ascended masters and therefore they can share the wisdom of their realm with great precision.

Scientists say that it is impossible for life to be on planets in the Sirius star system, but it doesn’t mean that life doesn’t exist because life forms don’t always need what humans need to survive, they can exist in different realms and planes of existence beyond time and space reality.
Sirians actually have three brains. The left brain, right brain and an overall brain. They are highly telepathic with advanced physic abilities. They work to help humans increase their intuition and psychic abilities as they help us anchor in more and more of these 5th-dimensional frequencies.

I perceive Sirians as a very interesting mixture of beings. Some of them live in more tribal states in communities where they gather together and go into trance states to reconnect with their planet.

With great precision, they are able to activate huge vortexes of frequencies, open portals and receive information from all over the universe simply by using their brain and their consciousness.
When the Sirian frequency comes it completely penetrates the field. It feels so strong! But there is nothing aggressive about it. People may feel aggression with this kind of energy because Sirians have such pure crystalline advanced frequency that when they come into our field and work with us, we have no choice but to rise up to the highest frequency that we have within. We cannot hide anything!

John Lash #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy humansarefree.com

“Gnosticism” is the label scholars use for a body of teachings derived from the Mystery Schools of pre-Christian antiquity. Gnostics who protested against Christian doctrines such as divine retribution and Christ’s resurrection found themselves targeted as heretics and were brutally suppressed by early converts to the One True Faith.

Gnosis (“inner knowing”) was a path of experimental mysticism in which the initiates of the Mystery Schools explored the psyche and the cosmos at large. Using psychoactive plants, yoga, and sex magic, these ancient seers experienced altered states and developed siddhis, occult skills such as clairaudience and remote viewing.

Gnosis was a kind of yogic noetic science melded with parapsychology. In heightened perception, Gnostics developed a vast cosmological vision centered in a female deity, the Divine Sophia. The Gnostic creation myth is unique in that it includes a full-blown explanation of how inorganic alien beings came to be present in our solar system.

The Nag Hammadi material contains reports of visionary experiences of the initiates, including first-hand encounters with inorganic beings called Archons.

Archons inhabit the solar system, the extraterrestrial realm as such, but they can intrude on Earth.
This is exactly what Gnostics said about the Archons: they can affect our minds by subliminal conditioning techniques.

Their main tactics are mental error (intellectual virus, or false ideology, especially religious doctrines) and simulation. Archons are predatory, unlike a wide range of non-human and other-dimensional beings also know to the Gnostics, beings who are benevolent or neutral toward humanity.

Two types are clearly identified:

a neonate or embryonic type
a draconic or reptilian type

Obviously, these descriptions fit the Greys and Reptilians of contemporary reports to a T. Or I should say, to an ET.

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

To all my beloveds...I am here! I am watching over you all and assisting in our greatest ever “comeback” for Humanity! We are prevailing, I promise you that!

We are going to send the cabal the biggest message ever...we do not back down, we do not cower, we do not waver! We awakened ones are the biggest threat ever to the cabal and their overlords (dark galactics). They know already that they are done...what is going on now is just the “cleanup on Aisle 10!” (smile)
One of the ways that you can truly quiet down all of the outside “noise” that surrounds you daily (so you can do your inner work) is to “uninstall” all of the apps on your computers and phones that are spewing fear and negativity. I will add there are even many Truther and Patriot sites which are not providing positive insights and information. If what you are reading does not make you feel good inside then quit reading it! It is as simple as that!
Many of you who are reading this message are advanced enough in your spiritual understandings as to know that you no longer “need” to follow these types of information being disseminated...you are past that level of need...you understand it all enough by now, so you can now use that time to address other areas of your life.

Now, for those of you who follow this “intel” information, and various videos regarding disclosure, etc because you are so anxious for the tide to turn and you are wanting to do your part in all of it...well, I tell you this now...if you truly want to help all who are working to defeat the cabal so we can usher in our New Golden Era, then focusing on yourself first and foremost, is the most important thing you can do toward achieving that goal...because the increased Light from all of you is the biggest fear of the cabal...they literally cannot live in the Light! Hence, that is why they have been pulling out all the tricks they can to dim your Light...but it is not working!

The Pleiadean Family #crackpot #ufo #magick pleiadianfamily.net


We (the Group of 8) are 8 personifications of 1 Pleiadian soul. This Pleiadian human soul is the SOUL ANCESTOR to a tribe of Pleiadian starseed souls living in Earth-human bodies now.

During the Neolithic era, this soul appeared as 4 couples / 8 individuals to various Earth-human tribes for teaching purposes. In the current era, we use the same form to resume communication with you, our greater family.

