
dad #fundie christianforums.com

"The lawsuit accuses the school district of violating the pupils' constitutional right to free speech and violating the Constitution's establishment clause, which prohibits excessive government entanglement with religion."

Better to violate a child's right who doesn't like it than to force kids to be violated for loving God in my opinion. Otherwise the only option is to have Christians start really acting like they are in enemy territory, and vote with their feet, etc. Shut it down for all I care. The whole pagan school system, and the country! Better to have some brands (maybe states?) snatched from the fire than to have the whole system/country go to hell in a handbasket.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

The Gestapo tactics of the godless Inquisitors, making it illegal to be a believer basically in the US.

Hopefully, now that they voted there for an ungodly leader, (openly anti bible policies) and blaspemy, no one in their right mind expects anything but oppression and darkness anymore there. The US is the enemy of God now.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

Can a teacher refuse to teach lies and ungodly things? Can a child bring a bible to school? Can parents not allow their brainwashed daughter to not kill her child? Can one preach what the bible says on marriage publicly, and take measure to keep the gleefully perverted from their ranks?

The believers are forced more and more into hiding and secrecy like the catacombs of Rome. I would be surprised if the next several years were not marked by growing real persecution, evil oppressive laws, open blasphemy, and such inevitable results of advanced decay. Good news for believers!!! Very good news. People get ready, there's a train a comin.....and to hell with the US and it's leadership.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[But for the record, you do think they spoke English and wrote the original Bible in English (which is not KJV1611), and then it was translated to Hebrew, correct?]


My belief ... (at the risk of correcting you, which I've supposedly never done before) ... is that the original autographs from Genesis 1 to the Tower of Babel were written in English.

In other words, Adam wrote Genesis 1 & 2 in English; Seth wrote Genesis 3 & 4 in English; Noah wrote Genesis 5-9 in English; Shem wrote Genesis 10 in English; then Abraham wrote Genesis 11-25 in Hebrew.

Moses then edited the entire book of Genesis (into Hebrew), and that's why Genesis is titled, The First Book of Moses.

(Something like that.)

ACTRAISEROtto #fundie christianforums.com

C'mon now bro.....do you really think, honestly that some mayan dude just invested like 2oo man hours to painstakingly collect crush, grind and mix pigments, just to depict some...I dunno....just some random crazy thought he cooked up in his own head.

Or was he ''guided'' the same way that musical stars and holly wood script writters of todays modern times are guided through a demonic process of automatic writting.

You have to start beliving in fallen beings with an I.Q of 1040
Not just in church when you go their but when you leave as well.

you need to start understanding that our spiritual enemies are real.

For all we know, this guy might have actually recorded a VERY REAL, VERY FRIGHTTING SPIRITUAL DEMONIC ENCOUNTER,
Or Possible witnessed it happen to someone else, or more probably his Lord or Ruler at that time.
Because every ruler THROUGH OUT HISTORY has ENCOUNTERS with these beings.

Milan45 #fundie christianforums.com

Why Christianity is real:

-Evolution is logically impossible because nothing good can be caused by explosions.If I would put a dynamite in a car, would there be many small car-toys? No, it will blow into pieces.

-And if the Big Bang, the planet or star, whatever, exploded, all planets would have a similar look and materials as it. If it exploded, then how water came? It spawned? Or something? The Sun, has more then 90% hydrogen and helium, while the Earth has less then 1%. If it all comes from the same thing, then it would be similar, but it isn't.

-The evolution is just a theory, but in the Bible we read that Christianity is real.It's just a thinking of a single man.

-The evolution theory violates the second law of Thermodynamics, which states "Things are getting older, loosing their potential over time". But in evolution, species mutate to better species, which VIOLATES, IT, while in the Bible we read that Earth will be destroyed, which confirms it.

-From where Big Bang came? What created it? Something must create something, but in evolution, it is beyond belief...

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

"Science runs on an established methodology and standard of practice."

Right ... that's why it changes with the weather, doesn't it?

How many times has the Periodic Table of the Elements been changed? how many times does this 'established methodology and standard of practice' add, delete, or modify a previous 'established methodology and standard of practice'?

1hope #fundie christianforums.com

I think the reason the Lord would frown upon *toys* is because of where the use of them would eventually lead. Such as, how many young men started out harmlessly looking at porn on the Internet. Soon had the drive to go even further, started looking at child porn, then wanted to know what it is actually felt like to be with a child. Then thier parents leave them alone with their baby sister one night.............

FearlessFreep #racist christianforums.com

Because any imagined reason is good enough reason for those who hate Americans. Why did the Obama admin apologize for it when Americans as a whole were not the ones who made the video, and most of us had never heard of it until the stink over it? Making an apology is like accepting responsibility for it. And I'm sure that's how the savages took it. When will Obama learn that you can't negotiate with savages?

MattMarriott #conspiracy christianforums.com

9/11 hoax: 11 september ** original ** CNN 2001video reduced: 3 minutes 2 seconds
9/11 hoax: 11 september original CNN video reduced to 3 minutes and 2 seconds
It is as simple as this: the fact that Aluminium planes can NOT cut through steel was NEVER discussed in the illuminati media immediately proves that Aluminium planes can NOT cut through steel.

Aluminium is "strong" but a few pixels much more
The moment we entered the final leg of end times reductionism with a few pixels simulating a "large airliner plane" "live".

14:30 - after the first "witness", "coincidentally" the CNN vice-president, there was a first timing mistake and a real witness was interviewed.
Now the scripted "eyewitness" for the CGI act is on air:
14:54 - the famous final pixels enter the scene, it is pixel time:
14:55 - the famous final pixels exit the scene
oops - bomb not timely detonated -> plan B - switch camera to avoid wide view of WTC Towers
15:00 - ok, bomb detonated, now can switch camera again to show explosion
17:56 - 3 minutes and 2 seconds that it was all they needed to correct the timing error ... here starts the take that will be repeated hundreds of times by each TV station in the next hours.

CNN Sept. 11, 2001 8:48 am - 9:29 am : CNN : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

Reminder: 911 illuminati ritual mass murder was first FULLY exposed by LAST PROPHET.

911 for dummies basic facts
9/11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts, by Matt M

CGL1023 #fundie christianforums.com

People who are in the path of tropical storm Issac should protect their loved ones, their animals and their property by rebuking the storm. See the example from Luke 8:22-25. It is also in Matthew and Mark.

22 Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth.
23 But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy.
24 And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm.
25 And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.(KJV)

Gadfly #fundie christianforums.com

God and the United States are merged very strongly.


This needs a thread all by its self. Some are having trouble in understanding elementary school civics. In elementary civics we teach the "separation o church and state" whereas we do not teach "separation of state and God." As difficult as this concept is for some liberals who try to twist American freedom into some type of humanism and moral relativity, Americans have chosen an absolute God as the bases of government. Why can some of you not see our freedoms folks not grasp the truth that Americans have never given up their faith in God? Americans have used the instructions of God to build on the Rock our freedoms and liberties into our government.

America is unique among democratic countries because we have kept God as a provider of our self-evident rights. If we allow humanist and liberals to take God out of government. as we rightly have done the church. we no longer have an authority for America;s greatness. When God is gone then we are gone as a unique country and our freedoms and liberties are gone.

Oldwiseguy #fundie christianforums.com

We only have the bible account to base our beliefs on, and evolution isn't mentioned. What is mentioned is deception that will engulf the whole world. The TOE is very much a part of this endtime deception, not aimed at the ignorant masses but the 'best and brightest'.

TheyCallMeDave #fundie christianforums.com

Well, i guess its safe to say that the entire World has bought into the sexual hedonism mantra of 'get it while you can' ; looks like London has signed up to be the international STD Mecca to the World (since Condoms DONT stop all STD's plus they tear, rip, and come off in times of passion) . Another obvious outcome will be a trip to Ones local Walk-in Abortion Mill due to sexual hedonism gone further wrong.

Just when you think societal moral degradation had topped off .....

Heaven-Sent #fundie christianforums.com

[I don't really think you are curious about the stages of the evolution of the avian wing. We could discuss intermediates like archaeopteryx, or the different stages of feathers found with theropod dinosaur fossils, or the fact that birds produce both scales and feathers just like their theropod ancestors did, but you really wouldn't care... would you?]