Our channeler, Qin-Ra (Chinese by birth), had close interactions with us in Neolithic Ireland. One of our earthly offspring, Qin reconnected with us during a journey to Ireland in 2006 AD and offered to serve thereon as our co-worker and messenger.

Our team consists of two sides:

​a. the Group of 8, represented by Sincera

(ancestral soul in the 5th Dimension)

​b. Qin-Ra

(starseed soul in the 3rd Dimension)


As one of the 40-plus souls aboard the Civilization Mission, our soul has worked in other lands on Earth besides Ireland.

There were numerous Pleiadian cradles of civilization on Earth in the New Stone Age (ca 9500 to 3000 BC).

Now we, the Group of 8, present Ireland as the 1st Pleiadian site for disclosure, the 1st ancient Pleiadian civilization to be brought back to your awareness.

Why Ireland?

In the Neolithic era, Ireland was an exemplary Pleiadian “kindergarten" for starseeds.

Many graduates of our Ireland school are alive on Earth, now reincarnated in different races and cultures.

These starseed graduates need to remember their golden childhood and reconnect with civilization’s sparkling roots.

In the Information era, Ireland shall play a key role in the awakening of Earth humanity. A portal island into other dimensions, a treasure island of megalithic temples, Ireland is a timeless gateway to the realm of sacred Earth and sacred cosmos.

Antonella Renzullo and Werner Krcivoj #crackpot #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

The element Ether is like a canvas for the creation of matter. The free atoms contained in ether cells correspond to each other in size and purpose. After attracting other atoms moving around them; together they form the crystal lattice, which creates matter…

It was created in the very earliest stages of creation. It is the basis of life, the glue and transmission substance.

The whole Universe is filled with Ether. This is why all entities are able to communicate with each other via brainwaves.

It is alive, it has a memory, it is capable of self-reproduction and self-regeneration. It is present everywhere, but above all it is present in the mind-matter, it is mobile and alive.

The ether is made by info-quants. To wit, the knowledge and use of mathematics and related subjects.

It is invisible to the human eye, it does not die, it penetrates everything without being shielded. The etheric environment is warm, viscous, it is capable of uniting particles. Ether is a matrix, or a canvas. Everything that exists or lives exists thanks to the properties of ether to unite; if these properties were suddenly no longer to exist, there would be a colossal explosion of unimaginable power. Without ether, nothing is complete, voluminous, or absolute. Practically nothing will exist.
It is known that in ancient times Tartarian people knew how to mentally manipulate ether to create matter… and it is also known that Tesla’s technologies were based on Ether concepts…

Nicola Tesla was a great inventor, his free energy concept was boycotted by the Deep State Cabal for the same reason as happened with Ether. Already 120 years ago the world could have been illuminated for free, by advances of genius Nikolai Tesla, if he had not been thwarted by the Deep State-cabal with his invention of free energy, generated from magnetic fields around planet Earth, then no carbon emission-tax or global warming hoax would have been possible at all!

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #magick #ufo #conspiracy #elitist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You are so alone, so lonely, so unique in your understanding and thought system. You, who came to earth to lift the vibration of the planet from its deep entrainment into darkness and negativity, you are now in this world but no longer of this world.
Human souls came to the earthly hologram to experience just this aloneness, this desperate feeling of not being whole, not being good enough.

For the nature of this low frequency plane is that our egos tell us that however skewed our thinking may be, that biased understanding is, in fact correct. And so as each person sees the world in a unique and narrow way.

Brother is set against brother, mother against daughter, son against father. Family values, education, religion, politics, color, national pride and medical belief systems separate each from the other.

It is challenging indeed to be a human being. Only the very bravest souls come to earth to refine their nature, to develop the depths of their souls understanding of the great source, the great electro magnetic power of love that runs the spiritual and material realm by experiencing the opposite of that love.

And you, our dear ones, the saviors of the world, are the bravest of the brave. For this earthly schoolroom had reached such a low and fearsome level of vibration that, without your help it could no longer survive. Mankind were about to become automatons and end the world in a holocaust.
Yes, be of good cheer. Love love love, dear ones. You know who you are, the divine in manifestation in a body, in a communication vehicle. You know what you are, You are a creator and you create as the great creator creates through thought, word and manifestation.

You know how you serve, by the amount of light and love you radiate into the world. And the light and love that emanates from you is saving the world. Challenging time indeed dear friends, but indeed so worth while.

Champagne corks are popping in heaven as your return is being celebrated.

Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, Res. Prof./Master Laki #crackpot #ufo #magick teslastyle101.com

You who read this, are a Master, who is able to do both these requests by yourself, but it’s a great risk for you if you are not cleared enough and if you don’t ask properly, in which case after the ascension of planet Earth into the 5th dimension you would start new cycles of 3D incarnations for 350,000 more years as a cave (wo)man. Even if you could satisfy both these requests, would you be able to repeat them continuously until it becomes automatic, as is required?