As I am only remotely interested in the birds, I am very interested in the evolution of flying insects. Did these creatures also evolve from a dinosaur?

Heaven-Sent #fundie christianforums.com

I understand DNA very well, but it seems that most of you do not. If anyone knew the complexity of a single strand of DNA, you would know it would be impossible for it to spontaneously combust from gases.

For those of you who do not know the complexity of it, let me tell you. You would have a better chance of throwing paint in the air and it falling to the ground to paint an exact "Mona Lisa" painting, Now multiply that by 100.

It would be as though you remove all the letters from all the books in the U.S. Library of Congress, jumble them, and randomly place the letters back, creating an exact match.

But hey, it took billions of years right? So hey, just use your imagination.

Faulty #fundie christianforums.com

Personally, I object to my children being taught the fairy tale that is evolution in school.

You really expect someone to sit down with a small child and teach them as such? "Son, in the beginning there was nothing. Then nothing happened to nothing and then nothing exploded into everything. Then there was goo, and that goo oozed onto a rock, that came out of the nothing, and contracted and extraordinary complex DNA programming which was just laying around minding it's own business. After this, the goo became something less gooey because it's DNA replicated itself, but actually 'oopsed' and replicated itself perfectly, but with millions of changes, into something with a fin, and the less gooey thing liked its fin, and gritted where it's teeth would be a billion years later, and chose it's offspring to have more fin-like DNA." etc, etc, etc

And that's more reasonable than "All that you see had an origin and a designer, and that designer is the all-powerful God, who created you in His image and likeness"? No, I don't have enough blind faith to be an evolutionist in any way.

christianwarrior77 #fundie christianforums.com

"The Scandinavian countries are amongst the most mind-controlled on earth. They are programmed to BEHAVE!
They also have huge problems with depression and alcoholism. Any harmony in those countries is all just a manufactured media presentation.
Islam will shatter the stability of these countries quite nicely at some stage in the near future!
Scandinavia is drowning in porn. No way to treat women IMO.
Breviek was not acting alone IMO. Two gunmen were heard at the sight by many of the children. Most of these so-called lone gunmen have been under some kind of mind control and working on behalf of someone else.

(Hope I have not offended! Just wanted to give another point of view)"

Respecthelect #fundie christianforums.com

*In response to another christian poster who said 'gays don't recruit people to be gay'*

Will and Grace isn't recruiting? Glee isn't recruiting? Gay pride parades aren't recruiting? Attempting to pass gay marriage laws isn't trying to codify their evil lifestyle isn't recruiting?

Armistead14 #fundie christianforums.com

How God tortures will be up to him. There will be millions in hell that never heard the gospel, like the Indians, ect...so maybe they won't be tortured as bad. Then take teens, whenever they pass age of accountability, say 13, probably a few million have died over time before they reached 18, who knows had they lived longer they may have accepted, so maybe they will get a break. Millions are born in cultures and by birth taught something else and will believe it, so they shouldn't get the worse levels.

Course, think about the Jews duing WW2 and how surprised they will be. Over 6 million, 95% loved God more than most, but like most still waiting for the Messiah and didn't accept Christ. I'm sure they were sincere, being tortured by the Nazi's. To them their only hope was God. Can you imagine how they will feel, to go through all that torture on earth and then face the God they prayed too and he'll place them in eternal hell where Hitler's torture won't compare....probably just part of the generational curse on the Jews, but I would think they would be tortured less, because they loved God, but why should they get less, they denied Christ. In reality the majority of Jews will face eternal torture.

Really, with probably 80% of people going to hell, they all go for not accepting the gospel. I would assume God chooses who goes there. Face it, if you or I was born in Iran, we would be Muslim, so we're lucky to be born in the USA.

I don't see any levels in hell, but some believe it. Just be glad you're not going, to face torment on a level man has never done to man, where a trillion years is not even a second. We all will have many family members there which is sad, but God will erase them from our minds so there will be no tears in heaven, only pure joy.
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medieval_lady83 #fundie christianforums.com

I've seen videos on youtube where stars admit to selling their soul to the devil in order to become successful and famous. I've also heard about musicians channeling spirits to get inspiration for their music and to help them perform. Michael Jackson for one. The way Beyonce talks about her alter ego Sasha Fierce definitely sounds like she's being possessed by a spirit that's performing through her.

spiritualwarrior77 #conspiracy christianforums.com

The 2012 Olympics are the most blatant display of twisted Illuminati symbolism! Check it out...

Weird logo that rearranged spells 'Zion' (as in Zionism, one of the many arms of the Illuminati hydra).

One eyed mascot's. (the one eye represents the all-seeing-eye, a symbol that is all over the place right now!)

1mind1spirit #fundie christianforums.com

[honest to goodness stationary geocentrist]

1. The bible would classify Galileo as a fool.
2. If the earth is spinning on it's axis we would have to be doing sideways somersaults.
3. A sideways somersault is also known as a cartwheel.
4. According to evolution, the cartwheel was invented by a neanderthal caveman.
I will stick with God, the earth is not spinning.

AureateDawn #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

Homosexuality is slavery. Period. Those who are homosexual and act upon it are chaining themselves up to the Devil and to the world.

People who are gay...

Well, first, let me clarify. The verb "to be" is inappropriate. "I am gay" is a wrong statement; it does not define who I am (or you, or them, whatever). Saying "I/You struggle with same-sex attraction and passions" is more appropriate.

Anywho. Being gay in and of itself is not wrong. The bible makes it pretty clear that it's wrong... If anyone really needs me to point out that common Scriptures in "debating" homosexuality, I suppose I will. I am sure they have been thrown around plenty enough, however.

Acting upon these same-sex passions, however, is very sinful. Same with opposite-sex passions--they must abstain from lust and other such. However, "homosexuals" struggle even moreso, unable to marry or date or any of that. Acting upon one's "gayness" is slavery in its highest form. Acting upon it means you are giving in, submitting to the Devil, and allowing him to place shackles on you and tie you down. This is slavery, with same-sex passions or with any other sin. It's pure slavery.

Jesus will set you free! Live a celibate life in secular society or in a monastery! Seek God! The cross we "homosexuals" bear is surely heavy, but God will give us nothing we cannot bear!

(/Edited in) I do not say these things out of malice, but out of love. All too often I seek the false happiness and desire to fall in love with a man. But I cannot escape the reality of God, and I try to seek true happiness and true joy found only in Christ. I pray that y'all seek it as well.(/)

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy spirit, Amen.

Lord, have mercy.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

(On the thread they are talking about proof for Flood, and AV brings up the cliffs of Dover as proof of the Flood. Basicly God stacked all the chalk there after the Flood. When people point that there are fossils there also he responds with this.)

WOW -- you can't see the forest for the trees, can you?

Please set your college books aside and try and formulate a mental picture of what I'm saying here.

The Flood waters are GONE -- sharks, whales, people, seaweed, coccoliths, etc. and so forth are stretched from one end of Pangaea (China?) to the other (New Jersey?) and everywhere in-between.

Lying in [what is now] China, the Sahara Desert, Nebraska, Mt. Ararat, Mexico, etc. -- not to mention in the oceans, themselves.

Walk 10 feet and there's a T. Rex carcass, walk another 10 feet and there's a shark, walk another 10 feet and there's a man...

Now, God comes along and "sweeps" up the coccoliths from one end of this supercontinent to the other and stockpiles them in Dover.

tyronem #fundie christianforums.com

One of my biggest frustrations with Liberals who call themselves Christians is that when you ask them to justify their position in scripture they cannot do it effectively and have to twist the words of scripture (And add stuff in or take away) to fit their view.

Case in point, I was debating an Anglican minister who thinks abortion is ok. So I said what's your scriptural justification? He quoted a verse that he said it said if a man hits a woman and she has a miscarriage then its a civil matter (And he claims that this means the Bible is ok with abortion) . It turns out that that verse just says if two men are fighting and one accidentally hurts the woman causing her to go into labor early then there is a fine, and one verse later it says if further mischief then life for life, eye for eye. So if the baby died, that man would be killed.