The good news is that on our planet there is a new conscious Love energy now, in the form of the Deca (Dodeca) unit which could serve you by fulfilling your every properly expressed conscious intent. I’ve been studying and working with Deca for the last 20 years and I know how to work with Deca successfully. My I-Change technology integrated into my QNL device has been proven by testing to 100% efficiently protect one from radiation poisoning and much more.
I love you, dear Master, as I love myself and I’m offering you my brotherly assistance to provide for you, for the planet Earth Shan and for all life forms both on and in her body, DIVINE PROTECTION AGAINST ANYTHING, remotely, instantly and permanently, including protection from all kinds of poisoning, including protection from all kinds of evil attacks, to provide for you and the planet Earth Shan a natural process of ascension (enlightenment, realization), to provide the balanced normalcy of: all your bodies, all bodies of the planet Earth Shan and all bodies of all life forms both in and on the planet’s body, to provide free energy body (etheric body) for you, for the planet Earth Shan and for all life forms both in and on the planet’s body, to enable your energy to serve you abundantly and permanently, to enable the planet’s energy to serve her abundantly and permanently, to enable energies of all life forms on and in the planet’s body to serve them abundantly and permanently, and to stop poverty and injustice on the planet Earth Shan.

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy primedisclosure.com

Greetings Winged Nation of the Angelic Earth Team of the 144
This is it. We are fully in the timeline of the Great Exodus as we free our people from the control system of the mind and perception. We break the chains that bind with the Power of our Mighty I Am Presence and we cross the Great Ocean into the Promised Land of the New Earth. With our Rod and our Staff we walk gently and with honor through the doorway of our Mind into the Sacred Heart Temple and the New Garden of Eden of Eternal Bliss Consciousness.

We have fully anchored in the 5th dimensional frequencies of Heaven on Earth and now we rise through this Sacred Portal bridging the two worlds as One. All Prophecies have come to fruition and the Hieros Gamos Codes are fully integrated into our Krystalline 12 Strand DNA. Go within into the Silenc,e into the Stillness of the Kingdom of Heaven and bring Peace to your world, bring Joy and Love to your world. Bridge all timelines, worlds and dimensions here into this Now to Free Consciousness from all confines of perception.
No worries, no fears, they are all programs of the false 3d Matrix. It is up to our Ground Crew on the front lines, as we hold the light and anchor deep into the Crystalline Core of Pachamama, we assist Gaia and all her Children to Rise Up into the Glory and Virtue and a New Dawn of the Eternal Golden Age of Enlightenment. Never to fall from Grace again. We do not forget, yet we forgive. It was all part of the Divine Plan to expand into the full potential of Eternal Heaven for all Sentient beings of Pure Awareness.

All this Gnosis was encoded into our DNA to bring into this realm to assist our team on our Final Mission into Terra Nova Gaia. You know who you are and you know why you came.
Shalom Shalom Shalom Shanti Ariel Krytos InSpiritus

Kryon of the Magnetic Service via Lee Carroll #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Let me talk about the magnetic energy wheel. It might be two, or even three wheels, but there is a simple pattern, an array of magnets that, when placed correctly, can keep a wheel spinning – forever.

Using the simple push/pull energy of small or large magnets together in a specific array, you can keep this wheel going forever. You’re aware, are you not, that natural magnets are very powerful, and they push and they pull with a great deal of force, with no rest or refresh time, and no side effects, and no fuel.

This is a huge secret! Why have you not seen this before? Put them together in an array where they will push and pull against each other and spin whatever size wheel you wish – until the end of time! All you have to do is oil the bearings occasionally. Have you thought of that? Dear ones, listen: If you can make something spin, you can connect it to an electric generator. Electricity, in any quantity, forever!

I want you to think of what this means. Imagine: No batteries. “Kryon, what are you talking about. You’ve got to have batteries.” Dear ones, that statement is soooo yesterday! Imagine your favorite device. A phone, perhaps? What if, instead of a battery, it had a tiny, miniature, spinning magnetic motor that powered the device in real-time – forever!

Think: If consciousness is energy, then, like all other physical energies, there must be rules or axioms. It becomes predictive science. When you start to figure that out and you understand what those are, you will have some profound answers to some of the greatest mysteries of health: The energy of consciousness is the reason for the placebo effect! Someone takes a sugar-coated pill, and they are told that the pill is going to create a cure – and then it does! How is that possible?