So then he said, well abortion is not forbidden in the Bible, to which I replied, oh great let's go back to enslaving african americans because that isn't directly forbidden in the Bible either.

Even after being shown all the scripture under the sun as opposition to his view he still clung to it like his view is more precious than God's word.

This is extremely frustrating because having been an atheist I understood my world view had no problem with abortion, divorce, sex outside of marriage et-al, and I also understood when I became a Christian that these and much else had to change to fit the Christian path and the Scriptures.

Is there anyone else out there who experiences these frustrations? Have you got some good examples if ridiculous interpretations by liberals so they can do what they want....

mdancin4theLord #fundie christianforums.com

You had a picture of buttons with sayings on them......
One said........Pro-family, pro-children, pro-choice.

This is laughable. You can't be pro-choice and say that you are pro-children. The fact that you are a pro-abort...based on choice....says that you want abortion LEGAL SO THAT SOME WOMEN HAVE THE CHOICE TO KILL.

You are not pro-life...pro-children.....you are pro-abortion.

It is sad to know to think that you would be pro-abortion even until natural delivery. So so sad. You say no woman should be forced to go through a pregnancy that she does not want to continue....this would also mean you would condone a late term abortion. I mean playin devils adovacate here....you would not want to enslave someone who does not want to be pregnant...right? It would be hypocritical to say your pro-choice and deny any woman the right to kill......throughout the entire nine months.
How sad, especially because you say you are a Christian.

Would you mind showing me scripture and making Gods case for abortion.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

Cryptozoology in the Bible pwns Evolution

Following is a list of animals found in the Bible:

fowled bat
four-legged grasshopper
straw-eating lions

I contend that these animals are problematic for evolutionists.

Clirus #fundie christianforums.com

Atheists do want to destroy America as a Christian Nation. The way Atheists are destroying America as a Christian Nation is by eliminating God's authority to define good and evil. Atheists have legalized pornography, adultery, abortion, and homosexuality, all which are defined to be evil by God in the Bible. Atheists force the teaching of the Theory of Evolution and Big Gang Theory in public school to discredit God and God's authority. The Atheistic Liberal News and Entertainment Industry portrays evil as good and refuses to show the disease, death, destruction and poverty associated with sin/evil.

I use a two part definition to defining evil. Something is evil when the Bible defines it as evil and physical reality show it leads to disease, death, destruction and poverty. There is not disease, death, destruction and poverty associated with being Left Handed, but there is disease, death, destruction and poverty associated with homosexual activity or adultery.

I believe America is heading to the Sodom and Gomorrah situation where evil is so rampant that the only solution by God is destruction.

I believe America needs to repent, and then no Christian should ever vote for any Democrats for any office because the Democratic Party advocates and supports Socialism and Atheism.

Too many Christians have their head in the sand, hoping and praying God will take care of things. God did take care of things at Sodom and Gomorrah because Christians failed to take care of things.

Christians have the Bible to know good from evil, and the Bible should be used by Christians to teach good and evil, by praising good and rebuking evil.

Christians must elect Christians to political offices.

II Chronicles 7:14 states, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Atheists are not going hide their head in the sand when Christians begin to rebuke evil.

There is a fight brewing, but Christians will prevail if Christians use the Bible as their authority and not lean on their own arm of flesh.

HisGraceAdInfinitum #fundie christianforums.com

its evolutionists that are the idiots, they think we all came from an ape but we keep apes in cages as attractions at zoos, why dont we put ourselves in zoos if we came from apes? apes are just animals, but god made each of us individually and he put in a lot of love into each of us, were more than just animals. evolutionists deny this which is really stupid, god loves us, even the idiot evolutionists who deny him.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

if I was King of the United States, I would issue the following orders:

1. All abortions will stop immediately, with the exception of life-threatening pregnancies.
2. Certain lifestyles will cease immediately.
3. All prisons are to release their inmates immediately, with the exception of those on death row, who are to have their sentences carried out as soon as DNA confirms their guilt.
4. For-profit organizations operating on Sunday will not be tolerated.
5. The United States will return to a single-income lifestyle, with men being the primary breadwinner.
6. U.S. Armed Forces veterans will be given special privileges.
7. All taxes will cease immediately, with the exception of a 10% tax on yearly income -- (if that works).

Inan3 #fundie christianforums.com

"You blame Satan yet forget that he was God's creation and an archangel at that. Archangel means chief of the angels and next to God as near perfect as possible, yet; you blame Satan for all the ills and give him more power than the omniscient God you worship?

A very confusing situation if I may say so!

I don't blame God for cantankerous, whining atheists either. That is their choice and not His fault, the same as satan had his choice. Not be fooled, in the end BOTH will be dealt with by God. Satan had his time and it is over for him. His fate is sealed and it will be dealt with by God. This is man's time, we still have hope, but in the end, we will ALL be dealt with by God. He's already explained it and made it very clear what you should choose. Don't blame Him if YOU choose wrong. I won't.

God is so superior to both satan and man and WILL have HIS way. He has offered it to all His creation. He's not to be blamed if they refuse it. He is the righteous Judge and EVERY KNEE will bow and EVERY tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!!! That means you and your buddies whether it is a forced bow or a willing bow. That is your choice. You WILL bow!!!"

Agonaces of Susa #fundie christianforums.com

According to mainstream scientists and chronologists, based on uranium-lead series radiometric dating of moon rocks the Earth is only 4.6 billion years old therefore years did not exist before that because the Earth wasn't orbiting the Sun.

Furthermore the earth has not always been on it's present orbit so 13.7 billion years ago is a meaningless statement.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[On Cratering]

Cratering probably occurred when the fallen angels took on the good angels in a cosmic battle.

Note this passage which, by itself, looks mundane:

Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.

Daniel has been in prayer for three weeks to God, and God had sent an angel to take the answer to Daniel, but the angel could not get through the infrastructure that Satan had set up, and so he (the angel) had to enlist the aid of Michael the Archangel.

Battles like this probably occurred throughout the universe after Lucifer rebelled, and ? of the angels followed him in the insurrection.

EdwinWillers #fundie christianforums.com

What would happen if same-sex marriage were legalised?

"Population Growth" would become a thing of the past.
Abortions would decrease.
Planned Parenthood could finally change their name to Planned Promiscuity.
The ideal "masculine man" would speak with a lisp, sport limp wrists, wear sleeveless Ts and leather short shorts.
The ideal "feminine woman" would sport crew-cuts, plaid shirts, and a pear-shaped body.
The Super Bowl would move to large urban airport restrooms.
The Sports Illustrated Swim Suit edition would feature two Teds, one Billy, and an angry Bertha.
The "battle of the sexes" would become a "battle for sex."
More men holding men's hands in public; more men kissing men in public.
More women kissing women in public.
"Tolerance" will continue to spread.
Perversion will continue to increase.
Men with men committing indecent acts will continue to increase.
Women exchanging the natural function for the unnatural will increase.
Men and women will increasingly see it less fit to acknowledge God.
Depravity will continue to increase.
Hatred of God will continue to rise.
And opponents will be labeled bigots by those more "tolerant" than they.

clirus #fundie christianforums.com

"Tolerance is allowing for a mistake. Too much tolerance is a mistake. Tolerance is allowing for a mistake, too much tolerance is accepting an habitual mistake (Atheistic Lifestyle of sin).

PS The theme of the Bible is a God of both Love and Righteousness. Too many people that call themselves Christians will only discuss the Love of God. I consider those that will only discuss the concept of a God of Love to be Liberal Christians.

PS - It drives Atheists crazy when you show America was founded as a Christian Nation, even though America did lie to the Muslims in the Treaty of Tripoli."