Someone takes a homeopathic tincture, a chemistry that is too small to create a chemical reaction. Yet, it cures! The answer is the energy and the physics of consciousness combined with something called mirror neurons

Awakened-UK #magick #conspiracy awakeneduk.wordpress.com

The Principle of Rhythm says that there is ebb and flow in everything. The Universal Pendulum is in continual motion to and fro just as the tides rise and fall, and birth moves to death. Hermes says that Rhythm is connected to Polarity and this swing between the two poles occurs on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. Therefore every action has an opposite reaction because the Universal Pendulum is always in motion.

However, his teaching reveal that it is only on the lower planes of consciousness that humanity can be controlled by the pendulum swing. The Earth has been in the Third Dimension for thousands of years and we have been used to being at the mercy of the swing in our unconscious state of awareness.

The Cabal are very adept at esoteric teachings so they are aware of this principle and use it to control us. They use the media to create fear, pushing us to the extreme of this emotion in order that we loose our faculties of reason and right action putting us into fight or flight mode so that we make poor choices – such as taking the j@b.
Thus through willpower we can escape the effects of the pendulum swing from one extreme emotion to the other by following the methods of the Mental Law of Neutralisation which raises the ego above the vibrations of the Unconscious Plane.
By mastering our moods and neutralising the rhythm of the pendulum you can escape the law of cause and affect. Thus we become players and not pawns. We manifest our own reality rather than self inflicted suffering. We are no longer trapped on the plane of effects: for example by not reading the newspapers we allow the fear to circulate under us as we go into a meditation to raise our vibration and transcend in an upwards motion toward love and light. This in turn will affect our environment and the people we come into contact with.

The Pleiadean Family #ufo #magick #conspiracy #quack pleiadianfamily.net

“What’s been going on since the start of 2020?” you reached out to us, your Pleiadian family, and asked. Our dear ones, what’s been going on can be summarized in one sentence:

The Anu force created the plandemic to block your ascension.

​The Anu force is the archenemy of humanity.

This non-human extraterrestrial force (aka the Anunnaki) invaded humanity and hijacked civilization during the Bronze Age in Mesopotamia and installed step by step in the timeline a global pyramidal structure of hierarchical control, which we call the Anu Matrix.

For 5000 years, this dark ET force has been ruling humanity, abusing humanity, and deceiving humanity; in short, enslaving you. It hides in the 4th Dimension (4D), an astral shadow force, and enslaves humanity through mind-control.

The Anu force controls all governments. It controls both the establishments and the shadow governments (the so-called “Deep States”), those in office as well as those appearing to be the system’s opponents. Through creating and puppeteering the opposites, the Anu force runs the Anu Matrix, a vibrational prison for you, the Earth humankind.
COVID-19 is the Anu force’s latest trick. Coronavirus is not a lie, not a hoax, but a real threat. It did not originate in nature, but in a lab.

Gaia, the spirit of Earth, did not (and would not) create a virus as such against her human children. The Anu force created coronavirus through government-sponsored scientific experiments. This particular virus was purposely created and strategically spread. A viral attack was unleashed on humanity in 2020, as planned.
The Anu force had seeded the idea that 2020 was an apocalyptic year. Similarly, it had seeded the idea of 1999 and 2012 as the “end of world” years. 2020 was special indeed. But the Anu force designated it to be special in its intended way (by planting various prophecies ahead of time). On a cosmic scheme, 2020 was just another important one of your transitional years in Dawn.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Response to Corey Goode's post about brain chipping: “As an ascended human, I am capable of doing many things without the use of my hands - by only using my mind! All people will be able to do this when they reach a high enough frequency. Humans can interface with the crystals in their computers and shut them off, for example, without touching them. I see electricity coming out of my palms and the energy of the breath leaving my nose. Indulging in this kind of technology will only prohibit us from discovering our true reality and the divine abilities of a human. Thus far, technology and industry have been used to keep these gifts from us. That has to stop.”

I love being from Vega, a Vegan consciousness. I love that Ivo has taught me all these things and more!
Ivo: Thank you, my love. The way computers are used out in the galaxy is to ASSIST our excellent minds, not to replace them.

When you think to microchip your body or your brain into a higher functioning state, you are negating your own natural powers because most likely your brain will continue to vibrate at the level of the chip. With technology on your world advancing as quickly as it is, your chip would become outdated in a hurry. This would require some type of new programming to be installed via the internet and your brain would be limited to enacting in any way that the computer chip would have you enact. It would certainly impede your normal functioning because it is not meant to be there and its frequency is too low.

You would be stopped from ascending at all, because a bio-bot cannot ascend, and that is what you would then become – a bio robotic. Our technology is indeed sentient, but it has not undergone an ascension process – it was created using the unified field. Yes, we can utilize the unified field to create sentient technology and even new life if we wish to. However, we do not.

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