Junebug28 #fundie christianforums.com

How bizarre. Islamic prophecy appears to be leading the Islamic world into a trap and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Now that Obama is arming Al Queda in Lybia and turning his back on Israel, it seems like Islamic mystical prophecy is coming true at just the right time (and season) in history. I would say this is no coincidence. The devil knows what the Bible foretells and has spent centuries creatiing a massive army and "prophecies" to convince them for this moment in time.

gradyll #fundie christianforums.com

eyeless cave fish are still cave fish (of the genus astyanax). The cave fish with eyes and the cave fish without are both of the same order of genus still. wikipedia states that they the same genus and even same species....."The eyed and eyeless forms of A. mexicanus, being members of the same species, are closely related and can interbreed. " They didn't change genre or kind at all. So this is not true evolution (on a macro scale.) It's just micro evolution, like getting over the flu virus. That happens all the time. I have a permanent change in my blood type. I had hepatitis A and can no longer donate blood at a blood bank. But I am still human because my body went through micro evolution. But true macro evolution still is un observed; and monkeys don't become humans (macro evolution) because they are different genre and different kinds of vertebrates. finally, even though species may evolve blindness they do not evolve eye sight (or the complete eye.) This is irreducibly complex and cannot evolve (similar to bacterial flagellum). Those are claims amongst evolutionists that are speculation and in dire need of evidence.
[emphasis added]

gloryseven #conspiracy christianforums.com

President Obama has recently passed laws which will require a RF tracking device in people to obtain health information etc. We are not far from having the government demand all citizens to get the ID microchip or be jailed and beheaded. Government sites have been seen to receive modern guillotines at several bases and enough to supply the whole nation. They were imported from China and Japan. Chinese use guillotines to preserve the organs for transplant, as the gas and lethal injection ruin the organs. You can check online about Fulung Gong, a group working for peace and harmony, and the hundreds of thousands who are killed and organs used recently

The 'Creationist Concept of Evolution' Award

Ginger Elkhart #fundie christianforums.com

If humans evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys and why aren't they transforming into humans?

The very fact that Neandertals, Homo-Erectuces are not mentioned in The Bible proves they are made up. I mean you would think God would have mentioned them 6,000 years ago when He wrote The Bible. duh.

Evolutionists were not there "millions" of years ago. They recast reality to explain anything they have no ready explanation for and glom onto any theory they find that makes them feel comfortable about the world and their place in it.

They just make this stuff up as they go along. Whereas Christians such as I always have the rock of ages, Jesus, to rely upon as a constant, consistent, force in my life.

Research1 #fundie christianforums.com

If you just type in ''evolution is...'' on google search.

what do you get first?

Here is what it produces

1. Evolution is a lie
2. Evolution is wrong

Those are the first top two...

Goes to show evolution really has a lack of support. Basically everyone deep down is sceptical about it and want to learn about the alternitives (i.e creationism). The only people who don't question evolution are the militant atheists who need it to support their own worldview. Since most atheists are immoral - of course they will reject the idea of us being created and a list of morals and laws.to stand by.

Ilovecartoons #fundie christianforums.com

[Second law allows local decrease of entropy, which is all evolution requires.]

The local decrease is ALWAYS temporary, which is what Evolution DOESN'T require. You have to keep defying continually.

The 2 law says anything LEFT TO IT'S OWN DEVICES tends toward DISORDER. Adding energy does NOT do anything unless the energy is AVAILABLE FOR USE.

Agonaces of Susa #fundie christianforums.com

There is no such thing as human invention. Only rediscovery.

As it is written: "there is no new thing under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

"Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us." -- Ecclesiastes 1:10

I believe the angels invented the telescope. Good luck arresting them: it is you who are in bonds, chained to the Earth.

However, if man did invent the telescope, good luck arresting the dead ancients who possessed crystal lenses.

Agonaces of Susa #fundie christianforums.com

[The "electric universe" is not the same as electricity.]


In fact it is.

Your dichotomy is absurd and indicates a crank worldview.

Why do you think electricity is a crackpot theory?

Why do you think electrons are magic?

Because the atheist deity called "Gravitation" can't account for them?

Just because gravitation [the atheist god] can't explain electromagnetism doesn't mean electromagnetism is magic.

Backronym of the Year

Doveaman #fundie christianforums.com

Black holes are weird because they are make belief science fiction. Better know as "Fairie Dust" [Fabricated Ad hoc Inventions Repeatedly Invoked in Efforts to Defend Untenable Scientific Theories].

More Fairie Dust - Dark Energy and Dark Matter.

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